Water in Vedas

Water in Vedas & Modern Science जजजज जज जजजजज जज जजजजजजज –जजजजज3.13 जजज – जजजज जजजज – जजज ज जज जजजजजजज जजAV 3.13 Water Devta; जजजजज: ,जज:, जजजज यययय यययययययययययययययय ययय ययययययय ययययय ययय ययय यय यय यययययय ययययययय AV3.13.1 जज जजजजज जज जजज जजजजजजजज जज जजजज जजजज जज (जजजजजजज जज जजजजजज जजजज जज जजजजजजजज) जजजज जज जजजजज जजजज जजज- जजज जजजज जजज जज जज जजजजज जज जजजजजजज जज जज जजजजज जजज जज जज जजजजज जजजज जज जजज जजजज जज जज जजज जजज जजज जजजजज जज जजज जजजज जजजज जज. Created by combined actions of clouds and lightening that result in result in killings ( of infections) , you combine to gather and run in to a stream making great sounds naad (जजज) thus take the form of nadi ( जजज) to finally reach the oceans (जज जजजज ) . Activated Water ययययययययययय ययययययययययययय ययययययय ययययययययययययययय यय यययययययययययययय ययय यययय AV3.13.2 Thus sent (from cloud heights)by Varun to adopt the earth (collect all the minerals), and in moving fast you gather electrical energies and are called Apah (जज: ).


Principle of water (apah) in veda

Transcript of Water in Vedas

Water in Vedas & Modern Science 3.13 AV 3.13 Water

Devta; : ,:,

AV3.13.1 ( ) - .Created by combined actions of clouds and lightening that result in result in killings ( of infections) , you combine to gather and run in to a stream making great sounds naad () thus take the form of nadi ( ) to finally reach the oceans ( ) .

Activated Water

AV3.13.2 Thus sent (from cloud heights)by Varun to adopt the earth (collect all the minerals), and in moving fast you gather electrical energies and are called Apah (: ).

(According to modern science water is a universal solvent. Every element on earth is soluble in water in vastly varying concentrations- . While moving fast water gets electrified. Hydrogen has three isotopes and Oxygen has two isotopes. These isotopes can be created by various radiations of electromagnetic form, mechanical agitations such as water falls, vortex movements. In any water thus five isotopes of H2O in widely varying quantities can be found. If the presence of such isotopes is perceptible such waters are called Activated waters.)

(:) , . ( ) . : .

( . . distilled water . snow flakes . . Masaru Emoto . , . . . Japanese Tea ceremony , . , , , , . , , , . . Tea Ceremony . . . Figure 1 Masaru Emoto works water crystal . Distilled Water . Fig. 2 Distilled water image

Fig. 3 Modified by prayers- Good thoughts are similar to natural patterns of Snow Flakes : ( .) . Potential & Kinetic energy of Water

||AV3.13.3(:) (:) ( : :) (: ) . .

Taking advantage of the potential energy in water due to its head and when made to flow to lower levels Electricity and mechanical power is obtained.

Pumped Storage of Water AV3.13.4Intelligent persons can exercise control of water to raise it to great heights (by pumping)


AV3.13.5: . , . . AV3.13.6 . AV3.13.7 . . 164 - : - : - - Rishi who covered/adopted the multidiscipline Knowledge to give many Ved Mantras : : : :1.164..- - to be empowered - - for the larger welfare also means by mechanical work/force - - to earn respect/recognition of all - - for and by the intellectual - -to render the topic very desirable - - make available - - at the nano/microbial levels - - to waters -- like for example these - peaceful - -from heart - - by/manual /handy skills/techniques -- prayers/virtuous thoughts - - I arrange / decorate -- for community welfare activities -- to be made effective/empowered.

(Masaru Emoto of Japan has succeeded in proving that when clean pure water is offered music , prayers and good thoughts, the water gets altered physically. Japanese like Indians also have a tradition of singing and praying before water bodies lakes, rivers, and preserved the sanctity of their holy water like our Ganges.

