Web123: Powerhouse Tips to Maximize Your Ad Spend This Holiday-09292011

Powerhouse Tips to Maximize Your Ad Spend This Holiday Strategies for staying one step ahead of the rest Dial: +1 (646) 558-2120 Access Code: 254-948-519 @webmarketing123 @bradleywjoe #wm123

Transcript of Web123: Powerhouse Tips to Maximize Your Ad Spend This Holiday-09292011

Powerhouse Tips to Maximize Your Ad Spend This Holiday Strategies for staying one step ahead of the rest

Dial: +1 (646) 558-2120

Access Code: 254-948-519






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at end of webinar.

Housekeeping Items



1 Why is PPC Important for the Holidays? Take advantage of the season for the height of retail spending

2 What is the Right Timing? Understand your target audience for B2B and B2C sales

3 How Can You Compete Effectively? Optimize your B2B or B2C offers against your competition

4 How Will You Optimize Keywords & Landing Pages? Be clear with your product offers, shipping timing, and pricing to boost incentive

5 How Should You Manage The Budget? Monitor bid management and campaign optimization for best results

Webinar Agenda



1 Why is PPC Important for the Holidays? Take advantage of the season for the height of retail spending

2 What is the Right Timing? Understand your target audience for B2B and B2C sales

3 How Can You Compete Effectively? Optimize your B2B or B2C offers against your competition

4 How Will You Optimize Keywords & Landing Pages? Be clear with your product offers, shipping timing, and pricing to boost incentive

5 How Should You Manage The Budget? Monitor bid management and campaign optimization for best results

Webinar Agenda



1 Why is PPC important for the Holidays? Online retail sales exceeded $1 billion on Black Friday through Cyber

Monday in 2010



1 Why is PPC Important for the Holidays? Nov/Dec holiday season generated $32.6 billion in retail ecommerce

• Creates unique position for B2B new year spending



1 Why is PPC Important for the Holidays? Take advantage of the season for the height of retail spending

2 What is the Right Timing? Understand your target audience for B2B and B2C sales

3 How Can You Compete Effectively? Optimize your B2B or B2C offers against your competition

4 How Will You Optimize Keywords & Landing Pages? Be clear with your product offers, shipping timing, and pricing to boost incentive

5 How Should You Manage The Budget? Monitor bid management and campaign optimization for best results

Webinar Agenda



2 What is the Right Timing?


• Be ready for the Thanksgiving & Cyber Monday shopping rush

Know your audience



2 What is the Right Timing?


• Plan for spikes all the way up to the weekend before Christmas

Know your audience



2 What is the Right Timing?


• Last-minute travel

Know your audience



Shop.org’s eHoliday study:

• 40% of retailers plan to have their holiday ads up by Halloween

• Another 40% plan to be up in the first week of November

2 What is the Right Timing? Plan ahead!



• Be sure to maintain your presence on Christmas and through New Years

• More than 2/3 of consumers say they will be giving a gift card as a present

2 What is the Right Timing? Maintain active presence at the apex of the buying season



1 Why is PPC Important for the Holidays? Take advantage of the season for the height of retail spending

2 What is the Right Timing? Understand your target audience for B2B and B2C sales

3 How Can You Compete Effectively? Optimize your B2B or B2C offers against your competition

4 How Will You Optimize Keywords & Landing Pages? Be clear with your product offers, shipping timing, and pricing to boost incentive

5 How Should You Manage The Budget? Monitor bid management and campaign optimization for best results

Webinar Agenda




• Optimize landing pages for a better user experience

• Optimize for quality score to ensure the highest efficiency in your campaigns

• Plan your ad copy and landing page tests

3 Landing Page Copy Best Practices Correlation between copy quality and copy effectiveness



3 How Can You Compete Effectively?

• Regular competitors will get

more aggressive

• New competitors will appear

in the auction

• Increased pressure in the

auction will cause CPCs to


• Increased CPCs will drive up

costs that are already

impacted by additional volume

Be aware of your competitors and their strategies



3 How Can You Compete Effectively?

• Keep quality score high to increase efficiency

• Watch you minimum bids, don’t get knocked off the first page

Be aware of your competitors and their strategies



3 How Can You Compete Effectively?

• If a competitor is going to launch a new online marketing initiative, it is most likely to happen with the new year

• Plan ahead and capitalize on the opportunity for strong new leads

B2B businesses will see similar behaviors in early Q1



3 How Can You Compete Effectively?

What offers are they running?

