Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-07-17 [p 5]. · THE WASHINGTON TOTES FRIDAY JULY 17...

THE WASHINGTON TOTES FRIDAY JULY 17 1902 1 I I NEWS FROM ALL THE WORLD TOLD BRIEFLY FOR BUSY READERS I IIi Col Morris B Beknap Nominated for Governor LOUISVILLE Ky July 17 Col Mor- ris B Bolknap of Louisville a whole Bale merchant vrldoly known throughout the country received the nomination for governor on the first ballot at the sec- ond days session of the Republican State convention yesterday His delegates con trary to predictions stuck to him though how much of their tenacity can be charged to tho announcement by former Gov William 0 Bradley that ho was not a candidate can only be con- jectured Resolutions adopted wore in part as follovs Wo declare the highest appreciation of he record that President Roospvelt has made In continuing the groat work begun by William McKinley and by him self in dealing with the now problems that he has had to solve He has shown himself a strong executive as he Is an Ideal citizen and we heartily and en- thusiastically are for his nomination for the Presidency n 1904 We denounce assassination and law lessness whether in Servia or Kentucky as destructive of civilization and call upon the enlightened intelligence of the State through Its legislative executive and Judicial agencies to employ reme- dies to reestablish order and punish crime within our bordors We especially arraign the present chief exocullve for so exercising the pardoning power as to subserve political and partisan purposes with tho certain effect of encouraging crime by virtually rendering criminals- of Democratic political faith immune from punishment MINERS WIN IN FIRST FINDING OFTHE BOARD WILKESBARRE July 17 Secretary Nichols has mado public the first i of the conciliation board The breaker boys are to be paid for extra time worked and the men have the privilege of employing their own check trclghmen The miners are Jubilant over the success of these the first grievances to be Adjusted ADMIRAL BESNARD DIES IN FRANCE PARIS July 17 Vice Admiral Bee nard former minister of the navy Is dead at the ae of seventy Ho was born in 1S33 and served In the Crimean unit FrancoPrussian vyars KENTUCKY REPUBLiGANS DENOUNCE ASSASSINS find- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STUDENTS OUTDONE BY KANSAS GIRLS TOPKKA Kan July 17 According to a report which has reached Mr Gerow free employment agent the Eastern col- lege students who came to Kansas to work In the harvest fields aro not doing ae much work as the farmers daughters The girls of Pawnee county said A G Miner of that county today are putting the trained athletes from Princeton Yale Harvard and other col leges out of business when it comes to shocking wheat beside a selfbinder SOUTHERN NEGRO CUTS POLICEMANS THROAT MEDIA Pa July 17 Because Police man Andrew Trout of Llanerch repri- manded Major Alice a Virginia negro for insulting a man and woman In the trolley waiting room at Llanerch the nogro slashod the throat of the officer with a sharp knife nearly severing the windpipe The cut is several inches long STUFFED BODY LEADS TO AN INVESTIGATION SCHSXECTADY July 17 The body of Charles Stark who died In the City Hos pital was disinterred yesterday and it was discovered that the trunk had been stuffed with straw A dissecting knife with blood stains upon it was found in the The brother of the dead man had previously had the case investigatou but the authorities gave no information Tho case will be reopened legally to as certain the cause of Starks death TYPHOID FEVER AGAIN THREATENS ITHACANS v ALBANY N Y July 17 Dr Daniel Lewis State commissioner of health said yesterday that with the present wator supply Ithaca Is likely to have a repetition of the typhoid epidemic which recently caused so many deaths there Dr Lowis said he had not received the official report of Dr George A Sopor which was made public at Ithaca yes- terday Dr Souer is the States typhoid expert and was sent there in March to Investigate conditions UNCLE SAM GETS COALING STATIONS FROM CUBA HAVANA July 17 The senate yes- terday ratified the treaty signed Febru- ary 16 granting the United States sites at Guantanamo and Babia Honda fdr naval and coaling stations tho agree ment leasing the areas of the same sta- tions which was signed July 2 and also the treaty conceding to Cuba sovereignty over tho Isle of Pines The only treaty remaining unratified is the socalled permanent treaty covering all the pro- visions of the Platt amendment stray ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM NEARBY STATES 4 r I MARYLAND The committee on nominations of Maryland Pharmacy Association COH tlstlng of John F Hancock H P Hyn son A K L Dehme Louis Schulze and W C Powell all expresidents made Its report at Ocean City yesterday The report was adopted and tho following officers wore elected for the ensuing year President W Z Brown of BaJU more vicepresidents Owen C Smith of Baltimore Albert Lcpourville of Baltimore H Howard of Brook ville secretary Louts SchulM of Baltimore treasurer H R Rudy of Hagerstown The cornerstone of the Masonic Temple at Mount Airy to be erected by Prudence Ledge was laid Wednesday afternoon The Mr Pate of Balti- more acted ai deputy mastor tho Rov Dr Henry Branch grand chaplain of Elllcott City worshipful master Adol pus Fearhake of Frederick senior warden Harry Gorsuch of Westminster Jtrior warden C S Howard seuloV caron anti Jacob Rohrbaek Junior deacon George D Norris of hear rnionville marshal John A Shipley of Paiapsco was ar- rested by Sheriff F A Crawford on charge of attemptleg to rob and as- saulting with attempt to kill Andrew- J Muicntaugh on the night of July The warrant was sworn out by a Balti- more detective who worked UB the case Within a fortnight an army of will begin to run a great furrow for a waterpipe line from this upper section of Cecil county near Conowingo into Lancaster county Pennsylvania This will be the second extensive i h Pennsylvania Railroad this year The water will be stored on- Ma Hill and tapped on to various points Jacobson Hall night policeman who one night last month shot and fatally wounded Labon Ashmoad was given another hearing at CrisfleW yesterday before Justice IVheallon and committed to Jail at Princess Anne to wait the action of the court in October Ko bail would be accepted from Hall The stockholders of Mountain Lake Park Association have elected five di- rectors to manage tho affairs of the association for one year as follows The Rev Dr Charles W Baldwin of Baltimore the Rev Jobn M Davis of Oakland the Hon