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PROOF OF CONCEPT PROGRAM [FY2017] PROGRAM GUIDELINES Sponsored by: Technology Development & Innovation Center for the self-sustaining development of Okinawa OIST POC Program Overview: FY2017 Page 1 | Technology Development & Innovation Center |

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Sponsored by: Technology Development & Innovation Center

for the self-sustaining development of Okinawa

OIST POC Program Overview: FY2017 Page 1

| Technology Development & Innovation Center |

1. OIST Proof of Concept Program Overview

2. Program Outline2.1. Scope of Award2.2. Eligibility

2.2.1. Applicant Eligibility2.2.2. Project Eligibility2.2.3. Limitations and Exclusions

3. How to Apply and Review Process3.1. Two-Step Application Process

3.1.1. Letter of Intent3.1.2. Full Proposal (by invitation only)3.1.3. Key Dates

3.2. Review Process3.2.1. Two-Step Review3.2.2. Review Criteria

4. Award Terms and Conditions4.1. Use of Funds4.2. Location of Research4.3. Reporting4.4 Project Leader4.5 Professional Training and Seminars4.6 Mentor Meetings

5. Intellectual Property Management and Business Development

6. FAQ's

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1. Proof of Concept Program OverviewThe OIST Proof of Concept (POC) Program is an internal, competitive funding program that is designed to help bridge the technical and funding gap between lab discoveries and commercialization, thereby enhancing the impact of OIST research on society. Customized to accommodate the unique nature, stage of development and specific environment at OIST, the POC program is expected to contribute to the self-sustaining development of Okinawa.

The OIST Proof of Concept Program provides: Competitive, short term funding to carry out focused experiments

The aim of these experiments is to produce data demonstrating the feasibility of a technology or product concept to enhance technology transfer to industry.

Mentoring by External Innovation Experts from around the worldAn External Innovation Expert (EIE) will be assigned to each projects to provide technical guidance and overall mentorship.

Market Intelligence SupportProjects will have access to market surveys targeted to the field of use of the technology for future planning and strategy.

Opportunities for professional development of researchersResearchers participating in POC projects will have access to entrepreneurship education resources at OIST to lay the path towards commercialization success.learn about the innovation process acquiring knowledge and skills that will be useful throughout their careers.

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Hands-on guidance in technology development researchPOC Program staff will provide hands-on guidance to Program participants.

The program brings together OIST inventor(s) who have detailed knowledge of the technology, staff of the Technology Development & Innovation Center at OIST who manage and coordinate the POC Program, and external innovation experts with knowledge and experience in early stage technology commercialization.

2. Program OutlineOIST Proof of Concept Program has two phases of funding opportunities; Phase I (Feasibility Phase) aiming to study feasibility of OIST technologies that have successfully excited the OIST Invention Evaluation Committee, and Phase II (Scale up Phase) aiming to scale up technologies towards commercialization that have successfully exited Phase I or an equivalent readiness level. Based on the readiness level of the technology applicants will be invited to write a full proposal for a specific phase.The application, review and selection process is the same for each phase.

Starting FY2017, the POC Program is structured into two distinct phases: Phase I Feasibility: Feasibility studies to establish proof of concept of invention. Conduct exploratory experiments, validate a concept, develop a prototype. The Awards range up to \10,000,000, distributed over a 12 month period.Phase II Scale-Up: Commercialization of proven invention. Scale up the invention, explore potential markets, assess commercial viability of specific applications. The OIST POC Program Overview: FY2017 Page 4

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Awards range up to \40,000,000, distributed over a 24 month period. Funding for Phase II is released in fiscal year basis, meaning agreed-upon milestones must be met before the next fiscal year of funding is released.A Request for Proposals (RFP) will be published, inviting qualified applicants to apply to the Program. Each selected POC project should contain defined steps and a tangible set of milestones that would overcome an identifiable hurdle in advancing an invention towards commercialization.A successful POC project will enable an invention to become more attractive for:(1) Industry collaboration;(2) Licensing to an existing company; or(3) Enabling the formation of a start-up company that will further develop and

commercialize the invention.

