Webbed Webinar: Social Media Intelligence and Planning

Social Media Intelligence and Planning September 2010 Amy Marshall Webbed Marketing #WMwebinar
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It seems like everyone is using social media for marketing, communications and public relations today. However, social media is more than having a Facebook page and Twitter followers. Is your social media program achieving company goals? In this webinar, Webbed Marketing will discuss how to take your social media to the next level. We will outline what are the tangible components you should be researching and analyzing to build a solid online strategy.

Transcript of Webbed Webinar: Social Media Intelligence and Planning

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Social Media Intelligence and Planning

September 2010

Amy Marshall

Webbed Marketing


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• Common problems in social media today

• Is your social media program achieving company goals?  • How can you take your social media to the next level?


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According to a recent study from marketing firm Digital Brand Expressions, published this past July, almost half of the companies that use social media for advertising, marketing, or PR do not have strategic plans in place to help guide those activities.


“Just because you’re on Twitter doesn’t mean you have a social media strategy.”

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Social Media Today

Survey conducted by King Fish Media, “Social Media Usage, Attitudes and Measurability” report, hosted from April 15, 2010 to June 1, 2010.


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Definition of a Social Media Strategy

Strategy answers the “why” and integrates with the “what” and the “how”

Sometimes strategy is as much what not to do and what to do You can’t be everywhere, strategy defines the most effective

channels and way to be communicating Is your strategy just a tactic? i.e. Streaming in your blog posts

on Facebook is not a strategy A social media strategy is more than just the marketing

department – involve all areas of your business such as recruitment, customer service


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Social Media Today

Even though so many businesses are using social media, many don’t know why they have a Facebook page or why they are trying to get more followers.

Can no longer be “we ought to be participating” or “I have no idea why we are on Facebook.”


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Social Media Today

75% said they will be increasing investment in social media in the next 12 months.

90% of respondents said managing social media is part of someone’s overall responsibilities, not a dedicated full-time job.


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Why is Social Media Often Not a Full-Time Job?

Social media falls under many categories – marketing, PR, communications – making it a hard job to assign.

Sometimes social media is considered “just a campaign” – social media needs to grow as a permanent department in companies.

Results are achieved through means that are different from traditional advertising. However, the right content and approach leads to better community

development and communication with consumers.


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For Social Media Success, Ask Yourself:

• Who should manage your company’s social networks?• Where do your audiences gather? • What content can you/should you promote via social

media? • Do you have the right policies in place to include social

media within your organization?


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Content is Still King in Social Media

75% considered content more important than technology. 70% have not done any advertising on a social media site.


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SEPT. 2010

Social Media Today


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Social Media Strategies

Complex systems like healthcare organizations, government, libraries, universities, airports, etc. can have a difficult time grasping their social media goals and keeping messages consistent.

If 73% use branded messaging, how do you keep those messages consistent across several locations, branches, etc.?


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Clarian Health System in Indianapolis has multiple social media brands


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How to Analyze the Conversations

Volume - Map the volume of conversations about your brand/products to “events” (marketing events) Determine what conversations generated the most buzz (press release, coupon,

sale, event, trade show, new product) Channel - Identify the top online channels and their demographics

For example: Age, gender, influence score to each channel Topic – Determine the top conversations

Coupons? Event name? Discontinued product? Store experience? Tone- Understand the tone of the conversations

Look at conversations year over year Trends- Identify cyclical and seasonal trends and emerging topics


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How to Understand Your Audiences

Who are your target audiences online? Check website analytics and discover what social media sites are directing traffic

to your page Where are these audiences talking about your brand already? Is your company engaging in conversation with your audience?


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Gathering Intelligence

Define your audiences Find online channels where they “gather” Identify the advocates and the influencers (they are different) Listen to the top conversation topics being talked about – what

matters to them Analyze your brand data Conduct a competitive analysis


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Building a Plan

Develop a content strategy Determine how you will connect with your audiences Define your goals for social media & what/how you want to

influence Develop a plan based on what makes sense for the brand, your

interaction tolerance and how other channels will be integrated Monitor, measure and optimize


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Social media is not going away any time soon – it’s becoming more and more crucial for marketing campaigns.

If you don’t have a cohesive social media strategy, your presence on social platforms will not meet expectations.

Developing a strategy takes intelligence and planning to develop your company’s target audience, messages and plan of action.

If you are a complex system, you especially need a consistent, strategic message, backed by a researched plan, for your multiple branches, locations, etc.


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For more information on social media intelligence and planning, contact Webbed Marketing.

Amy Marshall @amymarshall [email protected] www.webbedmarketing.com
