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Endpaper From ‘The Blue House’ by Phoebe Wahl Unit 1 Day 1 © Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. home_F341ST1_resources

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From ‘The Blue House’ by Phoebe Wahl

Unit 1 Day 1

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Talking Points

Unit 1 Day 1

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What can you notice in this picture that someone else

might not spot?

What sounds would you hear if you were here?

Who lives in each of the houses do you think?

Which of the houses would you most like to live in?

How is this place like where you live? How is it different?

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Character Questions

How do you think they feel about the blue house? What do you think they are worried about? What might they say to each other?


Leo’s Dad

Unit 1 Day 1

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Diary Entry – Leo

Write as though you are Leo. Explain what you heard your dad saying on the

phone and what you are worried will happen. Say what you hope will happen.

Explain what you will say to your dad.

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Diary Entry – Leo’s Dad

Write as though you are Leo’s Dad. Explain what the phone call was about.

Explain how it made you feel and what worries you have. Write about what

you will say to Leo now.

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Unit 1 Day 1

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Leo Outline

Unit 1 Day 2

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Leo’s Activities

What is Leo doing? Activity How might he be feeling?

My Activities

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What do I do? Picture How do I feel?

Unit 1 Day 2

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Writing Brief

1. Write about these six things that we see Leo doing in the book. Describe what he

is doing and how you think he might be feeling.

2. Write about yourself. Pick three emotion words and write sentences about what

you might be doing when you experience those emotions.

Unit 1 Day 2

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Doing Like Leo – Challenge

Talk to whoever looks after you at home and choose one of the

activities that we see Leo doing in ‘The Blue House’.

Talk and think about how the activity makes you feel and be ready to

talk about it back in class.

You could choose to:

Make a den

Play with some toys outside

Sing a song or make music with


Paint (It doesn’t have to be on a


Cook something

Unit 1 Day 2

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Text 1 - The Blue House – by Phoebe Wahl

Leo lived with his dad in an old blue house next to a tall fir tree.

The paint was peeling, and the roof was mossy. There were leaks and

creeks. When the wind blew, the whole thing shook. But it was


Leo loved the blue house in winter, with its hiding places and cosy

spaces. When the old heater broke, they would bake a pie just to

warm up the kitchen. They would dance.

Leo loved the blue house in summer, with its garden full of

raspberries and tomatoes. He would play in the yard until the sun

went down.

Lately there was all kinds of construction going on in the

neighbourhood. Big, new apartments were going up next door and

across the road.

Leo would watch the backhoes and trucks out of his window. They

looked like tiny toys.

“I'm worried ours will be next …,” he heard his dad say on the phone

one night. But Leo knew his dad was wrong. The blue house would

be theirs forever.

Unit 1 Day 3

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Text 2 - The Blue House – by Phoebe Wahl

One day, Leo's dad picked him up from school. But instead of going home, they got ice cream and went to the beach. “I got a letter from the landlord today,” Leo’s dad said. “They've sold our house, and it's going to be torn down. I'm sorry, bud. We're going to have to move.”Leo was angry. How could someone just take their house away? He kicked and screamed and locked himself in his room. They couldn't tear it down if he never came out. But Leo got hungry and, after a while, went down for dinner. “I'm angry, too,” his dad said. So, after they ate, they danced and stomped and raged together. They shredded on guitar, and Leo did a special scream solo. It made both of them a little less mad. Soon the blue house began to fill up with boxes. Everyday another familiar object was packed away. When the blue house was empty, it was echoey and draughty like a hollow shell. “The walls look so naked,” said Leo. “Let's paint on them,” said his dad. It made both of them a little less sad. The new house felt empty, too. It didn't feel like home. “I hate it,” said Leo “That's okay,” said his dad.

One day, Leo and his dad walked by the hole where the blue house had been. When they shut their eyes, they could see it clearly. Hear every floorboard’s creak and the drip of the faucet’s leak. But when they opened them again, their home was gone. That night, as Leo lay in bed staring at the empty walls of his new room, he had an idea. “What if we painted it?” Leo said. “Good thinking!” said his dad. Then together, they mixed the perfect shade of blue. And it made them both feel a little more at home. Little by little, familiar objects began to appear in the new house. After school one day, Leo and his dad baked a pie in the kitchen. And that night, they unpacked the stereo, and danced and stomped and sang until it was time for bed. Leo had been right, the blue house would be theirs forever and with each passing day, the new house was becoming theirs, too.

Unit 1 Day 3

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Comprehension Questions A

These questions are about The Blue House – Text 1

1. What adjectives are used to describe Leo’s house?

2. What is next to Leo’s house?

3. Find three things that are wrong with the old blue house.

4. How can you tell that Leo is happy in the house?

5. What do you think makes Leo happy there? Explain your answer.

6. Which seasons does the writer tell us about?

7. What word does the writer use to mean ‘building-work’?

8. How can you tell that Leo’s dad is anxious?

9. Why do you think that Leo believes the blue house will be theirs

forever? Explain your answer.

10. How would you describe Leo’s character? Give a reason from the

text for your answer.

