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Warrior Forum Content Writing Examples Graham Bowall November 2014 http://www.yourservicespot.com

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Warrior Forum Content Writing Examples

Graham Bowall

November 2014


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SEO Optimized Articles

Article 1

How To Make The Right Choices With Web Marketing Services

To succeed on the Internet with your business you will need to put a lot of effort into web marketing to

get results. It follows that you need to choose a company that is able to offer the best web marketing

services that can guarantee good results. Finding a good web marketing company will ensure that you

have the best chance of high return on investment from your internet marketing campaigns as they are

able to offer quality services in this competitive industry.

You Need To Promote Your Website

Most business owners do not understand what it takes to promote their web site properly on the

Internet so they turn to established consultants for web design and marketing. A web site developer

needs to give a lot of consideration to the look and feel of the new site, ease of navigation, the branding

of the company and other future requirements and ensure that content can be easily added. The

importance of high quality marketing services will be obvious for the more advanced functions as

opposed to the basic ones. The more advanced services would cover online marketing activities such as

traffic generation and customer acquirement such as search engine optimization, pay per click

advertising, social marketing and analysis and monitoring of the visitors.

One way of attracting more visitors to your site is to use search engine optimization services that will,

over time, display your pages on the first page of Google. Search engine advertising can be very

expensive and produce very little results for you if you have no experience so this is best left to an

experienced consultant to set up and manage your campaigns for you. The best consultants will achieve

a good return on investment for you and will become a long term partner helping you to fully establish

your online presence by examining all your campaigns and creating new ones. You can find many

companies that will provide a free analysis of your web site as a starting point for your web marketing


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Continuous Marketing Is Essential

Don't think that you can use web services once and all your business goals will be achieved as this is a

long term “business as usual” strategy. The success of this formula is proven by the fact that many

Fortune 5oo companies have created entire departments just for the development and marketing of

their sites. The most popular web marketing service is search engine optimization (SEO) as it is becoming

increasingly more difficult to maintain high rankings with the number of competitors entering the

market and the restrictions that Google has placed on SEO. The need for online marketing services will

be ongoing for companies that want to succeed in the future.

Choose The Best Company

When you invest in solutions for online marketing, the first planning stages are a very important part of

the development of your online business. A good plan will help you to minimize the risk of unfavorable

trends and financial loss. Many different essential tasks can be carried out by professionals, including

web design which is harder to correct if it's in the final stage. If you hire a consultant with experience in

managing successful campaigns then you are more likely to receive a higher return on your investment

using methods that work. Choose high quality web marketing services that achieve results for you by

clicking here. It is the best way forward for your business and will put your marketing into overdrive.

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Article 2

How To Use WordPress To Earn Money Online

Most Internet marketers that make money online have at least one website that they own and these

days most marketers are using a WordPress website as it has so many advantages over other forms of

web site. Before we answer the question “what is WordPress?” and why it is so good you need to

understand a few basics about creating your very own site.

Getting The Best Hosting

You want to go with the best WordPress hosting account that you can get. You also need to think about

whether you will buy more domain names in the future. Most Internet marketers do this. There are

many quality hosts offering great hosting deals for under $10 a month. Hostgator, and Blue Host are

good examples of this. It is possible to get cheap hosting for less than $3 a month but be very careful

with this. I have used this kind of hosting before and it was nothing but problems. You have been


Once you have your domain name and hosting you will want to create your web site. There are a

number of free and paid for web site builders out there which will create a web site for you using the

traditional HTML format. The problem is with these kinds of sites is that they are static and adding

content and special features to them can be difficult if you are not familiar with HTML coding. A much

better solution to this is a WordPress website. Learning WordPress is not difficult.

When you buy your WordPress hosting plan you will receive an email from the web hosting company

providing details of your username and password and how to access the cPanel for your account. This is

where all the magic happens. I will be providing a lot of useful resources in the membership area for you

to use in the next couple of weeks on how to register a domain and set up your site in your hosting

account. There are a lot of reasonable tutorials on YouTube already about this. Once you get access to

your hosting look for either a Softaculous icon (or Fantastico) in the Software/Services section of cPanel

and click this. Inside there are simple to follow instructions for installing WordPress on your domain.

WordPress Has Many Advantages

The advantages of using WordPress are numerous. One of the most useful things is that you can use the

search engines to find free WordPress templates. There are premium WordPress templates available as

well and one of the best ones to use is Optimize Press. You certainly do not need this to get started.

WordPress is also excellent for SEO and tends to rank faster than standard HTML sites because they

have a great linking structure and they are very dynamic.

The next good reason for using WordPress is that the adding of your content is so easy. You can create

new posts and pages with ease and inserting video and images is also simple. WordPress websites have

a built in RSS feed which means that when you add new content, RSS directories and feed services will

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be notified and this makes indexing your new pages in Google and the other search engines very quick.

It has been known for a new page or post to be indexed in Google in less than an hour!

