We Give Our Best To Be Our Best · look into the feasibility of this project. ... Slice of Paradise...

DIARY DATES July 13th Term 3 Starts 20th PFA/Easter Fair Committee Meeting 9.15am 20th Band and Music Lessons Recommence 24th Uniform Order Closes August 12th-14th Grade 6 Camp Notices sent home this week; 3/4 Morning Tea Note; June 26th, 2015 We Give Our Best To Be Our Best Inverloch P.S. Bayview Ave, Inverloch 3996 (P.O. Box 159) Phone: (03) 5674 1253 [email protected] Kongwak: (03) 5657 4224 [email protected] Principal: Wendy Caple Congratulations To Jayla Morcom who won a Tennis tournament in Traral- gon recently in her age group. Also to Ben Clements who was runner-up. Food Bank A reminder that if you have time to do some extra cooking over the holidays our Food Bank could do with a top-up. Any casseroles, soups and cakes are welcome; please list the ingredients and put into a container that does not need to be returned. Playground equipment The playground equipment at our school is very popular and the students in Years 3-6 in particular have asked if we could have some more as they share the one area of equip- ment. The School Council Buildings and Grounds Committee has considered this request and is asking for your help. We cannot see where we can put another whole large set of playground equipment on our grounds. However we do know that there are places that have smaller sets of inter- esting equipment grouped together. We are looking into this as perhaps an alternative option - to have smaller pockets of equipment located around our yard rather than another large play equipment area. If you see any interest- ing items of playground equipment, that may particularly appeal to our Senior student, please take a photo and send it in to us with the location of the equipment so we can look into the feasibility of this project. ‘Being safe, feeling safe’ As part of our Health and PE program, and as a Kids Matter school, we are very fortunate to have a short program called “Being safe, feeling safe” running with our Grade 1-2 and 3-4 classes during Term 3. Staff from Department of Education Student Support Services will work alongside classroom teachers to run the short program. Every class in Years 1-2 and 3-4 will have two sessions of the program. Children will be taught important life skills regarding their personal safety. This program is based on two key state- ments:- · Everyone has the right to be and feel safe · Nothing is so awful that you can’t talk about it This short program supports the rights and responsibilities of all members of Inverloch Primary School to be happy and respected and, to feel and be safe. Reports You will now be able to see your child’s complete Progress report for the semester. All student’s in 1/2V should have brought home a note last week explaining that their reports are incomplete until Mr V returns. Parent teacher interviews will be held later in term 3 but if you have any concerns about your child’s progress. Please contact the office to make an appointment with your child’s teacher. Easter Fair and PFA On Monday July 20 th at 9.15am there will be a combined meeting of the PFA and the Easter Fair Committee. We will be looking for people to join us on the Easter Fair commit- tee with some office bearer roles needing to be filled. The Easter Fair is a wonderful event, with the planning made easier if many join in to help. Band Our band is working hard towards their first performance next term. Thanks to Eamonn who has also been playing the saxophone to accompany the National Anthem for us at Monday morning assemblies. The Band rehearses before school on Monday mornings with instrumental lessons all day Monday and Thursday afternoons. Diana Riordan is our band and instrumental teacher. If you have a child in Year 3 or upwards who would like to learn an instrument to be in the band please contact the school office. ANZAC DAY Service As it was the 100 th Anniversary Commemoration of the AN- ZAC Landing this year, our local R.S.L. commissioned a DVD recording of the ANZAC Day events at Inverloch. This in- cluded the Service at 10.00am at which our students sang and presented readings. The local R.S.L. group will have copies of the DVD for sale and were wondering if any par- ents would be interested in purchasing them. Please watch the noticeboard for further details of this.

Transcript of We Give Our Best To Be Our Best · look into the feasibility of this project. ... Slice of Paradise...


