VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our...

Our Parish Vision:WITNESSING CHRIST TOWARDS TRANSFORMING COMMUNITY Bulletin of Sacred Heart Parish, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Vol. XXXV - No.- 3, June - July 2015 Editorial........... For Private Circulation Only EDITORIAL LOVE OF THE SACRED HEART community. Despite our natural human weaknesses which made it more difficult, we of the Sacred Heart Parish, Vashi forged progressively forward towards the establishment of a community of Love, Peace and Joy. In a metaphor inspired by our Fr. Gerry, I would say that despite sporadic discordant notes, we, by and large, managed to sustain the right note and sing a harmonious, melodious song of love. And how exactly did we do this?? Let us consider the qualities of the divinely human love that one associates with the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Concern for us that made Him take human form and effect a tender reconciliation between our Heavenly Father and us His sensitivity to the needs of those around Him both during His lifetime and ever after His humilityI am meek and humble of heart. His reliability: His invitation for us to bring our burdens to him for His yoke is light. His zeal and enthusiasm signified by the burning flame. The quality of concern for and service towards their fellow parishioners has played itself out in many different scenarios not - BERTHA FERNANDES, Editorial Team I recall my very first encounter with Sacred Heart Church twenty years ago, and how I felt an instant affinity towards this parish, not only because of my early devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, instilled in me by my parents, but also because this parish struck a chord within me. Perhaps it was the beautiful prayer that then used to be recited: “Lord, help us build our Vashi parish community. Teach us to value each person and make us aware that your church consists of precious human lives…” How very apt for a church dedicated to the Sacred Heart, for this concept of us valuing one another as unique, precious human lives epitomizes the Love of God, our heavenly father, and His son for us. The wounded, sacred heart of Jesus with its burning flame, personifies - in fact is, in essence, this LOVE. And as I reflect on the years gone by, I see how this parish, under the able guidance of its dynamic Parish Priests and their energetic teams, has striven to live up to this ideal and manifest this Love in the (Continued on Pg - 2) 1

Transcript of VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our...

Page 1: VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our lives. VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi June - July 2015 XTherefore, you shall


Bulletin of Sacred Heart Parish, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Vol. XXXV - No.- 3, June - July 2015


For Private Circulation Only


community. Despite our natural human weaknesses which made it more difficult, we of the Sacred Heart Parish, Vashi forged progress ively forward towards the establishment of a community of Love, Peace and Joy. In a metaphor inspired by our Fr. Gerry, I would say that despite sporadic discordant notes, we, by and large, managed to sustain the right note and sing a harmonious, melodious song of love.

And how exactly did we do this?? Let us consider the qualities of the divinely human love that one associates with the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

Concern for us that made Him take human form and effect a tender reconciliation between our Heavenly Father and us

His sensitivity to the needs of those around Him both during His lifetime and ever after

His humility—I am meek and humble of heart.

H i s r e l i a b i l i t y : H i s invitation for us to bring our burdens to him for His yoke is light.

His zeal and enthusiasm signified by the burning flame.

The quality of concern for and service towards their fellow parishioners has played itself out in many different scenarios not

- BERTHA FERNANDES, Editorial Team

I recall my very first encounter with Sacred Heart Church twenty years ago, and how I felt an instant affinity

towards this parish, not only because of my early devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, instilled in me by my parents, but also because this parish struck a chord within me. Perhaps it was the beautiful prayer that then used to be recited: “Lord, help us build our Vashi parish community. Teach us to value each person and make us aware that your church consists of precious human lives…” How very apt for a church dedicated to the Sacred Heart, for this concept of us valuing one another as unique, precious human lives epitomizes the Love of God, our heavenly father, and His son for us. The wounded, sacred heart of Jesus with its burning flame, personifies - in fact is, in essence, this LOVE. And as I reflect on the years gone by, I see how this parish, under the able guidance of its dynamic Parish Priests and their energetic teams, has striven to live up to this ideal and manifest this Love in the

(Continued on Pg - 2)


