wAtc^Es/cLdcks - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · VOL. T. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY,...

VOL. T . DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16,1875. NO. 44 THEIEON EEA FnuunnD BrmSITBU&I 11 BENJ.H.VDGKT.-.I.J rBOBIEIOt E O l T O B ^ . OfflM no Uonh Kattttt BUtkwdl. t»nu or >imtoiuPTiQ»(. PASSAGE TO ino'jriiMi O Liverpool and. ; ^eenjtogn; on (ho following BloilUMlilp linea : ,VMAM, OtTNAKJl, JVATIONAI*, ,,,.', IITCIPUOI and Great ^Weiiern. tbo k*e»t ra E l l N Slate Rooftiig Dr. P. A. KARRIS,'" PHYSICIAN ' ' t t i t e « TBKSUWBBUI Of DAHUK )1. DMISWBUi AND X.IKX BTOKETf. | Counselor at Law HASTEH INCHANCERY, j ) H . J . J. J. P&, Carpenter and'. Jittll^eiv;. Jobbing prosily; Bonded io. Eboo on BtACKWELt flti lujat to O««* Business Cni'tls.- .Omon:; BUSSESSffKEET, 1 [Near tbo Oa Civil Engineer and: Surveyor/ HOOKA.WAT,' N.'JZ VILL OHDEIU rnouriLV ATTEKDED to. 10.0 . , , ,- •• , , KANS. MORUISTOWNr L'onlracti tikon, and auUrOI fcMlaMflr * | S. ^JT Bpoctal nfflco lioun ouBalurda'ti froiri'O T A. M. tillUP.M. ' " •» rAMSio.v uoi . Corner of JJIukvo rntioMAi A A Counsellor at MIBMAB1EBIH.O1U1JGBB ? OSc* intliv National Union Bank Bui! i"6 ~~~—~!—.. . > ' .i. • % N E ""'"° l " l *ST"';.:.^ ATIOBNEV8 i eODNBBLLOBi/'JiTj LAWf' •••• '.,»<«• Counsellor, at Law, n ),OILI.ES, , , .,',.• ._., v Furnishing. Undertakar. UCraSEDiUCTIONEEB AKD O0IIS1IB. 8I0HEB OFDEEDS, p l, &THBT, Daru-, W. D Onn iiiionATdnV.'"* '•"!" '"' •" :'•' ,•>:-. :.'s« '••»;» .;i.>r> >•••)•»] Au.lju, of .11 dt.crlpUM. <J .„» 0BESAW IJMIHII1A1S ' 'CARE'FDLLY "MABE. M. J, f 377 X fciaA^W* •'•• • •• •imi-.-"r.ll;)!:|- . lobbing ppo *. 'r rALMEIt,AtHixltffl. I Repaired: and ! 'tiiriecl.; aioumsTowKipN. J., *' Solo rropriolor for' Morris County uf Folwm'i ?J#.V*S .•ivi.iJDlt SALE;;! !• v> For donrlpllopl or?T(iporlS»ta.P«rll™lai .n»nlro.HBo»mr».'-" • ' ' ' '* '.' • SLATE .anlMEIAU, ROOFERS, I ••www™* 11 ' •cojjoLLY'a rATENr FntE r^gpjp Vp ; 'or*'"!!•!•'••••»' Ihtt-Hlflft CUTTING l ^ ^ s ^ l ^ B S ^ u i i Cn« : ?'.J ••:.'•,•*• Uoa(cp.tOT>laiiW.i>HlWil"l» etoieeal ai- P °- A;p RES «. ul'nl ; Hirll?ll|il«Jl,OonWqlV EBACTIOAL TAILOR. . OVER a.OOOjrAIR Ol'-PAOTS. 1. IJoa'l fill to tall ind loo lho,BAnOAlK8 atld J. W....B1BB1T. InB. ' 17-ljr. 100 YAKDS HIOM B. L. 4 W, TAILOR, Andamtarfn Uin'.-'.nj'cUil.lron'. Ikadj- •dorleat notioo. AUo. ranalanll nii[l.%I(Iar|tB ,varietpr ofOonlaV Foniiibiug call ajjcstlpatainy.- sriuso ADD SOMMEB STOCK, ull tu. ttntei, IcoDilfioVmyiolf In nouHM, »od br reforenc. io 1117 pricei. 11M lic win f eidfls^dlBMrn t i n t I mil u liberal IIS ' iiol Street, 3d door /ramBlicknll, , . ' . j q q i j d H\mijAM'ifiM(isiV , ,.,.,;,A NEW... , .„ WOOD alia COAL YAED £(ljo/|iqbioribor liM opanad . new yard Tar' Ibo mine/COAt,.nilV'OOD.ou •• »t (a OAOE dc UALSEIfS Llirober Vftrdf. l h klj of . ^.( t : •, COAI* DEUTE11EDTO ANV TAUT . DdV H ^CIRITY''' Bile «( (bo yirj or E'ED^and* fiRAINof .ail kinds. An eipeneo'co'iif inelVe je*n Ia tha btnlncn. mrrinlB. I thiuk * par/oct knowledge of It, ana ifdilftlBlllirbnoiitae.lIiiK, LO# and promptnpi. lafillingord.r.. JJVla 1 C»tT«i«!Jtanop, - Win. HILL. \V; 'S/st&'F* For Iron Oru! aad llinaral Property, PO-W3BHVlLIiE, N. J. P. O. at'3?pOKXQ^fJ N. J. 17K. S.DflCiKP. : • . • . ED. F. Dl0m>,' I Notice to Trespassers. 11 t aoriba ki hirt'oj Biren Ibal ill* persona trei^aMlnRon IhoBronndl'or.tbo .ub. iban vltb dog or gun, or for trapplbp; of ing gune In aar-maoner -ffiutaoardr, nifl b. lt rfui ioeordlns Io 1»»... •. - ErB/WTaaiHaj-j B'JKI^DBEI) !. niOBTEJ,' BbhApB MUKDOOK, .-JftradyilloV/.tfJ., --'•! •--- INSURANCE A SPECIALTY. E. &G. H. Ross & Breese, C1EHE1UL HUB A»l> LIFE Insurance Agents, OHlccOId linn Hank liiitltliuc Morristown, N.J. . - EDWIK HOSN, OKO. II. iiowj, IITKNIKN UIIBUI] A! : iT^OOE,' Collector, .DOVEK, H. J . COMPANIES itlSPllIiSENTED. American Mulnal. IIIB. OJ., of Nowark H.J., Asictsovcr 51,103.000 MerohouW Mutual Ioa. Oo., of Newark N.7., Allots over GOO.000 Finiiiicii'B Hutuul Ins. Oa., uf Newark, .. • ill. Jy Assets over i,. > . 600,000-. tJaroaiuo, 'Mutual lnB.'.Oo'.,of!Nowirk H. J.; .Capital, . 200,000 , tua Insurance Company, of Hartford, Com., Amta, 6,000,030 Obntinflutal Iiisaranoa Ooiiipnny, o! Huw York. Oupital, ' 1,000,000 Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Oo., of Nowark, N.J., Assets. 20,000,000 WILLIAM HARRIS, Sussex Street, Dover, N, J. jTf. nni nun 1 able to moot tbe vratili bl mj larger stuck orgo«aa tl>nn evop before, wAtc^Es/cLdcks SILVER PLATED yfXRE '.i ••*• • • , . ' • . 'ii r 1 ?*• > .i ? . o[ new [lcglgnii—unBnrpaHflcd lu Hill auction. BPEOIAL A'lTENnON OIVES TO ' ' AT.i\pau» TilnaRW.; Tho Jloveroqit Drown, 111Dinlrltoony'i oba A pulp nnltinfr, gave n short addrcBfi'i Ho f polio of wedlock, all IUJo^iiina pftlm Its [totrorftltlmet ta oiifo (Uwdll M bloat* Wti'ou "niarrinRO bio nils two Urei," lio' would llWO BUlll, i j , , Ho slipped Ills tongno •nil ffiTo out "blind B 1 . . (intend. ' > •' . • " Ko.jipci], «(n)jl ilr, tlio Ifluntlor-luckki eill j •|I«lrfil^^ ^prt tub rigjit wor4, ajter fil., ; All kintlf of repairing earn fill I j> atid prouiptij tlouu. VuDllng nailer obligations tutlio publia tor p»*t l^roTs, I Iio(i9 hy gimd work ani fair dialing (nuw\i 4 pontimtqiioo or t ! i? P^' HarrowJ iig to tlie sole—Pegs. ' Good placo' iot-'Dlftlch ' *' pUuc Springs, r RpJ liot—T^bo traib^ilirlt lotlew warmitovc, • !. ins osaoolatos—Tlioio whoare CHESTER MARBLE WORKS. .... . nro epending llielr leisuro liout» at wateringi-places^v . ... , , _.. rpent,.i.i' reported to 1IL._ established a Imnoh offlde iu Jjake On- trio. :•' •• • ~;'\,- .•: J. S. HILDEBRANT,' Monuments, Tombstones,. &c. BIADE TO ORDEll JS EVEKY STYLE, . T HE understRticul loni l^&Ta to inaouuod io tbe pablto (but ho is noW prepared torotn- urtcturo anil will kocpcunitnntlj on liniifl tlio 'atoit tlcaiffiiH of Cemetery rioti ouclosol of Oraultnftud ilo I"oiti, £rorr job WEirantcd to giro plotafliimfaoti^ Prlooa tnaflor|tc, , >/ * F llar- iro coru- j. a HFLDEBRANT, OF^O»T£ CHBBIEU Houae, i C O }: Q-'ii il ofei-ran. N, J. J. HAIEHOUSE. (.UC0XB3O11 IO &UA1UU0UBK A DI1O,,) DOVER, N. J. sotip GQii) KINGS VQi), Bnaii)Blo4 tHBdOE BPEOIACIiTiS •aaE'SB CUJXBSEB ol ill d*- ettpUoni, floW, Biker, Steol, Jlubbor sad Bbell, THE pAJRCnn4> OOltP TEN, uuinr: sioil far fluonoj atid eonoral oicelllonoo, 1 Itm'tilio^dliig to Dijj •took uow;«tjlespin trticlei or soltd eilvor anil plated ware, mltiblo wedding proaoDU. FOltKS, BPOOKS. and Iclf* for lablo aio »t grcally rodncotl prlcfi HAip cBigaa of i r e r j dcicriptliineoDtttincjliM 1«4- ptttern booti, can bo mads to oriltr. B^OCUI attention tfVca' to Hjo * V ELQIK "WATCF MOYEMEST, caflodthe-ATcry Wtlcb. Also,'ascnt;fbr tlio HoT^wd, WsltUam, StriaESo 111 ani1 Flg Wfttcti, ' . . . ' Boptlring a spsuikltj and trarrantiid, EKGRXYIKG NE&XLY DOSE, "PEOPLE'S STORE." IQNE PRICE TTvOMEariO DEPjaiTlIENT i nbtriT conn ktm irrrciiED; pnntrs, flisoa TiBMI, COTTUK "Uil> Vl6ltBTEU, OAnrtT ff 11DIE1 1 OEXIg'TOimil' ASD oalLDnKN'i UXDElt* U. j" .M,:i: : ;, IV. s| HADDITT, \ ..--•• MonniSTows, H. POI5TIC. >Viio EIIUVSI V<ha ktiuiTH trlirro piiiI a'tiJ tieuil.au gu, Wiioro ill tlio bntM'iu Ursv ? . Vlho kiiaff* wbcrj nH (bo pfuuiua go I b i t •omtjliow gat awtyf Wlio knows hbtr all Ike Olilua broik» Tl.et W»BQ'* tooobtfd *t nil ? Huir bajt gtft io bl»ck ^ Lniitra And novcr litd it hill 7. , ^liu luovv* ivliuocu nil tlhi fimliioui coino Why 0t)p br.U-rmoutli sbiuld maku n fni:h[ , Or.ffb.ot wai ,"»udi a afcii 1 *" .Wbti iu.u*» bowllttia T)lH» <j*ti » rfoll To iticii prodigious afzo ? Wlin linoiTF, ludfud, what "a (.'(.lug uu ; •, D'.npatli bNfl-curyeyi k J " .\Vlio tnotva Just wliiire l(or buxband fiooa nbu kuovva nbou bt«t tit nrar a umllu Anil when vruro n pout ? Wlin Uowri tlio time tu racu tlio Tucl 'J'lml GIIU'B no Iijtigrr youOR ? U'lso IHIDWH buw best to njiuak her luirni And liuiv tuliold bur trinuiio? Wbn liHtwp tlm nmttt convonieiif day ToWIiiSB^niltixliBtti Mbit tnoiiM tliu lioirof wb«t lie Rpciidx Oiiiliil»t,(j!f;arHaiidn'IiiQ? Wlio bnons 0110 boniiol tfamml Irut lbs votqun Is lUo mnm« ^ ( to wlfo? WboiiiionHwIij all flic prett/ girl* ArooftenlaU toco! ITniv nil tlio ugly women tVcd ' Wbo nrror bad t bc»n ? TVb.v urnall mun fancy-ylfCMn larpo, ''A4l«fiyriUf "' Wan , Iti fact,' irti l l t Oib'irarU' Who tnovs'bow/ar ta Iruit n frlund, UowfnrWlinto»roo? .. Just wlipn io *l*ak a liimlljr yra And wlicir a.Kturdy nn f .Wlio bnowi—lite grmiiolil Grecian •*"G n Tlio nliDit mini In Bllliin.vorld mt retort, : TCBbaas a^ile—m good ts two or tlirco miles,'iuiifaet, if she i pretty, and it it 13 a indjmUghtnifilit. LrHotdnlf ^DOTfttt^ltliPllBif Wulrt'TniCrO' UOb - ' obnld SOP, Tlion put hl«JihtrJ on vrraag sldo ant tbrqugli Nor HITbis *rror til] ha lay nornaa lib motber's ,f» (Sff-S? 3TAtjfl OVi:H,iM 1 Think nlioiu marrlKga its we plenao, tbero is no pliraantor night than a newly- wetiaed toppp)oj .wniyD|r.vlicn]ie from aburohon tho first Sunday, with the brido's mothpr in tbo rear tbougbtfullv ati'tlibtld liVt of exhibition in Cincinriittlj.' Its "6o'*ihgen- ioual.y contrived tliat tbo mother can TookherteUanctUle baby rimnitanooiis- ly. They say that every married man who Beea tliat maoliina instantly marclicH up to it and eiU down in tUo looking- chair and rocka himself, andlatighs Ilka tho liyeaa ir * 1 *~ —'"-»~—- 'Aomiplein v H o t h i r littlo one, fouryeAwold, iodioatobytlio following lines flppended to. tho , record of Lot death tli'iit iheV.gtlof.ia not. in- con'solable 1-" "' l I'ssjou'r'Bunnjr'ami.oBniiwiiitifng facaj 'Twfll bo lonoly bora irllhont yoa, now. 7111toother comoi tofilljour placo," A'lady nalced ncr.HUle hoy, "Have >ott called your grandma to.tea f" Y03. .Wben I wont BP to call her sho was naioop, and I didn't wish to hallo nt grandma nor'shako hor ; so I kissed her check, and that woko her very softly. .Then Xran into the hall, and said pretty loud. 'Orandina, tea ia ready.* Aud she never knew what woko htor up." When a Novaaa photographer wants to make n pood picture, he puta tho Bit- tor inhitt piara, pulls ont n nayj TCTOW- cr, cocks it, levels it at the' mann's bead, *nd says—','NOTT,jnst.you ait perfectly calni? lilcnsant eifwBsion ot couritoh- ance, anil look rifflit into tlio mnzzio of ihisTOTOIVCT, dT IMHow thWtop'otyonr liond of. My reputation as an artist is ijitekoaTMid ^dop't/warit CBS noqionno JOOl WllfllMOlOfO. ',- t.*\t >• i'/i '• Tho newboot in Pnris wlitoli Indioa ir« BOWlooking forward fo "tritU" cager- icss Is the Fompellan. It is of black selvet and .very high; -tbo jlegginp:. in front all VeneUtin 'cot wott ettiVro.dety with a eilver cord. Tbo jiink, red, or scarlet Pompdiah Bilk'atooldDff'ia thus seen tfiroagh- tlio open clover or <lin- mond-shaped pattern,- ' Plain stockings of decided high colors aro 'all. cbeaked en tho edges of t^Q ftset and'fivoutiilthe onklo in whito silk, or soma strongly contljatlugcbloEijQ i'i.j^'j I **»: "i AcIorpytDan, mooting a little boy of "This quite a btormydajt xay soni". "Yea, air, answered tlio boy ; "this is «ry wet rain;'V? Tlio oler(jyman!f,- icti lyperbolo, ) neve any. othor n other," rbtnrnd th^y,i~* , _ . read in n certaii hojpjt pt^td^wi^a- it raiacd. flta aad'briiQBlohe iytft 1 goes* that was not a vcrytiffljiiTLVJ.;;' Leo terwho died reconuy.yf toot, Irnt tha ' • lays CJiartvari, -„ ._. , _ „ _ . ind Lad tha followlnrf origiii >^vf ?• ,Ono dayhe was - ^ " - ^ ' * * ~ •••*-- yonnglady, who ^ "Oh! what a ohumiag ; '-bracelet 1 Look hero my friend,": •• <..,-,i". ->-i Bo ho boughtrit AUHlt farther an ie saw R*fan. ', , ' . ; '.' ' * ; . "Ah! tho dcliciouaftm 1" nnoth eho. He bought it, Alittle futtuer on sho LW an Bbony oa»T(et, . . • • ' . • • * ; "Ah ! what a casket |" Mid she, 'Tre wanted jnat such a one ever BOlong." ' Haw could ho help buyluff it P •' Tlio next day tlio Count said to bim- a o U ' • ' ' I - 1 , . ,• .:.'; "Let us always take noabriolotjit will not coat more than walking,!' Tlio recent inrention of a sb'aj) rlil4wn is thurfdesoribed!—"It i« : illJod witboaall ahellf,\and when it. hunts among ton thousand soldiers, tbBBOimal- Br.ara seattored in all directions, oWd mrstingintnrn: send oiit,quit,siniUar' and by tbo lime tLo ci.niah.ro gfaofli flontamBdincthe third IIEQ ; explode,-,tho trroyisBBarlywiped bof and l th'i " men reJnaining want to gohomo." IKDHY BRULEV'S (VAKB tTu»r.il!t.<ri,.n blnryliaH tlio morll ufl*. hifori(,'in.il iifili.) fainiiim,''WnUi) Hcnno' Tlie story wan tulil iu lliu diaimtlat, UiJ, i lliu pluy hadnrtvL-il &IUCCCBS, Ibo mvj nul no lit ii tirtiHL'ut 11/ £33 to tha CJuldo wlio Buiijitiul liim iviilj Ilia raw iiirttiital."] Tbo guides who conduct the tourist nt tlio Uillarnoy Iakos aro generally wit- tj, flociublo nnd obliging feliowi, whe are nol uuly endowed l>y nature with a fund of gijod tiumur aud actira,spirits, but UIHU .IJOMCJS a great deal of shrewd- HcflB, ooiivt'itiatiiiuu! tact aud iutelli- t'fiicQ (but onehardly expect* to meol nmoiig tlio pcaaajitry of tho south of Ira- lund. If tbu toumt is iuoliued toba so- !IP,V will rooder his visit eioeed- „. , laaapt byIho rclatiou of ascriQE ot uturitis, wherein tlieaotuul and. tin Kitjlnrnutiii'uPflro 'blended"with inurvd ous auJ inout aiattaiiig ttTiiota, •Among tlicsoguijea tliero is uoaolwt- toi- knowu or better liked tbau Mr, Ted- dy O'Donoguuu—a veiy mxXu\ person' ago, who, hating been toAuiericn for a short tirap, is honored with the lionoxa- b!e distinction bfiing balled the Yan- kee O'Donoglino. ' Now, Toddy ianot a vory buislel'onsindividual; hut, although lio ia quiet aud utodeBtin bis demeanor, bo is til msi'ry a scoundrel as peer spoke witb tlio broguo, and is equally remly for n flirtfttion nmonff tbe girls, &Inrk with (lie fiu<tyonng follows who travel to Killarnoy, or a ejirec with tbohnat- nu>n wlio row upon tlio lukos. What bis ohiuf obnraotoristio is TO would not under tike to tjtutc, but ho eau play on the come* mtli the graoo at Arbucklo, and can B»in n yata with the mqst ad mirablo spirit. 'i'ho story vhloli lio -tola i» of Tcildj Beg'ey'n wako, andwhich wo shall uu derlnlie to relate as bo gave it to us, lias tho merit ot l) n iiigbotb truonud OHRI- nal, as bowas its prime nharacrcr. He told itfo us ag yvo were beiug rowed ncross tba lfttcos, ; and as tbe story will cxpluin 'itself, wo will nt once nrocce* wi(u itu relation ;— "You know," Boid Teddy, BeltliDjr hirasoHdown in tbo stern of tho boat, after he bod aroused tbo coho.es of Eagle Cliff with bis biiale, "I lmve beeu u gtiida on these lakcifor a good many yores." . -'Well aboot four yarefl sinoo. there came down horo a'flno oiitd nabob from the Aist Inglea with two young sprigs af ofQoors, neiibewsdf tiis, who wanted Co BOO iverytbing iu Iho noighiorhootl. The ould gintlemau, whq woaa Judgo in Ingics. also tukttgreat. intorcGt in the place, andespecially iu the pisentry aud tboir woya of livln\ He wirotod to see aud know ivory thing, ami altbough bo. was a great heavy old chap, weisluDg nigh onto 20stun, W d go round wld mo ivory day anywhere I'd tbirat 0' tokin'him. . "At last, wbiu there wasn't ranch more to boehowtn' him, be saya to mo— 'Teddy, I want. to eoe a wake—a rale IriiiU wake; and VA mnVs it wortn your bile if you take mo to qno, 1 ' ' f'lLnve tbat to me,' Bays I; *bnt I don't think tbortfs'miy body died just now aboutb,ei-o.t;bnt if'.your hpnor'H wait B.fm/days, tlhliikl'ntoeyM'aguIro, IO'B mortally lick up nt the -' Gap, will cftlier Btrlnping off the hooks.' ; "'What's the mutthor wld bim1' nak- ed tbe Judge,'kindly, \-\: •; " 'Shuro, X ^pn't Bnow, 1 , ftaidl, ;OIIB A " alt; the •3Qothor..oaU«.ifc a combination '"Well, 1 Bal4 lio, iril iraiUfowdip waited ;bat* bi'dcess to Patsy. dio'flt'ollt^nt tuk, a'tiirn for tlio bbttber :'s6 that the"clo<!th'or said bo was'out of danger.* What< shall I Jo . . t forgive me.tt4S7onnd ont that TA been detainin'.him* nearly d week for ft man to die tbat';was OQ, tbo hfgU road O M l t t l , ! / ^ . * ' . ? ' " . - / : * < . ' •,'•., '.• ; . .•. i 1 - M'ljwascbpipletely hothored[battlio >vialng I hoard thdt'patay wai Injprov- in" rwo9,down ! ot the taYprn, whon Torn Dolon. here' (one 6f the boatmen} 'put it intA mo hniifl to got np a sham trass*' . V*But, fc BaidIto himi..'wholll tho ' '• 111 tcltyi-u;'said ho—'XoildyBog- ley. 1 '.-. ..-•.; .. . , . . : . •. -•- •. .... .'"Tlia very man,'mid L 'But how will we'manago it?' ' ' . , : * "Well, 1 wd Filt'our* Uda together, and discussod tie matter.on all iu pints, and .thin liDvin 1 -made up onr n^inds, wo §ef- out to find Teady, who, as I'.mast tell yoj was the longest and. tbo'laziest man nRilldrqey. Qe niver smilad. exoipt in tha wayyau.Atuerioa.oa '«mUe,'and thin it was always by- htmself j and bow thodivll thoapolpeen lived waa,a mysto- ry,to iToryboiiyi aslia wasnlvexkaovm to do n day's wbrbr.^-JUn? principal Irate in.town wos'tliB Widdy Mblouey's, upon x:hom it WOB (.lid Teddy mis migh- ty swato ; BK.O^WO Btprt^d'for.tho tvid- y's, nnd whin we got there, auro enougli tbera'i(waB''Tiid3y flaying, off 6u ft binab'.flmoktBirn dbudeeD... : . . . •• . : .. »rtf.5Good- ovening^ widd7,' : said ; l, to lie ontd'lttdy/ wlio was behind tbo bat; It's foi •10'weather, this,' for the harvist;' nd thin, as if seeing Toddy bychanco, 'Bfl.ld.toyli.ni, 'Hello, Toddy, U tbnt " 'Stiro itifl,' said : 'h'fl,' : wi( ! Ioiit"movin l . 'Wlio olso.TroiiItlit^s?' ,..'.., , , ','Ootrib. andhave a dh'rinV?' said I. 'Teddy, at this, jumped tohis fateia .iCy^nnd was migbty istereated aU'at onoo. ;W*elt, ye see, it-wouldn't dp to pe too' quick to tell 'him of bur project nf<ift& th&; : witl3y; »o Tomj bero,-. just $aid,,c(i3ually, like, ^We'ro gain' down to Moriarty's' (ho kept a sliebaon further flown t^o Btraat) Up meul; Tim MuTpby; rill ye-apme along wia us?' . "-- ,, "'Sbardl'friV said Teddy, expectio' mor» dbrinUs whim ho got; there. Bo off wa started j but instead ot goin^downto Moriarty'e/wo jnat walked into the Earl of Konraaro's park, and tbero brooobod tho subject to Teddy, promisiD' 1 him a t>int of whiskey and bilf p auvorolgn if io'd carry it through. : "'Will,yis.;give jrie tlio whUkoy first is anoarnoit Bnd to bind t]ip barmvin,* "b«, . , - , •.' . 'pdlth •we'll -not,' 'snldl j-'/or jell -. be getting too dliruok, and thin, ipllo ivcrythingtbat we'llgivoyoab.nlf jint.' *->Yery VelV-wiid ho'i'it's a b'atgaini' 'So it camo about the - nlxt day that !om Dolannnd'bis mato, .returning from the lakes on tbo HOBS Castle road, loand Toddy Beglsy lyln'aeact by tbe sideol tbo Lodges,-nnUj ay 1 coorso, ei- pcetln* jnst such an aooiileat, they were sll ready for IL ^.Thoy'ilUtfld.upiioor Teddy and earriefl him tindorly into Tom'a honBc, and' thin; ufaf off w_ taa and tha doctheri'", -TVuiu' the doother rams, I was thflt* 'totaata- him. and onin* him to betue right lort.of a ,u tot ajoke, I'jiiit .let mminto tbo .-rrot, and cot himto IciU Toddy off bj liddin' attack of tho h6art diseasa, . "Well, wo carried Toddy" that night up tobis mother's on tbo road to tbe Gap, .when} we insistod upou drcsstu' the ,corp<a Inhja shroud, and Btaudm' A'ateh over him during tho night. Tbe ould lady took on badly about i t ; for, thongh Toddy nbyqt helped her a bit, mdwisasbad 4 adnas alazy mancan bo, ha was BtilllioT. aOn, and 'tbo' only DUO loft her to lovo and think about. "Howover, nbout twolvo o'clock 'join and hia mate got tho oli lady to bed, and thin they and -the coorpao passod thereat of tbe night having a g_ood tima :ovora-boltlo of Vbiakey laid in for tho p u r p o s o . ' •'•, ' - • • -•'•-• MXho nixt morning I irint up early to tfio hotel and told tba Judge cf Neddy's sudden death, and tbat uli wnko would bo bold thnfnight Tiio ould gintleman was very mtMih." conderUad about it,'*a- peoially..whin Itouia.bim that Teddy was thoonly sun of his mother,, and tliat * iwas a widdy. ' ' 'Toddy,' £&id he tomo 'I am sorry Tar tbo .anld woman, nnd .hero's flvo itjndiia'aiiist la^ayiuUhe fuuer&l ex- benevolence,' nnd wid that I tould hi] thit tliB viako wtiulit «»a.a.«ut« ot cigl o'clock. ' "At that time all the friends of tin JamiW bnil cotno to tho liooso ami weri hcviii 1 a jolly timo over the coorpso b, ibo aid of a liberal supply of whiske •wbicb tbe ould BBbol>'o guinofts h bought. Ould Mother Begley sntwco in' and moanin' at tbo coorpso'8 hea und. Sally Dunuignn, tlm best 'akeene: in Killarney, was prcparin' liemelff< , ... _. * T ._.*•__ ! ! _ r arduous" juties by tailing aboard miicb wliiBkey as BUO conltl. Tbino woro gettiu' lively when tbfl ould Judgi arrived with bis two ncpliown, and as av cooreo, tUoy wero tbe boDorod guesla they were accommodated wid Bates bj tbo sido of tho coorpso. "Tbe festivities of tba wuke were no< prouccded wid. Ould Mother Puuni was mounted 011 a cheor by Toddy' ;, andbegan wailiu' mil cmn' as i tbo byo tray her own HOC. Theotlici .wiinnim' tuk up tho ouorue, nod for little timo you might n thought that a the byes in tbe town wore dead—s unanimous was the Iiowlin'. "Tbo ould Judge tuk it all in will tlie dupesfc aHiution, Ho niver budgoi] from bis sate, but sat gazia 1 ontbu mul' tttude widout moviu* a muscle; whili tiio two offloora paid more atlintlon (c the protty collcong in (bo crowd tbnn to tbe liiiB cci'ciuuuics of the ivabe, Prea- ly, Minhowlin' coml, nnd mild Moth- _. Dunnirfaii beeau telfin' of. what a broth of a bye Teddy was : what a go sou be was to hia mother; how ho hel ed ber get in the turf, and bow lio won bring bums all bis arningaaad give them to her!. bow iverybody loved and ro- apiutcd him. Holy Mosca 1 ye would havo thought Toddy bud been n saiu infltid of one of tho sorriest rogues in al Killiirnby. "Thisfiao character given the lad bt tbo sksanor almost ruined us ; for Tod- dy, av coorflc, beard ivery word that wai said, and sll thin' fluo blnrnoy just tick ted him so much that he forgot nil ubou beta' dead, aud just smiled. '-Bedad, tbo Captain, eittin' l>y hii lide, just saw this auile, and got suspi chious that' ivery thing wasn't square, Hobeokoued. to me to eomo out of thr haose, aud wbin I follered him, lio just Mid— '" 'Bee hero, Teddjr, this is n humbug I 1 , "'A what 7'saya I, mighty iuiiocont 'A- humbug I' eaid lioagain, *Tbii 1 is not anymore did than I am.' 'Not did, yet honor I' aaid I, mak- ing out I was astonished. 'Shuro bo i s ; for I helped todress tbeeoarpso meself, and I'll seliware to it,'. " 'Ata you aure V said he, lookin' nt 0 as if to see whither I was lying or not. '"Sburfi? taid I, 'RV oooraa-I Don't I tell yon thoroan'sdid.' •' 'Well,' said bo, 'if it's a Joke, I won't spoil it; lmtlwinfc you to tell mo " truth.' . : " 'Faith, ycr honor, it's tbe truth I'd bo toHin'.yoQ, Do you tliiuV .nil tho folkn, and bis ould mother, Joo, would JO inukiu' such ft blafhcriu' if ho wasn't id ?' " - "And' he gave, ma another scarchin 1 lot.lt, and we wiut bock iato tbe hooae. I-snitcihoil bim, nnd I saw that bo was wnt-ohin' me," too; so I let on that I was as in'ntJDent asiypucglamh, and.tulcto raisin 1 ip Today to bis ould mother rid the moat serious face I cud,{• < - •• . "The Captain,: eeeing mo' ongaged, ust looked - quietly atioot,. and , tbejv grabbiDfi; -Teddy hy.lU Joft fat,- he lifted up hia leg and let it drop suddenly. . As, Teddy was ready.rfdc.tbia/his legwint owu op tho bench' agnjn with a thomp bat would hove attracted atiintioo 1 ,- if tbo -folks hadn't boon making auoh, a JKON-lVOltKI.MV. A. W. liumpbroys of No. 42 Pino St, prominent iron merchant,who dolivaj ed an address on iron Jaat year befor the AuiericuD Institute, has returned r cently from Europe, and in convrrsi tion with a IVibune reporter has mad tha following statement*, witb other concerning matters of interest to t iron trade : / VABinD USBS or moH in EKOLAHD. Porbaps tba first thing interesting to 1 iron inpn visiting England ia tlit much more universal uso of iron then than in America. From tbo time hi lands at- Liverpool, whera n reconth burned landiug-atnge or pier is rebuild' ing witb iron, he pees it in comparative- ly aoinmon UBOfor many purposes wben Americana would employ wood. In mr ny coses tlio platforms around lailwo stotioDa arocovered with Ibin blookn< cuttt iron. It was said in England that even if timber wera as cheap as ia most of thoEflHtem States in this country, iron would bo ia tho end tbo cheaper rad bettor material for nny jiermaaesit structure in nil tboso parts wbere stout; ar brick could not bo UHed. Tlio varieties of ovo tn U3Q in Eng- land do not vary vary much from oui awn in kind, but the English have very littla rich ore of any variety. Then niagnetitoia inferior in quality- and ex- teut to the &ae nnd nob deposits of this ore with wMcU v,a ax* * familiar in New York, New Jerserand Michigan, and wbiub Ainericun ironmasters deem almost a necessity for pro8i»eroua-worfa. Jut they have in their Oumberlnud and Laocaflliire red homatitea perhaps a full compeiiBalion, as theao me easily melted, make en excellent jroa, and do not'woar the fumncof badly, Oa an average tbe ires need throughout England will not yield probably more than 88 or 40 per sent of iron.* OonuidsrabU Spanish ore is used, especially for making iron soil* ible for conversion into JJesaotnor steel and lately it lias been' taken to Scotland At B0318 iamaces Irish ore is used as a mixture with local ores,'but, on the whole, it in not wall spoken of. 1 Coko is tho almost' universal faeWbr smelting iron, and the Durham'< coke' fa a vrtin- lerfully good fuel.parhaps-even- better :han tlie OonnelUviiU coke tn this coun- iry. Anthracite ia useU soarealy - at ill; ;_he only deposit in Great •Britain, Ibe- lBve, a small one in Wales, and this of m inferior kind,'crumbling'badly ea won as heated. About 2} tons of raw )oal, or 28 or 80 owt, of cake, compose jrobnbly about the avorago#quantity of uet required to oiako a ton of pig iron, ilthoagU oonsiddtably loss bos dona tlie cork, ua at «otn« of our own furnaces viih 21 owt. of anthracite a ton of-iron ins been made. . The flnxin EigUnd, us-»• rule, is heap" and good ;, cheap, becaaso it is tear the Inrnace, oad hence requires ittla tiansportation ; and' also because b is a nearly pure carbonato of lima in ood form,' WonjUKQ OP SNOUtSH rOBMAOBiC In tho eonstruotion of furnaces, there little, on tho whole, varying; from the lestprnctico in America. The EcgUih urnaocs' raquire less raw material, per- i&ps, than tbe American, and they have bin walls and dispense -with'casting- lousas-rrtbe pig-bfcda being in. the opea ir^-nna ajso.-withoutlany .covering, for yit, and I trlmblod loagt- ha abonld find ont the truth ; so I thought I'd call hhnout: the dura and whisper thoreal state of nfluira. 'It was too htte, however, for what ia tboCaptain do but, as if qnite BO- Didental-Jike, he drapa the hot end of bis cigar, oh Teddy's , cboek. Holy Pe- ar 1 you ohonld havo aoho the efSet Tt banged Bannoger Completely, and T nager, yo know, banged tbedml, "Teddy, foeling tho hot oindbor ._ hia oheok, jnst forgot all about being a coorpso, and jumped suddenlly'up wid a yell af pain. The folks, sailing tbo did hu^ come ta life, thought the. dlvit bad Wrely brake lpose, aud. will OUQ wild they made n rush to the dtiro . cattle, while the Judgo, getting In' to tbopamowid thereat,' woutatumblin 1 aiter tha other follcs. till Mothsr Bag- ley'e nitf, which bid boon alumhorin' peneorulTy utider thb'etaiis; was woks up wid tha racket, and coma rasliia oat ot tho hoois just 03 ^'hii-honor : reaohodtho luroway, and scamperln' atween his legs, laid tlie ould ,ntvbob eprawTin* oa his back,. yillinR-'Murthorl <Tb&ves ! Hip 1 Robbers f at thn top of his voice. "X UUyou, gintlonwn, that I laogbed 111 thought I'd. go. into convulsioni. though Iknewthore'd. bo.tho -divil .'to p»T vfhon tUo until got ont." - • When Teddy,hadUnishedhtsrelatioi. We fel^ some coripsity'tb know iho final result ol tHtt'aflaii, BO tro asked bim nbont '.'Well, the mild gintloman tnk a fit,of -igont/aailVaslaid up for tin ^3(.ya ,t tlio" hotol,'nnd'Qt the end of tliat time, gettingbQttor.-hb unt for^ne, telling 1 the misienger that bo WAB going to )t\\\ xAn. rather thought thoonltj mna wouldn't » tbat, s b l p u t O' bould? ftco oq l tho HmUoiyivml "wmt up to tho botoi. "When he saw mecoming, ho jumped up from bii sato, and 'grasping TOO "by TUO collar, naked it I didn't deearyo it "'No,' aayBt, bouMIy, 'notftbit. 1 X( 'Why?' says bt.. . ... "'iJccaiiBO,' said I, 'it was Agood joke, &nd a good wako, too.' "Wid d&t, what does be do bnt pals iis hand into his pocket, snd pulling it £15, handed it to me, saying— "'Hero, you rascal, I"forgive you, it cluo't'lot mo iver bent of yon playiu' ,nny more such .practical jokes, or I'll uroly liavfi you banged. 1 " 'Faith, tbip, I won't, ycr honor,' •aid I, and tbeu Ibid him good-by, and tbnt was tbo last of Teddy Bpgley's Wake." ws. .- 'Tliftiilfs,-yiir'botiar,' said'I, 'it's a. Hnd-hoarUd, ginQtoue man thfct ye wo, andTnVahurejthe Ulewia's of-tbo widdy will foltowyg all joui.lifo for your great DEATH OF Aiixnicur Quip.—The fa- ]ous trottiup moro Amorioa'n Qirl fell toad on Saturday, in \\\a first beat, in tho freo for all race, at tlio Elmira Park. She was drivon by John L, Doty, nnd tppoaicil at tbB ntfirt to ao in tbe vory liest oonditioD, Tbo horses wcro scor- ed a number of times boforo they got tbo word. Tho girl, nt tba first turn, was ahead, but the driver notiood -tbat she seemed to be giving outy and ha lot her bend loose.- Shn kept staggering for an-eighth of a mile, oudat tbo qnor- ler-polc fell and dicdinslauUy without n BtrugRlo. She fell very cosily, with ber louldor against the fenco. Tho inri- lont created a great deal of excitement. A singular circumstance ia the matter won tbat from the grand stand a rainbow could bo seen, the ocd af'which foil up- >n the bend of the dying borso. Tlio mnd played n funoraldirgo as soon as the doath was mido known. American GM was 18years old, nnd has-boon a favorite on tho tnrf for yours.-'Tho El* mini Driving Park Asioeitition propoaes, lioald tho body be left thoro, to' erect a 31,000 monument to tlio.-memory^fof American Girl. There was no ininfanoe on tbo mare, Ben Mace" offorod $50,000 far American Girl that morning;.-) JEiio horso was owned by 'William' IkJvpll,' of NewYork oity. Sho muH by, Amos'a Caaaius M. Clay. Thetlam-ia.nnltnown, Mr. Lovoll has several times had tlio op- portuny of selling her for S2O.QO0, and valued her at 325,000. Her beet record was mado Sept.' 20, 1874,*bn ttio Ulaad Patk Course, near Albany, when she bent Gamore in' 2,-201, 2:101 and fljlO. The probable cause ol horaaddeu death, ia stated to bo ovor-exartion .while np- pjirontly convalisainp from the prevau- jng epizootio, whiclilg knowuby -verjer- inary surgnous aa a troaouerous and un- certain duooso. A Man and his Baby. In tho first place, ho was a bomoly [oo'd-natured looking body, dressed iu lotnmon clothes, and having tho appear- nco of 0110 who.dii rough work for ft iving; but such a heart as he had, auch inlimitcd pntjaBCO aud ingenuity and ollily 1 He was traveling in the cara vitL his wifoaud thrco small children, bo youngest a Uaby—croiB, homely, and yitb a pcrveraity which mukoa one bo- ve iu total depravity, bound not to ba unused or guutl natured whatevor woa Jono for him ; bwlpaterfamilias did his jest,and his best wa» worth beholding; ho lived into oue pockot aud out of it into notber; bo brought forth Btrings, knivfts, iails ; ho maJo Arabbit of his poclcot- landkerchiof; he made his already lomely face homelier still by the most tomicul (fontorttons ot uoao, mouth and iyeB • ho put hfa bat on tho back side of iis head, he palled it orer his eyes ; ha ilayed peaU-a-boo beUiad tha cornet ot baby's cloak ; and at last ha plucked a feather from some unknown, placo,. and itew hiinfielC bkok in the fao« morder to [eep it floating in tha air for the banofit >l that remarkable baby. Tkelaitl&aw ind heard of bint bo WMtrying to fling iint obild to sleep with the words. Iff. jig. jiff. jiff. Jtff. joy, repeated OT« nd ovei, tic»ompanyinc each •word -with a Bwaylng motion of tlio body.—Wor- ceifer (Uass,) Spy. , MAOAULAI'O Taints* TO THB MOTOZB. —Children, look in'thOBO eyes, liitfla to that dear voice, notice tho/eeling of ar- ena sinrlo touch that is bestowed upon ou by foot gsntlo hand. Make much f it while yot you hare that jnoaf pra- ious of all good gifts, a loring mother. Cead tbo anCoLhomablo lovtt ia thoaa es, the kind anxiety o[ that tono and nil, however alight your pain. Ia [terlifo you may oAVe friends, and fond, car, kludfrleuqs;. butneTor will you ave again' the 'inexpressible love and intloness taTuiUod, upoa you i?hioU a iotbcx bestows. Often do I fiigh, in' my struggles with thehard, uncaring wotW, toe tUeB-v^ot, dos^oeoority I Wt 1 hen, of an'.ovcning.. neatling. in' her osom, I listened to aotne qoiot tale, iUabl»tamyog&r6&ditt>oittnUriag QjtcMs.:^EheEngliib. g p y e n , ;aa^wfllL> as boilers,'aro enerally,.if,:not.;uniVcrapUy'ron the' EQUudcXdq uot.renaemto*ecing:.Bny us. iaTing::tU0]!mfi3Oiiry necessary;ito. elev«to- th« :oVenfl,as is so g*acrally jdona. ip. (bif. eoantsy^ As a rulo tho furnaoeB'andiholr^iieoessary ipur'tenancas 4n._]3D8Uo4- an-4»etter [lUnnodin their aeaenl amagementa than thbso in tho United States, but: not Hotter than tba iabib reccetly/constra'ot-' idworkR hew.- p; At tho oldey furnaOoi Lho - heating oven* ore similar/to many 3f tho Americin—acom'bustion s .chamljpr yt flT6-bricb, ; iritU cn&uotf'pipW nbovej.' 3ut the Whitwell ovens sn'cm to bb'tlib lost in' furor ot the newly; Construotea orks, aa giving n nigh tbmpertttnra to the blast Tory Steadily-. To heit. tho ast 1.000° - Beenu to, be the'geuoral im; as a toaltor ol laot. abont 800° ems.tobo a t t a i n e d . T h U i llf em.too attined..,,TheUowing ncs cra.geniirally«f tha vdrtioal, walk- jg-beami lowpresauro typa,\and:work oonomicallj and well; lowpresrare en- gines, for all work seem tobeirnobmore comtoDn noroHS the Atlantic than bera. Tho raw matoriali seem to 1 " bacarefally prepared, nnd pretty well miicod Ijofocr It"ibtimo3tQ'nib that tlio Bpglishfur- ico labor, generally, wfas'ttore efBoUht an onrs.and in some cases; markedly o ; at sotoo'fitrnacea Bu;avorngpj"out- lut" Of tWO tons'oi iron' jpor irinn *oin« iloyoa^WM attain^.''Tlie Idrnaco,pr6T motor* seemed y«ry enre'thatthairmen fl l mt* emed y«ry enrethatthairmen iro fully as woll off as those in, America, aut this hardly soemqa 16mo ! to true, •rom what tho men' told m'o.' ' Of ob'tin* hcre is a largo part" of tho mon every- where who nover aav&I* anything, bat }king tho ironworkers ond.oollienuiA ItiBs, in Englpnt],.tlioso,TThd^wiaU.to vo^seoin unable to do. so, nnathitv in many oases,.. wh«»> the•- whole? fomily work hard, father, mother asd ehildrsn, ftirtoo timejjwHjoBsldQ/rona.tlii.:queaT oa.bf iboneyaiotia,' they are, apparently bnsciDusof a ffaiit 'Afcopittlfliatioii'to;- nrdahbin as. human'"beinga/ arid the lildreu grow up lamentably 1 ignorant; :ceut of vice'and immorality. Theira- cs of tho. Iron ^working laborers oir.ihb lole, I wos.told, :ore nbont 20 per; cont igher tnan. beforo 3870, notwUhstand- lie reductions' that! havo takan ; place incelSTa' ' ' ; ? Eagliahnion scout tbo' idea that Ve in ever supply them with.,iroa; and omo say tkiit wnonaverhuiiuessrovives, ,nd wo really want iron in' largo quanti- ios, wo ehall bo-coiapelled to tako it igain freely from them;,wbilo others idmit that the United States is; as a CHB: mj»r, lost to thorn, nnd may,, iudaod, Lpply somo of their cuBtomffirs anddol- inioa. Timo > only will discover tha Iruth. Tha fact would seem ta bo, tbat England hu reached her litoit as a pro- ucer of cbeap iron, as, irrespectively of ho wngtia t\UGatiDn, aho cannot supply lersolf with.cheap, good oro/nnd coal BTOwa gradually dearer from-'ita 'lying eener.; while it is wthoatad. that two abillirigs per ton are addedtb thocost of coal by tbe operation, of tbo Mines B»g- lations act,: which waa found necessary ir tbo protection of lilo aa the collieries iow worltafl and muat b,o .worked in future. It' Va*" pointed" oat some 'can ago by n oompewnt authority hero hat tho supremaoy (perha'pi. Uis oxiat- mco ttio^EngliftU iron trade, depandod m; tbe continued omploymcnt^of cbil- irOD, perhaps of wnmen, inmany.pldcas* \ere-Americana novor tWntoi'Bo cm- jying tlicm.. . Tbo'.Ouvoramentlias lassod nets restricting the 'omploymint it children, and tlroatiy ooiapMiita aro jcginning to bo made tiat. unless '.those lets'are modified, if not repealed,'Ijlug- anil Qnntiot comniiiiiil'iiviulcdcnt labor anl cannot tbrolaaBuffitacnt la ihoaply onDaghto saatajn'hsnelf incm H-Htion with other ntfibnv, Tho supo- ioiity Eogktd has hod over tlio United Itatea has been in tho proximity of her ioal and ores, and her cheap and abucd- »it labor. These oafKntngos ore cor* luinly Iclntivoly ditappeiirlng. 1 ./ 't Tho complaint yf dullness, deprossion nid apprehension, w OTerywbero preva Aiu England. About one-third, por- iaps moro, of the fnrnacas are out of last ;io eomo localities; fully one-half aro oat Yet stocks of iron aeoumulate? nd at tboso point* where returns are «ao regularly enough' to give a just do* of tho quantities on hand, nearly twice as much is stocked ns at tho'begia- nlng of tho year, andifip concessions in prico,.-amounting to about, 33per cent, scam to have no effeotjn stimulating: bauncss.'. Evoa Bessotuer steel,. whioh was : tbo last to fool tho depression, is in Tory -slsok flomand. This, per- lap*, udnoparUjldthodbjcetfonSflomo figineem aro making to the employment f any stcol in largo mosses, them being strong imlicuLions of a desirs, by tlie boat Euglisti ongincfira. to go book to good iron for heavy work. Our tariff seems to trouble a] English iron men vory tauch ; but that tbty ' 'care any thing about it personally," but they all seem to agreo that th«y "very mnub dislike to Bee so fine a country as tlie ytatfia ajffcr under such a bn*btrous system;" and it ia impossible to talk long with naySngliabmao without hav- ing this generous solicitude expressed rery freuly uud urgently. Aseolluterun connected with iron, I should like to Bpeuk of tbo railway sys- tem of England, and of some points, ia regard to which Americans might per* baps-lcarn aomothing, but will merely mention one. I saw ore nndcoko arriv- ing at furnaces on curs containing* 01 tons of inatGrii.1, while the cars tbem- HUJVCS wcro marked aa weighing leu than 13,001} pounds ; on one road lens than 12,000 pouuds. The saving of dead weight by tbe English plan seeing well worthy of careful study by our railroads. iUabl»tamy,og&,r6&dtt>oi,ttnUrig oloo. Never .can ,1 forgot ber-swtet ;lances cast upon me .'wlien Xappeorad. sloop; nevervh«kiaa ol.peaoeotnight.'.' ears have pnued sindo;w«loid" her' M- L idpinT^ffliber.ia tbo oldlchurohyajd;; et still, her tolep •.-wbispeis U6m;tab-. frtve and her bye wathes over me,' u. I." rifilt spots long einca hdllowoA-to'the. aiiiaary'ol ny motber. .' "' • ' : , v During the war "n QeorgunsSrted to Marietta with somo chickens, for sale.' Ho mat a s^nad of ooldiors, and tber.- ought all bis chickens but one roosUr. [a insisted they should take him, Imt they were ont of money, and couldn't The old man mid he hated togo oa to own with, only one chicken, and ¥ft« coatty paixlcd about it. At last one of tho soldiers said ; "Old man, I'll pUy yon a game of iraa up for him," "Agreed," say athe old man. Thay played a long and spirited game. At lost tun soldier won. Tho old m&u < wrong the rooster's neck and tossed him at tho Boldier's fast, and monatod his Bwab-ts.U&d poacy andftt&xted home. Aitor getting aomo two hnndrod yards- he gnddentlr-itonped, turned roond and odBbwb and ami: ' - ; >"JTon played a far gams, and won - tho roaster fatly, bat I'd like toknow vhat theh—lyoaput up agin that TOO»- iBTiwa ABD "WismNoToir.—In John EVBjker Vilant Maolieth's nowwort, the llowinginoident, oi aremimbrance of he late Washington bring, finda place, itld will bear republicanon ' here. In' p:y to the question if ho had ever sean Washington, the'groat wr^er saya, of. locond timo that no had soon tbo Gen* i r a l . - - i - . " ...••• . : "My Bcotch nurse Buddenlj 1 caught Sht of tho Qonoral, entering a shop, ititohing my. hand eagerly, she harried ito tuo shop, and caught him by tho leeve,, crying—-'GenoraM General 1 le'ro'a a bairn that's balled- after you. Vull 'yo no gia him your bltMamg *' tailed ofterme, is he ?'said the General, a pleased voice; andlaying his bands: my'head, lit n most rovensntinl man- r—'God bless tho little ono forever 1' 1finid,and went out of thii «hoy. I ver saw him again, and I am aa old ion ndw; but I can Gomotimes area now iol the gentle pressure of hia hand on lyhoad, and I know his blessing abode tU fI havo been blessed," FaEKdn'HDKTXN.3 LAWS.—The Prench wajregulating baiting hare somapo- liaritios. The huntamau must have a enso, andlicen&jp are not issasd to en who havo been imprisoned or havo eon convicted at damaging trees or :ops whilo bunting, nor to nny who •aundor sixtoen •years of age. unlosi aronta or guardians te^nest it. Tha irico of a UCORSO is twenty-firo francs, land-owner, howover, may bunt an- atrictedbj oa'hia own gtottud. Ftuh- OQprtscnbcs that & huntsmaa should rear a':,hat shaped somewhat lika a ablo-peiked jockey cap, and adorned itb. a velvet horsoauoo; ft dark rod ( or daocoAt with many pockets ; txoaaart raUoiiing at Uio knees to long yellow fibers, and n game-bag slung over his houlilar. ' ! TUB editor of the Kome (K.X.I Bin- ;uel has boon shown a "design for an pholstoroil iront-gate" which Boems psignsd tobecome popular. Tbo foot* 3ard ia cushionad and tbero it a warm npstono oacaca side, the inside Istcp, leiog adjustiblo, so that a short girl oan iring hor lips toj the line of any givon oustAcho without trouble. If the gate 1 occupied nt 10;80 r. K., an iron bond xtenda from one gatopoit, takes tbo onng man by the left car, tnrni him round, and hflia at osca atartod home iy a stool foot. FATED.—Going «P Abbott streot yes- erday a man saw a boy about 11 years 1 ago seated on a sidewalk, bare-head* I. in tbe full blaut of UiC tun. "Bub, you ought nnt tojiit tliero 1" said tlio man. "Why 5" "Because you'll get tanned." "Makes no duToranco to mewhether I t ia the sun or shade," sadly answered o boy ; "mpthor tans mo thrco or four ,imcB a day any how." Thoro ore, ncoording to* Mm, Oraw- my'a calculations. 000,000 ' women tn bo United Kingdom for whoor tbero is o obincoof marriage. .What a pity I A little Whitehaller, gazicg upon an ild picture of hufoother, taken in a low tress, remarked, "ilamtna,yon was mos cady for bed wlien yat pictcr wus took-

