€¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The...

Personal Evangelism Syllabus Teacher: Jesse Jost email: [email protected] website: purityandtruth.com Class Objective: To have a clearer understanding of what the gospel message really is and how to communicate it effectively to the world around us. To grasp the importance of clear communication and how perception and worldviews will affect how our message is interpreted. To learn how to handle the tough objections people often need to deal with before they are ready to listen. To discover a fun and valuable way to memorize Scripture. And finally to see the lost through God’s eyes, and determine what He requires of us in our interactions with unbelievers. Session 1: The Atonement. Session 2: What Is the Gospel Message? Session 3: What Do They Hear? Communication in Evangelism Session 4: Worldview Awareness. Session 5: The Ambassador’s Methods. Session 6: Dealing with doubters and how to prevent backsliding Session 7: Dealing With Objections Session 8: How to Memorize Scripture Session 9: The Plight of the Lost. 1

Transcript of €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The...

Page 1: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Personal Evangelism Syllabus

Teacher: Jesse Jost email: [email protected] website: purityandtruth.com

Class Objective: To have a clearer understanding of what the gospel message really is and how to

communicate it effectively to the world around us. To grasp the importance of clear communication and how perception and worldviews will affect how our message is interpreted. To learn how to handle the tough objections people often need to deal with before they are ready to listen. To discover a fun and valuable way to memorize Scripture. And finally to see the lost through God’s eyes, and determine what He requires of us in our interactions with unbelievers.

Session 1: The Atonement.Session 2: What Is the Gospel Message?Session 3: What Do They Hear? Communication in EvangelismSession 4: Worldview Awareness.Session 5: The Ambassador’s Methods.Session 6: Dealing with doubters and how to prevent backslidingSession 7: Dealing With ObjectionsSession 8: How to Memorize ScriptureSession 9: The Plight of the Lost.


Page 2: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Session 1: The Atonement.Atonement questions:

1. Did Jesus HAVE to die for there to be atonement? 2. Did Jesus HAVE to die before God could forgive us? 3. Why does there have to be blood before there is remission of sin? 4. Is God's justice really satisfied now that an innocent man has been punished and brutalized? 5. If God is all good, just, and loving, and he is really wrathful towards toward sin and sinners, how

does the death of the innocent (either Jesus or the sacrificial animal) satisfy that anger? 6. How does adding another injustice to the equation suddenly satisfy God's justice? 7. Is God's justice about restoration or sinners getting their due punishment?8. If Jesus' death paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world, then how is it just for God to

extract the punishment for sins from Jesus and then again from the sinner? 9. Was the cross to satisfy justice or repair a broken relationship?10. Did Jesus die to save us from God, or from our sins?11. Did Jesus die to reconcile the world to God or God to the world? 12. What was the problem that Jesus died to fix? Was it that God was angry with the world? Or was

it that we were in rebellion and wanted no part of God? Or both?13. Was the atonement to fix a problem in God? or man?14. If God could suddenly be loving and tolerant like everybody wants him to, would that solve our

problem of sin?15. If God could forgive us without Jesus’ death, would Jesus still have had to die to bring

atonement?16. If Jesus died to save us from God, does that mean if God were removed from the equation then

everything would be fine?17. Yes, we sinned and the wages of sin is death, but is this because God is duty-bound to punish

sins or is death the logical outcome of separation from a loving God?18. If your daughter is raped, is justice satisfied because the rapist receives retribution? Does this

remove the hurt and scars your daughter has? 19. How about if an innocent person gets punished? Does that remove the pain?20. Is the cross of Christ primarily about God getting a chance to vent his wrath and have justice

"satisfied”?21. Or is it about God showing us his great love by condescending to sacrifice himself to solve a

problem that we caused?

In light of these questions, what is the gospel? What is man’s basic problem? What is the solution? What do we share in our gospel presentations: that God is angry at them until they believe that Jesus took the wrath of God? That they are crime breakers who need to be forgiven, but they can't be forgiven until they believe Jesus paid their fine? Now that their fine is paid for, is their problem solved?

VIEWS ON THE ATONEMENT THAT HAVE BEEN HELD THROUGHOUT CHURCH HISTORY The different views on the nature of the atonement can be grouped into three basic categories:

the classic views, the subjective views, and the objective views.1. Classic: The atonement as victory over satanic powers.- Ransom theory: For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45


Page 3: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

- Fish Hook theory: None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 1Cor.2:8

- Christus Victor theory: For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Col.2:15

2. Subjective: The atonement as a change in us.- Example theory: For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps. 1 Peter 2:21

- Moral Influence theory: And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” John 12:32

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Rom. 5:8

Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? Rom 2:4

- Healing theory: But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you. Ex. 15:26

- Sacrifice theory: For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. Heb 10:14And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice

to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Eph 5:2

3. Objective: The atonement as a change in God.


Page 4: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

- Anselm’s satisfaction theory: For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one man, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Rom 5:17

- Moral government theory: The LORD is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will exalt the law and make it honorable. Is 42:21

(Jesus,)whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed. Rom 3:25- Penal substitution theory: And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Col 2:13

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” Gal 3:13

- Removal of God’s wrath theory: In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10

WHAT IS MAN’S BASIC PROBLEM? Is it economic? It is lack of education? Is it Victorian morality and repression? What is it?

The destructive consequences of sin:- It alienates us from our holy God. It is not just that God can’t stand sin, we can’t stand his holiness. We are like Peter: “Away from me, Lord, I am a sinful man.” In our sin-stained state, we couldn’t stand to be in God’s presence. Our guilt makes us run from Him.- It enslaves us. Jesus says that whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. We become addicted. Man was created with great potential for good. But if we are separated from the source of goodness, this potential makes us susceptible to great evil. Sin is also influenced by evil powers… What causes us to sin willfully, even when we know it is stupid? - It deceives us. Sin has the power to put a spell on us. We lose the ability to perceive things accurately. We see ourselves as pretty good, but can’t stand the sin of everyone else. Someone said that if you could see all the secret sins I’ve committed, and sinful thoughts I’ve had, you would think of me as a great monster.- It destroys relationships. Sin causes great pain to others. Every time we sin, it creates damage in the moral dimension of your life, and those around you will suffer the consequences. It is terrifying to see the depths of misery caused by putting self first.- It destroys us physically. Sin destroys our soul and our body. We were made for God. The greatest pleasure and good is to be in fellowship with God. But the greatest evil and misery, is to be cut off from him.



Page 5: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

- The holiness of God. We cannot understand things like the atonement or the doctrine of hell, until we can begin to grasp the holiness of God, who is completely good and loving. He cares deeply about us, and wants to see us made pure and holy. God cannot wink at sin. He can’t say, “Oh well, it wasn’t that bad, no big deal.” - The wrath of God. God sees sin for what it really is and he hates it with a holy passion. He sees all the pain and misery it causes. We wonder what is wrong with a little lust, but oh, we get mad if we think about someone raping our wife, daughter, or sister. God’s wrath is directly related to his love and goodness. True love and goodness can have no other response to evil. If you told a father that his daughter was being raped and abducted, what would you think of his moral qualities if he was apathetic and said, “Well, try and look at from the rapist’s point of view”?- The justice of God. Something in us yearns for justice. It makes us mad to think about people getting away with wrong. God’s justice is not merely to make sure everyone gets punished, but also to restore. God will make things right. Sin will be dealt with. He will judge the earth. This is not optional with God. He can’t lie, and he can’t let sin go undealt with. All sin will be destroyed.

GOD’S BRILLIANT, BUT SACRIFICIAL SOLUTION – THE CROSS OF CHRIST . What the Atonement accomplished is clear, how it did is a mystery. Similarly, we know that

food keeps us alive, not necessarily how our bodies digest it.Jesus removed our sins, by taking the consequences on himself. You ask, “Why must God

punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun” things that God doesn’t like. God hates sin because each time sin is committed, it does damage to a soul, yours and others’. It is like you are denting and scratching a sports car every time you sin. God can forgive you, but someone needs to pay to restore the damages. This is what Jesus does for us at the cross. He takes the damage into himself, so that we can be made whole. Jesus took our sins in his own body and took them away. He also gives us his own righteousness as our identity.

Jesus reconciled us to God. Now that our sin is out of the way, our conscience is cleared. We are made pure, and can now enter into the pleasures of a relationship with God without fear.

Jesus broke the spell of Satan. Jesus came to testify to the truth. The power of Satan is the lie and the ability to blind us. The purpose of crucifixion was to make death visible to many. Through the gruesome image of the crucified Christ, we can’t help but see sin for what it is (ugly and destructive) and we see God for who He is (good and loving.) The cross breaks our pride, and makes us grateful.

Jesus overcame the forces of evil. All the ways that the cross triumphed over Satan remain a mystery. But his death clearly shows us the way to overcome evil – with self-sacrificial love.

Jesus freed us from the bondage of sin. Because Jesus gives us a new nature, we are now free to live the way God wants us to.

Jesus will bring healing to the entire broken world. The cross was an amazing move on the part of God. It is a stumbling block to those who want God to defeat evil with force, and it is foolishness to those who think man is basically good, but only ignorant. It is amazing to see the lengths to which God has gone to redeem us!Session 2: What Is the Gospel Message?


Page 6: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

This is the most important question you will ever face – “What must I do to be saved?” We have three possibilities:1. Everyone will be saved. This idea is so appealing and it appeals to God more than anyone. Yet Jesus

spoke more about hell than heaven. The gospels are full of warnings of eternal destruction.2. God chooses regardless of what we do. In other words we have no choice in the matter. God does

choose who will be saved. He has the final choice and no one can argue his decision. However, God calls us to choose who we will serve. And Jesus says that “whoever wills may come.” What God sovereignly chooses is beyond our comprehension. We know God will choose, but we don’t what the choice will be or what it will be based on.

3. Our choices will affect where we spend eternity. It seems that we will affect where we spend eternity. Jesus talks about eternal life, and eternal destruction. The critical question is, “What must I do to receive eternal life?”

Is the deciding factor right knowledge? How high do you have to score on a theology exam to be saved - 85% - 92%? Is good living the deciding factor? How many good deeds do you need? Is faith what matters? If so is, “pretty confident” enough to save you, but if you have some doubts, that’s not enough?

WHAT IS THE CRITICAL COMPONENT THAT SEPARATES THE BLESSED FROM THE DAMNED? Whatever it is, we should make it our life’s goal to seek that thing, and make sure others are

seeking it as well. Human opinion is of little value. The only way to know for sure is to hear from God himself.

Passages that cite the importance of faith and belief John 5:24: "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has

eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." John 6:40: "For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall

have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved." Romans 3:28: "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of

the law." Romans 10:9: "That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your

heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved." Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves. It is the

gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Galatians 2:16: "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of

Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified."

Galatians 2:21: "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain."

Titus 3:5: "...he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit..."

Passages that cite the importance of obedience and actions Matthew 7:21 (part of the Sermon on the Mount): "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,'

will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 12:36-37: "I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every

careless word you utter; For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."


Page 7: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Matthew 25:44-46: “He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

Matthew 28:19-20a: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Romans 2:6,7; 13: "For he will repay according to each one's deeds. To those who by patiently doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; for it is not those who hear the law who are just in the sight of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified."

2 Corinthians 5:10: "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil."

James 2:24: "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." Revelation 22:12: "Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I will give to each

according to his deeds."

WHAT IS OUR PRIMARY PROBLEM? The key to understanding a solution is to first understand the problem. Here is man’s dilemma: God is our source of all life, goodness, and beauty. We were created to be in a relationship with

God. God designed it so that He would be God and we would be the worshippers and recipients of His love and good gifts.

God is also the one who defines right and wrong. Since He created this world, and we all belong to him, he alone has the right to set the rules. He is the source of the moral law.

We rebelled against his authority. Beginning with Adam in the Garden of Eden, we have all rebelled against God’s moral authority and decided we wanted to be god. In doing this we have severed ourselves from this life-giving Source. We want to be god, but it is all a big pretense because we have no life in ourselves. Like an electric robot that has been unplugged, we are spiritually dead.