Page 2: VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our lives. VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi June - July 2015 XTherefore, you shall

just collectively through the various commissions and associations (ROCK, the Family Cell, Bombay Catholic Sabha or the SCCs to name a few) but also individually with people reaching out in a spirit of “sensitivity of heart and mind” in times of crises as well as on joyous occasions. In fact we are all aware though we don't know the names, that there are people who have offered their unadvertised support to the church by way of monetary contributions or by way of their knowledge, expertise or influence; people who reached out to individuals in need with no expectation of returns. I guess these have succeeded in being like Jesus- meek and humble of heart. Our almost innumerable parish activities bear testimony to the zeal and enthusiasm of our fellow parishioners who put their whole-hearted efforts behind these whether on or behind the scenes. We could do with a little spreading out of this enthusiasm to those who can contribute by their participation. I think it would do well for us to remember that “they also serve who only stand and wait” and, I might add, watch and join in what has been prepared for them.

We, however, need to step up this march towards a community of Love especially in today's world where rationalism and secularism are severely eroding faith in the divine; where iniquity and injustice are destroying unity and the Peace that results from it; where the selfish and mindless pursuit of materialistic goals blinds us to the important timeless goals of life; where a

dependence on technology to express superficial, impersonal messages of love often results only in creating a void and increasingly a crying need for Love; where little children think that the three most important things for survival are “Android, Facebook and WhatsApp.” We need to strengthen this Love and take it beyond our communities to create a world of Love, Peace and Joy. Tall order, I know, but I think this is what St. Augustine meant when he said “We were made for Thee and our hearts are restless until we rest in Thee.” I think I need to begin with myself , to begin NOW, to begin small by taking what I've garnered here to the new people and places I'll be going to. I thank God for my long and personally fruitful association with this parish and its warm , friendly priests and parishioners.

The parish is celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May the graces we receive from day one of the novena to the actual feast always be with us.

I wish you all a Very Happy Feast

EDITORIAL LOVE...(Continued from Pg - 1)

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi 2

The Editorial Team wishes Bertha Fernandes the very best for the future as she moves out of Vashi and e x p r e s s e s s i n c e r e gratitude for the long innings she had with the ‘Vashi Vision’ team.

VASHI VISION Parish Bulletin of Sacred Heart Church

Vashi, Navi Mumbai

EDITORIAL TEAM Fr. Gerald Fernandes, George Thomas,

Maureen Lobo, Bertha Fernandes, Kimberly Rowe, Rita Pinto

DESIGN & LAYOUTFelix Rodrigues


PUBLISHED BYParish Priest,Sacred Heart Church, Plot No. 67, Sector - 9A, Vashi,Navi Mumbai - 400 703. Tel.: 2765 0343 - 1392Church email: [email protected]

FB Page: www.facebook.com/sacredheartchurch.vashi

PRINTED ATMermier Printing Institute,Mermier Bal Ashram,18A, Bonkode Road, Sector - 11,Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai - 400709.Tel.: 2754 3335

Web-page: www.sacredheartchurchvashi.wordpress.com

- Articles & Photos for printing in the future issues of Vashi Vision should reach the editorial team latest by 15th of every preceding month of the issue. (Maximum 400 words per article)

- email your views & articles and photographs & advertisements to [email protected]

- For Advertising in Vashi Vision kindly contact the Church office.

Share Your Community News, Articles and Suggestions

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June - July 2015

Page 3: VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our lives. VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi June - July 2015 XTherefore, you shall


As it's June, my thoughts went over to the Feast of the Sacred Heart. To learn what was special about it, I checked out our Lord's 12 promises to St. Margaret Mary. She was a French nun of the 1670's, whom the Lord called as 'the beloved disciple of the Sacred Heart' and the heiress of all its treasures. For good reason.

But first, here are the promises:1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their

state in life. 2. I will establish peace in their families. 3. I will comfort them in their trials. 4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and, above all, in death. 5. I will shed abundant blessings on all their undertakings. 6. Sinners will find in My Heart an infinite ocean of mercy. 7. Lukewarm souls will become fervent. 8. Fervent souls will rapidly grow in holiness and perfection. 9. I will bless every place where an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored. 10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts. 11. The names of those who promote this devotion will be written in My Heart, never to be blotted out. 12. I promise thee, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.

