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| THR ONLY PAPER X .^ Irab M Urgvljr t IX RARITAN TOWNSHIP i VOL. XIL NO 25 METUCHEN. N. J., SATU3 tDAY. JUNE 24 . 1905. TO OUR READER*. W * DUBLRU TO- CALL THB ATTIN TION o r OUR RBADORa TO OUR AJ>- YBRTfBINQ COLUMN*. W1 DO NOT AOOBPT A D V HR TIIM IN TB OK DOUBTrUU /CHARACTBit. AND WE ADMIT ONLY SUCH FLRMfl Afl ARM BELIEVED TO BB UPRIGHT AND FAIR AND WHO OIVB THEIR CUS- TOM— ifl THB WORTH OF THEIR MONBT IN OOODB PURCHASED. THB I^WBRTKON OF AN ADVBRTI8EM B3 NT IN OUR COLUMN* 18 A PERSONAL RBCXX>KMBNDATION BT UR THAT THB ADVERTISER 18 WORTHY OF TOUR PATRONAG B. IVimift CAU8 B. U. TAPKEN, JK W K LK R , COIL OBURCH AND NBILBOH DR. HEMAN ANDERSON DBNBBT, Post Offlc* Building. PERTH AMBOY. N Office* Hour*: • a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, l i . a U Ip .n i' '| '* 1 RANDOLPH 8TCDI0.8 i 8 all pries* Portraits and Flutom ph at all > w fra ass. l i t Osorps IM M (epp. boldlan Monu- Mat). Maw Braaswlek M, J. ^ <X KELLY. Dealer la Ctol ad Lumber Lumber of ell Bads by tke car-lsad er la smell lets An the deal (redes ef osal kept la stock. Offlc* acd Yard. Pert Rmdlag Teak. Orders recslred at the par4 aad Leek Bel 446. Te«epheo*m IN AND AROUND THE YILLAGE .STORY OF OUR LIVER FROM DAY .. iO DAY ' TAKE NOTICE. WB SHALL SEND OUT BILLS TO ALL WaaOSH 8UBSORIBTION8 ARE DUB JULY 1. SOMETIME BEFORE THAT DATE SO THAT THEY MAI PARTICIPATE IN THE BICYCLE CON- TEST, BY VOTING. FOR THEIR FAV- ORITE BOY OR GIRL THE CENSUS. Tlitj census enumerator Unde some dif- ficulty in 8< ctii ins the ages of gome of •>ur ladies. He must All in the figure# itut;if ho has to gueBg at it he may widely miss the mark. POPULAR BOY OR GIRL, our boys and girls have keen so busy with school examinations and exercises have concluded to extend the time for the Bicycle Contest to Saturday, July Notice the conditionsIn another column The following votes have beenreceived: Willie Breen ...j ................?............................ 3a Ray Wtlon ................................................ » Luther H Rid die .................... ' .......... .'..*....12 Wllie Smith ....<•............................................ & Warren Drake .................................................. 8 Ether Antisdel .................................................. U i Whalen ............. .... ..................... ..Zl Jennie Almond ..................................................7 P E R SO N A LS. Edward MaiMn is enjoying his 1 tlon. E. B. Dana is spending some weeks in DR. I. F. POTTER DENTIST. O ftat at reoidenoo. Hillside Arena*, MKTUCHEN. N. J. Oiiao hoarv: MO to 4:00 p. ' Wodneederg. 0 C. CAMPBELL. 1m l Ri a ls aad Iamiuno*. Low Rates. The II — gaulm. Ohm tad ass and get roar Ht psrty laamrai . Main atrast, Matoehau. N. J. Notary PUbUc. pwnstons Collected. 0 t>, s n m xAS. Ushllrtal M l Lending Jswator and Op- Usiam. flfcmsads, Welch** aad BarJfta( Sliver. H 1 Church Ere*. Haw Bruns wick, N. /. Card B a y la g aad Wedding lavttalkaa. PuiYtaf mod Hxircuttin*. Cigar* and Tohegeo. MAIN BT. C O M M U N IC A T IO N S. Editor Recorder:— 1 see by your last week# paper that we nre to .have another school meeting called, and that two sites are to be *ub- mllted to vote for a new building. The subject w» w©U UlacuMtxl jit th* former meeting, and all I wish to say' fg that I do not ae« the wisdom of buying an- other lot, when we already have one large enough for any building we may desire. Yours truly, - ECONOMY -^Mc uchchj 'vffoHfcr ;-i— ' Editor Recorder:4 The .following letter will be of interest Metuchen. N. J., June 20, 1905. Mr Dear Mr. Molineux: Yours of the 18th Inst, received and noted. In regard to a lot for a school house would gay that some people say It should be in South Metuchen. If your ^oard should decide to build in that sec- tion of the borough, I will make them x present of a . lot, located on tha Mrs. A. C. MHunt visited Long Branch >n Wednesday. Mrs. Nichols, of New York, lg & guest of Mrg. N. Robins. J. Vernon liutler wag married this week at Worcester, Masg. Rev. and Mrs. Pfenton visited Worces- ter, Mass., on Monday. The Diamond Tolnt Fountain Pen may be had nt our office. George 8. Sllzer Is serving on ithej U. S grand jury at Trenton.—M- ■ Gilbert Mason is at the state mill tary camp at fiea Girt. f I Dr. A. C. Hunt attended fche state me<$- Ical meeting at Long Branch. Mlgs Drayton, of MlddlebUsh. has been visiting Mrg. George Thomas. Mr. and Mrg. Hahm welcomed a little dauhter to their family circle this w|fck. Rev. Edgar C. Mason will occupy the pulpit of the Progbpterlan church tomor^ row. Richard Colburn, formerly of Metuchen, ms recently married to a lady In the Wegt. s. J. B. Taylor and Miss Sadie Blake- ly, of Chester, Pa., are visiting relatives in town. - Mrs. F. A. Pattison entertained an »»- tomoblle party of the COlonla club laat Saturday. Dr. Ellis will be away from hlfi dutieg from June 28 to July 3, returning at the latter date. K*v. C. C. CUln, formed ily of Metuchen wag recently married to \ young lady of Branchvllle. J. T. Murghall and the members of the BMIson company enjoyed an outing near Mfink) Park last Saturday. C. H, Fetterly will enjoy his vaction at Thousand Iglands next' week. A com- petent pharmacist will take charge of the Metuchen Pharmacy during his absence. Mlgg Lydia Crowell will reopen h«r kin- dergarten in the fall and would be <&lad to enrol new pupijs at any time. jame McKalg and family, of Jersey City, wHl *>ecupy the Poole house on Roge sereet Somerville,, June 20.—Harry Illingworth the twelve year old son of George Ill- ingworth. a former superintendent of the Somerset woolen mills, was arrested last .night charged- with-«<jm«nit44ftg * murder* oua assault on Katie Jeked, aged & years at her home In Raritan. The girl was struck on the head with a stone, and the doctors say she will die. The girl's par- ents charge young Illingworth with throwing the stone in a fit of anger, but his friends say It was an accident. The Illingworth family has had a strange run of ill luck during the paat, - months. George Illingworth, the taker, was badly Injured It la said. In C A S U A L C C M M EN T. Our local autotnobtllfltl chines at a moderate rat* a do with those who o< from a dls. our streets at 'thing should tance and go through such a fearful ratot HIIUU1 U be done forbidding unla f u| apeed and insisting upon all necegg jy precautlong to avoid accidents. A correspondept calls \ call for a special school clde upon a site for a ngp This is an Important m ttv anil' nMdi cool discussion ied. There will locorder before ■ eful consideration before & decision Is be one more Issue of th^ the Unte of the nt^eUng-k & we v m wei. pome contributions on « y.abject. 8eno them in early and gjve Q jp„r name for publication ifuuiaauvii nuitM * order, but proof of your slnoeiW 3 W« publish anonymous communlcotj^ |. Do not neglect to cdlB Robinson's polite requss own OVTKMt Z M trucim N A M uor Vrun their ma- but what shall PRICE, THREE CENTS C H U R C H CH IM ES. AT TABLE SETTING, 'or the table-setting Fewer are the places, 'ewer round tilla b le Grow the chiltfiW* faces. ttentlon to th^ iting to de- schooi bulldlnK ly with Clerk to ownefs of do* or dors. July « * 1 * Hnn ^ here and some dog’s days n*Qr. poon be ended, One of our subscriber* ind8 u_ ^ rount, taken from a Pkll delphla paper, of the obsirvahee of f jrjgg day an(1 the Betsx Ross house ta C a t city; think- lug It would bo of Intri* ,, t0 ihe High school putl* hs accounl Is lengthy and ootioluAsMf fW|ow5; .“n , work of ravin* the BM !y Rou ll0UM tg rauldly drawing to A uc»Mful close. This fact war tmounoad ,t ,he remi-an- nua( nleatln* h t th» tnwrlcan Flag house and BotW , *am) [emorlal asso- ciation, held yeaterdap i srnlng |n the old house. Dr. Edward » Oka. president Of tho association, prw «K), , nd ,wtrl_ otic addresses were made * fleorge Clin, ton Batcheller, of N«w -I krk: Secretary John Quincy Adam* Mkars. The port of the seerturfr W * that the ‘Roil of i(onor," wAMtlW to contain! 1,000,000 names and «M r*i h of men. w o .,- - men and chlldrsn o( tffff] ggetion of the’ ► AC* a l 7 45 P- ' country who havg pted ten cents n0*(day. evening and ob tain tied rnaslwl p certificates, ^ noxV numbers Ms,**. DC J |m , goo.OOQ ce r- tlflcatsg wer* Issued it ^ .^fwldsntB of Philadelphia." • W Changes .changes, changes Life and I>eaih are bringing; fioro my goul misgives me, Fears my heart are wringing. Otherwise I fancied As I hushed their Weeping; Otherwise 1 fancied As I watched them sleeping. small, we kept them near uj Thou and I together; Hard the task without thee, Lonely the sndeavor. Round the board so crowded Wider grow tho spaces, For the table-getting' Fewer are the places. —Eveline Metheny, in the Atlantic. SUNDAY SCHOOL. The Ceatenary M. M. Sunday school till meet at 9.15 a. m., until further notice. NOTES FROM NEARBY VILLAGES The Most Popular Bov or G ir l. WEEKLY CTCUM OP THE SUBURBAN RECORDER, pie Ogden Iron end Steel Manufactur- ing company lie, filed artlclea of Incur- poration in the county clerk'* office. The concern has its office at Avgnei, jugt outside of Rahway. It ha* a capital stuck of 110,UU) and commence* business with $1,0)0 subscribed by ths following stockholders: Edward A. fltulta, Avtnei. $W0; Jame* L O’Neill, New York, $100; Edward Ma*laglio, New York, $100. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. R$v. J. G. Maaon, D. D., pastor—Sun- day school, 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a m., and 7.45 p. m.;Chriatlan Endeavor.' 7 p. ; prayer service. Wedne*day, 7.41 p.m. REFORMED CHURCH. Rev. R. V. V. Scarls, pastor—Sunday school, 9.45 a. m .; preaching 11 a. .m and <.* p. m.; Christian Endeavor prayer meeting. 6< 4 g ft, in.; prayer service Wed- neaduy evening, 7.15 p. m. BETHEL A M. E MISSION. Rev. F F Smith, pastor—Preaching at 11 a m.; Sunday sphpol at S p.m.; preach. prayer meeting Wed- »m. All are welcome. HIGH BCHOf ' m The attraction of b t tered in the coma ciseg of the High were held on ThuraAay Treahytaian .,,*kiMol*^ were no gmtfAaCfea thM , the extending of th* eat*, Interesting program Included repreoentafSy* m grade, and the etog| «f iadleo who will b« In their flag raarcb. feature. The churcj^ audience, be*kfte the made up of tk# CORPORATIONS PAY STATE 52.465,164.57 _ » k ’n i m ,, 2 SgJwUIiR W jW iw r. Drop-, James A. Duane, OONfftAOTOB, Carpenter and Builder. > JOIAIHO riOMPILT ATTMDXD. P. 0. Box #5^.> Metachen, N. J. T>urab*N m, William i Bennett ■ A NIT ART WiraiNKRR V T**«L.P" < 0 h *J‘ - wi^on glwifi*.fiKTon ^ wiwem' 'J R ^'*d Th* »rwun>f ttr KIg>i ehd |*'»i ii>a e<rleu.iy wuu„d^ ^ ,7 ^ -T” ' — r. vzriw 10,10 M Illingworth’* young daughter* truly your*. •< IbelleVed to be dylag. °“«r *»ouU - the FUTATO BUO Pluimbinf 8tum tad Tlnnln*. Kni o* W fi? Ishmna en 4 - ■ - * **eir *«rt> promptly l reduction of 60 per oent. An old And' reftlr work to meet-tho- -prarAHinr pr.oMon new wofkAg preeeet. - ; Work dceeby npervrAeed workmen. M ela Nctwef, ... Metaohaa. BAKBBY W . tt. H AGAB ’ Tho old. Mtkbliihod lakery MAHt STREET TRUMKN T PIERSON Real Eetat. eat inaunncni *••! Oompanlee. low Koto# ■taU/W BUtLDINq, RAIn-Street. • ’■ J i W- 4- . '■ , • > ■- . Save Car Fare Ladies and*Gents ' FINE 7 TAftORtNG July C. but should tho vole be ndver«. toT yoT'LrVo^1' r°“r tStl'r patch tte-P rW u o n . to h. submitted "> » meeting, the eefeptance of Mr. Edgnr’a ill. eet.th .u offer at a later meeting could be ma*T to Nor „t„!l , ',h* llvelon* a*r. cover the pr<«eut need. Of the w fu * h L 7 » ,T £ Z J? "T achool at a legs cost and with more con- I toll y o T h .' ’L " 1* ' -'deration for the fu,ur, ,b .„ propo, ' y° u h e * * rrl* ht- sltlons now before tho public. I , Tho lot offered Is « per cent larger | Qa peeo out^h*" PUnU b'* ln than the proaent school Hit, giving anifclo | Ana E ll ..a “ cr“,,t- roonj for ptay grounds nnj the dralnkge f it aodm. d ,nd •ome more; la oicellent^ To those unfamlluf, With thfe I ,f *** bu»«- S 'r t r patch hounded on the north & High street, o'Vl |so„ 5 the coot by Main Street, oil the south by Brunwlek- apvenue, atjd oh the west tit Thomas gtreef. '■ *’ 1 4 U M. Mdt.IMKUA' credit ts thaanemv may ww» 4*r y n The following 1 tu; I— cr0*> ought io be, fc ^ !L tr,rnmed top* ant? 1 .000,090 bug* I *U t^kt you can aee being much appla OrchgBtra Invocation ..^.votat.. Chorus, Picnic Glee Recitation. Mix* $olo, Good Bye ....... Doll Drill ..................... Sailor Boy. song ....... Parosol DrlM ............... Chorug, Summer Mother Goose, copiedy , ena Duet, Under the Old Un. Holen Riddle Russell Purd] .... u - h(V,. ( horug, Call to Arm * ........ iade Recitation, Banner Batny ■ Barm t Hall Clao, Drill . — ^ O th year Presentation ,r'ce rlM^ l .T " 1*’ Chon,., Hoar Hall CMu» L w e r f ^ The corttnc.,^ of pros. ,. ^ * 1 Ton thousand churches pained with I- M. Faint, ana are most Attractive. Lib- eral quantity given free. Four gallops 1* ft M. Paint mixer with three gallons of oil, will palm a house. Wears and cavers like gold, lron't pay jgt.BO a ration for linseed — Whloti you dp In ready-td-use paint. U shojild nof be that this Is thus, There's hope yet-to be .eon At the Metuchen Pharmacy you can buy A preventative—get Far la ureen. II In a kind of bllio^ mood, Toil will, an'»ld »0 4t»e«l '(«od. Ifo oth,,r plU,la half ao goyd A. DeWttt'a Little Early Blaera. I ; B A R L T RWBR8 Buy. OU fresh from the barrel at «0c |lousneasnLet^re!l' ®*clt Kaadache, Bll- t^«ll<m .m |d mix It with Longman A but Impart **'* ** Marttoe,.^m. it mak#a ^ co8t leg. ch l.d ^ ^ l. 2 ** *" than R .» » wtioa * P h a n n a c y Bol<l by Metuehea 'ill! n " p*r BeL*hr%y Gregory, Fort Plain N, T. ■ °l<1 U * M pal nt for over Mtjtatf*, and everyone lg surprised to nd Mkrilttle la required to paint a big house.• e- BDW br Metuchen Hardware Company THRE5 ACCOUNTINGS V aprroved in court ! X pupil* is the m fourteen In the eight* | At ,h. N* TI<JNAL »* ^ directors n w l a r 'n” Un* ' were .L Z T r ' V"n“* “ > •!» « opening directed to make preparmt n, p-r Mn* savtnga department. T rail fum . of mtereat will bo Ottawa , ' J u““ ^ $8 and over. Amount of $ h ^ will he received |„ " * okknto. ^ ^ ....... ..a ..... . T h e bo*ur4|' alob dealded i m i m ill ficatga of depoit and intec tw date of kchAMential J-oksWATAWn buMnaaa of t ^ transacted an w tbe wank s *f*: *»rr much enooun^ad y a lh a . IHtfely lncreeelng, amount yet M* t _ ^ akte and the coat of the 7he- detemriaed upew. 'It Is the Intention, of tkg. appreciated I a udience. String'Club J. Ch Magon - ........... flohoci il*n McAdams Campbell ..lgt year ................. Doya and $th yearg .............. Sehoel Sr year Trenton. June 1 C—Irvine A. Maguire, secretary of tho «Ute board of aa- ee**or*. yesterday filed with the state tomptroller the second schedule of, aaeesa monii itairiel miibeilahWus cofpomfions of the state. It Included MO oompanlea, and the total tax assessed to them Is MW.MB.Bt The first schedule, whleh to always fia ..largest* w as filed last wesk. and th* two combined give 1,074 corporation* as- sessed. with a total tax of $I.4M,1M.B7. The total I* A l more companies than had been tseessed at thb same time tost year. Corporations or# aaseaslfi ao their tom ital stock issued and outstanding, gas JJj 9i this etosa of con poratioas la the seals la abeat 16,W ******* that^ »,d have noTyer been assessed. Tha total number ef cor- porations u A is e ) last ysar was 10,011, and the tax amounted- to ABM,MUM. It is expected that tklis> y e a r t h e <»« " IU ** ,eM- though ttore ora more eor- Doratlons owing to the feet that many •t the largest companies, known as the reduc««> ‘ bulr capital or hew Trenton, June l».-The State Beard ot Agriculture has just begun a campaign of education for farmers and fruit grow- ers In New Jersey. secretary Franklin Dye has this to say concerning the work: 'We want to teach the farmers of New Jersey to produce larger and better crops from a smaller acreage. It la really pa- thetic to see how poor farmer* will spread their efforts to increase their1 'in* comes by cultivating as large an acreage as possible. Farmers in these days must study their business-like way. They must learn about the soli sf the farm, iu needs and capababiittles. One acre, well fertilised and well cultivated, will pro- duce more than flv# or ten acres poor- ly farmed and at infinitely less sxpsadi- turo of labor and money.’ A first-class standard Moral* wilt ha S ven to th* moat popUSsr hay ax tori la stuchsn, to be selected by vote os lb* aaupons printed In th* Rsoerdsr. CONDITION*. Eocti coupon must contain ostly < mm vot* for th* boy or girl Written thsrso*. KMch subscriber wtu be entitled to so* hundred vote# for sack e^Ufg paid tm subscription to the Recorder, New Mftasrlbsra will b* nlftftfi to to* hMndrsd votes for to sent* for «U subscriptios; and Moo hundred votoa fto ^ to fer 6ns year’s gutowriptlaa. Ths coolest wll doss and tka prtoa A W ^ U u o olowk, o . aaiurdsv. J .l, vqfw wtuat b. m l • m w .a AAd tha hOAtoet wtu b . MMIakw saw The W ar department has approved of steel spans for the Amboy bridge. Thi* Information wag coneyed In a telegram from Washington, D. C. received bjj freeholder G. J. Haney, of Perth Am. boy, Wednesday afternoon. The telegram reads ag follows, ‘‘Piang for additional spans’ Amboy bridge fcpghosd lkd forwarded todnyv ••JOHN C. SUOFiHLaD, Chief Clerk.'' This news, gratifying to freeholders and everyone In th# county silks, comes only after typg delays and hitches of discouraging fiWponiohi.' The ptaniT after being teat to the War d^pMtment by the county .authorities, according to law, lay untouched and unnoticed In th# national otfitos; for weekg. Letterg ana requests availed nothing. Finally, a few weeks ago,^ Freeholders Haney and Glenn designated * committee to go to Washington and ascertain ths cause of tosoknertg, $l*ffl , Then coaig the report that the plnng had been mislaid In the offices of ths War department. They were dug out and the dirt scraped off, and then the examina- tion which culminated yesterday was begun. The b)dav<^or putting lg these spang, which are dsgjfned to withstand the a»- •aultg of th* MW flees la tjrtntgr« can now NOT1C*. By direction ot tho Mayor and Common Council ot tho Borough of Melucheri;'N. " 1 * , i 'utructtd to publish the follow- Ing notice: All dogj m the said borough are ^ re*l.rerel e„d numb.red. by spotIcatlas the Bo-ouvh Clerk, on or before July **" by the »"«r or owner* of do* «o*», bitch or bitches. Any do*, mole female, runnln* off the owner's ___ reel " lth,out * co" * r upon Ita nebk and registered will b* killed. JOHN ROBIN SON, Borough Clerk GREAT SALS of ftjrntturm. w# have the leading nod most gg-te- ‘Wts furniture that money <*a buy at rock bottom prices. We are sols ngeats for ths Phlladelpkla Blook Oa-Ckrta HAywoo* Brow' OoKMn*. solo M .U for Kfider ssstional rkrtma (km sea. tiooAl tookessea, Mk Caatarf Aprtnt (uniAAtoo It (or A UfoUm. M . *•*' teaulna HArtafalt Ifutrw. MatUat. WkXow y^**- f limlaum. RACR Art R“ IM 1M Pa*A R at Rw*. > BruaawWk. R ^ l r t a , oreoro left at kkA " ^ °®bd will N to ig ottokltoto Have your wqflt dokto^ere., at «.asona- kle prices, and Uent«’ (garments Ologaed, Dyed, Scoured, Repaired and Pressed. Ladies' Dresses and Waists French •Itaned . t dulls made, to ordgr, wen trimmed and guaranteed. .< N. LOOMAR R A I N ffTRJEarr. James Cocks Builder, In Orphan, court yctrrday mornln* three accountlnfx were Approved by Judge Btron*; They are as foltoV,* The accountin'* of Joseph' H fcd.c way, —tale of John Seraany, ehowed en I and many eatat. of Wt.» and a balance Jor 41a. have t0 L.J2* m inI »ln<Ie. W trtbution of tifo.m . Thai tdmfcM-Wae I dt.HM^ * «” *» number of to. amounted .to IM7k " f r J but r" “ k'"* up our .tock In *he matter of the fale of land nf ihe I clot*. . ^ '*u»ht ua that oar jA lfifd I them ell VAriliv™ ^ 'r‘*llt *° “ ttify 3 ^ 4 N - ndmlntoirettw, ,h* aisle of * T™ Woodb' 1# - rtw w h tp jtlon .v e ^ L ^ U ^ ^ * «!«•*- *■ * **** obswe the mertgaito* Wfs o k ldrtu«H >#_ " you wont to be well Preved. r -*► 1,” ^ ' lf ™ -mat clothe, tha, will k-n ■ '** n^nnn^n^JI.Vx. JejRp* Reaper. . coat h>" * ' * * rTt< m - « l~ S * no k S i k f j ^ "J u *« **•< nnff n r— cm . th*.t ^fney cm proewre. 9 *"* boxen for tke fig* g « *M A .W l|l.'bAAMdAA« «**• how many boxa* wm The larger h-taken fuia tho on deposit It) the k u k handeo—er will he Oh » n >ha vault. «2 S b ytM •* * of i **•:* t-Ml* AAkOO Houies for ttle, finished »iMt purchasers. ehowed an e ^ t. of RAU. 7I, and a bal- A,n, R a ^ '" ' anre fo rjMtrthuUM o fjiM ^ Th* «»»c| RMoni W IK eioeutor (amounted tolclathtot. MaorreuH. son ------ l — 17- <*■ I era *ult* •pwats trtois- The acooentlng of Anna M. Mnrtto, {garments ^ toi># S ST S U f ,h* of a ^toJSjTU rebOUS!1«*, ■- ‘-no the Force, of _ Webb, of OnuS* T-oetour erootof. **firftwii»ed at the Of coo* ctreot, Newark. and sum ■ i _ v_e —. • _ ^ sh rsx o T ! I uoncm VALUIT. £ ** * •» jexcurelono to Colons* And PaelSo Oooht Polnu. On Aooo«nt of th. Lewi, aad (Mar* Rxpo.ltloa and various conventions In Colorado and on tho Pacific cont durtaa »he heaoon. apeclal low fora oacunton ticket* wtu U sold, which wtu provide A n o * dellchtful trip throne* th. Weet. At a one, of about one-half ths usual railroad fare. Oak M y Iwfctch Valey ticket acent foe partkculara to J .- * *"a lh» oounael fee amounted I ’ .— ■ -'-wars. , -otnc t>r. BUhop. ‘•rated church, -O f coueln, M ___. Wehh* ton L“ H« U a Force. M FIU CH EN . N. J. *** xtated that Orphans* court flay wonld be July ^ two weak, heoce. Id. •toad of Tutiday, on account of tho boll- . - - , t •. . - . . t s a g ii g »t the woddlnc .. A number stirs* dl QUALITT VB. QUANTTIT: Hard mueclea and .troiif body do not M«eiid on the quantity of food you eat . Jfft On Ite perfect die—tlon and proner krahnUatloD. WhM you take Kodol Dra- pepela Cure pour epatem act. aU tha nour. out of Ml tho food you oat. It th > hal r »« *»< ncardloaa of tke eondltleu of the etomach and cenvcye the hutrlentpcMeytlea to M« Rood and Ua- ™ * -* 114- up and strencthena the entire eyctfp. Medel curie Indication, Dyspepsia, Belehtnc. Sour Stomach. Weak Mea t, eke. Cold by MctffChen PhM*i*cV. THH CHILDRNW C FATORITN. For Croupe. Couch*. Whoopto* Cou«h, « A . Op. Mtauto Couch cure i* the chll- dreh • favorite. Thl. I* bccauM it cou- ***** " * oplat*. to perfectly harmlo*. laata cood and cun*. H K fd V Metuchen atflxr lBcoKDg. rhdtt,„.. day nlchL CHUNK J>) ; ............ . ' T? ‘ 4> ii-.fi S | ;! <S S i « u S : o y s ;: £ « :: Z o 3 ; m 2 , o B i: a A ■i i ... . iftOWCAL LtAffnilNO *W| *'• now ehowlnc twekly Una ef n*w two^le— (coat aad true—r. entyt »ult>. cool proposition, tor hot days; croc end htovk wool wash. M.O; ta. k e a w p ,. w.i.; Oxfofl gray homsapua $kto; aaas light mixed and Oxford gray gght gray end ntOO; ,r.y - r c a tU.U. Ob* pice; spot cash tnaur— you i orerehar*. or undervalue.. UTOMi * FAJtMRR, 1 Pal* Now areasWtek. »■ T. W wdonr, Matuoh—. , ciokhla* r Mra. Phoebe Martin entertained tha Wednesday afternoon at her homo on OiJve street ... aoitM vot* toitow otd a na. It|>>ff*K*Aa A - Onoka if ,M *• ■ • ¥*;** c— k i « P. m. am tnrttfir pertlcuioio. 11m ladle* of the Prabyt^rilaa Guild iet In ths lecture room of th* church on Tueedxy afternoon. C. C. Campbell ha rented one of the Poole houies on Itoge .treat, to Jains* McJCegg, of Jersey City. Two automoblleg were racing on Am- boy av*nus oh Thursday night and on* them wo* wrecked by colliding with b« trolley car. A ball game between the Eagle* and Athletle club lg proposed for July- 4. A ball glove and bat are to t» tha prise* for |h* winner*. i V. Thorn all, relict of Ben- jamin c. Tkeraall. died at h*r > t* rea- ide.uce Ifi New York, In the 78the year of ber age, onJJune 17. The interment was in the Preibyterlan cemetery hgre, on Monday afternoon. “wemrA *•*» S*«l *uo^|. ------------ ——« m a n Metuohw*. •‘a i e e m wocM swuie — T». * ■T *l»n. 11*11 TO fv ■ G RAh« --Tw.tv« acre* off *k*adkM,MMM tor rale; atop *ah **«.,. 1~W n Hra Tho**, HoMamb. Nm »;Br 5 W*|l ____ - ' -. —----* -------- ------ " — ' ^ d A great deal of Innocent fun was hato ®ALto-flfx acre* of staadlto greae. b^Jhos* present^.at the meeting of the **J**r,*e Gss. L. Clarkson or G H Ltoa- - ------ * —- ■ •••rein** v i Men . league of the Reformed churth on Monday evening. We havg received well written report o f the '*Trtal by Jury," but at the request of those ln- teregter w e refrain from publltghlng it. Through th* office of Coiling A Cbr- Nn, Jersey City, attorneys for the estate Tertlug Kempoon. was sold the h°u*e, outbuildings and seven acre* of Mod. situate to th* comer of Woodbridge avenue and Ketopon place, to B k 1C. ttf. MrCkrkea. vo A mmui- ^ wwwc phm na .w w g L m m s Bf irtw ..— ^ .— ‘ *TT T T o W n H n d * •M tm khl, U M r M M IM N •rafwtl. New lock city, th* oonqMna- llon bdnq K M W* are not atA whath. sr Mia* BanforJ wUl occupy hW anw -ot»o at present, but wo are toM that th* prerent occupant wtu HQ* aura U lUrU Amboy. -^a •ff Matwlal are*. » . . W w w tob * h - i i Ito DIE* AND OKNTK * aim! fenta who appreclat* aoaa- fort And It In tha famous “ Kuahkm r . — forr -boas. They are mad. of (rat-clare ' aatortala an* ta all atoao of ,h . m o« fashionable stylea 4- _ D > . RANDOLPH. wo. m Church street, N*w Brunxwtok. u jibs. * a k* — <re*f R R .n i _ rvmm —w * — ‘ NffMh. F. & Kars* id. a.' (1 siw e-**- Thefletuchen National of netuchM, N.J. BOARD or DnUKTOMf c. u o o n a iN . Pirektowt. R. D. KNMT, Vis* PrreM.nt- K. E. hAPPARD. Vt«* Predrer.L A U. m 'l'lM T . hwJ, j ^ OtohtoT CL A . RATON. R a CORBIN. a J. drake , a a KHLuooa a ki U jcer . o. W. U T T W r . w. x MeADAME V . H U O H . - d R T AIEIVO MRA1E.T AMP WkOMH V .....................................-4 ^ ;, - T ilorrU Bass. MAINSTKttty METUCNEN . f