July 13th Term 3 Starts

20th PFA/Easter Fair Committee Meeting 9.15am

20th Band and Music Lessons Recommence 24th Uniform Order Closes

August 12th-14th Grade 6 Camp

Notices sent home this week;

3/4 Morning Tea Note;

June 26th, 2015

We Give Our Best

To Be Our Best Inverloch P.S. Bayview Ave, Inverloch 3996 (P.O. Box 159)

Phone: (03) 5674 1253 [email protected]

Kongwak: (03) 5657 4224 [email protected]

Principal: Wendy Caple


To Jayla Morcom who won a Tennis tournament in Traral-gon recently in her age group. Also to Ben Clements who

was runner-up. Food Bank

A reminder that if you have time to do some extra cooking

over the holidays our Food Bank could do with a top-up.

Any casseroles, soups and cakes are welcome; please list the ingredients and put into a container that does not need

to be returned. Playground equipment

The playground equipment at our school is very popular

and the students in Years 3-6 in particular have asked if we could have some more as they share the one area of equip-

ment. The School Council Buildings and Grounds Committee

has considered this request and is asking for your help. We cannot see where we can put another whole large set of

playground equipment on our grounds. However we do know that there are places that have smaller sets of inter-

esting equipment grouped together. We are looking into

this as perhaps an alternative option - to have smaller pockets of equipment located around our yard rather than

another large play equipment area. If you see any interest-ing items of playground equipment, that may particularly

appeal to our Senior student, please take a photo and send it in to us with the location of the equipment so we can

look into the feasibility of this project.

‘Being safe, feeling safe’

As part of our Health and PE program, and as a Kids Matter

school, we are very fortunate to have a short program called “Being safe, feeling safe” running with our Grade 1-2

and 3-4 classes during Term 3. Staff from Department of Education Student Support Services will work alongside

classroom teachers to run the short program. Every class in

Years 1-2 and 3-4 will have two sessions of the program. Children will be taught important life skills regarding their

personal safety. This program is based on two key state-ments:-

· Everyone has the right to be and feel safe · Nothing is so awful that you can’t talk about it

This short program supports the rights and responsibilities

of all members of Inverloch Primary School to be happy and respected and, to feel and be safe.


You will now be able to see your child’s complete Progress report for the semester. All student’s in 1/2V should have

brought home a note last week explaining that their reports

are incomplete until Mr V returns. Parent teacher interviews will be held later in term 3 but if you have any concerns

about your child’s progress. Please contact the office to make an appointment with your child’s teacher. Easter Fair and PFA

On Monday July 20th at 9.15am there will be a combined meeting of the PFA and the Easter Fair Committee. We will

be looking for people to join us on the Easter Fair commit-

tee with some office bearer roles needing to be filled. The Easter Fair is a wonderful event, with the planning made

easier if many join in to help. Band

Our band is working hard towards their first performance

next term. Thanks to Eamonn who has also been playing the saxophone to accompany the National Anthem for us at

Monday morning assemblies. The Band rehearses before

school on Monday mornings with instrumental lessons all day Monday and Thursday afternoons. Diana Riordan is our

band and instrumental teacher. If you have a child in Year 3 or upwards who would like to learn an instrument to be in

the band please contact the school office. ANZAC DAY Service

As it was the 100th Anniversary Commemoration of the AN-

ZAC Landing this year, our local R.S.L. commissioned a DVD

recording of the ANZAC Day events at Inverloch. This in-cluded the Service at 10.00am at which our students sang

and presented readings. The local R.S.L. group will have copies of the DVD for sale and were wondering if any par-

ents would be interested in purchasing them. Please watch the noticeboard for further details of this.

MOWING A huge thank you to all of our volunteers

who have mowed this year. The front of the

school has looked fantastic all year, as had

the Edgar St nature strip. (thanks Big K)

Please let the office know if you are able to

mow. Thanks again….

Fortnight/week beginning:


June 20 Big K

July 4 Big K

July 18 Big K

Aug 1 Big K

Aug 15 Big K

Aug 29

Sept 12

Indigenous Football Round

On Saturday 4th July, the middle week-end of the holidays, the Indigenous round of football will be played at Inverloch

between Inverloch and Phillip Island. Activities commence

from 1.30pm Our students have created a banner for the day from the jumper designs they created. At assembly on

Monday, Jack Butcher was able to show the whole school his design on one of the jumpers to worn on the day. He is

pictured here with Sonia Western.