Collectively, the promises are an assured commitment to provide an abundance of graces for this earthly sojourn, whether it's sinner or priest. If we read the promises carefully, we'll find that they are not bound

thby the condition set out in the 12 promise. Given one's entire lifetime, the prescribed devotion for nine consecutive first Fridays, seems like very little for such a bonanza of graces. But all the promises have an overriding yearning for human love in honouring the Sacred Heart. This honouring cannot be symbolic, occasional or recurrent. It has to be abiding, for a lifetime.

To know what this abiding entails, a glimpse would suffice of the life of St Margaret Mary. Her life of 43

years was a crucible of twists and turns of poverty and prosperity, sickness and health, doubt and perseverance, piety and parties, and a measure of divine scoldings. In all of this, she was painstakingly moulded until fit to receive the promises. As a child, rather than playing, she was so drawn to the Blessed Sacrament that she took a vow of chastity. It was this devotion that held her up through family wrangles over property, sickness, adolescent confusion over the vow of chastity, and an eventual monastic life. It's quite interesting how the Lord held her to her childhood vow, and claimed her love over mortal suitors. Her mom made light of her childhood vow, saying she couldn't have been serious, and got her going to parties for possibly meeting potential suitors. One night, she had

just returned from a carnival and was still in party gear, when she had a vision of the scourged Lord admonishing her of neglecting Him. That was the turning point to monastic life. Even there, she had to work hard thru' obedience to her superiors, before her calling to the Sacred Heart became manifest, and the promises were revealed in a vision.

The purpose of the promises is best captured in her own words:

"And He [Christ] showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin that made Him the design of

manifesting His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure Him all the honour and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which His heart is the source."

These words, like the union of vine and its fruit-bearing branches, best epitomise the Abiding sought by The Sacred Heart. Let us also remember that it is an abiding that is sought despite the fraility of human nature, aptly captured in the beautiful hymn 'Sweet Heart of Jesus/…/O touch our hearts, so cold and so ungrateful, and make them, Lord, thine own for evermore…'

May the promises of The Sacred Heart abide

perennially in our lives.

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi June - July 2015

Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with Xall your strength. Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you today. - Deuteronomy 6:5-6

The Lord is my strength and my shield, in whom my heart trusted and found help. So my heart Xrejoices; with my song I praise my God. - Psalms 28:7

Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity. - Sirach 2:12XThough my flesh and my heart fail, God is the rock of my heart, my portion forever. - Psalms 73:26X


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VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi


The elders went for a Lenten Pilgrimage on March 22, 2015 to churches around Navi Mumbai and Thane. The bus took off at 9.15am. Our first halt of course was at Navratna, had steaming hot Idlis and vadas with coffee for breakfast and proceeded to Francis De Sales Church at Koper Khairane. Then we hurried to Ghansoli to Our Lady of Forsaken church for the next 6 stations. Since there was a blood donation drive in the church one young member who wanted to do something for Jesus decided to shed some blood and donated one bottle. The sun decided to shine very brightly and in the scorching heat we proceeded to St. John the Baptist Church, Thane. Since the church is under renovation we had to hear Mass in the make shift chapel which was as hot as a furnace. This was absolute penance for the elders. We completed the remaining stations of the

Cross after which Fr. Baptist celebrated Mass. Lunch followed at the community hall. The elders decided to indulge in some games. Some of the elders sang some songs and hymns.. We had tea and samosas and returned back to Vashi at around 5.30 pm.

4 June - July 2015


The youth camp at Bhandardara organized by The Land Out There on the 16th & 17th of May was an exceptional experience.

There was a long journey awaiting us and we started by boarding a local train from Vashi to Thane, and then switching local trains at Thane to arrive at Kasara. We met our camping crew at Thane station, and traveled together for an hour, finally reaching Kasara. We walked through the busy market roads and hired two jeeps to take us to our camping site. Indeed, we enjoyed the uphill ride!