Transcript of vzriwM - digifind-it.com · | t h r o n ly p a p e r ♦ x . ^ i r a b m u rgvljr t ix r a r it a n...

Page 1: vzriwM - digifind-it.com · | t h r o n ly p a p e r ♦ x . ^ i r a b m u rgvljr t ix r a r it a n to w n sh ip i vol. xil no 25 metuchen. n. j., satu3 tday. june 24.1905. to our

| T H R O N L Y P A P E R ♦

X . ^ I r a b M U r g v ljr t IX R A R I T A N T O W N S H I P■ i

VOL. XIL NO 25 METUCHEN. N. J., SATU3 tDAY. JUNE 2 4 . 1905.TO O UR R E A D E R *.


I V i m i f t C A U 8




P o st Offlc* Building. P E R T H AM BO Y. N

Office* Hour*:• a. m. to 9 p. m.Sundays, l i . a U I p . n i '

' | '* 1 RANDOLPH 8TCDI0.8i 8 a ll pries* Portraits andFlu to m p h at a ll > w

fra a ss. l i t Osorps IM M (epp. boldlan Monu- ■ Mat). Maw Braaswlek M, J.

^ <X KELLY.Dealer la Ctol ad Lumber Lumber of ell

B a d s by tke car-lsad er la smell lets An the deal (redes ef osal kept la stock. Offlc* acd Yard. Pert Rmdlag Teak. Orders recslred at the par4 aad Leek Bel 446. Te«epheo*m


.S T O R Y O F O U R L IV E R F R O M D A Y.. i O D A Y '






T H E CE NSUS.Tlitj census enum erator Unde som e d if­

ficulty in 8< ctii ins the ag es o f gom e of •>ur ladies. He must All in the figure# itut;if ho h as to gueBg a t it he m ay

widely miss the mark.

P O P U L A R BO Y O R G IR L , our boys and girls have keen so busy

with school exam inations and exercises have concluded to exten d the time

for the Bicycle Contest to S a tu rd a y , July

Notice the conditions In an o th e r colum nThe follow ing votes have been received:

Willie Breen . . . j ................?............................3aRay Wtlon ................................................ »Luther H Rid die .................... ' .......... .'..* ....12Wllie Smith ....<•............................................ &Warren D rake ..................................................8Ether A ntisdel ..................................................U

i W halen ................. ..................... ..ZlJennie Almond ..................................................7

P E R S O N A L S .

Edward MaiMn is en joy in g his 1 tlon.

E. B. D an a is spending some w eeks in

D R . I . F . P O T T E R

DENTIST.O f tat at reoidenoo. Hillside Arena*,

MKTUCHEN. N. J.Oiiao hoarv: MO to 4:00 p.

' Wodneederg.


1m l Ri a ls aad Iamiuno*. Low Rates. The I I — gaulm. Oh m t a d ass and get roar Ht psrty laamrai . Main atrast, Matoehau. N. J.

N o ta r y PUbUc. pwnstons Collected.

0 t>, s n m x A S .

U s h llr t a l M l Lending Jswator and Op- Usiam. flfcmsads, Welch** aad BarJfta( Sliver. H 1 Church E re*. Haw Bruns wick, N. /. Card B a y l a g aad Wedding lavttalkaa.

PuiYtaf mod Hxircuttin*. Cigar* and Tohegeo. MAIN BT.

C O M M U N I C A T I O N S .

Editor Recorder:—1 see by yo ur last w eek # paper that

we nre to .have another school m eeting called, and th a t two sites are to be *ub- mllted to vote for a new building. The subject w » w©U UlacuMtxl j i t th * form er meeting, and all I wish to s a y ' fg that I do not ae« the wisdom o f b u yin g a n ­other lot, w hen we alread y h ave one large enough for any build ing we m ay desire.

Yours truly,- E C O N O M Y

• - Mc uc hc hj 'vffoHfcr ;-i— 'Editor R ecord er : 4

The .following letter w ill be o f in te re s t M etuchen. N. J., Jun e 20, 1905.

Mr Dear M r. M olineux:Yours of the 18th Inst, received and

noted. In regard to a lot fo r a school house would g ay that some peo ple say It should be in South M etuchen. I f your ^oard should decide to build in th a t sec­tion of the borough, I w ill m a k e them x present o f a . lot, located on th a

Mrs. A. C. M Hunt visited Lon g Branch >n W ednesday.

Mrs. Nichols, of New Y o rk , lg & guest of Mrg. N. Robins.

J. Vernon liu t le r wag m arried this w eek at W orcester, Masg.

Rev. and M rs. Pfenton v is ited W orces­ter, Mass., on Monday.

The Diamond Tolnt F ountain Pen m ay be had nt our office.

George 8. Sllzer Is servin g on ithej U. S grand ju ry a t Tren to n .— M- ■

Gilbert Mason is at the state mill tary camp at fiea Girt. f I

Dr. A. C. H unt attended fche s ta te me<$- Ical meeting a t Lon g Branch.

Mlgs D rayton, o f MlddlebUsh. has been visiting Mrg. G eorge Thom as.

Mr. and Mrg. Hahm welcomed a little dauhter to th e ir fam ily circle this w|fck.

Rev. E d gar C. Mason w ill occupy the pulpit of the Progbpterlan church tomor^ row.

Richard Colburn, form erly o f Metuchen, ms recently married to a lady In the

Wegt.s. J. B. T a ylo r and M iss Sadie Blake-

ly, of Chester, Pa., are v is itin g relatives in town. -

Mrs. F. A. P attison entertain ed an »»- tomoblle p a rty o f the COlonla club laat Saturday.

Dr. E llis w ill be aw a y from hlfi dutieg from June 28 to July 3, returning a t the latter date.

K*v. C. C. CUln, formed ily of M etuchen wag recen tly married to \ yo ung lady of Branchvllle.

J. T . M urghall and the mem bers of the BMIson com pany enjoyed an outing near Mfink) P a rk la s t Saturday.

C. H, F e tte rly will enjoy his vaction at Thousand Iglands next' w eek. A com ­petent pharm acist will take charge of the Metuchen P ha rm acy during his absence.

