»Wadnae aa I Mellaee lace keata; · tad uaed tba moat vigoroua effort# to pre vent the apread of...

€\t fails dXWmF*HT. grt. !•» !*•*• ^SSwSTwSrtMMwiir w»*i fc". ,al1 "*"* lk * iu -i ..—. Jtftn.4 •> >• «» "•"••J* Jffrtrr *a'e U,UIU <"' 11 M "•* I*. ii«S!/-l II (intai N *•* " QtwtU Bttun Pm JOB OFFICE. iu 0 m " Mtink rmAM win <****• wd W IheedabBehaeat feathe** »«ttiat>daitaa of tbe •TCAM rRIM MAOHINBRY, ,„d lu.l laeelved tuu Me» Horn large addia"" «' the UkMt iI|In ud eel Meat JOB XTH &S w. »M»m *omm. t,,»uche.,eudln wlmmdnheapBeaea""f e4i,yau»uBUetalhta'«* 1 o u - Thla le the oaljr OSce lu the City, end •" the Blete with oae o&oeplloa, where 0T11 -A.AC pow*» 1. uaed Ww«,rk aieehluery,ei»d wMiM^uenUy we kave U5RIV ALLBD PAC'tLlTlBli f.l -Hit of wvik with ««/"!«» a»dc*aa/»M« «g- iITt. ur<l«rs at tbe UoaetU.» B»°».»« ,t..ry ol y.-rtaWt* ltoUdln.. ________ IACAL HATTERS. tin. A littU aftar 2 o'clock yeeterdajr morn- ing ire broli# out In Menn- J. U- F. Hall a Co.*. «otp factory. .ituatad in the uiMIe of the block bounded by Fir»t and g««ond. and Brady and Main etreete. In a uiomeat ihe building wa. in Saniee, and (rem tbe <iuaniity of greaae. h*-, In the fceuia, a very bright and hot fira wee erea- atad. ihraataniBg widespread daauucUon. Fo.tunataly tha night waa vary «uief •ctrcaly a breath of air etirriag, and in a tew nilnutaa eitiaene gathered in freely, tad uaed tba moat vigoroua effort# to pre- vent the apread of the conflagration. For a lime the row of large brick buildinge en Second etreet, wa* ia Imminent danger, and ,i Memed i.npo.aible to eave Meesre. Park- er & Bpearlng'e iirery "table. All Hie horaaa and vehielee were taken out. Mr. leaac MaM had a portjon of hi» large etoek of clothing removed, and no doubt Buffered Mme loia from the rough handling of hie goede. Metui. Alvord 4. Tan Fatten'* grocery houae we* alao In great danger fer . time. The Independent boya and cltl- *.«. generally worked uobly, their whole dependence being upon buckete and their own atrong arma. The Are Anally burnt itaelf out, without ektending any farther than the building wherein it originated and to one or two adjoining ebede. Hall * Co .'a loe* i* about §4.000, In build- ,og. machinery, and etoek on hand, with $tfi0O Inauranee. ^ Ooa FiatM*" Soon after the breaking uul of the tire yeeterday morning, eome of tbe Independent boya ran over to Eoek la- land to get the Weetern Ftre Co. No. 1 en- gine. Tbey returned with it and a port.on of the Weeterne, but e* they hud great dif- ficulty getting the engine on the ice, tlieir •arvieea were not needed when they arrived here- The Independent Company e.coriet) tbe Weaterne home after the Are, drawing tbetr engine. They were taken to the Com- pany'# hall, duly refreahed. and bad a happy time generally- «!>••<*" ""f »«* toeeta drank, and a brotherly feeling pre- vailed promlelng the beat eff.tia in tbe future. Our boya returned about daylight. We are gled to notice thle good feeling imii the firemen •' *»ck I.land and Divesywt. The reeulu will be baaefi- aial. a Win iroT^QToTttoueB-YAwm T«- e«TA>i.ie. to-Mr. Wm. P Downer of New York, and Mr. H. Barnee, Live under the Arm of Downer & Bernea opened a large wholeeale wine and liquor houae. on Second etreet. under the German Theatre, where Ihey Intend keep.ng on biude a complete aaaortment of th- P" r °^ .ml fine.t imported wine, and They have the beet facilil.ee for oble.ning uuod article*, and aelling at the lowe.t pr.- They al*o keep on hand for the trade and family uee. freah hermetirally put up ..viler*, lobater*. &c.. green pea., be.na, cLn.&c., preeervedfruiu. pickle, and all the at cetera* In thi. line de.ired by familie., alio choiee eigare. Through the liberal.ty of thi. Arm we have had an opportunity ot trying all «beee "Yankee vegetable., fruiU, &c and can cordially recommend them o faiailiee and dealere. They are very neatly put up. and in auch a manner a* to preeerve their beet ^aalitle.- The fruiu and v.geta^ tie. are dellghtlul. Deeler. in city and .ountry would do well to e«m.ne Me»re. Dewier fc Barnes' atock of w.nee and U- quora, and family knlck-nack., before Mnd- in. abroad. Tbey a»e prepared to accom- JL. with fine articlee and low price. Boa an o/TaAD^-ITwiil be recollected that according to previoue notice the t urd meetieg ol our bu.lnc.e men .• 1ihe 'm'Ub- ment ol a Board of Trade, will be held thu tuning ever Cloee h Co.'# .tore. It...""- •ortaut there ehould be a full meei.ng, '«"• inuch ». action will be taken on the Const, lution and By-laws, which were read at the la.t meeting. The very be.t feeling appear, to be actuating thoee engaged In thle enter- pri.e, and It to to be hoped there will be unity of feeling f.r u poaalble in the labore of thla evening. Let a compwmlilng eplrit govern thi* meeting. ^ Tea Riovt Wat or Dei*# it.--Mr. R. M. Little', Preeldent of the Independent Fir* Engine and Hoee Company, received a note yeeterday from Mr. Sam'l Hlrechl, owner of the livery etable building whleli .o narrowly e.oaped deetruetion by the Are. eipre.aing hi* gratitude to Mr. L. ^r hi. aervlcee in saving the property, and enclos- ing him a valuable gold ring ae eomething more expre.eive of hie feelinge. The teati uiouial waa a* well deeerved a. It waa delicately given. Uii, Macbbadt tki. Cvntw—Mre. Mueready arrived hare sight befera laat el- tar a tadioue trip by way of railroad. She will give her Readinge tki. evening at Le Claire Hell, with the eame excellent pro- gramme advertieed for Meuday evening. Taa ici on the river of courea felt the thaw very eeriou.ly yeeterday, and tha Ice near the .hore became la the afternoon .1- luo.t impaaeable. A number of teama got in, and aeveral were estilcated with mueh difficulty. When neering our chore they would break in. On the Reck leland aide, tbeee teame were ferried to the ice with a tax of ten cente. Home similar plan will have to be adopted hare. Tha ittla. A# middle of the river ie of courea aolid. Bum* Siot RoaaaarWe leern that a' etrauger who waa night before laat about croa.ing the river from Ruck i.land to tbie place, met a couple of men on tbe other ehore, who kindly told him that O'viag to tbe alr-holee it waa very deugeroue to croa. tbe river without a guide. Tbeee good men generou.ly offered to ahow him the way.— When some distance from the shore they knocked him down with a elung ehot. a. ia auppoeed, and relieved him of everything valuable about hi* peraon. We did not learn hie name. »— . St. ViLsiTiai'e Dat.—To-morrow Will be Ut. Valentine*—the day when bird* chooee their inatee, and "human bipede' parodiae all .eatiment natural to the occa- eion by an exchange of loving, funny and eatirical documenta, to tbe dieguet of Po.t- miiter.. V.lentinee of every nature can be obtained—at the plecee which adverti.e thein, and of courti at no place ale*. No Mail Yit.—No Eeetern* mail had ar rived laat evening at th* time w* want to preee, although ona wae aspectad during tha night. It waa eii day* last evening eince wa have had an Eaetern mail. A number of pae eeogere arrived yeeterday from Chicago, but they had a rough time getting through. Ou r mail* *hould have come with tbeai. COLUMN OF "TIm Iowa Book Roonug* >e. M Inl; Street, deer, larth of tbe Poet OAlee, DAVENfOH'ft'. IOWA. « lak MBSi ELI A BAMS, Proprietor. 4^BIA1> AUVWIIi-hMBNT. till fiirirn " for 1856-71 W ITH .u*v aa4 sorraetMaa »7 •- Pal*.*, Aatk«i»( "Itnullh," fc«. 1 ««l. lilt MINNESOTA HAND BOOK FOK 1340-T! vtib « B«« u4 iMiriM Mip, b)f,M. H. I Hi. IHut* yrK<£ H tu LADlKti GAZETTE Of FABHION For D*e«ut«rt |*rSo«lOMt. At ao. 96 Brtdy it., a«tr I he P«>»t OSc«. It mo OUt if KLI AUAMjl JACOBS AtYMVliUiRVO. •4u»uml# TMMJ9V«r i)NUU Khiii "n- . YjH>RU« UMiseBt of ^IB19IA UK I? KUfTOItK, lEgMfcj wun,wvfb WMMitoai fort. Tbo eubiplBUs elwjf# M taMI Urfo »Mortaj«Dtor fiaiui. •labrstluf wuftop TAitMjtvor fUftrADiM** cor - ' " ^ ' " —" KtiiU. Alto for uli StHktiifi, l«iMn| of iiv* attillBiBr«veil_ PHAffOti JA15WBT, i* . i*i<34idly Ayolhiofc Labia'. Extra.t* tor ike dHUUreaieT W ABRAMTBD naalaa,cvailaalfelHuud aaJ fur Ml* rKAHCl. JAOOl )*alu<lly BaalaVimaadUe. IMI iiulitd byaxpr*** kiaikt •aau/aaturar, * lar tka aa ra as<) n«*aaUaa sf okauaad haa4*. a*.,roraala by VlAMCl. iACuar, ia., ABwaaaary Abdemlaal §anaertere. UM Htl W lltm-AMtalul aauiiertat, la- M >autad bjr Mn. Barak Batta, Phlla&alDhia. aatl hl*blf r«aoaiB*a4*4 kj tba Madiaal Vaaally y ba ImthabaMlaatraaaaalotlbafclad. Paraalabf fBA'VOta JACUBT, ia., J«aSedlr Apatkaaarj w M. i OLttLUT. ' JOHN MoiaaHe OVBUT A 10MU, ATTOUin AMD COtJRULU)*. AT LAW AND MOTAKiaa roauc. Savespirt, Iowa MoAiaab'* aa* Uuck, Natal •(., a»[ •>»*« Vroal aad B«fiwbd Me 67 Machina aod Jobbiaf Shop. I \BHOrru mv •uifAetara % b»» Arturit lottff •avMIIU, HfUtlU Ml- cAla«ry for iWm. FlMIUf Mtll lf<M W«fk, m4 ill klBill WOlk VMHtlj dolttlBlto •Mklltlt Hpoclai AtUnlloQflvsM io rtpftlrtDf Saw, Flouring &Ad; Mill oiMAtAArr; Al«o XAr««hlof Ma •AIum r*p*W«d wiiA^m 4«lAy. kUvlaf pfocurxl tfcA b««v kMUru iooiA, lOflVtiA Bi«f y«ftr( oip«rUiM U* tb« Ouaiu«Mvl ImI maUiiI or giTtAf •AlttfAAttObto all VU U1 C*TOr»OWUA AMU.— UrMr«f3diuil UCUtfuaii., oppotllo 9m Work*, - r lhAH. *.«Upoi DovoAportOMi M O VIOW SEED: TH* tuUuitian ka»a J mat miWiI «aaaOu at * (n*h Wa<hml«lil Outoa up »M»h iktf wUl nil at at P* povae. aa«A. la ^lafeSbc of a. paaa4« aa* »p»afe». m) Nouaea «t viy.a. 'POU paiiaarahtp karatafeia aalaliu «»4ar ihr *• atylt, u( Maaklal, CorUa A Wklu.n fan Ua* Mulaaa, Uiaa.Uttli daj dleaalfed bv Bateal ana- •>at. MACKUli i COlllJI, lovbi.1. wmra fort UaiMuUa*. Daa M, Ilea. Mr. Lurall Whiia will aoattaa* taa tubau at ha bid aia»4 la left Oaa Mateaa. JaaMewt Betray li, 'OAKA^ u^i bf Jaka a«ka, at kla ratfdaaaa u. * Btakar, Or«t» lowaaklp. aaou a*., aa >ka iU, da) af iaaaary, 1M7. aa aa Batoaj, a tad Oawltk •Milaj (ara aa4 aui ou U* rlaat aa> aa4 ab«at •ava* )talia!4. JOeUUA K. PATTOB, (•M«a>* Oaaalj Stark. ika lalarUy Bvaatai VMb The leet Weekly Paper. DA MPLS MJMBMIte f UHH l.HBtl (HUTiB- inaUe fee Teareelvee. Apply ta the (.abllakara, UBACOM h ubjdiivM aeMoathTkltJat., fktla._ DR. W. BMAOWAT. .^C'LatTlO Pby^alaa, lata id X\<Ub profeaaluuai Mt«l>aa tu Ika aMaaa* <A Li Claln aad Tkiulty oeioa Id Cax 'a u»« Iuwm Wi U«, adilb paitaftbe dlf U Mar '.Mat. w«r. p*u*. o i,tNi> DEPABTitnarri DKS Mown BAT10AIX0II COMrAlY: I Ilia HiiMaulbday #f iaaa,a*at,tfea OMaafo tba aula of Uut Lauda of Uta Caaipaay wUl ba raw»>*d fr<iBi tbla ulaaa M Part Baa Malaaa. Tkaaa laudt wlliw told ou loaf aradlla,abd La lou to aaU tka laaaaa aad wUkaa af parabaaata. «K0. H.rMUKUL, l4|d CtBMlldiAil. (hitawi.IowaiMajW lU4.-«tr Combiaed Crarsa & firaia C«U«r, •AiurACTCBLv ar Burrowe, Pretty man A Ball, rVLTON, IOWA. 'PH18 Uacblo«f*OD«of ibAfcAal la AM. W# 1 *Mur«Ue farui«r« itul w«hAV«a b«Uer laAofaite* lortboiD tbAo aoy •••rbrowfbUo 1«wa. Ilwlllaai •Ml«r,tlMtt«riiitlia Iam llAblA U> •»! t>( tbaoaujoUar iu u«« At IkA prAAAAlttsA^ a®4 «a iLiok ttiatauy on*» vaatlAfAgood OrAMaatd AvaIa Cult«r,wlJl lualai oa bATlag oaa of OAr MAAfciAAfr ills aIwa7« b«U«r r»fUifirB*rit«lAyiAckArtMN iBAQtilketurAd aib*tua aaitoAjr o*n f«l Uia r*Do4r«4 ifoccaalou rvqulrca. Wo aAall bo r«A4jr to 4o ro» palrlug al auy U«u». Auj oaa wlablAf io A«y oaaaI «ur AiucUiaatvan a]>pty to Burrova * Pr«Uy««A, lia«vnport, Iowa, or attb* fliopln Fulu a a I'ruaol luat'hiu* $14*— oaO'AAll oa aud be biilancw in ol J»nuarv followtDf. Wa are i>or inU ted to rorar to Ue folio »loj fMitkl J I Miller, M Urte*t . K Kuil, C Sim, DMwkwkiiar, W Heal. Palwa, May tftt W HEW POM 4 N1W MQDI rl^UK aubat rlbara kaT.lakau tba popalar (laud ol 1 .1. w..varai.d <*>., at tba aoraaraf Brady r " a»d Xbird atraata.aad tnaraaaad tbatf atoak ty All Right.—We heve at l»at brought the Burlington Gaiette to a correction of a portion of ite elandere on the M di M Railroad. I<.» opinion of our road i. a mat ter of entire indifference to thle or any oth- er community, hut we tru.t it will be more particular hereafter In publishing fact$ when it make* atatementa with the object of In duclng othere to hold thu »»»e opinion with Itaelf. WiATBKB.—Yeeurday wae *#lf» Jiff*'- ant from a few daya eince ; the atnio.pbe.o being bland aa a summer's day and the •treat, aloat from the liquidation ot the accumulated ma*, ef anow on the bluff* that eklrt our beautiful elty on the north A few auch daya will materially effect the aolldity of the ice that cover, our river, and eau.e the denitene of tbie Icc-bound region U) fancy that epring wljl eoon open upon ua. It waa growing aold^agala laat even- ^ A firm in Rook I.land advertise them- eahre* ae "prepared to enter into contract* for furnlahlng brleke and erecting brlrk buildinge, by the thouaand or otherwiae." Kreetlng brick buildinge !>y the thouaand we ehould judge rather a wliolesulo opera- UUB. >»«araud <*>., at tba aoraaraf Brad; i atraata.aad tl oddttfoA of a efcoleo lot of Choioe Oroeeriea, to aklak tkaytaatta tha attaatloa of tha pabUe.aa- aartnt tkau that thaj aaa ba aappUad atlh aa (0«d artlala* aad at aa Io* prtaaa aa aaa ba bad >a tba ill). Aaaai raaaat raaalpta tbay woald apartfy. U Oaeee ef Iweawaaia, J el Ilea, Praaarvaa, tlaaaad tralla, au, ata. Tka ^.•3vrr U " u ' Broo*. S&flaa. HOOM HfcU'tlee, w»i< i>—DA><,eAD tehAd U >b| unity At Borrow! | rwUfAAl 1 ! It 41* v DAILY BVLLKTW, JABVABT MU •••k D*f«rtlA«At. KA5 UBRb' C^uiAieularycoMpleVe, bjr ConAttt| 98,09 ible Maueal, by W . w. Kveiu, llluitraUoBiof ScrlptAro. by H - *• MAokett, MUtery TfaoalaUuu of ibo *Af llah tttblo, Mri. C'ouot, Bible blcttouary, by H. Malcolm, l>. C., TkeodoaU or ll«r«*Ue of Pattb,wlib Portrait, tpurgeou iboMedAru Wb2ltt«ld>by MAgowu, MaareUMceueaau4ObtracUra by HeadlAfj Fvoi-I^rlitla of tie treato r, by Uugb Miller, old HeJ Sa&deleuw, engrAvlucf, PluralUy of World*, by M. UTiubeoak, P. P., Kartb aad Alan, *• Uuyot, Mau, Primeval, " Herr a, Pra-A daialte EarVU, '* u bri<t In Hiatory, •* TorobuU, Klcbre ol tirace by 08 UviAf WllneMfl, UvdlUUoua oe La«t DAyt of Cbrlet, Propbett Klora ef tbe Old Tea tamest, Suilttao Houaebold.or Tboofb\a for the AfBlcied, 1,90 WbrUilAA »llrror, Leeuree by i. b. Jeter, D. D. 00 At ft. M Brady >t., Mar tke Feet Oftee. lao*4tr Btl AUAMS. Per led leal Department, Jaaoarr S4tb. T KIBVKK Alaaaae aad Polltleal N*(tita> bl 1U7; alagla coplaa, 1* eeat« par doxaa, t!4u> Oaday'a Ladfa Beak rot Pakraary, iirabaia'a Ma|aa*aa, " '* Ballaa'a do Artkar't H#«e 4a Vaukaa Batioaa. 