W* AUGUST HSAitiT H Ikjf IKVSIPowder You...

16 H SAitiT PAUL SOCIAL. H The delightful autumn weather of the last week made wheeling a more than usually enjoyable pastime, and the cycle paths have been filled each day with cyclers to and from Minne- apolis and White Bear. The golden rod, the city girl's delight, and the farmers' pest, has come Into blossom and formed the chief decoration at the several weddings and social affairs of the week. Sweet peas have also been a favorite flower for decoration and never before has this fragrant blossom been more abundant. The rear yards of many of the houses on St. Anthony Hill have been converted into bowers of beauty and fragrance this year, and though hidden from the view of the passer-by these back yards are a source of great comfort to their own- ers and privileged friends. The Minnetonka Yacht club was the center of attraction at the lake last week, and the club house at the St. Louis bay was very artistically deco- rated. The yacht club race was at- tended by society people from both cities, and was one of the prettiest lake events of the season. Grand Army matter* have taken up the minds of scciety people to the ex- performed the ceremony, after which the party returned to 627 Virginia avenue, the home of the groom's sister, where an elab- orate repast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Zywi- bkl will be at home after the 30th, at 449 La- fond street. John P. Collins, of the Northern Pacific Express company's office, and Mlas Josephine- J. O'Conor were married at St. Mary s Cath- olic church Wednesday morning at 8:30. The ceremony was performed by Father Gibbons. The bride wore a handsome gown of velours suiting and a velvet hat. No invitations were issued except to a few of the immediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Collins left on the 2:46 train over the Northern Pacific for a trip to the Pacific coast. They will be at home after Oct. 16 at 73 Summit avenue. The marriage of Miss Margaret Bowe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bowe. of Harrison avenue, and Henry Bartlett Mor- rison, was solemnized Wednesday afternoon at the House of Hope church. Dr. Egbert officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sternberg, of Day- ton avenue, have announced the engagement of their daiiKhter. Miss Flora Sternberg, to Louis J. Weil, of Jamestown, N. D. LOOKING BACKWARD. One of the most enjoyable events of the week was a surprise party given Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Emma Weber, by her sister Mary, at their home on Granite street. Cards and dancing were the features of the evening.' Music was furnished by Hil- yard's orchestra. Among the guests present "were: Misses J. Lelapoint, M. Moarn, S. Fitzgibbons, A. Hipp, J. Fltzgibbons. M. Mn- Mahon. E. Maher. E. Cavanaugh. N. Maher, N. Murphy, J. Labarre, F. Gardener, A. Mur- He How old are yon. Mlaa Chnfflcf She—l have seen eighteen Hnmm en and about one hiinilred and forty falls.— Texitu Sifter. elusion of nearly everything else and the week just past has been a quiet one in a social way. Only a few in- formal affairs here and there have taken the mind of womankind from the work on hand except the large recep- tion for Mrs. Logan at the Town and Country club yesterday afternoon. Among the many efforts made by the people of St. Paul to make the G. A. R. encampment memorable, is one by a young lady of this city, who has com- posed and published a piece of music entitled the "Souvenir Waltz," which is inscribed to the Thirtieth encampment of the G. A. R. The author of the pro- duction is Miss Mabel Floy Denny, daughter of Prof. O. T. Denny, of the central high school, and a pupil of Prof. Titcomb. The piece has already re- ceived many warm praises from the musicians of both St. Paul and Min- neapolis, though it has only been on the market for two or three days. The different orchestras will play It during the encampment at the parades, camp fires and receptions. It will be played for the first time at the Met- ropolitan tonight, and during the week, by Prof. Seibert's orchestra. WEDDING BELLS. Miss Mary Eastman and W. Pratt Abbott •were married Tuesday at 7 o'clock In the evening at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Eastman, on Laurel ave- nue. Dr. J. P. Egbert performed the cere- mony. There were about seventy-five people present. The rooms were handsomely decor- ated with golden rod, palms and cut flowers The bride wore a gown of cream satin, with veil, and carried ros«s. She was attended by her sister. Miss Emma C. Eastman who wore white organdie over yellow and carried golden rod. The bride's father gave her away. The maids of honor were Lucy East- man and Mary Abbott, in gowns of dotted Swiss. They carried golden rod. The best man was James H. Skinner, of New York following the ceremony was a supper after which Mr. and Mrs. Abbott left for the East and will be at home Oct. 15 and 20 at 260 Summit avenue. . A Quiet wedding took Place at St. Albert's church Monday morning, the contracting parties being John Zywiski and Miss Anton- nia Nowak. Miss Rose Bolinski was maid of honor, and J. J. Grabowski the best man Miss Florence Dervichowskl assisted as th l m^ id ' and J> T - Dervichowskl as usher The bride was attired in white albatross trimmed in white jet and pearls. She carried bouquet of bride's roses and a pearl rosary. Her veil was draped with roses and emilax The maids of honor wore white dotted mull carrying cream roses. Rev. Father Myers phy, M. Weber, S. Murphy, C. Labarre, If. PrendeTgast, M. Ashe, K. Farnen, K. Sulli- van, M. Alberts, F. Smith and K. Churchill; Messrs. C. Kenny, J. Fttzglbbons, T. Horrl- gan, J. Mahoney, J. Johnson, C. Doherty, LelapoJnt, H. Soul, C. Benson, J. Weber, T. Thornton. E. Arsnieau, P. McCauley, S. Horrigan, M. Fitzgibbons, Davis, Sohy, C. Henke, D. Sullivan, E. Wittcop, M. Nichol- son, P. Green, S. Rosness, T. Floody, F. Ben- son, T. Greely, A. Meyers, A. Hall, J. Sulli- van E. McGovern and S. Gaul. Miss Anna Bergmann was tendered a most most enjoyable surprise party Wedriesday evening at her home, No. 633 Charles street. Those present were: Maggie Johnson, Mar- gie Bergmann, Marie Tooney, Jennie Haas Emma Godfrey, Julia Hagerty, Vina Night- ingale, Katie McMahon, May Divine, Anna Wuerg, Maggie Humphry, Marie Haas, Agnes Chrlstofer, Josie Fltchgeral, Tessie Glenon Mamie Bergmann, Anna Bastokenn Alice Harper, James Kennedy, Willie Jefterson Fred Lally, Joe Coyne, Bert Wald Willie Papeneau, Dela Hamm, Willie Loskiel, Jewel Hoblltt, Tomy McGlyn, Peter Jensen, Henry Greene, George Wald. Dan Hartnick, John Dugan. Albert Wilharber. Arthur Harrick, Charlie Hendrickson, John Probst Ray Bratton, Johnny Heavmann, Jean Hill Willie Lodge, Charlie Greene, George McVay, Jerry Burner, Henry Shean. A farewell party was given Friday evening at the home of Col. and Mrs. E H Mil- ham to Miss Milham. who will leave' early next month for Smith college. The lawn dec ?rated with Japanese lanterns and within the national colors and GAR emblems were used exclusively for decora- tion. Dancing formed the amusement of the evening. Among the guests were- Misses Shepard Baker, Cunningham ' Madman Brainard. Roach, McNamara, Hostetter Big- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brownard. *»geiow, Thursday evening at the home of Mr* Rit ter, of Pettit street, Miss Minnie Ronev was tendered a pleasant surprise. Among those present were: Misses Delaney. Yorke Mont- gomery Saves, Golden, McAllister Worm- wood, Lizzie Yorke, McCarthy Annie D? r'X'M^tf 316 ???' Mas f ie Y °>^. John™; Gall, Mattie Delaney, Josie Johnson Beck with. Grace Beckwith. Kate Roily / DoUn" Earley and the Misses Allison and McNer- ney, of Minneapolis; Messrs. Sanbrook Gall Johnson. Prideaux, Kuhlman, Loewe Brand- horst, Earley, Nelson, McDonough' Davis McCarthy, Hublard, Humbolt, Montgomery' and Mr. Turtolock, of Minneapolis. The evening was spent in dancing and games Lunch was served at 11 o'clock. A pleasant birthday surprise was given by Miss Mac Shimen and John Masek for Augus- ta Handle... The following guests were pres- ent: Misses A. Handle, K. Handle, A. Han- dle. M. Shimon, M. Wondra, A. Norak A Clkanek, J. Skarda, K. Lavlick, A. Hipp' FOOKWG FORWARD, LOW ROUND TRIP RATES TO im MINNETONKfI! During 6. A. R., State Fair and Carnival Week. Great Northern Railway Hotel Lafayette, Minnetonka Beach. Lake meet Great Northern Trains. 11l II fflll FRiDftY, Sept. 4. '.' 5l * Dally Trains from Union Depot. | CITY TICKET OPPICB 109 E. 3rd St., St. Paul, and Union Depot Bishop Gilbert la borne from Montana. \u25a0O« THE* SA*N± '^Atrt? W* SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1898. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report IKV SI Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE A. Shimon, M. Kline, A. Walek, L. Slechta, C. Greenwood. S. Calahan, M. Picha. T. Kop- riva, A. Witha. M. Wondra. A. Larkln, and Messrs. J. Masek. F. Bakula, F. Kriha J. Paylick, T.Cigler, M.Piras, J.Bakula, S. Ganz, J Bespalec, A. Barrlal. J. F. Bakula, J. Masek, J. Worchota, J. ZUkoosky, J. P. Bak- ula, M. Webber, A. Carlson, F. Stiese, T. Spadine. The Mlssee Armbruster, of Ravine street, very pleasantly entertained a few friends Thursday evening. The evening's pleasures consisted of various games, music, singing and other amusements, after which refresh- ments were served. Among thoe« present were: The Misses Lulu Lambert, Carrie Arm- bruster, Millie Henke, Luella Armbruster, Minnie Thompson, Nellie Starkey. Ida Arm- bruster, Lucrecia Souter, Lillian Bates, Mary Hokanson, Helen Armbruster, the Messrs. Rev. Carl Scovel, Arthur McKnlght, Victor Blumis, Emory Mortenson, Charles Baker, Oliver Larson, Edward Phair, Albert Hous- buin, Paul Baker, Allen Freeze. A party of young people from St. Anthony hill gave a bicycle party Wednesday evening, the run being made to the home of Miss Barnes, of Newport, where they were enter- tained with refreshments and dancing. The party included the chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. E B. Constans, and Misses Edna winslow, Morehouse, Lottie Hazzard, Allie Tate, Thomson, Jessie Ware. Ella Ware; Messrs. George Richards, P. Pusch, Alfred Landers, George C. Haggenmiller. The Capital City Cycle club, at Its social Thursday evening, was presented with & handsome clock by John Vanderbie and an elegant banner from Mrs. J. E. Barber. The club will enter the races at the state fair, competing for the prize for the moat attract- ive costume, and will take part in the drill Tuesday evening. Mrs. F. W. Storms chaperoned a cycle party of Minneapolis young people to and from that city Tuesday afternoon. Three stops were made during the run for refreshments. Mrs. Sperry, of Holly avenue, gave a cycle party Monday evening to the driving park. Upon the return of the party to the Sperry home there was dancing. Miss Gertrude San Souci gave a pupils' parlor musical Monday afternoon at her home on Laurel avenue. This was the second of a series. The Daughters ~of Erin celebrated their first anniversary Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Jessie Cook, on the West side. F. W. Pinska gave a sailing party Monday evening on White Bear lake in honor of the Misses Neumont, of Pittsburg. The Twin City Mandolin club gave a moon- light excursion down the river Tuesday even- lug on the Flora Clark. Miss Jennie Tracy, of the bluff, entertained at cards Friday evening for Miss Maud Free- man, of Birch Lake. The Minneopa quartette was entertained by a party of young women at Merriam Park Thursday evening. Mrs. W. G. Robertson entertained at lunch- eon Wednesday for Mrs. Charles Clark, of St. Louis. Mrs. C. K. Lewis gave a garden party yes- terday afternoon at her home on Portland avenue. Mrs. Frank Monty entertained Thursday afternoon for the benefit of the People's church. Dr. and Mrs. Bean, of Holly avenue, gave an Informal cycle party Wednesday evening. Mrs. D. R. Hevener gave a luncheon Fri- day evening for Miss Georgia Middleton. Miss Mary Hobart gave a tea Thursday aft- ernoon at her home on Summit avenue. Miss Katie Hurley, of Valley street, gave a wheeling party Tuesday evealng. The ladies of St. John's Catholic church are planning an extensive bazaar, to be held in October, and held a special meeting this week, at which the following committees were appointed : For the Married ladies' table, Mesdames McGee, Mulligan, Grady, Flaherty, Brown, Larpenteur; coffee table, Mesdames Farrell, Maden, Tranter, Merriam, Norton; young ladies' table, Misses Katie Fisher, Mary Egan, B. and Aggie McDermott, L. Hickey Miley, L. Rone, Meltonough. There will be a bicycle contest between Mamie Ames, M=ary O'Grady, May Gavin and Annie McGabe. Miss Lillie McMahon and Mlsa Anna Gaffney will run for a set of tapestry. Mesdames Slater, Hilgedeck and Ritchie will enter the contest for a life-size portrait painting of Bishop Ireland. A reception to commemorate the fortieth anniversary will be given on Sept. 15 at 8 p. m. at St. Catherine's school. The princi- pal, Miss Dusinberre, extends a cordial in- vitation to all former teachers and students to meet Miss Gill, and it is hoped that this notice may reach many whose addresses It has been impossible to obtain. Mrs. Charles Hubbard, of Ashland avenue, will give a tally-ho party this week. The guests will include Misses Miriam Holman, Ethel Haynie, Shirley Morgan, Georgiana Dit- man, Belle and Helen Rellley, Tennie Nolan and Antoinette Nicholas. The Laurel Cycle club will go to Wildwood some evening soon as the guest of the man- agement of the resort. The run was to have been made last week Friday, but was post- poned. Capt. and Mrs. J. J. McCardy will give a dinner party Friday evening of encampment week for Gen. and Mrs. Walker. Covers will be laid for fourteen. Mrs. George R. Finch will entertain at a buffet luncheon Wednesday, Sept. 2, at 1:30 o'clock. The guests will watch the parade from the grounds. There will be a meeting of the Junior King's Daughters Monday afternoon, Sept. 7, at the residence of Miss Bend, Summit avenue. The Sacred Thirst Total Abstinence society will meet this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Cretin hall, Fort and Sixth streets. PERSONAL. A. L. Eggert, of the Capital City Bicycle club, returned Thursday from an extended trip through the state on his wheel. He visit- ed friends at Lake City, Winona, Chatfield, Zumbrota, and reports main roads In central and southern part of the state In good con- dition. Miss Johanna Graulich, of Darmstadt. Ger- many, cousin of Mrs. Fred H. Odendahl, has arrived in St. Paul, with her uncle,' Dr. Wirth. The young lady is visiting with Mrs. Odendahl, and intends to remain here over winter to acquire a perfect knowledge of the English language. Dr. Charles Wirth, after a sojourn of sev- eral months in Europe, visiting the clinics and hospitals of the principal German cities, returned home a few days ago, and has again taken up the duties of his practice in this c:ty. Dr. Dudley W. Rhodes returned during the week from his Western trip to Yellow- stone Park and the Pacific Coast, and will officiate Sunday week. W. G. Kirke and family have returned from Lake Minnetonka and taken apartments at the Albion until their Summit avenue house is completed. The Misses Ella. and Lizzie Stringer and Margaret McKay, of Duluth, spent the last week with the MTSses Farrell, of Tanner's Lake. Miss Marion Russell, of Nelson avenue, has been spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Rice, of Ridgewood Park. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Nelson, of Dayton av- enue, spent Sunday with their son at Hotel St. Louis, Lake Minnetonka. Capt. and Mrs. Schokley, of Leavenworth, Kan., are the guests of Mrs. J. J. McCardy, of Kent street. Miss A. Meyerding has returned from visit- ing her sister, Mrs. H. Schroeder, of Conners- ville, Ind. Gov. and Mrs. Upham, of Madison, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Upham, of Summit avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John White, of Portland ave- nue, have returned from Minnetonka. Rev. Dr. Graves, of Pittsburg, is the guest of R. W. Matthews, of Holly avenue. Miss Alice Lachance, of Summit avenue, will return Monday from the East. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dickerman have re- turned from their wedding trip. Mrs. W. R, Merriam and Miss Merriam return from Newport this week. Mrs. Jenks, of Galena, Is the guest of Mrs. Bean, of Holly avenue. J. I. Beaumont and family are at home at 246 Dayton avenue. Mies Jessie Baker, at College avenue is home from Duluth. WHITE BEAR LAKH. At> Lelp's hotel: Herbert G. Munn, The- odora Davidson. Miss A. Hanley, John J. Flanagan, Frank S. Dowler, James P. Healy, Valmtine Stoesser, Louis Muehlbauer, Oscar F. Ifflgen/ St. Paul; Addlson C. Thomaa, C. U. Hamilton, 'J. 8. Williams, Chicago; C. A. Webba», f.W. M. Koon, A. W. Shaw, Emll Stelner, Miss E. Veronneau, Minneapolis; J. H. tM*yor, Memphis, Term. ; Jack Katun, San Fr»nclsco. '\u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. Frost, of Gladstone; Mr. Dan- forth, of Minneapolis, and Miss Tena Law- rence, of St. Paul, spent Thursday with Mrs. E. R. Ide, of Lake Shore. The Misses Hattle MeKenny. Georgie John- son, Roy Kllbiß and Joel Hutchlnaon were the guests of Miss Pearle and Guy HalUday Thursday evening. A. musicale was given at Ramaley'n pavilion Thursday evening for the benefit of the St. Mary's church. It was a great success and w»s well attended. Miss Florence Rose and a number of friends from Minneapolis were the guests of her brother, Horace Rose, of Shady lane, on Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Brase attended the Keeley con- vention at Indianapolis, Ind., last week, and was met by her husband on her return at Chicago. Mr. Boustead gave a sailing party Monday to his friends, sailing to Wildwood. For music they had the Twin City Mandolin club. Miss Ida Coavillion, who has been attend- ing summer school at the university for the past month, has returned to White Bear. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mabon returned from Duluth last week, and will remain at Maple lodge until some time In September. Miss Virginia Russell, who has been spend- ing a couple of weeks at the lake, has re- turned to her home in St. Paul. Miss Stella Evans, of Bellevue, 10., who has been spending five weeks at Lakeside has returned to her home. G. S. Fernald and family returned to St. Paul Saturday, after an outing at the lake of about two months. Paul Gotzlan and family returned to St Paul Thursday, after spending a couple of months at the lake. Mrs. Robinson, of the Presbyterian church gave a picnic to her Sunday school class Fri- day at Geist's bay. wTm 6 gU / S w 2 f Park plaCB gave a Part y at Wildwood _. Wednesday. They went over and back 4h the steamer. Miss Olive P. Lee. of Stillwater, has been the guest of Miss Zella Hale, of Lake Shore lor the past week. i<A S lCni X Wa f live?1 ive ? at Ma ntomedi Tuesday slnday m Xo°L "" ****** °* the Pr «*yteria£ hv A th Pl °S IC wa f ? lven at Wildwood Tuesday stiiiwltS 68 y cburch Sunday Bchool °« Mrs. Hill and son, of New York SDent a coup.c.of days with Mrs. C. FrY at CoUage Mrs. i;tel ; Murphy has returned from Chi- des' W^ haS been sPendln S a few of M sf e p n^ leen c ™*£Jiette and Fannie Hare, Hall ' * Monday with Mlsa Zella Miss Minnie Day, of Minneapolis, spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Lucy Gund- Miss Bessie Winters, of St. Paul is visit ing Miss Helen Bunn, 'of Maiiitou island Mrs. Louis Hodson and daughter Hildre/1 are the guests of Mrs. Arthur Hodson i£Vb?x£g& o°;a s^L'r 8 - the th?^^ sss-k ir^Takt 1 " 1 8pend P a M ul-srentlu re nda J ya?La^ O S ffi h P o S r°e n ' °< St Hon. Michael Doran and family returned from Europe Thursday morning. returned Mrs. L. N. Scott will occupy one of her cottages during the encampment f*2S K^auiTai't £***""* VUlted mSSif^S 1S «—tn. a we1 r ko? n t d w6^-s t E - pa R u] I(le «" \u25a0*••"** a of M Mfa A G my S . L ° F S^ Bralnerd ' la the *««* jSTStSSSS.^ *"* moved t0 *• cottage*/ Donnelly s sentP ent Su n<lay at the Fry p Mrs. S. V. Harris spent Friday at Cottage HAMLIIVE. A very pleasant evening was spent on Wednesday, when about twenty young people gathered at the home of Miss Montgomery on Capitol avenue, and after a short time of amusement, went down the railroad track to irog Pond, where they spent the remainder of the evening in roasting corn and baking sweet potatoes. Those present were Misses w S ki 6 n Vah£> ? ose Funk - Etta and Florence Webb, Cora and Edith Montgomery Prof and Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Larsen, Mr 3, Brink- Messrs. Mortimer, Grant, Albert Wallace' Edgar Dunn, Lawrence Griffin, McCree' George.-^nd-Charles Montgomery. A very large crowd of people gathered in the campus Friday evening to witness the 'flag raising." Attorney General Childs gave a short iafidress. Hon. Thomas Montgomery and C. N. Akers also spoke. Hon. and Mrs. F. W. Nash, of Mankato, and Mr. anft. Mrs. B. R. Damren, of St Peter are guests at the home of Hon. Thomas Montgomery, The prayer ) meeting of the Knox Presby- terian church will be held on Wednesday of this wee_k at #ie home of Mrs. Moody on Pas- cal avenue. 3 . Mrs. Moody Is entertaining Mrs. Sam Cle- land, Miss Elizabeth Cleland and Mrs Dib- ble, of Eyansville, Wis. Miss Mabel McKinistry, of Winnebago City is visiting; Miss Maud Wallace, of Van Buren street. , ; Mrs. J. B. Deyen and mother entertained to dinner friends from Macalester on Tues- Miss Hazel Cook, who haa been visiting Miss Lucy Rich, has returned to Eau Claire! Miss Te-mpe Griffith entertained Miss Proc- ter, of Jamestown, N. D., during the week Mrs. Donahue and daughter, of Mason Cltv 10., have taken up their abode in Hamllne. Mrs. H. H. Clark, of Wesley avenue gave dinner Friday night to a few of her friends Dr. and Mra. Henry L. Osborne have re- turned from an extended trip in the East. Mrs. Fred Grant, of Minnehaha street ia entertaining Mrs. Larsen, of Crystal Lake. Mrs. KaJghn, of Philadelphia, is the guest of her son, Prof. Raymond P. Kaighn. Miss Blanch Herzog, of West Superior vi«- ited Lucey Rict during the week. Prof. Louis R. Kendall, on his way to Man- kato, visited in Hamline Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Edwards and daughter are visiting friends in Red Wing. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rldgway and family have returned from Fergus Falls. Mrs. E.-.N. V. Crist has as her guest Misa Minnie Wagner, of Faribault. Mrs. Farrfngton, of Detroit, Mich., visited Misa Berry on Thursday last. Prof. Webster, of Montevideo, 1b visltins his mother, Mrs. Webster. s Dr. and Mrs. Bigelow, of Dodge Center are guests of N. B. Bigelow. F M E B :War a E -o? O lussn. 18 eQtert * in!n * *"• Rev. aftcT^Mrs. C. E. Shepherd, of Parker's Prairie, are m Hamline. Mr. and Mrs-f James Edgerton, of St. Louis are gueete in,Hamline. ' M&.T3I i^amlint. Wm "' °' Mrs. JPA. C.' Waller, of Minneapolis called in Hamline Thursday. ' Mrs. Hi Hj , Taylor has returned to her home in .Minneapolis. Mrs. Join fiucknell and son have returned from Spring Valley. Miss EGna Ukrvin, of Star Prairie Is vis- iting Mrs Ryder. Dr. Rojwe, of Castleton, N. D., la visiting Mrs. Ajjfc. ijayior has returned to her home in Minneapolis.' , Mrs. JT^A. kbertson, of Madison, Wi«., is in iiatoime. Mrs. W*: Premo is back from a short visit in Eau Qlaire, Misa Wanda Griffith will leave on Tuesday for Chicago. Mrs. Katherlne Deacon 1b at home at 336 Pleasant avenue. Dr. and Mr*. Edwards have come home from Alexandria. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuneman are home from. Europe. Sadie Higgins has returned from a visit in Brainerd. Marie Stebbiasy of Kenyon, Is visiting Mr*. Mrs. Randall is entertaining her stater from Morris. MisH Jennie Kimball, of Kasson, Is in Ham- line. Mrs. Conde Hamlin, of the Marlborough is In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rhode* are visiting In M'bs Mary Qulnl&n baa returned from Bald jM**> A. B. Scaultz has returned from New Mis» Lizsie Smith has returned from Lanc- don. DAITOSCS BLUFF. MUs Li&zl* Ball, of Hudson ar«nu«, •nt*r- talned a few of her friends at cards and dancing Tuesday evening. Those present were the Misses Lucy and Lizzie Gennann, Ethel and Edith Mayfleld, Ebba Nordstrim, Lula Clark Maud Slater, Alice Cox, Lizzie and Minnie Ball; Messrs. Ed Freeman Joe Cox, Joe Gennann, Alfred Nordstrem, Ed Pryer, Will McVaney and Rob Ball. Mrs McCleary, of East Fourth street, will entertain her following friends this week: Miss Bessie Waller, Mrs. Tubes and daugh- ters May and Daisy, and Mrs. Bowk, of Stillwater; Miss Bertha Foster, of River Falls Wis.; Messrs. W r ill Clark, of St. Cloud and her brother. S. H. Hows, of lowa. Mrs. Leo Nagel, of Summit avenue, gave a very pretty luncheon last Wednesday. The reception and dining room were trimmed in ferns And roses. Those present were: Mes- dames F. Coffer, R. J. Bastome, Mohaupt: Misses Minnie Luger, Christopher Gerrue, McClure and Miss Broell, of Dubuque. The members of the Capital City Cycle club will have open house at the club house on Seventh street all this week, and all strang- ers are Invited to attend. Miss Braten and Will Braten. of Sterling, N D, will be the guests of their brother, Charlie Braten, next week. Miss Kate Fifleld, of Bates avenue will entertain Miss Zoe Southerland, of Mash- burg. Wis., next week. Mrs Hays of Cincinnati. Is the guest of her lau?£ter\ Mrs. George Heatcm. or Hud- W Voux, of Philadelphia, will be the g\i<*i of" her sister, Mrs. Bd Mohaupt. next week- Mr and Mrs. Brand, of the Marlowe, hare taken up their residence on Selby avenue. Mrs. Stowel and son, of Conway street, gpent last week at St. Anthony Park. Mr and Mrs. H. Klinkerpier have moved to lowa, their future home. Miss Pettenglll, of Rich Valley, Is the guest of Mrs. Eggleston. Miss Gabbleseme, of Hudson avenue, ia back from Milwaukee. Miss Jennie Tracey entertained at euchre Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Mahaupt spent Sunday at Forest Lake. Miss Ollle Freeman returned Monday from Europe. Miss Florence Height Is back from St. Louis. Miss A. Henry returned Tuesday from Bos- ton. The Young People* Society of St. Jams*' Episcopal chorch g*7« » hayrack P*fty Tuesday evening at w nite Dear Lane. Tney were Mi«3 LoulM Qoldlng, Ethel Bowe, Blaache Conley, Laura Stacy, Sadie Phillips, Florence and Lottie Bryan, Agnes Arrlvee, I Add* -Kcffieton. Florence Klchola, Eva Mithe- son, Lanra and B«tal« RiDoha.isf.-h, Massra. 1 Bsja Ffnicn, Hoy aqHirw. Asshie ijtmgtoM. EAST ST. PAtXi. ft¥i jTT"^T fy /^\ Ikjf T"*? to c th ollß2lo^ °* visitors in our city all Q yy \u25a0 ""* I (L j\ 1 /V% |* this week. Make this store headquarters, be O * * •*- - i •*— ' 4^* V^ -a. \u25bc -M.-1— 4 a t home here. You will find our waiting 5 room on the Third Floor provided with every convenience. All Interurban "cars i 6 start from and stop at our Robert street entrance. ® Sixth and Robert Streets. St. Paul. SaS p^sH/SiSS 0 interested are invited to call. It is J fS A "T T^^^M^W^V^T nvr *m distinctly understood that Ladies X Al Ti! | IflM > \C^ will not be expected to purchased ' AUVIIV/il iJIJUIViJi Corset ifthey do not desire to do so i #& after a fitting is made. Hess, Goldsmith & Co., New York City, leading- manufac- ~~~ ~~~ ' turera of Fine Silks, ordered Townsend & Montant, auction- Lace Department. S> eers, 87 and 89 Leonard street, New York City, to sell without We have just opened an exquisite < © reserve— on Wednesday, August 26th, '96 2,580 pieces of * me of Irish Crochet, Arabian, Ara- * f& Black, Colored and Fancy Silks, their entire surplus stock. n^f £?