WAR AGAINST THE AXIS - Tank Destroyer...LUDI);OIIAUSJ>N ~'-'•pturod ofttr tho er. Bu11 the...

WAR AGAINST THE AXIS 1942- 1943 - 1944 - 1945 T i d w o rt h 0 CER£SCES - Point ol doepeOI pooot ,..ti on on CC"B'" ; lwl n&" to lho OOQthwetl to tn.p Gor- man elomenll eot by t bo b.-ltbrongh. CANA DA liS> -·- ··-··-·-··-· E NG-L A ND Falai se _!) WhoTO CC"" D- hoM ground north of tho ol ty llvo bl Ue r doyo ogalnl\ tloo ,.,._.. r ot,.at of the touted German Sovonth Army; from horo t ho Oivlolo" ato r! eol 110 ,.,-f nl to tho northeoot to cut oil !lor man II"Oopo otl<lmptl"f to .. oapo II"Om tho Palaloo-ATgentan OA r-gen ta n ·- UNI TED STATES 0 El.BEUP - Tho Sol no RIYOf fOrt1 e ..... lng, aapturod by OC'A" on Auguot 211. lion Oenu •l Colllot ro .. lu<l a """'lp\ for the ... .,., • •• . ·- ·- ., :• • ••• to Caoi odlu BEL KEAR TOURNAI · Tho R.conn ol.,...noo Batt alion ero,.ed the bonier hort •t (I!UJA 1 9<<. 1'1rstAIIIod troop• to ontor Dolrlum. M,..., 'TES GASS ICOURT - J1111t north a\ d weot or city tho Dil" ialon, ,. ·ith CC'" in tho lead. er<> ... d Solno o n Aulfl'ot 28 In punul t ol tho German BevMth Army. RU SSI A I C 500 '109 2000 '-l ilu FT. RAQAT MAMORA MOSTAGAN£M QIIEim GElA ·LICATA· QUTE SIANA·MISS-TENN·N·S.CAROLINA·FlA:Nl MEKNES·OUDJA· PT. RA·CANICATTI·CAMPOBELLO· CASTELVE AUX POULES·ORAN TRANO·ALCAMO·PARTINICO·ZUITO·PALERMO Bf'ussels -: ,<)= HO Ll . AN D !l£1!MANY - Tonka ol cc rr, undor Oenoral Whlto, llrol loll toadmorU ho"' on Oormon Stpttnlbtr 18, IIIII. SCOTT·PATTON-tRITTENBERGER HARMON·KINGMAtfGAFFEY·BROOKS·IWlMON·WHITE fri O IITH AFRI CA SICILY NORMANDY NORll fRANCE AR DENNES RHINE LAND CENTRAL £UROP!: uLASGOW·UVERPOOL FORETfARENTAN·CAU TIW/ORliHMBER·AMfS BURY·SAI.ISBURY-IONOON DE DAYE·SUO·LE MESNIL BARilt'· SOUTHAMPTON HERMAN· Sf.GIUES·CAN OMAHA BfACH {ERISY ISf·ST.DENISLE GAST TEUTOEIUROKR WALD- Hon OC"R" In a late alt &rDoon attuk ou .. :rodod In openlnrlho nonb puo LD.d follow· od up tho nOJII morning wit.h an· otlln ortack to tho oout.h &Dd parallol to tho mountains to tho way lor tbo oponlng ol tho cent<r pau. Tb- OO!"blnod oellono pe=itto<l tho movement ol tho Dh1llioo tbroqb thlo lui mountain otnc&elo and Into tbo plo.lu ol central GH- many. LUDI);OIIAUSJ>N ofttr tho .. lng ol tho Dortmund- E mo Canal on 00 ltareh !9lf>. Bu11 the Dlvlolon broke ln•o 1h o open !!"Om tho \\' uol and bqoo IU WOiorlo to the £1be. ol i Mu c,stoc ADO!.!' IIITJ.gK lll!IOO£ - Still whe11 llle Dl,·l•lon ,..oehed tho el<m<nta of CC" tr mot lleT<O re•lotanCO In tloo lftht to Jaln lu appi"Oaehet- An attempt woJ 1ude, In tho loeo ol "omendouo IHldo, to oapturo tloo hrldgo !ntoet UPPSTADT- Hue CC"D" oootaotod tloo Srd Annorod Dlvltloo ol tho t1"' Army I April 19-lb, ooapplng ohut \h O!tel ring aroood tbo Ruhr a.od ouliDJ tho lato ol SlMIOO Gor- man Soldfe.,.. and a p&lrol tro"' Co •o•, 17th En• gln•e,. a1te1t1ptod to OI'<IM and nog· tn.ll .. tho Deolr<>yod and phal< lorood 1ho pat i"Ol to r<lun. .,.bo.-.upo>n tho enemy ble.,· allopano. KA I.OESftAUS£S - lloro CC""R"" ollmlnote<lth• loJI Ooruun reolotono>< """t ol lllo Rhino In tho Olvlolon • ono, on4 It> conjunetlon o;llll "'""'- ol if> dual purpooo 88mm 1un s. SCIHF:fl\All!