WELCOME FRIENDS & V TOUR E€¦ · 19/02/2006  · 310 WEST SECOND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev...

Father Chuck Durante Rector, Ext. 106 [email protected] Fr. Lucio Zuñiga-Rocha Parochial Vicar, Ext. 101 [email protected] Joseph Bell & Robert Dangel Deacons Pൺඋංඌ Oൿൿංർൾ E-ආൺංඅ: [email protected] Pൺඋංඌ Oൿൿංർൾ Hඈඎඋඌ Monday: 11:00-4:30 PM Tuesday thru Friday: 8:30-4:30 PM Sඍൺൿൿ Rocío Paz Office Administrator Ext. #100 [email protected] Mary Ann Dangel Bookkeeping Ext. #108 Tammie Sheely Religious Education Ext. #110 Jack Hallsted Bookstore Manager Ext. #112 Gංൿඍ Sඈඉ Hඈඎඋඌ Monday & Friday: Cඅඈඌൾൽ Tues—Thurs: 11:00-2:00PM Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM-1:00PM S AINT T HOMAS A QUINAS C ATHEDRAL 310 W EST S ECOND S TREET , R ENO , N V 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno Oൿൿංർൾ 775/329-2571 Fൺඑ 775/329-2824 Gංൿඍ Sඈඉ 775/329-3011 WEB: stacathedral.com Religious Ed: [email protected] WSTA: [email protected] Jume 2, 2019 WELCOME FRIENDS & VISITORS TO OUR EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION

Transcript of WELCOME FRIENDS & V TOUR E€¦ · 19/02/2006  · 310 WEST SECOND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev...

Page 1: WELCOME FRIENDS & V TOUR E€¦ · 19/02/2006  · 310 WEST SECOND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011

Father Chuck Durante Rector, Ext. 106

[email protected]

Fr. Lucio Zuñiga-Rocha Parochial Vicar, Ext. 101

[email protected]

Joseph Bell & Robert Dangel Deacons

P O E- : [email protected]

P O H Monday: 11:00-4:30 PM

Tuesday thru Friday: 8:30-4:30 PM

S Rocío Paz

Office Administrator Ext. #100 [email protected] Mary Ann Dangel

Bookkeeping Ext. #108 Tammie Sheely

Religious Education Ext. #110 Jack Hallsted

Bookstore Manager Ext. #112

G S H Monday & Friday: C

Tues—Thurs: 11:00-2:00PM Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM

Sunday: 8:00AM-1:00PM

S A I N T T H O M A S A Q U I N A S C A T H E D R A L 3 1 0 W E S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , R E N O , N V 8 9 5 0 3

Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno

O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011

WEB: stacathedral.com Religious Ed: [email protected] WSTA: [email protected]


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Page 2: WELCOME FRIENDS & V TOUR E€¦ · 19/02/2006  · 310 WEST SECOND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011

FROM FATHER CHUCK’S DESK Happy June and a Joyous Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord! As most of you are aware by now,

a number of years ago the bishops of the United States transferred what we used to call “Ascension Thurs-day” to the following Sunday, which used to be the “Seventh Sunday of Easter”. This was done in an at-tempt to include more of the faithful for the celebration of this solemnity in light of fewer people being able to get off work or otherwise make it to Mass during the week. Several provinces on the east coast as well as Omaha have retained the Thursday celebration, but most of the country celebrates the Ascension on this Sunday. Today we tell the story of the final departure of the risen Jesus from his disciples and this earth. Next week, we will celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, which Jesus promised to send to his disciples to give them all the strength and wisdom they would need to become a strong Church. Today in the Gospel of Luke we hear that after Jesus left the disciples “they returned to Jerusalem with great joy & they were continually in the temple praising God.” Contrary to a sad farewell or a fearful sense of abandonment, the disciples seem prepared to continue on. Their relationship with Jesus changed their lives forever and they found good reason to share this good news. The Acts of the Apostles continues where the Gospel of Luke concludes. Both texts have the same authorship, Luke focusing on the life of Je-sus and Acts focusing on the early life of the Church, its leaders, its struggles and its growth.