Plugins Can Enhance Your Site

When it comes to more difficult things like inserting an opt in form or adding a membership facility to

your site then there are many plugins that are available to make your life easy. A WordPress plugin

basically enhances the capabilities of the site. The majority of these are free but there are some

premium WordPress plugins available. They perform all sorts of tasks such as optimizing your posts and

pages for SEO to providing buttons on your pages for sharing with Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

Learn More About WordPress

Now that you know that WordPress is the best platform for your website, it is time to get on the fast

track to a great income and check out our WordPress training video series here.

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Article 3

Why Would You Want To Play Flight Simulator Games?

There is certainly no doubt that flight simulator games are some of the most enjoyable and realistic games in our world today. Due to strong competition in the market, you can now find a tremendous amount of these games of various brands and of the highest quality. There are free flight simulator games and flight simulator games online as well as those that are installed on your computer.

High Quality Graphics

One of the main features of modern flight simulation games is that they are so convincing with extremely high quality, detailed graphics. The attention of the delicate details makes you feel as though you are really flying a plane!

The high quality graphics is also applicable to the surroundings. This ranges from the eye-catching scenery to the very surreal parts of the interior and exterior of the aircrafts. In addition, many beautiful looking airports with some that are exactly like those in our real world can be found in the best flight simulator game.

Another major point that these games are enjoyable is that you are more likely than not able to pilot the aircraft that you always wanted. This means you can choose from the aircraft that was build in the early 1970’s to those super sophisticated jets that have come out in recent years.

Extremely Lifelike

Some of these games are even used to train beginner pilots in school to learn the basics of flying a place. This is because the experience of handling the aircraft in take offs and landings is so life-like. You will indeed able to seriously test your skill to proper maneuver the plane at the correct angle and speed so that you can land your plane safely.

Another cool thing about these games is that you have the chance to test your skills as a pilot in different weather conditions. During the flight simulation, the plane will actually react to the various different weather conditions and complicated terrains. Therefore, you, as the player should adjust the aircraft’s speed, turbulence and altitude to respond to the changes in the environment.

Continuous Learning

Thanks to the advance technology today, these flight simulation games also allow you to learn to use flight charts and maps effectively. Some of these games even enable you to link to Google maps and hence you have the opportunity to fly to all the places you want in the world. The maps and charts definitely provide a whole new dimension to game play and seriously enhance your gaming experience.

You will be able to learn quickly what the various controls functions and comprehend detailed navigation systems as well as do some route planning. The many of the meters and buttons in the control panel are designed with extreme life like precision to provide you the full experience of a real pilot.

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In conclusion, these games create an amazing opportunity to feel the actual sensation of flying a plane, while you are really just relaxing and resting in the comfort of your house! Flight simulators games are definitely the games you should play. Get your copy of the best game here today so that you can experience the joy and excitement that is beyond anything you can imagine!

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Blog Posts

Blog Post 1

Follow These Ten Tips On Budgeting And Take Control Of Your Money

Don't know where your money is going? Always too much month left at the end of the money? These are all too common problems that millions of people face. So what can you do about it? You have to know how to budget money and these ten tips on budgeting your money will show you exactly how to do that.

The best way to fix your financial problems is to know exactly where you are with money. These ten budgeting tips will show you how to budget and take control:

What are the benefits of budgeting?

The most important reason to create and monitor a budget is to put you in control. This will also help to reduce all the stresses you have about your money and where it goes. It will also help you control and reduce your debts if you have them, plan for the future and save money.

Planning Your Budget

You need to be a budget planner and not just think about your current income and outgoings. You need to consider your future and include savings plans or other interest generating activities that will provide for you in the long run. Budget planning is a very good discipline.

Starting Your Budget

Create your budget to record monthly income and expenditure and set it up so that you can plan for the months ahead. Knowing exactly how much income you receive on a monthly basis is usually a lot easier to record than all of the expenditure you incur during the month. Before you create your budget lay your hands on your check account records for the last year as well as your credit card statements. You need to do this so that you don't miss irregular payments (quarterly or annually).

Creating Your Budget

Use column one of your spreadsheet to list your income at the top and then underneath all of your regular payments. As well as the most obvious payments such as mortgage, utility bills, debt repayments and so on list all of the cash payments that you make on a regular basis such as travel to and from work, coffee and lunches, eating out and cell phone top ups.

Making It All Add Up

When you believe you have included everything then it is time to tally it all up and see if you have a positive cash result at the end or a negative one. A lot of you will end up with a negative balance which

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means you are spending more than you earn. If you find yourself in this position don't panic. The truth will set you free.

Money Saving Tips

Carefully look at all areas of your spending. Are there things you can cut out or cut down on? Of course there are. Eating out, buying newspapers, coffee every day, extravagant purchases, cell phone bill (use your land line it's cheaper), taxis where you could have got the bus or subway, using the car too much for short journeys when you could have walked or used cheaper means to get there, the hundreds of cable or satellite channels that you subscribe to and never watch – the list is endless. Set yourself a target to drive out all unnecessary costs – not 30% but 100%. Even if you get close to this target you will be amazed at how much you will save over time.

