Wayne Dearness Auditing Your Lube Mgt System

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  • 8/13/2019 Wayne Dearness Auditing Your Lube Mgt System



    Education &


    to Industry


    Ref: Dearness 201117-18/10/2011 Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd

    Auditing Your Lube

    Management System

    An Oil & Toil Pty Ltd Presentation

    Presented by: Wayne Dearness

    SIRF Condition Monitoring & Lubrication Forum

    Bankstown Sports Club, Sydney 18/10/2011

  • 8/13/2019 Wayne Dearness Auditing Your Lube Mgt System



    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 2

    Auditing your Lube Management System - (Sustainable Improvements)

    Strong industry growth and developmentin Australia's mining resource and energy sectors

    has seen the investment of millions of ($s) into new and refurbished plant; a significant issue

    for companies struggling to identify and employ asset life-cycle management tools effectively

    auditing of Lubrication Management Systems being one of these tools, often poorly used!

    Lubrication Audits employedby many companies fail to deliverthe sustainable long-term

    benefits envisaged. Recommendations provided fail to address any more than immediate,

    narrow and visible issuesnot those interlinked with management objectives, production

    forecasts, logistics, asset life-cycle costing, etc. Such areas form the basis of the audit and

    buy-in from management to drive and own the processEssential audit elements!

    Do not simply throw budget ($s)at lubrication management system audit recommendations by

    purchasing the latest lubricant storage and dispensing equipment, etc. Seek independent

    assistance from vendor neutral professionals to provide direction and support in planning and

    implementing a sustainable lubrication management audit program.

    Ref: Dearness 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 3

    Auditing your Lube Management System - (Sustainable Improvements)

    The Audit processgenerally includes the following points in one form or another, within the

    audit terms of reference:

    Inspection to document the as issituation - (Assessor experience and plant knowledge is

    essentialwhat the as is is for one person is not for another)

    Identification of gap elements(When is a gap, a gap? How do I measure?)

    Provision of recommendations(How do I fix gaps and to what level?)

    The following presentationseeks to highlight (2)basic audit methods, audit criteria andpractices involved in auditing:

    Major plant & machinery baseline or benchmark audit(1-3 yearly)

    Performance tracking audit(wkly, mthly, 3 mthly); often referred to as a tick & flick audit

    The presentationalso highlights a number of plant gapissues and industry best practice


    Understandingthe toolsand architecturerequired before embarking on an audit program is

    paramount! It is the deciding factor between long term success or costly failure, and a less

    than fruitful asset life-cycle management program. The knowledge invested in the assessor is

    also critical to the success of the program.

    Ref: Dearness 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 4

    Management - Adopt a Methodology to Achieve Sustainable Lubrication


    Ref: Dearness 2008 & 2011

    1. Documentthe AS IS 2. Plan &Consolidate 5. Optimise &Re-Plan3. EmployResources 4. Manage &Review

    6. Revise & Control

    BenchmarkStarting Point!

    Conduct a Lube Audit

    Enhanced Supply Management

    Educate StaffAlign Staff & Mgt

    Job DescriptionsLube TechEstablish LPIT

    LPIT Champion

    Employ Proactive Lube Practices

    Dispensing & Store Rationalise

    QA & Suppliers

    Contamination Goals Set

    Select Sampling

    Onsite OA & Test

    Select OA Lab

    Write Procedures - Document

    Plan Mini - Projects

    Lube Software

    RCM & CM Tools

  • 8/13/2019 Wayne Dearness Auditing Your Lube Mgt System



    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 5

    1st- Understand & Implement ~ The Proactive Maintenance Philosophy!

    Ref: J Fitch 2004; Dearness 2004








    Misaligned Process















    Oil Thermal






    Overheating High





    Branch Dies





    Proactive Maintenance

    (Remove the Root Causes)

    Keep it Clean

    Keep it Dry

    Keep it Cool

    Keep it Aligned & Balanced

    Keep it Well Oiled

    The Tree Does Not Shoot

    Again or it Simply Dies Back !!

    General Maintenance(We Cut the Tree Down)

    Repair Machine

    Replace Old Parts

    Rebuild Machines

    Remove Old Parts

    The Tree Re-Grows and We Doit Again & Again &

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 6

    2nd- Maximise Benefits ~ Employ Proactive Lubrication Management!

    Ref: ECF; Dearness 2003

    FLUID PROPERTIES (extended drain-extended lube life) CONTAMINATION PROPERTIES (extended machine life)







    Competitor Oil (A) Competitor Oil (B)

    Oil Hours

    Transmission Oil Hours - Oil A & B

    Lubricant Life Extension + Machine Life Extension = ($) MAXIMUM BENEFIT

    The 80/20 Rule ~ Paretos Principle

    Particles Moisture & Fluids Degraded or

    Wrong Lubricant

    Misaligned &


    Heat & Cold

    Root Cause Failure Modes & Mechanisms

    Paretos Principle The(80/20 Rule):

    Aggressively Control

    those areas that producethe Greatest BenefitsVital few and TrivialMany

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 7

    3rd- Develop & Employ Sectional (LPIT) Teams ~ A Reliability Strategy!