We arrived at a local eatery where we were served piping hot and spicy misal pav and vada missal with tea/coffee for a late lunch. We rested in a nearby garden and clicked photographs in the play park, and soon boarded the bus to reach us to the top of the hill. Having arrived at our camping site, many of us took to clicking photographs of the mesmerizing sunset and scenery w h i c h w a s i n d e e d breathtaking, whi le others including our camping crew set up the tents. Once the tents were done, we changed into c o m f o r t a b l e clothes for the n i g h t a n d

waited until the remaining sunlight disseminated. While the camping crew worked at lighting a bonfire, we sat and prayed together.

Following the prayer session, we were fed the tastiest meal which included maggi, tomato soup, salami sandwiches, sausage sandwiches, seekh kebabs, paneer cubes, marshmallows, etc. We can say without a doubt that we ate to our heart's content. This was followed by games where everyone played and enjoyed themselves. As the night went on, a few of us stayed awake, chatting and eating, admiring the twinkling stars in the dark sky, while others decided to sleep. We also had the privilege of seeing fireflies which was an absolutely amazing sight to behold.

Slowly, the cold and windy night passed and we woke up to a new sunshine morning. We then got ready for our trip back home. We had a breakfast of vada pav, bhajiyas and missal pav with tea/coffee at the same eatery, and then took a detour to see Arthur Lake which boasted of magnificent blue waters. Finally, the journey back home began.


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- RANI MALKARNEKAR, President Queen of Angels Junior Praesidium

As part of our Lenten campaign, the eight praesidia of the Legion of Mary from Ghansoli, Koparkhairane, Vashi & Sanpada organised a small program for the children of Bal Bhavan attached to Fr. Agnel's Vashi. The Legionaries of the eight praesidia were accompanied by their spiritual director Rev. Fr. Gerry Fernandes, for the evening. The program was also attended by 45 boys between the ages of 8 & 18 and their mentor & teacher Shobhana Almeida, who in the past was an active Legionary at Vashi.

The evening began the similar way every Legion of Mary meeting begins with the Rosary being prayed and the blessings of our Blessed Mother was invoked over for the evening. A brief introduction then followed where the Legionaries explained who they were and the

reason for their visit to their Bal Bhavan, namely as Rev. Fr. Gerry put it, ''We are here because we love you''.

This was followed by some fun games. The unique feature of the program and especially the games was to bring the boys a little closer to the knowledge of the GOD who loves them with an everlasting love. The Legionaries directed and the boys enacted spot skits based on the parables and miracles of Jesus. The boys then displayed their own talents performing dances and narrating jokes.

Time seemed to fly in the midst of this atmosphere of innocence and piety. The program ended with the closing prayers, recited together by the Legionaries and the boys, where we commended each other to the maternal care of our Blessed Mother Mary.

Ave Maria



- JACQUELINE, Legion of Mary, Vashi

"Let us mingle together, voices joyful and gay, singing hymns to our Mother, tis' her own month of May."

Yes! May is a month where we dedicate whole-heartedly to our dear Mother Mary,

singing hymns, and reciting the Rosary in her honour as we set along a pilgrimage with her. This May was no different as we legionaries dedicated each day to her.

On the 31st of May, a Grand Rosary was conducted by the members of the Legion of Mary, under the guidance and care of our dear Father Gerry at the grotto where about 300 parishioners took part along with our priests Fathers Gerry and Baptist. The statue of Mother Mary was dressed up in a beautiful blue saree and decorated with flowers and colourful lights. The Rosary began at 7.15 pm after the evening Mass. As it was a Sunday we dedicated the Glorious Mysteries to our dear Mother. The decades and the litany were recited by legionaries from the senior as well as the junior group of the Legion of Mary. It was wonderful to see the kids of

the Junior Legion take part in the Grand Rosary enthusiastically as the Legion has been a strong platform for them to build up their religious beliefs and faith.

After the Rosary, cake, boiled channas and chocolates were distributed to all who took part in the Rosary. A hearty thanks to all parishioners who participated in this grand event. In the end we would like to say "The Grand Rosary was indeed Grand."Ave Maria

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi 5 June - July 2015

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The Kids Summer Camp by Sacred Heart Youth was held from 3rd to 10th May 2015 every morning between 9 am to 12 pm at Sacred Heart School. More than 30 children registered and participated in the

summer camp. Every day began with an action song for the children. Healthy drinks and snacks were served to the children each mid-day.

