Welcome Radio Stations | Apps & Mobile 4 your station |



We built a factory. An app's factory. There's a revolution happening in your hands and your radio station must join this movement. Our apps for radio stations do more than play your streaming audio. Our apps are relationship tools. We offer an IM's chat for your listeners chat with your radio in real time. You have reports of your audience and all those informations that let you know who are you talking to. Welcome ! we're here to help.

Transcript of Welcome Radio Stations | Apps & Mobile 4 your station |

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Get Started!

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WHO ARE WE?Hello there. We’re a Brazillian Startup called Radio Controle. When you read RADIO, that’s exactly what our business is about: we make Brazillian radios communicate easier and better with their audiences by bringing them to this amazing mobile world! Of course its hard work, we are talking about almost 9.000 radio stations across the country.

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WHY BRAZIL?Brazil is the fourth country in the world with more smartphones sold and the third one when it comes to tech retail. Brazil has always been a particularly social market and currently owns the fifth largest social networking population in the world. It has World’s 2nd Largest Contingent of Facebook Users (58 million).

Yep! There’s no place we would rather be. The best city to work, to live. Curitiba is the number ONE capital to have a life in Brazil. The weather is cool, the sidewalks are ful-filled with trees, people are respectful and hard working. By the way, there are 2 million people living here nowadays.


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That is the name of the project we started up! It all began through the exploration of the possibilities in SMS interaction. Some of our clients were radio stations and had a specific audience, mostly peo-ple that could only afford dial/text cell phones. And we got them! So we studied, researched and got to a very inter-esting conclusion: radio stations need to take a step towards the digital world, or they will suffer.


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STORE That is the name of the project we started up! It all began through the exploration of the possibilities in SMS interaction. Some of our clients were radio stations and had a specific audience, mostly peo-ple that could only afford dial/text cell phones. And we got them! So we studied, researched and got to a very interesting conclusion: radio stations need to take a step towards the digital world, or they will suffer.

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Affordable, easy to use and free for users. The radio station gets an exclusive Android/iOS app so the audience gets live streaming, sms interaction, social media sharing and access to the radio station’s mobile site, also built by our company.

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That is an option for the radio stations that are looking for a better mobile site. Most of the times users get lost, confused and bad mooded trying to navigate on a web site that is not designed for smartphones and tablets. We created a platform that basically does the work on its own so the radios’staff can just follow the steps and see the magic happen!

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An aggregator concerning online radio stations, where users will be able to experience full in-teraction with music, news and entertainment from all over Brazil. RC Play will be fully inte-grated with the social media sites and we also intend to make a social media platform out of this product, to keep listeners interested and create interaction inside RC Play.

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That’s our SMS system for any kind of business. We enable the client to send text messages for segmented cell phones, with informative or advertising purposes.

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This was our first product and is still our greatest passion in this business. How can something so simple such as text messages (SMS) be so interactive and impact so many people from different places, of different ages and social classes? Well, it is super easy to use and SMS is available in every cell phone device (in Brazil there are approximatly 251 million cell phones, that is more than people!).Everytime a radio station sets up a sweepstake or any kind of promotion they ask their audience to send a keyword to a pre determined number along with the person’s name. And that is it. Easy or what? That’s long distance interaction in its most simple form. BEAUTIFUL!
