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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019 Canterbury College Ameera Thind PROGRESS TRACKER FOR TRIMESTER 2 Unit 12: Specialist Study

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Canterbury College

Ameera Thind


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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Week 1 – Week Commencing 7th January 2019

Progress Tracker - Task 1, 2, 3Reflection on the work you have produced this week

Since this was the first week of coming back to college I felt a little bit nervous as I wasn’t sure what to expect in terms of projects and work. I found this week quite hard due to getting back into the routine of working as I had been off for such a long time (2 weeks). But eventually I got back into the swing of things firstly by starting off with the first task which I had to complete. The first task was about mapping out my passions, interests and skills which I have. The brief did just mention to create a mind map of the passions however I wanted to expand and step outside the box by producing another detailed mind map of the skills I have in general and for production. I made it really colourful consisting of pictures to illustrate my points as I thought this would make it easier for the reader to relate to. By creating the mind map, it showed and helped me to see visually that I was able to pick a subject where I could specialise in and really care about in terms of my main interests.

The next task was about my focused discipline and what I wanted to focus on in terms of a skill in the production process. This took me quite a while choosing the skill I wanted to focus on as I didn’t want to pick one where I was weaker in, so an aspect which did help was by asking other people and watching previous projects of mine which was what I did exactly. I made the video show reel quite quickly as I knew exactly which recent and previous projects I wanted to incorporate to show my current ability in the skill of camera which was the skill I chose. I actually really liked this task as I was able to produce a video of the projects I had made, it was nice to look back and see what I had previously created.

The last task was about my influences and why I had put the aspects on both of my mind maps which informed my chose in subject and skill. I found this task quite difficult as I got a bit over whelmed with the information I had put on my mind map and what the brief was asking me to do exactly. I had done the task but I didn’t feel happy with it so I redid it which I am happy about as I understand it fully now from asking my peers what they had done for it and the structure which benefitted me a lot. I probably should have done this before however I had other work bits which I needed to complete and was worried about them. I get quite anxious sometimes if I haven’t done the work set as I like to complete it well before the deadline, I have always been like this. As well as thinking of a research question was hard for me as I didn’t want it to be too specific or broad. But I did manage to complete this task successfully.

Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved them

Problem Resolution

Getting back into the routine of college work was difficult for me

To solve this, I created a check list of the work I wanted to complete by a certain date which made me more

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Uploading my work as for task two I had produced a power point as well as details written in my portfolio

Understanding the brief for task 3

Constructing a research question took me some time

Deciding how I wanted to present my work

motivational in order to tick it off

This was a bit irritating since the power point had my video show reel inserted into it I couldn’t upload it to my WordPress as the file was too bit however to upload it onto it I removed the video and replaced it with the YouTube link which was what I should have done before

To solve this, I asked my peers to see what they had done for the task to take inspiration as well as ask my tutor if I wasn’t sure on an aspect

To solve this I sat down with my tutor to see what he thought to guide me in the right direction of picking one which wasn’t too complicated which I found extremely helpful

I thought since I am used to writing I would produce a portfolio in my own design as well as producing a Power Point document where I inserted in some of my task two work which the reader will need to refer to

Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s work

Task 1:

The mind maps made for this task were made on publisher and the images on each mind map are correctly citated in my portfolio’s bibliographer for reference. As well as any other pictures used in the write up of task one.

Task 2:

All the pictures that were used in both the power point and portfolio were my own images which have been correctly sourced as (Ameera T,2019). The video show reel can be found by clicking either the link provided in my portfolio and Power Point as uploaded on my blog or clicking on the embedded video in my main portfolio.

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Task 3:

All the images and sources used are inserted into my bibliography in my portfolio as uploaded on my blog as ‘Ameera Thind Specialist Study Week 1 Work 1’.


Spellchecked Proofread Introduction Conclusion Harvard Presentation Published

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Lecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete and your responsibility to source)

Regarding my subject prior to the completion of work I had clearly discussed the subject and route I wanted to go down for my research and area of specialism for this terms project. Jenni (tutor), assisted in giving me ideas as to what I could research some ideas included looking into a particular actor, director or even looking at how women are represented, how a love story is represented in Bollywood in the 60’s compared to now. As well as this Patrick (tutor) supported this and guided me into writing and constructing the question based on what I had discussed with Jenni (tutor) in regards to my subject and fitting my skill into it as well which I had decided for task 2 and task 3.

