· Web viewA story from this morning, talking about celebrity sperm...

Issues Facing Producers of Factual Programmin

Transcript of · Web viewA story from this morning, talking about celebrity sperm...

Issues Facing Producers of Factual Programming

Accuracy is meant by giving examples and not lying about any evidence that is given. This is also being precise in your answer, giving the accurate meanings and examples to back up what you are trying to say or show. You could also say that being exact would cover accuracy, the freedom to have an opinion but also that opinion that you are giving to someone is correct and given examples that may be relevant.


The channel 4 producer’s handbook explains their beliefs on accuracy and also fairness. They say ‘Ensuring programmes are accurate, therefore, is of paramount importance in fairness terms as well as 'viewer trust' terms’, Suggesting that the importance is for the audience and whether what you are showing them on TV is accurate for them to watch. This is a given example where is quoted about individuals, it says ‘Programme-makers must ensure that material facts are not presented, disregarded or omitted in a way that is unfair to an individual or organisation and anyone whose omission could be unfair should be offered an opportunity to contribute’, talking a lot about the way the audience perceive a sentence or even a meaning. For mostly channel 4 they are trying to gain an audience rather than letting a certain amount of viewers get offended by what may have been said.

An inaccurate reporting suggests they are giving false accusations on a story which is trying but they are twisting the words of what others may have said or given. For example when the Boston bombings happened it was said that ‘news media had been reporting on the blasts based on inaccurate information from unofficial sources’. This is showing that the reporter or writer is making the bombings to be out a less or worse thing. Also said from the media ‘Over the past day and a half, there have been a number of press reports based on information from unofficial sources that has been inaccurate. Since these stories often have unintended consequences, we ask the media, particularly at this early stage of the investigation, to exercise caution and attempt to verify information through appropriate official channels before reporting," this is most annoying when coming to the media, some people want to get noticed or even made out to have made a better story, but this is never accurate.

The Boston bombing videos have been taken down, but the link to this was the Boston bombings.

This morning show balance and what they are trying to show between two people, there is a talk about a women sleeping with married men. A lot of words and descriptions expressed throughout this talk, two sides balanced out on for and against if this is right or not. Scarlett the women who only dates married men says ‘I didn’t want to enter and relationship because I don’t want my children to be involved’, yet the opposite argument is disagreeing and saying ‘the married man has a key to you house’ this balanced discussion has more expression and allows the viewers to get more into what has been said. As the discussion goes on this gets more intriguing and enticing, more eroding discussions and more exciting.

‘An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady’. This is saying that all balances have to be set out equally, covering 1 subject but balancing the subject out so that you come to one conclusion or balancing out the story so all views are similar. All subjects of media have to come to a balance so that it is distrusted out equally.



A story from this morning, talking about celebrity sperm clinic. These types of discussions aren’t so intriguing, they don’t allow 2 sides of the story to show each meaning, and the balance of the stories isn’t equal, this also doesn’t allow the audience to understand why this may be wrong or right. This is just a talk about a certain subject which may need to be said or talked about to engage the audience in a way for let them know what is happening but overall the stories that are discussed draw the audience in.

Impartiality and bias is meant that all sides are equal, any discussions or agreements shouldn’t be disagreed in a horrible meaningful way. Bias and impartiality work together his is allowing all views and discussions to be equal and come to a conclusion and any improper reason can be discussed in a nicer content.


Jeremy Kyle’s shows can be a lot bias and also impartial; this could be against someone or a certain group of people, this may be sticking up for someone or a decision on something that needs to be resolved. On one of his shows a girl has explained that one of her family members has stolen money from her which was going towards her children’s Christmas presents she says ‘she saved all year for her children to a perfect Christmas dinner’, a lot of opinions and discussions go on throughout this part of the show and getting to the bottom of it seems to be hard, neither of them claim to have done which shows that they are trying to stick up for themselves, with this being bias towards the women and how unfair this looks not much outcome is coming from this, she wants the truth so that it is fair. Impartiality is a lot included in this as opinions aren’t the same which means it makes it harder to get to the bottom of the solution and both sides do not weigh out equally. In my opinion this shows un-bias.

Michael Moore is bias and bias all throughout his films, no matter what show or film he producers he always manages to act bias against the people that are in the wrong. One of his top films which were produced called ‘Capitalism- a love story’, this is bias because he is pointing out and showing already what has been proven, therefore he wants to gain more viewers on the matter. Many people have come out the cinema exc from watching very angry and annoyed and how this has been portrayed, not only does he want to state a reason for this but he doesn’t show a side of belief and he believes that everyone is wrong for all capitalism that has gone on, in my opinion this isn’t correct and he should be siding and choosing from the one which is the best decision and the one which is right.

