We Met At Sunrise

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Transcript of We Met At Sunrise

  • 8/14/2019 We Met At Sunrise


    WE MET AT SUNRISE By J. Collins

    2013 J. Collins; No part of this work may be reproduced in anyway without direct permission from the author.

    All characters in this work are fictional and any relations to actual people are purely coincidental.

    All locations in this work are loosely based on actual places although many are not specifically referred to. Thoselocations are: North Conway, NH; Mount Washington, NH; White Mountains, NH; Tuckerman Ravine, NH.

  • 8/14/2019 We Met At Sunrise


    PART I

    The alarm woke me up before dawn. I got out of bed and got dressed quickly. I had to get down

    to the river in time to see the sunrise. I was the only one in my family that was willing to wake

    up that early. After all, we were on vacation and they all wanted to sleep in. Not me though, I

    wanted to witness the beautiful sight that Ive seen only in photographs before.

    They would always say, Well go ahead Sam; wake up at the crack of dawn. Dont complain to

    us that youre tired though. Of course, Im more motivated than that, so I gladly got up this


    I quietly snuck out the door of the small hotel and stepped out onto the parking lot. The morning

    was chilly for July, and a light fog was drifting through the valley. I looked east and saw the start

    of what would become an amazing sunrise.

    The walk wasn t far, so I decided against driving. Instead I used a trail behind the hotel that led

    down to the river. Not only was it quiet and relaxing, but it really gave me time to appreciate the

    beauty of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. After a little while of walking down the path

    through the tall pine trees, I finally arrived down at the river.

    I walked off the path and stepped onto the rocky shore. The cool water flowed past and mist was

    rising off the surface. The sky was a pinkish red and bright rays of sunlight were beginning to

    shine over the mountain tops.

    Then I noticed her. She was just upstream, standing along the river. She was holding a camera

    and appeared ready to capture the sunrise. Apparently, I mustve been standing in front of her

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    picture because she was waving for me to get out of the way, so walked up the river to get

    behind the camera and to meet her.

    Sorry, I said quietly. The morning was so peaceful that it wouldnt feel right to talk loud. I

    didnt mean to get the way.

    Thats okay, she answered with a smile. Dont worry about it.

    My names Sam, I said.

    Im Rachel, she replied.

    Rachel was beautiful. She had strawberry blond hair that slightly covered her face and hazel eyes

    with long eyelashes. She was shorter than me, just by a little. When she spoke her voice seemed

    so pure and clear that even the trees stopped to listen.

    Its gonna be a perfect sunrise, I exclaimed.

    I know, she said. I got up before everyone else in my family to come see it.

    Me too, I answered with a laugh.

    After our short conversation, the sun rose over the peaks. The mountaintops basked in orange

    light while the valley still sat in darkness. It was amazing. The mist over the river glowed with

    the colors of the sky. I stood next to Rachel as we watched. Occasionally, I would hear the

    shutter of her camera but other than that it was silent; just the sound of water rushing over the


    Soon enough, the sunlight reached us in the valley, and it felt warm on the chilly morning. The

    birds began the sing and the mist cleared. The day had begun.

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    Well Im glad I woke up to see that, I said to Rachel. Did you get any good pictures?

    I hope so, she answered.

    At this point in the morning, I was getting hungry and thought of heading back to the hotel, but

    then I had another thought.

    Hey Rachel, I started. Do you want to go get some breakfast? I know a good place thats

    should be open this early.

    She looked at me and smiled. Sure.

    After that, we walked up the trail and back out to the hotel. We went down the street to the

    breakfast place and walked inside. There werent too many people there, and we were seated

    right away.

    So are you here on vacation? she asked me once we sat down.

    Yep, I said with a chuckle. My family is probably still asleep. They dont like to get outmuch

    That sounds just like my family, she replied laughing.

    We talked and ate breakfast for a couple of hours. We went over everything from vacation, to

    school, to personal things. Once we were finished eating, we got up and went outside. At this

    point it was mid-morning, and the heat of the summer day was started to sink in. Rachel and I

    exchanged numbers and I started back to the room. Rachel was staying across the street at

    another hotel that was conveniently close by.

    Ill call you, I said with a smile. Maybe well go do something tomorrow.

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    I didnt really want to leave her but we both had to get back to our families. After talking to

    Rachel for so long, it seemed that she was the one that I wanted to spend my vacation with.

    When I arrived back in my hotel room, my parents were just sitting there reading the newspaper.