91a Bat, Barpar'aJaaraal af CinlliaUaa.Jaa. 17. H. Te>k Trlbaaa, aast-Waakty l*«k, Waakt, flea of oarOalea, Jaa.tdtk, llVlh, Beltoa'a tutorial, Jaj. etu, Ualla'a Ulaalratad, da da Loadoa llladratad lieu Waaaaibat >ttk. At >e. aa Brady etweiffbai tka Peet OSea. I aa 84 tf BIAAJ»AM9. ftedey'* Wfi leak fer yaMBy. A LSO, ttraka»'a Maaa^wa, Artbor'a iioM, laukaa MeUuaa, *U Ba*, +c, tor *>bruary, a* Tbe leva leok Keeaa, N..MBra4paUaat, aaar tha PoatOflca. jau«t BU ADAMS. EDUOATIONT M *Tta kduaaUoo faraia tha aommou aatad, Juataa the twtf ia kaatth* traa'alaallaed." H AVIHO reooUa.l an AaaneT for U*rht**M>a Bahaal Apaarataa, I'ka attaaUaa af TKACHBBa »ad Tgu.i aseu aolialtad lolkaapaullaana J«ai racalT«d,lBetaJin( tka Ceaaua Bakoel let, prtee AM,00. fai)kad laabaxeowprlalDif an Orray, Tallarlan, Uaoniatrloal hullda. larraatial Ulaba [1 laabJ Ba- aaral Praaa, Haatipkara Oloha, Caka Boot Bloik* (axtral Tastlaok aad Manet Beak of the above for aala taparata. A Uu, Bra** Mouatad Orrerya. |H,* a»l 15.ee •• •• Celealtal Spkaras, i&t PalkUua Bv<la, lalatad wtth aarawa, M h 71 Doubleetatea, " <> I «K, Ho * «u B«lbtaok*a Balaalaaa Drawl aa Slataa, la. I aad a, " Baoka, 14 >alaalaa> Blfh Ikkooi .laiaa^aUijIa, |u Blaafe Board Bobbaraaud Uhata. Laaee' Maekaaleal Parade*, orOiroaeape.fS.eu A *,eu. A lao, caaMaca for laprorad •ekeel Seek*. At Tke leva leek Beeme," No M Brady itreet, Idaere aurth af the Peal OBia. IBOiatl BLlADAMfc< Foreona jut «omaua«iB( HomaakMpUif ILL bear la alad thai they aaa Ia4 e»arr ar Wi Ualaer Aiiahea ParalaklajOoodaattke •aaee Varateklag Wanneai ef V91ITH* BBMINOTON. aaau4 at .tlfa of IhaBlf '»a Kettle. Oooda 4e iwere4laaaypart at the ally rraa of eapeaaa. .1 a. tt.OT 0T WATSh R1TB37 Tea Battta. Paraiahlaa WararooBa.al its for aala at tha t WarereoiAa, etc" Af Htf Taa &elUe, SLS A»ttcfrt A ^PAfiLB AIDPOCKKTCUTUXT; i lite aaeort. A »aaI caa bo foaud at tbe Houae FerAtaALof Waroroome* of tbe HIirTea HetUe. T^Brn^TRVTof dlfferebi •!a«» fer e*le al Uto •- Hoaaa fAraUbtuf Warefvooto, eifu ol tte Blf r»a HelUe. _ f AlTHUmTu AiOAl farlely At l£ei"Hoaaa lt»r l^ifllablag Warwroome, el^n ^ Big TaaiLettle. S Tir LAOUBHU. t, », e. I abdlatapa, ferule at tha Haaae Parulthlac Wareroona,^|a Btt Tea aettte. S AW nUCjK.*, AXK3 aud WOOb SiVrU lor aala at tba Uou«« ParatahUm Wariroaaa. ataa Btg ?«M!jt>Aa*«ad >um tfAkl.uJ BA1H IBBIVBI for aala at the Maaa« Pamtahlag Ware- r—•a.riaa Uli X hettle. ^IQCgia vlACAIB^i lalaal tk« fioaaa Par Qfalehlaa Wararooaw,elaa Bn laaKatUa. £)TAll KUpa, a (ood a**aitaeal at tha Huaae ^Paratahtac Wararooxa.dCD Mc Tea Kettle. 'WlUL&iiflVC la great Tarteur (ar aala at •he Uoaae Paralakluff Wararao«a, alga Bt|'i'ea I ,„ldl CAld of dlBereel patteraa br aale at rx tha Hoaaa tataUhtaf Wara>eoB>, at|a ef tha if Tea Kettle. /fntmnwiwff for aale at tlie TTuuae Purhlab UlM Ware-reosa,alga Bl< lea Kettle- A »W BTOU Of A m VLA0B.! BUTTON A OO. Hata thla day renoved from iMr o)d *t*Ad9At Ae cvr* Ocr of Book lAlA&d aud Beeoad etreeU, to tfaeir NEIT AND ELIOANT STORE, Ia eriM'. Bleak, oa Perry etfeetaa* deor eeatk af Tklrd *t. '5c The Cranberry. ribera ara tha aaea * wa Ike aata vf JILAHD ilia. CBUIIB1I, •blob caa pro.lueed In tte aaiua parfeetlea oa the .rairiva of lo wa aalu tha awaapa ef Wtaeoaata. Or^lera are aollalted. A ireettee apaa tha raletac of 0,1. plaut win ua kaudad le aay oaa who Hay wtak toaiainioe aio the autdeat. . _,M _ Jaoeawlo. Sot)AAA di VIBtB KSTBATA TAXUI UP. riljv M.P. waaUaka, Kocklt.- yx 15baiaTp .Bof.aetk.'U.whtMMKr Oa a^oat 7 year* old, erua **^£1X1 i off eae eer, Up of eora aa4 AAd S yeer old Bteer, dark ma«a< B> II vaiua Ely. i)aveuport Tp., . *7, BieSI' •bort borua, white a^ota; » PAlerwd Cow, w«UaIMA» a ledCew, blaci IACO; red Caw.. whlto fcAA, Aaefc aud bAlly, Aud oaa red *i>J wbitA hAliAr- By ChrUUAAloltt, WUifteld I|».,A eorrel horeel elt. wbltA lefa.uiau# aud Uce, « yoAreolda •> '«•}' HavUiom, LvClalre I'p., A bay Mare fcbuAt J jearcoid white fa«A,biuU leg a aud lefV ioaI* •ad<il« lAAihed, About 14 bauaa blfb. Byl-t-Aree, tiW,„. ..... IfL. .. eoirel UaieColt, one year old, wblte atilpe> tA hue. By L*»l JtfvCoy, LeCUIro Tp red «t»tf,awtn«J wbkie ou forebeed aud both " JoUA Cwuuor, Alleu 1 * Qrvve Tp.» A pale ted *te« aiiortbeavy heme, A fe* white Laim U .^f*he*! avute white toalu ou flaukaabd tall, 4 yaAriold. Wklllaco PoatoA, PleAeebt Valley Tp., redUb trludln Ot, marked ou vara end wblte ou b»Uy> V >ear« oiJ. Al»»», a wl»He Ox, tea u«*eh and head* wblir atxjul abouldere, i y*»eraol»J. AUo, wblto i>» y,l Iu ears, $ yeara old. By MadlaoA DeC'aup Hikcry lp »* 4 year ol4 Bleer, htt ou rUrhi eat; a tl >ear old brludle Hteei. lAarked U brown Jteer, wbltr Wo would lAfee thto AppetrtMltr to tha^k oar osetcju« ere U their rety liberal pAtro&aca.^W* I Ale A i fur A flbw Veekl to«o&tlAa* lo ilepAWAt WUiUV itubh At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! io orderjjtol amW MM ftp I mi «• «Ae>iri«i>T (PBivo iTpii, aad woald lartta all who ara la mat ot DRX 800DI Co aaU a«oa a. »a «ar a*w «aarten. SUTTON A 00 Deaeaaerti Jeimery aa*, we. /V>ltkt>lloa Wa.daa Paaipe wa aattraty aa Vj aaaeaaary, aa areriMl U acaaeliiHd with their aUkp. aad their piafanaea o>er eey other ktad •aaaafhetared. 1'key doa*t (et eat of mult* aor da ihey fraeaa ap, while Ihey are eheeper thaa all oth- er paaapa. Tbu*e peraou* who with te wttaea* their •parattoa eaa eall at Capt. H. Mvry 1 *, Of »oa the •abaartber, whale tMy wUl tea haw eaany the# ehorey. B*a ., DareaportV l .ek, or al Mr c. Waabbura'a harawaia More, w, lacoadatieet, wHI be attaaded ta wkh proaptaeaa andldalUy. i. a. BAOUV, Jaati'l) ia al Davenport hiaohla* Vivikt. IAM. I'. B. 8HMLTUN, A. M., oikra to the oltt 1 yaaua of Uaveaport, hi* aexleee a* Phyalelkb ai.a furnea. Dr. S. aaa varied eaperUaeelu tka de- pariaMui eI turgor), kafla«, far aaiaa yeara, had ukarge of a aoartahlat Moipllal and lllapauaary la lodla.froB wheaee hi baa reeeatly returaad. 0Mce,8eeoed atreat, o«et Aldea'a Clothtu. alora tauli «»• FI NV A HTM J C. WOLPM Vtald reepaetiaily alate to theoit- a leaa of Dafeapoai thalhaeaa be leaad hareat tar Is hta ro >«a ta the HoBluaa Moak, where .he till ba pleaaed lo receive hie frteade. Mr. w.la bow pi.paradto Impart laatruotlon ah to learn tbe art of uhlaa aeenerj from QKAKAM LIMOI* W ILL ba altaa to Ladtea aad Uautleaieii, t.. aeparaialuJtrlduala or alaaaea at any koatoi averyday IHaadaya axaapted] betweea t o'oloak A. M.tlll ID o'Dluck P. M.,U tke kail of the Colle (late laalituie,»ueda reel aboae Brady, »«ar Mid Patent Medicines. . 0, Oa BI'ftHIIMftil bat uj#ebed au fer U*e «Ale »f Peteut Mt'dlJuc# , curbtt vt u Boch UlAiid Me , where can W fgund evory fclr.d A»i4 *ttbe /••##«< cutk prif, wb-»l«aal© «r t< UU w^atiaAberfer'ePefe* A A^ue AeOdvtt, \yera* Cherry PociorAl, utoru'^Coufh CafcJy, JkiAti's PalttuAle Wefor Uoa Liver OU. Df Oafood'a IbdlA Ctok*oA|A, llowAani Toole MtJCWrA, ft odei' fever e&dAfB# Core, Dr. Perth's K/e Setve, S l.nipa#o , « lye Water, ^u*bloii'a Pepalid, ftJUera. KaVft ialOiUiOi.!. an. ' le«Kfen'4 file kmbrocAUoi|. . . Jew Dertd'e ' r Hebrew Timmt Po«r Maa*i PlAeter, Bull'a SeriapA^UU, barley'a do ftedway*a Nu KeeviTAbt, T7l. it. johu 1 * coma timp* C&rtaUA'a Afua Bele-vn. MetAAA'e Stf, Cordial. Hortfiaer*! Hlvod PurlAer, *• ftheatoaUaot 1 iudhtA '• OlftHUtAl AioaiiUHorae Slwtti.'s PAAilly u I'raab'a MafueQc <( B«Ui>way*e " KoaaU iAlv^, J V. Uerdj'a hye HAIs i's Serve A M«»x»e MAAWABt, aut>»took'c Vuru.ifugA, MaLati A\l« H . <J. Par fell'a A rublnb Merchant^ OargllAK ' M-lfiu'uko ilMlllkllt, Kadway'a K. Relief, Lyob^e laiLuirou, ^ . Pr«»f. 0 J. Wovda' Hair HeAtAiAtHA H«Db«tl 1 « Imi'^rlal tonic, Mowaod^a Syrup of WeekbeOT, Browu't kuitreot of Ciuifre> , A ( wrdlal, Betem&o'd i>rop«, Hloac*! CV»ci<iitlou Powder*. Marry'e Trleopberones. Perry Davla* ralu KUler, DalUy'a Pala hxiraetor, . S IOAB'a IiiMtaot Hellef. j| Aim of i Tbouaaod Plowef Brart'i T'nitc Plllc, .j,* Indian Ve^eUbleWIJ^ / UepiiliiftaB'e bDallwnberfer'l * ilraiKletb'a JJ Moffatt'a K Z SmlUi'a Sugar OnaWd " Holiuwkj'a , Leu' . A;er>> * * Wrlcbl'a ladlaa VegetaU Pvoet'a Or. J&uee 1 HedldoeA? •loAfi'a IHlBOre " or. Oa• t a ' >HrdHawe>ai»iiM« HcUo.sj" x|rt'olee*| Jfor*al 1 a BHtAfM Dr. t. o 9t^«wtaa»u'a nherrf WinefiirtAre; MeClloWu-b*sr<o«v|) MUtore;, «» kJUlr; WekeAeU' Weavers ;Aak#r SloAo'a . 9f'\r- HAner'c Hr^tlab MtfHtte; MAM UbL't LUiit Ot OMltlSa Walla' Oer»A* 0*»*<tl«ou Powders; CoAklir 1 ; V.*r#, pAfee 1 A JrA Cora Pii«U«; s * fi»|ailM MaUsit lArlnftoA f 4 CoAflTlmp; Aeoctle Oil; ToAtbAtht wrtff; Hot Drone; Ko.di iweet (aalor UU| UkUdar.um} l^am^boi j Kaaeiiees of ail kluda. (lrefa«l>«r| Panlly M«4lf(aN; V>felable PllJe, •• Ur*«b Moubialt* OIOUDAAS w »• AAreapArltlA Compound, ** Children*e PSAMAA, . m Bye Lctleb, '* Pever aod Ague Kemedy,! c H-allb Blueri, »• U>eAAtery ^yru^i, •*<A *• < ^uaaBDtlva Bal«, ttArtfuil'a Uter aad CatbolUAA, br. Llhby'a Pile Ololaeut. >*a WaAa» , S MedldnAA$ ^ mh •« ludi q lUpAatorAbte JM Wfa H Url jMllulrToiktb, » A&UrAttTA, Pemale BlUlr, PAVAT end Ague Pttft, PlleRAaedy, i/m " CoepoHbd Toek Verewuge^ •* De^poAidO Caroiltlvo BeleAtt, M tadtao tA&ailTe l*llU, »• AU HAAIIu Salve, *• ChArohee UfiloieAt, Hi. iajaA f s Medleloea.; •* Bxpectoraal « AlteraU?et M AfAe Ptlla, ** Tooio VeraUtige, y ^arotlaAtlrA BAMAS. •» lilr Tosle, *• JUalttAli, TialrOye, " tAAAtlfA Pi ite, Keuitedj M«dleAl DiAAov»ty. )auU 4mlm DRUGS! DRUGS! t The only oomplete Stook above St. Lonis. jpuinti stock: ZmSHor* »ud Tr*n«lt. HIMB8. CIPPENGER & RHOADS* Mew Ores atore, (e*eud It,, Iret deer w*at at (leek A »aiK*ut'«ABaukU® Beaie Bereuiiurt, luwe. Drvge, Alalkiaea, Ch—iUaii, BptoeA aa4 Hope PiaMtt kladld&ee, ClMiAa TmrpvatiM, UsMeed OB, wlDdcwOUiJ Pure White Lead. aJl Peiot all hied* 4 Va'-tiiabes, PoiMh aid P«Mf* WMA AAA Uasetl OiU. all iuuda of tfsarres, by ihe p<M, Betf* UtA aod ^owd«ra, by the groee. TbeeA artl.lae, and all otb«re of oar very ecteaaiT* aU«h will be •eld at tke vwy Loweet Bate*. PhyaUleoeand Coueay Dealer* aead not aay Draft are sold at oakorblteut ffu.ea le iiaveoport. BAO BOXES WINDOW QLA8B. HaeglAg flroe 7»8 to 84*4». 21*Je wll be avid at A bar 20,000 lbs. i'UKE WHITE LEAD, ju BBLS LI/f*EKD OIL aod TURPK#TU<*. 200 IbA- TAgAtAblA CAttlA PovdATt, Areli*bU r«au»d> lor ut« nu* of dieeesee »fht-ra«a aad cattle. AU tha LK'iular Fatbmt MsuicuiBa or the Day. <iifa osecall aa wa purvoaeaaUiiig to every oua|uaatr. UIMhtt, CLIPPKMUBH di &H0AD9* PaveDi>ort,Jal> W r. CLOSE & /' r. cLoac a cu.. wholksalb * hl lAJL DAALKKH It HEAT* kiUi-Lf •Aai/WAMH, HO. n »AADT OAThXPOftT. 10t» A We are now ttU prepared to ome tl» trade aad oar "W caatoisara .rawbaraalr,a,w« oaly til oalla hulu rliuto 4aorluA to pSKbeaa ar EtaiM la ,.u llae, aad wa (aareaiea the uion Mrfactaatukatlob la all ceNB We uu Uli atk daalaia rromthala- Urloi to Mil apoa ae, tell e«a« **«* do that we eaa of •etihaai aaflUleat aay a a, tbaaetiy ••«.««• paa*e uf (Mat far- that reel. Our kept by axi) L^uM'eaat vr waat of »«. Oarfcr aMfe oaa flu J here Me tiaatuf (W<la ia their Ooa. We acU Uia oele braUd PWwa, •eaaaaoa, uwu * BLAxiMeaa, BANKERS, ^ aa4 Dealer* la Veretga A Seateiu* luehaag*, Vaammat Baak VetahOaM aU (Ueer CoU, l.A^f 0 WAAKAIin. D4Vl*POBT, lo'.VA. S PlclAL atteaUou glreo ta thecotl»eiit,i. afvt. cat.tile>aperand leaiUuatea aade os Uw day Clree ufcewialaaleB; la fight draAa o& £a t«TA e'tlaa Jt^Uiad WarfkLtf^ugbi,a^id Ai»d tecfttAd. at||^i a'kU&Uvii g. it* le the peroAAeA Aodaale efto 4Ea« fciry wwxu ; LiM«eh«. *oe aele< lies aw York, Bo«'.< f iauda io PuUA«Jei NO. 18, BRADY STREET, made by It.o Oaera aad at Ua prlo«a| alao tha aaa imrored klnda oT Uarrowaaad .11fj liarrow T-:0t(l Se^.1 ?owtta, u i-UnWra, Jteapfi^ ard Mow- ('radl'., Scj'llUt, AxKU, bone hand; fo* 1 " *' ail kiuda.ilhoT. C.,1 ' Crvw Mah.,a«, "<>'•• *? Onial.rj Uaj and Uay Knl»«a, Urtad Log aad Braaat lar W;Ag»ne ptrior mAke, Wheel Barrows Caaldron KetU':»^lAg*AAtldfB Yvk«d aud BoWi, *• vrltb < ;hMi articles I if uot cheap r agricultoral otb« rfa w xid will Ml aiUUfiMWTa Bara, rlok*i wera, Cera Strawl'uthB. itooM.Traee. Obalaa.Ld^' all of whHk we oOaa a* ar thaa aaf houae ta fU»d •tuiik inoet ooapleu enort« meat ol all Toola au l laapla- IMaialbr ihelr ua«( we af- to the cart-Dtar aad Jolaaar warranted Mela from WHOLESALE the moat celebrated otan afhclaren; A zee of all ktade froa Hetohet a Breed Aiea,froa Bar ton. Blood. Btaoaa. WhMe, Moaa, eU war- nated; Beaah aad Mov141d« Ptaaaa fkoat the beet aa- hare; ae* atytee •aadaatly receiv- ed. la the llaeaT Platiea we are ma we caa aatt Ba moat dMtealt. alao, a large aa- eartmeBl of Mailer toolawuk •ae Inhbed.Trp hogany aad aba M* aa<M wood, Bt aaiaee and Dlild eta. Borateh Awl* t'balfc Uaaa aad It^a, aeoke aahavea, LraJtlug ImUmtttDS*, afUtlav. troo aud wood , PIunah Bobe, aa na«i K°araa a^ueree of aaa- ay atueM, Bav- aete TraaCeB- ete, Bo rat eh fiarldoi end apUtHog Uaaae* of aansea Md Baa wood. OU Moaaeol adlUBd* Be- rle and otker Ortud Bleae*, Araaki aad A Jib 13 RET A H# Pramee, eud lo ehort every htod of Tool need, (a tblehvAAch qi f -- of war bnslAeee we iaaaa to d^ wte suSeUes at tec Uoa to eoAMe Mtc pfeov MaMMH UebiitUAB ef tools AAd At *o prtcae eehAd M other |,la<^e fer Oeepara wtilatee to boy tbclr wx*lse ty OD hauii twle aad faily wanacit a fall afu kc'WK Md ma. all aleee, aad Suve lolot Howab, Uvalars. ttaok Kuivee, Uel Ittfc aud Hoop aher KoIti4 for warh !r vers, Ac. f tare ^rur.slad toftrtor arttulM. BadoAva theylAAe We keep AoaeMt- aade tor our trade Ad. WAAOWhAAA diBareat kiade e< Xteee Mooye, Head Poi Iaahere lowlog' Kalm Eafrae, Ohe). light Aad heavp 0Ae« Adass. Btf * Bleehsmltfce we aelree Amply wtth loots, euefa ae Bellowe and Aaadl# df Ae beet nAhe, Beod IIsaihN, baih'iioed asdaolld, I'Aet Steel, Tic oa, eoUd box aad omu- mia- MoieeabAert wUl flu>i jjri j*oj\'Er X all AAlLi. Kara Iroa iA |H L«f4 tbe l«a»4 Hvda AAd Haed tteda •exae ib^e sha^a* tfvui Para lAat good braada ol liva, Iroa + gHe aad abapea Caiilag* aad Wagfll Baker etw* u* i«rge ^aabdUea Med OAAlltlea, ^eniAUef af OIoAi it Trth ale|tluVk«|| UttOUth Arlu pe., PetAAt Ail BanW"'^ Laatb* ShlAAhle UOA IA gMfct VAitAly; Amies e«,d Bkiaae at nnif«AWf»p lew prieest ripe aad eeweo* liei iprUgs. #w ItMkig CbAAit ftlahera, eueh ba (~ We Baste, Ua« _ _ roboAAd Till Uete, Oar W 'B'have tbla day asaoclauJ J. iu our Duvaeport ua*«. which shall litreaf&ar do buai* neee AAdAr the aama of tfiate, CU^|4&ger dt Bboada- We ere new prepared io do a vac a Afcor* a*taoai»a Job blAg hasleaas tbau ever We tAhe this method of retoraiog our atnoerd lhauka UthA eUlAeaeof Dafauport eud TicUtlcy for their Ub erel patrrrAti#*, Aud hope by strict aueatloa to bwlaeea aad prAotleaTdxu^gUu always helog Id atteadaace to (aarlt a eoatlAAaittfe of the aaaie. jaaOM U1MKB Af CUCflKdiK KAA0tl^<3B^ Aiu»dicao and PreachQ«tuiijaeS$£(8tf OvUpec ouaee. . MlXltfi,:« L[MlaNGdK A HMOAOS. •>Z AAil Sapeclur otgare, raaalag froaa 6 dUftart t. •VfVVviQiiMfU, We wieh to oioee tha* Ml* HI MVS, CLlPPIWdhK di UMOAiHi- Mirror Q-lass. ^LL ataea Mirror Bliaaaa for aale br HlXljjH, CLiPPIMjMR di RHOABi. TTtOB BALB, 130 butea Praseb Plan ftlaaa, alae lOi #0 ' 4 iilMfca, CLIPPIN4HW k BHOAM CU-VABTREUHIP MOTICI: W h bavo UjIa d»y Hiiultted iuio our Arms* peri aer 'i\ h. Mohi *i AlAlAg theeeaeaa u fiATAnport, JeouAry 19,101' ilie ueiue of IbA itm re t>fore. KVA>S, CHBW A CO. DAASUdtl ALSTON A CO. ALSTON A CO. 1 Al S l vilV A CO ALSTON A CO ALSTON A CO ALS TON &. CO 0PP08LTS LE CL^IRK HOUSF Ara nuw. a«Ulag io» their, aatlre ttork of LA DIES' Fnt8, ROBES, FLUSH AND FUR CAM 1 ' aiiEiftjh - " •' H A LAWIi eT0«K 1 ' Jaatetf ih a, ar* all geoe Your* iu Haace, a. s. n.araN dt «». NOTICE. A LL pern ui kaTlBt Pollelea to tbe K»jal»«ie Iu ai^raoae Co. of PbtledelpMa A«» ,\ w baedtutbair oaiaes aad ibe ataouoi of their reu U «W. Mofckiile. AaeV.oueea. recetplot every lessou Jaat4 dVw tiMO. Wa iBHBlOB, A. M. Clerk Co. iourt old brludle tttaar. iaa»ked In 'ityji'' Melto'u, a yaaillug brown kiad belly- J. 1- ),.um wit* Carpenter it JNorritoH, LAID AflMM port £ki<lB«r I<AW»e a > II L ua> l urttouLi aiteiiii«>o t*> the eeleckub \\ !';,ata'd tocatiuA ulLaad WAMAAIs, ym*um+i 0 , u ,d Laiad Ui>elKik*a lugeiitfAl L&ad WhrrABiA fi^aela fy* C«l>. lw»Ate4 ou Uuia' iW'a A B*ra.ul> ' ^ SlhuSL™* I'luiMtLtki woatai A teauplala, Ka.