WEEK 1 : ASSIGNMENT 1 1. Name the tribe of Nigeria whose members use proverbs in their conversation to put across their message in the most effective manner ? a. Yoruba b. Hausa c. c.Ouguri d. d. Igbo 2. What % of a message is verbal? a.10% b. 8% c. 7% d. 9% 3. Identify one of the factors of communication ? a. Paralanguage b. Phonetics c. Encoding d. Body Language 4. What is communication ? a. Sending and receiving of symbols and attaching meanings to them with the purpose of understanding one another b. Sending the message c. Receiving the message d. Sending and receiving of messages 5. The boss asked the colleague if he could consider his suggestions in the project .Choose a synonym for the word ‘consider’ a. Attend b. Muse c. Cry d. Study

Transcript of WEEK 1 : ASSIGNMENT 1


1. Name the tribe of Nigeria whose members use proverbs in their conversation to put across their

message in the most effective manner ?

a. Yoruba

b. Hausa

c. c.Ouguri

d. d. Igbo

2. What % of a message is verbal?


b. 8%

c. 7%

d. 9%

3. Identify one of the factors of communication ?

a. Paralanguage

b. Phonetics

c. Encoding

d. Body Language

4. What is communication ?

a. Sending and receiving of symbols and attaching meanings to them with the purpose of

understanding one another

b. Sending the message

c. Receiving the message

d. Sending and receiving of messages

5. The boss asked the colleague if he could consider his suggestions in the project .Choose a

synonym for the word ‘consider’

a. Attend

b. Muse

c. Cry

d. Study

6. “I am a failure” and “I think I’ve failed at this task”. Which out of the two is a correct sentence

a. Second

b. First

c. Both

d. None of the above

7. “He was a wealthy business person of his time”.? Replace the word “ wealthy business person

“ with a strong word .

a. Businessman

b. Merchant

c. Seller

d. Tycoon

8. The innocent denied the accusation in unequivocal terms. Replace the word “unequivocal” “

with a familiar word

a. Carry

b. Provide

c. Certain

d. Balance

9. During the preceding year, the company was able to accelerate productive operations. Rewrite

the sentence by removing long words .

a. Last year the company was able to speed up operations

b. The company increased its production

c. The company moved up in terms of production

d. The company increased its growth

10. Which of these examples show that speaking is a skill that can be mastered?

a. You learn the art of public speaking

b. You can speak in five languages.

c. You learn to express yourself effectively and according to the situation

d. You learn the art of oratory

11. What factor contributes the most in not speaking effectively in English?

a. Inadequate competency over the language

b. Nervousness

c. Being a bad listener

d. Not knowing the art of speaking

12. What would be an example of a successful two way communication?

a. A lecture

b. Television news programme

c. A karaoke night

d. An official meeting

13. What is an example of inferential model of communication?

a. You can read people’s mind.

b. You emphasize symbols more than verbal communication.

c. You become an expert on decoding signs.

d. You create the meaning of a symbol through shared cultural codes.

14. Why do we say words distort reality?

a. A non native speaker makes a mistake in choosing a word.

b. There is a gap between world of experience and the world of expression

c. There are many contingent factors in communication such mispronouncing and

misreading words.

d. The skilled users of a language are limited in number.

15. What would be an example of bypassing?

a. You cannot understand a foreign language such as German.

b. You cannot understand someone because she is speaking too fast.

c. You are very sleepy in the class and not paying attention to the instructor.

d. You thought your friend said that she would meet you in a coffee shop today but she

actually said that she would meet you on some other day.

16. Why is the following sentence abstract? “Ramesh was sad”.

a. Because sad is an abstract noun

b. Because we do not know who is Ramesh

c. This sentence makes concrete meaning.

d. Because we do not know why Ramesh is sad.

