FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL BUREAU WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 fax: +1 202 418 1208; TWX: 710 822 0160 e-mail: [email protected] August 21, 2019 IN REPLY REFER TO: 800C2/SEB19592 TO: Sixteenth Resolution 609 (Rev. WRC-07) Consultation Meeting RE: Calculation Results for Aggregate System EPFD On behalf of the United States of America, this contribution is submitted to provide and share the results of equivalent power flux density (epfd) calculations performed by the U.S. in preparation for the Sixteenth Resolution 609 Consultation Meeting (16th CM) to be held in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, 18-20 September 2019. The following relevant materials are presented in this document: Section 2 provides an executive summary. Section 3 includes the U.S. calculation of the maximum RNSS aggregate epfd, according to § 11 d) of the CM Terms of Reference (MOD Geneva, September 2011) (ToR). Section 4 compares the single-system epfd results, obtained using the U.S. Resolution 609 calculation tool, with other operator/administration results. Section 5 proposes additional topics for discussion at the next CM. Regards, se Albuquerque Chief, Satellite Division International Bureau, FCC

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fax: +1 202 418 1208; TWX: 710 822 0160e-mail: [email protected]

August 21, 2019



TO: Sixteenth Resolution 609 (Rev. WRC-07) Consultation Meeting

RE: Calculation Results for Aggregate System EPFD

On behalf of the United States of America, this contribution is submitted to provide and share theresults of equivalent power flux density (epfd) calculations performed by the U.S. in preparationfor the Sixteenth Resolution 609 Consultation Meeting (16th CM) to be held in Cyberjaya,Malaysia, 18-20 September 2019. The following relevant materials are presented in thisdocument:

• Section 2 provides an executive summary.• Section 3 includes the U.S. calculation of the maximum RNSS aggregate epfd, according

to § 11 d) of the CM Terms of Reference (MOD Geneva, September 2011) (ToR).• Section 4 compares the single-system epfd results, obtained using the U.S. Resolution

609 calculation tool, with other operator/administration results.• Section 5 proposes additional topics for discussion at the next CM.


se AlbuquerqueChief, Satellite DivisionInternational Bureau, FCC

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Calculation Results for Aggregate System EPFD for the SixteenthResolution 609 (Rev. WRC-07) Consultation Meeting

1 IntroductionThe purpose of this contribution is to provide results from equivalent power flux density (epfd)calculations performed by the U.S. in preparation for the Sixteenth Resolution 609 ConsultationMeeting (l6th CM) to be held in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, 18-20 September 2019. The followingrelevant materials are presented in this document:

• Section 2 provides an executive summary.• Section 3 includes the U.S. calculation of the maximum RNSS aggregate epfd, according

to § 11 d) of the CM Terms of Reference (MOD Geneva, September 2011) (ToR).• Section 4 compares the single-system epfd results, obtained using the U.S. Resolution

609 calculation tool, with other operator/administration results.• Section 5 proposes additional topics for discussion at the next CM.

2 Executive Summary

2.1 Maximum Aggregate EPFD ResultsThe maximum aggregate epfd results in this report use the most recent single-system epfd resultsprovided by contributing administrations. Based on this assumption, the maximum aggregateepfd value occurs at 1175 MHz and is -121.84 dB(W/(m2MHz)), 0.34 dB below the Resottttion609 limit of -121.5 dB(W/(nz2MHz)). The U.S. believes this value is the correct maximumaggregate epfd value to report out of the 16th CM. (See Section 3.1 for more details.)

These results include revised information from Japan and Malaysia. The U.S. notes that theFrench administration submitted its commitment letter on-time in accordance with § 12 of theResolution 609 CM ToR. However, France did not provide timely network information for FSAT-RN-5W and therefore this contribution is not included in the maximum aggregate epfdcalculation.

2.2 Updates to Single-System EPFD Results

Japan provided updated QZSS system information and the corresponding single-system epfdresults. The U.S. calculations are in close agreement with Japan’s results (see Section 4.1).However, small discrepancies do remain for the QZSS non-GSO system. The U.S. used the datasubmitted by Japan for the purpose of maximum aggregate epfd calculations.

Malaysia provided information on new RNSS network MEASAT-YC at 9 1.5° E and thecorresponding signal-system epfd results. The U.S. calculated MEASAT-1C epfd results, basedon the pfd values provided by Malaysia. These results are in close agreement with those providedby Malaysia (see Section 4.2).

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3 Maximum Aggregate EPFD Results

3.1 RNSS Systems Included in the Aggregate EPFD Calculation

The list of RNSS systems considered for the maximum aggregate epfd calculation is shown inTable 1. Those highlighted in gray were updated for this meeting’s calculation.

