€¦  · Web viewIn the first lesson, I will discuss where the word...

Codie Chong ITE - 326 Dr. Herring How Can I Be Creative With Collage? A Unit Plan Based on Collage Developed for Grade Four Pomaika’i Elementary School Kahului, Maui By Codie Chong

Transcript of€¦  · Web viewIn the first lesson, I will discuss where the word...

Page 1:€¦  · Web viewIn the first lesson, I will discuss where the word "collage" comes from (French word coller which means 'to glue') and the history of collage

Codie ChongITE - 326 Dr. Herring

How Can I Be Creative With Collage?

A Unit Plan Based on Collage



Grade Four

Pomaika’i Elementary School

Kahului, Maui


Codie Chong

ITE 326, Visual Arts, Elementary

College of Education

University of Hawaii at Manoa

Summer 2015

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewIn the first lesson, I will discuss where the word "collage" comes from (French word coller which means 'to glue') and the history of collage

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OverviewThis unit is designed for fourth grade students and will introduce the art technique of collage. I will give a brief history of this art form and provide artists who are well known for their use of collage in their own original work. Then, students will use some of the artist techniques we study in each lesson to create their own original work of art

I will pose the essential question of, "How can I be creative with collage?" to students and have them think about their own answer to this question in each lesson. I hope they will develop the enduring understanding that collage as a way for them to express themselves, convey a message, communicate, and be uniquely creative using a variety of materials and techniques.

In the first lesson, I will discuss where the word "collage" comes from (French word coller which means 'to glue') and the history of collage in France. Then, students will make a collage about themselves on one side of a paper bag with magazines or newspaper clippings which may be familiar to them or conventional. Other students will write something positive about them and drop it in their classmates bag, but also this will serve as a comment card drop box when they showcase future work.

In the second lesson, I will teach students about Pablo Picasso and what he did with collage. Then, we will focus on his Cardboard Guitar collage and brainstorm what we will do with that same style of collage, and what materials we may need. For homework students will bring in recyclable material to use in the next lesson.

In the third lesson, students will work with materials like construction paper, paper bags, cardboard and other recyclable materials to mimic Picasso's Cardboard Guitar collage, hopefully pertaining to an ongoing unit during that time.

In the fourth lesson, the students will have a chance to showcase their work and have the classroom become an art gallery where students will go around to see their classmates' collages. Then, they will either describe it using academic language or say what they like about it and write it on a little card and drop it in each of the respective collage bags.

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I will formatively assess student learning by asking questions that have students describe the work from the historical artist selected for each lesson. Also, I will have conversations with individuals about their own artwork created throughout the unit. I will be able to look at their artwork and see if they have grasped how to use the various techniques of collage in their own original artwork. The summative assessment will include collectively looking at their progress with various collage techniques in art and see how they began as a newcomer to the art form and later showed competence and possibly mastery by the end of the unit.

This is related to the curriculum goals for my grade level because Pomaika'i Elementary is an Arts Integrated School where visual arts and performing arts is constantly being taught so this fits right in to the curriculum goals of the school. Also, they have an art night during Art Appreciation Week where they showcase student art all around the school halls, which is where these collages will hopefully go.

I will try my unit plan on my two younger siblings who just were in seventh and fourth grade.

Objectives of this Unit Plan

The objectives of this unit is for students to be able to --- Assemble materials to create meaning Understand collage and its many forms Analyze the work of Picasso Utilize different collage techniques Create an original work of art

Enduring Understanding

Through the experiences in this unit, I hope they will develop the enduring understanding that collage as a way for them to express themselves, convey a message, communicate, and be uniquely creative using a variety of materials and techniques.

Essential Question

The essential question for this unit is, "How can I be creative with collage?"

Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets

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I am not quite sure the extent of students' prior knowledge of working with collage, however I am sure students are familiar with working with glue and scissors which will help them create their works of art. Also, I think because they are fourth grade in an arts integrated school they will have many creative ideas when it comes time for them to create original collages.

Academic Language Demands

This unit introduces students to visual art language associated with collage like, assemble, abstract, and media. As we go through the different works from each artist I will be using this language and encourage students to use these words as they describe their own works of art.

