Webinar Preparation Underway

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Webinar Preparation Underway. If you cannot hear meeting room activity on your computer: Be sure your computer audio volume is high enough to hear - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Webinar Preparation UnderwayIf you cannot hear meeting room activity on your computer:Be sure your computer audio volume is high enough to hearIf theres still a problem, use the Chat Box facility of Webex to request a telephone callback. (The Chat box is reachable from the green tab at the top of your screen.)

National Aeronautics and Space Administrationwww.nasa.gov NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the Host1Instructions for ParticipantsHow to hear the audio (in order of preference):Use your computer audio to follow the trainingThis should work with Windows and Mac, but maybe not with LinuxAsk the host (via chat) to allow you to use the telephone for audioParticipants not in the meeting room at NAS have been muted This should reduce cross-talk and provide everyone with better audioQuestions are welcome during the presentation:Ask a question in the Chat facilityThe host will be monitoring and will relay your question to the speaker If the question is too complicated to ask in text, ask the host (via Chat) for a callback

2NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostUsing Excel to Analyze Experimental Data, Part IITips and Tricks that Simplify Handling Large Amounts of DataMay 22, 2013NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division

National Aeronautics and Space Administrationwww.nasa.gov NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the Host3PrefaceThe webinar assumes basic knowledge of ExcelThe advice here is somewhat unconventional and is influenced by:The authors computer science backgroundThe authors experiences with large workbooks for analyzingBenchmarking dataPBS usage dataThere is a lot of material hereYou may need to invest some time after the talk to experiment with the techniques describedTo help with that there is an accompanying workbook:Excel_Webinar_Examples.xlsxSome of the techniques here are Excel-specificSome will not work with OpenOffice, Numbers (Apple), or Google Tools4NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostRecap of first webinarUseful to think of Excel as a functional programming languageLarge tables of similar records a useful paradigmColumns with computations can be constructed with copy & pastePivot tables are useful for assigning data records into buckets and then performing a data reduction operation on each bucketA useful technique to improve reliability and facilitate maintenance is to use multiple sheets to separate data from formulasCan copy data into formula sheet with =INDIRECT(ADDRESS())For identical analysis of multiple datasets:For each dataset, one sheet for each of:Experimental data, organized as a table of records with a headerParameter sheet for analysis parameters (optional)Formula sheet that pulls data values and per-experiment parametersSheets are named using a patternAllows data & parameter sheet names to be calculated on formula sheet(see sheets with names beginning with Exp in examples workbook)5NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostQ & A from Part IWhen separating data from formulas, whats the best way to modify multiple formula sheets?From Part I: delete all but one; make changes; make copiesAlternative (if not making changes to graphs or pivot tables): Select all formula sheet tabsMake editing changes; changes will occur on each selected sheetAssumes all formula sheets are identical?6NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostLooking up Values in a TableSuppose you have a table of data values, e.g.,

and you want to lookup items there for another table:

Use the VLOOKUP(x, table, c, approx) functionlookup x in 1st column of tablereturn item in column c7day_idjob_iduidgidqueueMAUsSBUs2011070110680061112740836normal811.62011070110680071112740836normal811.62011070110681021112740836normal80.3hostPBSgidnodesjobnamemem(k)wait hrsrun hrsjob_idqueuecolumbia221121693.pbs1.0s0836128nbody970,915,904045.931121693vlongcolumbia241121703.pbs1.0s0836128nbody926,170,816010.351121703vlongcolumbia221091589.pbs1.0s0836128nbody916,032,832139.65100.11091589vlongNASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostTrick #5: Sorting as a Functional OperationNot talking about Data:Sort (that is imperative); instead:Have unsorted data, say on experimental data sheetWant formulas to produced sorted copy of that data:

H2 is =H1+1A2 is =RANK.EQ(E2,E$2:E$4,1) I2 is =VLOOKUP($H2,$A$2:$F$4,COLUMN()-COLUMN($F2), FALSE)Where:RANK.EQ(x,range,order) is the rank of x in range (order=1 for ascending)Other cells in same color region can be pasted from A2, H2, and I2(See Sort sheet of examples workbook)8ACDEFHIJKL1rank of col. Eheader1header2header3header40header1header2header3header423data11data126data141data21data223data2431data21data223data242data31data324data3442data31data324data343data11data126data14Table to sort using Column ETable sorted using column E (K)NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostReductions across Multiple SheetsExcel sheets are (obviously) 2-dimensionalYou can get 3-D arrays by using multiple sheets(Some) functions allow 3-D ranges to be suppliedSUM(Sheet1:Sheet3!A1:D4)Similarly: PRODUCT, MAX, MIN, AVERAGESuppose you have a collection of experiments on sheets named:Exp1 Exp2 ExpNTip: put in empty sentinel sheets on either side: AllExpCan average location D3 across all experiments with: =AVERAGE(AllExp'!D3)(the empty cells dont cause a problem)Adding new experiment sheets between the sentinels will cause update(see Sum over Sheets in example workbook)9NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostArray FormulasSuppose you want to compute a weighed average:

Could compute C5 with: =SUMPRODUCT(B2:B4,C2:C4) / SUM(B2:B4)But if we want to ignore blank values (e.g. D3): {=SUMPRODUCT(B2:B4,D2:D4) / SUM(IF(ISNUMBER(D2:D4),B2:B4,0))}An Array FormulaType control-shift-return instead of return when entering(see Array Formulas in examples workbook) Note: IF(condition, then-value, else-value) is a conditional expression; e.g. IF(A1=A2, 1, 0)

10ABCD1weightcase Icase II2A1.0223B2.004C1.0445weighted average1.503.00NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostApproaching the Dark Side: Visual BasicVisual Basic for Applications (VBA)Imperative-style programming in a BASIC-like languageCan simplify very complicated formulasCan provide functionality not available otherwiseE.g. name of worksheet #nRecommendations:In general, stick to functional programming styleI.e., no side effects in the VBA code!Exception might be to provide macro-like support for administering workbookE.g., updating program sheets from a template when changes have been madeNote: workbook will need to be .xlsm file (it has macros)11NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostAdding User-Defined Functions in VBAEnable Developer ribbon items(Mac) Preferences:Ribbon check Developer box in listClick Developer ribbon itemClick Editor itemClick Then click Module and editor window pops up:Type VB code in window, e.g.Public Function WorksheetName(num As Long) As String If Worksheets.Count < num Then WorksheetName = "" Else WorksheetName = Worksheets(num).Name End IfEnd FunctionUse in formula as: =WorksheetName(7) which returns name of 7th sheet12

NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the HostIssue: Graphs & Pivot Tables on Formula SheetsIssue with copying a formula sheet with a graph or a pivot tableGraph/table will copy, but will refer to data on original sheet not the new sheet

Workaround:Copy the template worksheet to a new workbookCopy the new worksheet back to original bookRepeat as needed to get all the copies you needRename the new sheets as appropriateWith a pivot table: must also Change Source to refer to new sheet name

13NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the Host14High End Computing CapabilityA PDF and recording of this webinar will be available within 48 hours at:http://www.nas.nasa.gov/hecc/support/training.html

Upcoming Webinars PBS Queues and Scheduling on PleiadesUsing Lumber to Obtain Your Jobs System Logfile MessagesUsing Tecplot ChorusDates and times will be announced soonSuggestions for future webinar topics are welcomeQuestions?NASA High End Computing CapabilityQuestion? Use the Webex chat facility to ask the Host