    My brother was still asleep and the air conditioner was blasting. This was certainly not where I

    was going to spend my day.

    What do you guys wanna do today? I asked.

    Well its a bit too hot to go outside, my dad stated. I think were just gonna relax in here


    Are you kidding me, I said back. Were in the mountains, lets go hiking, or swimming in the


    Maybe tomorrow, my mom replied. If you want to go out feel free.

    I think I will, I shot back.

    Even though it was only an hour since I last saw Rachel, I texted her to see if she was free for the


    Change of plans, I wrote. Wanna go do something?

    Almost instantly she a nswered, Yeah!

    Bring a bathing suit, I replied.

    I left the hotel room and drove across the street to pick up Rachel. She was waiting outside the

    door when I drove up. She hopped in the front seat next to me.

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    What are you planning on? she asked me.

    Ever been river swimming? I asked back.

    River swimming in the mountains can be an experience of its own. Jumping off cliffs, riding

    down waterfalls, and just floating down the stream in the clear, cool water is just the beginning.

    Most of the rivers up here are rocky, even the bottoms are all rock, and that just adds to the fun.

    Nope, she answered.

    Im sure youll have a blast, I said.

    We drove for about an hour into the National Forest. I was going by memory to a place where I

    used to visit when I was little. Suddenly, I realized that Id passed it and had to go back. We

    drove back about two miles and there it was; a little spot to park on the side of the road and a

    trail going down to the stream. I pulled over, gathered the towels, and we set off down the trail.

    When we reached the river, it looked just as I remembered. There was a nice large rock to lie out

    on, a small waterfall downstream, and a place up high enough to jump off. The water seemed so

    pristine as it flowed through the forest. Rachel and I were the only ones there. We climbed out on

    top of the rock, laid out our towels and sat down. It was early afternoon, and the summer heat

    was at its peak. It wasnt time to sit there, it was time to swim.

    Alright, I said. Are we just gonna sit here or are we gonna go jump off that cliff?

    Rachel stood up and said, Ill race you.

    She slid off the orange dress she was wearing and had on a cute red bikini. I stood up and took

    off my shirt.

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    Ready, set, go! I shouted before running full speed towards the edge of the cliff.

    We jumped off together and splashed into the cold, clear water below. Both of us swam to the

    surface laughing. We drifted in the current off the small waterfall, splashing again into the river.

    Lets go again! Rachel exclaimed aft er we swam back to the shore.

    Over and over again we jumped off the rocks. It was some of the most fun Id had in years. Here

    I was, with a girl I just met that morning, and feeling as though I knew her my entire life. I could

    tell she felt the same way just by looking at her.

    After we were tired out, we laid out on the rocks bathing in the warm sun. I never felt so relaxed,

    so free from worries in the world. Rachel and I talked about pretty much everything going on in

    our lives. It turns out she lives only a half hour away from me back home in Massachusetts.

    When we found this out it seemed to loosen some tension; we could still see each other after this

    trip. I never felt quite this way about a girl before. With Rachel it was something special,

    something much deeper.

    Hours passed and it started to get dark. We packed up our stuff headed back to the car.

    What do you wanna do tonight? I asked Rachel.

    Hmm she paused as though she was thinking. Lets go down Main Street and see whats

    going on down there.

    Good idea, I said.

    Main Street was always full of action at night. They had everything from fireworks to miniature

    golf. By the time we got down there it was dark and the fireworks were at full force. Rachel led

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    me out to the park to watch. The music was loud and the ground was lit up by the fireworks. I

    took Rachels hand and pulled her over to the place where everyone was dancing. We danced

    together to the classic rock songs for some time, laughing and making fun of each other about

    our made up dance moves. Then, the music changed to a quiet love song. I looked around and

    saw everyone beginning to slow dance. I looked Rachel and she smiled. She put her arms up

    over my shoulders and I held her waist. Slowly we swayed back and forth, looking into each

    others eyes. Without thinking, I leaned in and kissed her. When I pulled away she smiled and

    laughed, pulling me back in and returning the kiss with another.

    Come with me, I whispered.

    Then I picked her up and carried her out of the crowd. We were both laughing as I ran out into

    the field and we tumbled to the ground. We kissed again and then stared up at the stars, lying

    next to one another on the grass. The music was still playing quietly in the background, but for

    us the night was silent, we were together and thats all that mattered. A shooting star soared past.

    Make a wish, Rachel whispered in my ear.

    I did, I replied. We did.

