Walks With Christ · 12/7/2012  · Youth Mission Trip -2017 The youth mission trip will be going...

Walks With Christ December 2016 Table of Contents October Memorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 J.O.Y. Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Youth Mission Trip Information. . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Youth Group/ROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Confirmation/Old Testament for All Ages . . . . Page 9 Sharing Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 Christmas Cantata/Christmas Goodies Sale . . . Page 11 Samaritan Bethany Partnership . . . . . . . . Page 13 Movie Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 Council Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . Page 16

Transcript of Walks With Christ · 12/7/2012  · Youth Mission Trip -2017 The youth mission trip will be going...

Page 1: Walks With Christ · 12/7/2012  · Youth Mission Trip -2017 The youth mission trip will be going to Chey-enne River Reservation in South Dakota from July 23-28, 2017. The trip is

Walks With Christ December 2016

Table of Contents

October Memorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 J.O.Y. Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Youth Mission Trip Information. . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Youth Group/ROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Confirmation/Old Testament for All Ages . . . . Page 9 Sharing Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 Christmas Cantata/Christmas Goodies Sale . . . Page 11 Samaritan Bethany Partnership . . . . . . . . Page 13 Movie Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 Council Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . Page 16

Page 2: Walks With Christ · 12/7/2012  · Youth Mission Trip -2017 The youth mission trip will be going to Chey-enne River Reservation in South Dakota from July 23-28, 2017. The trip is


A Message from Pastor Steve

She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 Jesus came that we could know God’s forgiveness. The following are some words from Martin Luther reflecting on the coming of Jesus Christ in Luke 2. “No one noticed or was conscious of what God was doing in that stable. He lets the large houses and costly apart-ments remain empty, lets their inhabitants eat, drink and be merry; but this comfort and treasure are hidden from them. 0 what a dark night this was for Bethlehem, that was not conscious of that glorious light! See how God shows that he utterly disregards what the world is, has or desires; and furthermore, that the world shows how little it knows or notices what God is, has and does. See, this is the first picture with which Christ puts the world to shame and exposes all it does and knows. Take some time this December to quietly reflect on Luke 1-2 and John 1. I also encourage you to learn to feed yourself daily with the promises of God found in the Scriptures. In the narthex are One Year Bibles. The Bible is broken down into daily read-ings with an Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. In 5-15 minutes per day you can read through the Bible in a year. Talk to Pastor Steve if you would like to purchase one. May you be filled continually with wonder and grace as you ponder the good news of Christ’s coming into the world to save us from our sins. Pastor Steve

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October Attendance

Worship 2016 2015 Total Attendance 1,465 1,195

Average Sunday Attendance 293 299

November Attendance

1st Sunday 315 338 2nd Sunday 245 325 3rd Sunday 339 314 4th Sunday 215 305 5th Sunday 263 Total Attendance 1,114 1,545

Average Sunday Attendance 279 309

Home Visitation Ministry

Joan Skare and Joan Prigge are leading a home visitation ministry which may include bringing communion to our home-bound members. If you are interested in being on the team, please contact either one of them.

Altar Flowers for Christmas

Thanks to those who purchased poinsettias to help beautify our sanctuary for the Christ-mas season. You may take your poinsettias home on Sunday, December 25th.

Thursday Morning Bible Study with Pastor Steve

Thursday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45 about a dozen adults meet in the fellowship hall for Bible Study led by Pastor Steve with refreshments. All are welcome!

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October 2016 Memorials

In Memory of Arlene Fuchs Undesignated ~ Dorothy Norman

To the Glory of God

Projection Fund ~ David & Nancy Heinz, Bob & Jeannette Tweite, Jodi Wild, Pastor Steve & Jill Rheingans

To the Glory of God

Cantata Music ~ Terry & Julie Bird

Thank-You from Good Earth Village

Dear Friends of Christ Lutheran -

We would like to express our most sincere gratitude for your recent gift of $500 to Good Earth Village.

We are very grateful to have had your support in providing families and youth access to Good Earth Village year-round outdoor ministry.

It is because of your intentional and thoughtful partnership that we are able to help improve the lives of people that come here to embrace the message of belonging to God’s kingdom.

We would love to see you at one of our upcoming activities. For more information visit: goodearthvillage.org/all-year-round-events or contact us at 507-346-2494.

As the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ approaches, we extend a heartfelt thanks for all that you do for the mis-sion of Good Earth Village!