Transcript of wAtc^Es/cLdcks - Rockaway Township Free Public Library · VOL. T. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY,...


T H E I E O N E E AFnuunnD B r m SITBU&I 11


OfflM no Uonh Kattttt BUtkwdl.t » n u or >imtoiuPTiQ»(.

PASSAGETO ino'jriiMi O

Liverpool and.; e en j togn ;on (ho following BloilUMlilp linea :


JVATIONAI*, ,, , . ' ,

IITCIPUOI and Great ^Weiiern.

tbo k*e»t raE l l N

Slate Rooftiig

Dr. P. A. KARRIS,'"PHYSICIAN ' ' t t i t e


Counselor at Law


J. J. P & ,Carpenter and'. Jittll^eiv;.Jobbing prosily; Bonded io. •

Eboo on BtACKWELt flti lujat to O « « *

Business Cni'tls.-

.Omon:; BUSSESSffKEET, 1

[Near tbo Oa

Civil Engineer and: Surveyor/


VILL OHDEIU rnouriLV ATTEKDED to.10.0 . , , ,- •• , ,



L'onlracti tikon, and auUrOI fcMlaMflr * | S. ^ J T

Bpoctal nfflco lioun ou Balurda'ti froiri'O TA.M. tillUP.M. ' "

•» rAMSio.v u o i

. Corner of JJIukvo

rntioMAi A


Counsellor atMIBMAB1EBIH.O1U1JGBB ?

OSc* in tliv National Union Bank Bui!

i"6~~~—~!—.. . >' . i . • %

NE""'"°l"l*ST"';.:.^ATIOBNEV8 i eODNBBLLOBi/'JiTj

L A W f ' •••• ' . , » < « • •

Counsellor, at Law,

n ),OILI.ES, , , . , ' , . • . _ . , v

Furnishing. Undertakar.UCraSEDiUCTIONEEB AKD O0IIS1IB.


pl, &THBT, Daru-, W.

DOnn iiiionATdnV.'"* '•"!" ' " '• " : ' • ' ,•>:-. : . 's« ' • • » ; » .;i.>r>

>•••)•»] Au.lju, of .11 dt.crlpUM. <J .„»0BES AW IJMIHII1A1S

' ' C A R E ' F D L L Y "MABE.

M. J, f377 X

fciaA^W*• ' • • • •• • i m i - . - " r . l l ; ) ! : | - .

lobbing ppo*. 'r rALMEIt,AtHixltffl. I

Repaired: and!'tiiriecl.;

aioumsTowKipN. J . , *'Solo rropriolor for' Morris County uf Folwm'i


.•ivi.iJDlt SALE;;! !• v>For donrlpllopl or?T(iporlS»ta.P«rll™lai

.n»nlro.HBo»mr».'-" • ' ' ' '* '.' •


I ••www™*11'•cojjoLLY'a rATENr FntE r^gpjp Vp



Ihtt-Hlflft CUTTING l ^ ^ s ^ l ^ B S ^ u i i

C n « : ? ' . J • • : . ' • , • * • Uoa(cp.tOT>laiiW.i>HlWil"l» etoieeal ai-

P °-A;pRES

«. ul'nl ; Hirll?ll|il«Jl,Oon WqlV



IJoa'l fill to tall ind loo lho,BAnOAlK8 atld

J. W....B1BB1T.InB. '


100 YAKDS HIOM B. L. 4 W,

TAILOR,Andamtarfn Uin'.-'.nj'cUil.lron'. Ikadj-

•dorleat notioo. AUo. ranalanllnii[l.%I(Iar|tB ,varietpr ofOonlaV Foniiibiug

call ajjcstlpatainy.-

sriuso ADD SOMMEB STOCK,ull t u . ttntei, IcoDilfioVmyiolf In

nouHM, »od br reforenc. io 1117 pricei. 11Mlic win f eidfls^dlBMrn tint I mil u liberal

I I S 'iiol Street, 3d door /ram Blicknll, ,

. ' . jqqi jd H\mijAM'ifiM(isiV, ,.,.,;,A N E W . . . , .„


£(ljo/|iqbioribor liM opanad . new yard Tar'Ibo mine/COAt,.nilV'OOD.ou ••

» t (a OAOE dc UALSEIfS Llirober Vftrdf.l h k l j of . . ( t : •,


Bile «( (bo yirj or

E'ED^and* fiRAINof .ail kinds.An eipeneo'co'iif inelVe je*n Ia tha btnlncn.

mrrinlB. I thiuk * par/oct knowledge of It, ana

ifdilftlBlllirbnoiitae.lIiiK, LO#and promptnpi. la filling ord.r..JJVla 1 C»tT«i«!J tanop, -

Win. HILL.

\V; 'S/st&'F*

For Iron Oru! aad llinaral Property,

P O - W 3 B H V l L I i E , N . J .P. O. at'3?pOKXQ fJ N. J.

17K. S.DflCiKP. : • . • . ED. F. Dl0m>,'

I Notice to Trespassers.

1 1 taoriba


• hirt'oj Biren Ibal ill* personatrei^aMlnRon Iho Bronndl'or.tbo .ub.

iban vltb dog or gun, or for trapplbp; ofing gune In aar-maoner -ffiutaoardr, nifl b .lt rfui ioeordlns Io 1»»... •. - • •ErB/WTaaiHaj-j B'JKI^DBEI)

!. niOBTEJ,' BbhApB MUKDOOK,.-JftradyilloV/.tfJ., • - - ' • ! •---


E. &G. H. Ross & Breese,C1EHE1UL HUB A»l> LIFE

Insurance Agents,

OHlccOId linn Hank liiitltliuc

Morristown, N.J. . -EDWIK HOSN, OKO. II. iiowj, IITKNIKN UIIBUI]

A! :iT^OOE,' Collector,.DOVEK, H. J .


American Mulnal. IIIB. OJ., of NowarkH.J., Asictsovcr 51,103.000

MerohouW Mutual Ioa. Oo., of NewarkN.7., Allots over GOO.000

Finiiiicii'B Hutuul Ins. Oa., uf Newark,.. • ill. Jy Assets over i,. > . 600,000 -.

tJaroaiuo, 'Mutual lnB.'.Oo'.,of!NowirkH. J.; .Capital, . 200,000 ,

tua Insurance Company, of Hartford,Com., Amta, 6,000,030

Obntinflutal Iiisaranoa Ooiiipnny, o! HuwYork. Oupital, ' 1,000,000

Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Oo., of Nowark,N.J., Assets. 20,000,000


Sussex Street, Dover, N, J.

jTf. nni nun1 able to moot tbe vratili bl mj

larger stuck orgo«aa tl>nn evop before,


SILVER PLATED yfXRE' . i ••*• • • , . ' • . ' i i r1 ?*• > . i ? .

o[ new [lcglgnii—unBnrpaHflcd lu Hill auction.


' ' A T.i\pau» TilnaRW.;

Tho Jloveroqit Drown, 111 Dinlrltoony'i obaA pulp nnltinfr, gave n short addrcBfi'i

Ho f polio of wedlock, all IU Jo^iiina pftlmIts [totror ftl tlmet ta oiifo (U wdll M bloat*

Wti'ou "niarrinRO bio nils two Urei," lio' wouldl l W O BUl l l , • i j , ,

Ho slipped Ills tongno •nil ffiTo out "blind B1

. . (intend. • ' > •' . • "Ko.jipci], «(n)jl ilr, tlio Ifluntlor-luckki eill j•|I«lrfil^^ ^ p r t tub rigjit wor4, ajter fil.,;

All kintlf of repairing earn fill I j> atid prouiptijtlouu. VuDllng nailer obligations tu tlio publiator p»*t l^roTs, I Iio(i9 hy gimd work ani fairdialing (n uw\i 4 pontimtqiioo or t!i? P ^ '

HarrowJ iig to tlie sole—Pegs.' Good placo' iot-'Dlftlch ' * '

pUuc Springs, r

RpJ liot—T^bo traib^ilirlt lotlewwarmitovc, • !.

ins osaoolatos—Tlioio who are


. . . . . nro epending llielr leisuroliout» at wateringi-places^v . ... , ,

_.. rpent,.i.i' reported to 1IL._established a Imnoh offlde iu Jjake On-

trio. :•' •• • ~;'\,- . • :


Monuments, Tombstones,. &c.


THE understRticul loni l &Ta to inaouuod iotbe pablto (but ho is noW prepared torotn-

urtcturo anil will kocpcunitnntlj on liniifl tlio'atoit tlcaiffiiH of

Cemetery rioti ouclosol of Oraultnftudilo I"oiti, £rorr job WEirantcd to giro

plotafliimfaoti^ Prlooa tnaflor|tc, , > /

* F

llar-iro coru-



i C O }: Q-'ii il ofei-ran. N, J.



so t ip GQii) KINGS

VQi), Bnaii)Blo4


BPEOIACIiTiS •aaE'SB CUJXBSEB ol ill d*-ettpUoni, floW, Biker, Steol, Jlubbor sad

Bbell, THE pAJRCnn4> OOltP TEN, uuinr:sioil far fluonoj atid eonoral oicelllonoo,

1 I tm ' t i l io^d l i ig to Dijj •took uow;«tjlespintrticlei or soltd eilvor anil plated ware, mltiblo

wedding proaoDU. FOltKS, BPOOKS. andIclf* for lablo aio »t grcally rodncotl prlcfi

HAipcBigaa of i re r j dcicriptliineoDtttincjliM 1«4-ptttern booti, can bo mads to oriltr.B^OCUI attention tfVca' to Hjo * VE L Q I K "WATCF M O Y E M E S T ,

caflodthe-ATcry Wtlcb. Also,'ascnt;fbr tlioHoT^wd, WsltUam, StriaESo111 a n i 1 F l gWfttcti, ' • . . . '

Boptlring a spsuikltj and trarrantiid,EKGRXYIKG NE&XLY DOSE,


nbtriT conn ktm irrrciiED; pnntrs, flisoa

TiBMI, COTTUK "Uil> Vl6ltBTEU, OAnrtT ff

11DIE11 OEXIg'TOimil' ASD oalLDnKN'i UXDElt*

U. j " • .M,:i::;, IV. s | HADDITT,

\ . . - - • • MonniSTows, H.


V<ha ktiuiTH trlirro piiiI a'tiJ tieuil.au gu,Wiioro ill tlio bntM'iu Ursv ?

. Vlho kiiaff* wbcrj nH (bo pfuuiua goI b i t •omtjliow gat awtyf

Wlio knows hbtr all Ike Olilua broik»Tl.et W»BQ'* tooobtfd *t nil ?

Huir ba j t gtft io bl»ck Lniitra

And novcr litd it hill 7.

, ^liu luovv* ivliuocu nil tlhi fimliioui coino

Why 0t)p br.U-rmoutli sbiuld maku n fni:h[, Or.ffb.ot wai ,"»udi a afcii1*"

.Wbti iu.u*» bow llttia T)lH» <j*ti » rfollTo iticii prodigious afzo ?

Wlin linoiTF, ludfud, what "a (.'(.lug uu; •, D'.npatli bN fl-cury eyi k J "

.\Vlio tnotva Just wliiire l(or buxband fiooa

nbu kuovva nbou bt«t tit nrar a umlluAnil when {» vruro n pout ?

Wlin Uowri tlio time tu racu tlio Tucl'J'lml GIIU'B no Iijtigrr you OR ?

U'lso IHIDWH buw best to njiuak her luirni

And liuiv tuliold bur trinuiio?

Wbn liHtwp tlm nmttt convonieiif dayToWIiiSB^nil t ixl iBtt i

Mbit tnoiiM tliu lioirof wb«t lie RpciidxOiiiliil»t,(j!f;arHaiidn'IiiQ?

Wlio bnons 0110 boniiol tfamml Irut

lbs votqun Is lUo mnm«^ ( to wlfo?

WboiiiionHwIij all flic prett/ girl*ArooftenlaU t o c o !

ITniv nil tlio ugly women tVcd 'Wbo nrror bad t bc»n ?

TVb.v urnall mun fancy-ylfCMn larpo,' ' A 4 l « f i y r i U f " '

Wan, Iti fact,' irti

l l tOib'irarU '

Who tnovs'bow/ar ta Iruit n frlund,UowfnrWlinto»roo? ..

Just wlipn io *l*ak a liimlljr yraAnd wlicir a.Kturdy nn f

.Wlio bnowi—lite grmiiolil Grecian •*"Gn

Tlio nliDit mini In Bllliin.vorld

mtretort, :

TCBbaas a^ile—m goodts two or tlirco miles,'iuiifaet, if she ipretty, and it it 13 a indjmUghtnifilit.LrHotdnlf ^DOTfttt^ltliPllBif Wulrt'TniCrO' UOb- ' obnld SOP,

Tlion put hl« JihtrJ on vrraag sldo ant tbrqugli

Nor HIT bis *rror til] ha lay nornaa lib motber's

,f» (Sff-S? 3TAtjfl OVi:H,iM1 Think nlioiu marrlKga its we plenao,tbero is no pliraantor night than a newly-wetiaed toppp)oj .wniyD|r.vlicn]ie fromaburohon tho first Sunday, with thebrido's mothpr in tbo rear tbougbtfullva t i ' t l i b t l d l i V t of

exhibition in Cincinriittlj.' Its "6o'*ihgen-ioual.y contrived tliat tbo mother canTookherteUanctUle baby rimnitanooiis-ly. They say that every married manwho Beea tliat maoliina instantly marclicHup to it and eiU down in tUo looking-chair and rocka himself, and latighs Ilkatho liyeaa ir *1*~ —'"-»~—-

'Aomiplein v H o t h i rlittlo one, fouryeAwold, iodioatobytliofollowing lines flppended to. tho , recordof Lot death tli'iit iheV.gtlof.ia not. in-con'solable 1-" "'

lI'ssjou'r'Bunnjr'ami.oBniiwiiitifng facaj

'Twfll bo lonoly bora irllhont yoa, now.7111 toother comoi to fill jour placo,"A'lady nalced ncr.HUle hoy, "Have

>ott called your grandma to.tea f" Y03..Wben I wont BP to call her sho wasnaioop, and I didn't wish to hallo ntgrandma nor'shako hor ; so I kissed hercheck, and that woko her very softly..Then X ran into the hall, and said prettyloud. 'Orandina, tea ia ready.* Aud shenever knew what woko htor up."

