Volunteer Strategy 2015 - 2018 · 2016-02-04 · Adverts tailored specifically to the requirements...

0 Volunteer Strategy 2015 - 2018 Valuing Volunteers

Transcript of Volunteer Strategy 2015 - 2018 · 2016-02-04 · Adverts tailored specifically to the requirements...

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Volunteer Strategy 2015 - 2018

Valuing Volunteers

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Contents Section 1. Introduction 2 2. Aims and objectives 2 3. Volunteering 2 4. Work Experience student programme 2 5. Vision 3 6. Previous achievements 4 7. Implementation plan 5 8. Monitoring and review 5 9. Accessibility Statement 5 Appendices Appendix 1 Volunteering Strategy Implementation Plan Appendix 2 Voluntary Services Policy

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1. Introduction An estimated three million people volunteer in a number of capacities in health and social care throughout the UK (Volunteering in health and care: securing a sustainable future, The King’s Fund: 2012). According to the Wigan State of the Voluntary Sector research paper published in May 2013, it is estimated that 30,000 volunteers form part of the Voluntary Sector in Wigan. These volunteers help support nearly 1,500 organisations within the borough. The focus of the work carried out by these organisations lies in health and well-being (41%), closely followed by community development (33%). Collaborative working is key to these organisations achieving their goals. Volunteers make a unique and valuable contribution to patients, visitors and staff at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust (WWL), including volunteers affiliated with external voluntary organisations/charities, such as Age UK and the Stroke Association. It is recognised that volunteers are not only an essential resource in helping us to achieve our goals, but that by providing opportunities for, and supporting volunteering, it helps to promote social responsibility and inclusion. Volunteering also helps to boost well-being and self-esteem. 2. Aims and objectives The aim of this strategy is to:

Bring added value to patients using the Trust’s services Give opportunities for local people to volunteer Develop partnership working with national, charitable and Third Sector organisations

3. Volunteering Volunteering involves a person or group of individuals dedicating their time on an unpaid and voluntary basis to carrying out a particular activity that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives. Volunteers do not substitute paid members of staff. Their role is to support patients and complement the work of staff. 4. Work Experience student programme Work Experience involves shadowing a healthcare professional and gaining experience of working in a ward or department with a view to learning about a particular role or area of a hospital. Work placements give students the opportunity to gain an insight into the life of a healthcare professional working in the NHS. All students aged 16-19 are required to complete a Work Experience placement before they can apply to become a volunteer. Once they have completed their placement, they may submit an application to Voluntary Services. Upon submitting their application, they must provide evidence of their Work Experience from HR, i.e. a Work Experience certificate. As our Work Experience programme only applies to students aged 16-19, any students aged above 19 may apply directly to become a volunteer. On providing evidence of voluntary work, i.e. Ward Attendance sheets signed by the relevant Ward/Departmental Manager, all students can receive a certificate of achievement for their school/university portfolios once they have completed at least 50 hours of volunteering.

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5. Vision The vision for the next three years for volunteers and volunteering at WWL is that the Trust will continue to enhance the volunteer opportunities, recognising the role volunteers play in supporting staff to enhance the patients’ experience. In our WWL Wheel, our patients are placed at the heart of everything we do and so enhancing the patients’ experience is an important part of a volunteer’s role. Delivering a quality service for our patients is our first priority. Therefore, we carefully select, interview and perform pre-employment checks only on candidates we deem suitable for a particular volunteer role. At our Volunteers’ General Induction session, we introduce and fully explain each part of the WWL Wheel to new volunteers, so that they have a clear understanding of the Trust’s priorities and values, and how their role fits into this concept. The WWL Wheel 

This strategy is also closely linked to the Trust’s social responsibility work, acknowledging that the Trust has a key role in supporting the Wigan Borough. It provides the local community with the opportunity to contribute their experience, knowledge and skills in order to give something back to society. More people can enrich and add value to their own lives by making a positive contribution to their hospital through volunteering and at the same time, enhance the patients’ experience. As part of our social responsibility work and The NHS Five-Year Forward View, Voluntary Services will look to forge closer links and increase engagement with the Third Sector over the next three years. Through engaging with the Third Sector, the Trust will develop a Compact Agreement. This strategy details the plans and actions that will support our success as an organisation.