George C Sturgiss cf Morgantown W Va Charles W Con- ner of Wheeling W Vu and Daniel B Offutt of Oakland Jacob Roessnor Republican was nominated by Mayor Holznpfol at Hagerstown night for street com- missioner to take the place of Dr E A Warebnm Democrat president of the board whose term had expired but was holding over The olty council unani- mously confirmed Uui aiu olntmeat the ItO 1 pera I last 4 the work- men ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ VIRGINIA RICHMOND Surrounded by soldiers penned up In a blind alley wen men who were ar rested Wednesday night for rocking and shooting at a street car were caught red handed the officers say Three of the men accused are strikers themselves and one of them i a member of the street car mens union executive board The union leaders have all along main- tained that the strikers were taking no part in the disorders and were not re- sponsible for the riot or attacks Private Oanie Laughon of Company B Lnehbttrg was seriously injured by a street car near Twentyninth and Q Streets shortly after S oclock yesterday morning He jumped on a car to speak to a woman and while standing on the fcot board was struck by a passing Laurel Street car and dragged about fifty yards The Rev Dr C P Williamson one of the bestknown Christian ministers of- the Fouth a prominent educator for the last two years principal of the Richmond Temale Seminar and for ten years prior to that time pastor of the largest church of his denomination In Atlanta died yes terdey in Brooklyn where he went a month for medical treatment THROUGHOUT THE STATE Fusion Democrats of Norfolk county met yesterday and Axed August G as the tlnw for their primary election Al- tnough excluded from the party organi- zation by tho action of the State commit they will hold the primary under Democratic rules and contest for party recognition for delegates to the General Assembly anti all other rights Clayton Peterson a negro was struck on the head with a brick In a fight in Winchester and is at the Memorial Hos- pital with his skull crushed ills alleged assailant Leo R Boxwell a welltodo man Is in jail charged with murderous- ly assaulting the negro Yesterday tho Virginia Pharmaceutical Association which is mooting1 at Buck roe Beach Newport News eloctod the following officers for the year President G P Man kins Falls Church first vice presi- dent P Ashby Miller Richmond second vice president George Farrar Clifton Forge secretary C B Fleet Lynch burg treasurer Dr A W Eley Suffolk executive committee R Now port News C L Wright Petersburg and Richard Gwathiiey Richmond- J Chapman of Kerrs Crock and Birdie McManaraa of Walkers Croak daughter of John McManama wore Wednesday by the Rov Dr David A Penick at his homo In Lexington The Union State steamer Buffalo ar- rived at Old Point Comfort yesterday and fiolutad Rear Admiral Wines Slag I I ago I f en- suing C Petzold mar- ried ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Place the Responsibility on Colom bian Congress COLON Colombia July 17 Tho text of President Marroquins message sub- mitted to the Colombian congress has reached here The part referring to the Panama Canal treaty says There are two alternatives before the governmont First tho curtail- ment of Colombian sovereignty In con- sideration of certain pecuniary advan- tages and second to maintain sover- eignty rigorously and demand peremp- torily the money indemnity to which we consider ourselves entitled In the first case the wishes of the Inhabitants of tho Department of Pana ma will be satisfied but the government afterward accused of failing to defend the soverolgnty of the country and of sacrificing the Interests of tho nation In the second case if the canal is not built via the Panama route the gov- ernment will be accused of failing to obtain the wealth of which tho canal may be regarded as the beginning and which may be the sole condition of our future aggrandizement I have already made known my wish that an Inter oceanic canal should be opened through our territory Happily for me the immense respon sibility of deciding the question rests upon Congress which must definitely approve or disapprove the treaty pro posed by the United States Govern- ment GOLD AND DIAMOND- IN THIS DOGS TEETH ASBURY PARK July dog with gjld teeth and the middle one in his mouth set with a diamond Is the cu- riosity that Is now attracting attention here The canine belongs to Dr Van Nostrand a New York dentist who is here attending the State Dental Societys convention MR SCHWAB IS ILL AND IN SECLUSION PITTSBURG July an effort to ascertain the whereabouts of Charles M Schwab president of the United States Steel Corporation a call was made at the home of Dr M R Ward his brotherinlaw last night It was learn ed there that Mr Schwab Is in seclusion in Philadelphia to escape business care owing to illness that his health is as good as It has been of late and that he hopes by complete rest to regain his health TO CHECK IMPORTATION OF CATTLE DISEASE Secretary Wilson Casting About for Some Effective Means The Department of Agriculture has not found tho plan of having consuls disinfect wool and hides shipped to this country a success An effort has been made to have consuls attend to the dis infection of all such products from countries where the foot and mouth die ease exists especially from Argentina The recent outbreak of the toot and mouth disease In New England cost the Government 260000 The disease exists In parts of South America and Europe fromiwhich wool and other products are received and Secretary Wilson is try- ing to devise some means of preventing the Importation of the disease from countries where the governments have failed to Btamo it out PHILIPPINE COMMISSION DEFERS ACTION ON BILL The War Department has been advised that the Philippine Commission has in- definitely deferred action upon the opium bill by placing it upon the table There has been much protest against the proposition embodied in the original opium bill which contemplated estab- lishing a government monopoly in the trade and using the revenue thus de- rived for educational purposes The opponents of the bill have advo- cated the inauguration of the Japanese system of handling the drug which per- mits its sale only upon a physicians recommendation MARRLQUIN DODGES BIG GANAL BURDEN 17A 17In I I I l maybe ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JACK SHIELDS SHOOTS HIS WIFES ASSAILANT DENVER Col July 17 Jack Shields of Brooklyn N Ywho achieved notoriety by a runaway marriage again came to notice Wednesday night when he and his