The Power of Prayer is Amazing!

Please pray that our church will be effective in its’ mission.

Remember in Prayer – Dick Fechter, Rita Mountain, Nan-cy Kuhlmann, Ed Nelson, Kay McKay, Matt & Kristi Florek & Family, and all Police and Service men and women.

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J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth)

Nutcracker Nuts at the Mantorville Play-house ~ Sunday, December 4th. Meet at the church to car pool by 1pm, for the 2pm show.

Progressive “Eating” Day ~ Monday December 5th at 10am. The stops are as follows: 10:00am home of June Hart for appetizers 11:30am home of Joan Skare for Soup & Salad 1:00pm home of Ruth & Twylah Larson for Main Course 2:30pm home of Ardella Remold for Dessert If you plan to join us for this fun day (you’ll be well fed) please contact Ruth Brooks at 775-2725 so the host will know how many to prepare for.

J.O.Y. Club Monthly Updates Please see the JOY Club pamphlet on the kiosk for more details.

Thanks to all who filled out their time, talent and estimates of giving!

Thanks to Mark Polzin for fixing/repairing/upgrading office computers!

Thanks to Lowell Holum, Bob Tweite and others who helped fix the bell!

Thanks to everyone who gave to the projection project!

Thanks to Jane Cabaya for her willingness to help out at a moment’s notice in the church office!

Thanks to the adults and youth who participated on the fall cleanup day on November 12!


Page 6: Walks With Christ · 12/7/2012  · Youth Mission Trip -2017 The youth mission trip will be going to Chey-enne River Reservation in South Dakota from July 23-28, 2017. The trip is


Missionary Partnership with the Floreks

Excerpts from a September letter from SIM.

In September 2016, Matt and Kristi Florek, along with their chil-dren Charlotte, Mercy, and Henry, left the United States. We welcome them as newly appointed long term members.

Since 2013, while serving short term in Langano, Ethiopia, Matt and Kristi have been impacted by the overwhelming needs and spiritual hunger of the people around them. Now they are return-ing to Langano to be part of the team working with the local church reaching needs thru medical care, sports ministry, and elementary education. Matt and Kristi will serve as physicians, working alongside the Ethiopian staff at the clinic to treat pa-tients, teach Ethiopian staff, and improve community health by visiting their patients in their homes.

As Matt and Kristi serve in these ways, we know they likely will face opposition and obstacles as all missionaries encounter. Let’s join hands together with them in prayer for effective and fulfilling ministry throughout this term of service.

We deeply appreciate each one of you who supports and prays for the Florek family. I pray that the Lord will bless you in a spe-cial way as you have such a vital role in this ministry in Ethiopia. May the joy of the Lord be your strength day by day…. The Floreks returned to their mission in Ethiopia in September. To follow their blog: http://floreksinethiopia.weebly.com/blog1

Christ Lutheran Church supports the Floreks’ mission, donating about $3,000 annually. Additionally, half of the ROL Sunday School and children’s worship offering support their work.

New Member Joining

If you or someone you know is interested in joining our church family, please contact Pastor Steve at 775-6646.

The Youth Committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 PM.

Page 7: Walks With Christ · 12/7/2012  · Youth Mission Trip -2017 The youth mission trip will be going to Chey-enne River Reservation in South Dakota from July 23-28, 2017. The trip is


Youth Mission Trip - 2017

The youth mission trip will be going to Chey-enne River Reservation in South Dakota from July 23-28, 2017. The trip is open to all stu-dents entering 9th grade in the fall of 2017 through high school seniors graduating in the spring of 2017. The trip cost will be kept to $250 or less out-of-pocket per youth. We currently have 12 youth signed up to go, but have space for 1 more. More information is available on the kiosk or ask the secretaries in the church office.

Cornerstone Cornerstone is looking for young musicians of ALL varie-ties and abilities in grades 7-12 to join Cornerstone in praising God with their talents! We will play a variety of contemporary Christian music. If you have a favorite song you would like to perform, we would love to try it out! If you are interested in joining Cornerstone please call or text Sarah Palmer at 507-696-3065.

Gluten Free Communion Wafers

If you would prefer to have gluten free wafers please talk to Nancy Hoegh, Chris Polzin, or Pastor Steve.

Prayers for the People

Please contact the church office to include your loved ones in the prayers printed in the weekly bulletin and monthly newsletter. We will leave your request in the bulletin for two weeks and in the newsletter for one month unless you call and give us an update.

