Vsn -Vishnu sahasranamam divya namam (86-95)

86. Sureshah - who is the lord of all Gods including Brahma(Creator)

Transcript of Vsn -Vishnu sahasranamam divya namam (86-95)

86. Sureshah - who is the lord of all Gods including Brahma(Creator)

87. Saranam – The means for one and all to attain him

88. Sharma- Who is personification of total happiness(One who is Bliss and Sweet goal)Bliss- reach a state of perfect happiness

89. Vishwaretha -Who is the seed , Root cause to this universe.He creates the senses for his service alone

90. PrajhaBhava - Who is the reason for existence of All living beings(The Final goal to be reached using the limbs and senses given by him)

91.Aaha -Who is as bright as the day(Who is like a day which awakens the world from Ignorance)

92. Samvatsara -1.Who is personification of the year(Shankara Bhasyam)2.Who Lives in the heart of his Devotees to lend them his helping hand. He is giver of intellect for them to reach his shore(Parasara Bhattar Bhasyam)

93. Vyala – 1.One who Assures and accepts his devotees by sending his representatives to them

94. Prathyaya –Who provides Confidence to his Devotees to whom he is Ever reliable

95. Sarvadarshana- 1. Who sees (knows) everything( Shankara Bhasyam)2.Who Displays himself with all his glory to his Devotees