Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-12-09 [p...

WASHINGTON SUNDAY DECEMBER 9 1908 11 ERA L D 5 H TE FINE GOWNS OH SHOW Seasonal Costumes Brought Out by Wintry Weatlier MRS FAIRBANKS IN BLACK Wife of Vice President Wfco For- merly Has Mud a Marked Prefer- ence for White Appears at Dinner in Magnificent Creation of Chiffon Slater in Pink Velvet The occasions for smart dressing ia the last week were almost as varied as the weather itself which made the average woman long to return to summer gar- ments for several days and shiver in furs the rest of the time The Senate gallery at the opening of Congress the series of afternoon receptions and a number of smart dinner parties brought out new and handsome creations t Mrs Fairbanks who in past seasons has shown a marked preference for white or gowns of a very light shade has de- parted from that custom and at the first dinner party In her honor last week wore a magnificent creation of black chiffon cloth that proved most becoming The skirt which is made with a train a yard long tits smoothly with deep invert- ed pleats on the center seam of the back The chiffon is pailletted In gold and stiver from hem to belt The hem Is str ed by a fourinch band of chiffon vel vet over which the scalloped edge of the gold paillettes lap This decoration com- prises a border ten inches deep going completely around the skirt Above this pattern are graceful designs In the silver paillettes the silver motif being consid- erably smaller than the gold that gives the chief character to the deep Above tile silver decoration is a de- tached duster of gold and so on to the belt The front of the skirt is slashed on each side where two fan ptemtings of plaiR ehilCbn cloth ben in a point nine Inches below the belt and open to twelve inches at hem the front edge bIz r fastened by long loops and knots of black velvet ribbon The bodice which is cut square in the neck and not very low follows the sur pUce suggestion back and front but without the exaggerated effect The entire garment being of the chiffon the gold and silver decoration with the addition of point applique late about the neck This is land perfectly flat with high relief picked out in gold the lace widen- ing slightly above the bust line to nil the space from the square cut neck to the sleeves The latter are elbow lengh The chiffon cloth In used for a single puff starting tram the shoulder which in a narrow band of velvet that curves upward from the elbow The bot tom of the sleeves fitting closely is composed of alternate ruffles of ribbon velvet and narrow The bodice and skirt are Interlined with black chiffon with black taffeta as the foundation A useful and pretty accessory to this gown is a scarf of the chiffon cloth eighteen Inches wide and almost four yards long the being treated to the gold and silver paillettes ueed in the gown with a fringe of the gold bails Another handsome dinner gown worn last week is the light pink velvet of Mrs Hope Slater which was greatly admired in New York This sown gates Us charm chiefly from the superb quality of the velvet which takes on a sHghtly frost tipped tone Jn certain lights decoHete bodice is embellished only by a flat flounce of old lace acres the bust The sleeves are short with narrow lace ruf flee With this gown Mrs Slater wears a string of very handsome pearls Nothing Prettier has been seen in after noon toilets than the light blue gown in which Mia Margaretta Symons made her bow hut Monday The klrt ha a de- cided train and hi fitted to the slender figure of wearer by a deep yoke of old fashioned smocking in diamond pattern which extends ten thebes below the belt The bottom of the skirt has a twoinch band of broadcloth exactly the same color as tfto and above that a pattern of scroll anti dots in the same doth This decoration is without any visible stitchee or edge of braid The bodice Is pointed back and front with hands of graduated width from the shoulders to the waist line decorated in cloth in a smaller design than that em- ployed on the skirt The space between the band is smocked like the upper part of the skirt The bodice i cut square back and front and filled m with white lace In smooth chlmeaette style ending in a high lace stock edged with blue The sleeve there are really three sleeves to each arm are mainly of lace The first or the test according to where one begins is of smocked chiffon fitting closely from the wrist to elbow where it is lost In a tall of lace The lace is the same pattern as the yoke and full and straight from the shoukier Over this i the third sleeve which is of broadcloth but so unlike anything here- tofore known in cloth sleeves as it is entirely In openwork of small diamonds the lines of the cloth being cut by a perforating machine to a delicate thread almost like owe outer sleeve is open on the tep falling away from the lace ruffle The cloth Is untouched by needle or thread Another debutante gown attracting muck admiration is a white and silk of Ml Jesaie Steele who will make her formal bow to society at a reception and dance to be given by her aunt Mrs Arthur Addison on next Wednesday evening Miss Steele has been making visits and going to one or two smart luncheons in this white gown which is made in two pieces but along such a to give a princess effect The skirt which has quite a train is perfectly plain except for several close folds of silk about the the upper fold being headed by heavy lace appliques The waist is of silk and the same lace with a high cloth and applique girdle The silk at the top of the bodice is cut from under the lace leaving the latter to form short transparent yoKe The sleevs are of elbow length made of silk and lees Two of the bestdrese a girls in society this winter are the Misses Shouts daugh ters of the chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission who passed the early autumn In Part The visiting toilets of the Misses Shonts who accompanied their mother on a round of first calls during the week are of delicatetoned broad cloth and almost exactly alike except color Miss Margaret wears a dull blue and her sister violet Like all gowns from the Reu de la Paix or Avenue de la Opera whether for street or house the skirts are long with trains of ten inches They are un trimmed except for three tueks two inches deep which go around the skirt the first bring half way between the hem and the knee and tim upper one haIr way to the waist line The coat are long and closefitting that of Mi s Margaret having straps of the cloth outlining the waist line in a girdle effect which ends at the back and is finished with small clothcovered but- tons The front is plain except for delL I ClothMrs then the ahowtn ends lace ends cre- ation bot- tom a I I border- S I Its 4 moire 4 This a Hoes S In- p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ cate embroidery in blue white and gold about the