If you would like your loved one added to the prayer chain, this can be done at the same time. All prayer chain requests are preferred by email at [email protected]; if you do not use email you may call. Prayer chain updates can also be sent out. Please keep us updated with changes.

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River of Life Sunday School

ROL News for December

If you are interested in volunteering or helping in the class-rooms please contact Francine Kovash at 507-951-2234 or [email protected].

The lessons for December will be: 12/4 - Jesus Eases John's Doubt 12/11 - Christmas Lesson 12/18 - No Lesson; 3 y.o. through 6th grade Dress Re-hearsal in the sanctuary for the Christmas Program 12/25 - Merry Christmas! No Sunday School

ROL Christmas Program will be on Dec. 18th at the 10

am service. They’ll share some insight on how crazy the holidays can become. Follow along as they learn the true meaning of Christmas. Saturday, Dec. 17 is practice for kids with speaking parts at 9 am. Full dress rehearsal for all kids will be on Dec. 18th at 9 am.

Offering collected during ROL and to the left of the altar in the sanctuary from July through December will go to the Byron Channel One Food Shelf.

Francine Kovash ROL Coordinator

Youth Group

The Youth Group will be ringing bells on Sunday, Decem-ber 4th from 12pm-2pm at Byron Marketplace. We wel-come any high school students to join us.

In December we will be covering different topics as they relate to the Christmas season. On December 21st we will have a social with hot chocolate and treats. We will watch the CLC Christmas program from 2010 which many of our high school students partici-pated in. We welcome all 9-12 grade students to join us for fellowship and fun.

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December Newsletter Article

It took 8 weeks for us to cover the highlights of the book of Genesis. This chapter of the Bible contains an amazing amount of history, wonder, and intrigue; far beyond just Creation. For you parents and other adult members of the church: if you have not opened Genesis for a while, sit down and read it from start to end. You will feel as if you have been immersed in a full-length novel, or a soap opera. By the way, it turns out that most 7th and 8th graders have never heard of a "soap opera".

On November 9 we started the book of Exodus by focusing on Moses and the delivery of the Israelites. Wednesday, November 23, there was no class due to the Thanksgiving holiday, and the following week we will be watching the movie "God Grew Tired of Us." Snacks will be provided. There is no class on December 28 and regular class re-sumes January 4.

The lecture time is open to all. Please join us for an enlight-ening discussion on the Old Testament.

By Jan 1, 2017, confirmands should have completed 6 of the 12 required sermon notes and 1 of the 3 required ser-vice projects. An up to date list of service projects is acces-sible from the church web site at http://www.clcbyron.org/confirmation/ or the following direct link to Signup Geni-us: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c45acae2ea13-service.

Old Testament For All Ages

Wednesday evenings at 7pm, everyone is invited to sit in on 35 minute lectures by Pastor Steve on the Old Testa-ment geared for confirmation class.

December Topics: Dec 7 Wilderness to Land: Ex. 16:1-15, Joshua 24:14-18 Dec 14 King David: 1 Samuel 16-17 Dec 21 Psalms of Help & Trust: Psalm 22,23,74 Dec 28 No Class

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Sharing Tree 2016 Sponsoring Sandra J. Schulze American Cancer Society

Hope Lodge in Rochester

The Hope Lodge is available for cancer patients ages 18 and over who are undergoing outpatient cancer treatment or ther-apy at least 3 times/week. Fostering a home-like environment, the Hope Lodge is equipped with a community dining room, kitchen, family room, library and laundry facilities. The Lodge also offers guests a wide variety of cancer programs and ser-vices that provide information, resources and support to ease the cancer journey. The Sandra J. Schulze American Cancer Society Hope Lodge facility is equipped with the following: 60 private guest rooms with two beds, bathroom, telephone, in-ternet access. Every room is equipped with two Select Com-fort Sleep Number beds - one double bed and one twin bed. Linens and towels are also provided. Hope Lodge guests pro-vide for their own meals.

Sharing Tree 2016 Wish List of needed items:

Mattress Covers/Pads - Deep Pocket Plastic w/ zipper

Bed Pillows - regular Size & Bed Pillow Protectors

Bath Towel 16x28 White & Bath Towel 27x52 White

USA TODAY Subscriptions

Paper Products-cups, plates, napkins, toilet paper, paper towels

Clorox Wipes

Greeting cards (so that guests can send cards to family & friends)


Batteries - any size

Postage Stamps

Hand sanitizer

Gift Cards: WalMart, Target, HyVee, KwikTrip

Donated items will be collected through Sunday December 18, 2016.