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6. Previous achievements There are currently over 400 active volunteers within WWL. They are placed in a range of settings across the organisation, performing a variety of duties. There are various roles, such as:

Admin Buddies Catholic Chaplaincy volunteers Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care volunteers Dementia Champions Departmental volunteers Emergency volunteers Flower Ladies Hospital Fundraisers Hospital Radio volunteers Lay Representatives on Committees Pharmacy Reception Reception/Help Desk volunteers Sleep Apnoea Champions Supporting the Trust Major Incident Plan Student volunteers (receive a certificate on completion of 100 hours) Tea Bar and Trust Shop volunteers Ward volunteers Way Finders

WWL values the excellent partnerships it has with local and national Third Sector/voluntary organisations and charities, including:

Age UK Wigan borough Breastfeeding Together Carers Centre Healthwatch North West Blood Bikes Pensioners Link The Stroke Association The Ticker Club Think Ahead Wigan and Leigh CVS

It is vital that we maintain these partnerships and develop links with other charities/voluntary organisations. As part of the 3-year strategy, the Trust will increase its partnership working with schools and local businesses. How we value volunteers During Volunteers’ Week, we celebrate the contribution of our volunteers in a number of ways, such as WWL’s annual Long Service Awards event, where volunteers who have completed 5 years and multiples of 5 years of service are awarded a badge and certificate recognising their achievement. As part of the Trust’s annual Recognising Excellence Awards’

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event, a volunteer who has made a remarkable contribution in their service to the Trust is presented the ‘Volunteer of the Year’ award. Furthermore, staff and volunteers may nominate a volunteer for the ‘Going the Extra Mile’ badge and certificate for outstanding work. Recruitment and placement The Volunteer Policy (Appendix 2) underpins this strategy and sets out the recruitment process, induction and training, supervision and support, payment of out-of-pocket expenses and code of conduct for volunteers. 7. Implementation plan The success of this strategy will be based on the completion of the implementation plan (Appendix 3). 8. Monitoring and review The implementation plan will be monitored and reviewed every six months through the Engagement Committee. 9. Accessibility statement This document can be made available in a range of alternative formats, e.g. large print, Braille and audio CD. For more details, please contact the HR Department on 01942 77(3766) or email [email protected]

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Volunteering Strategy Implementation Plan 2015-18

Aim Action Required By When By Who RAG Reference Documents/Evidence

1. Bring added value to patients using Trust services.

Develop four new volunteer roles: 1. Volunteer Patient Companions (2 volunteers for each ward at RAEI) 2. Bereavement Companion Volunteer Role (bank of 10 volunteers) 3. Data Inputting Volunteer Role (2 volunteers) 4. Volunteer Drivers 5. Discharge Caller Volunteers Meeting to be held with each area every 4 months after volunteers have started to review working of new role.

All volunteers to be recruited, trained and started by: January 2017 September 2016 September 2016 January 2017 January 2017 Ongoing

VSM, in consultation with services area Leads

1. Volunteer Patient Companions’ Role Description and specification approved by Harm Free Committee. Debbie Waywell to organise training. VSM holds list of volunteers interested in role. 2. Bereavement Companion Volunteer Role Description in development. Awaiting organisation of next meeting. Two new Bereavement Volunteers have been processed.

Role Description documents:

Volunteer Patient Companions Role Des

Admin Ward Volunteer Role Descri

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3. Meeting held to discuss Data Inputting Role on 2nd November 2015. Developed an Admin Ward Volunteer Role to provide volunteer admin support to ward clerks. Weekend Ward Volunteers taking on admin duties as an addition to their role. 4/5. Initial stages of exploring the possibility of volunteer drivers and discharge callers.

1a. To raise awareness and promote volunteering opportunities

Attend schools and colleges to promote volunteering opportunities:

- Winstanley College - Runshaw College - Wigan and Leigh College - The Deanery High School

January 2016 January 2016 February 2016 February 2016

VSM, colleges

Met with Winstanley College on 24th December 2015 to discuss volunteering opportunities.


1a. To raise awareness and promote volunteering opportunities

Attend Volunteers’ Fair at colleges and throughout the community to raise awareness of volunteering. Colleges to

Future dates to be confirmed by

VSM, colleges

Dates for college and Career Fairs to be confirmed.


