Walking in the Word

Official Newsletter of the Central States Women of the ELCA Dec. 2012 Volume 23 Issue 4 GREETINGS FROM SUSIE BORGSTROM, Central States Women of the ELCA President Thank Offering Season Greetings everyone! We have just finished our yearly fall board planning meeting and I have to say that I am so excited about the following year to come. Our board and officers are really good at brainstorming and getting the ideas out there! We have so many good things planned that we will only be able to use a small part of them for the convention, cluster coordinator meeting, and cluster meetings. It is always fun to be a part of this group as they work hard to make our women’s organization successful and great. In the following weeks everyone will be informed little by little of convention themes, goals, and missions. Cluster assignments, speakers, projects and fun stuff will no doubt be a part of the conversation for the next few months. However, right now is the time to be thankful for all the “good things” that we have all been blessed with. Now is the time to celebrate with all the people of God… the mercy and grace that has been shown to us. God is love and we have been given His love unconditionally. I know that the more active I am in our women’s organization, the more bless ings I have received. I have met people and made friends that I would never have done before! We as sisters in Christ rejoice when we come together and worship and praise the Lord every chance we get. It is only right then, that we pass the love along. It is only right then that we share our time, talents, and gifts with our community, our society, and others in the world. One way to support all these efforts is by sending in your thank offering to the Women’s churchwide organization. Every year we send a token of our thankfulness to the Women of the ELCA and it is well worth the effort to support this mission. Please join us as we unite to share our blessings…send your gift to Women of the ELCA, PO Box 71256, Chicago, IL 60694-1256. Jewell Sweeney, Treasurer, Ann Rockelman, Secretary, Susie Borgstrom, President, Lisa Youngquist, Vice President, Gloria Sharp, Mary Kern, Rhonda Templing, Lois Viebrock and Alice Burnett, board members. (left to right)


Official Newsletter of the Central States Women of the ELCA September 2012. Volume 23 Issue 4.

Transcript of Walking in the Word

Page 1: Walking in the Word

Official Newsletter of the Central States Women of the ELCA Dec. 2012 Volume 23 Issue 4

GREETINGS FROM SUSIE BORGSTROM, Central States Women of the ELCA President

Thank Offering Season

Greetings everyone! We have just finished our yearly fall board planning

meeting and I have to say that I am so excited about the following year to come.

Our board and officers are really good at brainstorming and getting the ideas out

there! We have so many good things planned that we will only be able to use a

small part of them for the convention, cluster coordinator meeting, and cluster

meetings. It is always fun to be a part of this group as they work hard to make

our women’s organization successful and great.

In the following weeks everyone will be informed little by little of convention

themes, goals, and missions. Cluster assignments, speakers, projects and fun stuff

will no doubt be a part of the conversation for the next few months.

However, right now is the time to be thankful for all the “good things”

that we have all been blessed with. Now is the time to celebrate with all the

people of God… the mercy and grace that has been shown to us. God is love and

we have been given His love unconditionally. I know that the more active I am in

our women’s organization, the more blessings I have received. I have met people

and made friends that I would never have done before! We as sisters in Christ

rejoice when we come together and worship and praise the Lord every chance we

get. It is only right then, that we pass the love along. It is only right then that we

share our time, talents, and gifts with our community, our society, and others in

the world. One way to support all these efforts is by sending in your thank

offering to the Women’s churchwide organization. Every year we send a

token of our thankfulness to the Women of the ELCA and it is well worth the

effort to support this mission. Please join us as we unite to share our

blessings…send your gift to Women of the ELCA, PO Box 71256, Chicago, IL


Jewell Sweeney, Treasurer, Ann Rockelman, Secretary, Susie Borgstrom, President, Lisa Youngquist, Vice President, Gloria Sharp, Mary Kern, Rhonda Templing, Lois

Viebrock and Alice Burnett, board members. (left to right)

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Heritage, the arts, culture, Dala Horses, tea rings, egg coffee, kringler...the list goes on. July 26-

28, 2013 we will have the opportunity to explore not only the rich Swedish heritage of

Lindsborg, KS but also to take a walk with each other and discover our own personal Journey

with Jesus.

