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'j^r^v . V A •SJ ' •Vv,-' .- -:il

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'j^r^v . V A

• S J ' •Vv,-'

.- -:il



| |Hustr ; iUi) jtt;ig;i^iiic for the {joung.

V< ' I , . XI, !

nOTBfTAM M t»* I*M1U(ITI0!« Of •

B I H M ; B O U a B , K I: W - V O H K .


M f l » '


K , . - ' I H . l t l » . n n . 9

* « K » • I

wi-tl... I n ,

I..I I I

TW I D * fa. Ik- F n . 4 * - * I

TV- |WM I v U u u n |l i I


. • •

I I * WtWtbtfHl U - p ,



S T A \ DA I ; I> r.K \ I ; I - : I ; .


1HB M W VF.M1.

|^*W*^ HE Old V..»r nawclhaway,

Wut, looki full "f thought nnd r«T, to-day,

V. mr; And iin-rry btUl And merry heart* sing,

M tliinkw of the gift* who'll bring

caUcn bright hopes around, - from her fall;

Her voice ha* a tdlvery wand, And her BDIIM am meant for alL

•••-iidiT t h a i w e ,

w baa bet fa.c w o w e , Should welcome her coming with note* of glee.

Hut d e a l falgti fall -he hear* far m all to do ;

If IHT bounty each one ahareft, Each should Jure in the lahor too.

TOT; v.. iboold strive to M

lid help to make other folks' tnmb


!'..( " lujipy new yum" »rr « to bt u-«l U Well U (! :

Tlinr moon ','- i n only lent, And ought to Iw well employed;

•;"i"ih nwiy; ••• m*y;

Nor put otr till to-morrow ihc cUind of to-d»y.



"AHA.! my tin.' felluw, I've found yon nl have been looking for you this hour, to attend to your mother*! biume**, and here you lire idling


•i.: l o m a k e t oy" t h a i a re of u-

-me day , u n d o ;

said t h e y o u t h thdfl addressed . " B u t \ my pencil and tool*, a n d d o w h a t -

i•-, ins tan t ly . " A n d he

• '10 grass , w h e r e his u n d o had

1 him, ou'i worn wi th hiin Into the house .

IOW what t<» make of I s aac , " n l d hfa

utlici a f t e r w a r d ; " 1 wish, t h a t he was

boys, a n d would i t o d j a n d p l ay a*

^ ^ ^ ^ h * d o . "

tin tha i he MBS pot at all life

; and I hough bo WM perfectly respectful and

Id noi i nduce h i m t o

«*;• i i -

M f t h uwupaun.ua wer<- at piay, (.,• was m a t -

t ie modcU of \ i r i o u kinds of m M b i M r y , boar-^huses which w e n n u t , , . ! b] water

i.i- a in ^ windmill ^ ^ ^ B n the town w h e r e hv lived, he examined it

ill he found n nid iheii m a d e oDe like it, with :i nv foi t h e

iu*«. w h e r e lie. lived. F o r I a m tel l of s boy who really lived, and became one greates t phi losopher* t h e wor ld has eve r


4 i in: -I INDXKD BKAKtt

His father died when he WIIB an int'-ini. i root hi r, after sending him to whool

. I iin t.- remain the farm which hi* father hn*l • u II. oomplj with her wiahi i <• for i n

u i rillowed bll -<-h<"'l, and liu'ii (•• 1'iiU't iln- I ' M

While h e m e at the I iinvr-ity. a torri - 'I the plague hrok"' oi

jo borne. While tin re, he •-day. under an apnle-tri • fell of, TfaM led him toooaetder wb) it fell,end •faoW ii niiiii he tHeeovered a law in called ii.. • iiion,

So donbl many of my little >iiUimi

their philosophies. Afterward In1 made another .li-.-..i cry, th^^^H . • i , i - - . i • • . . - • A n d • • • : - i . i - \">''>-te

pn old. U was only by paiirnl thinking that h

think that bq^^^H learning; l*GOieaaafl

.-.mid lie hail Q^^^H

lie waf^^^fl tBMW down his date and book, in a i he could not do a Mini, though no doubt


^ ^ B U U l T a one ami o \ v r a^ain |„•!'..:,

^ ^ • g r years after In- made l h e - e <]ucoveri«'-. In-

rhieh required • gr#al doftl of itady, (fondled it, when , CHIP e v e n i n g , lii-

^ ^ ^ ^ K jumped upon tin' table w h o n - h i - papi-i-^ ^ ^ ^ K Up*et a l ighted c a n d l e III*' inid-t o l

:i was absent from t h e room

(I, ami w h e n lie r e t u r n e d , I i

^ ^ ^ B t w!it.-l' t a l . n

^ ^ ^ • I m n i t tip. Knt thi ' l i he d i d not y i e l d

loa. niifjii nl s p i r i t — h e mere ly said, "<* Din-

^ ^ H l Diamond ! y o u l i t t le know h o w m u c h mis-

.iii.l eoininei ieei ] t o write hi -

H j M * bceilltse he w a s a t ' h r i - t i u n . and had the Mbtatic of GtKi'n S p i n t . Lhttt he w a s able : •

S I o t till hi" iiKjuiric- alter t tuth - bun low aii.i prata iha

• i more. He added the I IMJ UCS, and he i. |

• m i l 1

dny y o a m a y meet men wicked re l ig ion will do v e r y wel l lor

men do not in-T i e n V"M can tell them o f Sir

^ ^ ^ ^ • B r t o n , the great philosopher, w h o

a n d felt that h e was weak and •lit of ( i o d .


Ho said : "To my* child playing II|ton the MMhorc, while the iir.mraai ocean of truth lay unexplored bofon

i . - • • • . ; . ; •

knowledged, in his epitaph, ih:it N. vu-ii'i wisdom [ m God.

" Nature and all hpr works U> hid in i God said. Let Newton be, and all «»-

Sir Inao tftwtofl lived I mid then went in hi* heavenly hoinr. • i • !., ho*

. loaming in might nl God than he could ever havo known hen,

THE REM VRKABLE TWIV-. •• K AIK," aftid her father, a- the\ -.it in ilir libra.

ry, " . " i n r and -it on my kneo, and I wil I about two twins. S o , you shall llH'iu : I will «ay their names, and you simtf^^^H them. One is named Chcerfulneas, and lh<

. you must preuud thai thm Are two person-, and yon n look like, and how they I" Quietness wears creaking shot's, an

. ud —*—' •' N>>, lather, j tstnp: / will t^^^H

bar. She DM rery wft brown haii and smooth. Her eve* are blue, lik<


'joe* up and down •air* «'» lightly ihat no nno can hear lier. I think ^ H a l i M w n •IT.--. . ..lor of h»r hair.

VVhon ill-- cnais comi u'hirnii •. S'ohody over hear* her

•B^c \< r-".in will) ^^^Hllllii' . ' Iirar IHT, il i* Out of door*. Slu-^ ^ B " " ! ! ; : ^ ! - : ami she looks lovely, even

in.1 chiii. Father, I do not think I

lainly. Now

.ino-* has a sky-blup drew*, •_' CVes, an i

jiaelik"- going about in the garden* ami but ^Ugwh.c- « ill roses and honeysuckle-, arid iwim »

/•. b.-:ui'iftiii\, an.I i- Hid dairies, and a [ong walk on a

• ver ha* any cl ilblatii I ing «ln>n ahe goen by. Father, w u

lhat V"ii won- reading nbont th<-day - Then' was nnc line about flower>

in their bed*,"

•1 and ally of lew. It was the lady you read about in

may read the poem, if you not think you uil| understand all of

I lo gpend every Sunday with u-. They will


not stay here unlcs* my chil tin-iii. Do yon think you can > k.i|-thorn hi'n* nil d

" V.•-, Iii(LIT. I :un sum i^uk-lnos >.ut ..|" iIn- »ar-U'ii; tmppy in tliii room with you ui

. happy, iiiU. • i. Chi i rfuli • in our liuii-i' "ii Siiii'I-i\s without '•im. im'M. h f j f l

will , ^ ^ ^ H [o Mini fiml your Aunt, and

tOd !•'..;. i mi liyi m-1 m< • :• r •:-. in i *4 H H the hymn* thai


U ">: h»VO a grcflt ninny «pp i:i>I-t:.M:i:|!- t'<>r v l I- W111 •

to supply thrin«H'|ir-. and wo are h-BfH»l in.'iny IDOT6 thunvl what they can tu help such. Tin

r, «hich li;i- il"iir [i]r>rr linn •tiy other one in thi* way. That 'I sec how such help i- received, we i print the following Jt-t \\'•• <* Tsli many B J B

would .]n .,- id.- ..ui- in Kli/'

Ki I/MII . n, \ .1., S

Tha accompanying letti r, -- ui tu

our Sunday-school, has iiiKiv-u-d them v i ' f^^^H


•• with ihi-ir wi-li, 1 im-limv hv« lit; Hflbn frirtii thi-ir uii"uni:ir} I'UIKI. )•• \><- n|»|>rt>|>ri-

I ragk>l •nmiini-•.inly yours,

\ I I \ I 1 K .

3t PftoPi Siin-atik you

•I I k- r.-vivoi liy ^ ^ • ( f tho lt.-v. I ' I . 1». in S. |.t.nil"

^ B i •latino you linvt- lim* kimlly :i»i-n-<\ i- ihi-• ion in [on ft, ind b u nndtr four different |K>Uit#,

• B b i f*elor mul mi--i<<n;,ry i- iln- l;-\ ^ H f c * Gutlltlll, fliriK'-t S.TVHMI

m UIHIIT many never* trial* BpMi'i!. :ihi- inl'uK'lity, with ii-•pfc*' >••

gentle lour.

y u (n:i-, d«U <liilihvn. »ii] '»• ••:»«! by many little |»reehiuH one* on tl

• h o n)L»l"ii groiiinl, ami will l>riii« with iliem

^ ^ ^ • i t h c family, DMyiiu ew-r think of that? m:iy U iii A goal

• little inri-lcnl .it' last ^ ^ ^ H n a n , upright. liMiiuraMe. r(*.p.>.te<l ami he-


loved b y all, ye t w i t h o u t (he know!.

iour in h i - lx-:i; • i.iy eveOai^H

:it t he w i n d o w , wi th h i - Little ilati-.1 \ i\ (tu«

only chi ld) u | " . n h i - kn.-t-, u .it, h i n g tin; h i r d ^ ^ ^ H • -ruinh* t in ' g r e e n l awn in f r o n ^ ^ ^ f

l o v e d h e r m o r e t h a n t o n g u e r a n tel l ; i- crerj

to him, he r life w:i« hi- , and

• n-ha i red ehi ld " I ' five sunin

• • ! Koine l i m e , w In n suddenly -/•.•• mw-l

IIVT . lark I'lin- ' • ' h i - ;•:», d o ^ H ll<> v u w t o n w h e d a n d at

s w e r , when -lie r e s u m e d : •• P.ipa imt n

h e a v e n , mi les - he p r a y s " Her hi ther , wi th i h a n d , lifted he r IV. iin I

raying it wan h e r l>ed-time. B u t :.• tbo twiH d e e p e n e d in to n ight a n d t h e " ' P * * ^ ^ |

r o r d l -een ied b u r n i n g in his i

t i red that n i g h t , s t o p p i n g n - u-uii l at Am

-!<!•' farewel l ki—. h e -truck '.vith^^^H

Hant color a n d l a b o r e d b r e a t h i n g . "

tie- chi ld in a b w f ^ ^ ^ H i a n d ail t h a t ar t . mJd do wm \

d o n e ; bin tin- Lord h a d n e e d o f her . and the caB h a d c o m e j u s t a - t h e d a y d a w n e d , a n d t h e tftq^H

tli.- wor ld d i s t u r b e d lh . -illn^^^H

fa ther , w h o had h e r n pac ing the il

n i g h t , w a s ca l l ed b y t h e voice he Lived so wdL J

papa !" i( -a id . aofl a n d ]<••••

a n d the m.irwim;.' w i n d - tilled u p t h e pause w t f j ^ H

THE !:i:i: n

• ii i-4 eo dark i It—"; the WOPI wn*

£*V-1 Thi :nl lightonrrl, nnd tl»«

far wnk- tbc agonizod parent ntV«'d oomfim ••b'ioTi. and alone In his ehamhor al

pnl lark and forth; bnl then K O n i r ;i fliHIlL''1. ' 111- AlIlV » ' l .

^^^^B0t<i and do.ur '-•l i: KI:II:N» D.

Mi HER BOX. . i.iit away Mint vwiii ; . and hflp m.-

said Homy • holIIU l'p-111

be doll** was making, an I ill in-dor work, but :it the nnu time she

otwill wait n little whUo until I finis)) my •

vas in a had hniiK.r, and did not warn in't hrlp mi- no •••

1 .ill." and ».'M! mii ,.|' tho room,

12 TIIK .-rAMiAiiDuKAkER.

oil! l»- •MUgl^^H nnall fancy box with A glaaa lid. (' h.tuirht Willi her I:)"! *i\).< i it B ^ H

li ;.-.'. ivitli «une uit; mid ill*' ;'lii- \vn* l.f'k.'fi. He raa^H when ho haw tin- iiii-Wiu I' In

nhilaj^^H u:i» rrvini;, :iii«l -lu' ..Mi-,-.I I,| | hof^^H had bii|i|N' 1. Mr*. Morris Harry, and said thai whm \v punish hiii) HI Miim- way fur hi- b;i<i »-.

•lilrht-.l hi-r fto,<k,^^^H

" I t V U - i i r h ft -halm- o f l i

lirr-vir. "II'1 kti.-w how much t ^ ^ ^ ^ l :unl ivluif oara I took of ii. Anil I other riX|HmiM> fur » made : " giva m< tha moneyil cost. I -lull DOC

ill him oil ilay to-nLorrr>w ; I • diaagreo!>l'!>< boy. I do not like him a hit.*'

Ai i hai moment it M , I I . . | :is if sn>mv »ns«flfl |«rod in •

• (hem thai hat- \<m. mid pray for tbenl^fl despjtefulh use you." How ofton tbia t«'*t aunoj into her Diind ! Jtuf it was not very n I'liiMDO flj^B just now, It seemed to oxp ii rthan nho oouhl really mamuro. v

mid i"i'.v!. Harry pinrhi'd her j ^ ^ ^ H day, and riic bad poitl


Bui to look over this aflfcir of the MOM ' | ' " i i l , mi* 1 tO

' tbJAshc.--•nl.I it->i do B i t " I can hot liiiviv** li'un thi- time."

oughts. I pointed 011I toht>r,

Wpd begged her l<> h'.'irn l>\ heart. '• II >.• <1" ^BfRfoe, neither "i l l your Kathcr which is in

•ur trespasses.** (Mark : did nol Uk«>

BNM|-i> which tin y brought her ; but she could ^ ^ ^ H B out of her

Mih her work until it was neatly jiriv-i up and

lie :in<l thread, and carried her I

I I ombod (or • BUD ; and th- 0

\ any thing t<* Hurry nbotil please; I would so much rather y<>u

.our box, Susie ; z <<t' him, and I can not allow him

>A • , ;

^ ^ ^ H t think he will again, mother ; and per-^ ^ ^ v all, he did ii-*! t-> b>-.<tk i t ; he

• would break. An) • I ' I n-nni him t<. !»• Mo lded for it

MI. Please not t«> tell h im ••!" i t ."


u Yon arc Under to him than ho • i. Hut i( -lull lie :is you uiidi thin time. iVruapf s a p |_J only did j( in fun."

Harry came to tea, looking a l i t thv^^^H than usual. lie was rnthci mem he ihould meet with. I>•>( win nothing was said about his nii*deed>, ami thnt So4r

• -anions she alwayfl he regained his courage, And talked non more than

than. Alter tea, hi «ith OH :

of his schoolfellow*; audit fore bo returned. She hap(iencd i« run

trdon after ii was 'lark, in fuieli "> -> khten; and M*hedid no, she M « a flower-p belonging to Hni ry. It i-oui which ho had put out in the afternoon, that it might bo «:i-Liii and refrctthed by a idiowi

'<">g. S ^ ^ ^ H lainly not all night, on account • •!' th> :W.M ; tip had

nd he would not It* likely to .-vim'inbef H Who) he ejune home late, as the al

Susie could, of course, carry ii in-d<> >-. ami thus rtvo it from harm. Hut wM -hrndd " h e ^ ^ ^ H

platil '.' [f h< .-- hi.\, -rlii- Tiii 'iit li.ni • myrtle;

l»iit now ii should take its chance. It wo nim quit.- right if il were killed In


rat taken ID to ihe wann Bi

• " • then-. Siwe could not re*t

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • M been out again and monad the flow-M i a . She put it in it- plan-, and ih.n went com-

^ • f to bed. ^ ^ H r | ' ' i in the night. Hurry's first

morning waa about hk plant Be H^OTtne borne llio ill of hi- vi-it

ing left it out, and now lie was afraid h injured, if not quite kilted, by the

NTtre wc-aih<-r. Ho hastened into the garden, but i he was to find It all


MUC ami sound in t h e * i t t i n g - r o o m ! t h V ^ ^ ^ ^ H

moll i iT w h e t h e r -die hud ItrmiL'lii i '

" Ni t ," -:ii'l '• Su.-ie fetched il ill l b l j ^ ^ ^ H

Harry 'li'l DOI ray any thing, but he ro (•••ir,'tiH b y his little- hi-t,.,'-. k!ii<lii< • - . l i e

! I • i inkin. l , ami I :

ft" Ililll.sCh: It U:i- > tll.ll llU.l<t

hint no. T h e wn ic : i : -

r a t h e r Inter t han UKIIBI ; «o iluii licr brothr

m t at homo be fore her . Von ma\ n

!«urjirisc, on inning into the jwrlor, tabic .1 j,'Ia» bov like lu>r o w n . niily I ir^'-r nn<] jiret-t ier , wi th a

tin" p a p ' l ' " r i '- <h .ir Nt!li« -i*t»r. I'Vinn H:trrv Morria."

was U T V mn

g l ad t<> h a v e :i w h o

became It wan *t> kind of II i liirf he had d o n e . - . . . | t i iekly and

l i e h a d b o u g h t t h e I n n " I I I . ;i -hil l ing ftl

had «ave.l toward a new |<aii

! . " . M . | thai ho was Hut if ^ ^ ^ ^ H

been c m -.•lul, h o would

M unKin -nn- - to IHT, n<

upon her . How br ig

tfanlced bftn! She waa glad then thai obeyed • ted'i word.




>fE evening in June. 1813, m


gronp round a % \ fl /JUICC, in Corn­

wall, Uft< ii-. 1, In aUunt horror, to

till of an ieoUeol vUeb hud happened in Faffing Colliery, i'i \V:,.. -. »abort time before, The

cal led •' i> re dump" bid ig nitod from the miner*' lamps,

Ion which followed hurled ninety-


iwo colliers into eieniity. Korty-two wM mid one f the mean* of Bii[>t

', intelligent boy wh.. rator, coolcl not restrain his tear-, Imt prwentfn starting to hi* &•:. "1*11 putancod; to this abooking misery, please i The speaker waa a chemist's Humphry Davy, and from that

which resulted in tho discovery of I tamp, TWsiimple and wonderful bv. complete safeguard against such exploti mines, aa tho fins wire-gati/.'- which surround* tht flame allows tho miner sufficient light for H ^ ^ H but efl idea tho gas, and prev< frum taking tiro.

The noble anthor of thit _• to UM miner refuted to tab i When urged to do -

• of such a thin lenoe; more wealth might In

fame nor hnppbfJ^H I daro say you h.T i

Arabian Wights. But would you the lamp of Sir Humphry Davy than Uio ^ ^ ^ | one which the genius gave to All

!•• is a innre precious and wonderful lamp than either of them. If you m« what


Psalm 110:105. The wholo of that ^ f t f i d beautiful po?m was written in praise of HkknH). I will tell yon what use a poor little H n i a a coal-mine made 'if it, and how preeioui lie • ^BM> boy and hi-> jiioiin father used tn take lti'-ir ^ H M il'iwn in' i iv:id tli«-m by lh-

Hftf <>f their lnni].*. w>ed work at Hn,or)uvl i few iniin;i< -' I. i-*ur,-. They wore at

» •< ' in n new notion of the mine, one le to got a

above raddettH' r.-'l hi betirewi H B . M. ran i'. tho place, calling in his son arid ^HUacf hio ear* in i*:iir)i nit answer. At length

p * * d the i m under a mass of coal

r ," are you \U My legs are under o roak."

- ilV.y.l.'iTiip, my son?*' •

. 1 you .1.-, lnv *on?" ^ ^ ^ H | reading my ltil.li-, tUtlirr, and the Lord ftNffth.-.-

the last words of the little hoy II-^ ^ ^ H i luffocated.

^TMttntranee of Thy teoril ghxth light ; it Unff to tht simple"

A N N A .



J K A M E an-I Mfiry wore two little »Mten1 who were always glad when Sunday morning came, for' they loved to go to Sunday-school -•• very miiea.! It was a great pleasure to their teacher t o ^ ^ ^ H >miling face* | uni. and to bMrf

their sweet voice- :i- they joined hymns of praise. They were alwnv- imvi and at­tentive too, and remembered wbai ti heard,M ihoir con'liirt at hornn showed-

One Sunday morriiug it -formed to haj^^H their mother lbought it best thai thoy •! main at horn*-. I* n:b '.it 'H-appoiMi^^H them, lor il WH llie Jay for their S

iry, and to them the happier .lay in all tot year. In the aftom. in the ehurch, and sin > their dear piJ> lor, whom tin i irh, and then present their missionary ofterings. Hut now these girl* were afraid they eould not go.

u D o you think it will rain all ilny, m Jeanie, as she saw bor mother prepare to go ehnreh in the storm.

" I am afraid it will," was her answer; " i t team1

likely to be * long storm." After their mother had got .;lrU had

•y.school together, and sang all their hymn*; and then Jeanie said :


ptoaaint tab always hears u»."

\-&uA then tiny knoll down ami prayed thai ii i raining, so that thtjy could <i t<> the

^ body waa sur-i I .-.-1-..1. And when

borne, the told bw little girla ild clear, so that they could

moon. w it would. mother,*' said Jeanic, "for

.' ehnrvh Mary and I prayed that •. and (Sod hea

came, and wiU • r.and J«n M anniversary, and had ^nfPy'i r' •• L! t)»?y had a hea-

give them whatever •

Ha* DrU yt'ar they lud :iu*>ther happy antiiver-•M'. Jesus took

• hi- glorious home

r mind waa wandoring, go that she ily did not know that oho wan going to die.

who knew lw.'r felt sm be like Him, and she waa

ful for the comfort of other*. u firat taken rick, when her mother

her in bed, she said, " Now let mo say my


prayer;" and ntic kui* Mr nocbtfi until 'In- hod ashed hei -i-.i^ur tobi willi her, anil ti

On Sunday morning, while the rMlJnm^^^H • i.,y- .. a n tin "•••• • l tote - * ••••i wi>rj*,

my rest Barlem'i breast,

At home in the city of

a messenger camo to toll her teacher that on thai very morning littl«-' Mary had joined the compaay of angels who were singing around tin i

Jeanic waa visiting a friend B«:I) ir-nn hoa* i lo lave

her told ol' it, fur ibe kiu-w it would cause M -'"«« Borrow. Hut the lady with whom "ho was ittrfB said that she could never foi aion of countcnancu as the heard thy aad^^^H a n d ituiiii

• 'Ti-" Lord's will be 4 Soon after she returned home, and for a year

was a lime of great tri:d tu her way she tried to lighten her Borrow always ready to wait upon 1. with loving worda, Her grai with ihfin, was her espucud care, and alto waa stonily watching for somo opportunity to u r e l trouble. One Sunday evening their pastor pi


toicharoh \. i. near thorn. and .l<:iuie, who knew ^ ^ • t h bar graudmut her loved to hear him, and ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • t h e w u ablo to go to

• only a ."icih, grandmother," she said, " and •Mil have lea early, ami I'll bringdown your hat ^B|hak,iind go with

tba dear child led her grandmother to H i w or God, «nd was herself blcssvd in luten-

i beautiful sermon, mother," said the, r came houio; and - : almoin

bos the T U Uko " the child Jems," who, whan •ss one year older than she, tnrried id hi*

at Jonualom, t Bexl house to Jennie lived * lame lady, • not able to go out, and the little gi

; her knitting and an interesting book, and • with her — sometimes reading aloud,

| tvi then knitting and- talking to her. Of course it tare been pleasantcr for Jeanie to play with

;>ge, if sho had not loved to ^ ^ ^ ^ K o t h c r * .