In this state of being cut off from God, it is only a matter of time before we perish eternally in Hell. Because we cut ourselves off from the source of goodness, we became corrupt and have committed moral crimes against a righteous God. And because God is righteous, these crimes have to be punished. Only a corrupt judge will let an unrepentant criminal go unpunished. The penalty for these crimes is hell. If you feel this is unjust, let me remind you that the penalty fits the crime, because the penalty (separation from God) is the crime (separating yourself from God through self-deification.) Hell is the absence of God. To be cut off from God is to be separated from all goodness. This is what makes hell terrible.

Our problem is threefold. 1. Because we have rejected God’s claim to ownership, we are separated from Him and will

perish in our current state. 2. We have committed moral crimes that must be punished – sins that prevent us from being

united with a holy God. 3. We are in a state of rebellion. Rebels must be quarantined.



Page 8: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

If alienation from God is our primary problem, then reconciliation to Him is our primary solution. What does it mean to be reconciled to God? It means we can approach God without fear of condemnation because of what Christ did on the Cross. Our sins have been removed. It means we have surrendered the control of our life, and have submitted to God’s claim of authority. And, because God is once again our God, we receive the life-giving flow of His Spirit. How do we obtain this reconciliation?

WHAT IS THE DECIDING FACTOR THAT ENSURES SALVATION? Scripture talks about the importance of faith and belief as critical ingredients. There is nothing

we can do to earn God’s favor, or merit the benefits of the cross. We can only call upon the name of the Lord with empty hands. There can be no bargaining, but only a grateful receiving of the gift of God.

The importance of repentance: I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Luke 13:3

Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19

There are several times Scripture talks about the importance of repentance as vital for salvation. Does this contradict the fact that we are saved by faith alone? We are saved by faith alone, but what kind of faith?

WHAT IS SAVING FAITH? Saving faith is more than mental assent to the truth of the gospel. The demons would score

higher on a theology test than any of us, yet they are not saved. Saving faith is more than a feeling of certitude. Many bound in cults are certain of their faith, yet

this is clearly not what saves.Saving faith is the willful acknowledgement of God’s claim to your life. It means you lay down

your arms and surrender to his authority. It is the acknowledgement that you are helpless apart from God, and that there is nothing good in you that is worthy of his favor. It is completely trusting in the finished work of Christ for your good standing with God. It is the soul saying to God, you are God and I am not. I am yours. This is saving faith.

We are not saved by faith plus works, but if you have true saving faith and not just a “said” faith, or a “felt” faith, there will be a dramatic life change. This is not legalism. Legalism is relying on your own good deeds for God’s approval. It is saying to God, “I don’t need you, I can be good enough on my own.”


God is the Creator. He has a claim on our life, we belong to him.God is the moral law giver. God decides what is right and wrong, and he will ensure ultimate

justice. God is the source of all goodness, life, beauty, meaning and pleasure.

2. Man.


Page 9: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Man is created in the image of God. Thus, man has great dignity and worth. There is a nobleness that the fall has not been able to erase.

Man is in rebellion. When man tries to play God, he wreaks havoc in his own life and the life of those around him. Look at the world! Everywhere you look, you see the disgusting consequences of this rebellion. Severed from God, man is in conflict with himself and mankind.

Man is under God’s wrath. As long man is in rebellion, he is cut off from the source of life. God is so passionate about reconciling this universe to himself, that all who refuse to submit to his rule are a cancer and must be removed. Sinful man is on a collision course with ultimate justice. It is important to emphasis that man is the problem. God is the one willing to forgive and full of grace and longsuffering. The problem is not that God coldly rejects the sinner. The problem is that God honors the sinner’s rejection of Him.

Man is bound for hell. God is the source of all goodness and pleasure. There is no other person who has the ability to produce the good stuff. If you reject God, you reject all beauty, goodness, and pleasure. This is total misery – hell.3. Christ.

His teaching. When we preach Christ, we preach good news! The Gospel means good news. People complain about how bad this world is. Jesus taught the kingdom of God or the rule of God. Man has totally messed up the beautiful world God created. But God in his mercy has begun the process of reconciling the world to himself through the incarnation. First he will reconcile all willing humans and then he will restore the entire universe. But the only way this can happen is if you are restored to a proper relationship with God. Jesus spent three and a half years explaining what a person who is reconciled to God will look like. He warned against the things that sever our relationship with God: lust, infidelity, self-righteousness, covetousness, unforgiveness, worry, pride, insensitivity to others. He taught about things that bring us closer to God: humility, prayer, dependence on Him, confession, gratitude, and trust. He taught us that if we really love God, we will love humanity. He taught us what that looks like: forgiveness, having a servant’s attitude, sacrificial love, fidelity, and treating others the way we want to be treated. The great commission is to teach others to obey all he has commanded. It is not the gospel when you don’t proclaim the importance of obedience.

His death. Jesus took the eternal consequences of our sin on himself. He has taken away our sins. He took our place. We can have great confidence because we have been given a clean slate. We must place our faith in the work of the cross, not in our own good deeds.

His resurrection. Jesus conquered death. He rose to demonstrate the truth of his claims, and give us pledge that he is going to make all things new. What happened in the death and resurrection of Christ is a picture of what Christ will do for the entire cosmos.

His Holy Spirit. Jesus not only commands us to live better, and removes past sins; he also gives us the power to overcome the sins that keep us in bondage.

His Lordship. Jesus is not simply the answer to our problems. If this was the case he would be irrelevant to the person who has no problems. Jesus is the Creator who has a claim on our lives. He not only made us, but He also bought us back with his own blood. We need to proclaim that Jesus is Lord, and that all who refuse his rightful claim will be cut off.

4. Our response.


Page 10: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Faith and repentance. It is critical that we proclaim both. If we preach one without the other, we will be misleading. If we preach faith without repentance, then the unsaved won’t understand the radical nature of salvation, and the change of authority that must take place. However, if you preach repentance without faith, you will place a burden on the unbeliever that they won’t be able to bear. The gospel is not just a call to change, but is rather the good news of the forgiveness of sins and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to overcome the bondage of sin.

Saving faith is as simple as the cry of the thief on the cross. All you have to do is admit your helplessness and ask for God to save you and you will be saved. However, saving faith is also costly, because every day after you asked for God to save you, you belong to Him. He must be the boss of your life.

Can you lose your salvation? Jesus is the author and finisher of your salvation. From the perspective of God, once you have received eternal life, there is nothing that can snatch you from the Father’s hand. However, it is possible to be deceived into thinking you are saved when you really aren’t. Scripture warns us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, to examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith, and to make our calling and election sure. Our hope must always be in the living Savior, not in a past decision. Saving faith will result in a life change. If you walk away from the Savior, you were not relying on him for your salvation, but were relying on your own works or beliefs.

Eternal security is a doctrine that should give us assurance, not apathy. If you are apathetic to God, then it is possible you are not in a saving relationship with God. Your response should not be, “I said a prayer when I was younger, so I’m covered.” But rather to get down on you knees and ask for a filling of the Holy Spirit. He is the seal of your eternal salvation.

SOME SIMPLE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE GOSPEL Pictures and stories help us to communicate across the language and culture barriers. Jesus

constantly spoke in parables and stories to make his points.The Fatal Disease:

Imagine that terrorists have discovered a way to pollute all the water in the world. Your government has been aware of this problem and has stockpiled sanitary water to drink and is offering it free of charge to everyone. The government is also strongly warning people not to drink ordinary water. But people ignore the warning, and drink the water. Before you know it, the entire population is infected and the world is dying. Now the president is the last person who has not been infected; he has only drunk the pure water. His research department tells him that if they can find the blood of someone who has not been infected, they will be able to find a cure. The president gives his own blood, but loses his life in the process. A cure is found and is again made available free of charge. People are commanded to come into the treatment center and receive the cure. It would seem like a no-brainer to receive this treatment, but many people decide not to come because they’ve been told that the rules you have to obey afterward are so strict. They would rather die following their own rules than live and obey someone else. The government has tried to tell people the rules are not harsh. They are simply rules and procedures that are necessary for the cure to work. Some people listen, receive the cure, and are made healthy and try to tell others, but many still refuse to be cured. Some don’t come to the treatment center because of fear, or because of pride (even as they are dying, they refuse to believe there is a problem).


Page 11: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

The problem is not with the government not being “loving” enough, or not doing all they can to help those dying; the problem is that people refuse the treatment. Judgment Day – Two Scenarios:

Imagine you are standing before God on judgment day, and it is your turn to be examined. The prosecution pops in a DVD of your life. This particular DVD also has a running commentary of your thoughts and motives. You cringe while deeds and sinful actions you had long forgotten about are played before thousands of watching eyes. After the film, the prosecution sets down mounds and mounds of legal documents itemizing each of your sins: lust, blasphemy, theft, willful treason against the Lord of the Universe, lying, hypocrisy. You know you are guilty and hang your head in shame. The judge stands up and with tears in his eyes, says, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” This is complete justice. You can’t protest, because after all, your sins are all fresh and stinking in your memory.

Alternate ending: The judge stands up and walks towards the pile of legal documents and stamps on them in big, red, bloody lettering, “paid in full.” He turns to the prosecution and says, “In life, this one gave me his life, he surrendered to my claim on his life. I in turn gave him my perfection: I paid the penalty for every one of these sins.” He turns to you and says, “Enter into the joy of your King!”

SUMMARY: Salvation is not found in enough correct theology (the demons understand reality better than any of us). It is not found in doing enough good deeds (relying on our own works is still a refusal of God’s saving grace). If you have not surrendered to the authority of Jesus, you have a false god (yourself), and are cut off from the source of life and are perishing. Salvation (a restored relationship with God) is made possible only because of the work of Christ. You are saved when you repent and allow God to be God. If God is your God, this will result in a changed life. Jesus is the only way, because He is the only true God. A rejection of Jesus is a rejection of God. A rejection of God will result in Hell. Come to the cross and let God be your God.

Session 3: What Do They Hear? Communication in Evangelism.


Page 12: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Communication is the sharing of ideas and meaning among two or more people, using verbal codes (words) or non-verbal codes (body language). All communication involves three basic elements: perception, the way we see reality; expression, the way we try to share with others our point of view; and understanding, the way we try to make sense of the messages that the other person sends our way. Let’s look at how each of the elements in the communication process causes complications in evangelism.

1. PERCEPTION. Perception is the way we see reality, the way things and events look from our point of view. Now, we do not passively receive data like a computer printing a disk. When we receive data from our senses, we select what we want, we organize, and interpret. When we begin a conversation with a non-believer, let’s call him Bob, we have to realize that he will have a unique perception filter that will affect how our message comes across. Once we ask the right questions, we can adjust our message accordingly.

- Past Experiences. What things have happened in Bob’s life that will affect his perception of what we have to say? Has he come out of Christianity and is full of doubts about the truth of it? Or has he had bad experiences with legalistic, joyless Christians? Have past “evangelists” driven him further away with their pride and thoughtlessness? Has he been burned by a cult and is wary and suspicious of all religious people? What tragedies have Bob gone through that may be making him bitter toward God, or perhaps hungry for true love?

- Present Feelings. We need to be sensitive to the current emotional state of Bob. If he is grieving or anxious about work, or under stress, our message could just be an irritation instead of illuminating.

The Process of ProcessingNot only do we have different filters for the way the data appears to us, we each have a

different way that we process the data, leading even more differences in perception.- SelectionIf we just passively absorbed all the data our senses give us, we would go crazy, so instead we

have to be selective. - We are selective in our attention. We can tune out a conversation until we hear our name. Or

tune out different sounds or smells.- We are selective in our retention. Think about yesterday and the things you remember, and

you will find that there were certain things you heard that you selected to remember and other things that were forgotten.

- Stereo-typing. This selection process leads us to label and stereo type other people. Once we have done this we see only the aspects of that person that fit our stereo type or label, and won’t see the things that contradict. If we label someone as stingy or bossy, or grouchy, we will only see the things that reinforce our stereo type.

- Filling in the blanksIt is very hard for us to live with the unknown or blank spaces. When we meet someone new,

they are like picture covered with a flap covered grid, like an advent calendar. Now the more we get to know a person more flaps are pulled back and each time we get a bigger glimpse of who that person is.