    It was a late night out in the park. Once the fireworks were finished and the music died down, I

    walked Rachel back to her hotel down the street.

    Lets meet at the river tomorrow, she said. At sunrise again.

    Just before she turned and went back inside, I kissed her goodnight. Ill see you in the

    morning, I said.

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    I did nt even need the alarm to get up the next morning. I was so excited to see Rachel again that

    I hardly slept. I hopped out of bed and just was just about to slide out the door when I heard my

    fathers voice.

    Where are you off to? he asked as he was still lying in bed. We hardly saw you yesterday.

    Just off to the river again to see the sun come up, I answered casually.

    All alone? he questioned.

    I chuckled and said, Nope.

    I figured, he replied with a laugh. Now go have fun.

    I left the hotel and started a brisk walk down the trail. As I walked, I thought about my parents.

    Even though they were boring and lazy sometimes, they were pretty laid back and allowed me to

    have lots of freedom. I was actually somewhat thankful for them.

    I when I arrived, I found Rachel on a rock by the riverbank. She was sitting there, just staring out

    onto the water. I went over and sat next to her. She turned and kissed me on the cheek.

    Well there you are, she whispered with a smile. Just in time.

    Then just like the morning before, the sun began to shine on the mountaintops. The birds began

    to sing and the orange glow of the sun shined onto the waters surface. It was another perfect

    sunrise. We got up from out seat on the rock and started to walk back down the path, discussing

    what we should do for the day. That was when I spotted a little side trail. It appeared as though it

    led up the small mountain that was also located behind the hotel. Just out of curiosity, Rachel

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    and I both decided to climb the mountain. After all, its not like there was anywhere else we had

    to be that morning.

    The trail started out mild but then slowly became steeper. The path was rocky and most of the

    time we were on our hands and knees climbing. Although it was hard, hiking with her was fun.

    We would laugh and joke and sometimes just enjoy the peace. The higher we climbed the more

    we could tell that maybe this mountain wasnt so small. When the trees began to clear as we

    neared the top, I began to anticipate an amazing view. Then, sure enough, we walked to edge of a

    large cliff overlooking the town.

    Whoa, I said as it was the only words I could find.

    The view extended out over the town and into the mountains across the valley. Further away, we

    could see the peaks of the Presidential Range. Mount Washington loomed high above its

    neighboring mountains.

    What are those mountains over there? Rachel asked me, pointing towards the Presidentials.

    Those are the highest mountains in the Northeast, I replied. Mount Washington is that big

    one. Its the tallest of them all.

    There was small and worn out bench at the cliffside. It appeared as though it had been there for

    decades. We sat down and took in the view. Rachel rested her head on my shoulder and I held

    her hand. I dont know how long we sat t here together but time was not at all on my mind. I was

    here with Rachel and she was all I could think about. After a while she spoke.

    Sam, you know tomorrow is the last full day of the trip?

    Yeah, I replied. Ive been trying not to think about it.

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    I turned and kissed her. She slid onto my lap and we made love just like the night before. There

    was no one around and it would have surprised me if anyone even knew about this place. It was

    ours to share. We spent the morning up there and when it was finally time to head back for

    lunch, Rachel and I carved our names into the old bench, adding to the dozens before us.

    On the way back down I had an idea.

    We should do something well remember, I said. You know, before we have to go back.

    Like what? she asked curiously. Well still see each other back home.

    I know, I replied. I think we should go on a real hike

    Rachel looked at me; I could tell she knew what I was thinking.

    Mount Washington, I stated. I think we could do it. I had a friend that climbed it.

    I could see the excitement on her face.

    Lets do it! she exclaimed. Tomorrow!

    With our new plans for the next day, we raced back into town with excitement. Both of us went

    back to our hotels to see what our families were up to. I kissed Ra chel goodbye and promised Id

    see her tonight. I walked back up the steps to the room and went inside. My parents were sitting

    there, doing nothing as usual.

    How was your morning, my mother asked.

    Pretty good, I answered.

    Suddenly, a got a text message from Rachel.

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    It read, My parents want to meet you. Wanna come out to lunch?

    I couldnt really say no, so I happily agreed. I walked across the street to the restaurant and

    walked inside. I spotted Rachel and her family seated at a booth on the far side of the room. I

    walked over, sat down and introduced myself to her parents and her brother. Everyone was very

    much relaxed and there was no trouble starting conversation.

    So I hear that youre going to take Rachel to climb Mount Washington, her father s aid shortly

    after I sat down. Have you ever climbed a mountain like that before?

