Want to go home early today?

Want to go home early today?


Maximise your time at work so you can go home early, relax a bit more and spend time with loved ones See the original article at: http://www.theofficesuppliessupermarket.com/articles/want-to-go-home-early-today

Transcript of Want to go home early today?

Want to go home early today?

I know, we all love Facebook and we love how we can keep up with all of our friends and relatives while they eat donuts while we’re slaving away at work, but do we really need it?

The fact is, any distractions in the office can cause us to lose focus and focus is the key to getting things done day in, day out.

Without focus our productivity will take a dive and when that happens, all sorts of things can go wrong with our day. We may have to work later. Oh no.

Maybe you love working late, I don’t. Some people like to work until 7pm and even go to the office on a Saturday. Nope, not me. 9-5 is too much for me, I crave for flex-time where I can leave when the job is done.

For example, Richard Branson just stated that Virgin will let their employees take off as much time as they want (http://bit.ly/Zbi5yz) now maybe that’s taking it a bit far, but how about if you could finish early tonight just because you got everything done you needed to do in super-quick time?

Let’s experiment

The key to not getting things done is distractions. It can be the phone, Facebook, meetings, anything that essentially stops you doing whatever it is you’re currently doing. Your flow gets distracted when someone or something interrupts you and you can’t get back into it.

Studies have shown that it can take 25 minutes to get going again after you’ve had your focus interrupted. If that happens a few times a day, you’re suddenly hours behind on your work.


Create a task list

No more than six items to get done todayand promise yourself that you’ll finish when those are done. Put an estimated time to complete next to each task.

Turn off emails, silence phone and close the office door

Make sure people know you’re not to be disturbed.

Put an out of office reply on your email client telling people you’ll reply to them later, but you’re currently really busy. “Go dark” as Jack Bower would say.

Get a kitchen timer

Yeah, you read that right! Use a kitchen timer to time each task. The ticking noise will give you urgency and you’ll get more done in the time allocated.

Don’t stop or stray from the task

Does your task involve waiting a few for something to download? Fine, let it and just wait. Savour the time, don’t get distracted into checking emails or Facebook. Before you know it you’ll have wasted hours.

And that’s it! Go home early having completed all your tasks,

you’ve deserved it!

08451 701 [email protected]
