€¦ · Web viewDear sir , Please read about mistaken ,inattentive or corrupt scholars ,...

Dear sir , Please read about mistaken ,inattentive or corrupt scholars , historians' three methods in which Hindutva is described wrongly . The article is in file ,'Itihas-lekhak' ,written in english . ,IGNORANCE DUE TO ANTI-HINDU HISTORIANS ,SCHOLARS The three methods of anti-hindu historians in which Hindutva is described wrongly . 1. MISUNDERSTANDINGS 2. MISLEADING FOR PURPOSE 3. NEGLECT OF VITAL TRUTHS Experienced scholar is different from 'bookish only scholar'. Corrupt Scholars don't require 'bribe' in the form of advanced payment or awards , they can choose please the influential group which can cater their interests in future .Otherwise he can still get selfish pleasant acclaim safely surely in atmosphere made favourable to 'anti-hindu' scholars . According to them creating the public-opinions favouring the influential group will make their future pleasant by possible financial , political , social benefits . For them selfish interest matters instead of the principles . Many historians agreeing on one statement doesn't mean it is a truth .May be their ignorance or illusions are matching ,may be their 'interests' ,'fears' or 'favours' match . Herd-mentality of such scholars has the ability to create quantitative 'conviction' in common people who worry about price of daily news-paper but respect 'printed' word from mistaken scholars whether these scholars are 'ignorant','illusioned' 'or 'adversely influenced by bribe or threat'. MISUNDERSTANDINGS : For example 'Ocean water has some reason to look 'blue' but it doesn't make a swimmers clothes 'blue' , contrary to misunderstanding of a novice. Ved-Puran (like ocean) which appear 'irrelevantly useless' are given bad image by mistaken scholars as if they would stain the intellect . Mistaken scholars created 'illusion' that Puran are misleading in history and sciences . 1.There were some vital reasons for Puran to give inaccurate description of earth's revolution .(Before any establishment of

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Page 1: €¦ · Web viewDear sir , Please read about mistaken ,inattentive or corrupt scholars , historians' three methods in which Hindutva is described wrongly . The article is in file

Dear sir ,Please read about mistaken ,inattentive or corrupt scholars , historians' three methods in which Hindutva is described wrongly . The article is in file ,'Itihas-lekhak' ,written in english . ,IGNORANCE DUE TO ANTI-HINDU HISTORIANS ,SCHOLARS The three methods of anti-hindu historians in which Hindutva is described wrongly .

1. MISUNDERSTANDINGS 2. MISLEADING FOR PURPOSE 3. NEGLECT OF VITAL TRUTHS Experienced scholar is different from 'bookish only scholar'. Corrupt Scholars don't require 'bribe' in the form of advanced payment or awards , they can choose please the influential group which can cater their interests in future .Otherwise he can still get selfish pleasant acclaim safely surely in atmosphere made favourable to 'anti-hindu' scholars . According to them creating the public-opinions favouring the influential group will make their future pleasant by possible financial , political , social benefits . For them selfish interest matters instead of the principles . Many historians agreeing on one statement doesn't mean it is a truth .May be their ignorance or illusions are matching ,may be their 'interests' ,'fears' or 'favours' match . Herd-mentality of such scholars has the ability to create quantitative 'conviction' in common people who worry about price of daily news-paper but respect 'printed' word from mistaken scholars whether these scholars are 'ignorant','illusioned' 'or 'adversely influenced by bribe or threat'. MISUNDERSTANDINGS :For example 'Ocean water has some reason to look 'blue' but it doesn't make a swimmers clothes 'blue' , contrary to misunderstanding of a novice. Ved-Puran (like ocean) which appear 'irrelevantly useless' are given bad image by mistaken scholars as if they would stain the intellect . Mistaken scholars created 'illusion' that Puran are misleading in history and sciences . 1.There were some vital reasons for Puran to give inaccurate description of earth's revolution .(Before any establishment of the moral control of state on disastrous weapons , few groups of rogues could have invented 'nuclear/hydrogen bombs' to torture world) . Purans save lives by lying 2 or 4 times but don't mislead humanity .Such lying was necessary to prevent humanity from getting disasters of extinction by nuclear/hydrogen weapons .2. Similarly , Description of geography of earth in Puran is not accurate for our benefit ,because ,foreign travel was risky from side of possible threat to life ,also as worry to travelers ' relatives.There were other dangers like getting cheated or cheating others in foreign travel which could

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create violence , getting imbalanced opinion about different life-style and trying to live in that life-style with less knowledge of disadvantages like food , medicine clothes suited to different weather ,addiction of drinks ,supplying resources for invaders . 3. Wrong Depiction of Hindutva as anti-industry We know about increase in addiction of 'pride', appreciation,'power' ,'greed' in the modern age of luxurious lifestyle . Because ,religions look wrong about the earth's orbit around the sun , many people refuse to believe in God . If some historians are Non-believer in god few of them would like to show that God don't exist . But they neglect the need of humanity of preferring moral progress as a priority than 'extra industrial progress with unguaranteed existence ' which could have created 'torture camp' than the ideal condition of 'less industrial progress but guaranteed existence ' . With 'immoral industrial progress any terrorist state could have obtained 'hydrogen bombs' to end world . We needed morals desperately more than'industrial progress with unguranteed existence '. MISLEADING FOR SOME PURPOSE Which profession has remained 'pure' in modern age ? Does intellect or 'academic degrees' guarantee 'goodness' ? Even 'genuine' scholar with genuine 'certificate' has not found solution to 'bribe' and 'threat' from corrupt influence . From the times of Prithviraj Chauhan the 'Jaichand'-like minds preferred to join enemies of culture for selfish pride ,power ,revenge etc.Modern industry has created lot more attractions than the times of Jaichand making it easy to corrupt the scholars . Genuine certificate doesn't mean pure mind .One example of how people are mislead Few historians fell prey to an old anti-hindu trick to weaken hindutva . Few hundred years ago , many foreign kings ruled in Maharastra .Hindu-haters trying to please non-hindu rulers created a plan to reduce farmers' respect of hindutva .There was a sarcastic saying depicting method of traitors . Anti-hindu traitors created an illusion out of a sarcastic saying 'Let dangers-suffering be gone and BaliRaja's rule arrive ' (eeda-peeda talo ,Baliche rajya yewo). It was a sarcastic saying intended to ridicule the treacherous and cheating tendency of 'looking well-wisher but being enemy's agent' . As sarcastic saying is said with serious face instead of casual comic face this saying was easy to get misinterpreted neglecting the real meaning . They created rumour lying that Bali Raja was ancient leader of farmers and farmers class was tortured by a group ruled by Indra-dev and then farmers were given low status by Bhagvan Vishnuji after killing BaliRaja. They created such false stories to incite hindu farmers to give up hindutva . Poets , authors in Maharashtra even started calling 'Baliraja' to farmers . But Maharashtra had many well-read saints who kept worshiping Devtas instead of Rakshasas . Farmers took

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casual light approach to new baseless term given to them which was in fact a poison thrown by anti-hindu traitors to make hindu farmers leave their 'sacred belief'. Today also the mistaken or the anti-hindu historians misinterpret the hindutva's history ,purposefully or ignorantly helping the conspiracies of anti-hindu groups .Second example of misleading ignorance Hadappa civilization could have been a small(could be smallest also)town of people that were of different culture than majority of India .(Indians allowed different kinds of religions to co-exist.)Historians made such small town look like a complete picture of Indian civilization . It is like a case of person (called Bharat )who left mud-marks of his feet before leaving a place to be called 'completely made of mud only -no hair , no flesh ,etc.' Such historians refuse the history in Puran as true evidence . They neglect that Puran were recited and maintained by unbroken tradition since they were created on earth . They didn't have broken or loose links . 3rd example of Ignorance If the Purans tell different creators of universe in each Puran then it is for teaching us to forget the irrelevant and concentrate on duty with 'spirituality' also to accept credit of different 'names' or 'persons' politely . It also makes it easy to identify whether mind is ignorantly interested in disputes or sanely in harmony atleast for the convenience of other devotees . Hindu-haters think that India is not industrially politically most powerful so god is not hindu . External appearance of poverty is not the parameter of collection of Punya . Signs of less Punya can be the signs of closeness to fortunate state of Moksha which requires Paap cleared out as well as Punya .The person seeming to have less Punya may attain Moksha after clearing the remaining less Punya (in crimeless way ).So, signs of less Punya are not to be confused with signs of retarded spiritual development .We know about saints who live without collection of worldly things to educate about importance of 'fearlessness' over 'frightening immoral collection' . Collection required to protect culture and life is advised in stories of kings doing 'tapashcharya' for getting 'rain , arms,etc.' Lack of signs of affluence of hindus made many to work against hindutva .They also saw 'immedieate advantages from foreign rulers .They neglected the logically right methodology of Punya and Paap described clearly in Purans . Scholars are also influenced by threat of terrorists or 'contract killers' of jihadi mafia . Illegal immigrants who depend on whims of corrupt politicians are ready to become 'temporary' mercenaries .Truly speaking 'fear or greed' is the driving force of many intellectuals who work as anti-hindu elements than 'rational attitude' they flaunt with mask of genuineness . 4. Ignorance about Jyotish prone to misleading society Tradition kept the knowledge of Ved-Puran intact . Despite the cruel nature of invaders , majority of Indians continued to believe in hindutva which was superior in all dimensions according to true experienced scholar of hindutva. Scholar should have the experience

