Wedding Bells Prologue

“There’s something fishy going on here.” “How’s that?”


The start of a new story. Short one though.

Transcript of Wedding Bells Prologue

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“There’s something fishy going on here.”“How’s that?”

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“Too much just doesn’t make sense. Like, everything. It just doesn’t have that feel of Bearly. There’s just too much of everything out of place. Example: what does Hermia Capp have against Snuggles? It doesn’t seem right that she would kill Kennedy, let alone hire someone to kill him. She has no beef. Then there’s the whole conspicuousness of the assassin himself. We haven’t seen the guy since that one instance. Why would that be? He just offed Blue’s simself and we don’t even know why or for what reason. If anything, at least we may have some clue in conjunction with Hermia, having gone with Juliette after originally proposing to go with Hermia. Then there’s the mystery with Malcolm. What’s up with him? The only thought that comes to mind that she claims is financial reasons.”

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But any good simmer knows money is easy to make, so Malcolm’s ‘riches’ can’t be the reason. And Malcolm isn’t all the rich, just rich living. He may own two businesses, but they weren’t even rated 10 stars combined. And why were the digging in his basement? Or even better, why Rupert was digging in the basement. We know Rupert encounted the real The Weasel in person & Hermia isn’t The Weasel. No matter what she says or even if the title swaps, Hermia could never possibly be The Weasel. Which also leads to question: why would she try and claim to be The Weasel and not become her own persona? It doesn’t add up.”

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“I’m sure it does to Blue. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done something to boggle our minds.”“But that’s just it: it is the first time! At least, I’m pretty gosh darn sure.”“Then what’s the plan? Confrontation?”

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“Impossible since he killed his simself. Maybe that was part of the plan. To kill his simself and leave us without a way of questioning him. Still, I do have an idea.”“That would be?”

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“For me to know. I’m still not entirely convinced you’re not a doppleganger.”“But it’s my simself.”“That could have escaped from the closet of clones.”

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“I’ll contact you if I need any help. Or another simself more trustworthy. Actually, I should contact Agent Snuggles or Paddy as well. Anyone but some doppleganger.”“Drat! Drat! And double drat! I knew doppleganger ideas would lead to trouble!”

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“Bye, Nemo clone!”“That’s fine. I can handle just being left behind.”

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“I actually made it! That means I was right that this place has more than meets the eye. Either that or maybe someone is still here that shouldn’t be.”

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“OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! You’re not Malcolm or Hermia or Paddy or Snuggles or Rupert! You’re not The Weasel either!? Who are you?!”

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“Oh no! This is bad! This is very bad! I just know I got myself captured!”

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“Nemo! You gotta hurry!”“What? Who’s that? I don’t see you!”“Of course you can’t ‘see’ me, but it’s the fact that you can hear me.”“Oh no! Voices in my head!”

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“No. It’s Lorin. The real Lorin speaking to you from my monitor as I eventually read this. Maybe.”“What? Isn’t this breaking the fourth wall? Didn’t you say that was bad?”“Forget about that for now. I’m in danger! Or rather, my simself is. I just know it!”

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“Well, how do you know that?”“I just read it!”“Oh well, that does make sense. But why tell me? I’m a ‘doppleganger’.”“I’m sorry, that was just my simself. Please go rescue her!”

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“Alright! Nemo will save the day! Wait. Where am I going?”“To Malcolm’s estate.”“But isn’t he dead? We saw him burn in a fire and Paddy didn’t save his soul.”“Someone still lives there. That’s how my simself got there. Otherwise, she wouldn’t.”

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“Who lives there now?”“I don’t know. I didn’t see who it was in the picture.”“Then how am I supposed to get there?”“Guess I didn’t think that one through. You’re on your own for that one. Good bye!”

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“Wait! Where are you going?”“Nowhere. I still have to finish reading this, but I’m not sure how else I can help. So, good luck, Nemo clone.”“Hey! That wasn’t nice!”

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“Alright, it’s up to me. I gotta save the day, but first I need to-”

Ring, Ring, Ring!

