we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new...

3 rd July 2020 Dear Parents and Carers, No 37 Newsletter This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. It’s lovely to have you join us, even though we won’t be able to meet for a little time yet. This week, Mr Johnston and myself also met, virtually, with many of our September 2020 Reception families. It was lovely to see all your smiley faces, children, and soon there will be a virtual tour and an extra storytime film clip to share too. Please look out for an additional email coming early next week. All end-of-year reports were posted out last Monday; please notify the school office email if you have not received your child’s. Thank you for your returned comments - we will be collecting these through to the end of term - it is lovely to read the children’s comments too. Yesterday, the government outlined provision for education from the autumn term 2020. I will be spending the weekend re-reading and starting on our plan moving forward. There will be more information regarding our plans from September in the next week or so. The link below may be helpful: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/what-parents-and-carers-need-to-know- about-early-years-providers-schools-and-colleges-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19- outbreak/what-parents-and-carers-need-to-know-about-early-years-providers-schools-and- colleges-in-the-autumn-term Lunch at School next week: Mon - Pesto Pasta with garlic bread, Tues - Sausage Roll (there is a veggie sausage if wanted) & new pots, Wed - Roast Beef - Yorkshire Pud, fresh veg, Thurs - Breaded Chicken Fillet with veggie rice & Fri - Fishfingers & Chips.

Transcript of we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new...

Page 1: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

3rd July 2020

Dear Parents and Carers, No 37 Newsletter This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. It’s lovely to

have you join us, even though we won’t be able to meet for a little time yet.

This week, Mr Johnston and myself also met, virtually, with many of our September 2020

Reception families. It was lovely to see all your smiley faces, children, and soon there will

be a virtual tour and an extra storytime film clip to share too. Please look out for an

additional email coming early next week.

All end-of-year reports were posted out last Monday; please notify the school office email if

you have not received your child’s. Thank you for your returned comments - we will be

collecting these through to the end of term - it is lovely to read the children’s comments


Yesterday, the government outlined provision for education from the autumn term 2020. I

will be spending the weekend re-reading and starting on our plan moving forward. There

will be more information regarding our plans from September in the next week or so. The

link below may be helpful:





Lunch at School next week: Mon - Pesto Pasta with garlic bread, Tues - Sausage Roll (there is a veggie sausage if wanted) & new pots, Wed - Roast Beef - Yorkshire Pud, fresh veg, Thurs - Breaded Chicken Fillet with veggie rice & Fri - Fishfingers & Chips.

Page 2: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

Tatworth School Maths Competition 2020

This year’s annual 24 Game Competition took place this week, with all children in KS2 able to take part either at school or at home. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, six different 24 Game cards were set for each class, with a range of 1-spot (easy), 2-spot, and 3-spot (tricky!) cards for children to work on during the day. Well done to all those who took part by sending in their solutions – you have earned points for your House. 1st – BREWER with 226 points

2nd – Stonham with 188 points

3rd – Langdon with 151 points

4th – Joslin with 142 points


Each day, there were a possible 12 points on offer, so a special well done to any children who managed to solve a full set of cards and earn 12 points for their House on that day. All children who took part will receive a certificate soon. Here are the Top Scorers for each class: Y3: Rowan, Lillie

Y4: Gracie, David

Y5: Harry F, Laura

Y6: Olivia, Reuben, Leon

Each year, the Year 6 children also take part in a Times Table Challenge. Mrs Hewitson

selected all of the trickiest times tables for the children to answer as quickly as they can.

Congratulations to Olivia who finished in the quickest time and made no errors - she is…

Tatworth Times Table Champion 2020!

Page 3: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

Chloe's Big Hair Cut Chloe from Beech class is raising funds for the Little Princess Trust by

having 19 inches of hair cut off! Chloe has never had a haircut apart

from 3 very small trims and has decided to donate 19 inches of her hair

to the Little Princess Trust. She would like to raise £550 as this is how

much it costs for a wig to be made and fitted for one person. Please

give as little or as much as you can to help this amazing cause. Even £1

can make a difference. If you would like to support the fundraising

please follow this link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chloe-

slyfield Well done Chloe, what an amazing thing to do!

