· Web viewFeb 06, 2020  · Email: [email protected] Dear...

Email: [email protected] Dear parents, As we move into June, we have a slight change to the format of work. For June, together with some written work in English, Irish and Maths, we will send some activity based learning and some links for some online learning. This week we will start to explore narrative writing. Through song and art we will explore different characters and settings. Next week we will begin to explore how there is always a problem and a resolution (solution) in every story. We will also discuss the beginning, middle and end of different stories. We hope that you and your child enjoy this topic. Regards Mary and Maresa SPHE & PE.

Transcript of · Web viewFeb 06, 2020  · Email: [email protected] Dear...

Email: [email protected]

Dear parents,

As we move into June, we have a slight change to the format of work. For June, together with some written work in English, Irish and Maths, we will send some activity based learning and some links for some online learning. This week we will start to explore narrative writing. Through song and art we will explore different characters and settings. Next week we will begin to explore how there is always a problem and a resolution (solution) in every story. We will also discuss the beginning, middle and end of different stories.

We hope that you and your child enjoy this topic.


Mary and Maresa


Water Safety

This is a topic which is important for children, especially those who live in coastal areas to explore and learn about each year. Some of the information on the given websites, especially if you come across videos, while educational, can be a little frightening for children in infants and it is important to become familiar yourself with the content and choose what you feel is suitable for your child. Your child should not work through this topic independently, they will need a parent/guardian working with them.

If you would like to get some background information and do some exploring of the topic yourself this link may be of use to you before you discuss the topic with your child.

The following link provides a good presentation which you can look through with your child

This could be followed up with the following activities to check understanding and familiarise the safety rules.


For literacy Ms. Doyle’s group are to continue working on the packs she has supplied as well as engaging with the oral language section below.

Ms. Kehoe’s group is to continue using the packs she has supplied as well as the work listed below.


username: [email protected]


Select, ’Colins Big Cat’


Please contact us by email if you wish to discuss which level your child should be reading.

Sight Words

Please check which sight words your child knows. Pick between two and five new sight words for your child to learn this week

(please see the bottom of this document for sight word lists).


Answer a few pages from Just Phonics (big book that we used for homework each week) this week.


Three pages from the book over the week.

Tuesday: Characters and settings (Music and English)

1. ‘Parts of a Story’ song, see link below. This is an echo song, encourage your child to sing along with the song.

2. Your child can identify the various characters and settings and then play the ‘Who goes Where’ game (see below) in which they place the characters in a setting and construct a simple sentence; for example, ‘The witch was in the castle’.

3. Get your child to elaborate and extend the sentence by adding suitable adjectives (we called these describing words in class this year) for the character and setting; for example, ‘The mean witch was in the old castle’.

4. Design a character

Use page 79 of ‘Over the Moon’ to help you design your own character.

Wednesday: A look at the fairy tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

1. Read ‘Meg and Mel’s Puppet Show’

2. Discuss the characters from the puppet show ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Ask your child to choose their favourite character and to give reasons for their choice. Make a list together of adjectives to describe the chosen character.

3. Together come up with a list of adjectives to describe the wolf.

4. If you wish you can draw and write about your favourite character from little Red Riding Hood in your purple copy.

Thursday: The Wolf’s Story by Toby Forward

Hi Senior Infants,

Today you are going to hear the story of Little Red Riding Hood from the point of view of the wolf – I’m not sure if I believe him!

We are going to do lots of visualising today and tomorrow. Remember when we visualise we make a picture in our heads using the words to help us. We also use what we know from our own lives to help us. When the wolf is in the woods I use what I remember from visiting Wells House to help me make a picture in my head.

When I hear the title of the story I use my senses to help me make a picture of the wolf in my head. I see a wolf with pointy white teeth and wicked brown eyes. I smell damp from the woods and I hear a wolf howl. Draw a picture of what you visualise and then listen to the story (see link below). When you are finished listening to the story sequence it using the pictures below.


Mrs. Whelan

Friday: The Wolf’s Story by Toby Forward (Art and Drama)

Good morning Senior Infants,

We are going to be busy visualising again today. I want you to close your eyes and sit very still. Listen carefully and use your senses to visualise the woods.

Imagine that you are Little Red Riding Hood. Your mother has just given you a basket of cupcakes to take to Grandma’s house. You are wearing your beautiful, bright red cloak and you are carrying your basket in your hand.

