· Web viewAs many of you know, I had the privilege of going to...

World Missions Hello friends and family! The fact that I am writing this is so exciting yet kind of surreal! This year has gone by so quickly and so much has happened - it would take a lengthy paged paper to explain all that I have experienced and learned. I will, however, explain the reason for my writing to you and give you an “in a nutshell” version of what God has been doing in my life as of late. I am asking and inviting you to walk alongside me in the opportunities God is laying before and calling me into this summer. I am believing and praying for big things and I pray and hope you will join me in faith for the same. As many of you know, I had the privilege of going to the beautiful island of Maui, HI to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) for a year (2014-2015). I completed six month’s worth of lectures as well as six months on outreaches to Nepal the first trip and China the second. Thank you so much to those who stood by me in prayer and finance during that time! What I experienced and learned has gone with me into the places God called me to back in Calgary mainly being Mount Royal University where I am completing my BA in Child Studies majoring in Child and Youth Care Counselling (CYCC). I can imagine no better place to have been for this year and for the years to come. I have been challenged in so many new ways being in the university world and God has taught me so much about how He views me as His beloved child and who He is to me as a perfect Father. This journey I have been on to understanding the Father’s love for me has really begun in the amazing community God placed me into at the church I am now proud to call my family and home. UChurch is located on the University of Calgary campus and is one of many around the world under the global organization, Every Nation (EN). EN’s mission is to “honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation”( ). It has been my absolute privilege to become more and more involved with this

Transcript of  · Web viewAs many of you know, I had the privilege of going to...

Page 1:  · Web viewAs many of you know, I had the privilege of going to the beautiful island of Maui, HI to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS)

World Missions

Hello friends and family!

The fact that I am writing this is so exciting yet kind of surreal! This year has gone by so quickly and so much has happened - it would take a lengthy paged paper to explain all that I have experienced and learned. I will, however, explain the reason for my writing to you and give you an “in a nutshell” version of what God has been doing in my life as of late. I am asking and inviting you to walk alongside me in the opportunities God is laying before and calling me into this summer. I am believing and praying for big things and I pray and hope you will join me in faith for the same.

As many of you know, I had the privilege of going to the beautiful island of Maui, HI to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) for a year (2014-2015). I completed six month’s worth of lectures as well as six months on outreaches to Nepal the first trip and China the second. Thank you so much to those who stood by me in prayer and finance during that time! What I experienced and learned has gone with me into the places God called me to back in Calgary mainly being Mount Royal University where I am completing my BA in Child Studies majoring in Child and Youth Care Counselling (CYCC). I can imagine no better place to have been for this year and for the years to come. I have been challenged in so many new ways being in the university world and God has taught me so much about how He views me as His beloved child and who He is to me as a perfect Father.

This journey I have been on to understanding the Father’s love for me has really begun in the amazing community God placed me into at the church I am now proud to call my family and home. UChurch is located on the University of Calgary campus and is one of many around the world under the global organization, Every Nation (EN). EN’s mission is to “honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation”( ). It has been my absolute privilege to become more and more involved with this church family established here in Calgary. UChurch has a major focus on missions and they are constantly sending individuals and teams out into the world and I am so excited to announce that alongside a group of ten others from UChurch I have the opportunity to go back to Maui and partner with New Hope Maui, a local church on island that YWAM is affiliated with. I never imagined that I would be given the opportunity to return so soon to the island that was a conduit for so much change in my life! Initially I thought it was too good to be true and pushed the idea aside, feeling selfish and unworthy of such an experience, but as I prayed and asked God more about it I felt sure that this was going to happen and the lies I was believing about Him and myself were replaced with the truth of the good father God is and how he delights over aligning my heart’s desires with His.

The team (Team Canada!) will be going to the island July 1-14 of this year. We are going to partner with New Hope with a variety of ministries that they already are running as well as plan some of our own outreaches. This includes reaching out to the low-income communities and families of Maui by building relationships and, really, just showing up and supporting them in what they need. As well, we will be a part in running youth basketball/sports camps and possibly some Vacation Bible School/leadership type events. I am excited to see the ways in which God brings healing, freedom, and hope to the people we come into contact with on the island.

Page 2:  · Web viewAs many of you know, I had the privilege of going to the beautiful island of Maui, HI to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS)

World Missions

This time is one where I am learning in a deeper, intimate, and more powerful way what it really means to trust my Father with absolutely every area of my life. It is not easy. I remember I prayed a prayer a few months ago that had to do with relinquishing my control of, well, everything: “Show me in this season what it looks like to live loved. Show me that I don’t have to hold so tightly on to things fearful that I’ll lose it all if I am not in control- in finances, in opportunity, in love, in grace, in work, and in perfection”. God most definitely came through answering those prayers in the most unexpected of ways and this step towards Maui is a huge part of that.It is truly my honor to be writing these words to you and invite you to join with me and the team in prayer as we prepare spiritually, emotionally and relationally for this trip. The group is filled with some amazing talent, heart, and passion and I can’t wait to join with them and what God has planned for us! I also ask that you would consider financially supporting me to take part in this exciting adventure God has called me on. I need to raise a total of $1500.00 CAN, with half of that due by the end of this month ($750.00 in May). This will cover the cost of flights, accommodations, transportation, and food for the entire two weeks in Maui. If you do so wish to support me in this way, please go to select “Maui Mission 2016” under Mission Project and choose my name under the Ministry Contact. If you have any questions or concerns or if you want to receive updates from me in regards to our preparation and prayer requests as well as while we are away please email me at [email protected]. Thank you so much for taking the time to read what God has been doing in my life. I am so excited for this summer!

Be blessed,

Breeana Hogman

“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we

will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love

drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18-19