Thank you in advance to all who have donated items in the past. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and a blessing to many.

Altar Committee Members

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Christmas Goodies Sale Saturday, December 3, 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Christ Lutheran Church Narthex

The Memorial Committee is again sponsoring a Christmas Goodies Sale on Saturday, December 3. The Memorial Com-mittee asks that each family of our con-gregation provide three dozen, or a batch, of a favorite Christmas treat. Please bring your baking to the church from 4-7pm Friday, Dec. 2 or from 8-9am on Saturday, Dec. 3. Thank you!

We will also sell donated craft and gift items at the Christmas Goodies Sale. We would appreciate donations of craft items from our members, to be sold on December 3. Thank you!

Please come to the Christmas Goodies Sale, 9-11am on Satur-day, December 3. You may choose a mixture of Christmas treats which will be sold by the pound. Coffee & Rolls will also be available.

Christmas Cantata

Please enjoy the special music at both the 8 and 10 a.m. services on December 4th. The Chancel Choir will present a Christmas Cantata, “Go Sing It On the Mountain”. The songs proclaim the Good News from the prophet Isaiah's proclamation, "Comfort, O comfort my people!" to the final exuberant celebration: "Joy to the world! Christ is born!" Many folk and hymn melodies will be familiar to everyone. It is the Chancel Choir’s gift to everyone for the Advent and Christmas Season. Please join us.

Youth with Musical Talents

If you have a Christian Christmas song on piano, instru-ment, vocal solo, or duet that you would like to share as prelude music at the Dec.18th Sunday School Christmas Program, please contact Diane Theobald by Dec. 11th at 507-951-0933 or [email protected]).

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Family Promise (IHN)

We need volunteers in every area of our program. Vol-unteers 18 and over that work directly with families must receive training to allow everyone to know the boundaries when working with them. This training takes about 90 minutes and includes a routine criminal background check. We ask for your prayers, encourage your questions and need your participation in this program. Please contact any coordinator for further information. God’s Blessings. Bob & Karen Brekke 775-6339 Overall Coordinators Bob Brekke 775-6339 Driver Coordinator Elaine Meek 775-2061 Meal Coordinator Hertha Lange 775-6726 Overnight Host Coordinator

IHN Hosting Dates - 2017 March 26 - April 2 June 25 - July 2

September 17 - September 24 December 24 - 31

Book Lovers League

Book Lover’s League will be held on Monday, December 5th at 7:00pm at Linda Danielski’s residence. We are read-ing the book A Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

Joan Skare will host the January 2nd meeting. The book discussed will be No Horizon is So Far: Two Women and

Their Historical Journey Across Antarctica” by Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen.

Jill Rheingans will host on February 6th. The book discussed will be A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. All are welcome!

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Christ Lutheran, a Church Partner

Christ Lutheran Church, along with 6 other Lutheran churches, have an informal covenant partnership with Samaritan Betha-ny. The mission of the partnership is to actively engage and cultivate intercongregational and intergenerational opportuni-ties between Samaritan Bethany staff, and residents and church partners.

Each church partner is a sponsor of a neighborhood at Sa-maritan Bethany. Christ Lutheran’s neighborhood provides support to Cityview 4.

The goal of sponsorship is to have opportunities to recognize and thank staff members for their hard work and dedication to the care of the seniors that live at Samaritan Bethany.

The volunteer opportunities for sponsoring church members in their neighborhood are varied and easy with immeasureable rewards to residents, staff of Samaritan and the volunteers themselves.

People who volunteer can be of any age, no special skills are required, and the time commitment is totally flexible. Partici-pation is on your schedule be it weekdays, weekends, or eve-nings—whatever works for you.

We will all be seniors someday, caring for them is a very seri-ous job, let’s show them they are appreciated. To volunteer, ask questions, find out opportunities, contact Kathy Labat, CLC Representative and Board Member of Samaritan Bethany at 507-775-2598 or [email protected].

Gift-Giving Solutions Trying to find gifts for certain people — or letting others know what you want — can be quite challenging. After all, most of us don’t need anything.

