w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the...

w Circular 2 2 2.1110 Publications on Copyright This circular presents sources of publications about copyright. Information on obtaining publications on copyright is grouped here according to these sources: Copyright Office Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service Library of Congress Duplication Services National Technical Information Service Government Printing Office The types of publications that are available include informational circulars, copyright registration and recordation information, application forms, selected reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the law, and volumes of judicial decisions on copyright. Many publications are available online at no charge. Others may be ordered in hard copy (CD, microfiche, paper) for a fee. There is no charge for publications obtained from the Copyright Office. Copyright Office Below is information on how to view and obtain Copyright Office publications and records. Publications are available on the Copyright Office website. Many are available in paper format by request. Copyright Office records in machine- readable form cataloged from January 1, 1978, to the present, including infor- mation on copyright registrations and recorded documents, may be searched and examined on the Copyright Office website. website: www.copyright.gov u. s. postal service: Order publications by writing to Library of Congress Copyright Office COPUBS 101 Independence Avenue SE Washington, DC 20559-6304 forms and publications hotline: If you know which application forms and circulars you want, request them 24 hours a day from the Forms and Publications Hotline at (202) 707-9100. Leave a recorded message. Form for Primary Registration Method Use the online electronic Copyright Office (eCO) for registering basic claims to copyright, even if the deposit is not in digital format. For information on regis- tration with eCO, go to the Copyright Office website or contact the Copyright Office.

Transcript of w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the...

Page 1: w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the law, and volumes of judicial decisions on copyright. Many publications are available




r 2

2  2.1110

Publications on Copyright

This circular presents sources of publications about copyright. Information on obtaining publications on copyright is grouped here according to these sources:

• CopyrightOffice

• LibraryofCongressCatalogingDistributionService

• LibraryofCongressDuplicationServices

• NationalTechnicalInformationService

• GovernmentPrintingOffice


Copyright Office


• website: www.copyright.gov

• u. s. postal service:OrderpublicationsbywritingtoLibrary of Congress Copyright Office – COPUBS 101 Independence Avenue SE Washington, DC 20559-6304

• forms and publications hotline:Ifyouknowwhichapplicationformsandcircularsyouwant,requestthem24hoursadayfromtheFormsandPublicationsHotlineat(202)707-9100.Leavearecordedmessage.

Form for Primary Registration Method


Page 2: w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the law, and volumes of judicial decisions on copyright. Many publications are available

Publications on Copyright · 2

Registration with Paper Forms


Forms for Applications that Must Be Completed on Paper

group registration formsFormGR/CP:Forregisteringagroupofliterary,performingarts,orvisualartsworks


FormSE/Group:Forregisteringagroupofserial publications


mask worksFormMW:For3-dimensionalpatternsfixedonasemicon-ductorchip(notfortheatricalfacialmasks)

FormMW/CON:Continuationsheettobeusedonlyincon-junctionwithMW application form

recordationDocumentCoverSheet:Forusewhensubmittingtransfersand other documents


FormRE/CON:Continuationformtobeusedonlyincon-junctionwithFormRE application

AddendumtoFormRE:ForallworkspublishedbetweenJanuary1,1964,andDecember31,1977,thatwerenot registeredduringtheirfirst28-yearterm.Mustaccompany FormRE.

uraa—for restored worksFormGATT:Forrestoredworks

FormGATT/CON:ContinuationformtobeusedonlyinconjunctionwithGATT application form

to correct an error or amplify the information given in a registrationFormCA: To correct an error or amplify the information giveninaregistration

FormCA w/instructions:Tocorrectanerrororamplifytheinformationgiveninaregistration


vessel hull design formsFormD-VHnonfill-inversion:Forregisteringvesselhulldesigns


FormD-VH/CONnonfill-inversion:Continuationsheetand for multiple designs

FormDC: Application to correct a design registration


licensing division forms CableStatementofAccountForms:Forsemiannualaccount-ing periods



SatelliteStatementofAccountForm:Forsemiannualaccounting periods





Application for Preregistration

FormPRE:Forpreregisteringcertainworksthathavehadahistoryofprereleaseinfringement.Thisformisonlyavail-ableontheCopyrightOfficewebsiteatwww.copyright.gov and may only be filed online.

note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view and print the forms. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader may be downloaded from Adobe Systems Incorpo-rated through links from the same Internet site at which the

Page 3: w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the law, and volumes of judicial decisions on copyright. Many publications are available

Publications on Copyright · 3

forms are available. Print forms head to head (top of page 2 is directly behind the top of page 1) on a single piece of good quality 8V" * 11" white paper. To achieve the best quality copies of the application forms, use a laser printer. Or you may request paper copies from the Copyright Office.

