Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers,...


Transcript of Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers,...

Page 1: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God
Page 2: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 2

Welcome to our church! United Christian Church of Austin is an Open and Affirming

congregation, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of every person created in God’s image. We welcome into full membership and participation in the Body of Christ persons of every race, ethnic background, age, gender, gender expression/identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, social-economic background, marital status and faith background. We welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in Christ’s Church.

October 6, 2019 World Communion Sunday 9 AM

Welcome on this World Communion Sunday! Today we join with Christians

around the world in the intentional practice of breaking and sharing bread as Jesus taught us to do in his Last Supper. It is a day of celebration as we cherish the many ways that this holy feast is celebrated with different languages, foods and traditions around the world. This celebration began in 1936 in the Presbyterian Church and was adopted by the Federal Council of Churches (predecessor of the National Council of Churches) in 1940. Since then, it has grown into an international ecumenical celebration of Christian unity.

Gathering Music Ann Vanderschaaf

Gathering Meditative Practice As we ponder the power of connection and community this month, you’ll find notecards and postcards on a stool in the back of the sanctuary to write a note to a legislator, a church leader you admire, a homebound members of our church family, or someone for whom you are just feeling particularly thankful. Place all completed cards back on the stool so they can be mailed.


Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace Peace be with you. And also with you.

Page 3: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 3

Gathering Song “For All the Children” by David Lohman The children may gather at the front for the Children’s message as the cantor sings:

Cantor: Lord we gather as your people to raise your song above, and we dare to claim the promise of your love. Though the day may not yet be here, we trust it soon will be when your children will be free.

All sing twice:

Children’s Message Emily Jamison Guerrero

After the Children’s Message and, today, Communion, childcare will be offered in Room 3(red) for preschool and Room 4 (yellow) for nursery, and Worship and Wonder will be offered for elementary-aged children in Room 1 (green). Children are always welcome to remain in the sanctuary with their family.


Song of Thanksgiving “The Welcome Table” by Mark Miller The deacon comes to the table as the cantor sings the first verse and all sing the second verse:

One: Come, oh come, come to the table. Gather ‘round, come without fear. Known by name, here at this table, this table; Welcome here, to the table of love.

All: Circle round, let’s join together. Share your joys, and bring your tears. Strength and hope found at this table, this table; Welcome here, to the table of love.

Page 4: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 4

All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God are invited. When and if you are so moved, you may visit any or all of the following prayer stations during our time of communion:

1. Holy Communion: Communion will be served by our children alongside our Deacons via intinction. You are invited to take a bit of bread and dip it in the cup. Today we will only be offering white grape juice. Note: A gluten-free option is available from Rev. Nikki Stahl on chancel near baptismal font.

2. Candle-lighting: Near the baptismal font, you may light a candle in prayer. 3. Offering: By the door nearest the ramp, you may place your tithes and offerings

for the work of the Church in the plate. 4. Prayer: At the back of the sanctuary, an elder or a minister will be holding the

space in prayer. You may approach them at any time to request a blessing, a prayer, or just a hug (requests will be kept in confidence unless otherwise requested). You may otherwise return to your seat to pray silently.

5. Prayers for the World: Come to chancel rug, pick up a prayer token from the basket and choose a place in the world for which you would like to pray, place your token on that place, say a prayer and hold that place in your heart this week.

We Give God Thanks & Praise Logan DeCleene, deacon

Negin Keshtkar

Musical Offering

Sharing the Sacrament One: … let all God’s people say: All: Thanks be to God! Amen.

Children’s Blessing “Love is Little” Shaker Trad. (Adapted) Love is little; love is low;

love will make my spirit grow. Grow in peace; grow in light;

love will do the thing that’s right.

Bless these littles on their way. May we learn from them every day. Show them peace; show them light; show them love will do what’s right.

Page 5: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 5


Centering Words by Mirmiam Kosman

“With their Jewish chutzpah, the Maccabees reached out to God by insisting on using pure oil, and God responded to their overture with the miracle of the lights. Our Sages knew this was not just a one-time miracle. Hanukah would be a constant reminder that despite the darkness, with our holy brazenness we can always find a way to light up the night.”

“When it comes to spirituality, never take no for an answer.”

Shared Silence We pause to reflect on what we have heard and prepare to hear God’s holy word.