Page 13: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

However the problem is we really only get to pull back a few flaps and much of the person remains a mystery. We don’t like not knowing stuff, so we fill in the blanks and trick ourselves into thinking we know a person better than we really do. We all have a bad habit of forming opinions of people way to fast!

- SimilarityIf we see that someone is from a certain family and we know another member in that family, we

will assume that because they come from the same family that they will be similar. We may also group people like this according to race, denomination, appearance or physical build.

- Perpetual constancyAnother way we fill in the blanks is that we assume that the way things are now, is the way that

they will stay. So if we meet someone and they are terse or grouchy, we will assume that that is the way they always are and ignore the fact that they may have just been having a bad day.

We have to understand that Bob will have his own stereotypes of what Christians are like. A Barna survey of “outsiders” discovered that most of them see us Christians as hypocritical, not caring about them as humans but only whether they are “saved” or not, antihomosexual, too political, sheltered, and judgmental. Whatever happened to “they will know we are Christians by our love”?

We will need to work extra hard to change this perception. But this also shows that kind gestures, and demonstrations of love, will help change Bob’s perception, and perhaps make it easier for him to hear from the next Christian. Are your actions making it harder for the next Christian? Or easier?

InterpretationTo compound our perception problems, once we make our observations, we also draw

inferences from our data, and then assume that these inferences are simply what we observed. For example we observe someone asking a question about a family member. But now we can interpret this question as either this person is being nosy or this person is showing love and care. If you interpret it as being nosy, you will go away thinking that you observed that person being nosy, and won’t even notice that you worked an interpretation in there. If we want successful relationships, we will have to learn to make a distinction between observation and inferences and not jump to conclusions. We need to ask was this an observation or inference. If it was inference, we need to look for multiple interpretations, and the law of love requires us to give them the benefit of the doubt.

2. EXPRESSION. Unfortunately, none of us are mind readers. We cannot swap thought for thought with other people. When you want to communicate a thought to another person you will use symbols or codes, both verbal (words) and non-verbal (body language, facial expressions) and assign meaning to these symbols. The fun begins when Bob receives these symbols and codes and begins to interpret them. Now if the life experience and background of Bob is similar to yours, then you both will likely assign the same meaning to the codes and the message will be clearly communicated. However, if there are ethnic or cultural differences between you and Bob, then you’ll assign different meanings to the words, and the message may be lost in translation.

This principle of communication has serious implications for evangelism. When you become a Christian, you enter a brand new culture and adopt new symbols and terminology. You gain a new


Page 14: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

perception of life. It is important to remember that when we share the gospel with outsiders, there will be a major language barrier. Even though you may both speak English, this won’t be enough to simply “preach the gospel.” You have a whole set of words that are distinct to your Christian community. Until you shape your message to the person who is listening, you will not be successful in communicating the good news.

We do not share the gospel for our benefit. We must communicate personally with Bob in mind. We can’t merely make sure we get all the basic elements of belief, justification, sin, judgment, etc., into our conversation and be satisfied. Instead, we need to ask, “What did he hear?” It doesn’t matter how eloquent or comprehensive we are if the basic words and concepts are not explained in a way the seeker understands. The vital goal is for Bob to accurately hear and interpret the message. This requires paying close attention to Bob’s body language and frequently allowing him time for feedback.

- Verbal codes.Christian: How do you plan on getting into heaven?Non-Christian: By being good enough.Christian: No, you have to accept Jesus into your heart by saying the sinner’s prayer, and then

you will be saved.Non-Christian: You mean your good news is that most of the world is going to hell in a hand

basket, but you have a magic chant that will send them to Heaven? If all people have to do is say this magic incantation to be saved, why didn’t God tell everyone about it?

Christian: No, you also have to believe - then you will be saved.Non-Christian: You mean, in order to be saved, I have to bring myself to believe some things that

I don’t think are true. So God gives us a brain and a desire to know the truth and then penalizes us with hell for using that brain?

Christian: Friend, Jesus is the only way. If you don’t believe in Jesus, you will go to hell.Non-Christian: If God is so loving and wants me to go to heaven, why did He put in this catch

that prevents most of the world from getting an opportunity to be saved?Christian: Jesus was the one who paid the pardon for your sins! All you have to do is accept this

free gift.Non-Christian: You’re kidding. All I have to do is say “yes, I want this pardon,” and I’m free – no

catch or anything? I’m sorry, but if this is true, you Christians must be the most dangerous people around. Because no matter what you do you know that your sins will be forgiven.

Christian: Well, that’s not exactly what I meant. You can’t do whatever you want; you also have to obey.

Non-Christian: I knew there was a catch! So, now I have to be good enough. Well now, we’re right back where we started.

Christian: No, we aren’t saved by works. Salvation is a gift! It’s like a free ticket to heaven. All you have to do is accept it.

Non-Christian: I don’t get it, but sign me up, anyway. I’ve always been a sucker for freebies. Words, Worldviews, and False Religions. The people we talk to are not blank slates. They all

speak their own language, and attribute their own meaning to words. When we say a word, the meaning that they attribute to that word is the message that they will receive, regardless of the meaning you put into it. Their current ideas and beliefs will also affect how they interpret what you say.


Page 15: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

- Worldviews: When we say God, it could mean one of many things. To a pantheist, such as a New Ager or Eastern guru, the word God will simply mean a cosmic force or energy. Of course to an atheist or agnostic, God will mean a fairytale character who is conjured up by the religious to try and control people.

To a modern relativist, when we talk about sin or morality, they will interpret those words to mean “the values that are right for the individual.” They won’t understand the absoluteness of morality until we explain that God is the moral lawgiver.

- Cults and False Religions. We have to be especially discerning when we are trying to reach members of cults. Many cults, such as Mormonism, have hijacked Christian lingo and have put a whole new meaning into words like born again, saved, Christian, Jesus, and Heaven. When we communicate, we always need to ask what they mean by a certain word and also explain what we mean by the words we use.

Preach the Word. We are commanded to preach the word faithfully, but this does not mean simply quoting verses or reading Bible passages to people. People speak different languages and we have to make sure that our unbeliever friend, Bob, understands what the words mean. This is obvious when you think about traveling to China. It would be a waste of time to go there and simply quote the Bible to them in English. You would have to translate it so they could understand. The thing that a lot of people forget is that even in English-speaking countries, there are a variety of meanings to words. We need to clarify what the words mean before our job is done. Remember, the power of God’s word is not in the word-for-word English translation, but in the reality of the ideas behind the words, and in the power of the Holy Spirit to enlighten minds.

- Non-verbal codes.Not only do we need to ask what Bob is hearing in our verbal message, but perhaps even more

importantly we need to ask what he is hearing in our non-verbal message. What are we communicating with our tone of voice and facial expressions? Does he hear genuine love and concern for him? Or does it seem like we are doing this so we can check him off a list? Does he perceive that we care more about being right and winning an argument, than we do about his hurts and struggles? Do we communicate the love of Christ? Or only that we have a depraved nature as well?

Actions. Actions do speak louder than words. We can try to tell Bob that we love him and that Christ has the power to transform us. But if we are rude, insensitive, or ignore the needs he has, how will he be able to believe that our message is true?

Attitudes. What is your attitude conveying? If this is good news, shouldn’t you be joyful? If God is good and has showered you with gifts, shouldn’t you have an attitude of gratitude? If Christ is full of compassion and lives in you, shouldn’t our attitude be full of care and concern for the hurts of those around us?

3. UNDERSTANDING. Barriers to good listening. Listening is not just passive hearing. No, it is an active process by

which we try to understand the other person. But there are several factors which can hinder good listening. We need to be aware of these barriers to good listening for two reasons. One, so that we can work around them for Bob to correctly receive the message. Secondly, so that we can avoid them ourselves and really hear what Bob is saying.


Page 16: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

- Details. One problem is that we tend to listen for details and facts instead of the main ideas or the reason the person is saying what they’re saying.

- Semantics. We can also be tripped up by the way a person uses a certain word and not hear the rest of what they are saying. If someone says they don’t believe in God, instead of reacting, seek to understand what he means by God. You may actually agree.

- Physical. The message can be lost because of too much noise, distracting sights or smells, or physical exhaustion.

- Mental distractions. I believe the biggest factors that prevent understanding are the mental distractions. We rarely focus on what the other person is really saying. If a person does not want to hear from you, they won’t make the effort needed to understand what you are saying. You need to make people want to hear the good news. Stuffing it down their throat will only result in mental regurgitation.

- Pride. Often we think we know Bob better than we do, so we assume we know what he is going to say and don’t really listen. Or we think we have psychic powers and know what he is really trying to say and read a message into what he says. Either way, we don’t really honor the other person and just focus on what they are saying.

- Insecurity. Insecurity (which is pride in disguise) makes us defensive. When we are defensive, we spend so much energy trying to defend ourselves or our point of view that we don’t really listen. When we should be listening, we’re busy formulating a response or a comeback.

COMMUNICATION HELPS: Learning to really listen. The only way you can find out if Bob getting the message is to listen.

Developing good listening skills takes a lot of work. But it is one of the best ways you can demonstrate the love of Christ.

Give your undivided attention. Really focus on the other person. Don’t start formulating a response while you’re listening.

Don’t assume you know what they are going to say. Pay close attention so that your stereotyping or labeling of that person does not affect what you hear or don’t hear.

Give descriptive feedback. Learn to say, “This is what I heard you say. Am I right?” Give the speaker a safe place to open up. As we listen, we can’t ridicule or be too quick to

correct. If the other person doesn’t feel safe, they won’t open up and fully express what they’re feeling/thinking.

Listen to why a person may be saying something. But then be sure to ask if you have an accurate perception.

Apply the golden rule to your witnessing. Good communication begins with having the mind of Christ – being others-focused. Take the time to listen to Bob so that you can put yourself in his shoes. Treat Bob with the same courtesy you want to be treated with. When you deal with a salesman, think about what you appreciate and what turns you off. Realize how irritating it is when someone is persistent in trying to sell you something you don’t think you need, and doesn’t take the time to ask what you do need. You need to address Bob right where he is on his spiritual journey. But to do this you first need to listen to his stories and his struggles. Above all, listen to the Holy Spirit and only speak what he gives you to say – no more and no less. He is the only one who can really ensure successful communication with any unbeliever.


Page 17: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

SUMMARY: My main point is that those outside of Christ are not created uniformly. An effective evangelistic method cannot be a one-size-fits-all. Don’t misunderstand me: Christ doesn’t change, nor does His message of repentance and forgiveness. But the differences in the unbeliever’s terminology and perception must dictate flexibility on our part. We must carefully custom fit our message to Bob’s unique specifications. The only way we can possibly do this is to get to know him. It will take time to ask questions about his past and encourage him to give us feedback about how our message is being translated.

Session 4 Worldview Awareness.What is a worldview?


Page 18: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

A worldview is the basic set of assumptions and presuppositions that form the filter or lens by which people interpret reality. A worldview deals with a person’s view of these key areas:

1. God Who or what exists, if anything? Is God personal, meaning does he have a mind, will, and desires? Is god merely an impersonal force, a cosmic energy? Are there many gods?2. Ultimate realityIs the material realm all that exists? Is there a spiritual realm? Is reality a mere a illusion?3. Origins Where did we come from? Is this world the product of blind random chance? Has this world always exited? 4. Man What is our nature? Does man have a soul? Do we have free will? Are we basically good or corrupt? Are we one with a cosmic god?5. Knowledge Can we know the truth? Is all truth relative and subjective? Is there such a thing as absolute truth? Can we trust our senses? 6. Meaning What is our purpose? Is there any objective purpose for our lives, or are we free to assign whatever meaning we choose? Is life meaningless? Does it not matter what we believe as long as it works? 7. Morality Who or what decides what is right and wrong? Is morality relative? What is the standard of morality, the individual? Society? Or God?Often people hold opinions about these areas that they just assume to be true, but their

assumptions will affect how they evaluate other people’s truth claims.A simple way to classify a worldview

Other people, such as Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcy simplify worldview awareness to three categories of creation, fall, and redemption.