All these centuries later we continue the story of the life of the Church here in downtown Reno. While we got stalled a little, I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to ignite a new, welcoming spirit for all those who come to the Cathedral, whether as a tourist or a newly arrived resident. Some members of the Pastoral Council are working on a welcome packet for those who may be interested in becoming part of our parish and I’d like to see a welcoming team of people for each Mass who could talk with those interested for a few minutes follow-ing Mass. We are called to build up the Church and its presence is no less important today than it was in those early beginnings. We face many issues in our world that need the light and love of Christ to see us through. Addictions, consumerism and greed can set the tone for many, such that it becomes the norm. Life itself becomes expendable and the awareness that we are all connected can be lost altogether. These are the struggles of the Church today and the relevance of the Church, the community of faith, the People of God, is often under fire. Yet, like those early disciples, we too continue to come to the temple praising God and seeking that which brings us great joy. We, too, are called to share that with all who come our way.

Many children of the parish will share their joy with us, along with their families, as they receive their First Communion this Sunday. It is always a time of nervous energy for the kids, but also a happy time when something for which they have been preparing for so long (especially for a child) is finally going to happen. Congratulations to all our First Communicants!

I hope you are planning to come to the Pentecost Concert here at the Cathedral next Saturday, June 8, at 7:00 PM. The concept came as a way for me to commemorate the celebration of my first Mass as a priest, here at the Cathedral 25 years ago. However, I hope that it begins a tradition of gathering musicians and singers from all our parishes to celebrate the birthday of the Church, Pentecost. Come and bring a friend!

Finally, next weekend as we celebrate Pentecost at all the Masses, I invite you all to wear red (if you have something of that color – no need to buy anything!) as a way for us to fully “decorate” the church with the color of the Holy Spirit. Blessings to you all this seventh and final week of Easter!

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DEL ESCRITORIO DEL PADRE CHUCK ¡Feliz Junio y una Entusiasta Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor! Como la mayoría de ustedes sa-

ben, hace varios años, los obispos de los Estados Unidos transfirieron lo que solíamos llamar el "Jueves de la Ascensión" al Domingo siguiente, que solía ser el "Séptimo Domingo de Pascua". Esto se hizo con la intención de incluir a más de los fieles a la celebración de esta solemnidad ya que muy pocas personas lograban salir del trabajo o asistir a Misa durante la semana. Varias provincias en la costa este, como Omaha han conservado la celebración en Jueves, pero la mayor parte del país celebra la Ascensión este Domingo. Hoy contaremos la historia de la partida final de Jesús resucitado de sus discípulos y de esta tierra. La próxima semana celebrare-mos Pentecostés, la venida del Espíritu Santo, el Defensor, al que Jesús prometió enviar a sus discípulos para darles toda la fuerza y la sabiduría que necesitarían para convertirse en una Iglesia fuerte. Hoy en el Evangelio de Lucas escuchamos que después de que Jesús les había dejado, los discípulos "regresaron a Jerusalén con gran gozo y estaban continuamente en el templo alabando a Dios." Contrariamen-te a una despedida triste o a una terrible sensación de abandono, los discípulos parecen estar preparados para continuar. Su relación con Jesús cambió sus vidas para siempre y encontraron buenas razones para compartir esta buena noticia. Los Hechos de los Apóstoles continúan donde concluye el Evangelio de Lucas. Ambos tex-tos tienen la misma composición, Lucas centrándose en la vida de Jesús y los Hechos de los Apóstoles centrán-dose en la vida temprana de la Iglesia, sus líderes, sus luchas y su crecimiento.

Muchos siglos después, continuamos la historia de la vida de la Iglesia aquí en el centro de Reno. Aunque nos hemos estancado un poco, tengo la esperanza de que podremos encender un nuevo y acogedor espíritu para todos los que vienen a la Catedral, ya sea como turista o como residente recién llegado. Algunos miem-bros del Consejo Pastoral están trabajando en un paquete de bienvenida para aquellos que pudieran estar in-teresados en formar parte de nuestra parroquia, y me gustaría ver un equipo por Misa que de la bienvenida y hable con estas personas interesadas durante unos minutos después de Misa. Estamos llamados a edificar la Iglesia y su presencia no es menos importante hoy que en sus comienzos. Afrontamos muchos problemas en nuestro mundo que necesitan la luz y el amor de Cristo para que nos vean. Las adicciones, el consumismo y la codicia pueden establecer el tono para muchos, de tal manera que se convierten en la norma. La vida misma se vuelve prescindible y la conciencia de que todos estamos conectados se puede perder por completo. Estas son las luchas de la Iglesia hoy en día y la relevancia de la iglesia, la comunidad de la fe, el pueblo de Dios, a menudo está bajo fuego. Sin embargo, al igual que esos primeros discípulos, nosotros también continuamos asintiendo al templo, alabando a Dios y buscando aquello que nos trae gran gozo. Nosotros, también, estamos llamados a compartirlo con todos los que cruzan nuestro camino.