Mlgg L y d ia C row ell will reopen h«r k in ­dergarten in the fa ll and w ould be <&lad to enrol n ew pupijs at an y time.

ja m e M c K a lg and fam ily , of Jersey City, wHl *>ecupy the Poole house on Roge sere et

Somerville,, June 20.—H a rry Illingw orth the twelve yea r old son o f George Ill­ingworth. a form er superintendent o f the Somerset w oolen mills, w as arrested last .night charged- with-«<jm«nit44ftg * murder* oua assault on K a tie Jeked, aged & years at her home In R aritan. The girl w as struck on the head with a stone, and the doctors say she will die. T h e g ir l's p ar­ents charge yo ung Illin gw o rth with throwing the ston e in a fit o f anger, but his friends s a y It w as an accident.

The Illin gw orth fam ily h a s had a strange run o f ill luck durin g the paat,

- months. George Illin gw o rth, the ta k e r , w as b ad ly Injured It la said. In

C A S U A L C C M M E N T .

Our local autotnobtllfltlchines at a m o derate rat*

a do w ith those who o< from a dls.

our streets at 'thing should

tance and g o through such a fe a r fu l ra to t HIIUU1Ube done forbiddin g unla f u| apeed and insisting upon a ll necegg jy precautlong to avoid accidents.

A correspondept c a l ls \ call fo r a special school clde upon a s ite fo r a ngp This is an Im portant m ttv anil' nM di

cool discussion ied. There will locorder before

■ eful con sideration before & decision Is be one more Issue o f th ^ the Unte o f the nt^eUng-k & w e v m w ei. pome con tributio ns on « y .abject. 8eno them in early an d g jv e Q jp „r name fo r publicationifu u ia a u vii nuitM * order, but

proof of y o u r slnoeiW 3 W« publish anonym ous com m unlcotj^ |.

D o not n eglect to cdlB Robinson's p o lite req u ss

o w n O V T K M t

Z M t r u c i m N A M u o r

Vrun their ma- but what shall


A T T A B L E SETTIN G , 'or the table-setting F ew er are the places,

'ewer round t i l l a b l e Grow the ch iltfiW * faces.

ttentlon to th^ iting to de-

schooi bulldlnK

ly with Clerk to ownefs of

d o* or d ors. J u ly « * 1* H nn ^ here and some d o g ’s d ay s n*Qr. poon be ended,

One of our su bscriber* ind8 u_ ^ r ount, taken from a P k ll delphla paper, of the o b s irv a h e e o f f jrjgg day an(1 the B etsx R oss house t a C a t city; think- lu g It would bo o f Intri* ,, t0ihe H igh school p u tl* h s accounl Is lengthy and o o tio lu A s M f fW|ow5; .“n , w ork o f r a v in * the B M !y R o u ll0UM tg rauldly d ra w in g to A uc»Mful close.Th is fac t w a r tmounoad ,t , he remi-an- nua( nleatln* h t th» tnwrlcan Flag house and B otW , *am) [emorlal asso­ciation, held yeaterdap i srnlng |n the old house. D r. E d w a rd » Oka. president Of tho asso cia tion , p r w « K ) , , nd ,w trl_ otic addresses w ere made * fleorge Clin, ton B atcheller, o f N«w -I k rk: Secretary John Q uincy A d a m * M kars. The port of the s e e r tu r fr W * that the ‘Roil of i(o n o r ," w A M tlW to co n ta in !

1,000,000 names an d « M r * i h o f men. w o . , - - men and ch lld rsn o( tffff] ggetion of the’ ► AC* a l 7 45 P- ' coun try who h a v g pted ten cents n0*(day. eveningand ob tain tied r n a s l w l p certificates, ^ noxV num bers M s,**. DC J |m , goo.OOQ cer- tlflcatsg w e r* Issued i t .^ fw ld sn tB of P hiladelphia." • W

Changes .changes, changes Life and I>eaih are bringing;

fioro m y goul misgives me, Fears m y heart are wringing.

Otherwise I fancied As I hushed their Weeping;

Otherwise 1 fancied As I w atched them sleeping.

sm all, w e kept them near uj Thou and I together;

Hard the ta s k without thee, Lonely the sndeavor.

Round the board so crowded Wider gro w tho spaces,

For the table-gettin g'F ew er are the places.

—Eveline Metheny, in the Atlantic.

S U N D A Y SCHOOL.The C eaten ary M. M. Sunday school

till meet a t 9.15 a. m., until further notice.


T h e M o s t P o p u l a r B o v o r

G i r l .

■ W E E K L Y C T C U M O P T H E S U B U R B A N R E C O R D E R ,

■ pie Ogden Iron end Steel M an ufactur­ing com pany l ie , filed artlclea of Incur- poration in the coun ty clerk'* office. The concern has its office a t Avgnei, jugt outside of Rahw ay. It ha* a capita l stu ck o f 110,UU) and commence* business with $1,0)0 subscribed by ths follow ing stockholders: Edw ard A. fltulta, A vtn ei. $W0; Jame* L O’ Neill, New York, $100; E dw ard Ma*laglio, N e w York, $100.

P R E S B Y T E R IA N CH UR C H .R$v. J. G. Maaon, D. D., pastor—Sun­

day school, 10 a. m .; preaching, 11 a m., and 7.45 p. m .;Chriatlan Endeavor.' 7 p.

; prayer service. Wedne*day, 7.41 p.m.

R E F O R M E D CH URCH .Rev. R. V . V . Scarls, pastor—Sunday

school, 9.45 a. m .; preaching 11 a. .m and <.* p. m .; Christian Endeavor prayer meeting. 6<4g ft, in.; prayer serv ic e Wed- neaduy evening, 7.15 p. m.

B E T H E L A M. E M ISSION.Rev. F F Sm ith, pastor—Preaching at

11 a m.; S un day sphpol at S p.m .; preach.prayer m eeting Wed-

» m. All are welcome.

H IG H BCH Of 'm T h e a ttra ctio n o f b t

tered in th e coma ciseg o f th e H igh were held on ThuraAay T re a h y ta ia n .,,*k iM o l* ^ w ere no gmtfAaCfea thM , the exten ding o f th * eat*, Interesting pro gram Included repreoentafSy* m grade, an d th e etog| « f iadleo who w ill b«In their flag raarcb. feature. The churcj^ audience, be*kfte th e m ade up o f tk#


_ » k ’ n i m , , 2S g J w U I i R W j W i w r . D r o p - ,

James A. Duane,OONfftAOTOB,

Carpenter and Builder. >JOIAIHO riOMPILT ATTMDXD.

P. 0. Box #5 .> Metachen, N. J.T > u r a b * N m ,

William i Bennett■ A N I T A R T W i r a i N K R R

V T**«L.P" < 0h*J‘ - w i ^ o n g lw ifi* .f iK T o n ^ w iw e m ' ' J R „ „

^ '*d Th* » rwun>f t tr KIg>i ehd | * '» i ii>a e< rleu .iy wuu„ d^ ^ ,7 ^ -T” '

— r. vzriw— 10,10 M Illin gw orth ’* yo u n g daughter*truly your*. •< IbelleVed to be dylag.

° “ « r *»ouU - t h e FUTATO BUO

Pluim binf 8tu m t a d T lnn ln * . K n io * W f i ?Is h m n a e n 4 - ■ - *

**e ir *«rt> promptlyl red u c tio n of 60 p e r o e n t. An o ld And'

r e f t l r w o r k to m e e t- t h o - -p ra rA H in r p r.o M o n n e w w ofkA g p re e e e t . - ;

W ork d c e e b y n p e rv r A e e d w orkm en . M e la Nctw ef, ... M e ta o h a a .

BAKBBYW . t t . H A G A B ’

T h o o ld . M t k b l i i h o d l a k e r y


TRUMKN T PIERSONR e a l E e ta t. e a t in a u n n cn i „

* • • ! Oompanlee. l o w Koto#■ t a U /W B U tLD IN q,

RAIn-Street. • ’■ J i

W - 4 - . '■ , • >■- .

Save Car FareLadies and* Gents' FINE 7


July C. but should tho vole be n d v e r« . t o T y o T 'L r V o ^ 1' r ° “ r tStl' r patcht t e - P r W u o n . to h . subm itted "> »■meeting, the eefeptance o f M r. E d g n r’a i l l . e et.th .u offer at a la ter meeting could be m a * T to Nor „t„!l , ',h* llvelon* a*r.cover the pr<«eut n eed. Of t h e w f u * h L 7 » , T £ Z J ? " T ’ achool at a legs cost and w ith m ore con - I toll y o T h . ' ’L " 1* '-'deration for the fu ,ur, , b . „ propo, ' y° u h e * * rrl* ht-sltlons now befo re tho public. I ,

Tho lot offered Is « per cen t la rg er | Qa peeo ou t^ h *" PUnU b' * ln than the proaent school Hit, g iv in g anifclo | Ana E l l . . a “ c r “ ,,t-roonj for ptay grounds n n j the d raln k g e f it aodm. d ,n d •om e more; la oicellent^ T o those unfam lluf, With thfe I ” “ , f *** bu»«-

“ S ' r t r patchhounded on the north & H igh s tre et, o'Vl | s o „ ” 5 the coot by M ain Street, oil the south by Brunwlek- apvenue, atjd oh the w est t i t Thom as gtreef. '■ *’ • 1 4

U M. M d t.IM K U A '

credit t s thaanem vmay ww» 4*r y n

The fo llow in g 1

tu; I— cr0*> ought io be, f c ^ !L tr ,rnmed top* ant? 1.000,090 bug* I *U t^kt yo u can aee

being much applaOrchgBtraInvocation ..^ .vo tat..Chorus, P icn ic Glee Recitation. M ix*$olo, Good B y e .......Doll Drill .....................Sailor Boy. song .......Parosol DrlM ...............Chorug, Summ er M other Goose, cop ied y , ena Duet, Under th e Old Un. Holen Riddle

R u ssell Purd] . .. . u -h(V,.( horug, Call to A rm * ........ ia d eRecitation, B anner Batny ■ B a r m t Hall

C la o , Drill . — ^ O t h year

P resen tation , r ' c e r lM^ l .T " 1*’C h o n ,., Hoar H a ll C M u» L w e r f

The c o r t tn c . ,^ of p ro s. ,. * 1

Ton thousand churches pain ed w ith I- M. Faint, ana are most A ttractive. Lib­

eral quantity given free.Four gallops 1* ft M. P ain t m ix e r w ith

three gallons o f oil, will palm a house. Wears and ca vers like gold, lron't pay jgt.BO a ration fo r lin seed —

Whloti you dp In ready-td-use paint.

U shojild nof be th a t this Is thus,There's hope ye t-to be .eon

A t the M etuchen P harm acy yo u can buy A preventative—get Far la ureen.

II In a kind o f b l l io ^ mood,Toil w ill, a n '» ld »0 4t»e«l '(«od.Ifo oth,,r p lU ,la h a lf ao goyd A . D eW ttt'a L itt le E a rly Blaera.

I ™ ; B A R L T R W B R 8

B u y . OU fresh from the b arrel a t «0c |lousneasnL e t^ re !l' ®*clt K aadache, Bll- t ^ « ll< m .m | d m ix It w ith L on gm an A but Impart * * '* **M a r t t o e , .^ m . i t mak#a ^ co8t le g . c h l . d ^ ^ l . 2 * * * "than R . » » w t io a * Phannacy Bol<l b y M etuehea' i l l ! n " p*r

BeL*hr%y Gregory, Fort Plain N , T .■ °l<1 U * M pal nt for

over Mtjtatf*, and everyone lg surprised to nd M krilttle la required to paint a big h o u s e . • e-

BDW b r Metuchen Hardware Company

THRE5 ACCOUNTINGSV aprroved in c o u r t !

X pupil* i s th e m fourteen In the e ig h t* |

A t , h . N * TI<JN AL » * ^ directors n w l a r ' n” Un* ' were

. L Z T r ' V" n“ * “ > • ! » « opening directed to m ake preparmt n , p -r Mn*savtnga departm en t. T r a i l f u m . of

m terea t will bo O tta w a , ' J u“ “ ^ $8 and over. A m oun t o f $ h ^w ill he received | „ " “ “ *okknto. ^ ^ ....... ..a ..... .

The bo*ur4|' alob dealded i mi m ill ficatga of d e p o i t a n d intec tw d ate of

k c h A M e n tia lJ-oksWATAWn buMnaaa of t ^tra n sacted a n w tb e wank s

*f*: *»rr m uch en o o u n ^ ad y a l h a .

IHtfely lncreeelng, am ount yet M* t _ ^ akte an d the coat o f the

a « 7he- detem riaed upew.'I t I s the Intention, o f tk g .

appreciated I a udience. S tring'C lub

J. Ch Magon- ........... flohoci

il*n McAdams Campbell

..lg t year................. Doyaand $th yearg.............. Sehoel

Sr year

Trenton. Jun e 1C —Irvine A. Maguire, secretary o f tho «Ute board of aa- ee**or*. y e sterd a y filed w ith the state tomptroller the second schedule of, aaeesa m onii ita ir ie l m iibeilahW us cofpom fions o f the sta te. It Included MO oompanlea, and the to ta l t a x assessed to them Is MW.MB.Bt

The first schedule, whleh to alw aysfia ..largest* w a s filed last w esk. and th*

tw o combined g iv e 1,074 corporation* as­sessed. w ith a to ta l tax of $I.4M,1M.B7. The total I* A l m ore com panies than had been tseessed a t thb sam e time tost year.

Corporations or# aaseaslfi a o their tom ita l stock is sued and outstan ding, g a s

■ JJj 9i th is etosa o f conporatioas la th e seals la a b e a t 16,W******* that^ » , d h a v e n o T y e rbeen assessed. T h a to ta l number e f cor­porations u A i s e ) last ysar w as 10,011, and the tax am ounted- to ABM,MUM.

I t is expected that tklis> y e a r th e <»« " IU ** ,eM- though tto re ora m ore eor- Doratlons ow in g to the feet that m any • t the largest com panies, know n a s the

reduc««> ‘ bulr capita l or h ew

Trenton, June l» .-T h e State B eard ot A gricu ltu re has ju st begun a campaign o f education for farm ers and fruit gro w ­ers In New Jersey. secretary Franklin D ye has this to say concerning the w ork:

'W e w ant to teach the farm ers of New Jersey to produce larger and better crops from a smaller acreage. It la really pa­thetic to see how poor farm er* w ill spread their efforts to increase their1'in* com es by cultivatin g as large an acreage as possible. Farm ers in these days must study their business-like way. They must learn about the soli s f the farm , iu needs an d capababiittles. One acre, well fertilised and well cultivated, will pro­duce more than flv# or ten acres poor­ly farm ed and a t infinitely less sxpsadi- turo o f labor and money.’

A first-class sta n d ard Moral* w ilt ha

Sven to th* moat popUSsr hay ax tori la stuchsn, to be selected by vote o s lb *

aaupons printed In th * Rsoerdsr. CO ND ITIO N*.

Eocti coupon m ust contain ostly <mm vot* for th* boy or g ir l Written th srso * .

KMch subscriber wtu be entitled to s o * hundred vote# fo r sa c k e^Ufg p a id tm subscription to the Recorder,

New Mftasrlbsra w ill b* nlftftfi to to * hMndrsd votes for to sent* for «U subscriptios; and Moo hundred vo to a ft o

^ t o fer 6ns year’ s gutowriptlaa.T h s coolest wll d o s s and tk a prtoa

A W ^ U u o olowk, o . aa iu rd sv . J . l ,

vqfw wtuat b . m l • m w . a AAd tha hOAtoet wtu b . M M Iakw s a w

The W a r department has approved o f steel spans for the A m boy bridge. T h i* Inform ation wag coneyed In a telegram from W ashington, D. C. received bjj free h o ld er G. J. H aney, of Perth A m . boy, W ednesday afternoon. „

T h e telegram reads ag follow s,‘ ‘P ia n g for additional spans’ Am boy

bridge fcpghosd lk d forw arded todnyv ••JOHN C. SUOFiHLaD, Chief C lerk .''

Th is news, gratify in g to freeholders and everyon e In th# county s ilks, com es only a fte r typg d e lays and hitches o f d iscouragin g fiW po n io h i.' The ptaniT after b ein g teat to the W ar d^pMtment by the county .authorities, according to law, la y untouched an d unnoticed In th# national o tfito s; fo r w eekg. Letterg an a requ ests availed nothing. F in ally, a few w eeks ago,^ Freeholders H aney and Glenn

designated * com m ittee to go toW ashin gton and ascerta in ths cause o f tosoknertg, $l*ffl

, Th en co a ig the report that the plnng had been mislaid In the offices of ths W ar departm ent. They w ere dug out and the d irt scrap ed off, and then the exam in a­tion w hich culm inated yesterday w as begun.

The b )d av<^or puttin g lg these spang, which a re dsgjfned to withstand the a»- •aultg o f th* MW flees la tjrtntgr« can now

N O T 1C * .B y direction ot tho M ayor and Common

Council ot tho Borough of M elucheri;'N ." 1 * , i 'u t r u c t t d to publish the follow-

Ing notice:A ll dogj m the said borough are ^

re* l.re re l e „d num b.red. by spotIcatlas the Bo-ouvh Clerk , on or before July * * " by the » " « r or owner* o f do*

«o*», bitch or bitches. A ny do*, mole female, run n ln * off the ow ner's ___

reel " lth,out * co " * r upon Ita nebk and registered w ill b* killed.

JOHN R O BIN SON, Borough Clerk

GREAT SALS o f ftjrntturm. w # have the leadin g nod most g g-te-

‘W ts furniture th a t money <*a buy a t rock bottom prices. W e are so ls ngeats fo r ths P hllad e lp kla Blook O a-C k rta H Aywoo* Brow' O oKM n *. solo M . U for K fid er ssstional rkrtm a ( k m sea . tiooAl tookessea , M k C a a ta r f Aprtnt

(uniAAtoo It (o r A U fo U m . M . * • * ' ™ t e a u lna H Artafalt I f u t r w .

M atU at. W kX ow y ^ * * - f limlaum. RACR A rtR “ I M 1M P a*A R a t R w * . >

BruaawWk. R ^ l r t a , oreoro left at kkA " ^ °®bd w ill N t o i g ottokltoto

H ave yo u r w q flt dokto^ere., a t «.asona- kle prices,

an d Uent«’ (garm ents Ologaed, Dyed, Scoured, Repaired an d Pressed.