    Not quite as big as Washington, I answered. But Ive hiked quite a few around here.

    You know how fast the weather can change up there, right? he said. You really have to be


    Oh I know, I replied.

    Rachel interrupted the minor tension by saying with a laugh, Sorry Sam, my Mom and Dad just

    dont think I can handle it.

    Everyone at the table chuckled.

    Trust me, I said. Your daughter is safe with me.

    I hope so, her father said as he looked me in the eye. I truly hope so.

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    After we finished lunch, Rachels parents headed back to hotel while we went shopping for

    hiking gear. There were plenty of stores around town that sold nearly everything one could

    possibly need to climb the mountains. We drove around to each and every one and had lots of

    fun trying on all the heavy winter gear. After all, it was the middle of summer and the fact that

    they were expecting to sell all of it seemed funny to us. By the end of the day, we walked out

    with a couple of backpacks, a trail map, and a compass. I figured wed just stuff the backpacks

    with lots of food and water and use the map and compass just in case we got lost. The forecast

    said it was supposed to be a little chillier at the summit than down in the valley, so I told Rachel

    to bring a sweatshirt. I wasnt too worried about the weather though, the whole week had been

    sunny and hot.

    By the time we got back, it was almost dark. I kissed Rachel goodnight and we both returned to

    our hotels. That nightly routine was starting to become familiar. I went inside my room and told

    my parents my plans for the tomorrow.

    Just be careful, Sam, my mother said. Thats all were asking.

    I know Mom, I replied. We already have the trip all planned out.

    I went to sleep early knowing that I would have to get a good nights sleep. I lied there in bed,

    staring up at the ceiling, just thinking about Rachel. Ive only known her for about three days but

    I felt as though I was already falling in love with her.

    I woke up the next morning alert and ready. It was before sunrise and the stars were still out. I

    gathered my gear and made a checklist in my head as I loaded the hiking backpack.

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    Energy bars, trail mix, water, Gatorade I thought as I went through my supplies. As a

    precaution, I threw in a sweatshirt just in case it got chilly.

    Before I walked out the door into the early morning, I turned around and looked at my parents

    still sleeping in bed. I thought about waking the m to say goodbye but I figured it wouldnt bother

    them whether or not I did. I left without saying anything. Sure enough, when I got outside,

    Rachel was waiting outside the car. Clearly she got much earlier of a start than I had.

    Good morning, I said ha ppily as I gave her a kiss.

    All ready? she asked me.

    Yeah, I got plenty of food and water for the both of us, I answered.

    Same here, she replied.

    We climbed into the car and drove off towards the Mount Washington. The sun was starting to

    come up and by the time we reached base camp it was past dawn. The temperatures were very

    warm in the valley and there wasnt a cloud in sight. When we arrived at the trailhead, Rachel

    and I went into the Visitor Center just to look around. There we saw the photos and posters about

    the extreme wind and weather on the mountain. Rachel and I didnt think much of it because it

    was summer.

    Ok, I said as I we stood at the starting point the trail. Ready?

    Ready! she exclaimed.

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    We began the hike at a steady pace. It went up through dense woods alongside a small stream for

    the first while, and then broke away from the stream and weaved through a beautiful evergreen

    forest. The trail became steeper the higher we went.

    Rachel had her camera and occasionally she would ask a passing hiker to take out picture. Most

    of the hike however, we were y ourselves.

    It must have been four hours of hiking when the trail started to level out.

    Are we there yet? Rachel joked.

    We walked out of the forest to a small clearing with a hut. Towering in the background behind

    the hut was the famous headwall of Tuckerman Ravine. The steep cliffs hundreds of feet high

    featured small pockets of snow left over from winter and waterfalls cascading over the edge.

    There were quite a few hikers resting at the shelter. This place seemed to be an area where the

    climbers either rested or settled in for the night if they were camping.

    This is about halfway, I said as I read the map.

    Are we gonna climb that cliff? she asked me with a giggle.

    Pretty much, I answered. The trail leads kind of up and around it.

    We sat on the deck at the shelter to take a break and have a few snacks. It was midday at this

    point and we were so high up that the temperature was in the fifties. As we continued our trek up

    and into the ravine, the trees began to shrink and clear. That was when we encountered the

    famous sign.

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    It read, The weather here is the worst in the world. Many have died here from exposure, even in

    the summer. Turn back now at the first sign of bad weathe r.

    Thats an awesome sign, I said laughing. Take my picture with it.