Peer Reviews – minimum 1 a week, ideally 1 a task. Please state clearly who is reviewing your work, and what task they are reviewing.

William Hayes (Task 1-3);

Personally, I felt that your work was really detailed including images to illustrate your thoughts and opinions which I liked as it meant when I was reading I could picture what you were talking about. Your mind map was colourful and eye catching which I liked as it didn’t make me focus on one thing it made me look at it as a whole. From viewing your video show reel, I could see that your strongest point of production was definitely camera work (movement, shot types, framing) as you seemed to show a lot of camera movement, framing and angle usage which I really felt was strong and showcased your best ability and confidence of the subject of ‘Camera’. Lastly, task three was good as you focused on the main influences rather than all of them which was interesting you included clear examples of films related to your points to back them up as well as using some of your other interests. From reading your research question I think it is really good as it isn’t too specific which can sometimes be a bad thing. Overall well done for this week well demonstrated!

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Week 2 – Week Commencing 14th January 2019

Progress Tracker - Task 4Reflection on the work you have produced this week

This week was a bit lighter in terms of work load. It involved me creating a video about my influences and cultural background of choosing my subject and skill. It has to be one of my favourite videos and projects which I have made so far over the course of the two years at college due to creating something that represents me and who I am, especially with what I am truly passionate about. I’ve always felt super passionate about “Bollywood” and the interest of incorporating “camera” work into this and by putting this into a video it meant that I could showcase how much this speciality meant to me. This week did require me to do some preparation before hand which was ok as I knew it would be all worth it once I had produced the video. I would happily share my video which is what I did to get other people’s opinions. Overall, this week was nice to have as I could put all of my effort into making the video using footage which was old like from when I was younger which brought some memories back which is another reason I love this valuable video. But overall, this week was manageable, and I had settled back into the routine of things coming back from the Christmas holidays.

Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved them

Problem Resolution

The first problem which I encountered was that I had to keep moving computers throughout editing my video as Avid wasn’t properly working on some of the computers which was quite annoying which meant that I had to start my edit again but luckily I hadn’t done much

Another problem was that I was having some issues with adding in key frames

The next and last problem which I had was actually importing my footage as some of the videos which was found footage were about three minutes long and took a while to

To solve this, I had to try different computers and eventually I found one which had Avid working on it – this took some time but got one and managed to complete my edit using up all three of the days to complete and correct anything I needed with these

To solve this, I was told by my tutor that I had put in outpoints and in points on my timeline which meant that I couldn’t even add anything extra in the timeline, so I removed these and I was able to do this

To solve this I imported two or three at a time rather than all of the video footage which was easier

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Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s work

Task 4:

The footage used in my video was a mixture of found, actual (which I had filmed) and still footage (images). The found footage was taken from mainly YouTube for example a video which I used was sourced from there most of the time. I have clearly sourced the found footage in my bibliography on my portfolio. The actual footage were videos which I had taken myself which would have been sourced as (Ameera T, 2019). Lastly, the still footage consisted of mainly images which were mine and some were again taken from the internet (google) which I captioned and clearly sourced in my bibliography as said again. The only other source I used was for the music in the background which wasn’t through the whole video but some sections as some of the video had audio from the actual video footage (sourced in my bibliography) These were the only sources I really used in the video as well as some which had been used within my write up (report) in my portfolio which are correctly referenced in the bibliography.

Some images from my practical of creating the Culture & Contextuality video:

(Ameera T, 2019)

(Ameera T, 2019)


Spellchecked Proofread Introduction Conclusion Harvard Presentation Published

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Lecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete and your responsibility to source)

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

This week I spoke to my tutor about this task as I needed some extra guidance with how to start. Firstly, speaking to Jenni about the ideas I had which I wanted to source for this video creation as I wanted to make sure that it well represented my subject, skill and what the task was asking me to do. This helped me massively as it meant that I could communicate to Jenni about my clearly thought out ideas which I knew were appropriate and approved for the required task. Secondly, speaking to Stephen about the task itself in class with how I wanted to approach it made me think out aloud with the approach and made me more confident with the completion of the task and practically the video.