Projects solicited under the OIST POC Program may include: Building of a prototype or second iteration prototype to prepare for

commercialization Commercial feasibility or scale-up tests Work to demonstrate the mitigation of risk for potential licensees Work to address a specific gap identified by industry that impairs the ability to

license or attract investors Other work to enhance the proof of concept of the intellectual property

2.1. Scope of AwardThe number of awards will depend on the number of qualified applications received.


Technology Readiness Level**

2-4 4-6

FUNDING up to ¥10M up to ¥40M

Project Period 12-months 24-months*

Equipment Purchase Limit \500k ¥3M

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Industry collaboration NO YES

Educational TrainingEntrepreneurship, Project Management

Business Modeling, Presentation

*up to ¥20M of funding is released in initial 12-months; Agreed-upon milestones must be met before the subsequent 12-months of funding is released.** See 3.2. Review Process for TRL (Technology Readiness Level) Chart

In addition to project grant, participants will have access to a suite of resources and services supported by the POC Program: Mentorship – Award recipients will be assigned an External Innovation

Expert (EIE) to provide technical guidance and overall mentorship. EIEs are global experts experienced in technology development and industry. Program participants will meet via teleconference with their External Innovation Expert once per quarter and will have opportunities for additional consultation.

Seminars/Workshops – Seminars and workshops organized by OIST on topics including project management, entrepreneurship, business planning, and intellectual property will be made available to all POC Program participants.

Project Management – POC Program Coordinator Staff will assist participants in planning, operations, and troubleshooting during the project period.

Business & Market Intelligence – Projects that have reached a sufficient level of development will have access to market surveys targeted to the field of use of the technology.

2.2. EligibilityProposals must meet the application and project eligibility guidelines as outlined below.

2.2.1 Applicant EligibilityThe Applicant must currently be: A full-time Faculty Member at OIST, or An Adjunct Faculty Member who maintains an active Research Unit at OIST, or

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A member of the Science and Technology Group (STG) at OIST, with prior approval from the Dean of Faculty Affairs

* Please note that an Applicant may only have two POC projects operating at the

same time.

2.2.2 Project Eligibility The Application must include participation by one or more inventors listed on an

Invention Disclosure on file with the OIST Technology Licensing Section and on which the proposed project must be based. Applications will not be accepted if an

Invention Disclosure is not on file with the Technology Licensing Section prior to

submission. Please contact the Section ([email protected]) prior to submitting an application if you are unsure about the status of your invention disclosure.

The technology that provides the basis for the proposal must not be licensed, optioned, or encumbered by any other prior obligations (i.e. collaboration with an industrial partner, ongoing license negotiation with industry, or consulting agreement with industry).

The intellectual property must be owned or co-owned by OIST. If co-owned with another institution, OIST must be the lead institution, (50% or more of invention ownership). Contact the Technology Licensing Section ([email protected]) if you are unsure about the IP ownership of your invention.

The project must be focused on advanced technology development or testing. The purpose of POC funding is not for basic exploratory studies or as general funding for the Applicant's Research Unit.

Project milestones and deliverables must be achievable within the time limit of the Program phase (12 months for Phase I and 24 months for Phase II), and within the requested budget.

The Applicant must demonstrate plans to assemble a team that will be responsible for carrying out the proposed work and participating in POC Program activities.

External academic and internal cross-disciplinary collaborations are welcome.

* One applicant may submit multiple proposals, provided that the proposals are

based on distinct inventions and the technical plans do not overlap.

2.2.3 Limitations and Exclusions

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The following are NOT eligible for funding under this program: Proposals to fund pharmaceutical/drug clinical trials. Pre-clinical animal testing

and medical device testing, if it can be completed within the time limit specified by the Program phase, may be allowed.

Projects for which the proposed activities require more than the time limit of the Program phase to complete.

Projects wherein the intellectual property that provides the basis for the proposal has already been licensed or optioned.

Projects where the technical plan overlaps with an already funded project.

