Wearable Hardwares



This is a presentation about wearable hardwares presented in 2015

Transcript of Wearable Hardwares

Wearable Hardware

Wearable HardwarePresented ByOscar Nadal 2012-5787Key Attributes of Wearable tech

The Wearable are evolving fast!

Who are the consumers?Why use Wearable with the SmartphonesUnited States 2014 Projections: 90% have a cell phone, 58% have a Smartphone

Worldwide 2014 Projections: 4.55B mobile phone users, 1.75B smartphone users

People on average: Reach for their phone 150x a day. 63% check their phone every hour, 9% every 5 min. 97% check their phone when in the presence of family or friends. 63% would be upset if they left home w/out their smartphone.Common places of WT to be wear

Common questions a user ask before buying a WT productWhat benefit does it provide to me?Would I Actually wear it daily?Am I willing to pay that much?Does it actually work?Are the insights it provides meaningful?Is it accurate?What will others think?Will I want to continue wearing it?Will it break? Is it Reliable?Common unknown about the WT Product

The WT products are going for a Targeted AudienceWith this they mean that their are centered for a single type of consumer.

-Activity trackers - Fitness/wellness-Google Glass - Social/entertainment-iWatch Fashion/Social/FitnessMaterialsThe producers must use many type of materials for the creation of the Wearable that fits you for example iWatch will be made in aluminum, silver, titanium and 2 types of gold!Also they need to be focused on make the WT looks like a accessory that goes with the fashion.What should I buyI would recommend you to ask your self 5 questions

Would you really use XXX?How often?Would you really want to pay that much for a piece that would be replaced within a year?Do you feel confortable using a life tracker?Witch one is the best for the money?