The first day was an ice-breaker session wherein children played musical games and participated in fun-filled activities thereby getting to know each other and making new friends. A dance workshop was held on the second day and children learned to move and groove to the beats of popular dance tracks. For the third day, a treasure hunt was planned and children worked in teams to complete the tasks and win the game. The fourth day had a public speaking session and ad making show for children to learn to present themselves individually as well as in a group. The fifth day was sports day during which outdoor games such as races, relays, dodge ball and chor police were enjoyed by the children. For the sixth day, an animated movie 'Big Hero 6' was screened for the children. The seventh day had an art and craft workshop as well as a music session

conducted where the children learned the basics of creativity and discovered their singing voice respectively.

For the final day, children came along with their parents to celebrate May Day. Each child performed a song, dance or act and parents got a chance to see their child perform on stage. An add-on to the entertainment factor was the group dance performed by the children. Moreover, on occasion of Mother's Day, each child presented a personally handmade card to their mother. With it being the last day of summer camp, we bid adieu to all the smiling faces!

For all those kids (and parents!) who missed the fun and enjoyment this year, do register next year.


VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi 6

REVIVAL 2015 organised for Navi Mumbai Deanery Youth


Revival 2015 was held for the first time, this year, and it received a very good response from all the parishes of the Navi Mumbai deanery. It was conducted at Our Lady of The Forsaken Church, at Ghansoli.

The youth who organized this event did a wonderful job. It was a great program where we got to experience Jesus' love in the form of praise and worship. The choir sang beautiful hymns and the action committee made sure that we had a wonderful time, throughout.

The participation of young people in parish activities needs to increase and to encourage us in doing so, we had a few people, there, who shared their testimonies with us. It was indeed inspiring to hear

from them as they shared with us how God's grace had worked wonders in their lives and also it gave us an insight into the various ways in which we could build a stronger relationship with God, through our actions. After that, we listened to the word of God which was preached by Br. George. He led us through a journey of self-introspection, where he made us aware of where we could go astray from God's way and helped us to come back on the right path through prayer.

We were also informed about the upcoming JER: Jesus Encounter Retreat, which is held every month. We really had a lot of fun at the Revival this year and are looking forward to host it at our parish next time. I would like to urge the youth of our parish to support the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and be a part of the Revival next year.

June - July 2015

SACRED HEART PRAYER GROUP, be a part of Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Experience the Healing Power of Our Lord through the Holy Spirit, Praise & Worship : Every Thursday immediately after the Evening Mass. i.e. 7.45 pm to 9.00 pmOpportunity to share your time talents in Ministries like Prayer, Music, Service and BE BLESSED.

Page 7: VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our lives. VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi June - July 2015 XTherefore, you shall


'If you wish to be my disciple, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me' (Mark 8:34)

T h i s g o s p e l t e x t

challenges our Christian

faith. In fact, all the 4

Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are so

important for our Christian life that it is hard to

imagine the Church without it. There was a time

when the Church existed without the sacred

writings. Bible Scholars tell us that the earthly

ministry of Jesus ended in AD 30 and the Gospel

according to Mark was probably written in the late

60's. Between the 30's and the 60's the first

generation Christians had the living witness of

those who had known Jesus, his sayings,

teachings, miracles, his suffering, death and

resurrection, told and retold and passed on within

the community of Disciples. Before the Gospels

were written the Church was evangelizing,

teaching, baptizing and celebrating Eucharist,

serving the poor and living the teachings of Jesus.

Out of this lived experience as the Community of

Jesus' disciples, the Gospels came to be written. So

the Good news of Jesus formed the Community

and this Community of Jesus's disciples formed

the written gospels.'The beginning of the good news of Jesus

Christ, the Son of God' (Mark 1:1)There are 3 Stages in the Gospel Formation.

Stage – 1 : The Historical Life and Ministry, the

suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. This is

the Good News, the original living Gospel.

Stage – 2 : Preaching of the Apostles. As the

Holy Spirit filled their lives, they were enabled to

remember the life of Jesus and also to understand

its meaning for themselves and others. The Spirit

gave them a burning desire to spread the message

of Jesus as the Good News of Salvation to all.