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contact VSM regarding future dates of fairs.

Nikki Wills for Winstanley College Volunteer Fair Beth Locke for Wigan Council Careers’ Fair Wigan Youth Zone Volunteer Recruitment Fair: 14th January 2016

Attended Wigan Youth Zone Volunteer Recruitment Fair on 14th January 2016

1a. To raise awareness and promote volunteering opportunities

Hold a recruitment day to raise awareness and promote volunteering opportunities:

- Develop and launch comms’ campaign to promote opportunities

- Deliver talks on volunteering

Issue press release, adverts and launch social media campaign: December 2015 St. David’s Church Group, Aspull: 7th October 2015 Hindley Ladies’ Circle: 17th February 2016

VSM, Corporate Communications, Lead Nurse for Dementia, Jean Ramsdale, Head of Nursing, Carolyn Dereszkiewicz

Press release issued and social media campaign carried out in December 2015. Volunteering adverts to be included in Chorley Church Newsletter and WWL FT magazine in February 2016. VSM delivered talk on

Volunteering adverts:

Volunteering advert_Chorley Churc

Volunteering advert_FT magazine.

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To recruit 2 Dementia Champion Volunteers for each ward at RAEI.

All volunteers to be recruited, trained and started by March 2017.

volunteering at St. David’s Church on 7th October 2015. We currently have three Dementia Champion Volunteers. VSM is processing one application and referred four prospective candidates to Dementia Lead Nurse for consideration.

Dementia Volunteer Role Description.docx

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Action Required By When By Who RAG Reference Documents/Evidence

2. Develop opportunities for local people to volunteer

Maintain and develop a programme of volunteering opportunities:

- WWL Voluntary Services’ ‘Volunteer Vacancies’ webpage to be maintained on a weekly basis

- Daily monitoring of TRAC recruitment system to check for applications and invite suitable candidates for interview. Adverts tailored specifically to the requirements of each vacancy.

- Volunteers’ Newsletter to include latest volunteer vacancies and articles about new roles

Ongoing (weekly basis) Ongoing (daily basis) October 2015, January 2016, April 2016, July 2016

VSM. Corporate Communcations Team

4th edition of Newsletter completed and published Oct’ 15. January edition in development.


2a. To raise awareness and promote volunteering opportunities

Develop and maintain Volunteers webpage to raise awareness of volunteering opportunities on ‘Volunteer Vacancies’ page

Ongoing (weekly basis) VSM, Corporate Communications Team


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2b. To keep volunteers informed of Trust news/developments and promote volunteering opportunities

Develop and publish a quarterly Volunteers’ Newsletter:

- Welcome new volunteers and thank leavers

- Updates/developments, e.g. new roles

- Advertising new roles - Celebrating achievements, e.g.

certificate of achievement for student volunteers for completion of at least 50 hours of volunteering, volunteers who have passed a training course

- Interview with a volunteer (different role for each issue)

- VSM welcomes submissions of articles/poems/any other item from all volunteers and Third Sector organisations. Two months prior to publication, volunteers and organisations are contacted and given a copy deadline for the submission of any items.

- Puzzles, poems and recipes on Volunteers’ page

October 2015, January 2016, April 2016, July 2016

VSM, Corporate Communications Team

4th edition of Newsletter completed and published Oct’ 15. January edition in development.

Volunteeers' Newsletter_Issue 4.p

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Action Required By When By Who RAG Reference Documents/Evidence

3. Develop partnership working with national, charitable and third sector organisations

To increase the recruitment of volunteers by 10% each year.

We currently have around 400 volunteers, so we aim to recruit: 40 volunteers by March 2016 45 volunteers by March 2017


Volunteer recruitment spreadsh

Volunteer I&D spreadsheet_Jan - De

3a. To promote and raise awareness of the new Voluntary Services’ Strategy

To hold a launch event for the new Strategy: Volunteer Strategy launch event:

- Draw up and send Communications’ plan to Corporate Communications

- Submit Work request to Corporate Communications

- To send invites internally and to Third Sector organisations

Event held on 13th October 2015 Plan emailed to Comms’ Team on 28th August 2015 Submitted work request on 28th August Invites sent on 11th September 2015