Varios niños de la parroquia compartirán su gozo con nosotros, junto con sus familias, a medida que reciban su Primera Comunión este Domingo. Es un momento de nerviosismo, pero también un momento feliz cuando algo por lo que se han estado preparando durante tanto tiempo (especialmente para un niño) finalmente va a suceder. ¡Felicitaciones a todos los que recibieron su Primera Comunión!

Espero que estén planeando venir al concierto de Pentecostés que se celebrará aquí en la catedral el pró-ximo Sábado 8 de Junio a las 7:00 PM. El concepto vino como una manera de conmemorar la celebración de mi primer Misa como sacerdote, aquí en la Catedral hace 25 años. Sin embargo, espero que empiece una tradi-ción de reunir a músicos y cantantes de todas nuestras parroquias para celebrar el cumpleaños de la Iglesia, Pentecostés. ¡Venga y traiga a un amigo!

Finalmente, el próximo fin de semana celebraremos Pentecostés en todas las Misas, los invito a todos a vestir de rojo (si usted tiene algo de este color, ¡no hay necesidad de comprar nada!) como una manera de no-sotros de "decorar" completamente la iglesia con el color del Espíritu Santo.

¡Bendiciones a todos ustedes en esta séptima y última semana de Pascua!

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JUNE Saturday, June 1 3:00-4:30 PM Confessions

Tuesday, June 4 6:00 AM Men of Saint Joseph 7:00 PM RCIA

Wednesday, June 5, 12, 1, 26 6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismático

Thursday, June 6, 13, 20, 27 3:00-6:30 PM Adoration concluding w/Benediction 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 3:00 PM Confessions 7:00-9:00 PM Adult Choir Practice

Thursday, June 13 6:30 PM WSTA Business Meeting in RH

Sunday, June 2 First Sunday of the Month Events Coffee & Donuts and Blood Pressure check after all morning Masses

Monday, June 13 1:00 PM Marian Movement for Priest Rosary

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, June 1—

8:00 AM 5:00 PM

† Philip Ritzlin Fr. Lucio ZuñigaRocha—First Ordination Anniv.

Sunday, June 2—The Ascension of the Lord

7:30 AM 9:30 AM

11:30 AM 4:15 PM 6:00 PM

For the people of St Thomas Aquinas Deceased family of Bob & Olga Harcharick † Jo Ann Thompson (Mother) All souls in purgatory, especially the most forgotten † Frank Moreno

Monday, June 3—Saint Charles Lwanga & Companions

12:10 PM † Gilbert Martinez

Tuesday, June 4—Easter Weekday 7:00 AM

12:10 PM † Ron Bell All souls in purgatory

Wednesday, June 5–Saint Boniface 7:00 AM

12:10 PM † David Leal Rocio Paz-Birthday

Thursday, June 6—Easter Weekday 7:00 AM

12:10 PM † Peter Rost Barajas Family

Friday, June 7—Easter Weekday

7:00 AM For all suffering from addictions & their families

Saturday, June 8—

8:00 AM 5:00 PM

† Richard Nolan † Nieves Nuñez

R W Mon: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-7 Jn 16:29-33 Tues: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11 Wed: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-36 Jn 17:11b-19 Thurs: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-11 Jn 17:20-26 Fri: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-20 Jn 21:15-19 Sat: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4-7; Jn 21:20-25 Sun: Gn 11:1-9; Ex 19:3-20; Ez 37:1-14; Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24-35, Rom 8:22-27; Jn7:37-39; Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24-34; 1Cor 12:3-13; Rom 8:8-17; Jn20:19-23; Jn 14:15-26

“Yes, the disciples followed Jesus . . . But not on Twitter.”

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F . C 25 Y P P C

S , J 8 — 7:00 PM S T A C —R

ALL ARE INVITED TO A CONCERT TO CELEBRATE PENTECOST! I celebrated my first Mass, here at St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral on Pente-cost Sunday 25 years ago. I’m happy to commemorate this milestone through sharing the joy of music with folks from the communi es I have served over the years. Come and listen to some of the musicians in our parishes in celebra on of Pentecost. Join Joe and Cheryl DeRosa, Nina Weaver, Jim Weismann, Greg Mar nez, Anne Koloc-Buja, Eri Romero, Gloria Castellanos, Steve Azzopardi, their music groups & choirs, along with the St Teresa of Avila Special Events Choir, Lydia Bonaldi Aberasturi and Father Chuck Durante as we li up the songs of the liturgical year. Light refreshments will be served following the concert in Righini Hall. (This is a NO GIFT event, but you are welcome to bring healthy,

non-perishable food items for the St. Francis Food Pantry). I hope to see you there. All are welcome!

