Weeds of Wheat in Nepal: A Literature Review

J. Nat. Hist. Mus. Vol. 27, 2013, WEEDS OF WHEAT IN NEPAL: A LITERATURE REVIEW D. R. Dangol ABSTRACT This paper reviews publications dealing with weeds and/or their control in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) in Nepal and enumerates 370 weed species of !0 genera in "# families. This review shows that the $steraceae (%& spp.)' oaceae (" spp.)' Leguminosae (" spp.)' olgonaceae (!& spp.)' *arophllaceae (!+ spp.)' ,crophulariaceae (!7 spp.)' -uphorbiaceae and Lamiaceae (!# spp. each)' rassicaceae and *peraceae (!3 spp.)' and ,olanaceae (!! spp. each) were the dominant families'  which accounted for 7!.3" of the total weeds. This paper also documented %3 species reported as the principal or most common weeds and # species ( Chenopodium album, Cynodon dactylon, Phalaris minor, Polygonum plebeium)  as the most commonl reported weeds of wheat in Nepal in the papers reviewed. This paper also highlighted the fact that the researchers from the Tribh uvan niversit ' 1epartment of lant 2esourc es (then 1epart ment of edic inal lants/4 5) and Nepal $gricultural 2esearch *ouncil mentioned about the deposition of their herbarium specimens in the respective organi6ations. This paper also anal6ed the publication media in which the reviewed papers appeared. Key words rincipal weeds' Triticum aestivum, weed flora' weed surve' wheat INTRODUCTION 8n Nepal' wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) is the principal winter crop with an annual production of !7#% thousand . Tons in 0!! (www.inde9mundi.com). The average ield of this crop is !300 :g/ha which is low in comparison to other countries. The low production of wheat ma be associated with man factors; among them' weeds are one of the ma<or problems. The weeds infesting the wheat crop reduce the crop ield upto "0 in Nepal (alla and 2an<it' !&+0; 2an<it' !&+; hatta' !&+!; ,hiva=oti et al.' !&77). To get ma9imum production' weeds of wheat should be managed properl. ,ince the weed management depend s upon the tpe and intensit of weeds present in the crop fields' a sound =nowledge on wheat weeds is necessar for determining economic control measures (4olm et al.' !&77; 5upta' !&+#). >ith the same viewpoints' weeds of wheat fields from different parts of Nepal were reported (,e e 2eferences). 4owever' these reports remain scattered up?to?date. This stud was' therefore' underta=en to review the literature to prep are a list of speci es' determin e the principa l weed specie s and their distribut ion and herb ariu m specimen records mentioned in the papers dealing with weeds of wheat and their control in Nepal. TRENDS IN WEED SURVEY IN WHEAT FIELDS There are altogether % published papers on weeds and their control & dealing with ta9onom and some aspe cts of weed flo ra' + with wee d control on wheat and with weed flora and their contro l. Numata ' a @apanese ecologist published a paper on Amethodolog for the stud of weed vegetationA giving e9amples of weeds of wheat of Nepal (Num ata' !&+). The studies on wee ds and /or their control was initiated b 1r. B. . 5upta in !&77 who wor=ed as a visiting professor at the 8nstitute of $griculture and $nimal ,cience' Tribhuvan niversit' 2ampur' *hitwan' Nepal for ears. 8n late !&70Cs the results of weed surves in crop field s of 2ampur (5upt a et al  . !&77) and :athamndu valle (2a<bhandar and B<ha' !&7&) were rep orted. 8n !&+0Cs' the re were some wo r=s on wee d flora of @ir i (Nu mata' !&+ )' :avre (@o shi and 5ret6macher' !&&&)' irgan< (1angol' !&+7)' 2ampur (1angol et al. !&++' ,hah et al.' 0!!ab)' :irtipur' :athmandu (*haudhar and ,hrestha' !&+!)' :ho=ana' Lalitpur (,ap=ota et al.' 0!0) and Nepal (2egmi et al.' !&+%). 2esearch wor=s on weed control trials were also conducted in different $gricultura l 2esearch ,tations of Nepal (hatta' !&+!; alla and 2an<it' !&+0; 2an<it +!/+; !&+; !&+3a; !&+3b; ,thap it' !&+%). a6e= (!&&!) studied the weed vegetat ion of cultivated fields in Nepal. There are two reports that deal with 1

Transcript of Weeds of Wheat in Nepal: A Literature Review

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D. R. Dangol


This paper reviews publications dealing with weeds and/or their control in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) in Nepal and enumerates370 weed species of !0 genera in "# families. This review shows that the $steraceae (%& spp.)' oaceae (" spp.)'Leguminosae (" spp.)' olgonaceae (!& spp.)' *arophllaceae (!+ spp.)' ,crophulariaceae (!7 spp.)' -uphorbiaceae andLamiaceae (!# spp. each)' rassicaceae and *peraceae (!3 spp.)' and ,olanaceae (!! spp. each) were the dominant families'

 which accounted for 7!.3" of the total weeds. This paper also documented %3 species reported as the principal or mostcommon weeds and # species (Chenopodium album, Cynodon dactylon, Phalaris minor, Polygonum plebeium)  as the mostcommonl reported weeds of wheat in Nepal in the papers reviewed. This paper also highlighted the fact that the researchersfrom the Tribhuvan niversit' 1epartment of lant 2esources (then 1epartment of edicinal lants/45) and Nepal$gricultural 2esearch *ouncil mentioned about the deposition of their herbarium specimens in the respective organi6ations. Thispaper also anal6ed the publication media in which the reviewed papers appeared.

Key words rincipal weeds' Triticum aestivum, weed flora' weed surve' wheat


8n Nepal' wheat (Triticum aestivum  L.) is the principal winter crop with an annual production of !7#%thousand . Tons in 0!! (www.inde9mundi.com). The average ield of this crop is !300 :g/ha which islow in comparison to other countries. The low production of wheat ma be associated with man factors;among them' weeds are one of the ma<or problems. The weeds infesting the wheat crop reduce the cropield upto "0 in Nepal (alla and 2an<it' !&+0; 2an<it' !&+; hatta' !&+!; ,hiva=oti et al.' !&77). To getma9imum production' weeds of wheat should be managed properl. ,ince the weed management dependsupon the tpe and intensit of weeds present in the crop fields' a sound =nowledge on wheat weeds isnecessar for determining economic control measures (4olm et al.' !&77; 5upta' !&+#). >ith the sameviewpoints' weeds of wheat fields from different parts of Nepal were reported (,ee 2eferences). 4owever'

these reports remain scattered up?to?date. This stud was' therefore' underta=en to review the literature toprepare a list of species' determine the principal weed species and their distribution and herbariumspecimen records mentioned in the papers dealing with weeds of wheat and their control in Nepal.

TRENDS IN WEED SURVEY IN WHEAT FIELDSThere are altogether % published papers on weeds and their control & dealing with ta9onom and someaspects of weed flora' + with weed control on wheat and with weed flora and their control. Numata' a@apanese ecologist published a paper on Amethodolog for the stud of weed vegetationA giving e9amplesof weeds of wheat of Nepal (Numata' !&+). The studies on weeds and /or their control was initiated b 1r.B. . 5upta in !&77 who wor=ed as a visiting professor at the 8nstitute of $griculture and $nimal ,cience'Tribhuvan niversit' 2ampur' *hitwan' Nepal for ears. 8n late !&70Cs the results of weed surves in

crop fields of 2ampur (5upta et al . !&77) and :athamndu valle (2a<bhandar and B<ha' !&7&) werereported. 8n !&+0Cs' there were some wor=s on weed flora of @iri (Numata' !&+)' :avre (@oshi and5ret6macher' !&&&)' irgan< (1angol' !&+7)' 2ampur (1angol et al. !&++' ,hah et al.' 0!!ab)' :irtipur':athmandu (*haudhar and ,hrestha' !&+!)' :ho=ana' Lalitpur (,ap=ota et al.' 0!0) and Nepal (2egmiet al.' !&+%). 2esearch wor=s on weed control trials were also conducted in different $gricultural 2esearch,tations of Nepal (hatta' !&+!; alla and 2an<it' !&+0; 2an<it +!/+; !&+; !&+3a; !&+3b; ,thapit' !&+%).a6e= (!&&!) studied the weed vegetation of cultivated fields in Nepal. There are two reports that deal with


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 weed and weed control aspect. The summar of the famil' genera and species along with stud locationsmentioned in the papers reviewed is given in Table !.