1. Creation (How did we get here?)2. Fall (What went wrong?)3. Redemption (What do we do to fix it?)

Objective truth vs. Subjective truthSubjective truth is dependent on the subject. “Pistachio ice cream is delicious” is a subjective

truth claim because it is not really a claim about the ice cream, but about the person making the statement. Someone else could state “pistachio ice cream tastes terrible.” Both statements could be true. Tastes and likes are subjective truths. Objective truths are true apart from the subject. “Jesus died and rose from the dead,” is an objective truth claim. It is true or false regardless of how we feel about it.

Is there objective truth that can be known? To deny the existence of objective truth is to affirm its existence. We have to know an objective truth to make the claim the truth can’t be objectively known.

Worldview and evangelism


Page 19: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Before people can truly accept the gospel message they will have to accept certain worldview assumptions. The message of the cross, sin, or forgiveness will not make sense or even seem possible to a person who holds worldview assumptions that are contrary to Christianity. Examples: if a person believes that there is no personal God that holds us accountable for our actions and that morality is relative, that offer of the forgiveness of sins will seem strange and offensive. An atheist who rejects the existence of a supernatural power outside of nature will not be convinced by the evidence of miracles, because in his worldview, miracles are an impossibility.

Part of the work of evangelism is gently tearing down these false worldviews and exposing them, then establishing a Christian worldview (which is simply a correct view of reality)“...casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5 The Christian worldview

Before we examine some of the false worldviews let’s look at the Biblical Christian worldview1. God God is an infinite all-good, all-powerful, personal, self-existent, being. He is the source of all

creation. He created us to have a relationship with him, and has revealed himself in Creation, the Bible, the Person of Jesus Christ. He has eternally existed as one in essence or nature, but in three persons (The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

2. Ultimate realityAt the heart of reality is a good and loving God, who is distinct from his creation. There exists a

visible material realm, but there also exists a spiritual and immaterial realm.3. Origins The world we see was the purposeful creation of a kind, intelligent being and therefore everything is

infused with purpose.4. Man Humans were created in the image of God and designed for relationships with God and each other.

Man is endowed with free will and powers of creation and artistic abilities. However, man also rebelled against God and severed his life connection with God and has become corrupt. Humans have a material body, but also an immaterial soul.

5. Knowledge Man can know absolute truth because our minds have been created by a good intelligent mind. We

can trust our sense perception for the same reason. Only the Christian worldview a personal ultimate mind gives a foundation for reason and logic.

6. Meaning Our lives have purpose because we were created by a God who cares about us. He calls us to

general and specific roles, with the over arching purpose of glorifying Him and enjoying Him forever.7. Morality Christians have a basis for morality that is rooted in the character of God. There is a personal and

absolute Moral Lawgiver that we are accountable to and will stand before. If there is no ultimate person, we do not have a standard for absolute morality. Morality would be reduced to whatever the individual or society decides.


Page 20: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

False WorldviewsIt is tempting to make broad classifications and then pin them on people, but people are

individuals and are not so easily classified. It is important that we take the time to listen to each person on each issue rather than making assumptions. Each philosophy or worldview begins with your concept of God or gods. All the views of God can be boiled down to seven views. Each view has many variations but each view fits into one of these seven

Atheism:No God exists. The material world is all that exists. There are no moral absolutes. Atheists

believe that that this world is the product of blind random chance. Random mutations and natural selection has given us the apparent design that we seeMiracles are of course impossible because the world is a closed system. Religions that are atheistic include Secular Humanism and some forms of Buddhism.

Deism:There was a God who created the world, but now never interferes with His universe. Miracles

and the supernatural are impossible. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson are some famous Deists. Pantheism:All is God and God is all. God is simply an impersonal force. Every person, animal, and tree is

God. God is unknowable. Miracles are impossible because there is no outside power to act upon this world. Good and evil are ultimately illusory and irrelevant. This is the view held by most Hindus, many Buddhists, and other New Age religions.

Panentheism:All is in God. God is finite, personal, and always changing, evolving with the universe. God is the

mind and the Universe is his body. God and the world are mutually dependant on each other. There is no absolute definition of good and evil.

Polytheism:There are many personal but finite gods. These gods do not create ex nihilo but simply shape

existing matter. There are no moral absolutes. All values are relative. Polytheism is sometimes mixed with forms of pantheism. Mormons, Witches (Wicca) and some Hindus are all polytheists.

Finite Godism: God is simply finite. He is either limited in his power or in his goodness. Morals are not absolute,

although this view acknowledges the reality of evil. Most Finite Godists were theists who couldn't reconcile the existence of evil with an All- powerful and All-good God.

There are really only two basic worldviewsThere are hundreds of religions and worldviews, but I think they all fall into two categories.

Either the real God who made heaven and earth is your God, or you reject Him and set up a false god. Either you seek and submit to God’s reality, or you try to be your own god and shape reality to fit your tastes. Either you serve the true God or you are a slave to a false god. This is why there is so many different religions, because when people reject God’s true religion, they will be forced to invent their own.

You see this rejection of God’s moral authority in the two most common alternatives Naturalism and New Age thought. Both of these boil down to a rejection of God’s authority and allow each person to be their own judge of right and wrong. New Age mysticism is becoming so popular because it offers power and spirituality without a surrender to God. We Christians also have to keep asking ourselves “Who is my God?” Is it the Lord of heaven and earth? Or is an idol, made in our own image? I find that I keep needing the real God to smash my idols, my false views of God that are not worthy of Him.


Page 21: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Testing a Worldview

To evaluate the truth of a world view Ron Nash suggests that we need to subject it to three tests: Reason, experience, and practice.

1. The test of reasonIs the worldview consistent with itself? Does it contain contradictions? Contradictions mean that at

least of the points has to be false. Does it a provide a basis for logic or the reliability of sense perception?

2. The test of experience. Does what the worldview predict or declare correspond with what we see around us. This test

includes the outer world. Does it line up with the facts of history and science? But it also includes the inner world. Does it make sense of what we feel? Does it give a meaningful explanation for our free will?

3. The test of practice.Finally, is the worldview livable? Does it work in the real world? Does it give an objective standard of


Strategies for discerning and exposing a false worldview

USE QUESTIONS TO SHOW THE PERSON HOLES IN THEIR OWN WORLDVIEW. Most unbelievers live in a world of deception and unreality that keeps them comfortable and

apathetic. Sometimes you need to remove these false shelters and let them feel the cold winds of the reality of their guilt and emptiness. You can do this simply by gently questioning their beliefs and preconceptions. You will find that a lot of false views will self-destruct under the scrutiny of logic. Once their shelters have been damaged, your unbeliever friends may be more willing to listen to alternatives.

The value of questionso Questions are the perfect way to turn the tables. You can use questions to expose the faulty

logic or errors in a non-believer’s thinking. o Questions honor the person you are dialoging with. o Questions can be used in a non-combative way that is conducive to persuasion. o Questions make the other person think. If you just keep asserting your view, you’ll only

galvanize him in his beliefs, and won’t get anywhere.THE COLUMBO TACTIC

Greg Koukl, of Stand to Reason (www.str.org), has some invaluable resources when it comes to tactics and strategies. Most of the tactics and examples given below were taken from Greg Koukl’s “Tactics in Defending the Faith” audio CDs. The TV show detective, Columbo, nailed crime suspects by constantly questioning them. Greg teaches Columbo’s valuable tactic as a series of questions that can be used in a number of ways: They can buy you time, help you gather information so you can rightly respond to the skeptic, and can be used to show the flaw in the unbeliever’s assertion or belief. Below are these three priceless questions:

1. “What do you mean by that?”


Page 22: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

This question forces the other person to clarify his assertion or terms. Skeptics often just use slogans that they haven’t really thought through.

Examples: 1. What do you mean by saying that the Bible is full of myths? 2. What do you mean by God?3. What do you mean by morality?

2.“How did you come to that conclusion?” Or, “how do you know that to be true?”This really forces the unbeliever to think through what he means instead of just reasserting what

he has heard. This question also reverses the burden of proof, meaning that when the non-believer makes a claim, he must defend his claim. He can’t just attack your views, but must show why his view is more reasonable.

Examples:1. How did you come to the conclusion that the Bible was full of contradictions? 2. Why is it wrong to force morality on others? 3. How do you know a fetus is not a person? 4. How do you know that morality is relative?

3.“Can you clear this up for me?”This last question takes a variety of forms and is used exploit a flaw in the non-believer’s view. It

can reveal that the reasons don’t support the conclusion.Examples:

1. You shouldn’t force your morality on others.So you don’t think people should force their morality on others? That’s right!Then why are you forcing your morality on me?

2. You Christians are intolerant and arrogant.Why do you think that? Because you think you are right.So you think I am wrong for believing in absolute truth? Yes.And you are right in rejecting it? Yes.How come when I think I am right, I am arrogant, but when you think you’re right, you’re just right?

3. The Bible is just myths and fables.How do you know that? Because the Bible contains miracles, and science has proven that miracles are impossible.How can science, which measures only natural and material causes, disprove the existence of the supernatural and immaterial?

4. That’s just your interpretation.Are you saying that all interpretations are equal and valid? Yes. So what you are saying is that you are a skinhead who thinks that all Jews and gays should be burned?


Page 23: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

I said no such thing!!Well, that was my interpretation. So are all interpretation equally valid or are some better than others?

The Suicide TacticMany postmodern views are self-refuting. A self-refuting idea is false, because it claims two

ideas that are contradictory. An example is, “I can’t speak a word of English.”Or “I never speak the truth.” The suicide tactic shows that the non-believer’s views are false, because they are self-refuting. You don’t have to prove their ideas are false; you just have to ask the right question and let the view self-destruct. This tactic is one of the most valuable ones you will ever use.

Examples:1. It is wrong to try and change another’s religious beliefs.

My religious beliefs are that I am supposed to bring people to a belief in Jesus and you are trying to change my belief. If it is wrong to try and change another’s religious beliefs, why are you trying to change mine?

2. All religious beliefs are true and valid. But my religious beliefs are that you are going to hell. Is my belief true and valid? Or are you saying that some religious views are wrong?

3. You can only know what is proven by science.What scientific experiment proved that statement? Unh?Well, you said that we can only know what is proven by science, but that belief cannot be proven by science, so that idea, by your standard, must be false.

4. There is no truth. Is that true?

5. There are no absolutes.Are you absolutely sure?

Taking the Roof Off TacticThis tactic shows that some beliefs are unlivable. Because Christianity lines up with reality, to

deny some part of Christianity is to deny some part of reality. This will create tension. The “taking the roof off” tactic exposes the non-believer to the implications of his views. To use this tactic, you temporarily adopt the non-believer’s point of view and press it to its logical conclusion by following these steps: 1.) Ask, “So what you mean is this__?” 2.) Take the idea for a “test drive.” 3.) Consider the implications.

Examples:1. All morals are relative.

Then can I steal your Ipod? No. But you said all morals are relative. My morals say it is fine to steal. So are all morals relative or are some morals wrong?

2. I was born gay. So what you are saying is that if you are born a certain way it means that it is natural, and that whatever is natural is okay? Yes.Well, ever since I was born I too have had these natural urges. Since they are natural, they must be okay.


Page 24: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Probably.The urges I have are that anytime I see a homosexual, I want to beat his brains out. Is it okay to give into this urge?

No.So then just because something is natural doesn’t make it right.

3. Morality is just a product of evolution.Response 1: But if evolution is true, we are simply animals. So then when a farmer separates the sick cows from the healthy ones to ensure the proper evolution of his herd, according to evolution it is a good thing. By the same standard, when Hitler removed the sick and inferior Jews, from the more superior Aryan race, according to evolution this was right.

No that is an unfair comparison.Why? If we are just evolved animals, on what basis do you differentiate the two?Response 2: But evolution is the survival of the fittest. According to evolution, the strong should remove the weak, so the race will survive. According to your view, the weak, the sick, and the deformed should be removed, so that the strong and healthy can continue to evolve. If you disagree, then morality has to be more than simply the result of evolution.

4. A woman should be allowed to abort her unwanted baby.So what you are saying is that it is okay to have an abortion if the baby is unwanted?

Yes.I know a two-year-old little girl that her mother didn’t want. Should we kill her, too?

No, of course not!Well, what is the morally relevant difference between a fetus and a toddler?

