Warhammer 1.5 - Reglerne

Regelkompendium – Warhammer fantasy roleplay version 1.5 De følgende sider omfatter en ajourføring af reglerne om Skills, Talents, Equipment og Combat. Tanken har været at ajourføre reglerne med de videreudviklinger, der er blevet introduceret i Dark Heresy – og i et vist omfang Deathwatch og Rogue Trader. Hertil kommer, at jeg har forsøgt at samle nogle af de nye skills og talents, der er blevet introduceret i de mere obskure udgivelser. Ajourføringen på de kommende sider er rent modulær – det vil sige, at hver af tilføjelserne nedenfor kan bruges selvstændigt. Listen over nye våben og typer af ammunition kan således bruges uden at det er nødvendigt at bruge de nye talents, og så fremdeles. Tilføjelsen af de nye regler burde ikke ændre afgørende på spilbalancen. Hver af tilføjelserne giver nye muligheder, men burde ikke afgørende flytte balancen mellem klasserne – eller i mellem spillerne og omverdenen. I det omfang det har været muligt, er tilføjelserne kopieret 1:1 fra det oprindelige forlæg. Hvor det af forskellige årsager ikke har været muligt at kopiere direkte, er forlægget forsøgt anvendt med et minimum af bearbejdelse. Kritik, forslag, rettelser og opmuntrende bemærkninger modtages meget gerne. /Den gamle redacteur SKILLS De nedenstående skills er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle careers for 100 xp, som en valgfri mulighed. Hvor en given skill er reserveret for en gruppe af careers, er navnet på den pågældende skill efterfulgt af en kantet parentes med forbogstavet for den pågældende gruppe, enten [A] for academics, [Co] for commoners, [Cr] for criminals, [R] for rangers og [W] for warriors. Advanced careers er grupperet i henhold til carreer entries (men som oftest er det ret indlysende) New Basic Skills Contortionist [Cr, R] -Use to escape bonds: The Difficulty of the Test depends on the Intelligence of the person who secured you in the first place. If their Intelligence exceeds your Agility Characteristic the test is Hard (-20). Otherwise the Test is Challenging (+0) Other factors may worsen og diminish the Difficulty. - Escape Grapple (see expanded Grapple Rules) - Squeeze through tigth space (DM's discretion) Most Contortionist Tests take one minute with each degree of success reducing this time by 10 seconds. Scrutiny [Intelligence] [A, Co, Cr] When trying to percive a falsehood you make an Opposed Test pitting your Scrutiny against the targets Charm (Decieve). If you win the opposed test, you get a hunch that something is not right. New Advanced Skills Acrobatics [Agility] [Cr, R] -Reduces the Disengage Action to a half action. -Substitute an Acrobatics test for an Agility Test when jumping or Strength test when Leaping. An Acrobatics test is typically a Full Action Expanded use of skills See the WRFP Companion page 66


Homebrew Rules for warhammer 2.0. In Danish (sorry). Its a living document, so it will be updated later on after more playtesting

Transcript of Warhammer 1.5 - Reglerne

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Regelkompendium – Warhammer fantasy roleplay version 1.5

De følgende sider omfatter en ajourføring af reglerne om Skills, Talents, Equipment og Combat.

Tanken har været at ajourføre reglerne med de videreudviklinger, der er blevet introduceret i Dark Heresy – og i et vist omfang Deathwatch og Rogue Trader. Hertil kommer, at jeg har forsøgt at samle nogle af de nye skills og talents, der er blevet introduceret i de mere obskure udgivelser.

Ajourføringen på de kommende sider er rent modulær – det vil sige, at hver af tilføjelserne nedenfor kan bruges selvstændigt. Listen over nye våben og typer af ammunition kan således bruges uden at det er nødvendigt at bruge de nye talents, og så fremdeles.

Tilføjelsen af de nye regler burde ikke ændre afgørende på spilbalancen. Hver af tilføjelserne giver nye muligheder, men burde ikke afgørende flytte balancen mellem klasserne – eller i mellem spillerne og omverdenen.