Student Reports

By now you should all have received a letter with your username and password for accessing your student report. The website you need to use is https://inverlochps.vic.jdlf.com.au then follow the prompts to look at Learning Tasks and Feedback. If you wish to have a hard copy of what you see the whole semester’s information is compiled into a report that you can print off. If you do not have computer access please contact the school so that we can pass the information to you.

DIVISIONAL CHAMPIONS On Tuesday 23rd of June the mixed netball team headed off to compete in the Divisional Winter Sports. They

had already put in a lot of time training for this event with lunch time skill sessions and a practice match

against the IKFNC under 13s team. The hard work paid off! They played a confident and skilful match to

come away with a great win, the score was 53 to 8. The team have now won their way through to the Regional

Championships in Sale which will take place next term.

Well done


Practice match against IKFNC under 13s


Clare Peterson (Coach), Ella Sadler, Taz Spinks, Tyson Bolam,

Baylee Sylvester, Matt McCaughan, Mitch Hewitson, Josh Wil-

liams, Jessy Salder, Jack Butcher and Alex Maxwell.

The Winning


BBQ Market Update May and June

May and June

Thanks to the Sim, Wilson, Rod-

aughan, Comerford, McCrimmon,

Cousens, Bremner and Hill, Courtney

families for their help with the Egg

and Bacon Stalls at the Markets. Al-

so to our principal Wendy Caple for

her cooking at the previous market.

If you would like to help out please

phone Michelle for details. The mar-

kets are held on the 3r d

and last Sun-

day of each month

We also wish to acknowledge the

support of the Regional Farmer’s

Market, Inverloch Community Farm-

ers Market, Slice of Paradise Bakery,

Paul The Pieman Bakery, Inverloch

Quality Meats, Inverloch Gas & Hire.

If you would like to helping out on

any of the markets next term, con-

tact Michelle Sim on

0434 877 215 to find out more.

JUMP ROPE FOR HEART Term 4 will see our school once

again participate in Jump Rope for


Our Jump Off Day will be con-

firmed early next term.

Heart disease is still the single big-

gest killer of Australians and that is

why it is so important that we raise

vital funds to support heart health


Students at our school can sign up

now. Follow this link to your schools fundraising website: http://jumprope.everydayhero.com.au/event/JumpRope2015-InverlochPrimarySchool-109426

Once on this site students can sigh up now using the green ’Join Now’ button on the left of the page. Once you’re signed up you’ll be able to customise your page and start fundraising. Please ask your friends and family to join the fun by sponsoring. All they have to do is search for the student they know us-ing the ‘Sponsor a friend’ link at the top of this page and use the ‘Give Now’ button. The students look forward to sharing their new skipping skills next term. Stay tuned to the newsletters in Term 3

"A Winter Holiday program from ap-

proximately 9-5pm is operating under

Uniting Care Gippsland based from the Anglican Church in Inverloch. Any

parents who are interested please contact

Cynthia Marriner 0420 399 683 ASAP! “

Skipping at assembly today….

Inverloch Primary School is

helping raise money for Sids

& Kids by selling red noses,

pens, wrist bands and soft

toys. If you would like to

purchase any of these items

please call in to the office.

FunFit Holiday Disco Everyone Welcome.

So come along you are invited

to join in the fun, bring your

friends. Come dressed in your

best dancing gear. At Warrawee Seniors Club,

22 A’Beckett Street, Inverloch

Next to Mini Golf Date: Thursday 9th July, 2015.

Second Thursday of the July Holi-


Time: 4 pm to 5.30 pm

Cost: $ 3.00 per head

(adults & children)

Age: 3 to 13yrs Refreshments available.

Important Note: All children under the age of 8yrs must be

accompanied by a supervising adult.

No drop and go. Email; [email protected]


(left at the Skate Park on

Thursday 18th June)

Quicksilver Backpack Black with multi colours Belonging to Taz Spinks If you have this backpack please call Annette Spinks 0418 555 222 and she will collect it.