5. Abortion should be allowed in cases of rape and incest.Should a toddler that is born from rape or incest be killed?

Practice, practice, practice: The more you sweat in training, the less you’ll bleed in battle. o Role play with family or friends. o Anticipate objections before you encounter a skeptic and prepare what you will say. o Don’t wait till you feel adequately prepared before you try to confront an unbeliever. o Any discussion with an unbeliever is valuable. o Review every conversation for ways to improve your message. Think of better ways you could

have responded or things you should have said.

Session 5: The Ambassador’s Methods.


Page 25: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Q. Shouldn’t we just love people into the Kingdom? After all, you can’t argue someone into being a Christian. A. True, but just preaching to people or just loving people isn’t enough to convert them either. Apart from God’s working, nothing is sufficient to convert a person. However, with God’s power, many things can be effective, including convincing arguments. Paul reasoned with people daily, and even God calls us to reason with Him. God made people rational and we need to honor that aspect of people. People cannot choose to believe something apart from evidence, no matter how powerful the motivation. If someone offered you a million dollars to believe that there was a giant pink elephant in the room, could you honestly do it? God has His responsibility to work on people and we have ours. Our job is to do our part to the best of our ability

Rely on the Holy Spirit. We cannot convert someone. This is a critical fact to remember. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts people, opens their eyes, and softens their wills so they can respond to Jesus. This should give us great joy and anticipation in our outreach. It is not our job to shake people and open their eyes, we just have to be obedient to what God asks of us and then let the Holy Spirit do his work. This means that we don’t have to give the whole gospel all at once. Sometimes all we have to do is demonstrate Christ to a person through a kind word or an act of service. Throw out a thought-provoking question. Look for opportunities and then go through the doors that the Holy Spirit opens for you.

How to Witness and How Not To. As ambassadors of Jesus Christ we must be careful that all we do reflects his love and concern for people. Everything we say and do should be motivated by our love for him. This means that any approach that causes you to be rude, obnoxious, insensitive to the unsaved person’s needs, or makes them feel used or like a project, must be rejected out right! God does not force people to do things against their will and neither should we! The gospel message is that people are precious to God and that he cares deeply about their concerns and struggles. If our conversations and actions do not convey that message, we have been unfaithful ambassadors!

1.DEVELOP GENUINE FRIENDSHIPS WITH NON-BELIEVERS. It will be very difficult to share the good news if you are never around those who are outside of

Christ! This contact can be made any time you are outside the home. Ask God to send unbelievers your way. Look for opportunities to strike up conversations and show genuine interest. It is vital that these friendships be sincere and unconditional. Make sure the unsaved person does not feel like you are befriending him simply to proselytize him. No one likes to be used. If the person does not show interest in maintaining the friendship, don’t push him. Seek to use the principles recommended in Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People:

1. Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.2. Give honest, sincere appreciation.3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.4. Become genuinely interested in other people.5. Smile.6. Remember that a person’s name is the sweetest sound in the world.7. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.8. Talk in terms of the other person’s interests.9. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely


Page 26: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Doing these things is not being slick or underhanded. It is simply demonstrating genuine love to these people. As true Christians, we can do nothing less!2. AVOID CONTENTION.

We need to be very careful we don’t make being right, or winning an argument, more important than demonstrating the love of Christ! Influencing people is more a matter of making them want to believe, than it is banging them over the head with logic and facts. A person persuaded against his will is of the same persuasion still. It is important that you don’t compromise on the truth of your message, but at the same time do everything you can to win over the emotional side of a person. You can do this by diffusing tension with humor. By making sure you try to understand the issues from his point of view. By complimenting him any chance you get. By being sensitive to his time constraints. By agreeing on common ground whenever you can. 3. USE LOTS OF QUESTIONS!

Questions are a marvelous tool when trying to reach people. If you look at the gospels, Jesus was always using questions and answering questions with questions.

Questions show respect for a person’s thoughts and opinions. Questions take the pressure off you and put it on the unbeliever, thus forcing him to grapple

with an issue instead of watching you squirm. Questions are more thought-provoking than answers. They can keep the mind of the unbeliever

open where answers and canned lines might only shut their mind off.How to use questions.Be sincere in your interest. Don’t use it to manipulate. Use thoughtful questions instead of badgering.Be patient and wait; sometimes silence is very effective.Use questions that can’t be answered with one or two words. (hint: use questions that start with how, what, why, and when.)Questions to start spiritual conversations:“Do you ever think about spiritual matters?”“Who, in your opinion, was Jesus Christ?”“What do you think man’s biggest problem is?”“What’s your spiritual background? Were you taught a particular religious perspective?”“Do you ever wonder what happens to us when we die?”“What do you think a real Christian is?”“Where are you headed in your spiritual journey?”“What do you imagine God to be like?”“Do you feel there are barriers of some type separating you from God?”“How are you really doing?”

4. STAY ALERT FOR APPROPRIATE WAYS TO SHOW HOW THE GOSPEL IS RELEVANT. When a person complains about corruption, or is angry at the injustice in the world.

Let that person know that God cares about justice and has set a day when he will judge the world in righteousness. Warn them though that God will judge everyone’s deeds by a perfect standard, and not just one that makes us look good. We have a tendency to judge the world by a standard that we


Page 27: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

pass, but God will judge by his absolute standard of goodness. They may not think this is fair, but criminals don’t think the law is fair either.

Use the Ten Commandments to show the person his sinfulness. Show how God has provided a way of forgiveness but also demands that people submit to his authority, and that all rebels must be quarantined or they will corrupt heaven. Remind the unbeliever that Heaven belongs to God and he has every right to keep out those who would corrupt, just like they would keep men who don’t care to abide by the rules of the house out as well.When there is a tragedy and people are thinking about death.

Ask how the unbeliever feels about death. Ask if he believes in hell or punishment in the afterlife.

Ask if he knows what sends someone to hell and what sends someone to heaven. Explain that human opinion is worthless. God will make the decision and he has told us what the requirements are. Make sure you use the words of Jesus. You may have to use apologetics to establish the credentials of Jesus and the Bible. Don’t dwell too much on the negative. Christianity is good news! Jesus has risen from the dead and has taken the sting out of death. It was the power of the resurrection that transformed the disciples.When a person is discouraged about their failures or their family problems.

Share your own struggles and how Jesus has made a difference, how He gives you the strength to obey and the grace to forgive. Tell them how God designed life and relationships to operate smoothly when you follow his owner’s manual. Using whatever household appliance or gadget is relevant (toaster, Ipod, DVD player), show the difference between using it the way it was designed and misusing it. Show that it is the same with life, marriage, parenting, and work. Share with them the goodness of God, and the benefits of surrender and obedience. Let them know that if they surrender to Christ and give him their life, he takes their sinful past on himself – giving them a clean slate – and also gives them his Holy Spirit – giving them power to change.When a person is lonely, empty and depressed.

Tell them how distance from God makes us miserable. We were designed to “run” on fellowship with him and that nothing else satisfies. Tell them how our sin and self-will severs this life-giving fellowship with God. Share how the atonement of the cross can heal their broken relationship and give them lasting joy and peace. 5. USE YOUR LIFE STORY TO SHOW THE DIFFERENCE JESUS MAKES.

Your story is one of your best witnessing tools. It is hard to argue against the proof of your own life. In order for your story to be effective, you need to avoid some testimony pitfalls.

Keep it brief. In a minute or less, you need to be able to share about the difference God has made in your life. Don’t torture people with unnecessary details that are irrelevant to them. Don’t tell them your weird experiences.

Keep it clear. Don’t use a lot of “Christianese” that will make it sound like you are from a different planet.

Stay humble. You don’t want your testimony to paint you as morally superior or better than them. Be honest about your struggles and that it is God’s grace that has made the difference, not your increased effort. Boil your story down to a problem you wrestled with such as emptiness, guilt, fear,


Page 28: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

loneliness, pressure to achieve or moral failure. Then share how God’s grace and forgiveness has made the difference.6. PRAY AND TOSS OUT SOME BAIT TO DISCERN INTEREST.

Prayer will give you an expectant attitude. Effective outreach will only happen when you are in step with the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who opens the doors, not you. It is your job to throw fishing bait out to see where the interest is. You need to let people know that you have good news for them and are willing to talk about it whenever they’re ready. Make statements that open the door to talk about spiritual things but are non-demanding. If the Holy Spirit is at work, they will take the bait.

Bill Hybels gives some examples of such statements. In the business world, when people ask “how the year has been going,” he replies, “Business wise, pretty good, family wise, okay. Spiritually, things are going great. Which would you like me to talk about?”

He also tells people, “If you ever want to know the difference between Christianity and religion, feel free to ask sometime, I’d be happy to tell you.” Ask people about their beliefs on God, Jesus and how to get to heaven. When people are asked their views, they are more likely to ask you yours.7. DWELL ON THE REALITY OF CHRIST, NOT JUST HIS RELEVANCE.

Jesus is not just a new product on the religious solutions isle. He is not a placebo to make us temporarily feel better. He is God in the flesh, the creator of the universe, the King of kings, and the Judge of all men. Become equipped with a working knowledge of apologetics so that you can show that Christianity is true. It is, after all, the correct view of reality. It doesn’t matter if people “like” the message. This is the way things are. People don’t have to like the law of gravity, but they have to operate their in accordance with it or suffer the consequences.

Demonstrating the reality – the evidence – of Christianity is becoming more and more necessary to this pre-evangelism the further we stray from our Christian roots. It is no longer a given that people will recognize that there is only one God, and that Jesus was God and died for our sins. We will have to educate people about the historical facts, just the way the apostles did, before they can make a correct decision.8. DON’T GIVE A PERSON MORE THAN THEY ARE READY FOR.

Don’t feel like you have to give them the whole gospel package at once. You want to lead them along and arouse interest rather than pull and drag them. Leave them wanting more. You want to leave the door open with them so that they feel free to talk about spiritual things. If they feel overburdened or pushed, they will avoid the subject with you.9. DON’T GIVE OFF AN AIR OF SUPERIORITY! You are simply a sinner saved by grace, and, but for the grace of God, there you would also be. You are not saved because you are better than the unbeliever, but because you have found the Savior. Nothing pushes people away like pride and arrogance. Be honest, and quick to admit when you are wrong. Unbelievers love confessions of weakness.


Page 29: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Sample Questions (taken from www.intervarsity.org):o Questions about CHRIST:

Who is/was Jesus Christ (i.e., his identity)? What do you think was significant about his life? What was he trying to accomplish (i.e., his purpose)?

What do you think was significant about his death? A lot of people claim that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive today. What do

you think? How do you see Christ fitting into Christianity? (Try to separate religion from

relationship.) Jesus said a lot of interesting things like, “I am the way and the truth and the

life” and “no one comes to the Father but by me.” What do you think he meant by these statements?

o Questions about HUMANKIND: What is humankind's reason for being? What is your purpose in life? What do you think humankind's basic problem is? Do you believe we are good

or evil or both? What kind of solutions to this do you see? What kind of needs do you see in the people around you? What is your deepest

need? o Questions about CHRISTIANITY:

How would you describe a real Christian? What exactly is it that makes one a Christian?

What's been your experience with Christianity? What's your church background?

What do you think it means to believe in Jesus? o Questions about BELIEF IN GOD:

Why do you (or don't you) believe in God? When did God first become real to you? How has your view of God changed since coming to college? What do you think God is like and where are those ideas from? Is he concerned

about us? What do you think God expects of us? o Questions about their VIEW OF THE WORLD:

Many people say that if there is no afterlife, then life is meaningless. What do you think of life after death? How about the idea of heaven and hell? How would we get into heaven?

What is your basis for ethics? What absolute truths are there? Why is there evil in the world? What do you think sin is? (Or, how would you define sin?) Would you be interested in getting together to discuss what the Bible says

about the issues we've been talking about? © 2008 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA ®


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Session 6: Dealing with doubters and how to prevent backslidingHe was a man passionate for God. In his late teens, Charles was rescued from a life of rubbish

and filled with the Holy Spirit. His conversion dramatically changed the course of his life. Eager to put his new found faith into practice, Charles poured his life into evangelism. In his early twenties, he became close friends with Billy Graham. They hit the spotlight almost simultaneously. Their sincerity and fervent, yet thoughtful invitations to Christ were an effective combination. Charles’ success continued into his thirties. After attending Princeton Seminary, he carried on his evangelistic mission. A sought-after speaker and an able debater with a very compelling personality, he persuaded many to go to the mission field or to attend seminary. He also hosted a weekly show on CBS and was a rising star in the Presbyterian denomination. If you were looking for a hero of the faith, Charles Templeton was your man.