VSM, Corporate Communications Team

Trust Boardroom booked Work request sent and comms’ plan sent on 28th Aug’ 15 Invitations sent on 10th and 11th Sept’ 15

Communications' campaign for Voluntee

Strategy relaunch press release.docx

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- Press release regarding the Strategy launch for local papers, WWL website and Trust News

- Social media tweets and Facebook posts

Press release written by VSM and sent to Comms on 28th August and published w/c 5th October 2015 Content of tweets/posts sent to Comms on 28th August and sent out 5th-16th October 2015 (please see Comms’ plan for dates and content of tweets/posts)

Press release sent to Comms’ on 28th Aug’ 15 Social media content sent to Comms on 28th Aug’ 15

3b. To formalise and solidify partnership with Third Sector Agencies

To develop a Compact Agreement with key Third Sector Agencies. Concept to be discussed with Third Sector organisations at Third Sector Assembly on 8th September to gauge level of interest.

Agreement to be developed for January 2017

VSM, Third Sector organisations

VSM delivered presentation at Third Sector Assembly on 8th September 2015.

Compact Agreement Document

3c. To strengthen partnership with Wigan and Leigh CVS to support

To receive support from Wigan and Leigh CVS on

To arrange a meeting to

Wigan and Leigh CVS,

Head of Engagem

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development of Compact Agreement, and raise awareness and promote volunteering opportunities

developing a Compact Agreement. To keep Wigan and Leigh CVS informed of our volunteer vacancies: - CVS to advertise our opportunities in Bulletin and on Do-It website - To attend events/out-reach sessions to promote our service. - To join West Lancs’ CVS health network

discuss development of Compact following the Third Sector Assembly. Ongoing (monthly basis) Events and dates to be confirmed April 2016

Greg Mitten,  Jan Howard and Nicci Sutton (for Comms’ support)

ent and VSM met with CVS West Lancs CEO, Greg Mitten on 6th January 2016 to set up meetings with Compact Agreement/Voluntary Sector experts.

Advertisement of Compact Agreement:

CVSWL bulletin 17-9-15.pdf

3d. To strengthen partnership with Breastfeeding Together with a view to providing support to patients on the Maternity Ward

Recruit 6 Breastfeeding Together Volunteers to support midwives. Breastfeeding Together in partnership to complete DBS and obtain two satisfactory references Occupational Health checks to be completed by VSM/Occupational Health. Breastfeeding Together to advertise and promote

April 2016 7 (9 in process; 2 for Induction)

VSM, Occupational Health, Breastfeeding Together, Elinor Halliwell

We currently have seven Breastfeeding Together volunteers with two due to attend Induction.

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opportunities, and submit applications for volunteers to VSM. Advert and article on Breastfeeding Together Volunteers completed for September edition of Newsletter.

October 2015

Nine applicants are being processed. Advert and article included in October edition of Newsletter.

Volunteeers' Newsletter_Issue 4.p

3e. To strengthen partnership with Pensioners Link with a view to providing support to the ‘7-Day, No Delay’ project

Meet and engage with Pensioners Link every three months

April 2016 VSM, Pensioners Link, Service Transformation Manager, Boby Raja

3f. To strengthen partnership with North West Blood Bikes to provide support in the delivery of blood samples

Meet and engage with North West Blood Bikes every three months

April 2016 VSM, North West Blood Bikes, Paul Brooks, Head of Nursing, Carolyn Dereskiewicz

3g. Networking and presentation Attend Third Sector Assembly 8th September VSM Attended

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of new Strategy and present new Strategy with a view to engaging with Third Sector and gaining feedback on developing a Compact Agreement.

2015; February 2016

3rd Sector Assembly. Positive response to Compact.

3h. Networking and sharing new Strategy

Attend Wigan’s Volunteer Managers’ Forum

8th October 2015; 23rd February 2016, other Forum future meeting dates tbc

VSM To attend February VSM Forum

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Date(s) previous version(s) approved: (if known)

Version: 6

Date : December 2010


Manager responsible for review: N.B. This should be the Author’s line manager Head of Engagement






? 2015




? 2015





Links to other Strategies, Policies, SOP’s, etc.


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APPENDICES 1 References 4 2 Glossary 5 3 Equality Impact Assessment Form 6 4 Monitoring & Review template 10 5 Annual Review of the voluntary services policy/SOP tool


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Volunteers are recruited to all wards and departments as appropriate, to provide added value by enhancing and supporting staff to deliver a high quality patients’ experience.


