WE8TCHE8TER COUNTY. The Royal O'Neill'spreme Court: Grand juro"s. John G dney, John P. Moran; petit...

WE8TCHE8TER COUNTY. YOXKERS. Mayor John <î. ?«^·.¦··. .vh«i «rill retiro from office ·? Dt mi ?, ¡,«. «;,.,] tot ?.·:., huí tinte on Mon- ghl over Ili« rstlOM of Ih« Aldermen. At tli«· «r·«· of the mccting ? complimentary dinner was given for him at Bardln's Hotel Maln-al South Broadway, it wm «attended ? y ? t*· thM fifty city oflicials and ¦ few iBTlted gue-ts. «'liarles Philip Eaatoa presided and served ns toMtmaster. May« r -'· ne oeeui ? the seal of honor, and l »ft u... ?.- »lie 8 ith« rial d, A! iyor-eleci Boi the other ? .·¦: ai d Prai i'. Treaiior. Il eC immissioni rsj Sa mu« IL loner of Public ?, Aldermen J«>bn Broderick, !.. Alexander Houston. Abram 11. Tompkln« and Jolin J. i.e. tu'. CI» At¬ torney James M Hunt, « Ity Judge Kell, jfi Ttubi Daly, Aid« m en ?ri« r. ? e) Mo »?.« y. Hyati L fin II. BouthwlçK ana .,. ·. H Kalei O. J Fergu« Citj Clei - John r. Jr., Receiver ity Auditor Charles h. Brown, Building Inspector « »tui Kipp. *«« Commissioners Roben s wart, John U·.'·;«' John ?·'··: t. A «or Edward Underbill, «ater Commissioner John C Bhotts, Acting lleaith omeer Dr. Jamal, Commlssl« r ol Chai »m ! Consi ble, Justice William Rlley. Supervisor Edwin A Foi th, and John V. Brennen, «? the Library li. Brd of th« : ';" ''"" "".s made wore of an aure. Mr. Laston pre- ;,· ?·,. ;.. on behalf ol the orni ....-, a loving-cup. The cup I In height and al_ '!'¦ . , , All the Al lermen. with the ? Alderman Curran, wl o Is confined to his home, wer.· pr« I ,,·¦ Co moll .'? M evening. Dr. Richard R. Trotter handed In ins ; Health Comn «loi er, and It w William D Horn was nominated to fill the .1 ui ai Imously confirm« Robert l. Steward was also unanimously a (Tiri Commi isloner, to succ« ed .re H. Silkman, for the last year presi- ?. ard of Police Commissioners, offered 1,1«; rerigna Ion iak< effect on D«-cemb«r 1. it waa ¦ ·< I, Saturday wai Ml as the day r t'·1·· ¦enei public to Inspecl the new municipal build¬ ing, al Wells and Woodworth ave«. This bull with the land, coal more than I5O.O00, ai ? will he occupied by the Police and Judicial departments of the city. . . . Mr?. Charta S. Dlehl and Mrs. Morrlii K. Poucher will receive the guests at the Thanksglvln« Erve dance to be given bs lh« Entertainment Committee of the Park Hill Countrj Club this evening. The Aral of a »erte» of danc« ? t.. be given from time to time at tha Amackassen t'hib hens.·, in the Pali- sade-ave. extension, will also tali«· j.lnce this even¬ ing. -«v- MOUNT VERNON. The new flr.>-alarin system, for which the city recently sppropriaied *väO, Is now complete, and will be ready for an official IMI by th«· C'omtnl««- uloners and Chief .Tev. «'.1 on Saturday night. It re¬ quired twelve mlies of wire to connect all ihe Ore- houses with the batteries and switchboard« In the room? of the Commis, loners In North Fourth -ave. Nearly all of it.·· available s«ats have b«en sold for the performance in ihe opera-house to-night, In aid of tiie Church of the Sacred Heart, of which thi« Rev. Edward J Plynn if rector. The wedding of Mien M.na Burdet'e, daughter of Mr. and Mr* J. Burdett«·. of Chester mil. to Her¬ bert Lor.ir- Lucas will take ria··« to-day in Hie Church of the Ascenelon, tho rector, the Rev. F. M. s. Taylor, officiating. Tl.o Rev. C. L. Rhoadea, of StAmf.rd, Conn., re¬ cently elected eeoretary to the American Baptist Missionary I'nlon. to succeed th« Hew Dr. A. H. BurhnTha'ni. ha.« taker, a house ln South Third- aveu, and will make his homo In this city. WHITE PLAINS. The annual meeting of the Westchestor County Ixn-tU Aesembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be held tn St. Feter's Church, Port Chester, next Sunday. At the evening service, beginning at 7:3? o clock, there will be addressee on the subject "Inspirations for Brotherhocd Work" l>y W. W. Lord, Jr of Mount Y.-rnon, and John P. Faute, of New-York City, treat irer of the Tîrotherhood. An Important meeting of the young Men's «"hri?- tlan Association will be held in ihe rooms of the association this« evening at 8 o'clo« k. The certificate of incorporation of the Puh.ski Polish Republican Club, of Yonk «rs. has been tiled in the County Clerk's ofTi ¦· Thi directors ar<· Joseph Lir.omkl, Joseph Killpsltl, Frank Wlxnelro- witz. Valentine Kalcu'.ski, I.aioy M. Nemetky, Michail Przvgoda, Michael Gallas and Frank Filip- Ekl Tho following jurors have been drawn to serve from this town at the December term of the Su¬ preme Court: Grand juro"s. John G dney, John P. Moran; petit jurors, Samuel Then.pson, ar., John R. Barnes, ElUan Purdy. jr.. c. J. Qulmby, Edward B, Long, Florence Howell and Timothy Murphy. Tn the Board of Super·, laors yesterday morning Memra Blgolow, Couch and Brown, special com- mlttee appointed to consider the subject, reported "that, the distinction between town and c< ty . abolished in this county, the coats attentant on the examination th·· poor and Indi¬ gent insane, tog-ther with the cr?· of neces iry ins to provide for their transfer to ,·» Btate hospital or asylum, as provided l>y the Suite «'»m- mlssloners, la a proper change against thl county The Supervisors also appointed th« fol low lag super¬ intendents of brl<lges: wood's brldg ovot River, James l'arre nt; (iolden's bridge, John D. Gray. In the County Court yesterday montine Judge Lent centenced Joseph Muli·: ·:.% ctod of burg¬ lary In ih«· third degree, committed In Tonkera lasl Jum, t? the State prison for five yean. Qates are being ¡'laced where the trolley tracks croa« the New-York and Putnam Rai way at Elms- ford, ard by the end of this weak the trolley-cara will make continuous trips bctw«en this village and Tarrytown. At the present time passencers are tiannerred si Elmaford The win of Ja_ea F. Kniffen, who died in Pori « '.· -ter on June 16. has been filed ln the Surrogates office for probat". Mary A. Martin, of Por! Che» ter. a daughter of the testator, la ram. ii executrix. PKF.KPKILL. At the fire which partially destroyed Cryptic Hall there was s«ame criticism to the effect that the members of the Fire Department, especially those of Cortlandt Hook and Leader Company, were _#- fìcleiH In knowledge of how to handle and manage the new extension and other ladders belonging to the new truck. The result of the agitation wa? a notice re el ved by all members of the tr k yeatei day, ordering them to drill every Wednesday Cryptic Lodge Ño. T.r.. I. O. <*). F.. ar. now meet· lng in the »age room of Cortlandt Lodge No. ·>, I. o. 0 I' ¦¦¦:¦ «mcclal Invitation or that lodge, ? ontlnue so to do until their building Is The meeting of the Hoard of Town Audit, ? v. lively y<sterday. and «'halrman < "Untori w.b kapl OUby. RING UNO. Coroner Charles F. Apgai on Monday evening held an Inquest upon the holy of Mrs. Comalia M Rey¬ nold«, who died suddenly in Llnder.-ave. on the afternoon of that day. A verdict of death from Brlght's fllaeaae of the kidneys wan found. The deceased was forty-five years of age. and a daughter of the late Henry Bkidgell, of this village, and widow of the late George Reynolda A family of four children survive her. A combination entertainment br the Ariel Conoart Club and Miai Agnes Mape» Taylor will be given at Olive Opera House to-morrow evening, under the dlrec.lor of the Young Men'» Christian Asaoclatlon, The following committee has been appointed to ar¬ range for the approa hing minstrel entertainment <«f tlie O t lu »: George g. Jenkins, chair¬ man: William H Hapgood, James H. Moran, ?. ? Walsh, ?. P. Travis and C. D. Mileady. TARRYTOWN On Monday night the Ladies' Aid Raolcty of St. Paul's Church held a laMeptlOB at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ft T. Lovett, Ii^ekman-ave. Sergeant Woods, who || charged by Samuel T>. Horton with assault ani drunkenness, was given a bearing before th.- tWteaa Monday evening. Th.-y G«>ß··G?*1 their decision until next Monday morntrg. The Tarryl »ui Whist Club met at th«· home of Ml<» Flora Miliari. Castle Rid « Monday evening. Prize·· were won by Miss Julia L. Ramsay and T. 3. Ward Among tho-·· present were Miss Badie Hat- flt .: m Jai a 811«. -. Mlaa Grace Odell. Miss.I »lia I, Ramaay, M;ss Flora M.Hard. Miss Alice Fwlngs. Isa...· C »utour, Charles D. Miiiard, o. P. Merrltt, T. G. «Van! Kr. l ?, Falrchllda and Frank Brown. T.itre was a reception at the home of J. F. Crocker, in Broadway laai evening The .St. Stephen's Olee 'lub. which was t-, ap¬ pear here on Friday even.ng, lost. b_t was delayed, owing to an accident on the New-York C ntral Rpiitoad a: Barrytown, gave an excellent concert In Lyceum Hal] Monday evening, und· r the auspl es of IM young men of St. Mark's Church. Follow¬ ing the concert dancing and refreshments were en- Joyed. ? w steel cages have been placed In the North Tat ry town lockup. The mem'., ra of Conqueror Hook and Ladder COmpany hai a supp«r In their new rooms ln the new Town Hall. In Maln-st.. Saturday night. I >w fell to ihe di-ntii of one Inch yesterday morning. It was tho first storm of the season. X EV.' -ROCH ELLE. The member« of the New-Ro^hello Vl«>lin Circle havo begun wtekly practice on Thursday nights fer a number of concirts to be given this winter. The circle now has r.carly a hundred members. The officers are: Edward Lambd« n. president; Goorge M. Cohen, vice-president, Harry V. Uptng- ten. secretary; John I«, gcott, treaaurer. and John Haggerty, librarian. li it> announced that ih» annua offering of house- boli supplies ln Trinity House wiil oinittiïd this year, ami an Offering will be f«.r the support of the house mother and her servants. Mlaa Orar· Van Wart ani Frederick Andrews were married last night in the recton ?! Church of the lues··.· d Sacrament by I'. Cushion. Mlaa BfBe Donelly and B. Phii-n He« vas the attending COU] la. The br!·!·· is a «Ja ecendent of one of the captors of Major Andrò and Mr. Andrews Is a well-known member of th«· Huguen Athletic club. Cviurt Ivanhoe, K. of ?., and a lar»,-·· number of Its friend» wnre en'erte.lned on Monday nlKht ¡it a vaudevH ¡erfjrmiinoe in th«· casino. A division mentlng of the Woman's Auxiliary of Weatchester «Ounty was held yesterday in Trinity House. Tho prlnclj al address was by Mr·· Thack- ara. of Arlsona. on mission work among the Navajo Indians. About «-ighty guests were in attendance and w«rc tntrtaiiKd nt a tea served by the mem¬ bers c' the Woman's Auxiliary. Among the guest* were tho Rev. Charlea ?. Canedy. tie Rev. ¿G Winter Bolton. the Rev. Arthur Forbes nnd the ttev V «German. The members of the Catholic Benevolset Lemon» ß* Weetcbester County will attend rut annlyer«.nry ££_, in Bt. Patrick's Csthadrsl. New-York City. »o-rn'orrow morning, for the re».ose o! the souls of tho.ii- of their uumber who have died since the foundation of th» order. PORT CHESTER AND RYE. The wedding of Miss Ella Weeks to George P. Archer will take placa In Chrlet Church this morn¬ ing, Archdeacon Kirkhy officiating. A I.rg· number of friends an«l relatives will as- alst Mr. snd Mrs. William H. Boyd In the celebra-. lion of ili«;:· golden wedding anniversary trj-dsy. Mr. Boyd was In business G? Boston Posi Road, Mamaruneck. for fifty years Berti a manufacturer of East Port Chi ter had an ·\ Itine en«*ounter with two hlgh- wnymen on Monday night. He was returning home, w. n the ??»·? h< !d liim ui> In a dirk street snd demanded hla money. Mr. tfoose »prang upon the men and knocked them down, and th.-y fl- I acroi « the bridge into Connecticut. The old tollgate between Pori ChesteT and Green- wich, in th.· Boston Posi Road. parati) ? Net» fork from New-England, being torn down, in order to lower the highway. The gate was bu more than ß century neo. ai··! continued in service unii; 1836, when the road» in Connecticut were madi ?1 it ?·» *:«;.? tiiat General Washington mut ih»· Continental Army passed through the oil Rate and were the first ones who did so and escaped paying the toll. -_.--,- ALLEGED PRAUD8 To BE INVESTIGATED. ???G?'???? OP Till' W_****»T*HE**TErl ORANTI JtTRT OALI.F.r> TO a ??.???????»; PETITION RE- jr.rrr.T) 17Y tur ????tt r*__UC, Tn th«? County Court, in White Plains, yesterday afternoon, Judge Smith Lent called ihe attention of the (Irani! Jury lo the fa«'t that prior to the recent election ? certificate of nomination of can¬ il dati ¦ for the offices of Sheriff. Coroner and Members of Amenably had be.n filed In the office of the County Clerk to be placad upon the official ballot as an Independent ticket. "Tiie County Clerk," he continued, "rejected the certificate on the ground that the petitions ac¬ companying the same had been altered and changed in an unlawful manner between ihe time they were subscribed to by ihe voters petitioning for tho placing of tho independent nominations upon the official ballot and the illinir. of the cer¬ tificata in his office. Various chames wvro elr.'u- lated concerning the changes made In the cer¬ tificate, and an Investigation waa begun before a trata in Whitp Pleins. For some reason it s ·,·, n stopped ami if there haa i.e. ? any wrongdoing it Is proper thai the Grand Jury ph.mill mak.· a thorough Investigation. If you found any person or p. rsona guilty of a clime un¬ der the law, you should Indict them, otherwise you should mak»» a presentment Of the fa«ls In th·» cane to th»· i-ourt." Then the Judpo instructed the Jury that th« I»1s- trlct-Attorney was th»ir legal adviser, and would them In their Invi iti thai they might u«i.).»urn to-.lav until n«-xi Monday if they desired, and ample lime would be given th« m in Which to iri.-.ke their Inquiry a m«..«t thorough an.l hing The Judaic-» charire to the Qrand Jury raup» 1 «surprise at the county seat, as it was su;·' that the affair to which he referr»·! had pra.tt- cally Mown over. The trouble arose oui of th·· fact that the petitions til« «l by the Citisene' League for an Independent ticket, wer»·, on Investigation before County «'lcrk Crumb, shown to hnv»· been altered after'they had been execute«! frequently by erasures and Interpolations, bit principally by the attaihir.g of signature» originally Bigi en for the nomination of a cavillate fur Membsf Of ? namWy to a petition indornlr.«,' candidasse for the .i!, 'es of Sheriff and Coroner. An ..naminatlon wa» begun b-f«>re John P. Moran. Police Justice of White l'lains. on comptait· f Robert Coward, an employe of the <~ounty Clerk's 's' ·. a public nature ha» been done «luce Election -? colf if Bl A FRESHMEX MAY CARET CASE .nUTl· MAT AUSO IMO.? ??.?, HAVING BBATKN tub ttoootm topuoMOtm in tug cani RfBHRS AM» TttK "l*t*<J-0F-WAR¬ TI.« freshmen and «iophr»mor»-s of the Cn. lumhiá University School of Mine» met In confll -t yesterday on th;-> greensward opposite the library and the freehmen were tho victors. Many « lime ef inte have the Mine "eophs" been aecu ed of cowardice, in refusing to m».«-t the freshmen In the customary "rufh."" but It mttatt 'hut ti * cin»s of '01 their auperloT in every bren**h of Columbia 6port. Over four hundred undi-rgraduate,» WttTMSSed th« cane spreca. which were between Tiemann, Gramm and M«-«"!!r.!ii· k for '00, and Meyer». Welles and Stewart for tho freshmen. Tictnann and Myers were the firt-t contestant«, and it t».>.k them »lx round? of three minutes each to decid« thai Myera wn» the better man. ??-mann showed himself to he an adept at defensive work. He woul«! fill on the cane. and. placing it between hi« W-s, lay th're as thouch lifeless, preventing Myera I «.tt both hands err the cane. One minute from the and. Myers succeeded !n getting Tiemsnn In position, and q.ilckly forced him ti» relti «ji;!sh hi» hrid. The r.ext contest waa let we· ? lha mlddlewelçhta, Gramm, ''?, and Welle, '01. The f,.rnv-r waa 1 > f»» the heiter man. In the flrsl round he I Well» at hit *? ill In the see» If ll I, however, Wells fore< ' ? to . ind ? moi of forgeifuir.