*\u25a0 Ve ™? e Laces » in A 1 1" t X The Silks sold at ridiculously low prices We were ex- n^^^^^^SJ^^ ) j\ tensive purchasers. The Silks are here and will be ready for ies of the season. \C sale Monday morning- at 9:30 o'clock not earlier. They are: Our fi "t importation of hhjh ( V 3 gra.de French Neckwear is here- I fS Black Taffetas, Black Satin Duch- Changeable Taffetas, Taffeta our exclusive styles and only single \C esses, Plaids, pieces. * , < vy Black Brocaded Satins, Black Colored Brocades, Figured Pon- **or evening wear we are showing * 0\ Skein Dye Figured Pongees, gees, every shade of Chiffon, Tinsel and \f Black Brocaded Gros Grains, Chameleon Stripes, White and Fancy Gauze, Etamine, spangled ' W Black Figured Taffetas, Black Pekin Stripes, a nd Beaded Nets and Mouselines, * #\ Black Striped Taffetas, Colored Plain Grenadines, Fancy Grena- S^k Mulls and Theodora Nets. 3C Striped Taffetas, dines, As a Monday Special, we offer 25 *'• W Black Armures, Black Failles, Fancy Crepons, Warp Printed pieces of Tinsel Gauze, in all PA i >X Black Moires, Fancy Moires, Taffetas, the shades and black and jllC 3C Street Colors Satin Duchesse, Colored Figured Taffetas, and white, at, per yard «/W ( W Evening Shades Satin Duchesse, Check and Stripe Taffetas. ' © Come prepared to be astonished at the great variety. Come " atl<^ er chief O prepared to be astounded at the low prices. It's an opportunity Specials. Q Of a life time. For Monday's selling-300 dozen J This season s choicest Silk Novelties, our special importa- Ladies' Linen Hemstitched Hand- ] tions, are now open and ready for inspection. kerchiefs, with small hand embroid- ' g Exclusive designs and color arrangements in Evening Damas Sfning^if P do Zen P S^S j J</ and rich Gold and Silver Brocades. ular price, $1.50 a box, X\ lltl ' Special patterns in the new, very fashionable Moire Velours Monday special V""" M and Moire Brilliants, for whole costumes and separate skirts. . Jt wil f be of interest to strangers t 0 Different designs from those shown elsewhere in rich, heav 7 tekfog^rie^nZid&^nYM*™ I X Black Satin Brocades and Gros Grain Brocades, many of our Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, mad Tin /^ own importations in original designs. Ireland, hemstitched and embroid <"< V> ered by hand. t ~ " The manufacturer has arranged , S\ \T rt¥T C«fl h r^ J specially for our work and will put ' H JNew rail uress Goods. £ in th ? hands ° f his artists. < Q^ We make special prices, and have a t }\ The word "attention" means much to an old soldier. We \ arge- lec . tion of initial letters, ] g call attention to our Dress Goods Department, because it's the £"£er%*S greatest in the Northwest. You'll take something home with days from date of receipt of ' \? you as a reminder. Why not something sensible and service- order - Customers have the privi- ( Oable? The best fabrics "from the best manufacturers of the dXered^nv^^T, 110^^ 0^ ( Q world, right here for your inspection. All that's new and up mas X time before Chnst " to now in style, at the very lowest prices. For example: ' \u25a0 rf ) Q Tweed Suitings,- in hairline English Curls, rough, shaggy fab- "* OVe Department. stripes, checks and mixtures, all rics, very stylish and durable, in We carr J complete lines of the ] pure wool, in all the autumn all the new autumn colors, 44 Qr best Gloves that are made by the i colors. Z3C inches wide; good value at fSSC best makers of the world— Gloves I Special, per yard vw $1.25 a yard. Our price V7VV that can be depended upon— strictly ] Jji Novelty Suitings, equal in style Boucle Suitings, in two-tone col- "t^S l^* 6 "* 6^ V> to the finest goods made. They are orings, 50 inches wide d»1 AA Jus t received, our first Fall im- I f$ in all the autumn colors; ex- r A Special, per yard Vg fill Potion of Pernn's Peerless Pique ] cellent value at 75c a yard. JjJ|£ 0n1y .... f. .......' «PI«VV Gloves, in two, three and four-stud § a^ssts&S * 75c «S a-;s. - 85c - *'-°° - d ssr^'g^sfe: rF i'< jC s ' | - new shades, with prettily embroi- ' \ CARPETS AND' RUGS. (1 * ! X Foreign and Domestic. We have prepared the largest and Art Dennrt««io*if V finest display of Floor Coverings ever shown in the North- T iiai imcni ' < west. Prices the very lowest. You are cordially invited to decoVatton*? 1 au"^^ f V ?* ie ? y £ f < 0 examine them. Take elevator to fourth floor. week, ' R> | © . 26 Per Cent Discount. i O Extraordinary Bargain. Millinery Department. Leather fnnrf ~~~ < G. A. R. Blankets. We are prepared to show all the *""«* UOOOS. ,^ © 300 pair 11-4 Tan Blankets, with ea^y shipments of Fall Millinery. Combination Purse and Card ; 7S fancy borders, worth $1.65 7 r Se f. P U JL Bicycle and as e '^ Te * I alhffator and real /a > a pair, for I S(T English Walking Hats. | eal leathers, worth $1.00. WfQ ( © Monday \u25a0 C 1 * £& Beddiug Dept., Fourth Floor. j-j ~ . Keal seal - wit h sterling silver Se . Fur Repairs. r T % worth $1 -°°' &*> and < (O " $2.00. Special, 0 Sterling Silver Dept. entlSrjS™ e«t«Sf K? 69c ' 98c ««t ** t9. tS GA. R. Sterling Silver Souvenir °wn Fur Factory by practical Fur- Combination Chatelaine Bag and ' X Spoons exclusive designs. Special, " ers - Work is coming in very fast. Purs e- Special, each, ( x 35c, 8 0 c ,7 8d f..00. 2s/ss^.r^s fl r.sr«s I «^7s L ___ i S Mr. P. A. May, manager o. the Sd %?££££ Tale "'l^'Z. MeH ' 8 Department. " j *\ Mail Order Department, will be to-date in every respect. ' Our ATTENTION' fi A D JC pleased to meet personally all out- charges the lowest, workmanship o '•«•«. K. Cy of-town patrons who favor this considered. r , °°, T * nir Handkerchiefs, with g ?\ store with a call during the week. _______^ »c-S"mle of Corps Badge, /%r * X* Z —— " pure Linen and fine quality /^r i A} n \u0084 , the great Ferris Wheel- for q Yl Wt X ButteriCK'S Patterns Bissell's Carpet Sweepers-in oper- White Gloves for parades'. lOc. Sc And Publications. We are agents, ation night and day in our Sixth Cane . s solid Silver Mount- rjr ' ' O September Patterns now here. street window. "£*> imported Sticks, the irSC * 2\ r J 3W.W quality, for \u25a0Wv C Earl Hamilton. John Wood, Walter Thurrton Theo Colberge. The Misses Lottie Bryan and Pet Phillips acted as chaperones. MUs Iva Jenkaon, of Reaney street was given a surprise party Thursday evening There waa dancing. Patwell's orchestra fur- nished the music. Those present were Lyd«a and Minnie Chllds. Ollie and May Carter Aggie De Lurky, Bertie Burgess, Margaret Jenkins, Jennie Norhouson, Messrs Harry Brooklns Alden Blood, Harry Shannon, Dake Hart, Eddie Burgess, Roy Green, Alfred Northensen and others. A very pleasant surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carrier, of Jessamine street Wednesday evening, by about twenty of their friends. There waa dancing. Woods' or- chestra furnished the music. Misses Mabel and Maud Havecost who have been spending a month In Hammond Wia., bave returned to their home on Fau' quier street. .Miss Zelma Anderson, of Ham- mond, returned with them. The Misses Delia and Stella Knudson of Sims street, gave a boating party Fri'dav evening at Lake Phalen for a number of Mln* neapohs friends. There were twenty-six in the party. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Korth have returned from Kodlak. Alaska, where they have rf- sided for twelve years, and are the jmests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Korth. of Burr strtet Mrs. A. E. Knudson, of Sims street cave a 6 o'clcok dinner Tuesday for her son Albert who left the following day for Boston Coy' ers were laid for twenty-three. Rev. Frank Durant left Wednesday for hia home in Chadron, Neb., after having been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barr of Case street, for the past month. Miss EttA Quinas has returned to her home In Menomonee, Wis., after having been the guest of Mrs. J. O. Ferris, of Arkwrieht •treet, for several weeks. Mrs E. Hustwalt, who has been the guest of Miss Bertha Chester, of Magnolia street will leave soon for Cincinnati, where she will reeide in the future. ' The Misses Badger, of St. Crolx Falls Wis and W. Sldmore, of Dickinson, N. D are thn guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. McLean, ' of Sims street. Mr. and Mrs. George Elmer and daughter Mabel of Burr street, have returned from Long lake, where they were camping !«t Mrs. Charles Bchmalth, of Reaney ntreet. entertained a number of friends Wednesday afternoon, the occasion being her birthday Mr. and Mrs. Voltalr Johnson, of C»dar Rapids, lowa, will be guests of Mr. and Mm W. W. Lewis, of Burr street, next week. , ¥ n :J oii p- avAie * entertained a number of lady friends at tea Thursday afternoomMost of the guests were Minneapolis ladies Mis* Beth Howard, of St. Ctoud returns home Saturday after a two weeks' 'visit with Mlsa Eugene Longfield, of Burr atreet. -\u25a0Mrs. O. W. Graham and son. of Case' itrMt are la Two Harbors, W " V( Maa, Thomaa Pauline, of Case street spent » "I-£&£}&£ gsssa -^S" «~. . MACALEJSTER. toSr o H n Tue. B W8 last «X? O a ™* »**«* ' I>r. and Mrs. Klrkwood n " ppresetn t were uel Klrkwood I of iffmi? " and Mn - Sam WJlliam Kirkwood otVi^l and mS Mrs. William Lee of ££ a P oll-: Mr - an . Prof, and Mrs. Downing at-t pßrr-^pz* '- i from a trip through the East^ next weel 4 w-'inttH^f wJSSSS of Jerßey °>4 cr M A*- £ Suftrt" 00 " nt «rtaiulng her fathi B Alice Goodi ag to TlalUnß her m J 1 1 0o """«*.K«l'..t.lfl M , •I L \u25a0nian am m gup I