Peer Reviews – minimum 1 a week, ideally 1 a task. Please state clearly who is reviewing your work, and what task they are reviewing.

The video is absolutely excellent, illustrating all the right point. The images and videos of Ameera’s own experiences and of her family connections to that specific part of the industry really contextualised why she has such a personal interest in that specific side of Indian cinema – I feel the use of footage of her family’s house really helped to strengthen the resonance in the viewer towards understanding her interests. On the subject of her chosen discipline, the segments of Indian cinema included definitely help to show the kind of tone and look she wants to study. My only minor issue with the video is that some of the movie footage played for a while without interruption, and could have potentially used some further cuts. But otherwise, the video perfectly helps me to understand why she loves and is inspired by this subject.

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Week 3 and 4 – Week Commencing 21st/28th January 2019

Progress Tracker – Task 5Reflection on the work you have produced this week

In Week one I was able to begin my research ready for the two weeks of having the chance to complete the literature reviews, reports and experiments. Since I already knew my subject and discipline this gave me the chance to start constructing my research plan. My subject and discipline gave me the opportunity to form the research questions based off the main title question which I had stated in my task three influences report. It didn’t take me long to form the questions, speaking to my tutor gave me the right guidance to direct me in the right direction with what I wanted to research. Once I had the research in mind which I hoped to have researched I began the process of finding the right sources which I found ideal since I have written literature reviews in the past which showed that I felt comfortable in writing and founding the right sources which were in a variety of forms. Since the research questions and my specialist study topic was related to something I enjoyed it meant that I could use my own knowledge and write about something I am really passionate about, this was why I wanted to choose a subject for my specialist study to work on and really have a high interest in. Overall, this week was manageable and by having a checklist allowed me to work through the tasks and research on time which I felt positive about.

Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved them

Problem Resolution

The first problem I had was in regards to my bibliography, as we were shown at the beginning of the second week of how to construct it, I thought I was doing it wrong

The next problem I had was with my experimentation and exporting my short video

The next issue I had was with the actual filming of my experimental video as for some of the shots I needed to film them hand held which meant there was some shake

However to solve this I confirmed with my tutor to see whether I was forming my bibliography in the correct as I copy and paste my references into my final portfolio

To solve this I firstly exported what I had then asked one of my peers to see what I was doing wrong in terms of the settings – I then had to change the dimension settings as the shape of the video was very square rather than rectangular

To solve this I took multiple shots of the same shot to see how I could reduce the unstable camera as I was perhaps zooming or moving the camera. By having these shots it meant that I could choose the ones I

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Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s work

Research overall:

For my literature reviews, research plan, reports: the images, video found footage and sources used for my research overall across all four of my report/essay pieces I have correctly sourced using Harvard referencing and placing them into my bibliography under specific titles depending on which form of footage was from the right essay


Spellchecked Proofread Introduction Conclusion Harvard Presentation Published

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Lecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete and your responsibility to source)

Over the course of the two weeks I have asked several of my tutors to have a look at my work. Especially when I was first constructing my research plan I seeked for guidance from my tutor to hear their opinions on what I had in mind in terms of the questions I had, we then both adjusted my research plan in the style and of the way it looks. This helped me a lot, in the second week I got another opinion on my work to see if I needed to change anything but overall my submissions were detailed and thorough as said from my tutor.

Peer Reviews – minimum 1 a week, ideally 1 a task. Please state clearly who is reviewing your work, and what task they are reviewing.

Peer Review on Research literature reviews/reports overall:

Overall, for each of your essay pieces from reading all four over time I have really enjoyed the content which you seem interested in, I have never watched a Bollywood film and from just reading your work it wants to make me watch and experience these films. Your work is clearly laid out with fine details making it intriguing to find out more of what you know and have researched during these two weeks. Even with your experimentation I clearly can see what you have wanted to experiment in your vision and how you want to incorporate this into both of your final major project and your subject. Overall, I believe that you have worked hard this week to find out a lot of different things about your practitioner who I had never even heard of before and seems interesting to read more about her, the historical development of the stereotypes of women within the industry, the key characteristics of item songs and lastly using that extra time to experiment and test by working on your camera skills which is your focused skill.