Stage – 3: : The Writings of the Evangelists.

The Gospel Writers pulled together the collected

memories about Jesus, the preaching of the

Apostles and the interpretation and understanding

of the Church into 4 inspired works, that is, the


The 2 main factors that led to the need for

the written Gospels.

1. The Church was rapidly expanding

throughout the Roman empire.

2. The Apostles were beginning to die and

the Church no longer had their eye

witness testimony on the life of Jesus.

Mark was the first to shape the Christian

message during the reign of Nero (AD 54-68).

When the city of Rome burned in AD 64, Nero

blamed the Christians and unleashed a great

persecution. Both Peter and Paul along with

hundreds of other Christians died as martyrs

during that time. Mark wrote this gospel in this

atmosphere of persecution and great suffering

and perhaps it was Peter's death in Rome that

spurred Mark to complete the Gospel.

The Gospel according to Mark. JESUS, the


'Listen, I am standing at the door knocking. If

you hear my voice and open the door, I will come

in and dine with you and you with me.' Rev 3:20

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi


th thJune 15 to 17 August, 2015 at 7.45 p.m.If you have a burning desire to be like one of the Apostles, then open the

door of your heart to the risen Christ and comewith your Bible, Notebook and pen. See how 'the Word of God is LIVING and ACTIVE sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercingas far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the secret thoughts of the heart.' Heb 4:12

7 June - July 2015

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Skills for SCC Animators Programme at St. Pius Seminary

- JOHN DANIEL, SCC Co-ordinator, St John Bosco SCC, Sector -17

A total of Eighty two SCC Animators representing various Parishes from the Archdiocese of Bombay attended the Skills for SCC Animators training program.

Sacred Heart,Vashi team (consisting of 6 animators from our parish Winston Alemao, Jessie Thrikhotala, Penny D’Lima, Rose Dennis, Roseann Viegas & John Daniel) volunteered and prepared the liturgy for the Eucharistic celebration on day One. Bishop Bosco and Bishop Agnelo were appreciative of all that the animators were doing in their parishes and called on them to take full advantage of the training that was being imparted to them. This would enable them to take on more challenging roles for the laity in parishes.

The input sessions on the first day by Fr. Patrick D'mello (Deepening My Prayer Life), Lorna D'souza/Michael Rodrigues (Handling Conflicts), Adrian Rosario/Jasmine Lobo (Enabling Leadership) and Fr. Felix D'souza (Holistic Growth) were very well presented and had a good mix of inputs, role play and interactive group discussions.

On the second day, Augustine Mathana with his good sense of humor and witty jokes drove home very well what Assertive Behavior was all about in the first session. Anand Castelino (Working With People Of Other Faiths) and Reuben Fronteiro (Building Team Spirit) had the participants on their toes, soaking in every word that was being said and taking part in the group discussions.

The entire group of participants had a rollicking time in the Entertainment program which was put up by them. Not to be outdone, the FILMC team also joined

with the participants, which was well appreciated.The participants were all praise for the

accommodation, food, snacks and beverages, and above all the peaceful ambience of the seminary. During the evaluation, the sharing by the participants was multi-lingual and they appreciated the speakers who had taken a lot of trouble to put across their presentations and backed them with useful handouts.

On the final day, post tea, all the animators received certificate through the hands of Bishop Agnelo, followed by submission of their evaluations of the program and after a final hymn and plenty of group photographs, the animators bid adieu.

---------------------My experience of Skills for Animators' My experience at the recently concluded SCC

training held at St. Pius seminary has exceeded all my expectations. The program has enabled me with an even more deeper understanding and responsibilities towards building a community in Jesus Christ. We have acquired the necessary knowledge, confidence in areas like conflict management, team building, assertive behaviour and finer tools required to conduct effective community meetings. The organising team and all the trainers have done a tremendous work of preparing the training.