Table 1: RNSS Systems and Aggregate EPFD Calculation Sets

System # RNSS System Name Administration Input DataSource



3 GLONASS-M (FDMA) Russia 8th CM

4 GLONASS-M (CDMA) Russia 1 1th CM

5 (Note 1) COMPASS-Mb (Regional) China 1th CM

6 (Note 2) COMPASS MEO (Global) China 1 1th CM

7 (Note 1) COMPASS IGSO (Regional) China 1 1th CM

8 (Note 2) COMPASS IGSO (Global) China 1 1th CM

9 QZSS Japan 16th CM

10 QZ$S-GS-A1 (90.5E) Japan 16th CM

1 1 QZSS GS4 (127E) Japan 10th CM

12 LM-RPS-133W USA 8th CM

13 LM-RPS-l07.3W USA 8th CM

14 INMARSAT GSO-2N (64E) Great Britain 1 1th CM

15 INMARSAT-4 143.5E1-4A Great Britain gth CM143.5E

16 INMARSAT-4 98W/-4A 98W Great Britain 8th CM

17-23 COMPASS GSO (Regional) China 1 l CM(Note 1)24-28 COMPASS GSO (Global) China 1 1th CM(Note 2)29 INSAT-NAV(55) India y0th CM

30 INSAT-NAVR(83) India 10th CM

31 INSAT-NAVR(32.5) India 10th CM

32 INSAT-NAVR(83) India 10th CM

33 INSAT-NAV(131.5) India 10th CM


35 NIGCOMSAT-1R Nigeria 8th CM

36 LUX-G6-2-E Luxembourg 8th CM

37 LUX-G7-9-E2 Luxembourg 9th CM

38 ALCOMSAT-24.8W Algeria 1 1th CM


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40 LUX-G9-38

41 MEASAT-IC (91.5E)

Note 1: The space constellation of the COMPASS regional system includes at most 18 satellites: 7 IGSOs, 4 MEOsand 7 GSOs (COMPASS-58.75E/80E/l 1 0.5E/140E/1 60E/B-84E/B- 1 44.5E).Note 2: The space constellation of the COMPASS global system consists of 35 satellites: 3 IGSOs, 27 MEOs and 5GSOs ((COMPASS-58.75E180E/l 1 0.5E/l 40E11 60E).Note 3: France did not provide the required and necessary network information for F-SAT-RN-5W in time to beincluded in the maximum aggregate epfd calculation. Therefore, the U.S. results do not include the epfd contributionfrom F-SAT-RN-5W.

3.2 Maximum Aggregate EPFD Results using the U.S. ToolThe maximum aggregate epfd results using the U.S. tool are summarized in Table 2 and Figure1. The calculated maximum aggregate epfd is -121.84 dB(W/(m2MHz)), which occurs at 1176MHz. The remaining margin before exceeding the Resolution 609 limit of -121.5dB(W/(m2MHz)) is 0.34 dB.

Table 2: Maximum Aggregate EPFD Results

Max. aggregate Max. aggregate Max. aggregate Max. aggregateFrequency epfd Frequency epfd Frequency epfd Frequency epfd

(MHz) dB (WI(m2 . MHz)) (MHz) dB (W/(m2 . MHz)) (MHz) dB (WI(m2 MHz)) (MHz) dB (W/(m2 MHz))1164 -138.88 1177.00 -123.16 1190.00 -135.72 1203.00 -125.681165 -140.41 1178.00 -123.58 1191.00 -134.79 1204.00 -124.801166 -140.07 1179.00 -124.39 1192.00 -134.82 1205.00 -124.481167 -139.14 1180.00 -124.77 1193.00 -135.58 1206.00 -123.681168 -135.89 1181.00 -125.80 1194.00 -136.48 1207.00 -122.541169 -132.46 1182.00 l27.63 1195.00 -138.02 1208.00 -123.591170 -129.29 1183.00 -129.95 1196.00 -138.57 1209.00 -125.301171 -126.81 1184.00 -132.51 1197.00 -137.68 1210.00 -125.901172 -126.13 1185.00 -135.95 1198.00 -135.36 1211.00 -127.031173 -124.93 1186.00 -139.01 1199.00 -132.93 1212.00 -128.301174 -124.26 1187.00 -141.30 1200.00 -130.40 1213.00 -130.161175 -123.41 1188.00 -139.70 1201.00 -128.41 1214.00 -132.441176 -121.84 1189.00 -137.47 1202.00 -126.77 1215.00 -135.70

4 F SAT RN 5W(Note 3)

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-155 —

1160 1220Frequency (MHz)

Figure 1: Maximum aggregate epfd results. The maximum aggregate epfd value calculated usingthe U.S. tool (solid blue line) is -121.84 dB(W/(m2MHz)) and occurs at 1 176 MHz. The maximum is0.34 dB below the Resolution 609 limit (dashed black line) of -121.5 dB(W/(m2MHz)).