Transcript of W* AUGUST HSAitiT H Ikjf IKVSIPowder You...


H SAitiT PAUL SOCIAL.HThe delightful autumn weather of

the last week made wheeling a morethan usually enjoyable pastime, andthe cycle paths have been filled eachday with cyclers to and from Minne-apolis and White Bear. The goldenrod, the city girl's delight, and thefarmers' pest, has come Into blossomand formed the chief decoration at theseveral weddings and social affairs ofthe week. Sweet peas have also beena favorite flower for decoration andnever before has this fragrant blossombeen more abundant. The rear yards

of many of the houses on St. Anthony

Hill have been converted into bowersof beauty and fragrance this year, andthough hidden from the view of thepasser-by these back yards are asource of great comfort to their own-ers and privileged friends.

The Minnetonka Yacht club was thecenter of attraction at the lake lastweek, and the club house at the St.Louis bay was very artistically deco-rated. The yacht club race was at-tended by society people from bothcities, and was one of the prettiest lakeevents of the season.

Grand Army matter* have taken upthe minds of scciety people to the ex-

performed the ceremony, after which theparty returned to 627 Virginia avenue, thehome of the groom's sister, where an elab-orate repast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Zywi-bkl willbe at home after the 30th, at 449 La-fond street.

John P. Collins, of the Northern PacificExpress company's office, and Mlas Josephine-J. O'Conor were married at St. Mary s Cath-olic church Wednesday morning at 8:30. Theceremony was performed by Father Gibbons.The bride wore a handsome gown of velourssuiting and a velvet hat. No invitations wereissued except to a few of the immediaterelatives. Mr. and Mrs. Collins left on the

2:46 train over the Northern Pacific for atrip to the Pacific coast. They will be athome after Oct. 16 at 73 Summit avenue.

The marriage of Miss Margaret Bowe.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bowe.of Harrison avenue, and Henry Bartlett Mor-rison, was solemnized Wednesday afternoonat the House of Hope church. Dr. Egbert

officiated.Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sternberg, of Day-

ton avenue, have announced the engagementof their daiiKhter. Miss Flora Sternberg, toLouis J. Weil, of Jamestown, N. D.


One of the most enjoyable events of theweek was a surprise party given Tuesdayevening in honor of Miss Emma Weber, by

her sister Mary, at their home on Granitestreet. Cards and dancing were the featuresof the evening.' Music was furnished by Hil-yard's orchestra. Among the guests present"were: Misses J. Lelapoint, M. Moarn, S.Fitzgibbons, A. Hipp, J. Fltzgibbons. M. Mn-Mahon. E. Maher. E. Cavanaugh. N. Maher,

N. Murphy, J. Labarre, F. Gardener, A. Mur-


How old are yon. Mlaa ChnfflcfShe—lhave seen eighteen Hnmm en and about one hiinilred and

forty falls.—Texitu Sifter.

elusion of nearly everything else andthe week just past has been a quietone in a social way. Only a few in-formal affairs here and there havetaken the mind of womankind from thework on hand except the large recep-tion for Mrs. Logan at the Town andCountry club yesterday afternoon.

Among the many efforts made by thepeople of St. Paul to make the G. A.R. encampment memorable, is one bya young lady of this city, who has com-posed and published a piece of musicentitled the "Souvenir Waltz," which isinscribed to the Thirtieth encampmentof the G. A. R. The author of the pro-duction is Miss Mabel Floy Denny,daughter of Prof. O. T. Denny, of thecentral high school, and a pupilof Prof.Titcomb. The piece has already re-ceived many warm praises from themusicians of both St. Paul and Min-neapolis, though it has only been onthe market for two or three days.

The different orchestras will play Itduring the encampment at the parades,camp fires and receptions. It will beplayed for the first time at the Met-ropolitan tonight, and during the week,by Prof. Seibert's orchestra.


Miss Mary Eastman and W. Pratt Abbott•were married Tuesday at 7 o'clock In theevening at the home of the bride's parentsMr. and Mrs. A. V. Eastman, on Laurel ave-nue. Dr. J. P. Egbert performed the cere-mony. There were about seventy-five peoplepresent. The rooms were handsomely decor-ated with golden rod, palms and cut flowersThe bride wore a gown of cream satin, withveil, and carried ros«s. She was attended byher sister. Miss Emma C. Eastman whowore white organdie over yellow and carriedgolden rod. The bride's father gave heraway. The maids of honor were Lucy East-man and Mary Abbott, in gowns of dottedSwiss. They carried golden rod. The bestman was James H. Skinner, of New Yorkfollowing the ceremony was a supper afterwhich Mr. and Mrs. Abbott left for the Eastand will be at home Oct. 15 and 20 at 260Summit avenue..A Quiet wedding took Place at St. Albert'schurch Monday morning, the contractingparties being John Zywiski and Miss Anton-nia Nowak. Miss Rose Bolinski was maid ofhonor, and J. J. Grabowski the best manMiss Florence Dervichowskl assisted asth lm^id' and J> T

-Dervichowskl as usherThe bride was attired in white albatrosstrimmed in white jet and pearls. She carried• bouquet of bride's roses and a pearl rosary.Her veil was draped with roses and emilaxThe maids of honor wore white dotted mullcarrying cream roses. Rev. Father Myers

phy, M. Weber, S. Murphy, C. Labarre, If.PrendeTgast, M. Ashe, K. Farnen, K. Sulli-van, M. Alberts, F. Smith and K. Churchill;Messrs. C. Kenny, J. Fttzglbbons, T. Horrl-gan, J. Mahoney, J. Johnson, C. Doherty,LelapoJnt, H. Soul, C. Benson, J. Weber,T. Thornton. E. Arsnieau, P. McCauley, S.Horrigan, M. Fitzgibbons, Davis, Sohy, C.Henke, D. Sullivan, E. Wittcop, M. Nichol-son, P. Green, S. Rosness, T. Floody, F. Ben-son, T. Greely, A. Meyers, A. Hall, J. Sulli-van E. McGovern and S. Gaul.

Miss Anna Bergmann was tendered a mostmost enjoyable surprise party Wedriesdayevening at her home, No. 633 Charles street.Those present were: Maggie Johnson, Mar-gie Bergmann, Marie Tooney, Jennie HaasEmma Godfrey, Julia Hagerty, Vina Night-ingale, Katie McMahon, May Divine, AnnaWuerg, Maggie Humphry, Marie Haas, AgnesChrlstofer, Josie Fltchgeral, Tessie GlenonMamie Bergmann, Anna Bastokenn AliceHarper, James Kennedy, Willie JeftersonFred Lally, Joe Coyne, Bert Wald WilliePapeneau, Dela Hamm, Willie Loskiel, JewelHoblltt, Tomy McGlyn, Peter Jensen, HenryGreene, George Wald. Dan Hartnick, JohnDugan. Albert Wilharber. Arthur Harrick,Charlie Hendrickson, John Probst RayBratton, Johnny Heavmann, Jean Hill WillieLodge, Charlie Greene, George McVay, JerryBurner, Henry Shean.

A farewell party was given Friday eveningat the home of Col. and Mrs. E H Mil-ham to Miss Milham. who will leave' earlynext month for Smith college. The lawndec ?rated with Japanese lanterns andwithin the national colors and GARemblems were used exclusively for decora-tion. Dancing formed the amusement of theevening. Among the guests were- MissesShepard Baker, Cunningham

'MadmanBrainard. Roach, McNamara, Hostetter Big-

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brownard.*»geiow,

Thursday evening at the home of Mr* Ritter, of Pettit street, Miss Minnie Ronev wastendered a pleasant surprise. Among thosepresent were: Misses Delaney. Yorke Mont-gomery Saves, Golden, McAllister Worm-wood, Lizzie Yorke, McCarthy Annie D?r'X'M^tf316???' Masfie Y°>^. John™;Gall, Mattie Delaney, Josie Johnson Beckwith. Grace Beckwith. Kate Roily/ DoUn"Earley and the Misses Allison and McNer-ney, of Minneapolis; Messrs. Sanbrook GallJohnson. Prideaux, Kuhlman, Loewe Brand-horst, Earley, Nelson, McDonough' DavisMcCarthy, Hublard, Humbolt, Montgomery'and Mr. Turtolock, of Minneapolis. Theevening was spent in dancing and gamesLunch was served at 11 o'clock.

A pleasant birthday surprise was given byMiss Mac Shimen and John Masek for Augus-ta Handle... The following guests were pres-ent: Misses A. Handle, K.Handle, A. Han-dle. M. Shimon, M. Wondra, A. Norak AClkanek, J. Skarda, K. Lavlick, A. Hipp'



im MINNETONKfI!During 6. A. R., State Fair and Carnival Week.

Great Northern RailwayHotel Lafayette, Minnetonka Beach.

Lake meet Great Northern Trains.

11lIIfflllFRiDftY, Sept. 4.'.' 5l*DallyTrains from Union Depot.


109 E. 3rd St., St. Paul, and Union Depot

Bishop Gilbert la borne from Montana.

\u25a0O« THE* SA*N± '^Atrt?W* SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1898.

Highest of allinLeavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov't Report


A.Shimon, M. Kline, A. Walek, L. Slechta, C.Greenwood. S. Calahan, M. Picha. T. Kop-riva, A. Witha. M. Wondra. A. Larkln, andMessrs. J. Masek. F. Bakula, F. Kriha J.Paylick, T.Cigler, M.Piras, J.Bakula, S. Ganz,J Bespalec, A. Barrlal. J. F. Bakula, J.Masek, J. Worchota, J. ZUkoosky, J. P. Bak-ula, M. Webber, A. Carlson, F. Stiese, T.Spadine.

The Mlssee Armbruster, of Ravine street,very pleasantly entertained a few friendsThursday evening. The evening's pleasuresconsisted of various games, music, singingand other amusements, after which refresh-ments were served. Among thoe« presentwere: The Misses Lulu Lambert, Carrie Arm-bruster, Millie Henke, Luella Armbruster,Minnie Thompson, Nellie Starkey. Ida Arm-bruster, Lucrecia Souter, Lillian Bates, MaryHokanson, Helen Armbruster, the Messrs.Rev. Carl Scovel, Arthur McKnlght, VictorBlumis, Emory Mortenson, Charles Baker,Oliver Larson, Edward Phair, Albert Hous-buin, Paul Baker, Allen Freeze.