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Week 5 – Week Commencing 4th February 2019

Progress Tracker – Task 6Reflection on the work you have produced this week

During this week I had the chance to evaluate my work which I had produced over the last two weeks. The work which I evaluated and wrote up individually was the research including the three literature reviews and the one experimentation I carried out over the research period. To help me form the report of this evaluation I used the brief however some areas written on the brief I was quite unsure on, this was when I seeked for help by my tutor and peers to see what they had done with this situation and to work around it. Once I had some further guidance I continued to write up my evaluation expressing what I carried out, how I found it in general, why I did it which was helpful for me to reflect and see what I learnt from even doing the research. This part wasn’t challenging at all for me since I have had lots of practise with writing academic essays and evaluations. Furthermore, it helped me to see how I could use this research for my Final Major project which is what will lead me onto the idea for that and how I could incorporate the research from this project into that to create the idea for that. For some areas of this week I found quite stressful as I knew I had a lot to write for the evaluation and proofreading this was quite a challenge but by pacing myself I knew I would get this done which I did and feel proud of completing individually considering we had a week to write this up compared to having two weeks to research.

My academic and practical journey of this week was quite broad, we didn’t actually do much practical however my research did have one practical task which I carried out exploring and experimenting camera work from something iconic from my key practitioner. Whilst I was doing this practical I took images to support my experiment. My academic approach was carried through all of my research and my evaluation due to writing well written essays in professional English which is something I am confident in. Here are the pictures from my practical over the research period which I have also inserted into my Research Evaluation:

(Ameera T, 2019)

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

(Ameera T, 2019)

(Ameera T, 2019)

Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved them

Problem Resolution

This week I only had two main problems, the first one being that some of the key points which the brief was asking me to do in terms of writing up the evaluation I found quite challenging

The second and final problem I had was having to write so much as I always write so much as I have been used to writing very academically in secondary school particularly with a lot of opinions – the problem involved me taking a long time to write up the evaluation and then proofread it as well

To solve this first problem what I did was firstly speak to my peers as to what they have done in terms of this aspect of the brief of whether to insert in the research reports into the evaluation as I wasn’t sure whether what it was asking me to do. Then I seeked for help by my tutor and we found out that we did have to place them in.

To solve this problem what I did was pace myself when I was writing it up, I knew that I was going to have a couple of drafts for me to read and finalize, all I did was just pace myself setting goals of what I wanted myself to complete by a certain time/day which worked well for me and I was able to complete the essay and the progress tracker putting equal amounts of time and effort into both

Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s work

Research Evaluation overall:

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

For the evaluation, the images, literature reviews inserted from the previous weeks into this evaluation, the experimentation report from the previous two weeks images, videos from all of this has been placed into my bibliography under the suitable subheadings for the reader to identify where I got the image/video/source from depending on what it is. I have correctly sourced using Harvard referencing and placed them into my bibliography under specific titles depending on which form of footage was from the right essay. I have also correctly captioned as shown in my table of figures after the bibliography in my main portfolio as shown on my blog.


Spellchecked Proofread Introduction Conclusion Harvard Presentation Published

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Lecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete and your responsibility to source)

Over the course of this week I seeked for help by my tutor for some of the lessons asking about the brief to just confirm some aspects of it as I didn’t feel too confident about how to write a certain part for the evaluation. Once I had the help I needed I finished writing up my evaluation which was mostly independent work apart from seeing what my tutor thought of my work which my tutor said was completely fine, perfect standard! As well as asking my peers to hear their feedback to see what they thought of my evaluation overall as shown below.

Peer Reviews – minimum 1 a week, ideally 1 a task. Please state clearly who is reviewing your work, and what task they are reviewing.

Peer Review by Charlie Hughes Hernandez:

Your evaluation is highly detailed; I can see this due to how much you have written. It is clear that you have had the practise of writing academically using appropriate examples. I liked how you have used images to back up your work as well inserting your research into your evaluation and then stating that it makes sense for the reader to look at the research along side your opinion and how you found researching and what you had found out. It made me easier to read and refer to as I knew what you were then talking about. Overall, it is really good well done! Look forward to seeing how this will further help you when you produce and show your final outcome of the build up of your Final Major project to me and everyone else!