4 Updates to Single-System EPFD Calculations

4.1 OZSSJapan provided updated information on their QZSS system for the 16th CM. It consists of sevennon-GSOs in elliptical orbit and two GSOs located at 90.5° E (QZSS-GS-Al) and 127° E(QZS$-GS-4). Whereas QZ$S-GS-4 was previously included in the CM maximum aggregateepfd calculations, QZSS-GS-Al is new to this meeting and, therefore, included in the singlesystem epfd calculations. Japan also provided updates to the QZSS non-GSO system resulting inthe following updated QZSS non-GSO constellation parameters:

N (number of space stations of the non-GSO system) : 7

K (number of orbital planes) : 7

h (satellite altitude above the Earth at apogee) : 39,970 km

hp (satellite altitude above the Earth at perigee) : 31,602 km

I (inclination angle of the orbital plane above the Equator): 41 degrees

For satellite index 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7

I (inclination angle of the orbital plane above the Equator): 5 degrees


1170 1180 1190 1200 .1210

For satellite index 5 and 6

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Table 3: QZSS non-GSO Constellation Parameters

Satellite index RAAN Argument of latitude Argument ofI 0(degrees) ti,,0(degrees) perigee of the

non-GSO system


1 87.0 49.24 270 degrees2 247.0 224.752 270 degrees3 347.0 125.41 270 degrees

4 157.0 332.062 270 degrees

5 345.0 174.048 270 degrees

6 165.0 16.4849 270 degrees7 267.0 212.175 270 degrees

Is the system operational? (Yes or No) YesNote: These orbit parameters are based on the epoch time of 00:00 on 1 September 2025.

The single system epfd calculations for QZSS non-GSO and QZSS-GS-A1 are discussed inSections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, respectively.

4.1.1 QZSS non-GSO EPFD

The epfd results from Japan and the U.S. for the QZSS non-GSO system are shown in Figure 2and Figure 3, respectively. It should be noted that the U.S. tool required shifting the RAAN by19° East so that the equatorial crossings of the QZSS satellites are aligned with longitudinalcrossings. The maximum epfd values as a function of latitude using both tools are shown inFigure 4. The QZSS results obtained by Japan and the U.S. are fairly close but some minordiscrepancy does exist. For the purpose of the 16th CM, the data provided by Japan was used bythe U.S. for the maximum aggregate epfd calculations.

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-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150Longitude (degrees)

Figure 2: QZSS non-GSO system epfd data provided by Japan















40... t\

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150Longitude (degrees)

Figure 3: QZSS non-GSO system epfd data using U.S. tool. The U.S. tool required shifting thesatellite RAAN by 19 degree East.

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—1211. I I I I I I

Japan Tool-126 USA Tool


D -134U(3-



-140-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80

Latitude (deg)Figure 4: Comparison of Japanese and U.S. results for QZSS non-GSO system maximum epfd

4.1.2 QZSS-GS-A1 (90.5E)

For the 16th CM, Japan submitted information on QZSS-GS-A1 at 90.5° E (previously at 123°F). The epfd results for QZSS-GS-A1 from Japan and the U.S. tool are shown in figures 5 and6, respectively. The results are in very close agreement as shown in Figure 7.

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-139 ,w











-139 ,



















-50 0

Longitude (degrees)Figure 5. QZSS-GS-A1 (90.5° E) epfd data provided by Japan

Longitude (degrees)figure 6. QZSS-GS-A1 (90.5° E) epfd data calculated using the U.S. tool

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Japan Tool-134.5 -

‘ USA Tool

-135 -




-136.5 -




—138 — I I

-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80Latitude (deg)

Figure 7. Comparison of Japanese and U.S. results for QZSS-GS-A1 (90.5° E) epfd

4.2 Malaysia MEASAT

For the 16th CM, Malaysia submitted information for a new network, MEASAT-1C at 91.5° E.The epfd results for MEASAT-1C using Malaysian and U.S. tools are shown in Figures 8 and 9,respectively. The results are in very good agreement as shown in Figure 10.

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-50 0Longitude (degrees)

Figure 8. MESAT-1C (91.5° E) epfd data provided by Malaysia

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150Longitude (degrees)

Figure 9. MEASAT-1C (91.5° E) epfd data calculated using the U.S. tool

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IU- -1480ai



figure 10. Comparison of Malaysian and U.S. results for MEASAT-1C (91.5° E) epfd

5 Proposed Discussion Topics

5.1 Providing EPFD Data in Correct MS Excel format

The U.S. notes that the MS Excel spreadsheet submitted by Malaysia containing MEASAT-1Cpfd and epfd data was not in the correct format. The proper MS Excel format is defined inAttachment 2 of the Resolution 609 Record of Decisions. The U.S. encourages administrations toreview this attachment and provide future epfd data in the correct MS Excel format.

5.2 Providing EPFD Data in Timely FashionFrance submitted its commitment letter on-time in accordance with § 12 of the Resolution 609CM ToR. However, France did not provide the necessary network information to be included inthe maximum aggregate epfd calculation.

-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80Latitude (deg)