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not just blind belief in corrupt misinterpretation of rogue historians . Many common people reject vedic astrology saying that prediction about them were wrong when fact is that there are other reasons for 'false predictions'.The knowledge of astrologer could be inadequate or even non-Vedic (there are different kinds of astrologies , some use sun-sign as base ,some use moon-signs , some use Cards and some even use 'parrots' . The Vedic methods used by Hindu saints and rishis in any field are trustable .In Vedic astrology the moon-signs are considered for deciding Rashee of a person . Even Rashee is a minor element as location of other planets in birth-chart is also important with the collection of Paap-Punya(Many scholars don't know that humans come with Punya equal to their Paap) . Most Indians till 90s didn't have their date of birth recorded accurately . Inaccurate date of birth was a reason of wrong predictions with phony astrologers which was a major cause of neglect towards alert reading of hindu Ved-Purans. NEGLECT OF VITAL TRUTHS We know that many doctors became doctors using donations when more intelligent than them couldn't get admission because they couldn't donate . Constitution mentions about granting Authority to eligible only .Why someone don't say things against Indian Constitution for unequality obvious in Medical college ? Example of how Hindutva is blamed for mistakes of humans : Religion wanted to create more time needed to both karma and spirituality by allocating different specialized duties to varnas in Treta and Dwapar yugas .( *details at the end of article ) Puran tell that Varna-vyavastha would be rejected due to lack of trust . Varnas were due to problems in society , created to give unavoidable solutions for limited time-interval .3. Stage 1. Ideal culture in accordance with hindutva was in 'Krit-

yuga when people were so moral and dutiful that there was no varna-vyavastha was required .

4. Stage 2. After Krit-yuga some people though moral were not keen on working alertly .So , varna-vyavastha was required .

5. Stage 3. When people become loose in behavior in Kalyug they would lack trust among each other resulting in abandonment of Varnas .

Hindutva never recommended the stage (requiring varnavyavastha) Treta and Dwapar yugas as an ideal stage of society . Hindutva's ideal stage of society was moral and dutiful Krit-yuga when Indians behaved according to dharma therefore not requiring Varna-vyavastha because they perfectly respected and implemented dharma . Many people blame hindutva as if it was responsible for unequality or ignorance .But they don't blame 'bribe' to police as a consequence of constitution .People don't blame Indian constitution when authors write 'dirty novels ', when films have 'dirty' dances, poisonous liquor is sold , 'criminals' are elected as leaders ,'fake goods are sold in market '.We should avoid blindly trusting the enemies of hindutva who used

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methods similar to above to break hindus by creating disputes among various castes of hindus for ruling India with people who may become root-less without hindutva .They want Indians to serve a non-Indian influence center so that Indians become stepping stones of their walk towards material or supernatural expectations .

* Details about unavoidablity of Varnashramaa in Treta and Dwapar yuga There were no varnas in krit yug ,the first yug in kaal-chakra,which is more than thrice larger than shortest kal yug .Flair of work attracted people after the biggest krit yug when varna-less peaceful, noble, mostly predictable and dependable people lived trusting the saints.Then as experimentitative, misadventurous tendencies start accumulating in people ,the work and the commitment quality starts degrading. Addiction and wrong types of curiosity starts attracting people as some humans are born experimentative who do not like to trust saints. As work flair got degraded by such people,there might have been need for dependability in work-flair. Tendencies of negligence and novelty are like part of human nature .Humans are so prone to addiction of creativity and enjoying advantages of creativity that they risk the sacred joy given by an order respected by saints.They like ''pride' not the peace ,want to show snobbish misadventure not the 'respect' of principles. Such obstacles like fears ,suspicions ,misunderstandings ,negligence ,insecurity ,etc. can reduce the speed of progress even in the responsible culture of spiritual society . Saints always tell society to regularly look at own tendencies and remove bad tendencies to be prepared for any adversity. Society rejects the saints advise and becomes a dust-bin of trash created and thrown by spirituality-less people .There are so many stories which tell that 'irresponsible characters doesn't deserve control .Resources are planned with importance to improve 'material' than mind ,like giving sharpest weapon to drunkard. Religion makes life pleasant by reminding to give up addiction of negligence ,ensuring fearless gracious joy. In krit-yug ,commitment was important than addiction .Then as addiction of negligence of character started increasing ,people could not have enough time for spirituality when they were liking misadventurous life-styles .Due to negligence of saintly advise , work-culture would have degraded creating character-less society .To create time to think about becoming 'better' in a 'messy' society , work -distribution would have increased time as well as avoided wastage of resources to create dependable individuals in goodness and also dependable expert culture , instead of society called a mess in character .Therefore ,majority demanded orderly distribution of work to get time to think about 'goodness'.That time surely ' negligence' instead of responsibilty was danger to society . When we know a person much we can treat him better according to his character and also in any crime we can identify good and bad character of a person .If people having similar work-type are placed

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together they can identify and distinguish character of a person and it becomes easy to assign responsibility according to his traits .People assign any work to known person than unknown because they're not sure of expertise of a person . Unknown person can create surprise problems so they're avoided ,instead ,people would like to call known person as 'dependable' even if he is not 'expert' or is a bad person compared to unknown who is 'unpredictable' for a duty.Humans mind prefers this strange but 'dependable'(?) law without intention of insulting ability of 'new' person.Too much changes take lot of time ,space ,mental energy to prepare. Then, changes create more branches of problems , worries ,mess ,suspicions ,bitterness ,fears , rumours . Excitement of thought-less optimism of new options can become root of sad ,weak society . A change or novelty doesn't mean progress in society less committed to addiction-less welfare .Changing job often wastes energy . New ,experimenting or addict people allocate less time to know the world and themselves ,then they know that they have selected wrong type of job .Such wrong decision can create chaotic society .Varnashrama reduced chaos by speciality-based spirituality -oriented society .If people are humble to gods society can prosper without varnashrama as they obey principles voluntarily .If they are curios ,misadventurous ,proud and careless ,then , to prosper in 'goodness' , people must allocate time to learn 'spirituality' . Distribution of work created time in place of chaos to study about 'goodness' or spirituality . Thus ,varnashrama was created to create spirituality -oriented society ,not pride-based .It was necessary evil ,not 'pride' .Immoral people are dirty poison to themselves and others. To give more time to become morally good by spirituality , duties were distributed .Devtas took blame of distributing different work to varna-less society as parents assign responsibilities to children to bring order,dependabilty in work flair and trust in behaviour as possible in static fixed society we can recognize , identify good or bad person after watching regularly.In society where transfer and residence shifting is frequent ,people can not trust new neighbours or even foreign-returned relatives .Such need of static ,dependable ,trustable society created demand of predictability-oriented system. Imagine few children distributing food of scrambled ingredients among themselves .If they distribute themselves they might not distribute according to age and nutritional value . If their educated father distributes it would be distributed in best possible method . If there are disagreements father is not the reason because debateless distribution is probably always impossible .If ignorant children distributed among themselves food might have got wasted creating diseases compared to the distribution by their father which can also be little imperfect but not having possibility of diseases .Gods had to get blamed like a bad father for an unavoidable disputable distribution. Thus , dharma thinks varnashrama as necessary evil and not a