>.«ik jk»a»pnu», « ".k«i»Oil»aua;Jahut» l»m«l. « b U..«ut.lJ. "blu. apllO-atf FBMIMG W1RI. / l»fL wiju IHOLINE IKON WOBIW.- WILLIAMS, UkALU A ( O, uoa rovaona aid machibiati, I OCA IB< at Mollae, ea Iba Cbloago aad Kock IjUlaodlalaud lalle* above ihe B. K. BMJf. eeroaa tke MHalaaipiil river, wltb a good alotk ol yew loule.are prepared lo.ll ordera lor Mm Work. Koiai) <*aw MtUa. .baAlua aud luoai otkei tt.da of Macimeiy sow la uee latkle vletattj Al- eoAaailuga ef all ktad*. Hep»lr1ag proiapllj e«e •*ldS"..e,llo»h lalaad Co, lllloola, Jaat'i wd»* NOURSK iSc V11£LE, Cor.tr of freat a«d So*k lalaad ItreaU, Have for aale radatad prl«a',l PEASE'S FA KM MILL, for grladtug wkeat, ears, Aa. THE STAR MILL, lo* prlii<ltiq( aura aud ouru lu ibe rar. Cei Ikaller*. Meat Cutter.. Saaaaya Btnf< Ura, a*UrMi>r'. Agrlealtaral Boiler., The I'.ai «.t UtWa UHAJell Saku, aoole eel.aad retail, Aa. iawl wtf WAITED. A BWMLLIftO HOUUtt wltb J or * rooBi»,oon» aileotly arraupad, wiUlu all blocka ol ou> atoia *ey porewo having aocb a houae to reel b- lw**a thle tltaa and the Irei cl Hap. will eall li medt« ly- rtll)iiL*BO.N * Sb ad al. between " adj "i'd Pear 'ftgar! Sanur! ~ .\dkUHDS. cbohW aud urtoie Wa« Uneeea laAdlag *^'»o4 for aalw'by kVAkn, f'^HVate ( "T.'ld and rerry ite BUOK> , BOOKB AND STATIONERV! Beak, (er the People aad tltetr Chtldies I Booke of Tra»al BookaofBclao hooka i-f Uviuauca, Book Book* of Pivea, f 1'oauy, J^jiual. eai has; gooda la elware laje. Weaewofler leeihar MaltiAg from m*. •oet Approved »«ha.s " * eleo ageA«s ft lararstrf Bab BY.LOQKINO plaoe of Leather, U t«eiag Ml/ ehoaS hAtf m prtoee, aad thoagbt by bubv to be ea- perler. We oAr ttus al»o at taa toakef's prtees. Mill Men aod Machinlate wlttAl- WMAtndhere a fell atock of both ktade efselttAgAadPAcktop. Hubber and ~thtr Maley AAd Be ah \:1U Baws, OMteleslAad fol ly i in a ted; PUee, String Lee fihar, L a t h Twiae, Ae. I a (heliaeo hAeplut; ci oJa we otfsr •ajet aeairabla kfteda ot C<H*klog Stov AAAbd Kao^i'l, Kitch- «B t aridture, Bake Ftbi, Stew Paneead All other ktade Pa**; Bnhddles, ttndlr- oas, Man Cat sere Aad BBIfr" flwe, Coflaa awl BotoA MBlSS* tere, Oandla M eae, BaaBers, LasspA. Laotv ae, Ppeaas, La- dlee. KnlTee ft fork a, TeA Selk, G#e add Taa Urns, Ctalstew, Oof* toe And Ha rote, CAAtoce, Bam' Cook XDleee, Meet Porks, end a 1 •aw* Mad aad Biake, aod elhw Pertabla THROUGH OUR Mill* for ooau A other aiah, Btaani Baglaa* of aay aMn alio Botauv hawing' Maehlaee Airalaaedtoerderi Irou Mas tie* aad Orataaal waia o c haad. Steaa Wh Mae aad Braaa goodi to Mean work geaaraUyId the Use of Bnlldtng Mateft- al* we defy cow poll- ties. Wertrepertica. f * tar aKaatloa to thle branch afthatrede and kaew that we oaa a*it. tj aay aw all who have protein le waat ecy awdi U tke way of bulldlag. We keep aly taa •tat briuida of Hall* aad Bplhee, vht te Lead A Paint Oil, auil a vary largo aeaortaaeat of f riiuuiluga. eucb aa Lovlu a Latohee, Batta fc Ula«a*,dla*i, Beak, Coon, Patty, Mah Pulttaa, Wladow Bprlaae aad Lock* WatghU aad tWJ aad thlue too Baser tfblB Miaa. Uv«ei> efleaeyBar4wa<aaa4 other goode artU be foaud al|neUve. We heve e Baa ea- Bt. Louie gad ( bleago, aiwaya for aalalsaana eolt parchaaera. Alao.SierUug, Praoebaad (*er j eaohaaa*. ITOold gad hllvar Colau boafbl am aold. .TpTlaa Mil* on mUago, kt. Leulaaud New Work d (oeaated actd btaloeaa pap.r >f.burtdaiea oaugbt ettka loweat rataa. lCrMuu ey ii|iou Heal Batate seeuritlAA proAAred a', e Sfuali doiuu4seloe. OPlfctereit allowed or u«p^a:Mia PehBi aux. f ( AflSI •etar, Puhilc aad U.araMe Afeat oeceBaoklag Hoi«euf Mi.t/:«gjr,Liwea4 acre. Hake. Batta, Cake Baeketa, Codke Crna, Table aad _ flaoeae, Braaktot a#4 Dtaaar Ceetm, saw "ylaa. Ma«ta<dt aaaaread BMidpieee LA1II ITDOI a lew e beau wrui aaAATt> meat <jt Maa tla CIooBa Ia broaee aod stiver; Tea Wallow, lMdseaya, fUwer eatd ehell pA^- terut Wa OU AAd PUtd LeiapAi a lerga aeeortneat vf PorleatoaaleA At tow^rieee; Belle alee uaw styleac to^ketCanary of all aslaktttoi . , aet Catlayy of •l^terei Wortaa •More, tiporiiag veiy «-t.ap, Guas A Bills a kill ate rp tltta; Cult'suew Mtebt •• l?Agtv« Mlabtlo ef 'Jiojl^i.par aad Ww MMag mi ^at Itaa d^aeaad atUal», «va uie&uhkoia r a •heat I rea ail klode to wet ranted.—- aat aad WAT- wukTlaptoNA uypar doAA to AU fun j a* ted Bowittg head Fiatae, vi the beet ataoaar« uvae but •Apaitab^a to (ha biiSlueee Al aaiployad lb out toAAatocte ry, aad east*iaien say rely eetelAg gwed work 1GFOKE UVVifHii At e ftdr priea. Wa MMkll) livtto ^tteattoo to oat eigck U 1 itfslaAt wa eab *Ap^ ihe de «e*d lui any hlud wi tueleAl tow* di pewee than aM/ other hoAeeto Aa i tbe paiehe Ike Bailee purohe Aee Mas Ata 1 Af Wa tortte paruaa thoee wby auuteat BtAd •' balUliua eaa supply pie tttoilng eod pa vtog oaatOAAie to f-^ hlng throA and we gaarta vtt lto«e aweA <J *a^ CeaAadedvBB tad. al* BkAAd Walghtog, Aa.Aa. •ar atteettei of lo tha <* Whola efdei tor lattAg, thesakf ab* b dlflaretl atoeke |g^da> euy aad^All Jithai wub amre thtugee lhaa wa •au (Aiak ot to eaateerete» B we bad roow, we oflur At Ihe lewetl *Alee |»r eaeh u# ttiae ae to lJLAMt u«) B-oka, L.da«i«, Jv-aiuate X't', Hc- IJoalLtaud Tituo Biok., f^ktt Mat* ol Creut Wvalwru »lalM aud Terrllortae, bcboxl BooU ol all kllide, ktua UUiuxiafli kugravlu^e. wltb.or wltbuiil frauiai, Plue Oiit .VloaUliig. tug.tW wilt' . welt ••'leetwl aeeoittu.ul .1 all Elude of M Bill l>apM, tuolaca^, Letter, .tote end Bll'ott, butt, wkitw and uaaorlad ti lota; hovelui,«e all kiod., 1 uJet llblo, Bluk, Blu.auJ K«J luka, U»ld I'eli#. tit.el I eu« U^Ut and kllver Paurll Caa**, pjrtaicolca, I Kfll j-*a*.' Vliltma t'atde, fockrl Iultatauda. P«rlaai«ry. raujll. and If "ibi.ld.ie, aud an tuoameraHe «u.utit> ..f wth.r atti.l.. ull M .alo at k't.». .b..p !vr >aab. .iu„ i miu tuj rto..k awn, *d .tiaet, vvt-.tu L. aiali. Heaee. ^lelkdU, *. rl. aiAKK. Aijeut. Wo A. IkMt'l Imut yoar fcrdw*-i uatfl yoo Brady Street I BANKIN'y HOUSE CdVM* tttt.j,, UltJtOW 4t CU - Oavacpert Block, Goumt Xaia asi 2d Ste. ri«U A 8FT.TET! w.uWJ U. V* CHI'BB, BKO.. BAHRCJW \ ( O.. airW Mtintl. CWUBB, BROlPUK.HAh w A CO., Hankers At, JP* Xt/M A^GB on ihe Bast aed Boath, M|» S mu K.H,K, LLIi CMUBA, BBOTRKH, O for Al andopward LAIS VAlaAin] •OK ealeby Peb.18. CHUBB, BRO . BARROW A OO LAMD rOK SALE. Aldl|ACKitt beaulU'ul LaodlmUe aerthoi WOcott uw fwtils od easy urae. -ALBO— Poar 40 acre lou flue for tormiog l biUa Aorthof PultM, (Arms AAsy sod^rloA reAtoaabU. L80— 290t&ree lb Waehl&xtoA ooatt; t id miles from Io a CHy and It frosa WashlDgtoa. end A good road Leading from Coluabus City To tikh»ood,d0 aerea a . . * **•—a-~ well watered, / which is flfie tlmheraBrd tbe enn ba sold cheapand ter ma aaay —ALBO— 4 iftlou. 9mtiee weat of Iava CHy, well waUreJ aad my torttlAi terma eaey. —AUIO— A few weU eltvaied lotslaihA oUy of OATAApon. -ALBC— 210 lots la Was! DAveaport la etoe from 10 b? too lAAtaed i ie n tares> terms i AAd 9 yAArs, Us kAad. ALBO— A wsUIalahed two atory Brick Dwelling, & <00an aad Urge eeller, wood hAAAA acd stable. Fine ftow ItaB the obeervatory of a large ^an of the ally, EU«* isuAd aed MoUae. ALBO— Beterelwell flfitabad dwelUoga oLgrooad lease ol 10 years would he sold cbAAp Aad eaey tenas. Ap- T. C.RAUS. ply to (Qeui) __ BtliBtrt BeAoed Btifhrs. 1 00 Berrfcia all grade*, tor aala bjr BVA58 CttBW ACO. t-oroer Hecoad aod Parrjste. '* ' PIAITATIO* HOLAUSS. OA Barrela leediig aad for aale ky , . , •T aVA.fi. cmrw t CO. Coraer Beeoad aad Perry at*. oauD niin. 1, Praaaa, Pla«, Ar, raaaa, Ctwoa, 4to~ to tela by p.. A. Cwraer Bacox*d eai Pauy 1 R aUtau^ Plaaia, Praaaa, Pl«*, Arpplee, Pndin, t»r- raaaa, Ctwoa, 4to~ to tela by mil, rHBW dt CO. BVANB, CHBW 4l CO. t 'ISfe-WUte Blah, Troat, PIMuled Henlac, CodAah Bacdtaae, 4m. to aale bp B" Ooraer keeead aud Perry I pimiTii Qaaohaa, Paare, Ai,rtcote, PI oaa, etrawbarriaa. Btaek klr* "- awu ' Our Mr SecuBd aad Patry ate. Qt^Urd, Boata, ^ Uocaer ieooxt tad Perry at*. fTvaatrlsaliykeeled Oyalan, Tubuivim, feaciiea, h BTAMl, CHBW a CO. Oe»a»»BaiMdead I'art **a. •TOOK OF .eaACBAIDIBI aal iSHVfl* Ver aala. ' Ban opportaaltfi W M oBar for aale the new arid Bae atock ot gMAaowttadky aata tka ally of Moeeattae, LoVAm eoaAleUag of Feeelga aad B»»*itU Sty aeede, letuaa, fee. t>a *aty adeaataaaaaatama. Tha atoak te ta Ihe very beat eaadlttea, haviaf beea boagkt aad and tot aa aaetaatva wholeeale trade. They are aoi «t aoed* er broken peakaaee. The kaelaaa* already eetabllehed la laige aaa valaabie, tudao better ep. port natty taenfliSte ta a heavy aod proatoblejob Mag baiiuea* aaa he to aad la the eatlre Weat. Al. la the oaly aadaetfe wkoleaale bry Oooda k«aae la thla elty. •Oar ethar keelaeaa aagaiaaai a at* tke oaly laaaaaa fer ear dtapeat ag er thla etoek aad boetaeea. to reepoaaikte pertlae who eaa Jrtve ealteteetary r.r u,M riiJW&T" ,d - )ahi> d 1 m Bavard Tire ami Mailaa INIVIANCE COMPANY Oaeh eapitai, .... «eeo, eeo. Kerekaau Iaaaranee Oeeepaay, of Philadelphia, Paer Aataartaed aapltal, - . ,4ii(^OOo. Aaooutaeoanly Iaveeted, a**>,ow. OAea, Btaw Oaaoocat Oitoa- Btlann " Maahlot A Portia, c. a. BBLiM. Amu. Peel6 dly-pam GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! I P yau waat aay tktag ta Iba way of a nice Wateb or ptoee af Jewelry of aar kind, .all at Be. 9 LeClalie Bow, where yoa will Bad Ike large at gad akeapeet aaaarUaaat of Vatehee aad Imltj evet aBeted laat* sarkat. I will *ell Pall Jew. eied Aatd Later Walehe* for IB to 870; do. with Ilk can. wtnatlMfkoa a^ to |V0; Bold Chaloa cf aveay atyle aad vartelpi Braaat «Ba, Wager ttii«*, Bar fUM*. BraeaUla, Opld TkUaklea, Bpeo- uclaa, *e.,aadla Met every Ihlu oaa ally kept la a Jewelry Store, fro* eaauaaa m. 4. to the Baeat caaaeo. Cam), Maaat* aad Dtaaoad Plaaaad Blag*, i ealy aak bb aoaaalaatUiu ot aay atock to aaUtfj jyooathat It la, aa I kave aald. Beak tka laryaat »DJ beat ever oBered herei aad laat reaolved to K;l ti IIKa prlua aa abail dely coaipetUioa aad gtta aatlalaauou to purskaaera. ^Mgg-dU »• nOUBBla. Evening threat fifoadi, W BrTBBBOCADB BILKBI Llaht aerlpe aad Plaid Bilk* ITklta, pUk ead blae Oraaae de Pareia; ptak, blae and wMtc allk XuUat Colored Bamae aad Tarla«oa« Ptak, Maeeatia MertaMi Emkroidtrim tvry Dmnption, Mk Bertaaaa i<t lace Ug» >e i Wadnae aa I Mellaee lace keata; » WMM *ad Ugbt ostoMd A u litoe ea a ana. variety id every atyle af availing Oom aoak aaaka taadat WADB WOMll'a, Beccod at. oppoMte LeClalre Moate. £<UMBElRt at CANNONa Steam Saw A Planing Hills, ABD i tlM. DOOM * BLIND , AIT«K1 . ] 'WOuLIi reepaotfully aaU tbe aoaattoa of Baud Lav*, Pamela aad the pabUegeaeeally to my large aad well aaaortad atoek of LVinks. LATH AID aUiaMB, aadta Oa* Parahewra wlU sake II aa rt|e«' to ..u »t ». .Ill ..tke LoweetMUl oa Baeoad etreet, where I kave aew oa haad, leulifaf all leegtta, beaktt te 14 ft fiirti *— r ilaaad errean, eel alllwnkei aiMla Atnd, eat er *awed; latkef tka beet aaalltr, Aha raatoklaa Laakbar, lldtac, Ae. Laa aow oreaared to faraiah at ahort aotu-e, DOO& SASH, BLINDS, Wiaiew aad Deer Vraaee. AHkkiawee aa4 Anhatava IhUUmi, Ontawae aad fl- laetar Wark, flta&a a Saaa SaaHe, Faael Werk, OerataaB, XeaU- tace few ta t laakae wide, Y.raadah a Bataatrade aaaall Warih mmwu. io 11 BO LIU aadMEUAIXIOS Ok •AMBSTH. fiUBOLL»AWmO doaa to order. Tha aaaklAAH la u Door, Baek AAd BltAd fAi laaeaia..^-^ # -t,rereuenU, Fere left with geavaetead ^ifiaaknUar paei Ikvor., 1 kope Lj awui atteu aa.ta.tt «dS- -«». ^-u-e^-J.. Tka aartlaai) la Dear, waa mm « k,r» betM*" efth* late* uad beet liaan aud haetag aaaipelaat work area, all older •aewlll bellied with pravptaeaa aad r COLLEGE STUDIED. | A g. guuoi', A M.,a uatlveal Parte, Praise, a H . Oiadaata ef tke Oulvereltyef Bdiutiuig. Ueot- Ead,aa eaperleaced teavker keth la Euglaua aad Preleeeoi e< Matheaiattaa aad Languagaa lu aeve ml teatttaitteaa ta tklt eeaaliy, aad BJft tiKO. W. aMBlDV, A. M., a aaUve af PMladelpkla, a Urtduate ef ike UalveMtiy of PeaaaylvaBla at Plilladetphla aad durtug Ua yeara a practical teach- er, da herewith re*» ra*aaaiN|;» aaaeuaae tut ihey ara prepared to leeelfa a Itaiibe.' •••••-••— -• yoaag geBtlattea, when the^ will aaelva a itaiiiad auwaer *< lei wtf tr epOva la aay > r tae miiewlaa .1 Iheltearew, Wreak, LaBa, apaalah, "teBei, aval •aa aad ItMUak I^bgaM**, tae Met,tel. Mor Pkiatael Meaeee, laelaetag a Uerough taunt of MarthamtUeefreai Artlhaauatothet aleuU.aaltka wleelbto evare. applied to the Aria «f »»iie>Uig Eaataaertag, ae., sad tke Meebankwlaad Coaiatw eUIpaiaalt*. WSwUl kaetew aapeaialaiteaUaa euua taoae wko wtah le eater eellege.ead aaamataeaelr adailaalou lata the elate thaj aaay tune »a enter. Thi* deverueeat wlU he airMdg Hunking UHd Kir*hnuge. BANK I N d" TaIImo, Powers A MbLmhi, tANKXU AND fl£Ai,k.JU IN EXC11AN6A, IMVI;IH>IM, IO«« %. U f" Pit t, rtt- i, , ' !, ' ^'.v» c*.. 'hi il.irl -rav'.< Hx r»o ,. / . . tlif t.4 :.. : pal . > •'! < iUo.i .,aU«, Bf.uib. /rolar;--! AbJ «'on ' adtal <k:;ds/>ld. >oteseaidUrar» i,iir.ti«flar.d proceed# reiaftted »!•> par*..-,(sute, c\,rtns,l rat«a*i' / <«.bALge ol not«»*, lretis, aeooaats. legecles god i L«fiUiu. «• „.ud.- iu all parts Af Ibe CaJted 8Ute<, i Ai.ddaa ai.d K ,v.. b^ogbt andaoU aa commie**** k...f Drvld^ridseoiletved. Laiid tVarrAntsbouirbi^eold ajad loeeted: Ex>-bAoge oq - .l.aa >v- tbe ' uii«d states. f.arp^Lter A Veriwi'.ge, Hear York (.u»; .Ail^cy riiy Bet.k. ^H.abv, V; BuAklo ';1ty Bank , N Y; Bfti.k of Maes; i re-}eatuau's Bar>ti i'bMa^elpbta. Vt, tfercfcaolt' A .Uno'a tBaDk , P.'ftiWttfa,H HtKIm A Cu, HaJltfflore, M Dj - »* ' •-p.lai .ro A Broib^rl'jo, ucicl<i&atl, On o| « aa A SlmoLda, vtLouN,Mo, 1 > '.jtci.e* fiA/ k, :•*» La; H \ Swifi, Hr >tbar •-* Jf/bflrtOii, Chicago, hi. etpt 9 *zt Jwtf )<>U» P. H. TbuLMAI, rVAKbdaPoWBRf Poug^kAApe^*^- v - UiT-DporHlo*^ TALLHhH h PyWEBS, AttArBerA&CouiisftlArAftt IMWf AAd lAnd Ageuti £AVE.nr^p.T, !