Hawaii Teacher Performance Standards

The Hawaii Teacher Performance Standard that I selected that is evident in the implementation of this unit is ---

Standard 3: Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

This unit plan will demonstrate my ability to not take so much of the lead and really allow students to demonstrate their creativity by letting them be creative in the environment that I have set up for them. I will provide content knowledge and give them criteria, but ultimately be a support as they become artists/self-directed learners with collage and recyclable materials. I will work with my mentor teacher to see what ongoing subject matter I should integrate into this lesson so that they may explore the unit through art.


3(b) The teacher develops learning experiences that engage learners in collaborative and self-directed learning and that extend learner interaction with ideas and people locally and globally.

Essential Knowledge:

3(i) The teacher understands the relationship between motivation and engagement and knows how to design learning experiences using strategies that build learner self-direction and ownership of learning.

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Critical Dispositions:

3(p) The teacher is committed to supporting learners as they participate in decision making, engage in exploration and invention, work collaboratively and independently, and engage in purposeful learning.

General Learner Outcomes

The General Learner Outcomes that are evident in the implementation of this unit are ---

GLO 3: Complex Thinker --- The ability to demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving

Applies prior learning experiences to new situations Considers multiple perspectives in analyzing and solving a variety of

problems Generates new and creative ideas and approaches to developing

solutions Evaluates the effectiveness and ethical considerations to a solution

and make adjustments as needed

Students will demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving throughout the learning experiences in this unit plan. They will go through a brainstorming stage where as an artist they will produce an initial plan, layout, and message that they would like to convey through their art. They will need to apply their knowledge from prior lessons and even an ongoing unit, to produce a meaningful work of art.

Hawaii Content and Performance Standards in the Visual Arts, III

The Hawaii Content and Performance Standard, Benchmarks and Performance Assessments for first grade that are evident in the implementation of this unit are ---

Standard 1: VISUAL ARTSUnderstand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas, feelings, and experiences

Benchmark FA.4.1.1

Use the elements and principles of art and design, such as emphasis, proportion, complementary colors, positive and negative space, and depth, to communicate an idea or mood

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Codie ChongITE - 326 Dr. Herring

Benchmark FA.4.1.4 Explain how art reflects life, culture, attitudes, and beliefs of the artist

Assessment Strategies

Assessment Tasks

During this unit of study the students will have the opportunity to create a collage that shows evidence of---

Creative thinking in the collage process Background knowledge of Pablo Picasso's Cardboard Guitar collage Problem-solving while assembling recyclable materials Understanding the elements of collage

Assessment Tools

During this unit of study the teacher will use the following assessment tool to assess student work ---

The teacher will use the checklist below to assess student artwork and performance.

Student Name: ______________

Teacher Assessment (Check if met)

Self-Assessment (Check if met)

Criteria for collage piece and presentationPaper Bag Collage has little to no blank space.Uses recyclable materials in final productWrites art description and artist's statementDisplays artwork in classGives peer feedback

Instructional Strategies

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This is an overview of each lesson that is part of this unit plan, which focuses on student engagement in the art process of collage to produce a work of art.

Lesson OneThe teacher will discuss where the word "collage" comes from (French word coller which means 'to glue') and the history of collage in France. Then, students will make a collage about themselves on one side of a paper bag with magazines or newspaper clippings which may be familiar to them or conventional. Other students will write something positive about them and drop it in their classmates bag, but also this will serve as a comment card drop box when they showcase future work.

Focusing Event --- Paper Bag CollageThe students will ---

Use magazine/newspaper clippings to make a collage Collage on paper bag represents them

The teacher will --- Set up areas where students may find materials Play music or read a book regarding collage

Content --- Collage sharing and lessonThe students will ---

Learn about the history of collage View and discuss examples of collage

The teacher will --- Teach about the history of Collage

Closure --- Overview of Unit/Closing ActivityThe students will ---

Ask questions/respond to the unit plan Put positive comments in their peers collage bag

The teacher will --- Answer any questions regarding the lesson Share the purpose of the paper bag collage

Lesson Two

The teacher will teach students about Pablo Picasso and what he did with collage. Then, they will focus on his Cardboard Guitar collage and brainstorm what we will do with that same style of collage, and what materials we may need. For homework students will bring in recyclable materials to use in the next lesson.