The annual convention is not something only one or two people can do by themselves. They

say it takes a village to raise a child, well the same applies to convention-it takes a village to put

it together. Who is the village? Each one of you, my sisters in Christ.

I want to share with you the start of our "village" and when one of these leaders calls upon you

to assist with a part of the convention I encourage you to respond with a resounding "YES". Not

only will it help our ladies in charge lighten the load but the part each of you plays in the

convention planning and/or participation is vital to the success and ongoing ministry we have. So

with a hearty "Valkommen till Lindsborg" (Welcome to Lindsborg), we look forward to you

coming to Lindsborg and discovering your "Journey with Jesus".

Registrar: Wally Ellis

Program Chair: JoAnn Lindfors

Worship/Music Co-Chairs: Julie Olson and Muriel Gentine

Local Program Chair: Anki Apel

Cluster Assignments:

Program: Revelation

Worship and Music: Smoky Valley

Logo: Mid Missouri

Banner: Ozark Mountain

Convention Song: God's Sonflowers

Bible Study Orders: Northern Lights

Table Favors: Heartland (Friday evening)

Sunflowers (Saturday evening)

Table Grace: SE Missouri (Friday evening)

Osborne-Smith-Phillips (Saturday noon)

Prairie Angels (Saturday evening)

Barbara Nelson Memorial Fundraiser: Post Rock

T-Shirts/Pledges: SE KS City Metro

Prayer Partner Exchange: Ark River Valley

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October 26 – 28, 2012 Central States Synod Women-ELCA Fall Board Meeting Highlights

With all executive officers and board members gathered at the home of Jewell Swinney, Treasurer, at 6 p.m. Friday evening, we began with Alice Burnett’s devotion “All about Thanksgiving”. No, not the

turkey and cranberries; but rather, the woman who gave her only coins as an offering. Eventually women

placed pennies into boxes and at end of year opened the full box and donated coins to help the poor,

which became mission outreach. We thank God with both ordinary and significant moments and a prayer.

Minutes of the recent convention were approved as was the treasurer’s convention report. Jewell read

various thank you notes and Beth Rockelman read one from Jenny Michael, CWO President. Susie

Borgstrom, CSS President shared the proclamation received from the Mayor of the City St. Joseph, MO

before it is placed in the historian records. Jewell continues to receive 25th anniversary donations.

Alice reported that Mission Action, Community and Growth names are to be changing. Mary Kern is

promoting ELCA resources, 25th anniversary, and conventions to all clusters. Gloria Sharp requested any

ideas for vendors next year. She is in contact with someone from SERRV. Gloria is also Prayer Chain

leader. Susie added a prayer request for Kathy Regehr, triennial coordinator who was seriously injured

in a home construction site.

Susie announced that she writes an article each month for the “Making Christ Known” publication.

Rhonda Templing distributed a list of the past 25 year CSS convention locations and themes, a five year

list of past Cluster assignments and a draft invitation letter and agenda for next Cluster coordinators

meeting. Synod Board Cluster assignments were made. Rhonda brought the historian’s books for us to

enjoy. Susie shared correspondence from Pastor Julius of Kenya.

Churchwide, Bold Women’s Magazine tells what is going on in CWO. Also, a 25th anniversary

pewter ornament is available.

Mary Kern gave the Friday night closing devotion, “Call to Common Mission” based on story of Ruth

and Naomi. Saturday morning Lois Viebrock’s devotion was “Lightning Bugs Glow”, enjoying God’s


Board Policy was reviewed and updated. Mileage will be kept at the same rate as it is currently. Job

Descriptions, Committees descriptions were all read aloud, reviewed, and updated as necessary. Susie

noted that the Hebron W-ELCA Unit was not on assessment active list but should be. Our CSS number

of delegates depend on the number of active Units and we will be electing delegates at 2013 convention.