Table !. List of the number of famil (D)' genus (5) and species (,) and stud areas of the wheat weeds reported bthe authors in the papers reviewed

SN Authors # F S Study !re!" Re!r$s""! hatta (!&+!) 3 % # hairahawa Trifolium, Vicia

*haudhar (!&7&)* 3% +3 !0+ :athmandu valle

3 *haudhar and ,hrestha (!&+!) # # " :irtipur

# 1angol (!&+7)8 !% 33 3" irgan<

" 1angol (000?00!)8 ! "# %" 8nner Terai andTerai

% 1angol et al. (!&++)8 7 "7 7# 2ampur areas

7 1angol and *haudhar (!&&!) !% 3 30 2ampur Ixeris, nidentified genus

+ 1angol (00!) !+ 7 3! 2ampur

& 1ev=ota (!&+3) !! !7 !# Melilotus, umex, Vicia,

!0 5upta et al . (!&77)$ & & & 2ampur

!! @oshi and 5ret6macher (!&&&) #+ %# :avre

! alla and 2an<it (!&+0) " % # :humal Cyperus, Vicia,!3 anandhar (!&7+)N !& +% ! :athmandu valle

!# a6e= (!&&!) 3! + !!3 Nepal

!" Numata (!&+) 7 & !! @iri Polygonum

!% 2a<bhandar and B<ha (!&7&) 0 3# 3& :athmandu valle !eliotropium

!7 2an<it (!&+!/+) # 7 " :hu' hw and 4ar umex, Trifolium

!+ 2an<it (!&+3a) 7 !# !" :humal

!& 2an<it (!&+3b) % !! + :hu' hw and 4ar  "lopecurus, umex, Trifolium

0 2an<it (!&&&) % !! 7  "lepecurus, #naphalium,Polygonum

! 2an<it (003) % + %  "lopecurus, umex 

2an<it and hattarai (!&++) !! ! Nepal

3 2an<it and ,uwan=etni=om (003) !3 3 :humal $othriospermum, %actuca,Ma&us, Polygonum, anunculus

# 2an<it et al . (00%) 0 #+ #3 Nepal  "lopecuros, "lternanthera, Cyperus,'igitaria, (uisetum, %actuca,%indernia, Ma&us, Polygonum,umex 

" 2an<it et al . (00&) % + + :humal

% 2egmi et al . (!&+%) 3! 7! &% Nepal  "ster, Pratia, Impatiens, Ma&us,Cerastium, *crophularia

7 ,ap=ota et al . (0!0) !+ 3+ ## :ho=ana  "renaria, $idens, Clerodendrum,Convolvulus, Cynoglossum,Persicaria, Torenia, Vernonia

+ ,hah et al . (0!!a) !! !& !& 2ampur (rigeron, Vicia

& ,hah et al . (0!!b) !! !& !& 2ampur (rigeron, Vicia

30 ,harma et al . (0!0) !& 3+ #3 anang Campanula, Cremanthodium

3! ,hiva=oti et al . (!&77) 3 3 3 2ampur

3 ,thapit (!&+%) " " " L$*

33 Thapa (003) % #+ "7 o=hara $othriochloa, (rigeron

3# Thapa and :aastha (!&&%) % #+ "# o=hara $othriochloa, (uisetum,(rigeron, Marchantia, *onchus

E $uthor(s) name mar=ed with letters deposited their herbarium collections in different institutions in Nepal'$F1epartment of $gronom' 8$$,' 2ampur' *F*entral 1epartment of otan (:irtipur)' 8F8$$, 4erbarium (2ampur)' and NFNational4erbarium (5odawar)'G :hu' hw and 4arF:humal' hairahawa and 4ardinath' L$*FLumle $gricultureal *entre.GG 8dentified upto 5enus level onl


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8n Nepal' 370 species of wheat weeds representing "# families and !0 genera of vascular plants were listed ($ppendi9 !). There were # non?flowering plants and 330 flowering plants (&3 flowering plant

dicots and 73 flowering plant monocots) (Digure !). $mong the total families' !% families include " or morespecies which accounted for 7&.!& of the total weed species recorded. Two most dominant families werethe $seraceae and oaceae which had %& and " weed species' respectivel. There were families with to # species and !% families with ! species each. 8n the papers reviewed' the best?represented genus was Polygonum (!" spp.) followed b (uphorbia and *tellaria (+ spp. each)' (ragrostis, and *olanum  (7spp. each)' Vicia (% spp.)' and %indernia and Veronica (" spp. each). There were !" genera with # spp.' !%genera with 3 spp.' and 30 genera with spp. The rest !#! genera were represented with ! sp. each in the weeds of wheat in Nepal.

Digure !. Dloristic analsis of weed species of wheat in different groups (D1F flowering plant dicot' DFflowering plants monocot' NDF Non?flowering plants)

%RINCI%AL WEEDS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION$lmost all authors of the reviewed papers mentioned some species as ma<or/principal/ important

 weeds of wheat on the basis of visual estimation. 4owever' 1angol et al . (!&++) used summed dominanceratio H,12F (relative densit and relative freIuenc)/J to calculate ma<or/minor weeds. Numata (!&+) alsosuggested such tpe of ,12 e9pression for determining ma<or weeds in farmlands. a6e= (!&&!) followed

raun?lanIuet method for estimating the cover value of weed species. ,ome authors used otherecological parameters for identifing dominant weeds (1angol' 00!; 2an<it et al.' 00%; ,harma et al.'0!0; ,ap=ota et al.' 0!0). The %3 weed species' which were reported as dominant/principal/abundant orma<or wheat weeds in the literature reviewed' are listed alphabeticall in Table . Bf the %3 ma<or weeds'"3 were reported from hill regions' !# from the 8nner Terai and ! from Terai regions of Nepal. Thespecies li=e Chenopodium album (ethe)' Phalaris minor (2agate <har)' and Cynodon dactylon  (1ubo)'Polygonum plebeium  (,u=ul<har) and Vicia sativa (:util=osha) were mentioned as ma<or weeds for thethree wheat growing regions of the countr (Table ). ,ome of the weeds such as Chenopodium album,


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Chenopodium album was the most commonl reported weed of wheat in Nepal which was listed in 3!papers out of 3# papers reviewed (Table 3). Cynodon dactylon, Phalaris minor and Polygonum plebeium were the weeds mentioned in +' "' and ! articles reviewed. Cannabis sativa and #naphalium luteo-album were listed in !+ papers and xalis corniculata was reported as weed in !" literatures reviewed.Bne?hundred sevent?seven weeds were reported in onl one literature (Table 3). Chenopodium album and

Cynodon dactylon were regarded as being the most important weeds in wheat in the world (4olm et al.'!&77)

T!&'e /) The most commonl reported weeds of wheat in Nepal in the literature reviewed (total number ofliterature reviewed is 3#)

,N ,pecies list Totalspecies


! Chenopodium album ! 3!

Cynodon dactylon ! +

3 Phalaris minor  ! "

# Polygonum plebeium ! !Cannabis sativa, #naphalium luteo-album !+

" xalis corniculata ! !"

%  "nagallis arvensis' Centella asiatica' Polygonum hydropiper, *olanumnigrum' Vicia hirsuta' Vicia sativa

% !#

7  "vena fatua, Capsella bursa-pastoris' %athyrus aphaca 3 !!

+  "lternanthera sessilis' !ydrocotyle rotundifolia' Ma&us +aponicus'Polypogon fugax , Vicia teterasperma

" !0

&  "geratum cony&oides' "ndrosace rotundiflolia' $reea arvnsis' Cyperusrotundus, umaria parviflora, ungia parviflora' *tellaria media

7 &

!0  "lopecurus aeualis, Cardamine sylvatica' #naphalium purpureum,

Ma&us surculosus' Medicago denticulata, Melilotus alba , Melilotusindica, Phyla nodiflora ' *enebiera pinnatifida' *enecio vulgaris

!0 +

!!  "geratum houstonianum' $idens pilosa,$lumea lacera' Convolvulusarvensis,Trifolium repens

" 7

!  "maranthus spinosus, $othriospermum tenellum, 'igitaria ciliaris,(clipta prostrata, (milia sonchifolia, (uphorbia hirta, #alinsoga parviflora, Ixeris polycepala' Medicago lupulina, umex dentaus, *pergula arvensis, *oliva anthemifolia' *onchus arvensis, *onchusasper, /anthium strumarium

!" %

!3 ,ee $ppendi9 ! !+ "

!# ,ee $ppendi9 ! !7 #

!" ,ee $ppendi9 ! 3% 3!% ,ee $ppendi9 ! %#

!7 ,ee $ppendi9 ! !77 !