Page 8:€¦  · Web viewIn the first lesson, I will discuss where the word "collage" comes from (French word coller which means 'to glue') and the history of collage

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Content --- Pablo Picasso and CollageThe students will ---

Learn about Pablo Picasso Analyze his art Use art terms

The teacher will --- Teach a Power Point on Picasso Show artist examples Ask key questions to stimulate learning Introduce Picasso's Still Life With Guitar cardboard collage

Brainstorming Activity --- Interpreting Cardboard CollageThe students will ---

Briefly sketch their favorite instrument or object Write down what meaningful message they want to portray What materials they want to use What materials they can gather to bring from home for the class to use

The teacher will --- Have some ideas for students Walk around and guide students in their brainstorming Have students write down some essential materials that they should

bring like paper bags, cardboard, shoe box, paper plates, etc.Closure --- HomeworkThe students will ---

Put their sketch and lists in their backpack Write in their planner the homework to gather materials for the class

The teacher will --- Assign the homework assignment Conclude the lesson and prepare students for the next lesson

Lesson Three

The students will work with materials like construction paper, string, paper bags, cardboard and other recyclable materials to mimic Picasso's Cardboard Guitar collage, hopefully pertaining to an ongoing unit during that time.

Focusing Event --- Prepare for ArtworkThe students will ---

Clear desks and surrounding area Sort their materials in collective piles (cardboard, paper, etc.) Get out glue and glue sticks Get their paper which will serve as the base for their artwork

The teacher will --- Prepare/label the areas where students will sort the materials Bring materials to class

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Distribute papersContent --- Art Production --- Cardboard collageThe students will ---

Create their original artwork using the available resources Brainstorm objects/things to incorporate into artwork Problem-solve when assembling different materials Ask questions/respond to feedback

The teacher will --- Play music while students work Walk around and guide students by providing ideas if necessary.

Closure --- Artist's StatementsThe students will ---

Write their artwork description using the provided templateThe teacher will ---

Provide students with a template including title, name/year, media, measurements, and artist's statement

Assign any incomplete tasks for homework

Lesson Four

The students will have a chance to showcase their work and have the classroom become an art gallery where students will go around to see their classmates' collages. Then, they will either describe it using academic language or say what they like about it and write it on a little card and drop it in each of the respective collage bags. Students will have the opportunity to voluntarily present their artwork to the class.

Focusing Event --- Preparing their artwork displayThe students will ---

Set up their collage and art description on their desks Put their collage bags on their chair

The teacher will --- Handing out peer feedback cards to students Demonstrating examples of peer feedback utilizing academic language

Content --- Art exhibit and Peer feedbackThe students will ---

Visit different pods by table groups to view artwork Provide peer feedback

The teacher will --- Playing music Managing artwork viewing time for the class Walking around classroom guiding students as they provide feedback

(if needed)

Page 10:€¦  · Web viewIn the first lesson, I will discuss where the word "collage" comes from (French word coller which means 'to glue') and the history of collage

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Closure --- Volunteer artwork presentationThe students will ---

Have the choice to present their artwork Gather on the carpet area (If they volunteered) present their artwork to the rest of the class Ask the artist questions about their artwork

The teacher will --- Manage student behavior and time Guide peer interaction and discussion Recap and provide closure to unit

Exhibition Idea

Students can hang their artwork and art description on the classroom wall. On Art Night, student families will be able to view this.


Based on 25 Students

Glue Glue sticks Paper bags Soda boxes Shoe boxes Chopsticks Paper Plates Ribbon String Yarn Buttons Scissors Magazines Newspapers/Coupon Ads


Cornett, Claudia. Creating Meaning Through Literature And The Arts, Arts Integration For Classroom Teachers. 4th ed. Boston,MA: Pearson, 2011. Print., “Standard 7: Planning For Instruction | Hawaiʻi Teacher Standards Board”. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 July 2015.