Convention 2012 evaluations were reviewed. Lisa Youngquist, Vice President is the Convention 2013

Coordinator. Susie and Lisa will have details of convention in Newsletter. At the close of Saturday

afternoon Gloria Sharp’s devotion was Advent Journey. We drew names of objects or persons at the

Nativity and thought what each meant as we are called to prepare our hearts. All devotion materials were

from W-ELCA Resources. Early Saturday evening we took an excursion, first to the beautiful Hebron

Church of Burdick and then to Council Grove, a major Santa Fe Trail point for a bit of shopping and

exploring antique stores before a delicious dinner at a historic restaurant with owner reciting interesting

local trivia. Sunday morning we departed from Jewell’s house. We thank Jewell very much for her

excellent cooking skills and her hospitality.

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Update on 25th Anniversary Appeal

At our convention in July, our president, Susie, announced the 25th Anniversary Challenge in

Region 4 to raise $25,000 for the Anniversary Appeal. The hope is that every woman in the

Region will give $25.00 in celebration of 25 years of Women on the ELCA.

At the convention we collected $1,335.00. Since the convention, I have received $700.00 for

the appeal. So Central States Synod of Women of the ELCA has reached a total of $2,035.00.

The 25th Anniversary Appeal will continue until May 2013 . This is for one year only.

There has been some confusion if this is to be in place of our annual Thankoffering. No! Our

Thankoffering is a daily practice every year, where we set aside small offerings in thankfulness

for the many blessings we receive on a daily basis.

Our president, Susie, has asked that you send your 25th Anniversary Appeal offerings to me

instead of sending them directly to Chicago. That way I can keep our total to compare to the

other synods in Region 4. I will send the offering on to Chicago.

Jewell Swinney, 2132 S. 3000 Rd., Herington, KS 67449


Hello, Women of the ELCA. I hope all of you are thinking of ways to encourage your women to

donate their $25.00 to our Synod for the 25th anniversary and malaria campaign. At our Unit

meeting last week we tried to think of ways to show how very important both initiatives are.

Another program we are encouraging is the Campus Ministry program. The Synod has

eliminated funding for this program. In order to continue it we are asking EACH congregation to

send $300.00 to the Synod. Our Unit designated $300.00 from our treasury to be sent to the

Synod for this ministry. As our youth go off to college or a trade school they need the contact

from a caring ELCA congregation to be a support for them while away from home. Your child

may be one who benefits from this program.

Our congregation holds two rummage sales a year and the spring sale money goes to our Unit

to support our mission work at home, the community and the Central States/World Wide Synods.

Besides the Campus Ministry we donate to several community benevolent organizations in our

church area. We donate to different organizations each year. Within our congregation we provide

the Thrivent baptismal medallions engraved with the person's name and baptism date, send cards

to shut-ins every month, cards for birthdays, anniversaries, illness or death. We help with funds

to send our youth to Camp Tomah Shinga. We give "welcome baskets" to all new people joining

our church, special communion cups for first communicants, Christmas poinsettias and Easter

lilies to our shut-ins and many other events that come along.

We are getting our women and young girls "stirred-up" about Lindsborg, KS! Housing costs

are very reasonable, especially in the college dorms and should be affordable for everyone next

year. Let us try to make this one of the best conventions that we've had in many years. It's a

wonderful experience, especially for young women and girls. If any of your Units or Clusters

have questions, comments or ideas you would like to share with our Central States Synod

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Clusters concerning the 2013 Convention or otherwise, please tell your Cluster co-ordinator and

she will bring them to our Cluster Co-ordinator meeting in February.

Make copies of “Walking in the Word” {4 a year} for every woman in your congregation to

have or go to the web site and read it. This will let all of our women know that they are a very

vital part of their Central States Synod.