Ladies' D resses and W a is ts French •Itaned. tdulls made, to ordgr, w en trimmed an d

guaranteed. .<


James CocksBuilder,

In Orphan, court y c tr r d a y m o rn ln * three accountlnfx were Approved by Judge Btron*; T h ey are as fo lto V ,* •

T h e accountin'* o f Joseph' H f c d . c w ay , — tale of John Seraany, ehow ed en I and many e a ta t . o f W t .» an d a balance J o r 41a. h ave t0 L . J 2 * m in I »ln<Ie. Wtrtbution of tifo.m. T h a i td m fcM -W ae I d t .H M * «” *» num ber o f to.am ounted .to IM 7k " f r ™ “ J but r" “ k '" * up o u r .to c k

In *he matter o f the fa le o f land n f ih e I clot*. . ^ '*u » h t ua th a t oar

j A l f i f d I them e ll V A r i l iv ™ ^ ' r‘* llt * ° “ ttify 3 ^ 4 N - ndmlntoirettw, ,h * aisle o f* “ T™ W oodb' 1# - r t w w h t p j t lo n . v e ^ L ^ U ^ ^ * « ! « • * -*■ * **** obswe the mertgaito* W fs o k ld rtu « H ># _ " you wont to be wellP reved. r - * ► 1 , ” “ ^ ' lf ™ -m a t c lo th e , th a , w ill k - n

■ '** n ^ n n n ^ n ^ J I .V x . Je jR p* R e a p er . . coat h>" * ' **rTt< m -«

l ~ S * no k S i k f j ^ " J

u *« **•< nnff n r — c m .th*.t ^fney cm proewre. 9 *"* boxen for tk e fig* g« * M A . W l |l.'bAAM dAA« «**• how many box a* wm

The larger h - t a k e n fuia tho on deposit It) the k u k handeo—er will he Oh» n >ha vault.

«2 S b y t M• * * of i

* *•:* t-Ml* AAkOO

Houies for ttle, finished »iMt purchasers.

ehow ed an e ^ t . o f R A U .7I, a n d a b al- A ,n , R a ^ ' " 'a n re f o r j MtrthuUM o f j i M ^ T h * « » » c |

RM oni W I K e io e u to r (amounted t o lc la th to t . M ao rreuH . son ------l— 17- <*■ I era *ult* ■ •pwats trtois-

T h e acooentlng o f A nna M. M n rtto , {garm en ts ^ toi>#

SSTSUf ,h* of a ^toJSjTUrebOUS!1 «*, ■- ‘-no

theForce, of _W ebb, o f O n u S *T - o e t o u r ero o to f.**firftwii»ed at the

Of c o o * ctreo t, N ew ark.and s u m ■ i _ v_e —. • _

^ s h r s x

o T !

I u o n c m V A L U I T .£ * * * • » jexcurelono to C o lo n s * And PaelSo Oooht P o ln u .On Aooo«nt o f t h . L e w i, a a d (M ar*

R xpo .ltlo a and variou s conventions In Colorado a n d on tho Pacific c o n t durtaa »he heaoon. a p eclal low fora o acu n ton ticket* wtu U sold, which wtu provide A n o * dellchtful trip throne* t h . W eet. At a one, o f a b o u t one-half ths usual railroad fare.

O ak M y Iwfctch V a ley ticket a c en t foe partkculara

to J . - * * " a lh» oounael fee am ounted I

’ . — ■ - '- w a r s . ,-otnc t>r. BUhop. ‘ •rated church, •

- O f coueln, M ___. W ehh * to nL“ H« Ua Force.

M F I U C H E N . N . J .

*** xtated th a t Orphans* court flay w on ld be July ^ tw o w eak , heoce. Id . •to ad o f T u tid ay, on account o f tho boll-

. - - , t •. . - . . t s a g i i g »t th e woddlnc . .

A num ber s t i r s *

dl QUALITT VB. QUANTTIT:Hard mueclea and .troiif body do not

M«eiid on the quantity of food you eat . Jfft On Ite perfect die—tlon and proner krahnUatloD. WhM you take Kodol Dra- pepela Cure pour epatem act. aU tha nour.

out of Ml tho food you oat. It th > hal r»« *»< ncardloaa of tke

eondltleu of the etomach and cenvcye the hutrlentpcMeytlea to M« Rood and Ua-

™ * -*114- up and strencthena the entire eyctfp. Med el curie Indication, Dyspepsia, Belehtnc. Sour Stomach. Weak Meat, eke. Cold by MctffChen PhM*i*cV.

TH H C H ILD R N W C F A T O R IT N .For Croupe. Couch*. Whoopto* Cou«h,

«A . Op. Mtauto Couch cure i* the chll- dreh • favorite. Thl. I* bccauM it cou- ***** "* oplat*. to perfectly harmlo*. laata cood and cun*. H K fdV Metuchen

a t f l x r lB c o K D g .

r h d t t , „ . . d ay n lc h L


; .............' T? ‘ 4>

ii-.fi S |;! <S S i

« u S: o y s ;: £ « :: Z o 3 ; m 2 , o B

i: a

A■i i

... .iftO W C A L LtAffnilNO

*W| * '• now ehowlnc twekly U n a e f n*w tw o^le— (coat aad true—r . entyt »ult>. cool proposition, tor hot days; c r o c end htovk wool wash. M.O; ta . k e a w p , . w .i.; Oxfofl gray homsapua $kto; aaas light mixed and Oxford gray gght gray

end ntOO; , r . y - r c a tU.U.Ob* p ic e ; spot cash tnaur— you i

orerehar*. or undervalue..

UTOMi * FAJtMRR, 1 Pal*Now a r e a s Wtek.

»■ T. W w d o n r , Matuoh— . ,ciokhla* r

Mra. Phoebe M artin entertained tha W ednesday afternoon a t h er homo on OiJve s tr e e t

... a o i t M v o t* toitowotd a na. I t | > > f f * K * A a A - O n o k a i f, M *• ■ • ¥ * ;** c — k i « P. m. a m

tn rttfir pertlcuioio.

11m lad le* o f th e P rabyt^rilaa G uild iet In th s lecture room o f th* church on

Tu eedxy afternoon.

C. C. Campbell h a ren ted one o f the Poole h o u ie s on Itoge .tre a t, to Jains* McJCegg, o f Jersey C ity .

Tw o autom oblleg w ere racing on A m ­boy a v * n u s oh Thursday night and on*

them w o* wrecked by colliding with b« tro lley car.

A ball gam e between the Eagle* and A th letle club lg proposed for July-

4. A b all g love and b a t a re to t» tha prise* fo r |h* winner*.

i V. Thorn all, relict of Ben­jamin c . T keraall. died a t h*r > t * rea- ide.uce Ifi N ew York, In the 78the year of ber age, onJ June 17. T h e interment was in the P reiby terlan cem etery hgre, on Monday afternoon.

“ w e m r A* •*» S*«l * u o ^ | .

------------ — — « m a n Metuohw*.

•‘ a i e e m w o c M s w u i e — T » .* ■T*l»n .11*11 TO fv ■G R A h« --Tw.tv« acre* off *k*adkM ,M M M tor rale; atop * a h ■ * * « . , . 1 ~ W n H r a T h o * * , HoMa m b . N m »;Br 5 W *|l

____ - ' -. —----*-------- ------ " — ' ^ dA great deal of Innocent fun was hato ®ALto-flfx acre* o f staadlto greae.

b^Jhos* present^.at the meeting of the **J**r,*e Gss. L. Clarkson or G H Ltoa-- ------ * — - ■ •••rein** v iMen . le a g u e of the R eform ed ch u rth on Monday evening. W e h avg received well w ritte n report o f the '*Trtal by Ju ry ," bu t a t the request o f those ln- teregter w e refrain from publltghlng it.

Through th* office o f Coiling A Cbr- Nn, J e rse y C ity , attorn eys fo r the estate

T ertlu g Kempoon. w as sold the h°u*e, outbuildings and seven acre* of Mod. s itu a te t o th* c o m e r o f Woodbridge avenue a n d Ketopon p lace, to B k 1C.

t t f . MrCkrkea.

v o A m m u i-

^ ww wc p h m n a . w w g L m m s

B f i r t w . . — ^ . — ‘ *TT T T o W n H n d *

• M t m k h l , U M r M M I M N

• r a f w t l . N e w lo c k c ity , th* oonqM na- llon b d n q K M W * a r e n o t a t A w h ath . sr Mia* BanforJ wUl occupy h W a n w -ot»o a t p resen t, but w o a re toM th a t th* prerent occupan t w tu H Q * a u r a U lU r U Amboy. - ^ a

•ff Matwlal are*. » . .W w w t o b

* h - i i

I to DIE* AND OKNTK * aim! fenta who appreclat* aoaa-

fort And It In tha famous “ Kuahkm r . — forr -boas. They are mad. o f (rat-clare

' aatortala an* ta all atoao of ,h . m o« fashionable stylea 4-

„ _ D > . RANDOLPH.wo. m Church street, N*w Brunxwtok.


j i b s .

* a k * —<re*f RR.ni _ rvmm —w * — ‘ NffMh. F. & Kars* id. a.' (1

s i w e - * * -Thefletuchen


of netuchM, N.J.BOARD o r DnUKTOMf

c . u o o n a i N . Pirektowt.R. D. K N M T , Vis* P rreM .nt- K. E. hAPPARD. Vt«* Predrer.L A U. m ' l ' l M T . h w J , j ^ O tohtoTCL A . R A T O N .R a CORBIN.a J. d r a k e , a a KHLuooa a k i U j c e r .o. W. U T T W r .w. x Me ADAMEV . H U O H . -


R T AIEIVO MRA1E.T AMP WkOMH V.....................................-4 ^ ; , - •

T ilorrU Bass.MAIN STKttty METUCNEN. f

Page 2: vzriwM - digifind-it.com · | t h r o n ly p a p e r ♦ x . ^ i r a b m u rgvljr t ix r a r it a n to w n sh ip i vol. xil no 25 metuchen. n. j., satu3 tday. june 24.1905. to our

a . pbicxitt,A * W .

t ■. d . prick n r ,MU tor.


Tk* O v P»B*r ruMtatod to M eueh.a

•* M n w n M agU O ofta , • m u . AAvarttoag I M R u U K a o n

’ Vto'ificortier will w found an rate at ,k* ,•***•• ot Union NeWo Oo„ J. Porry.v* union new* uo., nnd 'lt tut oOo* ot publication. «rrat, Xotuobon.

m o r e f a c il it ie s a n d im provedME3NTS FOR THE PATRONS OF THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAiL.

BATUk d a t , JUN* N, JM.



j - . i



to a fl round trip tickets to Portland. <*»•., from dsto till Boptoubor » . and •Ood^o rat urn within at days for rum to to Daavar and rat urn far W oo. on aala frera.June a tUI July A and rood for re. turajtrlp UU August 11 and it, anal re- tura Halt (aptaanbar S: a Daaver and, ratuw, on aala Auruat B llu Bhpterabax A n$ura to to mad. tafora October 7. ■uaaar •xoureton tleketa on aala to Dan. aar, Colorado Springe and Pueblo till Bop. ‘ •■tor aad rood to a t urn till October U lor ML*. Ian Fraaclaco. oaL, tickets • * II* aid for El. 71 on Auruat i till U. S*0«A0 return within M daya Rata other data! till September to to Loa Anrelea or d$n Fraaclaco. MAW aad anal return lla u r» Bayer Low rater to all otkar

litoral atatwoAe at Nlacara Falla. De­troit. WatMafton. Baltimore, Pblladel- •toa and ether patau af inter**. Vart- •Bto raatw rotor aad oowlaf. if pay in- •totooitoa Ip daatrad. writs or a*. Ira *

r mm,a* w Anbury

To lead, not follow, la the motto which the New Jersey. Central has gefore It at all time* and a demonstration 0f the fact la the establishment of the new uptown ferry of the Jersey Central at West 23d street. The mammoth building which Is to be used ns a ferry hour# Is of steel construction adanlngeouely located In the very heart of the hotel, shopping and theatre district. There la at this new station every convenience which the traveling public might anticipate euch aa lounging room* for ladles and gentlemen, telegraph, public telephones, news stand, flower booth* and the hundred and aono little neccee.ltlee which make travcllnga rather than u burdensome task.

Tho commuter, and the New Jersey Central's commuters are numbered by the thousand, can purchase his monthly tlck-

at 23d street as well as at Liberty •treat, or his home station. Parlor car tickets c^n be bought and as usual a complete borage cheekln* system has

**^ !ed . The ferry between 23d ■treet and the New Jersey Cntral’s Jer- *•¥ <?fty staribn is a delightful sail and

new bo* t,t Elisabeth and Wilkes. ~ Te* will be put In operation, making the trip In very short order and connect-

,* tr,th <** only the through trains bui with the commutation or suburban trains “ well. The ffew Jersey Central has Ju»t placed an order with the Harlan «* Holtlgsworth conpany. of Wilmington, for two more fast boats for the 23d street forry- T*1** will make a fleet of ten new double decked ferry boets operated by thlu company. That the New Jersey Cen. trml |a a road whose Interest* are It* patron* wax *ome time alnce recognised by the publk-

One of the moat widely known fealu.r. w«p the placing In aervlee at twenty-fuor nww trains for Its New York and Phlla. Adclpbla service In . ,i„g,e da, and the Ywralgtitednes* of the move has been acknowledged .mce every one of these coins I* a paying venture and from time

HH* new 'trams have been, addeo unt.l „„w .here are train, .very hou, arui cn the hour from 7 a. m. to 9 p, m„ between tne metropolis and the Quaker

Again recognising a public demand the Ng-w Jersey Central ha* just placed In commission sit tew dining car, mtroduc In* ocvcral trainee* new to the traveling PUb),c first of which * .the arrangement by which th« Ualeler In the day coach ba» accegg to the parlor dining car The

» * « « heretofore being ,e »E lt I * , dining ear to the parlor tane neeptng car p>.*»en*ers only. The aer- wkhile tho dinner Is served table d'hote vteo fnr tveaklast end lunch |. a m ,

the ret® of H per capita.The New Jersey Central has fuel placed

In commission ramethlng like thirty new * h* m0,t toprowd «tyle of


* • » Toth, W. tog * • * t i lH Desbroeaee ■ •tor Task Ourtlaadt at..

.......Ato a. m.

.. AM • Ato

RUagbetk toniB* F

VALLEY RAILROAD.•Wkt Buaday, the 18th, our VMCne, „ ,

to Belle wood wUl be h* T “ W *tyle of- ----------UUVBttMlUre and through Ala fewr-traeh™ «-bed Ig a recognised model of etand- • « ! road making, nearly two thousand c u te s y .,* . ° f «n»»bed gtono will be u.ed tor ooMlnioteton during the preeem m i.tone or than *hn* thou SanaIOn*. " - P°und *'<"f «U WM also be

I ! " '1111' ' h* N" * j ™ l* n*w “ PtoWn landing at

W « 1 <M street for it. famous boat, the S S T * P ** , HonmotKh and Bandy S T i “ th* ^ T Hoot routs, melt.

b*w petrong from i t New York to

f< nnrfinto-M ..............M.M


■W iener l(Eatnl kaa hmt ptoead o » Ite New York end Phil • » Raw Btoto* ears. They

" n T *?iau .,*fu ,1 "?*?„*** *o.iveelent aten-- SI towhtowe m ItCBUtrml to eery, Rg patron, a . thgy Mlto to be served Is an acknowledge toct and even now t h«r, are other Im-

“ "tomplatlon which wui further emphasise uug fact.

”TT : ruin estpeie emaat-

•’ ► •* to npwb warn•nm M m to mnrnrnm i* ou t Um jw-

« f t it v ilh f m U k took •Mr to l «alag M M l ag n i f m il

■ m u l t i to n n m iat e Engtai gp a •toward Sa wife l l g id i i i . gag the m * . agsmint at tho New leeesy Cstrel Intada »h»t tu Enlng ear arvloe shall he *s fa. wm* u Me hoerty train ^ l o . between New York aeg Philadelphia

I M A ]The dlAsrenoe between Kennedy’s L u -

Mtot Hoear aad Tar and all other dough Wwuw is that It menu the bosraia, thus •*»•“ ** • to*4 torn the system. This Bolaiea the nerve tiauea and by IU keal- toeeEeot on the throat and lung, the * W ' — i l l uuved entirely Ken-

the original Lexattve Homey and W * *ud •omtaJns me opiates. Good alike & £ ? •ffj o*d. TtotH food# Bold toy

** A-t' 4

Unoviloh H«a vPlac«d an Embargo Ml Prow Mmagoi.

St, Poteraburg, Juue 2*J.—Tbe public,, which baa uo Idea that negotiation* for au armistice are-011 /oot, bt41evea that a great battle in Maulehuria is now be­ginning, aud otfielal jllapatchcs from both sides bear (out the idea that the Japanese have commenced their main advance, though as yet there have been* no heavy collisions.

Lieutenant (veneral Linevitch evi­dently has imposed an embargo on press messages, Indicating that Jiostili- tie» bate eutertnl on a serious phase.

If negotiations for an armistice are a foot they must bear Immediate fruit

in order to prevent a battle perhaps greater In Its casualties thun that of ilukden. .

President Roosevelt has evidently taken a new uud important stop in the negotiations between the belligerents. While there are collateral reasons for believing that It refutes to an armistice which will prevent the impending bat t il In Manchuria, this cannot “be posf- ttoely affirmed. All that can be stated definitely Is^hot the United States am­bassador went suddenly tt> the foreign office and had an interview with the foreign minister, Count Lamadorff, at which it Is believed Mr. Meyer com­municated an Important message from Mr. Roosevelt.


Workmen Shot Down.Lodi, June 22. — Eighteen persons

were kllletknnd 100 were wounded last night by volleys fired by dragoons and Cossacks on a procession of 50,000 workmen which had been organized as • demonstration against tbe govern­ment •

m o r Ton u p h e l d .

NEW TERM IN A L O n Jung * IRA the Cenldal Railroad

« r N ew J.rgey wtl open a new ferry with ‘ •r 7>‘“ 1 tocilltle. . t foot ot We, t

R ) Now York- 1» th . ” f the trshopplng. hotel and theatre

tr llM n®Cti0“ **'"* m*‘h with »H T h e station ]* modem and complete In

•vary detail, with commodtuoa waiting« e t r >“ r? C r00m*’ “ dlh» “ o «l Perfect tick et and baggage facilities A ,K or the accommodation o f patrons an

w ectrlc cab wrvtce wilt he operated at Popular price , tha cab stand being lo­ca ted immediately at right of c u t from “ to t <m the ground floor o f italion.

T h o Whitehall Terminal properties hav. to * bew, acquires by the city o f Now X crk , tho Whitehall or South Ferry o f th lg company, heretofore plying between th e Jerwy City etetlon and the foot ot W h l ehall street, New York, will be dis­continued with the close o f business on

A large Mae o f oar fancy Half JJeae and

B in No ok wear, usually nulled at a guar.