This policy is to be used in conjunction with the Voluntary Services SOP and aims to offer a high quality voluntary service to patients within the Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust.

2.1 “In implementing this policy, managers must ensure that all volunteers are treated fairly and

within the provisions and spirit of the Trust’s Equality Diversity and Inclusiveness in Employment Policy”

2.2 Recommendations from the Jimmy Saville independent report released in February 2015

have been taken into consideration and implemented accordingly. 3. KEY PRINCIPLES 3.1 The policy aims to enhance the quality of the care given to patients by offering voluntary

services and activities, that are intended to improve the quality of the patient’s stay or visit to hospital.

3.2 It aims to raise awareness amongst hospital staff as to the valuable asset voluntary work

can bring to the Trust. Encouragement and support from staff in recognising the volunteer as one of the ‘team’ is both supportive and rewarding, this will reinforce the volunteer’s commitment and cements good relationships.

3.3 Voluntary work can support the recruitment of future health personnel. By engaging in

voluntary work future applicants to nursing and other NHS roles, can support the individual in making the right career choice.

3.4 It is acknowledged that volunteering enriches the lives of the volunteers, patients and the

staff they work alongside.

4. RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Responsibility of the Trust Board

4.1.1 The Trust Board are responsible for the effective and efficient delivery of a high quality, safe, effective and caring volunteer service for the benefit of patients and staff.

4.2 Responsibility of the Voluntary Services Manager

4.2.1 The responsibility of the Voluntary Services Manager (VSM) is to oversee compliance with this policy by all voluntary organisations and individual volunteers and standing operating procedures associated with this policy, including the appropriate selection and successful completion of pre-employment checks, Code of Confidentiality and Volunteer Agreement for new volunteers. In line with NHS Employers ID Checking Standards and DBS criteria, applicants must undertake a Standard DBS check when applying for roles that involve significant patient contact, e.g. on wards.

4.3 Responsibility of Staff


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4.3.1 To recognise the importance of volunteering at the Trust and manage individual or

volunteer teams in relation to delivering their roles and responsibilities. Any incidents concerning volunteers must be reported to the VSM.

4.4 Responsibility of the Volunteer

4.4.1 Volunteers are responsible for complying with the standing operating procedure associated with this policy. Failure to comply with the standing operating procedure associated with this policy may result in the removal of the volunteer. Any incidents that require further investigation may require the suspension of the volunteer until such incidents have been fully investigated with support from HR.


Implications of the Human Rights Act have been taken into account in the formulation of this policy and they have, where appropriate been fully reflected in its wording.


The Policy has been assessed against the Equality Impact Assessment Form from the Trust’s Equality Impact Assessment Guidance and, as far as we are aware, there is no impact on any Equality Target Group.

7 MONITORING AND REVIEW Monitoring and review of this policy will be undertaken on an annual basis and reported via

the Engagement Committee. Appendix 4 and 5 8 ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT This document can be made available in a range of alternative formats eg large print,

Braille and audio cd.

For more details, please contact the HR Department on 01942 77 3766 or email [email protected]

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Appendix 1 REFERENCES Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust: Equal and Diversity Inclusiveness in Employment Policy Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust: Equality Impact Assessment Guidance. Lampard, Kate and Marsden, Ed: Themes and lessons learnt from NHS investigations into matters relating to Jimmy Savile. Independent report for the Secretary of State for Health.

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Appendix 2

Glossary of Terms (relevant to policy) VSM Voluntary Services Manager SOP Standing Operating Procedure

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Appendix 3



Division: Corporate

Department: Voluntary Services

Title of Person(s) Completing Form

Voluntary Services Manager New or Existing Policy?


Title of Policy being assessed:

Voluntary Services Policy

Implementation Date (Policy)

Existing Policy

What is the main purpose (aims / objectives) of this policy?

To provide a system to support the safe involvement and recruitment of volunteers form both members of the public and voluntary agencies.

Will patients, carers, the public or staff be affected by this policy? Please delete as appropriate.

Patients Yes

Carers Yes

Public Yes

Staff Yes

If staff, how many individuals / Which Groups of Staff are likely to be affected? Ward and Department Managers

Have patients, carers, the public or staff been involved in the development of this policy? Please delete as appropriate.