wife had a quarrel while on a slumming tour Leaving a leading establishment Mrs Shields told her husband she would have nothing more to do with him and started down the street alone She was handsomely dressed with a lavish display of dia monds that was sure to attract atten- tion At Twentieth and Market Streets a hobo sprang at the woman and seized her diamond necklace valued at 3000 j Mrs Shields screamed and her husband ran up with a revolvor shooting as he ran The hobo fell at the first shot CASTRO REFUSES I MERCY TO FERRARA SOLEDAD Venezuela July 17 The attack on Cludad Bolivar by the Vene- zuelan government troops was deferred at the request of United States Consul Henderson the German consul and the bishop who telegraphed President Cas tro an appeal to show mercy to all if the revolutionists surrender It Is known that the President answered Yes for everyone except the traitor Ferrara the author of so many tears and the cause of making so many or- phans President Castro ordered General Go mez not to open fire It he Is not at- tacked but to simply besiege the city The revolutionists having no provi sions cannot resist more than ten days INSURANCE MAN PUT IN A URUGUAY JAIL MONTEVIDEO Uruguay via Galves ton Texas July the affairs to be discussed in the next special ses- sion of Congress is the award of 1250 000 damages which Casimiro Castro ob- tained here against a New York life In surance company Mr Marshall the for the New York company and all of his witnesses were imprison- ed They were accused of perjury Thoy are here out of prison on ball THREE BOYS BLINDED BY EXPLOSION OF POWDER GRAND FORKS N D July 17 Floyd GIlc Floyd Luros and Ray Soby aged about ten years each were fright fully injured by an explosion of powder and it is feared that each of them will lose his eyesight The little folks in some way got hold of some shells from which the shot had been extracted and opening thorn up poured the powder into an old can While each of them hov- ered ovor the top of the can the powdor was touched off BOOKER WASHINGTONS WIFES VIEWS HER OWN Does Not Share Husbands Idea of the Races Inferiority PROVIDENCE R I July 17 Mrs Booker T Washington made it plain in an address beforo the Coventry R I Womens Club yesterday that she Is fir from accepting her husbands views on the negros Inferiority Mrs Washing ton said There is still much foundation worl for us but some time somewhere we shall stand equal to any body ol wo- men for we accept only the theory that wo are inferior In opportunity and chance and not in capacity and ability CHILD WHIRLED AWAY IN MISSISSIPPI CURRENT MINNEAPOLIS Minn July 17 The Mississippi River claimed a child vic- tim when Bonny OBrien of 262S Thirty eighth Avenue South aged eleven years was drowned Young OBrien had been picking ber- ries in the afternoon and about 5 oclock wont to the river hank at Twen tyfifth Avenue south where a largo number of logs are chained He playei for a short time on the shore and finally ventured on the logs One slipped and the current caught him whirling him away before aid could be summoned LOGAN SAILS FOR HOME The War Department is advised that the transport Logan sailed from Manila on July 14 with the Twentysixth In fantry the Thir Squadron of Sixth Cav- alry 103 sick 3 insane 159 casuals and 8 discharged soldiers 17Among manager now todo ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ for Gnfants and ChiBdren The Kind You have Always Bought has borne tl o signa- ture of Chas H Fletcher and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years Allow no ono to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations anti Justasjrood arc but Experiments and endanger tho health of ClUldrcii Experience against Experiment The Kin You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years H cTun coy TT MUY TET HEW toK CITY Wf41MH h v lM clifI 3 I THC ¬ < QUEEN HORT IN LEAP Victor Emmanuel and His Consort Sprang From Runaway ROME July automobile acci- dent In which the King and Queen of Italy figured rather seriously was made known yesterday- In the grounds of the royal villa of Racconigi the King was trying a now electric automobile and the Queen was riding with him Suddenly the automobile started for- ward at a hjgh speed and the brakes could not be made to work The machine ran against a tree glanced off antI continued on its wild career The King Jumped to the out any mishap but the Queen in at- tempting o do the same was hindered by her skirts and in falling Injured her footThe physicians reported that the In Jury was without gravity but that It should bo carefully looked after for at least a month The King continues to be an enthus- iastic chauffeur and yesterday morning ho started for Como in an automobile ELOPES THRICE IN EIGHT DAYS TO WIN A BET CITY OF MEXICO Mexico via Galves- ton Texas July modern Don Juan Tenorlo has been placed In prison at Chihuahua where he will have time to ponder over the peril of a hastily made wagor The young man made a bet that hi the month of July he would elope with two girls On July 2 he enticed the first victim from her home on July 7 he obtained the second und on July 10 still another Tho wager was paid with- a bonus of 500 as a reward for the third victim Tho police then stepped in and Incarcerated all persons concerned FROM AN AUTO 10BllE 17An ground wlth 17A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ABNER MKINLEY ILL CONDITION SERIOUS SOMERSET Pa July Mc Kinley brother of the late President McKinley is dangerously HI here at his summer home It Is reported that he is not far from deaths door Mr McKin Icys lllnes did not assume a serious form until Wednesday Yesterday a dangerous symptom developed when a pain struck Mr McKinley In the back of the head making him helpless It Is to be a paralytic stroke CHICAGO POLICEMEN CLUB RIOTOUS CROWD CHICAGO III July 17 Rioting took place yesterday at the Kellogg switch board plant during an attempt of the strikers and their sympathizers to pre- vent tho moving of freight from the factory to a railroad station Fifty po- licemen charged Into a crowd of three thousand persons One policeman was struck on the head by a brick and seri- ously injured and several more were hurt The crowd was routed by liberal clubbing WOMAN WALKS INTO RIVER TO END LIFE ST LOUIS July 17 Annie Maher thirty years old attempted to commit suicide by walking Into the river at the foot of Florida Street The woman lives at 1207 North Tenth Street and be came despondent because of trouble with her husband TAKES HIS OWN LIFE IN CROWDED STREET KANSAS CITY July 17 John H Denny aged