<nvA# " OS :e u'llj atr-pl, tvrecn Scccq<2 ac t To!rd S" hvW;.Bd.oM J & iiavi/i^- *leo an in fcaat'er . .Vjf Vorlc, at a potu'. Qtiui wbi;ii alargeou gr&ttcun.t; expocte-Jdurtr.g( Lte pr^sebtaea^O; we have atuaual a-jwantAget^ I apoee ol laade to aet^&i settiers. B iijr'UfAiisaegoUAtoJ o- Kasi h*!ttcitcarft7, —BEFEJIEJCEB— :iew Yoji C--2. rtjL. Johfi V*3 w:r* A.t. r'agg, o"Cc H ANKB B e«i muk dt aAhtit .vr, i>av< t;OOK .AKtrh>'l dr utt cook! Baaakrra * Ue.lar. la B»thaa,4. ATwar.nd a,a, t frtt—4* ,f iu vm.tti Itarn •III. ct Xxeha&fe oa ell tka utujMl aitfte ef tke Vaitad StatM ud laAjie, Baefht aad Ml JU»%.eyre«ilit^j toBeropeia «<gAi BtUa.whle oetiTeeaikad to tuyiewu in KmUM,1 r«taa(4S. Wa!ea,in ruei £l apwar4a. ^ -•Malar !••• B. .V. t l.AJtK, Mt. I.OOll. Mo. _ -mtmm «w. clakjc, bouak i i'o . Mr r<iAi" K. '.vCMfrK A CO., Phi lad el " CM '• t'•• . runs a CO.. UmtOB. tilkJKtiK SMITH df lu., C'klMgo. UA<l<f>u i . u « w ... / j WW* ilekU J HA'I'fH ic LA N (/UO.S, C'.u jia [Ulea «/ £ie k* 0O0K fe »ARGZBT. it" Pt.qgLjL46i".sie^y, ^h0!ght Bxehaoge .• v«w Vork,,. ... (i iftOD,..,. .... fblladelpfeta. .. r i'tttehorg, fhU Louis, ae... V-eelnbt 1 .... . .•^iS'>,I>.i^A. dS'j.. Kxe.'tai; •c»..ana nmi to flaUfrarcha<mtqA ' ..•....a..,H M If 1*' u-<i - »*t.ta.;g» >o Kleglaa^*IfalAAd WiAMcgrad frercaay. a^Vt) &-srtxJ3aa, j aeSssr^cCo , i J Losslag . F.- r <. j. h. Mon*. } CbV.liA O'COIeCi. it:ara K Havsratye: A^-itii7 J nieeckr 'A .iliam h.BkJd&cre Ai'';au,. -V V. a:>i i-aggat k Filter i a:c,j,. m, ac*!'/ooy»e, KlBgaat Motet KB -fwlf'.aDdCo, ttaauiat orriag. MIUo an-1 Fnwler, %plli.i wti M K. Aooatr. 1 Co KOIICE. Baa Mtiaes Laad j|«i^ .-.tAMD WAKEAHTB. 4| 1 'HL noleMigriftd have for SAlA l«gDd ^IJTMill i!^er--t aixea. whiehibey wHI eaUfvr Oca .N.Y. Hob. Bey moor A OfaMS waned io Hawlrei ?* Irs^ra^ce < oinpary tae State tor the port Bidet, opposite ti*e 1 lleelOdwtr D. Claire Hoqia . L. bHOHfcY.Seemary. > ;ii>eTalcredit. TALL.MAN POWER.S, LA3l> AULMS. OfitA Brady BtrMt, bAtween Sgeo&d and Third Itmti O hPERforitia tL^ r.iie*tr^ v&tu« & Heel kg- late: City Ffopdrty la DavBAport. ) H <>use attd lot on Third Street near tbe coraer o hotloland. ii Pilots ontbesouth we«i comer ot Fourth atd raraarii >ueele. 9. Mi iota at.Vnnh port, br-twceo Perry an J rtoea fsland Btreet# All •'»« hA-»v« k>ts are» w^ll end In parts of the ''7 ® imprortfig sn iwitl ba solder* termi. ** firming tanda la Johnwii Coanty - 'k -rf d. B S. 3S T. HaogeS west &• acrea* N# of 31. h. | 8- S3 T. "0 N . Hao^e > weat eOacree- K.fti ofH. 8. | S- 39 T T9 Kdiije <) west foaAras. Tb^4'>OTy lar-.dsare jj «r. Ue Ilea of tbo railroad f.'un DateoporiUi lowa-Clty. Cllutta Coanty. Nioe bu i trea acrae of prairie aad ninety avrw u( uieber land near hlrlra?. seven nUee frem Ly- «u», ClinWu Co., tsar tbe V'^iroad; ail ebetcAlaad, well watered. Ine above property «:.! ui Boott County Icopre?ed farm one m!i«> end a bilf froa Prli»ce- teo. Hlxty sr -eefirst rate Uud, w«4i improved will goadaoiSAf. -V'lU be aold at a bargAlb. Poweeblek Coaaqr. Twokutidred atd 4ftj aeroa Sue prairie laedtwa IK** north of Mobtezjlaa.lkf cooatjr eeet. McklT-'H-dtt BeottCo. Kuacre. uoituj!..Mil laodtwo itllea Cram Hickory t>reve, throe muee from Wnloott, ten ntUea Frew Davenport, well watered. ldoaorea tve oiilea aortk weninm Htekory Grove vary choice land. Rear Davtnport Oueaiid one-half mlioefrota t'ourt Hoaae oa iheV 01 off, wttlia"perh o: nver and aarrouaditi^ 1 eoimiry. A •nullum, M i5i'r:a isder the hlgkvat date ot cultlratlou aal vroll .applied with fruit, traea. The moat t,uB'i.ir«! lasd la the Tlc.ultr o Mhel ctly. •etrea mile* from Davenport, Alarm of.0 acrea, to under cultivation, xO of ui£ - her. Aaavav talilug atream rn ^a through tk Will beeeld very eheaj,. lfeai Wklcott, an Acre .. b -te.- i , airi. at a bargain- Al Xorth Darenpart, A beaut^iUA.e a^i.le*.' . - * 1m® pi.ijaaaar*, aey will pay parttcalar altentloc la H: c atloi sfianaa In tort boe Molaee, Dart Oaarttaaaod other Weaterr, ta r.d OUHMS: Al paynentoflaxeaand land Oaatneaa ~ *en-»- «-">i artga UaattfeiUofH* United tutai boogataadeaMi .' C(>'.K, harg^BT * OOoft, w .• tlaukera aad 'ead Ageek*- - ^ Fori P>a Vgi.|jgtt>.' roTiltai THE HWPL *T WALCOTT, 'J WKl,Vh mUeswestof i)areopontthAMnt A Uoa ua tfc«j til. if iiallroad. The hAVA#|g l bafii.Aad aliased JT| i.ataral alATAtleste^ Iv pralrlo, wa, rn* <"• nj/etienslre #1aw of I'rou&dlt^g . . ulalty U a ArorltA rv» &u.'e (br aportsuieid duriiig thehiiatltig eAAAOai A »arg<) al<J t •y£uni'>iU..'ta tfvnhle U attacaAdia "mlaes. BANKEKS. ^ nailKf.OI A( UHHI>. U.vairroBT, tow». ttr.rr.k rn- Mtaare.P. i n..Ta»cjii.dtOn.. , B t i'..aiaaAjiaair»• Prra.xea Hhk. t "* w a 0 '*- il. aata. Taeeoii a 1)j*ji*. B.Hcr., St. l.oula. Oaahler Aixaarir Histc, Boatoti. Mi-eat*. R a. »»t»i. Ba-r. » J-> .«to< fhlcago. Nwtet aud Bllla -,.;it .a-1 t,r >^a^d. ruiiittieeti. aoypartMf the L etatea. Bllla of Kaekaage on all tke Prtaetpal Cltlea of the United State* aed Europe Uought and Sold. ;;'f'i'o"ey raa.lilal u> Korj(.e Iu Isiaut BUIa. i wkteioau beruactod UjWu f-naland, Ite- lai.d, or Wales, In aut.-ia vi £1 upward*. KovS dtt Fer fient for three Y«\r«. 4 HTORt HOl'SS III uuu: tfa. h^t lecatuj.M ta tfca •^•Jttys wtth or wlth.u. :u« 1«Rr<. Auply u StiCHOLl attacked ia tka* ,»id a / 'Hit . JL t.oaey wUl ba BAHttlWir. T^rma very low Ltlt C tor parta of the ' ruaeealon glvea ln.n.. i..,vMdif to woTira. \fr. Juiii. L. tavie haa IBia day haw itgg. .ri ted a Paftnftr In AQr Brm. The badaaaMk -m f' n tl(, aa uuretatere. aad endee IB. aeaae it .a and atyle. COOK A .AHOBfefT »avenport,A|tr>l 1 al ,iaj4. BUILDING LOTS ~ I J^OR shit- at fair *"''+1 tad mli oa lAttg erA4KklB ? facilitate iOipror,»aiente |St COOK A hAfcGJt.lT - ..i sell 2.>i» iu par'.iA^ *ha wlil batt4oa U0M Ta"' 11 ni "dciaU prtc*e act ssretfWjy 9 BAKTK of FLORESWt Great Evcltoaieat ia Darsaperft \ l "K sr.: l ,v pa, .ti/ lur t.otos of the above Batt V? !n Hate, Cups, t'aara. BakMlad Geula k urials aiMg n iar One Hoadred aad five Cent, oa tke DeUafj | ; ,i oar oSe« Ir. Dareu^.jrt, 8eeot.J .treat, opda^B* 5 . I.«rialre Hoase. Cone along and bring yew Florence Maigw | daetMif A. B. ALBTOB tCT| ^ Bank of Florence. ^*t- rioreace, ^tcferaelui. ***'" tKOE>T,prrt't. J. M.fueee.Caek'n . (Jr tin, Baak of fk«*ae*. the provisions of It# charter, la* ijuaijy ;or all Ua *au«a, aatf wlU r*4Mi ; »ai«! nftou, et lw coooier Jo tbe c*%of .iuau*v't coin, aod i*i etrUrr ol ibair heafcjAg Maw t^ytara kxcuniH^e o* iu specie a( rairr rasee as aAHI» * : ie>ncsr. •»., U»K it >.* JtGHST. D^uporr. » Coijii. ciAku t>t A L >W .ShV,ro»a cit/f VJo*. COOK. - Al:Li>:.N1 A Couh,i(.Deaui#iitSAj COOK, SAH<iENTl PABKI?IL fioraLtWiehdfc Jt" rf 4tf / B.! Jnl y Si'TlALZkLh. Jr. dc co:, WH0IS8AU AITO KKTAIL 0BOCSAB, s I. S. Corner Becoad A Parry ata. i . In ihe city. lean :OUjplet^«Mlk. ally kept k* "* Deltet Atkkaa, A LL alee a, Juataeeel'ed and Karaite at ,1«r Totk •rteaaat JOOX'I, •>c--lll Brvi; it , Ut ichaadttk. •agar, Melakae*. Coffee. w. Y Syauj. Tea, Buekwhegt flair, Cera Meal, Uoailcey, White Beaaa, afpilt Peaa, rarlaa, Bnaie. CaL-dan floar l eter; -er : ... scaa .uUif. Has he ui every letc/ipUoa, 8aapA« Jfaaey« i.a?wusai a laaUly: 3hueh«a No, 1 *iitc*e. 8ago B.ile, l.p. jca, #rsaU ruav >«3 Pr«aerv«a, FUklee, CrachLfal. biscu^, hodtiaud dau* Chocolate. saUca;ui,Jiai,3wvU, ac it' Stove brueuea anc! r rltia LaaUe, .^n,a,«Mk.4 Bed lord.. tloUua Uicee. at, ***** Kalalaa, .ILK . aiu. nifa. Laadlea. beef toorf.ue, ijrleJ Ueel, J >•- I in ki-.taforraiaUea,' PRICES liEDUCED!! (b order lo eloae oat tha balance of ear FRENCH M.ERINOES, we aha!; to-d«y / REDUCE THE PRICES! aoaatoaake tnem oy FAB THE CHEAPEST Freuoh Merlnoee 1 aver ofcreiir. IIAVlM'oBT. We rail the pellicular stteatlooef allto th. Bargaiaas to be taaD In !tIerlno«e AX Sstfth's Variety ^tort*, DAVEVPORT. UAOeiubtH- IS. UrOCIIA Lo>ti SllAllW. A XBW aud beAOtltiilstoch )u«t re-?clvel ^ declS W.\D3\y0KTH 1 8. ilaehera: 8ttr, Speroi as i ullow eaadlAe, i vVtck auu .Ulaueyi aoudau aud wiiiew ware,a Laicp Wick auu .Ulaueye, Basheia. woudau aud witle ill the above articles and at aay MOfA a roestoaieDtiori. we o#t»r tew. GIVE US A CALL. i*ee I abet. 4th W AUTTBOt FiVl HUWDBLX) XXH, YO0TH3 AMU BOTH fi:hki H Ati oil £u.; .i me iafgT?at atock <>( I1BADV-VAOt tl.Olltno (of Lis own luauutaciur*) aver w>ff«r<»d iq L*aveup->rt, i wulch utuai bo clo«ed tiut io make room for# ae* aud eoiupieu a:oclt for Sj.rhig a&J ^«'jirui>r trade.— I In order io diapoae oi my auu* «>i '-Vloter Goo t ! l& hwishortesi poa»ic.l<? i *iii offer lor ikltty j dayaaiy wboJe atock of Kea^y-Mad« Uotblag i AT COST PRICES! | che^e iJi i Furnl.tilu^ Uuw.ta, con Wmra nnt gnmiaar. n *T*fTlatha fjBl A liquid prifeoer peat la walls <Y «1ms, C . iAauty's Mfoci with beauty war.* bctaft, ^ t >'or tl* n bo I'aoaiu b«raar« Whet tt WAV. .Jut tlowr liailUed, thoagh thwy wtth wtottf i»ee oat lOMr sh^w, iciMr aebetaa^ etfU lleaei »er fifty teahi.tut!« ax tracts at daxula bottltse opeu t* Labile tf Ail - - - ' * - s \J'£. B . t.S, etc >•:*& Brady At Fiirate lala, firairaieCarriage.wW» alaudlag (M. ^• •ery b>w price. M. wTfloiBlS^ ChiidrAA's WooUn lioodi, L il£ra«a^taicu( in t. wu. at JTu ''4 «a^dg»hB« / Or. A. M. SMITH, UL?., liAiACtK ^hftlClUe ' xioeoii Hradjr street oeiweeo tad and 14. . t a ua lal/deireei o«t*e«B aala aad Bra4f " -VO^Aiatteutloagiveu to the* trstiasils?lc;oft|' -c>.i.dalouter cbcouio diseases- > * liAVHSVOSL I,IuWa 'VibJL IThe Only- Plaoe sport, wbare sla«lQ viupmui Put. VVuitj smJ Fb.ivy Co- der cTotAlag,HAJi4kerah1efSt Glores, ColUrs, llo tSAS. Ac Ooiy one JauU Briiy ' bAM L. PERKY, opposite PostOflc CLiBK% FATIM'I' ll.«>ttCTItll FOB SALS' fl^RE ;ui for aale iiib .Mill. Mauuiu- L «fyt Kaglue, l^ixlarjs. Ao,c5ra riaand^erry ^i.ats. ou rea»ota r .tc terms iv a party wbi) ha» uieauato t.-«odaet!c. 1'"'^ -'l.:i win grlad and c>vii over 11 bieoeie Waeai porboar. prodaelug a barrel Plsar out o( erery 4 i buaheu good wheat, il properly tuat-sgedU-- cap taity la over 60 bbls per d«y;«greater Jit 11 a .J &t «xpou** tkAu au. Mill lb aee. lae olea.Ji:g ftpparatua la mo*caH«J ac j ila o*psctMr Is grvatar taan toe MHU .No bet ver luTeeim»ei la uow opei. .niahe motitjj wbcle Astahbshinaai caa : ^ared lu leae ibai. a year. W«aleo oiar for r Vllilsaad rlgbia vl lefrltory ol U*e Suie oi lo*a ^ aud see luc ilill. 1! not aold s>oa It w.U be ; >i i-^a«». For further parties.ei« *^pt| Ai tbeMlli w JauI J\Coa WtAVfcrt, J, , AgAQt Ab AtAorCme&t of MarchindlAA. 11 sAsbprtdee, would vuluiugad !'er ro*l stiato lu ^DeveiUMTt or Tictnhy. Pfr«...i.a wrshing t-» make a trada ij tuat klad will CiUl at oiy store h. »v. MoaaiN Auctioneer ai.d C«uuila»tOB MerchAAt. daodl'Utf Meovbd »(. ueai Ferry, aeaahei o( yaetli wUl aMleaaead mm* 4 */*', aad yss.-jS.«XSr:.Sf.s:,rir ^1kMMM > JtS'!«<e ae lew claaaae aa paaatbla •udiluCiiae braaab,** that Ihe teaeh*e*'aaw aalMiaalaiad te thegrealaet advaalBfe. fhom a eaaartof aethod al aUaatBaeBaa, aatct dtaelallae, theavegh Baatal tralalu aad tha .MthQ u lenaMrf aeeatred by aaa ay yeara'aaaanaaee, we l,aaTle Mhethte taektata aeerthy el the Bkeael nliirg- al thla eaaanlly. " ii aeauile. e< iBiBw ta tt**lted,th*ee deal, da teeead aaaUe e> lhaaeeelve* eiei aa atadeai*, aBud aala e*d| .eeWlte. al Ike aeUeglaiela aiUate.Bd itavelfcalr. IVeaa e»»aei«»d<aglt aileral, which will esttBa to taatfeettaa dartaatha day aad ev AKVllKUIOBa. T. 0L06E, W.'MOBfiHOUSB Tae Biahi Be*, ataea a. w Lea, u. u *' V ' " a Hev. AUred LoadetOaak, Bav. e. r. Magou a, Q. H. 81CKELB. R.J8ICKEL8# l aveeport. Ian. let, lW^.j il. Mae, V>. w. \N >edwari B*<). aait Bk»a«a*t uaek. h««. Sr. Mayere. W. e. tolliaa, l^|. asCoMD a&attax. or ~ FIha Velvet Cloaks, AT WtW U'UKIIi.V tfc.tvaa thi. uioiulaa by azyreeea (• a uio V Viae t elvel i Clath Claaika ago Jraolaaa Leaf Miiawla. Ladlaa who liavo avt feta'vulleU Oioaaelvee au iw* do ao by call mat WAUSWoKrH'S, dee« Hetond oppoaito LecUlre Houee. WA1MWOKTII H tfl received during Uie pa». we<-k Ur(e aJdl tleua tj hie eluc^ or troode, to wblvU bewuuM te the atteatleu ui all who wl.b gooda ol ike quality at Ike LOWEST POhS3JULK PRICES to tha large eUok uow tSkiore oi. Seooiid street, t yeAltA i.-»i'lalre •>» _t>A0J8 HTacTT Mi ; likriBtBB PUI-. Hilt : uatre, Hulled Mike, Mor i UAatl^ae aad Black Kapp kilt a, ljUek Walere.1 aud natltt de Oketue, Blat.a (Strip...) aad PlgnreJ liilka, lu.l re.etv.d at >ji3 M'Abs WORTH. '.•!*» I AmrB ail Wool Oe Lalaee tor M umUt^S l fz Xerlaee " 80 aeaatttal Flgared Oe Lalae. aa SHAWLS AND OLOAEA, Lee*tkau Mew Toi k Cuet, eaa be gol,leal STRIOiU.A.tU.iDUUdl DUBHAdl. »Mtt Saaood St.batweeaBradr JBft GREAT SAl RIFICE 4 few*.™ DRY GOODS! AT THI CHEAP NEW YORK STORB Of W«t. UNr^LBE A who ar* delanataad la Ptost Out their }ftnt#r Stook, lo order to make J Xaauaoth Stock la tha Bprlag 1 tltey »lll therefore uB*r J (h\K MONTH ONLY !t V. iLejr entire aioeh ol VVtbiartioods atTAry Iaw &<|a* uee Aud Aiaay oltheas lAes ih^A & A S TE li JST C O ST. 1 A uiobg hie stock Aiayb*fo*Ad. Preiioh Merino** for 80 c. worth 1J6. - it n.;gli*h '• Iron aa to dOe." dOtea4f 1 < oourge, •' ao to aa "»a"aaa \.jaca* "lasted* -aa-ae I'iain Ua Lainee " J8W lo lfl "Ift«aa" Knglieh.Marlmae and Coakaeo Print, lac- Cooiinon #taS lay. Jean* froui 16 to Me worth it to ae Sauaette 40 to SOe '* 90" taa- < HlnnkWe IA per < i»nt le.« than u.aal pricif ^ flffc] t^llnU VERY f'HEAj. Uiwho waalobeap u # ! U La Claire Sewvi, ijjrOue Pr.i l', No Abatemeat.^CS '''* uaSlal.t^Ktl «< ' tiinniiusrnrtC7*aMw~wdiKrei . B»l«»«t foe Paa Oakea. he aale lawetlha mvJ# KBIBToaa WH4. txfeXfXMJflr OIKTI a LaHOK atilval atoek tk* la'geat .ure lacall at tr m auction—uiatlag out - - «at ihe ' WAi'SW. md ob.afeat lu the elty. £v HTJi'B. O A LIAS MnmDCOKSFR;— J UaT reeetved at dee lk WAUSWCRa^. BLACK LACE OOLLAfM. A OOUfaaaortiaeBtoaii be fOuud at dw*M -.\AL>«vroin'B , a. 8AX1N LAIN, •pMMrlclieai Cartala Ooods talhAOityi wtthtaada A AAd Assets to match, at deolg WADS VVuKTrt'8. Lumber ! N. KExNl>Al.L A CO U AVK «t tktfli wlU ou U.e levee, eitiadlagta geeoad lUW, oo. tke laigeet aud had aa- Kilrte.ei.te e i XaX/XMCXIXtS^L laUaveutwit. faey uaveaow oa hau.l over ten allUoo orUel, cooaiatlltg or naeeiaa. draeAAd and o&drAasAtl, hldiaf BM»BoArds,do Jotita, BqaarAT^Mi. •ttutey ud mo.ooo ft. 9t riAiiif They do Alee, but ' Iftafaat* Rp£R1 ASD a0 0i»TiB$£*Z Aad ell klade of ; jlBmtorolctcvy . , Geld, kllver a»d Silk, ete.,aade le acBer. A" <•> 1 large etoek ol . . >i.U A dli.VBB BBA1I>. COBOl, »BIMaaa,l|W Inhauj. SArOBR A BtrMuH^Vv al MUMB. LOU1B', iVlie Brady at., bet. «th* Mh.Uave W fl W o. .v. *wJ«« Tijr* m neali 1 rarnlBklaf Bimb. . VtULL aseoitaiAal of AvarrlhlAf Ia tkA 1|^> yt«: Gloves, Graeata, flwe» MAfS. HlogkAt fir u. l«ra, Robee, OadArwAAr. thlrH. CsKa mSm <1 hAU kloee, Lad tee' Vaale i j-Alaga, MUla, La iblrts of sHpertat a O O DBT AT W kluge, Mttta, Iaggtiiy, »t qaallty ead aak. XT? Cesar usae -liliVtt KBSoltreWi " mi t riaber lao, *40 aoree Laud lo Pterea Co. A iinia » M •• do eotpretend w .ell c t.eper tbau any , I tke) rlia* thai tke) a«iL a tetter uuailty lor I ' e tuoaey Paveaporu Ueo lk- >o Jw3at k aMi^^o^l prvpaaey. rue 'ebo.e laada will heaaU^y w^aat^ i WiMonatB Ba^aKa al wa. wauM a ot|