Realizing that the best gifts aren’t material items offers a new per-spective on giving and receiving. Consider these insights from au-thor Charles Swindoll: “Some gifts you can give this Christmas are beyond monetary value: Mend a quarrel, dismiss suspicion, tell someone ‘I love you.’ Give something away — anonymously. For-give someone who has treated you wrong. Turn away wrath with a soft answer. Visit someone in a nursing home. Apologize if you were wrong. Be especially kind to someone with whom you work. Give as God gave to you in Christ, without obligation, or announce-ment, or reservation, or hypocrisy.”

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Annual Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting of Christ Lutheran will be held on Sunday, February 5th, 2017 at 9:00am in the sanctuary.

All active, confirmed members of Christ Lutheran are welcome to attend and be a part of the decision-making process of our church. Questions regarding the meeting may be addressed to any church council member.

Movie Time

Sunday, December 18 ~ 2:00 The Christmas Hope

When lives collide during Christmas time, hope offers the ulti-mate gift of healing. After suffering a family tragedy, social work-er Patty Addison throws herself into finding homes for children in need. With her marriage to Mark on the rocks, Patty feels it's the worst time to take in nine year old Emily, who has just lost her single mother in a car accident. But, Emily's love and loyalty quickly win over the strained couple and sharing the bond of tragic loss, they begin to connect with Emily, as well as with each other. However, when Emily runs away, Patty and Mark face the ultimate test of faith. At the time of year when family mat-ters most, seemingly unrelated individuals come together to prove that love is the only common bond a family really needs.

Sunday, January 15 ~ 2:00 Sully

A major motion picture from Clint Eastwood, starring Tom Hanks - the inspirational autobiography by one of the most captivating American heroes of our time, Capt. ‘Sully’ Sullenberger—the pi-lot who miraculously landed a crippled US Airways Flight 1549 in New York’s Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 passengers and crew. His cool actions not only averted tragedy but made him a hero and an inspiration worldwide. It reminds us all that, even in these days of conflict, tragedy and uncertainty, there are values still worth fighting for—that life's challenges can be met if we're ready for them.

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Authorization Form for Electronic Giving

Return the above form to the church office for electronic fund transfers from your bank. If you prefer to give by credit or debit card please go to clcbyron.org and follow directions after clicking on “Online Giving”. You will need to create an account with your own password. You can give from your own devices one time, weekly, or monthly. It is managed by a secure third party. Call the church office if you have questions. Thanks for giving to the mission of God through Christ Lutheran Church!

Church name:

Your name:


City, State, Zip:

Email address:

I would like to make the following contribution(s): Date of first contribution: ___/___/___

Frequency of contribution (check one): Weekly – Fridays Semi-monthly – 1st and 15th Monthly on the 1st Monthly on the 15th

General Operating Fund Building Fund Other _________________

Other _________________ Total

$ ______ $ ______ $ ______

$ ______ $ ______


Complete this section if using your checking or savings account

Please debit my (check one):

Checking account—attach voided check Savings account—attach voided deposit slip

Routing #: Account #:

Valid routing # must start with 0,1,2 or 3 I authorize the above organization to process debit entries to the above account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization.

Authorized signature: ______________________________________________ Date: / /

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Present: Pastor Steve Rheingans, Mark Turany, Randy Holz, Brent Hoegh, Linda Danielski, LeAnn Bieber, Joe Biewer, Stephanie Fugleberg, Ryan Ostreng, Joan Skare

Absent: Dennis Hansen, Maddie Palmer, Tia Turany

Mark Turany called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Brent Hoegh to approve the agenda. Seconded by Joan Skare. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: October Income and expenses were just about even. The YTD difference is minus $1556.72. The YTD difference at this time last year was minus $3263.77. Pastor Lesson: Pastor recently attended the Pastor’s Theologi-cal Conference. There were discussions about church attend-ance trending downward, However, church attendance on the east coast is much lower than it is here. Annual Meeting Date: The annual meeting will be 2-5-17 in between the two services. Office Computer: A special thank you to Mark Polzin for the many hours he has spent upgrading the system which resulted in a considerable savings for the church. Budget Updates: Some of the budget requests have been sub-mitted to Brent Hoegh. These will be used to create the prelimi-nary 2017 CLC budget. Office Coverage: Mark Turany and Randy Holz gave us an up-date on office coverage. Open Council Seats: We will be needing to fill 1 adult and 2 youth positions. Worship Screen: LeAnn Bieber made a motion to approve des-ignated giving up to $10,000 to be spent on projection equip-ment. Seconded by Stephanie Fugleberg. Motion carried.