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi 8 June - July 2015

Baptism - Born in Christ

Marriage - United in Christ

Burial - Resting in Christ

19-04-2015 - Savio Shelke -child of- Ajit and Kusum19-04-2015 -Jerusha Fernando -child of- Jones and Sabeena03-05-2015 - Estelle D’Cruz -child of- Febron & Rahil31-05-2015 - Wilson Bramhane -child of- Pravin & Archana

25-04-2015 - Cedric Joseph Mascarenhas -with- Yashoda Dhodyyanor31-05-2015 - Eugene Joseph Ittiara -with- Ashmita Uday Pol

1) 04-05-2015 - Violet Patrick - age 67 years- Sector 9, Vashi2) 18-05-2015 - Louiza Morris Francis - age 85 years- Sector 7, Vashi3) 21-05-2015 - Malcolm John D’Costa - age 71 years- Sector 9, Vashi 2 3

We are publishing the photograph of our dear Parishioners who were un i t ed wi th Chr i s t i n t he preceding/current month.

In case of death of our parishioner the family may handover the photo of the departed family member along with the name, age & sector to the Vashi Vision Team or in the Parish Office, in case they Desire so. (deadline announced in Church Notices)

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"Mary is the perfect prayer, a figure of the church...We can pray with and to her.

The prayer of the church is sustained by the prayer of Mary and united with it in hope."

A great majority of apostolic work by the legionaries is done in our parish SACRED HEART CHURCH by visiting homes to encourage prayer with the family in the presence of the pilgrim Virgin Statue.

The primary purpose of the pilgrim Virgin Statue home family visitation is to aid the families in responding to the request made by the blessed Mary during her apparitions at Fatima. The essence of her requests is threefold.

1. Return to God - very simply turn away from sin and obey the Ten Commandments.

2. Make reparation for sins -very simply practice some form of penance and sacrifice.

3. Pray the rosary for peace - to pray the rosary every day.

The legionaries conducted the family visitations of the pilgrim virgin statue beginning on the first of May 2015 till the end of the month of May at about 41 homes with 530 adults and 35 children attending the Rosary in a form of vocal and mental prayer on the Mysteries of our redemption, divided into twenty decades of Joyful, sorrowful, Glories, and Luminous Mysteries.

On receiving our Mother Mary in the Homes beginning with beautiful Hymn of "AVE MARIA, GRATIA PLENA" THE head of the family welcoming our mother with "HAIL QUEEN OF HEAVENS" prayer. And the Rosary for the intentions of our Blessed Virgin Mary by the members present at the homes. The Joyful Mysteries of Jesus, Emmanuel in the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke as the HOLY SPIRIT describes them and with Meditation. The Sorrowful Mysteries of Jesus Suffering savior as the Holy Spirit

describes them especially in the passion Narratives of the Gospels and the meditation, The Glorious Mysteries as the Holy Spirit describes them especially in the Easter narratives of the Gospels and meditation, and the LUMINOUS MYSTERIES as the spirit describes the significant moments in Jesus ' public life, which emerged in the narratives of the Gospels with prayer were lead by the five members present in each of families keeping in mind the whole participation of the members present for the Rosary. The Rosary ended with the Thanksgiving prayer by the family members, a prayer by the legionaries for the family, ended with final hymn “come with us Mary".

The Legionaries secondary purpose of the home visitation programme is the possibility of recruiting new Active or Auxiliary members for the Presidiums. In contrast to active membership the Auxiliary membership in the legion of Mary is an integral part of its life and mission. Their offering of fervent prayers and personal sacrifice are by no means least in the battle for salvation of souls.

As per His Holiness Pope Pius XII " May her Rosary be found in the hands of all. May she gather together small groups, or great multitudes of Christ's faithful in churches, in homes, in hospitals, and in prisons to sing her praises. May the name of Mary, which is sweeter than the nectar and more precious than any jewel, be given the highest honour"

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to our Spiritual Director Rev Fr Gerry for his motivation, constant support and his spiritual guidance, and to all our legionaries for the hard work, sincerity, and commitment to the legion work , not forgetting all the parishioners who took active part in the Rosary Crusade for the month of May 2015. I look forward to the same devotion to Mother Mary in greater measure in the year 2016.

I believe wherever there is Faith there is the example of Mary. AVE MARIA.