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perfect admirable arrangement .Newer souls were placed in type where decision-involvement was less required like inexperienced workers placed today -never for creating demeaning or cruel culture . With advanced spiritual stage ,person got next class in future Janma. The order was not chauvinistic, pride-based or inequality-oriented ,actually objective was to organize in order-based,spirituality -oriented method. .Pandav Yudhishthir who was born with few qualities of ShriYamdev gave more punishment to higher varna.Pride was not the base or reason to create VARNASHRAM .Just like different work is assigned to sons and daughters by parents the few get misunderstood .EVEN SHRI NARAD MAHAMUNEEJI GOT SHUDRA janma.ALSO bhagwan SHRI YAMDEVJI GOT shudra janma when they got part as shri VIDURJI. People misunderstand “shudra” word as if “Kshudra” .In mahabharat butcher gives lecture to some intelligent person . The knowledge wasn't refused only unnecessary staying at Ashram to avoid unnecessary Recitation. The comprehension,meaning of ved was not refused. .Recitation was required to few VARNAS to show the doubtless evidence or commitment in assigned duty. Kshatriya had to recite LAWS OF Administration, Vaishyas needed to know complex commercial permutations,combinations .For teaching Brahman had to recite and pay fine attention to details and practical applicability for suggesting the right welfare remedy . Associated with pooja children or cynical people would have criticized and doubted alertness,commitment if Brahmans would not have kept cleanliness. All distributed responsibilities had their less or more discomforts. Kshatriyas had to carry dirty ideas of dirty crime to solve dirt of crime,vaishyas had to deal impolite formalities of commercial transactions. Brahmans had to keep high alertness with accuracy for Recitation and teaching ability. PURANS and mahabharat ,GEETA. RAAMAYAN were specially created for women and shudras. Especially GEETA was created as SAAR of vedas.In a order created based on specialization to fight the appearance-changing ,fire-omitting ,flying Rakshas any varna could not have all advantages .Kshatria had to go to war ,Brahman had to keep recitation and knowledge perfect without administrative rights and vaishyas had to become farmers .Shudras though could not have compulsion to study in ashram it is forgotten that ,they did not need to go to war to fight .Shudras were neither refused knowledge nor were ignorant as evident that a scholar hunter meat-seller gives guiding lecture to a brahman in Maha-bharat. Varna is only due to the demand of society ,not of the religion. Varnashram was due to shortcomings in society that started appearing after people started loosening their way of life , was people's preferred decision from treta yug to early kal-yug while for dharma only the welfare by principles matter .If humans can't handle all required dimensions they try to sort out according to their tendencies including shortcomings like pride , cruelty and greed .

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Those shortcomings are not of or due to religion .Puran tell that Varna-vyavastha would be rejected due to lack of trust . Varnas were due to problems in society , created to give unavoidable solutions for limited time-interval .6. Stage 1. Ideal culture in accordance with hindutva was in 'Krit-

yuga when people were so moral and dutiful that there was no varna-vyavastha was required .

7. Stage 2. After Krit-yuga some people though moral were not keen on working alertly .So , varna-vyavastha was required .

8. Stage 3. When people become loose in behavior in Kalyug they would lack trust among each other resulting in abandonment of Varnas .

Hindutva never recommended the stage (requiring varnavyavastha) Treta and Dwapar yugas as an ideal stage of society . Hindutva's ideal stage of society was moral and dutiful Krit-yuga when Indians behaved according to dharma therefore not requiring Varna-vyavastha because they perfectly respected and implemented dharma . Many people blame hindutva as if it was responsible for unequality or ignorance .But they don't blame 'bribe' to police as a consequence of constitution .

Please tell hindu intellectuals to create books clarifying illusions created by anti-hindu groups based on this article Misinterpreted features of hindutvaMisinterpreted features of hindutva

list of clarified doubts:Pauranik earth,child-marriage,SWARGA,NARAK,Vaali-vadh,RakshasRaj Bali,Rakshas,Vaastu-shastra,varnashram,Jyotish,ayurvedic therapy,Arya,Meat-eating hindus,hindu drinks,Belief-based(?),sati-pratha,hindu fast,ease in hindutva,secure dharma,forgiveness,puran-s 1.Description of earth in Puran is not accurate for our benefit ,because ,foreign travel was risky from side of possible threat to life ,also as worry to travelers ' relatives.There were other dangers like getting cheated or cheating others in foreign travel which could create violence , getting imbalanced opinion about different life-style and trying to live in that life-style with less knowledge of disadvantages like food , medicine clothes suited to different weather ,addiction of drinks ,supplying resources for invaders . 2.Child -marriage is not recommended by Hindu religion .In early yug, only useful ,relevant and moral education was provided with Satvic food advised by saints,so,those people could marry before sixteen or even after hundreds of years .Maharaja

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Dashratha ,Bhishma Maharaj ,are examples who lived thousand years. Maharishis , Brahmarshis are even living today.3. SWARG -NARAK :Based on quality and quantity of work swarga is allocated . Depending on sins , narak is given , which is always temporary . A person can return to earth after getting rewards and results of his karma of various Janmas . All people on earth come with Paap-punya balance of many janma , not only one janma .Humans have almost same percentage of punya and paap .Animals come with more paap than punya .People staying at Swarga has more Punya than paap ,when punya decreases becoming equal to amount of paap ,they return to earth as humans . People completing all spiritual development stages with no curious alternative interest live in other loka where they don't have to return to earth .If they show there 'pride' and 'the rigid inconsiderateness in acceptance of sameness of all souls (bheda-buddhi)' ,they too have to return to earth.

Non-hindus come with more personal freedom than hindus on earth . Here the words 'personal freedom' doesn't mean either as 'selfishness' or 'greed with personal freedom '. Also ,we have to note the hindus(here' born as hindu') are not showing ardent curiosity or love to put to use the available culture towards spiritually rational responsibility , instead , thinking 'selfish negligent aloofness ' as the right attitude .4. Desh-kendrit : Dharma is not place-centered ,varna-centered ,dynasty-centered ,it is centered on protection of good and civilizing the bad .

5.Vaali-vadh:Shri Ramji were teaching us not to waste time in talking with and chasing irresponsible ,cruel people.Vaali was criminal so it was wastage of time to allow his survival .Shri Ramji taught us not to waste Punya because using advanced Astra for Criminal with 'ordinary' morals was wrong decision ,instead it is great if wasted one ordinary arrow for cruel criminal .

6.RakshasRAJ Bali : He was neither farmer nor leader of farmers . He ,today, lives in Patal lok which has features not less better than Swarg-lok as Purans say.Also, Patal-lok is not below layers of earth .It is separate and away from Prithvi -Lok. King Bali is selected for next reverable Indra-pad . Also how can divine puran be accused of chauvinism of certain type of vansha when they encourage progress of even animals like Gajendra.

7.Rakshas don't live on earth today,Ghosts are not described in ved-puran.Pishach is harmless as it can eat/drink only air. Krityas exist temporary,can not harm good persons and are never seen in kal-

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yug .8. Vaastu-shastra is ensuring anxiety-less stay when sick guest,newly arrived guests don't take much time to get shown inquired rooms and things in house . Also,in any house people feel accustomed like At home . Today people spend on 'weird' houses instead of 'homely ' houses . It wastes time more in surprising than welcoming guests or providing familiar places all over to sick guests .Vegetarian India had less time to think for being accustomed to new homes , buildings so methods in this shastra was suggested for saving time in adjusting to new ones.These benefits are noticed in houses with similar structure even if built without belief in 'supernatural' .