··'-·' Oramm relesa» iiis ::«:i on ,·¦ cane, thus assuring the tre»hmen <»f the rie-.'it t«. »moke pipes, He had clearly ? » better of the argument. McCltntock Stewart. '0L to ·· both hand» before they had fought two minutes. In th- tufr-.-f-war. the freshmen, who outnum¬ bered hy fifteen the Bophomores, won by thr.e ClestS, after playing for thr»·· minutes. Thl.« g) the freshmen not only tha rlath' to pm ko pipe» bui to carry cane.«. The freahmen Immediately started to celebrate the victory. This evening they intend to visi» ihe Tenderloin, but the "i promis«· dire revenge ed far ;_ kidnapping la oon- carned. -4>- IX BOSOB OP MRS. IBELIS'B RECOVERY. CRO.«KF_ rtlVKS TO FC1IOOL rjRIUmW V.'H'i up»tun i***tA*t*_M ron um ?? ?? .? ENT neXN.BB. ornali eouvenlr i*r<#?eti ol predotlfl me'als were .etstrlboted yeeterday to the children «-«f st. oa- brtel'B Parochial School, in New-ItocbaOe, in thanksgiving for the re«"*avery of Mr«. Adrian l»e- lin. »r., who. notwithstanding her S4t**an-»ed a;·* of ne-iriy eighty years, ha» Just recovered frorn a critical Ulnees nt h'-r country horn", In Davenport's Neck, and has been brought »<> thii »-Hy. The presentation» wen» mud»· by Bister Mary Agnee and the Sisters of Charity In charge of the a ? ?-my recently given by Mr. and Mr». Ipelln to St. Gabriel's «"hur»h. Mr» Iseiin'H recovery Is considered remarkable, ai.'i attributed to the many prayera offen«i tor ¡.-r by the fríen is a·.»] by tha children »»f the ¦choola snd In Bt Oabiiel'a Church. The Rev. John A. Kellner said last night thai he was PTOB- with alcknesfl wh»-n Mrs is.-iin's condition wa» m»i»i critical, ar,d »he bad been given up to <71e bv the specialisti in attendance, bul h»· called 1.!* ««si«·;,·!·. Father O'Kecfe, to his bedside, und nsked thai the prayera of th«· Church be offend for h»T In the church snd In them-bool. "I really believe," said Father Kellner, "that the spiritual aid »he received, and the great desire lo m.· h. r da-ichter, <·;t?!<»1 her over the » rbls. and Bsved her life Sister Mary Acne» *a!d Phe b··- lleved, too. that the prayer» of tl·»· little children hud iica-n heard and anirwered, and a thank- offerlng »he Malt« es, bleaaed by the Pope, were distributed." The Is.lln family built St. Gabriel·» Church and have gir»»-» property valued at nearly half a million dollar» to the parish. --a~- THE JURY MFS'T ISTBBTIOATB. ?\?? μp,?, p.iVF/n VAUUBT .tmoVMIftl t? tin LOOKKD ? ?t?. The WestdWSter Grand Jury went Into court ye». terday afternoon In White Plain», and handed up a presentment Judge Lent read It and then rav fneed the r»-«juest of the jury that it be dlschargi d. He »aid he would not mak.» tho presentment publk but srould sah the jury to Investigate further In the affair. The presentment made grave < h arge s against sevwml persona, and they rnust be called hi. heard. l-'rom tbe remarks of Judga» Lent it waa evident that the prep, minent was relative to the drainage of Saw Mill Valley and the deepening and atralght- r. Ti.ia work ha.« cost several time» the original estimate, and property-owners in the valley say property wa» conti«cnifwi. ..· of the pap. r.s in Hi« case ar« s.iid tn be nilaelng from the oftlec of the County Clerk. BTATE S l SLAVI) WAPPBMTWGS. The Hoard of Supervisors have ha.l presented to th«-ni an appUeatlOn of the Midland Hallroad for the right io «.pir.it-ï a lino over the Fresh Kill Road to Tottenvtllf an«! a!so to use a double triu-k In the road from Grant <i;y to N.-w-Iiorp. The I:, ard Of I Hi;';) way Commlaalonera Of West- flebi yesterday evening granted to Hi·« Campbell Construction Company of New-Jersey the right to operate ft (¿as plant in the town. A golf handicap match will be held by the Ladles' Club on Saturday, which will be op«n to all women playera in the country. ///; SEES COLOMBIA FOR DAMAGES. Georve N. Rebiffer, an American, who ha* been In the I'nlted Stales of Colombia as HUperlntendent for the Humo Mining Company, arrived here vesterdiy on the Atlas Line steamer Allegheny. He sal.l that betör«, leaving I.ognta he had Hied a statement with the I'nlied States Consul insti¬ tuting ? suit against the Colombian Government for J_,000 damagea for all*»Bed Indignities received In tho collection from him of a liquor tax. The baking powder that will equal Royal in leaven¬ ing power and purity has vet to be compounded. HOME NEW8. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THF HOTBLA ALBEMARLE-Palmar C. RJckStta, of Troy. FIFTH AVEN1 B.Oeneral Ruaaall A. Algor, retary of War: Oovernor Black, Qovernor Charlea t. « »?··.irrall of Virginia, «'.«org·· W. Aldridgi Superintendent of Public Works, and ex-Congress- man Je·**« Spaldlng, of <'i-.i«ago. HOLLAND p. r. Chatfleld-Taylor, of Chicago. IMPERIAL Con¬ gressman Taa «veil Ellett, of Virginia MANHAT¬ TAN Judge .1. D. Strong, of Bchenectady. PARK AVENUE.Colonel K. D, Judd, V. s ?. PLAZA Dr. Baxter T. Bmelxer, »« tretary >¦( Oto Stata of Health. WALDORF Julei Outhridge, of Waahington. WINDSOR.Lyman J. Gage, Secre¬ tary of the Treasury; James H. !·'· k«iH. Controller of the Currency, and Dr. Panici c, «iiiman, presl- .i.-iit of Johns Hopkins University. WHAT IR C.OINC, ON TO-DAT. ???.t? murder OS·*, Long Island City. Opening of Brooklyn Dog Show, oi.i 1Mb Regi- m< nt Armory. Tammany Oeneral Comm!tt«e. 3 p. m. American So. ¡.-tv «>f I'lvll Engineer*' housewarm- Ing. No. BO Wesi Flfty-aeventh-at., I p m. Lecture by Canon Chejrnt, Union Theologie·] Seminary, i'X v m. Republican Club «.f xxvillth Aeaembly District m »ker, No. MS Raat Elghty-flret-al I p. m Qeorae Qunton'a lecture. Aaaembly Hall, No. 219 Eai t Rlghty-flrst-at, 8 p. m. NFW-YOHK CITY. Th« speclnl committee apjOlnted by the Tariff Association recently to consider ratea arai other matters pertaining to flro Insurance m thla and adjacent cities met aualn yest. r.l iv. and dlaeuaaod a scheme for settling exiting difference* it has been suggested thai all risks I ·· grouped In five rlanaoa. reducing the rate fan the first claaa from IO lo li per rent; lecond class. 2«) to :;. per cent; third CUM, abOUl ?1-1 par e«nt. etc. Thl« pan will he suhmitied to tho association at at» «.«Hy dale. The first me.-tlng of tho rentrai Congres« of the Salvation Army win he conducted by Co*nman«Jet Hooth-Tuoker at the headijinirter«. In Fourteenth- at., Kriclay evening Th« Camp Nel ·? Jubilee Singera, «>f Kentuclry, win make their first ep- pearanea at thli meeting· Admlaalon win be by ticket, whi-ii ?. iy be :¦·. ired Ire· ««f charge by applying a; N>. US Wrel PoUftomth-at. The annual «\hthltlon of fancy canarie«, held under the auspices c>f the New l*Ot_ Ontlthologlca] Society, will be Id at No t.îlS Third ave to-ni'.r- row, niday Hnd Saturday Th« Seamen's Christian As*oblation. No «V.*, Waahington·*!., mnking a spedai appeal f"r rontributtona Thla misalon is crowded afteraooM gad evenings with sailers, who ir«· *hus k.pt nut «f groggerlea It in pon sectarian, has r... endow- ICted M S CMh basi* No aaiary la ? m mager, owing to a mixing «>f figui man Tl omaa O'Neill, on Sport, w.i« credited with winning thlr«! prlz.« In 'he COB ' - I ? Horse Show !a«t ireeh w the real victor was ratr«>lman J««h.n Murphy, on ZoldO Th«» Society of H.a.is Art« Archlt«Ktl m«' " dav evening at tha Cafl sure! ? «¡nuik to Carf-re ? Hastings In h..n«>r r.f · Ml'-ces» In th·· ¦».· '. : \ ,.:¦ rr.\ ..f ! ·· sign comj«eti'iotis. and Mr C_rré>ra responded The were re-elected a.« follow» Walter «' "k Ident; Edward P. < A Josselvn. »· treasurer; Jo .? ? li ¦·.«.·. .·. rr· ·· . M, Catrera :.n «; Howard and ? p Flagg imltti ··. an Edward ?. ? II· tingi hj..? t ? Turner Commit¬ tee <·? Udii atii.n h In the F'iprem» <"«aurl w-·. dismi««-·..! (he complaint agmlnsi a h ii.ho· the ? ¡it broucht by I.« ·; I Levi National Wai: r Company for dai result ..f alleged conspiracy Hai ¦· ¦· as on« of th«· defendants, hut the J. that Hamilton w not nhnmi :o have acted authortasd ».gent nt th« company Poet meateT Van Coti ha« received inatructlons fr"m Wa ·.I I ' rth rlaes matter or Iti » ·¦ to print or write upon aeeoi iter or in wrapper dlrr'ilor.s relative to tin» d»li\ery tl. with th« ¡.oktal regulation» quently, dlraotlons to deliver to -, ?.» to a "druggist" or "pi u gndellverable to trie addressee, «·. ·- \<- disregarded nt the ofll ·· of After March ?. UM ß ter ad the fon going mutiner w-ill l«« h'i«l t.. h«< unmallabla ???« A«|tinrlum at the Battery was open foi an hour yeaterdaj from 13 toi o'clock In with ihe n,-w· rn thai shall be op I hour on Monday« .Tal Tu.- tftef EVI ward ? McSweeney, Aaslstanl Commlsalonei of immigration, yeoterday re ·?·.··? rd from ihe Treasury Department al Was! Ingi ·p ii of the Immigration officiala in exeludtn«, : w l'r.'is'h.rf y\r\t-, ¡,r Hamburg, who··, «mele. Mr De foong, refoeed tocare f,,r them, aa he thought th*y would be better off with ih« ir father In Qer« many. KIRK'S EXAXIINATIOV POSTI'dVF.D. A «TATKMF.ST FROM M A NlU-'I.tM IMS COtrNSEI, Ait'H'T Tiir: gHOOTIIta The examination of J. Wal.lire Kirk, r.f <-\ for shooting ills former buMlMM a sao Inte, Rich «rd R, MantSelbaum, In the Hotel Oerard, m W< ? Korty-fourth-st., on November 13. was again posi poned In th« W«Mt Hid.· Polle« r'oiirt vest« r.l.iy tn i>. einher t. it mu delayed owing to ? not« from Dr. l". Webster Davis to the effect thai although Mandelbaum was noi In a serious condition, he was still to«» «reak lo appear In oourt A statement w.r given oui by A. II. Hummel, who Is Mandelbaum'i counael In regard to the shooting. Ii contained Mandelbaum. μ<t>·, v.«. t, «a.-, taken bi a itcnographer. "ti the r.lgnt of the shooting. Mandelbaum say«, b< returned home earlier than usual and f«.on.i hi wiff m Kirk's r< Mi Hummel s I leg«·» thai Mandelbaum was siioi before ?»«· ould deien.i i,im- Mlf. THF EtEOBBEIDQB BOAD PBANCBIBB. The Ttnllroad Committee of th« Board of Alder- rren yeetentey reporud favoi ibly «>n Ihe petition of citizetiM of Waahington Heights f««r a public hearing on the Kingshrldi:«· Road Street Railway franchimi The committee risported ? resolution Instru'tlng tí»«- pre» Ideal of the Hoard to call ¦ Special meeting of the Hoard of Ahlermeti *;lhln IWenty«fOUr hours of Ihe handln»: down of » favor· able de«3lalon t.> the Appellate Dlvlalon of tha Sn preme Courl on the Klngabrldge Road Injunction and t" hnvlte the public lo eppear and he beard, the Hoard at th« does of th« public hearing to proVced tl onoa to ih«· consideration of the granting "f a new franchi.1·.. Th«· resolution was opposed by ???t??.???? Brossa und others, but wits p.»n-«e<i by a vote of 16 to ? OPPOSED TO THE ??.?7? AS A SITE. The National Sculpture Society has adopted th·· following: Whereas, The National Sculpture Society is of the unanimous opinion Hint n<> monument, how¬ ever meritorious, ahould be conatnnrted In tha si.a between Plfty-elghth-at. and the Fifth-ave. en¬ trance to liie central Hark, generally known ai the I'laza. which does not form .·. part of, or which would Interior· with, the satisfactory developmi nl of a Comprehensive and artisti.: dsslgn lor this approach to the Hark; ani whereas, Bj a«1 of Legtolatore, No im«i. _i.'.7. ..f Murili 23, îS'?«".. No stain.· or piece of sciiiptiii«. ,r work of art of any sort. In the nature ..f % public m o nui.,. nl or memorial, shall be erected or placed upon anv ground or wltlitn any building belonging to the .Hy of New-York, without the api rov of the Mayor, tbe presldenl of the Board of Aldermen, the president of th« National Sculpture Society «|f such organisation be tben existing) and the presi¬ dent of the Municipal Art Bodety, If then existing," and Whereas. The legislature r.j.-ct.d the following proposed amendm<et, via "The provisions of this act aliali not apply lo, affect or mak·· subject to chang.· the location of site which has been selected for a soldiers' monument tn «h«· «ity of New-York under and by virtu«· of the provision» «>f Chapter :..·_ of the Laws of i««'.»n,·· thereby clesrly showing its Intention to liiclud.· the queetlon of the ··!;· f,,r this monunvtit among tbOM BUbjecl to the ap- provai of th« persons named; therefore be it Resolved, That the National Sculpture Society sincere!) bopea thai it« preeidenl svili s·«· nt to re¬ fuse his ass« nt to the erection of the Soldiers and Sailors' Monument, for which a design ha·« lately been adopted, upon the »It« pro;.«»«··.! a·«, In Its opinion. 11 would render a proper and artistic treat¬ ment of this approach to the Park Impracticable. Wc come to the aid of the ultra fashionable dressed man with suits warm enough to make the coldest day seem but bracing weather. High grade English three and four button, single and double breasted sack suits of Fancy Cheviots and Fancy Worsted Cheviots in newest mixtures, for $25 & $28. Please look at the exclusive olive shade in three and four button suits, some of which have D. B. vests. HACKETT, CARHART & CO. Broadway, Corner l.'ltîi, Corner Carmi, Near Chambers, MB. CRBAMERS MESTAI COXIHTIOS. SEVERAL KIMS OF TFNTIMONY ABOUT IT. AND imi: MANNEBI AM« CUSTOM! Of THE HARVARD CLUB Th»· Inquiry Into tt».· m»:itril rondltlon of Joseph 'V Creamer, the lawyer of Paterson, *< I., eras fairly begun yesterday, before ¦ Sheriffs jury, in ?:,·· old Browi tone Building, Mr. Creamer looks ,-»« though irene rational, bet he now an in- mate of Bloomingdale Asylum. His reiatl«/ti have nfk»'«i to have him declared Insana He deter« mined tn Bgbt, however, f»»r his liberty and his property, whl b, he Bays, worth KJMQI. At a prevloue hearing Mr Creamer de, iine»i 10 accept \vh·» wished to act for him, on the ground thai hla caee would not be helped by coun- ommended by tho«e srho wish-·«! to declare Mm Insane, He tared the séjournaient of the ouneel ex-Assistant District« .1 Prenda M. \v« liman. ? Mr, ? ? iti·¦··, tbe Brei witness, yesterday testi¬ fied that he had reral conversations with Mr ·.· lined the Impression that ho it nal n developed thai Pr. nice was the man whose fa ¦· «reamer had slapped nt the it rvard Club about a month nx«> This was f Creamer being Incareerated In ile Dr. ? ratified thai he did not rem«m!«,- whei. he wan drinking champagne ..· r si the club or : ·· "There sre » food many peculiar people at the I'¦laim« d Mr Wei:*-- in. Mow, now." replied Mr Taylor, coutuei for rather, "you snd ? ,-ir« Harvard men." "Tii red Mr Wi liman, "but I fact» In this i»e." end.· Harvard r wrote man let·, rs. mei ' club with This, ? inn that Creamer eras Irra- rltn« il Creamer often >·: I I men ' :·11> to him TI ·- led thai the er to drink in return. I. C I«· ·! thel Creamer had said Harvard Cl ?> "-f I »r ?? ··. sal there intfl at the reamer .. .·. ? id I- n't they tn!k loud II elubt" ft.«ked a : .1 - talki 1 " replied the ·· ara ?" irn»il until Wednesday, De- »·>..· THORS" B SECOND 77.7 1/. WELL BEOUS. nu: i:v -:¦ am« witnesbeb p.a«t.? OM ITAI rsR DAT I ADJOCRNMl ST ? rr. for the murder I ·. fairly Btarted y»«ter- « Bty Co irt, he'ore ?. An ad inel of fifty wa« from ? .-? nd the re. men, Uve .». 1 o'clock These, with 1 the Jury. \ jury srsj completed sn idjourn« meni for lun<»h«ron waa order« > tiie Court, a.'ter « ,.·.·«·· ^ ., ,·.|? for ? Ms spoke for thir'y minutos. ·:· d the tak: ?; of SI ! -? of the after- ki :? up in l he ix imln »rion of ¦·. ?. found the ? ires bundles :ontalnlng por» etl were e*. manner in whleh th« different ·¦ v.« V'.rk morgue Borne of :i». :- srho k- » luid« nsuppe in Ufa ? In t bathe, lesti» lied to «dir. iy thi deputy win be c*;ie«l it loth ?, Cl irk and ·¦· · ?«· that Thorn mads confessions ...... ? ·..·.!. I i-f.-n···. h·»w.v.r. ur«> post¬ ine that Mr» Nach will siso be a witness, and ta r-n for h-r on h»-r , Thai the} will pul Thorn «·? ' Mr« Nsck'B testimony »h .·. ... immlt ted ths mur« ertsln, Mr Howe'» questions to ih» !..'· men, when they were being examined, m .·.· to a ?·.;«! ? ni Mi Irre .addox hsve been very Im- u bi Monds*»· or Tuet· .·.·, ili the evidence tn the sill !·· ? ubmll ?. I PI??? G??'