    Ref: Dearness 2004

    Rule of ThumbDo Not Use (PIT) Team Technicians for General Maintenance, Production & Operation Tasks

    Maintenance ~ Reliability Department

    (LPIT) Team Champion or Owner

    Reliability Engineer(Solutions, Re-Design, Projects, ROI, CBA, etc)

    Lubrication Technicians

    Planner / CM Interpreter(Control Hub, CM Interpreting, Work Orders, etc)

    Vibration Technicians Other (CM) Technicians

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 8

    (1) ~ Benchmark AuditPresentation of Results & Structure!

    The Audit Report outcome- As with any lubrication Audit or assessment, qualitative data

    is best converted to a subjective form of quantitative data, providing a current as is

    benchmark and measure against future surveys; supporting program growth. Withoutsuch a lubrication management scorecard, areas of high performance and those requiring

    improvements - can be overlooked. Efforts of improvement can be ill directed and

    ineffective, a costly waste of valuable resources - both financial and human.

    Qualitative data collected during a Customer Plant Audit is expressed in a semi-

    quantitative manner, scored from (0 to 10); zero being the lowest level and industry bestpracticeat ten. Such scores are presented via some (72) basic Lubrication

    Assessment Observationsthat are grouped into (13)individual Lubrication

    Assessment Parameters, each reflective of the (6) Key Repor t Criter ia Areasoutlined


    A multidimensional scale Spider Graphis used to illustrate the current as islubricationAudit Assessment results, relative to industry best practices for each of the

    assessment parameters described. Also noted is a reasonable target for a customer to

    aim for through the development of improved lubrication management practices. This

    rating system is pseudo-quantitative and should be used as a relative indicator only. The

    scaling system makes no attempt to scale the importance of criteria, all assessment

    parameters are weighted evenly for overall comparison only.

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 9

    (1) ~ Benchmark Audit - Spider Chart Result of (13) Assessment


    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011







    Lubricant Selection

    Grease Application

    Oil Application

    Contaminant Exclusion

    Contaminant Removal

    Oil Analysis Sampling

    Oil Analysis TestingOil Analysis Targets & Settings

    Visual Lube & Machine


    Lube and Parts Storage &


    Program Performance

    Education, Training & People

    Reliability Program

    Current "AS IS" Status

    Interim Estimated Goal

    Industry Best Practice

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 10

    (1) ~ Benchmark Audit(6) Key Criteria Areas & (72) Assessment Points!

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 11

    (1) ~ Benchmark AuditTypical Content of an Annual Audit

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 12

    (1) ~ Benchmark Audit(6) Key Criteria Areas for Practical Focus!

    Benchmark Auditsare focused upon (6) key cr iteria areas, investigating themany aspects of lubrication concerned with the operation and maintenance of

    plant machinery. The (6) key areas provide a platform for discussion of on-siteobservations, industry best practice and an action plan to achieveindustry best practice; thereby ensuring that any lubrication managementchanges are serviceable and sustainable. The (6) key areas include:

    1. People(e.g. ownership, pro-active training program, motivation, processculture, maintenance and production culture, oil analysis skills and knowledge,oil laboratory awareness, continuous improvement culture, competencyassessment)

    2. Lubr icat ion & Machinery Pract ices(e.g. skills-training, industry focus, plantlubrication and production knowledge, breather/filters, dirt, water, dutyload/cycle, greasing, lubricating routes, plant equipment and sampling, samplingequipment and methods, ownership, oil lab sample requirements,housekeeping, company and statutory standards, environment and waste)

    3. Storage, Handl ing & Dispens ing Equipment(e.g. skills-training, purchasingawareness, warehouse, housekeeping, ownership, hazard control andemergency equipment, solvents and cleaning equipment, ventilation,consumables, equipment maintenance and servicing, waste methods,dispensing pumps and filters, oil cans, grease guns, hoses and bulk systems)

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 13

    (1) ~ Benchmark Audit(6) Key Criteria Areas for Practical Focus!

    4. Supp l ier Management(e.g. skills-training, continuous product knowledge

    and support, oil analysis sampling equipment, pro-active techniques, ownership,

    purchasing, pack sizes, rationalization, mutual KPI`s, waste disposal)

    5. Lub r icant Analys is(e.g. skills-training, testing knowledge and education

    standards, information technology, lube software, pro-active, predictive and

    preventative control and limits, trending, alarms, interpretation/solutions,

    ownership, recording and use of results short and long term, technology storagemedium-graphics etc, alarm notification and response, relationship and

    understanding of onsite lab services and requirements)

    6. Lub r icat ion Procedures(e.g. skills-training, safety & documentation, tool-

    box awareness and information transfer, training documentation, hazard trainingand documentation, emergency procedures, oil sampling and test procedure

    documentation, service and maintenance management, production, ownership,

    environment and waste management, record keeping and ordering, third party

    testing, compliance to statutory regulation, standards and licenses, continuous

    improvement-self audit, use of KPIs)

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 14

    (1) ~ Benchmark AuditAnnual Audit Overlays to Highlight Gap Areas!