collar which turns back sharply about eight inches below the throat The coat of the violet suit is se- verely plain a doublebreasted front be- ing curved slightly from the shoulder to waist line and fastened by a single row of large buttons of violet enamel with a tiny edge of silver Both girls wear rather large hats trimmed In ostrich plumes the exact shade of their gowns the effect being most picturesque as they are very fair with a great wealth of blond hair A novel and striking costume brought out by the few cold days of the past week Is that of Mrs Oliver Cromwell who Is passing a week or two In Wash- ington on her way South Mrs Crom wells coat Is long and loose completely covering her gown and to the uninitiated looks like closeclipped fur but is in reality of baby pony the latest varia- tion in expensive and unusual cloaking With this Mrs Cromwell wears an ex- tremely becoming hat Vlrot shape along the sailor lines of that celebrated milliner with soft folded crown Twisted bands of two shades of green velvet go about the crown ending In rosettes of velvet and ribbon at the left side well toward the front Under these rosettes are fast ened four long quills of shaded green A deep bandeau in the back trimmed in green tulle and loops of velvet tilts the hat to a becoming angle over the face Another handsome cold weather wrap ie the sable cape worn by Mrs Murray Crane the bride of the Massachusetts Senator who has just returned to town for the winter Mrs a hand some young woman who as Miss Jose- phine Boardman was one of the leading belles In resident society looks particu- larly well in furs This particular cape is fitted perfectly as a coat over the shoulders and falling in graceful lines well below the waist She has a large muff of the same choice skins both pieces trimmed in many sables This combination of comfort and elegance i usually worn with dark green cloth and velvet gown AN UNUSUAL CONCERT Interesting Function for Benefit of Colored Training School The concert arranged by Mrs Barnoy in aid of the Clarke Domestic Train- ing School and the Colored Social Set- tlement will take place at Kausehers on Wednesday the 19th at 4 JO oclock The concert will be repeated at the Metropolitan A M E Church at a later date At this performance Mr Felix Weir who won the scholarship at the Chicago College of Music and who completed hi course of studies in Eu rope will render selections from Cole ridgeTaylors Hiawatha and also the music of SalntSaen The other per formers include Miss Europe a pianist- of great talent and Miss Lola Johnson whose exquisite rendering of Dunbars poem set to the music of Coleridge Taylor delights the most critical tastes A quartet of male voices will slag negro melodies and there will be amus- ing darky recitations- In fact all lovers of our folklore mu sic a well as those of an exacting musical taste should not ml this op- portunity the only one ever offered the Washington public of attending so unique an event two worthy charities for which this entertainment is being given have been struggling along for about live years with but little recognition ex- cept from Mr Weller of the Associated Charities and a very few others and this Is the first time the general public has been invited to show their interest by spending an hour at a very unusual concert Tickets will be on sale at the Taa Cup Inn Seventeenth and H streets every day from until 1 oclock The patronesses for Mrs Barneys concert are Mrs A C Barney Mrs John R McLean C C Glover Mrs Ralph Jenkins Mrs Bancroft Davis Mrs John F Rodgers Philip Sher- idan and John B Henderson Mercantile Clubs Second Dance The second of a series of subscription dances wa given at the Mercantile Club on Wednesday evening and was a most enjoyable affair Those present were Mr and Sylvan Benainger Miss Ilelene Eiseman Miss Alma Prince Mitt Nellie Behrend Mi Esther Behrend Belle Strauss of Baltimore Miss Juanita Kaufman Miss Edith Auerbaeh Ray Hahn Miss Malvine Wing and Messrs Abe Sig mund Stanley Auerbaeh Alan Bach racb Harry Hahn Alfred Rosenthal Melvin Behrend Milton Strasburger 7A Bernstein and Dr Cohen of Phila- delphia Sale of Fancy Work There will be a sale ef fancy work and also of refreshments by the Wom ans Society of the Vermont Avenue Christian Church in the Sunday school- room of the church on after- noon and evening after prayer meeting- on Friday afternoon and evening and on Saturday afternoon Mrs Thomas Norwood and Mrs Rouse have the fancy table Mrs Johns the housekeepers table Mrs A Williams the doll table Mrs Sbelton homemade candy Mrs Van Arsdale neckties Mrs Parker Mrs HeWer the aprons Phone Downeys Stable 1020 L St when you desire an especially fine turnout and best service at rates Bri dal carriages a specialty Credit for All Washington easy of settlement at this big establishment for there are so many things that fill the two most essential requirements- use and beauty- A selection can be made that would please any recipient and you need not cripple your finances if you buy gifts here for we gladly arrange the terms of payment to suit you entails no extra expense here All our prices are marked in plain figures and we charge- no interest We invite you to open an account 817819821823 Seventh St Between H and I Streets a dane 1 Mrs Mrs Thursday an The Gift Questioni- s CREDIT Peter Grogan The Mrs Mrs Miss Miss I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CONTINUED FROM FOURTh PAGE talnment tho proceeds of which are de- voted to charity Those who took part In the performance were Louis Glasor Gilbert Hahn L F Newmeyer D Ben singer Norman Blum G D Grosner L Koenlgsberger Milton A Kaufman Goldie Sigmund Lawrence Engel Walter Sondhelmer Fred Schaefer and Chester R Spencer The Chancel Chapter of Trinity Epis- copal Church will hold a Christmas sale and luncheon on Tuesday bstwoen the hours of and 6 oclock In tho parish ball Mrs Richard Pardee Williams tho president will be assisted by Mrs Wlllm Stewart Mrs Frank Mlddjeton Mtea Lillie Acker Mrs Beechart Miss Florence Howard Mrs WR Myers Mrs William Baum T O Ebaugh Miss Bowie Miss Reefe Mrs Lovejoy and others Mrs I Well of New York Is tic guest of Mrs H Strauss of 1741 U street Besets Lansburgh has returned from a visit to Baltimore Mr and Mrs Weyland of Capitol Hill have sent out cards for the marriage of daughter Miss Batty Milstond and Mr Benjamin F Gill The ceremony will take place at Baltimore December 31 Mrs Moore of the Cairo entertained at a matinee euchre yesterday afternoon Mrs A Sigmund of U street was ten dered a masquerade surprise party on Monday evening by her relatives In honor of her birthday Those present were Mr and Mrs D L Engel Mr and Mrs Sidney C Kaufman Mr and Mrs Max W yl Mr and Mrs M Newrneyor Mr and L Newmeyer Miss Helene fitoeman Mice Curye Cahn of Baltimore and Meaers Abe Goldie and Howard Ste- rnum and Leroy Newmeyer Miss Carye Cahn pf