I det omfang det har været muligt, er tilføjelserne kopieret 1:1 fra det oprindelige forlæg. Hvor det af forskellige årsager ikke har været muligt at kopiere direkte, er forlægget forsøgt anvendt med et minimum af bearbejdelse.

Kritik, forslag, rettelser og opmuntrende bemærkninger modtages meget gerne.

/Den gamle redacteur

SKILLSDe nedenstående skills er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle careers for 100 xp, som en valgfri mulighed. Hvor en given skill er reserveret for en gruppe af careers, er navnet på den pågældende skill efterfulgt af en kantet parentes med forbogstavet for den pågældende gruppe, enten [A] for academics, [Co] for commoners, [Cr] for criminals, [R] for rangers og [W] for warriors. Advanced careers er grupperet i henhold til carreer entries (men som oftest er det ret indlysende)

New Basic Skills

Contortionist [Cr, R]-Use to escape bonds: The Difficulty of the Test depends on the Intelligence of the person who secured you in the first place. If their Intelligence exceeds your Agility Characteristic the test is Hard (-20). Otherwise the Test is Challenging (+0) Other factors may worsen og diminish the Difficulty. - Escape Grapple (see expanded Grapple Rules)- Squeeze through tigth space (DM's discretion)Most Contortionist Tests take one minute with each degree of success reducing this time by 10 seconds.

Scrutiny [Intelligence] [A, Co, Cr]When trying to percive a falsehood you make an Opposed Test pitting your Scrutiny against the targets Charm (Decieve). If you win the opposed test, you get a hunch that something is not right.

New Advanced Skills

Acrobatics [Agility] [Cr, R]-Reduces the Disengage Action to a half action.-Substitute an Acrobatics test for an Agility Test when jumping or Strength test when Leaping. An Acrobatics test is typically a Full Action

Expanded use of skillsSee the WRFP Companion page 66

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TALENTSAlle de nedenstående talents er som udgangspunkt tilgængelige for alle careers for 100 xp, som en valgfri mulighed. Hvor en given talent er reserveret for en gruppe af careers, er navnet på den pågældende talent efterfulgt af en kantet parentes med forbogstavet for den pågældende gruppe, enten [A] for academics, [Co] for commoners, [Cr] for criminals, [R] for rangers og [W] for warriors. Advanced careers er grupperet i henhold til carreer entries (men som oftest er det ret indlysende)

Air of Authority [Fel 30]You exude a ntural auro of cammand instilling subservience in all around you.On a succesfull Command Test you may affect a number of targets equal to 1d10 plus your Fellowship Bonus. Furthermore, you may attempt to get non-servants to follow your command by making Command Tests with a -10 penalty.

Arms Master [BS or WS 30, W]Such is your skill with either sword or bow that you are able to pick up an unfamiliar weapon and use it as though you had trained with it for years. You can use either ranged weapons or melee weapons you do not have training in at -10 rather than -20. Can be learned twice for both ranged and melee weapons.

Art of silent Death [W]Prerequisite: WrestlingYou have mastered the deadly art of open-hand fighting as taught by the martial artists of Cathay. When making a succesful unarmed attack, you deal Damage equal to SB-3 and Armour Points does not count double.

Assassin Strike [Ag 40, Acrobatics]You are like a serene dancer when engaged in combat, leaping and spiraliling between dismembered corpses like som butcher ballerina. When you engage an opponent and make a melee attack, you make make an Acrobatics Test to move your Half Move rate as a Free Action. Your opponent may not take the customary free attack.

Battle Rage [Frenzy]Despite your Frenzied nature, you remain in control when engaging in melee. Attacks no longer have to be All out Attacks.You may thus Parry and Dodge while Frenzied.

Berserk Charge You hurl yourself at your enemies with reckless abandon, using the force of your charge to add force to your strikes. When you make a Charge Manoeuvre you gain a +20 bonus to Weapon Skill instead of the usual +10.

Blade Master [W, WS 30]Your mastery of sword and knife is unsurpassed and your blade always strikes true. When attacking with a sword or knife of any type, you may re-roll a missed attack once per Round.

Blind Fighting [Intelligence 30]Through years of practice and heightening of your senses, you no longer need to be able to see your opponents to be able to hit them. You take half the usual penalties when fighting in enviroments that obscure your vision, such as fog, smoke and darkness.