When a Novaaa photographer wantsto make n pood picture, he puta tho Bit-tor in hitt piara, pulls ont n nayj TCTOW-cr, cocks it, levels it at the' mann's bead,*nd says—','NOTT,jnst.you ait perfectly

calni? lilcnsant eifwBsion ot couritoh-ance, anil look rifflit into tlio mnzzio ofihisTOTOIVCT, dT IMHow thWtop'otyonrliond of. My reputation as an artist is

ijitekoaTMid ^dop't/warit CBS noqionnoJOOl WllfllMOlOfO. ' , - t.* \t >• i ' / i ' •

Tho new boot in Pnris wlitoli Indioair« BOW looking forward fo "tritU" cager-icss Is the Fompellan. It is of blackselvet and .very high; -tbo jlegginp:. infront all VeneUtin 'cot • wott ettiVro.detywith a eilver cord. Tbo jiink, red, orscarlet Pompdiah Bilk'atooldDff'ia thusseen tfiroagh- tlio open clover or <lin-mond-shaped pattern,- ' Plain stockingsof decided high colors aro 'all. cbeakeden tho edges of t Q ftset and' fivoutiil theonklo in whito silk, or soma stronglycontljatlugcbloEijQ i'i.j^'j I **»: "i

AcIorpytDan, mooting a little boy of

"This i» quite a btormydajt xay soni"."Yea, air, answered tlio boy ; "this is«ry wet rain;'V?Tlio oler(jyman!f,-

icti lyperbolo, )neve any. othor n

other," rbtnrnd th^y, i~* , _ .read in n certaii hojpjt pt^td^wi^a- itraiacd. flta aad'briiQBlohe iytft 1 goes*that was not a vcrytiffljiiTLVJ.;;'

Leoterwho died reconuy.yftoot, Irnt tha ' •lays CJiartvari, -„ ._. , _ „ _ .ind Lad tha followlnrf origiii >^vf ?• •,Ono dayhe was - ^ " - ^ ' * * ~ •••*--yonnglady, who ^" O h ! what a ohumiag ; ' -bracelet 1

Look hero my friend,": •• <..,-,i". ->-i •Bo ho boughtrit AUHlt farther an

ie saw R*fan. ', , ' . ; '.' ' * ;." A h ! tho dcliciouaftm 1" nnoth eho.He bought it , A little futtuer on sho

LW an Bbony oa»T(et, . . • • ' . • • * ;

"Ah ! what a casket | " Mid she, 'Trewanted jnat such a one ever BO long." '

Haw could ho help buyluff it P •'Tlio next day tlio Count said to bim-

a o U — ' • ' ' I - 1 , . ,• . : . ' ;

"Let us always take noabriolotjitwill not coat more than walking,!'

Tlio recent inrention of a sb'aj)rlil4wn is thurfdesoribed!— "It i«: illJodwitboaall ahellf,\and when i t . huntsamong ton thousand soldiers, tbBBOimal-Br.ara seattored in all directions, oWdmrstingintnrn : send oiit,quit,siniUar'

and by tbo lime tLo ci.niah.ro gfaofliflontamBdincthe third IIEQ;explode,-,thotrroyisBBarlywiped b o f andlth'i "men reJnaining want to go homo."

IKDHY BRULEV'S (VAKBtTu»r.il!t.<ri,.n blnryliaH tlio morll ufl*.

hifori(,'in.il iifili.) fainiiim,''WnUi) Hcnno'

Tlie story wan tulil iu lliu diaimtlat, UiJ, illiu pluy had nrtvL-il & IUCCCBS, Ibo mvj nulno lit ii tirtiHL'ut 11/ £33 to tha CJuldo wlioBuiijitiul liim iviilj Ilia raw iiirttiital."]

Tbo guides who conduct the touristnt tlio Uillarnoy Iakos aro generally wit-t j , flociublo nnd obliging feliowi, wheare nol uuly endowed l>y nature with afund of gijod tiumur aud actira,spirits,but UIHU .IJOMCJS a great deal of shrewd-HcflB, ooiivt'itiatiiiuu! tact aud iutelli-t'fiicQ (but one hardly expect* to meolnmoiig tlio pcaaajitry of tho south of Ira-lund. If tbu toumt is iuoliued to ba so-

!IP,V will rooder his visit eioeed-

„ . , laaapt by Iho rclatiou of ascriQEot uturitis, wherein tlieaotuul and. tinKitjlnrnutiii'uPflro 'blended"with inurvdous auJ inout aiattaiiig ttTiiota,

•Among tlicsoguijea tliero is uoaolwt-toi- knowu or better liked tbau Mr, Ted-dy O'Donoguuu—a veiy mxXu\ person'ago, who, hating been to Auiericn for ashort tirap, is honored with the lionoxa-b!e distinction o£ bfiing balled the Yan-kee O'Donoglino. ' Now, Toddy ia not avory buislel'onsindividual; hut, althoughlio ia quiet aud utodeBtin bis demeanor,bo is til msi'ry a scoundrel as peer spokewitb tlio broguo, and is equally remlyfor n flirtfttion nmonff tbe girls, & Inrkwith (lie fiu<tyonng follows who travelto Killarnoy, or a ejirec with tbo hnat-nu>n wlio row upon tlio lukos. Whatbis ohiuf obnraotoristio is TO would notunder tike to tjtutc, but ho eau play onthe come* mtli the graoo at Arbucklo,and can B»in n yata with the mqst admirablo spirit.

'i'ho story vhloli lio -tola i» of TcildjBeg'ey'n wako, and which wo shall uuderlnlie to relate as bo gave it to us, liastho merit ot l)niiigbotb truonud OHRI-nal, as bo was its prime nharacrcr. Hetold itfo us ag yvo were beiug rowedncross tba lfttcos,;and as tbe story willcxpluin 'itself, wo will nt once nrocce*wi(u itu relation ;—

"You know," Boid Teddy, BeltliDjrhirasoHdown in tbo stern of tho boat,after he bod aroused tbo coho.es of EagleCliff with bis biiale, " I lmve beeu ugtiida on these lakcifor a good manyyores."

. -'Well aboot four yarefl sinoo. therecame down horo a'flno oiitd nabob fromthe Aist Inglea with two young sprigs afofQoors, neiibewsdf tiis, who wanted CoBOO iverytbing iu Iho noighiorhootl.The ould gintlemau, whq woaa Judgoin Ingics. also tuk tt great. intorcGt inthe place, and especially iu the pisentryaud tboir woya of livln\ He wirotod tosee aud know ivory thing, ami altboughbo. was a great heavy old chap, weisluDgnigh onto 20 stun, Wd go round wldmo ivory day anywhere I'd tbirat 0'tokin'him. .

"At last, wbiu there wasn't ranchmore to bo ehowtn' him, be saya to mo—'Teddy, I want. to eoe a wake—a raleIriiiU wake; and VA mnVs it wortn your

bile if you take mo to qno,1 ' 'f'lLnve tbat to me,' Bays I ; *bnt I

don't think tbortfs'miy body died justnow aboutb,ei-o.t;bnt if'.your hpnor'Hwait B.fm/days, tlhliikl'ntoeyM'aguIro,

IO'B mortally lick up nt the -' Gap, willcftlier Btrlnping off the hooks.' ;"'What's the mutthor wld bim 1' nak-

ed tbe Judge,'kindly, \-\: •;" 'Shuro, X pn't Bnow,1, ftaidl, ;OIIB A" alt; the •3Qothor..oaU«.ifc a combination

'"Well,1Bal4 lio, iril i ra iU fow d i p

waited ;bat* bi'dcess to Patsy.dio'flt'ollt^nt tuk, a'tiirn for

tlio bbttber :'s6 that the"clo<!th'or said bowas'out of danger.* • What< shall I Jo

. . t forgive me.tt4S7onnd ont that TAbeen detainin'.him* nearly d week for ftman to die tbat';was OQ, tbo hfgU road

O M l t t l , ! / ^ . * ' . ? ' " . - / : * < . ' •,'•., '.• ; . .•. • i 1 -M'ljwascbpipletely hothored[battlio

>vialng I hoard thdt'patay wai Injprov-in" rwo9,down!ot the taYprn, whon TornDolon. here' (one 6f the boatmen} 'put itintA mo hniifl to got np a sham trass*'. V*But,fcBaidIto himi..'wholll b« tho

' '• 111 tcltyi-u;'said ho—'Xoildy Bog-l e y . 1 '.-. ..-•.; .. . , . . : . •. -•- •. • . . . .• .'"Tlia very man,'mid L 'But howwill we'manago i t ? ' • ' • ' . , :* "Well,1 wd Filt'our* Uda together, and

discussod tie matter.on all iu pints, and.thin liDvin1-made up onr • n^inds, wo §ef-out to find Teady, who, as I'.mast tellyoj was the longest and. tbo'laziest mannRilldrqey. Qe niver smilad. exoipt

in tha wayyau.Atuerioa.oa '«mUe,'andthin it was always by - htmself j and bowthodivll tho apolpeen lived waa,a mysto-ry,to iToryboiiyi aslia wasnlvexkaovmto do n day's wbrbr. -JUn? principalIrate in.town wos'tliB Widdy Mblouey's,upon x:hom it WOB (.lid Teddy mis migh-ty swato ; BK.O^WO Btprt^d'for.tho tvid-y's, nnd whin we got there, auro enougli

tbera'i(waB''Tiid3y flaying, off 6u ftbinab'.flmoktBirn dbudeeD... : . . . •• . : ..

»rtf.5Good- ovening^ widd7,' :said ;l, tolie ontd'lttdy/ wlio was behind tbo b a t ;It's foi •10'weather, this,' for the harvist;'nd thin, as if seeing Toddy bychanco,'Bfl.ld.toyli.ni, 'Hello, Toddy, U tbnt

" 'Stiro itifl,' said:'h'fl,':wi(!Ioiit"movinl.'Wlio olso.TroiiItlit^s?' , . . ' . . , , ,

','Ootrib. and have a dh'rinV?' said I.'Teddy, at this, jumped to his fateia

.iCy^nnd was migbty istereated aU'atonoo. ;W*elt, ye see, it-wouldn't dp tope too' quick to tell 'him of bur projectnf<ift& th&;:witl3y; »o Tomj bero,-. just$aid,,c(i3ually, like, ^We'ro gain' down toMoriarty's' (ho kept a sliebaon furtherflown t^o Btraat) Up meul; Tim MuTpby;ri l l ye-apme along wia us?' . "-- , ,

"'Sbardl'friV said Teddy, expectio'mor» dbrinUs whim ho got; there. Bo offwa started j but instead ot goin^downtoMoriarty'e/wo jnat walked into the Earlof Konraaro's park, and tbero brooobodtho subject to Teddy, promisiD'1 him at>int of whiskey and bilf p auvorolgn ifio'd carry it through. : •

"'Will,yis.;give jrie tlio whUkoy firstis an oarnoit Bnd to bind t]ip barmvin,*

" b « , . , • • • • - , • •.' .

'pdlth •we'll -not,' 'snldl j - ' /or je l l- . be getting too dliruok, and thin,

ipllo ivcrythingtbat we'llgivoyoab.nlfjint.'

*->Yery VelV-wiid ho'i'it's a b'atgaini''So it camo about the - nlxt day that

!om Dolannnd'bis mato, .returningfrom the lakes on tbo HOBS Castle road,loand Toddy Beglsy lyln'aeact by tbesideol tbo Lodges,-nnUj ay1 coorso, ei-pcetln* jnst such an aooiileat, they weresll ready for IL ^.Thoy'ilUtfld.upiioorTeddy and earriefl him • tindorly intoTom'a honBc, and' thin; ufaf off w_ taaand tha doctheri'", -TVuiu' the dootherrams, I was thflt* 'totaata- him. and

onin* him to be tue right lort.of a,u tot ajoke, I'jiiit .let mm into tbo.-rrot, and cot him to IciU Toddy off b jliddin' attack of tho h6art diseasa, ."Well, wo carried Toddy" that • night

up to bis mother's on tbo road to tbeGap, .when} we insistod upou drcsstu'the ,corp<a Inhja shroud, and Btaudm'A'ateh over him during tho night. Tbeould lady took on badly about i t ; for,thongh Toddy nbyqt helped her a bit,mdwisasbad 4 adnas alazy mancanbo, ha was BtilllioT. aOn, and ' tbo' onlyDUO loft her to lovo and think about.

"Howover, nbout twolvo o'clock 'joinand hia mate got tho oli lady to bed,and thin they and -the coorpao passodthereat of tbe night having a g_ood tima:ovora-boltlo of Vbiakey laid in for thop u r p o s o . ' • •'•, ' - • • -•'•-•

MXho nixt morning I irint up early totfio hotel and told tba Judge cf Neddy'ssudden death, and tbat uli wnko wouldbo bold thnfnight Tiio ould gintlemanwas very mtMih." conderUad about it,'*a-peoially..whin Itouia.bim that Teddywas tho only sun of his mother,, and tliat* iwas a widdy. '

' 'Toddy,' £&id he to mo ' I am sorryTar tbo .anld woman, nnd .hero's flvo

itjndiia'aiiist la^ayiuUhe fuuer&l ex-

benevolence,' nnd wid that I tould hi]thit tliB viako wtiulit «»a.a.«ut« ot ciglo'clock.' "At that time all the friends of tinJamiW bnil cotno to tho liooso ami werihcviii1 a jolly timo over the coorpso b,ibo aid of a liberal supply of whiske•wbicb tbe ould BBbol>'o guinofts hbought. Ould Mother Begley sntwcoin' and moanin' at tbo coorpso'8 heaund. Sally Dunuignn, tlm best 'akeene:in Killarney, was prcparin' liemelff<, ... _. * T ._.*•__ ! !_ r arduous" juties by tailing aboardmiicb wliiBkey as BUO conltl. Tbinoworo gettiu' lively when tbfl ould Judgiarrived with bis two ncpliown, and asav cooreo, tUoy wero tbe boDorod gueslathey were accommodated wid Bates bjtbo sido of tho coorpso.

"Tbe festivities of tba wuke were no<prouccded wid. Ould Mother Puuni

was mounted 011 a cheor by Toddy';, and began wailiu' mil cmn' as i

tbo byo tray her own HOC. The otlici.wiinnim' tuk up tho ouorue, nod forlittle timo you might n thought that athe byes in tbe town wore dead—sunanimous was the Iiowlin'.

"Tbo ould Judge tuk it all in willtlie dupesfc aHiution, Ho niver budgoi]from bis sate, but sat gazia1 on tbu mul'tttude widout moviu* a muscle; whilitiio two offloora paid more atlintlon (cthe protty collcong in (bo crowd tbnn totbe liiiB cci'ciuuuics of the ivabe, Prea-

ly, Minhowlin' coml, nnd mild Moth-_. Dunnirfaii beeau telfin' of. what abroth of a bye Teddy was : what a gosou be was to hia mother; how ho heled ber get in the turf, and bow lio wonbring bums all bis arningaaad give themto her!. bow iverybody loved and ro-apiutcd him. Holy Mosca 1 ye wouldhavo thought Toddy bud been n saiuinfltid of one of tho sorriest rogues in alKilliirnby.

"Thisfiao character given the lad bttbo sksanor almost ruined us ; for Tod-dy, av coorflc, beard ivery word that waisaid, and sll thin' fluo blnrnoy just tickted him so much that he forgot nil uboubeta' dead, aud just smiled.

'-Bedad, tbo Captain, eittin' l>y hiilide, just saw this auile, and got suspichious that' ivery thing wasn't square,Hobeokoued. to me to eomo out of thrhaose, aud wbin I follered him, lio justMid—

' " 'Bee hero, Teddjr, this is n humbug I1

, " 'A what 7'saya I, mighty iuiiocont

'A- humbug I' eaid lio again, *Tbii1 is not any more did than I am.''Not did, yet honor I' aaid I, mak-

ing out I was astonished. 'Shuro bo i s ;for I helped to dress tbeeoarpso meself,and I'll seliware to it,'.

" 'Ata you aure V said he, lookin' nt0 as if to see whither I was lying or not.'"Sburfi? taid I, 'RV oooraa-I —

Don't I tell yon tho roan's did.'•' 'Well,' said bo, 'if it's a Joke, I won't

spoil i t ; lmtlwinfc you to tell mo "truth.' . :

" 'Faith, ycr honor, it's tbe truth I'dbo toHin'.yoQ, Do you tliiuV .nil thofolkn, and bis ould mother, Joo, wouldJO inukiu' such ft blafhcriu' if ho wasn'tid ?' " - •"And' he gave, ma another scarchin1

lot.lt, and we wiut bock iato tbe hooae.I-snitcihoil bim, nnd I saw that bo waswnt-ohin' me," too; so I let on that I wasas in'ntJDent asiypucglamh, and.tulcto

raisin1 i p Today to bis ould motherrid the moat serious face I cud,{• < - • •• ."The Captain,: eeeing mo' ongaged,

ust looked - quietly atioot,. and , tbejvgrabbiDfi; -Teddy hy.lU Joft fat,- he liftedup hia leg and let it drop suddenly. . As,Teddy was ready.rfdc.tbia/his legwintowu op tho bench' agnjn with a thompbat would hove attracted atiintioo1,- if

tbo -folks hadn't boon making auoh, a


A. W. liumpbroys of No. 42 Pino St,prominent iron merchant,who dolivaj

ed an address on iron Jaat year beforthe AuiericuD Institute, has returned rcently from Europe, and in convrrsition with a IVibune reporter has madtha following statement*, witb otherconcerning matters of interest to tiron trade : /

VABinD USBS or moH in EKOLAHD.Porbaps tba first thing interesting to1 iron inpn visiting England ia tlit

much more universal uso of iron thenthan in America. From tbo time hilands at- Liverpool, whera n reconthburned landiug-atnge or pier is rebuild'ing witb iron, he pees it in comparative-ly aoinmon UBO for many purposes wbenAmericana would employ wood. In mrny coses tlio platforms around lailwostotioDa aro covered with Ibin blookn <cuttt iron. It was said in England thateven if timber wera as cheap as ia mostof tho EflHtem States in this country,iron would bo ia tho end tbo cheaperrad bettor material for nny jiermaaesitstructure in nil tboso parts wbere stout;ar brick could not bo UHed.

Tlio varieties of ovo tn U3Q in Eng-land do not vary vary much from ouiawn in kind, but the English have verylittla rich ore of any variety. Thenniagnetitoia inferior in quality- and ex-teut to the &ae nnd nob deposits ofthis ore with wMcU v,a ax* * familiar inNew York, New Jerserand Michigan,and wbiub Ainericun ironmasters deemalmost a necessity for pro8i»eroua-worfa.Jut they have in their Oumberlnud and

Laocaflliire red homatitea perhaps a fullcompeiiBalion, as theao me easily melted,make en excellent jroa, and do not'woarthe fumncof badly, Oa an average tbeires need throughout England will notyield probably more than 88 or 40 persent of iron.* OonuidsrabU Spanish oreis used, especially for making iron soil*ible for conversion into JJesaotnor steel

and lately it lias been' taken to ScotlandAt B0318 iamaces Irish ore is used as amixture with local ores,'but, on thewhole, it in not wall spoken of.1 Coko istho almost' universal faeWbr smeltingiron, and the Durham'< coke' fa a vrtin-lerfully good fuel.parhaps-even- better:han tlie OonnelUviiU coke tn this coun-iry. Anthracite ia useU soarealy - at ill;;_he only deposit in Great •Britain, I be -lBve, a small one in Wales, and this ofm inferior kind,'crumbling'badly eawon as heated. About 2} tons of raw)oal, or 28 or 80 owt, of cake, composejrobnbly about the avorago#quantity ofuet required to oiako a ton of pig iron,ilthoagU oonsiddtably loss bos dona tliecork, ua at «otn« of our own furnacesviih 21 owt. of anthracite a ton of-ironins been made. .

The flnxin EigUnd, us-»• rule, isheap" and good ;, cheap, becaaso it istear the Inrnace, oad hence requiresittla tiansportation ; and' also becauseb is a nearly pure carbonato of lima inood form,'


In tho eonstruotion of furnaces, therelittle, on tho whole, varying; from the

lestprnctico in America. The EcgUihurnaocs' raquire less raw material, per-i&ps, than tbe American, and they havebin walls and dispense -with'casting-lousas-rrtbe pig-bfcda being in. the opeair^-nna ajso.-withoutlany .covering, for

yit, and I trlmblod loagt- haabonld find ont the truth ; so I thoughtI'd call hhn out: the dura and whisperthoreal state of nfluira.

'It was • too htte, however, for whatia tbo Captain do but, as if qnite BO-

Didental-Jike, he drapa the hot end ofbis cigar, oh Teddy's , cboek. Holy Pe-ar 1 you ohonld havo aoho the efSet Tt

banged Bannoger Completely, and Tnager, yo know, banged tbedml,

"Teddy, foeling tho hot oindbor ._hia oheok, jnst forgot all about being acoorpso, and jumped suddenlly'up wid ayell af pain. The folks, sailing tbo didhu^ come ta life, thought the. dlvit badWrely brake lpose, aud. will OUQ wild

they made n rush to the dtiro

. cattle, while the Judgo, getting In'to tbo pamowid thereat,' woutatumblin1

aiter tha other follcs. till Mothsr Bag-ley'e nitf, which bid boon alumhorin'peneorulTy utider thb'etaiis; was woks upwid tha racket, and coma rasliia oat ottho hoois just 03 'hii-honor: reaohodtholuroway, and scamperln' atween hislegs, laid tlie ould ,ntvbob eprawTin* oahis back,. yillinR-'Murthorl < Tb&ves !Hip 1 Robbers f at thn top of his voice.

"X UU you, gintlonwn, that I laogbed111 thought I'd. go. into convulsioni.

though Iknewthore'd. bo .tho -divil .'top»T vfhon tUo until got ont." - •

When Teddy,hadUnishedhtsrelatioi.We fel some coripsity'tb know iho finalresult ol tHtt'aflaii, BO tro asked bim nbont

'.'Well, the mild gintloman tnk a fit,of-igont/aailVaslaid up for tin 3(.ya,t tlio" hotol,'nnd'Qt the end of tliat time,

gettingbQttor.-hb unt for^ne, telling1 themisienger that bo WAB going to )t\\\ xAn.

rather thought tho onltj mna wouldn't» tbat, s b l p u t O' bould? ftco oql tho

HmUoiyivml "wmt up to tho botoi.• "When he saw me coming, ho jumped

up from bii sato, and 'grasping TOO "byTUO collar, • naked it I didn't deearyo it

" 'No, ' aayBt, bouMIy, 'not ft bit.1X( 'Why?' says b t . . . . . ."'iJccaiiBO,' said I, 'it was A good joke,

&nd a good wako, too.'"Wid d&t, what does be do bnt pals

iis hand into his pocket, snd pullingit £15, handed it to me, saying—"'Hero, you rascal, I"forgive you,it cluo't'lot mo iver bent of yon playiu'

,nny more such .practical jokes, or I'lluroly liavfi you banged.1

" 'Faith, tbip, I won't, ycr honor,'•aid I, and tbeu Ibid him good-by, andtbnt was tbo last of Teddy Bpgley'sWake."

ws. .-'Tliftiilfs,-yiir'botiar,' said'I, 'it's a.

Hnd-hoarUd, ginQtoue man thfct ye wo,andTnVahurejthe Ulewia's of-tbo widdywill foltowyg all joui.lifo for your great

DEATH OF Aiixnicur Quip.—The fa-]ous trottiup moro Amorioa'n Qirl felltoad on Saturday, in \\\a first beat, intho freo for all race, at tlio Elmira Park.She was drivon by John L, Doty, nndtppoaicil at tbB ntfirt to ao in tbe voryliest oonditioD, Tbo horses wcro scor-ed a number of times boforo they gottbo word. Tho girl, nt tba first turn,was ahead, but the driver notiood -tbatshe seemed to be giving outy and ha lother bend loose.- Shn kept staggeringfor an-eighth of a mile, oud at tbo qnor-ler-polc fell and dicdinslauUy without nBtrugRlo. She fell very cosily, with ber

louldor against the fenco. Tho inri-lont created a great deal of excitement.A singular circumstance ia the matterwon tbat from the grand stand a rainbowcould bo seen, the ocd af'which foil up->n the bend of the dying borso. Tliomnd played n funoraldirgo as soon asthe doath was mido known. AmericanGM was 18 years old, nnd has-boon afavorite on tho tnrf for yours.-'Tho El*mini Driving Park Asioeitition propoaes,

lioald tho body be left thoro, to' erect a31,000 monument to tlio.-memory^fofAmerican Girl. There was no ininfanoeon tbo mare, Ben Mace" offorod $50,000far American Girl that morning;.-) JEiiohorso was owned by 'William' IkJvpll,'of New York oity. Sho muH by, Amos'aCaaaius M. Clay. Thetlam-ia.nnltnown,Mr. Lovoll has several times had tlio op-portuny of selling her for S2O.QO0, andvalued her at 325,000. Her beet recordwas mado Sept.' 20, 1874,*bn ttio UlaadPatk Course, near Albany, when shebent Gamore in' 2,-201, 2:101 and fljlO.The probable cause ol horaaddeu death,ia stated to bo ovor-exartion .while np-pjirontly convalisainp from • the prevau-jng epizootio, whiclilg knowuby -verjer-inary surgnous aa a troaouerous and un-certain duooso.

A Man and his Baby.

In tho first place, ho was a bomoly[oo'd-natured looking body, dressed iulotnmon clothes, and having tho appear-nco of 0110 who.dii rough work for ftiving; but such a heart as he had, auchinlimitcd pntjaBCO aud ingenuity andollily 1 He was traveling in the caravitL his wifoaud thrco small children,bo youngest a Uaby—croiB, homely, andyitb a pcrveraity which mukoa one bo-

ve iu total depravity, bound not to baunused or guutl natured whatevor woaJono for him ; bwlpaterfamilias did hisjest,and his best wa» worth beholding; holived into oue pockot aud out of it intonotber; bo brought forth Btrings, knivfts,iails ; ho maJo A rabbit of his poclcot-landkerchiof; • he made his alreadylomely face homelier still by the mosttomicul (fontorttons ot uoao, mouth andiyeB • ho put hfa bat on tho back side ofiis head, he palled it orer his eyes ; hailayed peaU-a-boo beUiad tha cornet otbaby's cloak ; and at last ha plucked afeather from some unknown, placo,. anditew hiinfielC bkok in the fao« m order to[eep it floating in tha air for the banofit>l that remarkable baby. Tkelaitl&awind heard of bint bo WM trying to flingiint obild to sleep with the words.Iff. jig. jiff. jiff. Jtff. joy, repeated O T «nd ovei, tic»ompanyinc each •word -with

a Bwaylng motion of tlio body.—Wor-ceifer (Uass,) Spy.

, MAOAULAI'O Taints* TO THB MOTOZB.—Children, look in'thOBO eyes, liitfla tothat dear voice, notice tho/eeling of ar-ena sinrlo touch that is bestowed uponou by foot gsntlo hand. Make muchf it while yot you hare that jnoaf pra-ious of all good gifts, a loring mother.Cead tbo anCoLhomablo lovtt i a thoaa

es, the kind anxiety o[ that tono andnil, however alight your pain. I a[terlifo you may oAVe friends, and fond,car, kludfrleuqs;. butneTor will youave again' the 'inexpressible love andintloness taTuiUod, upoa you i?hioU aiotbcx bestows. Often do I fiigh, in '

my struggles with the hard, uncaringwotW, toe tUeB-v^ot, dos^ oeoority I Wt 1

hen, of an'.ovcning.. neatling. in' herosom, I listened to aotne qoiot tale,iUabl»tamyog&r6&ditt>oittnUriag

QjtcMs.:^EheEngliib.gpyen, ;aa wfllL> as boilers,'aro

enerally,.if,:not.;uniVcrapUy'ron the'EQUudcXdq uot.renaemto*ecing:.Bny

us. iaTing::tU0]!mfi3Oiirynecessary;ito. elev«to- th« :oVenfl,as is sog*acrally jdona. ip. (bif. eoantsy^ As arulo tho furnaoeB'andiholr^iieoessary

ipur'tenancas 4n._]3D8Uo4- an-4»etter[lUnnodin their aeaenl amagementathan thbso in tho United States, but: notHotter than tba iabib reccetly/constra'ot-'idworkR hew.-p;At tho oldey furnaOoiLho - heating oven* • ore similar/to many3f tho Americin—acom'bustions.chamljpryt flT6-bricb,;iritU cn&uotf'pipW nbovej.'3ut the Whitwell ovens sn'cm to bb'tliblost in' furor ot the newly; Construoteaorks, aa giving n nigh tbmpertttnra to

the blast Tory Steadily-. To heit. thoast t« 1.000° - Beenu to, be the'geuoral

im; as a toaltor ol laot. abont 800°ems.tobo a t t a i n e d . T h U i

l l fe m . t o o attined..,,TheUowingncs cra.geniirally«f tha vdrtioal, walk-

jg-beami lowpresauro typa,\and:workoonomicallj and well; lowpresrare en-

gines, for all work seem tobeirnobmorecomtoDn noroHS the Atlantic than bera.Tho raw matoriali seem to1" bacarefallyprepared, nnd pretty well miicod Ijofocr

It"ibtimo3tQ'nib that tlio Bpglishfur-ico labor, generally, wfas'ttore efBoUhtan onrs.and in some cases; markedly

o ; at sotoo'fitrnacea Bu;avorngpj"out-lut" Of tWO tons'oi iron' jpor irinn *oin«iloyoa^WM attain^. ' 'Tlie Idrnaco,pr6Tmotor* seemed y«ry enre'thatthairmen

f l lm t * emed y«ry enrethatthairmeniro fully as woll off as those in, America,aut this hardly soemqa 16 mo!to b» true,•rom what tho men' told m'o.' ' Of ob'tin*hcre is a largo part" of tho mon every-where who nover aav&I* anything, bat}king tho ironworkers ond.oollienuiAItiBs, in Englpnt],.tlioso,TThd^wiaU.tovo^seoin unable to do. so, nnathitv in

many oases,.. wh«»> the•- whole? fomilywork hard, father, mother asd ehildrsn,ftirtoo timejjwHjoBsldQ/rona.tlii.:queaT

oa.bf iboneyaiotia,' they are, apparentlybnsciDusof a ffaiit 'Afcopittlfliatioii'to;-nrdahbin as. human'"beinga/ arid thelildreu grow up lamentably1 ignorant;:ceut of vice'and immorality. Theira-cs of tho. Iron working laborers oir.ihblole, I wos.told, :ore nbont 20 per; cont

igher tnan. beforo 3870, notwUhstand-lie reductions' that! havo takan ; placeincelSTa' ' ' ; ?

Eagliahnion scout tbo' idea that Vein ever supply them with.,iroa; andomo say tkiit wnonaverhuiiuessrovives,,nd wo really want iron in' largo quanti-ios, wo ehall bo-coiapelled to tako itigain freely from them;,wbilo othersidmit that the United States is; as a CHB:

mj»r, lost to thorn, nnd may,, iudaod,Lpply somo of their cuBtomffirs and dol-

inioa. Timo > only will discover thaIruth. Tha fact would seem ta bo, tbatEngland h u reached her litoit as a pro-ucer of cbeap iron, as, irrespectively ofho wngtia t\UGatiDn, aho cannot supplylersolf with.cheap, good oro/nnd coal

BTOwa gradually dearer from-'ita 'lyingeener.; while it is wthoatad. that two

abillirigs per ton are addedtb tho cost ofcoal by tbe operation, of tbo Mines B»g-

lations act,: which waa found necessaryir tbo protection of lilo aa the collieries

iow worltafl and muat b,o .worked infuture. It ' Va*" pointed" oat some

'can ago by n oompewnt authority herohat tho supremaoy (perha'pi. Uis oxiat-mco o£ ttio^EngliftU iron trade, depandodm; tbe continued omploymcnt^of cbil-irOD, perhaps of wnmen, inmany.pldcas*\ere-Americana novor tWntoi'Bo cm-jying tlicm.. . Tbo'.Ouvoramentlias

lassod nets restricting the 'omploymintit children, and tlroatiy ooiapMiita arojcginning to bo made tiat. unless '.thoselets'are modified, if not repealed,'Ijlug-anil Qnntiot comniiiiiil'iiviulcdcnt labor

anl cannot tbrolaaBuffitacnt laihoaply onDaghto saatajn'hsnelf in c mH-Htion with other ntf ibnv, Tho supo-ioiity Eogktd has hod over tlio UnitedItatea has been in tho proximity of herioal and ores, and her cheap and abucd-»it labor. These oafKntngos ore cor*luinly Iclntivoly ditappeiirlng.1./ 't

Tho complaint yf dullness, deprossionnid apprehension, w OTerywbero preva

A iu England. About one-third, por-iaps moro, of the fnrnacas are out oflast ; i o eomo localities; fully one-half

aro oa t Yet stocks of iron aeoumulate?nd at tboso point* where returns are«ao regularly enough' to give a just

do* of tho quantities on hand, nearlytwice as much is stocked ns at tho'begia-nlng of tho year, and ifip concessions inprico,.-amounting to about, 33per cent,scam to have no effeotjn stimulating:bauncss.'. Evoa Bessotuer steel,. whiohwas : tbo last to fool tho depression, is

in Tory -slsok flomand. This, per-lap*, udnoparUjldthodbjcetfonSflomofigineem aro making to the employmentf any stcol in largo mosses, them being

strong imlicuLions of a desirs, by tlieboat Euglisti ongincfira. to go book togood iron for heavy work.

Our tariff seems to trouble a] Englishiron men vory tauch ; but that tbty' 'care any thing about it personally," butthey all seem to agreo that th«y "verymnub dislike to Bee so fine a country astlie ytatfia ajffcr under such a bn*btroussystem;" and it ia impossible to talklong with nay Sngliabmao without hav-ing this generous solicitude expressedrery freuly uud urgently.