Despite his outward fervor and success, Charles was haunted by intellectual doubts about his faith. He simply could not reconcile what the Bible had to say with his own intuition and the “facts” of history and science. Charles judged the God of the Old Testament as a “petty, jealous, inept, vindictive, unjust, tribal god.” This god repented from making men and then killed them with a flood, hardened the heart of Pharaoh so he could murder all of Egypt’s firstborns, and ruthlessly commanded the slaughter of entire people groups. To Charles, this god simply was not compatible with the God of love he had been told about. Regarding the story of Job, Charles asked “How would you feel if God killed all your children just to make a point in an argument?” He denounced the story and the god as “immoral.”

I read about Charles Templeton’s spiritual derailment in his book, Farewell to God: My Reasons for Rejecting the Christian Faith. People like Templeton pique my curiosity. Like a moth drawn to a candle flame, I am attracted to atheist websites. I want to understand how “the other side” thinks so that I know how to reach them. I also want to better equip young people to respond to the objections of agnostics like Templeton. But as I read the writings of former Christians and “ex-apologists,” my faith is shaken and my heart is saddened. The website, www.ex-christians.net, has the testimonials of hundreds who have abandoned the faith. In my earlier years, I was naïvely optimistic about the facts of Christianity. The evidence was so clear, I reasoned, and the arguments so compelling, that anyone who walked away from the faith must have been simply uninformed. If only these people would read The Case for Christ or, I Don’t have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, then they would be able to see! But I was deeply disturbed to hear about former apologists walking away. “What ominous information have these people discovered that caused them to lose faith?” I feared that I too would discover some dark secret revelation and my own de-conversion process would some day be chronicled online. I had to dig deeper. As I read the arguments and reasons given by those “un-born-again,” I realized I wasn’t as equipped to answer their objections as I had thought. Here I encountered the “bitter root of unbelief that defiles many.” (Heb 12:15 NLT)

What is this compelling case against Christianity? It isn’t well-documented historical details, or airtight logical proofs against God and Jesus Christ. Rather, it is bitter emotional attacks on the character of God. These writers question the idea of a God who sends billions to eternal conscious torment in hell: Hitler burned Anne Frank for an hour and we call him a despot, but God will burn her for all eternity! I also found several variations on the basic problem of evil: A God who stands by while cancer destroys a little girl and while another girl is raped and beaten can’t be good. If any father just stood there and let


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his son be run over by a truck, we all would call him cruel and immoral, yet God sits on His hands and lets tragedy after tragedy ruin those He is supposed to love! A God who once condoned slavery and commanded genocide, a God who leaves the fate of the billions of un-evangelized in the hands of a bumbling, self-centered church… To the sensitive “de-converted,” such a God is blatantly immoral and cannot exist.

Reading these charges against the God that I thought I knew battered my faith. In some ways I felt betrayed and disappointed. As a bitter root of unbelief sprang up, I began to resent God. I fired my own accusations against Him, “Is picking up sticks on the Sabbath really worthy of death? Why do You create people against their will, put them where they won’t even have a chance to hear about Jesus, withhold Your grace from them so they cannot choose You, and then punish them for all eternity? Why don’t You just show Yourself to those who doubt? Your appearing didn’t violate Paul’s free will!” The residue of these bitter accusations formed a dark cloud of doubt over my soul. The doctrine of hell especially began to gnaw at me. After years of studying apologetics, I was shocked to find myself doubting His existence.

1. Step back from the emotional weight of these arguments and evaluate them critically.Stepping back from the emotional weight of these arguments, I decided to evaluate them

critically. I soon realized that none of them could refute the overwhelming scientific and philosophical proof that there is a God. Just because a person doesn’t like God is certainly no proof that He doesn’t exist! Among these atheist writings, I saw no historical disproof of Jesus’ miracles or resurrection – only unfounded dismissals.

I felt a wave of relief when I realized that, as an apologist, I didn’t have to answer why God does what He does (a nearly impossible task) but rather show that these arguments do not refute the strong case for God’s existence. In fact, if there is a God, you would expect Him to do things beyond our comprehension.

2. When dealing with the charge that God is immoral, we need to ask the question, “By what standard can God be judged immoral?”

But what about the charge that God is immoral or cruel? The question is begging to be asked, “By what standard can God be judged immoral?” The standard of man? Hardly! The irony is that if there is no God, there is no standard of morality. If there is no standard of good, then there is no rule for the way things should be. Morality would be nothing more than a changing description of what is. Slavery, genocide, and rape, in the atheist’s naturalistic worldview, can’t be called immoral because there is nothing outside of nature by which we can measure moral or immoral. So the atheist has no logical footing to call God or Christianity “immoral.”

3. Recognize a critical fact. We are in no position to judge God.As for the doctrine of hell and other charges that call God’s character into question, I recognized

a critical fact. I am in no position to judge God. What percent of all knowledge do I possess? Far less than even one percent! I could never judge the plot of a book or the mind of the author from one phrase in that book. I could never judge the master plan of a blueprint if all I saw was a fragment that contained intersecting lines. Yet, here I was – a mere man – judging the plan of God from my extremely limited vantage point! Something that appears to be an act of cruelty can turn out to be an act of kindness when more information is revealed. A man plunging steel into another man has the appearance of


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cruelty – until you discover that the steel is a scalpel and the man is a surgeon removing a cancerous tumor.

Who am I to judge God? I don’t know who will be saved or who won’t be. I don’t know all the factors that prompted to God ask His people to wipe out the Canaanites. I don’t know what happens to someone after they die, so how can I accuse God of being unjust? I have insufficient data to make an accurate judgment! When Job began to chew the root of unbelief, he spit out the same questions that continue to be hurled at God today. God answered by putting Job in the hot seat. A few simple questions and Job was repenting in the dust, very much aware of little he really knew.

4. We don’t know the whole plan of God, but we can know His heart. Jesus Christ is the clearest revelation of God’s character. In Jesus, we find someone who longs to free the captives and to heal the broken-hearted, Someone who forgave His enemies while on the cross, and laid down His life for His sheep. Revealed in Christ, we see that God is pure goodness – there is nothing evil in Him. This should bring us comfort, but it should also alarm us. The wrath and jealousy of God flow from this uncorrupted goodness. Because we are corrupt, we don’t get upset with sin and can’t comprehend the wrath of God. We turn a blind eye to the destructive power of sin… until it affects us with its deadly sting. It is easy to wink at lust until your wife is raped. Then sin’s destructive power is suddenly abhorred. But the omniscient God knows in detail the destructive power of Evil. His love fuels His wrath.We also have an enemy who complicates the problem. For millennia, Satan has been using his power of deception to cast doubt on the goodness of God. He causes men to sin, tempts them to destroy themselves, sabotages the paradise that God has given us, and then blames God! People, God is not the problem. He is the solution to our problem. If you walk away from God, you reject the only source of goodness. Yes, in this tiny piece of the picture, we see decay and misery and injustice, but we also see an abundance of goodness. If you are going to blame God for the evil in the world, at least thank Him for His goodness while you’re at it. Think about your own life. He has showered you with pleasure and joy and the hope of heaven where every wrong will be made right.

5. Question the alternativeI have chosen to trust the character of God. He is the source of life and goodness. Apart from

Him, words like goodness, justice, and morality are only illusions. Sure, there are some really tough questions when it comes to God’s plan and all the evil in the world. But how can I stop believing in the God who gave us the good gifts in life and instead put my faith in man, who is responsible for all this misery and pain? If I walk away from God, my problems only increase. At this point, you may be wondering if I have chosen the route of intellectual suicide in order to keep my faith. Am I letting my emotions override my mind? Absolutely not! Rather than be blinded by emotional rhetoric, I choose to think critically. When one encounters difficulties in his faith or worldview, it is easy to give up and walk away. But what will take its place? Yes, as a Christian, I struggle to reconcile the loving God revealed in Christ with the evil and suffering in the world, but if were to walk away from God; my intellectual problems would only increase. Can I really believe that the complex human body is the result of nothingness exploding? If matter is all that is, then thinking is nothing more than a chemical reaction – and the idea of truth disappears. For if someone disagrees with me, I can’t call his ideas untrue. His brain is merely having a different interaction of atoms. For an atheist, the


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intellectual problem of evil dissolves but the actual problem of pain and suffering still remains, only now there is no hope of a solution.

Admitting that I only see a miniscule fraction of the big picture is not turning my brain off. Intellectual honesty means intellectual humility. Far from intellectual suicide, I choose to remain faithful to the One who makes thought valid and reason possible.

6. No God? No Good, No Truth. The only way we would be justified in trusting our minds is if they can be traced back to an

ultimate mind. If our minds can only be traced to blind, irrational forces, then we have no reason to trust our minds’ ability to apprehend objective truth. If the cause of our minds is capricious spirits, why should we trust our minds? Perhaps the gods are only playing with us, deceiving us? We as Christians can trust our minds and/or senses because we acknowledge that they were created by a loving, truthful God. Reason and logic are the tools that God has given us to grasp and apprehend truth. Logic is grounded in the fact that God cannot lie.

An atheist has no good reason with which to persuade a Christian to abandon a belief in God. If the atheist is right, our brains are ultimately the product of irrational random chance and we have no power of choice. Because we need to be able to choose to correctly label an idea as true or false, then under the atheist’s beliefs, truth and false become meaningless. In order to be free to choose, we need an immaterial mind and soul that stands outside the natural material forces.

I don’t see how it is foolish to take the word of the Man who conquered death and who has had more impact on this world than any dynasty or dictator. What would be foolish, is to take the word of mortal man over the word of God in the flesh. When you begin to doubt the character of God or if God is even there, meditate on how little you know, then look to Jesus. Ask yourself: Who are you going to believe? Another human who also only sees a tiny piece of the picture? Or someone who confirmed His claim to be God by rising from the dead? Who else has the words of life?

In Christ, I don’t find all the answers to my intellectual problems, but I do find soothing comfort in the midst of my struggles. Only in Christ do I find hope and assurance. I cannot grasp God’s purposes for why He does what He does. But I know with confidence that the One who is defines goodness is good, and that the One is the standard of justice will do justly.

Charles Templeton remained agnostic till he died of Alzheimer’s disease in 2001. His life is a sober warning of the danger of putting our faith in limited and misinformed reason, rather than in the God of the universe, the One revealed in Jesus Christ. Don’t waste your life by making the same costly mistake.


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We are commanded to not answer a fool according to his folly, and Jesus tells us not to cast our pearls before swine “lest they turn and rend you.” If a person has no desire to know the truth on an issue, then nothing you can say will convince him. If you use apologetic arguments, he will not be convinced, not because the arguments are not good, but because we cannot see what we refuse to see. If you keep your eyes shut, no one can convince you that grass is green. As long as a person is refusing the truth, more evidence will not help. If you try reason with such a person, you will find yourself beginning to doubt the strength of your arguments. But remember, just because some refuse to be convinced, it does not mean your argument is not good. And mere denial is not a sound rebuttal!

However, many people give out objections because they are searching and these issues can be difficult to understand. Also, many times these objections are raised because there is a misunderstanding of Christian teaching. When the objections are raised, it is a perfect opportunity to help clarify the Christian message.

John Stott has said that “we cannot pander to a man’s intellectual arrogance, but we must cater to his intellectual honesty.” How can you tell the difference? How do you know if this is a time to let him go or give a reason for your hope? Ask a question to see if this person really wants to know the truth and is willing to put in the mental effort to discover it, or if this person is simply trying to trip you up. Some good questions include:

“Why are you bringing up these objections?”“If I give you an answer to this question would you be convinced that Christianity is true?”“What’s the biggest issue that prevents you from becoming a Christian?”“Are you willing to read something that I think answers your questions?”“Do you really want to know the answer to this objection or are you just trying to prove

Christianity is false?”Objection 1: “I don’t believe in God.”1. Ask, “Tell me about this God you don’t believe in. Maybe I don’t believe in him either.”2. Ask, “How can you account for the first living cell?” Evolution only works with a self-

replicating organism. The problem is that the simplest self-replicating cell is mind-bogglingly complex and loaded with information. There is no way that first living cell can be explained by blind natural processes.