— (AUdreu'e Weak Btotg, apaelal

* m u

JtCMTBLM C k — E h s i m t .

• — ♦M i l l M M I I I I m u

WEATHER AND CROPS.*how' r* w«re general on the

uth. 11th and itth, enc.pt In portion, of IP* !‘Z tb m *“ 4 t— mtl ectlong. The

*•“ •'••k waa charactterlxed y * dtocidMi rto« of temperature and

^OTty Of unahTtie. The hay and cIotm harvet and ffll seeding of buckwheat "• re begun, uitlvatkm n .thu^n.Being in Sna bmdltlou much of thla^vork waa dona Wheat and rye

10 r1« ” “ 4 th, head* are "V4I Belled; cats am lb bad ,.71:01!!.

"l1*11. “•** a™ In hand and promise a good yield, but the gtraw in many P lae« ta abort. Apleg, In well cared or- cnarda have a good set and very little popping was reported; peachca, rggpber-

iDoseberrlea anrf! currahtg aTe very promising.t •

^DEPENDENCE DAY EXCURSION.Faln Lehigh Valley ywmj uwu i rune my eyes an

Z T T " * ^ I«ck . de haversackera." . « > 1 ^ out deru' '

Fresldant Abeolvae Him of £1 am* In 8anta Ft Rebate Matter.

Washington, June 2?.-.President Roosevelt has given Paul Morton, sec­retary of the navy and newly chosen head of tlie Equitable Life Assurance •oclety. a certificate o f Innocence in connection with violations of the anti- rebate law by the Sauta Fe railroad, o f which Mr. Morton was formerly vice president.

In doing this the president has tak-». with Attorney General Moody, a

determined stand In disapproval o f the advice o f the apectel counsel, Meters, Harmon and Judson, who tuivlsed proaecutlon o f the ofleors o f the Santa Fa, particularly E. 8. Ripley, the presl- denA and Mr. Morton, for contempt of court In granting rebates to the Colo-W W W m i a i d V r d s r < ^ i i S & y ']£ ytolia-' tlon o f an Injunction obtained by the Interstate commerce commlaalon. The eorreepondence contalnwl-.m, a 10,t)00 "ord st*temant Isaued from the White House shows that Mesars. Harmon and Jutlaoo resigned because they could not bare tfielr way.

I. New and Halsey Sts., NewarkW *lc* Lower lhanfii\New York, with Choice

R* Oreat. \

Hou-|ekeepers’ Summer Supplies

Times More Here than Anywhere Else.

pla'" col“ 'r’ „ 1,1,1 “ T Sets, 100 pieces, pretty 1 A C n^wer aecorntioiiH, t gold /\ i j 1 edges, reg. $10.00 special / . V O

I v (Jla»8 l'rewrve Itowia, imitation ■ cut glMs. H-iri. ifi diaiiaeter, | /V _

regular 23, special l U Cimitation cut de-\ Dinner Set*, cottage composition value 25c, ’ 100 pieces, i — '

Toilet St*ts egular $2.25

Water Tumid regular ;»<k.* d*. eneach

lass Pitchei signs, one qi; special

Toilet Sets, gu ld ed ic^ n c3.50, special

This Coupon Hay Help You To Iter

ride tfuu^Matter of

JnsurancoOne of the UfkHt

Investm en ts jn the ' orld js E n d o w m e n t

Insurance.Sen d Coupon to d a y fo r

Inform ation.


fancy colors,

pr,CP' 2 . 9 8

5 . 0 0100 pieces, tegular “ $8.00ft special

Brooms—Well made, thin handles, light weight, regular 35c, ^ * 7 special *^ / C

Stone Coolers, regular •$1.78, special 1

Celery Trays, imitation cut | /\ glass, regular 10c. special 1 U C

K te r io B e l l # g p c 8h'p 0C,ki ^ i ’.™ T' “ Pjt' ’ P' “ in 1• Tnn k*.i4 ■ 4

^American porcelain, Orations, gold edges, ■ pieces to B, special 2 . 7 5

Tea 8ets, fine thin china; pink tinted edge and pretty flow- ^ 'j/ ^

*ers, 50 pieces, reg. $o.8S, sp Yellow Mixing Bowls, me- $

ecial 1 U C^lura size, special



Leading styles, newest patterns and materials perfect fitting neck and shoulders, /C O f t wor,th easily $10.00, at

uitsL24-0 Sailor, Russian and Norfolk, sizes 3 to I A O [I l o 16, regular $2.93 to $3 98, for I • V O

!s Long Linen Coat Suitst e C . iniwhife*. * n d f e t f e l linen.; value

Spoclal Value in Linen Skirt*. 91.9891.50. $1.98 and $2.98

HpUSE DRESSES AND WRAPPERSMado of Ttority stripe* and flgtires in ifie celelwsted ‘ Disc M»k?i*nnd

also in tlie ^oriet 'Vaiit effects, fegular $1.25, special 1 .0 0 ■' ’

WHITE LAWN WAISTStoffecta, with trimmings of embroideries and laces, similar to ilwav* ■emhtluni* now j„ ,heso wsista at $!. Special 1 .0 0

In «urp— f ,™,to» wunirim I f 1.50 valae.^-iWiy* somethiuj

INTO OPEN s w it c h .IWentleto Century JJmHto M**t* Dis-

t V . H j , l l l l !il AtoJHitod.■Mm f - *________ — .

tWO |HIM*u1 eleven I

■Uf/JHf—The (— - ? COLUii BIA is made of g .od maple in rwo aizeal sL5^f*TnBer‘ T1Je of both ;ia eight feet; aoreadMl|t L PaV?...'!7 r ls ,our ,8et a"'1 ol t!le f°ui paasenger, fiv e BBf one. *3.98; large one H M .

Mentor, O., Jam* 23. Running be­tween Bfty and ality mile* an honr, the Twentieth Century limited on the ■ t a r U t o Y i m w - E n B into an opeu .w itch at the paaieuger station here shortly before 10 o'clock last night. Eleven persona were killed and fifteen badly Injured. The combina­tion hnggage and smoking buffet ear and the coach behind it caught fire and were destroyed.

The train was esstbound, havings left Cleveland about 9 o'clock, and as it doe* not stop here it waa running at great speed. The engineer did not no­tice tho open switch until- the train struck It. The engine left the rails and plowed Into tlie ground, tearing up the track for yards. The two coachea following It jammed Into It with great force aad were crushed, the fire from the engine setting them ablaze. Fortu­nately moat o f the occupants o f these two coaches were rescued before tbe Are reached them

CROC , eight tualli

8aadGO-CAIt TS—Tlie F. A. Whitney and ‘ Bloch”— w tokk ■■■ ■ • r - n rtiinm n g y

com m itting mym ?if j 0 o n . I shall bo g la d to PW -tlcularii u n d r a te s

u t policies.

out Coupon nn Mali to

THR PR U P10 NT IA ( Homo Office,

varicr . The PrudentialInsurance Compahy of Amerlca.1

irporafed as a Stock Company by th* itat# d>f New J*T JOHN F. DFTDEN. FroWtent.•.Etol-IB D. WARD, Vi<S* Pr—ldwit. KDQAR B W i n n

f F. DRY DEN Jd Vic* Pr*«. jd yi0f preg|d*..tWILfTuH 8. JOHNSON. 4th Vice Pre.ld.nt **d Computer *

HOWARD ORAT. ■*«r*t*ryEDOAR, District Mnriagcr, Ordinary Department

309 (Ie°rge street, New Brunswick, N. S.S. D e l? A R T , S u pt., W e ln g u rl D Id g ., 93 C h u rch S t.,

Tel. 2T.2 J., New Hrunswlck. N. J. HD WARD CHRISTIANSON A— f a Decker Ofll?e. North Side. ' Main St.. Wootlbrldgc, N. J. ’ ' S<1B<


W H t o t o l M I H M t o t o t o HIsn’t It Time to Get Tour Photoi

‘^ker.1.^ '! 'h' l, y0" (Mi »k « Hr We have some

S m a r t P o s e a P r e tty E f f e c t s N e w e a t P / n la h e t

in Sepias, Oolodin, CarboTs Also frame*

•nd oil miniature*.

ISAAC VANDERVEER,3 5 5 G e o r g e S t r e e t .

New Bhinwrlck, N. J., , 'Phone 347 Ja «

Is our stock of Groceries. Perhaps, you think It makes no difference where youhuy your oreeertei, but i t does. Tondon’t know how many ‘ leaks you might cut off with the pennies savedey buying your Groceries herh.

Our Groceries have been carefully selected from sample* and are o f aquality which will prove highly sat- i ----- ---------- ... j . ,lafactory. Value being considered ac- I A „J=i!X<l!ng,,l5 aji,jj$j ... »u a ;.:ajrJSy, e w 0 »«n to_deiBBitorg every facility lorgooda gre chSp. their 'buwinewcHsisnc,,-^,^

| Nalinnal Bank of New JerseyHER IRUNhWICI. 8 . j . ,

Campbell & Morris,C«r. I I I ! STREET and ilB O T 1YEIUE

responsibility warranted

I s s u e s F o r e i g n E x c h a r , g e ,

WON A NAMiC ON FAME.P*W itt’s .Uttl* Itoyly Riser*, th* famou*Uttl* pill*, hav* beent mad* famou* by ih*lr certain y#t harm!*** and irentl* action iipon th* bowel* and liver. They


S O L I C I T S A C C O U N T *Large and Small.

Capital, BliftO.OOG. hurplueS250 OOO V. M. W H U Y I»A NL Prtwiden

Poison Bent to Mr*. Rogers.Windsor, V t , June 22 .-A letter con­

taining poison and making an offer of 82,000 if the substance were given ' to Mre. Mary A. Rogers, who is to be hanged here for tbe murder of her hus­band, was received by Superintendent Lovell of the atstV prteon. Tlie letter waa turned over to the federal author!- tlda. For tbe first time since her (near- aeration 1b the atate prlaon, more then t year nod a belt ago, Mrs. Rogara left the Institution to attend the hearing In Brattle boro. Mrs. Rogers appeared atrvous aad depressed un the trip. On the return to Windsor, howevst, she m i In notleenWy better spinu.

P — ew sIl Jssk M e1* Battle*, ■tooewall Jackson’s negro body serv­

ant knew before anybody else when a battle was Imminent "The general tella yon. I . suppose,” seld one of the •oW‘®r*- "L*wd, no, sir! De giu'ral n ew er tell me nothin'. I obsarvates de tentloa of degtn'ral dla way; Co'so he prey* jest like we all moruin' an' night, hot when be glte tip two, three times IU a night to pray den I rube toy eyes an'

'Uh return limit 0f Julr lnclu« Yr. Feed returning on all train* nicest the Black Diamond Biprtra. Fare, lino way fare plus one dollar for the rouh» trip. Aak areata tm rurthsr partleulare.

e ra " Ticketi « rata iuhrT” . ^ * r ,“ * to >*•-U h return .,mlt ot j n ^ ; L n " I w ‘ ° . » • » ! nway.”—From

A CLEAN GROVE * -Many InltTciMj. theme# *re on the

program* at Oettalt Grove this season. Thoes who espeet to Visit the seaside will Ibid "a r insber of attractive^ collages and hoteda la our advertlelng columns, which we can recommend for tbalr pat.rose*#.

When star yaw feel i_ ,_____ ,An* naca a magic unit pm.


Ho ether one will nil the bill Like Dewitt’s Little Early Risers.

Tha Famous Littls Plfis e a r l y RIBE3RB eura Constipation, Blck Headache, Bli- louanera, etc. Ihey never gripe or sicken brat Impart early rialag energy flood for ohudrtn or adulte. Bold By Metuchao

- — r -r nnuj, rOU)Mr*. Bo«er,. A. Pryor’s ' ‘Kcmlulsceu

Whso la naed'of paints so to Th* Urn tuohaa Hardware Co. They rail th# Long. Wtoh A Uo-tonra sod Patterson-Sargent B. P. S. ready mixed paint*. A larga »*.fortrasot to salrat from

j a p a SJ variety i

H n e 'w ie ^ ? e .°f Tn*,’ lP in I'00'1 wooden boxes, with eight ball* !r & K V t m : * >'60. -3.00, 2-60,.

>AV| no *qu*l for biUouan***, conatlp^- Garden tool., whralbarrowa. window Hto**, putty, oil* amd v*xm*b«*putty, oil* and vamuto** -wra. »-

I’TtoiMltllihn m

JnrK mauiDg8 in end,essiiiWMHNtliHaMitiiiikMaaMaiaaaaaa

|H a l|in e & Co., N e w a rk


Via Pennsylva Ua Railroad, Account In- Unmtional C onveaxloji United Society of Chriatian - -*or the inu rhational Convention uni-

ted Society o f ■hrl.tlae Endeavor, ot Hal. tlmore. Md„ Ji |y t to u the PennsWvanla KaJIroad Con p«„y wi|| , ?1| round-trly tleketa to Ha] tlmore. at greatly reduced rates, from af | atatlons on It. lines - - of and Inch* hlg JPItt.burg, Eric Buffalo.

The rate fn m Plttahurgr will be 19.00, from Altoo"* pAi, Erie tll.OO, Wl lams- l'° ‘ t,*6 lS' Bua Uo 811.to, Canandaigua | Elrtilra IS.GO, 1 <w Y„rg le g, Newark.

M.I0, Read ag gl.ji, WUkesbari e g; u6. ,ver' Del" *.88, wlht corresponding reduction* fra , all other pop,,,.

Tt.Cl‘0t* w111 h* sold on July 8. 1 and t Mo!uf yr ,r8tI f l»to“W*e leaving Baltimore81 on Vr, Hobtsiv*. On payment Jl.to to Joint Ignat at Baltimore an et.

“ a m «T “ f t * * ” “ovTrTbh,W*l te fcd sh to i. parmlt atop- n * ,MtWn 1 tot. If deposited with tha beket agent , , „ „ „ g ,U|00_

Sped*! ax, mgo. ttafc.,. a„ onsry Baturdi F on d Buaday from Baiti-

™°™^° ^ fiBgtoo tond return a rat*♦ -*» Iqr U * found trlpi These ticket*good for i 'm m paaaage until The la*t

* n Sunday BJfht.Ufftordlng ample op port unity fo, :4atov&tM to vUIt the ^ tlonal Capital y

Don’t fall to notice < te*t. Most popular boy <

Bicycle Co

NOTl a t o CREDITORS.Honry E. A ran and T. B. Ha,.call, eye

"Utor*. of M u y M. Thornall, deceased,by direction g the Surrogate of the

1U,'''5 ^ ^ 8dlra*«, hereby gives noticethe credt Hgr o t W raid Mary M

Tho rpall to |„ ^ debt*Otand* and , talma against the .eetate ot

f * " • ',aa“ <*»•> •• affirmation thin nine Math* from thl* date, or ty W1'' b® srever barred of any acLlon Z C. I *” » * »bs -raid executor*Dated Auri n, mg,



NO. 7754.'JPfiMury Dopartmont, office of Comptroi.

ler of the Currency. Washington D l May 20. 19(«. ’ M

satlsfact('Or evidence pre- enua ip the underaignod, it has

mado to ^pepar that Th0 Metucher tlonal bank, In the borough of Mel,,in the -county of Middlesex; ami stiiNew Jersey, has compiled' with all the p ovhuona ot the statutes or the X u ston^ required to be compile, with t,ef„r,, an association shall De ajuthorized to com mpnee the busl^esH 0f banking.

Now. therefore, [ William JJ. Rid^-lv omptroller of the currency, do her{bv ertlfy that the Metuchen National Rank

in theeborough, of Metuchen, in the coun­ty of Middles** and state or New Jcrsevof h*nktrl*ed COrnmen®e ^ e busineso of hanking a . provided In section fifty one hundred and stxty mne th(, reylsey’ statute* o f lh6 irm ,ed g tatp>

In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of tho office this twentieth of May,, 1906.

WM. B. RIDGELY, (Seal of .hC“7 ’ ptrollor of the Currrency., 0t th° Comptroller of the Currency,

Hot Weather ComfortscV« •r«ry!!,rv*,,c’S5* aa

for tha 7fic link of Lawn Benches. Great Snap !

’ $20.00 Sideboards

'! 1 5 .9 8. ,‘ ? u Ptench pUta mirror, l o u

o f oloMt room.

TEN .TIMES EASIER.It Is ten times easier

49.00 Valour Couch**

oughshrnUM ,W,h“ 0|,l'’ K ‘J“ ',gh " nd 011 lung rbronHtlal affections when tho bowel, , open Kennedy, UxnUve Honey and Tar J, the original Laxative Cougl, Syrup no J gently movp. th,’bowels, and expelsall cold from theeystem. B e t for cough, voids, croup, whooping cough momber-the n^me "Kennody'n" that the redftcldvrr blosgoms and the hopey beo Is ^ the bottle Bold bjf It".

5.98$28.00 B e d r o o m ^ulU a t .. (8.00


-turn Sam* on or off Ilk* gas— 01 h' * f ' *>o odor or AtnimZ

atrat* thalr va lu . to tl| wbo c j|f 81.00 Parlor Suita t .............

8 .9 8w4sS“ - l **# *■*»,

Of solid oak, fancy ahatra French plate mirror. ,

fuchen Phhrif $18.00 Oak Dreiser*

t h e s a l v e Th a t p e n e t r a t i .-<i Dewitt's Witch Hnxel Salve penetrates

S ° f , th e Bkln' “ n J 'b y n n tl»'P- r ~ ’ . '“ W fo rd e n t and h e a lin g Influence Itaubdue,.inflammation and cures BolW Burns. Cut*. EJcxema, Tetter, King \v„rni and qll skin dlsekwa. A'si».clfic fur blind bleeding. Itching and protruding pit,.,. The original and genuine Witch Hnxel Solve Is made by E. c. DeWItt & Co •old by Metuchen Pharmacy.

9 .9 8i i r . « m.s6

p o r i - H a r f i v i MLprlght k sfr lg .ra tor 4 .4 9

Zla* llnad walvaalaed shalvaa“ P w ,“ n’ lnZ*. ftotovabta „ p pip* » » d baseboard — blr •hough for the ordinary family Gthar makes, .1 ! mxa,. aft guiraT-

A t your dfuggist’s.

■ o,1

Iqb ChBBti for 3.48 Up m

C A R P E T S -C U T ^ P R io I ST h o h#n * o o * v «V f-BYBfy now

a BoflO oS w o i v o t * . yard ... ....... "S5°Jfog'UBBoU. y*rd . ...................I »Oo

l L « 0 A » m l n o t o r « 7 ......................... ■. a S og°o Ingrolno, varA " " "y f l . IO4 0 o

t ------------- ----r— krarao, yqyififin Of m i l ----

HORN, Ltd.arrm ajT * b*toraa*t*rlego*r.tora

7 3 market st„ newaE X j.# o J Rrat Plan* »«., Wrat of Btrad 8t

Page 3: vzriwM - digifind-it.com · | t h r o n ly p a p e r ♦ x . ^ i r a b m u rgvljr t ix r a r it a n to w n sh ip i vol. xil no 25 metuchen. n. j., satu3 tday. june 24.1905. to our

w. T. McADAflS, i


H A I N S T R E E T . H E T U C H E N .