    The annual Audit findingsand benchmarking of current customer practices is an invaluable tool for planning future lubrication

    management programs and their implementation. Annual Audit results are overlaid on the spider graph to highlight areas

    of program growth and those requiring action; identifying gaps, excesses, direction, costs, benefits, wins and culture.

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 15

    Employ Resources ~ Tool-up & Apply Best Practice Knowledge!

    Ref: EHM 2007; Dearness 2008 & 2010

    1. Documentthe AS IS 2. Plan &Consolidate 5. Optimise &Re-Plan3. EmployResources 4. Manage &Review

    6. Revise & Control

    Champion the LPIT Process

    Foster LPIT Ownership

    Tap WorkforceStaff Benefits

    Toolbox Meetings - Culture

    Use Proactive Target Goals

    Maintain Goals & Trend - Software

    Rationalise Lube & Equipment

    Install Breathers, Filters, Vents etc

    Dispensing & Storage Equip

    Use QA Supply

    Install Sampling

    Do Onsite Tests & Visit OA Lab

    OA Interpretation

    Use Procedures & Lube Practices

    Do Mini-Projects

    Refresh TrainingReinforce Input

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 16

    Identify & Correct Gaps ~ Audit the AS IS - Lubricant Supply Chain

    Ref: Dearness 2004

    Supplier Bulk Storage

    Supplier Transport Storage

    On-site Storage

    Working Lubricants

    Dispensed Lubricants

    Waste Lubricant Storage Farm

    Re-claimed Lubricants

    Re-cycled Lubricants

    Re-conditioned Lubricants

    Focus on the Proactive Elements of Lubrication

    Management (Contamination, Water, Degraded or WrongOil, Misalignment & Imbalance, Air, Heat or Cold)and

    Identify Shortfalls in Your Processes

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 17

    Bulk Oil Storage ~ Before & After Lubrication Improvements!

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2010

    Before After

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 18

    Oil Drum Storage ~ Before & After Lube Upgrade!

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2010

    Before After

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 19

    Oil Drum Dispensing ~ Before & After Lube Dispensing Upgrade!

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2010



  • 8/13/2019 Wayne Dearness Auditing Your Lube Mgt System



    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 20

    Closed System Oil Dispensing ~ Best Practice Lube Contamination Mgt!

    Ref: Randy Hall, Temple Island 2009; Dearness 2009 & 2010

    (4) Seal Reservoirs

    Fit ALL MachineryReservoirs with Breather /Fill / Drain / Oil SampleManifolds fitted with Snap-

    on Dry Break Couplings

    Use the Oil Safe 10LContainer & PumpFittedwith Snap-on Dry BreakCouplings to Dispense Oilto the Completely SealedUnit

    (1) Workshop 205L Oil DrumFiltration & DispensingStation

    Oil is circulated via a pumpthrough the filter and back tothe drumKidney LoopFiltration cleaning the oil

    (2) Workshop 205L Oil DrumDispensing Station

    Filtered oil is pumped viaflexible hose into the Oil Safe 10Lcontainer

    Oil Safe 10L container lid isfitted with Snap-on Dry BreakCoupling to allow fillingSealedClean Oil System Best Practice

    (3) Modified Oil Safe Container

    Oil Safe 10L Container & PumpLidFitted with Snap-on Dry BreakCouplings to Fill & Dispense Oil tomachineryNo Contamination

    Use colour coded Snap-on DryBreak Couplings of different sizesfor each type of oil used in theplantensuring that any cross-contamination of oils is avoided

    Colour code all oilsStorage,

    Dispensing & Machinery

    Fit Snap-onDry BreakCoupling

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 21

    (1,000L) Bulk Oil Storage & Dispensing ~ Before & After Lube Upgrade!

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2010

    Before After

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 22

    (1) ~ Criteria for Practical Focus - Conducting a Benchmark Audit

    Ref: Dearness 2004 & 2011

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    Copyright 2011 Oil & Toil Pty Ltd 23

    Question Time!

    Ref: Dearness 2011

    Any Questions?

    Company: Oil & Toil Pty Ltd

    Author: Wayne DearnessMechanical Engineer

    Offer: Lubrication & Asset Mgt Planning

    Hands-on Lubrication & Machinery Education

    Lubrication & Machinery Auditing

    Consulting & Program Technical Support

    Contact: [email protected] M: 0434 003 627

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]