Aseolluterun connected with iron, Ishould like to Bpeuk of tbo railway sys-tem of England, and of some points, iaregard to which Americans might per*baps-lcarn aomothing, but will merelymention one. I saw ore nnd coko arriv-ing at furnaces on curs containing* 01tons of inatGrii.1, while the cars tbem-HUJVCS wcro marked aa weighing leu than13,001} pounds ; on one road lens than12,000 pouuds. The saving of deadweight by tbe English plan seeing wellworthy of careful study by our railroads.

iUabl»tamy,og&,r6&dtt>oi,ttnUrigoloo. Never .can ,1 forgot ber-swtet;lances cast upon me .'wlien X appeorad.sloop; nevervh«kiaa ol.peaoeotnight.'.'ears have pnued sindo;w«loid" her' M- LidpinT^ffliber.ia tbo oldlchurohyajd;;et still, her tolep •.-wbispeis U6m ;tab-.

frtve and her bye wathes over me,' u . I."rifilt spots long einca hdllowoA-to'the.aiiiaary'ol n y motber. .' " ' • ' :

, v During the war "n QeorgunsSrted toMarietta with somo chickens, for sale.'Ho mat a s^nad of ooldiors, and tber.-

ought all bis chickens but one roosUr.[a insisted they should take him, Imtthey were ont of money, and couldn't

The old man mid he hated to go oa toown with, only one chicken, and ¥ft«coatty paixlcd about it.At last one of tho soldiers said ;"Old man, I'll pUy yon a game of

iraa up for him,""Agreed," say a the old man. •Thay played a long and spirited game.

At lost tun soldier won. Tho old m&u <wrong the rooster's neck and tossed himat tho Boldier's fast, and monatod hisBwab-ts.U&d poacy and ftt&xted home.Aitor getting aomo two hnndrod yards-he gnddentlr-itonped, turned roond andodB bwb and ami : ' -

; > "JTon played a far gams, and won - thoroaster fatly, bat I'd like to know vhat

theh—lyoaput up agin that TOO»-

iBTiwa ABD "WismNoToir.—In JohnEVBjker Vilant Maolieth's now wort, thellowinginoident, oi aremimbrance of

he late Washington bring, finda place,itld will bear republicanon ' here. In '

p:y to the question if ho had ever seanWashington, the'groat wr^er saya, of.locond timo that no had soon tbo Gen*

i r a l . - - i - • • • • • • . • " . . . • • • • .:"My Bcotch nurse Buddenlj1 caughtSht of tho Qonoral, • entering a shop,ititohing my. hand eagerly, she harriedito tuo shop, and caught him by tho

leeve,, crying—-'GenoraM General 1le'ro'a a bairn that's balled- after you.Vull 'yo no gia him your bltMamg *'tailed ofterme, is he ?'said the General,a pleased voice; and laying his bands:my'head, lit n most rovensntinl man-

r—'God bless tho little ono forever 1'1 finid, and went out of thii «hoy. Iver saw him again, and I am aa old

ion ndw; but I can Gomotimes area nowiol the gentle pressure of hia hand onlyhoad, and I know his blessing abodetU f I havo been blessed,"

FaEKdn'HDKTXN.3 LAWS.—The Prenchwajregulating baiting hare soma po-liaritios. The huntamau must have aenso, andlicen&jp are not issasd toen who havo been imprisoned or havoeon convicted at damaging trees or:ops whilo bunting, nor to nny who•aundor sixtoen •years of age. unlosiaronta or guardians te^nest it. Thairico of a UCORSO is twenty-firo francs,

land-owner, howover, may bunt an-atrictedbj oa'hia own gtottud. Ftuh-

OQprtscnbcs that • & huntsmaa shouldrear a':,hat shaped somewhat lika a

ablo-peiked jockey cap, and adorneditb. a velvet horsoauoo; ft dark rod (or

daocoAt with many pockets ; txoaaartraUoiiing at Uio knees to long yellowfibers, and n game-bag slung over hishoulilar. '

! TUB editor of the Kome (K.X.I Bin-;uel has boon shown a "design for anpholstoroil iront-gate" which Boemspsignsd to become popular. Tbo foot*3ard ia cushionad and tbero it a warmnpstono oa caca side, the inside Istcp,

leiog adjustiblo, so that a short girl oaniring hor lips toj the line of any givonoustAcho without trouble. If the gate1 occupied nt 10;80 r. K. , an iron bondxtenda from one gatopoit, takes tboonng man by the left car, tnrni himround, and hflia at osca atartod homeiy a stool foot.

FATED.—Going «P Abbott streot yes-erday a man saw a boy about 11 years1 ago seated on a sidewalk, bare-head*I. in tbe full blaut of UiC tun."Bub, you ought nnt to jiit tliero 1"

said tlio man."Why 5""Because you'll get tanned.""Makes no duToranco to me whether I

t ia the sun or shade," sadly answeredo boy ; "mpthor tans mo thrco or four

,imcB a day any how."

Thoro ore, ncoording to* Mm, Oraw-my'a calculations. 000,000 ' women tn

bo United Kingdom for whoor tbero iso obincoof marriage. .What a pity I

A little Whitehaller, gazicg upon anild picture of hufoother, taken in a lowtress, remarked, "ilamtna,yon was moscady for bed wlien yat pictcr wus took-


.-.«« or IL« or.:er «*<., u Hon. v. i»i-' Latest Styles ti Newesl Designs



FUAXIC COS r - |iablic j

J J ; ; t ; ( , r ; „„,„„.. ,„„„. B«r XBWfl.l.iirj»;i.cVii.oMlf.lVrc,iorIJ»t.l


„;.., J ; . ; _- tivc-» ot iLe mail s*rT'Ii i / : ; , , .1 t:,grt-i:gl.i-£vl j>olie* OD

TWEED'S Ttux_— Tbe >'ew York Su-: = = r -Ii«nje court, gearral term, Judges Da-' L e t t e r s r e m a i n i n g u n c l a i m e drii . linij- »nd Danieli hoUtng, deliT- j n t h e Post ODlce a t D o v e r , -V. J .

' ered an opinion Saturday co tke motioa : • October icib, 16*5.br Tweed's eonnul that, in en taring !ibo order pant iDt to its recent decis-!

ion confirm, a jj Judge Barretfe refoul jto ric&te tbe order of sxre*t, tbe Court;

tha defendant to aoitrei

• = . — : r = ^ = = ; D1UKEVILLE DEPOT,

Iitrick t m n . n s b ,Ao^iB. Mac/id?,Frank H^cienm,

Q I.UXUL'BY TOWNSHIP, the toUuwivg jwr.(UDI! pivperiy, riz:


erst, illljliuiis • lUoces—realand iiuiiatiott-Neiktlea

aud JJinv*. Collar*,Lace aud Linru

Seti. Crane*. MournlnR Bonnet*' abJ Bollt.

fine : ;cl of

;,vJ»^dtrrilon tbLihrcugh tie U D -

• or take other tction ts adriwiJ. '>nrt ttra that the war of ikir- ('1 in till* e w most tfcimitiAte be

. F . H. Wel ttr.EUU«,wr, N'onbiBitxto

j n ^ S ^ ^ \ CMgnons, Switches, Braids, Ac.

[ block and fall, p*u FairbanW Flat'ora. tic

j tr»n»-' • tri*l on iu neriu.singtLeir: would cpta the war to 1

B , ., A C , U Mhine , 2[block taii ri]l,p»iiF»irb»nk"»I'l»trorn.«sc4ln,;^-» '"ge I'Utforro bc»i«i for we«LinB ore,


: i-t:

7 plead- : A. BE

__ _ , moan- i — . . . ._. . -_j u n g n r * - ! ^ ^ d e f e o d i I l t w o n , d i « ; , j ,n , | X i l l HI ED.

ncjtiitlT if icDOcept. or if gniltT, baf-; root—_LVO_X-pa Ocf.b'r "•>'flicffjaiiice bT tiding for tbat purposethe r.'r&c«d1 6* kis irtods. Tba Court

. hij.rt«-=, tiius iccni,--'I-. Sinew t i e

:!-T-T n-ai'-traia WITICC,.' -;r-r.. -:. ! i^c'sife la i l l tr h « Tjut-..-:.-* :i:-"ti, : ;:.l tht-rffors the ElprCM

, <<:*-: urcd-t, huwc-t-r, ... doe to t ic^tyTclt ice the CAK- fcr trial next.•f-.v;] f r:i.:tnd-.-nt bang* for Lis ef-, cjofltli-• ,":: •.}.:•, 1 *..:Jf, Jirtifu!;

. . _ . .._, 1*75, by J1*TI., a. Fugle. , KTzracs C. I \ » L aod Axsi E.dugLUr ftf A. W. Lvon, ai] of Mt. Freefcm

Tli a duticguisbed, hu at list htm

fiitor of tie Am '•

- ' OFTICJ; t,,d KESIDEyCE oppouto tli*


... :,-.- .-t..-* r ' : j ^ ' - J "•• ^ iU '- '*-; cuitT in direcliait attention to iho saloon | i*Ii?_?__-___

- r C ^ : " r : : ' : ^ « : l r r : ; ^ ^ S S f ^^Si^S:™e Best PapeMor Farmers!

0:."i: l>OLT-U:;/r vf j^ a l.'-ilul t i -wliart in .TOIJ poV i . j '3^ ' ; j " i J^r ' " .Sa«Si" ie»i . lai 'E«n j: ';.• r 'L..!l 1>.- itia.lc to par postsgo on ' fr.BieJ in an ths digaitr *,f valnut nml ;

•:-; _i.:rs firiMiatiug through tbo wail, j C&U, a n ' l circ-n a proiuice^t pl»c« ]D. a", •.. \: B.I wit ol tlie raimtj wliete hei "•» wid.Tj-knowii eaublisljiiieiit.- ; .

,,,,i,i.,.. xi,i, ,.,uia i , , ^ T'^fiTJ'^u^i Co:PartnerBhip Hoticel. ,•„ ,„,..,„! „.,-«,«•, auj « »rC prepar- i 'A j M l - ,,m,ir,. w U KSa ; but tbe old • X Sip I . . & f / u A traS'b""";,-i iu i-riivt, w'jiiM also increaje tbe. adage, tbit "Tirtae ia ita own reward, »n!*»rriU:Haii!l*riticiirmnanjeor.\fji[TiiitL*i1

i of county ijtiMisiierd.- - • • • •*•

Tha .•biirter cJectifJii in Olio,u%'lav, jjtit a d&nipcr upon tbe ii

i 2nd* fitting application in tbi!1 bis greatue&c.

Ijjiam.U Hriog iin diggif t t

E « i eountr, Vir-wtll tcceallj, tft

rnem..-nto 4 EMMOXs,; Uiiaiail iicili

IrepairinK, 4c.

• i-K tlio litj-uMiean canilidate far [ depth of aboit ihir i j feet CICOB" opon j -uni'ir, arrviufj tLo St&Ut with a [ tba trunk* of large trt-es Mrtral feet fa i.1 in'..ify NlKtfuru. by from 4,000 to diaweUir, wticb were fotVJ iwajoritv. Ttw Kei>uMicansfi!w'aniil'"tif'n to **? FTP™88- FeuiDR ttae

^ ^ 1

Ojutracl/jn an'l iiuilJi .'.1 are afforded bj- them r-jr theHio^i, f-r baildini- In centra'

Wm. J. SOitTHJiLT.Edw. L.E1IMU.NW.

•- J.,OitoUt llli, 1975. 11-3;




D0NK£I ENGINE and BOtLEKITfjittict; HiBgiaf led Chiint, 200 fret Jar-hKpc. .'.000 Tire Brick, 20,001 }U<\ Brick, 10!tool Lime Stone, 400 btuLfJj Charcoi],50 XOK3 KTOyECOAt, 2M TOXS IP.OS ORE,

1 OBE CRUSHER,Wf.it el Ii Inch ibo.-. Iron, pitcnt Slower, 30feet lisLUr Uou, Illickimitli'i Vite, Toagt,Din, l in-e md Dili, CrinO-loiie, Cott'ng Bus.


rb. [ 15 Ion* Hematite Ore, Cart and Carl Uirntm.I lot of old Iron »nd It-iltr CIIUDRI, ;0 torn OiD-dcri, Jirjj'fc aciccn, 7 UrreU lime, loi tire buck'tts, 4 LirrtU ctmtDt, 3 oil cana and oil, 5 cordichfituut wood, ladder.

At t ie Mine. Hlartimhb'i Del loir 1, Yite,LDvjt, Sicdgei, lot old iron, cjlinder itore andpipe t iron LackeU, 3 wiyjdea bnckati, SOU


ZEPHTE GOODS,And » flue it«k of

ladies' Furnishing Goods.Ererrltiin? mnt1icK»t maleria! lad made sp

rarriul l».tun.. Ni-1l,,,l,li«n, I

and Iowa both go Re-

in tlie Xtwark Cbarttjr Election onfnn'-ilM', Yatcj, the Keptiblicia caaili-EkLL* f.>r 5ruyor, wa., tlccttd by 3,700mj'-rily dvfrr bis iJemcicrntic opjuinent,

.\ Jiul c

r, or A WIPE.—The most brill-f tbo !> Hart-

i.,r.l win tlir.'mnrrioKiJ lost weok of MiAitlinr M\ liodw, son cf the Hon Wm.!;. ]i'.>n-<; ft Now Yivrk c i t j . to Hiaa.r<..cj*iiii! M. Ji:«-cll, (lauiftttcr of I'ost-ui.-i !tr (i'lural Jo well, ' ibe marriaga•..•in MiMuiwed ut tlie Asjltia AVCDUIruv.tfv^iiuw,} Cbnrtli, tho Itev. Jusci.li JI. TwitvbKil offiuiatiiiff, Tiicimrcli wi-w iK^intifnlly dworoted withfluv.-.-n. :ini] filial with a lirillbut "—]I:J!IV i:l iiivitt-tl pir.i(H. Aft«'r tbnuniiiy ths iiarfciitn and tho ziewly mar-ri<;l i':tir rreeived at the cl^atit homeof i'lrtttnnilfr-Ccuciiil J«well 011 For-mitigt'jn bvoiiuo, About 2,000 iaritA-t.ons were isauwl and tlie large nioueiui•XM tbronged from 7 to 10 o^Iock.

There Tia.1. a rich (liBplny of preientsiiidtiding, bsiides many from fumilfri'imU-, a costly lace handkerchief fromMr. A. T. Stewart, of New York, ':•'.::'. a draular gift to Mrs, Bnrtoris'i'.-n. fihorrnnij'a iJaufibter, Q ailvcr salveifp~>m tho laembcta of Gen. Jcvell'i B Uwhen Governor, n remembrance of Sco-rntary Jiriutotr, and maDy others fromiilirjail. Aiming UIOBO at tlio racejitioaK(.-re Secretary JJriatow and AttorneyOrirr.L. Piurrepont. Xlio Weddios dajiias the nnuivuniarj of Ibe mirriago olHie l'MBtiuaster-General ind M n . Jewell.J: »& notaltlf! fucf Hot Mr and M n .Wm. M Uu(](;u mid their sovca BODI andtlie iWmaiter-Oem-ral'n muther

J>EATH ')? m AifSEKA JA.13 IIITin' l.i.rrkiilown lit'tiittr BBTH : I'oor«U\ "JiuiUty l/vwln" died nt hm desolatehoiiic ui-iir WJiiUi UilJ, on Hunday last,

F'.r tljo ]>:i>,t toe yean (iccctuoj liudreD-il ind Iiimticlf vf-ry remurkaljlo by jmb-

. Jiuiy n^rMsiQK JitB grtat expectationsfioiii tha cKtatcH of Aiiuaka Jaus anil theJJrutn,, No Jotibt Iho tooiiey ba e i -jit-nrl'jj in tLo purtnijt of Uieso iiliantontiudiicd to h » iliHtrcu in late years. Inilje JIOJJB of receiving initlionu ho ipcnthilutlreJi of (lollarn. IIo firmly boliev.id ovfeiy wtek for at lout flvo yeare tbal

hid reached about the napo depth he * *•pain encoaatoisd the trcti; an J a I B R A D B U R Y P I A N O•painthird

t«i«d the t r ;, at Hill RieaUr diitaoco !well igain broaghl himfrom tbe flnt well, again broaghl him

in contact with thiv subU-raacau forest,the tree* of which are of great BIZO and

" picMrved.

y t lou lthe estates lacntioueil veto

f fititinmen!, and that hisd f 3 0

are thathe ev

ha tiiiwurOi of 39,00(1,0001 'ITiono whovrcre .lujiiug U'tn iu tliin manner, mai1<iiini Ir-tttrM from tho ]arg« cities nearlyr:T?ry Inontli, rtquenUng a romlttance afive, ton or twenty dollitia, Tiromuing a t"inly tetllttaeiit in favor of tbo hein.IIo had tlie mosiiajjillcjt coufldenco jevery ono of flic Uttorn, complied wittho requests aud woo miprcmoly hanpy.He inlfndtit to astunish tho world byliit public charities, whan tlio moneyiiui recc-ivwl. To tmdcrUko to eiplaintho impoMiiioii which was practiced up-on tho pour mouuniaijiaG, w u t, cortomi a cam of incurring liia moat bitter aud]pj4tiiif( liafrcd. Bo lio wont on being

Ei I led front year to year, hoping lo tinHt lo Lear "the good news, whicl

tiovtr cniiio.

Tills TllEAKDJlT DcTALCiTlON.—TheTrciitau Trua Ameriean aaya: Fromjrood nnthority WB Jreirn that tlin bonda-men of ci-Hlate TrcaJiurpr JowpliuiXouy, Jr. , intend to fight tlio legalitytlio Itoni], uud liavu employed the folInwiiif' COIIIIBOI: Court Inn d Parker iiemployed hv W. A. Itinlcy; J. L. N.Htratlon by H. JJrotrn i-nrker; J. C. TonEyck by Kiiiniancl A, Dolihins. I t in.ilia Nnid that Hon. Jnlm 1'. Htocklon ii'rmployifd to defend Sir. Bony in tLorriiiiinitl tri.il before tlio present term iCourt. I t in Minimi thbt if tho bonditiicri (run C3tn1jli<i!] tha. tneb Umt tlimnnry xrtw paid by' thb l'dinnylraniiHuilncul Oiinjiiinj iitft loan, and not iir.mipliiui(>c with tlio hw. which reqiiiitho rt!f,'iiutiiro ul tlm Ouiaptrollcr on tinvci"t>i|it for (lie moiicv puul tbo Trenaili(r, tho liondsinen ate not liolila, ai theliiimov woHunly a loan and not paid tnHnoy in bin ofllcial capacity. Second,Ihnt the incKent lionJ only ciistcd j1875n,tlIiiUtodofrIcat.oa eriatcd fron1H72, nnd continued until tba dufalcalion ivriH dUeoveml. I t in also reportedthat Cfanural Irick nlgnincd his ioton-(ion lo give a cheek for 8GO.0OO, naJio iHccurily un nil tho bonds. It ia claimed(lint tlm jmymoutB of tlio TennsjrlTnnialEtiitronil Cuiapnny to the Stntfl nro notIcfr&l, mi Recount of tho absence of tbiiiignnltiro of the C

At llio UonnccLicttt town elections',Imlri Monday of liut -week, the constitu-tional niuondmcnU iclntivo to tho tlmonf holding Stntu oloclions were ndoptod]>y lnrgn mnjoritici. Next April, tLoro-fitro, will witnriw tiiolaal Hpridff eleclion iu that 8tuU>. Tbo chungo patsConuectjuut in Jino with most of tbotit her tilutcn so fur aa that matter ia con-

" Tho OOICCTH choflcn n n l Apill Uei-p theirl Il ill

* till Jautmry, 1877,d d b th t

p j o till Jutmry, 1877,ivlien Ilicy will bo Hticceadcd by tho setdioKL-u for hvo years at tho -NovemborfrkcHon, nml tliorouftor tha elections forStnto oflicorn vill coma biennially in theluttur moiitl^ half tho Senators beingchwen (or two jrntt'eacb foil.

A doiv Imi bctin obtnincd to tLo Kooiiiiirdir in Nnw Ynrlr, wbioh it if be-lievcH will Inid to tliadstcction nml pun.in Inn nut of tha mtirJercr. Tho walcbf*f ilr, Noe, which wm taken by hia as-Fuiliuitt has 1>con found in A pawnbro-Iior'ti ohnp, -where it wan left n day ortwo ' iiflor the robbery and munlcr,nud a. mail nnrand John Dolnn, whohunra & bail oburflcUr, lintt been arrestedaijclidcntifjod jia tboperaon who left itthere. , Dolnn flflioria Hat lio K M paid810 to pnwii it by wiotttar punpn. irbosanatftoic no t^ i ren . ' :

A correipondent of the Now YorkTimts ESTJC—"If CTM the theories ofmen like Wendell Phillips and Ben Uut-ler should prevail in thia country, Ithink it would be high time for decent

pie to turn all their available lunJi(fold—astrelliifl lheir"flilver Ritconi1

—and try a residence jn somo oihor lat-itude—come more congenial clime, Andif Keccrder ilackett—-the b u t eriniinsl

•a we evor hail in this city, Iho mostfearless and incorruptible—flbould "iia election, it Btitms to t ra 7 rtspeile cfinnprvotirt) man shuuld carry a

tolver in foil eight—no concealed weap-on'—or eke we should havo at once a

t\nac committee."

Esrlr Fridiy morning the boose ofCleo. Format, a t Bay City, Mich., waientorcd by some perwa anknown, whopoured a quantity of odd on th* face ofMn. Forrest aa l ie lay ule«p. She ithorribly bamsd, ind will 1DM her eye-tight Th* oatrwa inappoMd to IIATIb«ea committed or t man whose suitbaa bton rejected fay a girl wbo livedmnd slept with Mrs. Fon«»t

Little Joiio SUIUTSD, whoso xayitori-ous disappearaoca, about three weeksago, from his home in Greenwich street,caused a disturbance arnonff tbo citi-zuns and police almost maliog tliat ofCharloy Itoau, vna fouod dead Wednes-day not • block from liii borne. Ushad gone into a bay iloro and was play-itigauonethfl bales when tboy toppledover on him and caused his death.

W**ttorvolt, suppoied to hoFo beenconcerned iu the "Charley BOBS abduo-tion caio v u sonlonced on Saturday toseren jrosts in tho penitentiary, Insentcncitig tha prisoner, tbe Judge do-tircred a lengthy addrwi. "Waaterveltreceifed bis aenUnco calmly*

Thr-ro mast exiit crcat depression andrant in Now York uovr-a-daya, more so,if wo art to judge by eveuta. than inmany years. Intelligent and rsspocta.bio looking young men ore noiicitiug aidAnd work m tbe most eager and unmis-takably honcat mander. Many oiprcutheir wiliingneaa to labor only for theirboard, and some of them, atrrnigerafrotnthe country, blmtingly audI'with falter-inBnccenta, make known tlieir immeiliat« need of tho necessaries of lifsHalf ttio world- known nothing of tlumiacrlca of tlio othor half.

State Items,Tbera wo grave suspicions that a gir

named Catherine Brady, t*rcnty yvsni ofage, who died in Trenton, on Monday4th, h u been tharictlm of m&lpntctica.

Tho liorso diseajo liasuusod tbe deathif a 3:15 trotter at the Salem County

Fair. Tbe dUejuw has beon very Iwd inCumborlani connty; about JlO',000worth of horse* bare died in that conntjralone, according to accounts. '

The flnt Ioc9mot.ro u id to h&vebaenrun cm tho Camdcn And Amboy Railroad—thoy'JoliDy Ball" by name—ii un-dergoing repairs and will ba put in con)'pie to nuimiig urilcr and oxhibited athe Cetitcnninl Exposition uezt year.

David S. Ferry, seveoty-fUo years oage, wassoDUnooJin tho Union Count;Courhf, on Wcdneiduy to teu years iuthoHfaU) Prtxou with hard labor, forabortiuii. Ho utylcd himself &• ovaa-Ktliflt, preaching at times, practicedinudiciuc, and kepi a liquor saloon,

REMEMBER THIS.Kow Ii Hie tlmo of tiin v»r fur FneninQnii,img F^r, Cou«ha, Colils, and faUl multi

t predliiJoiitioii to G'oiiHumptioti Blid otherTliruat utU Lung Uiicanc*. lioicnsc'i Otnu.wKrnvf tiss liccn mod In (hli nciKbtiorlionil for

put t w o o l h l i t t I Iurnto enro.


ng Uiicanc*. lioicnsci Otnu.wn mod In (hli nciKbtiorlionil forrlhro vein wlitiont a, IIIIKIO

. Ityoitfjaro not n«ml tbia tnod-t K H I ' d k b[ "y

" to K uk b[m ofti wondtrful SUCCCM modng liiiTiro Jaici will rdJcTS tlio wont c»io. If yonj»Tfl no faitli in i n / mcdiclno, jml liny a iam

Fin kottla Of BoichVi OmnVn Hjn.nf.tr IIet«. «Dd try it. Hcgutu- lice tigtUu 75 C«nliIhm't nc8 |c ct» Kitugh |o t i n 73 cetiti.

LETTEIt TO THE LADIES.N. \v, n. v. r. •

ildcllcata eoint)]«iioi). Itli• p*rfect-lLk til olhenlt* aia op n

n gw ucorJtDf lo id* direct)on weomptayl(Mb but. The luWrlber. •DniBfll.t of Jong (t' - conBdentlj prpn-nti iit tlnpabllr " '

ti< onljr TII

ct)onniBfll.tto tlnentlj prpnnti iito tl

onljr TuIItl hortler, llio ue l d wlll It I l

pnbllo K

J It i-«nUlni nolcmil or olber uotaonaul tub.re. R.Ronl.U,B.ottbeKhodotmtaidnmatI" Kdilbjikll roipccUbta DntintliU. ••)' '.IDCB of tbe proprietcr, Nmm Blroat, neiii

a 11.1). Cliufl. Beat prompt If IT IB»I1 mrwlitre Inlio UnitMlHUUa Upon tha receipt ot ilia pries, COtha receipt of ilia p

Jinu A. Ooedils,

RUPTURE.Kur Itnptnro tlio " H^ga" Hard HubberTrniicuncttdol bj all v lio E»TO front ttitm to lienude.' That tlioj uo ao* being uied In tlio

tml Jinelluli llmiiiuii lu preferooce to anyitlicr Trun mtdt, i» auDlcIuol rccoimncndilioauintmm toiniluL-B anr one who ii obliged to'ear a truM ID pit on;, A fall itoclt ai the

"" T lUrd ItubbcrTn.no* of allJ 3oub](L ire kopt hy

lCILtOOBE, 'ImipiSt., Do»or, H. J.

flui, Loth IIDKOI

'uljllll., 137..

Can't Ba ts Cburch, Wtj noli Ol rajnif-U would dliturb tbo eonsreRitlon. CnretUeo ultU "lUta'a Mono/of Howltfunilindr," a pore rtR.Ublt nmoiy, cn»ilU)k « &t

ild and hannlMi •• (ha mm mar air.l Fuut'aTooTiuciiKOiori

ars In ona mfatiH,




_ l \ L»H taken llio old xUnJ formtrly ocenpied11 a uiaihlc ><tril, auJ is imw rud; (o rtcelro


of »nr dciiign ilrtln-J. I'urtJcuUr aitciitioii !•ti lkdto tl.c rajiidlt iiicrL-iufne popnlsntjr of

IIOOSTOS OK.1KITE, for HTT.PH, POSTS,iinl many olbor useful aud oraannntal pur-xises. We triJl offor work at mure rpfttfonaltJo>rii-e» tiitiXt inyulhertstabliklimtntul ttiit kiud

-l-2ir ucit door to THE HVJH IBA AMICE.

ADJOURNED SHEBD7F8 SALE 1forrii Circuit C«ort—Fi. (». do bon. et ter..In <-i«c. JUrlan I'. Hiiiilsrwo TI. Diufel 1),•.tile*. Rattiniktile to October Term, 187..-

Wm.T.Li:i»01tT,A.tcmej.lorrin Circuit- FI. fi. da t«n. nt ter. la dabtoolionJ. WM rant of Attorney. CfairlciP.Gtce aud Tboinin J. Hi lie j TI. Daniel B.Utitci. ItuttiniBbls to M*f 'ierm, 1675.

KEIGHBQUll k SMITH, Atl'».It-* Jerier (JuprtUio Coort, Monli. Fi. fa. Ooboii.*t tor. la ate. William Vail«. Uin-itl 0. Klik-i*. lu-lunnblo to Jnuo Tertn, 1B73,

A. W, CUTLEII, AtlorLoj.Tlio ulo fn LeUlf of the %\m*c pirtici «t»n<]»

adjournctl to Ukb plicoit tlie Mamloa JIOUIHIf old, in Morrliloffa, X. J., on

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8 th ,A. I). 1S75, betneen tbo Loon or 1! M. aud 6o'clock, i ' .M.41-J.r JE8ME HUFFMAN, Sheriff.

ADMIKLSTIIATORS' SALEe iDUcribeti willictl at rubllcSala.at Hieresidence of Chu. HIIIDOQ. dte'd atMt.VE, on

TUESDAY, October 19th, 1375,tbe entire personal property ofaalddeccutd,


7 HOUSES, 3 COLTS, 4 C0"WS,J YOUNO CATTLE, a lot of 6HOATS, lot oftWETHY, 10 TOMS ofllAY, OBAIN br thaboibe) Cora in (lio *ho«k, e WAGONS UI«<]i,

mbtr ofaetiof•hoek, 8 1<loublo to I'lowa, narrowa, TbreiliincVarminii Im piemen ta. A

nOLDindKITCIIEKFDIl-r i i l d

chine and other VarmutitTorHOUflEnOLD

TUHK cuQBlitiug cr TMioai irtieltij r tbiogi vanacenxrj to mcutiu

Kilo will comraenM at 10 o'clock, A. M., andOQlinaa t h e u t i l d i j i f all la not told.


44-1* ADMIS'iaTltAT

SHERIFF'S SALE!D Cbanctrj of New Jerier—Ft. ft. For a»lo ofmnrtc>C«Hrrpmit*#. V,1tr*{n ltecj»mfn N,Comingt, Admlnlatutor of Dctier JItri»Comlnpi, doe'd, Ji Complainant, aod CbirleiA. HiBLt»r and Binb E. bii wire, John Nor-wood a&d Catlurino Doiemni, Adrainiitra-ton ot CoratUu S. Doremoi: Anna T. Jowi,AdmioUti»trtr of Eliiba O. Jonei, dsccated.and tbe fietblthem Iron Compigr ar« Dt-fcpdaati. Rtturoabla to October Xirtn,lB75.

EDMU.ND D. HO8EX, Bolicitoi.Y tirtue of l i o aboT» itatcd writ of flori

X 5 h c i u in my bmdi, I aball eipoie for u leat 1'nblic Vcndao at tbt Uaoiios liotm Uolel,tn Morrlitown, X. J., onMONDAY, tha t&tb day ofj^OTEMDEH next,A.B. 1875, bttwoeo tl ie hirorf cr 12 M. mnd Sa'clock I'. II., tbat ia iotty. at 3 o'clock ID Ihoafternoon of tald 4*7, all tbat tract or parcelof I d liloMff In tlie townthip of Itocka*»r, lo

ouotj of Uorrli. and Hl.te of New Jcrwy,Laid dawn aa No. 8 on tntp returned to lb«Coort of CliaowiT of >'ow Jcrary bj tba Com-

i l

at 1'




TltKKTON, Jt. J.

llavinj; Kiourtd tho acrrlcci of

CHARLES W. JAYai editor of tbo KTATE HUTIMEL WO aroibloto

ni of Hew Jcnojono of thoBUlo, g[»ing tbe no

l lpleto *t ttao Btalo CiplUl, alaob B l d

i from allpn-U of tbs BUto.ln a condetusd form ; e&i-toriili on dlfloreat mljeutf, and oilier inler-titiag readlae matter.

TEIUIS, I1* ptr »nnnro, itriclly in •drineo.rr All onlen for labieription tnuit bo ac<

companlcd fitli tbo cub, and adtlreiiod to


«- lw TI.ENTON, N. J.


Merchant Tailor,r noirlnrccoliitafthu lilpit am) "tucit *P-

proTod PALL Si'VIiKH, ni dulinoloil byMr. J. It. Went, Union Hqnarc. and Mr. Wm.OlcDcrois, 7J7 IlroadRay, N. Y. Tbo iiylo of

OVERCOATSf.,r tliin .emon will bo Ibo doubio-browted Sick.cut long, and tbo Hurtont. In tliU gurmculcaiiHidbrablncIiinRoiinutfltl.bulnccut oborleiIn tlie iril»t Mid TLTJ1 much ic-uL'thuncd in tlioiklrl, Rivins it vhat <»«« fumiurh/ tirmsd tbu"HIiniij;-hai"njipcftnince.

FROCK COATSaro cut about the name loo^th i i list Bpriiip,with a * 11 glit tonduncj1 to ilioricr iral»t» andlancor ikirtfl. Tlio rirorilo inalcriil fur ihU

irwvDt in tlio Jlbvck Dlagaual Wonted.BUSINESS SUITS13 out inoilly ningle brsaitoil. imaU'roli and

Luttun al second Im tloo from the top, »ud cutaw»j lull tliin lu t kacaion. A "nobby" ilrle of(•cDtlorabD'i {oBtiirae ii tbu tbrcu-bultmioil cut-T*.Ti Tcrymacliln voguo tUo pieirnu i

bo niittrial for Btiifneei fjulti fill litoitly In *m*ll diccki and plulda, ot tnotleitM\gat; aUo tho " Snow PU.ko" patUtvi.

PANTS.\ynTjTa\lHDeo! iho nowntjloi ofcontli wll»

bo found in my atoro all times, er! table for

FALL AND WINTER,wbiob I am propirod to tnaka up In tbo moitFAHIIIONAIiLE STYLES aud »t t)i« *errLOWE8T ljnlC£3. A fall lino ofUA&SIMEIlEHfrom 60 ccnti to H por yard, ami CUT FIIEE fortboia who wiili (a OkTu their RirtacDti miuaun at boroe. Shirts ana Drawers, CardiganJacket!, Haip«nilcri, Collirj and CulTii, Ncck-tici and Iloaierr, Tory cbeap. HHUtlU MADE

• i»ii (A n:ii under my

„ •llorderaontruilodioniyc»re will be ijruinpt.jr and tatlmfictarlly (11 led.