Catfall [Ag 30, Cr, R, Co]You are nimble and balanced like a cat, and you are able to fall much greater distances unharmed than others might. Whenever you fall, you may Test Agility as a Free Action. On a Succes – and for ecery degree of Success – reduce the distance fallen by a number of metres equal to your Agility Bonus for the purposes of determining the Damage dealt by the fall.

Combat Master [WS 30, W]Through a combination of reflex and perception you are able to keep many more opponents at bay in melee than a lesser skilled fighter might. Opponents fighting you in hand-to-hand combat gain no bonussess for outnumbering you.

Counter Attack [WS 40, Careers with access to Lightning Parry]You are skilled at switching froim defence to attack in a blink of an eye. When you successfully Parry an opponent's attack, you may immediately make an attack against that opponent using the weapon with which you Parried. This attacck takes a -20 penalyty to the Test.

Crack Shot [BS 40, R, W]You are able to target your shots at the places where they will inflict more harm. When your ranged attack deals Critical Damage, you deal an extra 2 points.

Crippling Strike [WS 50, Strike to Injure]You are able to land your blows in the spot where they will inflict the most harm. Whenever you deal Critical Damage to an opponent using a melee weapon, you may deal an additional 1d5-1 points.

Crushing Blow [Str 40, Strike Mighty Blow]Your melee strikes land with force enough to shatter bone. You add +2 to Damage you inflict in melee.

Deadeye Shot [BS 30]You allways hit your opponent right between the eyes … or wherever else you intent to hit him. When making a Called Shot, you only take a -10 penalty instead of the normal -20.

Die Hard [Willpower 40]It takes more than most to finish you off. When you suffer from Blood Loss, you may roll twice to avoid death.

Disturbing Voice You have a sinister and upsetting voice. You gain +10 bonus to Initmidate, Torture or Interrogation Tests when

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you use your voice. You take a -10 penalty to Fellowship when dealing with persons who are likely to be off put by your manner (small children, the elderly, nervous cows, etc.).

Double Team [W, Cr]You fight best shoulder to shoulder with a loyal ally. When ganging up on an opponent with an ally, you gain an additional +10 bonus to Weapon Skill Tests. If you both have this talent you both gain an additional +10 bonus, for a total of +20. This bonus is in addition to the bonus gained from outnumbering an opponent.

FlaggelantYou have dedicated your pain to Sigmar. Each day you must spend twenty minutes praying and inflicting 1 point of Damage on yourself. You may not treat this Damage or allow it to be healed. You gain +10 Willpower to resist mind control or Mutation Tests. Additionaly, if you have the Frenzy Talent, you may enter the frenzied state as a Free Action. Should you fail to flaggelate yourself on any given day you take a -5 penalty to all Tests due to shame and guilt.

Foresight [A, Int 30]You are adept at identifying the consequences of any action. If you take some tome to consider what you are doing, you can deduce the best action for success. You may spend ten minutes contemplating a problem to gain a +10 bonus to your next relevant Intelligence Test.

Good Reputation [Fel 50, Peer]Choose a group: Peasants, nobility, merchants, etc. You are well respected within your social group or organisation. You gain an additional +10 to Fellowship when dealing with this group. This bonus is cumulative with the Peer Talent, for a total of a +20 bonus.

Hard Target [Ag 40]The best way to stay alive is to keep moving. Whenever you Charge or Run, all opponents take a -20 penalty to Ballistic Skill when trying to hit you with a ranged weapon. This penalty lasts until the start of your next turn.

Hardy Healer [T 40]For the purpose of removing Damage, you are always considered to be Lightly wounded.

Hardiest HealerAs Hardy healer. In addition you naturally heal at an increased rate, removing 2 points of Damage each day.

Hatred [Grudge-Born Fury]Your malice hones your melee attacks. You gain an additional +10 WS when attacking Orcs, Goblins and Hobgoblins.

Iron Jaw [T 40]You are made of sturdy stuff and can weather minor blows. When you become Stunned you make a Toughness Test to shrug of its effects.