17. What is the denotative meaning of “democracy” in the following sentence? India’s democracy

is flawed but it is still a democracy.

a. It is a value which signifies equality, freedom and emancipation for the common


b. It means government by the people and for the people.

c. It means that India’s democracy is a sham democracy.

d. It means that every adult citizen of India has a right to vote

18. What would be an example of a gap arising due to cross cultural communication?

a. An American exchange student unable to fit in the class of a college in India.

b. An Indian speaking to an American without knowing English.

c. An Indian speaking to an American on a social networking site.

d. An Indian speaking to an American about baseball.

19. What would be an example of using non verbal communication in the context of cross cultural


a. Interpreting signs such as arrows for direction

b. Understanding the difference in body language and gestures

c. Using sign language to speak to each other

d. Communicating with patience and empathy

20. What was one of the major concern of Dr Robyn Andrews every time she visited India with her

daughters ?


b. Dress Code

c. The Place

d. Language


What is the literal meaning of metacommunication?

a. About communication

b. Beyond communication

c. After communication

d. With communication

Why should we focus on metacommunication?

a. It may get more attention than words

b. Provides clues about the sender’s background and motives

c. Can be controlled and is always beneficial for the speaker

d. Might contradict the verbal meaning

Which is not a feature of non-verbal communication?

a. Substitution

b. Deceiving/ Revealing

c. Aid for hearing/speech impaired

d. Complementing verbal meanings

The statue of liberty is a ________ of freedom.

a. Emblem

b. Symbol

c. Illustrator

d. Regulator

Which cultural standard do we usually follow in India in a formal/ work related situation?

a. Indian

b. East Asian

c. Euro-American

d. East European

Which of these is an example of a cold culture? (with respect to professional body language)

a. Arabic

b. Indian

c. Chinese

d. American

What is kinesics the science of?

a. Movement

b. Speaking

c. Writing

d. Singing

Which of these states is signified by a forward but closed body language in a business context?

a. Responsive

b. Reflective

c. Combative

d. Fugitive

Which of these body regions is it (normally) okay to look at while conversing with a person?

a. Upper torso

b. Somewhere on the face

c. Knees/ feet

d. Abdomen/ pelvic region

What is a suitable period to maintain eye contact while talking to a person?

a. Less than five seconds

b. Five to forty-five seconds

c. More than forty-five seconds

d. However long you want

What undesirable effect can continuously smiling have on a person’s personality (most commonly)?

a. May appear stupid

b. Loss of authenticity

c. Loss of authority

d. Fatigue

What impression does the erect posture of a military person cause?

a. Elegance

b. Lethargy

c. Anger

d. Confidence and alertness

Which is (generally) the most suitable region of the feet to put weight on while standing?

a. On the left foot

b. On the right foot

c. On the heels

d. On the toes

What is not a suitable way to use gestures?

a. To substitute for verbal communication

b. To complement the verbal message

c. To enhance the effect of the verbal message

d. To add to the emotional value of the message

What is the most common objective in deciding dress and appearance?

a. To look like a movie star

b. To be the most beautiful/attractive person in the room

c. To create a desirable persona or image (as we visualize ourselves)

d. It has no objective and is a random activity

Which of these is not a possible reason for Mahatma Gandhi’s simple loin cloth dress?

a. As a protest against western dress and colonial rule

b. To express solidarity with poor Indians

c. Because he could not afford other clothes

d. To promote Indian textiles and industries

Which of these quotes were written by William Shakespeare?

a. First impression is the last impression

b. The apparel often proclaims the man

c. It takes less than five seconds to make a first impression

d. None of the above

Which kind of people can sometimes afford to bend/break the rules on basic dressing?

a. Beginners who have nothing to lose

b. Anyone who has already made a first impression

c. People on the highest rung, who have already achieved success

d. No one. Everybody must conform

Which one of these is not an example of a use of a non-word?

a. Using slang or filler words (e.g. so, like etc.)

b. Long pause

c. Reading from notes

d. There is no such thing as a non-word

Where does the term ‘implicated’ have its origins?