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“Hello?”“Is this Nemo?”“Why yes it is.”“Good. I’m just calling to tell you that you can’t possibly be the hero.”“Why not?”“ Because you’re the doppleganger and can’t be trusted! That’s why.”“That’s so mean of you! Who is this anyway?”“Some simself.”“Oh yea? Well, what simself are you?”“None of your business!”

“How rude.”


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“I know how to get to the bottom of this! I’ll just call Blue and demand to know everything.”

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“Hello?”“Yes, I’m trying to reach Blue. Who is this?”“This is Juliette. Also, Blue is dead.”“That’s right! I forgot to call using the other phone number. Thanks.”

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“Hello?”“Crumplebottom, gimme a link to Blue. Now please.”“Who is this Blue person? Not someone who lives here. And blue is a color, young man.”“Aren’t you Grim’s secret lover?”“Who is Grim?”“Thank you and good bye.”

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“Guess I’ll have to try something more direct.”

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“Hello?”“Blue?”“No, this is Hoop.”“Close enough. How do you get in touch with Blue?”“Instant messenger.”“Besides that.”“Instant messenger is the only way. You think we call each other on a regular basis or something? Because we don’t.”“Look, I’m just trying to get in contact with him.”“What for?”

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“Because I need to save the day! Lorin is in trouble and Blue has to know how to save her.”“That isn’t right! You can’t possibly be the hero if you’re the doppleganger.”“Why not?”“Whoever heard of a clone saving the day?”“What about the storm troopers. Or even Arnold Schwarzenegger’s clone in The 6th Day? Or even his movie character in Last Action Hero?”“Those clones turned evil!”That’s beside the point. There was also…”

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Five Hours Later…

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Is it Led Zeppelin or Van Halen that one has to listen to backwards?”“Who cares? The point is that someone thought the band was a bunch of devil worshippers. Anyway, who gets bored enough to listen to a song backwards?”“…”“Really?”“Yes well, I bet you didn’t catch Kansas making an Icarus reference!”

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Five More Hours Later…

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“Did you read the book version?”“Only saw the movie.”“Live action or animated?”“Animated.”“Doe Blue even know what he’s writing anymore?”“Speaking of which, I still need to talk to him. How do I reach him?”“Try calling Hell. At least he thinks he’s being honest.”

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“Ok, here’s the lowdown on who possibly could be the hero that goes to save Lorin. Let’s start off by eliminating certain folks that definitly cannot.”

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“MichelleFobbs can’t do it since her computer melted. It can’t be Darby since she is living the life of Darby. CQ is off with those fancy smancy Sims 3. Toast can’t do it since she’s off fighting real pirates with her own band of pirates. Candi can’t do it due to intimidation factor. Doc nerd can’t do it since Blue is terrified of her for some reason. Hoop can’t do it since he’ll lose interest.”

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“That obviously leaves it up to me: Nemo!”

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“Oh really?”

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“That’s right! Besides, Blue still owes me for using me as a placeholder for his bachellor challenge.”

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“Hey guys. What about me?”

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Note: Some of the following pictures were taken prior to setting changes. Thank you.

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Game Over

“I win again! Ha ha! It never fails whenever I send my best bombers to overwhelm your forces.”

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“How come you never at least give me a chances to win, Vincent?”“If I gave you a chance to win, then that would be cheating. And cheating is not allowed in any of my video games.”“Except when you cheat to get explosive weapons in some of your games.”“But I can’t possibly beat those games if I don’t have my bombs! They go boom so wonderfully and the bad guys can’t withstand them. Like when the mail man almost stepped onto the yard.”“You have removed the ones close to the sidewalk, I hope.”“Why would I?”

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“Vincent, we’ve been engaged for at least a year now. We’ve been living together even longer. Don’t you think it’s time to tie the knot and do more?”“What more could there be? We have fun playing games, I’ve showed you my hidden stash of fireworks, the house is guarded by the minefield. Is there something I’m missing?”“Well… what about little ones?”“Fire crackers?”“No, I mean… a baby.”“…”“Ok, I guess that might be a bit sudden. At least promise me that we can get wed soon.”

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“Alright. We can have a wedding. And explosive one with lots of fireworks and a grenade throwing contest and maybe even-”“Don’t worry about the details, Vincent. We can work on that later. Just come here and give me some sugar.”

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