Keep It Up To Date

There is no point in creating a budget for one time use. You need to update it regularly with things you have forgotten, unplanned payments, increases in income and so on. It is also useful for future spending. Try this technique – work out what your weekly expenditure needs to be in terms of shopping, traveling and cash spending and then draw out exactly that amount of cash at the beginning of the week and use it. You will probably find that you will cut out even more unnecessary items as it will really hurt to part with the cash.

Use Your Budget To Plan For Your Future

Another benefit of having a budget is planning for your future. You can plan expenditure for savings, retirement plans, future vacations, next car purchase, next home purchase, putting your kids through college and a second honeymoon. Whatever your dreams for the future are you can make them happen with a well constructed budget.

Increase Your Income

Don't only focus on cutting back on expenditure, but consider how to increase your income. There are many ways that you can do this – work overtime, get a second part time job, have a yard sale, sell all the things you no longer want or need on ebay or start a home business. If you focus your attention on improving your income then you will become so busy that you won't have time to go to the shops and waste your money on things you don't really need.

Start Right Now

You will experience an enormous sense of relief and satisfaction once you have created your budget and finally have control over your money. Don't be like the majority of people who have no control and no idea where their money is going. Even if your balance is negative you now have the power to change the situation. These tips on budgeting will help you if you use them – so use them now!

Our comprehensive e-book “Back In Control” will reveal even more ways for you to control your spending including how to condition your mind to only spend money on what you need and the best

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way to control your finances and still live your life to the full. Find out more about this incredible book can change your life for the better by clicking here.

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Blog post 2

What Happens During A Recession?

What happens during an economic recession? Is it all doom and gloom? Certainly not! To find out what the rest of the world do during a recession and how you can come out of it smelling of roses and treat it as an opportunity then check out these tips on being a winner during a recession.


People tend to save money during a recession due to a fall in confidence. They have a fear about becoming unemployed as they believe that do not hold recession proof jobs (whether there is an actual threat of this or not) and as a result tend to cut back on spending and resist borrowing completely. This in turn makes the recession worse as the majority are following suit. People think this is the right thing to do but it just compounds the problem.

Do people stop spending all together? No they just spend their money more wisely. If you want people to buy something from you then you have to convince them that it is an excellent decision on their part. Fortunately this is not that difficult to do.

During times of recession there is a significant jump in the number of people who are looking for ways to increase their income with a part time job or through a recession proof business. If you could help them do that you would do very well indeed. For an excellent program to make money on line from home go here.


There is always fallout in the job market during a recession. Many thousands and worse are laid off and join the never ending queue for work. Job cuts are in the news everyday and most people live in fear of their job if they still have one. Some employers also use this as a stick to beat employees with telling them that they will have to work longer hours for no extra pay because they are “lucky to have a job”. Sound familiar?

When one door closes another always opens. Businesses still need people to function and the popularity of telecommuting jobs and virtual assistant positions will rise during a recession. I know people who freelance in this area that are inundated with work at the moment and are making a fortune. All you need is a computer and access to the Internet and a bit of “knowhow” and your off and running. You can learn more about this here. This is a win/win as the companies don't have to employ you and are therefore not tied to redundancy agreements and all the other headaches associated with employment and you win because you can charge a pretty high fee for your services.

What if you are still insistent on becoming employed again? Well here you have to be different from everyone else. By being a little smarter and going just a little further than the rest you will increase your chances many fold. It all starts with your resume. You have to submit something that really stands out and has a stunning impact. Find out how to do this really well here. Then after you have been interviewed contact the interviewer the next day and thank them for taking the time to see you. Follow this up with a letter of thanks. How many people do you think will do this? Less then 1%. What kind of

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impact will this have? Significant. Of course when you are calling don't make it sound like you are trying to lick their ass, just be professional.

Government Intervention

Inflation during a recession usually falls and governments take steps to prevent interest rates rising in an effort to stop people saving and get them spending. This works to a degree but not in all markets as confidence is still low. One market that inevitably suffers is property. House prices normally tumble during a recession and people are nervous of buying because they don't know when the prices will stop falling. Foreclosures are at an all time high and the whole property market seems untouchable. But is it?

People have got to live somewhere. If they can't buy or won't buy then they will rent. Can you help people find accommodation that meets their needs? Sure you can. I know a guy who has set up in his local area matching those that want to rent to landlords offering suitable accommodation. He drums up the business at both ends by advertising his service to those that want to rent out their homes or part of their home to earn extra income and he advertises to those who want to rent. All this is done through local newspapers, the Internet and other local media. He takes a monthly cut of the rent from the landlord and everyone is happy. His phone never stops ringing. Why can't you do this?