Baltimore Is the guest of Max W yl of R street Mrs D J Kaufman entertained the Embroidery Circle at a Dutch luncheon on Wednesday afternoon complimentary to her guest Miss Pauline Kaufman of Portsmouth Ohio The first friendship dance was given at the last evening Those on the committee are J Percy Elmer L Brans Claude GalHiter Charles M Hnvell George F Hunt Harry T Jones James M Lord Nell B Wateott and Mrs H J Gross chaperon Miss Bessie Dempsey of Georgia Is the house guest of Mr and Mrs M I Waller of MS Square Mrs Arthur Baumgarten of Columbia Road Is tin guest of relatives in New York Mrs Karger of U street will be at home to her friends on Thursday afternoon to meet her mother Mrs Levinson of Cincinnati Ohio Mrs Epstein of Columbia Road en- tertained at on Tuesday evening- a jolly crowd of young people in honor of Miss Canon of Richmond Va Mrs Waliensteln of 1812 Ninth street entertained on Sunday evening com pHmentary to her guest Miss Caron of Richmond Va Theso present were Miss Geneva Herman Miss Irma Stern Miss Hortense Sondhcimor Miss Young MM Jessie Stinger and Mfsrs Will Michaela Sylvan Luchs Sol Forest Nathan Frank Leon Loeb Dave Rothschild and Maurice Sins heimer Miss Margaret Moore who has been visiting Mrs Clifford v Stump of Capi- tol Hill has returned to her home in Mrs Noble Barnes entertained at euchre Wednesday afternoon toe guests were Mrs Childs Mrs Fos- ter Xrs Stewart Mrs Jones Mrs Parker Mrs Welch Mrs Miss Nottingham Miss McGregor Miss Shinn Mrs Burroughs Miss Campbell Mrs Parker Mrs Garges and Mrs Curtis Mrs M Snowberg of Seventeenth street spent the early part of the week in Baltimore Mrs Ruehey ef Fort Defiance Va is visiting her mother Mrs B C Locke of Capitol Hill Mr and Mrs EL Givons of Arkansas arrived in the city last week and will reside at 134 East Capitol street until Congress adjourns Mrs H O Hine of Cleveland Park entertained at whist Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Ruckman Mr and Mrs Speer Mr and Mrs Fluckey Mr and Mrs Parker Mr and Mrs Nottingham- Mr and Mrs M J lilac Miss Nottingham- Dr And Mrs Summy and Mr Tarbox Mr and Mrs Theodore Tate after a years stay In Arizona have returned to Washington Miss Hattie Jarvis of 234 East Capitol street will leave tomorrow for the South Mrs Edith Tate has returned to her home ISIS Pennsylvania avenue after a visit to Knoxville Tenn Dr Justice and daughter of Rutledge Tenn are guests of friends In town Mr John W Corner of Knoxville Tenn Ic In Washington for a few days Mrs Clement Cftrrington McPhail of Richmond Va and her daughter Mrs Welch are located at the Bancroft for the winter ALEXANDRIA SOCIAL NOTES Miss Sally Stuart will be at home on Wednesday afternoon at her residence on King street for the last time this season as she expects to be out of town most of the winter Mrs George Garr Henry left for her home In Morrtetown X J on Saturday after a delightful to her sister Mrs William J Boothe jr Miss Victoria Peed has to her home In Norfolk after a visit of two weeks to Mrs Albert Doyle Brookett on Washington street Mrs Gardner Lloyd Boothe will be at home Wednesday afternoons In December from 3 until 8 oclock Mrs Charles Ellett Gabell has as her guests Maj Cabells mother and sister Mrs Cabell and Miss Margaret Cabell Mr Lawrence Leadboater has returned- to Birmingham Ala after n short visit to his mother Mrs Edward Stabler Lead beater Mrs Isaac Gregg delightfully entertain- ed In honor of Mrs Llewellyn Hogan at progressive euchre at her residence on King street Among the guests were Mesdames Richard C Acton Edward H Society 10 oIls their Mrs ham Camp ell cards Ab- bott Among Le- Roy the Visit r turned 4 Miss Mrs Seward Leona irgizIa Notting- ham ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Kemper William G Uhler Alfred Thomson H Kemper jr Peverall Smythe of Falls Church Lloyd Smoot and of Washington Misses Anita Robins Sarah Kemper Cora Cochran Loula Smoot Mary Carlin Mamie Agnew and Mary Thomson Tho prizes were won by Miss Loula Smoot Mrs Edward H Kompor and Miss Mary Thomson Miss Sarah Trlplett of Fairfax Coun ty is the guest of Mrs Gillard on South SL Asaph street Miss Fanny Washington has returned to her home after pleasant visit to Miss Mary Hopkins In EUicott City Md Miss Eilaaiwth Bryan formerly of this city but now of York has boon the guest of Mrs H S PiUs 1MO Prince stat and has now returned to her now home Miss McLester of Birmingham Ala returned to her home after a delight- ful with Mrs Clarence LoadbCAter on North Washington street The Neighborhood Club will bo enter- tained on Monday afternoon by Mrs Caseins F Lee on North Washington street Miss Mary Lloyd who has boen the guest of Bitaabeth Uhler has re- turned w her home in New York City Capt Thome J KJrfcpatrick U S A- te the guest oC his fatherinlaw Capt Herbert Bryant on North Washington street Mrs Uerollyn Hogan of North Caro- lina te the guest of Mrs Isaac Gregg on King str et Miss Mary A tow will be the hostess of Wed efay Afternoon Crd Club tide week at her residence on South Pitt street Mrs Anna Stewart of Now York i the guest of Mzs H S Plus JofO Prince street Mr and Mrs Edward H Kemper wore given a surprise party on Thursday even lug which was thoroughly enjoyed by all present Progressive euchre was play ed after which each guest pr nted Kemper handsome gift Tie presents Included pieces of cut glass china and fancy work Those present were Mr and Mrs William G Uhler Mr and Mrs K Kemper jr Mr and Mrs George Evans Mr and Mrs Isaac Gregg Mrs George A Mushback Mrs Llewellyn Hogan Misses Mamie Agnew Sarah Kemper and Miss Monairee of Wash- ington Dr Ernest L Allen Messrs Raymond Acton Hn Carroll A hby Mrs George S French HoMey Bromback Mrs Richard C Aetna was the hostess of the Wednesday Afternoon Buchre Club this week There were two tables of eighthand euchre Miss Loula Smoot win- ning at one table and Miss Sarah Kemper made the highest score at the other Mrs Urban Lambert cut the consolation prize Mrs Actons guests were Mesdames George Evans K Kemper jr Edward H Kemper Urban Lambert William G Uhler Isn i rr arl Mrs Llwdyn a New has stay the a Miss Mrs and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > Hogan of North Sarah Kemper Loula Smoct Mamie Agnew Mary Carlin Anita Robins Murphy and Lambert of Staunton Va Mrs Arthur Snowden was the hostess ot tho Thursday Euchre Club on Thuts day afternoon at her residence on King street Tho prize was won by Mrs Wil- liam J Boothe Jr Mrs Snowdens guests wore Mesdames Marshall Jones Carroll Ashby William J Boothe Henry F Rob- ertson C Emmet Dunn James Reid B Smoot and George Uhler Mr Robert Edward Duvall and Miss Bessie Virginia were very quiet ly married at the residence of the brides aunt Mrs Annie E Payne corner of Columbus and Oronooo streets on Tues- day evening at 6 oclock The ceremony was performed by Elder Norton a Prim- itive Baptist minister In the presence of