Jaded [WP 30]You are acclimated to the worst of horrors. You never gain Insanity Points from the sight of blood, death or vilence or indeed any mundane horror. Supernatural horrors still affect you as normal, however.

Leap Up [Ag 30, Cr, R]You are hard to keep down. You may stand up as a Free Action.

Light Sleeper [Int 30, R]You are a light sleeper and remain alert when most would be fast asleep. You are always assumed to be awake, even if you are asleep, for the purposes of makin Perception Test, being Surprised or getting up in a hurry. The downside is tat you often feel tired during the day and as a result are grumpy or distracted.

Focussed Strike [Careers with access to Strike to Injure]You make aimed strikes with exceptional accuracy, When you take the Aim action, your next attack gain +20 % Weapon Skill instead of the normal + 10 %.

Expert Marksman [Marksman] Distance is no object for a true marksman. You suffer no penalties for shooting at Long or Extreme range.

Master Orator [Fel 30]You are skilled at speaking to large audiences. Your Fellowship based Tests can affect 10 times the normal number of people.

Master of the lash [R]You are an expert at controlling monstrous creatures. When leading one or more monsters you gain a +20% bonus to Animal Training and Command Test.

Meditation [A or Elf]By putting your mind at rest and entering a trance you can repair the hurts of the body. You must suceed on a Willpower Test. If you do so, for every ten minutes you remain in a trance, you remove one level of Fatigue.

Mightier Shot [Carrers with access to Migthy Shot]Your arrows strike true. You gain a further +1 bonus on damage rolls with missile weapons for a total of +2.

Paranoia [Cr]You are always on the look out for danger. You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative rolls. Others, however, may find your constant muttering and twitchy looks unnerving.

Peer [Fel 30]You are well respected within your social group or organisation. You gain an +10 to Fellowship when dealing with this group.

Politic [A, Cr] You can manipulate others into seeing things your way.

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You gan a +10% bonus on Charm, Blather and Haggle Skill Tests.

Precise Blow [WS 40, Sure Strike]You are skilled at making difficult strikes. When making a Called Shot with a melee weapon, you do not incur the normal -20 penalty.

SprintYou are able to put on a burst of speed to get out of – or into – trouble fast. When taking the Full Move action, you may move an extra number of metres equal to your Agility Bonus. Sure Strike [WS 30]You strike with precision, landing your blows whereever you intent them to hit. When determining where you hit an opponent you may yse the dice as you rolled them or reverse then, choosing the location you prefer.

Knife Fighting [Careers with access to Street Fighting]You are a master of fighting with knives and unarmed. When dealing Critical Damage with an unarmed attack or a knife, you deal +2 points of damage

True Grit [T 40]You are able to shrug of wounds that would fell lesser men. Whenever you suffer Critical Damage, your opponent must roll twice on table 6-3: Critical Hits, keeping the highest result.

Two Weapon Wielder Melee/Ranged [W]Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 35 or Weapon Skill 35, Agility 35.

When armed with two weapons of a particular type, you may spend a Full Action to attack with both on your turn. Each Test made to attack with the weapons takes a –20 penalty. You must take Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee) and Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) if you wish to use a gun and hand weapon at the same time.

If you have the Two-Weapon Wielder talent, you may spend a Full Action to attack with both weapons, but each takes a –20 penalty to the Test. If you have the Ambidextrous talent, this penalty drops to –10.• If you’re wielding a melee weapon as one of your two weapons you may make a Parry once each Round as a Reaction as normal with this weapon, though you still may not Parry more than once in a Round. This Weapon Skill Test is not an attack, and therefore it does suffer the standard penalty for attacks made using your secondary hand.• If armed with a melee weapon in one hand and a pistol in the other, you may, with the Two-Weapon Wielder talent use both in close combat. Resolve each attack separately by Testing Weapon Skill for the melee weapon and Ballistic Skill for the pistol. Using both attacks simultaneously is a Full Action and is subject to the usual penalties.• You may fire your weapons at different targets, though they must be within 10 metres of each other.

Unremarkable [Cr, R]You have a forgettable face and are able to blend in with a crowd. Attempts to notice you when amongst other people or anyone attempting to describe you or revall detail about you incurs a -20 penalty.