What also happens during a recession is that governments increase their spending by pouring funds into local government for road building or repairing and other job creation schemes. If this interests you then make some contacts at your local government headquarters (City Hall, Town Hall etc) using any means possible so that you can be one of the first in line when something comes up. If you know that funds are going to be made to a neighboring town or city then either move their or be prepared to commute.

Finally on the subject of government intervention, by lowering interest rates countries run the risk of devaluing their currency. It is well known how the mighty U.S. Dollar and British Pound have taken a tumble over the last year or so. Is there an opportunity here? You bet there is. It can be risky but fortunes are being made on the Forex (Foreign Exchange) market by everyday investors like you and me (yep I am really into it). You can make gains from currencies going up and down in value if you know what your doing. There are a number of Forex robots that can make you money on autopilot and the best one without a doubt is this one. I use it and it makes me money time after time.

What Do Most People Do?

They worry about it! What does this do? Well nothing positive that's for sure. In fact it has the opposite effect and can really stress you out and make you ill. People can't seem to get enough of news broadcasts on TV and via other media about how bad things are and they are not satisfied if they haven't had their daily dose of it. It is one of the hottest topics of conversation around the office and other workplaces and in social gatherings.

So what can you do? Well stop watching the news and reading about it in the newspapers for a start. Also avoid getting involved in conversations about it unless this is to your benefit. How can it be to your benefit? Well you could introduce people to ways that they can increase their income for example. The best way to act during a recession is be supremely confident that you will prosper from it. When you need to buy things spend time finding bargains using Google. A friend of mine runs a great site that offers advice on saving cash in all areas of your life and she offers a great little e-book for only $7

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showing you over a hundred ways that you can save money. It is a great read and you can find out more here.

It takes strength and courage to prosper in a recession but a lot of people are doing it. I made more money in recessionary years than I have ever made before because I had a plan to exploit the situation. If you are in business or thinking of starting a business get this fantastic free report about prospering in a recession here.

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Blog Post 3

10 Reasons Why You Need To Upgrade To VPS Hosting

If you own a website then you may have considered the question “should I upgrade from shared hosting

to VPS hosting?” If you are receiving a lot of visitors and have many customers then it makes a lot of

sense to upgrade. If you are not sure whether it is a good move then here are 10 reasons that can help

you decide:

1. If Your Website Is Growing Then VPS Hosting Is A Must

Your role as a website owner, or webmaster, is to ensure that your site is available at all times. It is

impossible to predict if you will receive a large volume of visitors (traffic) so you do not want to take the

chance of exceeding the set resources that are available to you with shared hosting. This could cause

your website to appear slow to visitors or in the worst case be totally unavailable.

2. Be In Control With Dedicated Resources

With a VPS account you are allotted dedicated resources and these are not limited as they are with a

shared account. This means dedicated hardware and bandwidth which are yours to use for the needs of

your business.

3. Google Ranking Factors

There is no point having a website if it cannot be found in the major search engines such as Google. If

your website is slow then Google and the other search engines will penalize you for this and move you

down the rankings. Slow page loading can be a real problem with shared hosting and it can be someone

else’s fault! If another user is exceeding the resources of a shared server then this can slow your site


4. Other Shared Users Will Not Affect Your Website

As explained above, it is very possible that other shared users on your server can compromise the

performance of your website if they consume too many resources. Also there is the threat of being

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blacklisted. If another shared user receives a penalty for misuse of email for example, the IP address of

the server goes onto a blacklist. This means that your site will be on this blacklist too! There is no danger

of this with VPS hosting. Hardware resources are divided and you can opt to be assigned your own

individual IP address.

5. Improved Security

When you have a VPS server you will be able to install custom firewalls that have very strict rules and

provide much greater security for your site than a shared account could do. If you are running databases

with sensitive data then VPS hosting provides total security for this.

6. Your Site Will Be Able To Handle A Large Volume Of Traffic

With shared hosting accounts there will be a limit to the amount of traffic that your site will be able to

process each month. A VPS hosted site will be able to handle significantly increased volumes of traffic so

if you are planning large advertising campaigns or improving your search engine rankings then now is

the time to upgrade to VPS hosting.

7. Improved Uptime

VPS hosting is a professional hosting solution and as a result of this the uptime (availability of your

website online) better than standard shared hosting. Here at XXXX we know that when you upgrade to a

VPS account that you expect serious performance and we will provide it to you.

8. You Will Have Root Access With VPS Hosting

With a VPS account you can virtually do whatever you want with your server. You can load scripts and

other software that will enhance the usefulness of your website. If you have a shared hosting account

then you will only be provided with cPanel and FTP access. If you want to load scripts then we will have

to look at them carefully to ensure that they will not compromise other users and we do have to reject

some of these requests. There are no such restrictions with VPS hosting.

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If you want to install different applications or even change the operating system of your VPS server then

you can. There are many reasons why you might want to do this. With shared hosting you will not be

able to change anything.

9. No Maintenance Requirements

The physical server will be maintained by our experts at XXXX. Your only responsibility is to take care of

your virtual server. You can forget about maintenance requirements altogether if you opt for our

managed services package.