Centering Song “Be Still and Know: A Round” by John Bell

Page 6: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 6


Seeking the Word in Scripture 2 Timothy 1:3-14 (pg.1084 Pew Bible)

2 Timothy 1:3-7 in Tagalog 3 Tuwing inaalala kita sa aking panalangin araw at gabi, nagpapasalamat ako sa Diyos na aking pinaglilingkuran nang tapat gaya ng ginawa ng aking mga ninuno. 4 Sabik na sabik na akong makita ka upang malubos ang aking kagalakan, lalo na kapag naaalala ko ang iyong pagluha. 5 Hindi ko nalilimutan ang tapat mong pananampalataya, na unang tinaglay ng iyong lolang si Loida at ng iyong inang si Eunice. Natitiyak kong nasa iyo ang pananampalatayang ito. 6 Dahil dito, ipinapaalala ko sa iyo na gamitin mong mabuti ang kaloob na ibinigay sa iyo ng Diyos nang ipatong ko sa iyo ang aking mga kamay. 7

Sapagkat ang espiritung ibinigay sa atin ng Diyos ay hindi espiritu ng kahinaan ng loob, kundi espiritu ng kapangyarihan, pag-ibig at pagpipigil sa sarili.

2 Timoteo 1:8-10 in Spanish 8 Por tanto, no te avergüences de dar testimonio de nuestro Señor, ni de mí, preso suyo, sino participa de las aflicciones por el evangelio según el poder de Dios, 9 quien nos salvó y llamó con llamamiento santo, no conforme a nuestras obras, sino según el propósito suyo y la gracia que nos fue dada en Cristo Jesús antes de los tiempos de los siglos, 10 pero que ahora ha sido manifestada por la aparición de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, el cual quitó la muerte y sacó a luz la vida y la inmortalidad por el evangelio.

2 Timothy 1:11-14 in English 11 For this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher,12 and for this reason I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know the one in whom I have put my trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that day what I have entrusted to him.13 Hold to the standard of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 14 Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.

Meditation “A World Full of Love and Chutzpah!” Rev. Dr. Laura Barnes

Shared Silence We pause to meditate on this good news and take action in our own hearts and minds.

Page 7: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 7


Song for Prayer “O, Lord Hear My Prayer” Taize

O Lord, hear my prayer; O Lord, hear my prayer; When I call, answer me.

O Lord, hear my prayer; O Lord, hear my prayer; Come and listen to me. [Repeat]

Prayers of the People

One: … O God, All: hear our prayer.

Including: Margaret Griffin, Shirley Rager, Stennett Posey, Harper, Jewell Ellis-Eyler, Julie Stiles, Andrea Penna, David Hammond, the Family of Earl Stahl, and the Family of Flor Molinar. Please send updates to Pastor Carl Schwartz-King, [email protected].

Shared Silence We pause to uplift these names and all our prayers to God.

The Lord’s Prayer, using these or whichever words are closest to your heart:

Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, así en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día y perdona nuestras deudas como perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos dejes caer en la tentación, sino líbranos del mal, porque tuyo es el reino, el poder y la gloria por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.


*Cuban Blessing Circle The congregation forms a circle large enough to include everyone praying these words together:

May God prosper you. May your days be long and your nights serene.

May your friendships honor you, and your family love you. May you eat at your table,

and may you be gathered into to God's embrace with a smile.

Sending Music

Page 8: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 8

Music License: OneLicense.net License #A722068

TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS Acolyte: 9am Nora Heckler, 11am Clementine Tomlinson; After Church Clean-Up: Carol Barrett; Call to Offering: None; Deacons: 9am Kelley DeCleene, Logan DeCleene; 11am Melissa Selden, Jonabel Mata, Ray Mata, None; Elder: 9am None, 11am None; Greeters: 9am None, 11am Carol Barrett; Liturgist: Sam Flores; Sound Room: 9am None, 11am None; Tellers: Rebecca Molis, Milena Thompson

TEXT YOUR OFFERING! Message 512.842.6662 with a $ followed by the amount you’d like to give (example: $25.) You should get a text message back with a link to register. Once registered, you’ll receive an email receipt. In the future, just text to the same number with your offering amount preceded by a dollar sign, and it will process automatically!


Guests from Bethany Food Pantry After this service we will host representatives from Bethany Christian Church in Room 10 where they will be providing an overview of the Bethany Food Pantry Ministry and sharing opportunities for individuals to get involved.

October Children’s Offering Bethany Food Thanksgiving (200 cans of corn, 200 cans of green beans, and 200 cans of yams) plus other general food donations.

Volunteer Training TONIGHT at 5:30pm for any volunteers working with children and youth who need their annual safe church policy training.

Stewardship Committee TONIGHT at 5:00pm “Loving and Living, Generously Giving” is our theme for the 2020 campaign...hope to see you at one of our Church Chats this month (see details below)!

Youth Confirmation and National Youth Event Planning TONIGHT at 5:30.

Pumpkin Delivery Saturday, Oct 12 starting at 8am. Patch opens the next day at 11am. Sales will run through Oct 31. See signup sheets in Fellowship Hall or signup online: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050a45abad2da0fb6-uccpumpkin to work the patch!