<' - Ito"' C(;" R" met "'P<Iiod vlcl ouo countor-onaek h)" el•m.,•l> or 1. :1(\ l'an'"r !.•lor Dll"l•lon attomptlnr to eoeapo oul or llunoheu· Thlo lut con \oct thlo German unit which tko Oi1·lolon had Iough< on numoron• ote .. lon• bock ovon to :\or· maudy. RI U!>E RIVER DELOW 1\'ES&L - On Mo,-cb 2l In tho Initial uoallb Ol OU• ln1 of tbo Rhine by tho 2101 Ar rny Group, "E'" Company of tho 17th £nfln•ono built o pontoon brldgo 1,162, loot loo1 oe..,.. lllo Rhlu In tbo re<of11 tlmo of 1 boun ot thlo polnL Tho brldll'" ,. . .. a dollolto faot" or In tho ouec- of tho .. null cr<>a(ag. GERMANY ' BERLIN" oodor of tbo olty of IJ<tlln "'""' oeouplod by the Di•l olo n on J uly I , Bru nswick 0 MAGDEBURG - Allor tbo Oormo.o com· m&Dd•r roii&Md oumtode. ... ..,.,. ... U.. <!ty "'"' bombod <>n 11 April by Amorla&n Air Foru bombori l'oRo-..· tnr tho r.ho hd Ar- mored Dl• lolon Ia a<llljlll>ollon Mtb tllo 00U. Dlvlllloa modo a eoortlloatod ottaek "itb loteDM &rt.llloiJ' o"pporl ILII.d lho l!ly of all"'"''""" .. b:r 120011 111 Ar• 'l ELl.! f. RIVF:R I:I ELOW IIAODEI!URG. Whr"' lnlanlrT olomoo!O of CC"Ir' e......,od durlft¥ lllo ni 1 M April• Ule 11,..1 Allied croNlng ol the 1>11>6. Jolter two d.oJ-. ol bit ter flghll ... , the .. d "' '' aba ndon eo!, o./1 er dlre et n.., of nome "'"" onemJ AA Ol'ld ortllle'Y woo.p<>no had mo do 1.,.,-blo tho cr<>o&ing of a rmor, fbr<>Uj<b dcolnlcllon of brldiJ!nJ equipment a ft •• el em entt ol C<:::'R.:!..h"" croaoed lho rl•·or In tho 2"'..t ..... '. Magdleburg Oschersleben WOLJ'F.NDUTTEL and lbo m ... lu IIermann Ooerlng Worl<o were lurod by CC'" A" alter one heaVloot tngagornonU eaat oT tho Rhl"o Hlver. lloro tho Oormono <mploye<l l&f[[o numbers olantl·alt"Cralt r uooln an artllluy and anti· tank !"Ole. 67 AA lfl'DO were deotroy«l or ooptnred In thlt action, olibo<11 II"Om 1\lSmm to , .. • · .-· .. Cmdg. . Maj. Gen. I. D. While, Brig. Gen. ). H. Collier, CombaJ Cmdr. Brig. Gen. S. R. Hinds,CombaJCmdL Thr Di.,irion ot Fl: Bmning, Georjia, J .. ly 15. 1940; in :he Tmne.,ee, and Carolina maneuver/ tom June ro NOvember 1911, ami in rhe Carolina mantu11er; tbro11r,h July a11d A11gu<l 194:!; landed a/ Safi, hda/a, and Port Lyautry, French Morr<X:co, No 11t mber 8, 1942; garrisoned French Morr<X:co and sml replacemems 10 firrt Armored Di vision in Tunitia during u1imer and spring of 1943. Sailed from Bhme and Oran ro land at Gela and Licata. July 10, 1943, cut Sicily m /""-'" and captured Palermo. july 2S, 1949. Sailed }rom arrived in England. "A'ovember 194!J; landed in Nor- mandy. France, June 9, 19H; Combat Command "' t l" docirively defeated 1he 6th Paradmte Regiment and the 37th SS Panzer Grmadier Regiment at Corm/an, Jsme 14 The Division broke through the S1 . Lo Puim lint below St. Jean de D"ye, July 26. 1944, and began the ro101 oflhe Gttman Sroemh Army; croued the Seine neat Mames- Gasricourl, 28; entered Belgium near Septembtr 2; entered Holland vicinity of Maomidu, Septtmber 15. Entrted Germany vicinity of Hillen•berg. Septembtr 18; alladud and breached the Siegfried line in vicinity ofUbach, Oc/ober3; reached the RMr Rimor,November 28. 