10. It Is Not Expensive

The cost of upgrading from shared hosting to VPS hosting is a lot less than you think. At XXXX we have

lowered our prices, but not the quality of our VPS packages so that everyone can enjoy the power and

control that a VPS account provides. You will have plans to grow your business to make sure that your

website can grow with you by hosting it on a VPS server.

Make the decision to upgrade to a VPS hosting account today. Visit http://yoursite.com for more

information or contact us on [email protected]

848 Words

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Product Reviews

Review 1

The Tao Of Badass Review


The Tao Of Badass was written by Josh Pellicer. Pellicer was brought up on a trailer park and claims that

when he was younger he was hopeless at attracting women and it was after a bad relationship ended

that he decided to study all that there was to know about attracting the opposite sex. Since then he has

become one of the most experienced dating experts in the world and everyone seems to want his

advice. He has been interviewed by the New York Times, Associated Press and he has appeared on the

Today show. He has his own radio show where he provides useful dating tips and advice.

What Is It?

It is a system of psychological techniques that make ordinary men very attractive to women. You will

learn the correct way to talk to a girl one on one to maximize your chances. You will learn techniques to

keep women’s attention and be able to spot any signs of boredom and what to do about this. There is

also an extensive section on body language which is crucial if you are going to succeed.


The Tao Of Badass features a large number of dating tips that are proven to work. No situation is left

uncovered and you will learn what to do (and say) in every situation. If you have you to compete with

other guys for a woman’s attention then there is even an effective strategy for that. There are a lot of

techniques that will help build up your confidence with women over time and even some that will make

you seem confident even if you are not.

There is a lot of emphasis on body language which includes your own and the do’s and don’ts of posture

and then there is how to understand the body language of the woman that you are trying to attract and

what to do if this goes wrong. This does not mean that you have to watch every move that she makes as

she would probably find this “creepy”. By monitoring minor body language signals you can adjust your

behavior to make sure that she will still be attracted to you.

The program will teach you how to seduce any woman that you want with easy to understand

techniques that have a proven success rate.

What You Get

The manual is presented in PDF format which is instantly downloadable and can be read on any

computer and most modern smart phones and tablet devices. You will need Adobe reader for this. The

manual consists of 150 pages of successful dating techniques for every situation and is designed to take

you through step by step from the initial approach to the hot date!

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There are four bonus books that you will receive with your purchase of The Tao Of Badass.

“Monogamy versus Pologamory” is about how to date several women at once without having to resort

to lying and cheating and provides tips on how to eliminate jealousy.

In “Never Be Cheated On” you will learn how to appear to be the only available man in the world so

that all women will want you. Being cheated on by a woman can be devastating and this guide teaches

you how to avoid this.

The third book is called “Escaping The Friend Zone” and teaches you how to stop being just a friend to a

woman and move this up to the dating level.

In the last bonus book “Guide To Breaking Up” you will learn how to end relationships without hurting

the women involved too much. This is a step by step guide to the most painless way of ending a


A Realistic View Of The Program


The program has many techniques that claim to make you a “chick magnet” but reading the book once

will not turn you into Casanova overnight. Most of the techniques require quite a bit of practice and this

means that you will have to work at it if you really want to be successful. You might even fail in the

beginning and some people might be put off by this. This is true of virtually all dating tips programs.


There are many books and programs about dating and how to get the girl out there but none are as

comprehensive and cover more situations than the Tao Of Badass. Yes it will take some practice to get

the techniques to work perfectly but there are hundreds and hundreds of positive reviews from

customers that have all achieved outstanding results with the program.


If you are in the situation where you have not had much success with women and lack the real

confidence to approach hot women that you would like to date then the Tao Of Badass is an ideal

program for you.

The program will help you develop deeper bonds with women, understand them better and know what

to do and say in the majority of dating situations.

A very comprehensive and effective program.

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Review 2

Facts About Regal Assets Not Found In Other Reviews


Most Regal Assets reviews will not tell you the real truth about the company. Here you will learn what

they really stand for and how they run their business.

Customer Service Is Their Top Priority

This review about Regal Assets will provide you with information about the company that you will not

discover in any other Regal Assets review. Customer service is the highest priority for the company. As a

result of this they have been awarded with an AAA rating with the Business Consumer Alliance and an

A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (see more below).