A party of young people from St. Anthonyhill gave a bicycle party Wednesday evening,the run being made to the home of MissBarnes, of Newport, where they were enter-tained with refreshments and dancing.The party included the chaperones, Mr.and Mrs. E B. Constans, and Misses Ednawinslow, Morehouse, Lottie Hazzard, AllieTate, Thomson, Jessie Ware. Ella Ware;Messrs. George Richards, P. Pusch, AlfredLanders, George C. Haggenmiller.

The Capital City Cycle club, at Its socialThursday evening, was presented with &handsome clock by John Vanderbie and anelegant banner from Mrs. J. E. Barber. Theclub will enter the races at the state fair,competing for the prize for the moat attract-ive costume, and will take part in the drillTuesday evening.

Mrs. F. W. Storms chaperoned a cycle partyof Minneapolis young people to and fromthat city Tuesday afternoon. Three stops weremade during the run for refreshments.

Mrs. Sperry, of Holly avenue, gave acycle party Monday evening to the drivingpark. Upon the return of the party to theSperry home there was dancing.

Miss Gertrude San Souci gave a pupils'parlor musical Monday afternoon at her homeon Laurel avenue. This was the second of aseries.

The Daughters ~of Erin celebrated theirfirst anniversary Tuesday evening at thehome of Miss Jessie Cook, on the West side.

F. W. Pinska gave a sailing party Mondayevening on White Bear lake in honor of theMisses Neumont, of Pittsburg.

The Twin City Mandolin club gave a moon-light excursion down the river Tuesday even-lug on the Flora Clark.

Miss Jennie Tracy, of the bluff, entertainedat cards Friday evening for Miss Maud Free-man, of Birch Lake.

The Minneopa quartette was entertained bya party of young women at Merriam ParkThursday evening.

Mrs. W. G. Robertson entertained at lunch-eon Wednesday for Mrs. Charles Clark, ofSt. Louis.

Mrs. C. K. Lewis gave a garden party yes-terday afternoon at her home on Portlandavenue.

Mrs. Frank Monty entertained Thursdayafternoon for the benefit of the People'schurch.

Dr. and Mrs. Bean, of Holly avenue, gavean Informal cycle party Wednesday evening.

Mrs. D. R. Hevener gave a luncheon Fri-day evening for Miss Georgia Middleton.Miss Mary Hobart gave a tea Thursday aft-ernoon at her home on Summit avenue.Miss Katie Hurley, of Valley street, gave

a wheeling party Tuesday evealng.

The ladies of St. John's Catholic churchare planning an extensive bazaar, to be heldin October, and held a special meeting thisweek, at which the following committeeswere appointed :For the Married ladies' table,Mesdames McGee, Mulligan,Grady, Flaherty,Brown, Larpenteur; coffee table, MesdamesFarrell, Maden, Tranter, Merriam, Norton;young ladies' table, Misses Katie Fisher, MaryEgan, B. and Aggie McDermott, L. HickeyMiley, L. Rone, Meltonough. There will bea bicycle contest between Mamie Ames, M=aryO'Grady, May Gavin and Annie McGabe. MissLillie McMahon and Mlsa Anna Gaffney willrun for a set of tapestry. Mesdames Slater,Hilgedeck and Ritchie will enter the contestfor a life-size portrait painting of BishopIreland.

A reception to commemorate the fortiethanniversary will be given on Sept. 15 at 8p. m. at St. Catherine's school. The princi-pal, Miss Dusinberre, extends a cordial in-vitation to all former teachers and studentsto meet Miss Gill, and it is hoped that thisnotice may reach many whose addresses Ithas been impossible to obtain.

Mrs. Charles Hubbard, of Ashland avenue,will give a tally-ho party this week. Theguests will include Misses Miriam Holman,Ethel Haynie, Shirley Morgan, Georgiana Dit-man, Belle and Helen Rellley, Tennie Nolanand Antoinette Nicholas.

The Laurel Cycle club will go to Wildwoodsome evening soon as the guest of the man-agement of the resort. The run was to havebeen made last week Friday, but was post-poned.

Capt. and Mrs. J. J. McCardy will give adinner party Friday evening of encampmentweek for Gen. and Mrs. Walker. Covers willbe laid for fourteen.

Mrs. George R. Finch will entertain at abuffet luncheon Wednesday, Sept. 2, at 1:30o'clock. The guests will watch the paradefrom the grounds.

There will be a meeting of the JuniorKing's Daughters Monday afternoon, Sept. 7,at the residence of Miss Bend, Summitavenue.

The Sacred Thirst Total Abstinence societywill meet this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock atCretin hall, Fort and Sixth streets.


A. L. Eggert, of the Capital City Bicycleclub, returned Thursday from an extendedtrip through the state on his wheel. He visit-ed friends at Lake City, Winona, Chatfield,Zumbrota, and reports main roads In centraland southern part of the state In good con-dition.

Miss Johanna Graulich, of Darmstadt. Ger-many, cousin of Mrs. Fred H. Odendahl, hasarrived in St. Paul, with her uncle,' Dr.Wirth. The young lady is visiting with Mrs.Odendahl, and intends to remain here overwinter to acquire a perfect knowledge of theEnglish language.

Dr. Charles Wirth, after a sojourn of sev-eral months in Europe, visiting the clinicsand hospitals of the principal German cities,returned home a few days ago, and hasagain taken up the duties of his practice inthis c:ty.

Dr. Dudley W. Rhodes returned duringthe week from his Western trip to Yellow-stone Park and the Pacific Coast, and willofficiate Sunday week.

W. G. Kirke and family have returnedfrom Lake Minnetonka and taken apartmentsat the Albion until their Summit avenuehouse is completed.

The Misses Ella. and Lizzie Stringer andMargaret McKay, of Duluth, spent the lastweek with the MTSses Farrell, of Tanner'sLake.

Miss Marion Russell, of Nelson avenue,has been spending the week with her sister,Mrs. Rice, of Ridgewood Park.

Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Nelson, of Dayton av-enue, spent Sunday with their son at HotelSt. Louis, Lake Minnetonka.

Capt. and Mrs. Schokley, of Leavenworth,Kan., are the guests of Mrs. J. J. McCardy,of Kent street.

Miss A. Meyerding has returned from visit-ing her sister, Mrs. H. Schroeder, of Conners-ville, Ind.

Gov. and Mrs. Upham, of Madison, are theguests of Mr. and Mrs. Upham, of Summitavenue.

Mr. and Mrs. John White, of Portland ave-nue, have returned from Minnetonka.

Rev. Dr. Graves, of Pittsburg, is the guestof R. W. Matthews, of Holly avenue.

Miss Alice Lachance, of Summit avenue,will return Monday from the East.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dickerman have re-turned from their wedding trip.

Mrs. W. R, Merriam and Miss Merriamreturn from Newport this week.

Mrs. Jenks, of Galena, Is the guest of Mrs.Bean, of Holly avenue.J. I.Beaumont and family are at home at

246 Dayton avenue.Mies Jessie Baker, at College avenue is

home from Duluth.


At> Lelp's hotel: Herbert G. Munn, The-odora Davidson. Miss A. Hanley, John J.Flanagan, Frank S. Dowler, James P. Healy,Valmtine Stoesser, Louis Muehlbauer, OscarF.Ifflgen/ St. Paul; Addlson C. Thomaa, C. U.Hamilton, 'J. 8. Williams, Chicago; C. A.Webba», f.W. M. Koon, A. W. Shaw, EmllStelner, Miss E. Veronneau, Minneapolis;J. H. tM*yor, Memphis, Term.; Jack Katun,San Fr»nclsco. '\u25a0

Mr. and Mrs. Frost, of Gladstone; Mr.Dan-forth, of Minneapolis, and Miss Tena Law-rence, of St. Paul, spent Thursday with Mrs.E. R. Ide, of Lake Shore.

The Misses Hattle MeKenny. Georgie John-son, Roy Kllbiß and Joel Hutchlnaon werethe guests of Miss Pearle and Guy HalUdayThursday evening.

A. musicale was given at Ramaley'n pavilionThursday evening for the benefit of the St.Mary's church. It was a great success andw»s well attended.Miss Florence Rose and a number of friends

from Minneapolis were the guests of herbrother, Horace Rose, of Shady lane, onSaturday.Mrs. J. L. Brase attended the Keeley con-

vention at Indianapolis, Ind., last week, andwas met by her husband on her return atChicago.

Mr. Boustead gave a sailing party Mondayto his friends, sailing to Wildwood. Formusic they had the Twin City Mandolin club.

Miss Ida Coavillion, who has been attend-ing summer school at the university for thepast month, has returned to White Bear.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mabon returned fromDuluth last week, and willremain at Maplelodge until some time In September.

Miss Virginia Russell, who has been spend-ing a couple of weeks at the lake, has re-turned to her home in St. Paul.

Miss Stella Evans, of Bellevue, 10., whohas been spending five weeks at Lakesidehas returned to her home.

G. S. Fernald and family returned to St.Paul Saturday, after an outing at the lakeof about two months.

Paul Gotzlan and family returned to StPaul Thursday, after spending a couple ofmonths at the lake.

Mrs. Robinson, of the Presbyterian churchgave a picnic to her Sunday school class Fri-day at Geist's bay.

wTm6 gU/Sw 2f Park plaCB gave a Party atWildwood _. Wednesday. They went over andback 4h the steamer.

