webasto water heating engine

Group 10 Webasto Marine water heater in cooperation with: Katrijn M. Coninx, MSc


Proyecto de mejora del motor de agua para yates de la compañía webasto. Webasto company proyect to improve their water heater engine. Proietto di migliora del motore di riscaldamento de acqua per i yatch della webasto company.

Transcript of webasto water heating engine

Page 1: webasto water heating engine

Group 10Webasto

Marine water heaterin cooperation with:

Katrijn M. Coninx, MSc

Page 2: webasto water heating engine

Gerjan Huzen

Macarena Mompo Palacic

René Oudeman

Peter Moonen and Cees Berkhof

Stephan Maaskant

Bregje Nabuurs

Katrijn M. Coninx

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- Introduction - Webasto - Product - Project

- Conceptual direction and choices - Working principle - Volume division - Aesthetic direction

- Details and embodiment - Water heating station - Heat exchange / buffer station

- Short evaluation of result

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- Comfort products

- Focus location Netherlands: marine applications

- Air and water heaters

- Project focus: water heaters, yachts > 12m

Introduction / Webasto

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The Webasto marine water heater

- Heating water to heat living environment and domestic hot water in yachts.

- The water is heated by a diesel burning combustion engine.

- Two different engines.

- A buffertank is placed separately.

Thermo 230


Introduction / Product

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Introduction / Product

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- Keep it operating quiet

- Keep multiple capacities available

- Keep hot domestic hot water option possible

- Maintain Webasto engine, with the need of servicing

Introduction / Project


- Bad market share

- Competitors are cheaper

- Unreliable reputation

- Underdeveloped looks

- Non-uniform platform

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- Create a uniform platform for both engines

- Restyle current waterstations

- Make it better ordened/understandable

- Make them function easier

- Make the installation easier

- Increase market/share

Introduction / Project

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Conceptual directions / Working principle

Old principle, but cheaper New principle, more luxurious and innovative

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Conceptual directions / Working principle


Innovative / luxurious

+ Simultanious showering and central heating

+ Innovative

Standard / cheaper

+ Cheaper (maybe)

+ Known system

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Conceptual directions / Volume

Splitting up

Heatexchange / buffer

Heating- Combustion engine

- Circulation pump

- Converter

- Fuel filter

- Electronic module

- Buffer tank

- Heat exchancer

- 3-way valve

- Flow switch

- Thermostatic mixing valve

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Conceptual directions / Aesthetics

First sketches

- High-end looks

- Tough looks

- Reliable impression

- Muscular

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Details and embodiment / Water heating station

- Combustion engine

- Circulation pump

- Converter

- Fuel filter

- Electronic module

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Details and embodiment / Water heating station


Opening for Service

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Details and embodiment / Water heating station

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Details and embodiment / Water heating station

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Details and embodiment / Heat exchange / buffer station

- Buffer tank

- Heat exchancer

- 3-way valve

- Flow switch

- Thermostatic mixing valve

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Details and embodiment / Heat exchange / buffer station

- Prefab parts

- Isolation

- Lids

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Short evaluation of result

- Clarifying installation, better ordened

- Multiple options for mounting water station

- Uniform platform for multiple capacities

- Consistently restyled product

- Less maintenance because of buffer size

- Simultaniously feed central heating and domestic hot water

- Production costs slightly higher

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THE ENDThank you for your attention