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The authors emploed either in National 4erbarium (:athmandu) or in the academic institutions reportedabout the deposition of their weed collections (Table !). The herbarium specimens of weeds were housedin National 4erbarium' 5odawar (anandhar' !&7+); 8$$, 4erbarium' 2ampur (1angol' !&+7; 1angol etal.' !&++); $gronom 1epartment' 8$$,' 2ampur (5upta et al.' !&77); and *entral 1epartment of otan':irtipur (*haudhar' !&7&; *haudhar and ,hrestha' !&+!) and >eed ,cience nit' $gronom 1ivision'

N$2*' :humaltar' Lalitpur (@oshi and 5ret6macher' !&&&). -9cept the above?mentioned authors' theothers did not mention in their papers whether the had prepared herbarium specimens or not.


The authors of the papers on weed control (e9cept 2an<it and hattarai' !&++ who reported common weeds of wheat for Nepal in *rop >eeds and Their *ontrol) mentioned onl few weed species frome9perimental plots of different locations of Nepal such as :humaltar (*entral midhill)' hairahawa (>esternTerai)' and 4ardinath (*entral Terai). Their reports were published in A:rishiA (maga6ine in Nepaleselanguage)' A>heat 2esearch 2eportsA' A>heat 2eportA' and A>heat' arle and Triticale 2eportA' A$nnual2eportsA' etc.

2esearchers published their research findings related to weedflora' ecolog and weed management indifferent scientific <ournals published from Nepal' 8ndia and other countries. The authors published theirresearch articles in the A 0. Inst. "gric. "nim. *ci .A (5upta et al.' !&77; 1angol' !&+7; 1angol et al .' !&++);A 0. 1at. !ist. Mus.A (*haudhar' !&7&; *haudhar and ,hrestha' !&+!)' A 1epalese 0. "gric.2  (2a<bhandarand B<ha' !&7&); A$ull. $ot. *urv. India2   (anandhar' !&7+); A$otanica rientalis2  (,ap=ota et al.' 0!0);A "griculture 'evelopment 0ournal2   (,hah et al.' 0!!a)' AInternational esearch 0ournal of "pplied and$asic *ciences2  (,hah et al.' 0!!b)' A1epal 0ournal of *cience and Technology2  (@oshi and 5ret6macher'!&&&) and A3asetsart 0 .A (2an<it and ,uwan=etnicom' 003). The article of 2egmi et al . (!&+%) waspublished in the proceedings of winter crops wor=shop held at 2ampur $griculture ,tation' *hitwan. 8t isobvious from the papers (Table !) that most of the wor=s were either conducted in the :athmandu valle orin the *hitwan valle. The total number of weeds reported b 2egmi et al. (!&+%) i.e. &% spp. for Nepal isver few in compared to the number of weeds reported from the two valles (:athmandu ! spp. and*hitwan 7+ spp.). ,ome genera' which were not identified into species' are listed from the papers on weedcontrol and some from the paper of 2egmi et al . (!&+%).

CONCLUSION8t is evident from publications that weed surve wor=s were mostl confined either to the :athmandu valleor to the *hitwan valle' and were conducted more than 0 ears ago in the former valles' there opens ascope of conducting sstematic and ecological surves of weed communit in the wheat fields of Nepal inorder to understand the succession of weed communit in the wheat fields vegetation and prioriti6e the weed management researches. ,uch tpe of surve should lead to establish weed herbarium at least in theagricultural academic and research institutions' namel in the 8nstitute of $griculture and $nimal

,cience/Tribhuvan niversit' niversit of $griculture and Dorestr' 2ampur' *hitwan and National*ouncil of $gricultural 2esearch' :humaltar' Nepal. The herbarium records will aid in tracing thesuccession of weed communities in wheat in Nepal in future and aid as teaching and research materials forstudents' agriculturists' botanists and ecologists. -cophsiological stud on the principal weeds of wheatneed to be studied with respect to important wheat varieties grown in Nepal so that their interactionprinciples could be understood and applied in the weed management in wheat.


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8 would li=e to than= two peer reviewers for their comments on the previous draft of this manuscript and2upa= 1angol for tpesetting.


hatta' .2.' !&+!. >eed control e9periment in wheat. 4heat, $arley and Triticale. 45' 1epartment of $griculture'N>1' ,iddharthnagar' hairahawa' Nepal. pp. !%3?!%%.

*haudhar' 2.. and :.:. ,hrestha' !&+!. >eed flora of :irtipur area (:athmandu valle).  0. 1at. !ist. Mus.'1(!)37?#+.

*haudhar' 2..' !&7&. 2eport on the weeds of wheat fields of :athmandu valle. 0. 1at. !ist. Mus., /(!?#)+3?&3.

1angol' 1.2. 00!. -cological studies and used of weeds of winter crop at 2ampur' *hitwan. 8n .:. @ha' ,.2.aral' ,.. :armachara' 4.1. Le=ha=' . Lacoul and *.. ania (eds.)' (nvironment and "griculture5 $iodiversity,

 "griculture and Pollution in *outh "sia. -cological ,ociet' :athmandu' Nepal. pp. #30?#3#.

1angol' 1.2. and N.:. *haudhar' !&&#. >heat?weed interactions at 2ampur' *hitwan. 8n. D.. Neupane (ed.)'I""* esearch eports (!&&?!&&3)' 8nstiture of $griculture and $nimal ,cience' 2ampur' *hitwan' Nepal.

1angol' 1.2.' !&+7. ,urve of weeds in wheat field at irgan<' arsa' Nepal. 0. Inst. "gric. "nim. *ci., 2#"?"!.

1angol' 1.2.' !&&+. $grestal weeds of Nepal 8dentification' distribution' ecolog and agricultural importance. h.1.1issertation' niversit of ienna' $ustria.

1angol' 1.2.' 000?00!. $ comparison of weedflora of wheat fields of 8nner Terai and Terai of Nepal.  0. Inst. "gric. "nim. *ci., (.3((&"?!03.

1angol' 1.2.' ,.. 5urung' 8. hattarai and N.:. *haudhar' !&++. ,urve of weeds of ma<or crops at 2ampur andvicinit' in *hitwan' Nepal. 0. Inst. "gric. "nim. *ci . 43"?#3.

1ev=ota' 2.N.' !&+3. >eeds of wheat fields and their control (Nepali). 3rishi, (5(")0?#.

5upta' B..' !&+#. *cientific 4eed Management . Toda and TomorrowCs rinters and ublishers' New 1elhi' 8ndia.

5upta' B..' ,.2. a<rachara and 5.. ,hiva=oti' !&77. $ stud of weed problems at 2ampur' *hitwan' Nepal.  0.Inst. "gric. "nim. *ci .' .!?+%

4ara' 4. and L.4.@. >illiams. !&7&. $n -numeration of the Dlowering lants of Nepal. olume !. ritish useum(Natural 4istor)' London.

4ara' 4.' $.B. *hater and L.4.@. >illiams. !&7&. $n -numeration of the Dlowering lants of Nepal. olume 3. ritishuseum (Natural 4istor)' London.

4ara' 4.' >.T. ,tearn and L.4.@. >illiams. !&7+. $n -numeration of the Dlowering lants of Nepal. olume . ritishuseum (Natural 4istor)' London.

4olm' L.5.' 1.L. lunc=nett' @.. ancho' and @.. 4erberger' !&77. The 4orld6s 4orst 4eeds5 'istribution and$iology . The niversit ress of 4awaii' ,$

@oshi' . and 2. 5ret6macher' !&&&. ,pecies composition and dominance of weeds in rice?wheat cropping sstem of:avre district' Nepal. 1epal 0ournal of *cience and Technology ' .!&?%.

alla' .L. and @.1. 2an<it' !&+0. >eed control e9periment in wheat and barle. 4heat eport . 45' 1epartment of$griculture' N>1' ,iddharthnagar' hairahawa' Nepal. pp. !7&?!+!.

anandhar' N..' !&7+. $ stud of weeds on the river ban=s of :athmandu alle. $ull. $ot. *urv. India, (5(!?#)3%?#7.


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Thapa' *..' 003. ,urve of weed flora of wheat field in o=hara' Nepal. $otanica rientalis  ($nnual 8ssue)' pp.!##?!#".