Our 26th

Synodical Convention

Your Central States Board met recently at the home of Jewell Swinney. We spent much of our

time planning our next synodical convention which will be held in Lindsborg, Kansas, at

Bethany College July 26-28, 2013. Our goal for the convention is as follows: “As we journey

with Jesus in this life, may we recognize the Light of Jesus in each other”.

The theme of our 2013 annual convention will be “Journey with Jesus”. We will use the

scripture found in John 8:12 - When Jesus again spoke to the people, he said, “I am the Light of

the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

(NIV) We are very excited about developing this theme of our journey with Jesus. Our

convention hymn will be “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me” (#325 in the cranberry hymnal)

We are now in the process of setting up our convention committees. We will keep you updated

about our plans as they develop. Start planning now to attend our 26th annual convention in

Lindsborg, July 26-28!

Prayer Requests

Just a reminder to let you know if you have a prayer request or concern, please e-mail

me at [email protected] and I will share your request with your Central States Women of

the ELCA board to pray for your concern.


The annual Cluster Coordinators meeting will be held February 1 and 2, 2013 at the Garnett Inn,

Suites, and RV Park in Garnett, Kansas. Phyllis Glasker will present "Today's Dream,

Tomorrow's Reality". Kathy Regehr will present 2014 Triennial information. We will receive

information on the 2013 Central States Convention which will be held in Lindsborg, Kansas.

Other Central States Women of the ELCA information will also be presented. We will have a

silent auction, "25 for 25". The money from the silent auction will go towards the 25th

anniversary appeal. We hope all cluster coordinators or their representatives will be able to


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“Prepare and anticipate the season of Christmas with JOY. (Not the Hum-bug attitude of Scrooge)

As Christian Women we have a joyful, happy, eagerness for all the season of the year, but for me

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Maybe I’m still a ‘child’ at heart. I can hardly wait to begin decorating and shopping, wrapping and preparing for Christmas.

There are two resources you can print from womenoftheelca.org and click under resources and you will find “Advent, a Season for All Generations” and also “The Colors of Christmas: A reflection on

Preparing for Christmas.” These celebrations are time of the year where Christianity has reinterpreted the

secular to show the strength and promise of the Gospel. Here is a small section of the “Colors of Christmas” resource (maybe to make you curious).

“Most Christians have adopted the custom of putting up a Christmas tree. Have you thought much

about how your Christmas tree can be a faith expression? Let’s take a look at the start of the evergreen’s place in our celebration of Jesus’ birth.

In the 7th

century a monk from Crediton, Devonshire, went to Germany to teach the Word of God. He did many good works there, and spent much time in Thurigia, and area which was to become the cradle of

the Christmas Decoration Industry.

Legend has it that he used the triangular shape of the Fir Tree to describe the Holy trinity of God the

Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The converted people began to revere the Fir tree as God’s tree, as they had

previously revered the Oak. By the 12th

century it was being hung, upside down, from ceilings at

Christmas time in Central Europe as a symbol of Christianity.”

The article goes on to explain how the traditions have changed through the years, as well as the

meaning of the various colors, lights, garland, etc.

There are MANY resources available to you in the Women section of the website. Have a Blessed

Christmas and be happy – show it!

I’d like to share with you an incident that happened to me a few months ago and I still feel a joy when I

remember … I was eating at a restaurant and a lady went by me on her way from the restroom and she

stopped and said, “You have a beautiful smile, thank you for sharing it with me.” I didn’t even realize at the time what I had done…but the more I think about it…isn’t it a simple thing to do? Just keep

smiling…be pleasant…enjoy the moment…She made my day!

A MESSAGE FROM SHARON HOFFMAN – “Walking in the Word” editor.