twenty years and a resi- dent of Tuxedo St Louis county Mo committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart in front of 722 Main Street The man fell unconscious to the sidewalk and died as he was being taken from the ambulance 17Abner I said ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Parker Bridget Co j Parker Bridget Co IdealsFi- nd Their Realization in ParkerBridget Clothing In who sees 1 these two piece Suits 1 I f 1 II IS 1 VJU1Ol- l Theres that something about them that makes men recognize their supe- riority over anything of the kind theyve seen be jjll viduality to them that a man pictures to himself as 1 I requisites of good clothes He finds it elsewhere some Mil times he finds it here jn ALWAYS Theres one thing this house can be 5 depended on for at all H and that is to show i absolutely the best on the market Two piece Suits 10 to 25 Looks like there was going to be a bigger demand than ever for flannel trousers Selling Ipfi of them They with a serge coat make the ideal vacation costume These trousers of ours are cut over the at the waists and shapely Very reasonable at 4 5 and 6 The sepa rate serge coats 1 to 8 Very Little to Pay for Boys Wear Tho campaign of clearance weve inaugurated in this de- partment deals often in and those parents who have the proper instincts of economy are buying not only for present needs but for fall needs as well All the odds and ends in Boys Wool Suits have been as- sembled at halfprice t f 8 It Clothing I t I I i I I I I i- I I t rightfull hipssnug halfp ce i w I 1 We gain I- I Li I k fj7 fore Theyve got all the style character and mdi- A It I Ak t ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + 400 Suits 5500 Suits S609 Suits S 300 200 250 Boys wash suits in the dif- ferent materials Galnten cham- bray duck etc 250 J and 550 fcfl values v 0 Boys separate pants of woo fabrics that were 1 Jf and 125 Boys stocks that flOg were JOe for f 2 ii I 4 ¬ + S7 00 Suits Suits S809 Suits S35 I 750 t 400 375 Boys white duck and P pants slightly soiled Sizes y 10 and 11 in 50c Otf- 5c and 100 goods Boys Negligee Shirts in sizes 12 to 14 Worth 100 Co to go for O C Boys washable ties to K r close at K t t t 1 I t t + > + I Parket Bridget t licadtoFoot and The Avenue t A I A aaa 0 Co0V 4 Otitfitters Ninth 44 4 aa eee b C C C CC C C I C CC- C + LOCAL MENTION Fever and Pure Wine Nothing better than Speers Grape from ever Ask Port Wine as the ken a natural ele ment the la one of the surest and most Invigorating tonic to the weak and tired system especially for weak lungs Get Speer other A Complete Stock of Lamps and Lanterns 616 12th a A Muddlman it Co 1204 Q Maltese kittens Schmid 712 lth st Darbys Ice Cream Pleases Everybody V20 13th st Phone M 572 Shaffers Flowers Attract Attentiom two stores 14th and 1 1711 Pa are The Leader of Dark Beers Cap Brewing Ooa ItHeiwlwner Phone 222 for ease Two dozen 123 delirered Genuine 5 6 and 5j Sample Shoe Three hundred styles at iSi Keenes BtM OC8 G Street EXCURSIONS- lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc For the Little Folks lOc River lOc The Paradise for the Children IQc lOco Saturday July 18 ioc The noise they make is welcome while they play in the shade lOc of the leafy trees lOc to amuse the little folks on the Little River the Elec Juo trie Launches the Carousel 1UC and the Water Chute lOc Music and Dancing all day and lOc Str Samuel J Pentz will hears and 645 pm Family Day rate of lOc to all on lOc mornIng and afternoon trips lOc On the evening trip regular fare iSc be Stops made lt Alexandria lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc Childrens Day Tomorrow at CHESAPEAKE BEACH Only saltwater resort near Washington Mam- moth Boardwalk finest saltwater bathing fish- Ing selling crabbing dancing HALEYS BAND Special train to leave District Line Station at 4 pm and return at 8 pm in addition to reg ham aeheduJe to be found under R R Ta of this paper CtTLJrens Day rate of 25c round trip for old and roune good on all trains It BEACH WASHINGTONS ATLANTIC CITY STEAMER T V ARROVSMITH From River View Wharf foot th at emery Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Sunday at 845 am about 11 pm TICKETS GOOD DAY OF ISSUE Adults 50 Cents Children 25 Cents SPECIAL SATURDAY EVENING STEAMER HARRY RANDALL For COLONIAL BEACH and COTTONS WHVRP from River View Wharf foot 7th st at 545 borne again 11 pm Sunday Tickets good 30 days Colonial Beach 1 Colton 150 Marshall Hall Str Charles Macalcster leaves at 10 sin 230 and 630 pm Indian Head trips every Thursday Friday and Saturday at 633 pm Sundays 11 suni 230 and 639 pm FARE ROUND TRIP 25 Cents AMUSEMEIITS GSM BIGY6LE BEET SATURDAY NIGHT FOURTEEN EVENTS SCHEDULED MotorPaced Motor and Cycle Races Cash prizes and geld medals given at conclu den of each vnt open District Cham pic iship and Police Pursuit races among the features Tickets on sale at all Bicycle Stores jj72tA- idEFiiGAFJ LEAGUE PARK 13th Street and FIciida Avenue X E Washington vs Chicago Game Called 430 P M Tiis Grand German Volks Fest and Barbecue Will be continued at LOEFFLERS LAWS BriRhtwood ave TONIGHT Outstanding tickets will be honored The Bullock for tonight will be specially prepared and will be a rare treat It LAWN PARTY For Benefit of St Anns Church Dumblane Grounds Tealeytown D C FRI- DAY LAST NIGHT J o admission charges It CABIN JOHN BRIDGE HALEYS BAND in selections from the popular light and grand operas New Features Fireworks Illuminations TIlE MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDIES ja vet ARE CHRIS XANDERS VERY OLD HOMEMADE Blackberry Wine 5Cc Quart Blackberry Cordials 60o and Quart CHRIS XANDERS 809 7th St Phone E88S MEDICAL SPECIALIST J 509 12th ST 23 YEARS SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE HEALTH TO THOSE WHO SUFFER from Uheumattsm Bladder Trouble Piles Xervouaoeas Lung Kraia Heart Blood and Skin Diseases ft sufftrin from any chronic sickness it would be well to call on Or Reed or treatment CHARGES LOW INCLUDING MEDICIXEi CONSULTATION FREE Private Waiting Rooms for Ladles OFFICE nouns 10 tc 1 3 to fl Sundays 10 to 12 509 TWELFTH ST N V7 DR rXPEUT SPEylALliT in all Dlsta Mct ma or suture Nerrous UlocxJ Skin stage cured for lit COJJSOLT VTIOX 602 F STREET NORTHWEST Pert Wine reoeT Grape Portno Js Nat non tat lOc 10c FIRST FAultY DAY AT lOc View lOa lOc Plenty J Oc evening 10 her wharf foot of Seventh Street C at 10 am 215 lOc Time N COLONIAL i J BASEBALL YOOAY at jyHf F- ORD 75 Quf11lty- H D frn r IE lrn D ffi k fk Ca- tarrh LEA TtJERrJAN acute tIlt A At Shoe lOc lye again flirtS COLISU Mile 11 and any IRE y ¬