. particular to keop tbc Sabbath-day B % , si: ' a book wliicb she

thought was •. or engage in .'ion. It waa very evident to ovory

oa« that God was preparing her for himself.


morning, aa she wa-ttcbool lesion, she said to her a*

" I have been thinking how uin a will bo for you, moil

liave had so much trouble b«-r.-t than it w f l ^ ^ ^ J those who liave never had any irouk. I' think BO, mothi

How precious these words of com' from ii.-r little

One year and two irs«ki from tin* • 1 :iy on which bar little *huer Mary w;i» i plained of not fueling in II. II-neemed trillitiL', hut still in tin thought it best !<< lend for a pb$ -i> ion. II pronounced hor Jincaw to be near 1-• the eruption had not made it* ippcflraoooj^^^^^H •die would not r. •

A s soon as Jeanio could be alone with h t ^ ^ ^ ^ H Hbe begi*ed to be taken upon her lap, and^^^^H -aM :

• Mother, I am goi leel badly, fi>r I shall !»• happy in li

Mary, ami y u will U:i\< « ork fcr' here. Von will have five children in licaven tba*>| ; 'lon'i MIH ' I I IUT any but Sht ill intra-ddee ma to the rest,"

A (Head who came in jnm then, and nv. the la-t part of the sent, mo•, - i i l :

" \ \ bat makes yon so gun -.11 goto i M l • -i . . l i - . iT i i i - ' - "

• U'.nni:vt!i;i:

1 •..ill lit.- «'!iiM in -ur|,n-•

— (her pastor) HI and \>W htm

: I always asked blm*veryd»j to forgive u be b u forgiven thorn."

. -.. of kn t '•' hex pHtov >nd bt'f, i" whOM oUM BIO bad DMO (bf tn:i:r.

• in to know that she had tried rail that they had taught her.

her 1 trot her n hoped lio would In- :i comfort ' thai her only rcnniiniu

^ ^ ^ ^ H h e r all t i H B * *w pcrftvtly con-ciotw nil through the night. ^ • l h c i iided her that

. would !«• here, she wild* . Iicautitul tin

^ ^ B v i and ^^^•Bd her *i*ii-r in luT li:i|-i';.

markable that the Sahbath, the day ther, was tin-

I the mansions which 1 prepared for them.

• •rli called awi j • ,y. but B both ready, Maj you, my little n

them a* they followed C'hrfct. W. A. B.


GOOD FOR EVIL. OLD SAWURL, a poor fisherman, m retand^H

from the wood, almoin i . vrv -;

a hanlrn of lagul* uu his sliouldora. lie WM ;. walking acrost a bruits which brought him

near tb« gatrt of a neighbor named Thomaa.


^ ^ • p there, my old man," called Thomas, ru»h-liim. "That wood i» not ;••

• got it': yon have. robbed mc of it." SsnrVl quietly said (hat it waa not stolen, but

Inefiiy picked up; bin Thomas would not hoar M); givo it to mc • you stole it from

: -tronger than the old man, ho watch-. . • .

^^Hffcks, which ho had had no much trouble in Httag op, slop by stt ]<, u-t he walked along.

ka the air was warmer, the loe melt-• . 1

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B Charles, who camq out ottc fine day ^•aud1 wished to cross tho bridge. But he looked ^ ^ K U , and turned back when he ».i« the

r banks «'ith the snow* just i hi* boat,

l.lui 11 bbn to ]«IM, and not

J man said. ^ ^ H B M ran ah-iii: the bridge, *iep by ,top at first. (Sooa he stopped mid walked more alowly. One step ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B Would be (at't- iu'C-broke

it. Tho for help, and w u hold of a

'ihrgeunhn' thercalled aloud, old moo pushed

' tk boat into the stream, and tteered it an well a-hc « u ab!e between tho pott* of the bridge, and

•v from -inking. \U< then brought him


•afely to hit father OD the •bore, Thomas felt .1* i MI |

• ' • ' •

unkiud and har-di Gondii*1'." "Why . "ivfOM* ?" said S ,

" Tli.-Ti yon have returned r->«•• i for evil, tbottgk I Injured yon. TM« i< indeed an hon

ii<l Thomaa. • I.el ui all learn tfith gooi"|

(Rom. 12:21.)

DO S T T ATT I. K. CmuwKt, don't tali about each other. Don't

Gail ono of your Klioobnatea ugly, another •lingy, another cro-.*, behind their back eat tort of «in. Even if tbey an CTOM, it doe* yon no go-- i I: makn I you love to toll of &ulle—il make* you imohariubl*' —your IOUI grows smaller —your heart Iota |u generous blood whi Toll aB Me IHMMI you know about them, r%ra<I carry

• •

God, and &"k Him to pardon tin Ghriat-lUcc. If any body ">>),[ t h a t Mary Willi, did M»-1I a naughty thing! mind »omp virtue that Mary jiosstaaea, ai ap t<> berpnUae, F<n yonr own nfce, tan this n habit.

• M»AKriHtAUEi!

THE OHOSKN I U : K . w > built her neit in a (air Rrern tree. la ihr ftwl-t "I it iK-aiitiful mood; to Unci it with f,ulli«r* and made it M loft, JU only a mother could.

H Jong ere thrw liny heads w e n Men, from their downy n e t ;

Hi -ill! what a happy mother wn* >he Thai Warmed them beneath her breast

• i u only a mother lore*. Awl she rang them hee nong of glee; here won no little bird* more h*ppy llmi they

• chown tree.

i • i hat little family I rad of that mother"* care ;

ill day in millan mood, And Haught t<. I


For the heart of that litllo bird w u changed, And he thought he abould like to roam

Away in the flelda and the bright (TH-. In acarch of a brighter bonw.

Ah, me I there Eg not * brighter (mine Than dun which i« ligbtod i.v I o n ;

There i« DO other I • abofe.

But he fled airay, and he aported » I 'i'iweni of each perfume and hue

But when night ram* on ho 1 1 wean Ami it raiin-I and the ibWlg wind Mew.

A h ' then how he il,."iirlit of hi* nt"' • VTU h hv! D m n J b in tenderly;

And hi* liitlo brother*, *> happy aod good. - ami '•« the" chosen tree

Then he lifted Ma mice, hut none m hear The iwund fit hi* >orrow wan nigh;

So be covered hi* I ' ::-.b»d «to( , And sat down on a stone |

n.'To in thai hapjiy wood. Waa tha BOB* of hi* Rladocwi board;

And for many a day did hi- brother* weep to Lb« 1 f the t r a d Mrd

And for many a day no song of joy Came up from hi« mother* b r e u t ;

--'he mourned for him with drooping wlnga, But he eamo not ntfnin In h(* neat


itiviK Itttl* children, from tin* von tmt Irani. V child may I*

) S U M of «nmw that naught ">»> remove, * .iidly.

Ilfftch harca home in ft crown tree, A your poreiila liave lit il »• i ftUM nut the abadowa of j-rinf to dtftoand, 4 beautiful ligbl to remova.

i t*** f-i thai triadon which romaa (tan on high, tlih»i truth widen dnll mrrordecay;

|.caea which. the world can not gi»*. | f c n h c » " ; Jtoaway.

i'her wtiodwrllcth abOTe. -•I you whCTtTcryoa '»•; d down the light of celestial lore,

| To your hooM i.i Ou i -''ii t ro t

N E V E K CI i O F P .

i a duly waiu fa riow it,

lly teUh It dona; '•'

• \y* falsely. "By and by

But pittn%t strength In nrt*t rirvtijrth;

Befin -if OIK-C. and do I t

And find n*>t lion* in (ha way. • t if Ui-rn* beatrew i t ;

Bui bra*(ly try, «itd atrcnuth will ••owe, Par find will help the* do i'



V PoUHIl 1- •

• vQd fori of pooplfl called Tartan, ai rold an a slave ( o s o m e Turk-.

Hi- HTM I e)< • miTMtMB different lanjrnage* If' iir»t dragoman to tlio n i t o n , Mohammed | A dragoman U an intei Inn a dragoman to oaairt him in knowing

! rki-li , m p i r e ,

\ to tnuatt* | the Bar

lw prii .. die I Woo w

the t r u t h "i' God , nn.I that he rcreivi .1. -,; * hrut

M l i t ' Lol ' l ami S:ivi..ur. I •'•

at thai t ime , t h U c o p y w a s

when- ir n ne hundred ami fitly j a m I

The British and Foreign B

o f it, ami get It. It wai (heir hati I h i.j ii l i i iMull)

i t W»> l/<<n<liiii in \s2H—the VWM

Btblo in U K Tnrkbb. n i g u a g e .

PANDA i m - l i K A U E K .

MARCH. ^901.


v . i . l K KENT lived in a • Montr] riQagg with

btt pap* and mmnna rod l»'f brother Howard, who wns a Bttk oldoi than bertobt

Imanuna fiwd on a tana abo ^HnM:i'.":y'' ami >>

>»Wi her. There • iu ^ ^ ^ • u r , nt unpjK'so I hi'

i ban tin*;, did ; b . ihcir grandmamma'* I

fcboiw-1 rarrUyv wouM -lrivo •••> U» tbi'ir \r-i*<-ml ln'f.in> \\w h • •

' t'w w\ Howard would be u climb In. Then, wmc-

by tht-'u in nnma, and sotm-timi* •••-n-1 t l i u d a j M

•k, ui the chQdren had naufld their r'l farm, baeaoM ihere was a brook



LF thr h'tOM, no tlM- Imiik of which | Q t f l H i rO* of n i l l o w t r c c e .

Grandmamma wa» always watching for thm door, and had ."ini'ilanjr

njoe rea ly for i

llfUltlly j u - t tinidjod th r i r | m

• . were ulwajfl I'ofy hungry [In

T!IC\ entered the boute< Then after they bod talked a lit;li<

their g randmamma, IKKI told i.>r what U t ^ ^ ^ H bron doing - i

o u t irt play- The i r favorite • >' little b o a u on Uio brook, ,.r t

i ti-i. irbicfa *wo they were t ired

lh«- hay , " r it. ' iragoH| or ifi Id.' tuYigh* > gaiberaj |

herr iai En the I

to tinii< 1I..111 usual ha<i :

had been

r e n t there , end new source of ainUMDMnt. Som-made iholr appearance ainer their l » i

,r care vory much for t h e m ;

Magg ie to pla\ with tin-in while he went to fclB

and Maggie liked thai the t e x t ; »he c a r ^ ^ H atmut thi> boOM mid garden, and held i:

pet t ing it M if it were a baby, ^ • M DQl lik«' tlii- a u n w i u c n t ^ well »• Maggio K f e VouUl rather be frolicking with her ufUTa MWUHJu-r; hu t M H - L rightly

^•Bf«a,oi i t l •hi* ('Diihl riut _'i:L away. A t hut

n bci walk alwml curmnte which looked *ery rip* and


tempting u liny hung on tha bnfld tin- bar linl*1 i<ot, ahe loosened. bn apron for •> moment, and <>nt Kiiiy JW .CIO ran nf(<r her. lull tin- liltl-6uo ehaae ovi>r tho gard.

\i" had IICP in A oonn

not eacape from I..-,. Kim jumjH-il up <*i >•* nfld . ndon which wa* •.»• n i

gie aprsii'.* to hut her hflB^^^^H :

fog under tba window, and aa ih< arm-* in caluli [hi* kitk>n, -hi" kn-down.

< it hadj^H

ened to find that it .van •liiummrt rhoioe phut-. Bui Kitty did i

ire j «hc mal^^H

utiti! .ho (bond boraotf - ii Maggie, in the moan while, Ii 11 picked up tat

flower-pol: bat, ah •

meat, ana do. If th« I liiiiiif with lur 111:1:11111:1. -Ii.' W '•iil.l hii**' ^UK mil

c, fur -In numa wovMf forgive L> u ool M " i " ' Krnndmninma niiglit say. r-li<' heard her once aererdy 1


^ H a r i thi* wns u much niurc valn.i

H''- . 10 -ill' H p n h Hi lie .'I.,,i- : |!it. ..f tin: gar-

^Hfclble to make up In •• iniii*! wli.il t "

^ R h « thought :tl»»it it, til.- f' ir.i.T it WUS tO 1*11

H ^ V I don't It'll ii.-r at all ." *h«> though t ,

^ • f l * " ' think '•• ' I lii.ik-- it.

BP» -"' H V * l' , , :»'k the t ru th , and

^ • • t f d he tlivfjition. Hut -ho tn • mbored that All •

i .• is, and know* every thing that

cfcttNn J o or *av or think. Shfl .'.mill not

. rmt*,1' -tif t hough t , • i •

^ ^ ^ ^ K l l l i t i l j i t - t i lum ' mtion. -he wont into tin' houw.

rd, wli>> bad just ooue

. . A I K T , hp hud h a d **a -i

r r • . : heard any th ing

k r - 'lrofceu plant i hu t idic a w r a e d ontiret? mi-

the littl.- i^irl saw how much

lamma h a d Liken t o I'un

UtanT Tor tlirm, and h - a r d he r kind and affection-

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M about

nn: STA:

felt very I

lierwlf by thinking that *h<« would tell bor It when it waft limi' y gi

• . ' 1

puuza lor Howard, who had gone up babing-pole, whm iba heard her gi • claim, "My beautiful plant! , i , - " and glancing through I

the plant which »h>- bad ' •• I donl know bow it happen* d,

Mar>. " 1 (bo&d il '''I'll.' innd mail h*ra blown it ovi

"I nm sorry, but it • • nil th»

" \\. thai 1 broke IT, for ill., wind m.

Bnl tbea nh< •boat tin- children. '*< Mi! n maniinn'i reply; " if they bad either pf on it, 1 am sore the* wuuld hnve. told mo."

Oh! hii li iln-ii, that iba htd not gono and told her grandmamma al without raiting anylong«r tben,abe i huajie, for fear her oour I -H. and uid, •• i; rand mamma, I broke that plu I ain very sorry ;" nho oonld not tar •>'



so much, thai her voice

1 broke It. Magg ie" 1 said her graj

I K ; ari'l the w u going o n to *ay, - W h y rUd

I tell nu before''"' when by the l-'ani i)i

^ J ^ B V i what an effort it had been fur he r to ^ ^ H f t « « H , :\T.HITII| ln-r. nnd

tt^Mm/ti'. " N e v e r mind. dear child. I am glad you have

^ H u -: iblcd tO U'H I •

Ifcur you break or injure any thing. You

^ ^ ^ P * * t **U '•"-* m ' w U I | W ' ' " ' r'nnt « - M broken, • Ml U) dO I' .

^^•RM II"ward for you I " g o halting/1

l v : ^ kkMd her g randmamma o»er and over - with bar broiJ

;' bad IHI-H since she had broken the

I- TVv caught quite. a f iring o f Bah, and when t h . y

H t f c ) the honao t o get ready to go h< ^ ^ ^ ^ H N * grandmamma

into the carriage grandmamma ttlpPed iut<> her '.'Jgwl card, with ihe««t word*

port i t : line arc abomination l o the Lord , b a t 0l fn</y arr hit deHght." *. *. n.

riUt -HM'Mil. IIIMUKK.


W i i.-»k<- flit- following account from I . "/ li"..r/</; it i- an extract frem i It-ltcr

written by a missionary of the Aimrican Siimtej'

w ilil vim like if hear of (In- Sunday-* m n ' i Corner" P I have fwebtly beard fjced

you aboal tin I: iv noW abniil l«>m

• i man'* , " in W • ••! O o u l d n e t l i# - M M -

ed in (1M place. IT was indeed a hard plan . ing, swearing and gnmliling v. tli>' Sabbath, I think dome of them did a> when it r u n . . (Ink Had bii'ii taken by a nnili, and liliriir at 'hat vuU

jol the BnnM ol •• l! i Corner."

No }•: fmld 1"' found the Sunday-Mhool, and noue w u 01. Bone «it" ill'* children were rery :m\i

l»'ll in a M ^ ^ ^ H i i

thai when I g i Sunday-echool was open six dollars rained, tln-y nmld linve tin

Li'rii-kd'por'- -MII. ;tlnmi twelve yeam old, ww the book*, and liking very much to read,

• H


I'Ollltl gvl

Hokir ' - tli:i> iitlltTH wanted uh:i1 III" did. lip TV-

I through •ajkbor), • . pivr flome-

I: '* You had Wtter not make :i k«." " 1

I -I'll" : " ;u:i| lhc» :" f

thorn—och » lot Ibr to • •

So t" get rid of Bddfe, l.tbt tavern ' |towv'l it, TI •* mid hi> nhl«' in L" ' I tkf amount. " II •

hla name hither •

• half h day, hw-rful, and running into

1, In' threw down hi- paper, exclaim-

• ivcn'l I not enough f"

the money P" " R i g h t here in

I ddic, '• nil hui iml hi'|>alled out hi* two baud* lull of

but / haven't got wiy money,"

•r. " Yon raid yon would pay It,*1 Mod I

r t... hi* |>romi-e . >|l»rs.


• I..'II kaep your Su« • tin- tftfurn-keeper, with an air of trimm

. • i t : " "

Eddfe bid not thought of thi# in bis >-.,.• raise the money, and be bn-an t" think oU a* Wtm blown* for nothing; anil :\- hi' began la •"*•• uver the nauii* of bia lather** n< himself—" Mr. A—— **•»**/ d<> it. Mr. It get* rum of fatl. i tit [.< • !>• it. - •••• • 1 a I I m i l on tIn s i l>l w \i. ; i- -.. rj orojj

beside*—aWt wain him . Imr- II.. -t'hool f^^^^^|

• irivn tip in ih -Iii.-n lit* tbOQgnl of -Mr. I , -be • lire, hul he ha-1 1060 him ODi thought hi' moat I* a good man. ' >ver he irenl ij long way, and told all i, Mr. t , and than aafead : " Will ) . ->UIII|:I>

h * w i pious man, ami ibinl •

- ilihath. Kihlh . bounding for joy, and thoated i" all the

ureal, that the book-* bod next Sunday morning at the fchoot

The oliildren came, and the > organiii'd ind i by thU mu,, with liitli' ***i«lauce from any in


tone after anotha would DM H *a» U— drinking and l e u Bob

[llWll I. Rill) ! •

I, which I'n Lord filially lilcftwd, i<> N>RIO of • DO* find, and then MV ot two edaH*

. v thould ,|., io '<-• >- ivp<l A to preach to them: many gave their

• ; * church w i * organic • ' and HOW a moral, S»bWth-kc--|'^i_-. 8 I people arc there; and, becoming a-ti i

I name ol l Plainvillt>.

B B A B 8 .

i T n ehlldret] whn

Mr, Bruin la about, I will tefl them.

: , . " I hear » m « of m) •

i i t ; but be doca not think «• now, i

. h Mm. • r iln-li

AaU The rope • i nooae, and ml., while tli.- other end i- 1'mtoncd

>on ace aome peraon :« all a plan i i bear .

I t M'.illlp DEARER

•in- Imrna ra ke* • Know thai Mr. Itruiii u an old ibcjr tu\ to be u smart a-- I

'Ionian MI.I'II l-'i- i p p w u o e . II.• c a m e In tin? niuhi- IJkf OttMH (UtTWi bfl i-i - T".-r i.-.I bfafcllMI to Hghl, I

Till: STANlUUli 43

1 i; HI - ||i< rain." - in all direction*.

• every thing, to be mm thai •

M he could not do. IE- next n If i* though

ip ill.- HirUUT, iii.l wi'lil

he hod RHne qoatmi of ooo-• i :> t'uil cxaml-

I't• riii-L'8 on all aides, ho retun I Bui" one i

. I I K . ii in i' Bui • rnlssod li. I >'. ••...-.. r w u h o in tbo i

u» Mr. liruiii fuuiit] .1 in (!!•' flipping i . -M' , and the moiv i

i drawn. jrioon had lo

• head until he »:»- lulled. So, I bad -pei'lllun. n. Hi.]

•1 bunded hi- own l»uuue*a, ho D oaoght in Mich n "up. I hope r.irn l'rom thi- ihal "honesty is

hi 1 r abont benn , I may a* well ti 11 ; . ihownig how an <»td bear one

. (Hcnliy. n V f o r a o b a *' a s ' 'H 'd , iv:i> .•[)>'

B H T I B the WO« IU. t r o o p i n g aboat la w e what he


to alarm* tree, w b f i ^ ^ ^ ^ H

wind. Tlii* s t amp wn* hollow, and a* b . to ii, li.« beard I I • c K . T i l l thoagbl '"• '•••II1 1 h»vo ion* out a second Ihoo

-.•It" down, (''ft first. An he cani' heard a g rea t g rowl ing and nnnr l inc and H U U I •

loss to know who* ' •

i .-. 1 Fiothfl ~"

wbat fine sport !•<• would h a v e ; mid *n be l v mmo.

• • iliem D U B H , But ibey met all hUca i van playf

• • •

and w o n ] . I!

n g u p . he aaw a l i i i ro l j b u n the mothe r of tli>- right down a t M B I

Tom was dreadfully t'riglxt'ncd, and, for a moment, [ he did not know what to do. •"«%tW old bear bugan 10 descend. V

.•I l j r - l ; a n d ••'

down, tin- other. . b bottom, a bright thought struck Toi

• •

' • .

bm bib* w i t h o u t band,aa firmly a-« i l h t l i i -ot lhT In- f>It«"l hi- knift? wit l i


I U Into UM beat M rapidly u potaibla • •

Bin bar (eating* I'v pretty lcrociou« growl*. •c thing !•> '1". m d U

l' as ilia cou ld; and this afae did. I * H oorriod up a good

• c n i d o w u . Wlten l b T the stump, «he felt ilUpoaed to

with her ootnpanlon ; bui Tom

• than to talk, and »o. a* •

• i IT bead, lo th( • o confounded by tin* performance, T li;»t ihn

fag a.- bard u fa aid. V} ' QMtromcndoi i f growl after Tom, and thou

lo see what ha lab* Thus, oooulty, ami an old bear got Idin •

l ' ( H i I P R I '•

Ltri totcth m»»y footprints - golden sands of time,

Footprint* of hi*h and nobis deoda, And, alas! of many a. crime.

11 of kintti lod warriors, Of tbe conqittroni of fsrth ;

rmgaieond Uie hcank


Footprint* »f Hem. MfD daring, Andofde«d*a* aoAand

Hut lite twrctc-I footprint* I lisro icon rTanthoaeof * liKle child.

Thr little napt w*n1 iii mgeon walh-d around;

They went, with pthcn-l llowera, to ch-ar A prisoner chained and l«ound-

Tha Qttla voire wM beard ' nid low.

An.I il, liuh hand • '- &*ntly laid On • dark and ironblad bra*.

And t>< i. The Saviour's pi

..<•'* iiullm mood

And tha Qttla I Rut tha r>Milj.riiil« l«u- r< <

Remained loo tciwd liearl Of that prlaonar, t>"iind and cha

Footprint. thry arc in Urn*.

•].•- RN] -i'j>- will own.

i UJa one, p* thou. Aii'l do •.oiiii- loving thing.

From which bloated fruiu may ; 1 P

ST \ N >.\ U D - H K A R K I i .

Al'HIl .

t i: \ v K >

T I S i : partd tho oak-leave* to DM inotbor, " I must hang all winter on

thfl wind, or i •

ofthe aonriHMk ondim -nj'ii '• •

a n gently waited to d e ground by MM

•ad Hoi •

••"iii-lly ui



coun te rpane is silently let down from heaven •

w e s t e r ! T h e r e will !«• no ri-*i i.

• An willi tin- rj " W' lul possible use can t h e r e b e in on;• r« uuiiiiajj

W h e n we were y o u n g n! . • . . • • : \

i our form and color :..

of tho landscape- The- ,

rid, but n o w w e a r o ugly , kilo. and forkflU

h a d that i n t ense co lor im; which nuik' " c l e a r gold like un to fine glass." T b a ^ ^ ^ H

• • i • ' -i .; a ia

sight . nMI- I'Vi'ii the friendly :, »nlj

"1 prairie and little d w a r f oak*.

Bui here qnn»» • rt flock of spa r rows and AOM uniform* of b lown and ptU

ire tw i t t e r ing cheerful litil*

pirl who g a v e i b c m a u p p e r ••! crnmba and oon>j meal . " N o w all we wanl i- a good place to i k w in , " th< • • f>n>

mos t of t h e company , " in o n e of i HOW 'hi ' brunches a r c interlaced, mid how Intfj

downward on T h e n the leaves, so closely se t , make all coup l jH

• itld w e poor b i rds •'• ' :'. ibia delightful *h,.;..


• ii id.- bough t , nod ihc

i f u n t c«a.tr<t thi'ir murmurs to li*ten to iba reaper-,1. bapp j bird*.

rk. T h e golden wt*t had changed ^ ^ H M l blue, and *tat> were overhead. Tbe ro

1. too d e e p and s teady (br the to Bake among the bushen; and an it grew

irk, moving body marked i u o a t l u n on

imam I t wan a company of soldiers pot!