?? HOT YET FOBBED. The storj »uta irr« ?: plano trust, whleh baa been printed from time to limo, ?.?? r. iscltated ·., teiday, nlth lome sddltlonal embellishment·. Thai there Ii » i«! »p «.? on fool t.» consolidata certain Brins BOemfl true, but th»re la no pro!.abil¬ ity thai all the better class of manufacturer» will go into th«· comiili,·· Alfred I ».»lue la »aid to be the prime mn\.r in the proposed combinatimi, ami it is known thai he has been trying for a number sf ·.. ira to erga ils« lbs plano trad· along the pro- ,n lines The capitalisation in »nld to be iixej .-n W.OM.OOO ? tnougbl that by doing sway with competition snd oncentratlng the work, several m,!u«.?·« year c >? be mi.-.i. Mi Dolce ara« not In the city yesterday. Nahum Btelaon, .: Btelnway & Bons, »aid Unit he had heard ot thi "berne unofficially, hut that his eon« ¦.¦i-i bad never .·?«?.?«·?··«? entering It. iimj;.! Böhmer, «»; Böhmer A *'·>., aald that he ha«l talk»·.) over thi .-?..· With Mr. Dolf«, but that his rtrm hsd »l en ? ki ? to j.in and w<iuid not. even ir Inviti Phere win always t>.» a limited number ot ade planos," he »aid. "and sny ,:¡ p »vili noi affect them. A combination can ,»·· made onlj among the manufacturer» of ln- f.tior Inatrumenti By entering a comhine the manufacturer mual »aerine« hla personality an.l the prestige which it has taken ysare t«. ?·???>·" CITY HALL ? OTES. Mayor StroiiK his entended nn Invitation to Mi or-eli " Van Wyck to he present at the meet- ??? of the Board of Botimele and Apportionment to-day when the consideration of the final enti« mates for nexl year'» appropriations will begin, and judge Van Wyck has accepted the imitation. . 'iiinmi..-!· OM ?'"in«, «"if th- Department ot Publie w. haa appointed Mr. Williamson, the designer. In-chief ol the nlon Bridge Company, aa th· to« Igppi t the new m»rkel to be erected si Ninety« Hlxth it and the Rlvei Ida Driva Mr. Williamson will have the plane ready by Dm -einher r». Mayor StroiiK yest.-r.1ay raeelvsd the resignation of John a. Bleicher a·-« Bapervtaor «>f "The city ?," which m announced several «lay« ago. A new Supervisor will be appoint·*] in a few day» from the rjlvtl ? r\l.«· Hat Mar· us Mose» was r.-appointed I city marshal by th« Mayor yesterday. (¡RIFF DROVE III M To SUICIDE. Albert Rei amann, sixty-six year» old, of No. lid Weat Daventh«et, eomfldttod suicide yesterday afternoon ¡it Um bOHM of bl· BOO, I>r. \V, Jekyll .:· i. iiinann, at Mo. iti East Ons-hundnd-and« seventesnth-st. He shot himself in the temple and died in a few minai.·· ??. bad been Buffering from melati, In.II.. for -vial \«ais, ll·..· r. suit of .jrlef over the .ih of hie wife and an eighteen- .? .i«l daughter. Mr. Reichmann was a clerk in a large Importing bons.· him nife died tu«· years .nn and In daughter Alludili, eighteen years old. two years lai-r Mr Ki-lclinuuin brunii«·««, much over his l..»^es until he became a »uffertr from melancholia. «_^?_?_ß??*· ? ? μ ' No trouble or money has been spared to make everything any man could possibly want in the shape of an overcoat. But to-day, we especially want you who know the best overcoat- work of the best custom tailors.the $75 to $90 kind.to sec our best overcoats. Our best means $40, $45 and $5o. Our best means the best that is possible in cloth, cut and work. Fit is not the question.for we aller till they do fit. The question is merely one of saving. Is $25 or more worth your while ? Rogers, Peet & Co. Prince and rtreridwny. >V.arr-n and llrc.ailway. Thirty-:>.·-.1,1 and Hn.ad» Cowperthwait's RCliäbiC Special Bargains, Corate Derby Satin CurtainS' UdipvlC** $13.50 per pair. 1,0 n o en r. ? it. lOt West Ulli Street. A RANK CLERK ÌIIR81XQ. ??'?'? ??;? ON MONDAY WITH RJM, AND N.'THIN«; BAI BSBM IBBN of RIM fllN'«"iv Joseph Steffner, manager of the fidelity depart¬ ment of the Mattonai Bursty Company, at No. Ml Broadway, has ea'ired a general alarm to he sent «.'it fron Police Headquartere for I ».«.niel A. Mc· I.. Iland, ¦ ell rk In tho employ of the Hronx Bor¬ ough Hank, at Tremwit nnd Washington aves., Trenont. McLelland ws.« sent Monday with %2'JiO fr..m th·» hank to «l.-poült In the Twenty-seventh Ward Bank, at Ono-buridrtsd-and-thlrty-slxtb-st and Third-are. He baa not bsen se. ? sin.» be left the Bronx Borough Bank. N'.> «»no know» where he ·.«.··".t or wh il became .if him. M 'Leiland la twenty-two years eld. and live» with hla father, wh la a lenttst, in M.iln-«· «Vest Chester Up t. the present time ha i.a.l torna an enviable reputation. Morris M, Corwin, cashier of the hank, said ye«- terday afternoon that the missing clerk wa» at¬ tentive to h'.s «luti*· until about two months ago. wh. 11, for »ome reason, be grew rar··!*·««? «in Elee- ilon Day he was s poll clerk In West Cheater, and did not report nt the hank al all It Is thought has h*en attentive to the wife of a bookmaker, »aid to live In Thlrty-clghth-st west of Hroa.lway. BEATES tSTESTIEQ IN METROPOLITAS. TAMMANY ?G.?, IN' .fDIN'l MH rK^KFtt, SAID TO g_ LAROE PTRCRAdERJ "G THF, STrvK- OEOROE J «Mt'LTVS INTEHE9T The re,-, nt steady and sustained atlvance In the priée of M'tropolltan Street Railway stock has caused a great «bal of comment In Wall Street. Outside of fair cp.rnlng». th«-re seems to be nothing 10 las«· th.» rise upen. It ts understood that Tam¬ many politicians have been the largest purchasers of this stock, and are the chief beneficiarle» under the Impetus given It. Some tine before election It: hard Croker, so It MÚd, sent word to nn In¬ timât.· friend that. In the event of Tammany win¬ ning, this stock would have a marked Bdvanea The tip was quietly circulated among the faithful. si 1 Instead of netting on the election, many Tarn- n.ur.it.·». in.'iu.iiiiK Mr Croker, began to absorb tbe stock, which wa« then s-iiing around ; ir it has been learned, further, that risorge .1 Oould taken nn active Interest in Metropolitan. A »hort time before election he aaked a prominent Tammany Hall official what would i.e ¡?·> result as to thla BtOCk If Tammany Should win. The .»nswe- araa; it will »hoot ao far ahead of Manhattan that you win want to pa«sm your stilt rallroa I Mr <;o'ii.| is said to have Invested heavily in th« sto.-k His purchase of the stock, H ?* declared, purely for Ihe sik·· of Investment, and In no way la to be considered In connection with the frequent repon- »hat a consolidation or a traffic agreement «,'; »... ef;.· ted between the elevated and the Metropolitan systems. A SCBOONEE SUES INTO A PBBBTBOAT. the ferryboat West Rrooklyn. of the Thlrly- nlnth-it ferry, was going Into her »lip at South »'..try yeeterdaj afternoon, the little schooner I Bd, going lip the Bast Hiver with a load of lumber, ian Into her. The schooner's bowsj.rtt w.is btroken »It, h»r atara earrlad awar, and the fir-mast almost fell to th·· deck A b ? ? hole was stove In h··;- bow She was locked with the ferry· for fifteen minutes before si.e was pulled away by the tute .lame» A lîarflcld and towel back to Jener City She only flfty-six feet Ion« and wa.s built In l«"««,. FORTX -PIVE OBADVATEE. Th« twenty-seventh anniversary and commence¬ ment exercises of the WalWOTtb Institute took place In th.· hall In the »chool building, No». 1<«S and lia Hast One-hun.lr« «1-ard-tw.nty-ftfth-st., last evening The speakers were Jams· B. Muneon. the author and stenosrrepher; Edward ? Under¬ bill, of tiie Surrogate's Court, ¿»nd i»r. Chillón ?. ???.·?. Mr Allen's »uhject waa "The Man Wonder- fnl In tbe lions- Beautiful." Forty-five young men and women receive«! their diploma· FOR A UEIPOEM PRIMARY ELECTION LAW. CktotgO, Nov. Ik.Through the effort» of the civic I·'. r.it: .-? of Ohkago, a National confer¬ ence on primary election leglalatton aill be held in NSW-Torb early In Jauuarv I,ist nicht Rnlph II Bailey, secretary sf the Federation, atarted for New-York, where h«· Will RIMI with repr«sent.- tlve» of primary ele·;ion reforms front Kttetern eltlee, nn.i tbe «n for ih«· convention will be formulated, it is tha hope to »ecuran concert of action on a uniform law In the various Status this winter, wh.'ti tha Legislatures of New-York, New- Jersey, Maryland. (»Ino ami Msssach'JBStta are to in··!. ALL PULLMAN CARS TO BE DISISEECTED. San Francisco, Nov. 2X.The State Hoard of Health ha» decided that hereafter all Fullman cars Mining Into tbe Btate must he thoroughly dta- ln feeted Immediately upon arrival at heir «leatina- uon. Th.a disinfectant t«» be used is rormaldehyde K»«s. which will not Injur«· the furnishings of the cars or leave any disagreeable odor. The Hoard has also pass,,? a resolu.lon declaring Ousymaa and MaaaUan infected port«, owing to th« prevalen«·«· of yellow fever at both place». Announ.-ement». Henry A. Daniels, M. D. 80 Wi-Ht '.list St [mpnUratsnts «<f the Marrou» s.st.-m «if ail dseeriptliiae, Impotence, (Sterility, und like ailment». Hour» S to 1. d to 8. E. & W. MARINE tNTELLIQBNOB. MINIATUUH. ALMANAC, flunrlne G. SS Sunset 4M Moon rl«e«-IMoon'» »ft» .10 AM I'll :an«ly HIGH WATER TO DAY. ll.K.k fsMIOov, Island ?.21 Hall Oat» 0:15 It,., U 7:40 <)«>v. Island 7:111,Hell Date 9:42 INCOMING STEAMERS. TO PAY. ./.assi. Kr in Line. \?...·?.¦miand.Antwerp. Nov 13.led Star I-mipnaaa.Ualveston. Nov IT.Mullen' i;i it,.« .iinU«"«ton. N.iv 1».Morgan li,,II,la. <! 11,1 »?:·μr Ko* ?.Ancnur apre«.nr-na-n. N.w U.? «I IJnyd. Mlsalsalppt.London, Nov 11.Atlantle-Tran» «/.«.rula.Stettin, N««v (i.Hamburg Amer Na.-...ioii.·«.Bavaanah, Ne* M..savannah raUMDAT, NOV-MMBI 25. Karl»ruhe. BtaMMS, Nov 13.? O Lloyd CamtrUn.I/.nd.m. Nov 13 .Wlls«»n Ht-kla.«'lirliilansand. Nov 11.Thlngvulta Bl Monta.New «»rlean«. Nov 2l).Morgan IrcKiuul«.Jackson vi ilo, Nov 32.Clyde A Timely Offering! O'Neill's A SPECIAL· SALB TO-DAY. 4TH FLOOR, V < ? ·*> Dress Suit Cases of sole leather, steel frame, lined with linen, size 24-inch. SPecial 4,98 worth 6.50. Grain Leather Club Bags High cut, Olive color, leather lined, nickel trimmings, size Hi-inch, sPecial 6.65 worth 8.00. a t ?μ??.?-?t?. btock op ' Trunks, Satchels, Suit Casee, Bags, Etc., AT LOWEST PRICES. TOy FuNT_pII^füK^ THAMSGIVIINGLY SPEAKING. ? little trip through our Wart-rooms will g1vg you valuable ¡doas for lnor« a*in<*. tho Thanke- Rlvlng wolcrtino of your home. For th«» iHilruiitn, thorp are hosts of desk», eauy «»hairs and dressing tables, with stool as¬ sodato·., that will mak«· any guest fool nt home. For tho dining-room- graoeful side tables oxx\ <1»'llK'htful little CBirlB**, tahlos that will make ?? -.vomier how you ever got along without thorn. For the draw ? ¡--room.multifarious Inlaid and elided eoncelts. Prices are all lower »han ycu Imagine, but then you "buyopthb MAKen·*· Geo. C.FLint Ca 43.48 a*d 47 WBAT 21?9tm NEAR »ROADWAY. rACTORT: 154 ANO 156 WEST l9?STlEti. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2*. Hesrerl«.Gibraltar, Nov 12.Anchor Crl-I· .G??p??-·», Nov 11.Arrow Carac.»«.U «îuayra. Xov 20.R>,1 D Leona.<;alv»>«tun. Xn- 3).Malloty OVTCOIXQ STEAMERS. TO-PAY. V»«se] PB.. Lin*. Mall« cl.»ee.Vet«el «all«. It, I. .;!», Pouthamp». n, American.... 7 '»< « m 10:«.x»a_ M«J»-»u«.·, Liverpool, Vinto gier.t'<«" a m 12:<*) m ?«?:?,-·. ?. Antwerp, Red Star.Hihi a m »«»am « TizaNa. llavera, N Y A Cuba. l.«»»pm 3 MX) ? m I'hl!iil»Iphl«, La Ourivra. Red D.II-on a m 1 ««? p m Portia, St .t.»hn«. Red CtOM..il-·'·*» a m l;««>pm r mltilc, BertadoM, ?·?:??.. l.dopm 3ooprn Cor.iar.«·».». «'t-..·.·!···.! m. «lyde.- 3:00pm Comal. QalVMtoa. Mallory. - 8:«»pm THI liSPAY, NOVEMBER 23. Semln .le. Charle»ton, (*ly<1« . 3«X> p m ?? ?'??ß? N-w-Orleans, Margan. - BiOOpin FRIDAY, NOVEMBER M. «"»Ihr«, Fernambuco. Lamport A Holt.. 7:"*<)» m 10 <V) a m 8RIPPIS0 XEWS. IXÌRT OF NEW TORK TIKNDAY. NOV 2?, 1,897. A KHI VEÍA >'-«m»r Almandra (Un. Marshall, London November 12 »;tli BHlM h:i .11 c.Mn pn»««»n«ers 10 Sanderson A S n Arrived si th« Har at a m. Bttam«i OmtsIc iBr), Thompson. Liverpool November 12. «a uh m.l«o to M M ?.-ani K»r»ey. Arrived at the Bar «» I 30 ? m. ? ·? trabar t.".' s···««« r Tarta« Prince .un. Fo»h»r*iii, Sh'.-M« taeremm· bet 10, ¡p bellssl to J C Seair-r. Arrivi si 'he B»r «c 2:3«» a m. Bteam-MT '..»n··· l!r). Shekleton, «llar» «a N>\emb«r 4. In bala.«! 10 G ll (.in ,t Son. Arrived at the Bar at 10:7*0 » m St»amer Camhay (Br>. Ree«. Barry N.ivember ß, In balla»« to Howrlns A Archibald Arrived at th« Bar »t 12 30 tl m. Steamer Artilla «Bri MOBtell, Nassau November IS, «Mil. mdM and .'· .a! ·.·. pMMfl***·"-. lo ?* ? Montili A S. ?. Arrived at th·· Bar at V a m BteanMT ?··?·.?·.-:> ??r), IleKar. Pemerara November 2. ?? n¡.la·I 10 liarla! « 11. B< lai u, Martinique, Dom¬ ini.-» and Quadrio»»!«-* 12. Antigua. Bl Ki:ts »nd et Od» 17». vip Ne«|..r· Sean 33, srtt.i mdse ani 7 cabin p»e»en- ». to A ? i1u»":!>r!.U·» A Oa. Arrived at the Bar at ? p m >·· «vier i'arlbbee «Br» S-ott. Beni-rara November li Barbado» U Domini« 15. Antigua and St Kitt« lit ani St Tlioma« 17 with rods, and passenger» lo A E Outer- brllt;.· A Arrived »I th«· Bar at B 30 a m. Steamer S»«»e of Trass, Young. Brunswick November IB and Port It val 20. with md«e and pa««»nfer» to C ? Mall-ry ft Co BtMf-MT V-rklnun, D Aa, Norfolk, with mlw and pa»- ».-iiK··-« to Old I«'t!ilnl.-n Ss Co. Bandy Book, ? «I». Sor, 23. l»:3«» p. m..Wind nortn- meat. «iron« breeie, et.»ar. CIMAMMO. Bteamer Kal«er Wilhelm fat Or»««·. »OerV Hence.*»-»*. Bremen via Southampton-Oelrlch» Ato. Ste».».r KOMlUtei. Wi. Robert». Aal S Hi m*WP» ,'s-'ÒHmeVlMaìè».lo>-Bre». Smith. U>f*-H ¦ Maltland KSi"eamer Britannia IM, Ferrile. Mareellle« and Nap!·· inaiar ti Loul«.° Rändle. South»rnpton.InternationaI Navigation Co. . . ~_^.. Steamer Jamatra (Nor>, Pet«r».-)n. Haltf»«, ? 8.Twe·- Smammar*CUmtm» City (Br-, Sendell. Brl.tol-J«-*«» Ark»'ll A Co , - -.- » Steamer Herman Winter, Nl»-ker».»n. Boelun.H w nimOOlf. .__. r.. ?, ,-1..?· Steamer Elko. Warren, Philadelphia ---«? m ? G·>a· steamer Kan.a« City. Fi«her. Savannah.Ocean Co. SI.·amer E W nrun.·. »ialther, Baltimore.H t Tnater. St.»am*r Prince«» Anne. Mulpher», N«jrfolk and Newport New«.Old Do-BlBlon «s« CO. Steamer El Sud. HiKIfln«. NOT'<^r!e»n».J T V«a BtXnsr John Enrll». Bras,». Portland-Horatlo H»ll Steamer Notter. Kretiman. Brll-;ep,M-t_Jo»eph J Scan- "ship State of Maine. Curtí». Hon. Kong-.Richard Bach A Co. fAIIJíP. Steamer« Kaiser Wilhelm der Or.>»»e «r.er». for B"*^1*"· vii S.«iithampf'-??. Bucklnsh-im (Br). for Savennan: »en- dota IBrt. for Lrrtth: El Sud. 1er New Orieema. Tttnetaa Ann.·, for Norfolk »nd Newport N-w». Belvernon l.viri. for Port Antoni >; München uTîer), for Baltimore: AK.ldtB (Nor», for Punklrk; MofSrtlC tBrl. fur Ul'lf"1 THE MOVEiJENTd l>E STEAMERS. EtlltEKlN POKTS. Ijlverpool. Nov 23- Salted, »teamer Btrathord iHrt. Me- Int\re. New-York ,_. .,._ Punklrk. No« 2D-8all»d. »teamer Cretnearn WO, MMW wood, N«w-York. _. . I.lrard, Nov 23. 0:40 ? m-P»»»e<*. »»e«mer Bt Paul. Jamison. N»w Y «ik for Southampton. S.llly. BTOV tt, 2 ? Btr.PSSSeA "«-»n>er Uhn (O.rl. PoJile. New York for Southampton an«1 Br*«·. Bremerhaven. Nov 23. 2 ? m-Salled. «teamer Otra (G,.t?. M»·!««»·! Ham York. _. , _ , Bremen. N»v 23 -Arrived, »teamer ? -linar (Oer). Minti. N-w-York . _ R.itterdam. Nov 22.Arrived, »teamer Batoum iBr), Wilt New York. .. - A:n«ter-lam. Nov 22-Arrived, »teamer Strathcarron (Br), BtockwetL New Y rk. .,, ,. ~rt Antwem. Nov .. Arrived, «te.mer. AIImw»1»1 «Bri, Brown, New-York; Noordland (Be7.). L.ve.ewlti. N#«r- Marsslllee. Nov 23-Arrlved. «te»mer California (Br). Mitchell. New York .___. ... ^ «.._ \drn **·» 2.1 Arrived, «t»»mer Lvderhom (Nor). Ham- itiri·.»«, New York for sonar re Hon« Kong etc Bl MlCllSel., Nor S3 --Arrived, .«earner At«Wa (HO. Ilemrrrt. New Y.rk f >r Shan»hal. Sagn·· ? >v 33 l'asse!. sleanv»r Bon .>mond (Bri. ??- Inl »h, Vòkohami. el«·, for New-York. ~,.m«on l'orila. Nov 2.1 rum!, steeaset Macduff (Br). T.iom»on. Yokohama etc. for New York. Kud*n- llahla. Nov lD-Salle«!. »teamer Amalfi (Ger), Kuaen ^iSuT^n ffBtn »ttamer Nasmrth <Br>. «>««- h»m «from Rio .Unelro) N»w-York. Brt 8anto«. Nov 2o-S»lled. »tean»»r Roman Friso· terj. Bennant, New-YorS.