TUK PEBUVI.1NBVHUP ViUHict aiKoncbci tlio ])]oo ,

. Tonci up tbs S»ten),\ Utdld* op tlio Broken-15oim, Ourei Djr-ipep-

Fari, Cnranla Dlar-' rftma, Xerrom Af-

fpctli_ mow,iuulKil.Ier,F«B.alB Complaints

te. TLOUMDJI IIITD boeu cliinfiod by.tbs uioof thla TBmsdy from weak,' «icily. lutTarinaonatnroi, to itranif. liciltby, 'liippy'tnen andwnoioa; »ud .oralidi cannot roaionabl; beiltaleo gi*a it». trial. '

Camilla—Bo aiiro yon cet tho "PEIIUVIANlYIiDP" (not crurlan Bark) sold. iij dulont«m«ra!ly. A 33-p.go j)»mph[at, conlilnlnp areallio on Iron ai a mudical agent ind otaer

Taluablo napcrB,toillnjoDlalf from ulitlnffQlilieaptyi(d»ni, clirejinan and othsn,«ill be leotreo to any iddrcu. 8ETH W. FOWtK &

BONB, proprfitori, SO ItiniiDQ Ate, Boilon.

Dini table i tt, IS cbftin, ufc, i- -' - r y table l table, l

jam, two encloMd^ndb, toilet crockcrr, iron bedilvid, G

bids, bedding, 2 lookinggline•,• ml m ber irticlti too numtroai to mention.

menco at 10 o'clock, A. U., inddo ktiownbyKafcw



*»-3« Auditor

uf tbu U»t qaalitici of 1IION and BTEBL. In-' eluding MocUiiiIci' Tooti.


-liiiloDRri appointed by that Court to nulcopi rill ion of tba real .itito of John K ' 'dec«a*cd, aaiong bii betn. and begin I_ . a a _ . _ — l . i _ ^ . T ^ _ _ _ . _ _ I r a t a l X j a . ia*h tree with ttoan aroond it; tbt 23d cornerof tbs Old inbemls Tract aludins againit tbosoutbeail aide <j[ ftlBiidin Mountain, and ran*ninK thenco 0 ) north tirenty-eoe degreea ctatfour cltalni to i heip of itonei; (3) dno woattbitty-ono cbaioi to a heup of itonci; (3) north'weDty deci«ei welt nine tea a cbaln* and fiftyJnki toabeap of itonea; |1) taoth fifly-ninedepreciandforty-flromlnutoiweit forty cb*lo»and •eveoty-flve links lo a heap of atooiB ; (0)loutli forty-two decre*i west fonrtcon chains

] twenty lioka; (fi) loath forty-two degree*__jt four cbaim and alily-iorca Unki; (7)aouth lilty-fourdegreuiciit lotentoen cbatni;(B) alone Iho twouty-thtrd lino of tlie Old1 liberal! Tract * aWrenty-two degrcea indthlity luinutei us it ility-llve cbitm and fiftyUu1i4 to Iho l>cgmnitc, contilnine ODD hundrodaud fur.yi.lRh. acre* of land, lie ing part ofthe pramfnoa eanroyed to Cbarlei A. lUgbtorl)y laid Botacy Uarbi Comlnga and olheri, bydeed dated June 7tn,lHGT. - .

JE^BE HOFFMAN, Sbsriff.Dated 8oPt«mbef8t)jrlS75.

TO THE PUBLIC 1K liad »n tiiorongb »u«tletico ii"OURE FAINTINO. wVan now r r c

a alt klDda of H0D8E*PAIHTIKa.O, KALBOMIKIHG/ W« reipeclfally

•oliclt jour pitroDiRe. General satlifactionwarranted i,r no pay. Ordera ]«ft at K-LIKDSLEY A. 8O«rB.

M.8.AJ.W.F0IID.Poorer. N, J

Morris Conntr Snrroffate'n Ofllcc.AUGUST 13th, 1875.

Iu tbo matter of Daniel D. Bryant, Adminlitra-ter of Aloazo H«ed. deceaied, Surrogalo'torder to limit creditor.

QH application of the'abovivnamed Ailminii-tralor, It ii ordered br tbo Surrogate that

naiil Admlulatntor g i " publio notiuo to Ibo-•reitltori or tbo eiUta ortald iloccdont to bringIn thoir dobti, demanda and clalma aeatnat Ibeaamc, under oatb, wilflln lilne raonllia from tliiidaU, by aottlngnpa copy of tht« order, wlltiintwouty dayi bureaftar, iu live of Ibe moit pub-"- jlacei la tba Counly.of Morrii Tor two

l)i», nnd aUo within fb< said twenty dij»by adTortlilDR tbo aimo In the Inox Esi.tmoof ttio nowipapors of tlili Bltto, for tbo aaino»Iiacouf lime (llio Bum>f;«lojudsing any furtbernoticu (o bo unnocciaam; and if any creditor•ball nogloct to exhibit Mi or lior debt, ilenu" •'anil claltu within tbo said iwriod of nine mon,...public notleo bdutf Riven an aforeaaid, auclicreditor ihall 1» forever debarred of bit or her

:tlon ttiuroforngainit tiio »iW Adtnioiilntor.6 % E. WILLIS, Burrogate.A true copy (mm tho mlniitoi; 35-lQw


At tlio Old Siandi on Snnex.Si,,pO.VEH, N. J.

rilHE inbacrihura, having recontly formed •X eo-partnernblp ia tbo bnilneii abote inen-tionad, wuuld rBipectnilly Inform Ibe pnbtlrthat they ara now better prepared tli an ever t<fulfil burial orders with the atmoit piomptneii.Tbarerj beir applUnoa now broufibt to beatin tie ptMti-Tiilon pi tbo. do id, and otlter im-nrof emonti la the builnen will ba found m ourpniieiiloa and practically tetlcd wllh tlio racmtlatlafaetory ninllt. - " 'Jiuu BUUKQ, (StfJ • Sutnst J. Stinhio.



- mOHAEL WELSII'S,' . lltiCKWEIX fit, DOVZB, If. 3

OraildrcBibymitl. , ' 31U



To tlio lirjce flaa itoro TWO DOORS ABOTSR1S OLD STAND, (lately oceaplid hf 1. V.Thainpian) anil ono dooi frain Uuirord, San &Co.'. eloHiinf ,tore, trlion lie will be pleued to•Co all Llj ttlil cuHlomera iDd Runj new one*.



Custom Work and Jobbing





and iftf

MONDAY, October <Hfi, 1875,

EMPIRE 3IEAT JLLRKETtnt; be found locaUd in the building ol JOH.N

1.0DEREK,Etit loluiDcw liioe a tore on




i l l . EUDI OF



in their wasoni. A larg« atock of meat ia alall tlmea kept on band, and ptrtici deslrtag toparcbaM B quantity at once, cm do 10 :rodnecd r*U«.





'\a/"Ji arc plfjsed ,o laionn onr pitrona IbatW tueCJiu Hjitem adopted by tuinJau-

13.17 ban U«u Ihorcusbty Uatod and hai proxeti por feet tacceia. We ba*o atto demon it ratedhit w« arc cow cm bled to

SELL CHEAPERlliin ever beroic, Ivi ttio reaion that «« do notoi>t! Ibo iutcreit npon our montj by traitfng ftmi, or tbapriocipil bj contractiof bad debta.

II «uuld l>« impesiible to enumerate on.mtiro Block, but will briefly nay It cotuprUci




DRY GOODS,' » full ind dcgml aiiortmtnt.

GBOCERiESof all kind* aud of loo bu t .


of tbe htc i t and U a miaou cat tloalgn*.



B O O T S / a n d SHOES,

Lime, Cement and Fertilizers.


tiportinf; l'ovtltr-and Viiblag Tackle..

OV% TAPEE PATTEENSof Prank Leallo'a Udlui1 Journal,

Call and bo convinced ttiat II jiayt yoa to luyforwihinitoftdofcredit, * . : .



S. B. JOHNSTON'Snoosia



N1 'O addJtional clurgc for ni.raclinn; wbtreDuw leoln are In sort td. Wo am uoiT t h

bciutlfnl latit of tooLh fur


A L L W O R K W A U K A N T E D .Doter, Boplambcr Ulb, 18T5.




Why taflor with

' wltn AILEN-8

IX ltIIEDHATIHM-It will eohipletcly ear* 90" i t i In 100, and proitly allerialt all, not

:cptlnK more tbm 1 in 1,000. » .CHILDLAIN3 ot FTOSTED JEET-9t> ID 100.80BB THnOAT-Snre.STIFF NECK—Can't bo b«t.

BttUHES-lnallcaui.ariFP JoiHxs-n u m »n. •BITES and STIHGS-At all timoi.LAME BACK-Inrallibio.0DTB or TVOUNDS-Good.PIMPLES on tba TAOE-It hut n6 eqoal.BUI1JJB—Bifo and inre.FOB ALL PAINS-AbiolQU-lrj It. '

For horui and catllo It is HJO cliupcit andboil liniment in uai. "TUo irrcateil niedical<lUee»erj of tfae 10th COO1UIT.'' And why?Decauao itiatbamoit penatratltte. Pat an in

3S and CO cent bollle»T Tbe 25 cent buttledodnflinlfflrat, AW^writ boUlo niarlr'niB

tlmei aa raneb. Bold wbolowlt and retail brw . A. v o u u i r r , ,t tho D O ^ I I S R U SSTOItE, and by nsarl; cfcry merchiat in Hor.liconnty. . u-U



81? BROAD St.,



Men's and Boys' Suits,


. , i • • • • . : • • [ . ' ; '


i '-. 'V.•". '?"'. ' -. '•' ' .'. .•



ONE PRICE O. O. D. ' '


8 1 7 B R O A D S t . ,

41-im. ' . NEWABK, N. J.



BESTAFRANT' ' . .- ' ; b i t ' • ' . . • - ,


UOVEIl, N. J.,

intilei all hia frienda and tha general pnbile tocslionliltn.andbetHWTlnccd that lio hai tbaflncit quartern in tb[t vnctinn, and ia abundantlyable with hii Increaaod facilitici to meet theirwanti and tatlafy their taiiei.


prepired to order, promptly and cheaply,

OTSTEESaerved in every atyle, and told \j tho handrbd

. orlUociani]. Thoeuoiccitbrandaof

FOBEION and DOitESTIO SEGAI1S,tnaj^alwaj-i bo ftrand at mypbec, •• well ••

- 'a mpply ofMINEHAL WATEB8, CONFECTIONElir, etc

Pirllcf, Ealli, rcstlTi.1i, etc., supplied withCyiWn, Cream, Conf«ctloncrr and other 4cll-caclei, and iupperi at rsdacid ratea farniibod

ESPECIAL NOTICE!lU'lnr bwn appalntid SOLE AOEKT for


DAY'S ICE 0REA1I,and liirinp fitted up bandiomo parlon a'tnl aprlTito cntnnee forUdlei, Z iball male tbeiftls of ICE CflEAlI a tpoclallr llio comingunion, ind will uuirtuwo pen emit comfort>nd freedom fronl iminyinctt to my fiaeili

ADJOTTSHED 3nEKIFPr3 SALE! '.[n CluoceiT of Se» hntf.-Tl. fa. For »1> of

mortgwad prenlica. -Whcnln Ana Douglui UcotnpUinatil, ana JotnDtowa, Patrick Codr andChtrlei UkuQald tra Dermdaata. nelamtbla IOctob.r Term, A. D. 1175.

TESKINOTOX * D«W1TT, Bult't,a bebalf of ilia abore pirilci itiuds

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st,A. D; 1875, battrcen Ibo lioun of 13 II io'clock P. i i . '

43-lw -E33E









FALL and WINTERGEO. FEDER'S CLOTHING STORE.The largest nnd finest STOCK OF H E C E GOODS to bo hud

GEO. FEDEB'B, the colebrstod Tailor.

II you dMire an liODcil Karmnit and . sowl Bl f o to OE0. FED£B'S •.ItbMilimonl.

IT ;ou vould i » tbe belt nod cheapen EEADl'-MADE CLOIHINa, for Men,

l'outlii, Bora and ChiHren, go to GEO. FEDEE S to i l door la Uu Poit Office.

A good selection tni full lino of GEKTS' ITOlNISHIKG GOODS ol

ver>- low prices at GEO. F E D E B ' S , Dover, M. J.

GOO5 NEWS FOB rOOB PEOPLE of Doter and Ticipitj. II you »iab to ka>l>

' yoarselves and children froe from cold, buj your

FALL and WIHTEB O7E2C0iTS »nd FULL SUITS,for wry little money, of • CrEO FEDEK,

13-tf Aljove t i n National Union Bank, DoTer, N. J .




IJTJTVrt-.ElH. ifo S H I N G L E S .A toll Daaortmeut ol tho luDowiog : FLOOKLNO, CEIL1NO, SIDINIJ and



HEMLOCK and SPJIUOE TIMBER.Wo B1»5 furniili DOORS, SASH and BLINDS. Oor prices me nrj lo» ai »e

•oil tor CASH only, nod at yerj SMALL PROFITS.




The Elegance. Extent, and Cheapnessof our Stock enables iisJ'.-'to1 please eaterybody.. Tbe demand for. our goods encour-ages us to manufacture freely, and vre willtherefore add to our stock, daily. : Do notbuy without examining our goods.

M. L. FELL & CO,

;-•;; Tlie People's Clothiers/Nextto




, yon


B.1NDPAPE11, n q r E . CII.1IK% 4o.

Mechanics' and Farmer's Tools.



. EaiBB BUfWi ind K»Ill, Cmligb Bolti, Ac.



Hay, Straw ariif Veerf Cliiters,


LANTJERNS....,:. •

BIED oAaEs,-Bna> OAai HOOKS.



Blank Keys and Kejv Filled.


S. H. BEEEY;(,Bteckwell S t . near Morris,

DOVEH.Jf. J-Poter, AutjU,! dfilli, 1B73. , .

Notice!ofAnlbnw Uotk.l.llir, uN A

iI Uorni »oa Slito of New letter dee'd will

nvemter. A- D. 187B, at tb. hour or 10 o'clocialter ai IU. wart cm atlind to llii i t i M b ta a»cr« .olhorialouIL. loUllo.™ olaSriaSonlracl Tor tbe coQT.vancfl or t l nd. n lde brlio aud Aslsoo; Boi&kllat lahla i n t U wlt» Ibo Lonp,oml TU1.J llaUna? Co ip t i "

. JOHN BWAIZE, AdninialialorD«l.4B.ploali«Utli,I171, • ' i M ,


Je-A-LL. GOODS.. _ . 1 AT TUX -.








A i ' o i o r : M r i iKEEPIHQ LWENS aid COTT0N&


Ibor . iu, „„ ane5oa!rt ui.rloaol atAol» MBIUNO DKBKUWEaB fn . , « , b o * ,or tlu Alueriean Uoai&rj Oo.y K n i Norrolk BV4NnW Dromwiek mapBtaelar. \\ u w n t »aioa,.

y f . • OOCTOBER 7th, ins,

" f W l l l l n , H . L U , B . «





CiBUUOE MAKEIC8 O<-OB3,.Coa. ltA»uu.i>T8> »»1) Bu>- Brarm


Wooden Ware andHousekeeping Goods.

PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,u d aUaabetur*r.' ArUatH fcn.nUj.

Lime, Cement, Plaster

HOME x. Toowta«. ana B. TOOHUIB,hbtriilown, SepL 23d, 1B74.


Kkoleulo aod IKIail 0«.l.t. Iu

Scranton, Uhigh & Bituminous

o o A. x-,







corrsa, BBM, MOTELS; .I«.,M.• I Ibe ' ••

LOWEST MABKET PBICES.Cotl ot all I IMI conituitlr OD hind, mj

eliTOfod tu «ny pirt of ths city or vicinity.

TxriliDt.TJLiGl.wcll itreet, Lelow ficrgfc at.(Sco on DlickweU itroct, nest tn Q,g0 4tliey> Lumber Y«rd,

* i JV. J .Ordon uuy bo iddreiiod llirongit the P01I

Offico Lock Boi 38, ot loft i t A, Bcemor'i ulHct1B Dlukwetl itrcot, now Bauez.

riuuxii.' v . i . r u u i ,

SEASON, 1875!Headquartors of Morris County

Flowers!fTIHE UNDEnaiONED, THANKFUL rOltJ.pa.lpatrOBaga,«oaldre.p6CiruUr ciU III,' lenllon of tho cltbom or Sorer .od Ticjalt*

su.artao • *• . • ,LAEQEST AND 1'DfEST STOCKS OF

.PilANTSto be found in the 8UU. I W o on bind t'all mortment of l>luiti., VInoa and Shrub-bery tultibla for tbii Climttc, wliicli I *m bit-itavretl lo.fiirulsb on ihort nctice, aud *( ••low price 1 t i ctvrf bo found.

fartleiulshloj; tonareb»a>irar«nnealcdUeztmlne my itock.Quuraousu UAPLE AYE. Cor. PEBUVAT

Alorrlstovrti, N. J.,Order* loftnt Te» Sloro, comer Wrrren ud

filickwell ilroeli, Dor or,1-itill^dc«ito promptttteDtlon.

10t( '- • • • O. HHOADE8,

,-' \" ", to the bnildbg nn


UUlj onuplod Ly R. ' s . TTstton, I ibill Ul M d to *eo alt1 my old friend» U oj t »

qnu-ltn, wliero with laemsod rooto and fiell-iU» I a* bolter aUo to tneot their wanli.

In mil ityltt, and by tbe quart'or toout.


HEALS at all hour*. Support for partlci it- kwcil nier, llio btkt brkDtli of '• CIGARS alwtyi w hand. ' '

BILLIARD EGOM,attached to tlt$ Restaurant, vith


ahfajfe kepUa good order.OEO. A. XLAKCBAIID.

Aprl «tb, 1875. < • ' < - , ' 17-tf


Aimiciter,VtJTot,.BrHBiclJ, S-ply,l t - W ' ] D l h L 1 ' ' d n

UtiDliniiii;tJlIClaUit.:'of'EBglliL'indAiiiei>t; Mali, Ttnja, Drngg*ti, Bhida

HarMck., CdrUla aTaterlali, As. - • -W. laalie aad.laj|Gurji^t,' ,u^ an^ laj'Oil

Cloia, mak. . n d iiaog Suade., a'nd Koarant..tfa.wo

; MOBIlBnoivs, ».J.


IB BOW ready .tain for tho Fall and WilUd . wlla alart.lr Ipcreaud ilocl o


LIGHT.>S. llickor; Spoke, 7-8 to 1|.Bim., 7^ to 3/. Gh,ri,,<lrb!

.~ .^ . Ilock Yokel. Back Itstnntn.


H.Tioff hid a bog experience In tho Ctrrlv*Bu.intn sn.Ue.motiiL.acoBp.tent Jncll' |of ao; arllels eenttecloQ »ltb tbe Snail.,,, allenjpenoo.f»T<,r!nrmoii!ltu their order, w»7nlrnpon rar^nrnl.hlng. th.ni vith an article

p o?aen:bT°ittiSlfo'?Cfirrie5.'a!&"£lJi-.. .nanent, »1|] bo mlublr ailed br ititlne to»bal purpo.o t | , e , are linvaS; U d undlm

^.yenoneb lo-eo»er tho amoBiit. Vour ?mmgo ii lospftctfnllji solicited.„ " n.P.BASEEMON,** Oppo.it. DOTerbi

eatabptiMUt price.Jeotcnni.Hr- ' - " •».m4uKa. wi«i pnoe. on ai.dmeno.n IV.IG^"

fl« k m , HDW lo Q.I a waleh •llbral »eo9a Urtnee.' Can er.Mla iSrn«»prl« Hat *

U. WBITE, No. IU Broad St., Ifon.k, S. '•IMv « . . .


T7SOAB;.ou«limi'»a that Ton

jonr BUI. ini «$», at 0p Beat and Bbo. Swr... Oui n

o»>o i n d • u n i r . r more








,i«fl I• '"' II*" I>» I

"77 . kff.B.B. TIME TABLE.' r B 0 ¥ POVKB OOIKO « U t :

w , O P . M ! Ballon

0 A. lM Dotor Ei-


, i . rimE n n m . O o U 4 f t . i W t . • • , . - - .

m™«-'•»*•. 'A ""Si

UrB Department drill noxt ThnrBdsy oven-

potl Uorrii need's and aliould hive a 'school

Tin (iia\iop i»8iplojf«tttft wotkpiBjon algUt

iouri'lioic-Kori bis keon smpeLdea lor iliq ^ j W I ^ M

iboEvsrUicc ' ' ' | ' ! ' [ " i J /

ThoBoljilehem Iron Company I*

TtieDooTlUo Protectory, nbvr July opened,

Tbre- aSatt.- weie bafttofl by. tt.t

Be Hlita Y. M. C A. ni«t^l F;-fc*Sl«itVtMtat tua Itun. John 11111 Vice Broil Jen (.

TboviEOiortlio Irickinea; w , |li« D« I . &W, toii«te ywUtiUy cuitlown.' to tl'twt hf.

J'ITC [IEIIIDDI vcra itluiHtod by loiter lo matn-l l l l V b l i C l u U l i i t B i b l i l

HOD, John Hill addmwd the'Stita 'Corfr'tn-'twaolllioV. U. 0. A. at lambwtrillb -Tbur i i t a f . . • ! ; ' '

ii pejiulir in sotna KWUODJ it ilio spoiling• miteiiciwere. , . , , ,.,,/ r,\".:,'i\ -,..'.,.1 Tin Y, 11.0. A, prayer moetinj- leimnrrn'

aff«ni«m will bo conducted br Mr. di Q»rrjLrtcl. ill aro invited. " -

Do Saturday moraine; last ai tlio Morri»towtitmodattoa vu nearing tlio JUcktancl*the loconiotivo and one ctr btck« »wi.y

rom tLoroniiimfcroflht train and proceededbout two rnltea tornro tlio. engineer fuoad itnt and backed up fortholoil ouvt.Bi. 3. W. Collins has Bolklod in Hlno JUII, u

ccemtor of Dr. V. A. linrri*, with hit of-ifi r*oal<W<! oppiulio Iho school houao.l

Or. Collins comes from Tranquilltv. Warrenmaty, anilii-anil'to boa skillful physician,woll as a gontloman of lino social traltii,

The First Assembly District ltcpubllcan Con-vention will be bald In Morrlalowa, 'Wcdatt.day nut , and tlio Republican Cimviimlon of

o Second Assembly Dktrltt will fee held Inwatcn on Saturday, 23d lust. AsscmblyimwagUlood and IlalRcy will to rv-nominatfi*tV$ cjako our best "bow and return our hoartl-it Ibdiia to Mr. John Eapton, of Sparta, for a.

tloe iiuket of Uarlfurd grapes, 'wblcli wore

v*rj -Mtttibl* iTuijKt . . ; .Tgo'circolation j lmjg tLa borders of'Sasacxdeadi evidence* ibal it la Biiproclalod art

coriaicl - ' *

Baker k Ik-emer received veuterday a largo

Hulatlng of mohairs, Pariilan plaids,'Parialitlnga, uihmeret, tipufo, Boultvird JWIBtsr-procfl, elc-aklngs, olc...Tb.c RoodiwtIrdy now1 laatjlo, andwc aro imro will amplyipay a viiit of Inipoctlun.Tho anndi! aeuiou of Ihe Stale; Counoil of

tho Order cf American WecbanlcB will be boldTrenton on t ie 201b lout, Alterations ia thi

«ns.Htulsi«nj|riJt be projoead, a now ittmU:wllbo'introduced ind othor Important faustnoslir.Jlbo tratUMcted. IICIBJ.*, E. T. Juvis 'wi.U darrabrant arc tbo' delegates from DoverOUDdl.It U(sa.d.tliatUCOIIB tba.coanlj about 175

>*r .rnonthi-iMO p « , jro»r--iaVaiippai-t theirnnkDQ and disorderly persons sent to the-ounty jail fromUorriatown alone. Tbls is tba

icault of Iho many unllconactt grog-in that place, which *ro •,' dlagraee ti

tbe (ot-n and an kjuilko to Ibo iaz'paycri ortbq county.

Horn Aug. W. CutUr be,m«cptod nn invU*.on to make -n addrcBB in Boonlon unou tbu

lorho wamlj-co'ngre'tiililGs'tlio 'people'\tbcir OQlorprl-e and osprcBBcs tlie hope "Iialbnt a iliort tlmo Will fclar-ad bcroro Doonton, byicr own litnfliworl;, will robo bcr 'arm of iron in

Th« Jlajorof rrincoton,«. 3. liat Itaucd

o furniili tramps wilh; f td^LmL instr«a lolitKllheW'to'tlio Otctteor of thft Poori^Ua?i|l furnieU thorn nilli food and lodging, on;ondlt(on ibal lltoy it tcctttltt noonot o( w<

TVo havft-ncud for some iucb.„„ ~,— ™.t.iia Domr.' ,* . ''Prof! 8'inock; AssIriflnt'Bla'Uf fleolo'glst, ta-

beenla Dover and vlclnlty/for lli«past fort-nlglit. Ills mlaaiou among us this time Lasbeen let 'ffeDit, specuncna of ,ireftr;a filatoliabInet trbictitio l/colkct ufi." ft£ bit as far aipossible collected nDplkajoswdmeci.lnprjlci

>ati (ho atilof-BO6uld H *° UcjlfV-mljhtiiMic,iitlon'at iPBil-

adctplila ntxt year,

sv. 8. B* rtooney, of Dovor, will deliver a

ii»' Hall, Port Oiatn, under tlo jUBplcoi oftOrtmLoago,"I. 0. orO.'T., No,~a;idayovonin^ Oot.Iff.''Tuis bclnf-.tba flrihlyorHary of tlio luJcqaliirgo turnoutlUrenlltiB; tl»o Is expected. .HBBIO will boiitbsd by tlie membors.' A cordial lnvlt

;[anii. .extended to all,' "'.'•'t"',\ ' ',\ ,*'',Urs. /olin Itojjcts, of Hlllbrook, nodi uahiiitstuntUl cdinplimEoU in' the yiiij of \ fln«

'basket uf cropciland apples, phtcti\\y rollsbtii by tXi kuntls.' Wu bivo no tlOuuV

' ' tbat tor buunty to the priptots willLi'AI rVftt'fia'A 'W ^ H i i t J . . ^ ia mil • Ih


fir«F»lliCHy,N«brula. :; :. \ywould call tlJosvUention of,our fc*il«ri tocdltnt irtlclo on Ilio first'piga ttiu'wock

ld *

iBimnn sertieos^ Vfliii!nutumn.(avti(iiA•oaldllkstoKoinauE'irtteiilaDqTetirc. -

Zi-Ua;or Mllli, of Morriito-ra, w'ai, dlfccltnfDl.BBV.ocrrtildtnVicIiiieH.J.Ha'niUrT1

u. v«»uu CrQp Of ftmpCJ V4L. a..i|j>UH •!•" m . jv

WVwaiqn Jbiis.on tlin BriDclplp.tlul "ILorS laveaii oliSerfu! givor." .: I W JIT1 Cl

liy BdvcrtiBcmcni It will I>D snm lliat MrDennis MaGA.flj.bM taken-tbe Dorer MarbleWorka, D M U I W to tills office, antl that tbo et-tablisbmotit; far again; epnn > fat bnsliuia. Mt.MeOrath ia a practical workman, has had con-iltlotitffl oipoUcncb Ia tlio butfacas, and mt^ .1a.| —« .l.*»fc_ * -^ A«—T ^ir — • . ' f l i t . * *_ t _ L i d IE_^.> —

i w«U and cligaply, at liorajp aa clsoshoro.

PresiaontBloannndfiaperintoudentneisonorL.vff viilttj BoohlbiuVd iicukd id bujld a no'vdepot In tbat| plaoo at Cnoo.wuereupfiP tboBol-lelln get* ,lrito ec'itaoloi'uid appoiri tbls

BUIi Lbia«> Urilybri of to. H. B.Tti* tltt at eanftrat^tt^tu bo ftdt

loijiiiUiUr^Durobwia at^Joli'n'f

dj* u>T bo kJllotl UTMdc&t until J i n . U\. I ^ jn) beldien tb« l i t flf K o n m b c r u d Ilio l i t oftauij. . .. • l l . >

Fran Jalj hi to Oot lit tta rioelpLiof tI l l IU p j t r i t ft & i ^

k TKT iQccesifnl revival b nrogrMilmt initoM.E.Ohnroh'at Uillbroolr. Monb-nofliiU.E.Canrcbof llitspllMWO tiilitinf al

AnaplaofpDttetirtn'ofI)orer( whilo'bQii*lot al Vienna, Warren County,' ttie "oiho'r'tday,ilDtiimltwhkh proved (o be » racer kodaiiiurd sli tool. - -

p•i-.l'o Wlht U o «

I l


3 M ^Hi. nnmbar or [mklnotl,fraud t r Uu liio

. Otua Jarj U uid ID ban boon oNOOdid OiiJjODM la in Uiloir.otlhe'Ma.tj;,wd thin•>ij»oor?i»d.•.-,,• ,',;.5'Vi''v.,;..;'. ,.,',»'. H.D,Oiii.'i e s i b n ' h M i o nurij

»«ll.l.d, on Hrneonllj. purili«.W'lil ;oi)»«(>«iti»l,«»kei»liktao*i»«»iUilion:t6

. tot IhoronilifBre.

* ' f ) Jo Up f ibonUqntthrortttMBdi.lnthll

i.ll.toh»d. Ttli WtoliW.il IW .(rtlo'il



hr lli*Mtpo,t o! me mlmry.

""•'<"•, olfo otBlihop Jmeiof Iho ji. E.p, ! « . „ wi,h „.„,„,.• u,, w,,)

"Mmltacoof li.r.jn .1 Mullion.ln HI

'!• uU lUuk. H«lWl,|,ot-JIoni.loini' , " « " • " " ' • Aliauil Oonferenw in,In

U™u Ib

^nomty fortliiting Ibafalr of tha Udinsofflt;'

»iSd,^rb ' '< D >™w i i t ° ° d o n b t b*'iirs"

S 2 I"1 * l i fSe corPbC*Uon 'urplihei

• " 1 1 b t l o l d"

' ' M i l l ! hono. ;-c.lllo,

« ' B ' ° ' "* 6""d«rtl..iAt.:ililV, V""0**"^" S"W!"o»i 'onff«'dn«-

Ubh"""" ' ' • • • ' •« IM.ii,Vd Mr.FrsJ.

