Web performance Speed matters

Speed: Web Peformance Matters Deepti Bhutani

Transcript of Web performance Speed matters

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Speed: Web Peformance MattersDeepti Bhutani

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Mobile Performance

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How the Web Works

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How the Web Works








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Web Performance Tools

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Waterfall Analysis techniques Metrics

• First Byte• First Paint• On Load (TTI)• Page Complete

• Navigation Timing Model• http://www.w3.org/TR/navigation-timing/#processing-model

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Web Performance Tool Box Profiling Tools

• WebPageTest • FireBug• Chrome Developer Tools• Yslow• Google PageSpeed

Performance Practices Checklist • http://webdevchecklist.com/

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Web Performance Monitoring Synthetic Monitoring

• Keynote• Gomez• WebPageTest Local

Real User Monitoring• Akamai RUM• AppDynamics EUM

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Synthetic Monitoring

• Is my site up?• How fast is my site?• Are transactions working?• If there is a slow down or failure where is it in the infrastructure?• Are my third party components operating correctly?

• How is my overall performance?

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• What are users actually doing on the site-traffic flow?• What is the performance of the pages, and which

components are slowest?• Are SLA’s met ?• Did my latest release affect the user experience?• How does the user experience tie back to other areas of the

company such as support?

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Synthetic vs Real User Monitoring

Features Synthetic Monitoring

Real User Monitoring

Test a new feature before deploying to prod Ensure application is up and running 24/7

Test the performance on a new market/geographyMonitor web third party APIs

Determine the impact of slowness or failure on real users Resolve support issues

Monitor Transactional Performance

API performance

Monitor all traffic /real users

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Performance Optimizations• Fewer Requests• Smaller Requests

• Image compression • Reduce network Round trips• AJAX requests

• Caching• Leverage Browser Caching • CDN Caching (Akamai)

• Optimize Browser Processing• Optimize JavaScript• Analyze front end rendering • Optimize DOM

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63% smaller

Image Optimizations

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Smaller Images

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55.8% smaller

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90% Savings!!!

PNG24320 x 568Size: 100 KB

JPEG320 x 568Size: 10 KB

Image Formats

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Mobile Performance Challenges

Books Web

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Other Resources• Books

• High Performance Web Sites – Steve Souders – O’Reilly• Even Faster Web Sites – Steve Souders – O’Reilly

• Web• HTTP Archive (http://httparchive.org/)• Web Page Test (http://www.webpagetest.org/)