3 Application Submission, Review, and Selection ProcessProcess is the same for Phase I and Phase II3.1. Two-Step Application Submission ProcessThere is a two-step application process: Letter of Intent and Full Proposal.3.1.1STEP 1: Letter of IntentAll Applicants must first submit a Letter of Intent. Based on the Letter of Intent, Applicants will be invited to submit a Full Proposal. Applicants must use the POC Letter of Intent Form to submit their Letter of Intent. The POC Letter of Intent Form can be found here:

3.1.2 STEP II: Full Proposal (by invitation only)Applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal by POC Program Staff. At that time, Applicants will be notified whether they will submit a proposal for Phase I or Phase II. A Full Proposal Form specific to Phase I or Phase II will only be sent to those who have been invited.

Applicants can consult with POC Program Staff for guidance on preparing their

applications. Email [email protected] for assistance.

3.1.3. Key DatesPlease refer to the Request for Proposal (RFP) document for deadlines, schedule, and other key dates. You may find the most current RFP here:

3.2. Review ProcessOIST POC Program Overview: FY2017 Page 8

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3.2.1. Two-Step Review – The POC Program has a two-step review process:STEP 1: Initial Administrative ReviewThe Letter of Intent will be reviewed by an Internal Review Committee for adherence to POC program guidelines. Applicants who have successfully passed this initial administrative review will be invited to submit a Full Proposal. The administrative review is mainly focus on: Program fit (Does the proposal, as described and budgeted, fit the intended

goals of the POC Program to: (1) develop technologies towards commercilization and; (2) to develop people working on technology development projects?

Phase fit (With the expectation that the POC Program will be divided into 2 phases, (Phase I feasibility studies and Phase II prototyping, scaleup, etc), does the proposal fit into Phase I feasibility?)

Interdisciplinary (Does the proposal include an interdisciplinary approach to the technology's development? )

Capacity to Conduct Research (Does the proposing team have the current capacity to conduct the research as described and budgeted, including human resources and infrastructure ie; facilities and equipment?)

Technology Diversity for OIST (Is the area in which the technology is being developed an area that is NOT currently represented in the POC Program? )

Technology Readiness Level proposed by EC (European Comission)

Technology readiness level Description

TRL O: IDEAUnproven concept, no testing has been performed

A concept identified from empirical studies. No scientific experiment had been done to prove the concept.

TRL 1: Basic ResearchPrinciples observed but no experimental proof available

Lowest level of technology readiness. Scientific research begins to be translated into applied research and development.

TRL 2: Technology formulationTechnology concept and/or application formulated

Invention begins. Once basic principles are observed, practical applications can be determined Applications are speculative, and there may be no proof or detailed analysis to support the assumptions.

TRL 3: Applied researchFirst laboratory tests completed;

Active R&D is initiated. This includes analytical studies and laboratory studies to physically validate

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Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept

the analytical predictions of separate elements of the technology.

TRL 4: Small scale prototype Built in a laboratory environment Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment

Basic technological components are integrated to establish that they will work together. This is relatively “low fidelity” compared with the eventual system.

TRL 5: Large Scale Prototype Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment

Fidelity of breadboard technology increases significantly. The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements so they can be tested in a simulated environment.

TRL 6: Prototype systemSystem/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment.

Representative model or prototype system, which is tested in a relevant environment. Represents a major step up in a technology's demonstrated readiness.

TRL 7: Demonstration systemPrototype demonstration in an operational environment.

Prototype near or at planned operational system. Represents a major step up from TRL 6 by requiring demonstration of an actual system prototype in an operational environment.

TRL 8: First of a kind commercial system Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration.

Technology has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions. In almost all cases, this TRL represents the end of true system development.

TRL 9: Full commercial applicationActual system proven through successful operations.

Actual application of the technology in its final form and under mission conditions, such as those encountered in operational test and evaluation (OT&E).

STEP 2: External Expert ReviewInvited Full Proposals will be reviewed by technology and industry experts from outside OIST. Full Proposals will be evaluated based on the ability of the project team

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to demonstrate successfully proof of concept towards commercialization within the scope, budget, and time frame proposed. Full Proposals submitted without an

invitation from POC Program staff will not be reviewed and will be returned.