• li-Uuit rogiwvnt . Now close to the

I ho o rde r s : " Company — h a l t ! finok rank*!" In * minui '—1 men

i. P i n t ,

^ ^ ^ ^ H l away tliere was a heap of d r y " n o i l ,

LI lilaxe b r o k e out and •

they w e r e soon M comfor table a s

n u d e o ther o l e u i n g i in t h e _ J p d phehod their lent*. " N o s t raw for us to

E«pHI I i . '.villi :i W.Mr'.

r oak-twigs, and •trifjrf"g tin '

> i ; a n d all w u Uii- b»|>|»J llnuiirhl,

• tlie jack-oak n all winter until now," mi o M of ' h * *ol-

53 fllK -C>MMIU'BF»

diem; and the lired men -so!ve§ dow together mi their dr». i I leave* n J - ' wi*e and la

R \ s n ins RABBIT.

ROTABLE, WHS an or|>

a x « M ^ ^ ^ ^ | w u lout «t m . Ai the death ol bU m«>i

to uncle, at M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H _ liis i l " nii,. little ( X ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

lit which hi- latli.-r l i a j ^ ^ ^ H anil he had hi* imifherN f-ti to \ mind ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

George win a aoatiblc to RM^^H

he wo* tittle pn | m f t « d him. M i - m i l waa • can • ••• • • .-. »"m:in,a»d

cold indeed * i l ' But on t b and, scorer I v Lasting the be WOB glnd to retire to the t*;ir!.

bo«l, it* be mod lo do near the little «-|


oilier'* noii b u d Knoothed e v A j fold,


,• 'in'* own : •• 1 «ri|| am It iv< yoa orphan* ; 1 will

M THE - r v M n | l M t l >

Tho Sabbath dawned on ball and c • George woke up refreshed by i • fearing. from t i n ( |uiotD(-- ..i' ihe 1.- . uncle and aunt had gone - ••'. 'ii"l witW

o a t him. hurrird down-stair*.' II- * seemed lumr* t o him, nml ihoiiirh iho P * B V ^ ^ H told hint it was time to g o t o di^! • appeared in tho disor.i

aunt came oat of he r <• ' ! < . ' d ^ H for a late breakfast, and <>• IIOMW voice, which he knew «r»« h u g o t o a pan!itvhrtu»f a t tin- corner oome ale. George""!" . tumi- m <ir4|^l

for be bad alwnyg been taught to r> breaking in any form at a dr. urged that "perhaps m ten that it was

Smi ' l ay ." i ui<nl." «aid hi- aunt, with a blow.

" D o y . '

" I >iill work a* hard replied George. " bni I will i

"Then go np lo your b e d , yon b a d U y ; ycu and not taat© n bit tUi

A long* qiiift, hvogry d a y George ii-ui npinhk little garret ; but -till it was bvtt- than t ln'OO^^^H and t h e fauting down-Main . He had hi* "liite rabbit, which I- ink un* not lioagqjfl


•ikja iii m M wu, fin hi a good

promise* ..i bii father in bcavcn • who irnsi in him thr..^!! <

U h i i ' u l l heart ! -.win—• and help, pasted "ii, and 11

li iwei BT, he t>oro up with a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K l , and iii'wr mummied at tho couMAUt

jnna n ; lui Lruogth, and ho kinged for a little og word. Man; ;i lime he wn

• run away and look for work among ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • b u i dmy

pirnxi line croning, when hi* uiu-it- was mora sober Itaauol, be told Mm how lie hnd often wished to

i thought it" he trad to 'Tin- captain might give him • berth as

I <* agreed jtkHtt WMII.,1 In- the lh .1 ihirai* ]•• -*ib]e ; and after

om hi* mint, who had began to ^HjtDTge very im-ful. it was agreed that the boy

rev be planed. Hut ^ * . btctm • •

iee from his imcle'ii cottage stood •

Mgarden. it belonged lo i ntfrfatnta in the Dead •bfart town, called Mr. Stanley, and every cummer

- -i-.-11 i n

OB Tin; srA\i).»i;j> uKAHJ

• i bad oomc aimi.-t evi

with l>< Ther 4

•liii nut like ukii hfa liitlo pel. fl I • • -

wo* ^|K»l'ii (•> "ii tlii- impor tan t afiiur, Thef l^H_ . . . • • • .

mutt have been used by aoniubody for the • • P i [•'-.•.

Mr. Stanley thought th.iv e.nild be no b a f l ^ | a*Lin-/ but by nt> nivalis |o |lrg« him agiiii

tin- taU^^H tuld the Wiililivti to tukt- a liallVfowii i>> pay^^H Miiini' . ttai ] H Stanley went away I

Curly noxt mornin eirl« went w f l [OWnen to look for < •

lookin-.-i.'iv tin- rabbit) in.t (toorgt dad 1 fo* glad !«• give it to tin-Hi. at In wa, and wai much troubled ulxmt Ida dear Btfl

I bf^H and if Georgu would bring ii put it. int-' tin

i give him a beautiful, bright i..-..\\ load wm lifted from Glaotye'i heart, in thiaaf

Haw pi" ran down

^ • h U lio turned aw.iy after l.-iiviny it in il» p a r , t! • • •

B y * A

bj I " his

^ ^ ^ ^ H b o r t . I.v i.l ftski;<l 111»U-.-• i Mi jniirni'V, nixl hidden hi- little old IlibU-

||PM1< - • • in " |»-ck'-'t with thf 'brij;! i -

mi .I'.vv n ic he mot if he I, uid Kotno gmvo

tki|ipar •!:• 1 warn such a hmid, ir,-d b i n to ootnc on board tin- M

1 - <>r * wa» wbflrt ho never had ^ ^ ^ ^ R o b e — : i prisoner in a

in his h,iig wait, p, bought ii l"U!

gave the rest to a

' i .

.i>ii ronghl) b) I Mid ;i V> 'i ho* I••• dorm! to |>OM bad RKHigJ 00 Mm,

• • = » < *


that beautiful half-crown tho little huiv hid gtafl him. The linker declared thai it could not be 0 M first Umo he h *1 i n?k, of ^ ^ ^ H should now I"- i i iK' l : and lieorgo'a truUdt^^^H meni of (acta had n- . uoing bl^^H innocenif.

•• Well. my lad, yon ihall sec wfaac j ha* bought (•'!• Into the charge of a policeman who bad d nid ihy poor bo\

o a cell of the prison, waiting before the magistrate* lor trial ue down and oriel- Wa- not every ihii An orphan wW what would become of himr He 1 right, and piini-lmi.iii. Inttead of reward, :

lilm a( even step. Tin afternoon passed awagfH the*© hitter th"ught«. and :i- I irvdjH

. down on bi| mind. Suddenly one ray ofliuht stole through t h t f ^ H

window of hi* cell, and woke tip a little text of Qf^H own word which had Iain ash l> mu tMst •* T" ii t - - than] ti i-u: in the darkno.s*." All night longle himself with these words, and now that I ^ ^ ^ H corao to keep him company, the pri-on-room seem so lonely.

V \t morning he was taken to court, and ttOfd before the magistrate*. The h


^HpKarowii, and told hi- Minn 'ijBiar'.i-.i to r,>]:ii< iii' own. Willi much earnest

- tla of ;(,.-^^^^Bgct t i t ig tlio little ladles

One of the gentlemen •>» tin1

y, then sorry, passed hi* bind Hero** !ii- brow, • • v:i11• 111•"L hi* pnne, and then •

^ ^ ^ ^ H f this | day* ago jttal half-crown i ion into my poBteadon, which I

•nier of ray purae io examine at leisure, to the forger* of thi» base

^ ^ H H for some i«. A rabbit, and Itt I efeVwcd then to take two-and-sixpence from

; p w , doabttefts the false bright nww of IIIM bad i than iooli<x •

m u at onco iet at liberty. -• .iiley did mill more, f'leaacd with the

•BAHA of the boy. lie ya» a bim a aitualion as np-[ynolic on h<Kird nno if his own ehi|w; nnd atop by

i bo commands one IfnVe brge*t \ w d i sailing from those quay* where bull.-' wandered a friendless orphan,

n.vnii: n n TUB I

" 0 NttfYAl I . 1 . ... glnrl that m> l'--"n* B l

turi i i i i" tl rn-r . :iml F r n M r t f ^ H

D ) I .' Hid mofM I. :

Ai. 1 U • .\ "V«fl fr..:n I I .T niiumiu. ll„- l i l t l l ' j i l r l JIIIII|K>J ' l u w n f l ^ |

M i l . >i VM'AKl i ai

p V. •

U s Ilaltia'a only grown-up cousin,

told bur mother, \jlo\- • ing ibnl ihc

^ ^ K B H I I i-viii i In tic's

! b« Jot! li^-'' I :><' H'UN IU'V.T i. . itfa )nT

replj ; •• 1 hope you will !»• just at i •u-in Mary, iuy dear."

i w-York tor morn limn twu

Will 111 IS til linl home.

4erfn] • •

l'irk. J -ai.l:

ID my •

. ndred •

rtahout fetthor ihocs orttockin •



a m room, t-i !»• laught t o M*W and read. And

though t h e r e '• ;> i< acher « '• ' " ' 'T 'Nl • r o arc several ladie*. and am I' inny, who g o there in turn, and teach way

• •

" Hut why don't the ladies g i sv then n«v

'•1 V-••-•• tl;vj

hare come regularly t o (he school tor • i b t f l time, r . how to make c lo thes for ihcniiwlvi

they had niade tin . • ..i '!

giw ;i t" i In D 'i the school, to*'. •

I <«1 e:n-h little d r l hat a doll .

Aunt Fanny mid it made her laugh and ery: see how del ighted som-Christmas with the i r doll

OViTowili : d I

of labor to drew no man ; •• ladjei hard

t o coiiiiiit-iii'i- Ion

begged poor A B D I F u n j to toi DM bring •

" 0 Cou-i ' H ! . ' " • . - : • . 1 I I . " . ••! «t»b t h a t y o u would lei me hel] - iroltmgfc | |

I .it' the skirts." * * T o b e « u l v , I "hall lx del ighted to

ffljflisd her cousin, ** hut I though) ihingi " *ai<| HalUe, -hut lh«n I •uould like

^HMSBething for those poor children." HRhot doe* Hi.i Mary,

^ ^ ^ H u > l Mr- M"'", who was quietly jewing

^^Btttie, running to Itri mamma and giving her ^ B k r exciting huge. " .She always likes to have |*_Bf BK'Ill!."

i the always like* to have her link- girl Gn-t fit.' <

•tmhrRCC as warmly an it was given. ',. mamma," said

kmiiinu; "you aru thinking of that apron ••. ii 1 I . i v . •

•l; hut thai U for my* • !. and those dolls others, And it U always pleasanter

• . • • • •

bow «1" 1 know ttmt you would i alog just aa soon, as you have be-

I tdl you whai 1 will do," tald B»H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ R a i r :

, iluii I inn n n you »ill let ." and rery qui I • to obaage her mind,

wovk-box. She aoon appeared with it,

a* • . • ISKAKKK.

;»inl v : i i i i , i ; fi'.T-. ii" " i i ' In ' lift>:ul '.\iii.linv-scal, d d

ui<ln-l ri< . i i - l * . < «


b« mother*! oyi -, m she

gtHl OOtlld fly. 'I'll*-:: .1- BOOH ' •

n « aha took ili*.> apron to hor m


f iukin i ; . 0 rrW.


• • • • - . ! I . -

lo ir , with id . ' '1 •

lip lll-l I" Milk.' till' [HKir I f i^^^^^^^H

I prfc tuppr< H>

lillli' j-irl-hour mil

-.•!f." .ni'i - Otme not to !"• ruin

BT \ \ DA UJ ) - I IK . \ WKW.


w i l \ l FOXES DO.

Often Mily crwp Witliin the i|uk-l hen-

Vfbm ttio fowl* aro

] Tlw chkkwu do not

hwMltt'Ni. ; Nor mipiMMe *1»•

i n near tlmii . And *> them

tin-lav.-v I! i Uu'ir priea th«y run away.

They with to have Nam meat, Ami think that lamb or mutton

I i .-ally I* a treat, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M o o g the hrxl^c*. not making any DOIM— | TincwiM noi UTWI w widly, my little girta anil boja:

.il watrh with patience, till they can take a

..-IT home for nuppcr a lutlc Unib—poor thing!

enns, Anil m w h U H W l»right cmlnvora that tnaile

Look »>"».'. i ••(- - li ir;.li- ' •

Don't k<( than

And .•»<•«. A hcnv • .i- j..11, To hvlp, and piiidi*, an

Ami on llli 'i may then* truWm pow,

Anil from your litlK' garden nbut oul those Urn MTU.



iK'i'ii thinking, mj dear li"'<' Iriendfc, now nrv K> »1ddj HVpUlUcd, thai p n o d BTAXDABD-BKAKKB would conrarl • 1 a telegraph for our 11\ •


i ull you of ii picture in wliii-li interest, It u onlled a

turn It is thnx rv'ju.'.. nii.l. A certain . .r. thai

^^Vpaiv W1KTI> lltcy ptv — tin- <>!' ili«


OS TIH sr\M>.ii:n i:KAi:r:it.

iii that count ry wlu-iv drink iho juice. You know

• you i;.-l tKir-.iv. One l d o — b u i l d •

mi t in ' look-uin all the tiiiii', fin

IHTS might come to pluck the fruit. '!

loo, in ili it count ry , " llttlo foxes," that v in so slyly, that if »m- did not wat.*h vi n

thuy would b u rims. The n< \< look »•• lake at the picture,

.. with I'niii, and a man talkiii] • • hu»haiidim i)

owner of tho plac< vuii fruit j angry,ni l j

• •

»i n! another MTV.111I ; tlti fully, cutting dim on the In the vineyard. Again another came: hint l-Vi'in tini" to time one and anothei

i ltii-l.:nidm<ii would listen ail ;

' he l inryard 1 01 tend Ms sou. Hi- bad only 0111

how mini. will rovereni \ a\ : " l » ! nowtbqr[

certainly vvili send the fruit N o ! th*y | MI wicked and hard hear ted , tin". thu s*m, who will poon bo owner "f all tl puwi • Tlii- i - 1 Sue opportunity : let us kill him, and |


• i l l -".i i" •••,!•" s.. iho] look him, and killed ^ ^ ^ ^ B n him oni il» What ^ ^ ^ ^ • T the Yard wi.ko.l ni.-n

• M M I'i 'i ili~!l' iV.-.l ttit'lli l.\ in.; tli.-111.

hildron, i- ilia .

l-rful |i'u-iuri'? Our I-• -r.1 J . - I N IO painti.) thli and many

• inl pictures, thai He might I il Him-itii<-u-uftd lesson.

any UP in Hi- I'ii-turi'-^ill.'ry, I • ilini I/on, t'»i. might look :it fiii«l itady

. lessons to make yon better and

. wlial bos thi- • ...ut i" do with v"'"" «Wly "ft?

|Wb>' J.1:I.-. il i-uoliof you here in tliln worU (which I

.it<I try to remember what Jostu ka jkCtu loTOODO another." In ilii- A .

m*E ready pleasant frulta for Uw Lord of the

MitM that are seni toyoa are your pastor* • ome to till that the Lord off the

maCjard i- li ' l .-. l i i" '-- in your

>rne of my little friends do


. ! i i j 1 i - - * • 11. i l • - (>!lh t i l •

il ihUotKfll lilK'iIri'-* or lnHini'l. Ii •mo ealiny in iii»l'n ILHW ; nml oaring nothing for the message mm by the I.<mlof Uw rintyird.

Tlie In-lovcJ SOU i-nur l.li~~. •! Siivloi] U you raftuo to love Him, y.m are Ii'.,. tin wli-ked hti-l.i'ilnuti, liwntuc you kill him wiili


wirktil 1H1"1.:III'INII]]. Then nu !"ii ranU of lli.- Lonl nf (he vineyard; IMII »

I real them, ami reverence :unl love HLi Sin, that1

when Mi- oontoj into IIU garden, (which ii Itif Charon,) i«> lafta Ilii pl<

ing of " r-'ahh, llo|.f. .iit.l Cli.i I fear my long inlk m:n

iiii- tbtta oar &mooa U lografdi lm charged from ftnt nM friend, «. i. v.

I Mil! It AM) CHILD. 0 I m m mr l i (flog'

TUK STANMKnm:\i:i:i; 71


• Ttp nu>« " D U MsinK-mmsB."

[OSRiky 1-i-t Mimnior, tl.-• 1 wa i t mil

r t o t h o w I- to pick •trawWrri«i. They it inmiy, aii'1 wnnuVn-il from

u-ry Lu-ily, until tlu-v hvl nil iU»'ir little b:uki L«. Then *'.• y \* p in to tKtiiV.

il llu-y coilM in'l fi"t| lli'' road ey bad lo*l Ihcir

:i MHI uiiiUfi to li.' l"-t, but i\«-.

, old. O h ! what would 1 bo a t homo ng:un, c . i

1 upper, 01 otUng on their lather1! k i»c , :

1 . in the •!> 1 p. •[

• ithcrwid mother; • reach them, though thoy

^ H l ) V '

. ; 1 Tlii-ir t n m M o ? Mary, • 1, I M M I I I T - ' . - •

they were : •

72 Tire OTAS'luill'

te&mg their heavenly Father all their trouble, thrjl -hi 11 im to t ir ing liu'iii hcim* to their parMflfl

ninl the" they pot LJ ^ * M

maili- I H T tiri 'il little M - I . T - a ln.nl • • > ' f a ^ ^ ^ H

m o w , and then kneeled d o w n a ^ n i n !•

oneo more prayed io her heavenly I wlioU- heart, and in perfect faith in II lif.ir. And II.- did hear IHT warm jH' l i t ion i^B^ scarcely had -IK' said AUICII, when she heard A M

O i :ind looking around, (hero stood her own JtM

i'.itln r. wli(» had loii^ Im-u I..liking lor hit ^ ^ ^ ^ H and whom tin' angels li;i«l It< i ".at Qe^H

command. Oh • how did M " v e r ^ H |">n-,.r o f p r a w n and whal an i-firimr . - :n. m mni|

-•I, )>eoitiH Hi- may !»' tVmnd ; and t o call UJ.«.II I lim, t * O f f f l

. ; i r !"

-«f wandi-riii" away from tin- pa th of safety; a&J>fl these, i . 1 vr'ak

to draw your attention hy tin- "lory, :i• »• 1 to pray | yon with all i:irii<-li!t--, w lnncv iT your conwleftNfl which n e v e r Be, tornify that all i- noi within y.'iir hear t s at once t o g o t o your h o j n f ^ H Father, t o tell Him what i- ami--* in voiir h e t ^ H •Ad tit b e g Him to load you again into the rijiht

« ay.

Mort surely, then, wil l the t r ue and BrfthJ

TIIH STANDARD BEAHBIt n • A'i.l j ; shall

' i:ill I will uiftwer: while they •

Al'BT >:il?.Uimi.


n i-arlh to ih.' ooald go when »ho w n in wai |

c a n tha ooald I nd nny ilai!'.' . when khawttaa

Hut bermot ta had told <•• :i- the ooald

1,-T i" pray lo Mm, and lo aak Him for And Bomotimua at nighi, » l n u

mother would whlapcr, u liulo Lo hor, " I W I

and ihen U> vrirl would i-ill v l i

utile eotia^i* in which Uwy lWed * u n n o : i ; would lii. '*

irly tln-n* if llujy bad n••' ti-lt Wire IT Foihtr in IIIMXFI iv:i- »tl|i tl

Ih ">.-r thorn. though

id uUjiy* I".:: i Iwork from U u ta t taA :.i,4iwa«

71 T i l l : >TAM>AKIM1KARE1L

iuib<* .li»(anu Tli*- fanner who ownoll the bonao in which ibe lived allowed hi r real by ooaUog once in a while ami W«T1 •rife. A n d BO the an J litllu .Maty had all I

•applied. Kut one winter a paint

-. and ao »hu oould not bind (lie haw, a a f l when tin- <tay cainu lor t ak ing them i

ri-mly, and 6l

VnntliiT Wi'i-k rami' , i up all the

rood thai there w u in llio hou.«e, and ihiro w u a o J i mere .

4 the fint Uma linoo bcr hnib I

: " I do not k oar J i •_• v:

.. with the clola in her haii't, ;iii.i lilllo Mary who -aw M>mt'Ua^H trembled her mother,came and stood by lief,aa H j M

her wuh her love. A- they •! nouic chicken* came and picked up this cruniH [

wbioh had been dukca from the oloth. •' I ' m g i l d ' * Wl • •> ;l ' l _ ' i> ' t h i 1 <li

breekfaat, an i yon, mothe r ? " laid little ' ' « '• wiil j*iw> them their liinn-.-r, t<*t, if they wh)fl coma for it."

The tear- oaflM to bcr m o t h

THE snSIUKI'MI-.Mitl l n . , , . ,„ , i, v i i . . « » ' , ' ' : ' " ; M I

She -wiled MB"

. bad iii.i-i" •! ilOllK

.1 learned ii.

ul Imon;11 and huAng I


your lift-, what yu shall cat, ur wh nor yd for your* body, what ye Khali pui u | . I tlii' lift' more than mo.it,ami the body thai Behold the fowl* of the air : lor I hey HOW n o w ther do they r*-;i|'- nor gather into l iarns; y e t j luavmlv Father fcedclh tin in. Arc ye not ran) bettor than LK

She went on and rc|x-:ile«l I ho ro.sl of thai beau-l tifiil Oth chapter of Matthew; lml her innthcr *caroe-I ly heard any more ; shown* thinking over those 1 words: " Behold the fovh of the air—you ly Father feedetn them."

Bat when her little daughter hod linl t..,ik her on her lap, and--aid : " .Mary, ilo vouje-membera little while ri&o, bow you saw th> eating their broaktii«t',' Our heavenly Fat it to them, for lie taught them lo come h<

M Rod food, and Ho will dinner too,for yon know what your v< thoy have no barn to go (o, yet your hoa>

edotll them. Now do you think that VOB oan trust Him to feed you? for we have nolhttUJ more in the hou.«e to eat, and no • 11 y U' buy any thing with;" and then the mother's tear.-

flow. " O mother!" wud little Mary, as -he put her

arm- around her mother'-, neck, " don't i tlier will not let us feel hungry long, for lie

ways, 'Arc ve not much Letter than they t"


Uiow yon always ash Him t<> tain c.niMii'i »*• nek I'im D O * to - El log for

Donor f iUd from her mother*! lap, tod

down by nor obaur, and bar mother kneel-c,l beridc her,and together they preyed ihal God ioold send them their " daily '••

ippy end oomlbrted; endOod heard anil answered their prayer, ai yon rirall hear.

•ii.-r who owned the bouao in wl bordon lived had :i link- daughter who was in the (.la".- in Sunday-school with Man.. and it happened Jpal she was ttodymg the tamo versen thai morning,

. u repeating them t<« her mother, her lather tame in with lii- bat and ooat ready !•• oarry lomep-aiu 1<M1H- mill tO l»- ground. IIi~ ear OaOgfat DA words, "They ww not, neHhcrdo thoj reap,nor lather into barntj yet yonr heavenly Father (eedetfa i!n>m." luiiiK-iliaU'ly lii- thoughts turned i"lii- own barns, and how hv bad Norei laid up whleh would lii-t for many months; and then oame the remem*

• 'iii'-,> • bo bad nothing laid np, and "pong them M' bene to hk mind. All these

rat looking in U* for liis wan \ gloves. By tin' time be had found tlii-iii In* Iiiile daOghi. i i .1 Emu&sd, and bit Wffi aims to help bhn.

" I am juM gotpg i " the mill," said be, " and tu i •hall get some bags of meal there, I guess I'll leave

78 TOT sTAvr>.vj:niiEA!ti:i:

one for lhi» widow Cordon. Jt imi*t !>•• rather lard I for her to ram enough *° hny all they need."

" V- -." mid hia wife, "and the la.nl lime ahe i here, die. said that si mild n<>t si-w, tin- | RJBI hadly fi»t. fed. -«. thill I sn;. . ..:ii. d miidi lai'ly."

" Well, it' ynil think [H I had a hn-fcei mi'' pork;" and the kind in ;ni<d man wont down to bbw<

OOOdod ]•''•• i.Mon., whi look from her pantry one of the pie- which >he I Inked for thuir Sunday's dinner, and added it t -tore.