Have you Headache, Neuralgia, I’aiu in the Kyea? It bo consult our specialmt


379 & 381 G orge S t ., Upi||( DmnQuuloL* E very MONDAYPARKER BUILDING. II0 IT UI U IIiTJIL,E| HOURS, IO.JO TO 4.30

N e w s o f A _ W e e k

Paragraphic Photographs o f the

W orld ’s Doings

At 107 E a s t F rom St., P la in fie ld ,

I N T E H S T OIST I D I ia F O S I T S ,

The New Jersey Title Guarautee aud Trust Compauy.CAPITAL................................................................:.. $200 0 0 09UNDIVIDED PROFITS........................ ...........................$830,000.00

ftoaalvta fciilfiotH in CJhctk ami Allmvw IhOi-CHf on DallyUal incfH, Immui-n Tlino and Dclnuml t-t:ri lllttatcH o f


11 Th* Legacy and Inheritance Tax Law," ag enacted und«-r l.iv/g ( f the bt-te(lit eocteutg of Bare Depu i death city £the amount ot tax to be levied ou the estate.



r, in o-dt AN SUM. TRUST

Save This Coupon Special Premium Offer


Save T his Coupon

f ™

For flv© of these coupons and sixty cents wo will furnish you at the of of this paper a beautiful finished 14 kt. SOLID GOLD FOUNTAIN I’EN, i •osta at retail $1.60. This pen Is complete with box and filler and is fully warran

iv be ■ r*tAt*« -ed -terttrtftm

A Perfect Laundryas ucar that m ft la possible to b«. Noipooialty •see(A quick service, good work, low prices, and wt launder everythin* that is washable.

“ THE ANNIHIT0 R,”IBWlDdliri Feeiout Weehing Machine, which km m rer*f»j /or MOOO.pIcce. ever, ten hour,, UI»OfW«tou U>our NEtf Ukl'AKTlIkNT, end we win WMh,!Iron and deliver one iloien piecee,

|0< YeUe Ctothe. PlUo. gUn Nnpklu., •k, 3heete. Towel, nnd Hnudkerclileh!

L e h ig h Valley Uailroad.Time‘foible in Effect May li, 1905.

LEAVE METUUir&N A 9 FOLLOWS Duily except Sundays.

6;23 a. m.t locul for New York.7: !8 a. m., Express for Buffalo and prin­

cipal intermediate stations.1:14 p. m., . local for Easton, Mauch

Chunk, and intermediate points, nectlng at South Plainfield for New Yotk

Intermediate stAtions.M&ii

Secretary o f the TH*te»ury teslie M. Shaw udd tossed the Virginia Bankers’ association-«t l|lehnwmd, Va., on Fri=. day. He said in part: “ If we expect to Increase our exports-of manufactur­ed products we must learn to conform to the requirements of tbe foreign trade. W e will find it much easier to produce textiles, wearing apparel, tools and utensils such as are used, for in­stance, in South America than to touch the people <>f South Ainerlea to wear our style o f shoes, our pattern of prints nnd to use our make o f plows.”

Herbert W. Bowen, former minister to Venezuela, was disnussed from the diplomatic service of the United States by direction of President Roosevelt in a letter addressed to Secretary Taft, which was made public ou Tuesday. Assistant Secretary Loomis was cen­sured for engaging in enterprises while American minister in Captro's country when lie should have exercised the greatest degree of diligence by keeping himself absolutely free from any othor entanglements save those strictly in lino witli his otliclttl duties.

Testimony Introduced at the trial of Henry McCormack oii Friday, who is charged tvlth. having broken from the

■j Mjddiebury (Vt.) Jail .jvhllc awaiting trial on a charge o f forgery, brought out the fact that J. W. Ketclmm, a fed­eral prisoner who is serving a seven year sentence at the &»ll for the part he took in wrecking the Farmer*’ Na­tional bank at Vergennes, had been al­lowed to serve as n turnkey, has had access to the keys ot the Jail and has even been allowed the unusual prison luxury o f a valet.

ble message sent from Goshen, N. Y., on Friday by Judge W. J.-Gay-

of the supreme couYt authorizes Champ, who was secretary for the

Jute Wlllkmi Ziegler,., l a .can ilium., his ^search for the north pole. The expedi­tion of which Mr. Champ has charge was fitted out by Mr. Ziegler not long before his death. Only u few days ago Mr. Chump hoard o f Mr. Ziegler’s death and cabled to this country for instructions. Judgy Gay nor, who is executor o f Mr. Ziegler’s will, replied,

The Rev. John A. Kellar o f Arling­ton, N. Jv, who was shot tfnd partially blinded by Thomas G. Barker in Ar­lington on Feb. 3, 1001, on Friday was elected president of tin*. Newark clert- cus (Protestant Episcopalian) at the sixteenth annual meeting of the or­ganization. Barker accused the clergy­man o f forcibly outraging his wife more than a year before the shooting, for which he was sentenced in the Hudson county court lo five yCurs' im­prisonment.

Thomas N. McCarter, president of

Paul Morton, the n< >vr Equitable Life Assun nce society, ou Tuesday Femoved the 1 wo most promi­nent figures in the coi troversy within the society by acceptl n* resigna­tions o f James W . ' Alexander and James II. Hyde as pp aud vicepresident of the romp* *y-

A check for $75,OOQ *■ *a,d to have been given by Chark * ® . Thaw of New York to F ra n ce formerlya chorus girl, who re< e,v®d a divorce from Thaw at Chlcaga on Friday. The divorce was granted 1 y Judge 'Albert Akers on statutory jrounds, Thaw making no defense.

Because he is an •( thusiastic auto- mobllist some membe * of the Camp- beJJite church at O xfo 'd, Ind., on Fri­day requested the Rei - Charles Bullta to resign. They say h ' 1» speeding his car when he should \ * preparing his sermon nnd that he dei pcrat^K e Sab- batli by Its use.

The Spencer Seedloa * Apple compa­ny of New England I «»d New Jersey, formed to propagate - seedless apple in the New England dates and New Jersey and to conduct a general nurs­ery business, was inc >rp°rated at Al­bany, N. Y., on Frida j • The capital is $300,000.

Assistant Secretary ftiaMU® W. Mil­ler of the department ° f the interior presented his resignat 1,011 t° the presi­dent on Friday, and t was accepted. In succession to Mr. filler the presi­dent appointed Jesse Wilson of In­diana.

The Fredonia Natlffl hank, Fredo- nla, N. Y.. was close* o» Monday by order o f the comptroll d of the curren cy on information r# ^ved from the examiner that It is I wolvent. J. W. Schofield has been spifolnted receiver.

John Wauamaker seated a picture o f to the Loudon Carltod atioa o f the honor iw w d upon U*. Wauamaker lu electli I him an honor­ary member.

United States Senate r..John H. Mitch ell pleaded not guilty ferred against him In the land fraud cases his trial opened at F day

J i contract between i Charles Frobman and Sir Henry Irvin for a fourteen weeks' tour of the 1st hi the United States,

iTuesday pre­

sent Roosevelt club in apprecl

Id charges pre­connection with in Oregon when irtland on Mou-

aroond at UmmnUs? NO! Then call J.®ioe we do it and gei price list'or send

Nothing received in this depart

Hu?hes Laundry137 CHURCH STIIKRI.

W«w Brunswick. N. J.

p E N N S Y L V A X lA U A IL R O A D .Standard Railroad of America.

Oa and after November 27, 1904, train* will leave lletuchen as follow*:

For Nawark and^New York f2.37, f-4.35,• :ll. f«:a, 7:», 7;$$, 8.14, 9:02, fl0.37 und fM II a. in., 12.0/1.32, 1.47, f4.34, «.CH, 7.69. $.17 asd flLM p. in., week days. Sundays, fl.ST, f4.B, $H *nd f 10.37 *. m., 12.15, 211 $ H n.$4. ft IT and fll.fo p. m.

For Rahway—f2.37. $11, . 7 29. 7.5«, 8.14, 1.0$, fit.37 and flO.M a. ra., 12.43, 1.32, J.47, f4.34, 4.08. 7.51 and 11,50 p. m.; Sundays, fl.IT, 1.11 and flO.IT a. m., 12.15, 2.21 4 24, ff.04 and fll.&O p. m.

Far Elisabeth—f2.17, f4.36, 6.31, 7.29, 7.W, $.44, ».M, flO.IT, and flO.58 a. m, 12.43, 1 .»• l.«T. f4.I4, «.« , 7.59, 8.37, and fll.to p. m.’ wssk days. Sundays. f2.37, f4.35, $12 andfld.IT a. m., 12.15, 2.21, 4*4, f7.04, f8.37 and fll.lt p. m.

For New Brunawlck-fl.27, f7.07, 7.34, •.», and 9.24 a. m., 12.06, 12.56, 2.27, 4.56. 6.5«, t.ll. T.lt. $08, 1.58, and 11.26 p. m„ week day*. Sundays—fLI7, f$.24,’10.11 $I.M, 61$ 1.0$ and $40 p. m.

r « r firanton—fLH, f7.07, 7.14, 1.1$1 and HM a. m., 12,04, 12.84, 2.17, 8.48 and 8.58 week lay*. Sunday*, f 1.27, f9.14 a. m„ $15 and• 4$ p m..

For Philadelphia, fl.|7, H.07, 7.34, 8.23 and I.M a. m., 12.01. 12.K. 1.27, $08 and 8.58 wceki days. Sunday*, fl.ff and f9.24 a. m. ; 6.16, 1.18 p , m . ... \ .

For Baltimore, Washington and the Soutk-$2$ and 0.24 a. m.; 12.04 and 12.56,

"•Nfcft sad I.M p. m., week day*; Sunday*, ft.M a, a .; $81 p. a .

For Long Branch,. Anbury Park and Ocoaa Orovo (via Rahway) 9:02 a. m,; aad 1 1 , 4 8 week day*; Sundays) 8.12 % ■$, and 6.10 p. a ., plopping at North As.

\ bury Park for Aabury Park and OceanOrovo....................... ........... .— ._________ _

Loavo N*w York for Metuchen—From Wait Twenty-third Street Staton—«.*, T.» , 1.26, 10.56 and 11.55 a. m.;l.S ; 1.18, 4.*t 4.8$ T.E, $86, 4.5$.'T.B8. and 8.58 p rti. and l$l0 night; Sundays—6 0S. $8, $68 and 11.66 a. m ;mm W ^dW «oS MB pi a.» 18.18 night.Fronp Dosbrokse* and Cbrtland streets. Iv« oinutik fa*tar than from West Tw«Mr-lktr« MTMt.

flRop* OBIT o» alrnal er n»tlc« U>:***Bt •f MadiMtor to recelv* or dlickorn POO

For tlm* table* and further Informa- • kpply to Ticket Agent at th* Sts

m.. express for Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Hujleton, Pottsvlile and prln cipal Intermediate station*.

TRAINS, FOR-PERTH AMBOY.8:47 a', in., 3:52, 5:09 and 7:57 p. m.

FOR NEW YORK.(5:23, 7:48 a. in.; and 4:40 p. m.

SUNDAYS.8:33 a. m., express for Buffalo, Niagara

halls, Chicago St. Louis, and principal Intermediate stations.

1:41 p. m.-, local for Easton only.6:28 p.^m., connects with solid vestibul

express for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chlca k*j. St. Louis .nd principal Intermediate

For Perth Amboy- 10:42 i :r>7 p. m.

For New York—8:33 a, m.

, 5 .09 and

Information,apply to ticket

j . v w t o d ; -------------------------Pa*MBg«r TraSc Mcr

..... _<,I.O*O. W. BOYD, - V, t ....« Oen’l Passenger Agent.

, W. ATTBBBUHT. Gen’l Mgr.


. . ^fermented grape Juice pre- „ eheelutaly pure a* "It. come* from peso* wttheet cooking or 4he addl-

apftrlt* or any *ubvtknoe* in any whatever, la preferred by member*

m prefeas6e aa supeHer to all others.



J.N EFFECT MAY 14, 1905.For New York, Newnrk and Elizabetht 6:33, 7:17, 7:45* New York o

2>59, 11:13, 11:59 a. ni: 12.09, U0. 3.22, 4:47, 6:09. 6.20, 7:45, 8.09, (9:47 Silt, only) 11:01, F

Sundays 7:37, 8:37 a. m., 5.29. 9:47 p. in Bound Brook, 7:17, 7:58, 8:59, 11:59 a. m. :10, 5:09,. 8.09 p. nj. Syifdays, 7:37 a. in >:29 p. m. 9:47.

For Long Branch, Oeenri Grove, etc. :07, 9:20 a. m., 12.22 2:27, 33:36, 4.39 7:19 p n.p 12:38 (Sundays except Ocean. Grove) :6f» a. in., 4:54, 9:23 pi m.For Freehold, 6.07, 6.64, $30

2:27, 6:66 p. m. ' T........ .. U-12,Additional train* for Red Bank,. 2.27.

f o6o^P‘ m‘ For 8ou h Amboy, 6.54, 7-11- 3.20 p. ni., 2.27, 4.43, 615, $52, 9,22. TRAINS FOR PERTH AMBOY.

I/eave New York 4.00, 5.50, 6.16, 8:30. 10:10, 11:30 a. m., (12. Sat. only), 1.30, 2.00, 2.40,’ 3:40, 3:53. 4:20, 6.10, 5:38, 6:30, :8T4$ 11.50 p. m .' Sunday, ,7.00, 9:00 a. m., 4:00, 8.30 p. m.

Leave Elizabeth, 4.0G, 6.22, 8.42,9.54, 11 51а. m.,1.4$ 2.07, 4.48, 5.18, 6.42, 8.58,ll.W p. m. Sundays, 9.25 a. m., 4.02, 8.37 p. m.

Leave Newark* $12, 8.35, 9.42, 11( 02I. 20, 4.06, 4,40, 5.40; 6.19, 8.15, 11.50 Sundays, 9.06 a. m., 4.05, 8.15 p. m TRAINS LEAVE BO^ND 1H10QK AS

-♦F°*riwNe,W Yor*k* N«wark and Ellaabeth at $03 (except Newark), 5.4< (except 610- fl 40- 7 W- 7 25- (except New­ark). 7.35 (N. Y. only), ?,$$ $1$ (N Y

Y W 6.38, 6.1$II. 11, 11.53 $t._ tn. (except Newark), 12.29 (N )except Newark) 4 3 (except Nfevfarir)':- Y. only), 12.48 (N. Y. only), 103 2 20 2 32 7.30. 8,35. 9.36, 9.56, 11.00 a m , 12 43 1 £

A-30. $63 (N. Y. only)*. 6.81, 5.38, $ Sб. 53, 7.22, 8.2$ 9.27, 9.47 (N. Y. only), 11.16 p. m., (except Newark-. Sundays. 2 03

N#5r» rl*>* 7-iO, 8.35, $86, 956. It’S 1J7, (New York only), 3.06, 5.25, 5 63 6,3a $37, 8.01, 8.15, 9.81, $47. 10.08 p. m. ’ ^


i.J$35 | .... ........... ......• For Trenton-^617* 1.25. 7 11 7 44 t « od

1144 a. m.. li.4$7 W 1 B *f * 1 01» b**’ $44, H.T,1 17 ' t S ' ft Sunday*•’ 1. *.45, 9.56, 11.14 a. m 1 ID • . r . »I.I7‘ . 136*. 8.47 p. m„ ],17 ^llhr * “ ■.. .T*; and JI*rfl«tnjr,p. 417,. 4 u* ” • U.H Reading only), a. mM , ^ ^ h .t r a ln ) , L17 night. Sun! nSht ' , *•“ P- 117POM.' f l j f ,W ‘IU »HU? 517 in S u n

Shift us*. 7.14- p m C*n

Vice Fre*. A Gem. Mao. Gth. Pase1 ; ^

FOREIQIH eorrrspondent tifN0TE3 Tokyo of tho T.oiidou

OF INTEREST ,)ni!J I elogmph v on OMNTEREST. Suu(]ay gajd; „ AUlan cavalry base has boon eslnbUslied at Potluo, In Mongolia. Fears are ex­pressed by1 tbe Peking government that Russia, expelled from Manchuria, may seize Mongolia.”

According to Monday's-London Daily Chronicle, experiment* conducted for six year* in tbe Cavendish laboratory at Cambridge university by J. Butler Burke, a young professor, who for a long time forked with 1’ tofcssor Thomson, harenlpmrm^t t-irtVKl fTT sibility of spontaneous generutio means of radium and sterilized bouillon Placed together in a test tube Profess­or Burke obtained cultures presenting many appearances of vitality, such as growth and subdivision,*

Five hundred persons were killed on Saturday in an explosion which oc­curred at thc_.Ivan colliery at Kliart- slsk, southern Bus&a, belonging to .theRussian i>onetzroTTTpnny.--------------

France on Monday agreed to accept1 Germany’s proposal of an Interna­tional conference op the Moroccau question.



• • •Rev. Dr. J. pastor etner First Refori of Lancuste

M. Titzel, tus of tho ied church , I’a., died

on Friday, aged seventy-three years. For a number of years he was editor of the Reformed Quarterly Review and of the German Reformed Messenger, lie was Joint author of "The Reformed Church In the United States.” The liturgy now in use in the Reformed church wns practically his work. Dr.’ Titzel was born in Meckanicaburg, Pa.

General Maximo Gomez died in Ha­vana on Saturday In the presence not only of his family, but also his old timo friend,, Estrada Pulrna, president of tho Cuban republic. Gouerul Gomez was born at Barrl, Santo Domingo, in 1830 and came of a Spanish family, lie began life as a Spanish cavalry of- ficerj^but became disgusted und threw lu his lot with the Insurgents.

Thomas B. Kennedy, president of the Cumber land Valley Railroad com­pany, died at Chambersburg, Pa., on Monday; Mf. Iveilii&iy wS9' T>6rn Tti Warren county, N. J„ Aug. 1,<1S27. lie was a Cleveland elector in 1884. In 1882 he succeeded Frederick Watts as president of the Cumberland Valley Railroad^company.

Horace II. Busier, editor nnd propri­etor of the Sheruden (PaJ Journal, fell o ff, a Panlinudlu. -passongu*- .U ^ h vhe- tween Pittsburg and Sheruden on Mon­day and mus so seriously lujured that he died in an hour. Mr. Basler was thrown off when he attempted to puss from one cur to another while the train was in motion.