- VIOLET D'ALMEIDA, Sector - 16

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi 9 June - July 2015

Page 10: VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our lives. VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi June - July 2015 XTherefore, you shall


- ANTHONY PINTO - Liturgy Commission Head

The idea is to divide one's holy hour into four quarters: VYou spend the first in adoration; VYou spend the second in thanks; VYou spend the third quarter in reparation; and

finally VYou spend the last quarter in giving something to

God.The first suggestion is: divide the Holy

Hour into four 15 minute periods. It is essential to take sufficient time to really visualize the purpose in each period. Do not proceed till you have made that particular purpose clear and definite.

The second suggestion is for that first 15 minute period: dedicate it to a realization of who is present in the Holy Eucharist. Of course you know the answer to that, but think of it until there is in your soul a response of wonder ("is it possible?" "how can that be?" and yet "it is true") and admiration (how wonderful: Jesus is really, truly present here!).

A suggestion for the second 15 minutes: devote the time to thoughts and prayers of thanksgiving to God as you grasp the wonder of who is present Really: God is with us! the Emmanuel of Christmas.

You might also take some time to recall and thank God for other special blessings and wonders of God: your family, vocation, gift life, opportunity to be in his Presence, special friends, etc. Thank him for his love for you, for his unfailing help in trials and difficulties. Do you really believe that? Think about it till you can really say that in sincerity and heartfelt conviction: that God does love you!

A suggestion for the next 15 minutes. Dedicate this

to petition. First of all, ask Jesus here present in the Holy Eucharist for the grace that is dearest to him, the grace he wants most for you: the great blessing of redemption and eternal salvation. Just think, for some time what that means . . . for you, for each member of your family, your friends, people of you neighborhood and parish, for all mankind.

Dedicate the last 15 minutes of the Holy Hour to atonement. Why atonement? A look into one's own

conscience and the conscience of the world gives the answer. A mere glance at head l ines and you see insu l t s , blasphemies, defiance thrown by man into the face of God. These will make you shudder unless your heart is cold and uncaring.

A slow, thoughtful saying of the Rosary would be very helpful during any phase of a Holy Hour. With our Blessed Mother and with Christ present there before you in the

Holy Eucharist, recall and consider those events in his life. Ponder all those things in your heart as you ask our Blessed Mother to pray for us.

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi 10 June - July 2015

Parish Schedule

Confessions: - Every Saturday at 6.15 pm or on requestBaptisms: - 1st and 3rd Sunday at the 9.00 am MassSunday Good News Club: - 8.00 am Mass in the Church followed by Cathechism for children.Mass Schedule: - Weekday: 7.00 am and 7.00 pm

- Sundays: 7.00 am, 8.00 am, 9.15 am and 6.00 pm Language Masses: - Konkani: 3rd Sunday - 7.00 am

- Tamil: 1st & 3rd Sunday - 10.30 am - Malayalam: 2nd & 4th Sunday - 10.30 am

Charismatic Prayer: - Tuesdays & Thursdays after the Evening MassChurch Office: - 9.30 am to 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Sunday Closed

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VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi 11 June - July 2015

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th40 Day Mass in Loving Memory ofHon. Lieutenant Harry Thomas

Ex. Indian Navyth th Born: 8 September 1931 - Died: 6 May 2015

A tribute of love and gratitude from hisChildren: Harriet, Vincent and Reuben. Son-in-law & Daughter-in-law: Clement, Vita and RoselineGrandchildren: Jeremiah, Christine, Cecelia, Terence and Teresa

thMass on 13 June 2015, At 7.00 am at Sacred Heart Church, Vashi, Navi Mumbai.

Dearest Babba,

We have memories galore, to cherish, to reminisce;But your presence, we fondly miss.

You were the pillar, our picture complete.Our foundation, our back bone concrete.

May your soul rest in peace,And our hearts be strong,

In grief in great loss we weep.But soon in the heavens we shall meet.

Some spaces cannot be filled Some people cannot be replacedThe Almighty has his perfect time

And that, to understand we are not skilled

Page 12: VV 15 June-July 2 - WordPress.comMay the promises of The Sacred Heart abide perennially in our lives. VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi June - July 2015 XTherefore, you shall

VASHI VISION - Sacred Heart Church, Vashi

12 June - July 2015