UnshakableYour will is so strong that you are unafraid of stepping into danger. You may re-roll any failed Willpower Tests to avoid the effects of Fear.

REVISED INITIATIVEInitiative determines the order in which participants act during each Round. To determine Initiative, roll 1d10 and add the result to the character or NPC’s Agility Bonus. Naturally, the GM rolls the Initiative of any NPCs and creatures present.

(de øvrige regler om initiativ forbliver uændret)

COMBATAdditional rules for Ranged Attacks• You cannot make ranged attacks whilst engaged in melee, unless you are armed with a ranged weapon that is classed as a pistol. • You must be able to see the target. You may still attack targets that are partly visible, such as those standing behind a tree or behind other targets, but they will often be in cover. If you are aware of an opponent that is completely concealed from you by a barrier, you can attempt the shot, but at a –30 penalty and the shot must deal enough Damage to breach the barrier. When shooting at unseen targets you also gain no bonuses for range.

Additional rule for GrapplingIf you are being Grappled, you may make an Opposed Strength Test to break free or take control of the Grapple. If you win the Test, you escape the Grapple or you begin Grappling your opponent and can now deal Damage on your next Action.

(den understregede tekst er ny, øvrige regler om grapple forbliver uændret)

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Controller grapple options• Damage Opponent: The controller of the Grapple can attempt to damage his opponent with brute force by making an Opposed Strength Test with the Grappled opponent. If the active character wins, he inflicts unarmed Damage (1d5–3+SB with Armour Points counting double) to his opponent’s body location and one level of Fatigue. If the Grappled opponent wins the Opposed Strength Test, no Damage is dealt, but he is still Grappled. This action can benefit from Assistance.• Throw Down Opponent: The controller of the Grapple can attempt to wrestle his Grappled opponent to the ground by making an Opposed Strength Test. This test can benefit from Assistance. If the active character wins, the Grappled opponent becomes prone. • Push Opponent: The controller of the Grapple can attempt to force his Grappled opponent to move. This is resolved with an Opposed Strength Test, which can benefit from Assistance. If the active character succeeds, he pushes his opponent one meter in a direction of his choice, plus one additional metre for each Degree of Success. This pushed distance cannot exceed the active character’s Half Move distance. The active character must move with his Grappled opponent in order to maintain the Grapple, or he can choose to let go of his opponent, which ends the Grapple,but allows the active character to keep his ground.• Ready: The controller of the Grapple can ready one of his own items. Or if the GM allows, he can use the Ready Action to grab an item belonging to his Grappled opponent.• Stand: If both Grappling participants are on the ground, the controller of the Grapple can regain his feet with this action. He can also attempt to drag his Grappled opponent up with him by making an Opposed Strength Test. This test can benefit from Assistance. If the controller of the Grapple wins, both participants stand.• Use Item: The controller of the Grapple can use a readied item.

If the active character is the target of the Grapple, the first thing he must do on his Turn is declare Grapple as a Half Action—this is part of the penalty for being Grappled. After that, he can choose one of the following Grappled Target Options:

Grappled target options• Break Free: The Grappled target can attempt to break free of the Grapple by making an Opposed Strength Test with the controller of the Grapple. This test can benefit from Assistance. If the active character wins, he breaks free and may perform any Half Action.• Slip Free: The Grappled target can attempt to wriggle out of the Grapple by making a Challenging (+0) Contortionist Skill Test. If he succeeds, he slips free and may perform any Half Action.• Take Control: The Grappled target can attempt to take control of the Grapple by making an Opposed Strength Test with his Grappling opponent. This test can benefit from Assistance. If the active character wins, he becomes the

controller of the Grapple and his opponent becomes the Grappled target. The active character may then immediately perform one of the Controller Grapple Options, but he cannot take any other Half Actions.

Size differencesIf one participating Grappler is larger than the other, the larger Grappler counts an extra Degree of Success per size category difference on all successful Opposed Tests performed within the Grapple.

New action: Tactical Advance (Full Action)You can move up to your Full Move rate provided that youmove from a position of cover and end your movement ina position of cover. For the duration of your move, you areconsidered to benefit from cover, even though you are moving in the open for a brief time.