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Comprehension Questions B

These questions are about The Blue House – Text 2

1. Why do you think Leo’s dad took him to the beach to tell him the


2. What thought does Leo have about locking himself in his room?

3. What verbs does the writer use to show us how Leo felt?

4. What effect does stomping and raging have on Leo’s emotions?

5. What simile does the writer use to describe the empty blue


6. What happens to Leo and his dad when they visit the site of their

old house?

7. Why do Leo and his dad decide to paint on the walls?

8. How would you describe the relationship between Leo and his

dad? Give two reasons from the text for your ideas.

9. Find three things that help Leo to feel more at home in the new


10. What do you think it means ‘Leo had been right’? How is the blue

house ‘theirs forever’?

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Comprehension Questions A – Suggested Answers

1. What adjectives are used to describe Leo’s house?

Old - Blue

2. What is next to Leo’s house?

A tall fir tree

3. Find three things that are wrong with the old blue house.

Any from: peeling paint, mossy roof, leeks and creeks, shakes in the wind, broken heater.

4. How can you tell that Leo is happy in the house?

The writer says he ‘loved’ the house. She describes contented activities in the house.

5. What do you think makes Leo happy there? Explain your answer.

Children’s own ideas e.g. freedom, familiarity.

6. Which seasons does the writer tell us about?

Winter and Spring

7. What word does the writer use to mean ‘building-work’?


8. How can you tell that Leo’s dad is anxious?

He says ‘I am worried…’

9. Why do you think that Leo believes the blue house will be theirs forever? Explain your answer.

Children’s own ideas e.g. familiarity, inability to imagine anything else, not wanting to believe

anything else.

10. How would you describe Leo’s character? Give a reason from the text for your answer.

Children’s own ideas e.g. Observant because he watches the backhoes and trucks. Playful because

he plays in the yard until the sun goes down.

Unit 1 Day 3

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Comprehension Questions B – Suggested Answers

1. Why do you think Leo’s dad took him to the beach to tell him the news?

Because he hoped the setting would help with the bad news.

2. What thought does Leo have about locking himself in his room?

He thinks that they won’t be able to demolish his house if he stays there.

3. What verbs does the writer use to show us how Leo felt?

kick, scream, lock

4. What effect does stomping and raging have on Leo’s emotions?

It makes him feel calmer.

5. What simile does the writer use to describe the empty blue house?

Echoey and draughty like a hollow shell.

6. What happens to Leo and his dad when they visit the site of their old house?

They close their eyes, picture the house and hear its sounds. They open their eyes and realise it has


7. Why do Leo and his dad decide to paint on the walls?

Because the walls are ‘naked’. Because they did that in the blue house. Because it will remind them

of the blue house.

8. How would you describe the relationship between Leo and his dad? Give two reasons from the

text for your ideas.

Children’s own ideas e.g. Close because they dance, sing and cook together and they talk about how

they are feeling.

9. Find three things that help Leo to feel more at home in the new house.

Painting on the walls, unpacking familiar objects, dancing, singing, baking a pie.

10. What do you think it means ‘Leo had been right’? How is the blue house ‘theirs forever’?

It’s ‘theirs forever’ because they will remember it forever and it will always be important to them,

even though they no longer live there and it is gone.

Unit 1 Day 3

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Dance Art Instructions

Trace the outline of Leo dancing in the middle of your paper.

Paint this silhouette in black.

Choose paint colours that you think match Leo’s thoughts and


Dip the end of a straw into the paint.

Put your finger over the other end of the straw and move

the straw over the paper.

Make blobs of paint on the paper and blow through

the straw moving the paint around.

Keep adding more colours until you are happy with the effect.

This video shows you a similar technique (from 1:20)


Unit 1 Day 3

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Leo Dancing Outline

Unit 1 Day 3

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Mrs Cole Outline

Unit 1 Day 4

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Conscience Alley – Adult Reference

Ask the pupils to create two lines; approximately a metre apart.

In role, as Mrs Cole, walk between the two lines twice.

The first time that you walk, ask children to say out-loud the friendly and polite greetings that her neighbours might give Mrs Cole.

The second time that you walk, ask children to imagine that they are now speaking the neighbours’ secret thoughts out loud, but that Mrs Cole cannot hear what they are saying.

Unit 1 Day 4

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Two Houses

Unit 1 Day 5

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Inside Feeling

Unit 1 Day 5

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Emotion Vocabulary

Unit 1 Day 5

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Tabernacle Card Instructions

From A Book of One’s Own by Paul Johnson

Unit 1 Day 5

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Home Defined

Home's not merely four square walls,

Though with pictures hung and gilded:

Home is where affection calls,

Filled with shrines the heart hath builded!

Home! go watch the faithful dove,

Sailing 'neath the heaven above us;

Home is where there's one to love!

Home is where there's one to love us!

Home's not merely roof and room,

It needs something to endear it;

Home is where the heart can bloom,

Where there's some kind lip to cheer it!

What is home with none to meet,

None to welcome, none to greet us?

Home is sweet, -and only sweet-

When there's one we love to meet us!

Charles Swain (1801-1874)

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