Websites of two music artists

Websites of a music artists

Transcript of Websites of two music artists

Websites of a music artists

The XX

This is the website of an indie pop group- The XX. It is very simplistic, approximately 90% of it is just white background, however, there is a huge colorful cross just in the middle, which is band’s symbol and there last album cover’s art. At the top there is a menu with a lot of links.


The XX’s site conventions By having the website with this design, The XX follows several conventions . The minimalistic look of it represents purity of the music they play. However, the style of their songs is quite unique and the rainbow-like oil drop inside the “X” may be there because they want to show that to their audience. As we can see on the background picture, the album was sold on vinyl, which makes the difference to the melomans due to clear sound and the type of equipment they own and so many people, who owns vinyl are quite so simple web-side will be helpful for them to unerstand how it works and to find required information.On the other pages of this website, either white or black background is used, following the concept of simplicity, however, on the “lyrics” page we can see the same colors as inside the big X on the homepagewhich connotes thatlyrics are inside and they are the important part in their creative work



On this website we can see a lot of information, such as tour dates, latest news, events, contact information. The background is grey, other colors used on the site are yellow, green and black. The whole page is in Russian because the artist is Russian.

Assai’s site conventionsThis site is also created to help the audience learn about the band as much as possible, however they rich this goal in a different way. On the home page there are “islands” with texts, which are actually the links to all other parts of the site. On each of this pages design is completely the same, which helps to create artist’s unique look and style. Also, it is interactive, because there are a lot of links to social media platforms and also place for comments on nearly every page. This shows that the artist is interested in conversation with his fans. There is a page with lyrics and with albums available to purchase.