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2017 Service Group Assignments Supplying Treats for Sunday Morning Coffee Time

January and July—DEFG April and October— OPQR February and August— HIJK May and November— S thru Z March and September— LMN June and December—ABC

To all the families of Christ Lutheran Church:

Please take notice of the two months that your family appears on the above Service Group Assignment and mark your calen-dar. All families are put in alphabetical order for the purpose of taking turns supplying treats for Sunday Morning Coffee Time. Whether you stay for coffee or not, we appreciate a donation from you. Choose a Sunday in your assignment month and call your chair and tell her when you will bring in a batch or package of treats. If you are willing to act as the server for one of the Sunday mornings, let your chair know. Your participation provid-ing treats between services is greatly appreciated. The Decem-ber chairs are June Turany and Evonne Schlobohm. ~ Ruth Brooks

Connections/Evangelism Committee: LeAnn Bieber gave an update on work that is being done by the committee.

The next meeting will be December 20th, 2016 at 6:30pm

Randy Holz made a motion that we adjourn the meeting. Brent Hoegh seconded. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm.

Respectfully submitted by Linda Danielski, Council Secretary.

Time and Talents and Estimate of Giving

Thank-you to all who have submitted their Time and Tal-ent forms and Estimate of Giving envelopes for 2017. If you haven’t submitted yours, please drop off in the church office or complete it online: http://www.clcbyron.org/time-talents/

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First Sunday Prayer Time

On the first Sunday of each month, Pastor Steve will be available for individual prayer and anointing (optional) at the altar railing. Prayers could include physical or emotion-al healing for yourself or loved ones. Requests at the railing will be kept confidential.

Homebound, Hospitalized or in a Care Facility

If you are homebound, moving to a nursing home or a care facility, please call the church office at 775-6646 and let us know. We will have Pastor Jack contact you.

If you are going to the hospital or are hospitalized and would like a pastoral visit, please contact Pastor Steve. The church office number is 775-6646.

Byron Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Fall Clean Up/Snow Removal Call Byron Neighbors Helping Neighbors to register for our fall and winter services. If you have used our services previously and would like to continue them this upcoming fall and winter, please re-register as your services do not roll over each year. To Register: call 507-218-3275.

Current Volunteer Needs for housekeeping and for transportation. If you can help your neighbor with these needs please contact Dorothy at Byron Neighbor Helping Neighbor, 507-218-3275.

10 Positive Aspects of Caregiving by Harriet Hodgson, local Rochester Author 1. Caregiving is love in action. 2. Caregiving makes us practice patience. 3. Caregiving causes us to look inside ourselves. 4. Caregiving links us with the past, present, and future. 5. Caregiving makes us aware of the joy of giv-ing. 6. Caregiving leads us in new and surprising direc-tions. 7. Caregiving is an ongoing learning experience. 8.Caregiving taps our talents and brings out the best in us. 9.Caregiving helps us see what’s important and what isn’t. 10.Caregiving honors the miracle of each and every life.

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CLC Staff

Pr. Steve Rheingans Senior Pastor Pr. Jack Friedli Pastoral Assistant Elaine Meek Administrative Assistant Crystal Wallace Administrative Assistant Jane Cabaya Organist, Choir/Bells Director Sarah Goodman Strobl Praise Team Director Stephanie Fugleberg Youth Chimes Director Rose & Dave Gottschalk Custodians

Contact Information

Church Office (507) 775-6646 Church Fax (507) 775-2627 Web Site clcbyron.org Pastor Email [email protected] Office Email [email protected]

2016 Church Council Members Mark Turany President/Personnel Randy Holz Vice-President/Stewardship Brent Hoegh Treasurer/Endowment/Memorial/Altar

Linda Danielski Secretary LeAnn Bieber Connections-Evangelism Joe Biewer Education Stephanie Fugleberg Worship & Music Dennis Hansen Stewardship Ryan Ostreng Building & Grounds Joan Skare Connections-Evangelism Maddie Palmer Youth Tia Turany Youth

Go Green!

To cut expenses, consider receiving your monthly newsletter via email. To check out the online newsletter, go to clcbyron.org. To sign up for this service, contact the office at [email protected] or 775-6646 and we will send you a monthly link to the newsletter.

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