It was nol quite dinner-lime when little M the farmer's wajjon drive to the d let hint in. The _'- :iT!•• i.]d li"l — -;<->-l •: while the h:i^ of meal wxi lilted mil,

f potatoes, and t!".' pork, and hut, i was intni'tt'd to M.nv's carofbl bands,

Han Dontd nol wail tor the droit i | j«»y that their pray.r had !

while he W:IH wanuino hi* hands l»y the fire, he heard Her whisper: " Vou ace, mother, our hoaffl

• i «a (bed 11-." He repotted (ho remark t" his wit'.- when ho got

md added: "J don't l-clievc the* had any thing in lho IIOIIM- to oat until I brought it.'*

Mar) mid her mother had a wvy nice di ic

lin: BUHDJLRD :Q 79

(lav, ^ Utile Inter Uun tumaj, lmt then they cojnyed jfc all the more> fi>r being « little mora bongrT; una

I, as she shook I lie cloth «.m, mid the chirk-,.TI- came again to pioa op the oranibi i

- Bow u'liui I am thai our bearenty Father baa :\. n Hi something for the chiokena again I" Thi' provjaiona which tbolr Idnd friend ;

Itaiyand bor* mother lasted until after Mrs. Go*-1 • i's lii. aii'i the was ill*!*.' |

Main; ami the former liarl enjoyed sivioj* so murli. that 1I10 patient <»M bone often found himself after lhai standing -t' Mrs. Gordon's door, whQo lii- ma* l(T carried into the BOOSe :' bag, *>r :i basket filled arith something to make them oomfbrtablo.

M . A . I I .

K the morning when you awake, acemtom yonr -••If to tliink first open God, <>r aomelfaing b order t.- Hta service; and :ii night also let EBmdoee thine 0/< S and let your slwp |H> m-c.'S-ary and healthful, att idle and expensta andeonTonienoeaofnatoro| and Bomotimed been ri"'i- to see the propamtion which the son make* when he la corning forth from bia chambers of the

""U nryfor.

Ir thera la any person to whom v « ted dislike, thai is the person of whom you might never to

' W .


l.ivr. FOB BpSETHIN'O.

Live for something; lie not Idh ; I Hik about Ihea for employ :

Sit not down t" melon drauning — Ijl«tr i» tlu KVeoteotjOT.

Folded IUIHU are over weary. SdAafa hearts are never pay ;

I.if.- for thee hath many dutjet ; \...,,,. i,.. ,};..., irtdle yoo nay

Httngfl in thy pathway ' • '<•,.•

m than p>ld ami With their pioMupclling wile*.

A tin- p l f i r l muhuM £aiu-ib K«or on the jrrateful earth,

j inpathy and kindncA* . Idea well the dar*

lli i;i- then a n oppraaaed and weary; Drop the tear <-'f sympathy ;

W*hi-|"i worda "i hope and i • Giro, ami thy reward "hall be

.'••>• Unto thy rioul retailing, Fmm toll perfect fountain-head;

Freely u Iboo fn.ly [•.. Shall the grateful l%h( fa

S T A \ i>.\ K D - M K A RBB.

JUKI, 18M.

. KRHAP3 ""!»• of Ilia Uttfo Y ^ , 4 > oiu-s wli., i.n.! Tin: SM\I>AI:I>-

_ ^ ^ ^ £ K ^ I!K.\J:I:I: fmve -vi-ri ft luirinl .11 ^ » - " AtfOj Il'--'y will

ae iviiii'ii Bolt pUoe in tha month ofMiroh l:i~f, in tin* Atl.ni-

. iiboni five hundred mflea Booth of Nc-»-i"«ik City.

A G rman t'miiu. ootnpooea' of the nthet and


mother and four little children, the eldest not more than - i \ year* old, sailed from New-York in a steamer for California. On tli" third night o n j f l beavi Btortn came on. The dark clouds \a>\ ihoj

nl nvt-reiM) the whole »ky. The rain fell; the wares, which had been very •, • higher and higher, until t iny ran, -i\\ mountains high. They carried the vessel UWM in the heaven and down again t<" the di rolled ii from All nighl I

ml which was not lied fast -Ii.] froi • ride I waa much nobte and confunon on board The pea

could hardly keep In their berths. SoiM were much frightened ; nnmo (iwore terribU ; whSo • •tin IN prayed !•• Ii<"l (<> save tin-in. In I of all tin infusion, while the wave- were

. and the wind howling, tin called to Himself the atitil of Louifta, the youngag of the four children, a little babe only four m o n d i old. Ii deemed a very dreary place for 1 • in. The father and mother miisl i : to hare their dear I*:il•- leave t h a n at inch a t ime: but the Lord took the little one away from the e n to come, to that bright land aliove, where tl

-. no death. At | ] V I . o'clock on tin- afternoon of the i

tin- burial took place. The tun » as shining b r i g h l u but (In- " n v , - were rtill ruunmu ven higl

TUK >rAMiAi;n BRAWL 83

%•••-- ! m u rotting Brora side t o slda, i Moo 1 by tin- wheat-bobs*; holding on t" ll with one

while bo bold thi P akin the other. In froni of him -i 1 the father and the passengers who wanted to iee the burial Between ban and ihem wm ii vide i •• >:ir-1 testing anon the gnards of llit -lii].. On ; • D Up in B pi white canvas, aneh M the laJbi of ships are mado of, »iili . 'i' d to nuke H rink lo

I oovcred ovet with ii"' A lap;, n i- laid the body of Utile Cwnuaa. V*< rj and,

it. Tho wind wan blowing 1 ihu vessel was plmitriiiu' nbont in

ill-- excited ma, dlttonll for the caw cyman to be beard, or lor the paneengarj to abend -lili. When the aarriee bad been read down to the word*, " W e , ; aril hei body to the

pad in the mi'lM of one wSde ocean, the sattoi i -] lifted "i»- end of Ui

nuil ti,,. i. i i ,ij,i off into il'1, sea. Tbere in tin- bine watei m it tank* whole mnL Stones i . (brain, The umv - otoeed over N : the engineer's bofl rang j

. iy, and we toon bind, noi lO bo seen HL'ilin until the P BUI n.-ii'-ii '•:' ti •ay. N-. ;:niv.-l..in'r:m iu;ii'k., ;iii.f DO tOi

>o1 where tin- tittle ,.:,, was bnriod now different, dear ehildren, was Ibis burial nt


sea from ;i funeral on land 1 Tlion in nr church, an<! the little ono whoa

• .

in • dona «)iih- abroad, with :i pretty, bunoh ofa white fiovon in it- l i inl- , and often ;i beautiful, an-gel-like naile on on there is the procow sioii to 11 • be solemn pul earth upon the coffin, and tho sad turning away o l fHendi from the i^ave.

Louisa'* mother did nol come i<> the burial; she could not bear to sec her dear lit lit! one pul in tin-•ltnsp sea; and you would have wept if you baa

itterly—when tl -lid Off the hoard. YVt, dear children, we might nol i" think it any harder to he laid in the sea than

irth, for in each our bodies nui-t return to ! from each they are to be i

• i iy. Tho Bible tells a . S.»n «.l" <-•• I :md come

i »il! (rive up tho dead which are in it." What a wonderful sight will thalbowhsj every body which has been laid in the eartli and in

•;! iH be mined to stand before Chri I then we rend: "Those who have done go come i'"rth to the resurrection of life, and they (hat haTO done evil unto the resurrection <>t" damna­tion." We inii-t. then, dear children, lovo tho Sav­iour whfl to that when otir IK raised, they maybe fashioned like unt< II.

TIIF; sT\\n.\i;i>i!KM:i;i: Br,

I]. i,. When, then, ••• Sunday, En the i :. •• i behove In the reanrri i

.. that whether your b< laid beneath t >«*- beautiful grass mid tree* of Hon),-churchyard, or in the deep bine sea, they n forth !•• Mi.- resur rec t : . - .•:. so tt i . i l . 1>. :nLT

made like unto our dear J&BBfftn may fire with Him for* F. s. B.


WHO would beUere the mhehief that Ihhi tiny frcntare can do? Wh.-n yon laid off yonr niee furs tad yonr orhttaon shawl last spring, you did i»"i - ion thai a t ' ' Eng ui the verj

- them, who wool I not, to be Brre, tarry fhera off entire, but who would proi

fiunQy with hou.se and food mid clothing out Of yonr "inter wardrobe.

ft tl •.• itUeaah oolored Insect Bitting so light lj round the lamp, and darting oflj now here, now

• i lode yonr attempt* i" oatou oor,slipped between the foldsofyoni shawl,and !<• ft :i I . . 1' *' >. noon iu many brown w< i from them, each ftwuiehed witii sixteen lege, scarce visible to the naki a* slippt:; their one hun­dred ind ninety * .-i make them. Tbej had also, each of them, a pair of nippers M keen :•>


: ' | . - !.i-1 ii.i tilllL' ill '_''»ing Ufl

wot*. . each made himself :i house, woven from (he

fine hairs polled out of your shawl or lippi imo material of which il many on ugly little

As the creature g rowl lie builds an addition to his house, and ;it length lut -lints himself in, i" awail the time when ho is to hecomc I tterfly like his

\\ hen yon put "ii the furs next winter, yon will not see any thing amiss al fir*t, hut pn wutly you and all who i

hairs, for tho wasteful little thii-ves destroy mora than they e n ial or wear.

What • contrast Lhfc Hulo |>est Is to snothor in-« 0l of fa tril»-—the silk-worm ! < h clothing, and the other wean - a rich mid beautiful liiltri.' for us to wear. When a child, >,,i a visit to my grandmother, once six.- took me to a room in which the kept silk-worms, moJberH

• .

ngninst the wall, and such ugly pray worn tag over them and entting away :it tlicm. At least I thought tlifiii ugly at first sight, and f< to touch them thl Igrew belter acquaii industrious workers. Tliose rurious oval soft yellow -ilk m which they shut ihemselvi

• till they aro scaled up, must be i>"t


Into hoi water, :m-l the long, dettau* tare hilly unwound, to b« woYOn Into utkrioi of drosi

••i.-ii,from the gontlcnuni'i i. .

, O o a iinilii-rry-iwij; I no-nil, !i-:in*|«:ii't'iit, while ImlU'rily; it swnicti


like tin- lien mil ill soul ivli-:i-..l Ir.trn n • unsightly body. The buttcrlly n*-v< • •lies, for ita only office is to bo tho parent of tl> silk-norm.

\ M W , which would you rather l><>, tin i'iuihe*Vl moth or tho silk-worm? I ki ii.Irons©! idle and mischievous that tlicy arc like in- *• ing all ih. -y loach; then, again, t h e n are • neat, briuetrioua, :tn.l n-riiil. thai you could now describe them better than by calling thom ".silk­worms.*1 May their miuiluT uwreaae, and may ilio goneratioa of " moth*" become extinct among ray | young :u.|ii;iintaiic©».' ANNA,

M i ' T l . i : B D I T H .

I Wll.1. U'll you a nhorl story about a Mil Edith was travelling with her mamma and har , mamma's friends, through France, on tin doer England. When in tho middle of their joojS DOT, between Lyons and Paris, (which you know j

i 'ranee,) Edith's mamma m f l tlonly (bond • • • bad left u x her money in n baa; I under her pillow at the hotel in Lyons.

Kilith saw her mamma's ili • • and pat her arms round bar to ootnforl her.

When ihey nil arrived in 1'aris, and bad to dinner, Edith oonld "<»i bo found. Al


111:1111111:1 WOnl UP U) t h * I " ' I H" i ] i i . : u n l li

(aond bar Uttlegin on her knees. She said: " Edith, mi doer, «liat M I yon doing?" Bbo said: " I niu praying to God, mamma, that y/0« may lind your iiiMiicy."

I :un glad 10 say most, if not all tin- money m • ol l.irk again.

0I1! that t h e n v a n n o w praying ohfldronl What a blearing and help Iheywoold 1K> to their parent* J

• • r • • . . • . . , . . .

That infant lira e*n try: Prayer lb* mbUmeil itnini thai

The M 1 K. A. n .

O R G A N - I ; R I N D E R S .

*- M \ M M \ , " -:ii.i a lit11-• boy •• vvli.ti I grow ap I •

i" play for Bttla ohfldren.M Hi- bad jnM been look* ing oai of the window at the an t ieaofa nioaltey, whom an organ-grinder hold by a chain with one hand, aa he played his organ with the other* The rhain wa* long OttOOgn to allow the monkey 10 mil "|> on the stoop, nnd to climb on the balcon. the aata and pennies wMoh WON gjhnan him, iDd hi-

. tunny lli:it 111-• HttU I»»v thOUghl i«

• doUghtfid 10 have • monkey jn-t like Mm, •O'lnat he oonld play with bhn wbenetor he Hkedt

00 T i n : - T \ M » A i ; i > U K . M i K l t

Peril*!* >"" think that the little boj ri<_'li( in wanting the monkey, bnl innl ll wool be BO plena ml to carry i beary organ about all n i ' t p l . i y t i n - - - • • IT ;ML-1 OVCT

thu Hub boj mfl loo young to conridor nil ihi bo .dily thought of i of hearing the KM irhenevcv bo wished, nod of making other li.>Y-. li:i|'i'.v by Ifiiina them hearJt too.

| i i i i . -

i wi -lay, l i l t

, ami]

M m v "I l lu -•* irii'ii, n o i lmi l i i , VoOld be '•

t«. eats their faring in tome other way, but they art* Italian* win* il*i not iin.lprstaml our !:uigu mi ii would be difficult it-r them to _ Some of them do uol own the organ n upon which they play, bui h the, day from men whu make a great deal of money by keeping org


to those who can am aflbrd to buy i l n i i i .

• men who play on iho organs htm i wiiii w)i:ii ill'' ebUdren eochm, who

ompaay them, to gather op the pejoaieaor flay the tambourln*, Sonwthna I I

; oyor gW earrymg an

A n by Its wefght, V*orj fl • those SDQAMU are ttv i.' p i onla, but

ij them from their fathers and mothers. 1 Q are orphans, m l era ufcon

the men who employ thom and nuke . tln'in. Often they are treated v--

lyby ill. parUoulariy ii 11 lunch money.

There has bwjii A school opened for those child-It, taught in tli-- <•<>•

benovolenl pe pi-', and it i- under the care of the Children'd Aid Society, Mauj of thom bai

:-h, and wo now able to earn their living in following Organ-prin.liTs. 1 | n ihnUai

bade in England to benefit those wrooMnnatolane, of them in thai

3 than in Aniei I I read a itorynol long rinoe,of a little Italian boy

il. which 1 will tell yon, ft* I <1" nut doubt • are many in N\w-Y>rk who have bad •

. noe.


An Italian «oiiili'in:iM wini lives in Loudon,*' wlin has <h-vol,<l IIM linn' to taclt'ini; and hem Ills OOOntr^inea there. was retiiniiiij* home Intee, winter evening, through a heavy rain, whuii In- hea • coke saying:

" I n tin) inline of (.Jod, sir, help a p boy!"

Ha turned mid -aw • boy aboul nine years < standing by bii side. Hi* n - worei and hi> lefltnod faint and weary. Jlo sai<) ho rery hongr^ ; so ihr gentleman took him to lusl house, ami gave. him something tn e:it. After ho I '_'<»! warm, and his hunger VH - i t i - t i " l . he told Msl

. itQty, ilf WAS from IWtlniont, which B I in the northern part of Italy, adjoining F e a ^ ^ |

: waa a |mor peasant, who worked hard to ; -uppni'i his family, hut the year before the prOO^^H had been scanty, and his firther ronU not get ibe money 10 bOJP wliat they needed. The curate of I the pa: Mi brought a gentleman to him, w h o O a ^ ^ H to lend b i n fifty ftanos without inter.--'. T

GOhor thankfully aecepU'd the Otter, ami promise! in pay him hi the '• ran* of the year. A cow was

with tln> money, anil some profJH*A^H whirh were mooh needed by the family. Itut in less-than a u, man returned with tin and said thai be was obliged bo return iuun to EogUod, anil nm-l have the iiioney in i two il:i\ Tin- i r pea-ant was in the deeD^H


; oven it" he sold the • DUW nol brim* him Bfty iV.iTir-.; :unl t hen w h a t OOtlld hi*

family do without hi rf The prion vaid: "This gentleman ha- • n

in England l ie has a number of whom he Uuttruotfl in mnate, tnd ill' y make ft grout deal of money. Tnkc my advieo; yon bare two

• • one of them to tins gentleman for the tifiv francs jom owe him. He will lake him to •Dgland, toaofa him the limitless, tako good Dare of t i n , and in a few years hu will return to yon with raoi

atleman made «o many fiiir promts* • r ai lost confute'I, and the boy set off for


This was what the man intended to do when lie lent the fifty franca, only he thought ii be offered <•• bay one of the boys in the Brat place, the parents would never Consent* bat Bt the East, yon MO, it

1 tO t h a t When they arr ive! On the IH.I-I ranee, there were i Dumber of other boys

• go with them. Ti walk t " ind it t<"-k then • month. Daring that

turn- the boys never slept in • bed, but in the fields aw En MUM hut; and they had only bread

BVSO for food. The i r matter? BOWV4

ffays went to an h n t it rue) deep. Wh< arriv.il ;,( Boulogne, where they wen? to take a •up, they «ere almost dead with fatigui l


smallest lioy had to h I iken lo :i 1 died, l":ir from his IIIMIIUT and hi-

Wheii iliey arrived in Kii;_'land, ilii- U-.v * bought from Ins lather far fifty francs," ugaia for one hundred t.i tin- inn tlien l><'l"ii'_'. .1.

Ih' *aid : " In tin- iu<.ruing, li.-i (there .in- fifty of us in all.)

r, which they '-ill I n , an i bread. Till lad- night I u under f ^ ^ ^ H

of London, asking eharity u> ill"- • • « • * ilii- violin. Ii' I hod 1 n a little li would 11:t\.• pui small > a M ^ H Kvery evening when i in; m u t c i three tdiil If" I whole sum, he beats me, and send • -in my Hipper, which coi Mimetiine* -.. hail ilia) nnl even a Mi IH'.I is made of a I I

w n itliont undressing. 1 i th, but here, wlml with <" •

Of 11n* I'liinnirys, Ixnling luotlier, my dear mother! |'»-more fioc von on enrili." A Iran Mi "from his cyos. " ' ' -ir!" I"-' •"•"u"° "111 rii.i-l.-rs of Italian bojl h ill ir. .ii II- for llieir own inli n -I, lor il

a \M«AIU*I1K\RER. 06

^ ^ U M O , '"• are thin ><r l.uiu-, tin- Unlit -. p i i .

Bh-C II- Ill-'IV liM'Hi'V." II in1, aixl

^^HuDDrv lui'.'ln be i*»ld like it. Thciv ^B^RD » l i " Mill'i r ' i t rt ijrcalcr hard-Kips. ^ w b e n vou romr i>> y.'iir liiilu-r's laUc. :iml liud ^ W O D it liml yiiu paiiicukirly l;n; | Vtgin t" rid ;'"i -"in" tU-lii-acy, think oi ' ihf ^ ^ ^ ^ B v l i " ha ^H0U9t yo<i feci tuUlpird I" I'i- niili:i|»|»y lir.'ini-,-

*,[|„ i.-i tempted 10 be «mii:tJ-I«V beoftOM

• V clotllCH uiii'li yOU Wftntod 1*' ».:ir II.IM-^^HtQU fiitislifil, think i'l' tin- children \ \h. . . . . | "ft*1!! have ooUiiug but Thi a ^ ^ ^ H l "Li.ni._- f,,«v,l and miiui-in, yiiu limy U-fcttwiUltuiiU-nt." 11. A. II.

[ TnE row I:I: O F O N E GOOD BOY.

k »»IIKN I took the -.it.i.'.. lUcnun,

Bfcblgt'l ;i -.li.H.I In* had -• • * ^KTC was one ^' 1 boj in >i. 1 Mtw i' ' "

^ B j * 0 6 , * MW i' l»y many inninVtukahU- mark-. B W * 1 ' »'Ht ami caim- -mLi

^»»lway- rtudyiDg,ju« n U* I bad boon buxtruid the rM._M.i-l. loolu

^ ^ B * Uier*.' the ^ W * * * * punctual in hi, jiUciidiunv, regular with

P*j truthful, nut) -ii-n-lv in lit- "• luci. I


|.':irrn-.| lli:il In- w a - :i l»-iy u what Wollhl, III' wtml i ! b e for tllO right.

" T h e r e IVITI

• II, I.nt n-i'iv • cd utraj. in !<• look up to Alfred, and I

much ntreiigtheued h lovely iii ili-i'.'M'i.n L« tJi-iii in principle. ihrer boya began now lo ercato a opinion "ii Hi'* ride of good orilcr and tl•• One boy mill then another #radu:illy ••••'• il i. The fwiOish pranki of idle and wieLi

' . I - . - their popularity. Tln-v 'li.l the l;iiii;h whicli they u--l I ami attention to study prevailed. At last. ' li«- opinion of the M)IOO| W:LS fairly

!•/ a -ch'H.I <»f ill.11:11110, i!

i »ls any win • \va* thai \».,\ Ahh I »ho had the makiiiK thu ohaiii.'p. Only Jour or live h out, an11 ihi'T >vin' finally expelh

her, "il b in tho poive; ••' •"»' i'-1 ' ri^ht-hearted hoy (o .|<> tluit. II< stuck t» riplcs like a man, ami I hey ft nek t-» him, i a itrongand splendid fellow of him.*

• TA N I'A R D - B E A B E B .

JULT, 1M».



( O u m i T H l rU)M "OX* KIXDKBrBBlTXn" FOR TBB ST AMD*


HK1IK an- not many such boys," perhaps soim* of niv young readers will say, when the* see tlii* till*-. Whether that is *o or not. Louis Pascal w<w one, an<l I will tell you what I know Of falllL In UMIHM|IHIM.I|I

of tho death of his father, g ^ ^ r y -^ when ho was a very littlu « C ^ K e ^ , boy, and thu ill-health of

| W nii'ilit-r. ho was *t ftp in an orplian asylum. Ho was naiur-

•"•d-natured boy, and no of course 7 friend*. Bm I "can not ray that ho had

• " » • * . to feci his need of a Saviour any more "»n many of Mi playfellows who had not Sttofa


an amiable di*|m*itiun. On tin.. contrary, lie tet t f l •••1 V-TV indinVrent nliMiit tli>' w-iy «,t" life and 1 | H

' lii- SMUI. antl !il- ri'inlin-1 in SiiiHlav-aehoflB often gave Wi teacher much pain. Still -ciooa «o«l which was there ••• sank into In- heart, ami at the eh».nili hoar k -prang up, ami the Lord Jesus work«-.| , wotiderfU ehange in him. Tin* means which II-tiiis wa« a lit of illm

Wln'ti ••. i- ,:- •• tak( 'i *ick, be W not feel at all frightened, for he thoughi should uf course get well again, as l.< had known -.1 many other children do. Hut il ai he hoped. Pay after day he gn

'iisonse, to which he was naturally di mad* it** appearance, and laid hitn upon a which he was never to rise, and at last ll»' kiml

; him told him -"• * he heard that his hour- were numbered, he « tilled with terror, ami the (• '• d°* B llW

k>; for he now, f. >r th>' first time,!' sinner, mid w u afraid io appeal

just and holy Cod. His own solfrigbteoBtl** which had confuted in thinking tl ureal many naughtier hoys than be had Mvor done any thing very wicked, had f deniy forsaken him. ' " Wean and with the weight of his sins, he <"• principal of the Institution, who wa->


think Indeed that t iod will C :• like m e ? " T h e good nun hasten

dim tlmi ii was jns l for Mich poor*uu»ra il Jesus cattle into l!i'' WOrid, thai He might

mvi'ilt.-iii. Thai He bad paid bis ransom with Hi* wrn lift', up ii tin' Cross, and thai < w r y one w h o W u ' w l on Hi in, and sought his safety in Him skm, should » rtaii ly hare ever las t ing Ufia.

^ H t t o o g h lie wii* in great suffering, Lou'ui wai ••oli eoinfuriiHl dy theso worda, and Uegan at once

^^^^^Hpgivcne&i for .> U-Inre long "U In- (< •.!• ! hi) lings vanished, ami in their

jltkee came that peace of G o d which is ( t o

. :iml all

.. IK- ' . l i t word io his Sun day-• • o o l teacher, that no twi ths t and ing his sufferings,

• • ry hiijipy, :IT.-1 beggad thai B M should , -II young. He arid : " Mo

i me, but rather rejoice, becauflo I veil ."

sr, w h o was aUo in thfl faatitatMn,

I £ ^ ? n ,"' ",olMer" u'1UnK h(

"•"Vatid fn.iu ;t wt! Irani how evident was the Kenya:

^ W * " : Mi.niKii: Vi-mcr.lay. dear hroiher Louii earth for boa\ laya ho

r, bnl yesterdaji morning bo l " foil igaiu. Ai firs) In- was very rati


:ui.| wanted to 1K> moved ev<r> minute, but aft**. ward the thought we mod to strike him ahould toot) >*• with JVSOK, and this mad. Imppr, that ho almost seemed t.. could already HOC Jcsui «>u the earth, and he gran t very qniet. I eried, but Louia .imiled for

ice l int was in hU heart, hands, he exclaimed,'! ;nn happ and ao died. It «»s half-pasl twelve vc»t»»r«Uv | when Ins -ij.ii it lefl Iii- body, bat ii. on his lipa. Dear Mother, lei IU not < Louia, but for our own HID*, and lei

The principal himself toM me of th this dear hoy. In the midal of the great* »i would : • • tit and h a p p j

spoke to him of the Saviour's " '* "-",1 w w

especially refre*hed when th< to* raftr* ings and death o f hi- tM read to wafc H • ••••!! Mid I ".I.•-•!-. III.Ml |oV0 that Thou lovest m.-, and I love 'I'd-1 I•••••" l n **'

ringa, be onee e*IM mil : " coming." And when he was asked whom he h« answered: "The Lord J< poor child hv the hand."