Transcript of WE8TCHE8TER COUNTY. The Royal O'Neill'spreme Court: Grand juro"s. John G dney, John P. Moran; petit...

Page 1: WE8TCHE8TER COUNTY. The Royal O'Neill'spreme Court: Grand juro"s. John G dney, John P. Moran; petit jurors, SamuelThen.pson, ar., John R. Barnes, ElUan Purdy. jr.. c. J. Qulmby, Edward


Mayor John <î. ?«^·.¦··. .vh«i «rill retiro from office

·? Dt mi ;¦ ?, ¡,«. «;,.,] tot ?.·:., huí tinte on Mon-

ghl over Ili« rstlOM of Ih« Aldermen.At tli«· «r·«· of the mccting ? complimentary dinner

was given for him at Bardln's Hotel Maln-alSouth Broadway, it wm «attended ? y ? t*· thM

fifty city oflicials and ¦ few iBTlted gue-ts. «'liarles

Philip Eaatoa presided and served ns toMtmaster.May« r -'· ne oeeui ?« ? the seal of honor, andl »ft u... ?.- »lie 8 ith« rial d, A! iyor-eleci Boithe other? .·¦: ai d Prai i'. Treaiior. P« Il eC immissioni rsjSamu« IL loner of Public ?,

Aldermen J«>bn Broderick, !.. Alexander Houston.Abram 11. Tompkln« and Jolin J. i.e. tu'. CI» At¬

torney James M Hunt, « Ity Judge Kell, jfi '·

Ttubi Daly, Aid« m en ?ri«?« r. ? e) Mo »?.« y. Hyati L

fin II. BouthwlçK ana

.,. ·. H Kalei O. J Fergu« Citj Clei - Johnr. Jr., Receiver

ity Auditor Charles h.