* Please note that External Expert Reviewers are not required to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to the review. Protected or proprietary information should not be included in the proposals, but applications must provide sufficient information for reviewers to make a determination regarding commercialization potential.

3.2.2. Review Criteria – The External Expert Reviewers will consider each of the review criteria below and give a separate score for each, utilizing a 5-point scale (5=exceptional; 1=poor):• Technical Merit: Reviewers who are experts in the fields of the application will

evaluate the technical merit of the research plan• Market potential, intellectual property, and commercial outcomes: Reviewers will

assess the technology's potential for commercialization, hurdles that may affect the value of the technology from the perspective of potential licensees, as well as resources required to develop the invention for commercial applications.

• POC funding as an appropriate enabler of commercialization for the technology: Reviewers will valuate the potential impact of POC funding and whether the proposed deliverables will increase the value and attractiveness of the technology to industry.

In the event a Full Proposal is not selected for funding, Applicants have the

opportunity to seek feedback from POC Program staff to enable future re-


4 Award Terms and Conditions4.1Use of FundsPOC funds can be used for project-related expenses, including: (1) salary for postdoctoral fellows, staff scientists, and technicians; (2) small equipment purchases; (3) research supplies; (4) travel that directly supports the project; and (5) contract research services.

Limitations on the use of POC funds:OIST POC Program Overview: FY2017 Page 11

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Funds cannot be used as general support for the Applicant's Research Unit Funds cannot be used to supplement the Applicant's salary Funds cannot be used to purchase equipment greater than ¥500K for Phase I and

¥3M for Phase II Funds cannot be distributed to a company or to another university, unless it is as

payment for contract research services. Contract research services cannot total greater than 25% of the awarded POC budget.

Funds cannot be used to support graduate student stipends.

POC funds will be transferred to a separate account in the Research Unit's budget in the HEART System. Applicants may not spend funds prior to receiving them. A financial report will be prepared by the POC Program staff at the conclusion of the project.Program participants should also refer to OIST Policies, Rules, and Procedures (PRP) on the use of university funds, including Chapter 26 Finance and Accounting, Chapter 27 Budget Planning, Execution and Monitoring, Chapter 28 Procurement, and Chapter 29 Travel, Meetings, and Related Expenses (

4.2Location of POC ResearchProjects supported by the POC Program must be conducted in the existing laboratory space of the Faculty Research Unit. No new or additional lab space will be made available for POC Program projects.

4.3ReportingPOC awardees will be required to submit a Quarterly Report at the end of each quarter: The Quarterly Report updates the status of milestones, deliverables and discussions with EIE Mentors. POC Program Staff will assist participants in preparing their Quarterly Reports. A substantial final report will be required to submit at the end of the project.

4.4Project LeaderPOC awardees must designate a Project Leader, preferably one of the inventors of the technology, whose role is to serve as the point of contact between the project and POC Program staff. Project Leaders are expected to work closely with POC Program staff on progress reports, budgeting, professional development trainings, OIST POC Program Overview: FY2017 Page 12

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and meetings with Mentors.

4.5Professional Training and SeminarsFrom time to time, the POC Program will organize professional training courses and seminars to support commercialization of the technology. A member of the project team must participate in at least 1 such course during the project period.

4.6Mentor MeetingsPOC awardees will be assigned an EIE Mentors to provide technical guidance and overall mentorship. Project Leaders will be required to meet via teleconference with their Mentors at least once per quarter.

5 Intellectual Property Management and Business DevelopmentPOC Program Staff will be assigned to work with each project and provide support on issues related to commercialization of the technology. This support may include market analysis, information on industry and venture capital activity, and IP landscape information. Advice is also available to facilitate introductions to various industry contacts and communities, as well as notifying the project team of upcoming events, activities, and programs that might be helpful for commercialization of the technology.

6 FAQ'sAn FAQ can be found on the POC Program website: about the POC Program can also be emailed to: [email protected]

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