a. Renaissance Literature

b. Romantic Poetry

c. Post-colonial theory

d. Modernist literature


The science of sounds is called :

a. Photonics

b. Phonetics

c. Phonology

d. Morphology

Today the idea of standard English is :

a. British and American English

b. Australian English

c.Indian English

d. Sri lankan English

Shobhaa de invented a new kind of English called

a. Benglish

b. Tenglish

c. Hinglish

d. Tamlish

English spoken in Singaporean accent is called:

a. Singlish

b. Samlish

c. Satlish

d. Hinglish

The pragmatics of English compel that if we want to be understood and want to make an impact

globally we must speak:

a. an international register of English

b. Our own dialect

c. Our mother tongue

d. our national language

A dialect of Hindi which became the standard dialect after partition was :

a. Maithili

b. Kharibauli

c. Bengali

d. Bhojpuri

A technical name for the Queen’s English is :

a. Right English

b. Received Pronunciation (RP)

c. Recorded Pronunciation

d. Royal Pronunciation

The smallest and the minimal distinctive unit of sound is called a:

a. Phoneme

b. Morpheme

c. Allophone

d Syntax

We can divide the phonemes of English into

a. Vowels only

b Consonants and Vowels only

c. Vowels and Diphthongs only

d. Vowels, Consonants and Diphthongs

When the air coming out from the lungs and escaping from the oral or nasal cavity faces NO

Obstruction it leads to the production of:

a. Vowels and Diphthongs

b. Consonants

c. Vowels and Consonants

d. Only diphthongs

Which of this is NOT an articulator?

a. Lungs

b Voice box

c. Hands

d. Tongue

Vowels produced in the front portion of the tongue are called

a. Low vowels

b. High vowels

c. Down Vowels

d. Front Vowels

A glide from one vowel sound to another vowel sound is known as a

a. Diphthong

b. Consonant

c. Vowel

d. monophthong

Tripthongs are a combination of:

a. 1 vowel sound

b. 4 consonant sounds

c. 3 vowel sounds

d. 2 vowel sounds

A combination of two consonant sounds is called

a. Consonant Cluster

b. Constellation

c. Constitution

d. Consonant Club

When we use both our lips to produce a sound it is called a:

a. Alveolar sound

b. retroflex sound

c. Velar sound

d. Bilabial sound

When a syllable in a word is said more prominently with force it is called:

a. Phonetics

b. Stress

c. Rhyme

d. Tone

Problems with Indian English is :

a. Indians stress on the wrong syllable

b. Indians double stress the syllables

c. Indians stress absolutely fine

d. Indians stress on every last syllable of a word

Stress is indicated by:

a. A horizontal mark

b. A Cross mark

c. A tick mark

d. A vertical mark before the syllable

Stress is on the first syllable when a word is used as :


b.Noun and Adjective

c. Preposition

d. Adverb


Vocal component of speaking forms this percentage of the total message:

a. 10%

b. 38%

c. 42%

d. 28%

There are two halves of the vocal component, namely:

a. Voice and Delivery

b. Articulation and Matter

c. Articulation and Pitch

d. Delivery and Content

A woman is considered to be more artistic, feminine, pretty and petite if she has a:

a. Hoarse Voice

b. Breathy Voice

c. Thick Voice

d. Thin Voice

Flatness in voice is considered:

a. Petite

b. Feminine

c. Masculine and Cold

d. Hoarse

Breathy, hoarse, nasal and monotonous voices are examples of:

a. Effective Voice

b. Professional Voice

c. Childidh Voice

d. Ineffective Voice

Our voice depends on our __________, which we are naturally born with:

a. Voice Box

b. Larynx

c. Glottis

d. Uvula

One can improve his / her voice by changing his/ her:

a. Breathing and Posture

b. Stooping Low

c. Heavy Breathing Exercises

d. Meditating

People speaking in a very loud voice are considered to be:

a. Calm

b. Composed

c. Dominating

d. Gentle

The best way to increase the voice in speech is by:

a. Sharp rise in pitch

b. Gradually increase the volume

c. Sudden increase in volume

d. Slow fall in pitch

One very unattractive quality in a voice is:

a. Volume

b. Pitch

c. Heaviness

d. Nasality

Proper breathing, phonation, loudness and pitch control help to:

a. Improve one's voice quality

b. Hamper one's voice quality

c. Improve the volume of one's speech

d. Bring down the pitch

The sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract is called :

a. Articulation

b. Phonetics

c. Phonation

d. Phonology

Because of our shallow chest breathing our voice sounds:

a. Very Natural

b.Very Constricted

c. Very Loud

d. Of High Pitch

To extend and control our pitch, we need to know the:

a. Vocal range of our voice

b. Volume of our voice

c. Resonance of our voice

d. Durability of our voice

Instead of shallow chest breathing, we must try to do:

a. Lungs Breathing

b. Larynx Breathing

c. Glottis Breathing

d. Diaphragm Breathing

Projecting your voice means:

a. Talking in a soft voice

b. Talking in a loud voice

c. Reducing the vocal constriction

d. Incresing the pitch

The amount of time required to utter a word is called:

a. Loudness

b. Stress

c. Duration

d. Phonation

By saying a word quickly or drawing them out, we can change their:

a. Meaning and Importance

b. Incoherence

c. Phonation

d. Legibility

The correct rate of speech is between :

a. 400-500 words/ min

b. 200-300 words/min

c. 0-100 words /min

d. 125-150 words / min

Words and phrases like “I mean”, “like”, “you know” that we often tend to use in our daily speech are

referred to as:

a. Common words

b. Phatic words

c. Non words

d. Meta words


1. Expressions like “Bye, See you later.” “ I have to go now”, are ways of:

a. Formal greeting

b. Formal Closing

C. Informal greeting

d. Informal closing

2. People avoid any kind of physical contact in:

a. Warm cultures

b. Hot cultures

c. Cold cultures

d. Cool cultures

3. Which of this is not a type of handshake?

a. Fish bone handshake

b. Top to bottom handshake

c. Web to web handshake

d. bone crushing handshake

4. The meaning of a greeting or salutation is

a. It’s a way of saying ‘I acknowledge you’

b. It is a way of saying ‘you should be under my service’

c. It is a way of saying ‘you are inferior to me’

d. It’s a way of showing disrespect

5. People who are senior to us for example in age/ rank/ position should be introduced by their:

a. Pet names

b. Nicknames

c. Mr./Mrs. and First name

d. Title (Prof/Dr.) and Surnames

6. Which of these is not a correct formal expression to introduce people?

a. Let me introduce you to...

b. I would like you to meet..

c. Listen to me first, this is...

d. Allow me to introduce you to...

7. A culture where it is possible to be direct without being impolite while asking people to do

things is called a:

a. Indirect culture

b. Semi direct culture

c. Semi indirect culture

d. Direct culture

8. An expression like “I am sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if you would mind getting

me some tea” is most likely to be used in:

a. A Direct culture

b. An Indirect Culture

c. A Semi indirect culture

d. An absolute direct culture

9. Expressions like “Are you pulling my leg?”, “you must be kidding me!”, “Come on!” are some

examples of:

a. Expressing agreement with irony

b. Expressing disagreement with irony

c. Expressing absolute agreement

d. Expressing rude disagreement

10. People tend to use ‘question forms’ and ‘wordy expressions’ to make a request in:

a. Direct cultures b. Indirect cultures

c. Semi direct cultures d. Semi indirect cultures

11. Expressions like “Well, it depends?”, “I wonder, if that is the case!”, “I am not certain!” are

some examples of:

a. Strong disagreement b. Rude disagreement

c. Strong agreement d. Diplomatic disagreement

12. Which of this is a formal way of reply?

a. Let me see if I can do that.

b. I do not know, please do not waste my time.

c. It was my pleasure to help you/ I would be happy to answer that.

d. Get lost! You stupid man!