Brown, Building Inspector « »tui Kipp. *««

Commissioners Roben s wart, John U·.'·;«'John ?·'··: t. A «or Edward Underbill, «ater

Commissioner John C Bhotts, Acting lleaith omeer

Dr. Jamal, Commlssl« n« r ol Chai »m !Consi ble, Justice William Rlley. Supervisor EdwinA Foi th, and John V. Brennen, «? the Libraryli. Brd of th« : ';" ''"" "".s

made wore of an aure. Mr. Laston pre-;,· ?·,. ;.. on behalf ol the orni ....-, a

loving-cup. The cup I In height and al_'!'¦ . , ,

All the Al lermen. with the ? AldermanCurran, wl o Is confined to his home, wer.· pr« I

,,·¦ Co moll .'? M

evening. Dr. Richard R. Trotter handed In ins

; Health Comn «loi er, and It w

William D Horn was nominated to fill the.1 ui ai Imously confirm« a«

Robert l. Steward was also unanimouslya (Tiri Commi isloner, to succ« ed

.re H. Silkman, for the last year presi-?. ard of Police Commissioners, offered

1,1«; rerigna Ion iak< effect on D«-cemb«r 1. it

waa ¦ ·< I, Saturday wai Ml as the day f« r t'·1··

¦enei public to Inspecl the new municipal build¬ing, al Wells and Woodworth ave«. This bullwith the land, coal more than I5O.O00, ai ? will he

occupied by the Police and Judicial departments ofthe city. . . .

Mr?. Charta S. Dlehl and Mrs. Morrlii K. Poucherwill receive the guests at the Thanksglvln« Ervedance to be given bs lh« Entertainment Committeeof the Park Hill Countrj Club this evening. TheAral of a »erte» of danc« ? t.. be given from time to

time at tha Amackassen t'hib hens.·, in the Pali-sade-ave. extension, will also tali«· j.lnce this even¬

ing. -«v-

MOUNT VERNON.The new flr.>-alarin system, for which the city

recently sppropriaied *väO, Is now complete, and

will be ready for an official IMI by th«· C'omtnl««-uloners and Chief .Tev. «'.1 on Saturday night. It re¬

quired twelve mlies of wire to connect all ihe Ore-houses with the batteries and switchboard« In the

room? of the Commis, loners In North Fourth -ave.

Nearly all of it.·· available s«ats have b«en soldfor the performance in ihe opera-house to-night, Inaid of tiie Church of the Sacred Heart, of whichthi« Rev. Edward J Plynn if rector.

The wedding of Mien M.na Burdet'e, daughter ofMr. and Mr* J. Burdett«·. of Chester mil. to Her¬bert Lor.ir- Lucas will take ria··« to-day in HieChurch of the Ascenelon, tho rector, the Rev.F. M. s. Taylor, officiating.Tl.o Rev. C. L. Rhoadea, of StAmf.rd, Conn., re¬

cently elected eeoretary to the American BaptistMissionary I'nlon. to succeed th« Hew Dr. A. H.BurhnTha'ni. ha.« taker, a house ln South Third-aveu, and will make his homo In this city.

WHITE PLAINS.The annual meeting of the Westchestor County

Ixn-tU Aesembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrewwill be held tn St. Feter's Church, Port Chester,next Sunday. At the evening service, beginning at

7:3? o clock, there will be addressee on the subject"Inspirations for Brotherhocd Work" l>y W. W.

Lord, Jr of Mount Y.-rnon, and John P. Faute, ofNew-York City, treat irer of the Tîrotherhood.An Important meeting of the young Men's «"hri?-

tlan Association will be held in ihe rooms of theassociation this« evening at 8 o'clo« k.The certificate of incorporation of the Puh.ski

Polish Republican Club, of Yonk «rs. has been tiledin the County Clerk's ofTi ¦· Thi directors ar<·

Joseph Lir.omkl, Joseph Killpsltl, Frank Wlxnelro-witz. Valentine Kalcu'.ski, I.aioy M. Nemetky,Michail Przvgoda, Michael Gallas and Frank Filip-EklTho following jurors have been drawn to serve

from this town at the December term of the Su¬preme Court: Grand juro"s. John G dney, John P.

Moran; petit jurors, Samuel Then.pson, ar., John R.Barnes, ElUan Purdy. jr.. c. J. Qulmby, Edward B,Long, Florence Howell and Timothy Murphy.Tn the Board of Super·, laors yesterday morning

Memra Blgolow, Couch and Brown, special com-

mlttee appointed to consider the subject, reported"that, the distinction between town and c< ty

. .· abolished in this county, the coatsattentant on the examination oí th·· poor and Indi¬gent insane, tog-ther with the cr?· of neces iry

ins to provide for their transfer to ,·» Btatehospital or asylum, as provided l>y the Suite «'»m-mlssloners, la a proper change against thl countyThe Supervisors also appointed th« followlag super¬intendents of brl<lges: wood's brldg ovotRiver, James l'arre nt; (iolden's bridge, John D.Gray.In the County Court yesterday montine Judge

Lent centenced Joseph Muli·: ·:.% ctod of burg¬lary In ih«· third degree, committed In Tonkeralasl Jum, t? the State prison for five yean.Qates are being ¡'laced where the trolley tracks

croa« the New-York and Putnam Rai way at Elms-ford, ard by the end of this weak the trolley-carawill make continuous trips bctw«en this village andTarrytown. At the present time passencers are

tiannerred si ElmafordThe win of Ja_ea F. Kniffen, who died in Pori

« '.· -ter on June 16. has been filed ln the Surrogatesoffice for probat". Mary A. Martin, of Por! Che»ter. a daughter of the testator, la ram. ii executrix.

PKF.KPKILL.At the fire which partially destroyed Cryptic Hall

there was s«ame criticism to the effect that the

members of the Fire Department, especially thoseof Cortlandt Hook and Leader Company, were _#-

fìcleiH In knowledge of how to handle and manage

the new extension and other ladders belonging tothe new truck. The result of the agitation wa? a

notice re elved by all members of the tr k yeateiday, ordering them to drill every WednesdayCryptic Lodge Ño. T.r.. I. O. <*). F.. ar. now meet·

lng in the »age room of Cortlandt Lodge No. ·>,I. o. 0 I' ¦¦¦:¦ «mcclal Invitation or that lodge,? ontlnue so to do until their building Is r«The meeting of the Hoard of Town Audit, ? v.

lively y<sterday. and «'halrman < "Untori w.b kaplOUby.

RING UNO.Coroner Charles F. Apgai on Monday evening held

an Inquest upon the holy of Mrs. Comalia M Rey¬nold«, who died suddenly in Llnder.-ave. on theafternoon of that day. A verdict of death fromBrlght's fllaeaae of the kidneys wan found. Thedeceased was forty-five years of age. and a daughterof the late Henry Bkidgell, of this village, andwidow of the late George Reynolda A family offour children survive her.A combination entertainment br the Ariel Conoart

Club and Miai Agnes Mape» Taylor will be given atOlive Opera House to-morrow evening, under thedlrec.lor of the Young Men'» Christian Asaoclatlon,The following committee has been appointed to ar¬

range for the approa hing minstrel entertainment <«ftlie O t lu »: George g. Jenkins, chair¬man: William H Hapgood, James H. Moran, ?. ?Walsh, ?. P. Travis and C. D. Mileady.

TARRYTOWNOn Monday night the Ladies' Aid Raolcty of St.

Paul's Church held a laMeptlOB at the home of Mr.and Mrs. ft T. Lovett, Ii^ekman-ave.Sergeant Woods, who || charged by Samuel T>.

Horton with assault ani drunkenness, was given a

bearing before th.- tWteaa Monday evening. Th.-yG«>ß··G?*1 their decision until next Monday morntrg.The Tarryl »ui Whist Club met at th«· home of

Ml<» Flora Miliari. Castle Rid « Monday evening.Prize·· were won by Miss Julia L. Ramsay and T. 3.Ward Among tho-·· present were Miss Badie Hat-flt .: m Jai a 811«. -. Mlaa Grace Odell. Miss.I »liaI, Ramaay, M;ss Flora M.Hard. Miss Alice Fwlngs.Isa...· C »utour, Charles D. Miiiard, o. P. Merrltt,T. G. «Van! Kr. l ?, Falrchllda and Frank Brown.T.itre was a reception at the home of J. F.

Crocker, in Broadway laai eveningThe .St. Stephen's Olee 'lub. which was t-, ap¬

pear here on Friday even.ng, lost. b_t was delayed,owing to an accident on the New-York C ntralRpiitoad a: Barrytown, gave an excellent concertIn Lyceum Hal] Monday evening, und· r the auspl esof IM young men of St. Mark's Church. Follow¬ing the concert dancing and refreshments were en-

Joyed.? w steel cages have been placed In the North

Tat ry town lockup.The mem'., ra of Conqueror Hook and Ladder

COmpany hai a supp«r In their new rooms ln thenew Town Hall. In Maln-st.. Saturday night.

I >w fell to ihe di-ntii of one Inch yesterdaymorning. It was tho first storm of the season.

X EV.' -ROCH ELLE.The member« of the New-Ro^hello Vl«>lin Circle

havo begun wtekly practice on Thursday nightsfer a number of concirts to be given this winter.The circle now has r.carly a hundred members.The officers are: Edward Lambd« n. president;Goorge M. Cohen, vice-president, Harry V. Uptng-ten. secretary; John I«, gcott, treaaurer. and JohnHaggerty, librarian.

li it> announced that ih» annua offering of house-boli supplies ln Trinity House wiil b« oinittiïd thisyear, ami an Offering will be f«.r the support of thehouse mother and her servants.Mlaa Orar· Van Wart ani Frederick Andrews

were married last night in the recton ?!Church of the lues··.· d Sacrament by I'.Cushion. Mlaa BfBe Donelly and B. Phii-n He«vas the attending COU] la. The br!·!·· is a «Jaecendent of one of the captors of Major Andrò andMr. Andrews Is a well-known member of th«·Huguen >· Athletic club.Cviurt Ivanhoe, K. of ?., and a lar»,-·· number of

Its friend» wnre en'erte.lned on Monday nlKht ¡it avaudevH ,· ¡erfjrmiinoe in th«· casino.A division mentlng of the Woman's Auxiliary of

Weatchester «Ounty was held yesterday in TrinityHouse. Tho prlnclj al address was by Mr·· Thack-ara. of Arlsona. on mission work among the NavajoIndians. About «-ighty guests were in attendanceand w«rc tntrtaiiKd nt a tea served by the mem¬bers c' the Woman's Auxiliary. Among the guest*were tho Rev. Charlea ?. Canedy. tie Rev. ¿G

Winter Bolton. the Rev. Arthur Forbes nnd thettev V «German.The members of the Catholic Benevolset Lemon»

ß* Weetcbester County will attend rut annlyer«.nry££_, in Bt. Patrick's Csthadrsl. New-York City.»o-rn'orrow morning, for the re».ose o! the souls of

tho.ii- of their uumber who have died since the

foundation of th» order.


The wedding of Miss Ella Weeks to George P.

Archer will take placa In Chrlet Church this morn¬

ing, Archdeacon Kirkhy officiating.A I.rg· number of friends an«l relatives will as-

alst Mr. snd Mrs. William H. Boyd In the celebra-.lion of ili«;:· golden wedding anniversary trj-dsy.Mr. Boyd was In business G? Boston Posi Road,Mamaruneck. for fifty yearsBerti a manufacturer of East Port

Chi ter had an ·\ Itine en«*ounter with two hlgh-wnymen on Monday night. He was returninghome, w. n the ??»·? h< !d liim ui> In a dirk streetsnd demanded hla money. Mr. tfoose »prang uponthe men and knocked them down, and th.-y fl- Iacroi « the bridge into Connecticut.The old tollgate between Pori ChesteT and Green-

wich, in th.· Boston Posi Road. parati) ? Net»fork from New-England, l« being torn down, in

order to lower the highway. The gate was bumore than ß century neo. ai··! continued in serviceunii; 1836, when the road» in Connecticut were madi

?1 it ?·» *:«;.? tiiat General Washington mutih»· Continental Army passed through the oil Rateand were the first ones who did so and escapedpaying the toll.