Transcript of »Wadnae aa I Mellaee lace keata; · tad uaed tba moat vigoroua effort# to pre vent the apread of...

Page 1: »Wadnae aa I Mellaee lace keata; · tad uaed tba moat vigoroua effort# to pre vent the apread of the conflagration. For a lime the row of large brick buildinge en Second etreet,

€\t fails

dXWmF*HT. grt. !•» !*•*•

^SSwSTwSrtMMwiir w»*i fc".,al1 "*"* lk* iu -i ..—. Jtftn.4 •> >• «» "•"••J*

Jffrtrr *a'e U,UIU<"'11 •M "•* I*.

ii«S!/-l II (intai N *•* "

QtwtU Bttun Pm

J O B O F F I C E . iu 0 m "

Mtink rmAM win <****• wd

W IheedabBehaeat feathe** »«ttiat>daitaa of tbe

•TCAM rRIM MAOHINBRY, ,„d lu.l laeelved tuu Me» Horn • large addia"" «'

the UkMt iI|In ud eel Meat

JOB XTH &S w. »M»m *omm.

t,,»uche.,eudln wlmmdnheapBeaea""f e4i,yau»uBUetalhta'«*1ou- Thla le the oaljr

OSce lu the City, end •" the Blete with oae o&oeplloa, where

0T11 -A.AC pow*» 1. uaed Ww«,rk aieehluery,ei»d wMiM^uenUy we kave

U5RIV ALLBD PAC'tLlTlBli f.l -Hit of wvik with ««/"!«» a»dc*aa/»M«

«g- iITt. ur<l«rs at tbe UoaetU.» B»°».»« ,t..ry ol y.-rtaWt* ltoUdln.. ________



A littU aftar 2 o'clock yeeterdajr morn­ing • ire broli# out In Menn- J. U- F. Hall a Co.*. «otp factory. .ituatad in the uiMIe of the block bounded by Fir»t and g««ond. and Brady and Main etreete. In a uiomeat ihe building wa. in Saniee, and (rem tbe <iuaniity of greaae. h*-, In the fceuia, a very bright and hot fira wee erea-atad. ihraataniBg widespread daauucUon. Fo.tunataly tha night waa vary «uief •ctrcaly a breath of air etirriag, and in a tew nilnutaa eitiaene gathered in freely, tad uaed tba moat vigoroua effort# to pre­vent the apread of the conflagration. For a lime the row of large brick buildinge en Second etreet, wa* ia Imminent danger, and ,i Memed i.npo.aible to eave Meesre. Park­er & Bpearlng'e iirery "table. All Hie horaaa and vehielee were taken out. Mr. leaac MaM had a portjon of hi» large etoek of clothing removed, and no doubt Buffered Mme loia from the rough handling of hie goede. Metui. Alvord 4. Tan Fatten'* grocery houae we* alao In great danger fer . time. The Independent boya and cltl-*.«. generally worked uobly, their whole dependence being upon buckete and their own atrong arma. The Are Anally burnt itaelf out, without ektending any farther than the building wherein it originated and to one or two adjoining ebede. Hall * Co .'a loe* i* about §4.000, In build-,og. machinery, and etoek on hand, with

$tfi0O Inauranee. ^

Ooa FiatM*" — Soon after the breaking uul of the tire yeeterday morning, eome of tbe Independent boya ran over to Eoek la-land to get the Weetern Ftre Co. No. 1 en­gine. Tbey returned with it and a port.on o f t h e W e e t e r n e , b u t e * t h e y h u d g r e a t d i f ­ficulty getting the engine on the ice, tlieir •arvieea were not needed when they arrived here- The Independent Company e.coriet) tbe Weaterne home after the Are, drawing tbetr engine. They were taken to the Com­pany'# hall, duly refreahed. and bad a happy time generally- «!>••<*" ""f »«* toeeta drank, and a brotherly feeling pre­vailed promlelng the beat eff.tia in tbe future. Our boya returned about daylight. We are gled to notice thle good feeling imii the firemen •' *»ck I.land and Divesywt. The reeulu will be baaefi-

aial. a

Win iroT^QToTttoueB-YAwm T«-e«TA>i.ie. to-Mr. Wm. P Downer of New York, and Mr. H. Barnee, Live under the Arm of Downer & Bernea opened a large wholeeale wine and liquor houae. on Second etreet. under the German Theatre, where Ihey Intend keep.ng on biude a complete aaaortment of th- P"r°^ .ml fine.t imported wine, and They have the beet facilil.ee for oble.ning uuod article*, and aelling at the lowe.t pr.-„ They al*o keep on hand for the trade

and family uee. freah hermetirally put up ..viler*, lobater*. &c.. green pea., be.na, cLn.&c., preeervedfruiu. pickle, and all the at cetera* In thi. line de.ired by familie., alio choiee eigare. Through the liberal.ty of thi. Arm we have had an opportunity ot trying all «beee "Yankee vegetable., fruiU, &c and can cordially recommend them o faiailiee and dealere. They are very neatly put up. and in auch a manner a* to preeerve their beet ^aalitle.- The fruiu and v.geta^ tie. are dellghtlul. Deeler. in city and .ountry would do well to e«m.ne Me»re. Dewier fc Barnes' atock of w.nee and U-quora, and family knlck-nack., before Mnd-in. abroad. Tbey a»e prepared to accom-JL. with fine articlee and low price.

Boa an o/TaAD^-ITwiil be recollected that according to previoue notice the t urd meetieg ol our bu.lnc.e men .• 1ihe 'm'Ub-ment ol a Board of Trade, will be held thu

tuning ever Cloee h Co.'# .tore. It...""-•ortaut there ehould be a full meei.ng, '«"• inuch ». action will be taken on the Const, lution and By-laws, which were read at the la.t meeting. The very be.t feeling appear, to be actuating thoee engaged In thle enter-pri.e, and It to to be hoped there will be unity of feeling f.r u poaalble in the labore of thla evening. Let a compwmlilng eplrit

govern thi* meeting. ^

Tea Riovt Wat or Dei*# it.--Mr. R. M. Little', Preeldent of the Independent Fir* Engine and Hoee Company, received a note yeeterday from Mr. Sam'l Hlrechl, owner of the livery etable building whleli .o narrowly e.oaped deetruetion by the Are. eipre.aing hi* gratitude to Mr. L. ^r hi. aervlcee in saving the property, and enclos­ing him a valuable gold ring ae eomething more expre.eive of hie feelinge. The teati uiouial waa a* well deeerved a. It waa delicately given.

Uii, Macbbadt tki. Cvntw—Mre. Mueready arrived hare sight befera laat el-tar a tadioue trip by way of railroad. She will give her Readinge tki. evening at Le Claire Hell, with the eame excellent pro­gramme advertieed for Meuday evening.

Taa ici on the river of courea felt the thaw very eeriou.ly yeeterday, and tha Ice near the .hore became la the afternoon .1-luo.t impaaeable. A number of teama got in, and aeveral were estilcated with mueh difficulty. When neering our chore they would break in. On the Reck leland aide, tbeee teame were ferried to the ice with a tax of ten cente. Home similar plan will have to be adopted hare. Tha ittla. A# middle of the river ie of courea aolid.

Bum* Siot RoaaaarWe leern that a' etrauger who waa night before laat about croa.ing the river from Ruck i.land to tbie place, met a couple of men on tbe other ehore, who kindly told him that O'viag to tbe alr-holee it waa very deugeroue to croa. tbe river without a guide. Tbeee good men generou.ly offered to ahow him the way.— When some distance from the shore they knocked him down with a elung ehot. a. ia auppoeed, and relieved him of everything valuable about hi* peraon. We did not learn hie name.

»— . St. ViLsiTiai'e Dat.—To-morrow Will

be Ut. Valentine*—the day when bird* chooee their inatee, and "human bipede' parodiae all .eatiment natural to the occa-eion by an exchange of loving, funny and eatirical documenta, to tbe dieguet of Po.t-miiter.. V.lentinee of every nature can be obtained—at the plecee which adverti.e thein, and of courti at no place ale*.

No Mail Yit.—No Eeetern* mail had ar rived laat evening at th* time w* want to preee, although ona wae aspectad during tha night. It waa eii day* last evening eince wa have had an Eaetern mail. A number of pae eeogere arrived yeeterday from Chicago, but they had a rough time getting through. Our

mail* *hould have come with tbeai.


"TIm Iowa Book Roonug* >e. M Inl; Street, • deer, larth of tbe

Poet OAlee, DAVENfOH'ft'. IOWA. «

lak MBSi ELI A BAMS, Proprietor.


till fiirirn " for 1856-71

WITH .u*v aa4 sorraetMaa »7 •- Pal*.*, Aatk«i»( "Itnullh," fc«. 1 ««l. lilt


vtib « B«« u4 iMiriM Mip, b)f,M. H. I Hi. IHut* yrK<£ H tu

LADlKti GAZETTE Of FABHION For D*e«ut«rt |*rSo«lOMt.

At ao. 96 Brtdy it., a«tr I he P«>»t OSc«. It mo OUt if KLI AUAMjl


•4u»uml# TMMJ9V«r

i)NUU Khiii "n- .

YjH>RU« UMiseBt of ^IB19IA UK I? KUfTOItK, lEgMfcj wun,wvfb WMMitoai fort. Tbo eubiplBUs elwjf# M taMI Urfo »Mortaj«Dtor

fiaiui. •labrstluf wuftop TAitMjtvor

fUftrADiM** cor- ' " ^ ' " —" KtiiU. Alto for uli StHktiifi, l«iMn| of iiv* attillBiBr«veil_

PHAffOti JA15WBT, i* . i*i<34idly Ayolhiofc

Labia'. Extra.t* tor ike dHUUreaieT WABRAMTBD naalaa,cvailaalfelHuud aaJ

fur Ml* rKAHCl. JAOOl )*alu<lly

BaalaVimaadUe. IMI iiulitd byaxpr*** kiaikt •aau/aaturar, * lar tka aa ra as<) n«*aaUaa sf okauaad haa4*. a*.,roraala by VlAMCl. iACuar, ia.,

ABwaaaary Abdemlaal §anaertere.

UM Htl W lltm-AMtalul aauiiertat, la-M >autad bjr Mn. Barak Batta, Phlla&alDhia. aatl hl*blf r«aoaiB*a4*4 kj tba Madiaal Vaaally y ba ImthabaMlaatraaaaalotlbafclad. Paraalabf

fBA'VOta JACUBT, ia., J«aSedlr Apatkaaarj

w M. i OLttLUT. ' JOHN • MoiaaHe OVBUT A 10MU,


Savespirt, Iowa MoAiaab'* aa* Uuck, Natal •(., a»[ •>»*« Vroal

aad B«fiwbd Me 67

Machina aod Jobbiaf Shop. I \BHOrru mv •uifAetara

% b»» Arturit lottff •avMIIU, HfUtlU Ml-cAla«ry for iWm. FlMIUf Mtll lf<M W«fk, m4 ill klBill WOlk VMHtlj dolttlBlto •Mklltlt Hpoclai AtUnlloQflvsM io rtpftlrtDf Saw, Flouring &Ad; Mill oiMAtAArr; Al«o XAr««hlof Ma •AIum r*p*W«d wiiA^m 4«lAy. kUvlaf pfocurxl tfcA b««v kMUru iooiA, lOflVtiA Bi«f y«ftr( oip«rUiM U* tb« Ouaiu«Mvl ImI maUiiI or giTtAf •AlttfAAttObto all VU U1 C*TOr»OWUA AMU.— UrMr«f3diuil UCUtfuaii., oppotllo 9m Work*,

- r lhAH. *.«Upoi DovoAportOMi M

O VIOW SEED: TH* tuUuitian ka»a J mat miWiI • «aaaOu at * (n*h Wa<hml«lil Outoa up »M»h iktf wUl nil

at at P* povae. aa«A. la ^lafeSbc of a. paaa4« aa* »p»afe». m) Nouaea «t viy.a.

'POU paiiaarahtp karatafeia aalaliu «»4ar ihr *• atylt, u( Maaklal, CorUa A Wklu.n fan Ua* Mulaaa, Uiaa.Uttli daj dleaalfed bv Bateal ana-•>at. MACKUli i COlllJI,

lovbi.1. wmra fort UaiMuUa*. Daa M, Ilea. Mr. Lurall Whiia will aoattaa* taa tubau at

ha bid aia»4 la left Oaa Mateaa. JaaMewt Betray li,

'OAKA^ u^i bf Jaka a«ka, at kla ratfdaaaa u. * Btakar, Or«t» lowaaklp. aaou a*., aa >ka iU,

da) af iaaaary, 1M7. aa aa Batoaj, a tad Oawltk •Milaj (ara aa4 aui ou U* rlaat aa> aa4 ab«at •ava* )talia!4. JOeUUA K. PATTOB,

(•M«a>* Oaaalj Stark. ika lalarUy Bvaatai VMb

The leet Weekly Paper.


inaUe fee Teareelvee.

Apply ta the (.abllakara, UBACOM h

ubjdiivM aeMoathTkltJat., fktla._ DR. W. BMAOWAT.

• .^C'LatTlO Pby^alaa, lata id X\<Ub profeaaluuai Mt«l>aa tu Ika aMaaa* <A Li Claln aad Tkiulty

oeioa Id Cax 'a u»« Iuwm Wi U«, adilb paitaftbe dlf U Mar '.Mat. w«r. p*u*.

o i,tNi> DEPABTitnarri

DKS Mown BAT10AIX0II COMrAlY: I Ilia HiiMaulbday #f iaaa,a*at,tfea OMaafo

„ tba aula of Uut Lauda of Uta Caaipaay wUl ba raw»>*d fr<iBi tbla ulaaa M Part Baa Malaaa.

Tkaaa laudt wlliw told ou loaf aradlla,abd La lou to aaU tka laaaaa aad wUkaa af parabaaata.

«K0. H.rMUKUL, l4|d CtBMlldiAil.

(hitawi.IowaiMajW lU4.-«tr

Combiaed Crarsa & firaia C«U«r, •AiurACTCBLv ar

Burrowe, Pretty man A Ball, rVLTON, IOWA.

'PH18 Uacblo«f*OD«of ibAfcAal la AM. W# 1 *Mur«Ue farui«r« itul w«hAV«a b«Uer laAofaite* lortboiD tbAo aoy •••rbrowfbUo 1«wa. Ilwlllaai •Ml«r,tlMtt«riiitlia Iam llAblA U> •»! t>( tbaoaujoUar iu u«« At IkA prAAAAlttsA^ a®4 «a iLiok ttiatauy on*» vaatlAfAgood OrAMaatd AvaIa Cult«r,wlJl lualai oa bATlag oaa of OAr MAAfciAAfr ills aIwa7« b«U«r r»fUifirB*rit«lAyiAckArtMN iBAQtilketurAd aib*tua aaitoAjr o*n f«l Uia r*Do4r«4 ifoccaalou rvqulrca. Wo aAall bo r«A4jr to 4o ro» palrlug al auy U«u». Auj oaa wlablAf io A«y oaaaI «ur AiucUiaatvan a]>pty to Burrova * Pr«Uy««A, lia«vnport, Iowa, or attb* fliopln Fulu a a

I'ruaol luat'hiu* $14*— oaO'AAll oa aud be biilancw in ol J»nuarv followtDf.

Wa are i>or inU ted to rorar to Ue folio »loj fMitkl J I Miller, M Urte*t . K Kuil, C Sim, DMwkwkiiar, W Heal. Palwa, May tfttW

HEW POM 4 N1W MQDI rl^UK aubat rlbara kaT.lakau tba popalar (laud ol 1 .1. w..varai.d <*>., at tba aoraaraf Brady r " a»d Xbird atraata.aad tnaraaaad tbatf atoak ty

All Right.—We heve at l»at brought the Burlington Gaiette to a correction of a portion of ite elandere on the M di M Railroad. I<.» opinion of our road i. a mat ter of entire indifference to thle or any oth­er community, hut we tru.t it will be more particular hereafter In publishing fact$ when it make* atatementa with the object of In duclng othere to hold thu »»»e opinion with Itaelf.

WiATBKB.—Yeeurday wae *#lf» Jiff*'-ant from a few daya eince ; the atnio.pbe.o being bland aa a summer's day and the •treat, aloat from the liquidation ot the accumulated ma*, ef anow on the bluff* that eklrt our beautiful elty on the north A few auch daya will materially effect the aolldity of the ice that cover, our river, and eau.e the denitene of tbie Icc-bound region U) fancy that epring wljl eoon open upon ua. It waa growing aold^agala laat even-

^ •

A firm in Rook I.land advertise them-eahre* ae "prepared to enter into contract* for furnlahlng brleke and erecting brlrk buildinge, by the thouaand or otherwiae." Kreetlng brick buildinge !>y the thouaand we ehould judge rather a wliolesulo opera-UUB.

>»«araud <*>., at tba aoraaraf Brad; i atraata.aad tl

oddttfoA of a efcoleo lot of Choioe Oroeeriea,

to aklak tkaytaatta tha attaatloa of tha pabUe.aa-aartnt tkau that thaj aaa ba aappUad atlh aa (0«d artlala* aad at aa Io* prtaaa aa aaa ba bad >a tba ill). Aaaai raaaat raaalpta tbay woald apartfy.

U Oaeee ef Iweawaaia, J el Ilea, Praaarvaa, tlaaaad tralla, au, ata. Tka ^.•3vrr U"u'

Broo*. S&flaa. HOOM HfcU'tlee, w»i< i>—DA><,eAD tehAd U >b|

unity At Borrow! | rwUfAAl1! It 41* v


KA5 UBRb' C^uiAieularycoMpleVe, bjr ConAttt| 98,09

ible Maueal, by W . w. Kveiu, llluitraUoBiof ScrlptAro. by H - *• MAokett, MUtery TfaoalaUuu of ibo *Af llah tttblo,

Mri. C'ouot, Bible blcttouary, by H. Malcolm, l>. C., TkeodoaU or ll«r«*Ue of Pattb,wlib Portrait, tpurgeou iboMedAru Wb2ltt«ld>by MAgowu, MaareUMceueaau4ObtracUra by HeadlAfj Fvoi-I^rlitla of tie treato r, by Uugb Miller, old HeJ Sa&deleuw, engrAvlucf, PluralUy of World*, by M. UTiubeoak, P. P., Kartb aad Alan, *• Uuyot, Mau, Primeval, " Herr a, Pra-A daialte EarVU, '* u

bri<t In Hiatory, •* TorobuU, Klcbre ol tirace by 08 UviAf WllneMfl, UvdlUUoua oe La«t DAyt of Cbrlet, Propbett Klora ef tbe Old Tea tamest, Suilttao Houaebold.or Tboofb\a for the

AfBlcied, 1,90 WbrUilAA »llrror, Leeuree by i. b. Jeter, D. D. 00

At ft. M Brady >t., Mar tke Feet Oftee. lao*4tr Btl AUAMS.

Per led leal Department, Jaaoarr S4tb.

TKIBVKK Alaaaae aad Polltleal N*(tita> bl 1U7; alagla coplaa, 1* eeat« par doxaa, t!4u> Oaday'a Ladfa Beak rot Pakraary, iirabaia'a Ma|aa*aa, " '* Ballaa'a do Artkar't H#«e 4a Vaukaa Batioaa. 91a Bat, Barpar'aJaaraal af CinlliaUaa.Jaa. 17. H. Te>k Trlbaaa, aast-Waakty l*«k, Waakt, flea of oarOalea, Jaa.tdtk, llVlh, Beltoa'a tutorial, Jaj. etu, Ualla'a Ulaalratad, da da Loadoa llladratad lieu Waaaaibat >ttk.

At >e. aa Brady etweiffbai tka Peet OSea. I aa 84 tf BIAAJ»AM9.

ftedey'* Wfi leak fer yaMBy.

ALSO, ttraka»'a Maaa^wa, Artbor'a iioM, laukaa MeUuaa, *U Ba*, +c, tor *>bruary, a*

Tbe leva leok Keeaa, N..MBra4paUaat, aaar tha PoatOflca.

jau«t BU ADAMS.

E D U O A T I O N T M*Tta kduaaUoo faraia tha aommou aatad, Juataa the twtf ia kaatth* traa'alaallaed."

HAVIHO reooUa.l an AaaneT for U*rht**M>a Bahaal Apaarataa,

I'ka attaaUaa af TKACHBBa »ad Tgu.i aseu aolialtad lolkaapaullaana J«ai racalT«d,lBetaJin( tka

Ceaaua Bakoel let, prtee AM,00. fai)kad laabaxeowprlalDif an Orray, Tallarlan,

Uaoniatrloal hullda. larraatial Ulaba [1 laabJ Ba-aaral Praaa, Haatipkara Oloha, Caka Boot Bloik* (axtral Tastlaok aad Manet

Beak of the above for aala taparata. A Uu, Bra** Mouatad Orrerya. |H,* a»l 15.ee

•• •• Celealtal Spkaras, i&t PalkUua Bv<la, lalatad wtth aarawa, M h 71 Doubleetatea, " <> I «K, Ho * «u B«lbtaok*a Balaalaaa Drawl aa Slataa, la. I aad a,

" Baoka, 14 >alaalaa> Blfh Ikkooi .laiaa^aUijIa, |u

Blaafe Board Bobbaraaud Uhata. Laaee' Maekaaleal Parade*,

orOiroaeape.fS.eu A *,eu. A lao, caaMaca for laprorad

•ekeel Seek*. At • Tke leva leek Beeme,"

No M Brady itreet, Idaere aurth af the Peal OBia. IBOiatl BLlADAMfc<

Foreona jut «omaua«iB( HomaakMpUif ILL bear la alad thai they aaa Ia4 e»arr ar Wi Ualaer Aiiahea ParalaklajOoodaattke

•aaee Varateklag Wanneai ef V91ITH* BBMINOTON.

aaau4 at .tlfa of IhaBlf '»a Kettle. Oooda 4e iwere4laaaypart at the ally rraa of eapeaaa.

.1 a. tt.OT 0T WATSh R1TB37 Tea Battta. Paraiahlaa WararooBa.al

its for aala at tha t WarereoiAa, etc" Af Htf Taa &elUe, SLS A»ttcfrt A ^PAfiLB AIDPOCKKTCUTUXT; i lite aaeort.