Visit the Regal Assets official site

Very Fast Shipping

Regal Assets provide precious metals for normal purchases and to fund retirement accounts and they

operate one of the fastest shipping services in the industry. The policy of the company is to ship all

precious metal orders to their customers within 7 business days once the funds have been received. And

they achieve this for the majority of the orders they receive. Their competitors will take an average of

thirty days to deliver and for retirement accounts this can be as long as ninety days. If they do not meet

the 7 day target, which is rare, the customer will receive a 1oz. American Eagle coin as compensation for


All Orders Are Fully Accounted For And Traceable

Regal Assets have a fully electronic order processing system which means all orders are tracked. All

clients are provided with a tracking number at shipping time so that progress with their order can be

fully traced. All orders are discreetly sent and are fully insured. The company takes full responsibility for

all of the orders until they are in the customers’ hands or safely in storage. Having a completely

electronic system means that Regal Assets can eliminate a lot of the problems that their competition

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face. An example of this is that they can open a brand new self directed Ira account very quickly

(normally within 24 hours of receiving an application) where it will take the competition anywhere from

five to seven working days to do this.

Very Fast Transfers

If you need funds transferring from a custodian then Regal Assets will normally turn this around within

48 business hours and they rarely fail in this endeavor. Other companies in the industry can take up to

thirty business days to achieve this and in the worst case up to ninety business days.

IRA Account Benefits

When it comes to IRA retirement accounts, Regal Assets will not charge the fees for the first year and

this covers storage fees, administration fees, cost of delivering the precious metals and any setup fees.

Clients of Regal Assets will save around $700 with this where the majority of the competitors will charge

for the first year.

After a client position is funded and the precious metal prices are locked, the metals will be shipped to

Brinks secure storage within 7 business days by Regal Assets. None of the competitors can match this.

Other companies will take in excess of thirty days to make the shipment or in the worst cases up to

ninety days.

They Really Take Care Of You

You will be provided with the best customer care once you deal with Regal Assets. With other

companies they will take your gold order but you are really on your own. With Regal Assets it is a totally

different experience. From the first contact with them they will discuss your requirements fully with you

and are keen to advise you on the best decisions to make to ensure that your future is secured. It

doesn’t matter if this is your first time dealing in gold or other precious metals they will be very willing

to help.

Visit the Regal Assets official site

A Reputation That Is Second To None

Full research into the major gold IRA companies has concluded that Regal Assets have the most

impeccable reputation in the market. Whether you are looking to purchase precious metals or open a

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silver or gold IRA account the same applies. The companies’ reputation is almost perfect and they are

very proud to announce that they hold prestigious ratings from the following major agencies:

Better Business Bureau (BBB) – A+

Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) – AAA

Trust Link – 5/5

Yelp – 5/5

This Regal Assets review has taken a long time to research and one of the aims was to try and find a few

negative things to say about the company but there really is not anything of any significance to report.

The perfect company does not exist but nobody tries harder than Regal Assets. Making an investment in

gold or other precious metals can be Investing in gold can be intimidating especially as you are trusting

your gold IRA custodian with a lot of your money and you expect them to provide the finest service.

You will probably not just want to take our word about Regal Assets so here are a few of their very latest

customer testimonials:

7/7/14 - Collin Plume Rocks Thank you Collin, Leah and Jannette for making my IRA transfer as easy

and expedient as possible. Y'all really made it painless for me. Phyllis

- Phyllis B.

7/5/14 - Precious Metal IRA We recently switched our traditional IRA to a Precious metal IRA.

Christian Howard was great! He answered all my questions and made the transfer super easy and

quick! Thank you!

- Aliona S.

7/4/14 - 401k to precious metals IRA Recently I decided to rollover two 401k's into a gold IRA so I sent

for the kit that was offered by Regal Assets. Collin Plume contacted me and after addressing some

concerns I had, immediately started the the ball rolling on the rollover process. Collin was both

personable and professional. His staff members Leah Kendrick and Jannette Compton stayed with me

all the way answering any questions that i had and walking me through each step until the end.I

highly recommend Regal Assets to anyone considering investing in precious metals they make it easy.

- Warren G.

7/3/14 - Top Notch - Collin Plume at Regal Assets After reviewing the excellent qualities of Regal

Assets, Collin Plume was assigned to assist my husband and I. He was personable, gave information

about why he chose to work at Regal Assets, gave his recommendations with explanations when

asked, knew his facts, and at every step of the process Collin and the Regal Assets staff were quick to

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respond to questions or documents we needed to complete. He went the extra mile to be sure our

product arrived at the time most convenient for us. It was an excellent experience..

- Carolyn S.

You can see some of the hundreds of testimonials that they have received here:

Link to testimonials page

Why You Should Trust Your Gold And Precious Metals Investments With Regal Assets

To conclude this in depth Regal Assets review here are the main reasons why you should go with Regal

Assets for your precious metals IRA investing and gold investing and why they provide the best IRA


Delivering the highest customer service is their top priority and they have built their business

around this

When it comes to precious metals investment, especially gold, they are experts in the field.

They have an impeccable reputation in the market

They will always spend time with clients to discuss their requirements and ensure that you

receive the best possible investing package.

Trends with precious metals are constantly monitored so that they can offer you the very best

and most profitable advice

With IRA rollovers it is possible that you may be liable to some tax penalties and Regal Assets

will offer sound advice so that this can be avoided.

Make the right decision today and click here to go to the Regal Assets official site and let them help you

with all aspects of your precious metals investments. You will never regret it.