???G?'???? OP Till' W_****»T*HE**TErl ORANTI JtTRT

OALI.F.r> TO a ??.???????»; PETITION RE-

jr.rrr.T) 17Y tur ????tt r*__UC,Tn th«? County Court, in White Plains, yesterday

afternoon, Judge Smith Lent called ihe attentionof the (Irani! Jury lo the fa«'t that prior to therecent election ? certificate of nomination of can¬

il dati ¦ for the offices of Sheriff. Coroner andMembers of Amenably had be.n filed In the officeof the County Clerk to be placad upon the officialballot as an Independent ticket."Tiie County Clerk," he continued, "rejected the

certificate on the ground that the petitions ac¬

companying the same had been altered andchanged in an unlawful manner between ihe time

they were subscribed to by ihe voters petitioningfor tho placing of tho independent nominationsupon the official ballot and the illinir. of the cer¬

tificata in his office. Various chames wvro elr.'u-lated concerning the changes made In the cer¬

tificate, and an Investigation waa begun before atrata in Whitp Pleins. For some reason it

s ·,·, n stopped ami if there haa i.e. ? anywrongdoing it Is proper thai the Grand Juryph.mill mak.· a thorough Investigation. If youfound any person or p. rsona guilty of a clime un¬

der the law, you should Indict them, otherwiseyou should mak»» a presentment Of the fa«ls Inth·» cane to th»· i-ourt."Then the Judpo instructed the Jury that th« I»1s-

trlct-Attorney was th»ir legal adviser, and wouldthem In their Invi iti thai they

might u«i.).»urn to-.lav until n«-xi Monday if theydesired, and ample lime would be given th« m inWhich to iri.-.ke their Inquiry a m«..«t thorough an.l

hingThe Judaic-» charire to the Qrand Jury raup» 1

«surprise at the county seat, as it was su;·'that the affair to which he referr»·! had pra.tt-cally Mown over. The trouble arose oui of th··fact that the petitions til« «l by the Citisene' Leaguefor an Independent ticket, wer»·, on Investigationbefore County «'lcrk Crumb, shown to hnv»· beenaltered after'they had been execute«! frequentlyby erasures and Interpolations, bit principally bythe attaihir.g of signature» originally Bigi en forthe nomination of a cavillate fur Membsf Of ?namWy to a petition indornlr.«,' candidasse for the.i!, 'es of Sheriff and Coroner.An ..naminatlon wa» begun b-f«>re John P. Moran.

Police Justice of White l'lains. on comptait· fRobert Coward, an employe of the <~ounty Clerk's

's'r· ·.

a public nature ha» been done «luce Election-?



tub ttoootm topuoMOtm in tug cani

RfBHRS AM» TttK "l*t*<J-0F-WAR¬

TI.« freshmen and «iophr»mor»-s of the Cn.

lumhiá University School of Mine» met In confll -t

yesterday on th;-> greensward opposite the libraryand the freehmen were tho victors. Many « limeef inte have the Mine "eophs" been aecu ed ofcowardice, in refusing to m».«-t the freshmen In

the customary "rufh."" but It mttatt 'hut ti *

cin»s of '01 l« their auperloT in every bren**h ofColumbia 6port.Over four hundred undi-rgraduate,» WttTMSSed th«

cane spreca. which were between Tiemann, Grammand M«-«"!!r.!ii· k for '00, and Meyer». Welles andStewart for tho freshmen. Tictnann and Myerswere the firt-t contestant«, and it t».>.k them »lx

round? of three minutes each to decid« thai Myerawn» the better man. ??-mann showed himself tohe an adept at defensive work. He woul«! fill on

the cane. and. placing it between hi« W-s, .·

lay th're as thouch lifeless, preventing Myera I«.tt both hands err the cane. One minute from theand. Myers succeeded !n getting Tiemsnn Inposition, and q.ilckly forced him ti» relti «ji;!sh hi»hrid.The r.ext contest waa let we· ? lha mlddlewelçhta,

Gramm, ''?, and Welle, '01. The f,.rnv-r waa 1 > f»»the heiter man. In the flrsl round he IWell» at hit *? ill In the see» If ll I, however,Wells fore< ' ? to . ind ? moiof forgeifuir.··'-·' Oramm relesa» iiis ::«:i on ,·¦

cane, thus assuring the tre»hmen <»f the rie-.'it t«.

»moke pipes, He had clearly ? » better of theargument. McCltntock Stewart. '0L to

·· both hand» before they had fought twominutes.In th- tufr-.-f-war. the freshmen, who outnum¬

bered hy fifteen the Bophomores, won by thr.eClestS, after playing for thr»·· minutes. Thl.« g)the freshmen not only tha rlath' to pm ko pipe»bui to carry cane.«. The freahmen Immediatelystarted to celebrate the victory. This eveningthey intend to visi» ihe Tenderloin, but the "ipromis«· dire revenge ed far ;_ kidnapping la oon-carned.



up»tun i***tA*t*_M ron um ?? ??

.?ENT neXN.BB.ornali eouvenlr i*r<#?eti ol predotlfl me'als were

.etstrlboted yeeterday to the children «-«f st. oa-brtel'B Parochial School, in New-ItocbaOe, in

thanksgiving for the re«"*avery of Mr«. Adrian l»e-lin. »r., who. notwithstanding her S4t**an-»ed a;·* ofne-iriy eighty years, ha» Just recovered frorn a

critical Ulnees nt h'-r country horn", In Davenport'sNeck, and has been brought »<> thii »-Hy. Thepresentation» wen» mud»· by Bister Mary Agneeand the Sisters of Charity In charge of the a ? ?¬?-my recently given by Mr. and Mr». Ipelln to St.Gabriel's «"hur»h.Mr» Iseiin'H recovery Is considered remarkable,

ai.'i i« attributed to the many prayera offen«i tor¡.-r by the fríen is a·.»] by tha children »»f the¦choola snd In Bt Oabiiel'a Church. The Rev.John A. Kellner said last night thai he was PTOB-

with alcknesfl wh»-n Mrs is.-iin's conditionwa» m»i»i critical, ar,d »he bad been given up to<71e bv the specialisti in attendance, bul h»· called1.!* ««si«·;,·!·. Father O'Kecfe, to his bedside, undnsked thai the prayera of th«· Church be offendfor h»T In the church snd In them-bool.

"I really believe," said Father Kellner, "that thespiritual aid »he received, and the great desire lom.· h. r da-ichter, <·;t?!<»1 her over the » rbls. andBsved her life Sister Mary Acne» *a!d Phe b··-lleved, too. that the prayer» of tl·»· little childrenhud iica-n heard and anirwered, and a« a thank-offerlng »he Malt« es, bleaaed by the Pope,were distributed."The Is.lln family built St. Gabriel·» Church and

have gir»»-» property valued at nearly half a milliondollar» to the parish.



?\?? µp,?, p.iVF/n VAUUBT .tmoVMIftl t?

tin LOOKKD ? ?t?.

The WestdWSter Grand Jury went Into court ye».terday afternoon In White Plain», and handed upa presentment Judge Lent read It and then rav

fneed the r»-«juest of the jury that it be dlschargi d.He »aid he would not mak.» tho presentment publkbut srould sah the jury to Investigate further Inthe affair. The presentment made grave < harge s

against sevwml persona, and they rnust be calledhi. heard.l-'rom tbe remarks of Judga» Lent it waa evident

that the prep, minent was relative to the drainageof Saw Mill Valley and the deepening and atralght-

r. Ti.ia work ha.« cost severaltime» the original estimate, and property-ownersin the valley say property wa» conti«cnifwi. ..·

of the pap. r.s in Hi« case ar« s.iid tn be nilaelngfrom the oftlec of the County Clerk.

BTATES lSLAVI) WAPPBMTWGS.The Hoard of Supervisors have ha.l presented to

th«-ni an appUeatlOn of the Midland Hallroad forthe right io «.pir.it-ï a lino over the Fresh KillRoad to Tottenvtllf an«! a!so to use a double triu-kIn the road from Grant <i;y to N.-w-Iiorp.The I:, ard Of I Hi;';) way Commlaalonera Of West-

flebi yesterday evening granted to Hi·« CampbellConstruction Company of New-Jersey the rightto operate ft (¿as plant in the town.A golf handicap match will be held by the Ladles'

Club on Saturday, which will be op«n to all womenplayera in the country.

///; SEES COLOMBIA FOR DAMAGES.Georve N. Rebiffer, an American, who ha* been

In the I'nlted Stales of Colombia as HUperlntendentfor the Humo Mining Company, arrived herevesterdiy on the Atlas Line steamer Allegheny.He sal.l that betör«, leaving I.ognta he had Hieda statement with the I'nlied States Consul insti¬tuting ? suit against the Colombian Governmentfor J_,000 damagea for all*»Bed Indignities receivedIn tho collection from him of a liquor tax.

The baking powder thatwill equal Royal in leaven¬

ing power and purity hasvet to be compounded.



FIFTH AVEN1 B.Oeneral Ruaaall A. Algor, ?«retary of War: Oovernor Black, Qovernor Charleat. « »?··.irrall of Virginia, «'.«org·· W. AldridgiSuperintendent of Public Works, and ex-Congress-man Je·**« Spaldlng, of <'i-.i«ago. HOLLAND p.

r. Chatfleld-Taylor, of Chicago. IMPERIAL Con¬gressman Taa «veil Ellett, of Virginia MANHAT¬TAN Judge .1. D. Strong, of Bchenectady. PARKAVENUE.Colonel K. D, Judd, V. s ?. PLAZADr. Baxter T. Bmelxer, »« tretary >¦( Oto Stata

of Health. WALDORF Julei Outhridge, ofWaahington. WINDSOR.Lyman J. Gage, Secre¬tary of the Treasury; James H. !·'· k«iH. Controllerof the Currency, and Dr. Panici c, «iiiman, presl-.i.-iit of Johns Hopkins University.

WHAT IR C.OINC, ON TO-DAT.???.t? murder OS·*, Long Island City.Opening of Brooklyn Dog Show, oi.i 1Mb Regi-

m< nt Armory.Tammany Oeneral Comm!tt«e. 3 p. m.American So. ¡.-tv «>f I'lvll Engineer*' housewarm-

Ing. No. BO Wesi Flfty-aeventh-at., I p m.Lecture by Canon Chejrnt, Union Theologie·]

Seminary, i'X v m.

Republican Club «.f xxvillth Aeaembly Districtm »ker, No. MS Raat Elghty-flret-al I p. mQeorae Qunton'a lecture. Aaaembly Hall, No. 219

Eai t Rlghty-flrst-at, 8 p. m.-·

NFW-YOHK CITY.Th« speclnl committee apjOlnted by the Tariff

Association recently to consider ratea arai othermatters pertaining to flro Insurance m thla andadjacent cities met aualn yest. r.l iv. and dlaeuaaoda scheme for settling exiting difference* it hasbeen suggested thai all risks I ·· grouped In five

rlanaoa. reducing the rate fan the first claaa fromIO lo li per rent; lecond class. 2«) to :;. per cent;third CUM, abOUl ?1-1 par e«nt. etc. Thl« panwill he suhmitied to tho association at at» «.«Hydale.

The first me.-tlng of tho rentrai Congres« of the

Salvation Army win he conducted by Co*nman«JetHooth-Tuoker at the headijinirter«. In Fourteenth-at., Kriclay evening Th« Camp Nel ·? JubileeSingera, «>f Kentuclry, win make their first ep-pearanea at thli meeting· Admlaalon win be byticket, whi-ii ?. iy be :¦·. ired Ire· ««f charge byapplying a; N>. US Wrel PoUftomth-at.The annual «\hthltlon of fancy canarie«, held

under the auspices c>f the New l*Ot_ Ontlthologlca]Society, will be h» Id at No t.îlS Third ave to-ni'.r-

row, niday Hnd SaturdayTh« Seamen's Christian As*oblation. No «V.*,

Waahington·*!., i» mnking a spedai appeal f"rrontributtona Thla misalon is crowded afteraooMgad evenings with sailers, who ir«· *hus k.pt nut«f groggerlea It in pon sectarian, has r... endow-

ICted M S CMh basi*No aaiary la ? m mager,

owing to a mixing «>f figui man Tl omaaO'Neill, on Sport, w.i« credited with winning thlr«!prlz.« In 'he COB ' - I ?

Horse Show !a«t ireeh w the real victor was

ratr«>lman J««h.n Murphy, on ZoldOTh«» Society of H.a.is Art« Archlt«Ktl m«' "

dav evening at tha Cafl sure! ?

«¡nuik to Carf-re ? Hastings In h..n«>r r.f ·

Ml'-ces» In th·· r· ¦».· '. : \ ,.:¦ rr.\ ..f ! ··

sign comj«eti'iotis. and Mr C_rré>ra responded Thewere re-elected a.« follow» Walter «' "k

Ident; Edward P. <A Josselvn. »· r·

treasurer; Jo .? ? li ¦·.«.·. .·. rr· ·· . <·

M, Catrera J· :.n «; Howard and ? pFlagg imltti ··. an Edward ?. ? II·

tingi hj..? t ? Turner Commit¬tee <·? Udii atii.n

h In the F'iprem» <"«aurl w-·.

dismi««-·..! (he complaint agmlnsi a h ii.ho·the ? ¡it broucht by I.« ·; I LeviNational Wai: l· ^· r Company for dairesult ..f alleged conspiracy Hai ¦· ¦·

as on« of th«· defendants, hut the J.that Hamilton w _» not nhnmi :o have actedauthortasd ».gent nt th« company

PoetmeateT Van Coti ha« received inatructlonsfr"m Wa '··.I I

' rth rlaes matter or Iti » ·¦

to print or write upon aeeoi iter or inwrapper dlrr'ilor.s relative to tin» d»li\ery tl.

with th« ¡.oktal regulation»quently, dlraotlons to deliver to

-, ?.» to a "druggist" or "pi u:· gndellverable to trie addressee, «·.

·- \<- disregarded nt the ofll ·· ofAfter March ?. UM ß ter ad the fongoing mutiner w-ill l«« h'i«l t.. h«< unmallabla???« A«|tinrlum at the Battery was open foi an

hour yeaterdaj from 13 toi o'clock Inwith ihe n,-w· rn thai shall be op Ihour on Monday« .Tal Tu.- tftef

EVIward ? McSweeney, Aaslstanl Commlsaloneiof immigration, yeoterday re ·?·.··? w« rd from iheTreasury Department al Was! Ingi ·p ii

of the Immigration officiala in exeludtn«,: w l'r.'is'h.rf y\r\t-, ¡,r Hamburg, who··, «mele. MrDe foong, refoeed tocare f,,r them, aa he thoughtth*y would be better off with ih« ir father In Qer«many.