A »aaI caa bo foaud at tbe Houae FerAtaALof Waroroome* of tbe HIirTea HetUe. T^Brn^TRVTof dlfferebi •!a«» fer e*le al Uto •- Hoaaa fAraUbtuf Warefvooto, eifu ol tte Blf r»a HelUe. _ f AlTHUmTu AiOAl farlely At l£ei"Hoaaa lt»r l^ifllablag Warwroome, el^n ^ Big TaaiLettle.

STir LAOUBHU. t, », e. I abdlatapa, ferule at tha Haaae Parulthlac Wareroona,^|a Btt Tea


SAW nUCjK.*, AXK3 aud WOOb SiVrU lor aala at tba Uou«« ParatahUm Wariroaaa. ataa Btg

?«M!jt>Aa*«ad >um tfAkl.uJ BA1H IBBIVBI for aala at the Maaa« Pamtahlag Ware-r—•a.riaa Uli X hettle. ^IQCgia vlACAIB^i lalaal tk« fioaaa Par Qfalehlaa Wararooaw,elaa Bn laaKatUa. £)TAll KUpa, a (ood a**aitaeal at tha Huaae ^Paratahtac Wararooxa.dCD Mc Tea Kettle. 'WlUL&iiflVC la great Tarteur (ar aala at

•he Uoaae Paralakluff Wararao«a, alga Bt|'i'ea I ,„ldl CAld of dlBereel patteraa br aale at rx tha Hoaaa tataUhtaf Wara>eoB>, at|a ef tha if Tea Kettle. /fntmnwiwff for aale at tlie TTuuae Purhlab UlM Ware-reosa,alga Bl< lea Kettle-

A »W BTOU Of A m VLA0B.!


Hata thla day renoved from iMr o)d *t*Ad9At Ae cvr* Ocr of Book lAlA&d aud Beeoad etreeU, to tfaeir


Ia eriM'. Bleak, oa Perry etfeet,£aa* deor

eeatk af Tklrd *t.

'5c The Cranberry. ribera ara tha aaea * wa Ike aata vf

JILAHD ilia. CBUIIB1I, •blob caa b« pro.lueed In tte aaiua parfeetlea oa the .rairiva of lo wa aalu tha awaapa ef Wtaeoaata. Or^lera are aollalted. A ireettee apaa tha raletac of 0,1. plaut win ua kaudad le aay oaa who Hay wtak toaiainioe aio the autdeat. • . _,M _

Jaoeawlo. Sot)AAA di VIBtB

KSTBATA TAXUI UP. riljv M.P. waaUaka, Kocklt.- yx • 15baiaTp .Bof.aetk.'U.whtMMKr

Oa a^oat 7 year* old, erua **^£1X1 i off eae • eer, Up of eora aa4 AAd

S yeer old Bteer, dark ma«a<

B> II vaiua Ely. i)aveuport Tp., . *7, BieSI' •bort borua, white a^ota; » PAlerwd Cow, w«UaIMA» a ledCew, blaci IACO; red Caw.. whlto fcAA, Aaefc aud bAlly, Aud oaa red *i>J wbitA hAliAr- By ChrUUAAloltt, WUifteld I|».,A eorrel horeel elt. wbltA lefa.uiau# aud Uce, « yoAreolda •> '«•}' HavUiom, LvClalre I'p., A bay Mare fcbuAt J jearcoid white fa«A,biuU leg a aud lefV ioaI* •ad<il« lAAihed, About 14 bauaa blfb. Byl-t-Aree, tiW,„. ..... IfL. .. eoirel UaieColt, one year old, wblte atilpe> tA hue. By L*»l JtfvCoy, LeCUIro Tp red «t»tf,awtn«J wbkie ou forebeed aud both " JoUA Cwuuor, Alleu1* Qrvve Tp.» A pale ted *te« aiiortbeavy heme, A fe* white Laim U .^f*he*! avute white toalu ou flaukaabd tall, 4 yaAriold. Wklllaco PoatoA, PleAeebt Valley Tp., redUb trludln Ot, marked ou vara end wblte ou b»Uy> V >ear« oiJ. Al»»», a wl»He Ox, tea u«*eh and head* wblir atxjul abouldere, i y*»eraol»J. AUo, wblto i>» y,l Iu ears, $ yeara old. By MadlaoA DeC'aup Hikcry lp »* 4 year ol4 Bleer, htt ou

rUrhi eat; a tl >ear old brludle Hteei. lAarked U brown Jteer, wbltr

Wo would lAfee thto AppetrtMltr to tha^k oar osetcju« ere U their rety liberal pAtro&aca.^W* I Ale A i

fur A flbw Veekl to«o&tlAa* lo ilepAWAt WUiUV itubh At


io orderjjtol amW MM ftp I mi • «•

«Ae>iri«i>T (PBivo iTpii,

aad woald lartta all who ara la mat ot

D R X 8 0 0 D I

Co aaU a«oa a. »a «ar a*w «aarten.


Deaeaaerti Jeimery aa*, we.

/V>ltkt>lloa Wa.daa Paaipe wa aattraty aa Vj aaaeaaary, aa areriMl U acaaeliiHd with their aUkp. aad their piafanaea o>er eey other ktad •aaaafhetared. 1'key doa*t (et eat of mult* aor da ihey fraeaa ap, while Ihey are eheeper thaa all oth­er paaapa. Tbu*e peraou* who with te wttaea* their •parattoa eaa eall at Capt. H. Mvry1*, Of »oa the •abaartber, whale tMy wUl tea haw eaany the#

ehorey. B*a ., DareaportV l .ek, or al Mr c. Waabbura'a harawaia More, w, lacoadatieet, wHI be attaaded ta wkh proaptaeaa

andldalUy. i. a. BAOUV, Jaati'l) ia al Davenport hiaohla* Vivikt.

IAM. I'. B. 8HMLTUN, A. M., oikra to the oltt 1 yaaua of Uaveaport, hi* aexleee a* Phyalelkb ai.a furnea. Dr. S. aaa varied eaperUaeelu tka de-pariaMui eI turgor), kafla«, far aaiaa yeara, had ukarge of a aoartahlat Moipllal and lllapauaary la lodla.froB wheaee hi baa reeeatly returaad.

0Mce,8eeoed atreat, o«et Aldea'a Clothtu. alora tauli «»•


JC. WOLPM Vtald reepaetiaily alate to theoit-a leaa of Dafeapoai thalhaeaa be leaad hareat

tar Is hta ro >«a ta the HoBluaa Moak, where .he till ba pleaaed lo receive hie frteade.

Mr. w.la bow pi.paradto Impart laatruotlon ah to learn tbe art of uhlaa aeenerj from


WILL ba altaa to Ladtea aad Uautleaieii, t.. aeparaialuJtrlduala or alaaaea at any koatoi

averyday IHaadaya axaapted] betweea t o'oloak A. M.tlll ID o'Dluck P. M.,U tke kail of the Colle (late laalituie,»ueda reel aboae Brady, »«ar Mid

Patent Medicines. . 0, Oa BI'ftHIIMftil bat uj#ebed au a« fer U*e «Ale »f Peteut Mt'dlJuc# , curbtt vt u Boch UlAiid Me , where can W fgund evory fclr.d A»i4 *ttbe /••##«< cutk prif, wb-»l«aal© «r t< UU

w^atiaAberfer'ePefe* A A^ue AeOdvtt, \yera* Cherry PociorAl, utoru'^Coufh CafcJy, JkiAti's PalttuAle Wefor Uoa Liver OU. Df Oafood'a IbdlA Ctok*oA|A, llowAani Toole MtJCWrA, ft odei' fever e&dAfB# Core, Dr. Perth's K/e Setve,

Sl.nipa#o,« lye Water, ^u*bloii'a Pepalid,

ftJUera. KaVft ialOiUiOi.!. an. ' le«Kfen'4 file kmbrocAUoi|. . . Jew Dertd'e ' r Hebrew Timmt Po«r Maa*i PlAeter, Bull'a SeriapA^UU, barley'a do ftedway*a Nu KeeviTAbt, T7l. it. johu1* coma timp* C&rtaUA'a Afua Bele-vn. MetAAA'e Stf, Cordial. Hortfiaer*! Hlvod PurlAer,

*• ftheatoaUaot 1

iudhtA '• OlftHUtAl AioaiiUHorae • Slwtti.'s PAAilly u

I'raab'a MafueQc <(

B«Ui>way*e " KoaaU iAlv^, J V. Uerdj'a hye HAIs

i's Serve A M«»x»e MAAWABt, aut>»took'c Vuru.ifugA,

MaLati A\l« H . <J. Par fell'a A rublnb Merchant^ OargllAK • ' M-lfiu'uko ilMlllkllt, Kadway'a K. Relief, Lyob^e laiLuirou, ^ . Pr«»f. 0 J. Wovda' Hair HeAtAiAtHA H«Db«tl1« Imi'^rlal tonic, Mowaod^a Syrup of WeekbeOT, Browu't kuitreot of Ciuifre>,A ( wrdlal, Betem&o'd i>rop«, Hloac*! CV»ci<iitlou Powder*. Marry'e Trleopberones. Perry Davla* ralu KUler, DalUy'a Pala hxiraetor, .

SIOAB'a IiiMtaot Hellef. j| Aim of i Tbouaaod Plowef

Brart'i T'nitc Plllc, .j,* Indian Ve^eUbleWIJ^ • / •

UepiiliiftaB'e bDallwnberfer'l * ilraiKletb'a • JJ Moffatt'a K Z SmlUi'a Sugar OnaWd " Holiuwkj'a , Leu' . A;er>> * * Wrlcbl'a ladlaa VegetaU Pvoet'a Or. J&uee1 HedldoeA? •loAfi'a IHlBOre " or. Oa• t a ' >HrdHawe>ai»iiM« HcUo.sj" x|rt'olee*| Jfor*al1a BHtAfM Dr. t. o 9t^«wtaa»u'a nherrf WinefiirtAre; MeClloWu-b*sr<o«v|) MUtore;,

«» kJUlr; WekeAeU' Weavers ;Aak#r SloAo'a . 9f'\r-HAner'c Hr^tlab MtfHtte; MAM UbL't LUiit Ot OMltlSa Walla' Oer»A* 0*»*<tl«ou Powders; CoAklir1; V.*r#, pAfee1 A JrA Cora Pii«U«; s* fi»|ailM MaUsit lArlnftoAf4 CoAflTlmp; Aeoctle Oil; ToAtbAtht wrtff; Hot Drone; Ko.di iweet (aalor UU| UkUdar.um} l^am^boi j Kaaeiiees of ail kluda. (lrefa«l>«r| Panlly M«4lf(aN;

V>felable PllJe, •• Ur*«b Moubialt* OIOUDAAS w »• AAreapArltlA Compound, ** Children*e PSAMAA, . m Bye Lctleb, '* Pever aod Ague Kemedy,! c H-allb Blueri, »• U>eAAtery ^yru^i,

•*<A *• < ^uaaBDtlva Bal«, ttArtfuil'a Uter aad CatbolUAA, br. Llhby'a Pile Ololaeut. >*a WaAa»,S MedldnAA$ ^ mh •« ludi q lUpAatorAbte JM Wfa

H Url jMllulrToiktb, » A&UrAttTA,

Pemale BlUlr, PAVAT end Ague Pttft, PlleRAaedy, i/m

" CoepoHbd Toek Verewuge^ •* De^poAidO Caroiltlvo BeleAtt, M tadtao tA&ailTe l*llU, »• AU HAAIIu Salve, *• ChArohee UfiloieAt,

Hi. iajaAfs Medleloea.; •* Bxpectoraal « AlteraU?et M AfAe Ptlla, ** Tooio VeraUtige, y

^arotlaAtlrA BAMAS. •» lilr Tosle, *• JUalttAli,

TialrOye, " tAAAtlfA Pi ite,

Keuitedj M«dleAl DiAAov»ty. )auU 4mlm



The only oomplete Stook above St. Lonis.

j p u i n t i s t o c k : ZmSHor* »ud Tr*n«lt. HIMB8. CIPPENGER & RHOADS*

Mew Ores atore, (e*eud It,, Iret deer w*at at (leek A »aiK*ut'«ABaukU® Beaie

Bereuiiurt, luwe. Drvge, Alalkiaea, Ch—iUaii, BptoeA aa4 Hope PiaMtt kladld&ee, ClMiAa TmrpvatiM, UsMeed OB, wlDdcwOUiJ Pure White Lead. aJl Peiot all hied* 4 Va'-tiiabes, PoiMh aid P«Mf* WMA AAA Uasetl OiU. all iuuda of tfsarres, by ihe p<M, Betf* UtA aod ^owd«ra, by the groee.

TbeeA artl.lae, and all otb«re of oar very ecteaaiT* aU«h will be

•eld at tke vwy Loweet Bate*. PhyaUleoeand Coueay Dealer* aead not aay Draft

are sold at oakorblteut ffu.ea le iiaveoport. BAO BOXES WINDOW QLA8B.

HaeglAg flroe 7»8 to 84*4». 21*Je wll be avid at A bar

20,000 lbs. i'UKE WHITE LEAD, ju BBLS LI/f*EKD OIL aod TURPK#TU<*.

200 IbA- TAgAtAblA CAttlA PovdATt, Areli*bU r«au»d> lor ut« nu* of dieeesee »fht-ra«a aad cattle. AU tha LK'iular

Fatbmt MsuicuiBa or the Day. <iifa osecall aa wa purvoaeaaUiiig to every oua|uaatr.

UIMhtt, CLIPPKMUBH di &H0AD9* PaveDi>ort,Jal> W

r. CLOSE &


r. cLoac a cu.. wholksalb * hl lAJL DAALKKH It HEAT* kiUi-Lf •Aai/WAMH, HO. n »AADT OAThXPOftT. 10t» A We are now ttU prepared to ome tl» trade aad oar "W caatoisara .rawbaraalr,a,w« oaly til oalla hulu rliuto 4aorluA to pSKbeaa ar EtaiM la ,.u llae, aad wa (aareaiea the uion Mrfactaatukatlob la all ceNB We uu Uli atk daalaia rromthala-Urloi to Mil apoa ae, tell e«a« **«*

do that we eaa of •etihaai aaflUleat aay a a, tbaaetiy ••«.««• paa*e uf (Mat far-that reel. Our

kept by axi) L^uM'eaat vr waat of »«. Oarfcr aMfe oaa flu J here Me tiaatuf (W<la ia their Ooa. We acU Uia oele braUd PWwa,

•eaaaaoa, uwu * BLAxiMeaa,

BANKERS, ^ aa4 Dealer* la Veretga A Seateiu* luehaag*, Vaammat Baak VetahOaM aU (Ueer CoU,

l.A^f 0 WAAKAIin. D4Vl*POBT, lo'.VA.

SPlclAL atteaUou glreo ta thecotl»eiit,i. afvt. cat.tile>aperand leaiUuatea aade os Uw day

Clree ufcewialaaleB; la fight draAa o& £a t«TA e'tlaa

Jt^Uiad WarfkLtf^ugbi,a^id Ai»d tecfttAd. P« at||^i a'kU&Uvii g. it* le the peroAAeA Aodaale efto 4Ea« fciry wwxu

; LiM«eh«.

*oe aele< lies

aw York, Bo«'.<

f iauda io



made by It.o Oaera aad at Ua prlo«a| alao tha aaa

imrored klnda oT Uarrowaaad .11fj liarrow T-:0t(l Se^.1 ?owtta, u i-UnWra, Jteapfi^ ard Mow-('radl'., Scj'llUt, AxKU, bone

hand; fo*1" *' ail kiuda.ilhoT. C.,1

' Crvw Mah.,a«, "<>'•• *? Onial.rj Uaj and Uay Knl»«a, Urtad Log aad Braaat lar W;Ag»ne ptrior mAke, Wheel Barrows Caaldron KetU':»^lAg*AAtldfB Yvk«d aud BoWi, *• vrltb < ;hMi articles

I if uot cheap r agricultoral

• otb« rfa w xid will

Ml aiUUfiMWTa Bara, rlok*i wera, Cera Strawl'uthB. itooM.Traee. Obalaa.Ld^'

all of whHk we oOaa a* ar thaa aaf houae ta

fU»d •tuiik • inoet ooapleu enort« meat ol all Toola au l laapla-IMaialbr ihelr ua«( we af-

to the cart-Dtar aad Jolaaar warranted

Mela from

W H O L E S A L E the moat celebrated otan afhclaren; A zee of all ktade froa Hetohet a Breed Aiea,froa Bar ton. Blood. Btaoaa. WhMe, Moaa, eU war-

nated; Beaah aad Mov141d« Ptaaaa fkoat the beet aa-hare; ae* atytee •aadaatly receiv­ed. la the llaeaT Platiea we are ma we caa aatt Ba moat dMtealt. alao, a large aa-eartmeBl of Mailer toolawuk •ae Inhbed.Trp hogany aad aba M* aa<M wood, Bt aaiaee and Dlild eta. Borateh

Awl* t'balfc Uaaa aad It^a, aeoke aahavea, LraJtlug ImUmtttDS*, afUtlav.

troo aud wood , PIunah Bobe,

aa na«i K°araa a^ueree of aaa-ay atueM, Bav-aete TraaCeB-ete, Bo rat eh

fiarldoi end apUtHog Uaaae* of aansea Md Baa wood. OU Moaaeol adlUBd* Be-rle and otker Ortud Bleae*, Araaki aad

A Jib 13 RET A H#

Pramee, eud lo ehort every htod

of Tool need, (a tblehvAAch qif --of war bnslAeee we iaaaa to d^

wte suSeUes at tec Uoa to eoAMe Mtc pfeov MaMMH UebiitUAB

ef tools AAd At *o prtcae eehAd M other |,la<^e fer Oeepara wtilatee to boy tbclr wx*lse ty OD hauii twle aad faily wanacit a fall afu kc'WK Md ma. all aleee, aad Suve lolot Howab, Uvalars. ttaok Kuivee, Uel Ittfc aud Hoop aher KoIti4 for warh !r vers, Ac. f tare ^rur.slad

toftrtor arttulM. BadoAva theylAAe We keep AoaeMt-aade tor our trade Ad. WAAOWhAAA diBareat kiade e< Xteee Mooye, Head


Iaahere lowlog' Kalm Eafrae, Ohe). light Aad heavp 0Ae« Adass. Btf *

Bleehsmltfce we aelree Amply wtth

loots, euefa ae Bellowe and Aaadl# df Ae beet nAhe, Beod IIsaihN, baih'iioed asdaolld, I'Aet Steel,

Tic oa, eoUd box aad omu-mia- MoieeabAert

wUl flu>i

j j r i j * o j \ ' E r

X all AAlLi.

Kara Iroa iA |H

L«f4 tbe l«a»4 Hvda AAd Haed tteda

•exae ib^e sha^a* tfvui Para lAat good braada ol liva, Iroa + gHe aad abapea Caiilag* aad Wagfll Baker etw* u* i«rge ^aabdUea

Med OAAlltlea, ^eniAUef af OIoAi it Trth ale|tluVk«|| UttOUth Arlu pe., PetAAt Ail BanW"'^ Laatb* M» ShlAAhle UOA IA gMfct VAitAly; Amies e«,d

Bkiaae at nnif«AWf»p lew prieest ripe aad eeweo* liei iprUgs. #w ItMkig

CbAAit ftlahera, eueh ba (~ We Baste, Ua« _ _

roboAAd Till Uete, Oar

W'B'have tbla day asaoclauJ J. iu our Duvaeport b« ua*«. which shall litreaf&ar do buai*

neee AAdAr the aama of tfiate, CU^|4&ger dt Bboada-We ere new prepared io do a vac a Afcor* a*taoai»a Job blAg hasleaas tbau ever •

We tAhe this method of retoraiog our atnoerd lhauka UthA eUlAeaeof Dafauport eud TicUtlcy for their Ub erel patrrrAti#*, Aud hope by strict aueatloa to bwlaeea aad prAotleaTdxu^gUu always helog Id atteadaace to (aarlt a eoatlAAaittfe of the aaaie. jaaOM U1MKB Af CUCflKdiK KAA0tl^<3B^ Aiu»dicao and PreachQ«tuiijaeS$£(8tf OvUpec ouaee. .

MlXltfi,:« L[MlaNGdK A HMOAOS.

•>Z AAil Sapeclur otgare, raaalag froaa 6 dUftart t. •VfVVviQiiMfU, We wieh to oioee tha* Ml*


Mirror Q-lass. ^LL ataea Mirror Bliaaaa for aale br


TTtOB BALB, 130 butea Praseb Plan ftlaaa, alae lOi #0'4iilMfca, CLIPPIN4HW k BHOAM

CU-VABTREUHIP MOTICI: Wh bavo UjIa d»y Hiiultted iuio our Arms* peri

aer 'i\ h. Mohi *i • AlAlAg theeeaeaa u

fiATAnport, JeouAry 19,101'

ilie ueiue of IbA itm re t>fore. KVA>S, CHBW A CO.




1 Al S l vilV A CO





Ara nuw. a«Ulag io» their, aatlre ttork of

L A D I E S ' F n t 8 , R O B E S ,


' aiiEiftjh-" •' t°H A LAWIi eT0«K

1 '


ih a, ar* all geoe

Your* iu Haace, a. s. n.araN dt «».


ALL pern ui kaTlBt Pollelea to tbe K»jal»«ie Iu ai^raoae Co. of PbtledelpMa A«» ,\w

baedtutbair oaiaes aad ibe ataouoi of their reu U «W. Mofckiile. AaeV.oueea.

recetplot every lessou Jaat4 dVw tiMO. Wa iBHBlOB, A. M.