3. Stay away from the age the earth. The issue most relevant to evangelism is the existence of God, not how old the earth is. Young-earth creationism is a theological argument you need give to someone who is a believer and needs discipleship.

4. Ask if some things are evil. Hit his pet peeves, like televangelists or gay-bashing. Show how there can be no absolute standard of right and wrong if there is no God. Morality would simply be a matter of taste. This means that if there is no God, things like the Holocaust, gay-bashing, bombing abortion clinics, and slavery are not evil, they are simply things not to your liking. However, if there is real moral obligation in the world, this obligation cannot come from beneath us. In other words, we are not obligated to follow our natural inclination. It can’t come from within. We can change our minds. Nor can moral obligation come from equals, or a collection of equals. That would make morality simply a matter of majority rules, and people like Martin Luther King, Jr., would be the evil ones for going against


Page 35: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

the majority. But if just one thing is really wrong for everyone, then there has to be a standard of good and evil that stands above humanity: God.

Objection 2: “How can there be a God when there is so much evil and suffering in the world?”Ask if this person has recently experienced a tragedy or a heartache. If this is an emotional cry, it

needs an emotional answer. When the heart is breaking, an intellectual answer is not what is needed. You need to demonstrate the love of Christ and try to soothe the hurt. You can provide sympathy, a listening ear, and genuinely showing that you care. Offer the hope that Christianity provides. Tell them about the person who can sympathize with our hurts and died to make things new.

If this is an intellectual problem, then there are several good answers you can give. 1. Moral evil is the result of wrong choices. God made the world good and full of pleasurable

gifts. But he also gave us free will so that we would have the capacity for love and enjoyment. He could have created us as robots, but then love would be empty, like a doll that says “I love you” when you pull the cord on her back. Wrong choices turn good things – like the human hand – into evil weapons and instruments of destruction. Look at how much of the evil in the world would be removed if people made loving choices.

2. Natural evil is a mystery, but God has given us clues. Things like cancer and disease, earthquakes and floods, fires and hurricanes, are acts of God that he has purposes for that go beyond what we can comprehend. Just because God does things that we can’t comprehend is not proof that He doesn’t exist! And it doesn’t mean that He is not good either. It simply means that we have a limited perspective. It is possible that something that looks evil to us can actually turn out to be a good thing. Imagine seeing a man with his fist in a screaming woman’s mouth. This looks evil. But when you get more information, you find out that the man is a dentist, and he is pulling an infected tooth that has been debilitating the woman for weeks.

Another illustration that has helped me is that of a dog covered in porcupine quills. The poor dog is in misery and what does the owner do? He ties the dog up, sits on her, then puts these terrifying pliers to her face and starts making the pain worse! How cruel can you be? Here the dog is suffering, and yet you are putting the dog through more pain! But it is because you love the dog that you go through the painful process of pulling the quills. You do it even though you know the dog can’t comprehend what is going on. Your love compels you to do the right thing.

3. God gives us something better than answers. He gives us Himself.Why doesn’t God tell us why He does things? One, I don’t think we would even be able to

understand. Second, when we are hurting, we don’t really want an explanation, we want the hurt to be soothed. We want the empty ache in our heart to be filled. In our deepest hurts, God offers us the only thing that will really satisfy - Himself. We were made to run on Him. Only when we are in a relationship with Him and are being satisfied by worshiping Him, only then can the empty ache be really satisfied. This is not just theological conjecture either. Millions of people can testifying to the healing power of God’s presence.

4. Christianity may not have a satisfactory answer as to why there is evil, but it does offer a solution to evil.

The atheist and the agnostic think that they have found a more satisfying intellectual answer in saying there is no God. Well, they may have a neat and tidy intellectual package, but evil and suffering are still real, only now, by their logic, there is no hope for a solution. An amputee is still without his arm,


Page 36: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

only now he has no hope of heaven. Christianity offers a solution to our moral evil, forgiveness for the wrongs we have committed and power to overcome our sinful addictions. Christianity also offers the hope of Heaven where all evil will be removed. Use this opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Objection 3: “Jesus is simply a legendary figure shrouded in myth.”There is a wealth of information available about the historical reliability of the picture we have

of Jesus in the Gospels. We have manuscript evidence to prove we have accurate copies of the original gospels. We have archeological evidence that the gospels were written early and by eye-witnesses. The gospels pass every historical test for truthfulness that historians use to determine if a text is accurate history or propaganda. Anyone who says that the gospels are myths has either not read the NT or has not read mythology. But even outside the New Testament gospels, there is a wealth of non-biblical references to Christ. Apart from the New Testament we would still know that Jesus was a prophet, worked miracles, had disciples, died on the cross, and shortly after his death his disciples believed that they had seen the risen Christ. In fact, there are more historical non-biblical references to Jesus within a hundred years of his life, than there are of Tiberius, who was the world ruler at the time of Jesus’ ministry!

These arguments are difficult to work into actual conversations. They are information-loaded and most people don’t want on-the-spot lectures. You can make the claims of the historical reliability of the gospels, but then you need to encourage them to do the research for themselves. Offer resources if they are interested, such as The Case For Christ (Lee Strobel). Here are some conversation tips:

1. Ask them, “If God did become a man, what would that look like?” Some answers include: The God-man would be sinless, since sin is violating God’s moral standard. He would have power over the forces of nature. He would have the ability to perform miracles. He would have profound insight into life. He would have a life-changing effect on people. He would have power over death. He would have a lasting impact on history. You can show how Jesus fits the bill.

2. In your conversations, ask how Christianity could have got started if Jesus was not God and did not rise from the dead. Talk about the difficulty a new Christian faced in the first century. Contrast the beginning of Islam, which was by the sword, and Christianity, which was by self-sacrifice.

3. Talk about the uniqueness of Jesus in that he was the only person in the history of the world who has claimed to be God and yet also had great insight into human nature, moral perfection, and had a great impact on the history of the world.

4. Ask the person what their explanation is for what happened to the body of Jesus. Become familiar with the arguments so that you will be able to gently shoot down his false ideas.Once the unbeliever has grappled with some of the issues, he may be more open to the evidence.

Objection 4: “The Bible can’t be God’s word! It’s full of contradictions.”1. Ask for specifics on the contradictions. Ask what they mean by contradictions, and how they

came to that conclusion. If they give you hard contradictions you don’t have an answer for right then, thank them and tell them you will get back to them.

2. Ask, “If there is a God, and he decided to write a book telling us the truth about us and life, and he wanted to use men to write it, would he have the ability to do that? If God could, what would such a book look like?” Suggest internal consistency, fulfilled prophecies, historically accurate, accurate insight in the human condition, full of complex things that could be difficult to understand, the book


Page 37: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

would be indestructible, and the book would be life changing. You can show how the Bible is all of these things.

3. Ask, “If the Bible is not God’s word, how can you account for the remarkable facts in it and about it?” Your goal is to create curiosity about the Bible and make it seem possible that the Bible is God’s word. We don’t just want to defend God’s word; we want them to read it. Once they really read it and wrestle with it, the Bible can speak for itself.

Objection 5: “I can’t believe in Hell, because a good God would never send someone to Hell.”1. Jesus confirmed the existence of Hell. If we accept Jesus’ teachings on God’s love and

forgiveness, we have to also take His word on Hell.2. Hell is horrible not because God is torturing people, but because it is a place devoid of God. God

is the source of all goodness, life, joy, and beauty, so the complete absence of God means the complete absence of goodness.

3. The punishment fits the crime, because the crime is the punishment – the rejection of God.4. Hell is locked from the inside by those who have been given what they wanted – no part with

God. 5. Fewer people are going to hell because God is God, than there would be if the skeptic were God.6. If God allowed unrepentant people in to heaven, heaven would become corrupted just like

earth has been.Objection 6: “What about those who have never heard?”1. As He did with the OT saints, God can save someone who has not explicitly heard of Jesus Christ.2. Jesus is the only one who can save, but He can choose to save people who have never heard the

gospel, but have responded to the spiritual light that they have been given.3. John said that Jesus is the light that gives light to every man who comes into world.4. Paul says that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 5. God is clearly made known to men through His creation.6. We can trust that God will do right. We cannot judge God for who is not saved because we do

not know for sure who is saved or not. We are only responsible for ourselves and for speaking to the ones God brings across our path.

Objection 7: “It is narrow-minded and arrogant to claim that Jesus is the only way.”1. Truth is narrow. Is it narrow-minded to think that the world is round when others think it is flat?2. People are not condemned because they reject Jesus; they are condemned because they want

no part of God.3. “God is not willing that any should perish,” and will save whoever accepts His free gift.4. Jesus is the only one who can forgive and free us from our sins. 5. Jesus is the only one who has backed up his claims by rising from the dead.6. Jesus is the only way because there is only one God. Trying to find satisfaction in any other name

will end in misery and emptiness.Objection 8: “The church is full of hypocrites; so much evil has been done by Christians.”1. Jesus is not to blame for people who do wrongs things in His name. 2. As demonstrated by His life on earth, Jesus himself is above repute. No one can find fault with

him.3. Ask, “If I did terrible things and said ‘I am doing this because Bob told me to, I do this in the

name of Bob,’ would people be right to blame this on you without actually consulting you? Jesus deserves the same reservation of judgment.


Page 38: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

4. Far more deaths have occurred in the name of atheism (through the ideologies of fascism and communism) than have happened in the name of Christ: More than a hundred million versus thousands.

Session 8: How to Memorize Scripture


The first principle of memory is concentration. In order for something to stick in the memory, it has to attract our attention. Samuel Johnson said that the art of memory is the art of attention. So to improve your memory, you have to learn to concentrate. These memory systems will help make it easier for your mind to focus on what you are trying to memorize.2. Seeing Pictures. We remember pictures far better than we remember words, or numbers. There is a reason we have the cliché “a picture is worth a thousand words” – because it’s true. Pictures leave an indelible mark on our memory. We are used to forming mental pictures. Here is an example: Count the windows in your house. To do this, visualize your house and mentally walk through it.3. The Ridiculous. It is far easier to remember the ridiculous or extraordinary than the humdrum common place. Think back to the things you remember about the last week. Usually it is the odd or unusual that sticks in your mind. There is something about the absurd that forces the mind to concentrate. This principle will play a key role in our memory systems.4. Association. You’ve all had that experience when you’ve said, “Oh, that reminds me.” Some people have said that all memory is the art of association. Memory experts say we never actually forget things but we lose the links that help us retrieve that information. These systems will help you form links with what you memorize that will make recall much easier.5. Practice and Trust. Many people’s memories decrease because they no longer trust their memories and therefore don’t use them enough. Memory is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

LEARNING TO LINK ITEMS Let’s apply the above principles to show how easy it can be to memorize lists. 1. Toothbrush2. Soap3. Carrots4. Milk5. Pencils6. CheeseTo memorize this shopping list, learn to make ridiculous pictures, and then link them together. Link

the first two items by picturing a large toothbrush with a bar of Dove soap for the bristles, or picture a bar of soap brushing its teeth. The more ridiculous, the better. Then link the second and third item by picturing a carrot soaping up and getting all lathery. Then link the next two items by picturing a carrot


Page 39: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

with a milk jug on its head, or carrots getting stuffed in a milk jug, or even someone milking a cow but carrots are coming out. Then, link the next two by picturing pencils drinking milk or pencils with milk teats. Link Pencils and Cheese by picturing grating a pencil on a cheese grater. Now try to review.

THE ALTERNATE WORD SYSTEM Most words and names are hard to picture. You can learn to link names and words with easier

to picture words that sound like the word you are trying to memorize. For example, to memorize the book of Colossians, picture collisions, for the word perseveres, picture a “purse of ears”. For orphan picture an oar fanning itself. For James picture a jam jar. For John, picture a big yawn. Once you make the link, you won’t forget.