The examination of J. Wal.lire Kirk, r.f <-\for shooting ills former buMlMM asao Inte, Rich «rdR, MantSelbaum, In the Hotel Oerard, m W< ?Korty-fourth-st., on November 13. was again posiponed In th« W«Mt Hid.· Polle« r'oiirt vest« r.l.iy tn

i>. einher t. it mu delayed owing to ? not« fromDr. l". Webster Davis to the effect thai althoughMandelbaum was noi In a serious condition, hewas still to«» «reak lo appear In oourtA statement w.r given oui by A. II. Hummel,

who Is Mandelbaum'i counael In regard to theshooting. Ii contained Mandelbaum. µ<t>·, v.«. t,«a.-, taken bi a itcnographer."ti the r.lgnt of the shooting. Mandelbaum say«,b< returned home earlier than usual and f«.on.i hi

wiff m Kirk's r< <· n» Mi Hummel s Ileg«·» thaiMandelbaum was siioi before ?»«· ould deien.i i,im-Mlf.

THF EtEOBBEIDQB BOAD PBANCBIBB.The Ttnllroad Committee of th« Board of Alder-

rren yeetentey reporud favoi ibly «>n Ihe petitionof citizetiM of Waahington Heights f««r a publichearing on the Kingshrldi:«· Road Street Railwayfranchimi The committee risported ? resolutionInstru'tlng tí»«- pre» Ideal of the Hoard to call ¦Special meeting of the Hoard of Ahlermeti *;lhlnIWenty«fOUr hours of Ihe handln»: down of » favor·able de«3lalon t.> the Appellate Dlvlalon of tha Snpreme Courl on the Klngabrldge Road Injunctionand t" hnvlte the public lo eppear and he beard, theHoard at th« does of th« public hearing to proVcedtl onoa to ih«· consideration of the granting "f anew franchi.1·.. Th«· resolution was opposed by???t??.???? Brossa und others, but wits p.»n-«e<i by avote of 16 to ?

OPPOSED TO THE ??.?7? AS A SITE.The National Sculpture Society has adopted th··

following:Whereas, The National Sculpture Society is of

the unanimous opinion Hint n<> monument, how¬ever meritorious, ahould be conatnnrted In tha si.abetween Plfty-elghth-at. and the Fifth-ave. en¬trance to liie central Hark, generally known ai theI'laza. which does not form .·. part of, or whichwould Interior· with, the satisfactory developmi nlof a Comprehensive and artisti.: dsslgn lor thisapproach to the Hark; aniwhereas, Bj a«1 of Legtolatore, No im«i. _i.'.7. ..f

Murili 23, îS'?«".. No stain.· or piece of sciiiptiii«. ,rwork of art of any sort. In the nature ..f % publicm o nui.,. nl or memorial, shall be erected or placedupon anv ground or wltlitn any building belongingto the .Hy of New-York, without the api rov ofthe Mayor, tbe presldenl of the Board of Aldermen,the president of th« National Sculpture Society «|fsuch organisation be tben existing) and the presi¬dent of the Municipal Art Bodety, If then existing,"andWhereas. The legislature r.j.-ct.d the following

proposed amendm<et, via "The provisions of thisact aliali not apply lo, affect or mak·· subject tochang.· the location of site which has been selectedfor a soldiers' monument tn «h«· «ity of New-Yorkunder and by virtu«· of the provision» «>f Chapter:..·_ of the Laws of i««'.»n,·· thereby clesrly showingits Intention to liiclud.· the queetlon of the ··!;· f,,rthis monunvtit among tbOM BUbjecl to the ap-provai of th« persons named; therefore be itResolved, That the National Sculpture Society

sincere!) bopea thai it« preeidenl svili s·«· nt to re¬fuse his ass« nt to the erection of the Soldiers andSailors' Monument, for which a design ha·« latelybeen adopted, upon the »It« pro;.«»«··.! a·«, In Itsopinion. 11 would render a proper and artistic treat¬ment of this approach to the Park Impracticable.

Wc come to the aid of the ultrafashionable dressed man with suitswarm enough to make the coldestday seem but bracing weather.High grade English three and four

button, single and double breastedsack suits of Fancy Cheviots andFancy Worsted Cheviots in newestmixtures, for $25 & $28.

Please look at the exclusive oliveshade in three and four button suits,some of which have D. B. vests.


Broadway,Corner l.'ltîi,Corner Carmi,Near Chambers,




Th»· Inquiry Into tt».· m»:itril rondltlon of Joseph'V Creamer, the lawyer of Paterson, *< I., eras

fairly begun yesterday, before ¦ Sheriffs jury, in

?:,·· old Browi tone Building, Mr. Creamer looks,-»« though h« irene rational, bet he ?» now an in-

mate of Bloomingdale Asylum. His reiatl«/ti havenfk»'«i to have him declared Insana He i» deter«mined tn Bgbt, however, f»»r his liberty and his

property, whl b, he Bays, ?« worth KJMQI. At a

prevloue hearing Mr Creamer de, iine»i 10 accept\vh·» wished to act for him, on the

ground thai hla caee would not be helped by coun-

ommended by tho«e srho wish-·«! to declareMm Insane, He a» tared the séjournaient of the

ouneel ex-Assistant District«.1 Prenda M. \v« liman.

? Mr, ? ? iti·¦··, tbe Brei witness, yesterday testi¬fied that he had reral conversations withMr ·.· lined the Impression that ho

it nal n developed thai Pr. nice was

the man whose fa ¦· «reamer had slapped nt theit rvard Club about a month nx«> This was

f Creamer being Incareerated Inile Dr. ? ratified thai he did not

rem«m!«,- whei. he wan drinking champagne..· r si the club or : ··

"There sre » food many peculiar people at theI'¦laim« d Mr Wei:*-- in.

Mow, now." replied Mr Taylor, coutuei for

rather, "you snd ? ,-ir« Harvard men.""Tii red Mr Wi liman, "but I

fact» In this i»e."end.· Harvardr wrote man let·, rs.

mei ' club withThis,? inn that Creamer eras Irra-

rltn« il Creamer often >·: II men '

.· ?¦ :·11> to

him TI ·- led thai theer to drink in return.

I. C I«· -¦ ·! thel Creamer had saidHarvard Cl ?> "-f

I »r ?? ··. r· sal '· thereintfl at the

reamer.. .·. ? id

I- n't they tn!k loud II elubt" ft.«ked a

: .1 - talki 1 " replied the··

ara ?" irn»il until Wednesday, De-»·>..·


nu: t· i:v -:¦ am« witnesbeb p.a«t.?


? rr. for the murder

I ·. fairly Btarted y»«ter-«

'· Bty Co irt, he'ore

?. An ad inel of fifty wa«

from ? .-? nd the re.

men, Uve.». 1 o'clock These, with

1 the Jury.\ jury srsj completed sn idjourn«

meni for lun<»h«ron waa order« > tiie Court, a.'ter

« ,.·.·«·· ^ ., ,·.|?

for ? Ms spoke for thir'y minutos.·:· d the tak: ?; of SI I«

! -? of the after-

ki :? up in l he ix imln »rion of¦·. ?. found the ? ires bundles :ontalnlng por»

etl were e*.

manner in whleh th« different·¦ v.« V'.rk morgue Borne

of :i». :- srho k- » luid« nsuppe in Ufa? In t ?ß bathe, lesti»

lied to «dir.iythi deputy win be c*;ie«l

it loth ?, Cl irkand ·¦· · ?«· that Thorn mads confessions

...... ? ·..·.!.I i-f.-n···. h·»w.v.r. ur«> post¬

ine that Mr» Nach will siso be a witness, andta r-n for h-r on h»-r

, Thai the} will pul Thorn «·?' Mr« Nsck'B testimony

.« »h .·. ... immlt ted ths mur«ertsln, Mr Howe'» questions to

ih» !..'· men, when they were being examined,m .·.· to a ?·.;«!

? i» ni Mi Irre .addox hsve been very Im-u bi Monds*»· or Tuet·

.·.·, ili the evidence tn the

sill !·· ? ubmll ?« ?.

I PI??? G??'?? HOT YET FOBBED.The storj »uta irr« ?: plano trust, whleh baa

been printed from time to limo, ?.?? r. iscltated·., teiday, nlth lome sddltlonal embellishment·.Thai there Ii » i«! »p «.? on fool t.» consolidatacertain Brins BOemfl true, but th»re la no pro!.abil¬ity thai all the better class of manufacturer» will

go into th«· comiili,·· Alfred I ».»lue la »aid to be

the prime mn\.r in the proposed combinatimi, amiit is known thai he has been trying for a number

sf ·.. ira to erga ils« lbs plano trad· along the pro-,n lines The capitalisation in »nld to be iixej.-n W.OM.OOO ? tnougbl that by doing sway withcompetition snd oncentratlng the work, severalm,!u«.?·« .« year c >? be mi.-.i.Mi Dolce ara« not In the city yesterday. Nahum

Btelaon, .: Btelnway & Bons, »aid Unit he hadheard ot thi "berne unofficially, hut that his eon«¦.¦i-i bad never .·?«?.?«·?··«? entering It.iimj;.! Böhmer, «»; Böhmer A *'·>., aald that he ha«l

talk»·.) over thi .-?..· With Mr. Dolf«, but thathis rtrm hsd »l en ? ki ? to j.in and w<iuid not.even ir Inviti Phere win always t>.» a limitednumber ot -· ade planos," he »aid. "and sny

,:¡ p »vili noi affect them. A combinationcan ,»·· made onlj among the manufacturer» of ln-f.tior Inatrumenti By entering a comhine the

manufacturer mual »aerine« hla personality an.lthe prestige which it has taken ysare t«. ?·???>·"


Mayor StroiiK his entended nn Invitation to

Mi or-eli " Van Wyck to he present at the meet-

??? of the Board of Botimele and Apportionmentto-day when the consideration of the final enti«mates for nexl year'» appropriations will begin, andjudge Van Wyck has accepted the imitation.

. 'iiinmi..-!· OM ?'"in«, «"if th- Department ot Publie

w. haa appointed Mr. Williamson, the designer.In-chief ol the nlon Bridge Company, aa th· to«Igppi t the new m»rkel to be erected si Ninety«

Hlxth it and the Rlvei Ida Driva Mr. Williamsonwill have the plane ready by Dm -einher r».

Mayor StroiiK yest.-r.1ay raeelvsd the resignation

of John a. Bleicher a·-« Bapervtaor «>f "The city?," which m announced several «lay« ago.

A new Supervisor will be appoint·*] in a few day»from the rjlvtl ? r\l.«· Hat

Mar· us Mose» was r.-appointed I city marshal byth« Mayor yesterday.

(¡RIFF DROVE III M To SUICIDE.Albert Rei amann, sixty-six year» old, of No.

lid Weat Daventh«et, eomfldttod suicide yesterdayafternoon ¡it Um bOHM of bl· BOO, I>r. \V, Jekyll.:· i. iiinann, at Mo. iti East Ons-hundnd-and«seventesnth-st. He shot himself in the temple anddied in a few minai.·· ??. bad been Bufferingfrom melati, In.II.. for -vial \«ais, ll·..· r. suit of.jrlef over the d« .ih of hie wife and an eighteen-

.? .i«l daughter. Mr. Reichmann was a clerkin a large Importing bons.· him nife died tu«·years .nn and In daughter Alludili, eighteen yearsold. two years lai-r Mr Ki-lclinuuin brunii«·««, muchover his l..»^es until he became a »uffertr frommelancholia.

«_^?_?_ß??*· ?


No trouble or money has beenspared to make everything any man

could possibly want in the shape ofan overcoat.

But to-day, we especially want

you who know the best overcoat-work of the best custom tailors.the$75 to $90 kind.to sec our bestovercoats.Our best means $40, $45 and $5o.Our best means the best that is

possible in cloth, cut and work.Fit is not the question.for we

aller till they do fit. The question ismerely one of saving.

Is $25 or more worth your while ?

Rogers, Peet & Co.Prince and rtreridwny.>V.arr-n and llrc.ailway.Thirty-:>.·-.1,1 and Hn.ad»

Cowperthwait'sRCliäbiC Special Bargains,

Corate Derby Satin CurtainS'UdipvlC** $13.50 per pair.

1,0no en r.? it.lOt West Ulli Street.



N.'THIN«; BAI BSBM IBBN of RIM fllN'«"iv

Joseph Steffner, manager of the fidelity depart¬ment of the Mattonai Bursty Company, at No. Ml

Broadway, has ea'ired a general alarm to he sent

«.'it fron Police Headquartere for I ».«.niel A. Mc·I.. Iland, ¦ ell rk In tho employ of the Hronx Bor¬ough Hank, at Tremwit nnd Washington aves.,

Trenont. McLelland ws.« sent Monday with %2'JiOfr..m th·» hank to «l.-poült In the Twenty-seventhWard Bank, at Ono-buridrtsd-and-thlrty-slxtb-stand Third-are. He baa not bsen se. ? sin.» be leftthe Bronx Borough Bank. N'.> «»no know» wherehe ·.«.··".t or wh il became .if him.M 'Leiland la twenty-two years eld. and live»

with hla father, wh la a lenttst, in M.iln-«· «VestChester Up t. the present time ha i.a.l torna an

enviable reputation.Morris M, Corwin, cashier of the hank, said ye«-

terday afternoon that the missing clerk wa» at¬tentive to h'.s «luti*· until about two months ago.wh. 11, for »ome reason, be grew rar··!*·««? «in Elee-ilon Day he was s poll clerk In West Cheater, anddid not report nt the hank al all It Is thought h»has h*en attentive to the wife of a bookmaker, »aidto live In Thlrty-clghth-st west of Hroa.lway.





The re,-, nt steady and sustained atlvance In the

priée of M'tropolltan Street Railway stock has

caused a great «bal of comment In Wall Street.Outside of fair cp.rnlng». th«-re seems to be nothing10 las«· th.» rise upen. It ts understood that Tam¬

many politicians have been the largest purchasersof this stock, and are the chief beneficiarle» underthe Impetus given It. Some tine before electionIt: hard Croker, so It |» MÚd, sent word to nn In¬

timât.· friend that. In the event of Tammany win¬

ning, this stock would have a marked BdvaneaThe tip was quietly circulated among the faithful.si 1 Instead of netting on the election, many Tarn-n.ur.it.·». in.'iu.iiiiK Mr Croker, began to absorbtbe stock, which wa« then s-iiing around ; ir

it has been learned, further, that risorge .1 Oouldtaken nn active Interest in Metropolitan. A

»hort time before election he aaked a prominentTammany Hall official what would i.e ¡?·> result as

to thla BtOCk If Tammany Should win. The .»nswe-araa; it will »hoot ao far ahead of Manhattan thatyou win want to pa«sm your stilt rallroa I Mr<;o'ii.| is said to have Invested heavily in th« sto.-kHis purchase of the stock, H ?* declared, ?« purelyfor Ihe sik·· of Investment, and In no way la to beconsidered In connection with the frequent repon-»hat a consolidation or a traffic agreement «,'; »...

ef;.· ted between the elevated and the Metropolitansystems.

