€¦  · Web viewHave you thought about teaching your preschooler to plan for retirement?! At...

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Transcript of €¦  · Web viewHave you thought about teaching your preschooler to plan for retirement?! At...

                                                      101 S. Lebanon, Loveland

                                                               (513) 683-1600


March 2019




Music Rocket Ship

Space Station dramatic play

Soccer Shots

PJ's and Pancakes!

More music fun!


Parents help create our wall!



Quick Links:


POP Kids Web site with teacher calendars:


Prince of Peace Church:


Important Dates:


March 1 - Friday Extended Day (A)

March 7 - Thursday ED Day (B)

March 7 - Silent Auction ends at 7:00pm

March 10 - Tuition due by the 10th or a late fee of $25 will be assessed

March 14/15 - ED (A)

March 21 -Extended Day (B)

Friday, March 25 - Fri., March 29 - No School for Spring Break

April 1- First Day back to school after break


Sickness is all around these days.  Please help us contain the germs.  Good reminders:

1. Must be fever free 24 hours before coming back to school.

1. If your child vomits, must be vomit free for at least 24 hours.

1. If your child can't catch their cough in their elbow, they should not be in school.

1. If your child's nose is constantly running and they are wiping it everywhere, they should not be in school.

If in doubt, just call the school and we can talk about it.  Illness guidelines are also listed in he Parent Handbook on our web site.



Important Information:


Change of Clothes:Please check your child's backpack to make sure there is still an appropriate change of clothes. You never know when they might have an accident even if it has been a long time or they just may have a spill on their shirt that they want to change.


Playground:  Please send coats, gloves and hats on days above 32 degrees.  We go outside if at all possible unless it is too windy, rainy or there is still snow on the playground. We are hoping spring will be here soon.  

Thank you Valentine Party           Parents!                We had a great time!


The Loveland Valentine Lady, Dr. Kathryn Lorenz, came to visit the Pre-K Classes!

March...lion or lamb?

I think most of us are happy to move past February with all the snow, rain and bitter cold.  We'll pray that the whole month will be like a lamb, not a lion.


Many times I dream that we could afford the technology where you could watch all that we do everyday.  The creativity and fun that the children have experienced each month just makes me smile.  I want you to see it all! Like music with Mrs. Stevenson when we blasted off to different musical planets. Or Mrs. Grabenbauer's 2-1/2 year old class "puppet show" for dramatic play!  Or Mrs. Top's and Mrs. Dakoske's fine motor games that coordinate perfectly with the themes. Or the Pre-K's realistic Rocket ship dramatic play! The list could go on and on.  If you ever want to know more about daily activities, ask your teacher or me.


March teacher calendars that highlight daily classroom events and school activities are now posted on the web site at www.popkidsschool.com


                        This is it!! Silent Auction Time!

This is it!!  Our only fundraiser to help us to continue to purchase the items that keep our classrooms fresh and fun, as well as providing our special programming like Mother's Nature.

Here's what we still need:

1. Set-up help tomorrow (Wed. 2/27) at 6:30pm.

1. Clean-up help on 3/7 at 7:00pm.

1. Callers and/or e-mailers on Friday, March 8th.  We provide script, you just let them know they won.

1. And bidders!  Bid high and often!  Bring your family and friends!

E-mail the school if you can help: [email protected]

Over 120 items to bid on!  Here are just a few:

The Mother's Nature program on space was awesome!  The children really soaked in space knowledge and were amazed by the planets and stars.  Maybe we have inspired them to be one of the 18,000 a year that apply to be astronauts!  Our Silent Auction proceeds funded this program!


Author of the Month - Mo Willems

Mo Willems short biography is "he draws pictures that will make you laugh". His longer biography is that he lives with his family in Massachusetts.   Some of his best loved books are the Knuffle Bunny books and "Don't let the Pigeon drive the Bus". The Pigeon hides in every one of his books but sometimes you really have to look. He has won many awards for his books and is a writer for Sesame Street.

For more information and activities, visit his web site:


Reading Focus - Syllables


Why teach about syllables?

Dividing words into parts, or "chunks" helps speed the process of decoding. Knowing the rules for syllable division can help students read words more accurately and fluently. It can also help students learn to spell words correctly.


In preschool, we will have fun with syllables by clapping and singing to hear parts of a word.  For the older children we may do the marching chant:


Teacher: I can break words into parts

                Listen to me as I start


Children: Rain-bow

Teacher: Class-room

Children: Class-room

And on and on with more words


The younger children may clap their names as an introduction to syllables.



Interesting and Helpful Information for Preschool Parents by Angie Seiller



 Have you thought about teaching your preschooler to plan for retirement?!  At first it seems like a ridiculous thought. However, at 3 years old, children start having executive functioning skills - like the ability to control impulses and parse information (Your Kids Financial Education should start earlier than you think by Dan Kadlec). As parents, we know how stressful budgeting or your finances can be in our daily lives.  What if we could truly start our children on a path to smart decisions and financial peace now so they could avoid life long stress?    There are 4 things that you can teach them right now:

1.) You need money to buy things.

2.)You earn money by working.

3.)You may have to wait to buy something you want.

4.)There is a big difference between the things that you want and need.


Talk to your children and be the example. In my house, we have always been honest with our children about our financial planning and especially the difference between needs (really so few things - food, shelter, water, clothing) and wants(everything else!).  Once they started getting allowance in kindergarten, we had 3 jars like above - giving, spending and saving (I like the "grow" idea too).  I did have to go to the bank to get easily dividable change. In their early years, they just received an allowance that was not tied to any chores, the main focus was to learn to manage money.  Their "chores" like emptying the dishwasher, sorting laundry were just part of being in the family.  So far (parenting is never done!), I have 2 college- age daughters that know the value of money and are very mindful of their spending.


Final thoughts...


If sometimes pictures are not aligned or things may have odd spacing in our online newsletter, our free program sometimes has a mind of its own!  It looks great when I set it up but when it's sent, it looks completely different.  So hopefully, the content is still good, it just may not look as "professional" as I would like in appearance.  But a non-profit preschool likes "free"!  Thanks for your understanding.

If you would like a copy sent to another e-mail address, please e-mail [email protected]  A few hard copies will also be on the parent table.  

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call or e-mail me.  We strive to make every parent and child happy and content while providing the highest educational standards.  We can't do this without input from you so it is always welcome!


God's Peace,


 Angie Seiller, Administrator