S. P. Sheerln, formerly secretary of the Democratic national committee, dropped dead from apoplexy on Tues­day on the floor of the convention hall In the Auditorium hotel, Chicago, while addressing tho National Inter­state Independent Telephone associa­tion convention.


New Brunswick Great Department Store

Offer many splendid Bargains.

Our June SalesAre a wonderful success

Brautifully made fine white Lawn W ash Suits, trimmed both waist and skirt with handsome lace and embroidery, regular selling price $6.50, special price until sold 4.98

About 10 styles Wash Suits, white, pinic, blue;-figuretl dots, stripes on white ground, regular $4,00, special $98 suit*

A manufacturers sample line of Parasols, all silk, some colored, but chielly white, regular $2,50, our price 1.48

TV e are sole agents for the famous Maine North Pole Refrigerators, the best made, a special discount to our out ol town customers o f 10 per cent, and delivered free.

35c black and white taffeta silk belts, our price 23c each.

25c white canvas belts at 17c . [f

W e are sole agents for the Demoreat sewing machineJoin the club.

1,000 yards jo f fine lawn wash goods, a most delight* ful selection of colorings, regular price 17c, our price 1 1 c a yard.

an addl-es* and college commeucemi doctor of law*.

On Saturday Mr». William Jennings Bryan nnd Mias B r*to worc amongthe passengers on th< land, ftom New Yort Antwerp.


overwas done to cropa ai and scores of head < Btroyed by a torn) through Dane and Io ’ on Monday. ’ ^

One person w m twenty were serious!, day by the blowing steam boiler In thiplant of the Subway onstructlon

Jersey, announced on Tuesday that tbe corporation had determined to struct and operate n highspeed electric road from Newark to New York. Tbe road M ill have no grnde crossing and M ill be carried in a tunnel under the l ’assaic river. It is Intended to make the run from a terminus in New York efty to Js'eM ark In thirty minutes.' Tlie eighteen hour trains o f the New York Central and Pennsylvania rail­roads between New York and Chicago have opened hom’ possibilities in trans­continental traffic. By the Rock Is­land system, commencing Sunday, it is possible to travel from New York to Denver, 2,055* miles, in forty-five hours and fifty minutes nnd from New York to the Pacific coast, 3,200 miles, in ninety-six hours.

At ai special meeting on Tuesday of the committee of a hundred of the Bos­ton chamber o f commerce appointed to consider the general qticstjou of recl-

•ity it was voted that a committee leven be appointed to consider and

report what further action should Bo taken toward the Indorsement of a candidate for state office pledged to thf advocacy o f reciprocity aud tariff revi­sion.

In New^ York oii Monday organlza-- tion of tlie Association For Improving the City's MUk Supply wms completed and plans for n war on impure milk Mere laid at a meeting held at the City club. It was decided to co-operate with the local aud state boards of health and the department o f agricul­ture and to assist lu the enforcement o f the laws.

John Findley Wallace, chief engl- neer p f tb t Ptnnma canal, soiled on Friday from Colon to confer with Sec­retory T a ft on canal affairs and alto to purchase material*. Some big or- ders/ are -likely to be placed, among M'blch will be one for 7,000,0t>0 vitrified bricks. Rock crushers and rollers for use In paving Panama Will also be purchased.

Marcus Braun nnd Maurice Flshberg,American Immigrant Inspectors, are look lug up the condition# at the em­barking points of the big Atlantic lin-. ers In Europe. TU$y expressed the - _ -r oblnlon on Fjlday- thata^»lg fe«on ,' ? b*ore <*

f nn hand wasseveru 1 other

CASUALTIES. ^ ™ « e(arm building* •took were de-

tbat pUHaed counties, WIs.,

tiled aud some Injured on Sun ip of a monster compressed air

wjrlph 1ms exceeded all previous rec? ordi, promises to be even greater In the future.

A bitter quarrel between the New York nnd Continental Jewell Filtra­tion company, the contractors who are building the Charleston drjdock, and the officer In -eh a r jf Lieutenant James Mllsqn Grimes Walker, was terminat­ed os Frldaj! 4jy the transfer of Lieu­tenant Walker by. order o f Secretary KailfllL-

pans* at One Hundi street- and North rlv tM’enty ton section was hurled «00 feet which wns swept absSutely off Its site by the explosion, a j[ ripped down trees on a terrace % crowds of women a eating luncheon."

Yetta Green, seven New York on Tuesda after receiving an lA w tlon of dlpli therla antltoxla ad^nlatered health inspector, health commissioner, toxin caused tbe

and Sixty-first New Ybrk. A the big boiler

from the plant,

feet up where children were

Mrs old, jiled in fifteen minutes


dmlts that anti­death, but of-

fers no explanation a -apt that an airbubble mlgbt bar*

After holding a I bay for two bourn InFraneiaco, on Tneadi _ __people and defying Ibl'poUck, lio m a r Lobb, a maniac, kill 1 himself. All the victims were hit except a Chin*man, fie ball.

By far the worst tory o f the Western occurred on Saturda; a auarter of a mils jfrtapsco, a amnll station between Westminster and Fhtksjmrgr T w e n t y ^ , were UHed

I’resident Roosevelt on Friday ap. pelnted a committee o f live to Invea. tlgate and report to nim wnat c h i n ^ore needed to place the conduct of the executive business of the government In all Its branches on tlie most econom- leal nnd elective bnsls In tho light o f the best niodprn business practices.

Intimation was given-Wednesday to Judge Gaynor and the other executors o f the estate o f tlie late William Zie­gler, millionaire and financial exponent of arctic exploration, yyjjo died at his country home near Stamford, C’ouu that near relatives will eoutoat the

A light engine rutin t, WOTt collided with a heavy eaatboi A freight train on the New York. J IW Haven and H ,2 f0r? r“ " roa,, “ * iwlngton. Conn., on Monday, blockadtni wreckage and ca death o f three men.

A cloudburst at T t g l , Pa, « , Tuen day flooded tbe vUUg , .o d dld damage. The town k • two branches o f Sugar creek.* B otk l brancbe. over

deetoo «d

.flowed their bankk. spanning them ware

Tbe plant o f tbe ■ and Malting company T., waa partly de ‘ Taeaday. Tbe leea

A fter being out flft ju ry In the caee « Weheter. X. ¥ „ chan on Tueaday brouMtt manslaughter In the i

One death and a n tlons, besides much tenement districts, w the eftesslve heat In aud vlukilty on Sunday

steamer Va^er- for, Dover and

in the syringe, inft persona at

UdyitTOtt, Ban abootlng nine

ith No. 4 shot received a ri

In the hto iryland railroad t a point about

the tracks with the lUBtout

•* p ptitwo bridget away.

Iway Brewing at Buffalo, N

_ e d by Are on W s.000. .

T mlnbtea the rtrtn Smith o f

With murder, a verdict o f

nd degree, her of proetra-

• ifferlng In tbe I the result of lew York city

died at North Bloomfield, N. Y., o f Tuesday, had reached tbe age of 102 yenrs. She was horn at Watervllle, N, Y. Her father, Benjamin Sweet- land, served In tlie Revolutionary war In the Third Massachusetts reglmeut.

Emerson Bfoue, sixteen yennt a member o f the Worcester, (Mass.) coun­ty commission, died at Bpyncer on, Sat­urday, aged sixty-five years. He was n capfaln In the Union army and lost his left arm at Drury's Bluff. He was prominent as a Mason.

The commission which wns named to Investigate the clrcuinstifeces • sur­rounding the surrender o f Port Arthur by General Stoessel made Its report at St. Petersburg on Wednesday. The commission finds that' the surrender wns justified.

The Rrititth house of, commons on Wednesday voted the late speaker, Mr. Gully, $20,000 yearly on his retirement, so ns to enable him fittingly to main­tain the title which’ lit* king Intends to bestow on him.

Rev. Dr. Charles E. Looke, who was President, McKinley’s spiritual adviser while he lived in Canton, died o f apo­plexy, jR the home of his son, tlie Rev. Charles E- Locke, Jr., In Brooklyn on Friday.

Pascal P. rratt-, millionaire mer­chant und banker, died in Buffalo on Sunday. Mr. Pratt was boru In Buf falo in 1819.


Mrs. Charles T. Stout, fo rm e r ly Genevieve Hecker, who was met

rcpolitan and national champion for two years, won the metropolitan golf championship kt the Baltuarol links, Short Hill*, N. J., /Saturday, defeating 111** Gertrude Travers o f the Nassau Country club o f Glen Cove, N. Y., by 8 up and 1 to play.

The new law making face track bet­ting In Missouri illegal yvent into effect Friday. The penalty for violating this law is Imprisonment In tbe peniten tiary. It is said an eastern system ot speculating on race. resulii wiiL 1m adopted.

The American schooner Yacht Atlan­tic won the race fdr auxiliary yachts from Dover, England, to Helgoland, Germany, completing the course In 41 hours 20 minutes 20 seconds, on Mon fi*y. - ..,v ' '. .

D H w w . Frfendv.r Gladys—Jerrold la saying all round

tbat you ' are worth your weight In gold. Ethel—The foolish boy! Who Is he saying It to? Gladys—His creditors, dear. ■ •

W lllta a Is Okllws.Man In tbe Street—I don't Ix-llevr a

word o f your story. Tramp—Cue mo­ment, then, mister, and I'll tell you a different one.

Shark Carrie, OO 8wim m .r. -Norfolk. Vaw Jnne 22. — Captain

Grant, commanding tbe British steam­er Leuctra. which has. b^en taking or eoal at Ijim hert’s Point, reported to Marion Myers, British vice consul, tbat William Hartwell, the ship's slcv art!, while bathing In tho harbor w:t- fulight liy a shark. |iulita! tiniler Hit

A N I D E A L R E S T I N G PLA CJ& ;“ Until the day breaks and the shadows flea •way.’*

Rosedaleand Linden


Beautiful and Accessible, L I N D E N , N E W J E R S E Y


On Main Line Pennsylvania Railroad

Why Lots in these Cemeteries commend pmstlm te(Raimn

Heads of Families aid lanstonBBCAU S* of tho •i,ooo,ooo Trust Fund provided far b* thoCam..—» •Y.m fficOm# ' ----- —»-l_0- - ! « A-- -* * ‘

MO EXBECAUSE such a guatimtea, not ibuad in

uoch Cemetery, tho Income bom which' will koop a potuolly beeutiful ot NO S X P E N tB TO LOT O W N I


LOTS SHOULD BE PURCHASEDMOW '-'rt.:b e c a u s e m o r e a d v a n t a g e s a r e __ ________

BUYERS In i> new Modem Parh Cemetery then fa thesemeny yeere end, in molt ceees, no provision made far—“ bout — -- — — 5 ' -—



without extra' expense to lot owncf'e. TH ERE ARE T U r k a 1------------------------- IONS TC --------------- --------------



AN D ---------- J ■

BECAUSE life is most uncertain end EVERT ONE SHOULD ANTIC*

LOTS WILL PROVE A 6000 HUfESTiETBECAUSE they ere eure to increeee In value end can h e a e ttfa M M O V

a« the.INITIAL or LOWEST FRICK and upea the MOOT e n v e w . TAOEOUS T E R M S. — v « a e -

BECAUSE the propea lee are ACCE M IBLE TOAPID G R O W TH OF O EBATBRN EW T O S I CITIES and TOW NS.lt ia only a aaeadw • # » LOTS in ROSEDALE and U M S E M S A M

and coatidering the RAPID O R O W TH OF ORBA1and its TRIBU TARY **-------- --------------- -- ‘SHORT TIME when 1___________ ___*111 EQUAL IN VALUE thoM Uf our MOST NOTED •_________ .

LINDEN LODGE It the LAKOBST,MOSTMOBSMtsadWMTSQSWBRCSMBTERY LODGE lath, ceaatry sad pravMed wbk SVBBT laafad -----------------.PORT end CONVKNIRNCB «t LOT p W K U l sad YHITOnd M e , the propcrtlei. -

FOR INFORMATION cMcenUeglesa t. these faaat-flel Fait I___Y k ll Wanportatln to pmiptedve Jai bayeTa, apply i t Uaee U aep M t Y U J i a eSeee tithe A ltK llS aet

Ua*e Ledge, Uadea, N. J. •»7 Stead Street, Bllseheth. N. J. r~-■ ‘

PredMtlel BeUdlag, Newelk, N. A7M Bergea Aveaae, Jeney f a n K A

10 Weet lid Street, New Yeek g

Page 4: vzriwM - digifind-it.com · | t h r o n ly p a p e r ♦ x . ^ i r a b m u rgvljr t ix r a r it a n to w n sh ip i vol. xil no 25 metuchen. n. j., satu3 tday. june 24.1905. to our

A ,


^Thefe in just one kind of GOOD SODAWATERr-andThe 1 rigli

a ^lozen kinds of HAD.

kind is madb of naturalfruit syrups, pure s

ed water;' icoperfectly curbouat-

?arefiilly and sniouth-

only delicious, invig-

toiUc health

The Mantelpiece Bottle ExpYoll find yourself

without a corkserc M iles, all of tllt'lji Hardly anybody l l'lro solution of tin

. It : . l»erfo

digest l>

ly drawn, and is

beverage, Jjut also.

•hedper. The fruit Juices

while the carbon all bn jgtlmuliUes ni< whole system. The t>nd kind (and inert are rivers of jt consumed by unihink- ing people) is made and served unclean; the syrupy are impure and it is positively dajigerans.1- - ^


ETUCHEN PHARMACYn wpubt v n^nager. C. A. PRICKITT, Proprietor.

P o s t Offioe B u ild in g

Ibe bottle t'dgo of nil Bteadying It, of Then with n all that it falls uj base, pick It up, tlie cork has sti necessary to repeat the opt fore the cork ciui be wit lull the fingers. AJlrst experlmc full bottle o f water tightly ac| visit bio. A fall direct 1herght will have no do drnblo.result.”

;Hie present writer e:;n testify to the efficacy of this “mlnoiOfrt.” lie had, it Is true, to nnr.ngo his picnic In an ordinary room *0 as to have the man­telpiece handy. Rut thorcAvas no dhB- euity after turning the bottle on Its

“ with a alight impulse,” In ex­tracting the cork from the ruins. There was 116 need to ropeht the'hpcrallon?^ London Spectator.


Should Not P r i, i0h Invettioa-



fc&anital ConstitutesNational 6 jpg**,” tit* Minister

AttemptedIn BropaHy Procure In

>lar«« Unwarranted.

York, Ji m 22. — Herbert WBtatae minister to...v 1 ... — minister to

la, just 1 Utoiwed bjr President. • * * »»*»**»« diplomatic service

•erv«d for flfteeu * printed statement bU dismissal from

nwice o f the United ***• long egphuiutiou

Seaside ResortsTHE CHALFONTE

Directly on Ocean Front.COR. OCEAN AND BATH AVENUES.

OCEAN GROVE, N. J.Cr oleine of High Excellence.Special Rates for June and September. Season May to November.| 1 E. W. EHLERS, Sole Propurletor



Beautiful Dawn, wl,th nhada Largo B w n a Sun Parlor, All Modern Improf*. manta

I rataa to familial. Cottage Annex. B. N. PRENTIS.

THE CHESTEROpen June to October.Directly on the Reach.




Under new management.Terms Rreasonabe. 1


May weddings are supposed by many arsons to be unlucky. It is u heritage from the ancient Romans. A Mny bride, says Ovhl. Is short lived, Ida ‘xplauntioii being that the monfh in-

eluded the eelobrotiou of the Lcmuria in honor o f the dead. Apart from any vll omen, such a time o f mourulug

would Interfere with the bathing and toilet arrangements that were proper preliminaries to weddings. Plutarch- suggests thnt, as April was the tyiouth of Venus nud June thnt of Juno, to se- iect^May was to slight those ijuptial goddesses and that June, as the mouth o f the yoiULjj (J mi lores), y ns preferable to May, the mouth of the old (majores). Ovid'sv “ Meuse jjjiala^ nlaio uubere vul- gus nit” o(there Is a popular say.iiig that wickeil woim-Yi wed in May) was In­scribed on the gate of Ilolyrood when Mary, queen o f Soots, married Rock­well In May, loHT. What, followed strengthened Scottish belief in May’s unluckiness.

elt from in which he 1 ytiars, lias Issue

.in -explanation the diplomatic Stuteb. in part reads-; -

“The Venezuei » scandal constitute* a national di«g »cs. Tb® recent de- partmental luqu ry should not prevent an opeu, iuipar il. fearless and thor­ough invcstlgati a into all the facts. Surt^ression of t 0 truth will never es­tablish it. Toler n«® o f evil will never crush it. No , ffic®, however high, should shelter a rrongdoer.

‘ ‘When I went to Venezuela In J.001 o f Mr. Loomis as

r l found both in private circles in

iora current aartous- mor and integrity of 'Jl as a man and as our government.

Mortification, a pride in being the

Indigestion Causes Catarrh o f the

StomacR, .-S K f S T V *“PP0«ed IhstT * ! " '” of a * Stomach caused Indigestion “ ^dvapapaia, but the truth la oiactly the

Indltaitlon causoa catarrh. Re- attaclw of Indigestion Inflamos the

■«fcoua mambranaa lining th, atomacb and norvejof (hs.lomsch.ihuscso-

i f f 10 *scr*,“ "lucln instead ofThuu

K o d o l D y s p t p t ia C u r tvaHevss all Inflammation of (he muoavs membranea lining Iho stomach, protecta the «or»aa, and curea bad breath, acur rlalnra. a aonae of fullness after sating, IndlgosUou. ^yapapsl* andallstomaflh troubles.Kodol Digwtt What You Eat

s *°,M,ch S tn c t«*•.*! 00. boldlnv 3H times which Mils for 50 esnts.

,P<NMr«g gy t. 0. DeWITT A OO.. OKIosg Ml*si* St Metuchen JPh&rnuuty

V I E H M A N N ’ S


K OCEAN AVENUE HOUSENeatly Funlahred. v New Managemtnt.

Tabic Homelike Fl«C»t .View in Ocean Grove.

Special Rates for, J une and Septenitjer. Write for terms.


i - MULFORO HOUSE s- F - 8. S E R V E R , Prop,

27-29 OLIN ST. ,0CEAi\ GROVE, N. j . TdbJe First Close. One in 1 v.ic, form the

.ocean. Near-Weoley Lake, the Toung ■ | Peole's Temple. Auditorium, Poslofllce,

THE AUSKAOpen All the Tear.