Father Chuck Durante

Alondra Castro Ramirez

Isabella Garcia Mena

Fernanda Camila Herrera Oregel

Jose Raul Inurriaga

Alfonso Antonio Mora Hernandez

Arleth Mora Hernandez

Louis-Marcel Perrotte

Jade Alinee Rizo-Acevedo

Hilda Esmeralda Saldaña Rodriguez

Luis Leonardo Santos Jacinto


Page 6: WELCOME FRIENDS & V TOUR E€¦ · 19/02/2006  · 310 WEST SECOND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011

MARRIAGE JUBILEE MASS SUNDAY, JUNE 23, AT 1:30 PM Bishop Calvo will celebrate the Annual Jubilee Mass at Saint Thomas Cathedral. This Mass celebrates the Sacrament of Marriage. All couples are invited to a end & renew their vows. Please contact YOUR Parish Office to submit your names & number of years married so you can be recognized at the Mass. DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING NAMES IS FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH.

NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING IS 100% ORGANIC Couples who discover NFP love it for being completely organic and risk-free. There are zero health worries and it is immediately reversible when you want to try to conceive a baby. Local in-person, self-paced online, or live online classes available. For more information contact Mark & Gail in Carson City at 841-46361 or [email protected], www.ccli.org.

PROJECT RACHEL, A POST-ABORTION HEALING MINISTRY May all who fear confessing involvement in abor on be assured of the mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Find out more visiting: www.renodiocese.org, click on Our Works, scroll down, click on Project Rachel. Contact our confidential, nonjudgmental help line 775-324-4325 or email [email protected].

WOMEN OF ST. THOMAS AQUINAS NEWS WSTA Summer Toiletries Drive—Get Ready for the WSTA Summer Toiletries Drive! Help our community members in need with dona ons of deodorant, soap, shampoo, shaving supplies, sunscreen, insect repellent & lip balms. Dona on boxes will be availa-ble in both ves bules throughout the month of June. For more informa on contact JoAnn Thompson at JoAnn@womenofs homas.org. Next business mee ng June 13, at 6:30 PM in Righini Hall. All women of the Parish are welcome, and there are no dues! Bring a nibble to share and join us to talk about what we will be accomplishing for our Parish and community in the next few months. Paint & Sip sign-up sheet will be available at the mee ng for any women in the parish who would like to a end this social event on June 27. Ques ons or Ideas? Contact your WSTA board members: Rebecca “Bean” Paulson, JoAnn Thompson, Kathy Floyd at [email protected]. POSITION OPEN—The Women of Saint Thomas are looking for someone to fill the posi-

on of Secretary at our mee ngs. Du es include taking down minutes & keeping a roster of ac ve members. If you are interested in volunteering for this posi on, please contact Rebecca “Bean” Paulson at bean@womenofsain homas.org or call (775) 400-5298.


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June 1st will be a year since my Ordina on to the Priesthood. The celebra on of the Eucharist will be a great prayer of thanksgiving as I give thanks to God for my ministry at St Thomas Aquinas Cathedral. No one can know the profound spir-itual impact you have had on me. I am blessed to be part of this Family, I’ve really enjoyed being assigned here. I S , J 16 11:30 AM M . I

. C , , .

Thank you for all your help, prayers, encouragement, and the support you have showed me during my first year of ministry as a servant of the Lord.



El 1 de Junio será un año desde mi Ordenación al Sacerdocio. La celebración de la Eucaris a será una gran oración en Acción de Gracias por mi Ministerio en la Catedral de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Nadie puede imaginar el profundo impacto espiritual que ustedes han traído a mi vida. Estoy bendecido de ser parte de esta familia, realmente he disfrutado el haber sido asignado aquí. Q D 16 J

M 11:30 AM . P . N -

, , . Gracias por toda su ayuda, oraciones, aliento y apoyo que me han mostrado durante mi primer año de Ministerio como siervo del Señor.

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ENTRADA 1- cantemos con alegría al Señor nuestro Dios, quien hizo el cielo, el mar, las estrellas también.

Cantemos con alegría, alegría de vivir, Jesús resucitó, a la muerte venció.