1944, afur "''hat the German radio described as the large<l t<mk baule of the Westrtn front. Whm the German winltr co.. nltr·oHm•ive threauned to ruch •he Me"<e in De· cembu, rhe Dit>ilion r•ctd 100 miles in leu than 24 met the we<ttrn mosr prong of the German 5th Army, the 2nd Panur Division. and destroyed it ;., the Celie. pod.tt, December 23-28, 1944; llttadred to clo<e the gap bnween Barrogne ami Ayu•,UI/e Jan ..ary 3, Hau{ia/ize janwary 16. 1945. The f)ivirion movtd badt into Germu11y; cred the Rw.• River a/ Julith 27 Fe- 14:;; spurhnded 1he Ninth -" "'')" ,..l, ;<,.r• :o ...J,..-Je D .. J •-"• r..:,;.. • . u. ·,.,; ..1< •-'-- -'-'rr· .n.; ••• ll9 1945; the md L..d:ngh""'"" 31 M.....t 1945; "P with the 111 Army I Apri 1945 completing the mcirde- ment oj the R><hr and stdli"l /ale of the Army Gro11p "H'" and oj Arm)" Gro11p "B'". Forced the pa<sts olthe Wald 2- 4 Apri/1945; craned the Weier River 5 April; cromd 1he Ltine Rivu vicinity Elu 7 April; reached '"'d cromd the Elbe River brlow J,t,.gdcb,.rg 12 Ap•il 1945, alter a da<h in le« th<In 12 ho,.rr; P"t a ta11/e force acrou the Elbt in the 83rd Division bridgehead below Schonebrck u·hen the northern bridgehtod caplurtd Magdch><•g in conjunction with the 30th Divirion 18 Ap•il 1945. the war agaimlthe Axir,thc Division has taken 94,151 prironcrs; liberated 22,538 Allied Prisoner/ of War; <frot down, or drmoyed ot capti<rtd on 1he ground 266 enrmy pla>res; fired a tQ/a/ o/17.308,972 TOI<t!dt nf '""n011, rifle ond m<Jchine gun ammunition; dettroyed ot c"pturcd uncounted r1umber1 of tank< and tremendo"' amo un!s of equipmmt ond 111pplie<. The Division has bem twice ciud by the Belgian Government, and u·earr 1hc fourr«gere of the Belgian Ctoix de Guerre . Fowr M«jor General< have led the in 1702 mile< o/ combat adva11ce the General Harmon (A,'rica); Genera/Gaffey (Sici/y); Gmeral Brooks and Belgi,.m); General (Belgium, Holland, Grr,any); Ge- neral White (Gmna,.y). Since 1942. the ha< urved and }o><ght on t hrtt conlir.t,. lt , in ten .. nder five Armies and one talk fo.cr. < md in uvrn Corp/. BEJUJN oun:rw1.uU:- Heru . .... -k oper.t tq- on th! nonh porimOior ol 00>'11 In- lantry Dh lolon bridgehead otoppeola h&o•·y Oorltlon eountor·all ack almod at out tho only n ma iDl og Allied troopa oa01 of lh o ll:lbo. T><·o lnlantfJ compan loo f r<> m tbo 80th In fantry and 8rd Dal!all on, 67th A<morod Reji ment dol .. t«< olomonto ot tho So harnho,.., Dl•·ltlon amou ntin g to two Infantry ba!lallono ou ppnrtod by 12 ••••ult a nd Mnrk V A tolal of ";!(1(1 Oe"''" ' woo klllod. coptu r• d, 6 .... uu JURI and l Marit V deotroyed. PASSED FOR PRESS PUPLICATION A .E .F. FIELD PRESS CENSOR SPAIN Tl emeen MO ROCCO ALG-ERIA 0 M arra c kech 0 '" '"' 30o t.l i1u TESSY SUR VIRE· SISEVER·CALVAOOS·BAREN URAOI· GERONSWEI SAMREE·HOUFFALUE ROER·KREFELD·SOUEF TON·OOMEFRONT·ElQEUF·ORCHIES-TOURNAI LER MERZENHAUSEN BAUN·UERDINGEN· R\UNE HA.\SELT·MAASTRIOIT·AACHEN·SIEGFRIEDUNE ARDENNES-CEU.ES WESER·LEMGO·HILDESHEIM·MAGDEBURG '