Objectivity and subjectivity

The opposite of Louis Theroux’s way is that you could not be focusing on someone and talking about a load of people and nothing is based on his opinion or showing the audience exactly what he means.

When also using an example for objectivity you would want the facts to make sense and be with the context you are speaking about. Gathering information, you would want this to also not have any opinions so that this is the truth.

Louis Theroux uses a lot of subjectivity throughout his documentaries; this is when he is interviewing anyone for any subject. An original one of his documentaries was when he interviewed ‘America’s medicated kids’, this is interesting as he didn’t believe how hard it would have been walking into such medicated children who need care. Throughout his time of interviewing these children he soon realised how hard it could have been if he had been a mum or dad. He likes to gather his information by interviewing the ones that are carver; this is subjectivity and allows Louis Theroux to see how someone is in a different way. He also relates to himself saying how ‘his friends could find him annoying’.

Objectivity and subjectivity are different because they have meanings which are different, subjectivity is basing you opinion on something about someone, this may be judgement on the way they are or how they act, how you perceive someone, this may because they are different etc and objectivity is only facts, the known truth without any opinions or observations which is the opposite to objectivity.

Opinion is something that is judgemental, ‘matter of opinion’ people use this term when they having a discussion with someone and they do not agree on anything that person is saying, this could be on the same subject but the other person believes something else. Opinion is not just disagreeing on agreeing on a certain subject but also something that someone says or teaches you throughout your life time, the opinion of something that you may have not known before and knowing the meaning of what it means so that if you ever need to use it you have the full meaning of what it mean by someone who is known for their work.


Malala was a woman who spoke out for all girls/women, she spoke about all rights for girls/women to have the rights to get an education. Her views are strong and she talks a lot about how this should not be banned, her opinion is very strong and she believes by making a stand this will help her community and countries such as hers to get a good education. She says ‘their right to be educated’; this shows that not only does it seem as if there are no rights that are allowed in this country but the men use their women as slave and in my opinion all women should have the right to speak and have free will. She also says ‘I am the same malala, my ambitions are the same, my hopes are the same and my dreams are the same’, this shows that nothing will ever bring her down, showing how far she has come and still she is standing up for her rights. Her opinion of freedom and to be able to speak about her rights and what she feels needs to happen, the most strong words she has spoken about her rights is she says ‘I’m here to speak up, for the right of education of every child’ her strong views towards this subject arises the place and lets the others she is speaking to clapping for her, she stands up for what she believes in and does not let anyone bring her down.

All opinions should be said no matter how little they can be, after a lot of hard work Malala’s came true and she finally had freedom of speech, she speaks the truth. Some people don’t believe in this and this is why today’s society has no freedom of speech.

Representation is a strong word to use when focusing on views and what they mean to other people, you can represent things in a many of way. This could be acting or speaking out for someone or something; this also isn’t just people but could also be a country or something that is happening within their country. A way of showing someone that they are being represented in a good way or backed up for.


The representation is that Nigella Lawson is asked how is she able to keep her private life from not being displayed and also how was this dealt with, with your family and children, she simply just said that ‘there are people going through a lot worse and she just simply had to deal with everything that was coming and going. She deals with these questions very carmly and she has no other way than to say the truth but to put it politely so that everyone can understand that not everyone is entitled to know. She holds are status by sticking up for her family rather than saying how her family have been through and what they have felt whilst going through these situations. Nigella says ‘to have your private life put on public display is very mortifying,’ but overall, you can tell in the way she speaking nothing has let it get in the way of her family or even her children as they are trying to suggest. She represents her family very well, her answers to every question are something that an audience can relate to yet this is how she is feeling but the questions she gets asked are very thorough but she knows what to say and to quickly answer the questions.

Access allows you to enter a certain place; this could be private or somewhere that you may not be able to go. Having permission to do this, this could be by a certain person. This may be a good opportunity to access this area because it will help or it is a great opportunity for you. It gives release of you being able to do something or go anywhere to is accessible.