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 Appendix 1. Weeds reported to occur in wheat in Nepal(Families are arranged as per the Bentham and Hookers classi!ication s"stem# species are arrangedalpha$eticall" in each !amil"%

FAMILY NAME/Scientific names{Sn!nms" #Ne$a%i name#




N!n'f%!(e&in) P%antsE*UISETA+EAE

 Equisetum arvense .!"n#$le


&''')*'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

Equisetum debile Rox$. ex aucher 23urkure 4har2

&''&*'' m Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa(&'')%

Equisetum diffusum D. Don 2 Ankhleghans2

1'''&*'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%


Marsilea crenata 7resl. &8'1''' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%

F%!(e&in) P%ants: Dic!ts


Ranunculus diffusus D9. 2Nakuro-Nakkore 4har2

18'':''' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Ranunculus sceleratus ;. 2Nakuro2 &''15'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

Thalictrum foliolosum D9. 2Dampate2 1)''):'' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%


Berberis aristata D9. 29hutro2 18'')''' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%


 Argemone mexicana ;. 26hakal-=at"anasi2

18'1:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- De>kota (1+*)%- Regmiet al . (1+*,%- Ran4it (1+++%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%

Hypocoum leptocarpum Hook.!. ?6hompson

))1' :'8'm =harma et al . (&'1'%

FUMARIA+EAEFumaria parviflora Wt. ? Ait.@F . indica (Haussk.% 7ugsle"

2angali ga0ar 4har- =oun!e 4har2

&''&18' m De>kota (1+*)%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangolet al . (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%-Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%- 6hapa and3a"astha (1++,%- Dangol (&'''&''1%-6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%


mpatiens sulcata Wall. 1)')+'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%


!apsella bursa"pastoris (;.% <edic.2Banchamsur2

:'':8'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Ran4it (1+*)a- 1+*)$%- Ran4it andBhattarai (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Ran4itand =umaketnikom (&'')%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

!ardamine impatiens ;. 29hamsur2 18'':''' m. Ran4it (1+*)a%

!ardamine pretensis ;. 1:'' m Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- Ran4it (1+++%-Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%- Ran4it etal . (&'',%-

!ardamine sylvatica ;ink@9. hirsuta ;. 29hamsure 4har2

1'':''' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Ran4it (1+*)a-%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-<a0ek (1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%- 6hapa


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#asturtium indicum D9.@Rorippa indica (;.% Hiern. 2Ban


1''&''' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%

#asturtium officinale R. Br. ex Ait.2=im ra"o2

1:''&1'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ran4it and=umaketnikom (&'')%-

Rorippa dubia (7ers.% Hara 2<ula4ari2 1&''1,'' m 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%Rorippa islandica ider 1)''18'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

Rorippa palustris %.& 'ess. 1)''18'' m Ran4it (1+++%

Rorippa sinulata Nutt. Hipch. 1:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

$enebiera parviflora % 1:'' m Ran4it (1+*)a%

$enebiera pinnatifida D9. @$& didyma 7ers.- !oronopsisdidymus (;.% =m. 29hamsureghans2

1:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- <alla and Ran4it (1+*'%- Ran4it(1+*)$%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Ran4it (1+++%-Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%- Ran4it etal . (&'',%

$inapis nigra ;. <a0ek (1++1%


!leome viscosa ;. 2Bantori2 &''58' m Dangol et al . (1+**%

VIOLA+EAE'iola diffusa /ing. ex D9. 1:''&''' m <a0ek (1++1%

'iola patrini D9. 9haudhar" (1+5+%

'iola pilosa Blume =apkota et al . (&'1'%

'iola serpens Wall. @'& canenscens Wall.

18''&:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%


 Arenaria glanduligera Cdgew.exCdgew. ? Hook. !.

1)''81'' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%

 Arenaria serpyllifolia ;. +''&+'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

!erastium glomeratum 6huill.@!& vulgatum ;. 2artri2

18'')*1' m <anandhar (1+5*%

!erastium holosteoides Fries 5'' m <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher

(1+++%(rymaria cordata (;.% Willd.

@(& diandra (Bl.% Duke 2A$hi0alo- Api0alo2

5''&8'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%- =thapit (1+*,%- Ran4it etal . (&'',%

)epyrodiclis glandulosa (Benth. ex /.Don% h$a

1)'' 15'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

*olycarpon prostratum (Forssk.% Aschers.

&''1:'' m <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%-=hah et al . (&'11a$%

$aponaria vaccaria ;.@'accaria pyramidata <edic.

2=a$uni 4har2

p to 18'' Regmi et al . (1+*,%

$ilene conoidea ;. 1&''))'' m <a0ek (1++1%

$pergula arvensis ;. 2"a"au 4har-="al 4har2

+''18'' m Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Ran4it(1+*)a%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Ran4it andBhattarai (1+**%- Ran4it (1+++%- =apkota etal . (&'1'%

$tellaria alsine /rimm. 1:'':8'' m. <a0ek (1++1%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom(&'')%

$tellaria aquatica (;.% =cop. 1:'' m <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%

$tellaria documbens Cdgew. )&'':''' m =harma et al . (&'1'%


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$tellaria himalayensis <a4umdar@$& latifolia (Benth. ex Ro"le%Cdgew. Hook. !.

&,''):'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

$tellaria patens D. Don@$& longissima Wall.

1)'':''' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%

$tellaria media (;.% ill. 23ukhure2 1'''&,'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-

Ran4it (1+++%- Ran4it (&'')%- Ran4it and=umaketnikom (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%-Ran4it et al . (&''+%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%-=harma et al . (&'1'%

$tellaria nepalensis <a4umdar ?artak

5''&&'' m <a0ek (1++1%

$tellaria uliginosa <urr. 1:''15'' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%


*ortulaca oleracea ;. &''18'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%


Hypericum +aponicum 6hun$. ex<urra" 2relo 4har2

18'&,'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handa" and 4ha(1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%

$arothra laxa (Bl.% 3imura 18'&,'' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%

MALVA+EAEMalva verticillata ;. &1'')8'' m =harma et al& (&'1'%

$ida cordifolia ;. 8''11'' m <a0ek (1++1%

$ida rhombifolia ;. 2Barena2 1''1+'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%


Melochia corchorifolia ;. 27atuwa 4har2

&''1)'' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%


,re-ia sapida Rox$.@,& pumila Ham. ex D. Don

&8' m Dangol et al . (1+**%


,eranium nepalense =w. 18'':''' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%

,eranium polyalthes Cdgew. ?Hook.!.

&:''&8'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

,eranium pratense ;. &&'')8'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%


.xalis corniculata ;. 2 9hari amilo2 &''&+'' m /upta et al& (1+55%- <anandhar (1+5*%-9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek(1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%-6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%- =hah etal . (&'11a$%

.xalis corymbosa ;. 2 6hulo


1&''1*'' m 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

.xalis latifolia HB3 29hari amilo2 &8'1,'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-<a0ek (1++1%- Ran4it (1+++%


/i0yphus +u+uba ;. 1 Ba"er2 &''1&'' m 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%


)inum usitissimum ;amk. 2Alas2 18')*'' m 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%


 Aeschynomene indica ;. &''1)'' m Numata (1+*&%


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 Argyolobium roseum (9am$ass%au$. ? =pach

1+'')&'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

!assia tora ;. 26apre 4har2 &''1)'' m Dangol et al . (1+**%

!rotalaria +uncea ;. &8' m. Dangol et al . (1+**%

ndigofera linifolia (;.!.% Ret0. )''1)'' m =apkota et al . (&'1'%

)athyrus aphaca ;. 2Banmatar-

7itpir- angalimatar- angali kheshar-angali kerau2

&''1&'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-

De>kota (1+*)%- Ran4it (1+*)$%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Ran4it and Bhattarai(1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

)athyrus sativus ;. &''18'' m =apkota et al . (&'1'%

)ens culinaris <edik. 18'1''' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

)otus corniculatus ;. 2Badami 4har-7"auli 9haridana gera2

18'')+'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%

Medicago denticulata Willd.@M& polymorpha ;. 2=ankhe


&'':'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangolet al . (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%-6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

Medicago falcata ;. 2Bhiren2 &5'':''' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%Medicago lupulina ;. 27ahenlo 4huppe p"auli2

1'':''' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

Medicago sativa ;. &+'' m =harma et al. (&'1'%

Melilotus alba <edic. 2<ethi 4har2 &''1'''m <anandhar (1+5*%- Bhatta (1+*1%- Ran4it(1+*&- 1+*)$%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangolet al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

Melilotus indica <ill.@M& parviflora Des!. 2<ethi 4har2

&''),'' m Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Ran4it(1+*)a%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%-Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- Ran4it (1+++%-Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

*arochletus communis Buch.Ham.ex D. Don 2Nilop"auli2 +'':''' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Trifolium pratense ; 1)''&8'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

Trifolium repens ;. 2Beuli- 7"auli2 1)''&8'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Ran4it (1+*)a%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Ran4it (1+++%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom(&'')%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%-

Trigonella emodi Benth. 1*''1+'' m =harma et al. (&'1'%

'icia angustifolia ;. &'':''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%