Emoto has taken beautiful pictures of crystals of such blessed water-as shown above -, which we in India call abhimantrit waters. This memory phenomenon seems to be caused by response of the Maruts the Micro nano level particles/organisms in water like the rain water. These phenomena have since been validated in laboratories in Austria and other countries)

Rig Vedic Rishi, seems to be pointing to the same phenomenon ( | : || 10.9.6 33, 19.105, 36.12. : ) : 10.9 . Water Science in Vedas RV10.9

1.Source of Energy

| || 10.9.1, 1.5.1Water has the potential to provide with energy to bring beauty to this world .

, .2. Nutritional Value | || 10.9.2, 1.5.2

Most important contents in water provide nutrition like that provided by mother to newly born.

, .3. Living Water | ||10.9.3, 1.5.3

Hidden contents in living water enhance human Vitality/ Fertility. .4. Divine Qualities of Water | || 10.9.4, 1.6.1

Divine qualities of waters endow us with peace and prosperity. Cure us of our ailments and protect us from diseases.

. .5. Water is Medicine | || 10.9.5, 1.5.4

Water provides cure for many diseases. Let us be familiar with its significance.

.6. Electro chemical nature of Water | ||10.9.6 1.6.2

Som Research informs that waters have cures for all diseases, and also the energy that can provide all the comforts.

. .7. Let us learn about these attributes of water | || 10.9.7, 1.6.3Waters have the ability to provide immunity from diseases to ensure long life.

.8. On Water Pollution | || 10.9.8, AV 7.89.3

The flowing /running water clears by itself all the pollutants and undesirable dirt that is added to it by wrong human behavior.

9. | ||10.9.9

By increasing energy content of water (pasteurizing, irradiation, exposure to solar radiations etc.) water gets purified.

. Activated Water in Veda AV 6.24 : -= , : - : , 6.241.: : |

|| 6.24.1 : =, : = . , = , = , : = . =, : := , = ,= , = . ( Dams . , 10 15% Biophysics of water) 2. : | : || 6.24.2 = , = , : = , = , , = , = , := . ( , .) 3. : : |

|| 6.24.3.: = , : = - , ever fresh refreshing, : : : = , ever flowing vast river bodies, := , = ( ) . ( .) Activated water in organic farming

According to Atharv Veda

2. | || AV3.13.2 Minerals . : (- ) .( . Water activation . Dr Rudolph Steiner activate . Vortex . , . organic agriculture . activated . .John Wilkes 1970 . . . Outdoor artificial reactivated water and organic fertilizer brew production methods Fig. 4 Natural water flow activators Fig. 5cascading flow forms Fig. 6 individual form

Industrial scale for reactivating organic fertilizing brews like Beejamri and Jeewamrit

Figure 7 votrex water activation Figure 8 industrial vortex brewer Figure 9 vortex in brew (Hydropower) 3. | : || AV 3.13.3 , ( Hydroelectric mechanical power ) . : .( .) ( )4. S | || AV3.13.4 - , . Hydraulic press . ( ) . .Feed Activated Water to Cows.5. : | || AV3.13.5

: Aura- . . 10.169.1 : , . 6. | : || AV 3.13.6

, , . 7. : | : || AV3.13.7 Waters harbor in their body like their children. O waters full of great potentials move through various paths and processes devised for to provide great bounties to human life.

(Marine lives such as Phytoplankton Krill etc. that give rise to Zooplankton that form the diet of marine life such as fish frogs etc., Frogs and Fish etc. Modern science also confirms that specific vegetative marine crop can digest specific heavy metals from the polluted waters. These are called energy crops. (Marine vegetation in industry is known to be the main source of Magnesium metal. Marine vegetation-Phytoplankton and Zooplankton feed on the pollutants for water to get purified and provide great benefits for health and nutrition.) (This has reference to importance of microbial life in waters for health and vitality).

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