W 4.advice on academic writing.


Transcript of W 4.advice on academic writing.

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*Advice on academic writing:-add an argument.(clear and persuasively).-develop a thesis(reasoning,evidence and citation from a text).-revise (but not extensively).*focus on essay topic.- avoid: anxiety,stress,lack of research.- know the genre and understand the topic.*thesis statement:school vs. University(differences)-at school:include thesis statements,opening paragraph and end in a thesis statement;thesis statement must be one sentence in length.-at university:donot always include a thesis statement, thesis statement can be two or three sentence long or longer if argument is complex.

PLANNING AND ORGANIZING: (in academic essays)*Pre-writing stage.*Take notes.*Circle method.*topic outline.*Avoid repetitions.*Introduction and conclusion.*Genre.*Quotation.*Contex.

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*use thesis statement:-make clear statements.-include:summary statement(the first paragraph needs an explanation and support).-add assertions.-emphasize argument and indicate methodology.-(not all paper need a thesis statement).*follow progression of ideas.*include:examples, details and relevant quotation.*use linking words ( to suppor ideas)*develop central ideas(topics):-to state the main point.-take into account audience.-topic: protects from confusing ;connects the paragraph and the thesis statement.*topic sentences vs. Thesis statement:(both provide coherence)-topic sentence:(main point of the paragraph).-thesis statement:(main point of the essay).

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READING AND RESEARCHING: (reading to write)*Pre-view the text.*Read the title (definitions and exmples).*take into account :Topic, author and audience.*use :scanning technique.*Reflection(thinking, research).*Judge contex, audience and argument.*focus on the Purpose.*Examine the evidence(for argument)*use Skimming technique(preliminary reading)*use Opening sentences.*Take notes and highlight.*Deal with new words:guess words from context(headings, titles).*Summarize:(read to write)-to identify essential concepts.-use specific language.-include: title, author, central concept,key ideas,omit details and examples,avoid opinions, donot plagiarize the author’ s words..

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*Skimming and scanning:(for academic writing)-overview the text before reading-skimming:-use previewing techniques-read introductory paragraph and predict arguments.-read the firs sentence of each paragraph.-avoid unfamiliar words and terminology.-pick up concepts.-read concluding paragraph.-scanning:(skimming with focused purpose)-usefull for researching papers.-usefull for finding material.

*using quotations:-Donot quote too much(crowd ideas)-include the support of an author.-paraphrase to convey the point.-summarize relevavnt topics.-argument(as desirable).-quotate to show you have done the preview research.-use proper punctuation.

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*use footnotes.*MLAsystem: author, page, reference,name of database(work cited).*APAsystem:author ,date,title and volume (in italics.)*restate someone else’s idea( in your own words)-reduce the essential points(in short form).*donot plagiarize:-donot represent someone else’ idea as yours.-donot copy friends’ works.-when borrowing passages, identify the book or website.-use your own thinking.-name the author, page and date.-use quotation mark.-summarize or paraphrase,i(dentifying the source).-donot paste passages(summarize them).

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*The abstract:-add quantitive and qualitive information in the document.-summarize conclusions, purpose and methods.-be clear.-avoid abbreviations or symbols.

*Academic proposal:

-show theoretical position.-support the work with studies.-make outline of the approach or methodology.-use visual aids, heading and lists.-give clear details.*Annotated bibliography:(alphabetical list of research sources)-account of the research.-provide a summary(source and assessment).-define the scope and limits of the research(what and what not to include).

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*Effective admission letters:-be focused (write about yourself).-be coherent.-be interpretative(explicit answers, and exact words)-be specific(provide examples)-be personal(mention details and facts;avois repetitions).*Expository patterns:narrative (chronological order),analytic(deal with questions),technical(involment with an issue-study the project)-avoid grammar and punctuation mistakes.*Book review:(is not a summary)-analyse comments and evaluate the work.-recognize arguments.-engage in crititcal thinking.-focus on the purpose.-make notes.

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*introduction and conclusion:(in academic writing)-identify topic.-provide context.-get to the point.-quote experts (not dictionary definitions).-provide a closure.-include genre (beginning and ending).*The lab report:(show comprenhension behind the data-how, why of the experiment)-analyse, interprete, explain results and conclusion.-process in chronological order..-add objectives.*The literature review:(account about a published topic by scholars and researchers)(.it has a discourse purpose, it isnot a summary)-Include knowledge and ideas (stablished on topic).-help to scan the literature.-focus on: strengths and weaknesses.-synthesize results.