    Rachel and I took each others picture in front of the sign. We looked around and saw nothing

    but some tall clouds building to the west. Other than that there wasnt a cloud in the s ky. It was

    however, really windy and I couldnt even wear the hat I brought for fear it would blow away.

    As we continued our hike, the trail made its way up above the tree line. Now we were completely

    exposed to the elements. After about an hour more of climbing, we reached the top of the ravine.

    At this point all we had to do was climb up the rocky terrain to the summit, where the weather

    observatory was stationed.

    Almost there! I shouted to Rachel. The wind was so strong at this point we had to yell to each


    Suddenly, from over the ridge way out on the other side of the mountain, thick clouds blew in

    out of nowhere. They swept across the landscape and quickly enveloped us in a dense fog.

    Nothing was visible. The temperature dropped dramatically and we were forced to stop. A group

    of passing hikers heading up went by us.

    Classic Washington weather! one of them shouted to us with a laugh.

    Yeah! I yelled back. I think were just gonna wait it out here!

    Good idea, he said. Ill see you guys at the top!

    Thanks! I replied. Good luck!

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    We took out our sweatshirts and put them on. The wind was so strong it seemed louder than a jet

    engine. And then, suddenly, just like that, it started snowing. I was definitely caught off guard by

    this sudden change in the weather. I looked over at Rachel; she was crouched behind a rock

    trying to shield herself from the wind. She had a smile on her face.

    Its snowing in July! she shouted at the top of her lungs. Take my picture!

    She handed me her camera and climbed up onto a tall rock. I raised the camera the instant a

    massive gust blew through. Rachel was literally flown off the surface and slammed down hard

    onto the rocks. She was tossed and rolled and landed into a small gully of ice cold water. I

    dropped the camera and ran over to her. I pulled her out of the water and carried her back to

    where we were resting. The wind had started blowing hard enough to make it nearly impossible

    to stand. The snow blew sideways and visibility was basically zero.

    Rachel! I screamed. Are you okay?

    She was shivering all over and was completely drenched in the freezing water. All she was

    wearing were a pair short shorts and a cotton sweatshirt that was now completely waterlogged.

    Ice was starting to build up on her clothes and her lips were turning blue.

    Im fine, she managed to say. Lets go. If I just sit here Ill freeze.

    I kissed her and felt no warmth on her skin. I knew this was a bad situation. Getting soaked in

    freezing wind and snow could never be good. I helped her up and she was a little shaky on her

    legs. Not to mention the fact she was shivering out of control. I was afraid that another huge gust

    would have the power blow her over. I had some decisions to make. I didnt know whether to

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    keep going for the summit where there would be help, or to head back down into the shelter of

    the trees. We were nearly an hours hike away no matter which option I chose.

    Do you think you can make it to the top? I asked her hoping she could hear me though the

    extreme wind.

    She didnt speak but she nodded her head in agreement. Her skin was turning blue and the water

    was beginning to freeze in her hair and clothes. I was probably feeling similar, but I was too

    worried about Rachel. We held hands and huddled close together as we trekked onwards.

    Suddenly she collapsed. I caught her before she hit the ground.

    Rachel, I said shaking her to keep her awake. Rachel!

    She opened her eyes and muttered something but I couldnt hear in the wind. I was beginning to

    panic. Snow was starting to build up on the rocks and the gray and white colors were blending in

    with the fog. I had completely lost my sense of direction. Not knowing what to do, I picked her

    up and started downhill as fast as I could. The wind was so strong I had to struggle to keep my

    feet on the ground.

    I kept talking in her ear as we descended. I told her that soon wed be back at the hotel, curled up

    in a warm bed. I talked about the times weve shared on the trip and all the fun we had. I said

    anything to keep h er alert. I knew that dangers of hypothermia, and I wasnt going to let Rachel

    fall victim to it.

    I noticed when we reached the upper edge of the ravine. I prayed that once we were down it

    would be warmer and more sheltered. The hut was still a long way off. The snow had built up

    quite a bit and it was hard to walk and maneuver around the rocks. Suddenly without warning, a

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    huge chunk of snow that had built up on the ledge of the ravine broke off and flew into us. It felt

    like being struck by a massive whiteout with chunks of ice blown as fast as the wind. I fell to the

    ground and tumbled down the rocks. Rachel still managed to hold on but her grip was getting


    Stop, she choked out in my ear. I need to stop.

    We cant stop now Rachel, I said. The storm is getting worse.