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-07-17 [p 5]. · THE WASHINGTON TOTES FRIDAY JULY 17...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1903-07-17 [p 5]. · THE WASHINGTON TOTES FRIDAY JULY 17 1902 1 I I I IIi NEWS FROM ALL THE WORLD TOLD BRIEFLY FOR BUSY READERS Col Morris




Col Morris B Beknap Nominatedfor Governor

LOUISVILLE Ky July 17 Col Mor-ris B Bolknap of Louisville a wholeBale merchant vrldoly known throughoutthe country received the nomination forgovernor on the first ballot at the sec-ond days session of the Republican Stateconvention yesterday His delegates contrary to predictions stuck to himthough how much of their tenacity canbe charged to tho announcement byformer Gov William 0 Bradley that howas not a candidate can only be con-

jecturedResolutions adopted wore in part as

follovsWo declare the highest appreciation

of he record that President Roospvelthas made In continuing the groat workbegun by William McKinley and by himself in dealing with the now problemsthat he has had to solve He has shownhimself a strong executive as he Is anIdeal citizen and we heartily and en-

thusiastically are for his nomination forthe Presidency n 1904

We denounce assassination and lawlessness whether in Servia or Kentuckyas destructive of civilization and callupon the enlightened intelligence of theState through Its legislative executiveand Judicial agencies to employ reme-dies to reestablish order and punishcrime within our bordors We especiallyarraign the present chief exocullve forso exercising the pardoning power as tosubserve political and partisan purposeswith tho certain effect of encouragingcrime by virtually rendering criminals-of Democratic political faith immunefrom punishment


WILKESBARRE July 17 SecretaryNichols has mado public the first i

of the conciliation board Thebreaker boys are to be paid for extratime worked and the men have theprivilege of employing their own checktrclghmen The miners are Jubilant overthe success of these the first grievancesto be Adjusted


PARIS July 17 Vice Admiral Beenard former minister of the navy Isdead at the ae of seventy Ho wasborn in 1S33 and served In the Crimeanunit FrancoPrussian vyars













TOPKKA Kan July 17 According toa report which has reached Mr Gerowfree employment agent the Eastern col-

lege students who came to Kansas towork In the harvest fields aro not doingae much work as the farmers daughters

The girls of Pawnee county said A

G Miner of that county today areputting the trained athletes fromPrinceton Yale Harvard and other colleges out of business when it comes toshocking wheat beside a selfbinder



MEDIA Pa July 17 Because Policeman Andrew Trout of Llanerch repri-

manded Major Alice a Virginia negrofor insulting a man and woman In thetrolley waiting room at Llanerch thenogro slashod the throat of the officerwith a sharp knife nearly severing thewindpipe The cut is several incheslong



SCHSXECTADY July 17 The body ofCharles Stark who died In the City Hospital was disinterred yesterday and itwas discovered that the trunk had beenstuffed with straw A dissecting knifewith blood stains upon it was found inthe The brother of the dead manhad previously had the case investigatoubut the authorities gave no informationTho case will be reopened legally to ascertain the cause of Starks death



v ALBANY N Y July 17 Dr DanielLewis State commissioner of healthsaid yesterday that with the presentwator supply Ithaca Is likely to have arepetition of the typhoid epidemic whichrecently caused so many deaths thereDr Lowis said he had not received theofficial report of Dr George A Soporwhich was made public at Ithaca yes-

terday Dr Souer is the States typhoidexpert and was sent there in March toInvestigate conditions



HAVANA July 17 The senate yes-

terday ratified the treaty signed Febru-ary 16 granting the United States sitesat Guantanamo and Babia Honda fdrnaval and coaling stations tho agreement leasing the areas of the same sta-tions which was signed July 2 and alsothe treaty conceding to Cuba sovereigntyover tho Isle of Pines The only treatyremaining unratified is the socalledpermanent treaty covering all the pro-visions of the Platt amendment



















The committee on nominations ofMaryland Pharmacy Association COH

tlstlng of John F Hancock H P Hynson A K L Dehme Louis Schulze andW C Powell all expresidents madeIts report at Ocean City yesterday Thereport was adopted and tho followingofficers wore elected for the ensuingyear President W Z Brown of BaJUmore vicepresidents Owen C Smithof Baltimore Albert Lcpourville ofBaltimore H Howard of Brook villesecretary Louts SchulM of Baltimoretreasurer H R Rudy of Hagerstown

The cornerstone of the MasonicTemple at Mount Airy to be erectedby Prudence Ledge was laid Wednesdayafternoon The Mr Pate of Balti-more acted ai deputy mastor tho RovDr Henry Branch grand chaplain ofElllcott City worshipful master Adolpus Fearhake of Frederick seniorwarden Harry Gorsuch of WestminsterJtrior warden C S Howard seuloV

caron anti Jacob Rohrbaek Juniordeacon George D Norris of hearrnionville marshal

John A Shipley of Paiapsco was ar-

rested by Sheriff F A Crawford oncharge of attemptleg to rob and as-

saulting with attempt to kill Andrew-J Muicntaugh on the night of JulyThe warrant was sworn out by a Balti-more detective who worked UB the case