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*Use of active voice:(in the science)-To focus on the object.-active voice (is desirable)- not loose the point:to avoid -it- and dangling modifiers.*Letters and resumes:-write formally.-do it short and specific.-end strongly.-use chronological and functional organization.-keep the reader ‘s attention.-balance facts and claims.*Fixing dangling modifiers:(words that donot connect properly to the rest of the sentence-bringing confusion-).-avoid the expletive-it-(words that have no meaning in a sentence).*Hit parade errors:(in grammar, punctuation and style)-check faulty agreement.-express ideas and connect them.-choose active voice to passive voice.-choose pronous over abstract ideas.


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-avoid vague pronous-it/this-.-use clear modifiers.-avoid cliches.-use metaphores.-check words with the dictionary. -take in account :wordiness.-use period or semicolom to separate independent clauses or coordinating conjunctions.-use comma to list, to join independent clauses + coordinating conjunction.-use semicolon to independent clauses.-use colon to introduce a list and formal quotations( in a complete sentence)

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*Faulty parallelism:(when adjectives and nouns phrase are mixed in a sentence , they should be repaired-all adjectives or all noun phrase-).*Fixing comma splices:(when a comma joins two complete sentences without a joining word between them).-avoid comma in essays.-use punctuation marks.-use coordinating conjunctions, semi-colon and dot.*take into account subject agreement.*take into account spelling:-use a good dictionary and computer spelling checker.-check suffixing.*Unbiased language:-use inclusive words.-avoid adjestives as collective nouns.-avoid racial terms.-avoid label people on the basis of their sex.-avoid honorifics and titles.(use full name)

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*Wordiness:(doubling of words -avid it ,mutual agreement-)-.-avoid intensifiers.-avoid formulaic phrases.-Use one word form.-avoid tobe, use -is-.-use active voice.-avoid overuse of relative clauses.*Punctuation:(learning to punctuate involves learning the rules).-use commas:- to recognize beginning of main clauses.-after introductory clauses.-before a conjunction.-to list.-to interrupting phrases.-before relative clauses.*use semicolon:-to combine indepedent clauses into a sentence.-to separate long lists.*use colons:-preceeded by independent clauses,followed by independent clauses.

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*use dashes:-with commas and colons.-to interrupt clauses.-to call attention.-for irony or surprise.*use parentheses:-to introductions.-to interrupt material.-to enclose full sentences.*Passive voice:- to avoid the person.-for general truth.-is preferred in lab reports and science researchs.-in academis writing( not desirable)- create confusion-.-to sound indirect.*Revision and editing:(for assigments)_give the chance to preview.-more than proofreading.-pay attention to checking and details.-transform drafts in excellent final drafts.

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*Revision:(reshaping sentences.)-take into account:genre, concepts.-include clear introductions.-include research questions.-check missing points.-take out irrelevant material.-put ideas together.-check paraphrasing.-make use of polish and editing:word choice,sentence structure,grammar, punctuation and spelling.-include cover page:title, name of the course, name of the student,date , instructor´ s name;number of pages ,( leave space for quotation).-include bibliography.*computers:-to improve writing.- to revise.- in final draft.- for brainstorming and outlines.- to check.


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*Expression of quantity:(rules for academic writing)-verb agreement.-colective nouns.-mayority/minority: unspecific/specific number+singular/plural verbs.-expressions of time, money and distance.*Special cases in the use of definite article:(the).-for means of transport.-for system of communication:the newspaper.-for unique objects:the sun.-for name of periods: the 1960s.-for superlative:the most.-for plural nationality nouns: the chinese.*Using articles:( modifiers before nouns or noun phrase).-to clarify the meaning.-place in fron of other modifiers, preceding a noun( urban university).-depend on countable and uncountable nouns.

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*Teaching multilingual students tas:-provide visual aids.-encourage reading strategies ( focus on heading, definitions,etc.)-give examples.-communication cafes--correct errors with obscure meaning.-take into account educational background.-work in samll group, to develop speaking skill..*take into account:Gerund and infinitives.*take into account: verbs for sources.

*Online word advice from other institution.-resources:-comprenhension:specific genre(letters, resumes), style and grammar.-words in the diciplines:function and method of word in the humanities.-literary words:hypertext,writer’s guide (word about literature).-scientific words: good lab reports, abstracts, memos, web documents.-style notes and grammar.-english as a second language:use games and exercises.-punctuation.

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*Online word reference tools:-dictionary.-hypertext merrian-webster dictionary.-the chicago manual of style( notes, bibliography).*Online resources for students of english as a second languege:-sites to explain language matters.-listening, word skills, activities, etc.*Online resources on pursuing a career.-provide contact with other writers.-a site to develop skills.

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BIBLIOGRAPHYProcter,M.(1999).Advice on Academic Writing .Toronto,Ontario,Canada.website:http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/ab