Transcript of WAR AGAINST THE AXIS - Tank Destroyer...LUDI);OIIAUSJ>N ~'-'•pturod ofttr tho er. Bu11 the...


    1942- 1943 - 1944 - 1945

    Tid w o rth 0

    CER£SCES - Point ol doepeOI pooot,..tion on CC"B'" ; lwln&" to lho OOQthwetl to tn.p Gor-man elomenll eot ~n by t bo b.-ltbrongh.

    CANA D A


    E NG-L A ND

    Falai se UARF~>;TOS _!)WhoTO CC"" D- hoM hl~h ground

    no rth of tho olty llvo bl Ue r doyo ogalnl\ tloo ,.,._.. rot,.at of the touted German Sovonth Army; from horo tho Oivlolo" ato r! eol 110 ,.,-f nl to tho northeoot to cut oil !lorman II"Oopo otl conjunetlon o;llll ol~ "'""'- ol CC""A "' ~o&II"O)" dual purpooo 88mm 1uns.

    SCIHF:fl\All! or 1.:1(\ l'an'"r !.•lor Dll"l•lon attomptlnr to eoeapo oul or llunoheu· GloE RIVER DELOW 1\'ES&L - On Mo,-cb 2l In tho Initial uoallb OlOU• ln1 of tbo Rhine by th o 2101 Arrny Group, "E'" Company of tho 17th £nfln•ono built o pontoon brldgo 1,162, loot loo1 oe..,.. lllo Rhlu In tbo reollon Mtb tllo 00U. Dlvlllloa modo a eoortlloatod ottaek "itb loteDM &rt.llloiJ' o"pporl ILII.d cleo~ lho l!ly of all"'"''""" .. b:r 120011 111 Ar•'l

    ELl.! f. RIVF:R I:IELOW IIAODEI!URG. Whr"' lnlanlrT olomoo!O of CC"Ir' e......,od durlft¥ lllo ni1M 1?-l~ April• Ule 11,..1 Allied croNlng ol the 1>11>6. Jolter two d.oJ-. ol bitter flghll ... , the bridg~h .. d "''' abandon eo!, o./1 er dlreet n.., of nome"'"" onemJ AA Ol'ld ortllle 'Y woo.pno had mo do 1.,.,-blo tho cro&ing of a rmor, fbrUj