You skip happily down the path through the woods. The pebbles are crunching beneath your feet. You can feel warm sun shining on your face. The trees are very tall and are covered in blossoms. You pick up some blossoms from the forest floor and rub the soft, silky petals between your fingers.

You can hear the chicks chirping in their nests, high up in the trees. You can see some baby rabbits hopping in the long grass. Look at the beautiful flowers beneath the trees. What colour are they?

You can hear the bee buzzing as he collects nectar to make sweet tasting honey. You whistle a merry tune as you skip onwards towards Grandma’s.

Now open your eyes. What did you see, smell, hear as you walked through the woods? Draw a picture of what you visualised.

With your family act out the story of Little Red Riding Hood.


Overview of Maths for this week

Topics – Problem Solving, Pattern, Capacity






Bank Holiday


Operation Maths


Operation Maths


Operation Maths

P31Operation Maths at home book

Instructions for maths

P102 Draw in the missing clocks. It can be useful to look at the hole and draw the rows in first and then look at the block pattern to draw the blocks. Write in the number of bricks missing under each hole. Now look at the green and blue bricks. There are three sets of bricks and three formations built. Try match the set of bricks to the correct formation.

Part B

First, read the problem and discuss what you need to do, check what your sum might be. On no.1 the sum is 3+4= ___, so we start at three on the number line. We need to add four so we count on four steps on the number line (remember to only count when you move!) four, five, six, seven – we land on seven so put 7 in the box. Now try no. 2 and no.3


Part A Look at the patterns of six counters for number six. There are lots of ways to make number six. Now, see can you remember the ways we made the other numbers in class. Draw in as many as you can.


Part A. As you probably don`t have cubes, just write the numbers in the continuing pattern.

Part B

In part B, we are looking at a pattern made with dice. The first die has 2 dots, the next 3 dots and the third has 4 dots. We are then back to 2 dots, so the pattern is starting again. Draw the dots on the rest of the dice and then write the numbers under each one.

Part C

In part C, we are looking at odd and even numbers. Do you remember counting with head and shoulders – touch head on one, shoulders on two, head on three, shoulders on four and so on. Then we said the numbers in our head for the head words so we only said the shoulder words out loud. So, it was ….., two, ……, four, ……, six. These were the even numbers. On no.1, we need to continue the pattern with these three even numbers. On number 2, you get to do your own pattern, remember to use only even numbers though. For question 3 and 4, we are looking at odd numbers, so we do the same things but stat counting one on shoulders, two on head, three on shoulders etc. When we say the head numbers quietly in our head, we are saying 1,…,3,….,5 when we touch our shoulders. Now, use these odd numbers to complete no.3 and no.4

(Note: children may find the concept of odd and even numbers very difficult at first, but this is only an introduction of the concept. It is covered in much greater detail in First Class.)

P31 Operation Maths at home book

Part A – Read the amount under each glass and draw the correct amount of water in each container.

Part B – Look at the containers, colour the one in each set that holds the most blue, colour the one in each set that holds the least red.

Part C Compare the two containers for each sentence. Then write in “more than” or “less than” in each sentence

Irish – An Teilifís

Go to the links below to listen to a comhrá (conversation) and to play a game based on the theme of Ag Siopadóireacht

comhrá agus ceisteanna

postaer & foclóir, scéal, amhrán agus dán,

cluiche meaitseála – ag siopadóireacht le Mam

Please note

If folensonline asks you to sign in, insert your own email, create a password and use Prim20 as roll number

Fun Aistear ideas you may like to try at home over this week:

1. Role Play – any fairy tale

2. Use play-doh to make different characters and settings.

3. Small world – use any sets or toys you have a home to set up a puppet show.

4. Junk Art – make a character.

5. Build a theatre – using lego, blocks etc.

6. Shop/ ticket sales - cash register, children to create price tags for food and drinks etc.


Go to and login with [email protected] as email address and growinlove as password.

Click on Senior Infants/P2 book. Now click on 9. Baptism, then click on 1. A Baby`s Baptism. In this section, look in particular at Baby`s Book of firsts, Baptism and Baptism song.

Children`s book p52,53 have some activities based on this theme.

We have been working our way through the list of tricky words this year. If you’re your child knows all of these words they can start learning the Dolch words (some children will already have Dolch words in their hardback copies).

Tricky words

Dolch Words