Page 11:€¦  · Web viewIn the first lesson, I will discuss where the word "collage" comes from (French word coller which means 'to glue') and the history of collage

Codie ChongITE - 326 Dr. Herring, “Hawaii DOE | Learner Outcomes”. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 July 2015.

Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III Database, “Strand: Visual Arts”. N.p., 2005. Web. 12 July 2015.

Implementation of Unit Plan

I implemented my Visual Arts Unit Plan with my younger sister Nikkie. She is 13 years old and going into her 8th grade year at a private school. She is very sociable and in some circles, considered talkative. Her ethnicities are Chinese, Hawaiian, Portuguese, Filipino, and Irish. Nikkie is a solid B student in school and is very much into technology like computers and iPods, and loves fashion as a young teenage girl.

Student-created Artwork Samples

Paper Bag Collage - In this assignment the student was given the freedom to create a collage about them on one side of a paper bag. The criteria was

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that you must not be able to see any part of that side of the bag. Nikkie used magazine clippings, parts of bags and even a sticker to create a collage about her and her interests. It was all pasted down with Elmer's glue.

Cardboard Collage - For this assignment, the student was previously shown the collage work of Pablo Picasso, with significance placed on his Cardboard Guitar Collage. Then she was asked to create a collage similar to Picasso's. This artwork must be of an object that is significant to them and/or has a meaning or message they want to portray. Nikkie wrote an artist description of her artwork and an artist's statement, which is shown above.

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Nikkie Chong

Teacher Assessment (Check if met)

Self-Assessment (Check if met)

Criteria for collage piece and presentation

X X Collage has a message/personal meaning

X X Uses recyclable materials in final productUses cardboard in final productDisplays artwork in classGives peer feedback

Reflection of Unit Plan

I thought this implementation of my unit plan was great practice for me before I presented it in the field. Things came up that were unforeseen prior to this run-through like the overall goals of the unit and the assessment rubric. After everything was finished, when we each graded the final product based on the rubric, both of us only gave it two out of five possible checks (she could only get a maximum of 3 checks given the circumstances). But I realized that I didn't set Nikkie up for success by emphasizing the criteria of using cardboard in the work of art. I am still debating if that use of cardboard should be a point of grading or if it should be replaced with artwork description and artist's statement. I also noticed that the Collage Bag was not on the rubric at all, yet it served as a great introduction activity to conventional collage. I think I will make these additions to the rubric before I present next semester.

The materials became a wider range then I initially thought going in to the unit, but I am still undecided how I feel about it. Although Nikkie included

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things like Q-tips and tape, I don't know what I will do for my actual presentation. I don't want to limit my students creativity, especially if they are thinking outside the box, but at the same time I want to have criteria. Now that I think about it, I think that I will focus more on the point that students must use some recyclable items for their artwork.

NAME: Codie ChongThe Scoring Checklist for Self-Assessment of the Unit Plan

Use this as a guide for the formatting of your unit plan and use my sample unit plan as an example.

_X__Title Page for the Unit Plan  (a photograph of an artwork created in your unit plan is nice to add later)

_X__the title of the Unit Plan written in a question format (Example: How does nature inspire us to create a work of art?)_X__your name_X__grade level the unit plan is developed for implementation

_X__ Overview of the Unit Plan that describes in detail  —_X__who the unit is designed for _X__what the unit is about_X__the essential question you are asking your students_X__the enduring understanding you want for your students _X__a description of what the students will do in each of the four lessons that includes what will happen in the culminating event_X__how you will assess student learning (formative and summative)_X__how it is related to the curriculum goals for your grade level_X__when it will be tried this summer_X__who you will try your unit plan with this summer

_X__Objectives of the Unit Plan:  Clearly state the objectives of your unit, making sure you include verbs that demonstrate some high level critical thinking skills. These should be stated as follows:  The students will be able to— and then start each phrase with an active verb. This is often used

