Wedding Bells Ch1

Lorin, “Can’t you at least show your face?”


Chapter 1 of a short story

Transcript of Wedding Bells Ch1

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Lorin, “Can’t you at least show your face?”

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“Not even if my life depended upon it. Besides, even if you don’t recognize me doesn’t mean someone else will. It’s very important that my work isn’t disturbed in the slightest.”Lorin, “They should at least know where you are. Since I told a friend where I was going, that person will know exactly where to go.”“That would work, if we were still at Malcolm’s Estate.”Lorin, “We’re not?”

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“Not anymore.”

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Lorin, “Then how come it looks like you’ve imprisoned me in the basement?”“Many basements in this neighborhood look like this. But if it will comfort you, we’re not even in a basement. We’re in a part of me secret location where I have you imprisoned.”Lorin, “Well, it’s stuffy and closed in like a basement!”“Well, I can assure you we’re not at Malcolm’s place anymore.”Lorin, “Then where are we?”

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“Some secret place that I will not divulge to you like so many other villains would.”Lorin, “Darn. I thought you might monologue.”“You want monologue? Fine. Blah, bla blah, bla blahdy blah blahdy dee dah! There’s your monologue.”

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Lorin, “Didn’t sound like one to me.”

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“You want better? Alright. If I were to venture a guess, your friends ran into a dead end trying to find Malcolm’s Estate. They won’t since I tore the place down. Failing that, they’ll go after the next best thing.”Lorin, “And that would be?”

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Hoop, “So why are we here?”Nemo, “It’s oh so very clear: this is one of the only people known to be evil in this hood that isn’t The Weasel.”Willow, “What about Hermia?”Nemo, “She’s in jail.”

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Snuggles, “Why did you do it? What were you really going to gain?”

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Snuggles, “There’s no way that anyone is gonna buy your excuse at gaining funds for your family line over the Vampire vs Zombie war. That can’t possibly be the reason!”

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Snuggles, “Why Rupert? What role did he have digging in the basement? And why?! Why can’t I resurrect Kennedy or Rupert?!”

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Hermia, “All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel. Twas all in good fun so the monkey thought. Pop goes the weasel!”

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Willow, “And who lives here?”Nemo, “You’re about to find out.


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PT, “Hello?”Nemo, “Get her!”

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Sometime and A few scraps


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PT, “There better be a good reason for that fight and why you’ve tore apart my ‘fabulous’ simself home.”

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Nemo, “Isn’t it obvious? You’re the villain!”PT, “What are you talking about?”

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Hoop, “Nemo is speaking of your demeanor and role recently. Namely, your role as an antagonist in another story, plus your own sadistic nature in your own legacy. I can’t quote you since that will take quite some time that I don’t have right this second, but it was something along the lines of loving to see sims suffer.”

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PT, “My sims. Because taking care of them all the time gets pretty damn boring.”Nemo, “Doesn’t matter. Plus you’re a vampire. That makes you evil anyway.”PT, “Says the doppleganger trying to look up my bottom meshed dress.”

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Willow, “Which is bothering me. Not nemo trying to look up the bottom of a meshed dress… though that is pretty perverted of you, doppleganger! But what’s really bothering me is that you’re a vampire… in broad daylight no less. How come you’re not suffering from a Lethal Sunburn of Extreme OUCHIES!!! As we interrigate you? Shouldn’t you be in a coffin or somehting?”

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PT, “Ok, let me explain myself. First of all, this vampire-ism isn’t a full blown IRK! It’s nothing more than a costume. Most likely, my simself was saved with a vampire skin and this is the result.”Nemo, “Well, explain your evilness.”PT, “It makes stories more exciting than taking care of sims all the time. Plus, not so many nice points in the pool. Besides that, what outlandish crime are you accusing me of?”

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Hoop, “Kidnapping Lorin.”PT, “Look, I am officially only a villain in one story. Here I’m just on vacation.”Willow, “So you don’t have Lorin?”PT, “No. Why would I kidnap her anyway? She likes my stories.”Willow, “Yea, Nemo, why would a simself kidnap another simself?”

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Nemo, “Well, ok maybe she doesn’t have lorin. But some simself called me and said I couldn’t be the hero and then hung up on me. So… I decided it had to be PT since she could be the only one mean enough to do something like that.”PT, “Well it wasn’t me. I wasn’t even in this hood when you got that phone call.”Willow, “When did you arrive?”PT, “Just a few minutes before you three knocked on the door.”