only the immediate family The brides gown was white crepe de chine over taffeta and she carried La France roses Mr and Mrs Duvall left for New York via Norfolk They will make their fu- ture home In this city after December 20 Mr and Mrs George Uhler very de- lightfully entertained the Wednesday Evening Euchre Club at their residence on Cameron street on Wednesday even- Ing This was the first meeting of the club this season and was a most enjoyable affair Those prosent were Mesdames George S French Carrie Ashby William- J Boothe Jr Gardner Boothe Henry L Robertson Louis Barley Clarence Lead beater Louis S Scott William B Data gerfleld Robert Fuller Marshall Jones and James Reid Misses Mary Lloyd Carrie Wise and Loula Smoot Messrs Bromback W W Smith Carroll Ashby George S French Henry F Robertson William J Boothe Clarence Leadbeater Gardner Boothe and Judge Barley Miss Katie Uhl r entertained infor- mally Thursday evening in honor of Miss Rosalie McCormlok of Berryvllle Va There was one table of eighthand euchre and one table of bridge The guests were Misses Mary Thomson Rosalie McCor mick Courtney Marshall Rebecca and Elizabeth Ubler Messrs John Herndon Henry OB Cooper Robley Bromback Page Waller and Thomas Cochran The Alexandria Circle of Colonial Dames was entertained by Mrs Stewart Jameson at her residence on South Columbus street on Friday afternoon Business was at tended to several new names put up to be voted on after which de- lightful refreshments were served members present were Mesdames W R Reid chairman of the circle Jameson Robert C Powell Misses Virginia Corse Helen N Cummings and Hettzel of Washington Mrs William B Smoot entertained at three tables of bridge on Friday after noon at her home on Prince street Mrs Marshall Jones made the top score Some of those enjoying the game were Mesdames Henry T Robertson William- J Booth T Marshall Jones George Uhler Carroll Ashby C Emmett Dunn Arthur Snowder Louis Barley and Samuol G Brent The Washington Herald Daily and Sunday 35c per month Tel Main 3100 CaroJIna MIsses Wil- liam Wo don V first and The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ If You Could Take out metal fill ing of a SILVER spoon pure silver plate remaining would still DC almost enough to eat with It is this especially Heavy plate or pure which makes Silver look eo well and wear so well which gives it in fact tile appeatance Sterl- ing TIc low Call and examine this famous line 6 Tea Spoons 175 6 300 6 Table Spoons 350 6 Dessert Forks 300 6 Medium Forks 350 6 Dessert Knives 550 6 Table Knives 600 Eleventh and G Streets i i tile I I the I 1 sil- ver Com- munity of price is Dessert Spoons BARBER ROSS I Old Colony Co 1403 H St Rich Rare Antiques Honestly Reduced 2500 Until January 1 1907 HELPFUL HINTS TO GIFT BUYERS Hall Sests Yne Curio Hull Mirrors Old PrInts GUt Clmir Cellnrettes Lndlc Deikq Linen Chests Silverware Gent Desks China Closeta Candlesticks hull Clocks Chairs Dread Trays Tables Shaving Stands Tea Dont Miss ThiS Sale Colony Co iMPORTERS 1403 H Street N W 1 I I 4I a i CMMUNITY- i I s ts heavy iLI i r L I ti f- t I t r J w I A I it Jw I r cFF Cnllnefs Cases Glassware Easy Dainty Sets Old ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 4f r v Years of Pleasure are Assured by such a Gift as the handsome HE chief qualifications of a tone and finish are at their best in the admirable WEB STER Piano This instrument is a product of our Leominster factory and we know that the materials and workmanship are of the very best We know too from long experience that no other instrument no matter what it costs will remain in perfect tune longer than the WEB STER This is an important feature where a piano is subjected to constant use and it is a feature that strongly recommends the WEBSTER as a piano for home use We sell the WEBSTER Piano direct for the manu facturers at factory prices 350 to 450 and we can extend you the privilege of paying on the easiest terms All the new models are on show in our warerooms now An early selection will assure your getting the piano promptly for Xmas- A complete line of the best interior Piano Players Special Exhibit of WEBSTER and BRADBURY Pianos at Convention Hall All This Week F G Smith Piano Bradbury Building 199S W a Telephone M 747 SOUTHERN RAILWAYS HIGH CLASS TOURS TO RETURN UNDER PERSONAL ESCORT The Southern Railway offers three personally conducted tours to California starting from Washington January 10th February 7th and March 7th 1007 anti one return tour leaving Angeles April IStli und San Francisco April 25th Going via lYevr Orleans San Antonio and El Paso for Jaurcz Old Mexico to Riverside Return In ic from Los Angeles and San Francisco via Salt Lake Colorado Springs Denver and Chicago Cost 340 285 210 160 According to Tour Selected For tickets or information apply to A J POSTOX General Agent 511 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest I Webster Piano T pianodurability Co Penn Ave P VAN WICKLE Vice Pres CALIFORNIAAN- D VIA WASHINGTONSUNSET ROUTE Los r71 IT rTu A I t L4 J 1i I 1g I J- j 5 V I ¬ ¬ DECIDE ON A SEWING MACHINE If you want to give mother wife or sister something she will honestly appreciate Decide on a Standard Ro- tary it you would give the best sewing tna chine Easy terms Standard Sewing Machine Co 30 II FISKE Mil 692 9th St carefully selected stock Military Hair Brushes appropriate gift sug- gestions for men Brushes of leading French and English makes in ebony satinwood fcc are shown 250 to 0 pr Thompson Pharmacy Frank C Henry Prop 703 15th SL CREDIT TO ALL Watches Diamonds anything in the Jew elry line Easy pay ments Open evenings 1721 Pennsylvania Ave WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD Fine Military Hair Brushes I OUR I S II BERMAN ¬ ¬ Suits and Skirts has occupied almost our and making Shirt Waists has necessarily inciden talThe great satisfaction given by the waists we have made has caused a steadily Increasing demand until we decided to enlarge our facilities for making Waists We are now In a position to fill all orders and can assure our patrons the latest styles and the same perfect fit that has al ways characterized our work 813 14th st N w BUY COAL NOW Best Is the cheapest but the cheapest is not always the best We guarantee perfect antis faction Phone Main 29 1312 F STREET NW f SUCCESSFUL DENTISTRY- It may cost TOO a little more thin cheap worthless kinds but is tet in end I Do Just As I Advertlso Teeth worth 3 for 5 teeth JW ten J759 teeth of absolutclj beet material obtainable for Porcelain crown 358 best eM crowns 4 ROQ Extracting by any reputable method free with au and bridge DR VAUGHAN Phone Main 2056 1012 F St N W Shirt Waists TAILORING L shutz ladles Importer IP 0 t If I I i JOHNSON BROS i t- t 0 the U worth up 1 CARLETON Talloraid O e 4 s I I I i t 41434I s S S I 5 I 5I 1 kf I riii r alt 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ + +

Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-12-09 [p...

Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-12-09 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1906-12-09/ed-1/seq-19.pdf · WASHINGTON 11 ERA L D SUNDAY DECEMBER 9 1908 5 H TE FINE





Seasonal Costumes BroughtOut by Wintry Weatlier


Wife of Vice President Wfco For-merly Has Mud a Marked Prefer-ence for White Appears at Dinnerin Magnificent Creation of Chiffon

Slater in Pink Velvet

The occasions for smart dressing ia thelast week were almost as varied as theweather itself which made the averagewoman long to return to summer gar-ments for several days and shiver infurs the rest of the time The Senategallery at the opening of Congress theseries of afternoon receptions and anumber of smart dinner parties broughtout new and handsome creations t

Mrs Fairbanks who in past seasonshas shown a marked preference for whiteor gowns of a very light shade has de-parted from that custom and at the firstdinner party In her honor last weekwore a magnificent creation of blackchiffon cloth that proved most becoming

The skirt which is made with a train ayard long tits smoothly with deep invert-ed pleats on the center seam of the backThe chiffon is pailletted In gold and stiverfrom hem to belt The hem Is stred by a fourinch band of chiffon velvet over which the scalloped edge of thegold paillettes lap This decoration com-prises a border ten inches deep goingcompletely around the skirt Above thispattern are graceful designs In the silverpaillettes the silver motif being consid-erably smaller than the gold that givesthe chief character to the deep

Above tile silver decoration is a de-

tached duster of gold and so on to thebelt The front of the skirt is slashed oneach side where two fan ptemtings ofplaiR ehilCbn cloth ben in a point nineInches below the belt and open to twelveinches at hem the front edge bIz rfastened by long loops and knots ofblack velvet ribbon

The bodice which is cut square in theneck and not very low follows the surpUce suggestion back and front butwithout the exaggerated effect The entiregarment being of the chiffonthe gold and silver decoration with theaddition of point applique late about theneck This is land perfectly flat with highrelief picked out in gold the lace widen-ing slightly above the bust line to nil thespace from the square cut neck to thesleeves The latter are elbow lengh

The chiffon cloth In used for a singlepuff starting tram the shoulder which

in a narrow band of velvet thatcurves upward from the elbow The bottom of the sleeves fitting closely iscomposed of alternate ruffles of ribbonvelvet and narrow The bodice andskirt are Interlined with black chiffonwith black taffeta as the foundation Auseful and pretty accessory to this gownis a scarf of the chiffon cloth eighteenInches wide and almost four yards longthe being treated to the gold andsilver paillettes ueed in the gown with afringe of the gold bails

Another handsome dinner gown wornlast week is the light pink velvet of MrsHope Slater which was greatly admiredin New York This sown gates Us charmchiefly from the superb quality of thevelvet which takes on a sHghtly frosttipped tone Jn certain lights decoHetebodice is embellished only by a flatflounce of old lace acres the bust Thesleeves are short with narrow lace rufflee With this gown Mrs Slater wears astring of very handsome pearls

Nothing Prettier has been seen in afternoon toilets than the light blue gown inwhich Mia Margaretta Symons made herbow hut Monday The klrt ha a de-cided train and hi fitted to the slenderfigure of wearer by a deep yoke of oldfashioned smocking in diamond patternwhich extends ten thebes below the belt

The bottom of the skirt has a twoinchband of broadcloth exactly the same coloras tfto and above that a pattern ofscroll anti dots in the same doth Thisdecoration is without any visible stitcheeor edge of braid

The bodice Is pointed back and frontwith hands of graduated width from theshoulders to the waist line decorated incloth in a smaller design than that em-ployed on the skirt

The space between the band is smockedlike the upper part of the skirt Thebodice i cut square back and frontand filled m with white lace In smoothchlmeaette style ending in a high lacestock edged with blue

The sleeve there are really threesleeves to each arm are mainly of laceThe first or the test according to whereone begins is of smocked chiffon fittingclosely from the wrist to elbow where itis lost In a tall of lace The lace is thesame pattern as the yoke and full andstraight from the shoukier

Over this i the third sleeve which is ofbroadcloth but so unlike anything here-tofore known in cloth sleeves as it isentirely In openwork of small diamondsthe lines of the cloth being cut by aperforating machine to a delicate threadalmost like owe outer sleeve is openon the tep falling away from the laceruffle The cloth Is untouched by needleor thread

Another debutante gown attractingmuck admiration is a white and silk

of Ml Jesaie Steele who will makeher formal bow to society at a receptionand dance to be given by her aunt MrsArthur Addison on next Wednesdayevening

Miss Steele has been making visits andgoing to one or two smart luncheons inthis white gown which is made in twopieces but along such a to give aprincess effect The skirt which hasquite a train is perfectly plain except forseveral close folds of silk about the

the upper fold being headed by heavylace appliques

The waist is of silk and the same lacewith a high cloth and applique girdleThe silk at the top of the bodice is cutfrom under the lace leaving the latter toform short transparent yoKe Thesleevs are of elbow length made of silkand lees