Patients Yes

Carers Yes

Public Yes

Staff Yes

If yes, who have you involved and how have they been involved: Staff groups

What consultation method(s) did you use?

For example: focus groups, face-to-face meetings, questionnaires etc. Face to face meetings Voluntary Services Away Day. Members of the Engagement Committee

How are any changes / amendments to the policy communicated?

For example: Meetings / Focus / Email etc. Meetings, Global email, Focus, What’s New. Volunteers Newsletter

QUESTIONS YOU MUST CONSIDER when completing the following Equality Impact Assessment Table:

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Are there any barriers which could impact on how different groups might benefit from this policy?

Does this policy promote the same choices for different groups as everybody else? Could any of the following group’s experience of this policy be different? Does this policy address the needs and potential barriers of these groups?


Equality Group

Positive Impact

High Low


Negative Impact

High Low


Reason/Comments for Positive Impact

(Why it could benefit any / all

of the Equality Groups)

Reason/Comments for Negative Impact

(Why it could disadvantage

any / all of the Equality Groups)

Resource Implication

Yes / No



Younger People (17-

25) and Children

Older People (60+)

Race or Ethnicity

Learning Difficulties

Hearing Impairment

Visual Impairment

Physical Disability

Mental Health Need



Faith Groups (specify)

Marriage & Civil


Pregnancy & Maternity


Other Group (specify)

Applies to ALL Groups



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High: There is significant evidence of a negative impact or potential for a negative impact. Low: Likely to have a minimal impact / There is little evidence to suggest a negative impact. None: A Policy with neither a positive nor a negative impact on any group or groups of people, compared to others.


(a) In relation to each group, are there any areas where you are unsure about the impact and more information is needed?

(b) How are you going to gather this information?

(c) Following completion of the Stage 1 Assessment, is Stage 2 (a Full Assessment) necessary? Have you identified any issues that you consider could have an adverse (negative) impact on people

from the following Equality Groups?

(Please delete YES/NO as appropriate)

Age (Younger People (17-25) and Children / Older People (60+) NO Gender (Men / Women) NO Race NO Disability (Learning Difficulties / Hearing Impairment / Visual Impairment / Physical Disability / Mental Illness)


Religion / Belief NO Sexual Orientation (Gay / Lesbian / Bisexual) NO Gender Re-assignment NO Marriage & Civil Partnership NO Pregnancy & Maternity NO Carer NO Other NO

Any other comments

Assessment completed by (Job Title) : Head of Engagement/Board Secretary Date Completed : November 2013

If ‘NO IMPACT’ is identified Action: No further documentation is required. If ‘YES IMPACT’ is identified Action: Full Equality Impact Assessment Stage 2 form must be completed. Refer to link below: http://intranet/Departments/Equality_Diversity/Equality_Impact_Assessment_Guidance.asp PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF THE COMPLETED ASSESSMENT FORM (STAGES 1, 2 & 3) VIA E-MAIL TO: DEBBIE JONES, EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PROJECT LEAD (for Service related policies) [email protected] LYNDSAY WALLWORK, EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY PROJECT LEAD (for HR / Staffing related policies) [email protected]

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Appendix 4


Para Audit / Monitoring requirement Method of Audit / Monitoring Responsible person

Frequency of Audit

Monitoring committee

Type of Evidence

Location where evidence is

held 7

Annual monitoring and review of voluntary services policy

Annual audit of effectiveness of SOP

VSM Annual Engagement Committee

Audit report of review of SOP compliance

VSM Office


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Appendix 5


In line with good practice the effectiveness of policies and SOPs should be reviewed annually. The annual review of the voluntary services policy/SOP covered the following areas of audit:- The audit will review 20 volunteer records on the following: Areas included in the review

Rag Status

Volunteer Reference checking

Volunteer Occupational Health checking

Standard DBS checking for volunteer roles involving significant patient contact, e.g. on wards

Attendance at general and local induction sessions

Attendance at mandatory training sessions

Handling of any instances of unacceptable behaviour

4. WHAT WORKED WELL? The key achievements of the policy:



7. RECOMMENDATION The Committee is asked to note the summary report of the annual audit.

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Insert nameCommittee Chair