New Action: Overwatch (Full Action)You guard a particular area, poised to attack any opponent foolish enough to approach. Pick an area to watch. The size of this area, known as your kill zone, extends 45 degrees out from the direction you are facing up to half the Range of the weapon. It is often easier say that you are covering a specific area such as a corridor, doorway or section of treeline. If there is any doubt, the GM has final say on whether a target is in your kill zone or not. Establishing your kill zone takes a Full Turn. Once your kill zone is established, you may spend subsequent Turns waiting for targets to enter your kill zone. Whilst lying in wait, at any time before your next Turn, you may take the Aimed Attck action to attack any targets within your kill zone. If this Action occurs at the same time as another character’s, the character with the higher Agility Bonus acts first. If both characters have the same Agility Bonus, you must make an Opposed Agility Test to see who acts first. You may continue Overwatch for up to your Willpower Bonus in hours. After this time you must rest and refresh yourself for 1d10×10 minutes. Once you have used your Aimed Attack Action, Overwatch ends. You may opt to end Overwatch during your Turn, even if you have not used your reserved action. If you take any other Action whilst reserving your shot in this manner, Overwatch immediately ends, whether you have used your reserved action. Note that this does not include Free Actions, such as speech.

New Action: Knockdown (Half Action)You smash into your opponent in the hopes of knocking him from his feet. You and your opponent make Opposed Strength Tests. If you succeed, you Knock-Down your opponent who falls to the ground and must use the Stand Action to get back to their feet. If you succeed by two or more degrees of success your opponent also takes SB–4 Damage and one level of Fatigue. If your opponent wins, he keeps his footing. If your opponent wins by two or more degrees of success and you fail, you are Knocked-Down instead. If you spent a Half Action to move first, you gain a +10 bonus to your Test.

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New action: Called Shot (Full Action)The active character attempts to attack a specific or vulnerable area on his target. The attacker declares a location on his target (e.g., Head, Body, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, or Right Leg) and makes a Hard (–20) Weapon Skill Test or a Hard (–20) Ballistic Skill Test. If he succeeds, he skips the Determine Hit Location step of the attack and instead hits the declared location.

COMBAT CIRCUMSTANCESDe nedenstående combat circumstances supplerer de eksisterende.

Darkness Weapon Skill Tests made in darkness are regarded as Hard (–20), while Ballistic Skill Tests are regarded as Very Hard (–30).

Difficult Terrain Weapon Skill and Dodge Tests made whilst standing in difficult terrain such as mud are Challenging (–10). Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests made to attack whilst enduringharsh weather or unnatural conditions, such as standing in heavy rain, an ash storm or knee-deep in waves of fungus are considered Hard (-20). Tests made whilst standing in arduous terrain such as deep snow or upon ice are Very Hard (–30).

Extreme RangeTargets that are at a distance of more than three times the range of a character’s weapon are at Extreme Range. Ballistic Skill Tests made to hit targets at Extreme Range are Very Hard (–30).

Fatigued When a character is Fatigued all their Tests, including any Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests, suffer a –10 penalty.

Fog, Mist or Shadow Ballistic Skill Tests made to attack targets concealed by fog, mist or shadow are Hard (–20).

Helpless Targets Weapon Skill Tests made to hit a sleeping, unconscious or otherwise helpless target automatically succeed. When rolling Damage against such a target roll two dice and add the results. If either die rolled comes up as a 10, you have a chance at Righteous Fury. If both dice come up as 10, you automatically gain Righteous Fury, and roll Damage again.

Higher Ground Characters standing on higher ground—such as standing on a table, fighting from the top of a mound of dead comrades, on top of a hill, and so on—have a combat advantage. Weapon Skill Tests made by these characters are Routine (+10).

Extreme Range Targets that are at a distance of three times the range of a character’s weapon, are at Extreme range. Rolls to hit these

targets with a ranged weapon are Very Hard (–30).

Point Blank Rolls to hit a target within three metres with a ranged weapon are Easy (+30). Note that this bonus does not apply when shooting targets that are in close combat with the character.