Lindsborg, Kansas has been by hometown since 1979. Before that I lived in Iowa, Nebraska, and Minnesota and

grew up in Rockford, Illinois. I belong to Messiah Lutheran Church and retired a couple years ago after working 25

years for USD 400 as a paraprofessional and office secretary.

Right now I am on the Coordinating Committee of our Messiah Women of the ELCA, on the Staff Relations Committee, a Stephen Minister, and a member of our community Angel Tree and Christmas Basket Committee. My

favorite time of the month is the fourth Wednesday when I meet with my Hannah Circle friends for our

“Gather” Bible Study. Working with youth in Christian Education and presently being a part of our KICK (Kids

in Christ’s Kingdom) after school program are some of my favorite volunteer activities. Babysitting my almost 12

month old grandson full time is keeping me plenty busy during the day. I also enjoy my 15 grandchildren and look

forward to my first great grandchild in December.

I was so blessed to be able to go to Triennial in Spokane. What an experience! I hope to attend the Triennial

Gathering in Charlotte, North Carolina in July of 2014 and especially look forward to seeing many of you in

Lindsborg in July 2013!

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President: Susie Borgstrom

265 Eisenhower Road

Windom, KS 67491

Ph: 620-664-3906

[email protected]

Vice President: Lisa Youngquist

913 Meadow Lane

Lindsborg, KS 67456

Ph: 785-342-4877

[email protected]

Secretary: Elizabeth (Beth) Rockelman

2103 Blair Drive Apt E

Jefferson City, MO 65109

Ph: 573-761-0722 or 573-782-4759

[email protected]

Treasurer: Jewell Swinney

2132 South 3000 Road

Herington, KS 67449

Ph: 785-983-4479 (work 785-258-2415)

[email protected]

Board Members: Alice Burnett Mary Kern

12130 Dove Hill Court 4210 Hwy D

Derby, KS 67037-9485 Syracuse, MO 65350

Ph: 316-776-2838 Ph: 660-287-2115

(cell: 316-258-7685) [email protected]

[email protected]

Gloria Sharp Rhonda Templing

1702 Canterbury Rd. 234B NW 210 Road

Jefferson City, MO 65109 Hoisington, KS 67544

Ph: 573-636-8843 Ph: 620-935-4213

[email protected] (cell: 785-483-9402)

[email protected]

Lois Viebrock

13672 Graystone Road

Versailles, MO 65084

Ph: 573-378-5783

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor Sharon Hoffman 208 W. Garfield Lindsborg, KS 67456 Ph. 785-227-3855 or 785-906-0406 [email protected]

Page 8: Walking in the Word

Mid Missouri Cluster IV-C Women of ELCA Fall 2012 meeting minutes

Kent Memorial, Sunrise Beach, MO hosted theW-ELCA Mid MO Cluster September 29, 2012. The

theme was “Fall into God’s Good Grace With Giving”

Baked goodies, fruit, juice, and coffee were served during registration of 47 participants.

In Kind gifts were collected for Community for Christ Outreach Center, Sunrise Beach and Share the

Harvest a food pantry in Greenville. An estimated value of gifts was $475.

Eldeen Hanke, Unit President gave a welcome and read humorous bulletin bloopers. The group sang

“Take My Life and let it Be”

Pastor David Beese shared a brief history of church. He then led a Bible Study using words from

theme: Fall as autumn leaves, fallen down and cannot get up, fall into love, fall back equaling trust, for

example Abraham. God, who represents our father, safety, strength, comfort, the king of kings. Grace,

the free undeserved word, holy spirit; Giving, is sharing, sacrifice, thanks, fruit of faith, response to God,

the widow offering a few coins, the boy with bread/fish, Paul preaching the good news.

Ladies from St. Paul, Lohman collected the offering and gave a prayer.