Within a fortnight an army ofwill begin to run a great furrow

for a waterpipe line from this uppersection of Cecil county near Conowingointo Lancaster county PennsylvaniaThis will be the second extensive

i h Pennsylvania Railroad thisyear The water will be stored on-

Ma Hill and tapped on to variouspoints

Jacobson Hall night policeman whoone night last month shot and fatallywounded Labon Ashmoad was givenanother hearing at CrisfleW yesterdaybefore Justice IVheallon and committedto Jail at Princess Anne to wait theaction of the court in October Kobail would be accepted from Hall

The stockholders of Mountain LakePark Association have elected five di-

rectors to manage tho affairs of theassociation for one year as followsThe Rev Dr Charles W Baldwin ofBaltimore the Rev Jobn M Davis ofOakland the Hon George C Sturgiss cfMorgantown W Va Charles W Con-ner of Wheeling W Vu and DanielB Offutt of Oakland

Jacob Roessnor Republican wasnominated by Mayor Holznpfol atHagerstown night for street com-

missioner to take the place of Dr EA Warebnm Democrat president of theboard whose term had expired but washolding over The olty council unani-mously confirmed Uui aiuolntmeat


















RICHMONDSurrounded by soldiers penned up In

a blind alley wen men who were arrested Wednesday night for rocking andshooting at a street car were caught redhanded the officers say Three of themen accused are strikers themselvesand one of them i a member of thestreet car mens union executive boardThe union leaders have all along main-tained that the strikers were taking nopart in the disorders and were not re-sponsible for the riot or attacks

Private Oanie Laughon of Company BLnehbttrg was seriously injured by astreet car near Twentyninth and QStreets shortly after S oclock yesterdaymorning He jumped on a car to speakto a woman and while standing on thefcot board was struck by a passing LaurelStreet car and dragged about fifty yards

The Rev Dr C P Williamson one ofthe bestknown Christian ministers of-

the Fouth a prominent educator for thelast two years principal of the RichmondTemale Seminar and for ten years priorto that time pastor of the largest churchof his denomination In Atlanta died yesterdey in Brooklyn where he went amonth for medical treatment

THROUGHOUT THE STATEFusion Democrats of Norfolk county

met yesterday and Axed August G as thetlnw for their primary election Al-

tnough excluded from the party organi-zation by tho action of the State commit

they will hold the primary underDemocratic rules and contest for partyrecognition for delegates to the GeneralAssembly anti all other rights

Clayton Peterson a negro was struckon the head with a brick In a fight inWinchester and is at the Memorial Hos-

pital with his skull crushed ills allegedassailant Leo R Boxwell a welltodoman Is in jail charged with murderous-ly assaulting the negro

Yesterday tho Virginia PharmaceuticalAssociation which is mooting1 at Buckroe Beach Newport News eloctodthe following officers for the

year President G P Mankins Falls Church first vice presi-dent P Ashby Miller Richmond secondvice president George Farrar CliftonForge secretary C B Fleet Lynchburg treasurer Dr A W Eley Suffolkexecutive committee R Nowport News C L Wright Petersburgand Richard Gwathiiey Richmond-

J Chapman of Kerrs Crock andBirdie McManaraa of Walkers Croakdaughter of John McManama wore

Wednesday by the Rov Dr DavidA Penick at his homo In Lexington

The Union State steamer Buffalo ar-rived at Old Point Comfort yesterdayand fiolutad Rear Admiral Wines Slag




I f



C Petzold










Place the Responsibility on Colombian Congress

COLON Colombia July 17 Tho textof President Marroquins message sub-

mitted to the Colombian congress hasreached here The part referring to thePanama Canal treaty says

There are two alternatives beforethe governmont First tho curtail-ment of Colombian sovereignty In con-

sideration of certain pecuniary advan-tages and second to maintain sover-eignty rigorously and demand peremp-torily the money indemnity to which weconsider ourselves entitled

In the first case the wishes of theInhabitants of tho Department of Panama will be satisfied but the government

afterward accused of failing todefend the soverolgnty of the countryand of sacrificing the Interests of thonation

In the second case if the canal isnot built via the Panama route the gov-

ernment will be accused of failing toobtain the wealth of which tho canalmay be regarded as the beginning andwhich may be the sole condition of ourfuture aggrandizement I have alreadymade known my wish that an Interoceanic canal should be opened throughour territory

Happily for me the immense responsibility of deciding the question restsupon Congress which must definitelyapprove or disapprove the treaty proposed by the United States Govern-ment



ASBURY PARK July dog withgjld teeth and the middle one in hismouth set with a diamond Is the cu-

riosity that Is now attracting attentionhere The canine belongs to Dr VanNostrand a New York dentist who ishere attending the State DentalSocietys convention


PITTSBURG July an effort toascertain the whereabouts of Charles M

Schwab president of the United StatesSteel Corporation a call was made atthe home of Dr M R Ward hisbrotherinlaw last night It was learned there that Mr Schwab Is in seclusionin Philadelphia to escape business careowing to illness that his health is asgood as It has been of late and that hehopes by complete rest to regain hishealth



Secretary Wilson Casting About forSome Effective Means

The Department of Agriculture hasnot found tho plan of having consulsdisinfect wool and hides shipped to thiscountry a success An effort has beenmade to have consuls attend to the disinfection of all such products fromcountries where the foot and mouth dieease exists especially from Argentina

The recent outbreak of the toot andmouth disease In New England cost theGovernment 260000 The disease existsIn parts of South America and Europefromiwhich wool and other products arereceived and Secretary Wilson is try-ing to devise some means of preventingthe Importation of the disease fromcountries where the governments havefailed to Btamo it out


The War Department has been advisedthat the Philippine Commission has in-

definitely deferred action upon theopium bill by placing it upon the tableThere has been much protest againstthe proposition embodied in the originalopium bill which contemplated estab-lishing a government monopoly in thetrade and using the revenue thus de-rived for educational purposes