So ranch, my dear children, for tl and now U<\ n .11.1,««.

l e t m e w k yon: l io y 'V.T think tluu IIIIIT .li" ynnii r? Y-.ii ktmw thai moil t i l ing lor ,-liiMiin I" 'I"


>ean oM wheu il"' Lord took b i n lo be »iili Mini in heaven.

I t u quite ]«'Mil>lc llmt ili«- most of yoa who read M N Una will prow up, some to manhood, n d c v n i to old a g e ; and then the black or brown omubuin in'ks which now c o r n your heads will

^ K f a n g e d tu gray and whiu-. mid many a buy ur ^•Kwbo is now hopping and skipping about, wDl | tfeen have t<> bobbin along on a cimo : bul it' only a

i t' a hundred <*t' you should die young, which "in- will it bor None knows, but

Wtedaloup. Should yuu not, then, all 1M- ready. -> tliat yon may go joyfully t<> the oilier world, when

|jou are called, eveu though the kindness of God Www you for many a long year ? W'v can nut ::iv<

« 10 the Lord too early. I would give a jgmidi-al if 1 had learned U) know Him ut Louis's

'•• i how delightful it must be when we are • -a\ : " 1 hav.- s . rv .d the Lord

wornmy youth up, and oven when R child I knew 1 think, too, that it is no mora than

•jght that wo should love Him from our hearts, I lor u s and gave Himself for our salva-

1 havi in .. gretted ttt M had riren the Saviour bia heart in hu " " A b u t I have heard m a n y * o n luuenl thai

••tool earlier turned to the praototu J M

^ B j j * 0 " ' 1 and that is the reason why I havo told I P " ™ " •tory of Louis HueaL the boy who w u

Od to . ] .


Ti l l ; S T O L E N PRN1TA

'• Win N * \ . n years old," Kil|'in, "I was Ii-fl in charge ..f n . A man |w>srd, crying: 'Uttl<> lambs, all wli rl.-.ui, :il !•':,.' In my i i one, I l< and taking a from the drawn-, I in;td«.' tin cyi*i| mother iiKjninvl how 1 i evaded tin' «|n«--lioii with soi I ^ ^ ^ _

ight ii was a lie, as I kojil I

-Tlii- lamb was placed on iho chhnOej idmircd. To me il was a


prcs-iU" anguish. Continually llioro sounded In Thou shalt not steal; lliuii

»halt not lie.' (iuili uwl darknesfl overcame my of -on!. I went to a hay­

loft, an «1 there prayed ami pleaded, with groaning 1 ih.t l»t- uttered, for mercy and pardon.

I entreat* I inen'y for Jesus' sake. With joy and I lift (lie loft, from a believing B^pUOation

jof the text: • Thy -in-, which are many, are |or-•.' I wool to my mother, and t"M ber

|wbat I had done, and sought hor forgiveness, and [burnt the lauili, while she wopl over her young


i i ig boy ; " I'll run through the wnml tn meet him ;

When his Utile son comes to greet him.

"I'll Uko hii nxr Iron his woary hand. ; my shoulder.

I'll go to tii,. clearing, and help l» -• .in n f.w years older."

Tin- boy ...| nut tlirnuph the fotv-t dim — • • ' • • ' ' '

But the <riM h. i ti iraki l no Jam te him -Hf would loon bat tilth


<• walked. till liU little. feet Ached, anil wcr*» growing weary.

' I'll reat," said ho, ** on thin mo*-> For the way is long ami dreary.

I can not bear the woodmen'.* axe, So I think their work i* <l»i«';

And father will surely pass that way (her there i* none."

He sat htm down on a (all IrrrV nvit, To watch for hi* father's coming;

But noon a mint came o'er his eyes, And his earn ho*rd only a humming.

And down be dropped by the tall tree's foot, Never thinking of fear »r j . v :

And a kind UttU .chirlxind he»p**l ihe l*»ti» All over the sleeping boy.

The father turneil bin weary (est Toward his home in joy,

And I" thought of the wekwrnc awaiting hla* ll

And he thought of his darliug hoy.

lie cast bu eye* upon the ground, And done by thtfside «.f the »ay

He stopped to note a strange little mound, Hetiped up of leaves so gay.

He passed along. 11" :i ' By a thought both atrange and wild

He cast the varied spread a»id.•, And saw his •lcipinif cWht

>A*S H U H 105

H P raited him jiemly in hi* arms,

And in till p lMt he hint A log of wood, and covered i t o'er

the leaver, of llie forwt glade.

withdrew to * idicltered •pot. N . a n U fearfol bowl,

And Mon the woWea nunc creeping out, \\ i round the mound thoy prowl.

Hght) g»y leaven aside. And their glaring eye* were Keen,

The lather -tri.iiu.il h i - (MM

An ho thought of ifA.it might A-ir* b'<*.

Then ho Htn-le toward lust home, Irut the lioy idept on, A- OVCT the p o u n d they flew.

nw-er thrcatene-l ••• M d , Of ill.- raaoM he nothing knew;

And tin

Til! lu | i wi l l . And MIII . u he u n i t on hi* own door-nton*: " T h a n k H o d ! I've saved my chii.l "

HI, da*t thou walk life'* maze hidden foes eu t round thee ;

Bo nil unoooidouj 0ft ar t thou

m g arm,* thrown around thee.

for angel hands do bear thee up,

thou Khoi,|d>t fall ami peri-h : ungcr -till. Ufa lambs

Doth <>.. fohl ,,ul cherish.


And when that foo who seeks thy soul To min and doVOUf;

Slwll And thee helpless ami a! : ir ihou not bi- j

For One that's mightier far than ha Will tn thy rescue come;

He'll tnke thco in Hi-And bear thee to Hit ltome.


I SHOOI.TJ likt* yon tn know Xcttii llitvi one of the gentlest, most loving littlo rr.aiurw in tin \\Mil.1. :il\v:ivs ivi.lv to help ©von bodf, «™

, , kiii-1 w r i i - . . littlf brother, younger than herself, and tf"- -•••>n> tu think him her especial can'. Sin- ncv< with him; oh! no. very f:ir from that. She thai nothing -; too go ••! to lend

that •*• would spoil him, by always giving dim hi.* own

y he learni from her ex amp nnd to give up his v, playthings, anil does as she a-lv- him to <lu, hot*** -!ir - | i try to him. An.I thu ni'ViT :my ilh-piitms* heard when N'ettio


. ihim-. rviii i" She never want- tu crufili i


dcr, or !'">' thins »»i' the kind. liui |he |>uis them : the way, 80 that 00 DM can hurt

them. B play with, a kind lady s-'ii! hc<r a beautiful liuh-gray kitten. N«-Ute had only just learned to walk then, and ihe could say bul v . n few words; bul B a a e d toe i tou the Boot and oaH, " Kiuy ! Kit­ty! Kitty:'' HO gently, iK;u the little kitten never afraid to come to her. Then Nettie would pat bar to lofUy and gently, that Kiuy loved to sit by her. <hw d:i\ Nettie had jti-t finished eating

nd Imiii-r, and was Siting "ii the floor Kilty

emu- uloni;. Lhe broad and butter, and withoni waiting to ask Kettle ii' the might, shu

1 up oil II.T hiii' |>aw -i i lick all the but-

(T from llu- I It t K- girl's n.-,v cheeky I'erhnps WMI remembered that thai waa the way bar n

I towa*h her la.-.-. Nettie did not lik«- it mm-h, - did not di 'ni ' the kitten away, ftnc ihc D

and when her mamma oai , . way tint her little

* " * gen-" " ^ M taught tin- kitten to bo gentle too, end

" ' ' 'hiws Inn kt-pi them hidden in In-r S *o that no on bed by

i l l l : KTAMIAKII

Kitt) grew much outer ihiui N.ri. diU, Hid l* lon> N'ettie n i- ' i rp ki11>-TI bid become a grave old rat, whoee I'njoymviit eecmed lo be lo doxo L> il" llil. warm Min«him.. I'.ul Nni i . .li'l ""I ' ' then, for -In- had Harry lo p ju«ta« nioe to pal u d love :i- over Jw tie loved tier better than ever one morni hll*' found li.-r yurir and gray kitteiu—hoc own ••1JU.II.H- II. and Harrj did love '•• watch h.r :md ••'« WMvj

1HK M-AM>A1U)JIK,\KKK I " ' .

fclieui puss would lei them hold the kittens lo , r ill for ii ttttUl vvhii.-, l i n t in* s o o n u t hey

began t<> cry abe would oarry ibom right paok to i i of hay Bgniu. Only Nettie VU sun' it

man butt them in he uken by their neck* u pus* wotiM carry them.

A- I mi LI it' poasy had learn-to be kind and DIM day,

I 'lit her a BUM squirrel

which lit; hud found, t< mrpriaa^ instead Li at onec, :is In- supposed *ho would, fbe

Do of her own Iciu.-its, lei ii nestle clow by them, awl rroni BK moment seemed to regard it sa one-of her own family. How pleased Nettie was to see tbj

FWawed every one in the house to oome and set-how kind puss was to the poor Little squirrel.

the kittens began lo run about the bouse, • • squirrel wenl with them, or rather run before M m , for i| used lo our! it-> long bushy tail over

••'id run n fiul that they eouhl nev *e it. Bui one day, when the ran wi*j shilling

* » y Brightly, Runny ran up the great butternut-• by the side of the home, and he never came

-I, he lined !.. visit the pin* inyUwDwfa bfeV

rt-ebini. Xetliosajd she though! it "1 for him to ran away from pass

' w **•* » kind to him.


lint when her mamma said he would Ui b u d ^ H trees (hall in the house, shu w u ^ ^ ^ H

I'nr iho wanted every one to bo j i i

II u.i- because Nt'ttiu was one of Jctus* lauiU I v u so loving and gentle. When * ho WH I

:i little baby, her mamma used to pray to 1! •,'• her ii»r one i't' Mi- iamb-.

\MI- old enough, she used to r*-11 her

-iy. "I love ,l.-ii», minima;" •• 1 •

B gentle and good, til.-- Uim-elf. mamma watrh.-d her every il i Hun in her h'- I le had heard nnd i l l ' hW il:i: M. A . II.


O.VOne Of the ftlTJ nayOO**i -ionally l«« seen, on warm, lirtghi .•rippled l^y, whoso body lia* grow

'.•••. bat whom- limb*, withered tad w --till those of a child.

He wheel* himself at I -imilar to that the boys uno in play: ami ' little b

that are atiehored in the river, he


alittf,. 10 tl i |>li • - iil, bj playing mi his aonetrtina ih* tfa&i show no mean degree of mutes] »kil). The '•• « |n-inii«-i that lit- always receives, but

• • •-, are never grudgingly bi • more En pay tor UHJ muSoj Ihtjn uesty that shines in the boy'* blue.

• hf!|.Ii'Mf ll would seem, coiiM only If :i ^ ^ ^ ^ H Q those who loved him—eoiild certainly do

* >ward ftalfllfii » d , " B O M >•• \\ :i~ it -• 't WHS there no

' I'-vv for the lame boy? No woA for him in the vineyard t The i|iiestion was answered

nth'itinn who had often met »w i- it, when you can not walk, lli

Ablush eaniK over tin- hoy's jcilo face, but after ^ P B B | ! a moment. In- s:tid :

• her his younger ehttdreo, rir, and while - i-hinij, I mil reeping about

floor, :,n,I phyiiiu with them."

iid :i hid> standing near, nol loud - riie thought, to be overheard, "what • '<• «hat ha, he in all the. future to look

* Hftrtod in Iiis eye, and the bright Mu'nV ij h..we"d thai he did In

' - * ' l b y liim t.. .i,.,, ,in shore, b e n l d to a


low voice, 1ml with a *mile thai went (n her hcarti " I'm looking fonpard to hifi":/ fin'jA *^iw. dew,. hdy.»

llnppy Walter! Poor, crippled, and -i-• "ii charity, yet doing in hi* measur.. th. '. will, patiently waiting i' r the future, be shall, by and by, '* inimnt up with winjrs an eagles, shall ; and not be weary, shall walk and nol


CIURIJF. It • had listened v.

while hi.* father read a! family worship ' ch iptor of Kevelation. Bat when be repeal beautiful voree, " B e h o l d , ] itAod at t in -d knock: if any man hi-ar my voice, and i door, I will come in t>> luin, and will - ip tfith "'m' and he with m.-," he could nol wait until hut uiincf had finished, bul ran up to him with U» inquiry : " Father, did be gi I

I would aak the same question of e»< " l l h the Saviour g"t into your heart :" H" *•• knocked again and again—is knockii your heart, my dear child, : bM hu"

welcome, and this will be the happiest day life



M T O U S T , toot,


T was a stormy Sunday, ai»l A. '1 the fittlc Beyntoon warn pro-

rented from going to onnnh< ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ' " Thojrttood ai thoii windon

Charlie, Kn-'l, and K:ii.—look-^ K p B " «• iit di-iiiallv :ii the ponriii"

* ^ ^ i:iin n d iruiihlv t-trr* I.-, till kj l:i-l Pr«d «'\rl:iiiiu-il i '•Wlm!'-.

H P 0 | > <>t atmi'ling hen1 -tiuinii •*' '•', "'any urn-i • | ,-. . huf.li." The

low mil •• ; |" ; ;•' - 1 . Two rhairs and :i l i"

pulpit, the Imreau represented the i n li.ii;; i..\v «if chiiirs, I»IIL« ht'hiiul the

Charlie prOolaime4 h lowlf " tht pron around hi-

^ e k ' a " ; 1 . . kwlonhu ihoiit • 1 ".i~ the organist, and the port given to


l'"or :i little wliilt- all went mi . ju i i l lv , l>ul the « •

gani-l 'H imi t a t i on id tin o r g a n heciim. | i.-arim*,

t l int , t o g e t h e r with the loud p l a n t i n g o f t l i c o t f c S t w o , tlio noiae w u e n o u g h t«. brii

down- s t a i r - t u see what t h e j w o r e til

'• ( i M » U T M a n ! " crii d l\

us with our ch i i i . l i , won ' t y<

for C h a r l i e d o n ' t k n o « | iou to p r e a c h f41

'• Y e s , " said Char l i e a n d l-*r- -1, " < mm \

• .sermon."

Si-ivi .Man -inil inylv emisen ted , a n d sitting -In; t u r n e d o w r tin ' leaver .'(' the l l ible for a fi» DHWMDU.

" H e r e \* n beautiful text, ' ' -aid -die at la-' ono which I think you all can u n d e r - t a n J. Ixaiah l'i : I I : ' He -hall :'• • d hi- A V k lik< lu-nl , he - lul l gather i], , . lam). u i t h l iu arm, ««l

curry t h e m in bis b r o o m . ' N o w befoi can y o u tell mo o f w h o m l>ai.ih i~ -|

ohlldrea wore - i h n t .

" W e l l , bore i^ the answer in the tenth d o p i *

ol J o h n , .1 , -u- - a i d : • I tun t h e >',

In the country w h e r e o u r S a v i o u r livi

hi-i-1- M e d to t ake g rea l ca re of the i r nVeks, choo •

fog "iii g reen and pleasant p a s t i m for ibeni w in, leading them he- idu o>ol a n d ref reshing h r o ° t o dr ink f rom, s o m e t i m e - ahidi l l t ; nil l l lghl '"

fields to keep na tch o v e r t h e m . and

lamb* were tired, they would

fgS STANDARD B u m n&

shall reed Hi* Rook like :i - ^ ^ b n l . C:m '"II IIK1 " l i " arc His flock V"

•• i. . I -•!],]. .!••," answered Charno, Mary, " a n d Josufl <;il|. EBmtetf :*

^ ^ ^ H h ( ' | > : > ' 'fii. I'. '-t'i-.- with j n - l the same totnit-r. ^ ^ ^ R t l rare witli whU'h tli"--.- *IM|>IH-I-N

p doc* Hi watch over nn*l provide lot l l i i Bock,"

••'I'ii.'ii the tamba must I-1 tin- littl.- i-liil.livn." Add ft. .i

•Tty-lit, \\ a\ ; •• nil cliiMrcn who lore •ad follow .1. -,- the Good Shepherd a*i Hal bunbf.*1

Littli- K it. ti-.-.i lti-r i'\i> to her s-isu-r witli that ifnl look which ohfldrtfl weaw When

i. i m-« i.lca. MII. M ! | | j> !:mil>- ?" :i-.ki>il >!"•.

i • my .1 irlinv;." ; . holds ' ' • • ! - : i \ - :

•i the little Mii.-* come onto im mi! follow Jemia, and He will l»* jrooi

I'herd, to loud yon through ill danger* and rh all temptation*, and :>t baM lain Him in thai bright and happ

nihil, ami WIHTU tht-

••• no more - « . not pnhj. nor «ckn, • f * 1 " 1 1 wh"i« lli.'v will MC th.-ir kind Shi-i-

Kin wr I • IrtmlH follo« their shepherd be-

116 mi: SI \MMi:ni!K.\itKn.

'.iii-i- they .-•,. dim ;U„i |„.;„ -. . .1. |U| :,..\\ ."

•• liy following ,[,.-n«, I-'i ! Mis wur.l. Tin- -li,'|p|icr.| i •'•••••]•. a n d | they hear lii- and i.luy him. Jesus * f l ^ | vim In III- lmt\ won!. II- • want? yuii |.» •!.,. ami Mi- i-you can 11• • t n a Him.

" litil il's -M i,;u«l lo he i ' -./ ami try, and peril l] PiB |

good lorn little while, ami tlu-ii I hn ami am a- naught) :.- cvor. 1 do get to I ing.M

" Vou win never <l" it by inii-t ory to thoGood Shepherd t" \ that's what is meant in the t<\l wl shall gather the lambs with lii in bis bosom.' lie kni»\v-* l)"W 1; and how often the weak little lamb-tVfiin the right path; and so when and feeble, and cry u and goes after them, and taki ihi m in I r a r r t a tbeni. Sn you miutl Shepherd by prayer. Cry unto Him f< and help lo follow M now by kneeling down and pniyii Shepherd '-"

The children knelt, and Kiid aft< i


TUB siAM'.uth NURRR nr • • • - . ' H o n

abed to gather ihouunbswiUi T h y m u s in Tliy bosom, Lead ua tafelji

^ ^ ^ ^ B a l l trouble, and rnrry "•> Uirmi^li nil \vm\> ^^^Htui t i l »•- r--a.ii ihp foM vvln.li Tli I n '

\UKII . "

T11K BIBLE IN Till; i

• family in 1

of whiefa iin-y took | BQ uln,|, ^|By | U W j j | ( a BnjgnJjur inruiiii'i'.


When strangers wore |-i•-.-m, the lo"Moo| n v i K aside in some out-ofthe-waj not ittinu't intention; but when tin- fam alone, ii m i n n lo In brought in Sometimes tin- father would take and, turniiiL.' it upside down, bend over ii with tbt | dco|H-sl interest. Sometime* it was held ii on her lap, and [sized at ii an tend) i were her youngest lade. What was [hereabout) that footstool that made it -•

Under the footstool a book was fasten' it wn t of-t ight, nnd y.•! i-and it ronhl l*e read from IH

This book was the treasure and family. It told them of a Friend who • them ui all limes, and wbo wan able and i pave them in every dancer. It told I lifn1 land whore sin and sorrow eai where then ihell bo no more nirkm death. It taught them how to a. t at all tin in all circumstances. h gave tin m n.mfort trouble, and cheered them in t in-hour-of great** misfortune. More than all this, it Saviour for whose sake the sinner in

I hardly need tell yon the name of this the Bible alotn of comfort and g id - Bui « h\ hook kepi in -iii-h a slrai biding-plan ' ^ • / was it i' m*l with trembling?

illK M ANDAKIt-UKARER. [ | ;t

^ U k t a ! in thai sad day Uio liible was a forlii.|.i<Ti book i» 1' i n " ' ; l m l 'hose *'ho dared i<> read it

i i\iili punishment and even with death.

That French family lovod their oountrjl and tlnir KHMtMllg wlii.b tlu-v 1 .\..i

fctWer—llinl w;is liWiTty t.» rca-1 *;«"1S bonk --].»-r11_>. Bid t<> »i -I - Ilim duly. Tiny heard of a kind far

^ ^ ^ ^ b e r * . •hero the poorest might pray :i wordi to his Kathi-r in bejmH,

-"Idiera or more euu-l primi-. ir-1 •»!' :i hiiii where the Itible might bo

Openly read, and tin >:i\ i>>Ur "ptuly - t r ied ; :uid to | Una Un-i • i . . . -olved to go. B f t w y left the pleasant vineyardl w d the green | hUU of their native France, and ocrou tho wide seas BMyi*iU''i.

Very happy tin y mu.l have felt when tin ;• | «fc on board that ship. Tho wavea of the sea V p l da*li iigaiii-t the v..--- win<ls

• ii..pp>. Tbrir ll M l wiili tin-in, Bad il.t-y might re:i<i

[•Without f«-ar. The s,-;i „ ,. . . . . . . | .,, ] . l v t i n n , | i n ( m , ]an ,i ,,,•

• * * this Kr,.,,,.], family found a horn.-. Very ,,„».,.. i, m | l B | | ) ! l V o | ) e c n t 0 l |,,.r i l t 0 ring

'»" to-ivtluT, and together pray to God, * " ' "" I no danger to fear. The

" « » ) |,el .., |OV(N, a n d .,„,,,],.,[ ra , : , . , . ,„, .[


in their new home, and li:mJ- J dov rcn in rcmcmltrnnco of their Mift'erings and trialtffl their nfttive IsndL

That French fiitnih I avtf trill, but tli"' HiMe tliat ivaa hjddi I i>. -till to be Been in (In

children's children. Tin- family lint now o w j H • • HTetten lvim-ylvam";t. Has that Mil'k-a word t" say to tf^^^H

live in a country where the little child S ^ ^ ^ ^ H lage-door may read the sweet stui liii iij• it- • i Him in [iniyer without 4^^^^H

The i; H .: the bedroom, in the Bteambont, and in ilu-sails (n the far-oft' sea*.

U i may nil read ihe Bible ; but . did that French family, who bent over it »' ' of their lives, and hid it :\< a treasure m.'ie precion* than gold '

We b*To the BibJe,and the littl« • read it ; but arc we better than if v I in we not onh tin Lord, l"it M

II • will? 'it U not enough fbi • • i. ,1 lilierty («> i

make us true Cliri-tiaii*, real children i tber.

Let the Itible be your el daily. 1'raj to be able to midt

l ."v. tlir Sa%i«.ur whom it reV


D to ili«' fin u . Try to plO. MM] , I ' :• 111 Ili1]l|.y

^ ^ ^ ^ H o u i l ) lrj"U*o f'uvvor nr.umd tin- tl


M ' IT I. 1: T 1 I 1 N (1 S.

" I:AB1 1 am Hi.i leftrn n

^BhMr nic timcti," fc:ii-l :i Tilth trirl :i- sin-!;.i.| rnpatitiotly. '*<';m y.ni i.'ll in.- of

^ B * » - . • H P a r mter had been trying to help her find '!• H p l t n t" IHT inap-i|Ui'-iii<ns, but her ]i:itii-n<'<' In.l

| Wwi tt-ry imicli tiri-d l.y the little pirl'n livlt'nlii' —. | now ai tin- 1 . l t. tlii-n at tl"' length •

ted A\ i however, <li.l w* !*'-• ' lily, and no on<

• g f k n o w n lV„ni her nmnmr tlint -)»• liu.l :mj thing to OMtnrli her. - AM replied!

•'II y<»u the a n of flies, Ifyou will tefl me U»uH . ,,, tV.tf.il lillle ••

F 'nlLi r.]io<.k | w r hi-M'l and looked :i little j she knew what her sister meant.