Miss Olive P. Lee. of Stillwater, has beenthe guest of Miss Zella Hale, of Lake Shorelor the past week.

i<A SlCniX

Waf live?1ive? at Mantomedi Tuesdayslnday mXo°L

""******°* the Pr«*yteria£


thPl°SIC waf ?lven at Wildwood Tuesday

stiiiwltS68 y cburch Sunday Bchool °«Mrs. Hill and son, of New York SDent acoup.c.of days with Mrs. C. FrY at CoUage

Mrs. i;tel ;Murphy has returned from Chi-des' W^ haS been sPendln S a few


pn l̂een c™*£Jiette and Fannie Hare,Hall '

* Monday with Mlsa Zella

Miss Minnie Day, of Minneapolis, spentFriday and Saturday with Miss Lucy Gund-

Miss Bessie Winters, of St. Paul is visiting Miss Helen Bunn, 'of Maiiitou islandMrs. Louis Hodson and daughter Hildre/1are the guests of Mrs. Arthur Hodsoni£Vb?x£g& o°;a s^L'r8


th?^^ sss-k ir^Takt1"1 8pend

PaMul-srentlu re

ndaJya?La^ O


Sr°en' °< St

Hon. Michael Doran and family returnedfrom Europe Thursday morning.returned

Mrs. L. N. Scott will occupy one of hercottages during the encampment

f*2S K^auiTai't £***""*VUlted

mSSif^S 1S «—tn. a




I(le «" \u25a0*••"** a



S.L°FS^ Bralnerd 'la the *««*

jSTStSSSS.^ *"*moved t0 *•

cottage*/ Donnelly ssentP ent Sun<lay at the Fry

pMrs. S. V. Harris spent Friday at Cottage


A very pleasant evening was spent onWednesday, when about twenty young peoplegathered at the home of Miss Montgomeryon Capitol avenue, and after a short time ofamusement, went down the railroad track toirog Pond, where they spent the remainderof the evening in roasting corn and bakingsweet potatoes. Those present were MisseswS


nVah£> ?ose Funk- Etta and FlorenceWebb, Cora and Edith Montgomery Prof andMrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Larsen, Mr3, Brink-Messrs. Mortimer, Grant, Albert Wallace'Edgar Dunn, Lawrence Griffin, McCree'George.-^nd-Charles Montgomery.

A very large crowd of people gathered inthe campus Friday evening to witness the'flag raising." Attorney General Childs gave

a short iafidress. Hon. Thomas Montgomeryand C. N. Akers also spoke.

Hon. and Mrs. F. W. Nash, of Mankato, andMr. anft. Mrs. B. R. Damren, of St Peterare guests at the home of Hon. ThomasMontgomery,

The prayer ) meeting of the Knox Presby-terian church will be held on Wednesday ofthis wee_k at #ie home of Mrs. Moody on Pas-cal avenue. 3 .

Mrs. Moody Is entertaining Mrs. Sam Cle-land, Miss Elizabeth Cleland and Mrs Dib-ble, of Eyansville, Wis.Miss Mabel McKinistry, of Winnebago City

is visiting; Miss Maud Wallace, of Van Burenstreet. ,;

Mrs. J. B. Deyen and mother entertainedto dinner friends from Macalester on Tues-

Miss Hazel Cook, who haa been visitingMiss Lucy Rich, has returned to Eau Claire!

Miss Te-mpe Griffith entertained Miss Proc-ter, of Jamestown, N. D., during the weekMrs. Donahue and daughter, of Mason Cltv10., have taken up their abode in Hamllne.Mrs. H. H. Clark, of Wesley avenue gave

dinner Friday night to a few of her friendsDr. and Mra. Henry L. Osborne have re-turned from an extended trip in the East.Mrs. Fred Grant, of Minnehaha street iaentertaining Mrs. Larsen, of Crystal Lake.Mrs. KaJghn, of Philadelphia, is the guest

of her son, Prof. Raymond P. Kaighn.Miss Blanch Herzog, of West Superior vi«-ited Lucey Rict during the week.Prof. Louis R. Kendall, on his way to Man-kato, visited in Hamline Thursday.Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Edwards and daughter

are visiting friends in Red Wing.Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rldgway and family

have returned from Fergus Falls.Mrs. E.-.N. V. Crist has as her guest Misa

Minnie Wagner, of Faribault.Mrs. Farrfngton, of Detroit, Mich., visitedMisa Berry on Thursday last.Prof. Webster, of Montevideo, 1b visltins

his mother, Mrs. Webster. sDr. and Mrs. Bigelow, of Dodge Center areguests of N. B. Bigelow.


EB:War aE-o? Olussn. 18 eQtert *in!n* *"•

Rev. aftcT^Mrs. C. E. Shepherd, of Parker'sPrairie, are m Hamline.Mr. and Mrs-f James Edgerton, of St. Louisare gueete in,Hamline.


M&.T3Ii^amlint. Wm"'°'Mrs. JPA. C.' Waller, of Minneapolis calledin Hamline Thursday.


Mrs. Hi Hj,Taylor has returned to herhome in.Minneapolis.Mrs. Join fiucknell and son have returnedfrom Spring Valley.Miss EGna Ukrvin, of Star Prairie Is vis-itingMrs Ryder.Dr. Rojwe, of Castleton, N. D., la visiting

Mrs. Ajjfc.ijayior has returned to her homein Minneapolis.',Mrs. JT^A. kbertson, of Madison, Wi«.,is in iiatoime.

Mrs. W*:Premo is back from a short visitin Eau Qlaire,Misa Wanda Griffith will leave on Tuesday

for Chicago.Mrs. Katherlne Deacon 1b at home at 336

Pleasant avenue.Dr. and Mr*. Edwards have come homefrom Alexandria.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuneman are homefrom.Europe.

Sadie Higgins has returned from a visitin Brainerd.Marie Stebbiasy of Kenyon, Is visiting Mr*.Mrs. Randall is entertaining her stater from

Morris.MisH Jennie Kimball, of Kasson, Is in Ham-line.

Mrs. Conde Hamlin, of the Marlboroughis In Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rhode* are visiting In

M'bs Mary Qulnl&n baa returned from Bald

jM**> A. B. Scaultz has returned from New

Mis» Lizsie Smith has returned from Lanc-don.


MUs Li&zl*Ball, of Hudson ar«nu«, •nt*r-

talned a few of her friends at cards anddancing Tuesday evening. Those present werethe Misses Lucy and Lizzie Gennann, Etheland Edith Mayfleld, Ebba Nordstrim, LulaClark Maud Slater, Alice Cox, Lizzie andMinnie Ball;Messrs. Ed Freeman Joe Cox,

Joe Gennann, Alfred Nordstrem, Ed Pryer,Will McVaney and Rob Ball.

Mrs McCleary, of East Fourth street, will

entertain her following friends this week:Miss Bessie Waller, Mrs. Tubes and daugh-ters May and Daisy, and Mrs. Bowk, of

Stillwater; Miss Bertha Foster, of RiverFalls Wis.; Messrs. Wrill Clark, of St.Cloud and her brother. S. H. Hows, of lowa.

Mrs. Leo Nagel, of Summit avenue, gave

a very pretty luncheon last Wednesday. Thereception and dining room were trimmed inferns And roses. Those present were: Mes-dames F. Coffer, R. J. Bastome, Mohaupt:

Misses Minnie Luger, Christopher Gerrue,

McClure and Miss Broell, of Dubuque.

The members of the Capital City Cycle clubwill have open house at the club house onSeventh street all this week, and all strang-

ers are Invited to attend.Miss Braten and Will Braten. of Sterling,

N D, will be the guests of their brother,

Charlie Braten, next week.Miss Kate Fifleld, of Bates avenue will

entertain Miss Zoe Southerland, of Mash-burg. Wis., next week.

Mrs Hays of Cincinnati. Is the guest ofher lau?£ter\ Mrs. George Heatcm. or Hud-

W Voux, of Philadelphia, will be

the g\i<*i of" her sister, Mrs. Bd Mohaupt.

next week-Mr and Mrs. Brand, of the Marlowe, hare

taken up their residence on Selby avenue.

Mrs. Stowel and son, of Conway street,gpent last week at St. Anthony Park.

Mr and Mrs. H. Klinkerpier have movedto lowa, their future home.

Miss Pettenglll, of Rich Valley, Is theguest of Mrs. Eggleston.

Miss Gabbleseme, of Hudson avenue, iaback from Milwaukee.

Miss Jennie Tracey entertained at euchreFriday evening.

Mr. and Mrs, Mahaupt spent Sunday atForest Lake.

Miss Ollle Freeman returned Monday fromEurope.

Miss Florence Height Is back from St.Louis.

Miss A. Henry returned Tuesday from Bos-ton.

The Young People* Society of St. Jams*'Episcopal chorch g*7« » hayrack P*ftyTuesday evening at w nite Dear Lane. Tney

were Mi«3 LoulM Qoldlng, Ethel Bowe,Blaache Conley, Laura Stacy, Sadie Phillips,Florence and Lottie Bryan, Agnes Arrlvee, IAdd* -Kcffieton. Florence Klchola, Eva Mithe-son, Lanra and B«tal« RiDoha.isf.-h, Massra. 1

Bsja Ffnicn, Hoy aqHirw. Asshie ijtmgtoM.


ft¥i jTT"^T fy/^\ IkjfT"*? to c thollß2lo^ °* visitors in our city allQ yy \u25a0

""* I (L j\ 1/V% |* this week. Make this store headquarters, beO

* * •*--i•*—'4^*V -̂a. \u25bc -M.-1—4 at home here. You will find our waiting5 room on the Third Floor provided with every convenience. All Interurban "cars i6 start from and stop at our Robert street entrance.