Clerk Co. iourt

old brludle tttaar. iaa»ked In 'ityji'' Melto'u, a yaaillug brown kiad belly- J. 1-

),.um wit*

Carpenter it JNorritoH, LAID AflMM

port £ki<lB«r I<AW»e • a > II L ua> l urttouLi aiteiiii«>o t*> the eeleckub \\ !';,ata'd tocatiuA ulLaad WAMAAIs, ym*um+i 0

, u ,d Laiad Ui>elKik*a lugeiitfAl L&ad WhrrABiA

fi^aela fy* C«l>. lw»Ate4 ou Uuia'

iW'a A B*ra.ul> ' ̂ SlhuSL™* I'luiMtLtki woatai A teauplala, Ka.>.«ik jk»a»pnu», « ".k«i»Oil»aua;Jahut» l»m«l. « b U..«ut.lJ. "blu. apllO-atf


/ l»fL wiju


uoa rovaona aid machibiati, I OCA IB< at Mollae, ea Iba Cbloago aad Kock IjUlaodlalaud lalle* above ihe B. K. BMJf. eeroaa tke MHalaaipiil river, wltb a good alotk ol yew loule.are prepared lo.ll ordera lor Mm Work. Koiai) <*aw MtUa. .baAlua aud luoai otkei tt.da of Macimeiy sow la uee latkle vletattj Al-eoAaailuga ef all ktad*. Hep»lr1ag proiapllj e«e •*ldS"..e,llo»h lalaad Co, lllloola, Jaat'i wd»*

NOURSK iSc V11£LE, Cor.tr of freat a«d So*k lalaad ItreaU,

Have for aale a« radatad prl«a',l P E A S E ' S F A K M M I L L ,

for grladtug wkeat, ears, Aa. T H E S T A R M I L L ,

lo* prlii<ltiq( a u r a aud ouru lu ibe rar. Cei Ikaller*. Meat Cutter.. Saaaaya Btnf<

Ura, a*UrMi>r'. Agrlealtaral Boiler., The I'.ai «.t UtWa UHAJell Saku, aoole

eel.aad retail, Aa. iawl wtf


ABWMLLIftO HOUUtt wltb J or * rooBi»,oon» aileotly arraupad, wiUlu all blocka ol ou>

atoia *ey porewo having aocb a houae to reel b-lw**a thle tltaa and the Irei cl Hap. will eall li medt« ly- rtll)iiL*BO.N *

Sb ad al. between " adj "i'd Pear

'ftgar! Sanur! ~ .\dkUHDS. cbohW aud urtoie Wa« Uneeea laAdlag *^'»o4 for aalw'by kVAkn, f'^HVate ( "T.'ld and rerry ite

B U O K > ,

BOOKB AND STATIONERV! Beak, (er the People aad tltetr Chtldies I

Booke of Tra»al BookaofBclao hooka i-f Uviuauca, Book

Book* of Pivea, f 1'oauy,


eai has; gooda la elware laje. Weaewofler leeihar MaltiAg from m*. •oet Approved »«ha.s " * eleo ageA«s ft lararstrf Bab


plaoe of Leather, U t«eiag Ml/ ehoaS hAtf m prtoee, aad thoagbt by bubv to be ea-perler. We oAr ttus al»o at taa toakef's prtees. Mill Men aod Machinlate wlttAl-WMAtndhere a fell atock of both ktade efselttAgAadPAcktop. Hubber and ~thtr

Maley AAd Be ah \:1U Baws, OMteleslAad fol ly — i in a ted; PUee, String Lee fihar, L a t h Twiae, Ae. I a (heliaeo hAeplut; ci oJa we otfsr •ajet aeairabla kfteda ot C<H*klog Stov AAAbd Kao^i'l, Kitch-«B t aridture, Bake Ftbi, Stew Paneead All other ktade Pa**; Bnhddles, ttndlr-oas, Man Cat sere Aad BBIfr" flwe, Coflaa awl BotoA MBlSS* tere, Oandla M eae, BaaBers, LasspA. Laotv ae, Ppeaas, La-dlee. KnlTee ft fork a, TeA

Selk, G#e add Taa Urns, Ctalstew, Oof* toe And Ha rote, CAAtoce, Bam' Cook XDleee, Meet Porks, end a 1


Mad aad Biake, aod elhw Pertabla


Mill* for ooau A other aiah, Btaani

Baglaa* of aay aMn alio Botauv hawing' Maehlaee Airalaaedtoerderi Irou Mas

tie* aad Orataaal waia o c haad. Steaa Wh Mae aad B r a a a g o o d i t o M e a n work geaaraUyId the

Use of Bnlldtng Mateft-al* we defy cow poll-

ties. Wertrepertica. f * tar aKaatloa to thle branch afthatrede

and kaew that we oaa a*it. tj aay aw all who have protein le waat ecy awdi

U tke way of bulldlag. We keep aly taa •tat briuida of Hall* aad Bplhee, vht te Lead A

Paint Oil, auil a vary largo aeaortaaeat of f riiuuiluga. eucb aa Lovlu a Latohee, Batta

fc Ula«a*,dla*i, Beak, Coon, Patty, Mah Pulttaa, Wladow Bprlaae aad Lock* WatghU aad tWJ aad thlue too Baser tfblB M i a a . U v « e i > e f l e a e y B a r 4 w a < a a a 4 o t h e r goode artU be foaud al|neUve. We heve e Baa ea-

Bt. Louie gad ( bleago, aiwaya for aalalsaana eolt parchaaera. Alao.SierUug, Praoebaad (*er j eaohaaa*. ITOold gad hllvar Colau boafbl am aold. .TpTlaa Mil* on mUago, kt. Leulaaud New Work

d (oeaated actd btaloeaa pap.r >f.burtdaiea oaugbt ettka loweat rataa.

lCrMuu ey ii|iou Heal Batate seeuritlAA proAAred a', e Sfuali doiuu4seloe.

• OPlfctereit allowed or u«p^a:Mia PehBi aux. f ( AflSI

•etar, Puhilc aad U.araMe Afeat oeceBaoklag Hoi«euf Mi.t/:«gjr,Liwea4

acre. Hake.

Batta, Cake Baeketa, Codke Crna, Table aad _ flaoeae, Braaktot a#4 Dtaaar Ceetm, saw

"ylaa. Ma«ta<dt aaaaread BMidpieee

L A 1 I I I T D O I

a lew e beau wrui aaAATt> meat <jt Maa tla CIooBa Ia

broaee aod stiver; Tea Wallow, lMdseaya, fUwer eatd ehell pA^-

terut Wa OU AAd PUtd LeiapAi a lerga aeeortneat vf PorleatoaaleA At

tow^rieee; Belle alee uaw styleac to^ketCanary of all aslaktttoi . , aet Catlayy of •l^terei Wortaa •More, tiporiiag veiy «-t.ap, Guas

A Bills a kill ate rp tltta; Cult'suew Mtebt •• l?Agtv« Mlabtlo ef 'Jiojl^i.par aad Ww MMag mi ^at Itaa d^aeaad

atUal», «va

uie&uhkoia r a •heat I rea ail klode to wet ranted.—-aat aad WAT-

wukTlaptoNA uypar doAA to

AU fun j a* ted Bowittg

head Fiatae, vi the beet ataoaar« uvae but •Apaitab^a to (ha biiSlueee Al

aaiployad lb out toAAatocte ry, aad east*iaien say

rely eetelAg gwed work


At e ftdr priea. Wa MMkll) livtto

^tteattoo to oat eigck U 1 itfslaAt wa eab *Ap^ ihe de «e*d lui any hlud wi tueleAl tow*

di pewee than aM/ other hoAeeto Aa i tbe paiehe

Ike Bailee purohe Aee Mas Ata 1 Af Wa tortte paruaa thoee wby auuteat BtAd •' balUliua eaa supply pie tttoilng eod pa vtog oaatOAAie to f-^ hlng throA and we gaarta

vtt lto«e aweA <J

*a^ CeaAadedvBB tad. al* BkAAd Walghtog, Aa.Aa. •ar atteettei of lo tha <* Whola efdei tor lattAg, thesakf ab*

b dlflaretl atoeke

|g^da> euy aad^All Jithai wub amre thtugee lhaa wa •au (Aiak ot to eaateerete» B we

bad roow, we oflur At Ihe lewetl *Alee |»r eaeh u# ttiae ae to

lJLAMt u«) B-oka, L.da«i«, Jv-aiuate X't', Hc-IJoalLtaud Tituo Biok., f^ktt Mat* ol Creut Wvalwru »lalM aud Terrllortae, bcboxl BooU ol all kllide, ktua UUiuxiafli kugravlu^e. wltb.or wltbuiil frauiai, Plue Oiit .VloaUliig. tug.tW wilt' . welt ••'leetwl aeeoittu.ul .1 all Elude of M Bill l>apM, tuolaca^, Letter, .tote end Bll'ott, butt, wkitw and uaaorlad ti lota; hovelui,«e all kiod., 1 uJet llblo, Bluk, Blu.auJ K«J luka, U»ld I'eli#. tit.el I eu« U^Ut and kllver Paurll Caa**, pjrtaicolca, I Kfllj-*a*.' Vliltma t'atde, fockrl Iultatauda. P«rlaai«ry. raujll. and If "ibi.ld.ie, aud an tuoameraHe «u.utit> ..f wth.r atti.l.. ull M .alo at k't.». .b..p !vr >aab. .iu„ i miu tuj rto..k awn, *d .tiaet, vvt-.tu L. aiali. Heaee. ^lelkdU, *. rl. aiAKK. Aijeut.


A. IkMt'l Imut yoar fcrdw*-i uatfl yoo

Brady Street I

BANKIN'y HOUSE CdVM* tttt.j,, UltJtOW 4t CU -

Oavacpert Block, Goumt Xaia asi 2d Ste.

ri«U A 8FT.TET! w.uWJ U. V* CHI'BB, BKO.. BAHRCJW \ ( O..

airW Mtintl.

CWUBB, BROlPUK.HAh w A CO., Hankers At,

JP* Xt/M A^GB on ihe Bast aed Boath,



for Al andopward

LAIS VAlaAin] •OK ealeby Peb.18. CHUBB, BRO . BARROW A OO

L A M D r O K S A L E . Aldl|ACKitt beaulU'ul LaodlmUe aerthoi WOcott uwfwtils od easy urae.

-ALBO— Poar 40 acre lou flue for tormiog l biUa Aorthof

PultM, (Arms AAsy sod^rloA reAtoaabU. L80—

290t&ree lb Waehl&xtoA ooatt; t id miles from Io a CHy and It frosa WashlDgtoa. end A good road

Leading from Coluabus City To tikh»ood,d0 aerea a . . * **•—a-~ well watered, / which is flfie tlmheraBrd tbe

enn ba sold cheapand ter ma aaay —ALBO—

4 iftlou. 9mtiee weat of Iava CHy, well waUreJ aad my torttlAi terma eaey.

—AUIO— A few weU eltvaied lotslaihA oUy of OATAApon.

-ALBC— 210 lots la Was! DAveaport la etoe from 10 b? too

lAAtaed i ie n tares> terms i AAd 9 yAArs, Us kAad.

— ALBO— A wsUIalahed two atory Brick Dwelling, & <00an

aad Urge eeller, wood hAAAA acd stable. Fine ftow ItaB the obeervatory of a large ^an of the ally, EU«* isuAd aed MoUae.

— ALBO— Beterelwell flfitabad dwelUoga oLgrooad lease ol

10 years would he sold cbAAp Aad eaey tenas. Ap-T. C.RAUS. ply to (Qeui) __

BtliBtrt BeAoed Btifhrs. 100 Berrfcia all grade*, tor aala bjr

BVA58 CttBW ACO. t-oroer Hecoad aod Parrjste. '* '

PIAITATIO* HOLAUSS. OA Barrela leediig aad for aale ky , • . , •T aVA.fi. cmrw t CO.

Coraer Beeoad aad Perry at*.

oauD niin. 1, Praaaa, Pla«, Ar,

raaaa, Ctwoa, 4to~ to tela by p.. A. Cwraer Bacox*d eai Pauy 1

RaUtau^ Plaaia, Praaaa, Pl«*, Arpplee, Pndin, t»r-raaaa, Ctwoa, 4to~ to tela by

mil, rHBW dt CO.

BVANB, CHBW 4l CO. t'ISfe-WUte Blah, Troat, PIMuled Henlac, CodAah Bacdtaae, 4m. to aale bp

B" Ooraer keeead aud Perry I

pimiTii Qaaohaa, Paare, Ai,rtcote, PI oaa, etrawbarriaa. Btaek

klr* "-awu' Our Mr SecuBd aad Patry ate.

Qt^Urd, Boata, ^ Uocaer ieooxt tad Perry at*.

fTvaatrlsaliykeeled Oyalan, Tubuivim, feaciiea, h BTAMl, CHBW a CO.

Oe»a»»BaiMdead I'art **a. •TOOK OF .eaACBAIDIBI aal iSHVfl*

Ver aala. ' Ban opportaaltfi

WM oBar for aale the new arid Bae atock ot gMAaowttadky aata tka ally of Moeeattae,

LoVAm eoaAleUag of Feeelga aad B»»*itU Sty aeede, letuaa, fee.

t>a *aty adeaataaaaaatama. Tha atoak te ta Ihe very beat eaadlttea, haviaf beea boagkt aad and tot aa aaetaatva wholeeale trade. They are aoi «t aoed* er broken peakaaee. The kaelaaa* already eetabllehed la laige aaa valaabie, tudao better ep. port natty taenfliSte ta a heavy aod proatoblejob Mag baiiuea* aaa he to aad la the eatlre Weat.

Al. la the oaly aadaetfe wkoleaale bry Oooda k«aae la thla elty. •Oar ethar keelaeaa aagaiaaai a at* tke oaly laaaaaa fer ear dtapeat ag er thla etoek aad boetaeea.

to reepoaaikte pertlae who eaa Jrtve ealteteetary r.ru,M riiJW&T",d-

)ahi> d 1 m Bavard Tire ami Mailaa


Oaeh eapitai, .... «eeo, eeo. Kerekaau Iaaaranee Oeeepaay,

of Philadelphia, Paer Aataartaed aapltal, - . • ,4ii(^OOo. Aaooutaeoanly Iaveeted, a**>,ow.

OAea, Btaw Oaaoocat Oitoa-

Btlann " Maahlot A Portia, c. a. BBLiM. Amu.

Peel6 dly-pam


IP yau waat aay tktag ta Iba way of a nice Wateb or ptoee af Jewelry of aar kind, .all at Be. 9

LeClalie Bow, where yoa will Bad Ike large at gad akeapeet aaaarUaaat of

Vatehee aad Imltj evet aBeted laat* sarkat. I will *ell Pall Jew. eied Aatd Later Walehe* for IB to 870; do. with Ilk can. wtnatlMfkoa a^ to |V0; Bold Chaloa cf aveay atyle aad vartelpi Braaat «Ba, Wager ttii«*, Bar fUM*. BraeaUla, Opld TkUaklea, Bpeo-uclaa, *e.,aadla Met every Ihlu oaa ally kept la a Jewelry Store, fro* eaauaaa m. 4. to the Baeat caaaeo. Cam), Maaat* aad Dtaaoad Plaaaad Blag*,

i ealy aak bb aoaaalaatUiu ot aay atock to aaUtfj jyooathat It la, aa I kave aald. Beak tka laryaat

»DJ beat ever oBered herei aad laat reaolved to K;l ti IIKa prlua aa abail dely coaipetUioa aad gtta aatlalaauou to purskaaera.

^Mgg-dU »• • nOUBBla.

Evening threat fifoadi,

WBrTBBBOCADB BILKBI Llaht aerlpe aad Plaid Bilk* ITklta, pUk ead blae Oraaae de Pareia; ptak, blae and wMtc allk XuUat Colored Bamae aad Tarla«oa« Ptak, Maeeatia MertaMi

Emkroidtrim tvry Dmnption, Mk Bertaaaa i<t lace Ug» >e i Wadnae aa I Mellaee lace keata; »WMM *ad Ugbt ostoMd A u litoe ea

a ana. variety id every atyle af availing Oom aoak aaaka taadat WADB WOMll'a,

Beccod at. oppoMte LeClalre Moate.

£ < U M B E l R t at

C A N N O N a Steam Saw A Planing Hills,

ABD i tlM. DOOM * BLIND , AIT«K1 . ]'WOuLIi reepaotfully aaU tbe aoaattoa of Baud

Lav*, Pamela aad the pabUegeaeeally to my large aad well aaaortad atoek of

LVinks. LATH AID aUiaMB, aadta Oa* Parahewra wlU sake II aa rt|e«' to ..u »t ». .Ill ..tke LoweetMUl oa Baeoad etreet,

where I kave aew oa haad, leulifaf all leegtta, beaktt te 14 ft fiirti *— r —

ilaaad errean, eel alllwnkei

aiMla Atnd, eat er *awed; latkef tka beet aaalltr, Aha raatoklaa Laakbar, lldtac, Ae.

Laa aow oreaared to faraiah at ahort aotu-e, DOO& SASH, BLINDS,

Wiaiew aad Deer Vraaee. AHkkiawee aa4 Anhatava IhUUmi, Ontawae aad fl-

laetar Wark, flta&a a Saaa SaaHe, Faael Werk, OerataaB, XeaU-

tace few • ta t laakae wide, Y.raadah a Bataatrade

aaaall Warih mmwu. io 11 BO LIU aadMEUAIXIOS Ok •AMBSTH. fiUBOLL»AWmO doaa to order. Tha aaaklAAH la u Door, Baek AAd BltAd fAi laaeaia..^-^ # -t,rereuenU,

Fere left with geavaetead

^ifiaaknUar paei Ikvor., 1 kope Lj awui atteu aa.ta.tt «dS- -«». ̂ -u-e^-J..

Tka aartlaai) la a» Dear, waa mm « k,r» betM*" efth* late* uad beet liaan aud haetag aaaipelaat work area, all older •aewlll bellied with pravptaeaa aad r

COLLEGE STUDIED. | A g. guuoi', A M.,a uatlveal Parte, Praise, a

H . Oiadaata ef tke Oulvereltyef Bdiutiuig. Ueot-Ead,aa eaperleaced teavker keth la Euglaua aad Preleeeoi e< Matheaiattaa aad Languagaa lu aeve ml teatttaitteaa ta tklt eeaaliy, aad BJft tiKO. W. aMBlDV, A. M., a aaUve af PMladelpkla, a Urtduate ef ike UalveMtiy of PeaaaylvaBla at Plilladetphla aad durtug Ua yeara a practical teach­er, da herewith re*» ra*aaaiN|;» aaaeuaae tut ihey ara prepared to leeelfa a Itaiibe.' •••••-••— -• yoaag geBtlattea, when the^ will

aaelva a itaiiiad auwaer *< lei wtf

tr epOva la aay > r tae miiewlaa .1 Iheltearew, Wreak, LaBa, apaalah, "teBei, aval •aa aad ItMUak I^bgaM**, tae Met,tel. Mor Pkiatael Meaeee, laelaetag a Uerough taunt of MarthamtUeefreai Artlhaauatothet aleuU.aaltka wleelbto evare. applied to the Aria «f »»iie>Uig Eaataaertag, ae., sad tke Meebankwlaad Coaiatw eUIpaiaalt*. WSwUl kaetew aapeaialaiteaUaa euua taoae wko wtah le eater eellege.ead aaamataeaelr adailaalou lata the elate thaj aaay tune »a enter.

Thi* deverueeat wlU he airMdg

Hunking UHd Kir*hnuge.

B A N K I N d "

TaIImo, Powers A MbLmhi, tANKXU AND fl£Ai,k.JU IN EXC11AN6A,

IMVI;IH>IM, IO«« %. Uf" Pit t, rtt- i, , ' !, ' ^'.v» c*.. 'hi il.irl

-rav'.< Hx r»o ,. / . . tlif t.4 :.. : pal . > •'! < iUo.i .,aU«, Bf.uib. /rolar;--! AbJ «'on ' adtal <k:;ds/>ld. >oteseaidUrar» i,iir.ti«flar.d proceed# reiaftted »!•> par*..-,(sute, c\,rtns,l rat«a*i' / <«.bALge

• ol not«»*, lretis, aeooaats. legecles god i L«fiUiu. «• „.ud.- iu all parts Af Ibe CaJted 8Ute<, i Ai.ddaa ai.d K ,v..

b^ogbt andaoU aa commie**** k...f Drvld^ridseoiletved. Laiid tVarrAntsbouirbi^eold ajad loeeted: Ex>-bAoge oq - .l.aa >v- tbe ' uii«d states. f.arp^Lter A Veriwi'.ge, Hear York (.u»; .Ail^cy riiy Bet.k. ^H.abv, V; BuAklo ';1ty Bank , N Y; Bfti.k of Maes; i re-}eatuau's Bar>ti i'bMa^elpbta. Vt, tfercfcaolt' A .Uno'a tBaDk , P.'ftiWttfa,H HtKIm A Cu, HaJltfflore, M Dj - »* ' •-p.lai .ro A Broib^rl'jo, ucicl<i&atl, On o| «

aa A SlmoLda, vtLouN,Mo, 1 • > '.jtci.e* fiA/ k, :•*» La; H \ Swifi, Hr >tbar •-* Jf/bflrtOii, Chicago, hi.

etpt 9 *zt Jwtf

)<>U» P. H. TbuLMAI, rVAKbdaPoWBRf Poug^kAApe^*^- v- UiT-DporHlo*^

TALLHhH h PyWEBS, AttArBerA&CouiisftlArAftt IMWf

AAd lAnd Ageuti £AVE.nr^p.T, !<nvA# "

OS :e u'llj atr-pl, tvrecn Scccq<2 ac t To!rd S" hvW;.Bd.oM J & iiavi/i^-

*leo an in fcaat'er . .Vjf Vorlc, at a potu'. Qtiui wbi;ii alargeou gr&ttcun.t; expocte-Jdurtr.g( Lte pr^sebtaea^O; we have atuaual a-jwantAget^ I apoee ol laade to aet^&i settiers.

B iijr'UfAiisaegoUAtoJ o- Kasi h*!ttcitcarft7, —BEFEJIEJCEB—

:iew Yoji C--2. rtjL. Johfi V*3 w:r*

A.t. r'agg, o"Cc

H A N K B B e«i muk dt aAhtit .vr, i>av<

t;OOK .AKtrh>'l dr utt cook!

Baaakrra * Ue.lar. la B»thaa,4. ATwar.nd a,a, t frtt—4*

,f iu vm.tti Itarn •III. ct Xxeha&fe oa ell tka utujMl aitfte

ef tke Vaitad StatM ud laAjie, Baefht aad Ml

JU»%.eyre«ilit^j toBeropeia «<gAi BtUa.whle oetiTeeaikad to tuyiewu in KmUM,1 r«taa(4S.