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Hoop, “Well gang, looks like we’re back to square one. Thanks a lot, you doppleganger.”Nemo, “That’s not a fair thing to say.”Willow, “Well if you weren’t a doppleganger would you have lead us on this wild goose chase?”Nemo, “Alright! Alright, I’ll tell you all!”Hoop, “You’re finally going to admit you’re a doppleganger?”

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Nemo, “No. Tell you the story as to how I’m Nemo’s real simself and not his doppelganger.”Willow, “Oh. Well, don’t let us stop you from telling us this important stuff. Actually, why didn’t you say this from the beginning?”

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Nemo, “Because Agent Snuggles told me to keep it a secret. Anyway, time to reveal that I am the real simself and not some doppelganger. Agent Snuggles was on a top secret mission. She was tracking down all those lawn gnomes that were stolen but never retrieved during the various OWBC stories.”

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Nemo, “Well, after knocking the spit out of one Dr. Vu, the mad scientist revealed a secret and hidden Ranch Shack where all the gnomes were.”PT, “So that’s how she found my poor lost Bob.”Willow, “And you are getting somewhere with you how?”Nemo, “I’m getting there!”

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Nemo, “Well, there was another door in the shack. At first, Agent Snuggles thought it was more gnomes.”

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Nemo, “Instead, she found me! In an aquarium of all places. Thankfully, she saved me before I could be given away to some simkid named Dora. AAAHH! It’s just scary thinking about it.”Hoop, “Is that all?”Willow, “This is proof that you’re the real Nemo?”

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Nemo, “Would you sooner believe I was stashed at the base of the potty god for my own safety?”

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Willow, “That sounds more realistic.”PT, “True. Not as farfetched as standing between two aquariums waiting to be given away to a kid.”Hoop, “Hear, hear.”Nemo, “Well, it’s true.”

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Back to the originalStart of this chapter…

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“That’s exactly what they’d be up to.”Lorin, “And how would you know that?”

“The same way I can do this.”

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Lorin, “How did you do that? Magic?”“No. I went into Buy mode and placed it there using the powers of a mouse clicker.”Lorin, “Mouse clicker… Oh no!”

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“Once I stole the mouse clicker’s computer, I was able to take control of a lot of things. However, there are still some things beyond my power.”Lorin, “Like what?”“Being able to destroy this entire neighborhood. I keep trying to delete this place into oblivion, but it requires a password.”

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Lorin, “Thank goodness Blue killed himself then. Otherwise, I’m certain you would have tortued him til he surrendered the code.”“Not really. Mr. Proye was a little aggressive when he was stealing the computer. Blue’s death is a regrettable accident on Proye’s part.”

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Lorin, “At least Blue has his fem simself in disguise at Vincent’s.”

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“You’re wrong.”Lorin, “Drat, did I say that out loud?”“No, but I’m not going to explain how I know what you just said. But that isn’t his fem simself. That’s Logan Weasel, the girl Vincent charmed, messing up The Weasel’s plan to destroy the Bears.”

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“I mean just look at the difference in their faces. Even if the hair color was changed to blonde and eyes to brown, there’s still the differences in the chin, nose, upper lip, and jaw line. They just don’t match.”

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Lorin, “Wait, the only way you could know that is if you’re-”

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“Remember how I said I have mouse clicker powers? That also includes the boolprop powers as well…”

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Logan, “Vincent, have you come up with any ideas on who you’d like to invite to the wedding?”Vincent, “Actually, I have come up with a few.”

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Vincent, “I definitly want to make sure that my Uncle Smokey makes it. He’ll probably give us a big tip or something just to help us get along. He’s a business man you know.”Logan, “But didn’t he restore the education system?”

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Vincent, “And I can’t forget my eldest sister Gummi. So nice of her to help out and restore these explosive duds we’re wearing. Oh! And we’ll have to invite Debbie and their son Boo Boo too!”Logan, “And no doubt the both of them could help me with the dress.”Vincent, “I don’t think Boo Boo likes dresses.”

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Vincent, “And if we’re inviting one sister, we’ll have to ask Snuggles to come as well. She’s got all these cool gizmos, plus she’s one of the few family members that like my explosives and is willing to play with them.”Logan, “Vincent… perhaps I could tell you who I have in mind?”

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Vincent, “Well who in my family would you like me to ask?”Logan, “Not your family… mine.”Vincent, “Hmmm?”

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Logan, “I just want to be able to invite my mother. We haven’t seen each other in ages, let alone talk. If her daughter is getting married, it’s the least we can do to invite her to the wedding.”Vincent, “Oh. Of course she can come.”

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Logan, “Thank you very much, Vincent. This means a lot to me. I’ll let her know as soon as I can.”