Page 9: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 9

Harvest Sunday: Blood Drive and Pancake Breakfast On Oct 13th from 9 am – 1 pm the We Are Blood Bloodmobile will be in our parking lot. Our goal is 26 donations! See church website (https://www.uccaustin.org/blood-drive.html) to sign up to donate online. If you have eligibility questions visit WeAreBlood.org. For questions specific to our UCC drive, contact Andrea Penna at [email protected].

Blessings of the Animals In honor of St Francis of Assisi will be held at the Pumpkin Patch Sunday, Oct 13 6pm - 7pm. Bring your fur babies to be blessed. Photo ops in the patch and special certificates with your pet’s name on them - all are welcome!

Church Chat Potluck (Sunday, Oct 20 following the 11am service) and Church Chat Coffee (Saturday, Oct 26 10am). Opportunities to engage in conversation about who are church is and what we want to be. Search Committee, Church Council and Stewardship Committee members will all be present to listen and learn from you.

Dia de los Muertos/All Saints Day Sunday, Oct 27 If you have someone you would like to remember who has died in the last year, please send their names to the church office. Names will be included in the bulletin. Additionally, bring your pictures of loved ones who have died (not just this last year) and we will place them on our communion table and offer a special prayer of thanksgiving and remembrance.

Congregational Meeting Sunday, Nov 3 there will be ONE worship service at 9am followed by a congregational meeting at 10am where we will vote on our 2020 budget and leaders. Youth will be collecting items for Savers this Sunday only! Bring your items youth will unload your cars. Baden-Powell Service Organization will also be selling their bread!

Page 10: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 10

OPEN CARE CALENDAR Go to www.carecalendar.org Edith Gunnerson Calendar ID: 272680 Security Code: 2738 John & Carol Kolsti Calendar ID: 284430 Security Code: 4191

LEADERSHIP/COMMITTEE MEETINGS Personnel 1st Sun @ 8am (except Oct; 10/13) [email protected] Christian Ed 1st Sun @ 12:15 pm (except Oct; 10/13) [email protected] Staff Tue @ 9:45am [email protected] Council 3rd Tue @ 7pm [email protected] Finance 2nd Wed @ 6:15pm [email protected] Worship 2nd Wed @ 6:15pm (except Oct; 10/13 @ 12:15) [email protected] Elders 2nd Weds@ 6:45pm [email protected]

ONGOING SMALL GROUP OPPORTUNITIES Sunday Faith Formation @ 10am Tracy Brown, [email protected] Youth Group (see church calendar) Meghan Trout, [email protected] Youth(ful) Parents when youth meet Andrea Larson, [email protected] Tues Breakfast @ 8am (Jim’s Rest.) Ken Dalley, [email protected] Evening Book Group 4th Weds @ 6:30pm Cherie Hinch, [email protected] Chancel Choir Wed @ 7:15pm & Sun @ 10:15am Rev. Humble, [email protected] Morning Book Group 2nd Fri @ 9:30am Tammy Isenberg, [email protected] Lunch Bunch 2nd Fri @ 11:15am (varies) Ken Dalley, [email protected] Adult Game Night last Fri @ 6:30pm Evelyn Case, [email protected] Saturday FED @ 6pm (Stahl’s house) Rev. Nikki Stahl, [email protected]

Page 11: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 11

It's Pumpkin time!

I know it's 100 degrees outside but pumpkins

will be here on Saturday, October 12 at 8

AM. Come help us unload the semi. Let us

know you are coming by RSVP’ing here:


We'll be selling pumpkins starting at 11 AM

the following day. The Sign Up Genius for

Patch Sales can be found here:


In particular, we need a dedicated group of folks who live near the church and are free

during the day to sign up for our emergency call list to fill in when we have no one signed

up. Please contact Stacy Hackenberg at [email protected] if you can help us out this


You can find more information on the Pumpkin Patch FB page (@UCCPatch).

Tuesdays and Fridays @ 11 am.

Stories, songs, and crafts for all ages!

10/15, 10/18, 10/22, 10/25, 10/29

Page 12: Welcome to our church! · All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 12


A member congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) & the United Church of Christ

3500 W. Parmer Ln., Austin, TX 78727 tel 512.218.8110 / fax 512.218.8190 weekday office hours: please call first [email protected] www.uccaustin.org www.facebook.com/UnitedChristian CLERGY & STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Rev. Dr. Laura Barnes, interim senior pastor [email protected] Rev. Nikki Williams Stahl, executive minister [email protected] Pastor Carl Schwartz-King, licensed minister [email protected] Rev. Anna Kreisle Humble, minister of music [email protected] Emily Jamison Guerrero, children’s ministries coordinator [email protected] Meghan Trout, youth ministry coordinator [email protected] Bob Fuller, clerical support specialist [email protected] Ann Vanderschaaf, worship and choral accompanist Julie Stiles, 9am worship accompanist