Kate and William talk about their engagement, they say all the things that happened before doing this and then William explains how he didn’t know it was the right time when they went away on holiday he knew then. The access is being able to talk to them and know why they did get engaged, they were interviewed with many questions allowing the audience to know why they did so and the reasons for doing this. Its lets the audiences know a bit more about them. The interviewer asks ‘it’s a family ring?’ he replies with ‘yes it’s my mother’s engagement ring,’ with this he means that he is able to keep his mother close to him but also passing it on so that there is a remembrance of who it was gave to and why this was. With the interviewer asking questions to Kate and William, they seem to be interested in telling the audience and interviewer about the whole engagement and they seem ok with telling them about their life etc.

Privacy is allowing people their own space, giving them time on their own. No disturbance from people who you do not wish to see, spending some time or your, this could be emotional context such as something may happened and you want some time alone, this may be to think or concentrate on something.


The news of the world explains how a celebrity has no privacy within her phone; the celebrity believes that she has been hacked into her phone without herself knowing. The news of the world explains that if anyone knows about this recent event they should tell them. Kelly Hoppon has yet to believe that someone hacked into her phone but with little evidence you are unable to say who did so. They say ‘I was happening on their watch from their news room with one of their reporters and so it is alleged,’ this is a very good example that celebrities do not get any privacy even when it is within their phone, this is a very strong allegation and not only are they trying to represent that this may be wrong but trusting someone to be around you and believing that they could be helping you out when in-fact they aren’t doing what they are supposed to therefore no one can be trusted. With a few others also believed for their phones to be hacked the investigation was re-opened and from then on they try to sort this out by doing whatever was possible at the time of this report.

Contract with viewers

Contract with viewers is something that the news isn’t allowed to lie about, it has to be balanced but also bias. This would have to be facts that are true, and the stories that they tell you they aren’t lying about. All stories on the news seem as if they are true but once you go in into more depth about you soon find out that they could be lying. These types of stories are the ones about celebrities.

The news reporting’s are suggesting that their facts that they are giving to us are true, all facts that they are gathering have been factual through gaining any information that has just happened in London or any other county. The story of Duggan was a true and factual, this shows that is true by giving quotes from family and family who have spoken to him or were with him that day. They all show that they have been in contact with the police, so this can’t be false; they say "First of all, I want our officers to be able to be more open when it comes to the investigations that follow these events”. This is showing that the police didn’t really try to do much to help the family figure out how he got killed.

An opposite story which wouldn’t represent contract of viewers, would be not so incising. A story that doesn’t really have much depth and a story that could be lying towards the audience.

Sheryl Gascoigne story explained by the news of the world about how she got caught lying within the courts about how her husband inflicted violence on her within their marriage. The news of the world had also said "It also suggested that she had lied in both her book and the interview by falsely claiming that she suffered repeated acts of violence at the hands of Mr Gascoigne." Showing evidence she has said to have proven right to everyone what her husband was like, finally got caught out and how she didn’t also lie in the courts but also in her book. All her arguments were wrong throughout her time of telling this story, she wanted to get her husband known for what he had supposedly done, yet because her statements were incorrect and didn’t add to what had happened she got done for liable.

Libel and slander is the communication of false statement, this may harm the reputation of an individual. Making them lose their reputation as a person, they could be famous, so by saying a false statement about that individual could bring them down in the media industry if this is a lie.

Liable and slander

Contempt of court

The daily mirror and the sun were fined a lot of money for contempt of court, when assuming that Christopher Jefferies who was Yeate’s landlord. He was accused of the death of Yeate’s and therefore he was released with no charge against him and there wasn’t any evidence against him. The mirror and the sun, made up so many cases about he did and they didn’t have any evidence to back up what they were saying. This should have been changed and they should have made his a better way of concluding this.

This is meant when someone is thought to have committed a crime and then it goes through the courts, they could have interfered in someone’s business and then the justice that they go through is through court. Someone from that court sentence could have ‘thought’ that someone has interfered but by taking it to court they can find it out whether this is correct.


Jeremy Kyle’s shows can be a lot bias and also impartial; this could be against someone or a certain group of people, this may be sticking up for someone or a decision on something that needs to be resolved. On one of his shows a girl has explained that one of her family members has stolen money from her which was going towards her children’s Christmas presents she says ‘she saved all year for her children to a perfect Christmas dinner’, a lot of opinions and discussions go on throughout this part of the show and getting to the bottom of it seems to be hard, neither of them claim to have done which shows that they are trying to stick up for themselves, with this being bias towards the women and how unfair this looks not much outcome is coming from this, she wants the truth so that it is fair. Impartiality is a lot included in this as opinions aren’t the same which means it makes it harder to get to the bottom of the solution and both sides do not weigh out equally. In my opinion this shows un-bias.