Web 2 0 for Social Change



Over the last few years a new world has emerged online. Chances are you or someone you know has a Facebook or MySpace page, a blog, or has posted a YouTube video. Maybe you’ve even Twittered? Come learn why these new technologies (sometimes referred to as “Web 2.0”) are changing the way industries and organizations are working and how they can be applied to a group like CORE.

Transcript of Web 2 0 for Social Change

  • 1.
  • 2. Networking is In Using Web 2.0 Tools in The CORE Group Community Houkje Ross Communications Manager CORE Group
  • 3. Session Overview and Objectives
    • This session will:
    • Provide a brief overview of CORE Group, its history, purpose, and accomplishments
    • Introduce attendees to the world of Web 2.0 tools
    • Showcase CAREs Pandemic Influenza blog and other Web 2.0 tools
    • Generate ideas on how these tools can be used
  • 4. A Brief History of CORE Group
  • 5.
  • 6. Eight Working Groups
  • 7. Who Are We?
  • 8. Examples of Communities of Practices
  • 9. Communities of Practices A group of individuals participating in communal activity, experiencing and continuously creating their shared identity through engaging in and contributing to the practices of their communities. -Etienne Wenger
  • 10. Benefits of a Community of Practices
  • 11. CORE Maintains its Community of Practice Via..
  • 12. Some Accomplishments of the CORE Community
  • 13. We are Ahead of the Curve.
  • 14.
    • Collaboration Goes Mainstream.
    • collaboration or peer production will harness human skill, ingenuity, and intelligence more efficiently and effectively than anything we have witnessed previously.
          • Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything ( 2006 )
  • 15. Collaboration Goes Mainstream The collective knowledge, capabilities, and resources embodied within a broad horizontal networks of participants can be mobilized to accomplish much more than one firm acting alone. Whether designing an airplane, assembling a motorcycle, or analyzing the human genome , the ability to integrate the talents of dispersed individuals and organizations is the defining competency for managers and firms . -Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, Wikinomics
  • 16.
    • Web 2.0
    • Changing the Ways People Work Together.
  • 17. 4 Tenents of Collaboration
  • 18. Web 2.0?
  • 19.
    • The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for social effect to help people work together and not as a technological toy.
    • - Weaving the Web
    • Tim Burners Lee
    Tim Burners Lee
  • 20. Web 2.0 Examples
  • 21. Yes We Can.
  • 22. April 6 th Moldova Protest
    • 20,000 stormed the Parliament building only 1 day after election results were announced.
  • 23. Natalia Morar, 25 Organized the Protest Using Twitter
  • 24. "Not only did we underestimate the power of Twitter and the Internet," Morar told "The Guardian," "we also underestimated the explosive anger among young people at the government's policies and electoral fraud." After the protests President Vladimir Voronin and Moldova's Constitutional Court called for a recount.
  • 25. Korean Taco Fusion in L.A.
  • 26.
  • 27. Houkje Ross Communications Manager CORE Group [email_address]