Copyright Office Circulars

Circular1:Copyright Basics

Circular1:Fundamentos de los Derechos de Autor (SpanishversionofCircular1)

Circular1a: United States Copyright Office: A Brief History and Introduction

Circular1b: Limitations on the Information Furnished by the Copyright Office

Circular1c: Make Sure Your Application Will Be Acceptable

Circular2:Publications on Copyright

Circular3:Copyright Notice

Circular4:Copyright Office Fees

Circular5: How to Open and Maintain a Copyright Office Deposit Account

Circular6:Obtaining Access to and Copies of Copyright Office Records and Deposits

Circular7b: “Best Edition” of Published Copyrighted Works for the Collections of the Library of Congress

Circular7c: The Effects of Not Sending a Timely Reply to Copyright Office Correspondence

Circular7d: Mandatory Deposit of Copies or Phonorecords for the Library of Congress

Circular8:Supplementary Copyright Registration

Circular9:Works Made for Hire Under the 1976 Copyright Act

Circular10:Special Handling

Circular12:Recordation of Transfers and Other Documents (includestheDocument Cover Sheet)

Circular14:Copyright Registration for Derivative Works

Circular15:Renewal of Copyright

Circular15a: Duration of Copyright

Circular15t: Extension of Copyright Terms

Circular21:Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians

Circular22:How to Investigate the Copyright Status of a Work

Circular23:The Copyright Card Catalog and the Online Files of the Copyright Office

Circular31:Ideas, Methods, or Systems

Circular32:Blank Forms and Other Works Not Protected by Copyright

Circular33:Computing and Measuring Devices

Circular34:Copyright Protection Not Available for Names, Titles, or Short Phrases

Circular38a: International Copyright Relations of the United States

Circular38b: Highlights of Copyright Amendments Contained in the URAA

Circular40:Copyright Registration for Works of the Visual Arts

Circular40a: Deposit Requirements for Registration of Claims to Copyright in Visual Arts Material

Circular41:Copyright Claims in Architectural Works

Circular44:Cartoons and Comic Strips

Circular45:Copyright Registration for Motion Pictures Including Video Recordings

Circular50:Copyright Registration for Musical Compositions

Circular55:Copyright Registration for Multimedia Works

Circular56:Copyright Registration for Sound Recordings

Circular56a: Copyright Registration of Musical Compositions and Sound Recordings

Circular61:Copyright Registration for Computer Programs

Circular62:Copyright Registration for Single Serial Issues

Circular62a: Group Registration of Newspapers and Newsletters on Form GD/N

Circular62b: Copyright Registration for a Group of Serial Issues

Circular64:Copyright Registration for Secure Tests

Circular65:Copyright Registration for Automated Databases

Circular66:Copyright Registration for Online Works

Circular73:Compulsory License for Making and Distributing Phonorecords

Page 4: w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the law, and volumes of judicial decisions on copyright. Many publications are available

Publications on Copyright · 4

Circular74a: How to Make Statutory License Royalty EFT Payments via Wire

Circular74b: How to Make Statutory License Royalty EFT Payments via ACH Credit

Circular74c: How to Make Statutory License Royalty EFT Payments Using Pay.gov

Circular75:The Licensing Division of the Copyright Office

Circular92:Copyright Law of the United States

Circular100:Federal Statutory Protection for Mask Works

Copyright Office Fact Sheets

sl-04:Copyright Office Fees

sl-04a: Requesting Reconsideration of a Refusal to Register a Copyright, Mask Work, or Vessel Hull Claim

sl-04d: Calculating Fees for Recording Documents in the Copyright Office

sl-04l: Copyright Office Licensing Division Service Fees

sl-6a: Placing an Order with the Records Research and Certification Section

sl-09:Have a Question about Copyright Registration?

sl-09a: Call the Copyright Office Toll Free 1-877-476-0778

sl-10:Get It Quick Over the Net

sl-10a: Subscribe to NewsNet

sl-30a: Changing Your Address with the Copyright Office

sl-35:Registering a Copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office

sl-37:Privacy: Copyright Public Records

fl-100:International Copyright

fl-100:Protección Internacional de Derechos de Autor


fl-102:Fair Use

fl-103:Useful Articles

fl-104:Copyright Registration of a Contribution to a Collective Work

fl-105:Copyright Registration of Music

fl-106:Copyright Registration of Poetry

fl-107:Copyright Registration of Photographs


fl-109:Copyright Registration of Books, Manuscripts, and Speeches

fl-110:Group Registration for Automated Databases

fl-115: Copyright Registration of Visual Arts

fl-119:Dramatic Works: Scripts, Pantomimes, and Choreography


fl-124:Group Registration of Published Photographs

The Regulations of the Copyright Office from the Code of Federal Regulations

TheCopyrightOfficenolongercreatespapercircularsbasedon the Code of Federal Regulations.TheinformationisnowavailableforprintingfromtheCopyrightOfficewebsiteatwww.copyright.gov/title37.

The Copyright Law

The Copyright Law of the United States and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States CodeisavailableontheCopyrightOfficewebsiteat www.copyright.gov/title17. A papercopymaybepurchasedfromtheGovernmentPrintingOffice.Gotowww.gpoaccess.gov for ordering information.