A SCBOONEE SUES INTO A PBBBTBOAT.A« the ferryboat West Rrooklyn. of the Thlrly-

nlnth-it ferry, was going Into her »lip at South»'..try yeeterdaj afternoon, the little schoonerI Bd, going lip the Bast Hiver with a loadof lumber, ian Into her. The schooner's bowsj.rttw.is btroken »It, h»r atara earrlad awar, and the

fir-mast almost fell to th·· deck A b ? ? hole was

stove In h··;- bow She was locked with the ferry·for fifteen minutes before si.e was pulled

away by the tute .lame» A lîarflcld and towel backto Jener City She 1» only flfty-six feet Ion« andwa.s built In l«"««,.

FORTX -PIVE OBADVATEE.Th« twenty-seventh anniversary and commence¬

ment exercises of the WalWOTtb Institute took

place In th.· hall In the »chool building, No». 1<«Sand lia Hast One-hun.lr« «1-ard-tw.nty-ftfth-st., last

evening The speakers were Jams· B. Muneon.the author and stenosrrepher; Edward ? Under¬bill, of tiie Surrogate's Court, ¿»nd i»r. Chillón ?.???.·?. Mr Allen's »uhject waa "The Man Wonder-fnl In tbe lions- Beautiful." Forty-five youngmen and women receive«! their diploma·

FOR A UEIPOEM PRIMARY ELECTION LAW.CktotgO, Nov. Ik.Through the effort» of the

civic I·'. 1· r.it: .-? of Ohkago, a National confer¬ence on primary election leglalatton aill be held inNSW-Torb early In Jauuarv I,ist nicht RnlphII Bailey, secretary sf the Federation, atartedfor New-York, where h«· Will RIMI with repr«sent.-tlve» of primary ele·;ion reforms front Ktteterneltlee, nn.i tbe «n for ih«· convention will beformulated, it is tha hope to »ecuran concert ofaction on a uniform law In the various Status thiswinter, wh.'ti tha Legislatures of New-York, New-Jersey, Maryland. (»Ino ami Msssach'JBStta are toin··!.

ALL PULLMAN CARS TO BE DISISEECTED.San Francisco, Nov. 2X.The State Hoard of

Health ha» decided that hereafter all Fullmancars Mining Into tbe Btate must he thoroughly dta-

lnfeeted Immediately upon arrival at heir «leatina-

uon. Th.a disinfectant t«» be used is rormaldehydeK»«s. which will not Injur«· the furnishings of thecars or leave any disagreeable odor.The Hoard has also pass,,? a resolu.lon declaring

Ousymaa and MaaaUan infected port«, owing toth« prevalen«·«· of yellow fever at both place».


Henry A. Daniels, M. D.80 Wi-Ht '.list St

[mpnUratsnts «<f the Marrou» s.st.-m «if ail dseeriptliiae,Impotence, (Sterility, und like ailment». Hour» S to 1. d to 8.

E. & W.


flunrlne G. SS Sunset 4M Moon rl«e«-IMoon'» »ft» .10

AMI'll :an«ly

HIGH WATER TO DAY.ll.K.k fsMIOov, Island ?.21 Hall Oat» 0:15It,., U 7:40 <)«>v. Island 7:111,Hell Date 9:42



./.assi. Kr inLine.\?...·?.¦miand.Antwerp. Nov 13.led Star

I-mipnaaa.Ualveston. Nov IT.Mullen'i;i it,.« .iinU«"«ton. N.iv 1».Morganli,,II,la. <! 11,1 »?:·µr Ko* ?.Ancnurapre«.nr-na-n. N.wU.? «I IJnyd.Mlsalsalppt.London, Nov 11.Atlantle-Tran»«/.«.rula.Stettin, N««v (i.Hamburg AmerNa.-...ioii.·«.Bavaanah, Ne* M..savannah


Karl»ruhe. BtaMMS, Nov 13.? O LloydCamtrUn.I/.nd.m. Nov 13 .Wlls«»nHt-kla.«'lirliilansand. Nov 11.ThlngvultaBlMonta.New «»rlean«. Nov 2l).MorganIrcKiuul«.Jackson vi ilo, Nov 32.Clyde

A Timely Offering!


TO-DAY.4TH FLOOR,V < ? ·*>

Dress Suit Casesof sole leather, steel frame, lined withlinen, size 24-inch.

SPecial 4,98 worth 6.50.

Grain Leather Club BagsHigh cut, Olive color, leather lined,nickel trimmings, size Hi-inch,

sPecial 6.65 worth 8.00.a t ?µ??.?-?t?. btock op '

Trunks, Satchels, Suit Casee,Bags, Etc.,


TOy FuNT_pII^füK^THAMSGIVIINGLY SPEAKING.? little trip through our Wart-rooms will g1vg

you valuable ¡doas for lnor« a*in<*. tho Thanke-Rlvlng wolcrtino of your home.For th«» iHilruiitn, thorp are hosts of desk»,

eauy «»hairs and dressing tables, with stool as¬sodato·., that will mak«· any guest fool nt home.For tho dining-room- graoeful side tables oxx\

<1»'llK'htful little CBirlB**, tahlos that will makey» ?? -.vomier how you ever got along withoutthorn.For the draw ?¡--room.multifarious Inlaid

and elided eoncelts.Prices are all lower »han ycu Imagine, but

then you

"buyopthb MAKen·*·

Geo. C.FLint Ca43.48 a*d 47 WBAT 21?9tm


rACTORT: 154 ANO 156 WEST l9?STlEti.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2*.Hesrerl«.Gibraltar, Nov 12.AnchorCrl-I· .G??p??-·», Nov 11.ArrowCarac.»«.U «îuayra. Xov 20.R>,1 DLeona.<;alv»>«tun. Xn- 3).Malloty


TO-PAY.V»«se] PB.. Lin*. Mall« cl.»ee.Vet«el «all«.

It, I. .;!», Pouthamp». n, American.... 7 '»< « m 10:«.x»a_M«J»-»u«.·, Liverpool, Vinto gier.t'<«" a m 12:<*) m?« ?«?:?,-·. ?. Antwerp, Red Star.Hihi a m »«»am« TizaNa. llavera, N Y A Cuba. l.«»»pm 3MX) ? mI'hl!iil»Iphl«, La Ourivra. Red D.II-on a m 1 ««? p mPortia, St .t.»hn«. Red CtOM..il-·'·*» a m l;««>pmr mltilc, BertadoM, ?·?:??.. l.dopm 3ooprnCor.iar.«·».». «'t-..·.·!···.! m. «lyde.- 3:00pmComal. QalVMtoa. Mallory. - 8:«»pm

THI liSPAY, NOVEMBER 23.Semln .le. Charle»ton, (*ly<1« . 3«X> p m?? ?'??ß? N-w-Orleans, Margan. - BiOOpin

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER M.«"»Ihr«, Fernambuco. Lamport A Holt.. 7:"*<)» m 10 <V) a m



>'-«m»r Almandra (Un. Marshall, London November12 »;tli BHlM h:i .11 c.Mn pn»««»n«ers 10 Sanderson AS n Arrived si th« Har at !» a m.Bttam«i OmtsIc iBr), Thompson. Liverpool November

12. «a uh m.l«o to M M ?.-ani K»r»ey. Arrived at the Bar«» I 30 ? m. ? ·? trabar t.".'

s···««« r Tarta« Prince .un. Fo»h»r*iii, Sh'.-M« taeremm·bet 10, ¡p bellssl to J C Seair-r. Arrivi si 'he B»r «c2:3«» a m.

Bteam-MT '..»n··· l!r). Shekleton, «llar» «a N>\emb«r 4.In bala.«! 10 G ll (.in ,t Son. Arrived at the Bar at 10:7*0» mSt»amer Camhay (Br>. Ree«. Barry N.ivember ß, In

balla»« to Howrlns A Archibald Arrived at th« Bar »t12 30 tl m.Steamer Artilla «Bri MOBtell, Nassau November IS,

«Mil. mdM and .'· .a! ·.·. pMMfl***·"-. lo ?* ? Montili A S. ?.Arrived at th·· Bar at V a mBteanMT ?··?·.?·.-:> ??r), IleKar. Pemerara November

2. ?? n¡.la·I 10 liarla! « 11. B< lai u, Martinique, Dom¬ini.-» and Quadrio»»!«-* 12. Antigua. Bl Ki:ts »nd et Od»17». vip Ne«|..r· Sean 33, srtt.i mdse ani 7 cabin p»e»en-». r« to A ? i1u»":!>r!.U·» A Oa. Arrived at the Bar at ?p m

>·· «vier i'arlbbee «Br» S-ott. Beni-rara November liBarbado» U Domini« 15. Antigua and St Kitt« lit aniSt Tlioma« 17 with rods, and G» passenger» lo A E Outer-

brllt;.· A Arrived »I th«· Bar at B 30 a m.

Steamer S»«»e of Trass, Young. Brunswick NovemberIB and Port It val 20. with md«e and pa««»nfer» to C ?

Mall-ry ft CoBtMf-MT V-rklnun, D Aa, Norfolk, with mlw and pa»-

».-iiK··-« to Old I«'t!ilnl.-n Ss Co.Bandy Book, ? «I». Sor, 23. l»:3«» p. m..Wind nortn-

meat. «iron« breeie, et.»ar.CIMAMMO.

Bteamer Kal«er Wilhelm fat Or»««·. »OerV Hence.*»-»*.Bremen via Southampton-Oelrlch» Ato.

Ste».».r KOMlUtei. Wi. Robert». Aal S Hi m*WP»

,'s-'ÒHmeVlMaìè».lo>-Bre». Smith. U>f*-H ¦ Maltland

KSi"eamer Britannia IM, Ferrile. Mareellle« and Nap!··

inaiar ti Loul«.° Rändle. South»rnpton.InternationaINavigation Co. . . ~_^..

Steamer Jamatra (Nor>, Pet«r».-)n. Haltf»«, ? 8.Twe·-

Smammar*CUmtm» City (Br-, Sendell. Brl.tol-J«-*«»Ark»'ll A Co ,

- -.- r» »Steamer Herman Winter, Nl»-ker».»n. Boelun.H w

nimOOlf..__. r.. ?, ,-1..?·

Steamer Elko. Warren, Philadelphia---«? m ? G·>a·

steamer Kan.a« City. Fi«her. Savannah.Ocean 8» Co.

SI.·amer E W nrun.·. »ialther, Baltimore.H t Tnater.

St.»am*r Prince«» Anne. Mulpher», N«jrfolk and NewportNew«.Old Do-BlBlon «s« CO.Steamer El Sud. HiKIfln«. NOT'<^r!e»n».J T V«a

BtXnsr John Enrll». Bras,». Portland-Horatlo H»llSteamer Notter. Kretiman. Brll-;ep,M-t_Jo»eph J Scan-

"ship State of Maine. Curtí». Hon. Kong-.Richard ?»

Bach A Co.fAIIJíP.

Steamer« Kaiser Wilhelm der Or.>»»e «r.er». for B"*^1*"·vii S.«iithampf'-??. Bucklnsh-im (Br). for Savennan: »en-

dota IBrt. for Lrrtth: El Sud. 1er New Orieema. TttnetaaAnn.·, for Norfolk »nd Newport N-w». Belvernon l.viri.

for Port Antoni >; München uTîer), for Baltimore: AK.ldtB

(Nor», for Punklrk; MofSrtlC tBrl. fur Ul'lf"1THE MOVEiJENTd l>E STEAMERS.

EtlltEKlN POKTS.Ijlverpool. Nov 23- Salted, »teamer Btrathord iHrt. Me-

Int\re. New-York ,_. .,._

Punklrk. No« 2D-8all»d. »teamer Cretnearn WO, MMWwood, N«w-York. _. .

I.lrard, Nov 23. 0:40 ? m-P»»»e<*. »»e«mer Bt Paul.

Jamison. N»w Y «ik for Southampton.S.llly. BTOV tt, 2 ? Btr.PSSSeA "«-»n>er Uhn (O.rl.

PoJile. New York for Southampton an«1 Br*«·.Bremerhaven. Nov 23. 2 ? m-Salled. «teamer Otra

(G,.t?. M»·!««»·! Ham York. _. , _ ,

Bremen. N»v 23 -Arrived, »teamer ? -linar (Oer).

Minti. N-w-York . _

R.itterdam. Nov 22.Arrived, »teamer Batoum iBr),Wilt New York. ..


A:n«ter-lam. Nov 22-Arrived, »teamer Strathcarron (Br),BtockwetL New Y rk. .,, ,. ~rt

Antwem. Nov .. Arrived, «te.mer. AIImw»1»1 «Bri,Brown, New-York; Noordland (Be7.). L.ve.ewlti. N#«r-

Marsslllee. Nov 23-Arrlved. «te»mer California (Br).Mitchell. New York .___. ... ^ «.._

\drn **·» 2.1 Arrived, «t»»mer Lvderhom (Nor). Ham-

itiri·.»«, New York for sonar re Hon« Kong etc

Bl MlCllSel., Nor S3 --Arrived, .«earner At«Wa (HO.

Ilemrrrt. New Y.rk f >r Shan»hal.Sagn·· ? >v 33 l'asse!. sleanv»r Bon .>mond (Bri. ??-

Inl »h, Vòkohami. el«·, for New-York. ~,.m«onl'orila. Nov 2.1 rum!, steeaset Macduff (Br). T.iom»on.

Yokohama etc. for New York. Kud*n-llahla. Nov lD-Salle«!. »teamer Amalfi (Ger), Kuaen

^iSuT^n ffBtn »ttamer Nasmrth <Br>. «>««-

h»m «from Rio .Unelro) N»w-York. Brt8anto«. Nov 2o-S»lled. »tean»»r Roman Friso· terj.

Bennant, New-YorS.