'icia hirsuta (;.% =. F. /ra" 2Ankara-huse ankati- 3utlikosa2

&''&5'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- 9haudhar" and =hrestha (1+*1%-Ran4it (1+*&- 1+*)a%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangolet al . (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%-Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom(&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

'icia parviflora 1 =ano kutilkosa2 Regmi et al. (1+*,%

'icia rigidula Ro"le &8' m Dangol et al.(1+**%

'icia sativa ;. 23utilikosa2 &''&5'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- 9haudhar" and =hrestha (1+*1%-Ran4it (1+*)a- 1+*)$%- Regmi et al. (1+*,%-


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Dangol et al& (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai(1+**%<a0ek (1++1%- Dangol and9haudhar" (1++:%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%-Ran4it et al . (&'',%

'icia teterasperma <oench. 2=ano


&''&5'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha

(1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%-<a0ek (1++1%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%


(uchesnea indica Focke@Fragaria indica Andrs. 27ahelo

phul- Bhuikaphal2

1'''&8'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- <a0ek(1++1%

(uchesnea nubicola  ;indl. 1,'':''' m <a0ek (1++1%

Fragaria rubiginosa ;aciata@F& vesca ;. 2Bhuikaphal2

1'''&8'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

*otentilla 2leiniana Wight. 1'''&&'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%

*otentilla supina ;. 2Ba4radanti2 &''1:'' m Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%-


 Ammannia rotundifolia ;am. &8'&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- <a0ek(1++1%-

Rotala rotundifolia (Rox$.% 3oehne &8'&)'' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%


)ud-igia perennis ;. 2;wang 4har2 &''1:'' m Dangol et al.(1+**%

.enothera rosea ; herit. ex Ait. 11''&8'' <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%


Mollugo hirta 6hun$. 1,'')&'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%APIA+EAE

!entella asiatica (;.% r$. 2/hodtapre2

&''&1'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Dangol(1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%-Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%- 6hapa and3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%-=apkota et al . (&'1'%- =hah et al . (&'11a$%

Hydrocotyle nepalensis Hook. 1'''&+'' m Ran4it (1+++%

Hydrocotyle rotundifolia Rox$. exD9.

@H& sibthorpioides ;am. 2/hodtapre2

&''&8'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%- =hah et al . (&'11a$%

.enanthe +avanica (Bl.% D9.@.& stolonifera Wall. ex. D9.

&''18'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%


,alium hirtiflorum ReE. ex D9. 1&''&&'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

.ldenlandia aspera D9. &8' m /upta et al . (1+55%

.ldenlandia corymbosa ;. &''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

.ldenlandia diffusa (Willd.% Rox$.2<a4ithe 4har2

&''1''' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-<a0ek (1++1%


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.ldenlandia gracilis Wall. 2<a4ithe 4har2

&8' m. Dangol et al .(1+**%


'aleriana +atamassi ones@' . -allichii D9. 2=ugandhawala2

18'')8'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%


 Ageratum cony0oides ;. 2/anemaneghans2 &''&''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- 6hapaand 3a"astha (1++,%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- 6hapa (&'')%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

 Ageratum houstonianum <ill. 2Nilogandhe2

&''1:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Regmi et al . (1+**%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- Dangol (&'''&''1% - =hah et al .(&'11a$%-

 Anaphalis adnata Wall. ex D9.2Bukephul2

*'')&'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%

 Anaphalis contorta (D.Don% Hook. !. 15''81*' m <anandhar (1+5*%

 Anaphalis triplinervis (=ims% 9. B.


1*''))'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

 Artemisia biennis Willd. )5''::'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

 Artemisia gmelinii We$er ex =techm &*'':)'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

 Artemisia vulgaris ;. )''&:'' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%

Bidens bipinnata ;. 23uro2 +''&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

Bidens formosa (Bonato% =ch.Bip. =harma et al . (&'1'%

Bidens pilosa ;& 23uro2 5''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%-6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

Blumea lacera (Burm. !.% D9. 18')8' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Dangol (1+*5%- <a0ek (1++1%-

6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%-=apkota et al . (&'1'%

Blumea laciniata (Rox$.% D9. )''11'' m. Dangol (&'''&''1%

Breea arvensis (;.% ;ess.@!irsium arvense (;.% =cop.-!nicus arvensis Ho!!m.2/aidakanda- =ungurkanda2

&''11'' m Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- De>kota(1+*)%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol et al .(1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- <a0ek(1++1%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%-Ran4it et al . (&'',%

!aesulia axillaris Rox$. 26huk4har2 18'18'' m Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol(&'''&''1%

!entipeda minima (;.% A. Br. et Aschers.

&''1,'' m Dangol (1+*5%- <a0ek (1++1%

!irsium falcorneri (Hook. !.% 7etrak. )''':)'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

!irsium verutum (D. Don% =preng.@!& argyracanthum D9&3 !nicusargyracanthus (;.% 9. B. 9larke

58')88' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%

!irsium -allichii D9.@!nicus argyracanthus (;.% 9. B.9larke 23ande thakal2

1)''&&'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%

!ony0a canadensis (;.% 9ronE. 5''1&'' m. oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%

!ony0a +aponica (6hun$.% ;ess. exD9.

,''&,'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%

!ony0a stricta Willd. ,''&''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-


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Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- =apkota etal . (&'1'%

!otula hemisphaerica (Rox$.% Wall.ex 9. B. 9larke 2/alphule

:&'1*'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%

!rassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.% =. <oore. 2Bakhare ghans2

:''1+'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%- 6hapa and

3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%!yathocline lyrata 9ass.@9. purpurea (Buch.Ham. ex D.Don% . 3unt0e 2/alphule2

,''1*'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-<a0ek (1++1%

(ichrocephala benthamii  9. B.9larke 29hhiuki 4har2

,''&8'' m Dangol (1+*5%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

(ichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume% D9. 2Hachhuinkar 4har2

1)''&8'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

(ichrocephala gracilis D9. &8'&,'' m <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

(ichrocephala integrifolia (;. !.% .3unt0e

@(& latifolia D9. 29hhiuki 4har2

*'')''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol(&'''&''1%

Eclipta prostrata (;.% ;.

@E . alba (;.% Hassk. 2Bhringra42

&''18'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-

Dangol et al . (1+**%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- =apkota et al .(&'1'%

Emilia sonchifolia (;.% D9. 2<ulapate 4har2

8''15'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

Erigeron floribundus (HB3% =chult0Bip.

@E& bonariensis ;.

&''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%

Erigeron multicaulis Wall. ex D9. ,''&,'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

Eupatorium adenophorum =preng.@E& glandulossum HB3 2Banmara2

*8'&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-<a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

,alinsoga parviflora 9a>.29hitalange ghans- Anikale 4har2 &8')''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%- =thapit (1+*,%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

,alinsoga quadrifolia Rui0 ? 7a>on@,& ciliata (Ra!% Blake 29hitalange


&8')''' m Regmi et al& (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%

,naphalium indicum ;.@/. polycaulon 7ers. 2Bokephul2

&''1:'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%-Dangol (&'''&''1%

,naphalium luteo"album ;.@,& affine D. Don. 2Bokephul2

&'')5'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Numata(1+*&%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai(1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol and9haudhar" (1++:%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- Ran4it (1+++%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%-Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')% - 6hapa(&'')%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

,naphalium purpureum ;. 2Husure2 &''1:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangoland 9haudhar" (1++:%- Dangol (&'''&''1% - =hah et al . (&'11a$%


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J. Nat. Hist. Mus. Vol. 27, 2013,

,rangea maderaspatana (;.% 7oir.2/o$re 4har2

18'18'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%

,ynura nepalensis D9. &8'&''' m =harma et al& (&'1'%

Hemisepta lyrata Burge &''1:'' m <a0ek (1++1%- =hah et al . (&'11a$%

xeris polycepala 9ass.

@)actuca polycephala (9ass&% 9.B.9larke%

&''1*'' m <a0ek (1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-

oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%- 6hapa(&'')%- =hah et al . (&'11a$%

)actuca dissecta D. Don. 8'')1'' m <a0ek (1++1%

)actuca graciliflora D9. &''')5'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

)aunaea aspleniifolia (Willd.% Hook. !. 1''&''' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangolet al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

)aunaea polycephala Benth. 1:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

)aunaea procumbens (Rox$.%Rama"a and Ra4agopal 2Banko$i2

&8'1&'' m Dangol et al .(1+**%

*arthenium hysterophorus ;. &''18'' m <a0ek (1++1%

*icris hieracioides ;. 2Ban dudhi2 1*'')*1' m <anandhar (1+5*%

*ulcaria dysenterica (;.% /aertn. &''&''' m <a0ek (1++1%

$enecio chrysanthemoides D9. 1:'':''' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

$enecio orientalis ;. 2Dudheghans2 1:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

$enecio ramosus Wall. &8'':1'' m <a0ek (1++1%

$enecio vulgaris ;. 2/a4ari 4har2 5''1:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Ran4it (&'')%- Ran4itand =umaketnikom (&'')%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%- =hah et al . (&'11a$%

$oliva anthemifolia (uss.% R. Br. ex;ess.