- Memorizing the 12 DisciplesSimon Peter………………...A SalmonJames ……………………....A Jam JarJohn………………………...A YawnAndrew……………………..Ants Drawing (The Ant drew a really nice picture)Philip……………………….A Fill Up (A gas attendant asks if you want a fill up)Bartholomew……………….Bar Tall MU (A tall MU is on a Candy Bar)Matthew ……………………A Mat on top of a UThomas……………………..A Tom-Tom DrumJames son of Alphaeus……..A Jam Jar with an Elf FaceThaddeus……………………A Sad ESSimon the Canaanite………. A Salmon with a caneJudas Iscariot………………..Men chewing gum (Judas) saying Us-carry-it (Iscariot)

Now, to connect them. 1.) Picture a salmon wriggling out of a jam jar. 2.) A jam jar yawning in bed. 3.) Out of the yawn comes a bunch of ants drawing on pads, they are drawing pictures of gas pumps. 4.) An ant asks if you want a fill up. 5.) The gas is being poured into a giant candy bar with a tall MU on its wrapper. 6.) The candy bar explodes and spills its guts all over the mat with a U on top. 7.) The mat U begins playing the tom-tom drum. 8.) The tom-tom turns into a jam jar with an elf’s face. 9.) A sad ES is eating jam and is sad because there is no more jam. 10. A salmon with a cane begins beating the sad ES – more reason for the ES to be sad. 11. The two men chewing gum carry the salmon on a stretcher while saying, “Us carry it.”

- Memorizing Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.”Thought Visual Reminderwhatever is true………………………True magazine whatever is honorable………………...Honor a bull whatever is right……………………...Writewhatever is pure………………………A funnel (A funnel can be used to purify things)whatever is lovely…………………….A Level E (A big E with a carpenter’s level on top)whatever is of good repute……………A good church pew with the letters RE carved into it if there is any excellence……………..An egg selling ants


Page 40: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

and if anything worthy of praise……..Hands raised in praise let your mind dwell on these things…..A brain appears to think about these things

1.) Picture a TRUE magazine putting a ribbon on a bull. 2.) A bull writing a message using a funnel. 3.) Big level Es go through a funnel then become purified (small level Es). 4.) A level E sits on a pew with RE carved into it. 5.) On the other side of the pew sits an egg, with a question mark on its head (this phrase starts with if), selling ants. 6.) The egg raises its hands in praise. 7.) This whole sequence is all contained in the “thought circle” of a brain.

THE PHONETIC NUMBERS By linking numbers to 10 basic phonetic sounds, you can turn numbers into words and therefore

memorable pictures. This may seem like a lot of work but it is so beneficial.Number Sound Memory Aid1…………….t and d t has one down stroke2……………..n n has two down strokes3……………..m m has three down strokes4………………r four ends in the r sound5………………l L is the Roman numeral for 506………j, soft g, sh, ch say “shhh” to 6 Giant Chickens.7…………k, hard c 2 sevens make a k or 7 Up is the un-cola8……………….f, v I ate (8) fruits and vegetables, a hand written f looks like an 89……………….p, b a 9 looks like a backwards p0………………..s, z zero starts with the z,s sound.

Once you do the work of learning this, numbers become much easier to remember. You can use this to remember your bank accounts or phone numbers. All you do is turn the numbers into the sounds and then add vowels to make words. The phone number 867-2283 turns into f, sh, k, n, n, f, m. You can add vowels and come up with foe shake, nun foam. Picture the person who has this phone number as your foe and you’re shaking him while he has a phone wrapped around his head. Then picture a nun spraying foam into his face. All you have to remember for local calls is the last four digits: the nun foam. This may sound dumb, but it is so worth the effort.

The Peg System1…………Tie 11…………..Tot2………….Noah 12…………..Tin3………….Ma 13…………...Tomb4………….Rye 14…………...Tire5………….Law 15……………Tile6…………..Shoe 16…………....Dish7…………. Cow 17……………Tack8…………..Ivy 18……………Dove9…………..Bee 19……………Tub10…………Toes 20……………Nose.

- Memorizing the 10 Commandments1. I am the Lord God, You shall have no other gods before me. Picture a Tie around a throne (the

throne is symbolic of God). A bee holding a “4” is on the throne to symbolize the phrase: “no gods before me.”

2. You shall not make for yourself an idol. You shall not bow down or serve them. Picture Noah bowing before a golden calf


Page 41: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain. Picture a Ma with profanities coming out of her mouth.

4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Picture a Rye loaf bathing in a sad bath that is full of holes.

5. Honor your father and mother. Picture a Law man bowing to his parents.6. You shall not murder. Picture a Shoe that is stabbed with a knife.7. You shall not commit adultery. Picture a tree shining a flashlight in its eyes (it’s a dull tree),

because there is a Cow stuck in its branches.8. You shall not steal. Picture a thief stealing Ivy and getting caught in it.9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Picture a bear holding a wet nest as it

gets stung by a giant Bee.10. You shall not covet. Picture a cove eating Toes.

- Memorizing 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 (see page of illustrations):17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all

things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given

us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to

them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore

you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of

God in Him.


Page 42: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Session 9: The Plight of the Lost.

What is our obligation to the unsaved?There a two extremes in thought concerning evangelism. On the right is the idea that God has

totally set in stone who will be saved and who won’t be saved so there is nothing we can do about it. On the extreme left is the idea that we are responsible for all the souls of those who are bound for hell and it is our duty to use any possible means to drag them to heaven with us. What is the Biblical view of our responsibility to the lost?

God is sovereign in who will come to be saved. Jesus said that no one comes to the Father unless the Father draws him, and that all who have been given to Christ will come. Secondly, it is the Holy Spirit who convicts men of sin, and no one can confess that Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Spirit. Scripture is clear that the primary evangelist is Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the one who came to seek and save those who are lost.

If God is sovereign and the elect are already determined, then what is left for us to do? First, we should never make decisions based on things we have no idea about. “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” Deut. 29:29. Our job is not to try to figure out the mysterious secret will of God. Our job is simply to see what God has asked us to do and obey it! In other words, we have no business trying to figure out what God will do as King, but we had better obey his commands as Judge. We will be judged on the basis of his revealed will, not his secret will.


1. Be ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20). As ambassadors, we need to first make sure we know the message of the one we are representing. Second, we need to make sure we put it into words that the country we are trying to reach will understand. Third, we need to do this all in a winsome manner that accurately reflects the qualities of the one we represent.2. Implore people to be reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5:20). We need to share the benefits of a restored relationship with our Creator. The unbelievers need to know of his love and care for them. 3. Warn people (Col.1:28). People need to be warned of the consequences of being cut off from their Creator. We have to warn them of the day of judgment, where everyone will have to give an account for their actions and thoughts. They need to know that if they die in rebellion it will result in total misery in hell.4. Preach Christ. We need to proclaim that God has become a Man to reveal himself to us. That Jesus has died to make a remedy for sins. That he rose again. That he lives today and wants empower them to live the life they were meant to live.5. Teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded (Matt. 28). Nowhere in the New Testament is the idea that Jesus just wants to get people “saved”. He is seeking changed lives – people who have surrendered to his Lordship and are in step with his plan to bring his healing to the nations.



Page 43: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

Blind. The enemy has blinded the eyes of the unsaved. They can’t see what really matters. They are deceived about what will make them happy, about the meaning and purpose in life. They can’t see themselves for who they really are, and they can’t see God the way He really is.

Without hope. Apart from faith in God, faith and hope become meaningless hogwash. What is the use of hope and belief if there is no substance to it? Many realize this and are tortured by this fact. There is so much fear and stress right now. Unbelievers need to be distracted by work, drink, or entertainment because their true state is too bleak and depressing to face up to.

Captive. The unsaved find themselves addicted to alcohol and other harmful substances, but have no power to overcome. They become abusive and unable to deal with the problems they create. They hate themselves and weep as they watch themselves destroy relationship after relationship. These people are slaves to sin, and that is misery.

Broken. These people are magnificent and created in the image of God, but they have fallen so far. They don’t know how to respond to God or man, they don’t know how to deal with conflict or tragedy. It is a tragedy to see such noble creations reduced to vague shadows of the men God created them to be.

Guilty and under condemnation. Imagine how depressing it is to feel the guilt for your actions with no remedy. In the times when they need God when they are scared and lonely, their guilt drives them from God.

Empty. The unsaved have an appetite that is never satisfied. Sex, drink, parties, new toys…these things never satisfy. You read about the lives of those who finally acquire the means to obtain everything they want, only to find that what they really want – peace and joy – is unattainable. The behind-the-scenes story of the rich and the famous makes you weep.

Without meaning. Think about it: If this planet is a random accident, the result of a chance explosion, then the universe does not care if we are here. We are made of the same stuff as slugs, and we have no more value or right to be here than the slabs of granite do. It is just a matter of time before this universe dies a heat death and no one will be around to remember what was here. Life is nasty, brutish, and short. How depressing!

CHRISTIANITY IS GOOD NEWS ! There is a lot of bad news about judgment day and hell, but primarily the gospel is good news.

We should share it with same enthusiasm that we would if we were delivering the news that someone just won a million dollars.

Jesus came to open our eyes, and show the beauty of God and wonder of life, and the preciousness of life. He came to give us the hope of heaven and a restored universe. He came to free us from the power of Satan and give us the power of His Holy Spirit. We were broken and Jesus took that brokenness into himself so that we could be restored. He has removed our guilt. We can enter the presence of a holy God without fear of condemnation. We have meaning in life, we have purpose and adventure. Being alienated from God has deeply scarred these precious lives. But Christianity provides the solution.

WHAT IS THE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL? It is a message of the goodness of God. Ever since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been lying to

us about the goodness of God. We run from him and think of him as an ogre. Jesus came to reveal the goodness of God and his Father-heart.

It is a message about who we are. We are not star stuff or recycled slug guts; we are noble creatures created in the image of God. We have tremendous value and worth not because of what we have done, or because we have told ourselves so, but because we were tenderly fashioned by the Master of the Universe and He deems us valuable.


Page 44: €¦  · Web viewYou ask, “Why must God punish sins?” Sins themselves are the punishment. The punishment for cutting off your arm is to lose an arm. Sins are not just “fun”

But we are also responsible moral agents. We are not puppets on strings; we make real choices. But with this choice we have rebelled against God and cut ourselves off from our life source. We are guilty and deserving of punishment.

It is a message of Christ. God became man and taught us how to live. He died to bring us forgiveness for the way we have wronged the One who owns us. He rose from the dead to give us hope of life after death. He sent his Spirit to empower us to live the way we were meant to.

It is a call to rebels to lay down their arms. This world belongs to God, and He is in the process of reconciling this world to himself. He is in the process of restoring us and the world to the glory it had before the fall. He is inviting all rebels to be pardoned and accept a chance to be restored. Christ is not just a solution to people’s problems! He is the Lord and Master of this world. All authority belongs to Him. We are his ambassadors proclaiming his rule.

GO FISHING! It is the Holy Spirit who draws people to himself, and convicts them of sin. Only he can convert

people. He is the one who is working behind the scenes. Our job is to rely on Him to bring to us those He is working on. What we need to do is keep throwing out the bait. Ask questions to see if people are hungry for more truth. Some great questions include:

Why do you think there are so many religions in the world? Do you think it is possible for any one to know for sure if there is a God? What do you think are the most common misconceptions people have about God? Do think there is really such a thing as unconditional love? How has your belief or disbelief in God affected your life?Do you believe God is actively involved in the world?

We need to take the initiative to enter their world with love and concern, and treat them like precious humans instead of faceless projects. People will respond far better to genuine love and interest than to a forced agenda. People are interested in spiritual things, but they want to be heard and they want others to care about their opinions to. We need to show them the love of Christ, and show them the same interest in what they believe and their opinions that we want them to have towards us.

We need to be genuinely transformed by Christ. They need to see a difference in us. They need to feel His love in our message, not just in the verbal signals we send but also in the non-verbal message as well. Show these people the respect and courtesy that Christ would.

When you begin to see the hand of the Holy Spirit and realize you only have to walk through the doors he has opened, then evangelism will be something to be anticipated rather than dreaded.