The opponents of the bill have advo-cated the inauguration of the Japanesesystem of handling the drug which per-mits its sale only upon a physiciansrecommendation
































DENVER Col July 17 JackShields of Brooklyn N Ywho achievednotoriety by a runaway marriage againcame to notice Wednesday night whenhe and his wife had a quarrel while ona slumming tour Leaving a leadingestablishment Mrs Shields told herhusband she would have nothing moreto do with him and started down thestreet alone She was handsomelydressed with a lavish display of diamonds that was sure to attract atten-tion At Twentieth and Market Streetsa hobo sprang at the woman and seizedher diamond necklace valued at 3000 j

Mrs Shields screamed and her husbandran up with a revolvor shooting as heran The hobo fell at the first shot



SOLEDAD Venezuela July 17 Theattack on Cludad Bolivar by the Vene-zuelan government troops was deferredat the request of United States ConsulHenderson the German consul and thebishop who telegraphed President Castro an appeal to show mercy to all ifthe revolutionists surrender It Is knownthat the President answered

Yes for everyone except the traitorFerrara the author of so many tearsand the cause of making so many or-phans

President Castro ordered General Gomez not to open fire It he Is not at-tacked but to simply besiege the cityThe revolutionists having no provisions cannot resist more than ten days


MONTEVIDEO Uruguay via Galveston Texas July the affairsto be discussed in the next special ses-

sion of Congress is the award of 1250000 damages which Casimiro Castro ob-

tained here against a New York life Insurance company Mr Marshall the

for the New York companyand all of his witnesses were imprison-ed They were accused of perjuryThoy are here out of prison on ball



GRAND FORKS N D July 17Floyd GIlc Floyd Luros and Ray Sobyaged about ten years each were frightfully injured by an explosion of powderand it is feared that each of them willlose his eyesight The little folks insome way got hold of some shells fromwhich the shot had been extracted andopening thorn up poured the powder intoan old can While each of them hov-

ered ovor the top of the can the powdorwas touched off



Does Not Share Husbands Idea of theRaces Inferiority

PROVIDENCE R I July 17 MrsBooker T Washington made it plain inan address beforo the Coventry R IWomens Club yesterday that she Is firfrom accepting her husbands views onthe negros Inferiority Mrs Washington said

There is still much foundation worlfor us but some time somewherewe shall stand equal to any body ol wo-

men for we accept only the theory thatwo are inferior In opportunity andchance and not in capacity and ability



MINNEAPOLIS Minn July 17 TheMississippi River claimed a child vic-

tim when Bonny OBrien of 262S Thirtyeighth Avenue South aged eleven yearswas drowned

Young OBrien had been picking ber-ries in the afternoon and about 5

oclock wont to the river hank at Twentyfifth Avenue south where a largonumber of logs are chained He playeifor a short time on the shore and finallyventured on the logs One slipped andthe current caught him whirling himaway before aid could be summoned

LOGAN SAILS FOR HOMEThe War Department is advised that

the transport Logan sailed from Manilaon July 14 with the Twentysixth Infantry the Thir Squadron of Sixth Cav-alry 103 sick 3 insane 159 casuals and

8 discharged soldiers


























for Gnfants and ChiBdrenThe Kind You have Always Bought has borne tl o signa-

ture of Chas H Fletcher and has been made under hispersonal supervision for over 30 years Allow no onoto deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations anti

Justasjrood arc but Experiments and endanger thohealth of ClUldrcii Experience against Experiment

The Kin You Have Always BoughtBears the Signature of

In Use For Over 30 Years


cTun coy TT MUY TET HEW toK CITYWf41MH h v lM clifI 3






Victor Emmanuel and His ConsortSprang From Runaway

ROME July automobile acci-dent In which the King and Queen ofItaly figured rather seriously was madeknown yesterday-

In the grounds of the royal villa ofRacconigi the King was trying a nowelectric automobile and the Queen wasriding with him

Suddenly the automobile started for-ward at a hjgh speed and the brakescould not be made to work

The machine ran against a treeglanced off antI continued on its wildcareer

The King Jumped to theout any mishap but the Queen in at-tempting o do the same was hinderedby her skirts and in falling Injured herfootThe physicians reported that the InJury was without gravity but that Itshould bo carefully looked after for atleast a month

The King continues to be an enthus-iastic chauffeur and yesterday morningho started for Como in an automobile


CITY OF MEXICO Mexico via Galves-ton Texas July modern Don JuanTenorlo has been placed In prison atChihuahua where he will have time toponder over the peril of a hastily madewagor The young man made a bet thathi the month of July he would elopewith two girls On July 2 he enticed thefirst victim from her home on July 7he obtained the second und on July 10still another Tho wager was paid with-a bonus of 500 as a reward for thethird victim Tho police then stepped inand Incarcerated all persons concerned



ground wlth







SOMERSET Pa July McKinley brother of the late PresidentMcKinley is dangerously HI here at hissummer home It Is reported that he isnot far from deaths door Mr McKinIcys lllnes did not assume a seriousform until Wednesday Yesterday adangerous symptom developed when apain struck Mr McKinley In the back ofthe head making him helpless It Is

to be a paralytic stroke


CHICAGO III July 17 Rioting tookplace yesterday at the Kellogg switchboard plant during an attempt of thestrikers and their sympathizers to pre-vent tho moving of freight from thefactory to a railroad station Fifty po-licemen charged Into a crowd of threethousand persons One policeman wasstruck on the head by a brick and seri-ously injured and several more werehurt The crowd was routed by liberalclubbing



ST LOUIS July 17 Annie Maherthirty years old attempted to commitsuicide by walking Into the river at thefoot of Florida Street The woman livesat 1207 North Tenth Street and became despondent because of trouble withher husband


KANSAS CITY July 17 John HDenny aged twenty years and a resi-dent of Tuxedo St Louis county Mocommitted suicide by shooting himselfthrough the heart in front of 722 MainStreet The man fell unconscious to thesidewalk and died as he was beingtaken from the ambulance