&''1:'' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it(1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it and=umaketnikom (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%-Ran4it et al . (&''+%

$onchus arvensis ;. 23asnisag2 &8')88' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha

(1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol et al .(1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- 6hapa (&'')%

$onchus asper (;.% Hill &8'),'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Dangol et al . (1+**%-<a0ek (1++1%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa(&'')%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

$onchus brachyotus D9. 1))'18'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

$onchus oleraceus ;. &)'')88' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol et al .(1+**%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

$phaeranthus indicus ;. &''*'' m Dangol (1+*5%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol(&'''&''1%

$pilanthes acmella (;.% <urr. 2;atoghans2

&''&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- <a0ek (1++1%

Taraxacum officinale We$er 18'':''' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-=harma et al& (&'1'%

Tridax procumbens ;. 2Husure 4har-Ramne 4har2

1''18'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- =apkotaet al . (&'1'%

'ernonia cinerea (;.% ;ess.@!ony0a cinerea ;. 2hur4hure-


1''&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-=apkota et al . (&'1'%

'icoa indica (Willd.% D9.@'& auriculata 9ass. 27ahelo

&8' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%


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J. Nat. Hist. Mus. Vol. 27, 2013,


 4anthium strumarium ;. 23uchkuche-Bhende kuro2

1''&8'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- De>kota (1+*)%- Regmiet al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

5oungia +aponica (;.% D9.@!repis +aponica (;.% Benth.


&)':''' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%


!ampanula benthamii  Wall. ex3itamura

@! . canescena Wall.- -allichiiBa$u

&''1:'' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%

!ampanula pallida Wall.@! . colorata Wall. 2Nepali $ikh2

1''':8'' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Dangol (1+*5%- <a0ek(1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa(&'')%

6ahlenbergia marginata (6hum$.% A.D9. 2Nilo tika2

&''1:'' m Dangol et al .(1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangoland 9haudhar" (1++:%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%


)obelia chinensis ;our. 1)''18'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

*ratia nummularia (;am.% A. Br. et Aschers. 2Nilo ghodetapre2

1'''&:'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%


*lumbago 0eylanica ;. 29hitu2 1''1)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%


 Anagallis arvensis ;. 2Armalo-3rishnanil2

&''&5'' m /upta et al . (1+55%- <anandhar (1+5*%-9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- <a0ek(1++1%- Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%-6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol

(&'''&''1%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom(&'')%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

 Androsace rotundiflolia Hard W.@A. saxifragaefolia Bunge- *rimulaumbellata (;our.% Benth.

&''18'' m De>kota (1+*)%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol(1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <anandhar(1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Dangol et al .(1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol (&'''&''1%


!entaurium centaurioides (Rox$.% R.Rao ? Hemandri

,'' m. <a0ek (1++1%

,entiana capitata Buch.Ham. ex D.Don. 2Hansko phul2

1''':8'' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%


Bothriospermum tenellum Fisch. &''18'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol etal . (1+**%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%

!ynoglossum 0eylanicum 6hun$.@! . furcatum Wall.ex Rox$.

23anike kuro2

&'':1'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

Heliotropium indicum ;. 2Hanthisunde2

1''&8' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk. &8' m Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%

)indelofia longiflora (Benth.% Baill. ))'':,'' m =harma et al& (&'1'%


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!onvolvulus arvensis ;. 2Hirankhuri2 1*1:1'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- De>kota (1+*)%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%- =harma et al. (&'1'%-

Evolvumus nummularius (;.% ;. 18'+1' m. Dangol (&'''&''1%

pomoea purpurea (;.% Roth +1'&:'' m. =apkota et al . (&'1'%SOLANA+EAE

(atura stramonium ;. 2=eto dhaturo2 &''&&'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

#icotiana tabacum ;. 2=urti2 1''1:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

*etunia axillaris (;am.% Britton =tern.et 7oggenp.

&8'' m Dangol et al . (1+**%

*hysalis divaricata D. Don.@* . minima ;. 2Ras$ari2

18','' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol et al . (1+**%-<a0ek (1++1%

$olanum aculeatissimum acE.23antakari2

&8'1,8' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

$olanum carolinense ;. &''' m Numata (1+*&%

$olanum indicum ;. 2Bihi- Nilo$ihi2 &8'&:&8 m <anandhar (1+5*%

$olanum nigrum ;. 2 angali $ihi2 &''&+'' m. /upta et al . (1+55%- <anandhar (1+5*%-9haudhar" (1+5+%- De>kota (1+*)%-Regmiet al . (1+*,%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- Numata(1+*&%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol and9haudhar" (1++:%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%-Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it etal . (&'',%

$olanum pseudo"capsicum ;. 1:''&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

$olanum surattense Burn. !.@=. xanthocarpum =chard. ?Wendl. 2Nilokantkari2

&''+'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

$olanum torvum =w. 2Ban$ihi2 &8'&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

S+ROPHULARIA+EAEEuphrasia himalayica Wettst. )&'':&'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

)indenbergia indica (;.% atke@)& utricaefolia ;ehm.

)''&,'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

)indernia anagallis (Burm.!.% 7ennell@'andellia anagallis (Burn.%ama0aki

&''1:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Dangol et al . (1+**%-Dangol (&'''&''1%

)indernia antipoda (;.% Alston &''&)'' m Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%

)indernia ciliata (9olsm.% 7ennell @'andellia ciliata (9olsm.%ama0aki 2=anokani2

&''18'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- Dangol et al . (1+**%-Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%

)indernia crustacea (;.% F. <uell.@'andellia crustacea (;.% Benth.

&8'1*'' m <a0ek (1++1%

)indernia procumbens (3rock.%Bor$as @'andellia erecta Benth.

&''&:'' m <a0ek (1++1%

Ma0us +aponicus (6hun$.% . 3unt0e@M . rugosus ;our. 2Baghmukhe


&''1,'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Numata(1+*&%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-6hapa (&'')%

Ma0us surculosus D. Don. +'')''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-


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@M& pumulus (Burm.!#% >an =teenis2Ramne 4har2

<a0ek (1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-6hapa (&'')%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%- =hahet al . (&'11a$%

Mecardonia procumbens (<ill.% =mall &''1)8' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%

Mimulus nepalensis Benth. 11''&)'' m <a0ek (1++1%

$coparia dulcis ;. 29hini 4har2 1''1&'' m. Dangol (&'''&''1%

'eronica agrestis ;. 9haudhar" (1+5+%'eronica anagallis"aquatica ;. &'':5'' m <a0ek (1++1%

'eronica biloba ;. &)'':&'' m =harma et al. (&'1'%

'eronica +avanica Bl. 1&''&,'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

'eronica persica 7oir.2=anoghattephul2

1)''18'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%


(icliptera bupleuroides Nees 8''&''' m <anandhar (1+5*%

Hygrophila auriculata (=chum.%Heine 

@H& spinosa 6. Anders.26almakhana2

&''5'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

7usticia procumbens ;. @7& simplex (D. Don% ama0aki

&''&8'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%

*eristrophe speciosa Nees 18''&1'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

Rungia parviflora (Ret0.% Nees2kushe 4har2

&''&''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Dangol(1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%-6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%


*hyla nodiflora (;.% /reene@G)ippia nodiflora (;.% Rich. ex<ich. 23okana- 3urkur2

&''1:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangolet al .(1+**%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-Dangol (&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%

'erbena officinalis ;. +''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%


 A+uga macrosperma Wall. ex Benth. 58'18'' m Dangol (&'''&''1%

!linopodium umbrosum (<.Bie$.% 9.3och

1*'):'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- <a0ek (1++1%

!raniotome furcata (;ink% . 3unte@! . >ersicolor  Reicher$. 2Bosi


1'''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%.

Elsholt0ia ciliata 6hun$.% H"land. =harma et al . (&'1'%

Elsholt0ia densa Benth. &:'':,'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

Elsholt0ia eriostachya Benth. ):'' m. 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

Elsholt0ia stacyides (;ink% . 3unt0e

@E . incisa Benth.