Wa!ea,in ruei £l apwar4a. ^

-•Malar !••• B. .V. t l.AJtK, Mt. I.OOll. Mo. _ -mtmm «w. clakjc, bouak i i'o . Mr r<iAi" K. '.vCMfrK A CO., Phi lad el " CM '• t'•• . runs a CO.. UmtOB. tilkJKtiK SMITH df lu., C'klMgo. UA<l<f>u i . u « w ...

/ • j WW* ilekU

J HA'I'fH ic LA N (/UO.S, C'.u jia

[Ulea «/ £ie k* 0O0K fe »ARGZBT.



^h0!ght Bxehaoge .• v«w Vork,,. ...

(i iftOD,..,. .... fblladelpfeta. ..

r i'tttehorg, fhU Louis, ae... V-eelnbt 1 . . . . .

.•^iS'>,I>.i^A. dS'j.. Kxe.'tai; •c»..ana

nmi to flaUfrarcha<mtqA '

• ..•....a..,H M If

1*' u-<i- »*t.ta.;g» >o Kleglaa^*IfalAAd WiAMcgrad frercaay. a^Vt)

&-srtxJ3aa, j aeSssr^cCo , i

J Losslag . F.- r <. j. h. Mon*. }

• CbV.liA O'COIeCi. it:ara K Havsratye:

A^-itii7 J nieeckr 'A .iliam h.BkJd&cre

Ai'';au,. -V V. a:>i i-aggat k Filter i a:c,j,. m, ac*!'/ooy»e, KlBgaat Motet KB -fwlf'.aDdCo, ttaauiat orriag. MIUo an-1 Fnwler,

%plli.i wti M K. Aooatr. 1 Co KOIICE.

Baa Mtiaes Laad j|«i^


1'HL noleMigriftd have for SAlA l«gDd ^IJTMill i!^er--t aixea. whiehibey wHI eaUfvr

Oca .N.Y. Hob. Bey moor

AOfaMS waned io Hawlrei ?* Irs^ra^ce < oinpary

tae State tor the

port Bidet, opposite ti*e 1 lleelOdwtr D.

Claire Hoqia . L. bHOHfcY.Seemary.

> ;ii>eTalcredit.


OfitA Brady BtrMt, bAtween Sgeo&d and Third Itmti

OhPERforitia tL^ r.iie*tr^ v&tu« & Heel kg-late:

City Ffopdrty la DavBAport. ) H <>use attd lot on Third Street near tbe coraer o

hotloland. ii Pilots ontbesouth we«i comer ot Fourth atd

raraarii >ueele. 9. Mi iota at.Vnnh port, br-twceo Perry an J

rtoea fsland Btreet# All •'»« hA-»v« k>ts are» w^ll end In parts of

the • ''7 ® imprortfig sn iwitl ba solder* termi. **

firming tanda la Johnwii Coanty -'k -rf d. B • S. 3S T. HaogeS west &• acrea* N# of 31. h. | 8- S3 T. "0 N . Hao^e > weat eOacree-K.fti ofH. 8. | S- 39 T T9 • Kdiije <) west foaAras.

Tb^4'>OTy lar-.dsare jj «r. Ue Ilea of tbo railroad f.'un DateoporiUi lowa-Clty.

Cllutta Coanty. Nioe bu i trea acrae of prairie aad ninety avrw u(

uieber land near hlrlra?. seven nUee frem Ly-«u», ClinWu Co., tsar tbe V'^iroad; ail ebetcAlaad, well watered. Ine above property «:.! e« ui

Boott County Icopre?ed farm one m!i«> end a bilf froa Prli»ce-

teo. Hlxty sr -eefirst rate Uud, w«4i improved will goadaoiSAf. -V'lU be aold at a bargAlb.

Poweeblek Coaaqr. Twokutidred atd 4ftj aeroa Sue prairie laedtwa

IK** north of Mobtezjlaa.lkf cooatjr eeet. McklT-'H-dtt

BeottCo. Kuacre. uoituj!..Mil laodtwo itllea Cram Hickory

t>reve, throe muee from Wnloott, ten ntUea Frew Davenport, well watered.

ldoaorea tve oiilea aortk weninm Htekory Grove vary choice land.

Rear Davtnport Oueaiid one-half mlioefrota t'ourt Hoaae oa iheV

01 off, wttlia"perh o: nver and aarrouaditi^1

eoimiry. A •nullum, M i5i'r:a isder the hlgkvat date ot cultlratlou aal vroll .applied with fruit, traea. The moat t,uB'i.ir«! lasd la the Tlc.ultr o Mhel ctly.

•etrea mile* from Davenport, Alarm of.0 acrea, to under cultivation, xO of ui£ -

her. Aaavav talilug atream rn ^a through tk Will beeeld very eheaj,.

lfeai Wklcott, an Acre .. b -te.- i , airi. at a bargain-

Al Xorth Darenpart, A beaut^iUA.e a^i.le*.' . - • *

1m® pi.ijaaaar*, aey will pay parttcalar altentloc la H:

c atloi sfianaa In tort boe Molaee, Dart Oaarttaaaod other Weaterr, ta r.d OUHMS: Al paynentoflaxeaand land Oaatneaa ~

*en-»- «-">i artga UaattfeiUofH* United tutai boogataadeaMi .'

C(>'.K, harg^BT * OOoft, w .• tlaukera aad 'ead Ageek*- -

^ Fori P>a Vgi.|jgtt>.' roTiltai

THE HWPL *T WALCOTT, 'J WKl,Vh mUeswestof i)areopontthAMnt A Uoa ua tfc«j til. if iiallroad. The hAVA#|gl

bafii.Aad .« aliased JT| i.ataral alATAtleste^ • Iv pralrlo, wa, rn* • <"• nj/etienslre #1aw of • I'rou&dlt^g . .» . ulalty U a ArorltA rv» &u.'e (br aportsuieid duriiig thehiiatltig eAAAOai A »arg<) al<J t •y£uni'>iU..'ta tfvnhle U attacaAdia


BANKEKS. ^ nailKf.OI A( UHHI>.

U.vairroBT, tow». ttr.rr.k rn-

Mtaare.P. i n..Ta»cjii.dtOn.. , B t i'..aiaaAjiaair»• Prra.xea Hhk. t "*w a0'*-il. aata. Taeeoii a 1)j*ji*. B.Hcr., St. l.oula. Oaahler Aixaarir Histc, Boatoti. Mi-eat*. R a. »»t»i. Ba-r. » J-> .«to< fhlcago. Nwtet aud Bllla -,.;it .a-1 t,r >^a^d. ruiiittieeti.

aoypartMf the L etatea. Bllla of Kaekaage on all tke Prtaetpal Cltlea

of the United State* aed Europe Uought and Sold.

;;'f'i'o"ey raa.lilal u> Korj(.e Iu Isiaut BUIa. i wkteioau beruactod UjWu f-naland, Ite-lai.d, or Wales, In aut.-ia vi £1 upward*. KovS dtt

Fer fient for three Y«\r«. 4 HTORt HOl'SS III uuu: tfa. h^t lecatuj.M ta tfca •^•Jttys wtth or wlth.u. :u« 1«Rr<. Auply u


attacked ia tka* ,»id a / ' H i t . JL t.oaey wUl ba


T^rma very low L t l t C

tor parta of the ' • ruaeealon glvea ln.n..

i..,vMdif to woTira.

\ f r . J u i i i . L . t a v i e haa IBia day haw itgg. .ri ted a Paftnftr In AQr Brm. The badaaaMk -m f' n tl(, aa uuretatere. aad endee IB. aeaae it .a and atyle. COOK A .AHOBfefT

»avenport,A|tr>l 1 al ,iaj4.


IJ^OR shit- at fair *"''+1 tad mli oa lAttg erA4KklB ? facilitate iOipror,»aiente |St

COOK A hAfcGJt.lT - ..i sell 2.>i» iu par'.iA^ *ha wlil batt4oa U0M

Ta"' 11 ni"dciaU prtc*e act ssretfWjy 9

BAKTK of FLORESWt Great Evcltoaieat ia Darsaperft \ l "K sr.: l ,v pa, .ti/ lur t.otos of the above Batt V? !n Hate, Cups, t'aara. BakMlad

Geula k urials aiMg n iar One Hoadred aad five Cent, oa tke DeUafj | ;

,i oar oSe« Ir. Dareu^.jrt, 8eeot.J .treat, opda^B* 5 . I.«rialre Hoase.

Cone along and bring yew Florence Maigw | daetMif A. B. ALBTOB tCT|

^ Bank of Florence. ^*t-rioreace, ^tcferaelui. ***'"

tKOE>T,prrt't. J. M.fueee.Caek'n . (Jr tin, Baak of fk«*ae*.

the provisions of It# charter, la* ijuaijy ;or all Ua *au«a, aatf wlU r*4Mi

; »ai«! nftou, et lw coooier Jo tbe c*%of .iuau*v't coin, aod i*i etrUrr ol ibair heafcjAg Maw t^ytara kxcuniH^e o* iu specie a( rairr rasee as aAHI» * : ie>ncsr. •».,

U»K it >.* JtGHST. D^uporr. » Coijii. ciAku t>t A L >W .ShV,ro»a cit/f VJo*. COOK. - Al:Li>:.N1 A Couh,i(.Deaui#iitSAj COOK, SAH<iENTl PABKI?IL fioraLtWiehdfc Jt" rf 4tf /


Jnl y Si'TlALZkLh. Jr. dc co:,

WH0IS8AU AITO KKTAIL 0BOCSAB, s I. S. Corner Becoad A Parry ata. i

. In ihe city. lean


ally kept k* "*

Deltet Atkkaa,

ALL alee a, Juataeeel'ed and Karaite at ,1«r Totk •rteaaat JOOX'I,

•>c--lll Brvi; it , Ut ichaadttk.

•agar, Melakae*. Coffee. w. Y Syauj. Tea, Buekwhegt flair, Cera Meal, Uoailcey, White Beaaa, afpilt Peaa, rarlaa, Bnaie.

CaL-dan floar l eter; -er : ... scaa .uUif. Has he ui every letc/ipUoa, 8aapA« Jfaaey« i.a?wusai a laaUly: 3hueh«a No, 1 *iitc*e. 8ago B.ile, l.p. jca, #rsaU ruav >«3 Pr«aerv«a, FUklee, CrachLfal. biscu^, hodtiaud dau* Chocolate. saUca;ui,Jiai,3wvU, ac it' Stove brueuea anc! r rltia LaaUe, .^n,a,«Mk.4 Bed lord.. tloUua Uicee. at, ***** Kalalaa, .I L K . aiu. nifa. Laadlea. beef toorf.ue, ijrleJ Ueel,

J >•- I in ki-.taforraiaUea,'

PRICES liEDUCED!! (b order lo eloae oat tha balance of ear

FRENCH M.ERINOES, we aha!; to-d«y /


Freuoh Merlnoee 1 aver ofcreiir.

IIAVlM'oBT. We rail the pellicular stteatlooef allto th.

Bargaiaas to be taaD In !tIerlno«e AX

Sstfth's Variety ^tort*, DAVEVPORT.

UAOeiubtH- IS.

UrOCIIA Lo>ti SllAllW. A XBW aud beAOtltiilstoch )u«t re-?clvel ^ declS W.\D3\y0KTH18.

ilaehera: 8ttr, Speroi as i ullow eaadlAe,

i vVtck auu .Ulaueyi aoudau aud wiiiew ware,a

Laicp Wick auu .Ulaueye, Basheia. woudau aud witle

ill the above articles and at aay MOfA a roestoaieDtiori. we o#t»r tew.


abet. 4th



HAti oil £u.; .i me iafgT?at atock <>( I1BADV-VAOt tl.Olltno

(of Lis own luauutaciur*) aver w>ff«r<»d iq L*aveup->rt, i wulch utuai bo clo«ed tiut io make room for# ae* aud eoiupieu a:oclt for Sj.rhig a&J ^«'jirui>r trade.— I In order io diapoae oi my auu* «>i '-Vloter Goo t ! l& hwishortesi poa»ic.l<? i *iii offer lor ikltty j dayaaiy wboJe atock of Kea^y-Mad« Uotblag i

AT COST PRICES! | che^e iJi i Furnl.tilu^ Uuw.ta, con

Wmra nnt gnmiaar. n*T*fTlatha fjBl A liquid prifeoer peat la walls <Y «1ms, C . iAauty's Mfoci with beauty war.* bctaft, ^ t >'or tl* n bo I'aoaiu b«raar« Whet tt WAV. .Jut tlowr r» liailUed, thoagh thwy wtth wtottf i»ee oat lOMr sh^w, iciMr aebetaa^ etfU lleaei

»er fifty teahi.tut!« ax tracts at daxula bottltse opeu t* Labile

n»tf Ail - - - ' * -s \J'£. B .

t.S, etc >•:*& Brady

At Fiirate lala, firairaieCarriage.wW» alaudlag (M. ^•

•ery b>w price. M. wTfloiBlS^ ChiidrAA's WooUn lioodi,

Lil£ra«a^taicu( in t. wu. at JTu ''4 «a^dg»hB« /

Or. A. M. SMITH, UL?., liAiACtK ^hftlClUe

' xioeoii Hradjr street oeiweeo tad and 14. . t a ua lal/deireei o«t*e«B aala aad Bra4f "

-VO^Aiatteutloagiveu to the* trstiasils?lc;oft|' -c>.i.dalouter cbcouio diseases- > *


IThe Only- Plaoe sport, wbare

sla«lQ viupmui Put. VVuitj smJ Fb.ivy Co­der cTotAlag,HAJi4kerah1efSt Glores, ColUrs, llo

tSAS. Ac Ooiy one

JauU Briiy ' bAM L. PERKY,

opposite PostOflc


f l ^ R E ; u i f o r a a l e i i i b . M i l l . M a u u i u -L « f y t K a g l u e , l ^ i x l a r j s . A o , c 5 r a r i a a n d ^ e r r y

^i.ats. ou rea»otar.tc terms iv a party wbi) ha» uieauato t.-«odaet!c. 1'"'^ -'l.:i win grlad and c>vii over 11 bieoeie Waeai porboar. prodaelug a barrel Plsar out o( erery 4 i buaheu good wheat, il properly tuat-sgedU-- cap taity la over 60 bbls per d « y ; « g r e a t e r J i t 1 1 a . J & t « x p o u * * t k A u a u . Mill lb aee. lae olea.Ji:g ftpparatua la mo*caH«J ac j ila o*psctMr Is grvatar taan toe MHU .No bet ver luTeeim»ei la uow opei. .niahe motitjj wbcle Astahbshinaai caa : ^ared lu leae ibai. a year. W«aleo oiar for r Vllilsaad rlgbia vl lefrltory ol U*e Suie oi lo*a ^ aud see luc ilill. 1! not aold s>oa It w.U be ; >i i-^a«». For further parties.ei« *^pt| Ai tbeMlli w

JauI J\Coa WtAVfcrt, J, , AgAQt

Ab AtAorCme&t of MarchindlAA. 11 sAsbprtdee, would b« vuluiugad !'er ro*l stiato lu ^DeveiUMTt or Tictnhy. Pfr«...i.a wrshing t-» make a

trada ij tuat klad will CiUl at oiy store h. »v. MoaaiN

Auctioneer ai.d C«uuila»tOB MerchAAt. daodl'Utf Meovbd »(. ueai Ferry,

aeaahei o( yaetli wUl aMleaaead mm*4*/*', aad yss.-jS.«XSr:.Sf.s:,rir ^1kMMM>JtS'!«<e ae lew claaaae aa paaatbla •udiluCiiae braaab,** that Ihe teaeh*e*'aaw aalMiaalaiad te thegrealaet advaalBfe.

fhom a eaaartof aethod al aUaatBaeBaa, aatct dtaelallae, theavegh Baatal tralalu aad tha .MthQ u lenaMrf aeeatred by aaa ay yeara'aaaanaaee, we l,aaTle Mhethte taektata aeerthy el the Bkeael nliirg- al thla eaaanlly. " ii aeauile. e< iBiBw ta tt**lted,th*ee deal, da teeead aaaUe e> lhaaeeelve* eiei aa atadeai*, aBud aala e*d| .eeWlte. al Ike aeUeglaiela aiUate.Bd itavelfcalr.

IVeaa e»»aei«»d<aglt aileral, which will esttBa to taatfeettaa dartaatha day aad ev

AKVllKUIOBa. T. 0L06E, W.'MOBfiHOUSB Tae Biahi Be*, ataea a. w Lea, u. u *'V ' " a Hev. AUred LoadetOaak, Bav. e. r. Magou a,


l aveeport. Ian. let, lW^.j il. Mae,

V>. w. \N >edwari B*<). aait

Bk»a«a*t uaek. h««. Sr. Mayere. W. e. tolliaa, l^|.

asCoMD a&attax. or ~ FIha Velvet Cloaks,

AT W t W U ' U K I I i . V

tfc.tvaa thi. uioiulaa by azyreeea (• a uio r« V Viae t elvel i Clath Claaika ago

Jraolaaa Leaf Miiawla. Ladlaa who liavo avt feta'vulleU Oioaaelvee au iw* do ao by call mat WAUSWoKrH'S,

dee« Hetond oppoaito LecUlre Houee.


Htfl received during Uie pa». we<-k Ur(e aJdl tleua tj hie eluc^ or troode, to wblvU bewuuM te the atteatleu ui all who wl.b gooda ol ike quality at Ike LOWEST POhS3JULK PRICES

to tha large eUok uow tSkiore oi. Seooiid street, t yeAltA i.-»i'lalre H« •>» _t>A0J8

HTacTT Mi ; likriBtBB PUI-. Hilt : uatre, Hulled Mike, Mor i UAatl^ae aad Black Kapp kilt a, ljUek Walere.1 aud natltt de Oketue, Blat.a (Strip...) aad PlgnreJ liilka, lu.l re.etv.d at

>ji3 M'Abs WORTH.

'.•!*» I AmrB ail Wool Oe Lalaee tor M umUt^Slfz

Xerlaee " 80 aeaatttal Flgared Oe Lalae. aa

SHAWLS AND OLOAEA, Lee*tkau Mew Toi k Cuet, eaa be gol,leal

STRIOiU.A.tU.iDUUdl DUBHAdl. »Mtt Saaood St.batweeaBradr JBft





W«t. UNr^LBE A who ar* delanataad la

Ptost Out their }ftnt#r Stook, lo order to make J

Xaauaoth Stock la tha Bprlag1

tltey »lll therefore uB*r J (h\K MONTH ONLY !t V.

iLejr entire aioeh ol VVtbiartioods atTAry Iaw &<|a* • uee Aud Aiaay oltheas lAes ih^A

& A S TE li JST C O S T .

1 A uiobg hie stock Aiayb*fo*Ad. Preiioh Merino** for 80 c. worth 1J6. • - it n.;gli*h '• Iron aa to dOe." dOtea4f 1

< oourge, •' ao to aa "»a"aaa

\.jaca* "lasted* -aa-ae I'iain Ua Lainee " J8W lo lfl "Ift«aa" Knglieh.Marlmae and Coakaeo Print, lac-Cooiinon #taS lay. Jean* froui 16 to Me worth it to ae Sauaette 40 to SOe '* 90" taa- < HlnnkWe IA per < i»nt le.« than u.aal pricif ^


t^llnU VERY f'HEAj.

Uiwho waalobeap u • # ! U La Claire Sewvi, ijjrOue Pr.i l', No Abatemeat.^CS '''*

uaSlal.t^Ktl «<

' tiinniiusrnrtC7*aMw~wdiKrei . B»l«»«t foe Paa Oakea. he aale lawetlha

mvJ# KBIBToaa WH4. txfeXfXMJflr OIKTI

a LaHOK atilval atoek tk* la'geat

.ure lacall at tr m auction—uiatlag out

- • - «at U» ihe ' WAi'SW.

md ob.afeat lu the elty. £v HTJi'B.


MnmDCOKSFR;— JUaT reeetved at


AOOUfaaaortiaeBtoaii be fOuud at dw*M -.\AL>«vroin'B,a.

8AX1N LAIN, •pMMrlclieai Cartala Ooods talhAOityi wtthtaada A AAd Assets to match, at

deolg WADS VVuKTrt'8.

Lumber ! N. KExNl>Al.L A CO

UAVK «t tktfli wlU ou U.e levee, eitiadlagta geeoad lUW, oo. tke laigeet aud had aa-

Kilrte.ei.te e i XaX/XMCXIXtS^L laUaveutwit. faey uaveaow oa hau.l over ten allUoo orUel, cooaiatlltg or naeeiaa. draeAAd and o&drAasAtl, hldiaf

BM»BoArds,do Jotita, BqaarAT^Mi. •ttutey ud mo.ooo ft. 9t riAiiif

They do Alee, but ' Iftafaat*

R p £ R 1 A S D a 0 0 i » T i B $ £ * Z Aad ell klade of

; j l B m t o r o l c t c v y . , Geld, kllver a»d Silk, ete.,aade le acBer. A" <•> 1

large etoek ol . . >i.U A dli.VBB BBA1I>. COBOl, »BIMaaa,l|W Inhauj. SArOBR A BtrMuH^Vv

al MUMB. LOU1B', iVlie Brady at., bet. «th* Mh.Uave

W fl W o . .v. *wJ«« T i j r * m

neali1 rarnlBklaf Bimb. . Vt U L L a s e o i t a i A a l o f A v a r r l h l A f I a t k A 1 | ^ >

yt«: Gloves, Graeata, flwe» MAfS. HlogkAt fir u. l«ra, Robee, OadArwAAr. thlrH. CsKa mSm

<1 hAU kloee, Lad tee' Vaale i j-Alaga, MUla, La iblrts of sHpertat

a O O D B T AT W

kluge, Mttta, Iaggtiiy, »t qaallty ead aak.


Cesar usae -liliVtt KBSoltreWi "

mi t riaber lao, *40 aoree Laud lo Pterea Co.

A iinia

» M ••

do eotpretend w .ell c t.eper tbau any , I tke) rlia* thai tke) a«iL a tetter uuailty lor I ' e tuoaey Paveaporu Ueo lk- >o Jw3at k aMi^^o^l prvpaaey.

rue 'ebo.e laada will heaaU^y w^aat^ i WiMonatB

Ba^aKa al wa. wauM a ot|