Nanette Ellis, Cluster Coordinator, conducted the business meeting. The minutes were approved as

printed. A thank you note was received from Central States Synod for the beautiful banner. Kathy

Regehr, Triennial Coordinator had contacted Nanette about visiting our Cluster. The group approved

inviting Kathy to our Spring 2013 Cluster. It was announced that additional offerings were received after

our previous meeting which are as follows:

Show Me Christian Youth Home $152

Katie’s Fund 24

Bakeless Bake Sale 12

The Fall Cluster offering amount is $483

Katies Fund 30

Bakeless Bake Sale 49

Volunteer to Bake sale 1

Half of Cluster offering goes to Central States Synod. Remainder plus bake sale funds divided equally

between Community for Christ Outreach and Share the Harvest.

Cecelia Wiederman, St Paul’s Cole Camp and Eldeen Hanke, Kent Memorial Sunrise Beach were

elected to serve on the Cluster Board for 2 years. They were installed by Mary Kern in the afternoon.

Recognition was given to Mary Simons and Mary Kern for their service.

It was decided to hold a Memorial Service at our next Cluster meeting for those ladies who have

preceded us covering time span from September 26, 2009 until April 27, 2013.

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Mary Kern and Gloria Sharp reported on recent Synod Convention, highlighted celebrating the 25th

anniversary by congregation units and individuals giving $25 or more to help ELCA sustain and expand

program resources and Malaria Initiative project. Lois Viebrock and Carolyn Bauer invite and encourage

everyone to attend Central States Synod Convention July 26-28, 2013 in Lindsborg, KS.

St. Andrew’s, Columbia, MO is the location to bring quilts and LWR kits to in October.

Dorothy Buechting and Mary Simons gave the invitation to attend the Spring Cluster at Our Savior’s’,

Camdenton, MO on April 27, 2013. They also shared a luncheon table prayer. Beautiful table décor

included brightly painted fresh leaves and centerpieces of waxed and frosted fruit on mirrors. After a

scrumptious lunch of salads and desserts, Linda Eckhoff accompanied us singing some favorite hymns.

Afternoon presentations were by Shirley Clark, a member of Kent Memorial and volunteer at the

Community for Christ Outreach Center. Nine area churches volunteer time to help at this thrift shop.

Items and food supplies are especially donated to house fire victims and others in need. Judy Wimmer,

Director of Share the Harvest food pantry said program began 7 years ago with after school food packs.

Their thrift store profits keep the food pantry open.

A prayer given by women of St. Andrew’s, Columbia and afternoon fellowship with refreshments

concluded the day.

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth Rockelman, Secretary

Report of Fall Cluster Meeting: Ark River Valley Cluster of the Women of the ELCA

Emanuel Lutheran Church of Hutchinson hosted the Fall Cluster Meeting of Women of the ELCA—

Ark River Valley Area, Ministry 5 on Saturday, October 27th. Forty-four women from six churches were in


Becky Crockford led thought-stirring opening devotions featuring the Reformation theme- -

“Saved by Grace Alone”. She also shared her great grandmother’s black woolen confirmation

dress. Not only had this fully-lined dress been stitched with modifications to allow for future

alterations as the child grew, the material itself had a design reflective of the Trinity that was

“hand-punched” into the cloth prior to any cutting or sewing. It was a wonderful treat to be

able to see this dress up close and to examine all the intricate details. Soon this unique dress

will have a permanent home- -having been accepted into the Textile Department at K-State

University. It will be in their museum.

Since the date of our meeting coincided with the WELCA CSS Board also meeting in a planning

session throughout the weekend, a board member was not present. A letter of encouragement

and information from Alice Burnett was read. Alice is from our Ark River Cluster, serving as a

CSS board member and as our liaison from the board. She shared info regarding next July’s CSS

Convention which will be in Lindsborg- -July 26-28, 2013 as well as info regarding the 9th

Triennial in 2014 (July 24-27). The Triennial will be in Charlotte, North Carolina. She encouraged

all of us to stay informed by reading the WELCA Newsletter “Walking in the Word” and

downloading copies for those who did not have computer access.