1&''1*'' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%

)amium amplexicaule ;. 18'':8'' m Ran4it et al . (&'',%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

)eucas cephalotes (Roth% =preng.2/umpate2

18'&:'' m /upta et al . (1+55%- Dangol et al . (1+**%

)eucas indic a (;.% R. Br. ex atke@). lavandulifolia .C. =mith.- )& linifolia =preng. 2/umpate2

5'1''' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%

)eucas plu2enetii (Roth% =preng. @;. aspera (Willd.% ;ink 2/umpate2

&8' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%


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)eucas 0eylanca R. Br. 2/umpate2 Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Mentha arvensis ;. 1&''&''' m. <a0ek (1++1%

$alvia plebeia R. Br. 15'11'' m. Dangol (&'''&''1% - =hah et al . (&'11a$%


*lantago erosa Wall. +'':1'' m =apkota et al . (&'1'%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

*lantago lanceolata ;. 2sa$gol2 1700 (. 9haudhar" (1+5+%

*lantago ma+or ;. 2sa$gol2 900)4100 ( <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Ran4it (1+++%


 Alternanthera philoxeroides (;.% D9. 1)8' m Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%

 Alternanthera sessilis (;.% D9. 2Bhiringi 4har- i$repate4har2

&''&''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek(1++1%- Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%-oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%- =hah et al .(&'11a$%

 Amaranthus hybridus ;. 2;unde 4har2 18''15'' m. 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

 Amaranthus lividus ;.@ A& blitum ;. 2Ban lunde2

&''&5'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%

 Amaranthus spinosus ;& 2Ban lunde2 18'&1)) m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- 6hapaand 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

 Amaranthus viridis ;. 2;unde2 18'1)'' m Dangol et al . (1+**%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

!elosia argentea ;. 2=eto chaude2 18'1,'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%

(igerea arvensis Forssk. &'')'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

,omphrena decumbens acE.2<akhamali 4har2

18'&'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%


!henopodium album ;. 2Bethe2 &'':''' m /upta et al . (1+55%- =hi>akoti et al . (1+55%-<anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- <alla andRan4it (1+5*%- Bhatta (1+*1%- 9haudhar" and

=hrestha (1+*1%- Ran4it (1+*&- 1+*)a-1+*)$%- De>kota (1+*)%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%-Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%-Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%- 6hapa and3a"astha (1++,%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%-Ran4it (&'')%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom(&'')%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%-Ran4it et al . (&''+%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%-=harma et al . (&'1'%- =hah et al . (&'11a$%

!henopodium ambrosioides ;. 2Rato$ethe2

1)'')''' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- <a0ek (1++1%- Ran4itand =umaketnikom (&'')%

!henopodium botrys ;. 2/anaune$ethe2 ):'':''' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

!henopodium murale ;. 23alo $ethe2 1)''18'' < <anandhar (1+5*%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol (&'''&''1%


*olygonum amplexicaule D. Don.2Ratn"aule 4har2

1&''&''' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

*olygonum aviculare ;. )8'':&'' m. Ran4it (1+++%

*olygonum barbatum ;.@*ersicaria barbata (;.% Hara

&''11'' m. <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- Dangol (&'''&''1%-


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*olygonum capitatum Buch.Ham. exD. Don.

@*ersicaria capitata (Buch.Ham.ex D. Don.% H. /ross 2Ratn"aule


,''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Numata (1+*&%- Regmiet al . (1+*,%- =thapit (1+*,%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%

*olygonum chinense ;. 1&''&+'' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%

*olygonum hydropiper ;.@*ersicaria hydropiper  (;.% =pach27ire 4har- =im 4har2

5''&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%- =thapit (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%-6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Ran4it(&'')%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%-Ran4it et al . (&''+%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

*olygonum lanigerum R. Br. &'' m oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%

*olygonum lapathifolium ;. &8' m <a0ek (1++1%

*olygonum minus Hods. ,''&8'' m <a0ek (1++1%

*olygonum mite *+$ran#  1)''18'' m <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

*olygonum nepalense <eisn.

@*ersicaria nepalensis (<eisn.% H./ross.

1&'':1'' m <a0ek (1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-

6hapa (&'')%- =harma et al . (&'1'%

*olygonum perfoliatum ;. +''1:'' m <a0ek (1++1%

*olygonum plebeium R. Br. 2=ukul 4har- <asinopire 4har2

&''&8'' m /upta et al . (1+55%- =hi>akoti et al . (1+55%-<anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Numata(1+*&%- De>kota (1+*)%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek(1++1%- Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%-6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%- =hah et al .(&'11a$%

*olygonum posumbu Buch.Ham. exD. Don. 2=etopire 4har2

&''&''' m <anandhar (1+5*%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

*olygonum viscosum Buch.Ham. exD. Don. 27ire 4har2

58'1*'' m Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%

Rumex crispus ;. 1:'' m Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- Ran4it (1+++%-Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%- Ran4it(&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&''+%

Rumex dentaus ;.@R . obtusifolius ;. 2Halhale-


&''1:'' m Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol (&'''&''1% -=hah et al . (&'11a$%

Rumex hastatus D. Don. 2Halhale2 11''&,'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Rumex nepalensis =perng. 2Halhale2 1&'':&'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- =harmaet al . (&'1'%


!hro0ophora prostrata Dal0.27annapati2

*'&'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

!hro0ophora rottleri  (/eis.% A. uss.2=ur"ahart2

*'&'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

!roton bonplandianus Baill.@! . sparsiflorus <orong 2<irchai"a

1'':'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (&'''&''1%


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J. Nat. Hist. Mus. Vol. 27, 2013,


Euphorbia cyparisias ;. 2Dudhe 4har2 &''18'' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Euphorbia dracunculoides ;am.2Dudhe 4har2

1*118'' m Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Euphorbia helioscopia ;. 2Dudhe 4har2

up to )''' m. Dangol (1+*5%

Euphorbia heterophylla ;.@E . geniculata rt. 2Dudhe 4har2 &8'1,'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Dangol et al . (1+**%

Euphorbia hirta ;.@E&  pilulifera ;. 2Dudhe 4harIRato


18'18'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- Dangol(&'''&''1%- 6hapa (&'')%

Euphorbia microphylla He"ne exRoth. 2<asino dudhe2

Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Euphorbia parviflora ;. 2<asinodudhe2

18':'' m. Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

Euphorbia prostrata Ait. 23anikeghans2

&''1:'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-<a0ek (1++1%

*hyllanthus glaucas Wall. ex <uell. Arg.

@* . flueggeiformis <uell.Arg.

&8'&1'' m. Dangol et al . (1+**%

*hyllanthus niruri ;. 2Amala 4har2 &8'1,'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-6hapa (&'')%

*hyllanthus urinaria ;. 2Amala 4har2 &''15'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%


,onostegia hirta (Bl.% <iE. 2<aslahare2

8''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

*ou0ol0ia 0eylanica (;.% Benn. ?Brown 29hiple 4har2

&''&:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Dangol et al . (1+**%


!annabis sativa ;. 2Bhang- /an4a2 &''),'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- 9haudhar"and =hrestha (1+*1%- Ran4it and Bhattarai

(1+**%- Ran4it (1++)a- 1+*)$%- Regmi et al .(1+*,%- Dangol et al . (1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%-6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- 6hapa(&'')%- Ran4it (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%-Ran4it et al . (&''+%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

F%!(e&in) P%ants: M!n!c!ts


 Arisaema +acquemontii Blume &5'':''' m =harma et al. (&'1'%


!ommelina benghalensis ;.2Bankane2

&''&5'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Dangol et al . (1+**%-6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%

!ommelina diffusa Burm. !. &''&8'' <a0ek (1++1%

Murdannia nudiflora (;.% Brenan &''18'' m <anandhar (1+5*%UN+A+EAE

7uncus bufonius ;. 11''),'' m <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

7uncus concinnus D. Don. &1''8&'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

7uncus prismato"carpus R. Br. &''1,'' m <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%


 Asphodelus tenuifolius 9a>. 2Banp"a42

&'')'' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%


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J. Nat. Hist. Mus. Vol. 27, 2013,


Bulbostylis capillaris 3unth 18'1)'' m Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%

Bulbostylis densa (Wall. ex Rott$.%Hand.<a00.