9. There were no varnas in krit yug ,the first yug in kaal-chakra,which is more than thrice larger than shortest kal yug .Flair of work attracted people after the biggest krit yug when varna-less peaceful, noble, mostly predictable and dependable people lived trusting the saints.Then as experimentitative, misadventurous tendencies start accumulating in people ,the work and the commitment quality starts degrading. Addiction and wrong types of curiosity starts attracting people as some humans are born experimentative who do not like to trust saints. As work flair got degraded by such people,there might have been need for dependability in work-flair. Tendencies of negligence and novelty are like part of human nature .Humans are so prone to addiction of creativity and enjoying advantages of creativity that they risk the sacred joy given by an order respected by saints.They like ''pride' not the peace ,want to show snobbish misadventure not the 'respect' of principles. Such obstacles like fears ,suspicions ,misunderstandings ,negligence ,insecurity ,etc. can reduce the speed of progress even in the responsible culture of spiritual society . Saints always tell society to regularly look at own tendencies and remove bad tendencies to be prepared for any adversity. Society rejects the saints advise and becomes a dust-bin of trash created and thrown by spirituality-less people .There are so many stories which tell that 'irresponsible characters doesn't deserve control .Resources are planned with importance to improve 'material' than mind ,like giving sharpest weapon to drunkard. Religion makes life pleasant by reminding to give up addiction of negligence ,ensuring fearless gracious joy. In krit-yug ,commitment was important than addiction .Then as addiction of negligence of character started increasing ,people could not have enough time for spirituality when they were liking misadventurous life-styles .Due to negligence of saintly advise , work-culture would have degraded creating character-less society .To create time to think about becoming 'better' in a 'messy' society , work -distribution would have increased time as well as avoided wastage of resources to

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create dependable individuals in goodness and also dependable expert culture , instead of society called a mess in character .Therefore ,majority demanded orderly distribution of work to get time to think about 'goodness'.That time surely ' negligence' instead of responsibilty was danger to society . When we know a person much we can treat him better according to his character and also in any crime we can identify good and bad character of a person .If people having similar work-type are placed together they can identify and distinguish character of a person and it becomes easy to assign responsibility according to his traits .People assign any work to known person than unknown because they're not sure of expertise of a person . Unknown person can create surprise problems so they're avoided ,instead ,people would like to call known person as 'dependable' even if he is not 'expert' or is a bad person compared to unknown who is 'unpredictable' for a duty.Humans mind prefers this strange but 'dependable'(?) law without intention of insulting ability of 'new' person.Too much changes take lot of time ,space ,mental energy to prepare. Then, changes create more branches of problems , worries ,mess ,suspicions ,bitterness ,fears , rumours . Excitement of thought-less optimism of new options can become root of sad ,weak society . A change or novelty doesn't mean progress in society less committed to addiction-less welfare .Changing job often wastes energy . New ,experimenting or addict people allocate less time to know the world and themselves ,then they know that they have selected wrong type of job .Such wrong decision can create chaotic society .Varnashrama reduced chaos by speciality-based spirituality -oriented society .If people are humble to gods society can prosper without varnashrama as they obey principles voluntarily .If they are curios ,misadventurous ,proud and careless ,then , to prosper in 'goodness' , people must allocate time to learn 'spirituality' . Distribution of work created time in place of chaos to study about 'goodness' or spirituality . Thus ,varnashrama was created to create spirituality -oriented society ,not pride-based .It was necessary evil ,not 'pride' .Immoral people are dirty poison to themselves and others. To give more time to become morally good by spirituality , duties were distributed .Devtas took blame of distributing different work to varna-less society as parents assign responsibilities to children to bring order,dependabilty in work flair and trust in behaviour as possible in static fixed society we can recognize , identify good or bad person after watching regularly.In society where transfer and residence shifting is frequent ,people can not trust new neighbours or even foreign-returned relatives .Such need of static ,dependable ,trustable society created demand of predictability-oriented system. Imagine few children distributing food of scrambled ingredients among themselves .If they distribute themselves they might not distribute according to age and nutritional value . If their educated

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father distributes it would be distributed in best possible method . If there are disagreements father is not the reason because debateless distribution is probably always impossible .If ignorant children distributed among themselves food might have got wasted creating diseases compared to the distribution by their father which can also be little imperfect but not having possibility of diseases .Gods had to get blamed like a bad father for an unavoidable disputable distribution. Thus , dharma thinks varnashrama as necessary evil and not a perfect admirable arrangement .Newer souls were placed in type where decision-involvement was less required like inexperienced workers placed today -never for creating demeaning or cruel culture . With advanced spiritual stage ,person got next class in future Janma. The order was not chauvinistic, pride-based or inequality-oriented ,actually objective was to organize in order-based,spirituality -oriented method. .Pandav Yudhishthir who was born with few qualities of ShriYamdev gave more punishment to higher varna.Pride was not the base or reason to create VARNASHRAM .Just like different work is assigned to sons and daughters by parents the few get misunderstood .EVEN SHRI NARAD MAHAMUNEEJI GOT SHUDRA janma.ALSO bhagwan SHRI YAMDEVJI GOT shudra janma when they got part as shri VIDURJI. People misunderstand “shudra” word as if “Kshudra” .In mahabharat butcher gives lecture to some intelligent person . The knowledge wasn't refused only unnecessary staying at Ashram to avoid unnecessary Recitation. The comprehension,meaning of ved was not refused. .Recitation was required to few VARNAS to show the doubtless evidence or commitment in assigned duty. Kshatriya had to recite LAWS OF Administration, Vaishyas needed to know complex commercial permutations,combinations .For teaching Brahman had to recite and pay fine attention to details and practical applicability for suggesting the right welfare remedy . Associated with pooja children or cynical people would have criticized and doubted alertness,commitment if Brahmans would not have kept cleanliness. All distributed responsibilities had their less or more discomforts. Kshatriyas had to carry dirty ideas of dirty crime to solve dirt of crime,vaishyas had to deal impolite formalities of commercial transactions. Brahmans had to keep high alertness with accuracy for Recitation and teaching ability. PURANS and mahabharat ,GEETA. RAAMAYAN were specially created for women and shudras. Especially GEETA was created as SAAR of vedas.In a order created based on specialization to fight the appearance-changing ,fire-omitting ,flying Rakshas any varna could not have all advantages .Kshatria had to go to war ,Brahman had to keep recitation and knowledge perfect without administrative rights and vaishyas had to become farmers .Shudras though could not have compulsion to study in ashram it is forgotten that ,they did not need to go to war to fight .Shudras were neither refused knowledge nor were ignorant as evident that a

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scholar hunter meat-seller gives guiding lecture to a brahman in Maha-bharat. Varna is only due to the demand of society ,not of the religion. Varnashram was due to shortcomings in society that started appearing after people started loosening their way of life , was people's preferred decision from treta yug to early kal-yug while for dharma only the welfare by principles matter .If humans can't handle all required dimensions they try to sort out according to their tendencies including shortcomings like pride , cruelty and greed . Those shortcomings are not of or due to religion .10. Jyotish: Today even modern people say that moon phases affect the state of mentally sick people . Also people recite Good habits ,precautions of behaviour when trusting Good /bad karma-based Jyotish . Geeta-purans always advise karma ,not relying on fortune . 11. Slow ayurvedic therapy:It is not slow when adopted as complete life-style.Keeping available natural herbs only also reduced possibility of speedy mass-poisoning or individual-poisoning ,diseases due to Chemicals .Vegetarian India had less time to think for being accustomed to new vegtables and diseases.Ayurvedic remedies were  suggested for saving from asatvic ahar .  12. Arya:when Shri Ramchandra bhagwanji had darker complexion how arguers say aryans were wheatish white only. Aryan is qualitative concept meaning like considerately dutiful for others' welfare, not country-specific concept. Rakshas were clearly described as capable of changing appearance , emitting fire-sparks from mouth , having copper-like colour and red hair . 13 .Meat eating normal :The nishadh in shiv katha and NishadhRaja in ramayan are great anecdotes which teach that meat-eating people are treated equally. It is never written in Geeta-Puran questioning goodwill of meat-eating because problem of seasonal rain and to fight evil , they had to depend on animals. NishadhRaja in ramayan ate meat.Meat was listed in paandava's meal. Animal-hunter Nishad got place in shivlok after sparing lives of deers. Khandav-van was burnt by bhagwanji to create nagar. Treating animals cruelly is totally different from taking help caringly to fight evil.There is a hunter guiding lecture in Mahabharat .Hindu dharma is aware of unavodable violence and has also told us that creating fire kills few germs ,ants, insects and can not be avoided by us.It has never taught us to be clumsy against evil trying to avoid animal-violence like germs , ants , insects.

14. enlivening drinks : Though differently made than wine , sanatan hindu dharma respects right use of exilerating drinks shivratri occasion with bhaang is created to to ward off sorrow and free the mind from work-burden .in raamayana there were madhushalas. in mahabharat , to reduce sadness of Arjunji due to war, bhagwan Shrikrishnaji and arjunji took somaras . It was used righteously and

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criticized when it harms.