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Year 2/Trimester 2/Yr2 Tri2 Progress Tracker 2019

Week 6 – Week Commencing 11th February 2019

Progress Tracker – Task 7Reflection on the work you have produced this week

This week was the last week overall from completing this project. Overall, I feel like I am ready to produce my Final Major project with having six weeks of researching about a certain subject which I hope to incorporate as well as the focused skill I feel that after researching that I am an expert in these areas. Since I had placed most of my work in a portfolio which I would post regularly and a Power Point which I have occasionally been posting for some of the tasks. Presentation was key to focus on for this week, I had to make sure that I fully focused on my presentation so this week I went through my main portfolio and checked to see that for each essay/report task that I had written academically using titles, subheadings, introductions, conclusions and that all images and sources were Harvard referenced suitably. As I said previously I have a main portfolio for my work but I also have various separate Power Point documents which contain some of my tasks which I produced the work for but also I have one main Power Point which is an overview of the work undertaken over the six weeks, especially with how I found the weeks and the research tasks and tasks for each week which I undertook, this was clearly written up in there as posted on my blog. I did have some challenges a long the way which I have covered below but this week went quite quickly as I knew what I was doing and by being really focused I could improve and make sure that my portfolio and other design presentations being a Power Point was at a good standard which I found!

Problems/situations you encountered this week and how you resolved them

Problem Resolution

The first problem I had was figuring out how to insert the table of contents into my portfolio, I spent ages trying to trial it myself

The next problem was thinking about whether I needed an appendices or not for any of my tasks

To solve this problem, I asked my peers of how to insert in the table of contents into the word portfolio document. They weren’t too sure to be honest, so I researched online and followed a video along whilst I trialled it in a separate document, then tried it in my portfolio which worked absolutely fine. Now I know how to make my portfolio interactive with using the table of contents

This problem wasn’t as much of a hard problem to solve, I made sure that I knew how to use an appendices but I thought since I didn’t use any extra sources that I wouldn’t include one in my portfolio for this project, however I do know how to use one if I

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was to insert one for future portfolios but obviously I will make the time to learn and educated myself by researching it myself

Notes on Resources and Sources used in the production of this week’s work


For this week, the resources which I used involved my main portfolio to adjust the presentation if I needed to change or adjust anything, the next resource which I needed was my Power Point which included the overview of the work for each week and how I found this project. There actually weren’t any sources needed for this week at all as this week just evolved around presentation and making sure that my work was academically presentable. However, all of the sources such as images (in my Overview of my Work Power Point) used in the other tasks has been clearly presented in my bibliography which is placed at the end of my main portfolio.


Spellchecked Proofread Introduction Conclusion Harvard Presentation Published

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓Lecturers Feedback, detailing further actions you need to take (student to complete and your responsibility to source)

This week was very independent and as a group we all got guidance on how to carry out this week, we were advised by our tutor as discussed and following along what my tutor wrote on the whiteboard on the different ways of the presentation methods of this project of the Specialist study which guided me to choose the right way for me to produce. The ideas were placed onto a whiteboard where I was able to take a picture and adapt this in my own situation. This was the only feedback which I received overall from my tutor as this was mostly independent work for me to complete.

Peer Reviews – minimum 1 a week, ideally 1 a task. Please state clearly who is reviewing your work, and what task they are reviewing.

Peer Review by Megan Sidney Wyrill:

From reading your work and seeing how you have presented your work with the portfolio and Power Point I really like you have made it so interactive especially with your contents page and allows me being a reader to refer to both as both documents link together. This is something I thought really stood out to me but overall your work is well presented, you clearly followed the brief using two different presentable methods first being a portfolio in your own design, secondly a Power Point stating your overview of what you undertook. I really enjoyed reading your work and even just with the way you presented and laid it out was very professional including introductions and clear subheadings which made it easier for me to locate the right information. Therefore, I thought that you knew that the presentation was equally as important as

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the tasks and research. And from reading your work overall I just find it very interesting as to how you hope to incorporate all of this research into your Final Major project.