Two of the bestdrese a girls in society

this winter are the Misses Shouts daughters of the chairman of the IsthmianCanal Commission who passed the earlyautumn In Part The visiting toilets of

the Misses Shonts who accompanied theirmother on a round of first calls duringthe week are of delicatetoned broad

cloth and almost exactly alike exceptcolor Miss Margaret wears a dull blueand her sister violet

Like all gowns from the Reu de la Paixor Avenue de la Opera whether forstreet or house the skirts are long withtrains of ten inches They are untrimmed except for three tueks twoinches deep which go around the skirtthe first bring half way between the hemand the knee and tim upper one haIr wayto the waist line

The coat are long and closefittingthat of Mi s Margaret having straps ofthe cloth outlining the waist line in agirdle effect which ends at the back andis finished with small clothcovered but-tons The front is plain except for delL


















4 moire





























cate embroidery in blue white and goldabout the collar which turns backsharply about eight inches below thethroat The coat of the violet suit is se-verely plain a doublebreasted front be-ing curved slightly from the shoulder towaist line and fastened by a single rowof large buttons of violet enamel with atiny edge of silver

Both girls wear rather large hatstrimmed In ostrich plumes the exactshade of their gowns the effect beingmost picturesque as they are very fairwith a great wealth of blond hair

A novel and striking costume broughtout by the few cold days of the pastweek Is that of Mrs Oliver Cromwellwho Is passing a week or two In Wash-

ington on her way South Mrs Cromwells coat Is long and loose completelycovering her gown and to the uninitiatedlooks like closeclipped fur but is inreality of baby pony the latest varia-tion in expensive and unusual cloakingWith this Mrs Cromwell wears an ex-

tremely becoming hat Vlrot shape alongthe sailor lines of that celebrated millinerwith soft folded crown Twisted bandsof two shades of green velvet go aboutthe crown ending In rosettes of velvetand ribbon at the left side well towardthe front Under these rosettes are fastened four long quills of shaded green Adeep bandeau in the back trimmed ingreen tulle and loops of velvet tilts thehat to a becoming angle over the face

Another handsome cold weather wrapie the sable cape worn by Mrs MurrayCrane the bride of the MassachusettsSenator who has just returned to townfor the winter Mrs a handsome young woman who as Miss Jose-phine Boardman was one of the leadingbelles In resident society looks particu-larly well in furs This particular capeis fitted perfectly as a coat over theshoulders and falling in graceful lineswell below the waist She has a largemuff of the same choice skins bothpieces trimmed in many sables Thiscombination of comfort and elegance iusually worn with dark green cloth andvelvet gown


Interesting Function for Benefit ofColored Training School

The concert arranged by Mrs Barnoyin aid of the Clarke Domestic Train-ing School and the Colored Social Set-

tlement will take place at Kauseherson Wednesday the 19th at 4 JO oclockThe concert will be repeated at theMetropolitan A M E Church at a laterdate At this performance Mr FelixWeir who won the scholarship at theChicago College of Music and whocompleted hi course of studies in Europe will render selections from ColeridgeTaylors Hiawatha and also themusic of SalntSaen The other performers include Miss Europe a pianist-of great talent and Miss Lola Johnsonwhose exquisite rendering of Dunbarspoem set to the music of ColeridgeTaylor delights the most critical tastes

A quartet of male voices will slagnegro melodies and there will be amus-ing darky recitations-

In fact all lovers of our folklore music a well as those of an exactingmusical taste should not ml this op-

portunity the only one ever offeredthe Washington public of attending sounique an event

two worthy charities for whichthis entertainment is being given havebeen struggling along for about liveyears with but little recognition ex-cept from Mr Weller of the AssociatedCharities and a very few others andthis Is the first time the general publichas been invited to show their interestby spending an hour at a very unusualconcert

Tickets will be on sale at the TaaCup Inn Seventeenth and H streetsevery day from until 1 oclock

The patronesses for Mrs Barneysconcert are Mrs A C Barney MrsJohn R McLean C C Glover MrsRalph Jenkins Mrs Bancroft DavisMrs John F Rodgers Philip Sher-idan and John B Henderson

Mercantile Clubs Second DanceThe second of a series of subscription

dances wa given at the MercantileClub on Wednesday evening and was amost enjoyable affair Those presentwere Mr and Sylvan BenaingerMiss Ilelene Eiseman Miss AlmaPrince Mitt Nellie Behrend MiEsther Behrend Belle Strauss ofBaltimore Miss Juanita Kaufman MissEdith Auerbaeh Ray Hahn MissMalvine Wing and Messrs Abe Sigmund Stanley Auerbaeh Alan Bachracb Harry Hahn Alfred RosenthalMelvin Behrend Milton Strasburger7A Bernstein and Dr Cohen of Phila-delphia

Sale of Fancy WorkThere will be a sale ef fancy work

and also of refreshments by the Womans Society of the Vermont AvenueChristian Church in the Sunday school-room of the church on after-noon and evening after prayer meeting-on Friday afternoon and evening andon Saturday afternoon Mrs ThomasNorwood and Mrs Rouse have the fancytable Mrs Johns the housekeeperstable Mrs A Williams the doll tableMrs Sbelton homemade candy MrsVan Arsdale neckties Mrs ParkerMrs HeWer the aprons

Phone Downeys Stable 1020 L Stwhen you desire an especially fine turnoutand best service at rates Bridal carriages a specialty

Credit for All Washington

easy of settlement at this bigestablishment for there are somany things that fill the twomost essential requirements-use and beauty-

A selection can be made thatwould please any recipientand you need not cripple yourfinances if you buy gifts herefor we gladly arrange theterms of payment to suit you

entails no extra expense hereAll our prices are marked inplain figures and we charge-no interest We invite you toopen an account

817819821823 Seventh St

Between H and I Streets








The Gift



Peter Grogan































talnment tho proceeds of which are de-

voted to charity Those who took partIn the performance were Louis GlasorGilbert Hahn L F Newmeyer D Bensinger Norman Blum G D Grosner LKoenlgsberger Milton A KaufmanGoldie Sigmund Lawrence Engel WalterSondhelmer Fred Schaefer and ChesterR Spencer

The Chancel Chapter of Trinity Epis-copal Church will hold a Christmas saleand luncheon on Tuesday bstwoen thehours of and 6 oclock In tho parishball Mrs Richard Pardee Williams thopresident will be assisted by Mrs WlllmStewart Mrs Frank Mlddjeton MteaLillie Acker Mrs Beechart Miss FlorenceHoward Mrs W R Myers Mrs WilliamBaum T O Ebaugh Miss BowieMiss Reefe Mrs Lovejoy and others