15. Belief -based :Devta never said to rest on fortune. Geeta, Puran tell us to be dutiful instead of leaving things on destiny. It is also known that even without evidence faith cures children from fears also keep many children happy in sincerity and goodness. Narak was never permanent ,created to reduce,prevent cruelty and bring back to responsibility.16. welfare of all : The knowledge and progress was not prevented to shudras and ladies. Sati Sawitri could speak like mahapandit . Nishad who hunted animals was given place in shivlok when he gave up lives of antelope and deers despite being hungry.In case of Eklavya,Dronacharya's behavior was not appreciated as ideal perfect behavior as he fought from bad kaurava side, also broke the agreed rules of war when using advanced ASTRA against common soldiers using ordinary SHASTRA . He is not shown as ideal person.17. The sati pratha or method was neither insisted nor made compulsory .It was criticized by rishis,saints. Kuntee is well-known example .In ramayan Shriramji's mothers did not commit sati. It is also written that divine influence doesn't remain in house where women are not respected. To warn consequences of wrong respect to tratika-like cruel women writers said women can be adventurous, intelligent and insisting,etc.It was not said as of all women. Few statements are for caution with less found exceptions and not applicable to others .18. upvas: In puran , geeta Devtas said about taamas karm which is of cruel nature or purpose or at bad time or for bad people resulting in sorrow , waywardness , loss , destruction . The fast was never said as compulsory.Fast was never advised as self-destructive ,compulsory sadist habit to weak persons. In vedic times abundant cows were there.too much ghee or vegetable oil would have made people sick.p.s. Some statements about woman by few saintly figures were wrong, according to Hinduism which tells that divine grace doesn't remain in house where women are disrespected .There was also a wrong interpretation about 'vairagya' which would have given cruel message instead of kindness of principles of hindutva .Meaning of 'vairagya' was not as 'giving up' duty of relations , instead it was 'addiction-less responsible care ' of relations .. Purans tell us to look after relatives first and then only to donate . Purans tell us it is sin to donate when we do not have worryless 'upjeevika'/earning .'Nisang' did not mean 'giving up' company of relatives or friends ,but to the influence of adverse immoral social compromise . Any cruel statement as a scholar saint would have given wrong image to kind dharma which even advised a portion of heritage to women .

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21. EASE:The knowledge and progress was not prevented to shudras and ladies. Sati Sawitri could speak like mahapandit . Nishad who hunted animals was given place in shivlok when he gave up lives of antelope and deers despite being hungry.In case of Eklavya ,Dronacharya was not appreciated as ideal perfect behavior as he fought from kaurava side,also broke the agreed rules of war when using advanced  ASTRA against common soldiers using ordinary SHASTRA  . He is not shown as ideal person.For us there is a backup alternative Mantra in puja done with few shortcomings .In Kal-yug ,Devtas do not require puja( to eradicate the feeling of guilt when we make mistakes , to show our goodwill ,commitment they have offered us the rituals, taking risk of accusations of self-appreciation) . They even take accusations of bad tendencies to create educative Leelas for us.There is so much flexibility , adaptability freedom that we never fear stiffled by any of stringent rules .If we lie to save our lives it is understood ,lying to hide wealth from thieves is advised ,seizing wealth of bad people and allocating for welfare is appreciated by religion . Childhood crimes are specially considered and forgiven . Difficulties of people are never any surprise to divine dharma which resolves even criminals' minds to innocence ,happiness and awareness .Sanatan hindu dharma is created to eradicate sorrow and fear of all . 22. secure vanaprastham : kshatriya and nishadh used to hunt wild animals also there were ashrams with abundant vegetables, medicines and fruits with other fellow vanaprasthashramis for fearless,worryless stay.At,that stay they used to complete remaining spiritual progress .Rajas Dashrath , Yayati and Dhrithrashtra are examples where spiritual progress is incomplete even after vedic study even if in leelas.23. Justice and forgiveness :We find so many considerate impartial justice stories.They are not only ideal but also relevant today . Kauravas were given Swarga for few of good dids , in mahabharat .In Raamyan even dog was given his justice when dog complained when he was beaten by purposelessly ,a bhikshuk . Considering special case of Nishadh ,not only narak was forgiven ,but also given Shivlok by bhagwan ShriShankar mahadevji when he spared the talking deers . Even though ,he has killed lots of animals he was given shivlok sparing narak . Gajendra was rescued from crocodile and his narak was avoided even when he might have crushed snakes ,spiders,ants and felled trees with birds ' nests .Arjunji set fire to Khandav-van to create a nagar ,yet he was spared of any punishment. Children are forgiven of narak for sins occurred in childhood .Lying when life is threatened is forgiven ,lying to thief is forgiven .We all know that Bhagwanji never demand rituals .Even about bhakti , PURAN say that bhagwanji wish only Paroksha (non-direct ) bhakti like helping to keep society decent or other welfare work ,that too for offering excuse to us for getting  sacred peace out of the

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betraying world . Puja ,yagya marg is not demanded in Kalyug as Bhagwat-Puran says .Puja ,yagya was only for people's benefit and people like to show their dedication  in the form of devotion and also 1.For creating an opportunity to show dedication to principles ,2.for reminding to adjust according to climatic changes , 3. For providing a solution to problem of saddening guilty thinking due to not performing well ,4. from the angle of reminding medical importance of vegetables , .It is also written that in kalyug , listening keertan with Chintan-manan is more than sufficient for divine duty according to Purans .Threatened  thinkers , leaders of new occult in maharashtra describe so-called 'meaninglessness ' of therapeutic class puja , yagya in hindutva's ancient yugas .Also, they want to accuse of cast-system implemented in only two middle yugas( treta and dwapar ,only) as 'immoral' purpose of hindutva . Cast -system was created to distribute duties , to keep individual well-known about other people in close-knit surroundings so that there is no misjudgement ,displeasure ,cheating ,suspicion like among 'strangers' . Organized familiar structure reduces fears ,suspicions , wastages of resources in society .Now ,promoting inter-religious marriage is making things easy for enemies of hindutva as it might help anti-humanity treacherous links .Youths today think inter-religious marriage offers them greater variety in marriage .Childen born out of inter-religious marriage probably have to face confused upbringing .They forget it also offers more competition in marriage .(Also any future betrayal of Hindutva is other shame .)

24.Puran-katha myth or true: From seasonal rain's perspective, world is meat-eating. Vegeterian indian people would have been susceptible to wrong opinions ,conspiracies by bad vegetarian or bad non-vegetarian people. Stories were created by devtas explaining how allowing influence to evil selfish people brings sadness to sincere people living trustingly with sadist evil. SHAAP-incidents were in stories just to caution about angry vegeterians. In meat -eating countries children completely clarify doubts when meat is seen.So,they didn't require much mythological stories. Taamas has adverse tendencies , Raajas is mid-range , Saatvic is appreciable but not completely developed .People forget the best Nirguna class , which includes the ability to transcend any local , temporary magnitude and think so chivalrously

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that you may tolerate criticism of people who think of local and temporary magnitude without any debate despite having the rightest reasons and not mere arguments .Nirguna class people hide their numerous dids of welfare , avoid cheap popularity tricks for larger welfare , never complain about neglect of their opinions and application .Nirguna class is beyond susceptibility to tendencies as they have addictionless chivalrous mind .They have collection of untold chivalrous welfare dids unknown to us .Closest any ordinary person become nirguna class is when he looks after the guests who have habit of breaking precious things in house , with all goodwill and courage intact for remaining a good host despite the guests' cruel carelessnss .Our gods had so much unmentioned reasons for creating the religion out of the best possibilities ,which too , were not magically found ready-made .How sad it is when people accuse our religion of so-called 'crudeness' despite remaining a kindest religion .People misjudged many features of our religion which were not clarified as it's nirguna class is beyond susceptibility to flaunting the rightness or chivalrous welfare dids instead of ensuring welfare of even ignorant passionate people .Supreme deities ,divine character-class mahatmas, deities,rishis ,saints ,saadhus ,chivalrous souls donated their names in mythological stories to teach that people may have wrong estimate of others - due to less knowledge or less or more trust.Less trust is bad as much as blind trust . Great spiritual authorities didn't explain much that they were Leelas only just to avoid losing the purpose of bringing seriousness to protective lessons created to teach wrong opinions-prone vegetarian india. Religious stories are created for keeping society progressive and responsible . They support democratic ideas when Raja has to listen to saints,rishis,saadhus,-for example the story of Wena whom rishis prevented from getting kinghood.They advocate mess-less welfare state with veto-power to saints ,mahamunees,also after a king discussing with experts ,scholars ,which is best possible administration with minor possibilities of injustice .We have resilience,flexibility of choosing various combinations of Gyan-marg and karma-marg.The bhakti marg has both of gyan and karma .Then we can choose among nine kinds of bhakti for example-NAMAN bhakti ,PUJAN bhakti ,KEERTAN-SHRAVAN bhakti ,ATMA-NIVEDAN bhakti ,SAKHYA bhakti ,DASYA bhakti ,CHARANSEVAN ( dedication ) etc.According to time,surroundings and knowledge-stages we are provided range of relaxing or even abandoning rules and methods.Also due to kal-yug,we are spared of tapashcharya(krit),yagya(treta),puja(dwapar) and only keertan-shravan(kal-yug) is called much not only sufficient. Puja removes sad effect of saturation of guilty feeling of living improperly or serving baddies who think of us as pigs.Devtas take accusation of self-