^ H * * * Went on Willi-.in waiting lor tin 1 • :» great many litiU- ttfngi vbSeh e n

y u* vit \ much, such as nmnqu. !»'»omo gnats which oame around us so

which can make us verj happy, •


lit l ie bird*, the flower*. and the mo-* «»• find U l ^

>' I>. •II"! " i ir dea r liiili bab} -sinter whom «»• Invr

00 niuil i . In (act, our dear A u n t Sophy w*ed (.. A ; thiii l i t t le children ui'cil never think the)

ii'i use in il„. wor ld , lor t hey had m-»ro to •

tin h a p p i i i e u o f t h e family ih-iu an>

—iii.-.- I bftvo o c a w d i" I ni' o f 'tin- children,'and, have had y o u l i t t le b ro the r* a n d -i-tcr* All around me, I h a v e found mil that she told Ihe tnitfa in tluft, ;i- in avtary tiring elM i h e Raid."

" Itut I don hi ldren can d o r

i s p p y , " said J u l i a , b r i g h t e n i n g up a

" W h y , d o n ' l you rem em I wr » l i . n little >

ted so ni the t ab le >•• '-t.-r-I..y. and had to bo setf a w a y , how uiu'OmfortJblu w o all felt I' • l id not half-thii'h h w b r e a k taut, and in i m u i . - . i d n word after it. A n d w h i n tJ.•- children qnB> r.'l <>r di>iitH>y, whai a g loom i m m • over li'1

h o l d : or if any disputing U heard, how d f a f l it p o m d l ' "

" V r . , I k n o w all that ," u i d Jul i •; " I •' h e w tin- others dispute sw much a- \

1 am afraid I often d o i t myself. Hut, «••'•

did not add how unhappy I mako yon bj over m y l essons ."

" O h ! I left that for you to think of y

though I don't know any th ing which * affects t h e l iappbiess o f m y d a y u i

my little rislers at their lewon*. When tin

cheerfully, a n d v e i n t., take an

THE MWi.UU'nt.VKKi: l-j:t

J pW and are not itllc or fretful, 1 fed light-]1 atted all ^far, But when they ate fretful mi'I Ul-u-inpcnd. ^ ^ B W '•' I"' reminded constantly of their duty, | ^ ^ ^ H | | j ,d Mil, It >"• with my Sunday-

^ ^ • • 1 *'' "• When llio children ar>> rtttfiitivc niiil ^^^^H**l . I :nn happy all tin- " ' . k . hut when liny ^ H f f * . I i-"'ni' homo tired and dUpiriud. And 1

ir conduct has the -aim- effeot npon ^ • • L 11-v. ami how happy

^ ^ ^ ^ • t , wlii'ii ~]iv -e.-H you all loving ami obedient! ^ H n It'll'1 people liavi- a ereai de:d to do with ^ ^ ^ w - M i - wtnl'l. 1 .'t'l'-n think, when 1

II- to (ilmw our love to Iltin. ^ ^ ^ H n ^ h lit11, children n-.t do imieh for Mini l| oycn.n_. .1., .y, ..r \ i-it in the elide, or tyjieiiiii^ ^Bfgnoi-ut , yet tlioy can do much l»y trying !•• h<-

B, thai ilmy may make people happ\ . • * • • - • . • • • ' • will. Than whan one

:' temper ami *\-ak» erosMy. how al'! ' g t re a crow word in i-.-^ ^ H U l a general depute i* brought 11 • •ion the other hand, when the ill-tiatnr. -d Word* :iif

•* "pokc-n. there is a kind and gcntlo reply, the ii-ippears, and the family are happy

. ueordhig ..-very quietly to all that her

lamed i<> bee ^ ^ » * **ith th.. evident determination that that day

1 be a happy one for nstoi



I ' l l . y o u ever , u l i i l r |}|:iying ..ill -

in..111..in. U..H.1,

i i | . . ." w h i c h you run 11I...11I ? DiJ

• .1 what mi-1,1 l„. hiJikn IMIIT * • 1 • i" which yon live?

When :i chil.l l iU yi.u, I ....„.• nil

TIII: sr.isnAiii' l IM


; ... i • • - " " > ' •

„ , . ,v .mdt to t H I - I ' ' " " " N""

rdyta * • • « * * ' " " ' ; "

;: i, . , , . „ .

found >'«•"••»"• '••"'•

T, 1

t ,™u, i ,M BM h o w * or •»••«•. « "'° ' ' I n

E l » » r , |.urc, cool "I'"".- «»<•'• c

K g , H, rarlh. M o • t t U . , . 1 h i . ,,i,t

U.M . . , . . . , i..|:. Mtlllg J i l ihwlwni tho "•. .

/ faiddon in lW e « * f,„.„.nl.-.ii..,irl>irfi»rcraH.-.l»"l-

d«W*J in ll>. . ,rilt.

I' l»|« toon little boji» « d -"I- •"•' ,l""k'";-

!20 TIIK .-T.\M>\i:l>l!KAItKR.

whieh i.. foiutil in I he earth. U .-!!. w f u t i f ^ l , •• ' * ' « / / . " \ . - . to !»• Mire, •

:iif111JItr our houses in winter, f. (r laetor io**fcf l3H| " i r clothe* »re woven

To n|i sin.I our r f i ^ ^ ^ ^ H

acram the 8*.-:IN ;ni-l for bright ami

tvlm'l i di.-pel* t l a i k n e ^ when i

I ,- indeed found i l l tlu< 'M i l l . . and the. jJaOM I

where t l e i ili.i; it are in •„, , ! m j M

i lcc j i u i i i ] wi wide thai hum! • >l< live n


I m u quite j roungyei whan I m QI

owned l i i ' . - i ' eii.ihiniluM, and a pa I

formed to vi- i t them. UY -

:iti.-r • few mUoa we N d retehed tie- <>[>enh •

l i i i t n - .

i U i fo reaevcrn l h u h

in whieh, suspended b y chains wen- bucket* '"It*

, to lie'.l two pontons. Son •

into them, ami were let down more !?«:»»» three I'11"'

«lrwl fivl ; while I. wi th --ill.

the mine by wa lk ing d o w n a p e n i l e v ' " ! •

ground \\ , noon . I

h-rie- weie twined in the ro.i l . l . ir ••

quite h i g h ; then nar rowput fSgc* ,

had io creep along . . „ mir I. i

men «ere there at w o k , w*i I

mi ; >r\M>Akl'i;. m

^ R o n e part of ilu< mini-- l-miili.- » T . j;atli<

^Bfcff,nn<lh"rs witli the i r little uiu-s. in:m\ i i fwln.m

1 iiu- light >-r On n o M ii -liinw on

, ; , l t l l . A l"'V ••!' [ » ' ' l v . >i •

BpUnith . - i i lie never ha.l 1»• tl the m ino t , m d h id ^ B f f r brea i ln- l the lYi-Mi, pun- air ol" h u i v i n . i Mi!

k « » i ( . ] ' . 1 l . i i i i! I.m In* NH-IIH-.I (mite h n p p ) :

in ; be mu bora btro; bfa Buher,

brothon ami M-I.T-, .m<l Mi pity*

H0DWI were here, ami h e lnvi<l t h e -]>"L I am ^ H p to U'H Tint that iiiim-i-"n<l i h t i r l-nuili.- m

"•»! -'i -hut Dp nmliT jfriitiml i i " » as they UH'd to

! - • .

I Wlit-ri we li;i.l In . ii in ilir iniiu- BOOM l ime , anil M v , ! , , ooagfa ol a* <<1 th« back-

• rignil ma given lo Iho nun who hn.I

^ H* " ni 'l Up » • ' Went

rol light of the m a : *gdn we-oouH breathe ^ ^ B t air tin- how

How gnrtefW wi wore lo '>•"! for _ , a ' ' • in;i'li' il„. woH.l MI heatlttful ! I i NVim-cl,

il" t he -mi WW a 1'riiml with WDOBl WO J *** I«iti.'.l :i ;,.,,,-, l.,nL. ,•„,„ ...

j y *<• r.niii.i ,;,. KH Mated in tbc •"*»!(*• on nnr way h o m e , w« could do nothing

• i;r heaven!) Father in

»">ce thi-n I hnvr ..ftcn ifcooghl of the poor min-


i ni.T,. tlmn nri.--' I \\a\u w i>hed tl

iin.I (ii>,l i,! i-lu-cr iliftii their dark fa^^^^H i<> m a k e me g n t a f b l Rw t i n

i l i .v ha-i no t , ami wi th which I wa-

V 0 1 1

. o lnl »[iiijw» i ! -now,

Fori tirard il nlgli <» it flmt.


•.st uM thecal!' " I • . . ! | • . I • : . . : , . . - . . • • • . i , ! • . . ! .

\\ /'Mil V* yrnt/i fwtr." ,


' > pr-tmiu at t*t f

. .irth iinO mlr, •

"J/.' wn,t\ 1.-1. •f'..-,./M.«

• Dial By

J iptrrou die.

•iff * r f«« * * * « « * £ * , •rate;

A'l.rf «W r>Jout."



OBANDUAMUA'S S I N - I l i s i : .

'SLV •? " " N l ' : cou ld look irt little Anni i t Pr ice * l ^ » w "iiliHiu th inking: " W h e l a happy l i tt le M \w» - ' " ' • ' ' * ' " ' always h:id : l s u i i i o !'•"

K ^ j r ^ S i vc: v OJH-, ami no th ing s e e m e d t o g o w r o n g with her. She b e d soveral b r o t h e r s and abler*, but they n e v e r

rtessed Iter, fur they had found o\u th:ti it w a s use­less to •

i OPOD her quite a.* funny OS t h e y

I with t h e m . If they hid her book*

•"(TA j u s t for fun. they Mid, sin' would ge t "'"'•••'' : | ' .y with Ot rend until they

;i fur her. W h e n si

eo t domand it agt.in when sho c a m e back, bnl

""jM quietly lake another. If the children ex.

j'J'Jcd any pleasure nnd were disappointed, instead

^ ^ • g she would : " Never < " a n hiUe it „ . . „ „ „ . , , , „ e


She wont one MimiiK r lo visit her gnmda4 who Hvod in tlif C011111

• • • 1 1 •

-liinr." Her grandmamma often -aid lo lie: h r what il i- that 111:1

li'niii otln r >•] ildren !" lint the owuc

iViTi- invited lo 1 afternoon Annie's annt, who m also

: I lived in the '. il |':ij>:i"ri farm-home. Tin- sim was shining when ' but Annie's gra ho hhut the j-alo of the little garden whiel

. that thorn wa- .. •' • id ri-it ho thought might bruit; ruin. •• II tinned, '• I think it will not come within 1

\ if our Gttlfl Sunshine here can walk 1

• Oh! I can walk as that us lUiy b • I said Annie, smiling, and she tru of them, thinking wlmt a lit: playing

: ii i- iboy wanw

him to; and then what ni< Aunt Jane would give them fi

mi-take tlii* I for the olond travelled fa-tn-than the; had not gone l.nlf-wm eamedown la-tor and fatter, until it p


e w i u i i Mid it mount to make the

* ( " 1 ' whni li:tll we d o ? " stud grandmamma, perbapn wo can -'..,, m the mill," which was jurt


(hem. " No," taid gnmlimji . *lny for grinding. and it i* locked. The I wo can do i- to go hoi clothes will !»• wet through if we p" '"'. n'td ** could not wear them all the altcrnu

old." " Now," thought grandmamma, :i

go liouic, my Suiihliitir he d^^^H i I be waa mi-tat.- i

I for :i moment, Iml dial n moment she smiled aj the can go aome other (I

n r i r-1 borne, and wont on aa I nl done when she was going to I

<-\ pleasure, instead of away from it. They were not tl nly peo|>h

. for they had (heir way home, when the former wl w.n.I M " while his wife and daughn " the an wagon, covi red tip so thai

He offered i«

them »

walk the rest of the » cold.

Their Hollies wen home,bnt it did not take lot there u.i- A iiUn lire in (he kitchen wl


^oiil.) H dried, lit-'1 -.'I of sitting down to tn t, or HPuMin^ !•• • g randmamina to td l berwbal lo d...

^ ^ • a t , ami I'umnn'iKTfil to write a K-Uer to IHT L^BB*. Wlicn iliat was finished. grandmamma ^ H b t ont a box of shells titr her to look nl, and ^HUary . il»*- o"ok, mid they should n>>t miss the ^BMwliu- l i they wmild have liad :it Aunt J;,n< • d -•

H n O slept in ;i Hltlu room which opened into her lanii'v, and that night, when Mrs. PriOQ

the Bttie girl** • i <iv»]. Tl o. l rlly OJM'M,

for Aiini.' Ul tini-h, A« heard ik hor Heavenly Falln rind did

i the nun coma anj I tiny had reached home in • i

fad that she might always be ohoerfid and • !"• willing that God should do as lie

^ K f c t b e s t . : fonnd out tli-

*r cheerlulnnts; it was because she fell thai jSntS her Friend, ami tbat all disappointment-

had teamed to ' Hirn fee ovory thing ahe might need.

L«u -^""i' ' had liui-iitd, ii.-r iriaiidmamt "'»!». Sl». did not toll her what she had

and fervent, .v '"i, my i | i .j '•• showed how deeply Annie1*


rill make every little child wb trusta him aa Annie did, us i

JESSIE; l'!t, WHKlli: THKRK - \ \\ IU. A \\ \Y

" AMI r," said lli-rl • mnsol ?"

'• No," said Alice EIOWIV, " I

aw." Certainly it was a . ilmt

them. Tin.- n the eye could roacli, and t.. the right and I

okgronndi w BW bngo ni& 1 as if thry had st I tl

stand iiT.Vi r mid ever. The sun -,•!. and it tipped llto wav<

i the very reflection \ on the shore

at it, as it Mink lort'er ami lower, ti tire ted baek its last -milr. and it wa

They vera sil'in for some moment \i mid: "Don't you remember, Herbfit, » l l t ' " w

g 1 to .>nr vacation will soon he over, and a bit."



U chance. J'"" know. lint look, Alice, thero'd thai

|fcme girl whmn WO WW 90 oft«&< Why, -'•.•

s . t • he .iiit HI all, and how poo ^ B l i . Wt.ul-l i• • • T you like to know something

L "H,.|I you know yon (•id wo hadn't h:ul any cli nice ; " do •..•>• d, and you

. itbor has often said, * W I H T . ^ • B , th< r«".- :t way.' Perhaps this is :i chance—let

lo her." T iutt'.l hei.-elt'<<n the -hoiv, at a Htth;

^ • H c c from ih- 1 .viih-mly »-\ •with (I,, fxoi tii.ii stu- had made. Thev Went up to her.

"Are you t-ickV" said AHco timidly, by 1 remtioiL " Y o n look wry weak."

..i jroan, 'i**1 >' \< hi-eii maoh worse for >onM weaka pu t . ' 1

• J M \<HI iiv,. far from horr?" :^k. d ll<il>orl. ^ P t > no. Do you sec that little e"U:n.'c where

mini; out i>i" ihe chimney? That 's ll er and I. nil alone. Bat 1

I * 1 * 1 1 " ' ' mother told mo Dot to stay

1 •'"•tit x<> walk on, hut it * Wlim if Herbert had not ruahotl forward and

i in his arms. walk," raid he, :i» she rail

" I'll carry you, home I'm itrong [M and

13fl THK S.AM»AI:]> i I

. could ol.jert, lie liti* .1 her up sm I "t>, follow* .1 hy Mi ' " \ iH'tlernin on, and prepare her MIOI! IriyllUMK'l Ullt i in."

ii. :iinl in u iiiiiiuui <>r two or-iho door of tin mu no answer, she lifted tin- l:it<

open ilu- door, Mid wcnl in. The room in n round herself was aim-

. dean. A woman was sitting on :i

buried in her hands, At ii • >f the 'loor cho raised her head, J U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

of ft Btnu iritii a rather im

. her a -eiit.

jusl came to say that your daugl I " She had no time to saj m

this momont Horbert appeared at tl girl, and the mother ran over to her. M fl H H a< '." ibfl exoUbnod.

•• I'm bettor now, mother," said -1 "l»:»* only a little faint, mid kind enough t» carry me homo. I'm sin mother; won't you give him

"Neve r mind mo," - ,i I II i U-rt; '" Tin at all. It'^ gelling Into, and w* • • we will wine in the mornim



| f.ill.iwvtl them to th<' door, and as i>ui II. 11.. 11 naid i.» Ucr, in n IOM

yon had the doctor foi

\ Bfl'ani':" " M .l'ln'l do

| fcorany good. Be WM one of yonr grand doctor*. -, .in !.niM.i,i-i:iii'l much about i

Bfc,and In' ref'iiniii-n.ii <i nonrisbing food Rod wine, ^Bjghcvi'1) wiili that ho didn't u'ive mi» imu-li eu-^^HtRcnait . Il<- siid •In' wn* far I aath]>lion, and that tlie disease hadn't |»oon '

time." viii'o.

• .,:''isi<]. lir.-iifel D M I I burnt intii tears. At laSl die -aid : " I may :I» rWcll U ,1 ymi. Mis-. I'm-1 couldn't hide it inueh I- -n-r<'. | lhatw, Ii;ivi neither of us tasted an} thing

M I tl ink it was lun my poor | cliiM, instead of nckm •> Wc liave often been in

my things, 1 •• tT I have always managed i " ilaj I couldn't got even that,

i't know wbil will become of us." other in dismay.

i.-.l to read i hta, ami ,- words in tin- woman,

" O H . rbert!" said -Mi.-,-. u soon a* " • r Were out of hearing, "isn't ii dreadful?"

.•••• in bv -. How iinieii of vonr pocket-mom « bai a

>"» l.-ii -*

188 Hit: STAS'DAB

" I liiivr go ! :i dollar and a quart*

iw . i dol lars, wh ich w i l l L'O :L '.'•••>! w;iy to

i lomolhing to cat. Hut w< up totbehome,and «l! Mr*.Martin

T d i - Mr.-. M a r t i n had <•:,••• boon a nurse to H | j ^ |

b.-ri and Al ice, but had married man ' • .-• ''••""'••

j lH-gius, and had L'UIIIL- to iivi mi t •• »ia»U 1 farm whore she now was, and whii li .i liula diktanoe from the sea-.!:- U-ro A

i oni almoei <••• • r in -|»ml iheir ly aeco*m^^^H them, hm thi» summer drown her, and sh • liad sent tlicin aloiio, wli wn.i now

As sic hid ilii'in ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H i to them : " Now. my ehildr.

Ilnd -••nil' n j . j n . r t i n i i t y ^ ^ ^ ^ H

5 1, Itcmeinbcr, 'Whoro (hero's a will, there • « way ;•" and they li:id tirinly towh« d tl w-.uld follow her advice, although in tin- i and excitement* of tin* eca-shoro

t" ihtir remenibrence •gain. As thoy ran tip tu (lie In

..lit to mncl them. " W.-ll, children," s

Mill •_-!.(.| ymi hav<


I HcrlHMt li:istity lulil lier tho circuiuaUno i| he and Alloc want«6 i« y<> op I • liy, ami L*''t Rome food.

L I iii; "you won1! do i .,.• in wiih in*'. and I'll make

B f n V i 1 ' of things in :i minute. Well, i " W ^•fcaf it i-n*t Why. I hadn't

In want, or Ow - ,.. g o a to th<

. nnd gets Rowing to do. T V><- think IKT pmtid, ini'I ilutri i<> much n• • . '.. ; i i : it' wu'»l uniy h: iv. known .* 1

I W h i l r -lie \v:is s a y i n g t i l i h i - . -he V U go to

I forward] g o f

llorhcrl and Alice walohod her with ranch lattUiVti.',,, ;i- slii- pui into tho bosket it lw**d butter, moat, tuid, nl A ini.Bomf

•Mr-ro<>t for Jessie. The minute ''• look it up. and followed bj

They weru scarcely Urn uunnte* Paa;. and, quite onl of breath, arrived ;it the d

knook, they w e n nrraatod • >li laint , II a low 1

*a»y ptiasetl, the words (ami- di»tiuct)y to their

1 H'Uhnul ham or store hi • bread


A nioniciit, and ilie voii*i vvciii on ugaiu :

•• \\i hare trait In litis our .-(;• Tiic Lord is otn

rborl lin.K-ii.-J <.|"-ii(.| l»y Mrs. Allnril, whn

/ them hack so soon. '" IIoW >i<> now ?" Raid Alice, a* ihey entered.

"Obi I'm l»(hr , thank yon," «iid Jomt ivoni over lo her-—lio IVIU lying on

which stood in B corner of tin- r-min. " Moth think li-i»v much,

• lion done mi1; it niV * my nam 1

While they were talking log< tin r. H«-rl. Mm. Alford nstde, nnd --iid : " Mr*. Alfor* I havtj brnnghl yon a fe« tl notild rat, and Mr*. Martin saya thai if yon thing elM yon miwl hftTfl il J!liril..|j;Url_V."

Tean rolled down the |" •he thanked him,and nhesftid: "A ii-.v mi

I my dlitrett, M

: ' lh:ii liymti ;* ai II.T, tli.Mii-h I hadn't

:. and as I wi-ni .'ii. il


fort in- • Ut»>k courages little, andyoa • 'I! • i : "

\ i. --\i iii:it they vou)d come the noxl . [IvrUert and Alice hurried

The morning iil with Alloc t-> see them, and

eat H 11:«f thi-j .. . ind Mini il lo • I Iter thai hoi i

having been i'ni'1 for somn log that nho bad been doing, bui thai If she w u

do enough t<» keep them from I.mi :my thinfj over.

(to H COM:.

O !, D

F IT ntwayn makes mo sorry whi a p a * the company of aged persons. I' U a pmi-

ither or grandmother in your i you will have :i part "m the promise ftp-

• •• the Fifth Commaodiaeot, if j ir air-.l

while walking to school with a fel-ition turned on this subject.

an old person,*1

. . n t-. th.'ir lalk—they have Wtaueli exjicrii


THH si.\si»Ai:hHK\ltKR. 143

L * Y c - , and if i' i- ChrigtUm ftxpericnoe, it M ^ ^ M r valu:i'

.•mhcr just n.s well as if it u . i - y faeoniimn'd, •• ihu d;iy I \v\\ Ireland, though i' «

•1 1 waa bnl :i little round anions my friends to l>id

• 1, :md whin I left tli-.ni, iin b • VKi ninetv-eigal yenisold, wnlknd

^ ^ R p * uilli mo my way. At la-t we -t.-pj-.l ing ground, and tnt ing off my hat, A e

lid 1 I me. I

•-1 md the long ; with, nor the

BMutii'il i • . , : - . . . : j . l - In-fore us, Thoro Wore the •

Hthst lay beyond. l i nil Menu lib • v . . "

I dan . \\\ I p c d '••••' ; !

' ' 1 do bi li< v< il did,'1 biiitl he.

.. waj loved ind *£• "he went, On • HtUe,

imp-backed v. ful and loving, that she carried fiun-

sho wont in her round of o» • IBah girl, very

• 1 ' upon her deformed had n

I l l

|M<»H* ^rainIniKtln'r, who oft.'ii - iM in I,. .Mary, how far yon :in- fruiii God: ' ' Tin

• • K-.l till hor gran Jin. i u Mary stood I «•.! in bor earn "How far > (I

Main soli urn 11 n.11tr 1 said !-. hcrsolf: "Who will (ako «n place in tho Clmrcli of Christ?*' B\ God, she mil i ••• I I im,aDd | 1

walk. IV..in dial tinu*, in hor ^ramlin " A lioa.ry he:i<l is :i nowu of glory, ifil b

in (bo way of rigbte0tuatt>.* A sir A. f


Hoi ' M i n i , t.-irlulK. cold in ihi Karl/ wo laid hint under a o Calm ho his slumbers through tin .

waving grass, u

Hands iwcctl/ folded, eyes sooled > i GntUe •*•" w.iirh him, nunnar cl-Sadness and sorrow reign now In on There shall tit" missing one ncrcrmoro com* |

' •

SofUy u roBcn gently uin>! Now its low melody warhle* abort,

" •



OCTOBER. 188*.