'Jn-"nI<"> «' tlw o . V.A.H. « m t a

srenai u d OroTt itrwt,

™* •' ihe tH., i

" tb i l^ i 'v ' "JT.y^.-.^tonnid oa.tbel)

" »••«•", Eo '! l"»«ffi;»>l.rUn Ohnrob

FIREMEN'S PARADE AT NEWTON-According to all accounts tbo most Iropoilnffunion's demonstration tbit ovur came off IQs acctloa waa Ibat wliioti wear rod at NontouFriday of laiUweek in honnrof t»j» annual

>krado of tba iltparlrooot or that town. TlieSCW|OD Cre laddini t a rood ont wilh tlioirlicaotifal stoamcr, liana engine and bosa cart,aud bad as eucitt Indopcndent IToio ComtJipr

Morriitown and HolmtbnBteimor Company,Ko.'l, Which went »U tho way through to >'cff-ion on a fast ttaia in rtsyatiM to a. telegram attho Urao of the big flro two yctt«»go. Sincethai tine Newton h u otfliniecd a. good deptitUnionl, wliloh hai Won frtt]uoiit!y caliail npun

duty, and bia.io «verj tn»Untc done H»'ork no well lh~at it lias lated Its cost ten fold

jwnplo of ibKi town, who htrtd ID IT tilippreciated thoir vilnn aa to filvo tliem aucbin ova.lon ta tbu town utter saw before. Fortnnslc theKowton bni& accompanied tbo homefireman, tbo Infl op en dents voro heiAod b j llio

noai Allonlown Sand, and the ncbolooiire iortunato In bavins jolocted too flea

'roncb, Band of tbe Oth K. Y. ikgimoDl. Asproceisfoi. moved throofb tlio atieeti t

itarty welcome waa bvident oa every bind,~ town waa fiilod wltb poople and tba thou'•anda who congrsgiited along tbe line of march

idlyapplkadod tlio gtflant Udrtki, thetadks.'« fbeto a cordUl rtceftion tud sbowertd

basket fall, a ft or bajket fait of Bplo&dld IwqnottHpoO'iho prolectors of property and life, thvptacci or bualDflii, pnbllo Itaildlnsi «nd privatedwelling!, itemed faitl* ti.vofbar.hcncd with

lift fisffBaod d«cgrat|oaf, while overy hitpudi tbe Qre'met'tMMitiriil b»nei-iL

luioi la tlis vliltara. Htro at* a few i»ra-plas ot tbc i»»criptiuni: "All bmiDT io tinware bands that fight tbfl flam»i," "Welcome•MhoHromciV'''Welcome to nil,'1 "Wo wop'tirgflt our friendi; Ed, iir^t," "Bocond wal-oine visit of tbo Iloboken t o | i ; alwajs on b u d'hen wantod," 'Tiro' In 1873. FUP In 1B76,"'May your.TUlt bs tba spanner that aliill

tight tin Ibe couplings of our affect tlo ni," °l*\otc, In fact, Ntwlon, tlwiji noted for decor-Hont, Airly outdid lieiself, mi marfctd a red

lotler" dar in lier blitory. Tho visiting flrennticarried home many ot the bannerB as mand tho IndepoDdonts, wu UDderstaod, wencompcllud lo sol a largo trunk to enrrr hometholr boqnett. '.• . . , - '

At noon all partook of *t ckgmt collition. laLibrary Ball, which waa fiirnlibod hj tbe li 'Tbe II<,bokau* pit (out Ct uupner nUU tbooDHlnij campany at tlie Anderaau HOUBO. whiletho IndepeadenU'ea. down nUb Uu

impair- at Ibo Cochrtn Jionao to a luppcr.lull -nil. »*l.o'Hr. W»d, th* proprietor,

famous witli Iha partakers thereof an loogasthey retain tticlr niotnpriei, To describe Itwould be to aggravate thoae who were unable

> eojur it, and to ws (Insist. Tho whole affairouod up with a grand ball la Library I*all

Dor Uorrltktwn com»ponaeat sooda niilluwlnp; particulars of the eicnnfon : •KoboktnEnflDe-Co. No. I ofnobokeD arrivedi UorrlstowD on Friday miming by tbe 9 1 ,

M.traln, Tbetr'ctriVrore tbondotachsdfromignlar train and attached to tbe Indtpen-

dont IIOIB Co.'* fticaralon train, which alartedat 0;3O.. Eault eompiny'hail their apparatuiwith then), ftn.d the Hobokens had tevantv-flve

in uniform. Tlie Indopond-nti were ac-companied by a Urge number of citlueni

., iatown. among tbetn. (thief'8liU» tndAsiiBtaiit McColIum of Iho Uorristown Departm»ot, Aldwratn B.(d, CouncilniBL MoK»j andirnold-Councilman Hull Is a member of tb«

bv'HJo'tooiningVf cannon Ana* an ioimeni.crowd of people. .Eiltatloay JIOBO and Newtonbaqd,Qiuoctad tliajuacpflndauti ta tlielr tionl-4u»rti^H,.4nd;tu«.'JIoic(Uojl£ns;iao Co.' tool1 . . .I . H_*.._l_ _._ IB . * . _ ^ . ^ .

llio IUUMI. Wcll.tlioBtillstiii Iiat * tight to^ U d ^ L b i t f ltime to bring tUoiit tbUnniU.-.-lbs depot will ht liki.tbo.ouo

M f t b l l " '

c R J qt i j ^ t d weft In i*if« O n . T W i yA rqmdr tb|i prevtUed on tlio:itreot m i to tho

D U U t f ttbe tld aoadony.'property on llorrla

itreet and remora tbq depot to. tbat location,[n tbo ifiOrcoontbD; went orer fbo CheiUrbranch—for wtotretion wo tia.ro not ioarned;b t ' ' h i i i a ' t i o i n e nnw.'ciitcrpH'ao oc.lnf-projewont ^ill niark their visit,

K raw ttiitaid Pfttitek OroG.ey, rctltiing tt

lopjinB^oiliMaTjcincon IUD Dromtrr iuiio tlmo, tnd on Sunday nlgbt.Sd Insti. Mol--Vfeiit to Palrick'ii bouio and eommoipod '

creato ft'ctliturbitncc.'- Patrick canto outjolot Lira, wbvn Martin itrack lifm h blowthohcitdl.liaockiPfLblDiJn-QiisipI-lJn^wj),


jfU Ilia CotntniL'Uotbat tbo hriro lie* organ for Ibo PnabylerianCiiuicb, «l»,b»if«adj Ibi abiflmestiba ttWdleof next week, and tbat proparatifini aro on fontfor t. giftftd efmrert, \tblch !• icportod to bo tbo

lajmnoit of (lip kind

of New Tori, and wu coiitraoUd to be Lera bytbo llrit of Juno, bi(l owlnn to a number ot rob-t l i a j ^

Tlo ibte«cr*tci of poaches which wore icnibrMr.^ndy.ciIltotpf tha. Jle>qb|ic*D. aa icoiout ta ilia Gaturapr-Ctaaent ot OcrinadgLt

rrired la safety, and wero tba flnt_ jLmorlaau

pp ot t tnn Iboie. TUo fm.t eotn-reo crates of JJalicawoni, IUr« Itlpei,

ddKcyporii, worn picUod from tlio flhardlotflr.Dwra JVljoel.r a^UL.

of nbilopapur. TbaQorarDor-Otnoraltotur!SrAterul ickutmleOgimenli for tbo gift.

Poaclici aro about £000; liat llfii in raid toW tbo "refli.ed.Wa/" ot*m(lak tbbm :''Cut tlidfralt open in Ibo middle, and romoro tbo pit;Lold tbo btmlBpbore In tbe* left' hand-it nilaoaredj 15 Joll(g-y.o ^ n t l d ^ i l d t o (bfliifiora, anil HM » ipoon lo

d i d t V t t l

coop out tlto pulndim»;(ifndftarrjtVt(1,1


icipe tbo dliagrcBitbloneii of iclloil flng^ l \ t f r i l t f l t m p t f c t l o v i t o iiuoVlbel\it\tfriglitfttl-tmptfctlovijto iiuoVlbe^Cii

goreWa'whWrio'tall aro able' to" ro«l»t, T»add » .lUlu pewden'tfsn^kT U tb*6 rriiH as It TO

in tho vehoty cOTcrins rooileia tba e

p ^»Wtwi j the B»bUtli BchooU tit tbe tvp^Prei B i i t a . ' ' • ' • • ; • • ; » i ' ' ' ; - ; . - ; ' ' " • ' • L " : , " * ; J

DelaVareVLackiiwinna A Weilern- Baflroaditock h*d quite tvdtdiiM In thoiowkot UIB Jmterpirt ofUitwtKlr.bBt looD'aftorward ra'lIfed aad adviuctul to l.lfl. ft ii w!d tbat tba^wainothloff to JoiHfy,tbo deprraiion. -Ii lcla!raad;ont'n)B'roD'triry,1Iiat tho not earnicof lbs company; after.iiayi(i([, alll«io»»na oHt«n» /*t*«t^i7(Uad> amount ^ r i o s I

t \aoallA 'cnaihB1Soplenhar 1 tc 11,05 pe

tfe h i i W r tbcompany.

At the meclnifi or (bo Pronbytory of Neirtoit Bparta, lait wdtk, Itov. Tbomas ,£. Boup"ifkorri«gjri,1ioraeVlj*ljMUwdprea«l»-r -ihoBiiitlaiconneotJon ind./or HOvoral yearsSucdiy School Mlsslouarr mil Colportoar olIbe Board of PublWtlon, was,'after etsmina*.ttoii. ilao Itccased to preteh the aospol, MrSoaper is, a, mfttl In'«dvaoci*d yiJirt, Jof rlelehrlatUn otptrlenco und ipidtoiUtj of mind,and it a moit .wtlcono vlillant smoiiB' our

6i,7,Mq, tfes jhiM:<ttiW,4iiriio.bcndoil dablof tuo Delawft

Lacfciwa&m anil Wcitwil' it-tS,103,OKI.^Teaitf li:fQ bank tn pay tio'dhlilenil duo Oct.and MO ate told that' tba diwlort o! Van' earnpany, wiio lbpw niojt about )ti •&!»,', «re"tbil>rscgra)ocklibltlera. ,\,V '. \ , • , , . "

I Tmt:6Tvrt Bnhnna«-iiT. CbfctlH.W.Ja;rfbolh« Jnst'Totnrn'od' from inibfgat,'liu i n t c d t ^ E d i l o n i l pi)&t;of tboQAiLYiKil pi)&.t;

K b a . t 8 T 4 T E p e s ! , , ,Mr; JaJ»<ttpat'a.tlen'k*'«n tHWotiik Bofflolehaarantto to.;aU:who.n«j'jlubicrlbo''for ibi

pximKtt, tbat "Ley will receive a paper topicwiib »11: Ibo news of Ibo day, political 61othonrliB idatbod lu« drpiJ Jbat ca^o<jt;f

If joo wish 'to"'evjoj coEitl'tntionaJ iibert;don't w«kr»-palt-t»f1-dnm'r .,; X\ \

.TheOompton-Pierson Will Case,This singular caao waa brouglit to s concla-

lion on Friday of hst .Took hy a dtciiioD cfFuJqoB Kocnmc, Wood and Canfltild, wbldi

* tlif nil! and £.™a tho property, valuedat 17,000 rir (8,000, ta Mr. John D. Pirn-Bon, thehusband of the deceased nnd tbo plaintiff in

nil. Driedi, tbo cano waa as fulionsiWall nil* Cntnplon, In Df-'combor, 1871,

uarrlcti tUc plaiutiiT, and after a liitla tuoralimn tliroo yean uf married Ufa died In Feb-,riurjr ki t , AfterUcr dct.U a.will *a*brought i

f*rd, purporlliig ta bate been made twocite prior tn bcr m&Tvtagn, wbich gave tbo

proporty to her brother aud eiswri. Thli willaciliU6UniltonluiUil,witl.ti>oroiBHM»\iove

ited. A decision ia a aw lino this was neverfoic rendered .n tlio atato ol Mow Jersey,r ono exactly liko it, go far as can be ascer-

tained, in tlie United States, and In arriving attlioir conclusion tho Jndffoi went over all tboEnglish aeclaioni in sucb CBBOB for two cr

bundred yean. TUo actual timo upcnlDO tbo ca«c, oat including mljaurnmenln, wasabout tliroo weeks. H. C. I'iliioy, Jamoi H.iclghbour and A. U. Smith appearnd tor tbe

CAVcator iinil Auf. \V. Ucli and X J. CuiUr foriho will. Tlio following 1« tbo dodnion of theJadscslnfulh

A paper, purporting to Uo a will, rmdo byMatlnda Cc.-nplun, B stagl# ifon»u, an tbe 38thol October, iSGS, and wliu married John D.Picrson on Iho lith ol Pccetnbar, 1SJI, and diedoa the 23d D! Fehrunty. 18"5, it bffoieo forprohato i t tlio last will and testament ofUelmda. 1'Uriun, doctaicd. Against Ibis tl

jriivln* hnsband hai entortd a caveat,Tbls will appears to bo vxeeuUd In (tunfori...

Tlie queitkm It whtlhar, bavtsg bcuo taadeprior to her marriage. It remslwid good andeGTecttro in law during bo r cover lure, and abould

ow bo admitted tu prolmU.At common law the subs-quent incapacity

j mkte a will na» ilwma.. bj tha Cniirti amfflclcnt caitu for annuliinjca will made pro-vlou* loniarrlagpt bcciuie tbe abiolulo tuaritalright wbluh tie buibatid aciiuimd to bit wi'e'usreoiial oithto luftnolbinj; on wlilcit her "'"raid »]>craio.It is chimed tliat by tha effects of the " act

'or I hi buttur Bocunug tliu iiru|iertjr ul mafriodnotaat, }iu&eH in 1352," and the supplement ofIBC4, tbu mutt) Tor minulllng an a.ntc-nuptial

p y yOnlng to a niienDdoratandlng thd train cattiinot; not Btppjtog at Dover, It hailng pnaicfiquite a diatanca' hijonA tbo atatbn btfora tlirCoDducior wai in formal that a itoppagn w*ito bo wad i . It then backed op and took 01-boirdtforomn) Limliley of the Truck Company,'AiEiltiint'IIdticrur o' ttia Steamer, ConductoiOdBfith and othcii. At Waterloo wo change,n^ltic* and, proepeded to Now ton, wrlfiogl b t i j 1 3 ; A t t b f d j t ' l

o Tor minullng a antnuptiawlillBretnovai), because UDt.ui tboaa acta thowifv he* obtained full tcitsmcnUry power dur-IOR covorturo to ditpoio vt her aopanU pur-aonti cBtnto.

It apptin, liowover, tliat tbo highest Courtaava fold lliat tbe will of s Biuflle woman iajnulled by aubscqunut niarriago for otbor

eiuioi betfcle that Jutt Btaled, »nd that 01 .prinotpai CIIIIO li tbb ahanged relatioQ with |a»attendant dulicntid roaponalbllitioi Incidentlo tbo marriage >taio. While Hiemrore It maybo Justly claimed tbatllio annulling etrnio firstHUted titm been roraovti by tlw ou«n\lun oflio acts of m,'i and lKCi, pciiainlnt; k> tbu

better -BocBrily of (ne property of marrlnlwoiuoD, It cannot bo thui claimed ai to tliuitttir CAQst, Inasmuch u from tbo very natureif Ihtugt Mm dutlci, mpoiiB.Ml.tit«, tiottte*

.ndafftcliugainoldeiittothamar/iaeorilatloEi,could not be changed by tbt operation of thoae.(-ti. It I, held "bat tbo rtIaoT.oflUl.wl,plain, wliicli is, that maniaea prodjcci IUBIInew HlKUonih!}! tbat ft will Kiwlo bt!ori> W»T-rlago will uat a* a go n it ml rule oiprugi tbewlauei of a woman aOei maVrlagfl. This ap-pears to bo tba resolved opinion 01 our highlitcourlx. Which in deHrencfl wi- ara bound, toiecMit k&tttouept H tbo nils nnw tn force.

We ar« brought, thorefor*, to lbs concluflou;Tliat tbo will purport IRK to have been made bytiaiinda Compton In 1W9 wa> annulled by tormarriage in Wi with John £. I'ierson [ andbecause ann uidoot during ker corerturo eier«iis tcr right to republiifi that will in ditiform, or to mato anotbor, ihe virtually dlodIntosltlo. The unaufmoua opluluo at tniiCourt, Ihtrofoi-o, is that tho alleged will ofatalwda Compton liaviug Vecon.o void )>y rea-SOD of her laid marriage, oannol now l i ad-roil ted la cirobata BS thu vftlld will and t«aU-ment of Mallnda PJerson, docpaseil; and theCourt further itrdcr that thecoataBndoxpani4iot tbo litigation respecting tba probate ot aaldwill and tDstamaot/iiotlnctudiageounBolfaea,be paid by tao potion propatmdtas tlia tune.


FBEEMAM W00Hunk-red Oatober Htb, 1675.

. — tba Hotukcua. Every „tho street loading to Iho town wai ducoratodwit1! flwt ftud baunni, »t1 HTeia* weio Jiurjgacross Uie itroot.-' One bore'lh'emoltb "Wei-ccino k> the HobekMis j Uwkyi on band whenwantod';" another l'Piroiiil878; FnaIn tB'fi.VAB renod tho"greoq Ln,tb> cajitre $Hji* townflags"tnd banner! apanned the strout and ovary

withbuntins;. The Court Home- was frofuielydecorated with fiagi. and extouding acr«i IbocolamriiJn, front Vfd.ths word./•* J¥uleooo"artlitfc*UV3p4JnUd.inlliarg# ktliori.;.'.Afwrmarching once axooqd the (reeu amid dctTeu-(n|r*Ien'Urs >tlf*'-boyt dispflrsttl 'natil din'norwLicjb. wu atrvd in Ubrary Hall Tltij dinnerwu ioitia ap by tbs lidlsi »f Newton, aDdwM

coipjiktaiaill,WEt|(%U:auil»'- i l ^tiirpraccMtan formed ii :to)lo*i 1" OC i l d )1t fr'Hii'illC o u o i x ) > 1 « frHi.Band," Ohleh from lfcrrialowo, ladependcuHOID.GU., Nftwloa, Baud, Kswlon f i t CH U t ' l l ^ I S t M y k l l lHoboken Eogino Oo. No, 1,-flwmde* EngineCc.' Tho procoiilon wti* rovisced by tbe TownCoinmUtea otHewion "ron thu front of LibraryHall; It -then ntarclie'd Ihroujh the principalstreets, being greeted bj ihgwoot of ho^ool*,ehe'irl, 4c.'-":TvTiclever (hey'went' tho aamoevid«no«pf»heirty;welcoip« groetedtho Wal-ton. Tbo Hobokena were the lions in theory,iJoi the'lbdopraden'ti wt're in Tact,' with' lb*glrla eepecuilly, thoy .bring good look in g chap aThe Newton and rliiilog Chiefs reviewed Ihprocosiion beftro tao final dliponlon, wUtcb.

look phco at ionr o'clockTlQ ;H«boV«D*' were *cat«rtalne.a at'lUc }.

jleraon jHoiiai, and/tho IndependontB at thoCacbcaaflcinM. * SollmilUtn rightIbcutxtdpeople withtiiod tho'pkfido. They k-*gan toairlT6 Into Bqwlon boforp mvano'elockintiimorb'lhg.' MiVtca U l ' s o t - w a*n old rcsttlouluTonned m»rr*e*n ">1«B« a. crowd lines thoconUnnial twentv-tliMo yo&n aga > Tha boyaBtutoa for tha depot a little niter Blghtt*bon-firehadbstnlightedlnfroQtoftheCochraDHomo; many of tho houses wer* illtmiMUJ^md A eonlinnal dlachai^* of .roman eandl Bmd baruliig bf Greek flr« lighted tb* wr- ? " "

~ a parting salute of cannon wis

met by Fvlrchlld'a arum corps ,.._ed by y of Elm and 5on|h Bit. to tbcir

leorfif«inac(uta iheHobWjmlieti>tb.ttattaleorfif«i.nac(uta. iheHobkena proceeded homoby tLe[r tpedai traia..

i l d O 3 l ' ] ! ^ J | 'WBay Is Irjinj to run tlio It D nnd houeo by prayer,bat I gum ho can't'nuko. it flotk." .It Ictokavery niuch at present is if 'Vafu JJay wouldiako,it go, ixMa, in *pile of your proplwtj. ~ "Last' Bull (Jay afternoon and orouiiig tho tna-blno iliop wu enmSotl \Q \U ulrooil capacity..

Ix.lhe evculng tlioro wero sonic-S5 seekingreligion and ten woro conTfrtod,. /In. tbo ftlVcinoon Ilev. S. It. Room-j, of Dover, preachedoerinoa uf which I may only say fb*l foma (tho boys aald they could sit and listen to it foi

fq hours.. I.uollcod'.W. A. Voaghs. tho frag-Istyjir.ft. n.'Dickamn and'Hr. GatT*br«iil

amoue tho •trangen. There -ran prayer raceIng on Monday, \fodneiday and fridaj.evoings,- and .Uiefual 'and earDcataoaB^bsmiuVa.ua.ed.'' Ou IVednnsday evening, Juitice^lD.Oigo, O. Gnrrabrant aud J. 1 . L»wroncojoor lown wore wit fa ua,

IIolp icons to come from all quarters foit^lchltake the, libertr to.tcnder tbo,thiinkBof tho.worton. /Some •of'oJ|rM»lU'"»irtin \6libor uiider the impteitton. tht,t <KQ aro Tctrnincbglvan'to strong drink and lee turn ttcoQidtoslv. I*t mt tLitate.thou gflnUtmimthat taejam'ajtehDiliUkiata that, ; , j j• 11 jalil onto or tviicB hcforVand 1 repeit it no*

tJfjwljM* BO Toany^men an-employed-wheretaiaro IB lets drnnkcnntis than at' this mucli

I "sljkittj.lcan coaflt4hiboy»Who P> c-n "• bonder after every par day oifin>re, ind.UioT getnogi of ihtlr.whUIstanhope!' lftb'ayb«ntturiwon't need any temperance society, far chrlitfasi, of KOf. donomUHtida' nbv«" get .Qitfnlbjuioro than,'they will fro aronnd^brealhia

b'nfl of Jaraea Alleoli carU ran Into tlo "fasI1W ThnnOiv-afternoon. It mido a. Job forOeqrfio OowoD sud'John'nibtrli, bnt tho tralwent on ita way uninjured.,'Carta had botter Into > flagoctwhon tbojgtt too oloiaHo lh« mala: trader It U'loittitmwhich Ji'.taVan.by ft;innlo 'to. try. lo .Jock,"TeonwMvo'o.T liie tracii.'"' • ' .•-•

Tbcro will bo rolifllpai ^ervfcei,li»ro igili

yIt has cot yet boon decided, rbo ii going tofh ' ' ' ' "Oi

About Licenses.

On the drat day of Ibo prciont trrm of (!oart,tour applicfttiooa for tavern Jiccneoa woro Uid3Tor for bearing till Friday of laat wotk br

omon Pica' Judges Wood, Kanouse andifleld. Oa Hut day throe of them werepled and the other rofuacd. In grantingio license* tba Court oillfld particular »!-iirm to Iho fact that iu this matter tbo

people, aa well u tho Court, have A duty toperform. Hot long since, wu understand, a

mac ia thia couutf rnnda ttia tssotUoafrom bli pulpit tbat tho.Courti woro alono toblame "oi ill tbo Hicentca graatttl. Bufwo a;ontluma'n of his character makes such an

lacrtion u tbifj he ri.oi.ln oiideaior, «t leiBl,ascertain if'tbo f«cta io tho case warrant it.lie had done so ht probably would not have

iaid what he did. Th« law eiprcislv elipnlaUfl;hal the Court' shall lleenia »i many hotoh ainay bo necessary for tho public COHTOEIOQCII,Till* corUictj «aya that sonic aro dotnandca by

iblio eonvanlenco i lb or of ore, to HceiiM nonomid he beyond Iho power ol the Ccurt. Kowio is to know host whether tbe public con-

'cnienco doniands the licenilnu of ft hotel—the, i, or tbe pooplo Uxlng In Iho vicinity In

rlitch the liotd Ii loeatqil, or is to be located ?Ludhow ofleD it it Iho caao that an unOt per-in apjiliti for licsnse, ted the Judges, hearingi r-mo»iltniC4 fcoiu tho pcoplu oT It e oeigli-

borbooil, gr»ot him tho Bama on tbe propersuppoaiUon thit the pwiplo wmt vt or elio tWywould opjiose Ht Ai tua, Court properly saidon this otsftitou the ptoplo bsva s. iuly to por-tom lo galdlDg tho action of the Court In lueh

II tho applicant Si ac unfit poison tokeep ah.oiel, Hi* their duty to notify ths Courtlhat suob Is tlio case, and upon the representa-tion of good men snch license will be refused.

r if a man, after hiring obtained IICCQBD.'orsicps tho powon conferred upon him byio Court, and koopa A Imtul not in Bccordaneo

with tlo law, tho jieoplo have only lo bring tboroof before Iho Court and ha™ tbe licence>voked. Tlie poopli. have Indeed a duty lo

porform In ibis natter, and with thorn redetbe power of correcting all tfao abuaciof t to

IDSO lystora. The tronltlo li tbat mostip!6 dcuro to ICQ (htlc wisliei nceompUthocl

wilbout making any effort thumsolfci iu LriUBjcttt the dttlrod rtmlt,Brrcn.neBt wo publiih in full-Ilia remarks[ tba Court noticed aUovo iTtis 13th tocllan of tbo Aot concerning Inna

and Umui esprnuW enjofna It upan tboCourt*, as a duty, "to Ilaonso no more mm modtaveroa ttian Bliill bo necoAary to aceonirao-dato and entertain travelers and itrangcrs,toBortoibo public occftelmia uf the Courty,audfor tUa cuovonlci'.cont taen mtotliig to~gotlior to tr&unaet tiualuDsi;'' and further ex?ironlr enjoins tt upon the Courts "to pre-vent, SB touch at poailbl(,inniand taromB to bokept for tho qhcoura^oincnt of gaming,

n plainly Hates the duty of tue iJourt ssto granting licamei, points uiit the iBRllitnttopurpoies for which ium and lavorns aro to liekepi and names o«rt»In »ba»»t to be guarited

*gHow ahall the Cot»U proceed to dfichargb

Base Ball-* JtiKt)OLI"II VB. I1011OEEV.

Tha lUuddluba scored their twenlf-tUlid vic-tory tliis.season on Wednesday, whon tticyilofcated the iroU-knoiTu Hobokem, by a, gcoiiflotoS. Up (o the eighth Uning (ho con to i

mil scry duabUul, aad tho lulcrotl il ciettoititeiiflo, Tho Ilobokoiis loloctsd tbo um-iixA winning tha ton BDIV; llie IWndolj

to tbo bat flrst, when they scored two rnimid then bhi&eu tho nobokona by ibo fimphyed Inning wo ever aaiv. Otis man got tohis first, dad ibo next baiter made * long bitto cintro fleld,"ou whlclt tho'drat mat attempted

ake third and tha BJrlVor second. Smithmil* Blong.tbrov toWaJiWorthwbocaplurod(h( tfias it'lbln! and'uy.1 lerriflo throw toBdrand. wfaieb' Ltwrcnco neatly captqrodtndhandled, Urn other wao-wa* retired at aeoond,making tbo neatoit double play ever aoon bar*.Lockman tlidn made a,', fltticg flnlih [0 tlioinning by taking t , superb running fly. Thenoxt 'aping the ItaudolpHs IUMIO ono aud theUobokene nado four, aud ia the (bird the"TobokonB tallied mother u t l blinked tbo blueilQckinga—making the kow 5 to a io favorths-Hobokoai. .Fnnn.hon tlie DmdolpbibUnkoil tbo Uabqkau*otcat lo thoondgame, i l l times in succession. ID tha fifth

BK the fismJoliibB inacle molbtr doublo.-,. Connolly citcDiiig a fly atid fioidlog tlo

ball to unt . lu tlio n u t ' tnnlnu Iboy miae Bthird double p.a>yrLawrotico picking up » ballbetween first and Bocond.-touching, the manrunning and fioldlng il to first iit (itso to putlie atrikor out; In Hie - fourth Inning' tboIUndoI[)hs made ono and. In Iho sixth two,giving them ibojoat*, 0 to 6. In the eigbtU bysolid IJIBO btta tbV raj four Bioro men over thoplate. Tlo gonoral playing of all tbe llanddphiw»i good, tliiife 1)oiug more hrilliinl pltyi madiIhao In any oiacr ganb' ibis BDUDU. Tbepitching tf lfaricr was fcrf affeetlvo, tha Ho-bok'oiis niakihr but flrd base liltu on him. Tbifallowing is the wota

Weil, r M- S t

WuiVy.p. 0 j 0 iBmlltr, e.t. 1 0 1 1Uwnnca,sab.O 3 i i

- nonoKEH. R l n r otlradoa, 1st b . 0 1 6Sbrtere . r - ' 0 1 0Holittjn, M b . I O 0L « « 1 I , i. f. ; l i oDotiotue, 8d b) 1* l 0O.lIolatfln.r.M 0 0Meelinu.c. ' o o iKanrae re r . i . i . l 1 •McCraekeu,e.-f.O o 3

10 lit SJIV Total, S 0 37 ]n v v i m nottHQB,

1 3 3 4 S 6 1 8 B

t, a i- o i o. a o 4 o-n/ . .0 1* - I 0 ' 0 ' 0 0 ' D ; 0— 5

Umplto-^'Ui. nalitola, of the Alerts, aUdltuia.Seorort^M,Sellhr, UK.Wlldnek.Time of guijo-Oiioliour and fltty nlnatos.

.'( • - ALIHT V'. OLTHPtaThe Alette of this placa pUytd t tma« with.

thoOlympldB'ar &(bo Hill, on -tho Itandolphgrounds on Tuesday Afteroooa The K»ttli*rwas wry col J,' and ,thn onitt* uutneroui. Tbflg i i o was 1G to 1 Iu favor of ihv AlorU »t tlend ol the fourth innloff," after which tho HitHill lioyi picked bpcouBldorablj, bat wcra ana-bio to ovorciimo tha Urea lead against thi

Duffj, : ( lb . 9

»&..... .1UcLitighliu.lBtbOJ: Toole, c. aL.Toolo,84b.. 1Heftrn.l. f.- . aI^3kmmc f 4

ickoriDii, 1.1.yatt, o.. :

Ita>Dvaftr, e. f. •Byram, 8*1 b.l l c b t S d b . 'lllnH,, l i t b.Champion, r. f.ilttmon, p,Wfldrlcfc,!./.

7 .Tota l , , , 2723 . -ToUJ, ^ - ill• • i »0Hfli.T. ttHlKOJt ' .• • ' , ;' • " 1 a a i' 0 0 7 , 8 a

Alert! 7 1 6 0 2 1 1 1 0 - 2 3Olympic, 1 1 V. 1 ' 5 4 3 a fr-lB

Randolph,ii one o [ ' t h t )> f t In (lie t-c.nntry itaong the•ffialear clubs.; Tha Olympics of rs(e»on will pUytbvIUa*dolpht on tho ground's la ibfi plaea on Tuesdayafternoon next, tha g.une. to bo calltd at twoo'clock, prompt. These two elubi a,ro leadingfor Ihfl State Champioaihip, and ahoatd tholUcdelpha win tbfs gime—aB they will Iry bardto'do— tlien »third ginie will have to be playedto decide whlcb-nre cb«aipIona,o|New Jerte;,Thcro will no doubt ha an Immeaae altendtf-BiUd BJfc DXCitillCgUQC. . ^ <"' ' '

The Midland Road. •' The Boulh.aioHflairi.uia Boiton Itillrou]

lHd.Aad at TbrccIoBure -Bile, assiitning itibuudeil aud otter debts. It offer* to IBI13 000,000 or flral inortE»C* bonds. Of tlifst11,000,000 will become avallafal«ot onto,bat theInterest uf tho other (3,000,000 Ii to be fundedforth* first sir jesri, It will lisao nrofarredstock dallir. for dollar, to . alter Hidlnodbocdhildc'ti", an! tUcommoc 'atock ibaro' forBbaro to Bte'ckhalderg, It friUalso pay all tba orp'onsoi incurred, la cairjlnR out'tun tgroomaat,Uiocoatraot to became biadlog as

, £n.Intnts.enbfitiGacebavDd)*coVGTcd\liialectrtclly and magnollimira a«volfljwd fn thelyitem from ttao Iron in tbe blood,* Titian ~couiits for tho debility low iplrlta, and luckenorgy ft pertou fuels, whan tbfB vlul clementbecomes ndnced, Tbo' PiittTttx Btntir, gprotoxide of-Iron,' aqpp.l(i the blood wltb \\tiroa eloman't, and Is tha only famia wblcblteaaeaterth'a'clreantlcin1 ^

to Dockcrtown. .-. -. , • •IL wurci&lvcd io Utta twovreeki for Uiacon-

ridoration or tUeinhJuct. Ei-Qov.PrlcoJeisoj na,J Uip llldliJulbonilt wcruwciand tlmt tlio only way to rcsUBcItate tho roilwai \a glre Ua. connection with the Potintjlinfo coal nlocB, Tbo biiaineeg availed' Uieroad; all that'rras oo-cisary was to nuko Iheoocneelion,. Iho pratent earninssof Ihiroad bardr pay Its running oxponies,

Ou hit Uatnrday, Ibo Oth imt., a pin-life wiRiren tba Infant class connected with tha J'roi-bytcrian BumJay Sebool by tbo toacher, Uri.

inli, with tbe co-flpuraliou of tbo paitor HOT,: moddard, Iho Bapcrinkndoot A. It. Illggi,

d l f M M b ' ll

cerneil, could hsrdlvbo iinprovud upon. Theparly coini-IIngnf about fifty rJcrsuns, young•nd tilil—] roigUt nppropriatolf It arc tbo "old"

In tho gro


be Uw, which tbe Oourlfl, aa well •• others,._TC4Minf,tr>clMy. Ihtdnty of tbe CourtQ tbe pntntaefl li plain, apd that il, to (trant

lieeDitaforlnoiaiidtaverns,bnt to rjraot nomore than shall ba Decenary for tbo iegltl-—'-purpOMi of. public acconlmodatlon, and

i»rd, utonth Mpwiible, againit UvornBrkfpt for vicloaa purposes i>cd*lbe ta-jgeinoutof vloioui urfccllMB, and anta

lhosA,thoactspociftilynatnos tippling, druiennesi and Riming. Ilbwaball th- ConrUprc-

•imuiiii is poulhle, places licensed aiand tavorns from being <>0{>t BO IB to eu<•jfovlce? There ippewra to b« hut oneJunta way, and that Is to enforce thetitles of tba law upon all ufleodurB awvlct-

ol being BinllT of IUCII tbnsci conntetsd witbthe keepiDjr of a publio hoiue as amount io ID-dlcUhlo offiincest md to vlthold liw.rtt* Uavaall wlio abuse tho privllsgoi of Ihilr llconio byso keeping their nouses I I to eucournge tip-plloff, drnukeniiefla and other vices. The jwr-Diigiooarantod with* larorn llccnie, to soil

quart, do*) not prove that it h the intentionof mo law, to allow no inn keeper to practice the

'(••trained aaln nf moh liqnorn, and thnmhy.^^ourago tlnpliriff and dmnkonnesi; on thowatnvvj, tho la.w pWnlytBgurd* inch praolleemahuEDof alteeoio, and especially enjoins itupon tho Court* to prevent auob abuse, n '*-mpoasiblo. That * majority or our t «nvonot been kept in accordanco with' thla'taw uf lUt Uw, Is aouliileH Urne 1 hut ibaifact doen not concldilvoly p ro" that it li im-possible U> ao kaop them under tho form oflecuio aa now granted. : It rather shows rom-iBsnoiB on tha part of tbe people, In neglectingto noUoo»nd report to Ibv1 proper authorities,tha prsclico of saob abusn; imd that BB B nat-

• niequence, linrmclty has cmboldenud,.vv, encouraged a dlsregartt or tho law. Fortha dne enforcement of law) a- Join t rsnnonilbitjreitB upon the pnpU'and ibe Gonrts.' Bat tinDourt-isonwsriBsstoMtln theprimiios, uoeta Iheaxlstinotand nnollea of abai'i ar«brouBht (n da* forartolti knC-wUdjto, < Indiet-menfi. cannot be found without evidence, con-•viotioni cannot *M had without suEclent testl-raonj, and Mual^les cannot be Im no sod with*6dl conviction," Law U Ufit iho'etnhotlimontof pnblto •entlinenV'U'd iMCOtnos powtrleBi laa community where tbara is wanlloc a • law-ro-BpectiDg and law-abiding moral icnlimont of•uffideat strength and activity to laf a propernotice of offiencea tod abdaei; Uui th«v mij brbronchi to due punishment;'

This Uotut bis thonghl proper at thla lira*to thai plainly expreai to tlie applicant! ~~license. As welfmtoothera,: tha -flown eiUtned by the Court, u to the niton &ndvialons of the license law pertaining IDand taverni, in order that all interested maynnderatand the reflOlremonia of that law towhich tu-y wUI he eipected to yield obcdl-

rbcre tundwiclics, chickvn, cikcplo, fruit, etc.,o distributed iu ohundance J and after Ibis

part u( tlio jnogttmwo vnt ci,tri«*l cut tilhands adjoumod to tbo wsgnns in waiting, andworo Boon on the nrovo fur 1'uit Otwn fSi. Winelill. 'On rracliluu Port Oratn the furnace wasln.tcC, whlcli i n an gb)i.cV olinteient to all ul

tltcni, partieulirly to tho yoangor part of thocompany. Aftor BCCIUS >lt lhat wai poasiblo in

: time allotted, a -upplomenUry treat ia theapo or candies, nuts, etc., was furnUbed, thefiona reiumcd and besdod liomeir»td. Aa27 ncared tbo Catholic Church aoruo of thonog ladias exproaicd * deilro to M« tbe

Inlorlor of that cdlJlco; a halt was mado andliujlon obtaincil without difficulty, aud:otlr artor tks party wu joined by tbepMtor

of tUt church, tho Iluv. Father HcCctlby, whoconducted tboni through th* building aud nadehis prcionco very agreeable, for which courtosj

uliluuCM Ihpy return sincere tb»aki. TheUtiftUy rca.ck«d homo In good io»ion and

nllboiit a liaglo niiihap occurring to mar the

of the day.Dopmcd s> ltfo of ilnfilo lileisednen onlidneuHT, OntoUt 18th, IBIS, Mr. Qtorgo D.