• Check their search and

banner ads

• Look at their websites and landing pages

• Be sure your unique value is truly unique

Keep an eye on your competition and differentiate yourself



3 Offers & Sales Tips for Retail

• Simplify your promotion

• Avoid complicated promotions that don’t add value

• Consider promotions of convenience over promises of cash

• Last minute express shipping can have far more value than a rebate

Be clear and concise in your offer



3 Offers & Sales Tips for Retail

• Gift cards are a great way to guarantee a later sale and savior to the late shopper

• Donating a dollar to your favorite charity for every x dollars spent is a great way to give back while involving the customer

Be creative and unique in your offer



3 Offers & Sales Tips for B2B

• Make whitepapers and promotional videos easily accessible on your site

• Call out free trials & downloads or online demos

• Test new promotions to find what resonates with your audience

In January, prepare for new customers with new budgets looking for

new business solutions

Courtesy of HubSpot



3 Offers & Sales Tips in Social Media

• Start the conversation with your customers at the research portion of the funnel

• Anticipate comparison shopping

Refine your social media strategies and social PPC ads

Courtesy of Wildfire app



1 Why is PPC Important for the Holidays? Take advantage of the season for the height of retail spending

2 What is the Right Timing? Understand your target audience for B2B and B2C sales

3 How Can You Compete Effectively? Optimize your B2B or B2C offers against your competition

4 How Will You Optimize Keywords & Landing Pages? Be clear with your product offers, shipping timing, and pricing to boost incentive

5 How Should You Manage The Budget? Monitor bid management and campaign optimization for best results

Webinar Agenda



4 Landing Page Best Practices

Attract attention with a gift finder landing page

• Be clear with your

shipping deadlines

• Make the experience as

painless as possible

• Make sure your offers

and promotions are clear

and prominent



4 Ad Copy Best Practices

• Keep ads up to date and relevant

• Be clear when reflecting your offers

• Don’t try to fit too much information into one ad

• Differentiate from your competitors

Appeal to the holiday intent of your users



4 Keyword Best Practices

• Separate branded and terms from your generic terms

Keep specific holiday terms separate from your regular keywords

Generic Branded



4 Keyword Best Practices

• Check query reports often to ensure that you are not wasting precious budget on unqualified traffic

• A good negative keyword strategy can save thousands of dollars!

Regularly update your negative keywords



4 Keyword Best Practices

• Check historical KW reports to see where you should increase or decrease bids

• Utilize search query reports for keyword expansion and negative keywords

• Google Trends to gauge seasonal lifts rends

• Google Insights for Search to inform geo-targeting



4 Budgeting Using Website Analytics Step One: Expand view to a full year of accurate visitor data

• Look for seasonal trends

• Inspect what you expect

Method adopted from: http://searchengineland.com/how-analytics-can-help-




4 Budgeting Using Website Analytics Step Two: Export data into spreadsheet

Method adopted from: http://searchengineland.com/how-analytics-can-help-


Adjusted PPC budget for

specific month

Visits from Specific Month

Total Visits for Year

Total Yearly

PPC Budget



1 Why is PPC Important for the Holidays? Take advantage of the season for the height of retail spending

2 What is the Right Timing? Understand your target audience for B2B and B2C sales

3 How Can You Compete Effectively? Optimize your B2B or B2C offers against your competition

4 How Will You Optimize Keywords & Landing Pages? Be clear with your product offers, shipping timing, and pricing to boost incentive

5 How Should You Manage The Budget? Monitor bid management and campaign optimization for best results

Webinar Agenda



5 Budget Management

• Daily budget caps are a safe guard against over-spending, not to be used for budget management

• Campaigns that reach their limit early in the day run the risk of losing impression and market share when not serving

Control your budget with bid management and campaign optimization



• Don’t manage budgets by pausing high spending ads and keywords

• Pausing keywords can lead to missed conversions

• Conversion rates and quality scores are not affected by bidding to lower positions

• Quality of traffic is based on conversion rates, not volume

5 Tips for Seasonal Budget Management Best practices for budgeting for seasonality




Total Clicks



5 Food for Thought

Create optimized landing pages and ads for the growing mobile audience

• Mobile ads need to stay in 1st and 2nd position to remain visible

• Google predicts 44% of last minute online shopping will be done on mobile devices



5 Food for Thought

Create Facebook and LinkedIn Social PPC offers to extend your reach

• Take advantage of holiday messaging in ads and business pages, test seasonal images in ads



5 More Food for Thought…

Take advantage of ad scheduling to avoid late-night ad copy changes

• Put your ads live as soon as promotions start

• Leave them running until the last minute the offer is valid

• Avoid manual midnight updates

• Functionality is available from most publishers and 3rd party tracking solutions

Don’t leave holiday messaging running into spring or summer months

• This implies that your campaigns are out of date and that your site is not current or relevant

Thank You!



Register for a Customized PPC Analysis Today!

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Speak to the Right Audience: You might be attracting the wrong audience and wasting

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ad formats and increase your CTR by as much as 30%!

PPC Campaign Tune-Up: Opportunity Analysis: You could be capturing additional revenue with just a few clicks of the

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Increase Your ROI: Nearly every PPC account has wasted ad spend. Our recommendations

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Improve Campaign Structure: You can only go as far as your foundation. Are your

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