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appreciation to free us from feeling of serving bad people.Puja is not for only giving money to temple or brahman .Purans teach that donating to others is sin when we are not earning for life . One of the the pleasant opinion is that we have lived many JANMA before living to experience this JANMA with resumption from progress left in past .Gods have to arrange difficult placement and timing of so many souls considering their stage of spirituality. Devtas have to rescue devotees from many solar systems(vishwas) .Swarga is given as much as punyakarak work and narak as much as paap,in right quantity and quality , to keep responsibility ,welfare flourishing in society .It is for all without compulsion of rituals and country ,species .Sanatan Dharma is neither forced nor demanding conversion .Devtas also face Shaaps from saintly people.Bhagwan Yamdevji had to leave Swarg when he was given Shaap .Gandhari's shaap is notorious. Sanatan Religion or principles never fail as they are prepared,told by welfare experts as supreme divine ,divine ,saintly authorities . Whatever excuses few intellectuals may suggest , the most number of attempts of implementing principles or religion failed because selfishness ,arrogance ,negligence , impatience were prominent than responsibility. Religion is always best, relevant method of secure happiness created by divine expertise.Temptation of irresponsible happiness and lust of decisive control for selfish,mad dreams by arrogance reduce progress and security. Geetas, purans always told never to rely on fortune. The unavailability due to nature and adverse individual ,social tendencies are not faults of religion or created by religions .Actually religion saves us from worsening due to them .Sanatan hindu dharma is created to eradicate sorrow and fear of all range of Chaitanya.Any story in purans is created with best possible protective tenderness for any soul such that the qualitative ,qualitative drifts in the said rational advised emotion is surely avoidable for most of the instances , we say 'most' because perfectly applicable behavior rules are difficult to narrate to unstable non-reliable humans .Dreamy ,novice minds totally reject spirituality with negligible excuse thinking of unattainable criteria of their expectations.People say good books are so rare to find .People forget that Religious books are more than sufficient. Deception-prone vegetarian India has the required religious stories for teaching moral lessons to children .Few good sentences contain the required lessons that can change India.If commitment is shown ,earth could have become like heaven in peace by implementation of one good sentence from religion .Many literature-creators believe more in quantity than quality .Numbers of readers,number of awards from irrelevant-to-welfare committees , appreciation by certain class of audience is purpose of such persons,groups.They decorate immoral characters,present selfish, proud ,cruel life-style of collection-hungry as a kind of charm , also generate forgiving negligent sympathy to sadist characters .Even if their purpose is to popularize their creation they culminate into decorators of evil .

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        Religion even in Puran had told that Bhagwanji would like only non-direct bhakti without rituals like working to keep society peaceful (paroksha bhakti ).Few are saying that our devtas demanded rituals while that was excuse given by devtas to those who don't have any opportunity to show their emotions .Devtas can't say that they don't want rituals because they are noble supreme souls who take accusation of self-appreciation by ignorant people than leaving a bhaavik without any reason to show goodwill and without developing a sahaj-dharma that is considerate with relevance in any yuga. p.s.Here are few noteworthy elements of hindutva .Also course there are lot more others important than these .1. Never supported dictatorship 2. No confusion , corrupt showiness , chaos of modern thinking 3. Fault-tolerant recilient veto to saint , scholars , rishis4. Rights even to animals 5. No varna in the biggest krit-yug ,6. varna only demand of society, not of the religion7. Shudra class never told to go to war8. Shudra class had right of knowledge 9. Shudra class didn't require to go to ashram10. Never any suggestion ,compulsion of Satee-pratha11. Called it a sin to donate when not earning enough12. Never supported child-marriage 13. Clearly no attempt to gain popularity wrongly 14. Educative Leelas about principles15. Consideration of the deception in vegetarian society 16. Stories against deception for all age-groups 17. Guidance about problems in almost all kinds of fields 18. Alerting vegetarians about possible complexities 19. No proud chauvinism 20. aware of potential and adversities of art21. Right thoughts about non-violence 22. Alerting about Tentativeness to vegetarian people23. Created to keep everyone's mind empowered and righteous24. Right and consideration of progress of all25. Purans for all dimensions of life 26. Advanced sciences of administration and creativity 27. Knowledge of nature 28. Knowledge of human tendencies 29. Totally peace and welfare-oriented 30. Not an element of hate 31. Centered on protection of good & for improving all which we all knewAnd many others........

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About how absurd-looking hindutva is for welfare onlyAbout how absurd-looking hindutva is for welfare only Variety of sensitivities : Purans are created for many kinds of stages and mentalities . Starting from stages there are parts of Puran written for childhood . Childhood like to learn from drama .Purely serious complex words are not liked by a child .Children needs knowledge in the form of stories .Puran tells us about tendencies of world with the help of dramatic stories . For adults there is a most advanced spirituality described in methodical manner . For old there are 'prayers' which are shortest possible description of principles of spirituality , educative stories of devtas , structure of Vishva that can create 'sacred peace' of mind . Prayer act as reminders of teachings learned in life helping us remain alert for duty .'Condition of Guilty feeling ' can be saddening .Keeping 'negative' influence of 'sadness' away , prayer helps keep 'mind' fresh when evil parts of world try to coerce us in accepting their control .Watching the parents pray the children learn to chose 'moral' lifestyle rejecting 'immoral' ways . From the angle of 'mentalities' , serious types have 'spirituality' in Puran ,educators find Kathas as means to teach audience , social scientists find that according to changee in nature of society the structure and lifestyle also needs changes , historians find the knowledge relevant for modern age , details of vaastu-shastra are found in various Purans , dieting people find the science behind advise of using milk products ,ghee ,fruits ,honey and medicines in 'vrat' . Kankaal : When we see a 'kankaal' we think of the fortunate availability of features of human body which are 'pleasant' and capable of showing 'right emotions .Few people are sad because of perfectionist thoughts . Instead of enjoying the availability they sulk over 'unavailability' . How fortunate it is that available human face is an 'emotional fortune' compared to having 'kankaal face'. We many times take 'any availability' as 'negligible' .We forget that 'a little less' than current availability would have been called 'a disaster or horror' by many people ,they would have even abandoned the life with 'a kankaal-like level of availability '.Spirituality-less showy people who arrange or perform Jaaran-Maaran(to torture innocent) face punishment in Narak . Naam-jap: Mind is so progressive ,constantly evolving since birth, thinking about adjusting to variety of events that it rarely get time to celebrate and enjoy emotion of victory of good over evil because constantly thinking worrying about 'state' of problems surrounding might create an image of evil's victory to sections of society . Advanced technology : If technology gets in hands of the immoral individuals or groups the world would have been extinct .We know that Humans have tendency to be prone to disastrous ambitions . Optimism or Pessimism ?: Hindutva doesn't teach in the modern language of optimism and pessimism . Over-Pessimism can make people abandon attention to work due to sad mentality and over-