■ BOMAH M tJBKVa, .dOear-oeetmr------ OCEAN GftOVB^

. N. H. KILMER.sy t-o la a . to .n n y respect. *te( aiia

. X?. y * t * r Baths, Electric Oghta, I — -------- . tee iuunt,“ *"**• Telephone, Steam Heat ,, i l * Ten’ PIe. Auditorium, Posloftlce’ “ l * Varandaa ovarlooklnr the Bea I - —,n* ° T<>u"da and the Fishing Pier.

J Popular Rales, J7 a week and up.

Tbr Term “ Cro»trl.,,Every ou t uses the term "crony” in

the souse o f “ chum” or “pal,” and the phrase "old cronies” has .become epe- ciutly fttihlllarv but it la doubtful whether the original word bore any reference to friendship. The new Eng­lish dictionary puts down its origin to academic slang and quotes the immor­tal Pepys for the earliest instances of Its use. Quite recently, however, an old letter of a still earlier date has coipe to light, In which a scholur is described

'y « * ^iiuttmt to dwttror tiia huoy wmr night labors and everlasting study to overtake his chronyes and contempora­ries.” From this it would seem clear that the word was a bit of university secretary or Jargon, used to denote students o f the knowledging same date nud coined from the Greek been greatly word that appears In the terms “chro- I reading the


a« the succei . American mini governmental Caracas many . ly affecting the hiy predecessor a representative

8«urc«’ “To representative government sious, so pertis orally believi source of was this the ck had been promt raens and wag rotary of state at times acting of the departm

“This was when in Fel, ranging the ai I found anion unionts left by w ere,in no 1r personal and tion papers.

‘These doc w rersfiirV minister to f i express * 7 - their contents secretary of

scandalous asper- rnatW and so ge -

Nvere a continual itlen. Especially K ttae Alr. I oomis ■inlcc Heaving Ga- W *t assistant sec-

Wettttgton andin full charge

Orest attractions In Spring Good*, Bra- broiderlM, Ixices, Trimmings, th* latest novelties In Neckwear and Ribbons.

Muslin Underwear and Corset CbvftrsTTha moat complets Una ax Corsets anu

Corset Waistsfcprtng Hosiery and Unjerwer, all sises

and Qualities _Infanta' Outfitting.Tb* largest stock of .\otions, Fancy

Ooode, Toilet Articles, Stafhped Linens Rest qualities and lowest prices.



New Brunswick’s D ry Goods

Headquarters 8« T he re ’s L u x u ry f o r W o m a n k in d In O u r

Whijte Dre^sFine Cotton, S ilk and W oolen W eaves That W ill Make Up Into Charming Costumes.

mcntsThlm™ ;’W?jn r * ,n,h th . month of Wed.!ln,x ,-„mmen.-,.•Imll be the firt" “ y- etc: but <luo* “ F >hlO[i has decree that Whit, •hall be the fad will, her Ueveteee tlvreU«l,0„, the .imimrr W,,e»«rhe.rdl ; >, ‘“ ‘ rUt'U;ar a" J remark ,o a friend the o",h£dey^I‘ mho^^whlte“ - e Jl“ ' ** neW thta •umra" l "><J fhey’ra all *oln* to


Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account l*wia and Clark Exposition and Varl-

_ ous CbnvenLlona.[ » S ^ n V a n d T tn t lib ll J * ~ coust «» >»• Dewi. iha ciarnr t aeanduloua ' JU" ’ 1cpciooer it, and various conventions to be

Raid on tha Pacific Ooaat during tb. ■umm«r. tin P.nnaylvanU Railroad Com- b««y wUl M l round-trip tlcketa on spe-

Batea. from all atatlona on Ita tlnaa, to Bath Francisco and Do* An*elea, April * to Bapumbarr »f; ta Portland, Seattle,

Vloterla, Vancouver and Han Dle«Ot Kay a to September XI, at crentiy raduee* rataa.

FWdatdia of- aaie and aped llo lnforma- Ooa ooncavnln* rataa and routes con­sult near sat ticket a*ent.

There s Certainly Elegant Choosing HerePINE WHITE COTTON DRESS

m a t e r ia l s /The soft, sheer quality ofj plain

m lil Caracas '1904, while rear-

otir legation, 4 number of doc-

iy predecessor. They ■Mffced private 01

presumably legs T h e R o y a l A r c a n u m

ftih (r »~etaito» I n i ' a Tpeaeti alwajr, tu M d tUctiar*. Brihsloy Kherldiin considerable nnnoy- ‘ lu »1

L *° niice. On one occn.ion the dramatl.t Tt>*Jj » l M « r f whUlty"7 nd was fined. ^ conMderetl ns meaning “ Interna- * “ ” • °n ° “ e °ccna!on the dratuauat t0Inpt0A t0 Neither Indiana nor whites would Ufen Uonal documentary,’ '' and then tlie 8|io' ' <k1 Ids displeasure of a fellow / i . . ur. |dM S n to D a temperance speeches. H # “Oocnmenfarr d ra ped out « • l S ' « S l

,w h In despair. One day, be bed an Inspiration. Ha

Doolln o f tbe NerudaTT c la t a e a Caw.

■eeea Benttor uoolln o f tbe Nerads T . P.’a London Weekly relates bow 777..„ JT 777}777lefts la ture to aboolve bla eln by.ect of M ajor MUea Malony o f BallydufT was contemporary who wished toSitalature, Senator Doolln waa agroo- "maned one morning to see from his i“ ly 1° v"*’, bu* J ^ d r Se" s° ™0UK!| tbto. sad introduced and carried bedroom window a little lad drlvln. . *°...act ,0? L . T here> “ c lll” e?. hc-

- . -JUglW “ OUV uavaiuu* tu Btr irvui UIBmu introduced and carried bedroom window a lltQe lad driving a

—- “ ienat* Joint Concurrent Res- cow back and forward again and again oMtkm No. 11,* which |f| -gg followst OVSr At ditch nnd fhpntiwh a fniuw seen Kim"Rssolved, By the senate, the people Of the state o f Nevada concurring, that the drink of whisky taken by Johnson Sides on the 17th day of September In the city of Virginia, county of Story, he and Is hereby declared null and ▼dd." Thus was Johnson Bides roado• food man again. He became at once• power among his own people, resum­ed his advocacy of the cause o f wnter and was listened with greet respect —Cleveland Leader.

W bat a Diplomat I ..TXe London Tall Mall Gazette dia-

enasee the word “diplomatist,” Inter­preting It as “ one with a double duty and a double responsibility''— ) his own country and the country that re­ceives him. ' The evolution of “dlplo- matlaf' from the Greek verb for “ to double- la very.curioua. “ Diploma,'’ a doubling, was specialized as a folded paper and particularly In Roman times an oOclal. paaaport or license. Thue "dtpteiaall aelease” down to the end Of the eighteenth century, meant the adunoe o f manuaertpta and documents, which explains a modern Writer's

over ■ ditch and through a fence ou hie lend. Hurriedly completing bla toilet, he rushed out to question the little tree- passer. "What are ye after with that •ow? Is It to kill the beast ye w a n tf “ Kill herl Shure, It's to keep her altra f w an t” "Keep_ her s ilv er "Bhure, I f a talcblng her "to got her own living I am. There lan’t a ditch or to re in the barony that'll hold her In afther I ’ve done wld her.” Than tha major understood. The cow. In fact, was be­ing taught to trespass In search of her own living

■ton-wall Jaakasa's » t-*~tStonewall Jackson's form was tall,

gaunt and angular. Hla feet aud hands were large, and hla walk waa slngular-

Jy ungraceful. He always spoke quick­i e In abort sentence! devoid of orna­m en t but to tha point A. bablt ef “bat­ting” bla eyes added no Uttls to tha peculiarity 6f hla appearance Ills eyed' Were gray and ordinarily dull and expressionless, but when exettad hg drill, which always seemed to rouse him, especially when charges were Cr*^’ the whole -manwould .change as-------, —W W.JI . a mew M

* “ * u ; vhyuuua ■ uiuueru w n w ri \ I f ’1!**— « by tht W P - 4^•trange l l ia i i k that “ there la not a I the guua to-thwwxclttng ecanee a( aa ■haAow e f diplomatic doubt thrown .actual field a t kettle—Ohomee M •Jw jfta Lutegrttrof the thtid^gcHipel.” ( Bemmet InOntarx.



We can coDl your head with ONE OF OUR STRAW hats. ■„ i . ,. i .iit ■

AND HOW ABOUT A FANCY VEST, WELL WORTH $130 ANO $2.00. , ’ . ^ \VERY SPECIAL........... ................... ..... , . ± : ............ . 89«



nology/’ "dironomcter,” "chronograph,* that are connected with time.

*b*rUUm>» Tr«».

kept crying out ’ ’ Hear, hear*' every j 1 «■«few minutes. During a certain debate only and o f oar i Bhertdun took occasion to describe a e*“e**" political contemporaiT '^ho wished to

with great emphasis—"where shall we And a more foolish knave or a more knavish fool than he?"

Hear, hear," was shouted by the troublesome member. ,

Sheridan turned and, thankihg the honorable member for the prompt in­formation, sat down amid a general

of laughter.

Tactful.Mrs. John Bhcrwood waa as famous

for ner exquisite nature as for her fine style. At a dinner ouo night at the time w hether novel "The^PI'ansplant- ed Rose” was having a wide circulation her neighbor turned and nske4 in per­fect good faith the almost incredible question, “ MVs. Sherwood^ do you know who wrote *Tho Transplanted Koser ”

"It sounds as though it might be Hardy," laughed the gifted * womaD without a tubco o f 111 nature.—Wo­man’s Homo Companion.

Tk«. Property Maa»* TrovkUi.The company was playing "Romeo

and Juliet" tho other day, and in the balcony scene n cannon went off. The property man was sent for, who ex­plained that It waa a cannon which should have gone off in the perform- ance of "Henry V." two days before. That property man was spok< n to more in sorrow than in nnger.—From on Address by F. II. Benson In London.

Unvnrnlalioal Opinion*.Aitist No. 1—My landscape’s abso­

lutely ruiued by a lurid portrait. -Art­ist No. 2—Yes, the hanging's pretty slipshod this year. They’ve put me next to the crudest thing in the show. Artist No. ^ (coming up)—Hello! I see they’ve hung you two chaps together!

The ltelfffloan Vocation. *The rottgttmr volition Isn't nccQssnrl-

ly the. outcome of long mental proc­esses; It may either Rival upon one eubtly ocoverwhelm one nt a single on- s iauglit.-Fvsr “ T lie Bl fiop’s Niece," ^y George i l ; i'icnrd.

...To R ecover tier Child.you help 'roe to recover my

child'?*’ asked the poor woman."Is your child lost?"‘ ‘Oh, no. Ills clothes nro worn out.”

Heaven, never helps the will not net.—Sophocles.


If ETUCHEN FOSfoFFIC^. Open* 7 *. m Clo*«* litVf'smT "MallSfArrlv. from «n,*tna . M l - * , great til'll I 0!

and S;I0 k. m.i and 1.00 and b.oo Malls Clost- -lumt—1.00 a. m.,

( U and MS p. m.Wsst-S.M and I.M

Sind » .» p. m.Forelxn and Dome.tleK msy Orders Is


. and U:M, Ik

Did Not IfA fter refet

the L ooriIs i

bore on the char

■ I cannot better lings In rqgsrd toV tbe words of the

hho In hla letter ae-l said, ‘I have

pained in» hsnt me,’ "

! •}&»••••VI tw o psssenee of 1 1 one, 13.90,

AGtand Brotherhood at Men. Tbree Uundred Thoneand Strong.1 “ onesna Btror...

I ‘ 111 t ritamal Rene licttry Twenty - Seven Years Successful


^Fofly^M et Cl*im P rom ptl-T **>dW h j You Hhonld Become A Member

o r “ M eliichen" Council.IX ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN ITSJk.uuu.u.l Orovlk. Low I».u„ „ . H,,h

weave* that make up Into such dainty taco and embroidery uenn- med costume* fbr dress occasion*.

INDIA LAWNS, 10c, 12V4c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c. and 40c yd

^LltsiAN isAWMS, 20c, Z&c, ad, and 46c yard.

FINE FRENCH LAWNS very •Oft and sheer, 50c. 66c. and 7

WASH CHIFFON8,J 50c, 75c and OOo yard.

FINK WHITE BATISTE ANDMi L.l.itM, •£,c, i,x', and lie yard

WHITE SII.K MULLE8, 2So. 35c and 60c y^rd.

FINE WHITE WOOL FABRICS. Dainty light ,w^ghL a^ayea, P<W

t ular foy' sumnup Weir. ■» t - „ ’ • Whlto’ Albatross Cloth, 60c ysrd.' Wh!td\ Veilings, 60c and ISc ysrd. white Mpk.ltS, 60c and.,75o^v«. White c r j^ ds parte, fLOO-nra.

A SELECT ailOWINO OF w h ite kll.Ha. I ‘

For t tie cool summer sort or Waists, Costumes, Skirls, els. CHINA WASH SILKS, |0c, » c .

•lid 76c yard. It Inckss wide. 11.00 ysrd. M Inches'wlds.

WHIT}-' HAIU TAI SILKS,“ “ c i n i bilks, »♦ *r7l ,Bcn‘fc*' **<*•. ind 75* yartft f .< " I F ™ ^AtersTTAa, tie .n j jv , ‘« XXtoil S**R*. IB-inches wid4.

WHlfB IVAUEE SILKS, »o *BO 15c yard. J7 Inches wlds.

WHITE LIBEJRTI BATIN, 5V| yd. w h ite PEAU D * 80IH 76c yarn WHITE CREPB DB CHINE H IM “rarfl. - * - , -

WHITE DIAn a BILK, tun yart.

A - l + ' l ’ •' - -WHITE SII.K AND WOOL OHkkSE-J r auric*

V " ' « kshwn, etandard grad# ma­terials, popular fo r dr.ssaa of tnelr son, lustrowa Balsa arm

f n ‘a«S______"I9 »:rart.

FuU Line Laces and Embroideries for Trimmings

n e t TOP LACES, Etc to » c yard. Bands and Medallion effects.

18o to 96c yardALL OV£r La CE8, 75c to R.50.


AM . «VKn RMimOlIlERtEi KM to II.M yard.


ezuela. Tb* least twomoney to proctm- —--------------------- -----

“ I am prrfedtl '<awat» that Mr. law mis knows that no* regard him as hone3t ithd thkt I believe his intlnenoe as acting head 1 the department has been used to ren me from the diplo­matic service. know that an effort has been made 10 show that I was In some way Ah’In tigator o f false, asper atiops against t character and con duct o f Mr. Lddi Wja, When the fact was that Air. Loomli y name w as not likely to be heard hi Sfraeda without some mention o f his bad character.

'Phone 260- L

, vhitt I at ptberwise lihprop-

iiudn Is unWarrant (ftofidendal agents

office* in Vtn- ‘■•department on at

^provided me with Information

Wilt Apg Oktigrsss. xWashington, jh t> «K —Although the

president’s deif ihtt*-dMcalsslng Her­bert ,W ; Rowel r from the diplomatic service of the P (Rates ts final so Jfar ns th^ «tttl^e action is con corned, it is prfSH ed b y Mr. Rowen'i friends Unit he dll carry the matter to congress and a: & fur an Investigation there.- fit "

Hoch Sells IM y fa r Respits.Springfield, I j . June 22. — Jobs....

Hoeb, the convl isd w ife naarderer and multibigamist, xUI sat a respite foi one week and ppathly longer. It \m announced an h a riu tlre lj that tba governor Intepf H o take arndk action Id order to p e n * leerrrlng the case be­fore tbe aupne e eanrt, T he gorsreor promised to d I this I f Hoch could guarantee |7uq >*a fees necessary for such an appetri ' She condenwad man succeeded byTVeMliig hie body to s physician forjdOO, paid In advance, and raising S . collection among bM fellow prisonajfk He M o d to get hla last wife to

st Raawns..—'The Panshis cs

has decided to buikl at Bmplre with BOO

with 96 beds and 100 beds—and also

n. "Tha cotahilsaion .— irge o f the hospitals

at i ’ fllliuna, which Will b e rebuilt and equipped wild modern accommoda­tions.

Fat Bay.(, Jqne A —After hold parsons at bay for two

M aniseSan Krsnclx |

tug a thou.sint * . . . ---- - — . tiours in ' Kda street aheotlng nine people and del in f ttfa police, Thomas * - LL - manli e, killed himself. Tbe

nan B * barricaded in hla room on the ft Bttt floor of the Caltad. States hotel

V i s a i 'Piano.

snd tan pnfprtunutely

created a____the friend.the, T>l*nlat .“hot

mostly during

fob youto make now Is to come to our store. If you have any Interest in low prices are now making a

SUPERB SHOWINO of all that is newest and best along thrs particular line. Bargain prices prsrell

Mfish BrothersWhittier Building.

M a in Street





S r B. A yarn, Frederick Ayer*Ayres, Flore nos A. Kelly and

A- Piereon, executor* of Rachael T. Ayers, deceased, by direction of the Mwfroete of the County of Middlesex, hweby give notice to the creditors of the •*Jd Rachael T. Ayers, to brLng in their 4j*bta, demands and claims aaiaaL,the J*t4 of the said deceased; under oath w. Affirmation,.within nlge mohthil from th|*

or Uiey will -l» forever barred of smy action therefor against the said exe- eutore..

Dated April 7, 1906. H1CNRT B. ATRB0,



Executors."ciLrluie* C. Campbell, exAoutor o f lla-

*UdA A. Freeman, deceased, by direction ^ •unrogate of the County of Mlddle-

^ givs* notice ter thF credllSriof the said Matilda A, Freeman,

debts, demands ajjd> bring

------ ~rt—. —j- claimioatate of the deceased, uniter

•atk or affirmation, wlthia nine, mt nt'ks fraen this'' date, or they win be Aorayet! barred o f any action threfor against tb* “ *•* ex*euter.

1 Jflarch 7, - V OK a CAMPBELL.

Kramer’sAn immense bargain week



P M ’

E. Kramer'sDepartment Store, ”

M ain Street i . N . J . ;

S. J. DBA17E, Pretiaent T. F. VAX 8ICLRN, UtBSfw

Longman & Martinet celebrated and . ;'<r ’Patterson-Sargent Co. B. P. g . Reidy mi](ed ^ ^, mixea raints. w #

on 7 a n d g € V l r 'e ,y 0 f C O l ° rS * * thes« P ^ n * c o n « a n U y

Thorburn’s Garden S«d,. Garden Tools. G ra« g ,d U w „

S nd ^ ' rniShing ^ O W . .

M ain S t.,• t n e k a n , N . J ,

Jeweler and Optician

A Full L * o l So*i,|e l R.(Hiring •