® Sixth and Robert Streets. St. Paul. SaS p^sH/SiSS0 interested are invited to call. Itis JfS A "T T^^^M^W^V^T nvr *m

distinctly understood that LadiesX AlTi!|IflM > \C^ willnot be expected to purchased 'C£ AUVIIV/iliJIJUIViJi Corset ifthey do not desire to do so i#& after a fitting is made./£ Hess, Goldsmith & Co., New York City, leading- manufac-

~~~ ~~~ 'j£ turera of Fine Silks, ordered Townsend & Montant, auction- Lace Department.S> eers, 87 and 89 Leonard street, New York City, to sell without We have just opened an exquisite <© reserve— on Wednesday, August 26th, '96

—2,580 pieces of*me of Irish Crochet, Arabian, Ara- *

f&Black, Colored and Fancy Silks, their entire surplus stock. n^f £?*\u25a0 Ve™?e Laces » in A11"

tX The Silks sold at ridiculously low prices We were ex- n^^^^^^SJ^^ )j\ tensive purchasers. The Silks are here and willbe ready for ies of the season.\C sale Monday morning- at 9:30 o'clock

—not earlier. They are: Our fi"t importation of hhjh (

V3gra.de French Neckwear is here- IfS Black Taffetas, Black Satin Duch- Changeable Taffetas, Taffeta our exclusive styles and only single\C esses, Plaids, pieces. * , <vy Black Brocaded Satins, Black Colored Brocades, Figured Pon- **orevening wear we are showing

*0\ Skein Dye Figured Pongees, gees, every shade of Chiffon, Tinsel and\f Black Brocaded Gros Grains, Chameleon Stripes, White and Fancy Gauze, Etamine, spangled

'W Black Figured Taffetas, Black Pekin Stripes, and Beaded Nets and Mouselines, *#\ Black Striped Taffetas, Colored Plain Grenadines, Fancy Grena- S^k Mulls and Theodora Nets.3C Striped Taffetas, dines, As a Monday Special, we offer 25 *'•W Black Armures, Black Failles, Fancy Crepons, Warp Printed pieces of Tinsel Gauze, inall PA i>X Black Moires, Fancy Moires, Taffetas, the shades and black and jllC3C Street Colors Satin Duchesse, Colored Figured Taffetas, and white, at, per yard «/W (W Evening Shades Satin Duchesse, Check and Stripe Taffetas.


© Come prepared to be astonished at the great variety. Come"atl<^erchief

O prepared to be astounded at the low prices. It's an opportunity Specials.Q Of a life time. • For Monday's selling-300 dozen JThis season s choicest Silk Novelties, our special importa- Ladies' Linen Hemstitched Hand- ]/£ tions, are now open and ready for inspection. kerchiefs, with small hand embroid-

'g Exclusive designs and color arrangements inEvening Damas Sfning^if P

doZenP S^S T« j

J</ and rich Gold and Silver Brocades. ular price, $1.50 a box, X\ lltl'

Special patterns in the new, very fashionable Moire Velours Monday special V"""Mand Moire Brilliants, for whole costumes and separate skirts. . Jt wilf be of interest to strangers t

0 Different designs from those shown elsewhere in rich,heav 7 tekfog^rie^nZid&^nYM*™IXBlack Satin Brocades and Gros Grain Brocades, many of our Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, madTin/^ own importations inoriginal designs. Ireland, hemstitched and embroid <"<V> ered by hand. t~ " The manufacturer has arranged ,S\ \Trt¥T C«fl h r^ J

specially for our work and willput'

H JNew rail uress Goods. £in th? hands °f his artists. <Q^ We make special prices, and have a t}\ The word "attention" means much to an old soldier. We \arge- lec.tion of initial letters, ]g call attention to our Dress Goods Department, because it's the £"£er%*S2£ greatest in the Northwest. You'll take something home with days from date of receipt of

'\? you as a reminder. Why not something sensible and service- order

-Customers have the privi- (

Oable? The best fabrics "from the best manufacturers of the dXered^nv^^T,110^^0^ (

Q world, right here for your inspection. Allthat's new and up masX time before Chnst "

to now instyle, at the very lowest prices. For example:'



Q Tweed Suitings,- in hairline English Curls, rough, shaggy fab-"*OVe Department.

stripes, checks and mixtures, all rics, very stylish and durable, in We carr J complete lines of the ]pure wool, inall the autumn all the new autumn colors, 44 Qr

best Gloves that are made by the icolors. Z3C inches wide; good value at fSSC best makers of the world—Gloves ISpecial, per yard vw $1.25 a yard. Our price V7VV that can be depended upon— strictly ]Jji Novelty Suitings, equal in style Boucle Suitings, in two-tone col- "t^Sl^*6

"*6^V> to the finest goods made. They are orings, 50 inches wide d»1 AA

Jus t received, our first Fall im- If$ in all the autumn colors; ex- rA Special, per yard Vg fillPotion ofPernn's Peerless Pique ]

cellent value at 75c a yard. JjJ|£ 0n1y .... f........' «PI«VV Gloves, in two, three and four-stud

§ a^ssts&S*75c «S a-;s.


- *'-°°-d ssr^'g^sfe: rFi'<jC •—s

— —'—|

—— — - new shades, with prettily embroi-'

\ CARPETS AND'RUGS. (1*!X Foreign and Domestic. We have prepared the largest and Art Dennrt««io*ifV finest display of Floor Coverings ever shown in the North- T

iiaiimcni' <west. Prices the very lowest. You are cordially invited to decoVatton*? 1au"^^ f

V?*ie?y£f <0 examine them. Take elevator to fourth floor. week,

' R>|

© — . • 26 Per Cent Discount. iO Extraordinary Bargain. MillineryDepartment. Leather fnnrf

~~~ <G. A. R. Blankets. We are prepared to show all the

*""«* UOOOS. ,^

© 300 pair 11-4 Tan Blankets, with ea^y shipments of Fall Millinery. Combination Purse and Card ;7S fancy borders, worth $1.65 7r „Se f.PUJL Bicycle and as e'^Te*Ialhffator and real /a >

a pair, for IS(T English Walking Hats. |eal leathers, worth $1.00. WfQ (© Monday \u25a0


£& Beddiug Dept., Fourth Floor. j-j~ . Keal seal

-with sterling silverSe . Fur Repairs. Z°r™ T% worth $1-°°' &*> and <


—————$2.00. Special,

0 Sterling Silver Dept. entlSrjS™ e«t«SfK? 69c' 98c ««t **t9.

tS GA. R. Sterling Silver Souvenir °wn Fur Factory by practical Fur- Combination Chatelaine Bag and'

X Spoons exclusive designs. Special,"ers-

Work is coming in very fast. Purs e- Special, each, (x 35c, 80c,78c»d f..00. 2s/ss^.r^s flr.sr«s I«^7sL

___ iS Mr.P. A. May, manager o. the Sd %?££££ Tale"'l^'Z. MeH

'8 Department.


*\Mail Order Department, will be to-date in every respect.'Our ATTENTION' fi A D

JC pleased to meet personally all out- charges the lowest, workmanship o „ '•«•«. K.Cy of-town patrons who favor this considered. r ,°°,T*nir Handkerchiefs, with g?\ store with a call during the week.


»c-S"mle of Corps Badge, /%r *X* Z

——" pure Linen and fine quality /^r iA}n

•\u0084, the great Ferris Wheel- for

q Yl WtX ButteriCK'S Patterns Bissell's Carpet Sweepers-in oper- White Gloves for parades'. lOc.Sc And Publications. We are agents, ation night and day in our Sixth • Cane.s—

solid Silver Mount- rjr''

O September Patterns now here. street window. "£*> imported Sticks, the irSC *2\ r J 3W.W quality, for \u25a0Wv C

Earl Hamilton. John Wood, Walter ThurrtonTheo Colberge. The Misses Lottie Bryan andPet Phillips acted as chaperones.MUs Iva Jenkaon, of Reaney street wasgiven a surprise party Thursday evening

There waa dancing. Patwell's orchestra fur-nished the music. Those present were Lyd«aand Minnie Chllds. Ollie and May CarterAggie De Lurky, Bertie Burgess, MargaretJenkins, Jennie Norhouson, Messrs HarryBrooklns Alden Blood, Harry Shannon, DakeHart, Eddie Burgess, Roy Green, AlfredNorthensen and others.

A very pleasant surprise was given Mr. andMrs. C. W. Carrier, of Jessamine streetWednesday evening, by about twenty of theirfriends. There waa dancing. Woods' or-chestra furnished the music.

Misses Mabel and Maud Havecost whohave been spending a month In HammondWia., bave returned to their home on Fau'quier street. .Miss Zelma Anderson, of Ham-mond, returned with them.The Misses Delia and Stella Knudson ofSims street, gave a boating party Fri'davevening at Lake Phalen for a number of Mln*neapohs friends. There were twenty-six inthe party.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Korth have returnedfrom Kodlak. Alaska, where they have rf-sided for twelve years, and are the jmests

of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Korth. of Burr strtetMrs. A. E. Knudson, of Sims street cavea 6 o'clcok dinner Tuesday for her son Albertwho left the following day for Boston Coy'

ers were laid for twenty-three.Rev. Frank Durant left Wednesday for hiahome in Chadron, Neb., after having been theguest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barr of Casestreet, for the past month.Miss EttA Quinas has returned to her homeIn Menomonee, Wis., after having been theguest of Mrs. J. O. Ferris, of Arkwrieht•treet, for several weeks.Mrs E. Hustwalt, who has been the guest

of Miss Bertha Chester, of Magnolia streetwillleave soon for Cincinnati, where she willreeide in the future.


The Misses Badger, of St. Crolx Falls Wisand W. Sldmore, of Dickinson, N. D are thnguests of Mr. and Mrs. D. McLean,

'of Sims

street.Mr. and Mrs. George Elmer and daughter

Mabel of Burr street, have returned fromLong lake, where they were camping !«t

Mrs. Charles Bchmalth, of Reaney ntreet.entertained a number of friends Wednesdayafternoon, the occasion being her birthdayMr. and Mrs. Voltalr Johnson, of C»darRapids, lowa, will be guests of Mr. and MmW. W. Lewis, of Burr street, next week., ¥n:Joiip- avAie* entertained a number oflady friends at tea Thursday afternoomMostof the guests were Minneapolis ladiesMis* Beth Howard, of St. Ctoud returnshome Saturday after a two weeks' 'visit with

Mlsa Eugene Longfield, of Burr atreet.-\u25a0Mrs. O. W. Graham and son. of Case' itrMtare la Two Harbors, W


Maa, Thomaa Pauline, of Case street spent

» "I-£&£}&£gsssa -^S"«~. .


Hn Tue.

Bd£W8last «X?O

a ™* »**«* 'I>r. and Mrs. Klrkwood n

"ppresetn t were

uel KlrkwoodI of iffmi? " and Mn-SamWJlliam Kirkwood otVi^l and mSMrs. William Lee of ££aPoll-: Mr- an.Prof, and Mrs. Downing at-t

pßrr-^pz* '-ifrom a trip through the East^ next weel4w-'inttH^fwJSSSS of Jerßey °>4cr

MA*- £ Suftrt"00"•nt«rtaiulng her fathi

BAlice Goodiag to TlalUnß her mJ

1 10o"""«*.K«l'..t.lflM,

•I L \u25a0nian am m gup I