13. A culture where people are more open and do not mind physical contact and tend to hug/kiss/

shake hands more often while greeting is an example of a:

a. Warm culture

b. Cold culture

c. Cool culture

d. Sizzling culture

14. Structures like “Isn’t it?”, that are used at the end of a statement to generate a response from

the listener are called:

a. Question marks b. Question bits

c. Question tats d Question tags

15. Greetings should always be responded to with

a. A Rude word for wasting time in such nonsense

b. A smile, eye contact and a brief word

c. A scold/ slap

d. A long conversation about the persons well being

16. Expressions like “Can you please tell me…”, “ I wonder if you could please tell me..”, “I

would like to know” are ways of:

a. Giving commands

b. Making impolite requests

c. Giving instructions

d. Asking for information

17. Orders and instructions can sound more polite if we use:

a. Modal verbs

b. Modal nouns

c. Adverbs

d. Adjectives

18. Which of these expressions should you use if you choose to convey a neutral opinion?

a. “You are so wrong!”

b. “No, it shouldn’t be!”

c. “Perhaps/ Perhaps not!”

d. “Absolutely true!”

19. To give orders, warnings and advices we generally use

a. A statement form of speech

b. An exclamation

c. An imperative form of speech

d. A question

20. Expressions like “Well yes”, “I suppose so”, “May be it should be...” are ways to:

a. Strongly disagree

b. Mildly agree

c. Mildly disagree

d. Ironically agree


1. Which of these questions are not important while making a presentation?

a. What you speak

b. How you speak

c. Who you speak to

d. If you have had lunch

2. Before you make a presentation, you need to lay down the:

a. Only general objectives

b. General and particular objectives

c. Only particular objectives

d. No objectives as such

3. Which of these strategies should we not use to gain the attention of our audience?

a. Asking a question

b. Narrating an anecdote

c. Saying a quotation

d. Distributing Snacks

4. Which of this is NOT a general objective of a presentation?

a. To inform and arouse interest

b. To inspire action

c. To distribute goodies

d. To evaluate, interpret and clarify

5. We need to know about our audiences’:

a. Interests and language

b. Marital status

c. Personal choices

d. Food habits

6. The outline structure of a presentation should not include:

a. The opening of the presentation b. The key areas

c. The conclusion d. Pictures

7. Which of these things must we NOT do while preparing for a presentation?

a. Capturing and brainstorming ideas

b. Getting some sleep

c. Eliminating redundant ideas

d. Structure, outline and formulate the ideas

8. The specific purpose of our presentation is stated in our

a. Role statement b. Absolute statement

c. Thesis statement d. Dissertation

9. Which of this is not a way to give your talk?

a. Extempore b. Para talking

c. Impromptu d. Reading

10. The problem with memorizing presentations is:

a. Presenters tend to forget their talk if interrupted suddenly midway

b. They are flawless

c. Presenters take longer time

d. They cannot talk without a paper

11. In a power point presentation, you must

a. Put up the entire text in the slide

b. Write a story in the slide

c. Write only bullet points in the slides

d. Write about your own personal experiences in the slides

12. While making a presentation, to make the audience identify with our talk, apart from giving

our own experiences, we should also include:

a. Analogies from the audiences’ experiences

b. The experiences of our relatives’

c. The experiences of our friends

d. Analogies from workbooks

13. Expressions like “The data here shows that…”, “If you look at the table here…”, “ Here are

some handouts…” show that we are

a. Referring to stories

b. Referring to visual data

c. Referring to anecdotes

d. Referring to people

14. After opening a presentation, you should:

a. Conclude it

b. Immediately tell about your experiences

c. Beat about the bush

d. State the purpose and objective clearly

15. An expression like: “To persuade my audience to…” might be a technique of stating the

purpose of a presentation in a:

a. Informative presentation

b. Persuasive presentation

c. Figurative presentation

d. Technical presentation

16. Which kind of words/speeches we should NOT use to generate the interest of the audience?

a. Words that draw pictures

b. Figurative and metaphorical speech

c. Loud, harsh and authoritative words

d. Words that sound like music to the ears

17. Expressions like “It must be remembered that…”, “ I would like to draw you attention to…”,

“It should be emphasized that …” are used in a presentation to:

a. Emphasize main points

b. Conclude the presentation

c. Introduce the presentation

d. Interrupt the presentation

18. Which of these things information about our audiences we do NOT need to know?

a. What does our audience know

b. What does the audience need to know

c. The marital status of our audience

d. What do the audience want to know

19. Expressions like “Now I am going to focus on…”, “ To begin with…”, “First we are going to

look at…” are used in a presentation to:

a. Conclude the presentation

b. Analyze the argument

c. Emphasize the main points

d. Introduce the main point

20. You have to convince the audience that your presentation is worth listening to, in the first:

a. 3 seconds b. 10 minutes

c. 5 minutes d. 2 minutes


1. Which of these is not an aspect of a meeting?

a. Planning b. Facilitating

c. Follow up d. Fictionalizing

2. The more _______ you make a meeting, the more likely your team sees the meeting as notable

and worth preparing for

a. Unusual b. Regular

c. Monday meeting d. Target meeting

3. Prior to a meeting, which of these things should we NOT do?

a. Set the priorities b. Fix the place

c. Fix the dinner d. Fix the date and time

4. In a meeting, the order in which we cover the topics, is called a

a. Rhetoric b. Sequence

c. Antisequence d. Impromptu

5. Stephen Covey in “Seven Habits of highly effective people” says:

a. Begin with the end in mind b. Begin with the beginning in mind

c. Begin abruptly d. End abruptly

6. A meeting must have:

a. Specific cuisines b. specific and well defined purpose

c. Invalid purpose d. Status updates

7. To ensure appropriate participation in a meeting, we need to:

a. Identify and call people who really need to be there

b. Call all managers

c. Call all staffs

d. Call all department heads

8. A document that lays out everything you plan to carry out in a meeting, along with a timeline

that allots certain number of minutes to each item is called:

a. a dissertation b. A thesis

c. An agenda d. An appraisal

9. To ensure that nobody forgets what was discussed in the meeting, you should:

a. Take a picture b. Mail the group picture

c. Create a discussion forum d. Mail a memo

10. Which of this is an appropriate behavior in a meeting?

a. Excluding b. Belittling

c. Being influential d. Blocking

11. Which of this is NOT an aspect of contributing to a meeting?

a. Introducing and presenting your ideas clearly

b. Conflicting and disagreeing

c. Appreciating and building upon others ideas

d. Being influential and dealing with conflicts effectively

12. Which of these should you NOT do while taking a quick second before entering a meeting?

a. Compose yourself b. Take a deep breath

c. Smoothen your hair and slow down d. Quickly munch something to eat

13. Which of these is not a stage of ‘Verbal Judo’ while managing a conflict situation?

a. Ask and explain b. Acknowledge

c. React d. Act

14. Expressions like “Sorry, could you repeat your point please…”, “I am not sure if I followed

your point…” are examples of:

a. Emergency phrases b. Energetic phrases

c. Emphasis phrases d. Extempore phrases

15. A conflict that is detached and icy and needs to be addressed differently is called:

a. Bad conflict b. Positive conflict

c. Cold conflict d. Hot conflict

16. Which of this is not a way to make an executive presence?

a. To be poised b. To be prepared

c. To be pampered d. To be polished

17. In the LASER Technique of appreciating and building upon others’ perspectives, ‘L’ stands


a. Look b. Laugh

c. Like d. Listen

18. Expressions like “Can I raise a point here?”, “If I may say…”, “I’d like to come in here…” are

used to:

a. Disillusion a meeting b. Contribute to a meeting

c. End the meeting d. Address the chair

19. When you have a meeting, you should not

a. Engage in offbeat business b. Prepare what you need

c. Observe your appearance and posture d. Practice a lot

20.Some phrases that you use when you don’t understand someone or need a clarification, are


a. Economic phrases b. Evaluative phrases

c. Emergency phrases d. Emotive phrases


1. Which of these is not one of the three purposes of an interview?

a. Can you do the job? b. Will you do the job?

c. Will you fit in? d. Why you should not take up the job?