David Walliams

Thanks to Harry from Y5 for this message: “We are keen David Walliams fans in our household and his new book is out today, 'World's Worst Parents'. We spotted on Twitter today that David Walliams has free activity sheets that you can download to celebrate its release. The website is www.worldofdavidwalliams.com ” Reading information Somerset Libraries are starting up a new online Chatterbox Group for children aged 7-11. If your child loves reading, activities and chatter then you can join in with all the fun at: [email protected]. See the attached flyer for more information. Also, don't forget that this year's Summer Reading Challenge, Silly Squad, will be launching on the 11th July but you can sign up for it now, check it out here - https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/ If you are using MyOn to access ebooks to read at home, you will now need to use the following details to log on: Go to myon.co.uk and enter... a. School Name: Tatworth Primary School (type the first few letters and select from the drop-down menu) b. Username: tatworth979student c. Password: read Click on the Sign In button, select a book, and start reading. More details can be found in 'A guide to ebooks for parents' in last week's newsletter. In addition, just a quick reminder to logon to Activelearn Bug Club or take a quiz on AR this week to receive a raffle ticket/s to enter the draw to win a reading book voucher. Next week will be the last week to enter. Keep reading!

Page 4: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

Acorn - In Acorn class this week we have been reading stories which explore how changes

in the environment or to the place we live can affect how we feel. As part of this, we

discussed feelings associated with belonging and alienation and set about finding materials

in the outside world which reflected these feelings. Yellow group made some brilliant mood boards to share their ideas.

Page 5: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though


Here is Luca's work on how to remember the compass points (North, East, South, West) and

creating a new 'creature', Alana’s creature and Edward's drawing as part of his Phonics


Beech Class

Look at Maisy’s splits! The Y2 children have also been creating self-portraits, here is Chloe’s.

Page 6: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

Willow Class For National Art's week, Willow Class were set an art circle challenge this week. They had to

draw at least 5-10 different sized circles and then turn them into different images. Here is

Rowan's lovely example:

Hawthorn Class Here is a selection of their work this week: Amelia’s beautiful art work, a

whole book on the history of

aviation from James and

Leyland has been busy building

a motorised Lego robot!

Page 7: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

Hazel Class have been making fact files about an inspiring person. Here is an example of

braille, created by Louis Braille, from Megan. And here is a lovely piece of artwork from


Yew Class This week, in their English lessons, Y6 have been reading about the witches in

Hamlet. They enjoyed thinking up lots of gruesome ideas and writing their own poems!

Here are Rose and Alfie’s poems:

Year 6 have also been doing some art for Children’s Art Week this week – here is some

Fibonacci art from Rose, an eco-fish snow globe by Abigail and some wax-resistant art from


Physical Activity: Classes against classes – Message from Mrs Churchill:

I am so impressed with our physical activity this week! Last week you all logged 143 hours

and this week we had a whopping 193 hours and 50mins! I am soooo proud of all of you,

Page 8: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

what an amazing achievement! The statistics are as follows: 33% felt fine, 40% breathed

faster and 26% felt hot and sweaty! The most popular activities were walking and running.

This week, the winners for the most physical activity logged are Key stage 1 (Oak and

Beech) totalled 96 hours and 20 mins. Well done, you smashed it!

To log your activity, please go to https://www.getset.co.uk/travel-tokyo

Please press ‘families’ and then press FIND SCHOOL. School’s post code is TA20 2RX. It will

hopefully take you to our School Dashboard where you can find your team and log your

physical activity.

Physical activity: Schools in Somerset Challenges

In your home learning this week you have the opportunity to log challenge activities with

other schools in Somerset. It’s not a competition but there is still an element of excitement!

Somerset SASP Challenges

https://www.saspchallenges.co.uk/?page=challenges If you click on this link and then press

FIND OUT MORE, then REGISTER, fill in the very short form with information, SASP will send

you an email. From your email click the link. This will take you to a video clip, press

SCHOOL, then find Tatworth Primary School and add your child. It would be great if we

could show Somerset how fab we are. Sporting Passport

Well done to Harry from Y5 for providing a huge amount of evidence to complete his

Sporting Passport. Your tracksuit bottoms are ready to purchase if you wish.

Stars this week

Blue Star Yellow Star


Y1 Faith Brody Zuza Faith Elijah Edward Amelia


Y2 Tyler Spencer Dylan Jimmy Sophia Hannah


Y3 Erin




Page 9: we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and ... · This week, we welcome two new children to the school: Maisy Y2 and Skye Y4. Its lovely to have you join us, even though

Y4 Lewis



Y5 Bruce Rebekah Y6 Jamie

Star Badges - congratulations to: Here are photos of Brody with his yellow badge, Isabel with her red and Leyland with his red.

Kind regards

Tracey Hart, Headteacher

Attachments: Chat health flyer & NOS: What parents need to know about protecting personal data.