1343 Words

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Web Page Content

Web Page 1

Welcome To IT And Computer Support

There are many IT support companies in the northwest of England that will make all kinds of claims

about how they can fully support your business and will never let you down. These claims are often

tested to the limit when resources are stretched and it often means that they cannot deliver.

At XXXX the situation is different. We grow when you do so we always have the resource capability to

meet your IT services requirements. We have many clients that have been with us for years and this

further underlines our commitment to provide the best IT support services in Stockport, Manchester

and the surrounding areas.

Call XXXX today on XXXX XXX XXXX

When looking for an IT support company, most businesses will have a number of questions in mind and

will want these answered satisfactorily before they make a commitment to hire. This is understandable

and at XXXX we know that we can answer all of your questions – in fact we will pass with flying colours!

We certainly know what we are doing and our engineers are trained to the highest standards. We will

not just install and repair computers for you but actually take the time to discuss your IT requirements

today and in the future and offer creative solutions as well.

We are always researching the market and are well acquainted with all of the latest technological

developments in the IT industry. This is no mean task as the industry changes every day. You will also

find that we are very competitive when it comes to pricing. We would never advise you to make price

your only consideration when choosing an IT support provider but we know that it is an important factor

and we do all that we can to keep our pricing down to a minimum.

Call XXXX today on XXXX XXX XXXX

Because every business situation is different you will not find that we operate a standard price list when

it comes to providing IT services. This does not mean that we do not provide value for money. We will sit

down with you to discuss all of your IT requirements and then we will produce a very competitive

proposal which we know that you will appreciate. Once you have tried our services you will want to use

us for all of your IT services. The majority of our other clients use us for all of their IT work. This is

because they trust us and know that we always have their best interests at heart.

We do not expect you just to take our word that we can provide the highest quality IT services at the

lowest possible price. We have many satisfied clients who would be delighted to supply a reference for

us. At XXXX we believe that actions speak louder than words and we stand behind all the work that we

perform for our customers. It makes sense for you to contact us at XXXX for all of your IT support

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requirements if your business is based in the north west of England. We are a very friendly company and

will be delighted to spend time with you and help you with your IT support needs.

Call XXXX today on XXXX XXX XXXX

549 Words

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Web Page 2

Welcome To Lawsuits Medical

Thank you for visiting our site. Our aim is to provide you with the best information and advice about a

medical lawsuit so that you can decide to enlist the support of a medical malpractice lawyer to help you

with your compensation claim. The content of this site will be added to on a regular basis so that you

can keep up to date with all of the most recent medical lawsuit cases and make an assessment as to how

these affect you or your loved ones.

Medical Malpractice Is The Third Leading Cause Of Death

The American Medical Journal (JAMA) states that medical malpractice or negligence is number three in

the causes of deaths in the United States. The top two are heart disease and cancer. There was over $3

billion in medical malpractice payouts in the year 2012 equating to a payout being made every 43


What Should You Do?

Medical malpractice is not just confined to what happens in a hospital. If drugs have been prescribed

and they later cause serious side effects that were not forewarned about by either the doctor or on the

label/packaging of the medication then you could be entitled to file a medical lawsuit. The first step you

need to take is to contact a medical malpractice attorney. An experienced attorney will review all the

details of your case. The attorney will need to secure all of the associated medical records and conduct

interviews with the patient, family members and friends in order to see if you have an actionable case.

Statutes Of Limitation

You need to be aware of statutes of limitation. These are deadlines for a medical lawsuit filing and they

are different in each state. There are also differences in the procedural requirements that must be

fulfilled before a case can be filed and these also differ for each state. This is another reason why you

need the help and advice of a qualified medical lawyer who will know exactly what has to be done in

order to file a case.

Drug Lawsuits

In the year 2008 $234 billion was spent on prescription medications. It is estimated that today almost

half of all Americans take at least one prescription drug regularly. A high number of people that take

these drugs are injured by the serious side effects of these medications. In many cases the side effects

from the drugs are more debilitating than the problem the drug was supposed to treat in the first place.

Injured parties have a remedy in the law if they are injured due to the manufacturer’s negligence.

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It may not be just the drug taker that is injured by the medication. There have been an alarming number

of cases where pregnant women have taken a certain drug and then given birth to a baby that has

severe defects.

The manufacturers of drugs have a legal responsibility to make sure that their products are safe to use.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a number of regulations that must be satisfied before a

drug can go to market. The reality is that there have been some flaws in the approval process and

manufacturer negligence has also exposed millions of users to risks that were not disclosed. There are

many examples of this on our website.

We Are Here To Help You

A lot of research and diligence has gone into creating this site for you. We believe that if you have been

a victim then you should be protected by the law and compensated for your injuries. If you cannot find

an answer to your question then please use this form to contact us here.