Uwokor, who—well look among the matrimonial>lktti fut fUTlbor information. Ur. Mooltorid retched that psrlod In life in which Itsera roalitloa, Its ever clanging mil r " '"ilbwuy, itt atorrni and its aunnhlns, w

folded to bii vision, »od be decided that it was Mo'ntviihT.butter not ID go It alone, ind though another " " ' "has been called away from ths bacuolor fra-

rnltj, ne wish oar late companion a- continualund of pUasurn down lo tho Socond National

>atennlil with his fair partner.

ploaonre ire grteted aa vld boyhood•fiend a day or two ago in the penon of Tbco,V'olfc, M. p . of Jer«oyCity, and a brother orMr, P. V. Wolfo of Dover. Dr. Wolfe haa heeurastlcstiog for tome lime among tho Adlron-tlacka for tha bonoOt of Mi health, »ud eipcctft

> visit llio wilds of Tiko County, Pa., in * towij». Ho Is vow visiting liia liroUior inEovir.Among tbe improvornenla in this Beoiloa llio^i.lunct uf Ur. Wm, B. Caroy ia entitled to a

prutulonnt place, and nhoti completed will boeiitltluil In evorr UDDUO ta Uie lonu •' lioute."Tbo houio ]• now, epaeioui and well built, aud

good looks, comfort and cunvcnldnco.Mcisrs, I, A.BoCatnpttCo. aretha builders.

ACouuciloftLQJr.O.U.A.M,wuIuilitutedt Stanhopo on tlio fth last.,'aiul kiiown

AcliVfl Council, No. W. Tholr xna«tinCB areheld on Tuesday evening of each week ID thelallofBrrasi Council, Ho, 73. The fullowiug

is tlie Hit of officers; €,, I.Kiaulcutt; V.O.,U. Ollrer; It;8., tt.Henlck; A.lt.S., L.OI»rk;'. 8.t 3, Dltioll; Con., E.Tharp j WIT., 8. He.

CtMiMll | I.S., ai l .Slight ' tO.B^ J.Doll; T..Edward Tliitp; P. 0,, p , UankisBon. ThU ntwirgmization starli out jrlth good proijwclr

UshlUmc-; i» eoaipoioiS

" ' Aforri'e Qoupty 'poiirU..,addllloa to thoBuprome Court and Circull

Court cnoi, (ho folloviap; Jury appeals arc"ownfortrialihlatana;--- : ' •••

M*ri*P. Dcremui'and Alfred Qoodalpct. nl,Philip IV. Crogir abd D. A. WIsRim. 'Patrick King »nd Georgo £. Ulghler.Wm. BlrniliiBfaani *nrt Lewia I), Srokaw.Charles YOUIIK and Siln D. CorUr. •J. H, Crabtree and Nlcliolaa fi. Smith.Danjol Kaaouse and Cbarlee A. Tucker.K.laa D- Con mud Julia A. Sliloi, et. a..Uorria 0. llarlck and rotor S. Oregar.Henry II. Applecata and Abram 1>, tklmocWm.J.fiuunaoclWtn.H.Slilcs.ir*etin R. Hitdebrant and Albert B.' itlegB,Wm. J. Burnt and Wm. H. Stiles,

. JUrta I . Doromni aad Alice Flchter.- EdmQoi Oufield and John Lea. •. ; " '.' *

Pbebo Palmer an-i Niobolas V. Driant.Jacoti V, Coo and Kcliwn UcRheon, ot. »1,Timothy W.CranB and EH D. Daifian,Edward Dell and The Crane Iron Go.John A jan infl Wm. Connott. •': •Lewis Chamberlain, and David 0; Wallace.Valentine Itaaenaglo aai Alphetii Btoraer.E.mion TV. Qeorga and •Tlo Atlantlo Qlanl

Powder Corapinv.

• John Trimmer *n(1 Hcrris P.jCrater.-' ' 'Abram 0. Yoorh«e» aud Betbnel 0. Iloover.Edwin Ford and John Aiwird. •Zacbarlah Z, Bmitb and Andrew N.DamtoiJohn M. Crui-i ixkd Q«ate« J. P«nG»ld. •0, F. O»qo, at. al. and Lewi* T. Smith, ot. alHenry Spoor and Ferdinand W. Durkett.21. "V. B. Bearing, et, nl, md V. 8. Freeman,Thou, Brady and fowli Hnbort,

Micbaol C Oallftcher of Itookaway lowusblp

Tho Grand Jury QnlBlicd llsUabori on Mon-i»j,V a, result ol wb.ch flUr-Ilvfl *b1llai ollnillct-,

aent.wtri'iound. Onfihi' lanio any Iho fot-loivlng wore calkd ta aniwer:

JohnPendorgraB, assault andbatlory. NoLiiHj,- • . -- " - .Conslnitco Ilodcgch, breaklug and entorinz.

Not guilty. .- Maliion Itobcrla,: K-lWinl Qnimby and Chaa.

Morris, hroakioft and rateiinR.Thoi. llurnt, ra&llcaousiii.aicbacf. rioiguilty.Thos. Darns, potlt lutony. Not guilty.Tbns. UiddBhtJoUn Bladdua, Jtiuct Madden,

fliioult and battery. Not cuilty.' Peter Chambeaa anil Pli.ilii Oalltiglicr, oa-->xu)\ aud billorj. Kot gulltj,

Klmon Miller, aasntilt tad battery. Oullty.Pltilfu Farloj-, aatoult and buttery. Quilt;,David N. DeWau, forgory, guilty.Morrii Clarrsan, breaking and on'crlng.

Plead cuilly to tiro indictments.0. Mollim], for selling diseased moit.L.KIrvine, dlsorderljbame. Sotg*Jllelmd Kinmir, ntnolt and batltrr.

g u i l t y . - - - • • < • • >• v - .'. ••• • ; . ,

Jolm TJnJcrW,-Wil.Um TJndcrhtll, ThouuiMcDonald, Jamen McDouald, John Going, Jr.,

Ing' „garaeni of lanUlttB Uilogla ubrr}aloivn. FI«a

Jehn Lconirtl, indtc'tod for> vxa.% otTe&eu.-Tined • » and eoiu. ' •: -..-, •'.;.

Ooorge t- Dofy, disorderly hoaie. lined J1O0and COBU ' -

Dcnuli T. Eolly, disorderly houio. FieldeuiUr.aadtho Ooorfc la .conaUeratim ol thihct that tblB waa the aeeond tlmo tb* prlwuetbad been brought before hunipr the mat of-teaae, Until taim IHU and Boats, inc* aootoncodhlmtothBOOUDlyiaJIfar t^rrydays, Intlmat-tag tbit W w u he, KeUT. **u broHRbt Vkntho third Mm* far a llk» erimo the Court wouu.nd him to State rilaon. . '. - , .

ThecaiooflhuNttfoulBinkofUorrbtovi. Silas D, Condiot, ID aatlad to' r-covor theamount ofW promltaory tola 6f about M.COOind;Interest,1 tMcnpIid.the,'lUouUaa ct.thaConrt till lootday srenlng, when tho imnmingup was eanctaded. * Oonrt thta tdjouttitil tillUanday taonios cast,- when tbo Judge wldeliver bii chu-(B to the »Lruck'jnry.

Oakloj B. Btoll wti ihot twica intl icwstrtwonuded at 0 o'clocli Saturday morning naaFlatbToolnLKo, SasHx Coant-r^rl. J.; \>j EiiaiA. WooQward, who worked Stoll't farm. Thodifficulty occurred, in rcgwd to tu« ttse othono. atoll and Button uudurtock to provenlVoodwuA bwn«»mg Urn icrj9wj.cn ho (Ironk lovon-ihootar and fired fonrabotiat StolliiSnllon. One ball onlortd StolVa bacV, lodglufa hii body, andwu only prevontod from mak-ing a, fatal wonnd Ity hla rlbn. It Un sinebeen extracted.. Woodward, aricr tha affijiwont uDtore i ]Dltieo anil had atoll and Sal tori•fronted for making on asiault unon'bim, andho la turn liad him »rrt»wd.. Tbe two tumorgavo balr/mtid Wooawirf vu'Iodsdd In-tlwcountyliiU' Hiwtoa.

h, as far ad ld h

pof Mru, Marsb't g

Imrlnp; a good timo j - cb i d

•a jouiie at tbo time—aiLcmbledr tbo school homo about HOOD,

Count/ CsmUEU-JCKillC.

liog'n Hall, AIorriNi'iHu, on Monday, tad wasorgammd by (ho election of P . V. Dollickcr, ofCtiBBter, Cliairuiao.ond C. A. GiHon, of Dover,Secretary.

ICD tlio ealt fttr iao.mlnatio.ns fur aiioiitt thoWlup ganllcmuii' wt'ro iiaoicil: Jubii D.

Guaiin.JiB.W.UiUut.M^ma Ultns. lliidiu <jf

in iho dolrgalioiis of 'Jefferson,Mautvillo, and Prijuanunck ncre n.lui. and tboballoting proceudtd. 'Jbefitit ballot vraaaifol-

There bolug no choleo a second balletaken with the fallowing m a t t ;

of 8 fine company of ymwg fcllovra aud it ablyofficered,

Tho fair tnd festival held at Drakovillo onTVeflneflflay ana Thuruday cl tbis nvok WBB all

promised or predictod of it, provingijov&blo to all mho nltendedjt. Nearly:ig tlio BOIBOII supplied te tap linn to Ihi

paloti) waa furqiibod in plcnleous quant itioanldorabb surplui over at the cloai

But ruwpuoplo in Ihli laclloQ that don't linot' -.bout tho capabilities of tho Draku-

villo Indies iu tho art of cookery. Bo it needonly bo said that tha eap^era vtflro a (iredlt to.hem, »nd Indeed the whole •rrangetnent was acredit to all concerned, Tliota fuittvala u tcoiiduolro to a groat deal of social enjoyment,but Iho; invcWo a. good deal t-t«oik, trouble

id anxiety, which mast be bprne by »oni(, andlouftblbe DrtVoiillo ladies i n gratofal Tor tiii>

palronago cstonded by tbe publio, II would•com tha^ tho puttie la t« , l j indobtod to themTor tho piips tboy.ntvo'taken ta oohalf of a

l»ko the liberty of thanking lh-m in!.tho,ntmeof UIB public, mbrs parliculirly that part of itwhunatroniced tbt featira), for their mer.lor.oaienterprise la tho way or good. Tho proceedsamoDbt to about 1330,,which .wilt be applied"jjwtj-d flnlatfnj their hsndsom*-ehardi. theladitorium of which is vet uncelled «nd tut'seated. Tho' Imitding of thli odtflce as Iremarked m mr«n'cl»otultidedtet.U6n-fnii kbig.Cndortaklng for tha BLUaII band composingtha lociotv, tad their: unUtitss extrUoas undzoal to cirr; it through.io final, completionmottle tb.t tjtapitty vai. ehisoungcmiint oteveryone. t ' ' QUSTO.

For the tatties,imnnelotreliMin In anjtbing French

to tba ladlci, and, above all, ia It loba found In. Tho dnlc velvet bonnet*

b a n Upbt colored Bilk crowns, blade VOITO t, forInitancp, with *. fain, cream colored crown*«r«il>FWI.*n>»n irlli. 'iilnl'liuniiiir ' Tblll


PBisaicVnllnnnoo ,,tudolpli •ocltBWoyoibury


"fi ~B 13 2U 2Ilnforc tho result of this lait ballot vie nn-

nDuaceil Iho rates nf Uorrli and lfoontDD wereohanged to Hard In, and bin noroiDfttion was

Tlie dJlPG-.ttoiu< of the iliffcrcut AaiouiblrQistrictB then named the folloning guitlcmenirCa-oucrsi l»t Dtaltlct, ffra. liwructt, oforris ; 3d DJslikl, Biumcl H. liiH.olt of Itock-*»y ; U DUtrtut, AllrcJ Liciilej of FaUa&Ic.Tli» Cliair naa empowered to appoint tlio

!uut.ty ExeeutWo CtimmUicc.A Conimlttco WHM appulnii'd who o|ij)riinnl

Mr llardin of lili lucccas anil couductou lnui(lie Convention. Inaifuw romiiks ho

accepted tho uominniloa md tbo Convcntiimadjourned.

Tho nomlnoo ii a well Itaowu and cxcolleuttuon uf Cheater, »na« member of a popularutsoi family that tu timoi pait liaa produced

lomo fonnldablo political canditlatCB In tbatmaty. Bhould ha be elected ve bivo no

doubt be will make an excellent BLcrlCC •UEI'LlULICiH.

Tho Iteunhticau Covoutiaa via hold In tltoGrind Jury Iloom, Morriatovrn, on Tlmnday.D. A. NlchoW, ] " * •>fria,.idtts,Ohiinnan. From tbo mcagro accountu

I e.va but faw puticulars'. OnIho cull for nominations for SlierlfT eavoral cau-

nhincu. and on tbo first Ullolfleraou A. Fraoinan of Morris town rvcdvoil 17

itci, and W. n . UcDavll ot fiovur 13o rest being divldod amoiiK llio other cindl-

aatcs. Tho rotes catt for Mr. UcDsvit on tin£r»t ballot wero: ltockaway, G; Ilundaiiili, fi;Chenter, 1) Joffemoii, 1, After tbo drat ballottho oth or cartdidatcB withdrew, leaving Iho eontest between Uenrs. UcDavit aad FrcemaiOn tho tecood ballot Froontan rccolvod 25votemd JIcDiTltl5,andtho formor wai declaredducted, U>. McDtrifi rote on tha l*gt, btUotwas: Itaudolpl, 5; Iloekaway, fl; Bo on lor

wry dark hroirn with faint'livendor. 'crown* are no formed a* to make' •trimming f»r tho (inlalde of the bat; tbo hatainot trimmci! lowcn tho back,; they.*r« ntberturned up, nnd tbui present a bobbed appear-accor fn etronji contrail with the droopingotfurfl W long the raao.' -'^t* •'•{'- - • . • • •

Tfao Rubens hot of black velvet, turned npt tl II ltb hl that tlio BIEIQ wllit ilk b d

, pnarrow ocown, three.

brliito silk bandB and heavy bows behind, tirofcB.tn.cw, ono:biick.tQij other,vihUe, i t tin

k d l U y pmtiixcf tatlllQcry re<tucc"d ta a fln& u t . ThiL A i d u c , - a wlJo-brlmraoaJcl; bat, with

, laca and loses, a j>fc\Q.\>lua lilk ullbhigh,, brocaded crown trimmed,.in laco andftfcilibtt, T?ilb pab" .piuit »S8B eiraling Ibifront, are a fnW amonc the many beautlfnlstyles fresh from lliu fashion capital of tL

o r u . n < > / • / / i ' f •;.{ ! ;A coitume for a brldo, was all lu wblte, nilhl l d U t a l b t d d dk

lirt,V i p

Tolvet, mixed; a black illk, trimmed wilhbillion, braid ( *jwwbile caibmera BtbralGgwrapper, embroidered in'gty colon, with manyothen, UaulifnliaIVbrlii md atjUib, ia mtko-

i p . < ' • ' • ' ' • " • ' • -"

ITioroatecoitnmei intSltt and vntvot, mixedin black, blue cad brown; »Uk sklrti^ withC*talMto cvtrdresitB; Waok illk coi lmC'

h ltrimmod wilh foather trunmlnp; and lace, aroc d i l i h n i l fal i i t l•sctodiogly richM l j a p p e r s

, W hint sdk

a n In lat

;iu itjlo.j

tin,.• quilltda' ot Vmc( ulio In

crimion; tho darker colors are o»p»cii!ly boiu-tlfal ind liccomlng. Flannel wrappers of nplnlny labiUntlal cliatBclert for breakfait, liret,1»o aitplajDd Iu blue, black and while, ant

•iwBon plaids,Tho, habloa aleo ars looked after. Outfit

put np in1 biskole, all ready for'mo, .art) temp-). liobesof tbiy p y

fin oat French eatnbnll put ttigotliGr for baby n

' Council'Proceedings,Tl« dcto'b« cwollng of tUoComtnon Oonntil

WM held on MotaOay cvonlng'. Freient|- abyiItecordet Giittcnden, Aluoimi

Deach, and Councilmen Searing and BennettThe inini.tB| of tbD Jait meeting .vor* nad kapproved. ,•

Tbo following bill* woro presouted and refer,red to the Finanee' Oommittoi): Coriw:pay-roll for 8eplember,433L'"5; Oeo. MoCraok-•n.work done for flr»diparimeBt,tllJO.

Thai Finance Oeflnnilttef; npor tw that thidid not bavo enouffli tuonoy *te'hullil tlie ptpoaed.two BewlIrfeUterrii-ihat tbay hadmado ta effort Io6«tdaar of toraeo'tho bondsbat had not itioceeilod yet, It was itatod tbither* w»i 1CB».money oa- bsnfl, lioiiDior; »>iiathi Mijor tiUVho would*t*ko k~boad thatwould fumlil tho biliato necnurr to con•tract tbe two ciilcru. Be thought tbit IIhov wDTBbni.t tharFill, they iTjosld bo com'uencei] at once,Iln»nc» Comtolt i«o report edeotr«lth» fol-

lowlng'bllli,1 and they worp ortlertil ptid: FajSoli; WllvsrOobV'MeCraeien, | u . » ; A.Wighton, *117.lM;-.a«o, Pierson Itl.fli; -JictmwitViSxurtM,Bi.i'—'^ •'' -'•' •' •' Conacll Bdjonrned. '

' . Resolutions,At a rtgulax meet jug of Dover.Con noil, Ho

fl, 0. U. A. I t , held in Dover, N. 3., on ihe 8tof October, 1876, tho foil owing proamblo anresolutions wero unaiiimouilj adopted: '.WHEMUK, It bai pleased Almicbly Qo4 tn ro

nova from onriiildit ths beloved wlfn tif nniBra. Ei.O.jtitwiaLatnion; therefore,bo illtmaor,Tm, Tbatwtfdeein ftflillottpoipreo

to our i-otlhjDrother our baistfuli ijmpatb]and sorrov iDtho ton be'has BUitained; w<prmy thal'ba may bo "com forte I hr contiunainpPilea of grace, from, oa high until be rojolnimr in that world of everlasting lifo and l>ap

ItuotTzn; Tbit those proceeding- be spreai]on thu minutes, and that a copy bo lent to outbcroarod llrotber.T^KPVXDjThat lb«y b» pnblithtdIn the I»t

Mendh&m,A young homo bdongiig to Mr. Cmifj.iUn a

rsalilcnt of this VIIURI, ran awar *>a Thnrsduy,t.7tli, breaking tho wagon Aud.allglitly in-

TLcro fi ft travaliug photograph g»Harj"etop-iiifhtro at prcicnt. Tho man who runs it^Iicari to bo tikiag t test.A. very sidtlng gamo of base ball was played

icro ou 8*turJij, October Qtb, between tboVoHtona of £r(K>kaiJo, and tljo rtough andaadyp uf this plicc. Tho latter Woe tlio gamoT a icoro of 21 to 10. After Ihe garao wasifftr tlie Hough ind Betilycluli gave the Wes-)in • hearty rlieor, io which Ibey triod tu:«l)onJ, but filled. Wo »incor«lT Jiopo tboy•a not dl-couraged.

Tho lUr, Mr. Barlwr, a laU graduate of tho.'rincoion Theological Heminary, preachid in;bo Fjrat Ptoibjlorinn Church of this jili.ee on* " ,y, October 10th. Mino,

;,2,'Raxoury, 1 ; Jeffirnon, l.>

Ur. Freeman, U10 tominoo, li a, TrctMmownara«ftiesercinlo[&loi;iiioiin t a d i E i b ^bara«fties.erc&inl,o[&loi;iiioiin, tadTiEib^

llovo if elected wotitdjlIkV bis opponont', niako

A Brilliant Wedding In Morrhtom.On Tuesday ortnia-f tbo 131h IniUnt, aihalf-

paie six o'clock, tbs wedding: coremoay ofMlaa Badls Halitcai, the amUllo and »«om-pllthed danghtcr of onr eatccmed lowmmoillenrj O> Pltiiev^ j&f *! cud Ur* fi&ioy ^ .ftiuii4

•OD,i wai wlemdHdIn the'Ffnt J?reibytcrianChurch, in lhiic.lT,la th«pt«itnco 61 ft li

antbec of friotids. • ,Ths bxitlt.1 procHi.on KI\VBC p

appointed time, walking from Iho carriages In-to tbe church, unfter a. unopy spread for ibooccasion, Cn entering tha cliurcb, Iho pirtywere met and eonclnet«d by tbe nix gentlemenuihors, (Moisr-, Fowler, of Newark i HermnaTJusienic&utt, ot Bremen] Jas. Iliiidolph,Gcorgo and Harrlo Clark, and Harrlo Hnil)through theceutroalals to tbolr placos; tli<

^ « « hrt ei *• 1\»—I " T._ -* I .»!_ .


Terence Oalliglior, v.io was Indicted for fir-- tlio btrii of Lewis II. Wnrtecit, at Danville,rron county, was tried and found guilty.—i prisoner in liii elimination did not don;

.t IID might liave Qred' tho building, butbwieil tbat lie was tw drank ta know wbatbo

sat, SanteucDd to two joirs in tha Stateiaon. TboB.MoLarra little boy only 10 Joan

• ogc, wai Indicted far ra.pc>. TUo pcrsunipon whom tlio m a nit was committed WQE aUlo t;frl oC ICBR Uitn 10 JOKI. Bho cawo upon|Q witnoss staad and told hor story ia afalgUt'orTritd m&untr. Tbo jury after hear-ET Iho eTldoneo upon both sides found tho dc-flilintRU.li? of aithQUirilh intent lo commit>po, and the Court itntenced him lo Stateflionforono year,

Mr. II. 0. Honker, of Andoter, while hunting•a Prf Jay week, diicovered a largo American>glo on »lodge of rockg near tLo villa to. Oapp-oaclitnff it tbo bird mbed, md in Hi dightIr. Bonker discharged the ccrate&ls o( both!*n-e|i orhlu gun Into its body, wgitodlng it,ot not Bufllclout to briug iho Urd'down, auil- escaped to tun Woods. Lain in tbo afternoonIr. B/a dog diactrcercd. the bird in loan bush-i, when it raised and paeaed in close'rongo to

Ur. Bontur, who acupitehea It with ono chargefrom IIIB gun. Tho bird was fonnd to bo onoof tho Urgent of its Epoeki, < mCMrailng ievcnfoot four Inchoa front tip to tip of wing »,

Tbo; aroint,mnddlo In tlio Bococd Anom-bly Dlittict la Warren 'Cauittf. Tbo Eamo-cralio Eiccutive Cuinuilttoo of that iowaihipelided ilmt HirdiriokWMontfUtid ta tUunuca-Jeo, but In tho eancrjB *".'J. llactey of Oifurd

towuflbjpbedtl, fl.Vmslho ucmiliiae of Butrl-wict byquitea numbcrof.votcij ihercforn.. byIbe roles of llio ps.vty, Ur. V*BB ii tbo nomineowhile Mr. Maekoy I. tbocliolco of tha people.

Tbd Sna=2i PrcchoWcrs, by a vuUi of 20 lo u,-ave refmed to conflrm (ho BOUOQ (if tho SUt«Baard of Education la appointing Clu*. J.BsckBlerSupcriutcndontcf PubJIo tjchooli inihat county. Nu reasons wero giveu for thisaction, but a> majority bf tho Boshllura Btgtie<la roquost that Rev; J. B. Woodward of Lafay.etlo bo Bppolnled to (Iio poiltion.

ggroomiman, 'Q. &.~ Duryee,


tho brldeimsjd, Hiss- Julia. Clark;Ptincy followlcg With brid-, ami Mra. Pit-ney on th» bridogroom'a arm. The cryanBanding forth.' tha grand mwcli ot IllchacdWagnor'a "Lobonjrln."

Tht brtdeimiid wat toltej la t low neckedwbllo dreii. trimmed with point laee. Tbibride yiaxt a. rich truatn •wblto dicia ot Tiench

eleganlly and tastefully oanufaatarodan eltgantbrii)»iYe.'i>lTa.lo .UUBIOH fasteneclwith a, rich gold pin. Ibe bridal wreath ropoiinjrmost gmco'^ly on it.

choleost plants, And * profusion of, awcot flow-en. From four bf tho eta standards wonbanging horua of plenty, filled with flowersUnder nn arch bororo tbo altar etood tlio bridipair, oTcr tfacir boadB was- hanging Ibo "marriaga bell/1 artificially mado up of oxaulalt'whito carnations.toarosfibiidt, and imiliii.

Tbo nastor,..Rcv.-Mr.. French,• oplEfaleduiinj, bj 'Kqaen ot ibo hrid*,' ttts' niar-ri»R0 aervtco.of lhoi:pisaop«l ehurclt i (hobridi and groom responding ytty distinctly.After prayer had heflu, olfcted utd t..liles»t.gpronounced on t U yonnp couple, Ibe. prooeidloalotttb*chunb, wUllii'tlae organ' peah^forth Mendelaohn-ji Wedding Varcb.

Alter the cermntrej *t tho clinrth, t> Bclectparty of relatlrci wero cntortalntd hy Iho par-n\f ot the briuo, st their rcBlUGneo on Maple.veoue. ,Vrora most mqnlgl.o ctacs oF all BIZCB BIIOL

forth gold ind silver 'wares of arMslia vwrt-manfililp, Amonn; her rainy pnjBoati vtu onelegant gold and illror tnounted toilet sotInlaid with g&rnstf, a fruit dlib of crj'sUruonated In gold and ailrcr, a tlmo-pleco eblack marblo inlaid with n&hebitc, and ichinning eot of coffee cups of Sovrcs china. '

Aniopg the fiocats la chnreb ITO obsorrcdJadgo Bfffolpw and.Bfr.' BIge.ow; ;of. Kowtrk

Kearney,T brid

. HalstenO,y

Tlio bridal pair l«rt on Iho & o'clock train,Sow Vork, for lltclr trip io St. I^aii,

j p with tliotn'iho hearty congratulationsand wall wltb«8 ot their friend*.—Burner.

Our Schoo/ Teachers,Miu EDltOB:—If you know or hear of a, town

having farnlahad n preator nutnkcr of schoolteachera Iban have eons fortli this Fall fnDover to " teach tho voung Id-a bow to ihoot,"picasolotltlM known through thecolumnn

~ Otborwlio wo muit chim tbebaun'or for Dorar »• tha ctamplao. town—It

_ sent ont cloven, all of whom aro tcacb-Ing In thla county. Ot those who Uftta tiwgbtbofore there aro tbrefl, vlJf t

Mr. I . B. LftcaBscB, tuchlDf; xiWin Frank Uunpson, at Port Omm.Kills Emm-. L. Caller, M Mine Ujll.Thli latter school or/oncA with tbe Pall t«im

M a graded idiml, tho iMond In tho tnwmhln,wo believe. Under the efficient munageiuciorHr,Olnoy,whohai been iti princlpit for imany years, It hss been brought up to itsprascct atftndard, and wilb, th* new additionthe leichon hivi ample room for their diflerentjra4*i. MU- Catlec h u chatRt. of the «<grade, and Hiss Alice A. Bois, ot Piltnam,COED., is tn t!i»tf;« of tbo piimirj il

Thoio who have ma tlo their DESDT in theschool Toom ihii laU »teachon

Btisi Sarah Lampion, teaching at Itocksw-y.MUa M*ryB«iTj,»t'rroy.-UIitAhhy Condlot, at Hanarer.Hill Jeiiio Cutler, at Oroonvillo.UUiEvaBtrahleatUr. Edward Candict, i t Pariinnany.Mi. atoplion Ttiti.a, M aionj Arook." - ' " 7, »t Lonswood.

Last weak an old Itou che't vrai » n t io thiBolanaro llollmff Jlill at Thmipsbars to bo piupon Ibe Hcrap litap, It was tightly accurodby a lock with ndlatlng bolts, «nd fortlmo dofle'd a viporoas attack of tlodgciwai at last broken open, and iniido ^as foundtnnrEborofSpnalih allvorcoloi Oatel 1771 and1803. . Tbe bottom was of trjple tbickness,two sbcDtsofBliiet Iron wilh tha efflgrnf anuldBpaniiu Qraadoostimpcd ouoce oflhetn,and between them a 1); loch pUto at tho Queilcharcoal inn. Tho cheat bore tha BICOI of agotnd Vfitof a-aUquftWotkrntuiblp, m l no $.w\>\bii u latereiilnc hi-tory.

Kind Words-\\\- ore ulleo in receipt of flulU'riuf tuatin

ills of rcKinl rrom cur fricodfl, whLb cuJusty ,twtl\y eoruptJi uu tu afmiu fruruublinhtiif.', but tho fullowiiig is to htirfy la

Agf-od WRJ to keep warm—Hoy yoglam of VouRht tbo DrUfRist, ami atop theboles lu jour wiuiluwa. He W.MSJ« &>1 »u;ej.

l i t toFuitKii V.—Ecoaomy lu tho wwcbwortl lo-

lay. IVcliavu tiialptthaud tlircjui-|j n whirl of•iirnvnganeaand an era or Jifuli living, withulliivnn* ae;, and llio record uamooHn Ibit

a niriiiiif bark baa Jiuucdcrud in thotint bus ovtrtikou us, ur lus l>o«u

led cm tlio Ixtach of BpocuUlion. TbooxpciiBoj niuatlM) curtiiloJ—mil lak«levorv linucl—if wo would aofuly outrlilo

liogsk. Vroiutritj lim ottcu'lsd us to longUtil now «nutn licve tieon created tlmtcur f«tc-athtrs knew not of, which hiring once beeniBtcd we fuul ic-lucUiit to namGou before oito10 wail that Jrfit"iaff up becauau of hard time*.bcn is, iiowcver, ono Jin my that «* have cn-

nvuil fur a GCUDU, ilifcl I. fur out, thuilii boi&d torulinmiiih-aud that is tlio vteukly vinit'thoInoM Eiu. lam l>roud of thiu ftmtilic

of onr town ami hopo that ftn prosperityciintinuo till iti owner (ball bo Biniiiy ro-

lilud lur liia priiMWOttby cffullft iu it» btliilf.hopo iti many p*irons will not ba unmindful

' Ilitir own intoroflli iu its euccitu,, .nd ran-r such aiBistance •* lio In their power loiko ii pay—by paying their suUaerlpilousainplly and introiaUciug it to tbcir Jricutli,

!il<jiiiliug ttBcirculitionwbersvor a Joncymanuia7 Lo found oa tbia coutlnrot, r.r among tbo

oi of ibo aoa. tjuocoui to tbo KB*.



Newspapers and Periodicals,



1 lo give Nowtc-n all tbs trouble they canfornotjiayipj tho bonds. Byauothor now ar-(-.cswarat OTenlag otnneotlon from New lotiby tba;way of tho Midland is broltsn, and tbealteraoon trainfftili to connect with tbo broadguago on. Ibe J},, L. As TV. road for Kow York. .

The candidate* fur. ihe Pintocratlo nomina-tioniInWamnhada.biH«r fight in th« eaa-ouies last week. Lateit retnrni Indicate thaiex-A«emulyman "Vm. 8Uv«thqni h u oattladtba Seuaturshlp by it amall m»Jorily, eiUmitodbriom-» (towsjoao, with JobaGardner foxSheriff, anil JamoiE. Moon for Clirk. -,

Two voung Jarmiru namod Daniel Bhappeland John Snjder hilng neitr BpTlngiown, nn.aertobk to Jnmp Irom A train between PhiiUpi-burg and DlooniaturgjrTha.ppolfaU under the.CWB and,wan IwUntly kllled/ynd John Snyderbad hl« cbilar-bona broken and wai muck brnis-id aLont tha body and head, -

y g f . y r s n c h , * lad 18irl* years of ago whoreildeBlaWabirloo anaatrica a platol, allot another boj of about tbu

if mo ago, wounding, liim In tho log.. FmnohEayti tint bo ehot Smith ia BGII defenje. Tie

d i l i h l t b l

T. A. Marahall, BnpL Paiiale ZIno Uinta,found & largo garnat a, abort tima ilneo, forWhich hehao boon. ofTerod 150. .Thero hate.beon Bcveral smaller onei fbind valnad at fromHO to <15 each. Tho bod WIB fonnd near tbt

Xho Democratic County Convention of Hus-w«nMoQ.Uyro-nt.in.iiatt.a81ier.ir Ron andiBt?tnlj]jrm»n Owon, atidnBrusd tbo foUowinf

Coronon: Dr. L. B. Miller ot Kewton, Dr.J.0. Price of FrankforJ, and Mirk Sigkr of Sin-

aeorfio Hoe, formerly ctihlsr of the Uack-itlsiown Deck, and tsoriUtiily eaihltr of tha

North Wird Sank of Nowark,. hai gone intotbs 'mcrcinlllo butlnesi at Vienna, WarrenCounty.