Parker Bridget Co j Parker Bridget Co

IdealsFi-nd Their Realizationin ParkerBridget Clothing

In who sees1 these two

piece Suits1 I f1 II IS 1 VJU1Ol-

l Theres thatsomething

about them that makesmen recognize their supe-riority over anything ofthe kind theyve seen be

jjll viduality to them that aman pictures to himself as

1I requisites of good clothes

He finds it elsewhere someMil times he finds it herejn ALWAYS Theres one

thing this house can be5 depended on for at all

H and that is to showi absolutely the best on the


Two piece Suits 10 to 25Looks like there was going to be a bigger demand than

ever for flannel trousers Selling Ipfi of them They with aserge coat make the ideal vacation costume These trousersof ours are cut over the at the waistsand shapely Very reasonable at 4 5 and 6 The separate serge coats 1 to 8

Very Little to Pay for Boys WearTho campaign of clearance weve inaugurated in this de-

partment deals often in and those parents whohave the proper instincts of economy are buying not only forpresent needs but for fall needs as well

All the odds and ends in Boys Wool Suits have been as-sembled at halfprice


f 8 It




I i






trightfull hipssnug

halfp ce




1 We gain



Li I

kfj7 fore Theyve got all the

style character and mdi-A










+ +



400 Suits5500 SuitsS609 Suits




Boys wash suits in the dif-ferent materials Galnten cham-bray duck etc250 J and 550 fcfl

values v 0Boys separate pants of woo

fabrics that were 1 Jfand 125

Boys stocks that flOgwere JOe for



I 4



S7 00 SuitsSuits

S809 Suits

S35 I750 t


Boys white duck and Ppants slightly soiled Sizesy 10 and 11 in 50c Otf-

5c and 100 goods

Boys Negligee Shirts in sizes12 to 14 Worth 100 Coto go for O C

Boys washable ties to K rclose at




+ >


I Parket Bridgett


and The Avenuet

A I A a a a 0

Co0V4 Otitfitters

Ninth44 4 aa eee b C C C C C C C I C CC-




Fever and Pure WineNothing better than Speers Grape

from ever AskPort Wine as the ken a natural element the la one of the surest andmost Invigorating tonic to the weak and tiredsystem especially for weak lungs Get Speer


A Complete Stock of Lamps and Lanterns616 12th a A Muddlman it Co 1204 Q

Maltese kittens Schmid 712 lth st

Darbys Ice Cream PleasesEverybody V20 13th st Phone M 572

Shaffers Flowers Attract Attentiomtwo stores 14th and 1 1711 Pa are

The Leader of Dark BeersCap Brewing Ooa ItHeiwlwner

Phone 222 for ease Two dozen 123 delirered

Genuine 5 6 and 5j Sample ShoeThree hundred styles at iSi Keenes

BtM OC8 G Street


lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc

For the Little Folks lOc

RiverlOc The Paradise for the Children IQc

lOco Saturday July 18 iocThe noise they make is welcome

while they play in the shade lOcof the leafy trees

lOc to amuse the little folkson the Little River the Elec Juo

trie Launches the Carousel1UC and the Water Chute lOc

Music and Dancing all day andlOcStr Samuel J Pentz will hears

and 645 pmFamily Day rate of lOc to all on

lOc mornIng and afternoon trips lOcOn the evening trip regular fareiSc be Stops madelt Alexandria lOc

lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc lOc

Childrens Day Tomorrow at

CHESAPEAKE BEACHOnly saltwater resort near Washington Mam-

moth Boardwalk finest saltwater bathing fish-Ing selling crabbing dancing


Special train to leave District Line Station at4 pm and return at 8 pm in addition toreg ham aeheduJe to be found under R RTa of this paper

CtTLJrens Day rate of 25c round trip for oldand roune good on all trains It


STEAMER T V ARROVSMITHFrom River View Wharf foot th at emeryTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday andSunday at 845 am about 11 pmTICKETS GOOD DAY OF ISSUE

Adults 50 CentsChildren 25 Cents


For COLONIAL BEACH and COTTONS WHVRPfrom River View Wharf foot 7th st at 545

borne again 11 pm Sunday Tickets good30 days Colonial Beach 1 Colton 150

Marshall HallStr Charles Macalcster leaves at 10 sin

230 and 630 pm Indian Head trips everyThursday Friday and Saturday at 633 pmSundays 11 suni 230 and 639 pm




FOURTEEN EVENTS SCHEDULEDMotorPaced Motor and Cycle Races

Cash prizes and geld medals given at concluden of each vnt open District Champic iship and Police Pursuit races among thefeatures

Tickets on sale at all Bicycle Stores jj72tA-

idEFiiGAFJ LEAGUE PARK13th Street and FIciida Avenue X E

Washington vs ChicagoGame Called 430 P M

Tiis Grand German Volks Fest and

BarbecueWill be continued at LOEFFLERS LAWSBriRhtwood ave TONIGHT Outstanding ticketswill be honored The Bullock for tonight willbe specially prepared and will be a rare treat


For Benefit of St Anns ChurchDumblane Grounds Tealeytown D C FRI-DAY LAST NIGHT J o admission charges It

CABIN JOHN BRIDGEHALEYS BAND in selections from the popular

light and grand operasNew Features Fireworks Illuminations



Blackberry Wine 5Cc QuartBlackberry Cordials 60o and Quart

CHRIS XANDERS809 7th St Phone E88S



J 509 12th ST


HEALTH TO THOSE WHO SUFFER fromUheumattsm Bladder Trouble Piles

Xervouaoeas Lung Kraia Heart Blood andSkin Diseases ft sufftrin from any chronicsickness it would be well to call on Or Reedor treatment


Private Waiting Rooms for Ladles

OFFICE nouns 10 tc 1 3 to flSundays 10 to 12


DRrXPEUT SPEylALliT in all Dlsta Mct ma

or suture Nerrous UlocxJSkin stage cured for lit



Pert WinereoeT



Js Nat

non tat



View lOa



J Oc evening

10 her wharf foot of Seventh StreetC at 10 am 215 lOc










Dfrn r IE


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