2. An interview which has a structured interviewing style based on questions designed to probe

past behavior in specific situations is a:

a. Structured interview b. Behavior based interview

c. Non structured interview d. Managerial interview

3. Which of these is not an outcome of an interview?

a. Prepare for the most common interview styles

b. Prepare answers to typical interview questions

c. Plan the questions you should ask during the interview

d. Plan to ask about the food arrangements of the interviewees.

4. An informal kind of interview where the interviewer does NOT provide any direction for the

interview is called:

a. A directive interview b. A structured interview

c. A non-directive interview d. A non technical interview

5. Which of these should you do in an interview?

a. Using non words

b. Use grammatically incorrect sentences

c. Talk clearly and confidently

d. Talk very fast/Speed talking

6. The most conventional type of interview is :

a. Directive interview

b. Telephonic interview

c. Unstructured interview

d. Video based interview

7. Phrases like “I was born and raised in…”, “I attended the University of…”, “I have worked for

5 years as a…” are used to:

a. Destroy oneself b. Disillusion oneself

c. Describe oneself d. Discuss oneself

8. Which of these should you NOT do to make a positive impression during an interview?

a. Be alert from the moment you arrive

b. Greet the interviewer by name

c. Offer a very strong bone crushing handshake

d. Exhibit positive body language

9. One of the ways to deal with a behavior based interview is using the:

a. Moon technique b. Sun technique

c. Orbit technique d. Star technique

10. How should you handle a question, which asks about your strengths?

a. Rattle a long list of your strengths

b. Be very modest and say that you do not have any

c. Highlight a small number of specific strengths

d. Highlight only your weaknesses.

11. Which of these types of questions should you NOT focus on while preparing for an interview?

a. Behavioral questions

b. Character questions

c. Family planning questions

d. Stress questions

12. Which of these is not a part of the seven-step interview preparation plan?

a. Research the organization

b. Analyze job description

c. Plan what to wear

d. Plan to woo the interviewer with money.

13. Small talk or the seemingly idle chitchat during the first few minutes of the interview helps to:

a. No help at all

b. Waste time

c. Portray overconfidence

d. Build rapport

14. Which of these is NOT a desired skill in an interview?

a. Oral communication skills

b Computer skills

c. Culinary skills

d. Teamwork skills

15. While dressing for an interview you should ensure:

a. You wear neutral colored clothes and professional shoes

b. Clothes are wrinkled

c. Appearance is untidy

d. You wear loud make up and heavy jewellery.

16. A type of interview where the interviewer uses a confrontational style trying to unsettle you in

order to see how you respond is called a:

a. Structured interview

b. Non structured interview

c. Stress interview

d. Impact interview

17. Which of these should you NOT bring to an interview?

a. Extra copies of your resume

b. A list of references

c. A portfolio with work samples

d. Gifts for the interviewer

18. When your profile matches with the candidate profile that the organization is looking for, the

interview should be

a. A good interview

b. A failed interview

c. A cheap interview

d. An average interview

19. Which of these will not help you to calm down your nervousness?

a. Positive self talk

b. Think of what all can go wrong in the interview

c. Visualize success

d. Breathe slowly

20. An interview where the questions are more focused on intellectual competence, leadership

ability, team/personal skills, adjustment/flexibility, motivation etc is an example of a:

a. Stress interview b. Behavioral interview

c. Impact interview d. Reactive interview