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optimism can lead to stagnation due to assumed imaginary success .For any type of duty , the alertness and courage are required ,they are also the states of knowledge besides emotion .Courage due to mood can be temporary or baseless when courage due to knowledge or belief is durable .Society uses word pessimism for the state of 'disillusionment' from exaggerated expectations where 'such pessimism' is not to be taken as 'bad news' as it is just a 'temporary sad stage' due to few previous over-expectations .Hindutva teaches to cross sea of illusions never about sinking in sadness which is 'ati-taamas' karma. different creators of universe If the Purans tell different creators of universe then it is for teaching us to forget the irrelevant and concentrate on duty with 'spirituality' also to accept credit of different 'names' or 'persons' politely . It also makes it easy to identify whether mind is ignorantly interested in disputes or sanely in harmony atleast for the convenience of other devotees .One True Meaning of Bhavishya Purana :As per BhavishyaPurana we must accept that even if Indians had all virtues but no control ensuring 'existence of culture' due to bad habit of blindly trusting 'enemy of culture' it is like having 'no virtues' . Calling them virtuous would have been like 'a poisoned plate of good food' being called 'a plate with good food' . One bad habit of blindly trusting 'enemy of culture' can end not only 'progress' but the existence totally . Technology less described : The moral progress should be a priority than 'industrial progress with unguaranteed existence ' which could have created 'torture camp' than the condition of 'no industrial progress but guaranteed existence ' . With 'immoral industrial progress any terrorist state could have obtained 'hydrogen bombs' to end world . We needed morals desperately more than 'industrial progress with unguranteed existence '. IS AFFLUENCE A SIGN OF PUNYA ?: Some people think that if India is not richest or most powerful the god is not hindu . External appearance of poverty is not the parameter of collection of Punya . Signs of less Punya can be the signs of closeness to fortunate state of Moksha which requires Paap cleared out as well as Punya .The person seeming to have less Punya may attain Moksha after clearing the remaining less Punya (in crimeless way ).So, signs of less Punya are not to be confused with signs of retarded spiritual development .We know about saints who live without collection of worldly things to educate about importance of 'fearlessness' over 'frightening immoral collection' . Collection required to protect culture and life is advised in stories of kings doing 'tapashcharya' for getting 'rain , arms,etc.' About few Indian non-believers in hinduism :Many common people reject vedic astrology saying that prediction about them were wrong when fact is that there are other reasons for 'false predictions'.The knowledge of astrologer could be inadequate or even non-Vedic (there are different kinds of astrologies , some use sun-sign as base

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,some use moon-signs , some use Cards and some even use 'parrots' . The Vedic methods used by Hindu saints and rishis in any field are trustable .In Vedic astrology the moon-signs are considered for deciding Rashee of a person . Even Rashee is a minor element as location of other planets in birth-chart is also important with the collection of Paap-Punya(Many scholars don't know that humans come with Punya equal to their Paap) . Most Indians till 90s didn't have their date of birth recorded accurately . Inaccurate date of birth was a reason of wrong predictions with phony astrologers which was a major cause of neglect towards alert reading of hindu Ved-Purans. Earth's orbit : There were some vital reasons for Puran to give inaccurate description of earth's revolution .(Before any establishment of the moral control of state on disastrous weapons , few groups of rogues could have invented 'nuclear/hydrogen bombs' to torture world) . People thinking that the sun was like a giant lamp brighter than the moon saved humanity from premature extinction . Too early knowledge about atomic energy might have given some rogue army a chance to establish cruel empire .They would have used it sadistically instead of for peace . Earth is still promising because Nuclear bomb is discovered not too early . Mistaken scholars created 'illusion' that Puran are misleading in history and sciences . Purans save lives by lying 2 or 4 times but don't mislead humanity .Such lying was necessary to prevent humanity from getting disasters of extinction by nuclear/hydrogen weapons . WHY 'SIN' IS CALLED ONE OF MANY CAUSES OF HANDICAP BY HINDUTVA & WAS THERE A BETTER OPTION ? IS IT BAD TO SOCIETY ? Few reasons : SIN NOT DESCRIBED AS A CONDITION TO GET HANDICAPPED: It is never said that any disease or handicapped state is due to 'sin'.Due to unavoided natural calamities,criminals ,present mistakes ,accidents ,etc people get handicapped .We know that an injury to Bhagwan ShriKrishnaji was never due to sin . Bhagwanji lived on earth solving problems created by 'evil' tendencies despite having options to stay away from earth or enjoy heavenly luxuries inertly watching cruelties of Duryodhan . He was even accused of stealing 'a most precious gem' , had to hear 'impolite words' of Shishupal also had to be Saarthee to teach to be prepared for unjustly imposed tragedies-prone wars and accusations by fault-finders who cry about tricks used to curtail cruel evil as if they were betrayal of innocence .Bad experience suffered by Bhagwanji was not due to sin .(We know how hindu-haters enjoy calling tricks deceiving the Kauravas' side as hate-worthy method.These hindu-haters would have chosen to be slave of Kauravas due to incorrect knowledge or impure mind ). Let's take example of a school which takes certain fee from student .On a day of collection of fee some coins in a student's

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pocket are reduced . But after some days outside school ,if coins in few student's pocket fell and got lost while running or playing should teacher be blamed or accused of stealing the coins or teaching to play carelessly ?Or does the teacher want students to fall while playing becoming lame and insulated ? Hindu-haters accuse hindutva of being like a cruel teacher who adds to sorrow of students? WITHOUT BELIEF IN PAAP-PUNYA,KARMAMany innocent children or adults would have been purposefully made handicapped (blinded,fingers cut ,legs absent) by types of people1)by criminals to use children kidnapped first and later made handicapped to collect money got after begging .2)by relatives or group of handicapped victim to get extra sympathy/regular donations to their family or group also to get considered for status of 'to be cared firstly' and 'donation or job'. 3)by wrongly sympathetic well-wisher like(eg. 1. A foolish sister who thinks that her likeable brother should choose to work safely as lame or blind shop-keeper instead of roaming as 'sanyasi' or joining army.(Such sister will avoid the crime if she believes that 1. anywhere her beloved brother will get the same or equal(joy & sorrow)as results of past-life karma ,2. that handicap will restrict brother's options to earn new Punya in future.) 2. A paranoid mother who thinks that the daughter she loves is better if remained handicapped at home unmarried than marrying to 'doubtable stranger' . All above crimes or injuries would have been got flourished if 'ardent care'or donation to handicapped would have called 'a best & sure sign of highest nobility' therefore society becoming concerned mainly about 'artificially handicapped' neglecting that healthy too face dangers and life-risks .There might have been a race to be or create victims resulting in a society that burdens saviours with unmanageable artificial victims .' Fashion of society to provide 'guaranteed care' with 'urgent importance' to handicapped would have attracted many people to injure a victim either for his or for their intended life with insurance(?) . It was required to call 'sin' as one of many reasons of handicap like natural calamities,criminals ,present mistakes ,accidents ,etc .It is never said that any disease or handicapped state is only due to 'sin'.Belief that injuring others is sin punished as Narakwas prevented many tragedies . Prominently the people who thought that making someone a handicapped will bring 'sympathetically assured attentive care with easy donation' as advantages to victim or victim's family or both ,will be discouraged to injure the possible victim due to belief in Paap-Punya. We know few people feel bad if called them 'sinners' .Also , many times we must choose between few and many . WHY MIXTURE OF SCIENCES , IMAGINARY STORIES AND HISTORY