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because the students will be doing more than just meeting the HCPS III in the visual arts.  See the instructor example in the unit plan provided. _X__Enduring Understanding:  Describe the enduring understanding in a very clear and concise manner that starts with the following phrase: Through the experiences in this unit, I hope that our students will develop the enduring understanding that ………  Remember to keep it short and meaningful. _X__Essential Question:  An essential question is open-ended and can have many different answers.  Constructed one good open-ended question that is also used as the title of your unit that can have many different answers. _X__Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets:  Describe what you think your students will need to know to engage in this unit or what you can safely assume they already know. Notice that is my example, I am not assuming that my students are already familiar with information they may need so I am introducting them to a lot of the information as part of the unit. That is why I think a series of lessons is needed to create a meaningful visual arts experience.  This part is a little different for writing this in the summer when you have not met your new students year._X__Hawaii Teacher Performance Standards: Select one HTPS that you think you are meeting through your work with students as part of this unit plan that includes the short definition of the HTPS selected & how you are meeting this standard through your work with students in this unit specifically. These are standards for teachers, not students. See Learner Outcomes:  Select one general learner outcome that is evident in student performance as part of this unit plan that includes the definition of the GLO and how students will demonstrate they are meeting this GLO through their work in this unit.  To review the DOE General Learning Outcomes see Content and Performance Standard in the Visual Arts: There is one standard in the Visual Arts identified by the Hawaii DOE.  Find that standards and write it out in this section. _X__Benchmarks: Select one benchmark in the visuals arts that students will meet through the experiences provided in this unit plan that is appropriate for your field placement grade level. Write out the description of the benchmark.  See

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_X__Performance Assessment Indicator:  Create your own performance assessment indicators that the student work will demonstrate that are directly related to the benchmarks you have selected and to the experiences in your unit. This is what you will assess with the assessment tools you create.  Please do not use use the Sample Performance Assessment indicator that the DOE provides as a sample.  The objective is to create your own indicators that are directly related to the benchmarks, the enduring understanding, and the objectives below._X__Assessment Strategies:  Write a sentence that describes the following: Students will engage in a series of assessment tasks throughout this unit that are  identified below and two summative assessment tools follow.

_X__Assessment Tasks: List what students will do throughout the unit to show evidence of their learning. Remember that these are related to the benchmarks, performance assessment indicator and objectives that you   have already identified above.  __X__Assessment Tools: This is where you create a rubric to help students create a quality product by identifying specific criteria you are looking for. This may also be in the form of a checklist. Remember that these are related to the benchmarks and performance assessment indicators that you have already identified in the assessment tasks. You do not have to have an assessment tool for each task. Notice the examples the instructor created and provided.  

_X__Instructional Strategies:  These section will include the Individual Lessons that include active student learning and include enough details that others could implement your plan.  Begin by writing an short overview of each lesson.  Divide up the sections of the lesson into the Warm-up or Focusing Event, Content, and Closure. Note the example the instructor provided and use the format indicated in the example.  A minimum of four lessons is required.  The example contains six lessons.

__X__Lesson One: Write an overview of the lesson and then use subheadings for different section of the lesson and use bullets that focus on what the students and teacher will do in each section. __X__Lesson Two: Write an overview of the lesson and then use subheadings for different section of the lesson and use bullets that focus on what the students and teacher will do in each section.  __X__Lesson Three: Write an overview of the lesson and then use subheadings for different section of the lesson and use bullets that focus on what the students and teacher will do in each section.

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__X__Lesson Four: Write an overview of the lesson and then use subheadings for different section of the lesson and use bullets that focus on what the students and teacher will do in each section. __X__Additional lessons (optional)

_X__Exhibition Idea: Include an idea for sharing elementary student work in an elementary classroom, school, or in the greater community_X__Materials: Include the materials you will need to implement this unit _X__Resources:  Include the resources you used to plan this unit. Please cite all of your reference materials and consultants.After you write your Unit Plan will engage in the following work that you will document as part of this plan —_X__Teacher-created Artwork Samples:  Embed your own artwork in the document and use a caption to identify your work._X__Implementation of the Unit Plan:  Describe the students you implemented this plan with during the summer. _X__Student-created Artwork Samples:  Embed student created artworks in the document and use a caption to identify the work.  __X_Assessment of Student Work Using the Assessment Tools you Created: Show how you used the Assessment Tools and discuss how you used the assessment tool to assess this student work specifically.