Mrs I Well of New York Is ticguest of Mrs H Strauss of 1741 U street

Besets Lansburgh has returnedfrom a visit to Baltimore

Mr and Mrs Weyland of Capitol Hillhave sent out cards for the marriage of

daughter Miss Batty Milstond andMr Benjamin F Gill The ceremony willtake place at Baltimore December 31

Mrs Moore of the Cairo entertained ata matinee euchre yesterday afternoon

Mrs A Sigmund of U street was tendered a masquerade surprise party onMonday evening by her relatives In

honor of her birthday Those presentwere Mr and Mrs D L Engel Mr andMrs Sidney C Kaufman Mr and MrsMax W yl Mr and Mrs M NewrneyorMr and L Newmeyer Miss Helenefitoeman Mice Curye Cahn of Baltimoreand Meaers Abe Goldie and Howard Ste-rnum and Leroy Newmeyer

Miss Carye Cahn pf Baltimore Is theguest of Max W yl of R street

Mrs D J Kaufman entertained theEmbroidery Circle at a Dutch luncheonon Wednesday afternoon complimentaryto her guest Miss Pauline Kaufman ofPortsmouth Ohio

The first friendship dance was givenat the last evening Those onthe committee are J PercyElmer L Brans Claude GalHiter CharlesM Hnvell George F Hunt Harry TJones James M Lord Nell B Wateottand Mrs H J Gross chaperon

Miss Bessie Dempsey of Georgia Is

the house guest of Mr and Mrs M IWaller of MS Square

Mrs Arthur Baumgarten of ColumbiaRoad Is tin guest of relatives in NewYork

Mrs Karger of U street will beat home to her friends on Thursday

afternoon to meet her mother MrsLevinson of Cincinnati Ohio

Mrs Epstein of Columbia Road en-

tertained at on Tuesday evening-a jolly crowd of young people in honorof Miss Canon of Richmond Va

Mrs Waliensteln of 1812 Ninth streetentertained on Sunday evening compHmentary to her guest Miss Caronof Richmond Va Theso present wereMiss Geneva Herman Miss Irma SternMiss Hortense Sondhcimor MissYoung MM Jessie Stinger and MfsrsWill Michaela Sylvan Luchs Sol

Forest Nathan Frank Leon LoebDave Rothschild and Maurice Sinsheimer

Miss Margaret Moore who has beenvisiting Mrs Clifford v Stump of Capi-tol Hill has returned to her home in

Mrs Noble Barnes entertained ateuchre Wednesday afternoontoe guests were Mrs Childs Mrs Fos-ter Xrs Stewart Mrs Jones Mrs

Parker Mrs Welch MrsMiss Nottingham Miss McGregor

Miss Shinn Mrs Burroughs MissCampbell Mrs Parker Mrs Gargesand Mrs Curtis

Mrs M Snowberg of Seventeenthstreet spent the early part of the weekin Baltimore

Mrs Ruehey ef Fort Defiance Va isvisiting her mother Mrs B C Lockeof Capitol Hill

Mr and Mrs E L Givons of Arkansasarrived in the city last week and willreside at 134 East Capitol street untilCongress adjourns

Mrs H O Hine of Cleveland Parkentertained at whist Tuesday eveningMr and Mrs Ruckman Mr and MrsSpeer Mr and Mrs Fluckey Mr andMrs Parker Mr and Mrs Nottingham-Mr and Mrs M J lilac Miss Nottingham-Dr And Mrs Summy and Mr Tarbox

Mr and Mrs Theodore Tate after ayears stay In Arizona have returned toWashington

Miss Hattie Jarvis of 234 East Capitolstreet will leave tomorrow for theSouth

Mrs Edith Tate has returned to herhome ISIS Pennsylvania avenue after avisit to Knoxville Tenn

Dr Justice and daughter of RutledgeTenn are guests of friends In town

Mr John W Corner of KnoxvilleTenn Ic In Washington for a few days

Mrs Clement Cftrrington McPhail ofRichmond Va and her daughter MrsWelch are located at the Bancroft forthe winter


Miss Sally Stuart will be at home onWednesday afternoon at her residence onKing street for the last time this seasonas she expects to be out of town most ofthe winter

Mrs George Garr Henry left for herhome In Morrtetown X J on Saturdayafter a delightful to her sister MrsWilliam J Boothe jr

Miss Victoria Peed has to herhome In Norfolk after a visit of twoweeks to Mrs Albert Doyle Brookett onWashington street

Mrs Gardner Lloyd Boothe will be athome Wednesday afternoons In Decemberfrom 3 until 8 oclock

Mrs Charles Ellett Gabell has as herguests Maj Cabells mother and sisterMrs Cabell and Miss Margaret Cabell

Mr Lawrence Leadboater has returned-to Birmingham Ala after n short visitto his mother Mrs Edward Stabler Leadbeater

Mrs Isaac Gregg delightfully entertain-ed In honor of Mrs Llewellyn Hogan atprogressive euchre at her residence onKing street Among the guests wereMesdames Richard C Acton Edward H






hamCamp ell








r turned















Kemper William G Uhler AlfredThomson H Kemper jr PeverallSmythe of Falls Church Lloyd Smootand of Washington MissesAnita Robins Sarah Kemper CoraCochran Loula Smoot Mary CarlinMamie Agnew and Mary Thomson Thoprizes were won by Miss Loula SmootMrs Edward H Kompor and Miss MaryThomson

Miss Sarah Trlplett of Fairfax County is the guest of Mrs Gillard on SouthSL Asaph street

Miss Fanny Washington has returned toher home after pleasant visit to MissMary Hopkins In EUicott City Md

Miss Eilaaiwth Bryan formerly of thiscity but now of York has boon theguest of Mrs H S PiUs 1MO Princestat and has now returned to her nowhome

Miss McLester of Birmingham Alareturned to her home after a delight-

ful with Mrs Clarence LoadbCAteron North Washington street

The Neighborhood Club will bo enter-tained on Monday afternoon by MrsCaseins F Lee on North Washingtonstreet