Prone Targets that have been Knocked Down are easier to hit and they find it harder to hit other foes. Weapon Skill Tests made to attack Prone targets are Ordinary (+10). Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests made by Prone targets are Difficult (–10). Dodge Tests made whilst Prone are Hard (–20).

Short Range Targets that are at a distance of less than half the Range of a character’s weapon are at Short range. Rolls to hit these targets with a ranged weapon are Ordinary (+10).

Size Size is an important factor when shooting at a target: it is far easier to hit a Giant than a Goblin for instance. Size modifiers range from +30 (Massive, Dragon, Steam Tank) to -30 (Minuscule, Door handle, Knife).

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FatigueNot all Damage is lethal. Exhaustion, combat trauma or swapping licks with bare fists can all leave a character battered, but more or less intact. Fatigue measures the amount of non-lethal Damage a character can take over the course of game play. Characters gain Fatigue from certain types of attacks, Grappling, forced marching and other Actions which push them beyond safe limits. A character can take a number of levels of Fatigue equal to his Toughness Bonus, so a character with a four Toughness Bonus can take four levels of Fatigue. Should a character take a number of levels of Fatigue in excess of his Toughness Bonus, he collapses, unconscious for 10–TB minutes. Characters suffering from Fatigue are at a –10 penalty to all Tests.

Removing Fatigue If left alone, Fatigue goes away in time. Each hour of rest which includes no combat, no Psychic Powers and nothing strenuous, removes one level of Fatigue. Eight consecutive hours of rest remove all levels of Fatigue.


På dette punkt er projektet ikke kommet så meget videre. Blandt andet i reglerne til Dark Heresy er der beskrevet en lang række “primitive” våben og rustninger, der med et minimum af omarbejdning kan medtages i nærværende ajourføring.

New Weapon QualitiesAccurateSome weapons are crafted with precision in mind and respond superbly in skilled hands. A weapon with this quality grants an additional bonus of +10 to the firers Ballistic Skill when used with the Aim Action. This is in addition to the bonus granted from aiming.

UnwieldyHuge and heavy, Unwieldy weapons are too awkward to be used defensively. Unwieldy weapons cannot be used to Parry.

New Equipment

Cathayan LongswordBest Quality, Cost: 500 GP, Encumbrance: 50, Group: Cathayan, Dmg: SB+1, Qualities: Armour Piercing, Fast, Precise. Availability: Very Rare.

Blunt point arrows Originally intended for the shooting of game birds these heavy blunt arrows or bolts are designed to cause maximum tissue damage and can tear apart soft targets, though they are less effective against armour. Add 2 to the weapon’s Damage, however Armour Points count double against them.


New lesser magic: Rebuke UndeadCasting Number: 10Casting Time: Full actionDuration: 1 hour/Magic CharacteristicRange: TouchIngredients: Vial of blessed water (+2)Description: Your touch wards a taget against Undead. No creature with the Undead Talent can close within 2 yards of the target unless it makes a succesfull Will Power Test. If the creature is mindless, its controlling necromancer takes the Will Power Test instead. You may cast this spell on yourself.

New Lesser Magic: ExorcismCasting Number: 11Casting time: 1d10 half actionsIngredients; A vial of blessed water (+2)You engage in a battle of will against a spirit possesing a mortal body. You must remain within 2 yards of the possessed for the length of the casting, so the spell is most commonly used on victims that have already been subdued. If the spell is cast succesfully, you make an opposed Willpower Test against the spirit. If you win the spirit is cast out and the victim recovers. If you lose, the spirit resists your efforts and you cannot attempt to cast Exorcism again for a full 24 hours. In the case of a stalemate, the two of you remain locked in mental combat. Neither of you can take any other actions while the struggle continues. Make Opposed Will Power Tests on each of your turns until one of you is victorious.

RACIAL TRAIT: River StriganySkills: Consume Alcohol, Common Knowledge (the Empire or the Strigany), Row or Sail, Speak Language (Reikspiel or Strigany), SwimTalents: Random TalentSpecial Rules: Because of the stigma of their Vampiric past, Strigany have a -10% modifier to all Fellowship Tests when dealing with other Old Worlders.