Alice also challenged each of us to support Women of the ELCA with our monetary gifts to attain

the goal that has been set- -being $25.00 for each individual--in celebration and reflection of our

Page 10: Walking in the Word

25 years as an organization- -and to exceed the $25,000. challenge. Our gifts are designated to

support the ELCA Malaria Campaign. What a difference this could make in saving lives from this

dreaded disease!

A very dramatic and informative first-person portrayal of Katarina von Bora Luther was delivered

“from the Luther House” by Anne Schroeppel to a spellbound audience. She shared information

of her life from a small child, her escape from the cloister on an Easter Eve, her marriage to

Martin Luther, their children and the strength of her faith. Many hours of study were done to

bring this gift of Anne’s presentation to us. We are so thankful to Anne for her sharing!

A very generous donation of in-kind gifts were given by the ladies for the benefit of Hutchinson’s

Women’s (and children’s) Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Center. These gifts were delivered

October 29th to a very appreciate recipient as they anticipate an increase of individuals being

served during the last quarter of the year.

Loretta Holmes led closing devotions noting a bold woman, Deborah, an Israelite Judge during

her people’s time of cruel captivity to the Canaanite King, Jabin. God ‘raised-up’ this woman to

be His instrument “in such a time as this” and Deborah’s ensuing faithful obedience.

Jean Hagbon has prayerfully accepted her call as a cluster coordinator. She will serve from

2013-2015. Lynn Standrich and Loretta Holmes remain on the Ark River Valley Cluster

Coordinator Board respectively serving terms from 2011-2013, and 2012-2014. Mary Ann

Schrag has completed her years of service (2010-2012). It has indeed been an honor to serve.

Thank you.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Schrag, 3rd year coordinator

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Cluster Coordinators-Central States Synod Women of the ELCA

AMAZING WOMEN (no current contact person)

ARK RIVER VALLEY Mary Ann Schrog 714 S Willison Rd Hutchinson, KS 67501 620-663-1995 [email protected]

GOD’S SONFLOWERS Pat Olson 307 Hamilton St Beattie, KS 66406 785-353-2424 [email protected]

CLUSTER 3D (no current contact person)

HEARTLAND Marian Thompson 501 N Elmira Highland, KS 66035 785-442-3323 [email protected]

MID-MISSOURI Nanette Ellis 506 William St. Holts Summit, MO 65043 573-298-0662 [email protected]

CLUSTER 4A (no current contact person)

OSBORNE-SMITH-PHILLIPS Donna Westbrook 418 S Main Kensington, KS 66951 785-476-2238 [email protected]

OZARK MOUNTAIN Kay Hase 27360 Bob Scott Dr. Eagle Rock, MO 65641 417-271-4405 [email protected]

HEARTLAND SOUTH (no current contact person)

PRAIRIE ANGELS Laura Anderson Rt. 2 Box 82 Wakeeney, KS 67672 785-743-2096 [email protected]

REVELATION Gloria Martin 2283 E 360th Herington, KS 67449 785-983-4482 [email protected]

NORTHERN LIGHTS Nevada Vetter 2491 L Rd Formoso, KS 66942 785-739-2375 [email protected]

SE KANSAS CITY METRO Paula Simonich 1900 Grandview Blvd Kansas City, KS 66102-4817 913-321-2424 [email protected]

SE MISSOURI Dee Cannon 2030 Sherwood Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 573-335-2983 [email protected]

POST ROCK Myrna Schrepel 609 N Cedar St Hoisington, KS 67544 785-764-1003 [email protected]

SMOKY VALLEY Darlene Handlin 321 South Main Lindsborg, KS 67456 785-227-3852 [email protected]

SUNFLOWER Tanya Fraker 20583 Flying R Dr. Scranton, KS 66537 785-828-3396 [email protected]

Tri State Ardythe Cederberg 301 E Commercial Oberlin, KS 67749 785-475-2535 [email protected]

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