With each specific medical lawsuit examined on the different pages of the site, you can contact an

appropriate lawyer using the form provided on that specific page. That way you can be assured of a

competent experienced lawyer who will look into your case. There are other lawyers around, but few

will have the experience and know how that is needed to get the best results for you. Medical

malpractice is a specialist area of law and we advise you to use the forms to obtain the best help and

advice possible.

Good luck with your medical lawsuit.

714 Words

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Web Page 3

Hi my name is John Doe and I would like to welcome you to our Gold IRA website. I have been gathering

information about the workings and benefits of gold IRA’s for some time now and the purpose of this

site is to share that information with you and to answer any questions that you may have about gold

investing and other precious metal investments.

Including gold in your retirement plan is a smart thing to do and here I will take you step by step through

how it all works and why you should do it. I hope that this web site will be able to answer all of your

questions but if you should find that you have an unanswered question then just contact me here.

You have probably received advice from a lot of people telling you to invest in your retirement and this

is sound advice. Depending upon your age now, if you are relying on the State to look after you in your

retirement years then you may be very disappointed. There have been many rumors concerning this and

nobody would be surprised if there was next to nothing available to them from the government once

they had reached retirement age. Like all things in life, it is better to take care of your own future today

rather than leave this to somebody else.

If you speak with financial advisors they will tell you to spread the risk by investing in different financial

vehicles. The traditional IRA will be recommended and rightly so but are you aware that you can create

an IRA that includes real gold? Well you can and you can go here and do it now! You can also add gold to

your current IRA which will increase its value and should help with the overall stability of the IRA.

Why Gold?

To put it simply, gold offers you one of the best investments that you can make for your financial future.

The main reason for this is that gold is not subject to the same market fluctuations as other investments

would be. In 1971 the US government abandoned the “Gold Standard” and since then gold has totally

outperformed real estate, currencies and the stock market on a very consistent basis.

How Do I Buy Gold?

You will need a gold custodian in order to purchase gold. All transactions will be handled by the

custodian and when the time is right they will convert all paper certificates into real gold. You can

purchase gold through your custodian in two ways:

Gold Certificates

Here you will own a percentage of a gold company and the gold certificates are legal document which

confirm this. These can be converted into physical gold which is then sent to you to hold.

Physical Gold

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You have the option to purchase physical gold which will be stored in a repository operated by the

government. The gold is shipped to you once you reach the age of retirement.

It may seem that the purchase of gold is complicated but this is not the case. It is a simple transaction to

acquire gold for your IRA. It just requires you to include gold as part of your investment portfolio and

choose the right custodian to make the transactions for you.

The Best Way To Rollover Your IRA To Gold

Investing can be difficult for the novice and managing your IRA can seem a daunting task. It is a good

idea to diversify your investments and not rely solely on the stock market for returns. The stock market

is particularly volatile at the moment and is unlikely to change much in the coming years so rolling over

some or all of your IRA to god is a good idea. By using gold you will be protecting your retirement

investment from inflation and the volatile stock market.

Most people know that investing in god is a good idea but most have no idea about how to do this. This

web site is designed to help you with this. There are a growing number of companies that can help you

convert your IRA to gold but you need to know that not all of these companies are created equal. This

means that the service levels vary greatly and some companies could even be described as a risk.

How We Can Help?

We have extensively reviewed many different gold IRA companies so we can advise you on the best

company to choose for your gold IRA rollover. Also they will help you to understand the process by

which you will be able to make the best decisions to turn your IRA into a good investment plan that can

be liquidated easily and is very accessible. First you need to understand how the gold IRA rollover

process works.

What Is An IRA And How Can You Buy Gold With It?

IRA stands for “individual retirement account” which comes with a number of tax advantages. There are

different types of IRA’s which have an impact on when amounts can be withdrawn, yearly contribution

limits and many other factors. An IRA can be used in conjunction with a 401k.

You can purchase gold through your IRA if the custodian of the IRA can make these transactions for you.

Alternatively you can have a self directed IRA account where you can decide to invest some of your

money into the purchase of gold. It is essential that the gold purchased meets the purity and refinement

standards. Having a self directed IRA is the best way to purchase gold.

When you purchase gold through an IRA the gold is not shipped to you. The reason for this is that it

would be considered as a disbursement of the IRA and you would then be subject to penalties. After

purchasing the gold it is delivered to a depository which is chosen by the custodian of your gold IRA.

When your gold is in the depository you will be informed and this gold will never be removed from the

depository or used by anybody else other than you.

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Which Gold Should You Buy?

You need to go with a company that will take you through the process of buying gold. A lot of companies

will not help you in this way and are really only “order takers” who will set up the transaction for you.

Unless you are totally sure of how to invest in gold, these companies should be avoided. The companies

that will help you make the decision as to what coins to buy that will provide the best return on your

investment should only be considered.

Always remember that your IRA represents your future and you should take great care with it. You need

to select a company that is going to put your interests first. For the best Gold IRA Company click here.

1146 Words

Graham Bowall

[email protected]

Skype ID: gbowall