OnWedneiday night of hut week tho liniokilaaof tho HomMiead Company at FranUia

wero dosiroyeaby flre, Including mil-Lie, niicds, and lima to the valco

deter-erect a yard near tho county J-.U In

Which (o break atone, *nd ia art-cat all tramps~ ](* compol (hem to work for theli

Tbo Oraugo and SosBez lUlk AisocUUon, ofhlcliQcLv tUlpatrickiB Fietiutmt, It is said

dffo farmerg for wwral thousand dollars worthof milk, and b.t.t boon nv\ by a creamery'.

Mrs. Unlln, oftopateong townahlp, Warrcounty, was ahot throoeh tho loft leg, belttbo knco,ontho 3d Init., by the caroleas hand-"ng of A revolver in tho lundi of a boy.

Tho Steward of tha 'Wirroa County Powloneo lias boon instructed hy tbe Hoard

Pro oli aider i to rwalvonalttiEiptijeeptTipciBrdor from an ovonoer cf tha poor.

Tho ratoreoii Qnardian atya tbat the outloolfor Iho ipcomoUve works of that city vraa aoveiQu'koi than at present. There la aei.rcily an;prospect for tbo comlc^ Winter.-1 Thoa. 0. Bmlth, who has creameries at Teion ami other places baa failed. Ills HibUiUsimnunt to*15,IXW. Tjiofarmcrswhodoaltwil

him are the loiotl. - - - •

K. S. Smith, of Deckertown, is the ownertho moat promising yearling colt In Suiiei, foiwhich be his re*aso<3. H60.

Tha Rcpubllcaas of th« First AtsamUy DkWet, Warrca County, have notnlaatad Wm. Cir-pentor of Greenwich.

It»v, S. A, Priest, D. D., win tuiniUHod pas-tor or tbo Nowtou rreiby terlai) Church on thaOlh PMX.

A. Toil of tbo Oranil Army of the Bopntliiwaa Instituted in Hackotlstoim on Honda;evening.

A cornet nreomp«Dioa tbo ,lnslng Ia thiitglng In tlio lUckotlatown ~

Bchool.^ It ii caUmalcd t^utt »500 worth of tickets wereprinted far Iho recent Dowoetitle cancuui In

Tho nacVsttiiown Herald Uai chmgedbands. Tbe acw proprioter It Ur. 0. D. WIili

Tbo Warren County l a b Uat week, owingtho bid weather, waa liut ilimly attended.

At Junction, Warren County, a Post of lff«Q. A. II. will bo organliod this ovening.' Tbe waters of Silver Lhkt>, ssst Hope, hi

been itockadwltti black bin,AnoivU, E. Church will bo built at Hope,

""Tamil County, next Spring.rhllllpsbnrs baa deilijuent taici nmouiitli

to f ZB,000;ou Ibis year's list*Ths Dackcltatown tutnaco lUiptuded opera-

Upns last Satunhy.*An tpiilowio in Bpitl* townilip ,



3, &c,




Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.




tr J ) O V E H . w. J .




1.1. wmnWe inrlto yanr attention to BD impoctlon of

urilock. OUR 000P3 and pniCES apoaV

Tor tbemiolvoa. Wo buf oar goods direct from

tho loweit nisrltoli nnd pay for lima in CASH,

amlbavs Ulton unusual pilns tills soaion to

icbct a rroll nsaortcil stock of






• Wi bavo iho bent assortmont of


to lo Mud in the State,




Tlio boat saiortwcnt of

la ai u.ual-IAHOE.





Tba laOitJi aDd gcntlcmon will pleuo bear In^ mlna tint II. J . noDERTS"


" the very b«t in tbo world," silvory In polishina graceful in ahapo ; also ItOQEIITS'








1,3(W illustratiniiB. >A. 3. BOtttAV

DOTER BANK.1.HJZ.KTI.1> 1:Y THE t-7'.TL Oi >

D3, SlUltMto the


"-Capital, • §^00,000.


];:n<. I;. !>•

'- < i i

" " J T S t ' -^ •- - '- ? £ .-=

j. p 7 f : - • ; . ** * ' ^ ~ 1 K w






Capital,-$100,000. „;--

COLUMBUS tEACH, P r a tA . - j j t*ik of I/tJi3


:. U U T T E M J E N .r fclMV


'i. ii. PiXMXh.

Dover Savings Institution,


•I D I R E C T O R S .' G£uLGE F.I.-PIT!:A, UpHSlIM .

' AUEEI K. ElCGi, CoLCMSli* BtlCE, j i' \RAAC W. Sri.Tijcr-.j Jjiiio B. JOLLXr, i '


./, £. Clare u.:J.,LB fc- (": :i. I.

:;^J^I.M-»A Satna, At:j'«

CttAi iCxli'ill'i j'hs S. CUrk-'' FL f

Htirytai..-.M.Hri-.-it.-,:-.It**. B.Cr.ikad

Tlie Miners' Savings Bank

OP IK)VEB, . \ . J.

AT TUT crnnt or TEZ .VITJ^XL fjiox

. J taiie oa or txfjit tie £rit di*» t-fJOE. B c r z i m

Hc-rrii CircsilC-wnlifj.ti- Jt-Lad b





TIC: jirl i/ttUi ai^cUon oslj ua^: a da;,while

aj itil &| [»J l rxe hciHififfe. I'ahnbd in the

tziiLtx pinxaura appJr to







U rtptr. f.r tl,,. j c ,

P. Jlomll i Co., <1 | ' ,A itaT S 'ilipiiri!!l'jijj:r-i.o«K (otot! , , , .

An-tntj ,

•VS.'.*, .:. bs,.i UU.


S t V McFAB'JS, Pr .c&u.ErHFl-UH LI-VUeLET. Yi«P«ri

JAI.«. TP.EAT, Traisnr.

nt i of_ po*e t'jt

IlouH is M&rriiU:»c, S. J.. caMOSDAY, tbe Sth U*» c! S'irtaUrctxt,

A- B. I?::, UtwMs tL* liat* cf Jio'd-jck M.tad 5 o'^<k P. M.. iUi t* Xt «; , *i ! oVlxk

Mntbf ifttm-yjacr t*id i i ' r ill i tc

t and

'• of Sew itrtey. The fire: lai

• frc.n .St'-^xham lo }!/*rl*»*' c-5«<r ff t i t fuico iVL^fl!I nicf pnfit u tbtn.TtTo.!,-i i

i LonnwM.i rif tai tj aaiii:!*

j T(«cr!/ Mile Of Mill .fl^ol

r pinicnLrrjg in ih» lo i

tentU of


tae htt: fjr eootiag purpoae*. Alao, we haT


*ba]iL'\fcjduuatt i sd Unccr tbc.'J ifjaie a&d tiir-r!roaM.4t,df Ofi?et-ftte tomb*b.JOt*. an4 nui.


a&i o?ei lorn didfrrtit j» tUnu cf PARLOR,


-uf.rerfvarutr, LEAD and IRON PIPE.




[Stovepipe Elbows

, Jteauli/t (Icunllncfm, and



Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,


Mining Materials of all kinds.


Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, «fcc.








STOVES fSTOVES IIReduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.


Hot Air .Furnaces,Or l U klMt and moft improved riyln, for:


II ^.nyj-l'i net I v. .1 a hr[;i; il'^k .;f Et&rti t.f txtrT ilruriplirjn, wt »re nt,V[ir(|«rtd towl1 l l


All kinda cf (lu TIT? ht«i> Ti' < &f

Cool; in;; Stoves, Pnrlor & Heating' Stoves, Rnngee, &c.


plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing,

A i^fj. AnB nsorlnicnt of

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c ,Ami avirntj '.C'Al^.-irUdcs tuatlly UjJt in * wcU»u[«plItJ Tin Blcre,

PLUMBING and al l kinds of REPAIRINGXMtIriJuD':t»4 p«m[itl;»tlandedtn. Wflgiurwitcoto glrc«tlif«Uon.





A full ulortmrot &r




LKAI)KR«,ind»'J >!•<!• ofJobLin^ israrllDe.done la lb» l*i l muni.T »nJ at thu ibork*i

utfee, Hiutieit jrricci paid lor old Iron.Copper lc*] tad pewttr taken la azctiuiE^rEUodi













l^ivcrpuol, QuceiiHtown, Glai-ROW, Londonderry, London,

Hrlfltolor Canlifr.Vtir TIOIIEW ami 1'arliculin apply lo


D O V E R , N . J .



JOB ' .

Coughs, Colds, Hoarsonoss,

And AllTliroat DISCIIHCI,



IN BLtnJ noxes.

42-iw JotnMT.*?1

Announcement Extraordinary !

hrjfti anil trhndld itonk <>! all tbo iliStrtD.hntidn »f


> WAHTtEK STREET,wliiuh will I* v>l(I at eortallod pricci.

THE VEI1Y BEST VLOVll at 110 I«r barrel.

BUTTEB,lmcM cmliuil mil kept ufculj ia a.


. >Iorrla County ff arnnjalt't DIIlc*.BEPTEMIJEIt 21it, 1675.

In tlio natUrnf lUHm P. fUndcraon, Aduiiol*Irator or Ol>a Nel«cn, Avr.citvA. Burrouito'iOrili-r lo Lhuil Urtiilnri.

Q H application ot Urn aboTe-aamcd Aamin-lunlorlt imrilcrcil hv Ui*HmTogat« tLat

MHt AdnilnUlraW ri»e pnblln nolteo to tin.crtditun* of lUe Gitatb of ailil d«ecden t to triiifIn tlicir dtliU, drtnamlii and claim* aKalnst ttMnip, gndcr o*tb, vitlifn nine montht inutin* date, l>y icltlug up a copy of thli order,,williiii twoiitj dtyt t'Croifler, in (ITO of tbomtmt iHthlic plflcia in tlio toitnlr of Honii for

montlii, and alio wllliln (fio iaid twa.it/

X or


ilio n o i jof timo (t i U b

sanr fur-BTcrdirnitinoUibotiDnfiCfiMrThiraBTcrcdi

BIIIII MRlect to cihiLit lid fir her debt, da-tinud and claim •itliin trio itii] period of nintnnntti, rmbllc nntlce Itclnff clven t i aforc-iald•aclicniditariliaU bo forerer <!obarrod oT lii«or lior action t Juno for IKIEHU tto iiid Admin-itlraldr, A true conj from the miDtitei,

«-I0w E.E.WILLIH, Surrogate.





Tbo luumilicr baa opened boetii wherein alpcmoni dc.irou* of Jj«po»iagor tlicir Jmnaeiand kit i, or an/ real citat« of it(iat«Ter ebrtracUr, mi ; pivo dctcriptioai or tbeir property,and where tliowi J*nroai ut parcliialiif mayfind allitof pfoptrtlei fornlo.

vcrai propertlii Imvo already been placedIn my hi nil i for iilc, deicrlptlooi or which iriiltppfar neil wttk. • 10-tf



•AC^, roru.il, KDUKIW, TKLTETI,


U T S ' I T M ,

mociii; HMOLiiXDpotniLt nux i tT UAWLI,lEBHiX 1XD MMtaTIC. BEIT XKOUin GII4FI,

WUITK OOOPI, ot-orrj, nmiinr, n c n ,>v. a HAIIDITT,

.% ' UOItniSTOWK.ll.J.

• dir nitunlced utios oar WILLADQEIt A DUILLH. I1C0 a month

Jl to good igi-nll. Angtr bookJ i l A J C B t L u n l U

Dorer, S. J.

Orders lor Sawing and Planing




Wines and Liquors,for family reedleal uio, All warranted

genuiuo and perfectly paro.

Martell's and Hennessy's








K A S P B E R U Y S V K U P Sand every thing clao In the line cf tl,o xnilc.

ARelectedatockofrortEIOKAND DOMEfimO

Wholesale Ordersfur lfqnofi and wtneinrmnpilT filled. ]

h'toru on 6VHHEX ttflJVlir in tlioNEW BBICK'BUILDINO

nortli iikO of tLo Itlvur Brldse

DOVEB, N. J.13. . L. D. BCI1WARZ.


A J O T FOREVER."nd Ibo pnoplo' of tlio ncrttiern part of tblaanntr wtll find that It will pay them' lo por-

HUM aubtluUU lam\Uao, of tbo newcatiMitfnior

>. C. ^

CHESTER, N- J .wno IUS mi rnuT wmm vrsa tna IH

Parlor, Dining-Bpoin—AMD—!;' ', ' • \ '.



OFFICE OUTFITS, Era-Which mU l o dlipowd of at price. thatwIH

Mb>nJihthaiu.liT-l ,

.. HOUSEKEEPEES-.wliellier new bcclonert, or/old. T«Ura», ht%rabut loe»!l tob«eon inMd that to go fartbirfor furnllare would. tTta tut irorw.



In all Iti branchci properlr and ctioaplf dona-Th» erentoai can iai VtUnt.on will, u bento-r o r i ^ f i t e n t o .

preienad wltli or without l » . and allrtaJioftbn tmlned forniahed i t tbft

— nolleo. lkiog poaMUod of.mil tbemodara appllancai pertiJniojr to lift tiule, tod

irm iti dni.M •tiftrac£&.lyauilOr>Hfan-' mob MrvhM.T

C, YAWOEfl. -

lMf I cbtiEi icd l-reti:i^re liaU la a .Ute lor tbej t^ibdjJojiLtT oJ.Lt*. lijjl l*,j*6 lut; tijeocc

i2; dr/tiB f^rti.fii* dtjiwa acd lliirty rriaute*t*i!tUrij i f«a lJik« *ilb the school tngMl&1 line to • »takt fur i eorntf; ibence (1) «itbi l i T T •» T i r T V m n T i l&1 line to • »takt fur i eorntf;

1 ALL and TV US TEE. is^^fiS^.fS.^Li





Glass Ware,

Wood & Willow Ware


Iron and Steel,

GtiftFipu ;iiid FUiiiigK



Powder, Fuse and Mining

Materials constantly on


Cor. Black we! I and Morris Streets,

i l it l i » a lUke tttincen bnit , — r r _tre« mirif l with a Hut atvl two D(rtcbe« on

l Ure»oolB«»».«rJ»*wdeaiifi to a ourthtrir cm-air of EUm IL liranl'a n«v piper mill hi ;

j (bedo-.''1} with tiu uid ipitl lit lioe aootli Qf*U*n dtgiett aod tKt>ntr tniDtii(->i wt*t twoctitiui and iwentT-wtE-Q lint* to a «lakc andttonta f/r % eonieral a tara oftbt line ; Ibence!S) aith uid mill k>t line lortv-iii dtgrecs andtlurij miniit*-! wcjt two chain and iif.r-fiii.slioki to » potul in tbe middle of a itatw loiice/oncorner; tbeot« (S) vithUndaoruidCaa.terliue arengiojf laid fXoao fence i« tutw aamay bo north filt»-two <Je?itta wnt WI cbalnaanil taclu.au toaitakeK&diUmesfuracoritornear tbe middle of the aforeuid road; ibtec*(7) vn laid road north jiitT-aeten de«re« «a*tone tiikin a&d futiy-GTe linki to a ftaka at aturn of tbe line near tbe feaee on Ibe acmiU-tuii-rlj lid* i>< »aid road; thtae* i») oa iberoad north forty-nine degrw* e*il thre* cbainaand aerentj link* to lh* place of b* *contiintDC two acre* and fifty-eight odn.<(][iia of an acr« (if land moru oi teat.

HID Kccond Lot ia known ai the Coleralu

llrookai tbe aoutheait corntr o( land* ht* ofJ. L. C*»tcrliiu, d«c«aud. Utaw the DniooSchool Hutu* (I) math forty-bit te&TLti wtttwo chaina md nft;-*ii bnk%; (2) toutb fiftccind a halfu«gre<aweit two chaina and Iwen-tr-»*ifcB link*; (3) aonlh forty-ux and * balutgttia wert Ibiee cliaina and iblrtT-eigblloka; {!) aontli itlrty-nii-Q and a half dcgrUi

• » - • - • • • ly-wrKn linksuty Lnki to •

rfill I ~ ^r»i>| taiu (nfajjf ft COfQef DtUndlateof Holontoa I'ai»jo». denved, frtunthence to tbo middle of Den ltmok md dowDtbe midille of uitl biouk, tb« ilif&rent conm?<thereof oppwfU the Ixjinning comer where am u w north iortT-flre licgrtxi and thirty nila-

it will itnko Ibe btg.Dmnc, CcraUiniust more or leia, belns the ume wbich

were coareyed to the taidCbarki E. Clirk byEUmB. Print andwils bydocd d»trJ "Ur lHh. 1K7, hod madti In theM<



Lehigh, Scranton, & Bituminous

Ddltcrod lo all parti ot tba City anil victult;at the LOWEST lUnKET I'EICES, in

q HID tit lei to • nit pnrcbai*rf.

ratei Birni l b flad froo from amain and tralpbor. llacli

cheaper than Oaand Coal. Alao





Masons' Material, &c.


'Bergen Street, near R. R.


(ID tltfl rokd lcAdins from


By M. Sigler,• AT LOW PBI028:

AS GOOD AS THE BEST- • • - A K D — ' •'• '


-A. II3NT El S


Naver tnown to ha u cheap before u now at


(rwo Doong JUST ov n t s IUHOIOIT HOUSE,)


A lirn« and mil telected ttoci of


H0B9B CLOTHING,fiheeti.Tlr NIK, Currr Combt, Bmihti, Uonit

Botj of all dotcriptloni-Kotb fur raid kadU d f b l U d C l iuk. All kiudi of ncary.llunei and Collara

r draught pnrpoaci, lUlter*, ChiMoli tfklnw.

iio»oioluatMWMrflsqOctoJwr Slit, 1871.

, Hoof Olnt-

« and wlU

Lampi, Ijnt*ra;Ccpptrasd Iron Ware- Roofing, Ontttn, A.done at loweit market r i l« . Igenta for

aud Lamp Fiitarw. TIiRooficB, flatt A

itta I e n i

GLDJES1 ROOFING PADfT.Wtlcomt one am] all to an eiaiuiiutioa of o:t«:k.



were coareyed to the taidCbarki E. CUrk yEUm B. Print and wile bydocd dated Septem-Ur Uth, 1&G7, md n^adti ID tbeMonii touu-ly Cltrk1! office in Uovk C, 7, of deedi, pagea£714-,1,4c-

' i le Tbird Lot ltegiui a rock marked P ia tb«middle of Den BraS. about el ' ' 'the lam Jut creeled by ttld ,ling tbence (1) tonth forty-two desreca andItiirtr mlnntti eaat two chami andCftj-Yoar linka to tha letter P cut oitbe tep of toother Urs« mrV\ UIMVM (3jootit Utlrtj-four deaeei and SftMnniiualaivcat four chaina and eighty-five link* lo tbeletter P cut in another large rook; tbense (8)•oath fifiy-lwo degre** and forty-4ie tainuttt writ tan* chaina and aeventy linkLto tbe letMr P cat in the watberlj' tadof aaotber lug* nek lying ia tUe midJ! ~Den Brook; thfUce (4) np the tuiddki ofLrook in a northeaaUrly diraetioo alunt uu>uCbaina to tbe place of beginning, containingone »cr* and itxty-fonr on«-hatidredtbaof tntcro of land, being tbo a»me bt wbieb waiconitTed to ibe uid.Chmrlea E. Clark, .bitHorlei A, and Jercrafab 11. Palmer by <'--'ited Decfinber 1*1.1S0S, kc

Tho Fourth Lot, being, all that Itacewayuccr, acroai and through, the lindi of aaidChaxlea Jl Clark, ai the «ama rai built sadcoiutrtieted by EJam 11. ilrant, with jam'enongh on either side of aaid ncevay to accnrand teap aaid raceway In repair, aod alao allands of tha utd Charki E. Clark wlilch ma;bo flowed by TOavaon of Iho conitruetiun of »~ inBcroiaDenLrooktoa inlndent bdebt to

a»Id raeowsy s* tha BASH,' la aatr built, din- couiracled, belns tho «DIO lot «blch irsaconveyed to tbo aaid CbarlcaK. Clark brEIamR. Brant and wifa by deed dated September14tb, 1BCT, and recrded in tho Jlorili Co an IT


l^f^ ' ib tTaBb^'Wbri^VuYrmrdedTi itbe Man-ii County Clork'a oFQco ia book ormnrtgagci 0, 9, folio. 93, 99, Ac., BQIJFC. to allprior claimi and incntnbrucet.

JESSE HOFFMAN, BbcritT.Dated Angmt Slit, 187S.

The New Empire

Hot-Air, Gas & J)iise-l)un.-


Alio, a Largo Awortnicnt of other Styloof CookiiiQ BtoTei, Banse*;' ITarlar

btoTet, 4 c , . •_' •'•' " ' ' •


Hardw'arfl, Cutlery,Cltti, Wooden, Copper, Plain • K

IISWABE.Oil Qotlic, Csrpcti, Lampi, Palnti and OJb,rd Cagci, Feathera, Prait'a Aelrat Cil (uon,plniirc.) Alto,


Itoolhiff, Plnmliing and Job

Work promptly atteudod to!IIOSSELLS PATENT 8TEAM C00KIS0

'•'"nlrbanlt'a Scales-nt Man itfac-•er'» p r i c e s j : .

Old Iron. Copper, Dram, Load, llacii ind" ' l • K :a In ciehansc hi ROOJI.



A Valuable Property for Sale!

FARM of 60; ACRES.%rrvxtatui TUB

TOWN OP'DpVEH,apartoMtlalJeullp / L

^00 ELIGIBLE BUIuDINO LOTSwllbitrMtiopeocdandBTaJod; Tho improTCmenti are a Una COTTAGE in which I nowlire, with burnt mil othor oatbnlUinE*. •

Thli'ii one of thavfloeit Invettnentiupllal « T « otlerwl in tbia aeotlon. Tbo ground• hleu and drr. with good water, and thalocality in fait tnlldlnu np—about 20 bonae«biTlnff keea crtcUd oa thli property In th.laitfuuryaan. For tenna. ate. apply to -• -


»-t'. "' Dovxn,&j.





REDUCED PRICE.ft tns<raruior



I will tell Ike bal.u™ ol mj EEAUY



Cents' Furnishing Goods

at couii.kT.bla leg. tlmi COST. In fut DO

miot»l>l« offer ttttued u I fetend glri

Uut inrt or the buiinu. and keep tolclr to






WHITL0CK & LEWIS. 13-3ra



o P5<5. h




Miners' Oil Company," 'lMilliHAIDENLAJiENEWYOttK,

Ibu baalneai Tunattlr carried ma nndcr thtame or P. W. MEAD will hereafter be known abu


Lubricating nna lturning

Oils for Miners' Use.EXTOA ENQINE,


NAT01UL AVTST VIltaiHlA.Theia Oil. Kra cipedallr adapted lo Uiclng

S[aeliinei7and a n caarantood to ault.. Hpenn,tVbale. OUro, NeaA Pool, Lard, Lob., Coil allFlaiOlla. . . .

Satoplea funlalied on applieatlon, and gooda.liijpci lo prime ocdar. 1JJ1121, Maiden laaa,

P. W. II^AUE, Treainrar.S. P. CI1AIO. A^enli



AI. Hoagland, Proprietor^

ROCKANVAY, N. J.itumwoTunxia or •- .

Clitll and Dry Sand Kolls,

andallklnaior " ••


Engines, Pumping Machines,




Hoisting Apparatus*

orallkindaaapedalilj, and

FuralaUcd at SUortcil Notice.

urned and Grooved to.Order.




Prompt itlontlob'giTCn to REPAIR"W0HK.: • • . • • . J 3 *

n u i cr tyo Dinxt* J




Luther, IJnen and Col ton Fly Netf, Chanoia,Sponge*, H*rntsi BUckinf, 4c.

ne b*?e oa hand the Urgesi, best udehetp-c» taatimtat ot the almre named r*1^. >ndill good* p«ruinin; to our bnuncn to bo foundthis aide otSe* Tort.



llOItltlSTOW IV, X. J.


x BUCSVCU. rnczT, X H T rk oo.'. .


»Jly authorised agent cf the Mliirinj firtt^jj i compaLuts tljo beat ID Ibo TO?

LOKDON and LITEKPOOL «ndOLOBE, Capital I20,000,0«>

LANCASHIRE ol MAKCHESTIS, '••Capital $10,000,000,

SIATE FIBE ISSUBAKCE Co.,CapiUl, $300,000.

ROYAL OF LIVEBrOOL,Capital $10,000,000.


Capital $6,000,000.

HOME, • - " 000,000,

STAB, Jersey Cilj, " EOO.000,

HUDS0X CODKTY, Jcmej G l j ,

Capital «300,000.

STANDABD, Trentou, •'. 300,000.

PE0PLE3. Noiark, •' . 300,000.

HJBEBNIA, " " 200,000.

HUMEOLT, " " 200,000.



Choice Lots in Dover,

for aalo cheap, anil


Freeman Wood,

Junta- of Ilic rcaee and rollce llazlalrale.NEW QUARTERS!



Restaurant and Eating House,

S U S S E X V S T I V E E T , .


rS order to meot tho vaiitiornirincrca.iltrauo, I hive leaicd enUrced nnarterfl, net

to nij Into place nf bsaincu, ana ani bettef ableto accommodate my cmtomeni.


OYSTERS in every style.

SEQAIiS of tlio best 1J.-O.UJJ.


an] HI I IM of all Unil. In tbllr acaioi

IOE CEEiM.I ahall ongaftoxtanalTely tho oreseat tsudu

o Uie'Ice Cream biulneta, and«baJUt«patill timn m eicellint nnaUty of crcun or all

IUTOU. ' \ * •' '

PARTIES; BALLS, PIC-JrtCS, etc,anpplled with cream, frnlti,nnti, ermhcUonerand other Inxnriei.- Oive me • calL

""-tf. -. . T. B O T J I T H O . -

e>6,. , AiiL Kiiflis op.

iFERTIXIZERSj . ,-•„ - ' i - : ; - . ;•••- .



' P H O S P H A T E , •


' AT


' iOEXTf FOn TU£


c=>Mower and Reaper.

, A complete itoclj for.OASil » t . •

2 EvLindsley & Son's.jiJBOitDiE'SEARDWiBE, H



ETC., ETC., ETC.--


House, Sign and Ornamental

P A U J T I N G , .


DaoonAnra P A P U HAKOISO, A C ,

lone'vith ncatscia acd d|ipaUb, and on theuoitteaaimtbu lonna.

' DOVEB, N'. J.V

b*riag cowider^U* enlarged their new »Uroou.


Hocked it ritb an r

DRY GOODSboth f^relrn and doraeatio melariie of a nilint o! I inTfla PRESS GOODS «f Ihe h(<palUraa a&d iraitw.


A fpedal ncpirtacm anj fall .election.




including tbe flDe.l gn&et of

TEAa, C O n i E S , SPICES,


FL0CB lo rariooi bnndl, from tbe beat mill.




8AM FISH, 8ALT MEAT, HAMS.CROCKERY & EARTHEN WARE.A "ell Klected atock or Bne and tmaej Orcee

lies alwtjt on band.


SLATE E 0 0 F S !



THE CHEAPEST.TbflfainiiKmcittod Ibe Deal.

ALLEN, PALMER * SON,an now pnpand with * i t n faeuiUn for pot-Unr on BLATE ItOO?mO la all tha tarioaaeoaUnnwM cf ilylei aad colon wbleb may rdciienedor reqairttl and whitn Eooflng BlatoIO eraicently tiQihfleiJ to produce.

Tbe beit quUty of Slate wUl beuaod anoar work warranted to produce all tbe gtxx•ffect* of atig.it aod darable roof.

5 ALLEN, PALHER ft SON,« l f Dow. N. J.




(•Ell t i l lirZl B1ID6X,)

vlll Lo anppliwl ihe prewnt aeuoa witlt

Choice. Meats and Vegetables,

Tsin iKons imu.




tbe but in Uu.mark.L V« uulu a«p*uf killing til onr own neat, Md ihortforo knowtballllloflbtboal. AUklndaof- . ,

kopl on hand u n»n u tl»y appear In thenarketi, and told i t rMaoubU prieM.

talilglicitiiutketpHeef paid lu'caib, for


at tbe market. Cnattmon lapplledby wtgon

on Tueidiji, Tbntadiya and Saturdaya. '

. A eall will aatliry ill (hat what we keep

DDIT of tho beat.








ALwATi A u s a s laaoinusT,



CROCKERY, Tin, Wooden andWillow Ware.

Groceries and Provisions*

Fany. Qtoeinei, Cannii Oooai, Wed Knll.,Teal, Celeea, Sn|an, Bpl.ea and (raij,






BOflTand SHOE STORETo tte la,, BJ., , , „ , T n o DO,, ,^ l K m

ma OU) STAND/ (U1.1, ^ P l , l b , , . w .Tbompao.) and one door from ktnlfort, Son ICo. adoUnj , t« , . , . h . r . h i W b i p U ^ U

.11 bU old .u.lom.n and « i» , „ , „ , , .



CuBtom Work and Jobbing



or all t ie Irtnployn.2bour'a woi


$50 to $Iaooobai boen InTeatcd in Block ROIlcgea a»J p,ij

900 per cent PROFIT."How «o do l l , - , took on Wail St., n i l ,m

AOKlfTI WAfifKDf Me4aJi »nd T^T~~

"ffi'n'e. PICTORIAL BIBLESUlnalniloiia. •Addr««i ret en eliemU,,

$50,000 BONASZAT




NEW YORK and CHINA TEA Co,Tli'i Ion? and wall ciUbliataea bonao U Du>

•elllng excellent Tcai of the

CHOP,Selected IT tbeir oAT PRICESj«an, AT PRICES TO ^rPmzTm

COFFEES are 6team Ikualed freab Dilly. Tand Coflect MIJ bj the Cbeit, Packaite IPound. SUOABS uld at IWflneVa' Priceiorderi are jianttual)/. attended to. II.


,1500 In.ealcd In_ 0tkFriTUegea,haBpaid and wil l 'p.? "

[UBO'K F&on^a. Bail.road Block.. Bana.'

"3oldbbnibton;. IUerea!I

aiz per cent, allowed on dspoalti oableci toBlshVdraft. U0CEWALTE1/& Co., fiakmatvl Broken, No, 10 WaU Ht., New York. P . 0.


cumifEU- .ed. Ho trouble to ahowepodi; 131 Broomo St.,

tween Broadway and Crotby St., New York.

30 EUEOANT OIL OHB0.MOS uounted, IIH 9 i l l , lor

II. NoremeaaadCLromoiof eTerydaacr( M R NATIONAL CUROMO CO., I'lilla

JXL • C1NAT1OH. Soul Charming, Ueuitmn),and Uarnage Guide, ihoif IDS LOW either MItn*T fascinate and gain tbe IOTB and affeetuiilo the IOTB ind affeetut

Pin TA tlEranloW.I

SIO TO SSOOtt'suBK• EJTT v a s n . JOHN HICKUKO i Co.,Banker* ind Broken, 72 Droadfraj, New Tort-

iilS ahecli paper, 15«n*el8j»*».gold«np«D,bolder, ptneif,jpatont-yardmeaiare, ud i

r ._J= of jiwclrr. .BUelo pacVazb* wltli eWaoliriw,poitpa(d,S5cl£ 'Cltt~' " * —

4 Co., 769 Brotuiwar, New V

HihSt, aodGta AVB., KEW:rOBK,'TbeLargoil Inporien In America of IKilli

tndToyi niUble forHnlid»TPn«enti. IlisLAnOEST l.BTAIL FANCY GOODS EStAlI-" -1HHEHTIBN«w York/ 9W Cal.bgcd «DI

Ito«Braddreia. ! • - . - - ' - • '9" Oraen by pull attemWdib with ctr«.



The great Ut«nit In tho tlrrllilne htotory olNUtrjr malm t i l l tha faatait wUlng book

Palladelphll, Fa'.


Bom la llormonlim,' ANN ELIZA now •xnaaeiolhe world, AS KO OTHErTwOMATI CAR

wglonintv'Meaily W0 lUmtratloni beantlfrtha work, It If tbebeilteHin$lH»kmibliita<>J.10,000 more tuen ind women can 1UT« aaiploy-mtnt and mtka froa (5 tollQ dally.' Allli«»f enti are writing for QlnatraW etrtnlan wilbLAI1GK TEIIMS. SraKrfe. Do sol delay, tat

• ' fiaDU8TIN,GIXUAHACo.,BKttorici,


Harliig pbrchuea direct from thl luixjiiiatiurin

noo.poo vmnv

Suwanneo' Yellow Pine Lumber,

ana Mtured icry •dTanta^eom TrtliTBt raUiwe are now prepared to furn.aU . , " . , • .,



it prices wnlch miio it to tho' intareit of «Umrchawri to giro m a call. . , "

Haring nnriv'ftitid facillUei for dryinf and-reiiloff, wa are ablo to goarmteu'dryneM andDuality. All order* promptly delivered on cartBwaofduigt, Tie ftllowlnf HIM conalairtly3D hana. . • ,

1 x » - i xfi Inch JlooriDg Xq, ttvd;i\ .•

11-3x3^4x5 " . ••'•;".« .'•;;«"i1".:. ,.

l4xJIlnchitepplmnk'No!i«iida,', ,.-l-lxl2xU[DohitbppIktil['Nn.i.an>I3.

inch eclliog.

Bauer, Crane & Webber,Vtat,"ic.J. iMa.

iEPAIftINO PnOaCPTLTT^ATTENDED "I0-f t o l l o f r i i Oounty MUilo. Arlroa Cu.


RAH;jHAf,CE;&'Wi,'s STORE,

•'"'PORT -OHAM^N.'J;