    She turned around in my arms and looked at me. With tears in her eyes she cried, Please.

    I stumbled over behind a boulder that was sheltered by the wind and snow. I laid her down on the

    ground with her back against the rock. Her face was so pale and her lips were purple. She

    continued to shiver uncontrollably and had cold sweat. Ice coated her hair and sweatshirt which

    were drenched during her fall into the stream. She started to breath hard and uncontrollably.

    Calm down, Rachel, I said. Its gonna be okay.

    She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight as we gazed into each others eyes. I leaned in and

    kissed her.

    They know were up here, I assured. Theyre going to send help.

    I looked out towards the hut. I couldnt see it but mustve been just under a mile away. I thought

    back to the dozens of hikers we saw there earlier in the day. Someone had to be at that hut. At

    this point, the summer scene that we had admired just hours earlier now looked like a winter

    wonderland. The wind was blowing faster than hurricane force and the temperature was below

    freezing. I didnt even want to think about the wind chill.

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    Suddenly Rachels hand began to shake rather than shiver. I pulled myself closer to her, trying to

    warm her with my body heat. It seemed no use. She was having trouble keeping her eyes open

    and tears were streaming down her face. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

    Sam, she whispered, still squeezing my hand. It was nearly impossible to hear over the roar of

    the wind.

    Rachel, I said softly back.

    Sam, I love you.

    Her hand then loosened its grip and she fell limp in my arms. Her eyes closed and her she went


    Rachel! I cried. I love you!

    I tried to wake her but there was no response.


    I was in absolute shock.

    No! I cried over and over again.

    I started to shake out of control. My limbs were numb and I felt dizzy. I stood up from behind the

    boulder and ran out into the snow screaming.

    Help! I yelled. Anyone!

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    I fell to my knees and cried. I was cold and hopeless and Rachel was gone. I ran back behind the

    rock where she lay and crashed to the ground. I sat there, just waiting for the mountain to claim

    me as its next victim.

    Then, out of the fog stepped nearly a dozen forest rangers. They were carrying stretchers and

    medical supplies. I tried to call out to them but my voice didnt seem to work. They noticed me

    though, and I was lifted up onto a stretcher. I attempted to grab Rachels ice covered hand but

    they wrapped me in a blanket before I could try. As I was carried away I saw one of the rangers

    inspect her and shake his head.

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    I woke up in the hospital listening to the consistent beeping of the heart monitor. My parents

    were outside the room talking to a doctor. I looked further down the hallway and saw numerous

    police officers and forest rangers speaking to a crying family. Suddenly the memory of what

    happened to Rachel hit me like a brick wall. The family I was looking at was hers. I instantly

    burst into tears. The sound must of caught the attention of those outside because they came

    rushing into the room.

    First my mother came in and gave me a big hug, and then my father. The greetings didnt last

    long though. Two forest rangers and a police officer stepped into the room and sat down.

    Sam, honey, my mother said. These men are going to ask you a few questions.

    I nodded my head. They moved their chairs closer to my bed and somebody shut the door. One

    of them was holding a clipboard and had been taking notes.

    Tell us about your friend, the police officer asked. Rachel.

    After a long pause I spoke with tears still in my eyes , Well it all started at sunrise


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    Perhaps the deadliest mountain in North America, Mount Washington in New Hampshire is

    home to the most severe weather on the planet. Towering at 6,288 feet, it sits in the middle of

    three major storm tracks that all converge on the summit. Not only does it boast the highest

    surface wind speed ever recorded by man (231 mph), but it sees snow every month of the year.

    Although the summit is relatively accessible during the summer months, it is completely isolated

    and cut off during the winter. In winter, it sees winds over 100 miles per hour regularly. More

    than 140 people have died on the mountain or nearby on surrounding peaks in the Presidential

    Range and this death toll rises every year. An active weather observatory is in operation at the

    summit. The meteorologists that live and work up there must embrace the unforgiving cold,

    blowing snow, and piercing wind that affect Washington throughout the year.

  • 8/14/2019 We Met At Sunrise


    Events similar to what happened in the story have occurred, even in the summer. The warning

    sign telling hikers to turn back is real, and dozens are posted at every trail entering the Alpine

    Zone. The trail where the story is based is the Tuckerman Ravine Trail. Not only is the most

    popular route to the summit, it also contributes to many deaths that occur every year. To learn

    more about the mountain and weather on the Presidential Range, visit the observatorys website

    at: www.mountwashington.org .