Catalog of Copyright Entries

TheCopyrightOfficepublishedtheCatalog of Copyright Entries (CCE)inprintformatfrom1891through1978.Thesevolumesoftenmaybeavailableatfederaldepositorylibraries.From1979through1982,theCCEwasissuedinmicroficheformat.Thecatalogwasdividedintopartsaccordingtotheclassesofworksregistered.EachCCEsegmentcoveredall registrations made during a particular period of time. Renewalregistrationsmadefrom1979through1982arefoundinsection8ofthecatalog.Renewalspriortothattimeweregenerallylistedattheendofthevolumecontainingtheclassofworktowhichtheypertained.

Effectivewithregistrationsmadesince1982,theonlywayto see the CCEisbyusingtheInternettoaccesstheCopy-rightOfficeautomatedcatalog.Theautomatedcatalogcon-tainsentriesfrom1978forward.Toaccessthecatalog,gotowww.copyright.gov.

Additional Catalog Information

Pre-1978cataloginformation,includingmusicalworks,can beobtainedfromDuplicationServicesintheLibraryofCongressandfromcertainU.S.governmentdepositorylibraries.Formoreinformation,gotowww.loc.gov/preserv/pds/. The Catalog of Copyright Entries, Cumulative Series, Motion Pictures from 1894–1969isavailablefromtheNationalTechnicalInformationService.Toorder,gotowww.ntis.gov.

Page 5: w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the law, and volumes of judicial decisions on copyright. Many publications are available

Publications on Copyright · 5

Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service

TheCatalogingDistributionService(CDS),apartoftheLibraryofCongress,makesavailableforsalecertainregistra-tionandrecordationrecordscreatedbytheCopyrightOffice.These include the copyright catalog of registrations and recordationsfrom1978forward.Inaddition,filesmaybeacquiredincustom-tailoredsets.Fororderinginformation,contact the CDS.

• website: www.loc.gov/cds

• email: [email protected]

• u. s. postal service: Library of CongressOffice of Business EnterprisesCataloging Distribution Servic101 Independence Avenue SE

Washington, DC 20540-4910

• telephone:(800)255-3666 (Toll-freeintheU.S. for CDSproductsandservicesonly)

• fax:(202)707-1334

Library of Congress Duplication Services


• website: www.loc.gov/preserv/pds

• email: [email protected]

• u. s. postal service:Library of Congress Duplication Services101 Independence Avenue SE Washington, DC 20540-4570

• duplication services walk-up counter:Library of Congress John Adams Building, Room la 128 2nd Street and Independence Avenue SE Washington, DC 20540-4570

• telephone:(202)707-5640

• fax:(202)707-1771

National Technical Information Service

ManypublicationsnolongeravailablefromtheCopyrightOfficeortheGovernmentPrintingOfficemaybeobtainedthroughtheNationalTechnicalInformationService(NTIS)oftheDepartmentofCommerce.NTIS electronically stores acollectionofmorethanthreemillionitemsandcustom-reproducesacopyspecificallyforyourorder.Forinforma-tion,contactNTIS.

• website: www.ntis.gov

• email: [email protected]

• u. s. postal service: National Technical Information Service 5301 Shawnee Road Alexandria, VA 22312

• telephone:(703)605-6000or(800)553-6847

• fax:(703)605-6880

Government Printing Office

ManypublicationsoftheCopyrightOffice,includingtheCopyright Law of the United States(Circular92),maybepur-chased in print format from the U.S.GovernmentPrintingOffice(GPO).Forinformationonavailablepublications,contact GPO.

• website: www.gpoaccess.gov

• email: [email protected]

• u. s. postal service: U. S. Government Printing Office Mail Stop: IDCC 732 N. Capitol Street NW Washington, DC 20401

• telephone:(202)512-1800or(866)512-1800

• fax:(202)512-2104

Page 6: w Publications on Copyright Circular 2reports, studies on specific copyright issues, copies of the law, and volumes of judicial decisions on copyright. Many publications are available

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U.S. Copyright Office · Library of Congress · 101 Independence Avenue SE · Washington, DC 20559-6000 · www.copyright.gov

For Further Information

By Internet

Circulars,announcements,regulations,otherrelatedmateri-als,andallcopyrightapplicationformsareavailablefromtheCopyrightOfficewebsiteatwww.copyright.gov. To send anemailcommunication,clickonContact Us at the bottom of the homepage.

By Telephone


Easterntime,MondaythroughFriday,exceptfederalholi-days.Recordedinformationisavailable24hoursaday.Or,ifyouknowwhichapplicationformsandinformationcircularsyouwant,youcanrequestthem24hoursadayfromtheFormsandPublicationsHotlineat(202)707-9100.Leavearecorded message.

By Regular Mail

Write to:Library of Congress Copyright Office – COPUBS 101 Independence Avenue SE Washington, DC 20559-6304

circular 02 reviewed: 11 ⁄ 2010 Printed on recycled paper u.s. government printing office: 2010-xxx-xxx ⁄ xx,xxx