Aleluya, al Señor aleluya, aleluya, al Señor. (2)

2- Jesús con su gran poder de la muerte surgió, con gloria y majestad, al cielo se elevó. Vivamos con alegría en el amor de Dios, compartiendo con todos esta resurrección.

SALMO Dios asciende entre aclamaciones, el Señor al son de trompetas.

OFERTORIO 1. Llevemos al Señor el vino y el pan. Llevemos al altar la viña, el trigal.

El Señor nos dará, Él nos dará su amistad (2) 2. Llevemos al Señor pureza y amor. Llevemos al altar justicia, hermandad.

El Señor nos dará, Él nos dará su amistad. (2) 3. Llevemos al Señor trabajo y dolor. Llevemos al altar ofrendas de paz.

El Señor nos dará, Él nos dará su amistad. (2)

COMUNIÓN 1- Racimo y trigal, hoy hemos presentado maná celestial hoy el Señor nos da. Como manjar.

Él pone en nuestras manos el pan de la eternidad. Como manjar, Él pone en nuestras manos el pan de fraternidad.

Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya. (2)

2- En torno al altar somos sus invitados, en torno al altar, El esperando está. Como manjar. Él pone en nuestras manos el pan de la eternidad. Como manjar, Él pone en nuestras manos el pan de fraternidad.

3- Tristeza y dolor, corren por nuestros labios, pureza y amor trae nuestro Señor. *Viene mi amor, y Él pone en nuestras manos el pan de la comunión.* (2)

SALIDA No queden tristes, aunque me voy, aunque me voy, yo volveré. (2)

1- Voy a la casa de mi padre a prepararles un lugar.

2- Vendrá mi Espíritu a ustedes para enseñarles la verdad.

3- Serán testigos de mi amor por los confines de este mundo.

4- Anunciarán la buena nueva a cada pueblo de la tierra.

5- Cuando los hombres los persigan, no tengan miedo, confíen.

6- Yo estaré siempre con ustedes acompañando hasta el final.

LET US PRAY FOR… / OREMOS POR… US Servicemen & Women, Heather Miller, Jose L. Hernandez, Mario Saucedo, Patti Beer,

Fr Chris, Enrique Barroeta, José Almaguer, Emilia Villegas, Katrina Strauss, Anna Wolf, Heidi Gibson, Joan Hanson, James Czeck, Jack Hallsted, Jordan Wingate, Jovita Mendoza,

Gary Blount, John Vicars, Rafael & Patty Tellez, Douglas Todd, Charlie & Linda Gill, Sayra Gutierrez, Margarita Aguirre, Anna Buchanan, Ed, Maria & Rick Slaughter, Patrick Coyne,

Kristen Monibi, Douglas Dolbow, Kriss, Zenaida & Kevin Janoski, John & Vangie Elordieta. †John Awl †Patricia Janoski †Andrea Faulkner

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S M Vigil-Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 4:15PM & 6:00PM (Misa en español) W M 12:10PM (Monday); 7:00AM (Friday) 8:00AM (Saturday) 7:00AM & 12:10 (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) R 11:35AM (Tuesday through Thursday) C Thursday 5:30-6:30 PM & Saturday 3:00-4:30PM or by appointment M Contact Parish Office at least six months prior to se ng date B Contact Parish Office at least two months prior to se ng date A Contact Parish Office A B Thursday 1:00-6:30PM D M Thursday 3:00PM M M P Monday 1:00PM L T S 775-240-0328 — [email protected] 94 E Glendale, Sparks, next to Juicy’s at S. McCarran Blvd Open: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00AM-5:00PM & Saturday 10:00AM-5:00PM P R P -A H M . WWW.HOPEAFTERABORTION.ORG. HELP LINE, NONJUDGMENTAL & CONFIDENTIAL: 775-324-4325.

T C R / . T :


FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Date 1st Collec on 2nd Collec on 2nd Collec on To Benefit May 26 June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30

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- $ - $ - -

No Second Collec on Loan Payment No Second Collec on Catholic Communica ons Campaign No Second Collec on No Second Collec on

Ascension of the Lord — Breaking Bread Pages #167—168

THE LITTLE THRIFT SHOP Visit us at 94 E Glendale Ave.—Sparks near McCarran & Glendale

Open: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 11:00—5:00 PM & Saturday: 10:00—5:00 PM

We have new & gently used items plus an ques & collectables T L T S S S C

Page 10: WELCOME FRIENDS & V TOUR E€¦ · 19/02/2006  · 310 WEST SECOND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno O 775/329-2571 F 775/329-2824 G S 775/329-3011