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IN PURANS ? Ignorant may think that Hindutva is bad ? But 1.Hindu can be happy because of belief in devtas and knowledge of dharma2.Hindu is sad because wrong or less knowledge about Dharma .Shallow minds and rigid intellects can recite all logic or formulas of earth but they should not try to ban drinking water for popularizing liquor just because it promises more quantity of fun .They should pay attention to ensure that ethanol is not mixed in liquor if they earn by selling liquor . Hindutva like water looks 'little tasteless' to novice but considerately well-read experienced people know the range of its capabilities in all phenomenons like water in clouds ,rivers,herbs,fruits,ocean,blood,etc. Intellectuals liking fault-finding than social welfare are like a mathematics' whiz-kid who counts the number of threads used to create 'teddy bear' gifted to him , one day he yells at father because he wants the number of 'teddy bears' hair to be neither even nor odd ,next day he sulks because he feels that colour of teddy bear is looking dull and accuses sweeping mother neglecting that his hair-oil and sweaty hands dulled the colour of 'the gift'. His interest in calculation and cleanliness of 'teddy bear' may look sparks of virtues but what if he decides to set home on fire to get new clean home with special study-room .He don't care whether his parents get burnt as he thinks of them as 'indifferently loveless' for not really honouring his calculating ability .His mind wants 'acclaim and benefit' from skills he has ,he does not want or know what is good for humans but hides that he is 'narrow mind and ignorant'. Such example isn't found exactly but the soul-less hindu-haters think that they are worldwide acclaimed experts of welfare has some resources required to create tragedies .Why should we give examples which never occur exactly ? Because such example makes mind that is disinterested in subjects (eg.maths) feel pleasant to hear and know things that don't stress his patience or don't burden his intellect .Example :CHANDRADEV and CHANDRAGRAHA are clearly told as different Some people ask how can Chandradev talk in Indra-Sabha in Swarga when humans on earth always found him present in sky ?How he got shaap of waning Chandrakalas ? Was he always a full-moon before a shaap ? PuranKathas mention that grahas(planets) and Devtas are different from each other but resources are not allocated enough time to eradicate illusions about Hindutva totally. Today people feel encouraged to think about how hindutva can be accused of against welfare. Education is pleasant in the form of the stories and if well-known individuals are used in stories people pay attention . So PuranKathas look to be mixing truth and fiction . In school-book in a lesson teaching big-bang theory of universe

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hindutva is shown as teaching that Bhagwan Vishnuji created Bhagwan Brahmadev who then created planets and stars . They didn't tell that Puran mentions that Aakaash (element containing invisible particles and waves of energy )created Vaayu ,Vaayu(element containing group of particles which can flow in group and is distinguishable by easy experience)created Agni , Agni(element capable of producing heat or hot particles )condensed to form Jal and Jal (element containing easily identifyable as flowable or capable of wetting) obvious than condensed to create Prithvi(element containing solid group of particles). Jyotish mentions predicts the path of planets accurately with best possible calendar . We know that Mobile phones without stereo headphones(with right and left sound) are given Mono headphones(single channel) instead of rejecting music .Purans give us both truth and education in one place otherwise few impatient people would have refused to read large books . Hindu-haters don't ban Film magazines printing false gossip ,bad photos of actors and actresses for attracting minds of fans .Negative characters are given good songs and sympathetic music in films . ABOUT COMPLAIN OF LACK OF EVIDENCE OF SOUL

1. If devtas gave clear evidence of soul's existence few or many would have complained that they look like a greedy person who behave well only for enjoying in swarga not due to goodness.their minor complain could have made some proud ego-maniacs to conspire against hindutva which was the best system for most Indian common people who didn't like to keep boasting about 'voluntary goodness' or claim 'credit of all great things in life'

2. It is better to work for making world totally crimeless first and foremost than keep inquiring about one base of Hindutva which keep India crimeless in 30-40 lakh years of each cycle of Mahayug that runs forever .

3. More than complaining (different from asking) about evidence of Atma the world now requires a structure that can keep world crime-free totally .Can we guarantee that nuclear weapons won't come in the hands of a leader or group who may want to end earth due to personal frustrations or anger or illusion ?

SWARGA ,NARAK AND REBIRTHS:FEW POINTS CLARIFIED SWARG -NARAK :Based on quality and quantity of work the swarga is allocated . Depending on sins , narak is given , which is always temporary . A person can return to earth after getting rewards and results of his karma of various Janmas . All people on earth come with Paap-punya balance of many janma , not only one janma .Humans have almost same percentage of punya and paap .Animals come with little more paap than punya .People staying at Swarga has more Punya than paap ,when punya

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decreases becoming equal to amount of paap ,they return to earth as humans . People completing all spiritual development stages with no curious alternative interest live in other loka where they don't have to return to earth .If they show there tendency of 'pride' and 'the rigid inconsiderateness in acceptance of sameness at soul-level of all creatures (bheda-buddhi)' , they too have to return to earth. Non-hindus come with more personal freedom than hindus on earth . Here the words 'personal freedom' doesn't mean either as 'selfishness' or 'greed with personal freedom '. Also ,we have to note the few hindus (here' born as hindu') are not showing ardent curiosity or love to put to use the available culture towards spiritually rational responsibility , instead ,thinking 'selfish negligent aloofness ' as the right attitude . Respecting the Purans bad luck should not be allowed to be torturously criticized as a punishment of paap(sin) , because all humans come with paap equal to their own Punya .If a person looks sad we should not taunt him because he enjoyed some of his Punya in heaven and returned with remaining Punya. Person coming with million points of paap (sin) comes also with million points of Punya . Even a person living monotonous or eventless life might have come with 5,000 points of Paap(sin) and equal 5,000 points of Punya .One important example can be given of two students having equal 'million points of Punya and million points of paap(sin)' where one student is lame and one is healthy . Lame student seems to be sad but he is not . His brothers tell him jokes, tickles him ,mother cooks his favorite food and keep him always happy .But healthy student has to eat disliked food , study disliked subjects, go to shop for grocery have quarrelsome brothers . Thus both are equally happy , but look distinguishably different in apparent level of happiness .If both of these students become corrupt , criminals and still seem to be happy in this janma , in Narak they will be punished .Surplus Punya is converted to happiness in Swarga till Punya equals Paap making Atma eligible for human janma .Surplus paap also is converted to Narakvas till quantity of Paap equals punya thus preparing for human birth.Thus , taunting tendency is not supported by hindutva .Please help explain ignorant hindu society about above rationals and ideals of hindutva described in Puran but many times avoided in the modern shortened edition of puran Kathas .Illusion of Compulsory 84 lakh births to every Jeev is a false myth created to de-popularize hindutva .This false myth was created thinking that people would be misguided as less religious books were available in earlier centuries .Creating rumours would have helped anti-hindu institutions in their intention to make Indians disbelieve hindutva.It is never difficult to re-gain human birth .Because many of the sins are discarded in Narkwas . Also the spiritually most advanced souls attain moksha vacating places for new souls which will spend lives

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as humans, siddha , gandharva ,yaksha ,vidyadhar ,chaaran, maharishis , vetal, devtas ,etc.In the surprise case of elephant Gajendra he was a great king in earlier janma ,even if he became an elephant still he was honoured and liberated from birth of elephant by Bhagwan Vishnuji. If we study authentic hindutva we will know that it has considered all dimensions and created a religion for all yugas and all kinds of sensitivities.We should neglect the literature of 'dishonest interpreters of hindutva' who sought favours of few non-hindu rulers to protect their own pride and career.Illusion of 'quantity' problemWe get “illusion” that it is a problem to place unmanageably large number of Atmas in human janma .Majority of animals including ants must be getting Moksha because range of these animals in life-cycle, predator-prey pyramid,food-chain etc. are helpful to human survival with rain-forests ,fish-supply maintained due to them .Animals contribute lion's share in protection of human culture . Cattle help humans from chidhood. Elephants , horses, donkeys help maintain culture . Even ants save us from diseases spread from dead animals because ants eat decaying corpses preventing contagious diseases.Such animals are respected and given 'sadgati' like moksha' ,also. So there is not number-constraint for human-births allowed .Also we are spared of Paap occurred when we step on ants, insects in daily activities or eat mutton for survival .For example considering special case of Nishadh ,not only narak was forgiven ,but also given Shivlok by bhagwan ShriShankar mahadevji when he spared the talking deers . Even though ,he has killed lots of animals he was given shivlok sparing narak . Elephant Gajendra was rescued from crocodile and his narak was avoided even when he might have crushed snakes ,spiders,ants and felled trees with birds ' nests .Arjunji set fire to Khandav-van to create a nagar ,vacating place for human culture which is less cruel than forests,yet he was spared of any punishment.Even as I don't know about modern PLR or even if PLR didn't exist , I believe Geeta and Puran therefore also rebirth(punarajanmas).Belief in rebirth will encourage to concentrate on 'present' with 'fresher' mind.If one believes in rebirth he becomes happy to think that there is lot more joy and essence than ' one 100 years' life and permanent sleep '.Irritation of mind will be reduced .Sulking tendency will fade .Irresponsible may become responsible .Many people tend to dump 'hazardous' actions on earth thinking that they won't have to face 'future justice(including rewards for good

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deeds)' or thinking that they won't live on earth in next life .They would stop being 'blind' about consequences if they used to 'drive' cars in 'drunken' state ,becoming 'alert' in their present 'state'.End of article :thanks