THE IWO 0 M:i'i NS

Ii - :, bright irioriiiiiLf in spring. :i morning feeU like Mug at work. The bird*

• • 11-1 be, building lb< . Rofl and oomfortaMe for the little

^ ^ ^ ^ B w e r e HO soon !<• lie there tender ;md The fanners were diligent!) ploughing or

Is whieh the indii-lrieu- en fhick.n- eoti-i.hr their work In aontoh "lit of tie'

[»TOnnd, wl time in preparing the - uhieh the) meant t.. till -villi food foi

ig II th-. lerthon that little Fanny Howard ihoold

H lik. being al »nrk too. N"t :it I n-. t'li! • I.ful that it was Saturda; morning,

[ ™> children-, holiday, for she felt more like being :i thai partMOhW Ii

ry thing in the gnrdon, the fields, and the -" busy. She m i recy glad then when

P» mother told h.,r thai her little garden


i the dav li.fi.iv, ami llial tlii- m-miim' .|„> liifli she had I..-.-H |.r,>vrviM

m carefully all winter. There ihe* all were ii • i kind in a lit lU- napei I tag, neath tthv had urminjid them when the I

-•red them. Ii did nut lake her very lon^ I t h r i l l M i l l ( i i ] | . •(- !_' -1T • 1 • 11 . . ' i l l ' l - 1 - -T • • I I I -

woiiM plant ili.in. Tin' in placed noil the fence, of cunt—-, : climb. The fotir-oYI'H-U in the <•

I" (Vll-f A ^^^^^^| [lerfumc. "Ami here is nn darling 1 DMSt not forgot y<\i," -aid Fanny, t

: ronil 1 ln-iii "lit )"•!'',i. her ; " ami • i spurs ami the lady-sli| | these." And so the wonl on with thai yon would not have rappoaod

lor litem in that email p m l -he did, and |>u1 the sticks which her hr.iihi had prepared \'<<r her whoTOftf them, so that she might know wl each little green leaf For FMIIIJ Chough the mxda »«re little, dry brown ih

• r she bad jilaccd Ihi in in i bod looked i •;-1 the same :i- ii !

raiher pUmiiUlly over it, yd only a <• « alternate rai id sunshine would pas-. the would -,o some littlogr.


Hlcb wo'iM >rn»w :iml jirow until the little bwla ic, nhidi :itu i u while wuuM hm-i into

. ITV uuliko the littli- hrow n sued, h is ti "••, bit ft ill coining from it.

;. w-orfcod "ii all the morally, | o h u the birda of iha bees or the ants, and ju»i Qnlshod when the dinner-bell rang.

I n MT mother proponod • walk, and

II ready to accompany her. Tiny "tin. distjincc through the n la, piolt

"• wilil flowers, uhiri, grew In profiiaiofl around


their path, iiml then they turned to fie road. A i :!..• churchyard, Kai noticed thai the gale iviw open. "l)n • tor ;i few' moment*, mami entered, and walked quietly al<>n;_', pauMi then to road tin.' inscription'- on the white ' which told who win' sl.'.'i :i they weiv thus occupied, tl I rtlod 1 deep tolling of the bell in the elm them, Tin*)' looked up and saw a funeral pi Doming llOWlyinand L'"in_' toward* :i lilt) which had been newly prepared, and uhi had not noticed before.

" Ah! that 111 M - lid Mr-. II-.ward. " I I • :u<\ y -!.-rd iy tl *!•--:•• 1 : let ns ..... Tii.:n- :ind li-t.-n I.. the .-i I

fanny followed her mother, and :i- she she heard the clear voice of the minister n

il ifnI opening words. of the the resurrection and the life : n liosoover ' me, though he were dead, vol -hall i

Fanny and her mother -i I at a : tile di-tanc*-• ... group of i •

,-noHffh t>> hear :i!l the service, until it win they walked to the other side of the churchyard,l| give those who bad followed in the prooc I " d l M •

" Waiting for thy i. 1 Mr-. llii\\:ird, :i- they u;


• Ctui ton tell, Fanny, why the burial of thai Httlo I b b y n'luiinl- in.- "i wliat you were «loing tlii-

"Why, no. mamma; I was planting flow< ^ H o H " r what dial ha* t<> do with a iuiu-ral," H l M Fanny. P »*\Vhy. vim buried ttic seeds hi the ground pre-

Mirm; so ibis dear baby's body wan lm-^ • d t ami just as surely as the plant- will hjiriiivj

• - Is, "ill :i bright nutl gloriotul bod) j r:ive. Ymii HowOri will be

!• I* jiuui'iil than the seeds w|,i.• 11 you ' • • •

V "Oil! ye*. mamma," -•> will ill-- little baby's body, which will

Bwrai- i ' l (V..in ihi» -..-. .1, In- tiim.li ni<-r< beautiful • r i plnn-.iiv; ami then the lonl which h u no* I'fnni- io !..• with ('.ml uill live in this beautiful body.

'• • -. ii will never fade- or decay

rWhy, then, mamma, thin whole churchyard i-:" r iTiny. "and all these stones

| • a r k «1 . arc planted." g * * -1i• 1 her motl • thai her little

- I i" miiWatand BO well what the had P iryin-.. i,. tench her, "and that w u • bi •*»"' W|,irii lb.. Kn-li-h usod to give their burial

• i*- Aore,1 for they are garden* wiUi two in them. There is ihw


iliir.-r.-mi- tli-.HL.-li in t|„. (. .minis: you k. .

1.. . v | . . . t Vfilir plants |u i.miO lip t'n.lii l ln

but uf thai day and .-I" that hour when <•

rat»c tin.' dead knowvtli no man, i

nngohl i" hcav-h."

" I am glad that v.,ii have lu l i l

mamma," said Fanny, - f o r it made ID'

win ii 1 saw llial I IUI IV'H body lo

grave ; hul 1 do not think 1 si

again, now thai 1 know that it i« buried

Fanny t«>"k ;i great deal . . ;

all through that -uniiiirr, hut

it without thinking of thai o ther •_*

need waa -till buried in the dust.


Ti iK l iK art- *ome words , tin Itibh

" like apples of gold in piet

HUppoie thi- phrase would l* h<

"tiaskeU of silver;" hut it d - - i

The p4iint i-. that 11• -and beautiful n

words can they be? for ih< re arc

lew wo ...i.l-.. wii ked

i nsel and nf can t inn, parting words, A l i ! none n| . , . . ! • •


' I I . , L'o!d apple word. then, is a til word. ' ' M'


,,n. It lit* the truth. Love and kindness I'll it. VVIial :i |'t<.ious word i» must be!

i iiihrr, S;iatlliUl, I he ;;iv:it Svri:m ., i ;,•i i< .11 u Lsli maid, and he carried her Ijravo hvr to his wife. The child did not

forge i her pious education, but she loved and fear a mi an was iek of ;\ -:t.l disease. No hu-

I could help him. "Would God my lord I that is in Samaria, for he

him," naid the little maid to her mistress. |Hcr ini-trr-s iold it to her husband, and ttaanutn Book a journey to Samaria, and he saw the prophet

: in hlBWord, :»11.1 n .,-I il-nppU- wurds of tin- little maid.

\ woman lout her husband, and she took ly, afraid lest her Utile family might be

puidit'ii with want. "I" ad out heavenly •'iiri-?";,-krd her little son. Indeed Hfl is \ but IMI remembered ; and her Utile boy's

•pM-apple words comforted her. 1 word a drop not from the wi-.- m.l . iv.wn.

°P only. Small lips gpeak them. We "hould try to in our ihmili. *, Rome ihould bo

|W of them. There is no other spot w fbH of op-ptonitii if inith. of love, and of kind-P*at They fit overj where, up-stairi and down, in 'he kitchen and the parlor, iti the Bohoc&rDom, and

wMde walk. • - •_'••:<I is we ui:ty i-:t«-h -A' u- !


"nnplea of gold iii silver baskets." Thej

litul ami jirccioiiit, "sweeter than honey or tha In.n. in,ml, . ' ' D o Nil! Tail i . fn good -nj.j.ly, and |

have "ppO^^^^H


ALH I: win! every day !" *it n« I who grew weak k«'t all tin- time, aad now oonfinod enttreli to bod.

(>no morning, two d*yi before iheir rapj over, Alice went in, and found J< nnd looking vi r\ [wlc, and mucli worse than

• !i lu-r Nti.k. " Why, J- --:- ." -In

you all a lone?" " Y e s , Miss A l i c ; m»i obliged lo go to the village to-day, :

would lie back soon, and then I e.« morning, to I thought I would gel on verj

" Bui don't you feel worse this morning " Y( B, M i - Alice, I feel mnch w.

day I'll be belter by After miking a little while longer, Jo*

norne allusion (•> her lamem.—, :in<l Alio ' a little hesitation ; " W e r e %••" alway* ':>" ' A -haih.w . .I':,,. „v< -i Jul Oh !

\ • • . I have »fli-ii wanted I<< tell t .-"HirliulV I eolild :


rue, I feel as if ii would he :i rehif •i all.

"When I v. i- il»oni ton yearn old, we lived half n mill' from here. jn-I h:»ek • .f tho»e liiu'li rock- th:it k n wp from that window. Wi fftn i,'' rCTJ I'""1

then, for father wa.« alive, and thoagn not ricli. Mill |«6 never knew what it was to Want. 1 had a little

I three yeara old. Ah! Hta Alice, if yon had ever -"11 liim ! He WM BO bright ppj Wauiiful. :HM1 yel so sweel nwl gentle. Bui 1 | was a willful r.hihl, often dfcohedient to my parent*,

i havim* inv own wuj in every thing. I Don't know what I might have oome to, if it hadn't

what 1 am going to tell von. i little \v:iy from the shore then . whit-h, when tin- tide, was low. was quite ii.n iln- tide eanio up the

^ ^ M ; surround it, til! aft. r a while would 1" [•01ir.\ r..v.-n.l with the wavei. l*|mn this rock I

liinh, watching the tide giwftaalrj Doming t»p» until, just in lime, I would jump oft, always

•Wevi-r, till the vi : J pw*l ilu i, wj , i , s !ii;. lv. Que evening, nv

n ihi> position ; ho saw t1

! i told me that I iiiuM never go tin re • •winlo Uie tide waa coming up. 1 said n

on, and walked alowl) home. 3el<

Q too first time I eould ilo RQ without tfw • round out. Father tut d


go tu ll«'- Village, where In- had Im-*ln\ i iici'- :ill day, am] 11-• r . ..tm- linmo (ill iiivlil.ttj it u is »l these limes that I fell 1 coald '

;• thoui the rUk ill being (bund oat, "One lovely summer evening, I took my Iml.

brother by (lie hand, :uirl went d"\ niother called after imi mil [o kw|i I l a m iiiid I promised I would 1" Whon wr gol down to the ibore, the ti Iml ji Imd not yet reached mj rock. seized me. ' Harry," 1 said, ' would y-.u !il • 11 that roek with >:-T - i The child A ^ ^ ^ ^ l lighted. Without nnothcr w il up my­self, and then stretched down stud lit'i I set liim d<«wii Inside mo, and pnl my an him to k-'«-|i him from falling oft". I ! i•! bleu in my | kti. and for a long time anm .iml myself by throwing them into the sea, awl watching the circles widening gradually more MI more, til! we could PCO them no Ion: 1 gave n great mart ; we hail boon Mttinji i i . . s toward the tea, and I had • i

ing tide, I looked back, and Ban water. hod eloa d in far behind u*, lughi r and higher every instant, lluit by ll jump, I might [•• my.-li: liul II. ,\ ! I ki.-« v coulil do nothing with him in my i but .me thing to be done. 'Harry


1 Itoy, ;>i»l I'll In-li i iitu i.' Hi- looked ;i Hllle fright-

,-ll»il. ' O i l ! HO, . - l i i ' ; . »aiit> t o g o frith you.1 IMH JOII i nn ! , Barry, ' I

; oouldntt jump inio the water a* ] I'm j . in- to vet father i" carry you,1 Aiwa]

:llv In MR', hfl lli:i 'li ' DO Ui"lV

and after tell -till, and .. a violent spring, and though the

»ht ID. mid dra rged me back, r-till with u on • 11 %- land,

:«nd whilo . turned and gav*< :i look al Hnrry. I

shall never forget how it nil looked then; • and day. Tin' nky dark and

i one place, « lirTv the moon had bro-*h: heavy rocks to the right and '

stretching away out until ii iw tin- blackness. And that solitary rook, with tho

i around it. And tho little baby (brat, of hw danger. tic. waa Bitting just

in, the moon shining full upon bun; ono log banging over the rock, and tho other

drawn up under him, in a waj be was fond of -it vraj talking toward mo with on expression

faex>,ycl withool tin1 shadow g a doubt or fear. Ahl Miaa Alice, wh. •"» in heaven, I don'l think he will look more bono-



ii I'nIIinji lo lijm ii"! (.. move, I tin ru-li.-.l ii|. ilic M . - . | I . "-Ua^H

• . link- ili-iaiico rounil, irln'ii- I! p.uli, l.ul which would have i-ik- . way. I had nearly n slrnrk n I Ilic rlurfcm - . and I fell heavily lo ihc grou

I knee \ inlentfy again*! :i i i l l l l l l r . l i r l l r l v l»i«

l...w shall l u l l what followed? \Vheii al


. I (bond in; (otf in my . wiiii father and mother bending over me,

^ H both rryin-'. ' II UTV,' I exclaimed, ;,* a sliai'|i Mun -li"! ihr-tu^'h me. They turned iiwny withuiil .].. it,:••-: -. t'nt ttnt was enoogh, I knew it :il! wen,

| tn>l for several days tlu-y almost iho

. mj reason ftgain. ir nearly I in hear what happened

: ill. Father li:id n-.t returned until » ii'_'. ami finding that wv had uoI yet como tt off to louk for us. On hie way down

to the ihore, ho eaughl right of potnothuig , little distance on the rocks, and climbing

•i fallen an hour before. !!• leaving mo in mother's eat...

Ini.k fur little Hurry. When he ;-"t tin- ^hore, almost iho fir -I t1»inj» tb.il tnel • the Imdj of our darling, which had bt-vii

^ ^ p d a*h<>re by the wave", l ie »;i- «|uite <lra.l. ""•1 li-'t IM itlcntly been time, but on his

gUb) f«oe there was a half-smile, »s ff ho hadn'l | **nd ii hard to die.

many weeks before 1 was abb to be op, • it w.-i. toiintl iimi my km

itt 1 would always b I the doc-•»r -:n,i | )i:i(j .(]_II n Internal injury

ild shorten my lite. Well, I am ready; lias forgiven all mj I h iv(

« Hi- holy name, ami I am wilii


Mi«*s Alii-i-. I I I I*1 glad !•• go, si ! l - time La-

•' . " She paused, and -Hi l i a deathly palcuMl

over Uvr countenance, that '

Ir ightoncd. ilc&siu lay qu i te - i i i | (',.

'*'i.f then she said : " M i - A .

i f you w o u l d be kind enough to read t-< in

M y hymn-book i - there, " • •n ' t y o u

will provide-'" ' Alice t""k ; ; .

rending that b-.tmibil hymn in a

She n u n

" Wfaaa lift' *lnk» n|iaiV, »nd ill i •

Kol fi -

She paused, and a- Jessie lay quite - t i l l , with h**

head turned s l i gh t l y sisi.le, she qu i

bent O U T her. Al l J the b o l d

inure w o u l d she need to * ing -

had now secfl that the L o r d w

" U h — •. r.r tha i p u t t e t h his trnrt fc|

I b in ."

I N wisdom*" right hand m

in her lel l hand riehc- and Imnor,

bund win » i | l . mid you will the I it bill.


^ewcil to a little friend wfc D invalid for tha ri nf bar abort Bfo. w

^^Mpon to jmMi-h ill-in. !"i- niiK'ii}-our many reailtis i n u c n<> >i-.l((.t MOM riekand mthnnsonM *ii"«in •idwnvO - VNK.UHI-UBABKK.


A wowaoH'- -• 1 riptitU :-'i' •-> •!. u O'I i ' • k \n - I turned,

All'l l\ Ail llll S ' W in yi-ars -In- linlli bul l" \vl> I h - i •

llt-r llngrs move

\ li.i'i DM volume down, ;• a broidered token t-11.

_ in ;i DMM Of :'' 1<- )>:• tured ],.;i-mi | could plainly spell, Witl( miogfod pain an I

•• \ . . i roni DO i rown "

Whit canst thou b a n to do Witli the* grave mysteries, 0 littU-one?

• ! pain ami lOM, i] journey i- bat just u^pinr

• 11,-d in U-nr the ragged cross »

Ami Ihoa i cram) aheM <ree*— •


•i"n Know; 1 Aii'i JesnS* love upon iU from shall IMJ

l ! fair.

10, ami draw froi < < rfuln-fli, ^

Faith, II,•!«•. and Ch i Of niarvi-Iloii- jiower ("piiidc anil h-

Bod) gUU '•'• tWw.

• •

• tlniii (hi- t"» -ti. ' (If SHIP ri l l . : ;\ ill] (hi •

Prim f Glmy shall the kindred own, I And iii Hi- blissful prewncv thou shall wear

A heavenly crown,

I < go cheerfully to prison, said t<i her: " A h ! > not y.i tastril of tin- l.ittern f death*" 1 cheerfully answered: " N'o, not ever shall; ' hath promised that those who keep H

'. death, bill ho shall never feel the ati

STA X D A R D - B B A R E B .



II E w i n d wms blowing, o h ! BO cold; tho snow wan falling, oh! i>o ):i-i; thfl night was irntlni intr. o h ! SO

dark, in a little town la Germany j

otwithttand-ing the OOU] the snow, and the

darVn. --, there was a singer in the streets of , and people who had closed their shops

B 4 warehouses, and were bent on supper, heard P* t>h igmg; thongh I regret to say they did not

hearts, their parses, and their casements A coin t, the minstrel Those who gave

lion to ilit> song, heard such words as


" Lord • 1 mold lift ">y heart i

Pilgrim in a foreign land, lis father, look on BU .

I sh.il! neither faint nor di* While I Willi beneath Thine eye'

•' I will [i TVo, Ani\*m ill never fear t< I

When the Suviour Hi I He «ill giro mo daily bivad ;

hrigtwuj He » il

• '

, bird into Eta neat; Hut I wander hero alone,

And for in" then b no rent: V, f I neither faint nor fear, Kor thi

"If I liv*-. II,'11 be With me; rri die, to if

He'll • And my heart no fear shall I

Sin and Borrow I defy, for on I

It van :i ["lain, riniplo *on», unri though tl that sang it trvtnlilod with ! :

thing in ii wliieli Beemi •! I" -iv i1

what lie •.iii'.'-. II"' «•• .mm- IM. -J hi-in.I riMcIir.l i

of tin* toirn who loved iwulo.

TIIK s i \ \ \n . \ i : , . u \ui:u ion

L HThiU i* i> tine, oleat vtm-e," he said, M lie aat by rtaUe fireside. "Dear heart! to think o[

wrli :i voice Wing spoiled by such wentlur. Maton '"

1 i v--; to thvir holes hnvc gone, 1..1TJ- bird into its He

Hut I wander her* •• An'l tor me ihvre is no rt»L"

•i tl 10 tears came Up into tho [•yes of ilii- sober cititen, and when they had blnrrod hU sight for a moment, lash and rollod • •

9 "That'* a woman's voic*-," be Bahl "l'oor soul! to tliink of ti woman, with such aTOice, being oat in •jbD weather."

"I think," lii- wifo remarked, "that If tha • oie* of ft child, mid not that of a woman."

"Achi ld! Alii now yon mention ii, my Saw,*1

p a bo, "I think you're right. Snppoae w<-w mmicr by oolong it in. Yon ba»a nd objoc-

Ali! no; she roioe bntahfl thought of her

° * n «ttl« Hans, somewhere in bcaTan,and took ltd for iii«' dead ehUd*i take.

ibor citizen, first of all, opened the oaae Bra t, bat the nnow was faBing to tfaSefc and fat, '!.:,t

• oonld - o nothing, and the wind wafl so piercingly !••• it oven the snow rushed into the


warm room, and melted in tho C"-Then, closing the casement, ho pui on hi-in which his wife helped him, then '•> then took a lantern, and out into tin to look lor iIn- -:

He had not far to look, T :

bo caught a glimpse of a p< .-mid, and | railed to liim to come that way. The child erased | his soup, and came toward him, saying softly:

"Clarity, good sir, for Christ's pake. gracioDS to you, as you are graclou

"Come in wiili rne, little one," said tin "Let the birds have their nests, and the foxes ihdr holes — this shall be your n<-; to-night, poor little snow-bird."

The boy bowed his head, and said:" Thai Tho heat of tbe room into which the po

ported by his preserver wast"" mu strength, and lie faint* 1. S'n mother eonld hare

Iwen more solicitous than was tho witV "t" ' citizen In reviving her little charge, and hi racoeeded at last The boy came to himself, opened his rye?, and asked : "Is t.h

They told him he was . I n ;. was wiili good friends, who . Tlienihi • .upp.-r, and made hii with them ; and when supper was OMT, and he l l

in some degree overcome bin r'atig wh-> li.- wa>, and what brought him to thai t o " " -


l|. Id i In-ill llO WW t i n Child of a poor inimT ; thai he had beea used to gather sticks iu the wood, and to help his father n* well aa ho could; thai bo

l flight to love mi'i serve God, and that the .iro of bb heart was to do something in

I .ice. lit- wanted to I earn, he said ; and B a t if an angel from heaven came and askvl bun | what ho would like to be, he would say, a priest. Oh! U" lio could but bo a priori—tf he could hut live

IbamonLftery, shutting out everything but God, he •hoiil.l be so happy. That with ihla idea ho had

jtrandert'd away, and hud Uved on tho moBOJ f W given him for singing his songs ; hut that be ha<l root ] . , ,1 n,.(lung that day, Uor any OMUL' tin- day

1 thought lie uuiH ceriainly die, unless God [torned the snow-flakes into manna, or commanded

to bo made broad. The sober oHiioo tad his wift vrotUd Dot lot bJxo

™k much, beeauso he was KO weak, but they prouiis-iOd to do all Uiey oould to help him ; then thoy made bitn r.-\\vr to n little bed-room which had been made ready for him. When ih.-v went in an hour iftor-w* rd, to see if he was asleep, they found him kueel-» g before a orucih\* B| pnjOT.

Both were plcaned. They thought him a religiouH child, and (hot ceriainly ho had Won aont to them by heaven. Who can ha !»*, t ho j saM 10 each

rhapa, after all, some holy rialtant, sueh U " • H e who came to the I 'atr iauii- in olden time*

16a THE sr.vSi'AiU': ;

They remembered the text of Soripturo wh . I'ul to entertain strain

some huve entertained angels unawi They went back into his room, ami ho Wo

a pleasant amile lighted up his expressive : He had happy thoughts in his dreams.


T H E I D L E B E E S . THERE was no excuse for thorn, such a pleasant

homo they had—down by tho spring-house, where tho wind could not reach them in winti m summer it was always cool and shady. lived under a snug peot-house, in :i neat n

patent hive", all painted white, ami nu ciit'inv could get inside. By opening a back, yon could see tho glass boxes of pure, beauti­ful honey, placed ono above another: m remove theW when full, without disturbing the beet, or touching their store of winter food bel

There was a pond full of gold-Bali do*. all round wcro largo willow mid maple-trees, * « » rose-bushes, lilacs, and other shrubbery. \ off was a garden with more kinds of flower- l l ,*"J can tell ynu, and besides this, thei beds of hyacinths and tulips that would •ore.

Better than all, there were luxuriant fields of r" 1


ii,l white clover, pasture-ground*, iprinkled with and dandelions in the-ir w u n n , and Bno

f buckwheat, which is mi.' <<f the 1K->1 things

"< UM world to mako booty o£ Bui bmoKl ol

" Chtlhering booty *D flw -Uy rtotn •


they - |»M Ibcir time, from morning till night, batf, u mile from homo, at neighbor Smith's • j,i,T-presa,j How they swarmed and buzzed round the heaps ofi sour pumice and half-rotten apples! Ii wasania^l ter of taste, truly, to prefer MK-1I food to b e u t i u fragrant honeysuckles and rose* staid all day, hut night often found

pchYd hy the fermented juice, that they could nol fly home, hut spent the night there iu and cold, and many a bee was dead before- the tun rose. I never knew until lately that " the littla busy bee "could so farforgct her character. Wasit not m range ?

Of course when wo eame to look for ni boxes of honey, not a box was full wero quite empty, and some, though full ol had not a drop of honey in them. tho inside of the hive, which ought to be G honey for their own subsistence \* :, leave home, is in the same condition. I >!iall not be surprised if they are all dead by next spring.