18'')8'' m <a0ek (1++1%

!arex nubigena D. Don. 18'':''' m Numata (1+*&%

!yperus aristatus Rott$. &''&5'' m <anandhar (1+5*%!yperus cyperoides (;.% . 3unt0. &8'&''' m Numata (1+*&%

!yperus difformis ;. 2<othe2 1''&5'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%

!yperus rotundus ;. 23asur mothe2 1*1&:'' m /upta et al . (1+55%- <anandhar (1+5*%-9haudhar" (1+5+%- De>kota (1+*)%- Regmiet al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al .(1+**%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- 6hapa(&'')%

Eleocharis pellucida 7resl. &''&)'' m <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

Fimbristylis aestvalis (Ret0.% ahl &8'&''' m <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

Fimbristylis littoralis /audich. 1''&''' m Ran4it et al . (&'',%

Fimbristylis squarrosa ahl 2<othe2 &''18'' m Dangol (1+*5%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%

8yllingia breviflolia 6ott$.@9!yperus brevifolius (Rott$.%

Hassk. 2<othe2

1''&)'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-=apkota et al . (&'1'%

8yllinga monocephala Rott$.@!yperus 2yllingia Cndle

&''1&'' m Dangol (1+*5%


 Agrostis pilosula 6rin. &''':,'' m =harma et al& (&'1'%

 Alopecurus aequalis =o$ol. &)''&+'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- <a0ek (1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%-Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%- 6hapa

(&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&''+% Alopecurus geniculatus ;. 15'' m <a0ek (1++1%

 Alopecurus nepalensis 6rin. ex=teud. 2Ragate2

1:'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

 Alopecurus pratensis ;.  1:'' m Ran4it (1+*)a%- Ran4it (1+++%

 Arthraxon lancifolius (6rin.% Hochst. +''1*'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

 Avena fatua ;. 2angali 4ai2 &1'')5'' m Ra4$handar" and 4ha (1+5+%- De>kota(1+*)%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangol et al . (1+**%-Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%- Dangol and9haudhar" (1++:%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it et al .(&'',%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%- =harma et al .(&'1'%

Brachiaria ramosa (;.% =tap!. &''1*'' m. <a0ek (1++1%!hloris barbata =wart0 Regmi et al& (1+*,%

!hrysopogon aciculatus (Ret0.% 6rin.:Raphis aciculatus (Ret0.% Honda

18'15'' m <a0ek (1++1%

!ynodon dactylon (;.% 7ers. 2Du$o2 1''):'' m /upta et al . (1+55%- =hi>akoti et al . (1+55%-<anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-<alla and Ran4it (1+*'%- Bhatta (1+*1%-Ran4it (1+*&- 1+*)a%- De>kota (1+*)%-Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangolet al . (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai (1+**%-


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<a0ek (1++1%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%- oshiand /ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%-Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it and=umaketnikom (&'')%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4itet al . (&'',%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%- =hah et

al . (&'11a$%!yrtococcum patens (;.% A. 9amus@*anicum patens ;.

1)''18'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

(actyloctenium aegyptium (;.% 7.Beau>. 26auke 4har2

&''+'' m Dangol et al . (1+**%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

(ichanthium annulatum (Forssk.%=tap!.

18'11'' m. Regmi et al. (1+*,%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

(igitaria ciliaris (Ret0.% 3oel.@(& adscendens (3unth% Henr.

29hitre $anso2

&''18'' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Dangol (1+*5%- Dangoland 9haudhar" (1++:%- Ran4it (1+++%-Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

(igitaria longifolia (Ret0.% 7ers. &''11'' m. <a0ek (1++1%

(igitaria sanguinalis (;.% =cop. 18'&&:' m <a0ek (1++1%- =hah et al . (&'11a$%

(igitaria violascense ;ink 1&''1*'' m <a0ek (1++1%

Echinochloa colona ;. 2=ama2 &''&:'' m. 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%Echinochloa crus"galli (;.% 7. Beau>.2=ama $anso2

&''&:'' m. Dangol (&'''&''1%

Eleusine indica (;.% /aertn.23ode4har2

&''&,'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%

Eragrostis atrovirens (Des!. 6rin. ex=teud. 26auke 4har2

&''1*'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- <a0ek (1++1%

Eragrostis gangetica (Rox$.% =teud. &8' m. Dangol (1+*5%

Eragrostis +aponica (6hun$.% 6rin.2Ranki2

&''15'' m <anandhar (1+*5%- <a0ek (1++1%

Eragrostis nigra Nees ex =teud. +'')''' m. 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%

Eragrostis nutans (Ret0.% Nees ex=teud.

@E& stenophylla Hochst

5''&''' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%

Eragrostis tenella (;.% 7. Beau>. exRoem. et =chult. 2Dule ghans2

&''18'' m 9haudhar" (1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-<a0ek (1++1%

Eragrostis unioloides (Ret0.% Nees ex=teud.

&''&&'' m <anandhar (1+*5%- <a0ek (1++1%

Eulaliopsis binata (Ret0.% 9. C.Hu$$ard 2Banki 4har2

18'&,'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%

Hemarthria compressa (;.!.% R. Br. &''1:'' m. Dangol and 9haudhar" (1++:%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

mperata cylindrica (;.% 7. Beau>.2=iru2

&''&''' m Dangol (1+*5%- 6hapa and 3a"astha (1++,%-6hapa (&'')%

schaemum rugosum =alis$. &''18'' m. 6hapa (&'')%

)olium temulentum ;. +''18'' Dangol (1+*5%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and

/ret0macher (1+++%*aspalum distichum ;. &''&''' m Numata (1+*&%- 6hapa (&'')%

*aspalum scrobiculatum ;. 2<ane 4har2

&''&&'' m. Dangol (&'''&''1%

*ennisetum flaccidum /rise$. 15'':)'' m =harma et al . (&'1'%

*halaris minor  Ret0. 2Ragate 4har2 &''18'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- <alla and Ran4it (1+*'%- Bhatta(1+*1%-9haudhar" and =hrestha (1+*1%-Numata (1+*&%- Ran4it (1+*&- 1+*)a-1+*)$%- De>kota (1+*)%- Regmi et al .


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(1+*,%- =thapit (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai(1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- oshi and /ret0macher (1+++%-Ran4it (1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%- Ran4it(&'')%- Ran4it and =umaketnikom (&'')%-

6hapa (&'')%- Ran4it et al . (&'',%- Ran4it etal . (&''+%

*hleum alpinum ;. =harma et al& (&'1'%

*oa annua ;. 27ode ghans2 1)'')+8' m. Regmi et al . (1+*,%- <a0ek (1++1%- Ran4it etal . (&'',%- =apkota et al . (&'1'%- =harma etal . (&'1'%

*ogonantherum paniceum (;am.%Hack. 2<use khari2

+'')&'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

*olypogon fugax Ness ex =teud.@*& littoralis =m. 29hha"a ghans2

18''),*' m <anandhar (1+5*%- Ra4$handar" and 4ha(1+5+%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%- Dangol (1+*5%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- Ran4it and Bhattarai(1+**%- <a0ek (1++1%- oshi and/ret0macher (1+++%- Ran4it (1+++%- Ran4it etal . (&'',%

*olypogon monspeliensis (;.% Des!.27uchhre 4har2

&''18'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-<a0ek (1++1%- oshi and /ret0macher(1+++%- Dangol (&'''&''1%

$accharum spontaneum ;. 23ans2 &''15'' m Dangol et al . (1+**%- 6hapa and 3a"astha(1++,%- 6hapa (&'')%

$acciolepis indica (;.% A. 9hase &''&1'' m <anandhar (1+5*%- =apkota et al& (&'1'%

$acciolepis myosuroides (R. Br.% A.9amus

8''18'' m <a0ek (1++1%

$etaria geniculata (;am.% 7. Beau>.23agune 4har2

5''&&'' m. Regmi et al. (1+*,%

$etaria pallide"fusca (=chum.% =tap!.? 9. C. Hu$$ard 2Bale $anso2

1''&88' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- Regmi et al . (1+*,%-Dangol et al . (1+**%- Dangol and 9haudhar"(1++:%

$etaria tomentosa (Rox$.% 3unth &''1*'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- <a0ek (1++1%

$porobolus diander  (Ret0.% 7. Beau>. 1''1:'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

$porobolus fertilis (=teud.% W. D.9la"ton

@$& indicus R. Br. 2Bandar ghans2

1'''&:'' m. <anandhar (1+5*%- 9haudhar" (1+5+%-=apkota et al . (&'1'%

Tripogon filiformis Nees ex =teud. +''&5'' m <anandhar (1+5*%

Tripogon trifidus <unro ex =tap!. 1&''&1'' m <anandhar (1+5*%1G $ased on Dangol (1++*%- Hara and William (1+*&%- Hara et al& 1+5*- 1+5+

$T4B2C, $112-,,D)R) D!+9o'Natural 4istor useum

Tribhuvan niversit,waambhu' :athmandu' Nepal-?mail dharmadangolPhotmail.com