Miss Mary Lloyd who has boen theguest of Bitaabeth Uhler has re-

turned w her home in New York City

Capt Thome J KJrfcpatrick U S A-

te the guest oC his fatherinlaw CaptHerbert Bryant on North Washingtonstreet

Mrs Uerollyn Hogan of North Caro-lina te the guest of Mrs Isaac Gregg onKing str et

Miss Mary A tow will be the hostessof Wed efay Afternoon Crd Clubtide week at her residence on South Pittstreet

Mrs Anna Stewart of Now York i theguest of Mzs H S Plus JofO Princestreet

Mr and Mrs Edward H Kemper woregiven a surprise party on Thursday evenlug which was thoroughly enjoyed byall present Progressive euchre was played after which each guest pr ntedKemper handsome gift Tie presentsIncluded pieces of cut glass china andfancy work Those present were Mrand Mrs William G Uhler Mr andMrs K Kemper jr Mr and Mrs GeorgeEvans Mr and Mrs Isaac Gregg MrsGeorge A Mushback Mrs LlewellynHogan Misses Mamie Agnew SarahKemper and Miss Monairee of Wash-ington Dr Ernest L Allen MessrsRaymond Acton Hn Carroll A hbyMrs George S French HoMey Bromback

Mrs Richard C Aetna was the hostessof the Wednesday Afternoon Buchre Clubthis week There were two tables ofeighthand euchre Miss Loula Smoot win-ning at one table and Miss Sarah Kempermade the highest score at the otherMrs Urban Lambert cut the consolationprize Mrs Actons guests were MesdamesGeorge Evans K Kemper jr Edward HKemper Urban Lambert William GUhler Isn i rr arl Mrs Llwdyn


















Hogan of North SarahKemper Loula Smoct Mamie AgnewMary Carlin Anita Robins Murphy andLambert of Staunton Va

Mrs Arthur Snowden was the hostessot tho Thursday Euchre Club on Thutsday afternoon at her residence on Kingstreet Tho prize was won by Mrs Wil-

liam J Boothe Jr Mrs Snowdens guestswore Mesdames Marshall Jones CarrollAshby William J Boothe Henry F Rob-ertson C Emmet Dunn James Reid

B Smoot and George Uhler

Mr Robert Edward Duvall and MissBessie Virginia were very quietly married at the residence of the bridesaunt Mrs Annie E Payne corner ofColumbus and Oronooo streets on Tues-

day evening at 6 oclock The ceremonywas performed by Elder Norton a Prim-itive Baptist minister In the presence ofonly the immediate family The bridesgown was white crepe de chine overtaffeta and she carried La France rosesMr and Mrs Duvall left for New Yorkvia Norfolk They will make their fu-

ture home In this city after December 20

Mr and Mrs George Uhler very de-

lightfully entertained the WednesdayEvening Euchre Club at their residenceon Cameron street on Wednesday even-Ing This was the first meeting of the clubthis season and was a most enjoyableaffair Those prosent were MesdamesGeorge S French Carrie Ashby William-J Boothe Jr Gardner Boothe Henry LRobertson Louis Barley Clarence Leadbeater Louis S Scott William B Datagerfleld Robert Fuller Marshall Jonesand James Reid Misses Mary LloydCarrie Wise and Loula Smoot MessrsBromback W W Smith Carroll AshbyGeorge S French Henry F RobertsonWilliam J Boothe Clarence LeadbeaterGardner Boothe and Judge Barley

Miss Katie Uhl r entertained infor-mally Thursday evening in honor of MissRosalie McCormlok of Berryvllle VaThere was one table of eighthand euchreand one table of bridge The guests wereMisses Mary Thomson Rosalie McCormick Courtney Marshall Rebecca andElizabeth Ubler Messrs John HerndonHenry OB Cooper Robley BrombackPage Waller and Thomas Cochran

The Alexandria Circle of Colonial Dameswas entertained by Mrs Stewart Jamesonat her residence on South Columbus streeton Friday afternoon Business was attended to several new namesput up to be voted on after which de-

lightful refreshments were servedmembers present were Mesdames W RReid chairman of the circle JamesonRobert C Powell Misses Virginia CorseHelen N Cummings and Hettzel ofWashington

Mrs William B Smoot entertained atthree tables of bridge on Friday afternoon at her home on Prince street MrsMarshall Jones made the top score Someof those enjoying the game wereMesdames Henry T Robertson William-J Booth T Marshall Jones GeorgeUhler Carroll Ashby C EmmettDunn Arthur Snowder Louis Barleyand Samuol G Brent

The Washington Herald Daily andSunday 35c per month Tel Main 3100

CaroJIna MIsses



Wo don


first and















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ver Com-


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Rich Rare AntiquesHonestly Reduced

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EasyDainty Sets






4f r v

Years of Pleasure areAssured by such aGift as the handsome

HE chief qualifications of a toneand finish are at their best in the admirable WEBSTER Piano This instrument is a product of our

Leominster factory and we know that the materials andworkmanship are of the very best We know too fromlong experience that no other instrument no matter whatit costs will remain in perfect tune longer than the WEBSTER This is an important feature where a piano issubjected to constant use and it is a feature that stronglyrecommends the WEBSTER as a piano for home use

We sell the WEBSTER Piano direct for the manufacturers at factory prices 350 to 450 and we canextend you the privilege of paying on the easiest termsAll the new models are on show in our warerooms nowAn early selection will assure your getting the pianopromptly for Xmas-

A complete line of the bestinterior Piano Players

Special Exhibit of WEBSTER and BRADBURYPianos at Convention Hall All This Week

F G Smith PianoBradbury Building

199S Wa Telephone M 747



The Southern Railway offers three personally conducted tours toCalifornia starting from Washington January 10th February 7thand March 7th 1007 anti one return tour leaving Angeles AprilIStli und San Francisco April 25th Going via lYevr Orleans SanAntonio and El Paso for Jaurcz Old Mexico to Riverside ReturnIn ic from Los Angeles and San Francisco via Salt Lake ColoradoSprings Denver and Chicago

Cost 340 285 210 160 According to Tour SelectedFor tickets or information apply to A J POSTOX General Agent

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If you want togive motherwife or sistersomething shewill honestlyappreciate

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Suits and Skirts hasoccupied almost our

and making ShirtWaists has necessarily incidentalThe great satisfaction given by thewaists we have made has caused asteadily Increasing demand until wedecided to enlarge our facilities formaking Waists We are nowIn a position to fill all orders and canassure our patrons the latest stylesand the same perfect fit that has always characterized our work

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