Well, we all condemn the idle bet*; bur you think of children, with reasoning power* MUI immortal souls, acting in the very same nay? I*** Sunday, not half our school was pn was a bright and lovely day; and at church it veu

still worse; for many who had tali by coming to Sunday-school

the Belda before (heir teachers missed them, as soon


m iclit»'i wae "iii. Ami tbio b u lusppeoed more r two Sundays this summer. Where did

Ho children g o ? . went to church, you might see in the di -ill flag-staff with the stripe* mid Mara float­

ing from its top, and round the base clusters of is. Every road ami path which led \>< this

centre of attraction would ho full of men, women awl children, going to swell the already troublesome crowd t hnt filled the camp. It looked very much

Qfte the swarm of bees round the cider-prr**. I do Botblame the soldiers tor it. Tlu-y like. -• . • true, but they can have enough of thai on wwk-

it i- hard that thoy should nol li mj**t r< < and quiet preparation for the danger tiwy mn&t GUM H soon. There is DO (in*.- to Bit and

• 1 1 k. nol no place to be alone If the bM i'. and when the men are drawn up

round the chaplain for service, the prayers and ser­mon can not be heard for the conlbaiorj and hum of

>wd nil round. ildren (-till more the men and won*

nana by flocking to our camps o n Rnndays. Bnl thin •" worst of it. T h o y ^ j much evil, they . -inful talk, they leam profane tan

ndl become distracted and unable to fix ««n«elves on Sunday-school instruction, and tbey

the sad and dangcroni habit of neglecting of God. Sabbath-breaking En a dreadful

•">• :i"'l it brings sorrow after it sooner or later,


In Sunday-school, at church, ami in ChruiJai homo* tin-iv is sweet mid i I :*L>r ihnr souls, yet they prefer bad company

m p a n d with it, is as the r< press to the rose and the elo

And when the winter of old age and sicktMM II !"• like tin: but* who laid up c-

houey in their hives. Children, h<\\ in neglect the sweet flowers of tin- church and school for the cider-press of the camp and the street

.ON A.


POOR little Annie More! That J* what said wh.-n her mother died, and ah*-' was l< phan, without a friend in the world. Thoy hadj^^H together in a little cottage at sonic d^tanco from the village, and her mother liad been able to earn enough by sewing to support them both. But fir*1

u taken nick, and her mother's lime was so Liken up with nursing her, that she could not W* U much as llM had done ; SO sho *'-'-in debt. Annie had hardly More became ill, and unable to sow at all; ' i had to run deeper in debt ; and when hi died, Annie v u lefl Dot only without an) but even tho fumiiuro which was i» I , | r

li i-l I - be sold to |...v their debts. People m ' S "


Well -ay: "Poor little Annie!" But alio had a Friend vho *va* hotter able !•» lake care of hir than father

ttmoUieh, utd t.. 11,. ear* bar dying mother eom-1 her. " Wl.cn my fathor and my mother for

sake i,,,., ,|„n u„- Lord will lata ma np." Annie had


Iwnwd the •<• wordi long ago, :ui-l i . • BadOOt their irinli.

A neighbor who had been very Lin.I l«. ) I.T during livr ilhu-4.-, t.».k Annie home «itli I though Alio had four chiliiron of her own, and her husband had to work hard for their sii]•; said that Annie should share with them until a 1*1-ti i home «:IH \>v„\ idi .1 for her. M very kind to Annie in her way; bin her way WH very different from Mr-. M. < r cartas' \

I'd her children :i- Annie had bei'ii being car eased. She thought thai that they had wiough food and «_-!• -111«-, and taught them to do right, lur duty was done; the had ou time for anything clue. Her children I been used to them, so they did not words and kiss which Annio pined lor, ai

i received from hor mother so n>: during the day. X o wonder that she grew pa*1

and nmre list!,->, wry day, and f;i food which Mr.-. Simpj-oii kindly [>;•

Mrs. Simpson thought that I who would be better; so she gave her a light household tasks performed by tier own and Annio tried to d o them well

under took :•

spring, which was at some distance ii""1 ''H' ' but the heavj pitcher, filled with water, was much for her strength, and before she »»u S ° *


pa from the spring, ii dipped fixnn her hand* and broke Into pieces. 1'oor child! what could she

The first thing shedid waa wbal moat IrttUs I have il • in her place. She sat down

ll El 1-i.TUiuly DOt t h e l i r - l t i l i n g t o d o

Auuic w:w very sad and lonely. :ni'l Li more excuse for her in crying loan there

Would have been in DIOM QMOfc Bhfl WM :itV:iid to go home, lor nh<> did not kn-'W whai Mrs. Simpson wnnl.l -LV lo her. What it' -he should speak as 'sharply |.» her :K she had spoken to her own little l»irl I!H- daj before, for only breaking • t*

I she bear ii''. Tin n she remembered the Friend who her mother had told her was always Had; to help her; and she did what I fear few little

ild have thought of doing—she pi • -•]• Mrs-Simpson from being very angry

She had scarcely 6ni»bed her whispered prayer. :m,i her face wan still hidden in her apron,

felt :i hand laid tier head, and a Ipleasant voice Raid: "Poor little girl, what is the matter V"

tcli and voice was BO much like her moth-'iiraged to look up. There

*a* :i 1 n• l% itanding by bar,with a little girl holding Jjvr hand, mid they both looked so kind, and -for her, thai she could not help telling them how she

on the pitcher, and b< . -1 to go •ndi-n Mrs. Simpson abort it.


illlp LTirl by llio lady'* side pressed the hand 1 still more closely, when she heard

-'. il , for it ww mamma who was with her, ami KIIC thought ho* dnadfid il would bo to have to live without her.

" Hut you M I ihn - wry kind t«i aid tin- lady, when she h:id ht:ird

lit cry. ' ' I think yon had belter i;«» and t< I nine, dull I go with yon ''" she a Mod, see­

ing Annie -till h, Annie took the hanr) held out !<• her. and

n a y ! • •

r.mld iii't be afraid of any thing by ' a kind lady.

M - n m | on looked very tnnoh n Annie come bo bor pit'-lier of vator.

I 1 tiiio :i tittle girl whom crying by the side of the road, because. broken her pitcher," -aid the lady |>1

i u ill excuse her, when yon 1 •ooidont.

'•'!'•• ." -aid Mr*, Simp«on . could not tiud it in my heart t» t child, and hor mother jutt dead too. B inti,-!, obliged t" >'''i, ma'am, t'.ir your kind •

Annie could hardly help crying when -If heard Mr*. Sim] • >n »|- X *-i kind • Bhr WIU "tire that t Jod had


. .vln 11 ;i,. Udy ulu i her <<• take hor liti!•• ii to iliv garden, :iti'l ihoa In r the flower* • ir -in' 'liii MM " i crying tgain.

Wlu'ii the children had gone, the lady made ninny Inquiries "i* Mrs. Biropi m ah >a1 Annie ind her motli-r. Shi woe no roach pleased with what U

- gentleness, thai sin • she knew ;i lady who wnoM like hor t>> live

wiih tier and ftmuso her baby and learn to sow. »>f H t t m Mm. Simpson knew it ivuM In-

r Annie, ami gladly consented i" k I came to uiy thai her (Hand

j take Aiini--, il -in- would Uto I Annie «m pleaded with any tiling that the kirn] Imly mi iit propose | and se in a Paw dayi she wi

rip onV t«> the new home thai provided for

Sho wnn very happy there, 6M the tried lo tloticr Hi- help, end

rod to think that tlmii^'h >ln' had ueitlu>r la-. mother, God washer Heavenly Father ami

Friend. M. A. II.

I PAR* net ebooM my l"t;

Choose Thou for D So khan i

170 i ' l K BTASDlBft-BBAEOt


H r <>f the nursery was swung,

I Lite voice of infant tongue,

And Ihinlring friend* Jiad called unseen,

I hastened with a welcome mien ;

But sof t ] / looking in with rare,

I saw • kneeling child at p r a y e r :

Bnl iwo years a n d a half he r age,

And yet the Saviour's words engage.

H w bended doU, ambrmccd baaide,

W a s being taught of Ifim who ' l ied:

" Our Father ," ' twas the h«by aaid,

Ant) Ifatn bet doffi davol

A n d pausing oft, a s mothers do, i l ieamty learn the Lor«i

She rever.nt ly Raid, " li Then sought her childish play again.

Tvo fastens! many a loving gaze On one so winning in her ways ;

: v, | ni'It with doll in prayer.

O yc, who sow in suppliant tears! Half doubting tha i Jehovah hears, Ood will reward you for the cost ; No pmpOH right, will

All j r who Ibooghtleady d t m ahtng bat a hahe is wen ,

Take Waning "f the awful power I hour 1

S T A N DA 1 1 D - I J K A IM'Mi.

paoitB—i itat


r.i:T n osnfc

* * i - ^ ^a S time passed on, the boy Broil with tl» good people, and at-

I Hihool in ill'' • 'U\ he watt old


monastery. Tl dearest wish of ton

and ho h. monk. The lilmiry

ww given inf. fail charge, m i | t 0 spend all his leisure lime there,

TMa w u n rera l hundred year* ago, and no one IOW to print books ; ilu-y wen all written

with a i j wcreexc lingly valuable— f all the Ifonk". in the world were in monaa-


One day, as ibli monk wad looking ovci tl i in tin- library, IK* eanic t-» ••> book dial « .

to dim. li waa written in Latin, bnt ho could read thai l-m^uu^o as well an his ow German.

11-' (bond miicli in it thai 'i<' WM in ill" habit of hearing read tolho people on Sunday ; bat much also thai In- had MTBT -' • n bofi n Hi • interested in tin- l»>«ik, tii:u he upcni all tin- time lie oonld span1 in reading it. It laughi him of fulness; bal be knew n little. of lhal Saviour of whom be In.I rang when a boy, thai he did nol *•<• t •> Hint ^0 tako awft] 1 -: • : 11 - I -1: • <..- 11 i- -I |o imril

-li l.iiiiM'li'. ami by good work- This was the way he had

if bo) Church, and u yet l"' had nol learnt the tj •. loved l>ook, whiofa no donbl my readen hare ii by this time was the Bible. After a wbilo 11 wai

in one "i IIK' German nut-• ry day apon tl

.•;(, be bad nol yel learned from Jesus Christ alone can I lectured upon it so differently from anj of the other prl

tnrai of people, rami- !•> hear bun, •eying that be taught a new religion.

Still i . . «nd 1" <l.t. i mined to go to R there do wuit'thing to merit their pardon.


Tlierc i- :i stair-case ;it Rome whloh i •

Aairs w bich ended when He weal into judgmont*h ill, and which they aey had been

Drought from Jerusalem. II D P o p e , I :n] of tOO (*lint«'li to

which ilii- monk belong* <1, I fed promised, thai « ho-upon hla knees, ihouM

-in- miglil be forgiven. The Main • ] verj sU i j>. bai be did ool stop ti'r thai;

Mtil In bad ([one half then 1 •• • dial) lire by I'.iiih."

words h< In the 1 k which he ttodiod so eon their moaning the Spirit of God, whloh had brought lite words to hU mind with inch

u ii' bo had beard I rol a • him whit tlicN mean) : ili.it

only by trailing (.. have hut WNH forgiven.

id Btartcd pp in honor that be bad ihmighi of i on hi- feel (hi? stain

-. ne up on hla '. lerrained

ne could Ibrglve tins.

And he kepi hla word; ami when I"> n


home, the Mine of ttii- monk, Martjn Luthor, * u lonndsd tiirongbool Germany, u iho inin who

tUroil lo tcaoli <litfori-iil|y fr.'in tin' C'huroll I" "Inch almost i'vt;cy one belong* l. Hi oonld

THE SlA\iMKI»ii|.\i;i.i: i M

a church m |.;i• L.-II in, luii be would take bl under Ilia «h ido "i i liii'1-ii n- • to the

whoee •offering* mid dcnili could (done laki

\ .1 ilii- time ihi way to prim booka ira* found out, and Luther wrote ;i great niany, which were printed, and u thoue who could noi heal bin \ ootttd road hi*explanation*of the Word 11 God.

The Pope aiid iiu>: ils v. ..•1-n. i to lake Luther and put him in priaon, and burn him

[BYO Mi l l twerftd that the P< pc did not

burn him. On* of the prinoi i

hid Luther in out of bit nutloa, and lev peopk know wbtire bi wan. There ha remained i

tnrinto lb* Blbta from Latin into Qtrmnn. When he Urfl I nnished ii, and u ";i< printed, to thai the people could re md tbouj inda

h u-nnd to love and im-i Him na LoUicrdiA Many of theni were •• that did not make then give up ihpii neu

The monk* belii >.«i thai they conW do n 0 : together and

did not marry. Itnt when Luther learned t) oonld •'" Dothng bimeeu* for the pardon of I -imi i.iu-1 in Christ, he would not uVennyl i the monk* did, and aoon after be c <>n-tli ho WM tnarrlod.

1*2 THB M A ' I M I ; " B&AAB0.

SO • ••.in* of bis lifo nvru -[>• nt •• pily in ;i littli- borne of lilt own, with lii- t ohltdn ii. Ho lie »'«« conifii


lb* world Hjtods, lue name w jJj be rcmoml :; who, •I , .!) il

Ignored ot il e Bible end Jeaue, w u i " i . ; i ' h i l " in ••: II . - i . . • ilnUiofk


•y. All daj I need to lie In hie bed, plaj ing wlih • fow •">-, or

ok, while lii-. mother li:id gone to her wort.; for bja mother ra p

I day, i:i order i< Bern to provide him who (bod end Hro. So Beany WM often rery lonelyinthal little bioh mu

when be would the Utile i bone , whloh nei

r w b r o k e o ; of of the loldlcr which H u broke i - be ooeM not di un : or of i1.-' m inj colored i Eetan • bi hie book, bo would say to him-

tin: - How I wish ny would •


ill him

all day, anil " t i ! what happy da; en tang for him, aa -1 • oof the

bymna ihc i a<1 learned when iho was i ohild, and which he Ion I lo 1 Son* timet the loM Mm

the little boys In the family when abi 1 horse in tin1

yard, or built houses with Mock*, and ho* linn-, when • 1». ir mother eallod Uietn i" come "m. the] waited i tonfi time before they obeyed her, tod Benny wondered if Utile boys who oould walk

still !»• thought tbej i boy*, for iboy bad sent him « • i

bone, and Ins eoldier, and bispleluro-l It, Than when lit- mother wan at hone, be always bad a )•"' dinner; when >ho was out, hi- need Ureal tht

i •lil meet, u d drink the milk wbioh •he placed on the table by I • when be

o urge beD m Uie (aotory neat OHM ring B of all

Sunday, when lifa mother di-i not »"rk a' ;»11.mu only left him for about two bonis, when she weal bo ehurd . time die held Urn in her anna, and rooked him En the ohair which a kind ladylbrwnom aheworked b while -in- told him of Joans, !!<• loved beat i<> hear bow IT- bad made the lame man walk, jn

• to him, :i"'l be need to wish thai would eon* in I make him well.

184 mi: BTAXOAftP BftABBl

II; mother waJ poor, ami ignorant ibo i. ii ahe BOPU rtad the Bible, and iba lovflQ

UM Bavhmr of whom H leaches, So Benny lor#j| iln Sabbath-day, and used to go to aleep si ojghj •orrv that ii m i over, ami thinking heaven Duel boa very happy place, if, as bin rnolhei toM Mm, ii m always >iin-Kiv there.

A l t e r a u l i i l r Kenny 1 I:I< 1 :i dea r lit 11< inpaiii.-n

litude, nitiob made n t a vorj bappy< It WW i p r . i l v litt!i- n h i t c ki lU' i i . whieh hi* niotli- I

h o m e wi ld bor «mc •li.irlit in a b a s k e t , l t i .ui .me «>l'

the boufM where ibe bad been working. It m u » playml , alb-.-!i . .rule little e r e a t u r e , a i x l a u m - e i l l i . n n y

greatly. BIH vonld roll • ipool •bow the JI • • - - > •. pf phase a piece of pape r , "t* play wi l l , | t i r i n g by lU '

li'tur, and Bonn] iraa eerer tired of vetobing her. When i |u did not • ml to pb») an) m rliiuK oo tin' bod, u d onri heraelf op ea linn.i^ ahe oooJd, -Mii'i'iiiiK- eron against hi- ebeakj and go to sleep, When dfoneMtmecame, she wa*

• wake up. and -lie u-.fl to sit by ind bo would -liar-- lij- BUM end broad villi

bar, eating :i pwo himself) and then giving bar • iimiiilifii!. and so taking lurm until it wi - all gum*. Then ba bad a little Mooer in a/Uofa I"' poured pari of I.i- mill; fbr Kiiiy. and while die lapped ben, be drank hut, and M Benny always ha.I eouipauy HIK-II

! Ii- talked to her sometimes, and ahe would aay *'ML<U." exaotl] •- if she under


said; «ho certainly did nadentand thai In-I"\ • -I her rerj raw h. ki Uni foUoired Kitty's arrival, Benny's nmtht>r w;i- aWnt Irum him crery day, 10 ho e/oold have been wry kmalj without lii- li'tlr pat.

'I'll- trcek before Chrbtinni hb mother waa work-wg all the time at the bonaevhere the t boy* lived, and when the C U M borne at night aha had :i great deal to t.-ti him abonl lha bra] i ilcii won bail i i ; hon then bad a> largo ovai en aenl homo, •ad locked op in tin* baaemooa, irhiofa a w aauon nseii, MI thai tin- l">y» should am tea b» And their nanrtnaand eldest deter used to bring home beantf< fui tbingi aii'l pat tiii'iu in tlii ic {•>••, .01 reedy to hang noon Iba tr.-< Ohrtetaaaa Bra.

Chriatnuei oaaai on Pridnj thai year, and on Wed* anaday afternoon Bt'imy w.i- <|uiu' -uipii-.i m i • his mother1 be ttalrelong before the am had done alrmtng on the bousei opp

uWny,tnottn " are yon

" ' >li! noy l dd -'••• oheerfbJlj. " but I bad I » uhing all the ndndowai md BO Mra. Blake -:*i.i 1

. day, tnii ctttna •l-fiul the r.-n of the .lay rti'i

Aii'l than iha pot away her bonnet and ehnwl, and took him oo her lap, and told Urn boa Hi had taken ha Into the bason* ad bar :.n


Dutiful tiling* that N1I« !I:I<I I fliil-l'1"' < I Mr-. Blakw •he know thai it would unnse Bonny to

md that his mother wonld describe them to him, and loafae bad taken the troublo to nho* them :tll.

•• Th •• Joll,*1 - ii.I I • irenl on to tell him of 11«•

" which looked jiutjike s live baby; n hon it wn down lie eye* closed, and when it wiw lifted up they

u d when it • •omething like n real baby errinj* tliat

Frank and Hai Iran, and a trumpet, and ;i soldiers for the boya." And

I a all the things aha di to him; if yon "ill Emn ino nil that kind |

generally bny fo Eldren, jwo wOl know pretty well n

l ite next day, after hie mother had pone to bet md Benny waa lefl alone, he thought • mother bad told Mm, and he wished thai be

i wnld have i Ohi dreamed of more than one- He wondered

h boyn riionld hive an tinny, and be in i" think it waa rery bard

that ID while theirs was rich, Poor little Benny, he had IKHHI generally happy mt.l


•!'.•. i ill,, i ould have itb him, and now bo v n get*

ifiitvutvil. Little Kitty ptnyed u im-rriiya* fiver, mid llion jumped • >ii hu bed, u d lo d bin u

a Alio OOuld J'lirr, that |bo IOT«d 1 *"'• -dee him any bappior,

1 begun to

; tie H-t. iietl i i i>>( lighter u d quicker.

• •!

maker, who was only at horn - I'.ut iho stopa itoppcd HI I

nml (hi k. "Coma I . i and > lady i

ill •! \ i . i y |.!.•:i-.T1111y ftl l O W l l l i l " '

j ou the tittle boy Ibej b Lain, who i- lame?" Then, will i

waiting for an a u in Mi moth1

'••• Bonny, and ' :i-k 1 • i• • i about hii Kittj md hit thai I* HII) BO

•• work, and ho bad only Kittj tad bon glad ho waa when bbi mother oanw homo, and .1

And thon iii- lady told him thai n o bad c UuU honjo lo too If thero w«ro my/little dtOdrvn win. would Rkc lo .'" lo Siui.l-iv -i*i ', and that ami

Vml ah« asked I im If •

i -- rm -n'.hAi..

what l hi- IM\I <| n imiil.i In-, .ml hi —,ii.l . " ' • ii would 1".- ( hrutnias-diiy." And did li« ki (&rialune*day was kept! the lady a

n O h l V' - : bit mother had told him that it was Jeeni r ini- t v u U»m on thai day,

id to him > • ut nt" tlio Hi bio, unl\ about how bo v u a Little baby luiil in ;i i ami e b e t a n g a beautiful byuin to liim win about ibopherdj watching th< ii Bocks by n

u And do you know,11 said the lady, "thai this Saviour who e*me down from heaven, a litl hi your 6Hiooi '.- lb waa thi l I lor every one, and He lovw yon and pities j I will makoyou very happy, if you will love Flies, tfow 1 Aarc M J you m hard thai you bavi i" He here atouc aud have none of the i Ohriatn ipe; bul I waol you to remerabor, th n i ChrUt-mai gift, for Jetui hai given .

no,and Qoiayoui Chrialmui gut. Then ihe lady gave Beuuy •• card with • painted picture on of J enu -AH u little baby lying iii a tnangi promhung t" I'.'tno again verj ide him good*b)

Benni ippy after ihe had gone; he lav-till and lookedal hie picture,andtl gfatof

the had told him, aud though be could not quite underataud all thai *be bad raid, lie ''••h sure


u loved him, and waa lookup al liim then, Mid he tt

1 lis mother early agate lli:it aflcr-.•1 what :i baskeual of things she brought,

which Mrs. Blake bad given her! Bhe placed tin basket on ths taw by Benny1! bedside, a •ha drew on1 i ohtekea, all ready to

• • • • • : •

i rl 1'-•' -f nil -In- lOOk i ,\ parcel, which ihe

Beany to open; it contained a now book, full tif mt bofldlng-Wotjka.

Bonn; wis i happy boy on iltnr Ohrfattmai Bre; Brat be had the kind lady**vWl totUnkoi

he when lit- told her Then Mrs. B1ake*s bwafcel of good things,

and hbj new book and Mocks, gave him j»rcal de­light ; bai he rcjohy I meet of all when he remem-

•. al the lady bad told him of tha Saviour, u Christmas gift, which all may hare, the

jioor a« well aa the rich.


ON the nest ps ' bristsnas treje. It is in tha bonsoof Biartta Luiliv.

Fbl man, who lived m Q •• ;il hun­dred years ago. His family are all with him, and

. sysaxioh. 'I'll- > arc all looking 'i|> into the I


• .- t o j - I, .• • i i .

• i ving to jump up in: I

than*. V.ni ••><• how bap]•> Mr Anther In, He up-


iving on » guitar. We read Mini he y I*.ml <•:' manic, and that when a little boy

. money by singing in I

cold night, bat 1 have no1 line t.i icll it now. No doabt be and Mm. Lather are jusl :i- happy as iliuj MII I' l l n y i happy when tluir children arc. I think they enjoy I brUlmns I!>"> ju-t :i" linn-h :i- children d a

1 i an not ull when [« Ckriitiowtrte*; bnl I know i twai

il years ago, very won after the blessed Sa­viour came into ihhi world u a Dttle babe. I hope

ion will alwa) -I ROT .-1 R i' - ion y for the o ohildron

who m •- . ' to have them.

teen »o many BtUo people made happy fat 6 ; vt ,y nmeh ••

have the praetioe afMonthjOC I. f iTii"ni toe with i •_•!' ;it many

• it. )u the ait* Q| How-York there i- n fine large hmiso where (bet one hun­dred boys and girl*—it i« called the Ofpha&VH OB, The i-liil'lii i. »li" Hve there have lost their parents, :ind have no homos of their OWq. Bat -•••

ill ihu bolide, and hrniahed it, so as 111' and bapp?<

The buHca who h*v< . • Some though! ii would pleaae the chttdrea t-. have * Oh

1 •._• rii.: .-M\-|..\U>I:I:\I:H:

: ' •! tin •in, and w the) wl '• work end got a large nia tree, and ou mil tin- brand i» Igetbey hung eagar-eandies, toy*, and doll tree wae oovered orcrwitn unaU wax candfc ivli.-n nil thing* were ready those cand i lighted, and the groat folding-door* were • and theehildren came in, They wereentrai

V. ftnd ii wfti hard work for them I from -limning. A* soon as they got ihoir places on the ralaed •'•-iia they tang a beantifbl oh iln-ii the hdjea the tree. On eaeh toy, or doU, the itmne of the child wai put, M thai whan ii v u taken offthj

•y or girl lor whom it was intended I it without any noire. They all leemed 6 with their presents. Ono little t.>' with her 'l"li that she took It around and exhibited

children. I pretume it w n the first idee doll the eve* had, and ihe thought it waa the prettiest thing she eve* BXW> I • 3 i > I noi we one nav happy boy or girl that I I thought the

LidteH and gentlemen Miui'li pleated aa the ohudren.

I Plight tell about other Cbrntt tPM tlW

r, imt I have not time- I hopea greet many children «ill \>v mads happy Ihhi year by their I -.mid their t'hii*tm:i* present*: and thai thej enll romentberthai this great leettval i-Icepl lo remind u of the coining nf ih» ehiM .le.Mi.* int.. the world. i ira i

• *' ~ rr
